4sbljry. park, new .jersey, tuesday,* a-plu iv 10 . ' price … · 2014. 4. 3. · fourteenth...

FOURTEENTH YEAR, NO. ;/.j 4 SBlJRY. PARK, NEW .JERSEY, TUESDAY,* A-PlU IV10 , IMO-SIX _ PAGES.' . ' PRICE ONE CENT; , SAVE Place yt . Fire In- surancejwlth the old- . est and bestl'com-'- papiesjia the world. Represented by D . C. COVERT 208; Bond Street ..... ^-^-Asbury-PMlfc'-'Ns-j; ABBUUY PARK and OCRXS OBOVB ' 7 - I Hotel Brunswick, , , O m cia *< IlullroQcl Depot and {1214 Banga Avenuo.- Prinolpil O f f i c o ..80(1 MAIN BTREET Uodda stored at reasonable rates. Telephone connection. * , P. O. tio r 067, -. — - - A8BDRY .PABK A "SPRING" NEED You may wjnd and windforovor. . But when the spring' 13 broken It.ls Md6ad." ..... . ... Brlng-lt^to-me..and-1-wiU^restore- Itrto life. ------- •... V / I fise only th<5 BEST MATERIALS, and-GVARANTEE my work. You mny have a spring nood In summer, fall or winter. I ahall'be nlensod to do your repairing all the year round . . . . 1 % CLAUDE J. WISEMAN. Jeweler and Optician— . 645 Cookman Ave. C orrect G lasses f-t-i'. ARE A HELP to weak eyes and often relieve-dizziness mul headaohe. If you thlnkyour glasses aro not correct call and have your-eyw-ex- amined FREE OP CHARGE! You’ may haye your framer, repaired and adjusted while you wait. ' .... All work full? warranted, at prices with- in reacli ot all. " Willard C . Wiseman ' GRADUATE OPTICIAN K Asbnry Parle Optical Parlor, "1 603 Cookman Avenuo'. Cor. Emory Street. WANTED $7,500.00 -AND- ?• - $13,000.00. ' ■’ - AT 5 PER CENT. Aabury Park ^propoity. Gilt- ctlgo Bocurity. Titlo perfect. Ia. j- enrancb to cotor loans. , ' __ W. H. BEEGLE. 32 b Main St., ' Asbury Part Capital $5Q .Q00 su« r 545,000 Aslinry Park ana Ocean Giwe ‘ BANK Conner Mattison Ave. trod Alain St., - ' ' ASBURY PARK. N. J. Comer ?|a!n A?’enue aid Pilgrim Pathway OCEAN GROVE. nKNtty 0. WIN90B. PraiWMt, ' _ . GKO, W> KVANS, Vlcs-PreaHent, EDMUND 6. DAVTON. Cashier. . -•• JEflSlS MINOT?, Assistant Oaeblsf. DIRECTORS: T.VreiNK i-m .u a* , - na. J. A. w. nBnuoSt N. K . DCCriiKOH JOliaUUlIUUD G.O. CLAYTON LUVTia RAINo n *UO.*.rtVAfm :• ' OtO.-W.TRKAT 9 . 9 . vanauaoN . ahob tileoh ,: . . .lllNRT-O. WIN80B .. Acaounts Respectfully1 SoUolted*. Safa Deposit fioxt‘8 to Sent; ; '■ V ' - ’ 1 ; We IssiiQ Foreign Draft? and Let-. ro„of C rodlt. ' ? Poland May Get in Trouble For fllfeaking Fire Alarm Wires. ~ f t *v I ■■ : ' V’ LEGAL ADVICE TO BE 1 §KEN Committee Appointed to Confer W ltfi. ' BoUrd--ojf—H ealth About llaaatlou Natv Isolation llospltnl, ti> Taka tlio. Place ot tho Olio Iteeently Destroyed ISy j?lre. v_ , The session of oily council last night war; Very short and hut little bUBlnass was dis- jjosesi -of. Frosjdent Apptebywaaln tho ohair and Councilman Kroo5i!,.MeeUB and Treafrwere present. The e»mmitteS'Wiif£h wdnt to if,ew York to confer with MrrBrad-, ley regarding tUS transtbr of the _lieaoli_ani aewors to the city'bid not return in time ta attend tho council msetlriK arid eonsequent- Sy no action was taken.In tho matter, i A sat of •resolutions ■ were read from the local ha trd ’ 61 health calling attontion to tho destruction ot»Mm Isolation hospitals' ot tfie township and city, located n.sar the sand hills, about a mliovwost af tha city, which were .bumod a few dnys rko by forest Sires. The resolutions nailed attontion to thojsBrts of such buildings and onumeratejl tiicnum- ■ber of condiRibna.diseased ijatients which li((Vf been.cared for-at that point sineO tha buildlngt).wero- ordcted. -It was urgetlby tha board of health that tlm council appoint a committee toconfer with.the health board and tho township committee, with a view ot reestablishing thu Isolation hospitals nt date. ; . ,, .,... In compliancQ.wlth Uso request President. Appleby appointed Cduncilmen Klrkbrida, Wilbur nnd Meein an Hint committed. Tho clerk repcirted tjiK^- tlio teiopliono coaipahy was ready to-piit in tiie niMitlonnl' free telephones ai a'doii ns council would do- (:lde wuerd: they-iiru to The.- hoard de- cided that two of thoal.»lioiiid bn’asslsned to the water depirtoamt. The aOJustmont of":iio talanco was loft to tha street com- iiilttpp. Under tlie now ordlnnnno tho city is entitled to nine free telephones." In Qg; urlrie up last night It was fouod that saven of these freo 'phones aro already located. Tpo two telophohes >vliloh havo been U5,«S by tlio Witter department- liiivo"liSrotofora been.paid for. Tlio board of education bayo asked for ono of tho now Instruments and ■tha fltreot^comKilttoa.will.Boo. what, can.be done. .. . . . . . , .......... ' Prosident Apploby reported that lie Jiitd received an appllciUon from the borouijli of Xlradloy.Boacli naklriff permission to ujo tho big road roller belonging to.theolty, Tlio stoneroad Is being improved througii that borough and the rollenowoed by them? is too small to nccompllah the .desired ra- salt. The'application was deferred to tho street committee, wish power to act. Upot%motfori o f Sir. Kroehl the flrennd water committoo wero authorized to put a flra alarm hox in the publlo school tii.i1ta.ing-. Tbis was considered n very wise move and there waa not n dissenting voto ngalnst it. Mayor Ten Broeclr called attontion to llio breaking of tiie tiro alarm wires by Building Mo’yer Poland a few d»ys ago. Ho said it was a serious matter and somo action should be tekon by the board. Tlio breaking of tha wiio put tlio entire system outot ser- vico for more than au.hour aud serious re suits might havo followed? Electrician Hudson said that tills was tbn’ second time Mr. Poland had broken the wires lu ttfo simo way.' It was suggested timt In tho future'he bo refused ii permit to remove buildings through the streets of tha city. The clerk said that such a niovo w'oulil not- .accomplish tlio desired result, us tho permit could bo obtained by tho owner of tlio build- ing,.wh!ch was drtne 111 this jn ataiico 'whon tlid wires wororbrokoii.—Itr-wiiB-sct forth that earioiis damage might'onsuo from the crlppllDg of tho entire lira nlarm syntem without notlco to tho proper persons, and tho sentiment of tho board was. that such notion should bo taken ns would, prevent a repetition of tlie olfeuso in tho future. A motion finally prevailed to tlio offoot that tho mayor confer with tho" city, solici- tor anil seo what inettiod of puulshment could lib meted out to Mr. Poland for his actions. i After passing th9 bills tho board ad- journed to ineet again next Tuesday night . This will ho tho annual meeting,, and after tho old board finishes up tho business of tho OsfAl-yeat tiioy wiii adjourn slno die.... Xkn new bora d will than ho organized nnd Coun- ciiuTan kroohl’s succossdr will take ills seat; . - . . . ■• .. llooth's Hcm'tt Nanio (.'hattp'Oif. Tho ilrst actual step tfi tlio estrangement of tho Booths, fallior and^aon again, was (Mtnprlaed Saturday"ln un order from Judge Kwojzs of tho Jfownr!; circuit court. It U ’Kinftd (.'in application-permitting William Booth, ilis lS.yoar.qtd son ot General nnd MrS. Balllngton llooth, and grnmlson of Gonornl William Booth of the Salvation .Army,' to c'uango bts namb to Clmrlos Bran don liooth. Tlio petition claims that the ohnugc \V ob . asked , beoansa Mrs, Booth- Tuckoh litts'ntimcd hcr son William Booth, and for the petitioner to havo tha same uamn would..be. jt sorlqus d«irlbient_and might result lu loss of property to him. VOTING.PROCEEDS SLOWLY Less TJmn 300 Ballots I>ejmsIt^(|_ly^I¥oth. \Viir(!« Ifji t(, the Nuolv ir,.(j!>.. ^ ■ H lfiun tV'ultoii'H KlfiCtlon l ’reillctuil. p Politicians, and candidates ard ot! tllfl anxioue aoat today r!jsa.-<llug tho result of the election ‘ In the Second wares, there is no ogpoaitlon, and up to tlio noon.jiouv;only 46 votes were polled. In thorFipt ward the opposition la brisk and: tiie •opposing cand'l- dntea'iire working,hard ts win -tbe victory. Tneuaunlmimber'ot pal! -jfprlters are ou lmnd and carriages .may btj aeon darting l/ltiior and-thither in.searon of thetegls tered voters'. ._ I . When, thje election board ~ii,3jourfled for dinner 5SJ; votes had bean polled to. tha First ward. Every efforij will be exerted thU afternoon to get tbe billance of the.vote out. Tha roKlstry -llBt contains nearly COO aames. .Conservative lipHticIaiffl /predict tlie elepyon of Hiram ;walt 0ii;a 8 /councll- man,.while tho contest betwean J. L.'divor and if. E.' Wortman for'tho ofllcB of treo- holdpr.Is said to.bo vory close. The polls will close at T o’cl'ock lonfgiit, ,aud after otip hour's intermission th& «.«l- vasa .of tlio voto will ba nqmmoncefl. It wiii probably ba abput midnight .before the count Is cdn'ipleted. BELMAR; Mayor William S. .J^clcsott' has moved' from Pliilbrick’s Hpuse ,to the house recont- ly vacatad by C. O'. Hudnut, onNInth avb-_ nue. : . . .. }Irs. S. M.J’^iillin.anil lier son Frank of Philadelphia were In town yesterday. Mrs. PuuKtu Is proprietor o! the Windsor House, Fourth'uycniio nndU stroot, -mid'manages tlio hotel during tlio siimmor nioptbs.,1,’ Tho Belmar route o[ tho Pjiiiss' |s grow- ing— ovldanco tDat’tha pooplo appreciate the oITorta put forth to glvo thorn all tlio. latest local and guneral nows. Carrier Housol will dollver tho Phkss for fi contJ a week. Orders may bo left with lilm any t'lmo.~"~ ------- ' t—;— ; - HuaSflll Ci-owlher of this place, who was ■recovering from llio ooeratlon fOr nppan- dlcitls which ha recently uriderwont at tlie I.ang'Branclv.hospltal, wa9 ready to return homo Saturday, buLao uttack of tha grip will compel htm;to remain'"at the hospital serar.il nrioro days.- IIorSoMlat I’r I v«to-S at c. Having completed building operations at my tiew" hotel, corner Grand and Munroo avenues, 1 am again dovotlnu* personal at- tention to the livery, sales and oxchango stables on South .Miiln - street'. Havo ju;t reoelved a carload necllmated horses par- ticularly adapted fprTmslnciis purposas, which wtlf he sold apprlvntft.eiiliv. Buslneas inUn ar« invited jto call untl tnspy)t tho stock. PHcpa right. M. I , SkxtoS,- 85-8U ' 87 South Main streot/Ocoau Grove; Kor all pcoplo, not for a ."class"—Frank. L. 'X ’utclQ. .—■ - S-tf- Large stook of trussqs at ICinmontiris,. [tt ‘For freelioldor voto for J. il. Wortmaft.[tf . —. .;■ ;■»«• • r I,ess “politics" ana moro good govfirn- inq.nl—KrankL. Tuttle. •' satf . Vo'.o.for.T, A, Sogor for iiaao'sor. 80 80* AVON-BY-THE-SEA The cottngo of Drt'Tfilllam-Rlco of ’l'ran- t'oFrrff'lwing'prepSfell'ror summer useVi" W. II. II. Tott^ti and Ills , son; Raymond Totten of New York, .wero Saturday visit- ors. Their summer cottage iti this place is undergoing repairs. . - On Saturday Robert Gouldy & ■Son, plumbers, porformed the feat of driving a frator pipe 50 fodt underground fromSny- dor’a cellar’ to Main, street, and coming within ono foot of striking tho watar mala. BRADLEY- BEACH •• __ Tlio Huylar cottage,'corner Beach aiid Park l’laca avonues, is boing repainted. . Nathan Marplo of pormantowu, Pa., was In town all last weak, suporintemllnj' the furnishing of hla now cottages. John Hendricjtson has iiiovod from the WlUon ottugo, Main-strflot, to one_of-thc McChasaey liausaa, on tha aa-ne straet. DESIOCKATIO CONVENTION. - •. A WusiilnKton’Doapatcirfaays It May. Come to.-lnltitr)- ttirk mill Ocoati (.rove. The following despatch, sent out from Washington, appeared la a numbor o£ evo- ning papers yesterday: . “If tliara Is any doubt about Kansas City getting bar hall .‘ready, for the Democratic cyuvctitloii tlio copmilttceKilglit L'litinge'tha placboflio’dliig tlW liiSStUig tO'OCL'iUI'Gt-oVf>; N.'J.,”,sa!d C. C. Waltora of Asbury Park, a t thq/Ebbltt ynstorday. “The Mbtliodlsta havo at Ocean Grove one of tlio llnost audl- torinms-ln the country. Asbury Pajlr, only a few stops away, 1ms plenty of hotels. Wo would make '20,000 people or more comfort- able;” > Tho name of “C. C. Waltors” does not appoar 'in the local directory. • The twin oI tics could Handlo the contention, no doubt, but tlie ciiaucos aro probably slim qf lioldlng It liero. ___ [ ' 'oniTUAHV HECORD. ' .Arinliitu CnuVnoy. On J5unday Armliita Coursay'died at her home on Union nvonue, norerSprlngw.ood, \yest Park, aged 111-yoars.' The funeral will be bold tomorrow at 2.80 p; ni; Services in lietltel A. M. E. church, corner Second nvo nuo und Main street. Interment;, at Mt; rroipoct cc|notofy.__- .1 )0 (itiH t. T o lit |> k hi k M o.vett?_____ ' Dr. Goorgo L. D. Tompkins, dontist, lins removed from 017 Mattison avenue, second floor of tho Keator biook, to rooms 3, 3 nnd 4, second floor of tho postoftlco building - Hla new quarters aro large, liglit and cod - venientiy localadi Dr. Tompkins lias fur- nished bis' dentni-parlors-wlthrtho purpose In view of meeting all tho modern require ments o; his profession and Is roady to glvo prompt Bervlca in any kind of. dental work that may bo butrustod to him. Clarenci) Ware and Josepiv’AVaslolowslti,. who were recently committed to tlio James- burg Raform.schobl from Camden, and Ed- ward Ware, who was commit ted (\rom New- ark, luatio their escape from that lasUtjt- tiohoirSuudny. - .- VVI1«H & l^oriiiit'etlv Beds. • Faniou- Wilbrf Manufaoturltig . Co.” iron beds ut usually sells at $&isand$B. 80 . Also solo agants for tho Bernstoin boda; springs guaranteed five years, .: I lotf. B tkiS iiachCojipast. \ .: ••• ,'• - For freedom from ‘'polltioa"—Frank L. Tuttle, ;* ' • ■— .. sStr• It yeu .want’a truss go to Kimnontli’s. [tf For freeholder vota ?t>r, J. K, Wortman.{tf Voto for ,T. A.' Sogor for assessor, SO-BO*.- Salary as Townshjp Police Mag: ^ istrate 'Will? Be $S0Q. * SIX~NEW ORDINANCES PASS Becoina Effectlyb^Next Saturday — Hot JJotlvnou Cbllciitor* Olil'arft lind C o m m i t , Iliivcns —*Murctv ISolul for Collector unit Aiuomit lie- ilueed, to . 8 ao,0 o(l. - - TJie session, or the 'N’bptano T.bwhshlp committee hiiltl last night at their bead- quarters pn,S(Juth Main street was prolong- ed untiLmldnight. ..All the mambars \vore presont. 'Much ot tho timo was.qcctipled lfstan[ng.td tho. roa'dltie ot six nav^ ordl^ nances and discussing the various pt ovislona tliey coiitalnod. . .. * , Cqnsldorablb time .was Wasted in';a’)iot. vVaapSrm'di.ttiaten'suewbot\veon COliebtor ’William GifTiird utid Committeeman David E;. Havens,. .The dlspdte, It is said, arose over diffaroucbs of opinion liaid by the two gentlemen regarding tho non-collection.of taxes and tho discounting of notes to bridge over the deficiency, thereby irtcurring extra axponso, ' Charges and 'counter-charges ware made, and i-liarp personailtios woro In- dulged In during tho'heated argtimntit." When m atters’had quieted down; somo- whattholgjitoud rchdlngand -litiiiLiijtssago Of six ordiiiuwcqs occupied:tlio attention of tlio committoo. Tlie. ordinances'wero as fpllows: (l) To prohibit, vlcoaml Immorality and fixing the flnas to bu Imposed Cor riij. latlbnot the sama| (2) fixing tlio cofnpoiisa- tlon df-. tlie police magistrate; (3) :prdhlblt- Ing -fast driving" in the township'streets: (4) prohibiting tho running ni largo of anl- Btuis; (5) providing for a hoard of, lioalth under tlio new towuship law; (It) regulating tho opening or ■ digging up .of'streets, or al- leys-for'tho purpt»H:of l»ylng-ivittor,-gtl3'dr sewer utalrts, or for other purposes.- Tlio r.’joya ordinances wiii ail 'go-intd of feet next Saturday. In order to Comply With ail’tlio provisions of tliosecond ordinancajiassud last night it was necessary to appoint aj’^iolice magis- trate.' Justlco .P. F. Dodd was named for tliteposltlon aud tho comniltteo.confirmod his appolntiiiant.''Hls’siiliry is tlxod by the, ordinance at £300 per year lirifeuof all fees. A petition from the Eist Jersey Coast -Water, company requesting-permission-.to opeit.iWest- Munroa avenue from tho prop- erty nt No. iOlt to I,angford street, for the purpose of laying a- water main, was laid over for futitra action. Collector William GI!Tar!l.'requested the commltteo -to reduce tho amount of his bond, claiming; It wpk U p high. Aftor con- sidering tho matter tho board granted Jils tequest, redticltig tho ainouu't from S.’iO .OOO .to $110,000. Surety bonds will •also bo sub- stltuted for .Individuals, tho township coni- mltteo agreeing to p ty hair the expanse. - Tho collector reported that ha had re calved about J2.500 last week as a result of tlio notices recently seiit out to tax de- linquents. The eonuriltteo adjourned to meet ngaih .ou Thursday evening at tho ofllce cf S. ,i Pattorson, .township counsel. -Tiio' license ordinance and-tho-question-of-appointing!, pbllca will probably beutnoug tho matters considered. " , . CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS Tlio City Will Secure roHsossfon of itciu-Ii atid Suwors in Miuuior ltviiucstcd H by Sir, ltrailloy. Dt;. 