5-12-19 · 2019-09-19 · 5-12-19 god’s voice as invitation where does god speak in our world?...

G ’s V i as Invitati n h s G s a u w l Hw s G s a h y u h a a ha s u s , h a g, a g, ha s s m h w l u a yu a , y u a su ha , ma hw lg us a h ly m gh la m , s G ’s . G ’s h s w l s a g a y way, u s always a a a a g ha s s y u a yu m a way ha huma s u s s. G ’s s h ughly u wh lm g, l a a y’s s . a ly wh sm s a h h s, mm a ly h a s, agy a ha a u G ’s u gm ha a u G ’s ma s ha a u G ’s a g u s, h su a , g us h m ss ha G s s m m s a g y a ull ma a l . Bu hs a a h m h sms (a way s a g a u G ha als h w w l a u G wh w a u a h ul, s ul, a l ). G ’s s ug a s m, u u g s a ms y , u h sam way ha h a a y u g s als s hs a , h way ha g sy x s s s l sh ss, h way ha g-ha ss als ss, h way ha l gh ma s a ss l , a h way ha h u h sham s l s. G ’s u g s us y w g us u y sh g l a l gh all h s la s w w usl s hu l a , sham , ss, h s l y, a s . La v z e i m Invita i n ¿ ha la s us mu ¿C m ha la s Ca a z u s u has ua z u su a ag s a am aza , m a , u a ma a u y u a a, u s s a s gu u, m a uá lg sa y sa a u a s , s la z s. a z s s mu u a s ag s a m a gu a ma a, s u s m s u a a y u llama u s a a y a u l a ua ma la ual gu a s u s a l ha . a z s s ml am sua , m la s a u . s m , a a z u algu a s a s , lu g hay s, mu has s a as y ama gas ¿y u a l u s ¿y u a la a s s l a ¿y u a la a s as s u as, s a la m s u s a s s á a y ll a y l a. P s s s a m sm s (u a ma ha la a a s u la m s s ms a a s ua sms l s, am s s y l s). a z s s uzga y am a, ma ag s a, s la ma la u u uzga la alsa s s a , la ma a u la g s a x al g ísm , la ma a u la a la la sg a a, la ma a u la luz s a la s u a , y la ma u la a a za a las m as. a z s s uzga al m a s, s al lum a l am y la luz s s s luga s s am s am a s l m , la za, la ama gu a, la hsl a y l a .

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Page 1: 5-12-19 · 2019-09-19 · 5-12-19 God’s Voice as Invitation Where does God speak in our world? How does God speak? Whenever you hear a voice that sounds coercive, threatening, overbearing,


God’s Voice as Invitation

Where does God speak in our world? How does God speak?

Whenever you hear a voice that sounds coercive, threatening,

overbearing, that is somehow loud and in your face, you can be

sure that, no matter how religious and holy it might claim to be,

it is not God’s voice. God’s voice in this world is never

coercive or overbearing in any way, but is always an invitation

and a beckoning that respects you and your freedom in a way

that no human institution or person ever does. God’s voice is

thoroughly underwhelming, like a baby’s presence.

Sadly whenever someone tries to teach this, immediately there

are objections, often angry and bitter: What about God’s

judgment? What about God’s condemnation of sin? What

about God’s anger?

Scripture does, on the surface, give us the impression that God

is sometimes angry and full of condemnation and violence. But

these are anthropomorphisms (a way of speaking about God

that reveals how we feel about God when we are unfaithful,

sinful, and violent).

God’s voice does judge and it does condemn, but it judges and

condemns not by coercive force, but in the same way that the

innocence of a baby judges false sophistication, in the way that

generosity exposes selfishness, in the way that big-heartedness

reveals pettiness, in the way that light makes darkness flee, and

in the way that the truth shames lies. God’s voice judges us not

by overpowering us but by shining love and light into all those

places were we find ourselves huddled in fear, shame,

bitterness, hostility, and sin.

La voz de Dios como Invitación

¿En Dónde habla Dios en nuestro mundo? ¿Cómo habla Dios?

Cada vez que escuchas una voz que suena agresiva

amenazante, dominante, de una manera fuerte y en tu cara,

puedes estar seguro de que, no importa cuán religiosa y santa

pueda ser, no es la voz de Dios. La voz de Dios en este mundo

nunca es agresiva ni dominante de ninguna manera, sino que

siempre es una invitación y un llamado que respeta a ti y a tu

libertad de una forma en la cual ninguna institución o persona

lo hace. La voz de Dios es completamente suave, como la

presencia de un bebé.

Tristemente, cada vez que alguien intenta enseñar esto, luego

hay objeciones, muchas veces enojadas y amargas: ¿y dónde

queda el juicio de Dios? ¿y dónde queda la condenación de

Dios sobre el pecado? ¤¿y dónde queda la ira de Dios?

