赏枫圣地亚纲群5-7天精致游 团号 msun 05

赏枫圣地亚纲群5-7天精致游 团号 FNMSUN05 第一天:原居地多伦多 团友抵达多伦多后送往酒店休息。(24 小时接机,巴士站,或多伦多市内指定地点) *3PM 前抵达的客人可参加自费项目:欧洲风情小镇 Unionville 自由行。 团号 SUNI01,团费 US$30/人,2 人成行。(需报名时预付) 酒店:Quality/Comfort/Park Inn by Radisson/Best Western 或同级 第二天:多伦多-蜜月湖-瑟伯利 早上在指定地点集合后,迎着朝阳向北出发。前往著名的赏枫区,湖畔小镇格雷文赫斯特。它也是加 拿大著名医生、中国人民心目中的英雄白求恩大夫的出生地。之后乘坐北美最古老,建于 1887 年的 燃煤蒸汽船皇家邮轮塞哥文号(Segwun)。随着令人难以忘怀的汽笛鸣响,Segwun 驶离港口。燃煤发 动机推动着雄伟的塞哥文号优雅前行,船游有百万富翁大街之称的世界级避暑山庄。后继续乘车抵达安 省北部重镇,以镍产量全球第一而享誉世界的瑟伯利,这里有全世界最大的镍制 5 分钱硬币- Big Nickel。我们将前往参观 Science North 科学馆,馆内两幢雪花外形的大楼由岩石隧道相连,中间 穿过了 10 亿年的地质断层。馆内还设有 IMAX 剧场、数字天文馆、蝴蝶馆和其它有趣的特色展厅,包括 夜间动物展和北安大略生态展。生动创意的展出使人兴趣盎然并能轻松学习到更多的科学知识。 酒店:Quality 或同级 第三天:瑟伯利-亚纲群-多伦多 酒店早餐后出发,一路横跨加拿大公路,沿着 Nipissing 湖边美景,前往北湾。与五大湖和湖边的大都 市相比,小城另有一番风味。后前往闻名遐迩的赏枫圣地,亚纲群省立公园。抵达后在七千平方公里的 自然保护区内体验漫山枫叶,无数湖泊,丛林小径,登高望远,以上皆是这个安省最大的公园之一的精 华所在。还可尝试公园中多条从简到难的步行径,终点是各种美丽的湖泊,观望塔或森林,慢慢享受自 然给予我们的色彩斑斓的馈赠。傍晚时分,回到繁华都市,结束一天的行程。 酒店:Quality/Comfort/Park Inn by Radisson/Best Western 或同级 第四天:多伦多 尼亚加拉瀑布 清晨出发,前往举世闻名的尼亚加大瀑布。首先欣赏 IMAX 瀑布历史大电影,六层楼高的屏幕和最先 进的环绕音效,带领您穿越时空,追随瀑布 12000 年的历史。其后登上天虹塔,360 观景台鸟瞰瀑布 迷人的景色及观赏宏伟壮观的美国瀑布,新娘面纱瀑布和加拿大马蹄型瀑布。接着为你开启“瀑布水帘洞 “探险之旅(Journey Behind the Falls)。站在扑朔迷离的水雾之中观赏从 13 层楼的高度飞泻直下的马 蹄瀑布, 听那轰隆轰隆的水声,连地板都感觉在震动,真真切切在感受到大自然的力量是如何无限大的。 想体验可能是一生一次翱翔在尼亚加拉大瀑布上的难忘经历五彩炫酷的直升机,将带你飞越惊险刺激的 大漩涡,盘旋在马蹄形大瀑布上空感受妖娆的雾气,捕捉似乎触手可及的彩虹瞬间。自由活动的团友可 继续欣赏瀑布景观,或信步前往著名的赌场参观。晚餐后稍作休息,观赏独特的彩色灯光照耀下的瀑布 Page 1 of 7

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SUNI01 US$30/2
Quality/Comfort/Park Inn by Radisson/Best Western --

— 1887

Big Nickel Science North

12000 360


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Option A:

Option B:
Taylor Road 52 116
Bass Pro Shop Pandora
L'Occitane Michael Hill White House Black Market Outlet
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Spade, NIKE, Calvin Klein, Michael Kors .


MSUN05 459 379 329 709
MSUN06 539 439 379 799
MSUN07 639 519 449 1059
65+ Senior
12- Child
Skylon Tower+ Buffet Lunch + $38.00 $38.00 $17.00
IMAX $15.00 $15.00 $11.00
Horn Blower Cruise *seasonal Apr. to Nov.
* 4 11 $29.00 $29.00 $18.00
Bird Kingdom $20.00 $144.00 $89.00
Niagara Helicopter $144.00 $20.00 $20.00
Journey Behind the Falls $19.50 $19.50 $13.00
Sky Wheel $13.50 $13.50 $8.00
Casa Loma Castle $30.00 $25.00 $20.00
CN Tower $43.00 $39.00 $32.00
Central Island Cruise $30.00 $28.00 $18.00
Niagara Fall Meal Plan 1 1 $32.00 $32.00 $25.00
Minimum mandatory service fee per person/day
/ $12 $12 $12
/ $6.00 $6.00 $6.00
Price and schedule are subject to seasonal change without notice.