7tjeorgo F. Wilbur aud Counsellor John F. Hawkins, representing tho city council's committoo on.tho beach purchase, were In NewT,ypfk yesterday and held a canfnrenctrwlth~Mrr1lrA!llByreganl[ii|i;'liI-r further’ pleasure In connectioti .with the transfer of the beach and.sawers to tlio city. The conference whs Safil >o have bceii very satisfactory and no obstacles will be-planed- In tBolvay of tho immedlato consummation of tiro deal os piVJvidetl for in thb resolution recently passed by tlie council. Tho prop- ortywlll b» acquired by condemnation ns wiis requested by Mr. Bradloy, and Solicitor Hawkins will begin the .proceedings as scon as possible. 1 lliicss TVtnUcR Itoy 11 cut', Ilim il) m ul IU i v. tt James Carroll, tho S-ye.ar-old-son of.Joliii ..Ciu-roll'of Wust Red B.ink, Is nfillctod iii a yecullar manuoK”:Al)'illl'T(illt;'wStik» agii'he w>8-.yilw> »tek •ylth. p.iieunionlii, 'which,, aitter n week’s lline3.Hiturtied-into braln^bm- Idlcntlotia. ■Tlio boy could nelthor-^ec*, lieai- igi-'talk. Ho is.recovering"from Ills Illness it present; but for tho past, throa weeks has lot uitofed . a syllable. Ha' Is sepmingly jiisciouj of afftliat Is going oil. ___ ri(‘rrn Wliout 'Muinliiiuti Popnlurlty. W. '(■ SaitfordVnicyclu iloalbr at (rfo Mutt! son avonuo, reporti thaf the. 1‘larce wheel Is as popular this year as it has been in. the past. Tho following-salas havo boen niado during the lastweak: Cllf. Boaroioi-?, Itlch- anl Bradford, A. R. Asay, HcTCelD; .Wuwun- Htrdson, Jamns Forbes, JIIss Agnes1 Liinb and Mrs. W.‘P, ivdson.- L. -T. Pardiin, .Hartson Taylor nntl Charles Black havb puroUasad Ivor Jolliisqn.'wboels If you-aro a voterirt thO'First ward, it is not too Into to cast a ballot for Hlraiu Wal- ton for councilman., Tlie polls remain open until-7. o’ciools,tills pvonltig. .. - Gl-and Oponltu;.. . Tho Asbury Park ‘Builtlliig Supply-com patiy doslrea to Kea~tholr. frlantls nt their opening, which-takes'placo on Thursday afternoon, between 3 und li o’clock, nt the corner nt Second avenuo. and: Langford street, West-Park, An. opportunity to jlt ...................................clils now. running speot tha now plant, wlilol injull force by olectrkltj tion shown tholadlaii Kefreshmonts.|8.>.h0 Bualneaa man, 1 - want your support. Frank L. Thttle. . . - 82tf » • - \ . Vote' for Joseph' I,. Oliver, tlio peonla's choice for obosaii freeholder. .. .^ --83tf For fraehbltler vole tor J. E. Wortman. [tf -^Voto Jor-T. A. Sogor for assessor,.. SO-Sili' BRADLEY BEACB COUNCIL Kl^ol rlc . - itail \yay C o m puny Will lit- .Be- f ] yupNt4;it.to*'itnUo Truclw to tiviuti; / jm d Gra'i-cl Thclr "Kimdhed, Mayor Rogers and Counolimait Bogart,. Foster and Burney constituted the working foi'coof tllQ Braillay BSkcb borough, epunei! at the meeting bold last nljjht, Tho, naw council ,rooa5' In tlia Woailay hutldlng' was occupied for tlio first tim e . . . . _ • . ' "J- , Council was Botiliod that the heasInB ba- fora tho Btata board of taxation ot TJS?it(in of the appeal of_tho Asbury, PaTk and Sea (lirt Railway comiKiny for a-rctliit'tloii /of tlie iatter',s tax assessment from Sld.OOO. Io 12,000, had bean jiostpaned from today until next. Tuesday, April, 17: . The mayor was authorized to selobt experts to ascertain the valiio of-tlia company’s proporty within tha. borough limlta. 1 , ; , Tha street cbmmltteq.wpqrtcd the amount of money;expended up tp^iiat Saturtliiy, for tho Main street'lmprovemant.. v . ‘ resolution pissed to havo a note for $2,7)00jiscouiitb.l at. HieASbury Park and Oce m Grqvb bunk, iq itnticlpiition of.iaxos',- for linrougli purposes; ■ . ’■Collector iV. K. Brad tier's bond for $ 16, - jOiyv signed by blmselt aiid Joseph R. and Ilolifcrt X). Bradrier, vr<t9 presented anrTutr. cepled. ' ..... ', ' ‘ : . •The prdinanca fixing the s.-il ii-y of tho a?* Beosor nfcSJOO per year und that of tho col; 'leqtpr at $‘J5'0 passed sbcutid rea'diiig. •> •A redtlon prevailed that tlio clerk serve notice upon tho trolley railway company ra. questing t.lie:n to raise tlielr-triioks tog'niju and gravel their porllon of the roadway.' VV. J , Payntcr reslgped as overseer of tiio poor, and.,the,.fipoolntmeiij o f William 13. MacDonald to tho position n-.is noritirnied'. ", FKd Mooy nppenred Iwloro CiJtuinll nnd l-cquested't.liitt njjii.jrslml bn appointed -to- preserve order in the streets jpn Saturday night, at leiist, imtsniucli.as Uiore \yaa con-' shlorablo.dlsordor lust Saturday night':- His plea was useless,‘aa council took no .action. - - c'o U NTVAN D "STATE--: ~ sou of Ber- isack with Tlio fees paid -at the secrolai-y. of state's ofllce during March for corporation organi- zation amounted to 800,331). , The no w proprietors of tho 'old /.,! t..Holly fair croundB aro arranging to .hold a two days’ fair iu tha fall. State Senator WIIHAin M. Jolm gen county has presented Hacke a $10,000 froo llbrarjk;bulldlng. '. A number of cranberry bogs In Faultier, ton townshlpi'Burllngton coimty. hnvo been Injured during tlia past wcek UvTorcst fires which.are raging In that section. North Long Branch roskleuts want a new railroad depot. TUo building now iu usa was erected over a quarter eoutury ago, .and does not compare favorably withHbe moderli structure a t Monrarouth Boaoh. Mra- Hepry, mo’thcr oWhodata Mrs; Sam- uel W. Mari!orum, jvho was formerly a resi- dent of Trenton, but who now lives at Fronchtoivri, has recout.ly had loft her about $100,0C0 by a brother, who died in Cali- fornia. .. .. Pornul fishermen ara setting their poles anti nets along tha Jersey coast nnd 'pro- -parlng for sprhig and summer business. It Issuld there..will bs no additional.'.pounds between North Long Branch ahd Sea Bright tills year. -.. ’ ' .. ' “ Ttic nuceii'Or Chinatown." For next Monday evenlug, April 10, Man- ager Morris iiay-a,ccurtal “Tlio Queau of Chinatown" .company for Park Opora .House, Tlirj Katv York News says of this play: “ ‘Thtt Queen of Chinatown’ Is a pluy la four licts froiu tho pen of Jo-cpli Jarrow. As its title suggest s, It ^o.ils with lifo in Chinatown ar.d abounds In starUiug.sonsa- tlons>, is brimful o[ comedy nntl liberally in- terspersed with new and bright specialties.’ Ilold for tho' <*van() «)nr:.v. T 'T^Vo^yyrSr'etS5a%as‘lTeioru'JOTtlS0ropr yeaterdiiy. cltargerl with - robbing Frank Woolley of $15 ou SaLurday.oveuing lasf.~lt la alleged tlint Doremus succeeded In get- ting Woolley drunk and thou rilled bis pockets. J us.tico Cross held Dorenms under fICO bail lo await tho action of tho grand jifry. 'i’ho rfqiilred bond was furnished and ]((fwias~*olon4 etl,f . >• — 4~'**— :— f | ... Otltl Trt*ii.st»»* T r ia U ,.. * ^ r^fApril 1 1 - -Tli nf Tiii' Tfriii's sit h Miri-iirit Ww'? ilrVat'.t tf' n iu*r;‘»i:>FTh'av.i*n n ia l ;>v .\o? !j;i:jih slnjr;:'. • clnir^rd iviill .Ifroyiii^ 5r:i ,*• KiiirinitM- .Uuntjili. it lsiin«o iiu* C ity Mini SnintHjiin miiiC*. .wiJli. Mu* intrnljoii n f- lyiMinjr IiIim. iik a ;!i nrfr^ivVriit r.it \ Hr*:iii\a- "me j » n i |H v j I —\r**n11> • t*hiti^eiI• wit li. :s 11 *l mv* in mh:m1i'V lntn im il-u iU:- fiirrin.u IiP.u •ii!»r»r lisrcjils In hand nv.T 5* 1,(:l'U. .T h f wiio »!i rlm ri! Mu* m ! ht* iral ami ijhti*. rv.iruiiiisui, - k i 'I iU m I u m ] •*r Uk*- th:,c?c‘ , I Umujim'v,, I rum riistixly,. "!:! scvri) \*car.sV iiii<ar!sti:i»• «-sij r«n- mur- dvr; iu’umttinjrtho-nt'hrvs: ---------- --------- : Tronltlp* ni Jh'i t‘l»« ii rxx 11 Ijpf' li H n r h o H i’SVltl*.*/ K.v., A jiii! i **.--«( ’ i r o t t i f I'M ii't yrVti-ni.-iy, Im t'it Ms «lo«i!rlfni jmlm will H lillx-VV4{- s u n W. S.‘ Hrowij;- \V.h'«*u Hn ■liim*"''iiprnmi? :court rfltju*, .irnljrr*' itriVvvii and a A»w •minutos; !;U it *!uilirt’ Wil^i.m uj»|n‘ai*-i;d a cui- ti!i.cjYtir;l-V»nn tlie Hootfcm-oohmfl^ioiicis nnd sijjnvd.by'Bodiliuin. litw n rofusi'il to c-vatMiutv* , " V - O, ... ' - Cjiril of.TliunlM,*,^-*'- _ Mr. nnU Mrs. Rolmrc nntl . family of IJ rad Toy Boaoh Uft9tro to thank their friends for tho llowors apd attention phovvrv; thom dnriner’ tho sickness and doari) of Jiurtlo Mefflll. 30’.' For TreoUolder vote for j . E. >Vor.tman.J.t t' Gcorcro L. D. TotirpklhsJ t).t).SM lifts moved ^rouUdfUorinor lowiUon, OlT.^utUson ave- nue, ttrt-oomsS, 3 aud 4, rb^toilico building. ' ' -U ' .- ' -SUt'f •Voto for Joseph 'ij. Cii vor, > tho ^eoplo’s" cholob for chosen freeholder., •.% . * 83 tf - 'j Fcr freelioldor A'olb for J^E.-Wortznan.(tf Voto & r T,;A. S ^ r f o r assessor.- 80 SC:^ •. '."'-'a ( v ' -------- Tho circulation of tha r‘Mt.Y PnK65 goes forward steadily aud rapidly. friends Talk of Nominating Him for Vice-President CRAMPS DENY THAT REPORT Claim Uiliert! Ara No Negotiations toC'om- 1)11 Hi W ith CaiaiL.glc-S'rlck lata: ana cleans (a aan j t l t . It,‘])ar‘. Biittta. (tn .Today Betwcjeii iloiu‘n and 1 J ri> ShI j, 1 ' v . I fBy PtibllelHT.i Preas.l Washington,' Tuesday;—'lira, report that the friends of ex-aoVarnor Robert E. Patti- son of ';Pann?y,lvaniii; nro .booming hitri'for, tho nomlnatlQn of vice-presldew. on .She Democratic ticket with Brynfj; is attracting much attention bore in. legislative and po- lllldal ehrcles; T im fact- that Mr. I’attison lias 'beaii ^rlcntad sfelegate-at-Iargb froni Pennsylvania to tha National convention at Kansas City, aiid that tho frl delegates have beon ipstructid to vote as a unit for Bryan, would seem to ludictttii' th at Pattlson t.ukos kindly to the' suggestion that be is to act as running, mate for' tho Nebraskan. V, Tlfi;,Unt.l,SJXti SPREADS. African Tribes' in traitisii Oold ..Coast Colony \ t>'„ Kastly Cacaa . British Gold Cbast Colony, Africa, Tues- dny.—A relieving force of 100 Hussars loft yesterday for KumassI, wiiereGovernor Sir Fredorick Hodgson is lrying_ tb negotiatq rvith Uia troublcaoiia! tribes.'-Tiio forca is bullevcd to bo limulllclent,,. as ,tho natives a ra' concent.rating, bell r Ktiinitssl. i'bo up- i-Isliig Is spreading everywhere. ' llDKltS Altl! CANNON A DING. I’ost HlgOiin Nctu* ^-Ilnndslaagte—Stroiisly l--ittriiui:!i»d at! llitlpniiifcaar. Pletermnrltsburg,—Tuasdayi—Heavycati' nonadltig, Iti ijio direction of Klamlslffagte, itortli ot Ladysmith, •hegati -this ntorrilng, Tho Boerf- posted a big gun north-of Elands.- huigto atitf rire roporreil to bo strongly en- trenched' a t, Helptnuknnr,'_ northeast of there. ........ : Tin-; itut’oitT Kii)ict:i.i;ii.— Cratnj> OtttcIillH Suy. Thoro, Arc. No Xc- ^■itlal.loiiH With llut'nogle and 1 'I-Ii'k. * phlladelphln, Tuesday. — That negotia- tion ara-potidlng-looking to-tho comblna- tfon'-'oT the^glgantlc^Carnoglo-Frlck-inter- ests and tho Cramp shipbuilding concern Is denied by the (llldals ot tho-lattercom - pany. The report la notTonly denied but ridiculed. . ' _______ CCWI.-MlTTUIi-WlLI. ItUPOKT Monmouth Building:, Asbury park] H.'j. CAPITAL, ,$iao, 000. gORPLufe,,,..; 25,000. Kiecutcs nil trusts known to the law. T.ohus mouey on bosid and inortgnffe RcceWes itcpoBltn subject io check and allows interest on daily balances. - A! ta as Trustee Registrar and Transfer Asea t, I’ays coupons. . - * • colfifterSlaetTlatI!l and tlme Ioan» on-approved --S a le d e p o s it, v aults, 1 --------- 'A . C. TW INING , prea ’iIentC c; B.lir. itARVHY, vice President. , R. A.-TtJS'n;;c;, Stcrelarv, B. C: CORNStl,, Treamirer, Comblnoii Turin* 'and Civil Government' Uilll for rnrtn Itlco to House. Washington, Tuesday.—1Tlio ways and m’oans committee, liy a strict party voto of 8 to 5, decided today to report tba combined &rlit and civil governmont bill for Porto Rico to tho house,with the recommendation that concurrence ballad in all the senate ttmondments. FIGHTING BB.SUMED TODAY. TUe Haa it itna Itrltish Encase la a Hard ....................Itultlc at Wtiponer. Allwal-North, Cupe Colony, Tuesday.— The engagement atWepenor botwean the Boors and British undor Braban^-whiclf be- gan yestorduyt was rosumocl nt -au'early hour this mornlDg. jlluy A ttem p t to, ItR taka llrldtrc. BethullOj Orango Free State, April 0.—A largo Boer force is located is! mll.os east.of this place. It is believed t.iiay will attempt ^o.. retake ..Ilethullo bridge and destroy It. Extra precautions are being taken -to guard. i t . . ‘ •; • r— --— 1 .pin'v.s K eitrli .St. Hiilonsi. ’ " London, Tuesday.—A despatch from St. Kolona says that the .transportsNiobe and Jlllwaukce have arrived there with Iioer prjs.onops, tlio latter -belog all reported in grooa.health. . * ” . A fferrililo At't'itlenl. Madrid, TueeJay.—At. Corunrn^ yesterday,- while a priest was aUmlnisteriug'the last sacrament to a -dying: man iu tlm presence of his relative^ tho floor of tlie roonrtinye way and tho dying rimmTnd four persons wero killed aud a.mitnhpr injured. •.VTo netiirffrillarkVNoat ■' Vacant.---- ^ Wa&hjngto:i, Tiip^da> \^ ’h3;. fc_onate.“CO)n-_ mitfce oil piivlioues Iiiik ifnciilcit touuani* T h oil si y rectTnTinend tnat-fho seat of Senator- Clark of Montana he deciafed vacant. 1 *. Tint_ Woiillior* , \Yashington, Tuesday/ Fair tonight;' rain Wednesdayaftenicon’or nightr warmer; Wednesday; fresh norMioiiy.windh. Tuonly. I'iuttilirs IliiinelivsK, Seven dwolliugs aurl two barns n.t Perth Amboy: woro destroyed yesterday by lira. -At leapt. 20 families wore made homeless, besides losing everything tlioy possessed. Soma of the inmates wqra luclry fttcsoapo with thuU'-livfei,_,ns th o 'bulHiiigs burned, raphtly nnd they lind llttlo timo to get cut'. I'ueilfls^Lls estimated at, about fi3;000,.pltrt- •ly coverpil -by iimujnne'e.— ~ ----- Shortly aftor -tha .congregation tit tlio First Prosbytelan chnicli o£ Jprso'y Cuy IIled out a t the..conclusion of tha morning; services lasttSurtday, Dr. S. AOi>ton i?e;ircf>, tlio ol'i'canist,' diod lu. 11. small room, oil' thb aiulitoi'ium and at tlio right of tho organ,/ front a'stf-pko of apoplexy: . Ho was salzetl wltli liis fatal'illnSfiS whllo".'playing ^lia or^ gait lit tlio opening of tho services;.. " 1 . ~ • ' ' Sivi-1 nr;' Hta'ulgcar foV iMaa. Our sjirili’g styles In dorbles.tind felts aro hero. All ilia naw blacks lit prices one-tliird less thnq other ostabltehments cxact, , L’lIE STKIN-UACil WVMPA'Xy. Voto for jbsepit L. "CHvcr, tho peoDlo’s uholca for cliosoii freehold or". ' ' .83 tf Tho people's candidate—Frank L. Tuttle. . :■ __ , . salt.;- -Vote fprTa A rBegbr for a^se^Bor.. 80-8iy>, a. I ; ■ A STORY Of Jiow happy-you . would be in a home of your own, and:one to of- fer-for sale at -a low price, wi{h smp.ll payment dgwn. " ./■ i he rentals saved in.a few yeafs would go a : long way toward pay- ing the balance, Let us give you particulars. ;'■> -.. ; l\jIILAN EOSS AGENCY 268 Main Street. - AND - .Ct,.U..nrQwTt,- H: Buchffnoo, I),c: Cornell, / W J. Ilnrrlsoii. Col. Cw. n . *VT. H n rv ey , CeorRe V. Kroeht Druce S. Kealor. M. D DIRECTORS; R rA . TuBtinfifi G. D. W . Vropm Henry Mitchell, M. D. John P. O’Brien. . PetryR. Sm ith , 8. A. rnttersou. A. O. Twininif, H. ir. Vreeland, Higli. Grade: Fis.Mrig: Tackic liepalrlnjr on Roda nnd lietsla. -J ---- CIGARS'-ATMD“TOBAt;CO“ “ --- iniportctl Kay West and Domestic, Clears and oil Smokers' Articles. Tlie best oljrar that 5 ceuta can buy^ J. F. SEGER. KASTF.R card s all L atest designs ' '.PRICES WITHIN REACH OF ALL, EA 5 TER BOOKLETS PAAS'EQQ bTE 5 . Tree franc Volaoa, PAA3 PAPER bY E5 Each envelope of 12 sheets 5 cents Prints boautlful shades of various colors. WIII color.from.3 to Q doz. ORBS. . . HARRY ft. BORDEN Stationer -^Newsdealer Cor. Bond St. and Mattison Ave. Your Eyes Will take care pf you if you will take care of them. . When they warn you . that some tiling la wrong pay.attep?, ■■*tibii“tprrt.* . . Headache and Neuralgia quickly relieved. STrLE S& aG O . • Eye Specialists, 222;M .4IN s t r e e t : if, ~KVF,ity<ffiui>AY -. ‘H onrs i 1 to 1 p.'m., 2 to. S p. ii^, Tree ftraTOin‘Jition.;"AU QlasBo3 guaranteed. Capital, $ 100 * 000 ' Surplus, 870 , 000 - First NatiplBant OF ASBURY PA BK Mattison Avenue and. Bond^Strdot (O rgaal^d Fobrtiary,.188fl.) _ J. .. :OFFICEIiaI-« • QKOKFi.^nQrnt^Er£sildfliiJ. ' ... .... , O, H.'liHbwN, 1st VlceHpreaidont, . M. L. BAMKAWi 2d Viced’festdorit, ' Al, V^ Daosr , Casller. 31. II. S oott, AsalrtafttCM hler; DIRE0T01U3 ''r-i ^ ‘ Q. F . Kr&f-'hi, Mali Ion R.?Jfarttorum . Otiver U; Drown, WlUiom H. lieegle, i^nioe H. Keater, '8. W. JCIrkbrido, . 1). O. C overt,- M. L. pamhian, Isaac O. ITennedy, Gharlea A. Vountf, *: . M ilan Uofis, A lbart O. Twtaingf, BhermunB. Ovlatt, Ramuel Johnson, f— tWUliarn Hathaway. Comparatiye DeUosltS- ' “ Ssptember & 1880 i . , . .5873,704.57 : •• •• " . 8, -188S . , ., ; . 408,104.44 : o, 1803 : 4fio,iiU3 . •• • 7, 1SU7 . . . . 086,008 41 , . 7;»18118 . . .a ; . ■ 604,044,77 Patrons Valuabloi received for eafo keeping froo of charge.. r* J- ... ' <k • Foreign Exchangebon£nfctrod »$ld«'Collection* prom ptly acknbWlBdged. • • - t • *: i V oar haaiuefid faVore icapectfuUy aoli cited