Las Escrituras, nos dan la impresión de que Dios a veces está

enojado y lleno de condenación y violencia. Pero estos son

antropomorfismos (una forma de hablar acerca de Dios que

revela cómo nos sentimos acerca de Dios cuando somos

infieles, pecaminosos y violentos).

La voz de Dios si juzga y también condena, pero no en forma

agresiva, sino en la forma inocente en la que un bebe juzga la

falsa sofisticación, en la manera en que la generosidad expone

al egoísmo, en la manera en que la bondad revela la

insignificancia, en la manera en que la luz disipa la oscuridad, y

en la forma en que la verdad avergüenza a las mentiras. La voz

de Dios no nos juzga al dominarnos, sino al iluminar el amor y

la luz en todos esos lugares donde nos encontramos

amontonados en el miedo, la vergüenza, la amargura, la

hostilidad y el pecado.

Page 2: 5-12-19 · 2019-09-19 · 5-12-19 God’s Voice as Invitation Where does God speak in our world? How does God speak? Whenever you hear a voice that sounds coercive, threatening, overbearing,

BLESSED SACRAMENT CATHOLIC COMMUNITY - www.blessedsacramentnc.org - 1620 Hanford Rd., Graham, NC (336) 226-8796

But this is not something we learn easily. Already way back,

before the birth of Christ, sincere religious people were

yearning for God to come into the world in power. What they

wanted, and prayed for, was a physical superstar who would

come into the world and cleanse it by overpowering sin and

evil and rooting them out by force. What they wanted in the

longed-for Messiah was a morally superior violence that would

give evil no options, but force it literally to acquiesce. What we

got instead was a helpless baby in the straw who overpowered

no one.

Twenty centuries later, we are still struggling to accept this.

Too often the Christ we try to incarnate and preach is still that

ancient, longed-for, overpowering Messiah who aims to

cleanse the world through flat-out coercion.

We see this most clearly of course in Islamic extremists who

like well-intentioned Christians back in the time of the

Inquisition, sincerely believe that error has no rights and that,

in the name of God, we must use force, violence if necessary,

to bring about God’s will on earth. In this view, murder and

violence may be done to further God’s purpose because God

wants his will imposed upon this world, whether the world

wants to accept it or not. But this is the antithesis of true


We need to view God, always, as non-coercive, as an

invitation. This has immense implications for everything to do

with church and religion, from how we preach, to how we

catechize, to how we do liturgy, to how we reach out to those

who don’t share our beliefs, to how we approach divisive moral

issues, to how loud we turn up the sound system in our

churches. God’s voice is not a loud, coercive, overbearing,

threatening voice, one that gets into your face whether you like

it or not. Rather, God’s voice invites in, beckons, leaves you

free, and is as non-threatening as the innocence and

powerlessness of a baby—or a saint.

We would do well to better understand this. We are, I believe,

too prone inside our church circles to blame the world’s

resistance to God’s message simply on its hardness of heart,

sin, and indifference. Partly that’s true, but a large part of that

resistance has its root too in another source, namely, our own

preaching, catechesis, pastoral practice, moral fever, and

elitism. Too often, however sincerely we might be doing this,

the voice we try to give to God is too-laden with coercion,

threat, manipulation, violence, harshness, our own judgments,

our own fears, our own wounds, and especially our own egos to

bear enough resemblance to the divine kenosis and free

invitation that Jesus gave voice to in his birth, life, and


Sometimes, after just having given a talk or a homily, I am told

by a well-meaning person: “You should raise your voice more!

Speak louder! You’re speaking too softly!”

I don’t think so! We need, I believe, to (figuratively and

perhaps literally) begin more and more to lower our voices

whenever we purport to be speaking in God’s name because

God’s voice never overpowers, is never overbearing, never

shouts at anyone. Indeed, as Mary Jo Leddy (a voice that

speaks God’s hard challenge with the correct invitational

gentleness) says: We need to find the few words that are truly

our own—and then speak them, clearly but softly.

Fr. Ron Rolheiser, OMI

Pero esto no es algo que aprendamos fácilmente. Desde, antes

del nacimiento de Cristo, las personas sinceramente religiosas

anhelaban que Dios viniera al mundo con poder. Lo que

querían, y por lo que oraban, era por una superestrella física

que viniera al mundo y lo limpiaría venciendo el pecado y la

maldad, eliminándolos con la fuerza. Lo que querían en el

Mesías esperado era una violencia moralmente superior que no

le daría opciones al mal, sino que lo obligara, literalmente, a

darse por vencido. Lo que obtuvimos en cambio fue un bebé

indefenso en la paja que no venció a nadie.