Muskoka/Algonquin Park Special 5 Day Tour
Code MSUN05 Day 1 Toronto Arrival
Upon arrival in Toronto, you will be met and transfer to your hotel. (24-hour hotel transfer
If guests arrive before 3PM, they may choose to join the optional tours, which must be booked
in advance:
Unionville Tour, SUNI01: US$30 per person, minimum 2 people. (Pre-paid)
HotelQuality/Comfort/Park Inn by Radisson/Best Western or similar
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Day 2 Toronto – Gravenhurst - Sudbury
Departing from Toronto in the morning, we will drive north to Gravenhurst, where Dr. Norman
Bethune was born and where his family's home was located. We will embark the Segwun
Steamship to cruise the Muskoka Lakes. Segwun steamship is the oldest operating steam
driven vessel in North America, built in 1887. As we cruise on the Muskoka Lakes, we will pass
by Millionaire’s Row, a stretch of shoreline famous for grand summer homes, many dating back
to the turn of the century. Afterward, move to the city of Sudbury,and stop at the Big Nickel, a
monument to the city’s nickel-mining industry. We will visiting the Science North, the city’s
museum of science and technology; here, we can enjoy all the museum has to offer, including
the Butterfly Gallery and an interactive movie Wildfires! A Fire fighting Adventure in 4D.
Hotel: Quality or similar
Day 3 Sudbury - Algonquin Park – Toronto
After breakfast, all the way across the Canadian highway, along the Nipissing lake scenery, to
North Bay. Afterward, arriving at the famous Algonquin Park. The essence of Algonquin is in its
vast interior of maple hills, rocky ridges, and thousands of lakes. In the evening, tour disbands
upon returning to Toronto.
Day 4 Toronto – Niagara Fall
Departing early morning to the world-renowned Niagara Falls. Upon arrival, begin your fall
experience with an IMAX movie - Niagara: Miracles, Myths & Magic, to learn about the
shocking and exiting history of Niagara Falls. You will then go up the Skylon Tower for a
panoramic view of the magnificent Horseshoe Falls, the American Falls and the Bridal Veil Falls.
Afterward, head to the Journey Behind the Falls, elevator descend 150 ft through bedrock to
tunnels, where have access to outdoor observation decks and two portals located directly
behind the Falls. A whole new way to experience world’s famous natural wonder. Next, you will
have a chance to join the optional tour - Niagara Helicopters, which combined adventure and
spectacular views. After dinner, you’ll have time to enjoy the fun on Clifton Hill, and Falls
Day 5: Niagara Fall - Niagara-on-the-Lake – Toronto
You will begin the day by visiting the World’s Largest Free-Flying Indoor Aviary, Bird Kingdom.
Discover hundreds of tropical birds as you explore the pathways throughout the multi-level
rainforest. Explore the ruins of the Night Jungle that is home to curious owls, bats and
fascinating creatures. Next, you’ll head to the famous Table Rock Centre at the edge of the
Horseshoe Falls, where has fabulous lookout points that place you mere yards away from the Page 5 of 7
thundering Horseshoe Falls. The Horn Blower cruise tours bring you as close as possible to the
breathtaking flow of water, power and mist that is the magnificent Niagara Falls. After lunch,
proceed to Niagara-on-the-Lake, often called the loveliest town in Ontario. It is a well-
preserved 19th-century village, has a long and distinguished history. Pay a visit to the Niagara
wine region for a taste test of our world-famous ice wine and ginsengs farm before heading
back to Toronto. Please arrange flights leaving after 8PM.
Muskoka/Algonquin Park Special 6 Day Tour
Code MSUN06
5th Night HotelQuality/Comfort/Park Inn by Radisson/Best Western or similar
Day 6 Option A or Option B Option A: Toronto Day Tour - Toronto International Airport YYZ
Departing early morning to Downtown Toronto. You will first make photo stops at the
Legislative Assembly of Ontario, University of Toronto and Toronto’s Chinatown. You will then
have a chance to climb up the CN Tower, a signature icon of Toronto's skyline and a symbol of
Canada. On the observation deck, enjoy a panoramic view of Lake Ontario and the city of
Toronto. If weather permits, take the sightseeing Central Island Cruise across to the Toronto
Islands. Have a walk on the islands and enjoy the beautiful view of Toronto skyline. After lunch,
you will visit another Toronto landmark, Casa Loma. Constructed over 100 years ago, Casa
Loma is noble, mystical and exquisite. Casa Loma’s 5 acres of private gardens with all sorts of
flowers flourishing, is now the preferred photography attraction in Toronto. Afterwards, transfer
to Toronto Airport for your onward flight. Please book flights leaving after 8PM.
* Central Island Cruise will close on Octoberreplaced by visiting the Ripley's Aquarium.
Option B: Outlet Collection at Niagara One Day Tour
Outlet Collection at Niagara is Canada’s largest open-air outlet shopping centre with a square
footage of 520,000. Located in the beautiful Niagara-on-the-lake just off the QEW, the
refreshing new outlet concept features 100+ irresistible outlet brands including Tommy Hilfiger
Outlet, J. Crew Factory, Nike Factory Store, Coach, Fossil, Bench Factory Store, Lacoste Outlet,
The North Face and Marshalls — all at outlet price. At the south end of the property a food
court called “The Eatery” is home to many delicious food options — it can’t be
missed. Afterwards, transfer to Toronto Airport for your onward flight. Please book flights
leaving after 8PM.
Code MSUN07
6th Night HotelQuality/Comfort/Park Inn by Radisson/Best Western or similar
Day 6: Toronto Day Tour
Day 7: Outlet Collection at Niagara Day Tour - Toronto International Airport YYZ
*The sequence of the itinerary and attractions might be changed according to actual and
practical situation for better service.
USD$ Tour fare per person included taxes & breakfast
Tour code Double Triple Quad Single
MSUN05 459 379 329 709
MSUN06 539 439 379 799
MSUN07 639 519 449 1059
MSUN05 Departure dates