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S A V EPlace yt *«. Fire In- surancejwlth the old-

. est and bestl'com-'- papiesjia the world.

Represented by

D . C . C O V E R T

208 ; Bond Street

..... - ^ - A s b u r y - P M l f c '- 'N s - j ;

ABBUUY PARK and OCRXS OBOVB '7 - I H o te l B r u n s w ic k ,, , O m c i a *< IlullroQ cl D e p o t a n d

{1214 B a n g a A v e n u o .- Prinolpil O f f i c o . . 80(1 MAIN BTREET

U o d d a s t o r e d a t r e a s o n a b le r a te s . T e le p h o n e c o n n e c t io n . * ,

P. O. tio r 067, -. — - - A8BDRY .PABK

A "S P R IN G " N E E D

You m ay w jnd an d w in d fo ro v o r . .B u t w h e n t h e s p r i n g ' 13 b r o k e n

It.ls Md 6 a d ." . . . . . .... B r l n g - l t ^ t o - m e . . a n d - 1 - w i U ^ r e s t o r e -

I t r t o l i f e . ------- • . . . V /

I f i s e o n l y th<5 B E S T M A T E R I A L S , a n d - G V A R A N T E E m y w o r k .

Y ou m ny h a v e a sp r in g nood In su m m er, fa ll o r w in te r . I a h a l l 'b e n lensod to do y o u r re p a ir in g a ll th e y e a r ro u n d . . . . 1 %

CLAUDE J. WISEMAN. Jeweler and Optician—

. 645 Cookman Ave.

C orrect G lasses

■ f - t- i ' . ARE A HELPto weak eyes and often relieve-dizziness mul headaohe. If you thlnkyour glasses aro not correct call and have your-eyw-ex­amined FREE OP CHARGE! You’ may haye your framer, repaired and adjusted while you wait. ' ....

All work full? warranted, a t prices with­in reacli ot all. "

Willard C . Wiseman' GRADUATE OPTICIAN KAsbnry Parle Optical Parlor,

"1 6 0 3 C ookm an A venuo'. Cor. Emory Street.


- A N D - ?•

- $13,000.00.' ■ ’ - AT 5 P E R CENT.

Aabury Park ^propoity. Gilt- ctlgo Bocurity. Titlo perfect. Ia.

j- enrancb to cotor loans. , '__

W . H . B E E G L E .

32b Main St., ' Asbury Part

Capital $5Q.Q00 su« r 545,000

Aslinry Park ana Ocean Giwe

‘ B A N KConner Mattison Ave. trod Alain St., - ' ' ASBURY PARK. N. J.

Comer ?|a!n A?’enue aid Pilgrim Pathway OCEAN GROVE.

n K N t t y 0 . W I N 9 0 B . P r a iW M t , ' _ .— G K O , W> K V A N S , V lc s - P r e a H e n t ,

E D M U N D 6 . D A V T O N . C a s h ie r . . -••J E flS lS MINOT?, A s s i s t a n t O a e b ls f .

• DIRECTORS: ■ •■ T.VreiNK i - m . u a * , - n a . J . A. w . n B n u o S t

N. K. DCCriiKOH JOliaUUlIUUDG.O. CLAYTON LUVTia RAIN o n*UO.*.rtVAfm :• ' OtO.-W.TRKAT9. 9. vanauaoN . • ahob t i le o h , :

. . .lllNRT-O. WIN80B . .

A ca o u n ts R e s p e c t fu l ly 1 SoUolted*. S afa D e p o s it f io x t‘8 to S en t;■ ; • '■ V' - ’ 1 ;W e IssiiQ F o r e ig n D raft? an d L et-.

ro„of C r o d lt . ' ? ■

Poland May Get in Trouble For fllfeaking Fire Alarm Wires. ~f t *v I ■■ : ' V’


C om m ittee A p p o in ted to C onfer W ltfi. ' BoUrd--ojf—H e a lth A bou t llaaatlouNatv Iso la tio n llo sp ltn l, ti> T aka tlio.P lace ot th o Olio Iteeen tly D estroyed ISyj?lre. ■ v _ ,The session of oily council last night war;

Very short and hut little bUBlnass was dis- jjosesi -of. Frosjdent Apptebywaaln tho ohair and Councilman Kroo5i!,.MeeUB and Treafrwere present. The e»mmitteS'Wiif£h wdnt to if,ew York to confer with MrrBrad-, ley regarding tUS transtbr of the _lieaoli_ani aewors to the city'bid not return in time ta attend tho council msetlriK arid eonsequent- Sy no action was taken.In tho matter, i

A sat of • resolutions ■ were read from the local ha trd ’ 61 health calling attontion to tho destruction ot»Mm Isolation hospitals' ot tfie township and city, located n.sar the sand hills, about a mliovwost af tha city, which were .bumod a few dnys rko by forest Sires. The resolutions nailed attontion to thojsBrts of such buildings and onumeratejl tiicnum- ■ber of condiRibna.diseased ijatients which li((Vf been.cared for-at that point sineO tha buildlngt).wero- ordcted. -It was urgetlby tha board of health that tlm council appoint a committee toconfer with.the health board and tho township committee, with a view ot reestablishing thu Isolation hospitals nt date. ; . • , , .,...

In compliancQ.wlth Uso request President. Appleby appointed Cduncilmen Klrkbrida, Wilbur nnd Meein an Hint committed.

Tho clerk repcirted tjiK^- tlio teiopliono coaipahy was ready to-piit in tiie niMitlonnl' free telephones ai a'doii ns council would do- (:lde wuerd: they-iiru to The.- hoard de- cided that two of thoal.»lioiiid bn’asslsned to the water depirtoamt. The aOJustmont of":iio talanco was loft to tha street com- iiilttpp. Under tlie now ordlnnnno tho city is entitled to nine free telephones." In Qg; urlrie up last night It was fouod that saven of these freo 'phones aro already located. Tpo two telophohes >vliloh havo been U5,«S by tlio Witter department- liiivo"liSrotofora been.paid for. Tlio board of education bayo asked for ono of tho now Instruments and ■tha fltreot^comKilttoa.will.Boo. what, can.be done. .. . . . . . , .......... '

Prosident Apploby reported that lie Jiitd received an appllciUon from the borouijli of Xlradloy.Boacli naklriff permission to ujo tho big road roller belonging to.theolty, Tlio stoneroad Is being improved througii that borough and the rollenowoed by them? is too small to nccompllah the .desired ra- salt. The'application was deferred to tho street committee, wish power to act.

Upot%motfori o f Sir. Kroehl the flrennd water committoo wero authorized to put a flra alarm hox in the publlo school tii.i1ta.ing-. Tbis was considered n very wise move and there waa not n dissenting voto ngalnst it.

Mayor Ten Broeclr called attontion to llio breaking of tiie tiro alarm wires by Building Mo’yer Poland a few d»ys ago. Ho said it was a serious matter and somo action should be tekon by the board. Tlio breaking of tha wiio put tlio entire system outot ser- vico for more than au.hour aud serious re suits might havo followed? Electrician Hudson said that tills was tbn’ second time Mr. Poland had broken the wires lu ttfo simo way.' It was suggested timt In tho future'he bo refused ii permit to remove buildings through the streets of tha city. The clerk said that such a niovo w'oulil not- .accomplish tlio desired result, us tho permit could bo obtained by tho owner of tlio build- ing,.wh!ch was drtne 111 this jn ataiico 'whon tlid wires wororbrokoii.— Itr-wiiB-sct forth that earioiis damage might'onsuo from the crlppllDg of tho entire lira nlarm syntem without notlco to tho proper persons, and tho sentiment of tho board was. that such notion should bo taken ns would, prevent a repetition of tlie olfeuso in tho future.