Veinte siglos después, todavía estamos luchando para aceptar

esto. Con frecuencia, el Cristo que tratamos de encarnar y

predicar sigue siendo el Mesías esperado y dominante, que

purifique el mundo con total agresividad.

Por supuesto, lo vemos claramente en los extremistas islámicos

que, como los cristianos bien intencionados en el tiempo de la

Inquisición, creen sinceramente que el error no tiene derechos

y que, en nombre de Dios, debemos usar la fuerza, la violencia

si es necesario, para hacer realidad la voluntad de Dios en la

tierra. Desde este punto de vista, el asesinato y la violencia

pueden llevarse a cabo para promover el propósito de Dios

porque Dios quiere que su voluntad se imponga en este mundo,

ya sea que el mundo lo acepte o no. Pero esta es la antítesis de

la verdadera religión.

Necesitamos ver a Dios, siempre, como una briza suave, como

una invitación. Esto tiene grandes implicaciones con todo lo

que tenga que ver con la iglesia y la religión, desde cómo

predicamos, cómo catequizamos, cómo hacemos liturgia, cómo

alcanzamos a aquellos que no comparten nuestras creencias,

desde cómo abordamos los problemas morales divisivos, hasta

qué tan alto subimos el sistema de sonido en nuestras iglesias.

La voz de Dios no es bullosa, agresiva, dominante, ni

amenazante que se te presente en la cara, te guste o no. Más

bien, la voz de Dios te invita, te llama, te da libertad es

indefensa como la inocencia y la impotencia de un bebé o un


Nos habría bien entender esto mejor. Creo que somos muy

propensos dentro de los círculos de nuestra iglesia a culpar la

resistencia del mundo al mensaje de Dios simplemente por su

dureza de corazón, pecado e indiferencia. En parte eso es

verdad, pero también una gran parte de esa resistencia tiene su

raíz en otra fuente, especialmente, en nuestra propia

predicación, catequesis, práctica pastoral, fiebre moral y

elitismo. Aunque sinceramente con frecuencia, estemos

haciendo esto, la voz que intentamos darle a Dios está muy

cargada de agresividad, amenaza, manipulación, violencia,

dureza, nuestros propios juicios, nuestros propios miedos,

nuestras propias heridas, y especialmente nuestros propios egos

tienen mucha semejanza con la divina kenosis y la invitación

gratuita a la que Jesús dio voz en su nacimiento, vida y


Una vez, después de haber dado una charla o una homilía, una

persona bien intencionada me dice: “¡Debes levantar más la

voz! ¡Habla mas alto! ¡Estás hablando demasiado bajo!"

¡No lo creo! Creo que necesitamos (figurativamente y quizás

literalmente) comenzar a bajar nuestras voces cada vez que

pretendemos hablar en nombre de Dios porque la voz de Dios

nunca domina, nunca es dominante, nunca grita a nadie. De

hecho, como dice Mary Jo Leddy (una voz que habla el desafío

difícil de Dios con la gentileza de invitación correcta):

Necesitamos encontrar las pocas palabras que son

verdaderamente nuestras, y luego hablarlas, clara pero

suavemente. Fr. Ron Rolheiser, OMI

Page 3: 5-12-19 · 2019-09-19 · 5-12-19 God’s Voice as Invitation Where does God speak in our world? How does God speak? Whenever you hear a voice that sounds coercive, threatening, overbearing,

Saturday / Sábado, May 11

4:00 PM—4:30 PM Confessions

5:00 PM Mass

†Claire Govin — by Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bilodeau & family

7:00 PM

†Eva Lopez Mercado — de parte de Ana Olmos y Familia

†Olivia Valdez — de parte de familia Valdez

Sunday/Domingo, May 12

8:30 AM

†Evangelina Teixeira and Maria Amaral

by Evangelina and Jose DaCosta

†Joseph Alfonzo Jr. — by Eileen Alfonzo

10:30 AM

†Maria Pellerito — by Florence

11:45 AM—12:15 PM Confesiones

12:30 PM

Por nuestra comunidad parroquial

Por las Benditas Almas en el Purgatorio

de parte de José Hernández y familia

Monday/Lunes, May 13

8:30 AM

†John Blair — by Marcie and Ed McDermott

†James Maher — by Rosemary Maher

6:30 PM—7:30 PM

The New Testament: A Bible Study Course

Tuesday / Martes, May 14

8:30 AM

†JoAnn Donio — by Joe Donio

Wednesday / Miércoles, May 15

For the recovery of the sick of our parish

Thursday / Jueves, May 16

8:30 AM Mass

†Teresa & Lawrence Meagher — by Eileen Alfonzo

In Thanksgiving to God — by Melville & Preethi Pais

6:00 PM—7:00 PM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Friday/Viernes, May 17

8:30 AM Mass

For all those serving in the Military

Next Sunday/próximo Domingo

Saturday / Sábado, May 18

4:00 PM—4:30 PM Confessions

5:00 PM Mass

†Claire Govin — by Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bilodeau and fam.

† Alfonsina Dodd — by Andrea & Terry Glass

7:00 PM

Por todos los familiares fallecidos de la familia Olmos Muñoz

†Eva Lopez Mercado

Sunday/Domingo, May 19

8:30 AM

For our parish community

10:30 AM

Agnes Shook

†Arnoldo Ramirez — by Hilda Wooten

11:45 AM—12:15 PM Confesiones

12:30 PM

†Josefina Rojas — de parte de Cynthia Jiménez y familia

Monday� Lunes�

Acts/Hch 11:1-18; Ps/Sal 42:2-3,

43:3, 4 [cf. 3a]; Jn 10:1-10

Tuesday� Martes�

Acts/Hch 1:15-17, 20-26;

Ps/Sal 113:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 [8]; Jn


Wednesday� Miércoles�

Acts/Hch 12:24--13:5a; Ps/Sal 67:2-3,

5, 6 and 8 [4]; Jn 12:44-50

Thursday� Jueves�

Acts/Hch 13:13-25; Ps/Sal 89:2-3,

21-22, 25 and 27 [2]; Jn 13:16-20

Friday� Viernes�

Acts/Hch 13:26-33; Ps/Sal 2:6-7, 8-9,

10-11ab [7bc]; Jn 14:1-6

Saturday� Sábado�

Acts/Hch 13:44-52; Ps/Sal 98:1,

2-3ab, 3cd-4 [3cd]; Jn 14:7-14

Acts/Hch 14:21-27; Ps/Sal 145:8-9,

10-11, 12-13 [cf. 1]/Rv 21:1-5a;

Jn 13:31-33a, 34-35

Next Sunday� Próximo�


This �


Este �


Acts/Hch 13:14, 43-52;

Ps/Sal 100:1-2, 3, 5 [3c]; Rv/Ap 7:9,

14b-17; Jn 10:27-30



Sunday of Easter 4


Domingo de Pascua 5-12-19



Tiempo de luto”…�

Ofrecemos condolencias a

Sylvia Mendoza por la muerte

de su esposo, Tomas.

“A time to mourn”…

at the loss of

her husband, Tomas.

“A �me to die”… “Tiempo para morir”…�

Tomas Serrano Mendoza

Altar Flowers

The flowers adorning the altar are offered

for Lisa Brendles and all loving Mothers by

Benjamin & Lisa Marinis.


Flores del Altar

Las flores adornando el altar son ofrecidas por Lisa Brendles y

por todas las madres de parte de Benjamin & Lisa Marinis.

A Bake sale will be held on

Sunday, May 19


after the

8:30 AM &10:30 AM Masses.

Proceeds from the sale will go

to UNC Women’s Hospital

Thank you for your support!

Venta de repostería 19 de

mayo después de la Misa de

8:30 AM y 10:30 AM.

Las ganancias de la venta se

destinarán al Hospital de

Mujeres de UNC.

¡Gracias por su apoyo!

Page 4: 5-12-19 · 2019-09-19 · 5-12-19 God’s Voice as Invitation Where does God speak in our world? How does God speak? Whenever you hear a voice that sounds coercive, threatening, overbearing,

• It’s free Es gratis

• It’s easy Es fácil

• It’s flexible Es flexible

• It’s secure Es seguro

More Information / Más información

Offertory: 5/5/19:

$25,188 $26,433

Year�to�Date Offertory�

Offertory: 5/5/19:



Annual Budget Offertory�

Presupuesto de Ofrenda Anual


Collec�on/Colecta 5/5/19: BSS $3,985



Collection This Week: Our Parish’s Debt Reduction



Collection Next Week: Our Parish Outreach



Colecta Esta Semana: Para Reducir la Deuda Parroquial



Colecta Próxima Semana: Our Parish Outreach

BLESSED SACRAMENT CATHOLIC COMMUNITY - www.blessedsacramentnc.org - 1620 Hanford Rd., Graham, NC (336) 226-8796

The Knights of Columbus want

to show our appreciation for the

service of the Blessed

Sacrament Altar servers and

their families.

We invite you all to an

appreciation Fishing Derby in a

stocked pond – everyone

catches a fish – prizes to be


Sunday, May 19


3:00 PM till 5:00 PM

at a Private residence:

5701 S NC 87, Graham

Same as last year

Los Caballeros de Colón

desean mostrar nuestro

agradecimiento a los

monaguillos y a sus familias

por su servicio como

moguillos de Blessed


Los invitamos a todos a un

día de pesca en una laguna.