A motion finally prevailed to tlio offoot that tho mayor confer with tho" city, solici­tor anil seo what inettiod of puulshment could lib meted out to Mr. Poland for his actions. i — ‘

After passing th9 bills tho board ad­journed to ineet again next Tuesday night . This will ho tho annual meeting,, and after tho old board finishes up tho business of tho OsfAl-yeat tiioy wiii adjourn slno die.... Xkn new bora d will than ho organized nnd Coun- ciiuTan kroohl’s succossdr will take ills seat; . - . . . ■ • ..

llooth's Hcm'tt Nanio (.'hattp'Oif.Tho ilrst actual step tfi tlio estrangement

of tho Booths, fallior and^aon again, was (Mtnprlaed Saturday"ln un order from Judge Kwojzs of tho Jfownr!; circuit court. It U’Kinftd (.'in application-permitting William Booth, ilis lS.yoar.qtd son ot General nnd MrS. Balllngton llooth, and grnmlson of Gonornl William Booth of the Salvation .Army,' to c'uango bts namb to Clmrlos Bran don liooth. Tlio petition claims that the ohnugc \Vob . asked , beoansa Mrs, Booth- Tuckoh litts'ntimcd hcr son William Booth, and for the petitioner to havo tha same uamn would..be. jt sorlqus d«irlbient_and might result lu loss of property to him.

VOTING.PROCEEDS SLOWLYLess TJmn 300 Ballots I>ejmsIt^(|_ly^I¥oth.

\V iir(!« Ifji t( , th e Nuolv ir,.(j!>.. ^■H lfiun tV'ultoii'H KlfiCtlon l ’reillctuil. pPoliticians, and candidates ard ot! tllfl

anxioue aoat today r!jsa.-<llug tho result of the election ‘ In the Second wares, there is no ogpoaitlon, and up to tlio noon.jiouv; only 46 votes were polled. In thorFipt ward the opposition la brisk and: tiie • opposing cand'l- dntea'iire working,hard ts win -tbe victory. Tneuaunlmimber'ot pal! -jfprlters are ou lmnd and carriages .may btj aeon darting l/ltiior and-thither in.searon of thetegls tered voters'. ._ —I . When, thje election board ~ii,3jourfled for dinner 5SJ; votes had bean polled to. tha First ward. Every efforij will be exerted thU afternoon to get tbe billance of the.vote out. Tha roKlstry -llBt contains nearly COO aames. .Conservative lipHticIaiffl /predict tlie elepyon of Hiram ;walt0ii;a 8 /councll- man,.while tho contest betwean J. L .'d iv o r and if. E.' Wortman for'tho ofllcB of treo- holdpr.Is said to.bo vory close.

The polls will close a t T o’cl'ock lonfgiit, ,aud after otip hour's intermission th& «.«l- vasa .of tlio voto will ba nqmmoncefl. It wiii probably ba abput midnight .before the count Is cdn'ipleted.

BELMAR;Mayor William S. .J^clcsott' has moved'

from Pliilbrick’s Hpuse ,to the house recont- ly vacatad by C. O'. Hudnut, onNInth avb-_ nue. : . . ..’

}Irs. S. M .J’ iillin.anil lier son Frank of Philadelphia were In town yesterday. Mrs. PuuKtu Is proprietor o! the Windsor House, Fourth'uycniio nndU stroot, - mid'manages tlio hotel during tlio siimmor nioptbs.,1,’

Tho Belmar route o[ tho Pjiiiss' |s grow­ing— ovldanco tDat’tha pooplo appreciate the oITorta put forth to glvo thorn all tlio. latest local and guneral nows. Carrier Housol will dollver tho Phkss for fi contJ a week. Orders may bo left with lilm anyt 'lm o .~ "~ ------- ' t—;— ; — -

HuaSflll Ci-owlher of this place, who was ■recovering from llio ooeratlon fOr nppan- dlcitls which ha recently uriderwont a t tlie I.ang'Branclv.hospltal, wa9 ready to return homo Saturday, buLao uttack of tha grip will compel htm;to remain'"at the hospital serar.il nrioro days.-

■ IIorSoM lat I’r I v« to -S a t c.Having completed building operations at

my tiew" hotel, corner Grand and Munroo avenues, 1 am again dovotlnu* personal at­tention to the livery, sales and oxchango stables on South .Miiln - street'. Havo ju ;t reoelved a carload necllmated horses par­ticularly adapted fprTmslnciis purposas, which wtlf he sold apprlvntft.eiiliv. Buslneas inUn ar« invited jto call untl tnspy)t tho stock. PHcpa right. M. I , SkxtoS,- 85-8U' 87 South Main streot/Ocoau Grove;

Kor all pcoplo, not for a ."class"—Frank. L. 'X’utclQ. .—■ - ■ S-tf-

Large stook of trussqs a t ICinmontiris,. [tt

‘For freelioldor voto for J. il. Wortmaft.[tf. —. .;■;■»«• • r

I,ess “politics" ana moro good govfirn- inq.nl—KrankL. Tuttle. •' satf .

Vo'.o.for.T, A, Sogor for iiaao'sor. 80 80*

AVON-BY-THE-SEAThe cottngo of Drt'Tfilllam-Rlco of ’l'ran-

t'oFrrff'lwing'prepSfell'ror summer useVi"W. II. II. Tott^ti and Ills , son; Raymond

Totten of New York, .wero Saturday visit­ors. Their summer cottage iti this place is undergoing repairs. . -

On Saturday Robert Gouldy & ■ Son, plumbers, porformed the feat of driving a frator pipe 50 fodt underground fromSny- dor’a cellar’ to Main, street, and coming within ono foot of striking tho watar mala.


Tlio Huylar cottage,'corner Beach aiid Park l’laca avonues, is boing repainted.. Nathan Marplo of pormantowu, Pa., was In town all last weak, suporintemllnj' the furnishing of hla now cottages.

John Hendricjtson has iiiovod from the WlUon ottugo, Main-strflot, to one_of-thc McChasaey liausaa, on tha aa-ne straet.

D ESIO C K A TIO C O N V E N T IO N .*« ’ ■ - •.A WusiilnKton’Doapatcirfaays I t May. Come

to.-lnltitr)- ttirk mill Ocoati (.rove.The following despatch, sent out from

Washington, appeared la a numbor o£ evo- ning papers yesterday: .

“If tliara Is any doubt about Kansas City getting bar hall .‘ready, for the Democratic cyuvctitloii tlio copmilttceKilglit L'litinge'tha placboflio’dliig tlW liiSStUig tO'OCL'iUI'Gt-oVf>; N.'J.,”,sa!d C. C. Waltora of Asbury Park, a t thq/Ebbltt ynstorday. “The Mbtliodlsta havo a t Ocean Grove one of tlio llnost audl- torinms-ln the country. Asbury Pajlr, only a few stops away, 1ms plenty of hotels. Wo would make '20,000 people or more comfort­able;” > •

Tho name of “C. C. Waltors” does not appoar 'in the local directory. • The twin o I tics could Handlo the contention, no doubt, but tlie ciiaucos aro probably slim qf lioldlng It liero. ___ [

' 'o n iT U A H V H E C O R D .

' • .A rin liitu CnuVnoy.On J5unday Armliita Coursay'died a t her

home on Union nvonue, norerSprlngw.ood, \yest Park, aged 111 -yoars.' The funeral will be bold tomorrow at 2.80 p; ni; Services in lietltel A. M. E. church, corner Second nvo nuo und Main street. Interment;, a t Mt; rroipoct cc|notofy.__-

.1 )0 (i t iH t. T o l i t |> k h i k M o.vett?_____' Dr. Goorgo L. D. Tompkins, dontist, lins removed from 017 Mattison avenue, second floor of tho Keator biook, to rooms 3, 3 nnd 4, second floor of tho postoftlco building - Hla new quarters aro large, liglit and c o d - venientiy localadi Dr. Tompkins lias fur­nished bis' dentni-parlors-wlthrtho purpose In view of meeting all tho modern require ments o; his profession and Is roady to glvo prompt Bervlca in any kind of. dental work that may bo butrustod to him.

■ Clarenci) Ware and Josepiv’AVaslolowslti,. who were recently committed to tlio James- burg Raform.schobl from Camden, and Ed­ward Ware, who was commit ted (\rom New­ark, luatio their escape from that lasUtjt- tiohoirSuudny. - .-

— ■ VVI1«H & l^oriiiit'etlv Beds. •Faniou- Wilbrf Manufaoturltig . Co.” iron

beds u t usually sells a t $&isand$B.80. Also solo agants for tho Bernstoin boda; springs guaranteed five years, .: Ilotf. BtkiS iiachCojipast.

\ .: ••• ,'• ■■ - For freedom from ‘'polltioa"—Frank L.

Tuttle, ;* ' • ■— .. sStr•

I t yeu .want’a truss go to Kimnontli’s. [tf

For freeholder vota ?t>r, J. K, Wortman.{tf

Voto for ,T. A.' Sogor for assessor, SO-BO*.-

Salary as Townshjp Police Mag: ^ istrate 'Will? Be $S0Q. *


Becoina Effectlyb^Next Saturday — Hot JJotlvnou Cbllciitor* Olil'arft

lind C o m m i t , Iliivcns —*Murctv ISolul for Collector unit Aiuomit lie- ilueed, to . 8 ao,0 o(l. - -TJie session, or the 'N’bptano T.bwhshlp

committee hiiltl last night a t their bead- quarters pn,S(Juth Main street was prolong­ed untiLmldnight. ..All the mambars \vore presont. 'Much ot tho timo was.qcctipled lfstan[ng.td tho. roa'dltie ot six nav ordl^ nances and discussing the various pt ovislona tliey coiitalnod. . .. * ,

Cqnsldorablb time .was Wasted in';a’)iot. vVaapSrm'di.ttiaten'suewbot\veon COliebtor ’William GifTiird utid Committeeman David E;. Havens,. .The dlspdte, It is said, arose over diffaroucbs of opinion liaid by the two gentlemen regarding tho non-collection.of taxes and tho discounting of notes to bridge over the deficiency, thereby irtcurring extra axponso, ' Charges and 'counter-charges ware made, and i-liarp personailtios woro In­dulged In during tho'heated argtimntit."

When m atters’had quieted down; somo- whattholgjitoud rchdlngand -litiiiLiijtssago Of six ordiiiuwcqs occupied:tlio attention of tlio committoo. Tlie. ordinances'wero as fpllows: (l) To prohibit, vlcoaml Immorality and fixing the flnas to bu Imposed Cor riij. latlbnot the sama| (2) fixing tlio cofnpoiisa- tlon df-. tlie police magistrate; (3) :prdhlblt- Ing -fast driving" in the township'streets: (4) prohibiting tho running ni largo of anl- Btuis; (5) providing for a hoard of, lioalth under tlio new towuship law; (It) regulating tho opening or ■ digging up .of'streets, or al- leys-for'tho purpt»H:of l»ylng-ivittor,-gtl3'dr sewer utalrts, or for other purposes.-

Tlio r.’joya ordinances wiii ail 'go-intd of feet next Saturday. ‘

In order to Comply With ail’ tlio provisions of tliosecond ordinancajiassud last night it was necessary to appoint aj’ iolice magis­trate.' Justlco .P. F. Dodd was named for tliteposltlon aud tho comniltteo.confirmod his appolntiiiant.''Hls’siiliry is tlxod by the, ordinance a t £300 per year lirifeuof all fees.

A petition from the E ist Jersey Coast -Water, company requesting-permission-.to opeit.iWest- Munroa avenue from tho prop­erty nt No. iOlt to I,angford street, for the purpose of laying a- water main, was laid over for futitra action. ■

Collector William GI!Tar!l.'requested the commltteo -to reduce tho amount of his bond, claiming; It wpk U p high. Aftor con­sidering tho m atter tho board granted Jils tequest, redticltig tho ainouu't from S.’iO.OOO .to $110,000. Surety bonds will • also bo sub- stltuted for .Individuals, tho township coni- mltteo agreeing to p ty hair the expanse. -

Tho collector reported that ha had re calved about J2.500 last week as a result of tlio notices recently seiit out to tax de­linquents.

The eonuriltteo adjourned to meet ngaih .ou Thursday evening a t tho ofllce cf S. , i Pattorson, .township counsel. -Tiio' license ordinance and-tho-question-of-appointing!, pbllca will probably beutnoug tho matters considered. " , .

CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGST l i o C i t y W i l l S e c u r e r o H s o s s f o n o f i t c i u - I i

a t i d S u w o r s in M i u u io r l t v i i u c s t c d H b y S i r , l t r a i l l o y .

Dt;. 7tjeorgo F. Wilbur aud Counsellor John F. Hawkins, representing tho city council's committoo on.tho beach purchase, were In NewT,ypfk yesterday and held a canfnrenctrwlth~Mrr1lrA!llByreganl[ii|i;'liI-r further’ pleasure In connectioti .with the transfer of the beach and.sawers to tlio city. The conference whs Safil >o have bceii very satisfactory and no obstacles will be-planed- In tBolvay of tho immedlato consummation of tiro deal os piVJvidetl for in thb resolution recently passed by tlie council. Tho prop- ortywlll b» acquired by condemnation ns wiis requested by Mr. Bradloy, and Solicitor Hawkins will begin the .proceedings as scon as possible. • •

1 l l i i c s s TVtnUcR I t o y 1 1 c u t ', I l i m i l ) m u l IU i v. tt

James Carroll, tho S-ye.ar-old-son of.Joliii ..Ciu-roll'of Wust Red B.ink, Is nfillctod iii a yecullar manuoK”:Al)'illl'T(illt;'wStik» agii'he w>8-.yilw> »tek •ylth. p.iieunionlii, 'which,, aitter n week’s lline3.Hiturtied-into braln^bm- Idlcntlotia. ■ Tlio boy could nelthor-^ec*, lieai- igi-'talk. Ho is .recovering"from Ills Illness it present; but for tho past, throa weeks has lot uitofed . a syllable. Ha' Is sepmingly jiisciouj of afftliat Is going oil. ___

r i ( ‘r r n W l i o u t 'M u in l i i i u t i P o p n l u r l t y .

W. '(■ SaitfordVnicyclu iloalbr at (rfo Mutt! son avonuo, reporti thaf the. 1‘larce wheel Is as popular this year as it has been in. the past. Tho following-salas havo boen niado during the lastweak: Cllf. Boaroioi-?, Itlch- anl Bradford, A. R. Asay, HcTCelD; .Wuwun-Htrdson, Jamns Forbes, JIIss Agnes1 Liinb and Mrs. W .‘P, ivdson.- L. -T. Pardiin, .Hartson Taylor nntl Charles Black havb puroUasad Ivor Jolliisqn.'wboels

If you-aro a voterirt thO'First ward, it is not too Into to cast a ballot for Hlraiu Wal­ton for councilman., Tlie polls remain open until-7. o’ciools,tills pvonltig. .. -

Gl-and Oponltu;.. .Tho Asbury Park ‘Builtlliig Supply-com

patiy doslrea to Kea~tholr. frlantls nt their opening, which-takes'placo on Thursday afternoon, between 3 und li o’clock, nt the corner nt Second avenuo. and: Langford street, W est-Park, An. opportunity t o j l t

...................................clils now. runningspeot tha now plant, wlilol injull force by olectrkltj tion shown tholadlaii Kefreshmonts.|8.>.h0

Bualneaa man, 1 - want your support. Frank L. Thttle. . . - 82tf» • • - \ .

Vote' for Joseph' I,. Oliver, tlio peonla's choice for obosaii freeholder. .. .^ --83tf

For fraehbltler vole tor J. E. Wortman. [tf

-^Voto Jor-T. A. Sogor for assessor,.. SO-Sili'

BRADLEY BEACB COUNCILKl^ol rlc . - itail \yay C o m p u n y Will lit- .B e - f ] yupNt4;it.to*'itnUo Truclw to tiviuti;

/ jm d Gra'i-cl Thclr "Kimdhed,M ayor R ogers and Counolimait Bogart,.

F o s te r and Burney constitu ted the w orking foi'coof tllQ Braillay BSkcb borough, epunei! a t th e m eeting bold la s t n ljjh t, Tho, naw council ,rooa5' In tlia W oailay hu tld lng ' w as occupied fo r tlio f irs t t im e ... . _ • . ' " J -

, Council w as Botiliod th a t the heasInB ba- fora tho Btata board of tax a tio n o t TJS?it(in of the appeal of_tho A sbury, PaTk and Sea ( lir t R ailw ay comiKiny fo r a-rc tliit'tlo ii /of tlie ia tter',s tax assessm ent from Sld.OOO. Io 12,000, had bean jiostpaned from today un til next. T uesday, A pril, 17:. T he m ayor was authorized to selobt e xperts to ascerta in the valiio of-tlia com pany’s p roporty w ith in tha. borough lim lta. 1 , ; ,

Tha street cbmmltteq.wpqrtcd the amount of money;expended up tp^iiat Saturtliiy, for tho Main street'lmprovemant.. v. ‘

resolution pissed to havo a note for $2,7)00jiscouiitb.l at. HieASbury Park and Oce m Grqvb bunk, iq itnticlpiition of.iaxos',- for linrougli purposes; ■ .’■ Collector iV. K. Brad tier's bond for $ 16, - jOiyv signed by blmselt aiid Joseph R . and Ilolifcrt X). Bradrier, vr<t9 presented anrTutr. cepled. ■'..... ’ ', ' ‘ : .• The prdinanca fixing the s.-il ii-y of tho a?*

Beosor nfcSJOO per year und that of tho col; 'leqtpr a t $‘J5'0 passed sbcutid rea'diiig. •> *£

•A redtlon prevailed that tlio clerk serve notice upon tho trolley railway company ra. questing t.lie:n to raise tlielr-triioks tog'niju and gravel their porllon of the roadway.'

VV. J , Payntcr reslgped as overseer o f tiio poor, and.,the,.fipoolntmeiij o f William 13.

MacDonald to tho position n-.is noritirnied'.", FKd Mooy nppenred Iwloro CiJtuinll nnd l-cquested't.liitt njjii.jrslml bn appointed -to- preserve order in the streets jpn Saturday night, a t leiist, imtsniucli.as Uiore \yaa con-' shlorablo.dlsordor lust Saturday night':- His plea was useless,‘aa council took no .action.

- - c'o U NTVAN D "STATE--: ~

sou of Ber- isack with

Tlio fees paid -at the secrolai-y. of state's ofllce during March for corporation organi­zation amounted to 800,331). ,

The no w proprietors of tho 'old /.,! t.. Holly fair croundB aro arranging to .hold a two days’ fair iu tha fall.

State Senator WIIHAin M. Jolm gen county has presented Hacke a $10,000 froo llbrarjk;bulldlng. '.

A number of cranberry bogs In Faultier, ton townshlpi'Burllngton coimty. hnvo been Injured during tlia past wcek UvTorcst fires which.are raging In that section.

North Long Branch roskleuts want a new railroad depot. TUo building now iu usa was erected over a quarter eoutury ago, .and does not compare favorably withHbe moderli structure a t Monrarouth Boaoh.

Mra- Hepry, mo’thcr oWhodata Mrs; Sam­uel W. Mari!orum, jvho was formerly a resi­dent of Trenton, but who now lives at Fronchtoivri, has recout.ly had loft her about $100,0C0 by a brother, who died in Cali­fornia. .. ..

Pornul fishermen ara setting their poles anti nets along tha Jersey coast nnd 'pro- -parlng for sprhig and summer business. It Issuld there..will bs no additional.'.pounds between North Long Branch ahd Sea Bright tills year. -.. ’ ' • ..

' “ T tic n u c e ii 'O r C hinatow n."For next Monday evenlug, April 10, Man­

ager Morris iiay-a,ccurtal “ Tlio Queau of Chinatown" .company for Park Opora .House, Tlirj Katv York News says of this play: “ ‘Thtt Queen of Chinatown’ Is a pluy la four licts froiu tho pen of Jo-cpli Jarrow. As its title suggest s, It ^o.ils with lifo in Chinatown ar.d abounds In starUiug.sonsa- tlons>, is brimful o[ comedy nntl liberally in­terspersed with new and bright specialties.’

• Ilold for tho' <*van() «)nr:.v. T'T Vo^yyrSr'etS5a%as‘lTeioru'JOTtlS0ropr yeaterdiiy. cltargerl with - robbing Frank Woolley of $15 ou SaLurday.oveuing lasf.~lt la alleged tlint Doremus succeeded In get­ting Woolley drunk and thou rilled bis pockets. J us.tico Cross held Dorenms under fICO bail lo await tho action of tho grand jifry. 'i’ho rfqiilred bond was furnishedand ]((fwias~*olon4etl,f . >•

— 4~ '* * — :— f |. . . Otltl Trt*ii.st»»* T r ia U , . . * ^r ^ f A p r i l 11 - -Tli

nf T iii' Tfriii's sit h Miri-iirit Ww'?ilrVat'.t tf ' n iu*r;‘»i:>FTh'av.i*n n ia l ;>v .\o? !j;i:jih slnjr;:'. • cln ir^rdiviill .Ifroyiii^ 5r: i ,*• KiiirinitM- .Uuntjili. it lsiin«o iiu* C ity Mini SnintHjiin miiiC*. .wiJli. Mu* in trn ljo ii n f - lyiMinjr IiIim. iik a ;!i nrfr^ivVriit r . i t \ Hr* :iii\a-"m e j » n i | H v j I —\r* * n 1 1 > • t*hiti^eiI• wit li. :s 11 *l mv* in mh:m1i'V lntn im il-u iU:- fiirrin.u IiP.u •ii!»r»r lisrcjils In hand nv.T 5* 1,(:l'U. .T h f wiio »!i r lm ri! Mu*m ! ht* ira l am i ijhti*. rv.iruiiiisui,

-k i 'I iU m I u m ] • *r Uk*- th:,c?c‘, I Umujim'v,, I rum riistixly,. "!:! scvri)

\*car.sV iiii<ar!sti:i»• «-sij r«n- mur-dvr; iu’u m ttin jrtho -n t'h rv s:---------- ■--------- :

T r o n l t l p * n i Jh 'i t‘ l» « i i r x x 11 I jp f ' l i H n r h o H i ’SVltl*.*/ K .v . , A j i i i ! i **.--«( ’ i r o t t i f

I 'M ii 't y r V ti -n i .- iy , I m t ' i t Ms « lo « i! r lfn ijm lm w i l l H l il lx-V V 4 { -s u n W. S.‘ Hrowij;- \V.h'«*u Hn ■ liim *" ''iip rnm i? :court rfltju*, .irnljrr*' itriVvvii and a A»w •minutos;!;Uit*!uilirt’ Wil i.m uj»|n‘ai*-i;d a cui-ti!i.cjYtir;l-V»nn tlie Hootfcm-oohmfl^ioiicis nnd sijjnvd.by'Bodiliuin. l i tw n r o f u s i ' i l to c-vatMiutv* , " V — -

O, . . . '- C j i r i l o f . T l i u n l M , * , ^ - * ' - _

Mr. nnU Mrs. Rolmrc nntl . family of IJ rad Toy Boaoh Uft9tro to thank their friends for tho llowors apd attention phovvrv; thom dnriner’ tho sickness and doari) of Jiurtlo Mefflll. 30’.'

For TreoUolder vote for j . E. >Vor.tman.J.t t'

Gcorcro L. D. TotirpklhsJ t).t).SMlifts moved ^rouUdfUorinor lowiUon, OlT.^utUson ave­nue, ttrt-oomsS, 3 aud 4, rb^toilico building.

■ ' ' -U ' . - ' -SUt'f

•Voto for Joseph 'ij. Cii vor, > tho eoplo’s" cholob for chosen freeholder., •.%. * ■ 83 tf -

'j Fcr freelioldor A'olb for J^E.-Wortznan.(tf

Voto &r T,;A. S ^ r f o r assessor.- 80 SC:•. '."'-'a (v ' --------

Tho circulation of tha r‘Mt.Y PnK65 goes forward steadily aud rapidly.

friends Talk of Nominating Him for Vice-President


C l a i m U ilie r t! A r a N o N e g o t i a t i o n s t o C 'o m - 1)11 Hi W i t h C a i a i L .g l c - S 'r l c k l a t a :

a n a c l e a n s ( a a a n j t l t . I t , ‘] ) a r ‘ .

B i i t t t a . ( tn . T o d a y B e t w c j e i i i l o i u ‘n a n d 1 J ri> Sh I j , 1 ' v .

I fBy PtibllelHT.i Preas.l ■ Washington,' Tuesday;—'lira, report that

the friends of ex-aoVarnor Robert E. Patti- son of ';Pann?y,lvaniii; nro .booming hitri'for, tho nomlnatlQn of vice-presldew. on .She Democratic ticket with Brynfj; is attracting much attention bore in. legislative and po- lllldal ehrcles; T im fact- that Mr. I’attison lias 'beaii ^rlcntad sfelegate-at-Iargb froni Pennsylvania to tha National convention at Kansas City, aiid that tho frl delegates have beon ipstructid to vote as a unit for Bryan, would seem to ludictttii' that Pattlson t.ukos kindly to the' suggestion that be is to act as running, mate for' tho Nebraskan. V,

T lf i ; ,U n t . l ,S J X t i S P R E A D S . •

A f r i c a n T r i b e s ' i n t r a i t i s i i O o l d . .C o a s t C o l o n y \ t>'„ K a s t l y C a c a a .

British Gold Cbast Colony, Africa, Tues- dny.—A relieving force of 100 Hussars loft yesterday for KumassI, wiiereGovernor Sir Fredorick Hodgson is lrying_ tb negotiatq rvith Uia troublcaoiia! tribes.'-Tiio forca is bullevcd to bo limulllclent,,. as ,tho natives a ra' concent.rating, bell r Ktiinitssl. i'bo up- i-Isliig Is spreading everywhere. '

l l D K l t S A l t l ! C A N N O N A D I N G .

I’ost HlgOiin Nctu* ^-Ilnndslaagte—Stroiisly l--ittriiui:!i»d at! llitlpniiifcaar.

Pletermnrltsburg,—Tuasdayi—Heavycati' nonadltig, Iti ijio direction of Klamlslffagte, itortli ot Ladysmith, •hegati -this ntorrilng, Tho Boerf- posted a big gun north-of Elands.- huigto atitf rire roporreil to bo strongly en­trenched' a t , Helptnuknnr,'_ northeast ofthere. ........ :

T i n - ; i t u t ’o i t T K i i ) i c t : i . i ; i i . —

Cratnj> OtttcIillH Suy. Thoro, Arc. No Xc- ^■itlal.loiiH With llut'nogle and 1 'I-Ii'k. *

phlladelphln, Tuesday. — That negotia­tio n ara-potidlng-looking to-tho comblna- tfon'-'oT the^glgantlc^Carnoglo-Frlck-inter- ests and tho Cramp shipbuilding concern Is denied by the (llldals ot tho-lattercom­pany. The report la notTonly denied but ridiculed. . '_______

C C W I .- M lT T U I i - W lL I . I t U P O K T

Monmouth Building:, Asbury park] H.'j.

CAPITAL, ,$iao,000.g O R P L u f e , , , . . ; 25,000.

K i e c u t c s n i l t r u s t s k n o w n to t h e l a w .T.o h u s m o u e y o n b o s id a n d in o r tg n f f e R cce W e s itcp o B ltn s u b je c t io c h e c k a n d a l lo w s

in t e r e s t o n d a i l y b a la n c e s . - A ! ta a s T r u s t e e R e g i s t r a r a n d T r a n s f e r A s e a t , I ’a y s c o u p o n s . . - * •

colfifterSlaetTlatI!l and tlme Ioan» on-approved - - S a l e d e p o s i t , v a u l t s , — 1---------

'A. C. TWINING, prea’iIentCc ; B . l i r . i tA R V H Y , v i c e P r e s i d e n t ., R . A . - T t J S 'n ; ; c ; , S tc r e l a r v ,

B . C : C O R N S t l , , T r e a m ir e r ,

C o m b l n o i i T u r in * ' a n d C i v i l G o v e r n m e n t ' U i l l l f o r r n r t n I t l c o t o H o u s e .

Washington, Tuesday.—1Tlio ways and m’oans committee, liy a strict party voto of 8 to 5, decided today to report tba combined & rlit and civil governmont bill for Porto Rico to tho house,with the recommendation that concurrence ballad in all the senate ttmondments.

F I G H T I N G B B .S U M E D T O D A Y . •

T U e H a a i t i t n a I t r l t i s h E n c a s e l a a H a r d....................I t u l t l c a t W t i p o n e r .

Allwal-North, Cupe Colony, Tuesday.— The engagement atW epenor botwean the Boors and British undor Braban^-whiclf be­gan yestorduyt was rosumocl nt -au'early hour this mornlDg.

j l l u y A t t e m p t t o , I t R t a k a l l r l d t r c .

BethullOj Orango Free State, April 0.—A largo Boer force is located is! mll.os east.of this place. It is believed t.iiay will attempt ^o.. retake ..Ilethullo bridge and destroy It. Extra precautions are being taken -to guard. i t . . ‘ •; • r— - - — —

1 .p in 'v .s K e i t r l i .S t. H i i l o n s i . ’

" London, Tuesday.—A despatch from St. Kolona says that the .transportsNiobe and Jlllwaukce have arrived there with Iioer prjs.onops, tlio latter -belog all reported in grooa.health. . * ” . A fferrililo A t't'itlen l.

M adrid, TueeJay.—A t. Corunrn^ y este rday ,- while a p ries t w as aU m lnisteriug 'the la st sac ram en t to a -dying: m an iu tlm presence o f h is relative^ tho floor of tlie roonrtinye w ay and tho dying rimmTnd fo u r persons wero killed aud a.m itnhpr in ju red .

•.VTo netiirffrillarkVNoat■'Vacant.----^ Wa&hjngto:i, Tiip^da> \ ^ ’h3;. fc_onate.“CO)n-_m itfce oil piivlioues Iiiik ifnciilcit touuani* Th oil si y rectTnTinend tna t-fho sea t o f Senator- C lark of M ontana he deciafed v a can t. 1 *.

Tint_ W oiillior* ,\Y ashington, T uesday / F a ir tonight;'

ra in W ednesdayaften icon’o r n ig h tr warm er; W ednesday; fresh norM ioiiy.windh.

T u o n l y . I ' i u t t i l i r s I l i i in e l iv s K ,

Seven dwolliugs aurl two barns n.t Perth Amboy: woro destroyed yesterday by lira. -At leapt. 20 families wore made homeless, besides losing everything tlioy possessed. Soma of the inmates wqra luclry fttcsoapo with thuU'-livfei,_,ns th o 'bulHiiigs burned, raphtly nnd they lind llttlo timo to get cut'. I'ueilfls^Lls estimated at, about fi3;000,.pltrt- •ly coverpil -by iimujnne'e.— ~ — -----

Shortly aftor -tha .congregation tit tlio First Prosbytelan chnicli o£ Jprso'y Cuy IIled out a t the..conclusion of tha morning; services lasttSurtday, Dr. S. AOi>ton i?e;ircf>, tlio ol'i'canist,' diod lu. 11. small room, oil' thb aiulitoi'ium and a t tlio right of tho organ,/ front a'stf-pko of apoplexy: . Ho was salzetl wltli liis fatal'illnSfiS whllo".'playing ^lia or^ gait lit tlio opening of tho services;.. ’

" 1 . ~ • '' Si vi-1 nr;' H ta'ulgcar foV iMaa.

Our sjirili’g styles In dorbles.tind felts aro hero. All ilia naw blacks lit prices one-tliird less thnq other ostabltehments cxact, ,

L’l IE ST K IN -U A C il W VM PA'Xy.

Voto for jbsepit L. "CHvcr, tho peoDlo’s uholca for cliosoii freehold or". ' ' .83 tf

Tho people's candidate—Frank L. Tuttle. . :■__, . salt.;-

-Vote fprTa A rBegbr for a^se^Bor.. 80-8iy>,

a. I

; ■ A STORY ■

Of Jiow happy-you . would be in a home o f your own, and: one to of­fer-for sale at -a low price, wi{h smp.ll payment dgwn. " . /■

i he rentals saved in.a few yeafs would go a : long way toward pay­ing the balance,

Let us give you particulars.■ ;'■> -..


268 Main Street.

- AND -

.Ct,.U..nrQwTt,-H : B u c h ffn o o ,

I), c: C o r n e l l , ’ /W J . I l n r r l s o i i .Col. Cw. n . *VT. H n r v e y , C eo rR e V . K r o e h t D ru ce S . K e a l o r . M . D

D I R E C T O R S ; R r A . TuB tinfifi

G . D . W . V ropm

H e n r y M itc h e l l , M . D . J o h n P. O ’B r ie n . .P e t r y R .Smith,8 . A . r n t t e r s o u .A . O . T w in in i f ,H. ir. Vreeland,

Higli. Grade: Fis.Mrig: Tackicliepalrlnjr on Roda n n d lietsla.