Domingo, 19 de mayo,

de 3:00 PM a 5:00 PM

en una residencia privada:

5701 S NC 87, Graham

Igual que el año pasado

Christian Hearts & Hands News

Misa y Lonche

14 de mayo - 11:00 AM

Todos las personas de la

tercera edad de la parroquia

están invitadas a unirse con

nosotros en adoración,

lonche y compañerismo.

Para hacer reservaciones,

favor de llamar a una de las

siguientes personas.

Christian Hearts & Hands

Mass and Luncheon

Tuesday, May 14, at 11:00 AM

All Seniors of the parish are

invited to join us for worship,

delicious lunch and friendship!

Please make a reservation by

calling one of the following:

Sis Steffen 336-226-5497

Martha Conlon 336- 584-9619

BJ Showerman 336- 584-9434

Do you wish your child better

understood the Mass? Would your son

or daughter like to serve at Mass? If so,

we will be conducting training for new,

and experienced, altar servers on

Saturday, May 18


at 1:00 PM.

New servers need to register at the

church website https://


Altar Servers News

Altar Servers Family Fishing Derby

Monaguillos Día de Pesca Familiar

Next Saturday Client Intake

and Distribution is May 18,

from 9:00 till 12:00 noon at

the pantry (328 W. Davis St.)

♦salsa de pasta

♦atún de pescado (empacado

en agua)

♦Arroz &♦spaghetti

♦tomates enlatados (poca o

sin sal) ♦fruta enlatada (en

su propio jugo)

♦Ejotes & Elotes ♦Naranjas

♦Manzanas ♦especies

♦vegetables enlatados

(aparte de ejotes y elotes)

♦Jabón ♦papel de baño

Alimentos Más Necesitados

♦ pasta sauce

♦ tuna fish (packed in water)

♦ rice ♦ spaghetti

♦ canned tomatoes (low or no

salt) canned fruit (in own juices)

♦ green beans and Corn

♦ Oranges & apples

♦ Spices &♦herbs

♦ canned vegetables (other than

green beans and corn)

♦soap & ♦toilet paper

Próximo sábado:

aplicaciones y distribución

de clientes: 18 de mayo de

9:00 AM a 12:00 PM en la

despensa (328 W. Davis St.)

News from our Community

My name is Zion Amadi and I've been

offered the opportunity to participate in the

Junior National Young Leaders Conference

in Washington DC.

By attending this conference I will be taking

my first steps on the path to success in high

school, college and my future career.

Interactive workshops, group stimulations,

historical sites will all help me to develop

key skills needed to become an effective

leader; such as goal setting, teamwork,

problem solving and communication.

If you can help me to attend the Junior

National Young Leaders Conference by

funding the cost I would be forever grateful.

Thank you in advance, Zion A.

Me llamo Zion Amadi, me ofrecieron la oportunidad de

participar en la Conferencia Nacional Juvenil de Lideres

Jóvenes en Washington DC.

Al asistir a esta conferencia, estaré dando mis primeros pasos

en el camino hacia el éxito en la high school, la universidad y

en mi futura carrera. Talleres interactivos, grupos de

estimulación, sitios histórico que me ayudarán a desarrollar

habilidades claves que necesito para convertirme en un líder

eficaz; tales como formar metas, trabajo en equipo, resolver

problemas y comunicación. Si puede ayudarme a asistir a la

Conferencia Nacional de Líderes Juveniles, apoyando a

financiar el costo le estar agradecido por siempre.

Page 5: 5-12-19 · 2019-09-19 · 5-12-19 God’s Voice as Invitation Where does God speak in our world? How does God speak? Whenever you hear a voice that sounds coercive, threatening, overbearing,



Sunday of Easter 4


Domingo de Pascua 5-12-19

Camp Hidden Lake en Dahlonega, GA

en las hermosas montañas del Norte de Georgia

Transporte disponible con otros feligreses.


Cupo limitado. Contacte a Ann Imrick

[email protected] or 336-226-8796 ext. 308

Camp Hidden Lake in Dahlonega, GA

in the beautiful North Georgia Mountains

Transportation available with other parish parishioners


Limited spaces available. Contact Ann Imrick

[email protected] or 336-226-8796 ext. 308

Check out this video of the fun events offered at this camp

Hidden Lake tiene una serie de actividades

increíbles para hacer.

*gimnasio de baloncesto equipado con A/C

*canchas de voleibol *Ga-Ga en boxes

*canchas de futbol y frisbee *art barn *piscina

*mesas de ping-pong ¡y mucho más! Si usted es

deportista, tiene talento musical o simplemente

quiere ir a nadar, Tenemos algo para todos.