- J---- CIGARS'-ATMD“TOBAt;CO“ “ ---iniportctl Kay West and Domestic, Clears and oil

Smokers' Articles.T lie b e s t o l j r a r t h a t 5 c e u ta c a n b u y ^

J . F . S E G E R .

K A S T F .R c a r d sa l l La t e s t d e s i g n s '


E A 5 T E R B O O K L E T S

PAAS'EQQ bTE5. T r e e f r a n c V o lao a ,

P A A 3 P A P E R b Y E 5E ach e n v e lo p e o f 12 s h e e ts 5 c e n ts P r in ts b o a u tlfu l sh a d e s o f v a r io u s c o lo rs . WIII co lo r.fro m .3 to Q doz.O R B S . . .

HARRY ft. BORDENS t a t i o n e r - ^ N e w s d e a l e r

Cor. Bond St. and Mattison Ave.

Your EyesWill take care pf you if you will take care of them. . When they warn you

. that some tiling la wrong p a y . attep?, ■ ■*tibii“tprrt.* ■

. . Headache and Neuralgia quickly relieved.

S T r L E S & a G O .• E y e S p e c i a l i s t s ,

2 2 2 ; M . 4 I N s t r e e t: if, ~KVF,ity<ffiui>AY

-. ‘H o n r s i 1 to 1 p . 'm ., 2 to . S p . i i^ ,

Tree ftraTOin‘Jition.;"AU QlasBo3 guaranteed.

Capital, $ 1 0 0 *0 0 0 ' S u rp lu s , 8 70 ,0 00 -

First NatiplBantOF ASBURY PABK •

Mattison Avenue and. Bond^Strdot( O r g a a l ^ d F o b rtia ry ,.1 8 8 fl .) _

J. . . : O F F I C E I i a I - « •QKOKF i.^ n Q rn t^ E r£ s i ld f l i i J . ' ... .... ,

O, H.'liHbwN, 1st VlceHpreaidont, .M . L . BAMKAWi 2d V ic e d ’f e s td o r it ,

' Al, V^ D a o s r , C a s l l e r .31. I I . S o o tt , A s a l r ta f t tC M h le r ;

D IR E 0 T 0 1 U 3 ’ ' ' r - i^ ‘ Q . F . Kr&f-'hi, ’ M ali Ion R .?J f a r t to r u m .

O tiv e r U ; D r o w n , W lU iom H . l i e e g l e , i ^ n io e H. K e a t e r , '8 . W . J C Irk b r id o ,

. 1). O . C o v e r t , - M . L . p a m h ia n ,I s a a c O . IT e n n e d y , G h a r le a A . V o u n tf , *: . M ila n U ofis, • A lb a r t O . T w ta in g f , B h e r m u n B . O v la t t , R a m u e l J o h n s o n ,

f — tW U lia rn H a th a w a y . ■ ’

Comparatiye DeUosltS- ' “ Ssptember & 1880 i . , . .5873,704.57: •• •• " .8, -188S . , ., ; . 408,104.44: o, 1803 : 4fio,iiU3. •• • 7, 1SU7 . . . . 086,008 41

, . 7;»18118 . . . a ; . ■ 604,044,77P a t r o n s V a lu a b lo i r e c e iv e d f o r e a f o k e e p in g

fro o o f c h a r g e . . r * J - . . . ' <k• F o r e ig n E x c h a n g e b o n £ n f c tro d » $ ld « 'C o lle c t io n *p r o m p t ly a c k n b W lB d g ed . • • - t • *: i

V o a r h aa iu e fid fa V o re ic a p e c t f u U y a o l i c i te d


D e f o r e s t e d M o u n t a i n s /

o f T r o p ic M P o r t o R ic oi ■ 1 Goverrior-.Genener^rbavis Issues afi Important

Order to Save the Trees of the. Island-

F ORTO RICO w ty^jm glnally m an­tlet! by forests ffr)m the level of tlieseh, to the Kiiminit .of its m oun­

tains. I t is-tlonbtfiil if there was. a single fooit o f i ts a rea which was no t a t some tim e covered by tree grOwth-, varying in li'cig-Ut from the diminutive mangrove bushes jvliicli' border .the seashore to the., gigantic deciduous' trees m ingled w ith »tlie fro n ts and. trunks of tow ering palms,’ Which add height to th e -loftiest peaks , and lodges; B ut th e .woodman’s ax lias ■\vrought, such havoc among the once luxuriajifc forestV H Jan t", practically

' none are left. E n tire m ountains have been denuded of th e ir forest growth}

~*iHid" th e ,vg rea t,~ b arP rocks stand ou,t a s ’the prom inent: and unpicturesque feature of P o rto Kican scenery. • t .

"To-;yfim‘edy .ib is.eviV -asfar -as, pos­sible Gov. Gen, Davis recently, .issued an o rder preventing th e cu tting ..of

tim e as coffee, and hence areTatt in­teg ra l p a r t of the general culture. The trees, thus used a re th e gu'avtf, guaina, bucaro and m aga. These a re tr^es which grow* so rap id ly th a t by the tim e th ^ coffee bush re ac h es .m atur* i ty a t the end of seven, years, they are very t a l l ’forest trees.* giving a dense fehade above th e bush. •. The m ountain tree s are.~of m aiiy

genera. They a re largely hardwoods, occurring singly o r in variedassjocin-. tion. and not as collections of a single specimen,.such as th e pine forests of the. United States. Among the trees- of the m ountains m ay be m entioned th e fallowing: Pnpayrt,. guayacanV bu- enre; * tabanuco, canafistolo, m aria, gmpna, guava;* piin ienta, nutm eg, sa- bino ( ta l:\umo), hirtella,* guava, lo­belia sp., helieonia sp., ausubo, guar-, aguao, maga, laurel, cax^a, eedroV.co- Joba, roble, ceiba and several palnis.

A ,

j ^l r


any tree o r shrub, in the island w ith­ou t express government . permission,

-a n d revoking a t the same time every ~ coheession fo r iirriber cuttiiig - th a t had been g ran ted .by. the government • of Spain-in-the -island.

T^hose who have read Kingsley’s 5iP tere^ting description, .of the tropical

’. fo rc e s o f ’ Trinidad <or Lafcadio j^Hearh’s vivid,'pictures o f. th e vast woods of SJartinique Vyiil be ciisa.p- pointed no t to iind such forests."arid

-woods*, duplicated ia Porto Rico, ex­cept in the single instance of the sura- init portion eft El YiinCjue, .’' in • the Sierra X^uquillo, wiiere th^re are about eight square miles of virgin forest.'fhe island, although, wooded in th e sense th a t i t is still dotted .by m any beautiful tJ*ees, • is largely deforested

/ from a comm ercial po in t of view.To the casual observer, the aspect'

-o f PortorTiiconn-places4ti-still-tha(rt5f--tiic“ Yunque—forestphufc^the-costr-iit


. : an open wooded landscape. The farm s . and p lantations, excepting the tobac­

co and sug^r fields, are not cleanly -clcarod- like —those- of the .. Uriit.cS S tates,but, on the contrary, individual

. trees are abundan t and 'w ell distrib- ,,>-^4^d everywhere^ Along th e ' road­

sides, arpund every hut, and through- - out the coffee p lanta tions a re m any

trees, a few. of which are rem nants of _■ »,-_:^the^aboriginal fnrpgt,awhile mokt of

1 have been planted for- shade or- ~ - f n i l t r 0 i‘airg^trcv5r"MrirgOTsr^'jnnr=: r^^xates,_‘-.b.read fru it, ,Tnamevs. au d .o th e r

sta tely t rees. a r e , com m 6xi.wh ile,. as in our own deforesteil region, tliere are a 'few tim ber-m aking trees which have been spared the ax. . Resides these larger t^ees •‘flamboyantes, nis- peros' and gruannbonas of sm aller growth* add th e ir foliage-to-the wood-ed aspect of t iie is la n d . ' * . •

The general grow th of the moun­ta in region consists of deciduous trees .of many species, free ly interm ingled with shrub and g ^ s s , and a,hove 1 ,0 0 0

• . feet w itji’fern trees.-. In some i^lacesthe • iintlergrowt'h *is made up largely.

o tfc rn s of^UrUTnoro'ii's species, m any ofT“ wli telria rc~srTt al l"a trdHeiilHTo f*grow tff

as t_6 constitu te a veritable ^uligle. Much of the' mountain landscape is

‘niiow occupied b y cultivated crops of f eotleei tobacco, fru it-trp i»k • shWibs.

j ctc.V~br6kcn by verdant pastures. of r^ la ll^p Ji ra.- and t Gui u ear-gi;irs's7 w hi eh”

co n stitu tes‘th e staple* forage o f-tiie Uilahd .---Thore-arn-nianv—la pge-<;'ii 1 tl'-'. ^ vatcd shrubs and busbe£ at til ill ing

th e size o f , a penrli tree. * which’ give an aspect of primeval wildness to one who first„se<y3 the country; hence it i s 't h a t some oif tl'ese mountainous

i*. portions of th e island which havu* the * 'U ^ ec t of th ick primeval forests, wlien ■ first viewed from a distance by the

trave ler from / the tem perate clinics, a re really 'th e :mosfc'highly'ciiitivatod

Sticlt.\jv9 9 dcd Ianils are often occu­pied hy tiie coffee p lantations^ The coffee- bffslu which a tta in s n6"’*grcat ii^ight. is always-accompanied bv an

: ' overgrowth qf dense shade’ (the first essential to th e life o f# the oofFec bush), so th a t the ly.tfe'r.has th e .a p ­pearance <sr an underbrush • in t]ie m id s t'o f h igh fqrest trees. T '

In prepariiig a cofltee plantation, the• native fo res t is e itiier JJiiuned <of ‘all

excep t th e h ig h est treps or eomplete- ly cleared of all grow th and new frees

• planted fo r th e express, purposc’o f af- ' ‘fording.shade. In thn la tte r case the.

U^shade trees a re planted a t the_sam e

1Single specimens or small groups,

of the above trees, which have been spared the woodman’s ax, may be found tl l rou gho UT'thp'’ u pi a fid' portion of the .island. ’ In one place,' however, t he-original-forest has been preserved,, T h is‘foi*cst is upon th e sum m it of El Yunque, the h ighest peak of th e is­land, situated n ear th e northeast end. and lias been protected, by its inac- eligibility. Although th e mountain is ham ly 'over tf,21)0 feet in altitude, i t is constantly bathed in m oisture, and tjie steep 'tra ils ‘ to its summit through red clay and mud are almost impasssablc for man and beastt. Tlio forests on El Yifnque consist o f-an alm ost im penetrable jungle of trees underbrush, and lianas, and are ex^ cccdiugly wet, th e ra infall averaging 120.inched per yea’K 1

to g s are .still cu t from the edge of

time and labor of securing tim ber therefrom is fa r more than it would

InStory T hat II« E.xccntetf .Thtem V llla se StinnPo:W JUiontTrlnl.

— •ManilUy.A/»ril 1 Pi—An interesting topie of cdnrewation In arniy circles is the in- v^tigntion of Brigadier (Jeneral Freder­ick FunsHm's e.xccution of two KlUpihos and the-possibility of a court martial re: suiting (herefrom.

The story isahat the Filipinos captured three Maewihche scouts .w 1 ixt_miie„crps ing tlieYountry near.San Isidro and were preparing to kill ihcin, when one of'the Miiecalit'bes esciiped and foiuul General Kunston.witli n scouting party near.;

This ‘mail guided the Americans to the rescue of liis (;ouipitniims, and'when the troops approached the Filipinos fled, I'cav-’ ing the Miicenbelies. Several oif the~Fil- pinos were shot, and ‘General Funstou •aptured. two’uf them, took them to the*

Grillage sipinre and hanged them without ;rial us:a yhrning to the Filipinos.

The present method of warfare and .in- ■tanccs.of the mutilation of prisoners lave -incensed the Americah soldierB'do nich a degree that they feel,justified in making reprisills/wliiehjlifts been done on, leveral occasious lately. ■* . “

There is a strong feeling among the res :dents and "friendly Filipinos -that the ’lunese genei'a). Pana, whor|ns.unnonnc* fd on .March 31,‘stfrreftdcrcd to Brigadier

./xpm^sil Kpl>lje. aft‘er terrorizing, thejroyiiicc of I’anajv'rshould. he .severely

(punished. >' • . - . . ’ ’ .I t is pointed out that his .career has

liceir more, tiiat of .a hriganil than of a ■ioldier,-.iiirlu! looted and extip’n>d inohey by torture from wealthy natives aud •hunted alive sonic.of.his followers who 'intended to destM-t-him. •. It is believed I ’ami surrendered because- he'(carcil-Jii^ own men, and he expected '.o he nilrolcd like other ollicers anil enjoy

/the^fniits’ <»f his brigandage. *.Ait‘#A;ipui:in*t(uS:*Day Banqdet..

V PhiladelpJiia, April 30.-—The medal of "mnor. m’en residing.i:i this city and viciu- ty last ‘night observed Appomattox, day. ay holding a hanque't. '£!*> guest of hou- ir was'JIIajor t.Jeueral Nelson A. Miles, tv.ho was.called uprjtf*to Te^ponTTTo onl'^bf- :he toasts. A fterJ^en^al Miles.hnd cot?1 /tided he w is driven ‘to . Lulu temple,

*yhere he att,etr<led the-banquet of the Union Veteran;legionr \vhich^vas Jilso oh-* Serving the anniversary of tKc surrender >f -tioneral Lee to General Grant.*-. Gen* •ral Miles made an extended speech ‘Iteminiscendes of the Surrender.”


be to .import sim ilar woods (from San­to Domingo. , ,

. A_f«!.w acres' of forest* ar/c also pre^ served liere and th ere , in the Sierra Ca3T7/~'and~tlre~Cord Illcra—C<5n tralf- notably between Aibonrfo and Adjun;; tas. • Collectivelyt these small patchos will not aggregate ten- square miles of standing .tiftiber, and. have been? largely culled of th e ir piost^ valuablo. trees.—There-is ■alRO“a_su ia irp a tch of forest,Vprescrved in thQkJPepino h ills/ neaiL-^Vgundf 11a,.,,upon..a.Kmall-piccc-o f- lrvhd belonging to the; government. There-Imav'be a fin\£-mbre acres else-' where. Otherwise, in* a commercial sense, the m ountains a re deforested, although some excellent trees* stiH- stand, ju st as w alnut trees are found preserved in the deforested areas of the United States. . ,

Another c la s s ^ f flora inhabits .Hie fo'oihills b e lt’‘betw een th e *soutbern fro n t of : the Central, m ountains and, tlv<? southern cpast, ;a region^wiiicii is comparatively arid . The-wide play a plairis’.and stream valleys of th is:belt

w o re also once covered "“with; large" frees, .'a few sc a tte re d . examples of which .liiivc: beeir-preserved,. bu t !w general these have been destroyed in p rd tft'tti'c lear th e larid for* sugar1 cul­tu re . t ^ .

Besides the comnfion fru it trees, the most conspicuous trees of *the coast- 'border region* a re : Algarroba, bixia, ceiba, \vax tree, higuereta, tam'arind, jnahzanillq, nutm eg, Coccoloba macro- phylla; ausubo, ^flamboyant.. * # v



But Don’t Fbrget You Have toEverybody-in Town Knows .


.K lond ike* !! G o ld Y i^ lif ,Victoria, B. C., April 10.—A careful ia-

spection.of all’till* dumps on Hunker'and Dominion creeks, K load ike,, enables a Yu: kon paper-to • estimate- that .the.se two Creeks, wivh their tributaries, will this spring clean up !?!,r»00,000. Three indf- •idiial claims have •_ $*>00,000 to theif credit. • *' 'OLD' rO I^T COMFORT, RICHMOND,


SIx-Doy T our v ia Fonn sylvan la R ailroad .The next, of the presem series of lereon*

dly-conducted tours to Old J^olntrComfort. Richmond, and Washington, via fhe Penn- •ylvanla railroad will leave New York andPhiladelphia on Saturday, April 14. .......... Tickets,. Including., transportation, .meala r* routo In both directions, transfers of jissenuersand baggage, hotel accommoda tons_at Old_Polnt Comfort, Rlcbmopd, and Wiisl.ingion, and carriage rldo abour, Rich- nond—hi taut, every^necessary expense for

period of s x days—will be Bold a t rate of .34 00 frnm-Now York, Brooklyn, and New*. rk; 332.50 from Trenton: $31.00from Phlla- 'elpbia, and proportionate rates from other ailons. *

Old P oint Com fort Only^• Tickets to Old Point Comfort only/In ■udlng luncaeon on got1 g tr ip ,‘one aud Hree fourths days’ bo«rd at, the Hvgela bo­ol and good to return direct by regular ruirib within six days, will be sold tncomfec- ■ mn with rhiB tonratrateof $15 00 from New 'fork: Siaso from Trenton; $12.50 from ’hllHdelphia, aid proportionate ratesfrom ther points, 1 •Kor Itineraries arid full information apply

o ticket agents; Tourist Agent, 119G Broad­way. New York: 4 Court street, Brooklyn^ 89 Broad street, Newark, N J .;o r Geo..W. toid, ashiBtant Generar PHS^enjfer Agent,; iroud Street Station Philadelphia.-

W, H. Shipman, Bi ardsley, Minnv under Mtb, says he suffered from dynpepsln for

.wemy.-tive- •j,eart«. Doctors aud dieting* :n vo but llttTo relief.. Finally he used Ko- "I Dyspepsia Curo and now eats what he k^s ii nd as much as he wants, ana he feels ke a new ‘num. It digests what, ydji eat.

vV. R. Ham, 107 Main street, ,

N in e T im e§ O u t of T e n•■-j

When you sample a new Jewv eler you get left, b u t there arc exceptions,, • Who dare try

CASWELL639 M a tt is o n A v en u e

New- goods- arriving all the Nothing oldtim e. tn

store fcut experience,this2C

Hill’s Cash Meat Market! 6 2 0 C O O K M A M A V E N T J E

D O N ’T fail to come and see us. W e sell good; first-class meat cheaper than any; other

place on the coast: You can save from .20 to 40 per: cent, b y dealing with us and paying

cash. Don f let your butcher tell you our stuff is not first class, but- while in our neigh­

borhood stop in and convince yourself. W e do just as we advertise. ’N o fake about us.

W e h a v e b e e n h e r e l o n g e n o u g h to c o n v i n c e y o u t o t h e c o n t r a r y . ,; " • - ■ - '• ' v y . ■ . .. .. . ; • . - ' - . . .

ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST AND BEST THETIARKET AFFdRDS.;T'rm!e'Ri Roast Btjef, su c h as you p a y i 6 - i 8c lb. for. J2^ c lb Legs <sf Lamb, n o t ' Mu t t o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . n c lbFore Quarter,of Lamb... ............... • . . . . . . . . . 9 c.lbSiplpin Steak, the best. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘15c lbPorterhouse Steak j... . . . . . . . » . '.. , . .7 ' . . . . . '16-18c lbChuck 'Steak.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 lb's 25 cChuck Roast, the finest.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... .. qc lbGood Pot Roast . . . ....... 8c lbShoulder Lamb; Chops.:. . . . . . . . / . . . 10c lbRib Lamb. C h o p s 1..................... , i c. lbStew -Lamb..; , . . . : . . . . . . . ; . . . . ,4clo 6c lb

Frankfort Sausage, . / . . . . . . . . . . . . h 10c.lbBologna.. . . . v . ..... ...,T .'.;. *.. . . . . . . . . . .1 3-lbs.25c ;Bacon, by the strip .. . . . . . . ' . . . . V. . . * lie lbGood Chuck Roast,. . . . . . . .. . i . . 8c lbCross Rib ___ Jr.’.......... ............................ I tC lbTop Sirloin ......... • I'ae-lb^Extra' Fine Large Roasting Chickens... . . . . . . . . . . . ,1.5c lbExtra Fine Dry Picked Turkeys. . . . . . . V-. 16c lb ■Sausage,-Pork Loin- or .chopsRound Steak; . . . . . . . . . v ....

-8clb; .. ioc lb .2 lbs 25c

r JERSEY VEAL A SPECIALTY, v Pressed Hain, Prepared Ham, Headcheese, Liver Pudding, Blood Puclding, Pigs Feet, Fresh Tripe, Hams, Bacon,.

Corned Beef; In/act we handle everything appertaining to a first-class Meat Market. Not only one thing cheap buteverything we“ handle at the lowest pricesr

• • . , " ■ •' ' T

T E L E P H O N E 61k.

Don?t make a misfake orforget the number, - . .. .

029 Cooli man Avenue,E D W A R D E . H I L , L .

NEW WALL PAPER STOREA !! t h e n t w a n d p r e t t y p a t t e r n s lr, t h i s s p r l n e ’a d e s ig n s . I n a d d i t i o n t o c a r r y in g i h e n io st. u p t o - d a t e a toefc o f W A L L P A P E R w e a te o i » r r y » f a i

’ l in o iif "T ssL iS , v a J R N I - H 'a f u J a l l I 'A I N l H i t * . ' K s

P A P E R H A N Q IN Q AN D H O U SE PA IN T IN G A S P E C IA L T Y ,Before placlnur your order iat yoti an estimato. All papers purchasedfrom ns will be trimmed freo of obargp. . .

o f t h e l a t e s t in F O R E I G N A N D D O M E S T I C W O O L E N S .


Brarch Newark, N .J .


A U C T I O N, f . F u r n i t u r e a - N o . 8 0

r r - M i ^ lM ^ f th - W a ^ OeRBii G ro T e p 'D — ^ I t l p \ Y , A P l t l L 1 3 , f if l p m . s h a r p* insisting of bed room putts, mattresses, pi Hows, chairs,- ■rockers.' ice chest, crockery♦ nd o th e r goods too num erous to m ention . Sale ra in o r H ljlno.without reserve.

H M.'CROSBIE, Auctioneer

A U C T I O NAt the old Merry eo^ROuml, corner Lake

avenue and Heck street, coiiuii'uolng .-■ X’ F S D A Y , A P t ' I L l O , n i l o vc l d ie . e o iis lB tln g o f 20 b e d r o o m s u i t s . 3 .f o ld in g " e d s f in e ! o o 'cipso a n d w r l t ln p r d e s k , c o lla m a h o g a n y , ' 1 d o z o t s , o d d b u r e a u s , 1 p ia n o ,; ‘i ** bRl a desk, J fine invalids cbftlr, 1 B. w. boo* case 1 good sowing machine; lot of.oid table« and other goods; also ft lot of carpetsr‘Salet'will o'nitlnuo oacll day fo r three daye or imtll all is s**W -

M. M. CROSBlE, Auctioneer.

Hew StoreJ . L. THOMPSON,

T H E G R O C E RN o. J 7 j S o u th ’n a i n S t r e e t ,

opp. Oqean Grovpr Guto& wlth a shoico_^. selection o f

S ta p l e a r id F a n c y G r o c e r ie s .

23 Fresh Eggs lor 25cSp~cl3l Eargaios- ihisSaiaraayBiittorlshlehand iSTJTTERINiJ is taking

: .• ltslphice. — —XBest Creamery Prliit-. . . , ; . ' , 2 0 . t jwp'lb-Bertt.Creuniory. . ...................... lO o per IbBest Dairy . . , J ....... . .1 7 c per IbGranulaied Sinjar, Eic Ib. to each customer

purchasing otlier goods. Not ov..r 5 1!> to n-pustonior.

—3 lbs Oatmealr‘5or_A~larg0-bottle_I>roi- rarvesi, 10c. A Largs bottle Ketchup, 5c. Largs' giafn Jelly, 3o. B r « t Coid Faokwl Jorany Tomap ep, to Condensed Milk 3 cans for.25o F in r; arAt'o Teas aod Coffeea; Callfprnla Hatps^ '►Jjojb. • . -

^jr.. L . TM PrM PSO NN o . ,1(7 . S o u t h M a i n S t . , o p p o s i t e

1 : O . o e a n _ q t o v e _ 0 p t _ e _ a . l . F O R C A S H O N L Y . ' /

51C Y C L E S . .

rW an t to R en t Yout* H o u se IPress Special Adverlisetnenis Bring Quick Results,

’ -it*. ,

B ic y 6 e e R e p a ir in gB R A Z I N G N I C K E L I N G a n d ' •

. .E N A W f E t I N G

■Ab A A l l . D i f f i c u l t R e p a i r i n g

O u r S p ^ c l a j t u .


SI2 1-2 COokman Ave. ’s. ■ " Cf-.'O p p . P s r t r i a g e & B lc h s r d a o n ’s .


^ * to r r p a s a e h g e jTr tik u ia uuysV^rLADELPBTA (B ro ad S t .; you

- —M 8 S 0 . l i t c ft i n , 8 a ) , 4 f ti p in M ar

kc't B rre e t W h o r t . C a m d e o T r « n to a.-7 So. JO30 , a m . 2 SC iS O p tc .w o f tk -d a y s . L e a , o

M a r k e t S tr e o t W h a r f T,ia J ftx n e a h n rg , ra O a u i .4 00 p n>, w e e iC 'd a y a ■ ___WASHINGTON AN D-THE SOUTH

u i n a a o i o s n u c r r , p h i l a d b l p b u l F<,r . ^ I t u x i o r a a n d W a s h ia e t o n . 'a e o , 7 '40.--Sfc?,

1# 20, 1 1 S3, I I 88 L im ite d , D l u l n s O a r ; .1 1 8 (D ia tD R C a r ) , 3 15!, 4 41 (0 2? C o n g r e s s l c s t ! LhniUM j, D in in g C a r} , 8 0.'., G 20, 0 66 (D in in g O a r) , 7 31 (D in in g C a r) p in , a t d Ii! HO n l e h t n « k i y t . S u n d a y s , SCO. 7 3 0 , 0 1 3 , 11 2 8 ,r l l E 8 a t n ,1 18 (U lB ln p C f iu O ........................ ..........

Dayton . Yale

Baines' Tribune.

O rient \ Spalding

Eagle -. Quaker

Cleveland White Crawford

Sterling .Theso are some of t^ffWheCMl apt Eellling

tblsyear. •__


Mr. Thfld, \nndefveeHs In charge of my. fspatr .shop This It-surea prompt and ra liable repairing. -. • _ •Lessons, aiyeil and^Vheels for Rjentine,

*: M . X .‘ B J B R R I SC entral Kf^tl . * ;714,jWittl#bn A venue

Jbhn N. Burti^u n d e r t a k e r

7 0 8 Mattison,Avenue• Co®aa ttsJ Buriat CaaketsTotf hanll o*

fnralflheJ tc order. r r .

pfcNJiSYLVflNlfl RAILROAD. The Standard Railroad of A ir erica

. O n 'k n a a f t e r N ovem ber 19,1809.TRAtN8 LliVI AH BURY FARX—WKJX-DATB.

F o r N e w Y o r k a n d N e w a r k , 7 1 0 ,8 60 a m , 2 2ft a n aG3S p m . . .

F o r f . l i z o b o th 8 50 a m . 2 l S a n d B 83 p m . .... . .F o r i c a b w a j , p 6 0 a m 2JJ5 a n d S 83 p m . . .F o r M a ta w a n , 8 £>0 a r a , $ 2 s a n d 6 33 p m , - F o r L o n p 'U r a r ic h , 7 1 0 , 8 W,~ 11 00 a n ^ a llJ ,

6 83, B 4 0 ,7 07 p m .P e r i l e d B a n k , 7 1 0 ,8 6 0 a m . 5 83 p m ,F o r P h ila d e lp h ia ; B ro a d S t r e e t , a n d T r e n t o n , 7 SO

8 0 5 a t n , IS IP , a n d 4 07 p m . 'F o r C a m d e n v ia T r e n to n a n d B o r d e n to w n , 7 29,

8 05 a m . 12 15 a n d 4 07 p m .F o r C a m d a n a n d P h i la d e lp h ia v ia T o m a ‘E l v e r ,

1 2 3 p R i. ,. •F o r T o m s R iv e r . I s l a n d H e ig h ts a n a l n t e r m e O f r t e

s ta t lo n H , 1 *23 p m . wo r P o in t P ie a s a o t a n d - I n t e r m e d ia t e s t a t ! o * s ,

10 89 a m , 2 ft3 ,3 19 a n d 5 48 p m .F o r N e w B ru n s w ic k , v ia B to n m o u tb Ju n p tfc n ,, 8 05 a m . 12 15 a n d 4 07 p m

mtlNb.LKAVR K7TW toius roil ABflnnV V*ar»••’ro m W e s t rw o n ty - T li l rd S tr e e t s t a t i o n . 8 55 a « ;

12 4 0 ,8 25 a n d 4 5 5 'p m . S u n d a y s , 9 V5 a m , a n d 4 55 p

v ro m £>i84£U and 5 10 p m p m . »

•’’ro m C o r tU n d t s t r e e t s t a t i o n , a t 9 00 a m ,.1 3 6 0 , 340, a u d .6 1 0 p to S u n d a y s , 945 a m and 5 IfS m,---------- ---- ------------------

n S u n d a y w ill s t o p a t I n t e r l a k e n a n d A v o n l a u la c e o f N o r th A a b u r y P a r k a n d A a b u r y P a r k t o


FURN1SHINO GOODS. . . F O R T H B S P R IN G O F 1 9 0 0 V i .

D e a b ro sse s s t r e e t s t a t l d n , a t 9 00 a m , 1250 , S u n d a y s ; 9 4o . a m , 'a n d 5 1 t

C a r ) , 7 31 (D in in g a n d 12 2 0 n ig h t^ n o t

. . . . . _ g i t .L im ite d , D in in g C a n , 6C 5 « 5 5 (D in in g 7 81 ( p in in g C a r ) , p m a n d 1 2 2 0 n i g h t . •

(D ining I te d , Di:

8 1 2 , 4 41 (5 VO G o n g ro n e io n aC a r)

T i m e t a b l e s o f o t h e r t r a i n s o f t h e s y s t e n . n a y b e o b ta in e d a«: t h e t i c k e t o ff ices d r s t a t i o n s

J . R , W O O D , G e n . P a s s .A g t J B. H u tc h in s o n , G e n M a n a g e r *

jtRTRfll R Ri_0F Httt JtRSfcVA m h r a c l t e ' C o a l U s e d f ix c m ? lT e ly , I n s u r ­

ing Clea'nUats? and Comiort .

[T im e t a b l e ln elTejt j& nksxs 8 .160».

f o r N e w Y o r k , N e w a r k a n d E l i s a b e th v i a a l l r a i l lO u te , 6 1 7 , 8 0 0 a m , 12 10 4 00, 6 20 p , m S o n d a y s f r o m I n t e r l a k e n s t a t i o n , 7 87 a m , 4 18 p m

F o r P h i l a d e lp h ia a n d lT r e n to n v ia E l iz a b e th p o r t , 6 1 7 ,8 00 h m . 1 2 10. 4 C u p m . Hundxiyk f r o m I n t e r i a k e n s t a t i o n , 7 87 a m . 4 1 8 p m . , - -

F o r (B a l t im o r e a n d W a s h ln R to n , 0 1 7 , 8 0 0 " a m , 1R 10, 4 0 0 p m . S u n d a y s f r o m I n t e r l a k e i s ta - t l o n , 7 .8 7 .a jn , 4 1 8 p m .

F o r E a s t o n , B e th le h o m , A lle n to w n a n d M a u c h C h u n k , 6 * l7 ,8 0 tf ,.A m , 1810 , (4 00 t o E a s to n ) p .

. m . S u n d a y a 'f ^ o m I n t e r l a k e n s t a t i o n , 4 18 p m . F o r \y H k e e b a r r e a n d S c r a n to n , 8 0 0 a m , 1 2 1 0 p m . F o r B u f fa lo a n d C hT cago v ia L . & W . S . B .,

8 0 0 a n ^ . 4 0 0 p m . , •

i , H. Or.HiUSEK, (ion’l Eapt.H. T B iL b m X . Qon. P a n A*t. > .


T A IL O R , C LO T H IER # FU R N IS H ER622 Cookm an Avenue.



D E A L E R I N . \ . ^ ‘


C 0 T T A G E :T R A D B io U C I T E D ]

P o s t o f f I c e B o x 9 0 .5 ,- A S B U R Y P A R K , N . J

Jlsbury Park M ? Jlsbury ParH Hoi<i$F A M I L Y H O T E L

Crand and S o wall A v en u esOPEN A l i THE .YEAR.