Hidden Lake tiene lo que necesita para asegurar de

que no haya un solo momento aburrido.


Hidden Lake has a number of amazing activities to do.

ª full-size basketball gym equipped with A/C ª

ª volleyball courts ª Ga-Ga pits ª

ª fields for soccer and Frisbee ª

ª art barn ª pool ª ping-pong tables ª and so much more!

Whether you are sports-oriented, musically talented or just

want to go swimming,

we have something for everyone. Hidden Lake has everything

you’ll need to make sure there isn’t a single boring moment.

Mira este divertido video de eventos ofrecidos en el campamento

6:00 PM to 8:15 PM - Blessed Sacrament Church

Join us for Vacation Bible School

July 14


to the 18


For grades K-4 to 5th ● Cost $10/child

music + skits + crafts + games + snacks

Online registration/payment coming soon

Para grados de Kinder-5to ● Costo $10/por niño

musica + skits + manualidades + juegos + snacks

Registraciones y pagos en Línea pronto

Contact Toni Carmon for more info: [email protected]

Catholic Summer Camp Scholarships—For Middle School Youth

(rising 6


to current 8


graders) and One Adult Chaperone

Becas GRATIS para el Campamento de Verano Católico para Juvenes de Middle School (para jóvenes de

Midle School entrando al sexto hasta octavo grado) y un chaperón adulto

Stephen Ministry News

Page 6: 5-12-19 · 2019-09-19 · 5-12-19 God’s Voice as Invitation Where does God speak in our world? How does God speak? Whenever you hear a voice that sounds coercive, threatening, overbearing,
Page 7: 5-12-19 · 2019-09-19 · 5-12-19 God’s Voice as Invitation Where does God speak in our world? How does God speak? Whenever you hear a voice that sounds coercive, threatening, overbearing,
Page 8: 5-12-19 · 2019-09-19 · 5-12-19 God’s Voice as Invitation Where does God speak in our world? How does God speak? Whenever you hear a voice that sounds coercive, threatening, overbearing,


La Comunidad

BLESSED SACRAMENT CATHOLIC COMMUNITY - www.blessedsacramentnc.org - 1620 Hanford Rd., Graham, NC (336) 226-8796

Please Note: The FaithAction ID Card program is a means

of providing a picture ID Card to anyone who may need

one for their personal use. It is not limited to any specific

group of persons.

The FaithAction ID Card program schedule here at Blessed

Sacrament Church for the next several months is as follows:

Friday, May 17, 2019 - Doors open @ 9:00 AM

Wednesday, June 19, 2019 - Doors open @ 6:00 PM

Friday, July 19, 2019 - Doors open @ 9:00 AM

Wednesday August 21, 2019 - Doors open @ 6:00 PM

Friday, September 20, 2019 - Doors open @ 9:00 AM

No one is admitted once the orientation session begins. So

please plan accordingly.

Requirements for the Faith ID Card:

1)1) Participation in the FaithAction ID Orientation;

2) Proof of Identification (original documents not copies: i.e.,

national ID card, passport, school ID, expired driver’s

license, library card with photo, work permit with photo,

border cross card, birth certificate along with a photo ID

from this list, etc…)

3) Proof of current address within 2 months (i.e. phone or

electricity bill, lease agreement, bank statement, etc…)

The FaithAction ID Card will cost $10 (cash or check only) and

will include your photo, full name, and address, date of birth,

and expiration date, along with the FaithAction Logo.


Nota: El programa de tarjeta de identificación FaithAction

es un medio para proporcionar una tarjeta de identificación

con foto a cualquier persona que la necesitar para su uso

personal. No se limita a ningún grupo de personas en


El programa de Fechas para obtener o renovar la tarjeta

FaithAction ID en la Iglesia Blessed Sacrament por los

siguientes meses es el siguiente:

Viernes, mayo 17, 2019 -Puertas abren @ 9:00 AM

Miércoles, junio 19, 2019-Puertas abren @ 6:00 PM

Viernes, julio 19, 2019 -Puertas abren @ 9:00 AM

Miércoles, agosto 21, 2019-Puertas abren @ 6:00 PM

Viernes, septiembre 20, 2019 -Puertas abren @ 9:00 AM

No se admite a nadie una vez que haya comenzado la sesión de

orientación. Así que por favor planee llegar a tiempo.

Requisitos para la Tarjeta FaithAccion ID:

1)) Participación en la Orientación FaithAction ID

2) Prueba de Identificación (documentos originales no copias:

por ejemplo, tarjeta nacional de identidad, pasaporte,

identificación escolar, licencia de conducir, aunque este

expirada, tarjeta de biblioteca con foto, permiso de trabajo

con foto, tarjeta fronteriza, certificado de nacimiento junto

con una identificación con foto de esta lista, etc...)

3) Prueba de dirección actual de los últimos dos meses (es

decir, teléfono o facturas de electricidad, contrato de

arrendamiento, estado de cuenta bancaria, etc ...)

La Tarjeta de Identificación FaithAction costará $10 (efectivo

o cheque solamente) e incluirá su foto, nombre completo y

dirección, fecha de nacimiento y la fecha de vencimiento,

junto con el logotipo de FaithAction.

Turning Strangers into Neighbors

FaithAction ID Card Update

Sunday, May 19


from 9:00 AM – 2:30 PM

Schedule your lifesaving

appointment with

Joe Ozoniak at 336-270-8526

[email protected]

Ray Eveland at 336.202.5593

[email protected]

For eligibility questions, visit


Domingo, 19 de mayo

de 9:00 AM - 2:30 PM

Programe su cita

para salvar vidas con

Joe Ozoniak al 336-270-8526

[email protected]

Ray Eveland al 336.202.5593

[email protected]

Para preguntas de elegibilidad,

visite www.redcrossblood.org o


al 1-800 RED CROSS.

La necesidad es constante.

La gratificación es instante.

Done Sangre.

Knights of Columbus Parish Blood Drive

Held at Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church

1620 Hanford Road, Graham

Page 9: 5-12-19 · 2019-09-19 · 5-12-19 God’s Voice as Invitation Where does God speak in our world? How does God speak? Whenever you hear a voice that sounds coercive, threatening, overbearing,
Page 10: 5-12-19 · 2019-09-19 · 5-12-19 God’s Voice as Invitation Where does God speak in our world? How does God speak? Whenever you hear a voice that sounds coercive, threatening, overbearing,

Welcome to our parish! If you would like

to join our parish community, you are

welcome to stop by the office to

web site to

down load a registration form.

Mass Schedule / Horario de Misas

Saturdays / Sábados

5:00 PM - Eng. &7:00 PM - Español

Sundays / Domingos

8:30 AM & 10:30 AM - Eng.

12:30 PM - Español


8:30 AM -English

Sacraments / Sacramentos

Baptism / Baptism

Baptisms are held on the fourth

weekend of the month. Please contact

the parish office for further information.


Los bautismos se celebran el cuarto fin

de semana de cada mes. favor de llamar

a la oficina para más información.

Reconciliation / Reconciliación

Saturdays: 4:00-4:30 PM or by



Sábado de 6:15-6:45 PM

Domingo de 11:45-12:15 p.m.

Marriage / Matrimonios

Arrangements should be made with a

priest six months before the proposed



Hacer arreglos con el sacerdote 6 meses

antes de la fecha de matrimonio.

Marriage Preparation / Pastoral Familiar

Marti and James Matanzo, 336-214-7132 ~

Nicolás y Berenice Sánchez, 336-260-2968

Parish Organizations

Coffee and Donuts

Evelin D’Silva, [email protected]


Lena Caruso, 336-263-8427

~ [email protected]

Couples for Christ

Joel & Jennifer David, 919-308-0453 ~

DivorceCare: Keith Rugh, 336-675-4953

Knights of Columbus

Michael Spire, 336-516-2641

~ [email protected]

Newcomer’s / Welcome Ministry

Minda Visaya, 919-563-8688

[email protected]

Respect Life

Cicely (Sis) Steffen, 336-226-5497

[email protected]

Secular Franciscan Order (OFS)

Teresa Frazier, 336-684-1748

[email protected]

Teresians – St. Lucy’s Circle

Diane Halliday, 336-585-1080

[email protected]

St. Cecilia (Circle C)

Mary Clever, 336-270-3679

Reading Club

Dee VanNote, 336-449-5959

Spanish Classes

Ricardo Mendoza, 336-278-5805

**********Parish Staff / Personal Parroquial (336) 226-8796**********

Fr. Paul Lininger, OFM. Conv., Pastor ~ fr [email protected]

Fr. Vincent Rubino, OFM. Conv. ~ [email protected]

Deacon Leopold J. Tapler ~ [email protected]

Fr. Briant Cullinane, OFM. Conv., Pastor Emer itus

FBRE & Adult Faith Formation, Ann Imr ick ~ [email protected]

Confirmation and TYM (Total Youth Ministry) Leo Quinn ~ [email protected]

Business Manager, Joe Charamut ~ [email protected]

Music and Liturgy, James Lachance, 336-222-7016~ [email protected]

Office Administrator, Mar tha Sanchez ~ mar [email protected]

Parish Bookkeeper, Chr is Magrane ~ chr [email protected]

Hispanic Minister, Patr icia Matter son ~ patr [email protected]

Bulletin Editor, Irma Olmos ~ [email protected]

*********School Staff / Personal Escolar*********

515 Hillcrest Ave. Burlington, NC 27215 (336) 570-0019

Principal: Mar ia Gomez, [email protected]

Secretary: Pat Libera,(336) 570-0019 ~ [email protected]

Director of Advancement/Director of Admission: David Lynch ~

[email protected]

Athletics: Marcie Letvak, [email protected]

Zach Champion, zchampion @bssknights.org

**********Boards / Committees / Associations**********

Finance Council: Ron Imr ick, 336-229-5228 ~ [email protected]

Pastoral Council: Keith Rugh, 336-675-4953 ~ [email protected]

**********Community Outreach**********

Allied Churches Shelter Meal:

Rita Macaluso-Gregory, 336-264-6253, [email protected]

Blood Donor Drive: Ray Eveland, 336-202-5593 ~ [email protected]

Cub Scouts/Boy Scouts: Jeff Benes, 336-675-9086 ~ Jeff Benes ([email protected])

Foster Children’s Christmas: Angie Young, 919-491-1918 ~ [email protected]

**********Social Outreach Ministry**********

Irene Crowder, 336-534-1453 ~ [email protected]

Catholic Charities - Centro la Comunidad, 336-222-6868

Little Portion Food Pantry: Dick Szczepanski, 336-228-0864 ~ [email protected]

Stephen Ministry : Flo Echevarria, 336�895�3757~ Suzanne Keller, 336�278�8115�

**********Liturgical Ministry / Ministerios Litúrgicos**********

Sacristans: John McCravey, 269-3694 ~ [email protected]

Mary Dansby, 336-264-9064 ~ [email protected]

Ministry to the Homebound: Barbara Cahill, 336-584-5750

Ministry of Consolation/Funerals: Mary Dansby, 336-264-9064 ~

[email protected]

CLOW: 919-271-6362 ~ [email protected]

Altar Servers / Monaguillos

Kurt Lawler, 336-380-5885 ~ [email protected]

Martin y Amparo González, 336-675-9261 ~ [email protected]

Eucharistic Ministers / Ministros de Eucaristía

Lynn Zubov, 336-437-9776 ~ [email protected] Sofia Regalado, 336-343-2628

Lector / Lectores

David Lynch, 336-212-1830 ~ [email protected]

Juan Valle, 336-264-8173 ~ [email protected]

Ministers of Hospitality / Ministros de Hospitalidad

Frank Hallman, 336-212-0849 ~ [email protected]

Rafa y Aidee Parra, 336-264-3130 ~ [email protected]

Music: James Lachance, 336-222-7016, [email protected] ~ Santa Cecilia:

Patricia Matterson, 336-449-6519, [email protected] ~ San Juan

Apóstol: Ivelisse Colon, 954-559-2487, [email protected] ~

Pan de Vida: Mar tha Ramírez, 336-343-8366, [email protected]

San José: Isidro Zamora, 336-270-6291; Adonai: Emanuel Jimenez, 336-690-7674,

[email protected]

**********Prayer Groups: Divine Mercy**********

Joseph Edathil, 336-227-3637 ~

Luz Matias, 336-260-7430

Grupo Oración: Moisés Sibrian, 336-675-8476 ~ [email protected]

Praying Needles: Peg Constantine, 336-538-1781 ~ [email protected]

Labyrinth: Kathy Bar ry, 336-269-1006

**********Faith Formation**********

Adult Confirmation: Pat Love, 336-214-6067 ~ [email protected]

Director of RCIA, James Lachance, 336-222-7016~ [email protected]

Baptismal Preparation: Martha Sanchez, 336-226-8796 (English)

Patricia Matterson (Español) 336-226-8796, [email protected]

Young Adult Ministry: Scott and Samantha Duryea ~ [email protected]

Pastoral Juvenil: Rafa Parra, 336-264-3130 ~ [email protected]

BLESSED SACRAMENT CATHOLIC COMMUNITY - www.blessedsacramentnc.org - 1620 Hanford Rd., Graham, NC (336) 226-8796

Page 11: 5-12-19 · 2019-09-19 · 5-12-19 God’s Voice as Invitation Where does God speak in our world? How does God speak? Whenever you hear a voice that sounds coercive, threatening, overbearing,

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Page 12: 5-12-19 · 2019-09-19 · 5-12-19 God’s Voice as Invitation Where does God speak in our world? How does God speak? Whenever you hear a voice that sounds coercive, threatening, overbearing,

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