>. Bte&p heat, Eleotrlo ilgics.>, All modern lmprovemenCs

-Sun parlor. iteasonable price#

The StaffordCorner Fifth Avenue and Heck Street Open All The Year

Opposite!.Sunoet Lake Special accommodatlotic for McycJe*

i -F o r teri&B address

The Orange M 8 M u n ro e a v e n u e . O p e n , a l l - t h e y o a r . T h e m o s t h o m e l i k e , h o a r d in g h o u s e In t o w n . A l l m o d e r n l r a p r o ^ flip e ” U . r 0 !?1111 , m o d e r a t e . . - M r J . Q E N U N Q ,

Cohimerclal hotellarge, airy, copifortable rooma,

(Formerlv St. Jumea), Corm r Cookman-are-; nue and Webb street. Open all the jlear. Cova■ man ding full vle>w of thn «ea. Bro«U 5>orche8,

St'eamhpatcd thrqughont. Service and culslne oxch Ilf nr. -d * B. VAN AKEN.,

Grand Avenue HofeiOcean Qvm iiotels

The Alaska8 and BP^tntan avenue, 4 and 0 'McCHntook street. This hotei t% * open a ll-'ie yeor. Sun parlors end welt heated rooms for the . month.. Ihe only hotel in Ooean Orove oupnlled wltK eca water baths. The location (4 of the test, 100 feet from boardwalk.and uiose to auditor!am and'post offloe. N, H. KILMEI^ Proprletor



ft llc llcnprldn , .a FoAnll Flffli ilico W rc il, Hnil a C Ircoldr *Stnr

» iU llfl NoiC. •.;>!., .: •’Sfrf’*?-'

at', interest has b^cn 'excited mn.o g- tlie scientists of»Eui'opo ?by

y* c| f s coireL'yl^i~ u new,..fossil Italy . cnlicw thi/'IIcllcbprion. ■ / . [' " ;••

ft. .u-as fouricl near Krnsnonfitirfefr/ in tl i tv pk>vo him tint oi; l*erm, iii liu&>ia« ■ rr. JtnrpinsUx directoxv of the geo­logical conuulttce of St. Petersburg, Avus/tho Jtrst sclontist to'study it fajd

jfiment. j . v w■ 1. ' ' • ■ • ' \ ■ f ?njc most remarkable fcn^nr^ of the

lJc\llepx>rion > ris n spiral . with' saw-’ lilcA wipes. i ’liis .Hffalr presented qnihn .a handsome appearance in SU symmnjritinl form. ' '. ft. was^ai iirst quitc.a puzzlc-to tie-*

‘ cldc'>\Tiat; \art of tho fish this spiral

• T iL b j I I K L I C O P R I O N 'B ^ K O S K -

came from , bu t a long1 nnd careful ex­am ination of all the p a r ts led to tlia ooneliisiop th a t It.-was attached to tho nose.* ’ 1 * ■ -

\ T ins stran g e ’Hsh hnfl, in f.nc.t, a 'noso. extended p u t in to a.lftrifi' strips,.

> .’wns covefed w ith .teethXnVdtwisted round..and* round K^/a1 spiral

, form. "Tills- appendage! \vn« . ilexiUlc nnd wits doubtless lised as a weapon

. ot? oflensc, .fo r tlio ireiieoprion be* Knifed 1 o' li ferocjoun order *nf. fishes. It could seize, th in g s’ and saw them 111 t \v( > w ith ..th Is 1 erjfibl eVwen pon.. *

T he nelicopiyon is. related to th e- -modern shute. Some varieties of th is* * fish. have .successive rows o t teeth ,

- r tviik'h-nr^.-pnHlHMl-otit-of-frlm-'Sides-tjf-the jnyvs nnd dVop ou t when th ey he- ?ojne too!num erous. 'I n th e case of I'lrn llelicoprion the superfluous tee th . pP th e upper jaw,’ instead of dropping .out, w ere pufcRed out oil- to th e nose,

— udtieh g rew Umgfer und~lott£ey to«nc- cflnmodnte them . *

T h e . Hel^coprion \ygs 'th e size of a ; shark nnd lived in tlie. carboniferous

i£R. a t th e dnw.n of creation; perhaps• a trillion years^ngo.

.. „Mnle. n a il- Fem ale .T o Ice ■•••... - - Pmf* Paulsen,-of Kielj-Ocrmany, has

jujiUc/omph.'led sonic m ost in teresting experimonts upon the voices of males nnd females between the ages o f three nnd (twenty. l ie examined and tested no less th n n SG2 girls and a,t<X» boys,

. As.carb* "an .l^ iy eu ri.th e v p ite 'p frthc 1 Inahv js affected -by*appr'o;tehing man- fioori and its changes. The changing

i .voicr.lastR-notieO^ibly from H to .i9 . feix per ren t, nf the J4*year-old boys'spealc wl t h man 1 ilce voice awl^Hree percefit? of t lm '1 0 -yertrrohl bovs .still speak in boyish tones. By. th e 20th y ea r the

^•hnngt* is compJct.c,:bnt tlierc is not yet perfect contro l of the organ. I t is Bt iii <tttngerous to stirain the voice in plngiiigssoeieties. for the fa lsetto tones are still.unsettlcd. - '

f .T oo SeW m ia. .t '-*1 In a ease .of an assault b j a husband

' on his wife the injured woman was re ­luctan t to prosccute and give he r evi­dence. . . * ...........-,,v

•T il lave him -to God, mc~lqfcnn Bhe cried. “ • •

“ Oh, dear, no,” eaid=the judge, “i t ’s fa r too serious a m a tte r 'fo r th a * /— Green Bag. . •

T h e Q n e e n 1! P r l vn«? S o l ic i to r .I t ifTn^t very generally known th a t

~-tlieqtteciil tliC p r 1 ticc 6f W nlcsauclotli^ er tmembclrs o t the royal family have th e ir owiuprivute solicitor. Sir H enry ! Art lip r U liite has acted in th a t eapael- .ty Jto the royal family for a good m any y e a rs—Chicago Times-Ifcrald. *


F a c i i . ih (lie C a n e . "

TimUins—B ut is your Income suffi­cient to justify you In m arrying?

Shnkins—l ’in afraid not. •‘-I'licn wliatrcaBon !iavoy,ou for talc*

~ J r s su ch 'a stpp?", . y ' < . •" ■.-7—-I h:ivo no reason a t all. I ’m in lore.”

—t'liii;atro Kveniiif'Sp.ws." if-;

T im M ltlillr E n r , . ■ f

%Tl!i« sloi'jr is told of I 't'ftr t i iTctlfrtrd,.^•mwayonrTy qpnnpd tlio 'six tlrin terno-’ tjonnt otologicnl nonpross^ ■ JicvIcTvitig .llic ‘progress ot tho Inst SO years, the prpfe.ssor refe.rred to “chouic nonsiip- jn ira tivo disease of the middle car” ns being; the suprem e m ystery nt present

— to Rtu(leutsJof otolog:yr"' “ \VImt iVtlii.V —utiddlo-carV" » Jady.vsked a sage pljy-

tiiciaii. "Alntlam,” lie.replied,-‘-‘It Is the ear w ith whieh wo do no t listen." I a ol her- ’iuinTB^ tlie uoho.~-N. K. I Ioii; lla-'aziiie. '.


ML tHPFEMIGS.Senslde Conolavo, No. 281> Improved

Ordejf. HeptaappliSj will meet tills eveniag a t 8 o’olocE.- •,SChnmpion James J. Jfffrlcs, accompanied by lils brother and ‘Tommy’1 Kyan, havo arrived a t Loch Arbour, wliero active tralD- Idk will, bo coinmouced for tho Jeffrles- Corbatt flgllt.

Tbo mootbly mceHng ot tho Youpg Peo­ple’s Union of tho First Congregational ellurch will take placa thls ovenlny a i tlio ifeeldence. of :,tha Mfsaes-Aohermtin,. UOS Bings avonuo,.at 8 O'clock! r ,

The commltt'ea iii chargi; sends word to thePntsss that owlog to unfbrese^nclroum- stances' tbft 'dfUica announced, by tbe L. C. B. A. for next Monday ovonlng at Eddcla. tional hali has lioeti postponed Indefinitely.

Tho Ladies' Altl society of the Westmin­ster Presbyterian cUurcli will hold a meet­ingtomorrow afternoon a t the residorica of Mrs. Bookafeller. 704\Grand avenue. Tlio latter parji.of r.lils montp a “dollar soclablo'1 will tip given by t;he society.

•The friends of the iato Elizabeth Homt\n' may vlow hor romalns tomorrow ovonlogat the home of Mr. and Mrs Joseph D. Now­lin, 710 Seventh avenuo. Decoased was the motbor of Mrs. Nowlin. On Thursday morning 'tho body \ylll ba romovod to Bwedoeboro, N. -J., where tlio funeralnnd IntermcntTVlll take place.


Si 1 0 ,0 0 0 Will 1)0 Ncoiloct to Sim tlio Con- . nolJilatcd lSlvntvo UUHlneHHi

. And how’lt'8 the oystfer-tnist. The tbotlv some bivalvo Is to become a morsel, for the modern octopus of consolidation, according to the plans of tho promojacs. of tho amal­gamation of oystorjj(tcroflt£ ’inada known at a mSStlug holdTii Now YorkV fpw .days agp,: Thero wero present M oystermen, representing about.-TS^ior cent, ot tha iii?.- taring tnula anti fiO per cent, of the dealers supplying the European trado from New York, Now Jersey, Rhode Island nnd Con* neotlout. '-Tbesodoalera represented a capi­tal of nearly $3,000,000, out of an entire cap­ital of {O.OOO'OOO In fbi-oysteV. trade of tbo four states.. • . . _ " •.. Counsel for the oystermen presented a

plan ot organIzatioirati(TRpor!■ ti on pond­ing negotiations for tho proposed trust, whloh will probably ha a t f 15 0S0,000. After a llbfiral dlscussion the meeting decided by a unanimous vote to proceed with the or­ganization or tlio oj-Bter Interests in Now. York, .Now Jersey,-Rhode Island and Con­necticut, and tho chairman was empowered to'namo s committeo of live to arrango for tha details Of "consolidation." ..... TT~."'

In explaining tho purpose of tho consoli­dation, ona of tho counsol for- tbo oyster-men said: ------- ?------•—=- r —~ —- “The consolidation-will-tend-to^pioteot tho grower and a t the satno tlmo result In lower prieas to'tlie consumer. I t will prt- •vent growers nnd consumers from being, a t the mercy ot tho mldillmrico, whpliavabeeti masters of tbo oyster .situation.”

A n o t U f r B y i 'n t n w c E m m t r y ; ‘ ' ft.v r iK iiM -. A p r i l 11r.’— ' l ’ ln*-.invi-?*tinntio:»

o f th e c i t y '* t iIT jii is - li.\— t l io L c w l i t t'tmi- j m t t v i^ o f .tin* ;isM ’ ::il>Iy l im in g re su lte d m iH iL tJ^ fae tov j' tn M o .v o r X l t ( t u i r e , h i i ' l in s ( h 'e llV d .n if t ie r .’. n t h i i i i t y <>r t l i e W h i t e w tifliS iU i e lu t r le r in l l : i r e a n iu v e s t i i: u t jn n o f h is o w n w lij t ' lt u ! r . 't n n e ra le h is ;1(1- m lu is t n i t i im ■ f r . m i ’c h a i s e s o f t i le i lU ^ n l i:ne o f p u l i l i c O hm N ;tm l V Ic M its i ' h is re c ­o rd f t i r th e (M in in :; c n l ie r a a n iT - i i i i earn* p a lm i. A t l i b l l i a t is n t io i i a re s i i ln t io n ro r 'n n in v e i't l^ n t iu n n i l s in t i ia l i l e e i l . :it h int n ig h t 's m e e t in g o f t h e c o m m o n cottn* t i l a n d w n s l . ' i ' l o v e r . 'S n i;M ‘ 'o f Ih e a lt lo r-

,m en o p iH w t l t l i e ’ u n l in i i i i e i ’. l ie in K a l it t lejS liy o f I n y u s i i i i . n ' s s i l in * ll/ e jK r t iu li i l it .vfor the nvi'rdrnfls is to bv ty.^M*d^m theClllll'tS. • -

A Very TrISIlnjp Incltlestt. -• A c le rg y m an 'w as called upon to ' perform a m arriage ceremony for a couplo ill liiiddlo life.' "IIav6 you ever

/■jtSptHi inai't'it'd befot’p?,;-naked th e clor- tryman of tho bridegroom. '“No,- alv;" "ilnvo you?”—to tlio bride. “Well, ycR, I have;" replied" th e bride, t1&, conicully;Jl).ut1LHns 20 ye/irs'ngo, uad

'•^iofWiiiJ'KUled in nn accident whoa wo.’d boon m arried only n week, sa i t really ain’t. Avortii inentloBlng.'’y-San iFrancisco .VVave. • ,

' ItnU an Scnvetigrct*.mining- company; n t ' itar.quetto,'

iSIicli., j tn s (.liacovercd th a t r a ts aro "tho W st ahd chenpeKt undtfrgtoiind'scav- CHgers. Ilefovo tin! men go !o it\orlc in dts'ncvv'siinft it* wants to linvc.nt least ’ jtlie nueleim o ' cploiiy of ra ta In tho jiit, i5o tlin t tho 'scraps nnd fragm ents of tho m ilters’-, dinners, Which t m thrown, about uiulergrounil,' may ^boi- dispofltd of.—liKllanapr.'i?, N ew f,. t

■ . . —?" — i—~ - v •H, OiarU.-Chaunctiy, On.; Bays JioWItt’s

Witch Hnzfti. flalvo oured him o£ piles tbojt \ hud-nfillotoo ‘him1 fgr-tworaty-yoar*-. itiis -nlso;a..ppend1v cure for skin dlnoasoo. Pe waro 'of dnneofous. countorfelts, }V, R Ham,J07Mitlhstreet. ' • ■ ; ;

T l i e e c lln rsrln rii,Rustpu'hnumi.' April 10.—in (treat

Ueml, SiiMHU'lmnna. eiiiinty. tin* ICrie tick­et iiKeiit/.M. iSartle.v. ttnti .i. N. CnsH«hiy, a trnvelijiK mail; surprised '1 lvn*t* liur^hirs Vtiuv were liren'kins i«t«» tl\e>tt)fe of I*. II.. Lines and cjiplurcil the,m at the .mu^xles of rev,(ilveiV7''rTlH*-trio were iiiitt<lnl <iver tu-thi'-iMiUeci-w.h^-took-t hem-tn-tluw coun­ty :juil in' M o n tro s e ’rhe*identity «f the men js unknown. Tlie.v lind a full set of burglur’s tools in »ljeir pi»ssession. t -» _ Afe*i»ed TrciiMii , itlum ’i,-N..Y.. A*iTril 1 0 .—CUm’Ich liifrer-

KjII, ex-county treiistuer-of Tompkins • utility« lvhose trial fur emliczy.iiMiicnt.^u*# li* take, pi nee ,v» tei*dii.v. ts'mihsiuK. About noon it was diseftvered ih iit^e »vas not in town, triulVliiuf A ('Police (fonaetly leuru* <♦«! that he had h-n town.at S ji. ui.# Hrhud purchased a Uwkel-for Xn hols, und(1onnelly tclegratihrd l«»*a.ronslj hie there

t ‘(i-arrest',-Iii£ersolI if Ju* pH'ttlV Tlie • cohsinble in ’N'ieliol/ I buck that InpM-soll did not «« tijiin, so l:i».whercJilHint^. at i unknown;-' Th'n.-e months InjjrersoU left itliacn.- when the shoi ta.O1, in' his ac-i eonnts'was‘diHcovcrcd, mid ^vus"niptured in Kunsas. ' - • »

lie train, ■gralih'cil'

off the esent is

S p n n ld li W a r I*rl*crt.' “ClW ash in^ ionV .^p ril 10.— Kin* navy dc*

p iirtn ien t liNHn^crived-n-oiii .It N. t>tiip» Ulitf,’ U nited S ta te s d is t r ic t -a ttovhey for the MUitiiern d is tr ic t o f F lo ridn . a stnte* n ient_<)rJ} ic ..resuILs o f the. proceedings eoiidm ted hy-hiin-htffore-tlu '-court in tliat. ;U stfici,iu th e m a tte r o f eondeim uitiou o f th e p rizes ' liikeu^by A n ierica ir w iirslilps d uring the.$pmdsli--^Unerican w ar. 4 ta p - pCuVs fronniiK stiit4*iiienT“th a t th e re w efe 27 ships declared prizes, aud iM c ap tw e d vessels, w ere re len ted iiii«l rOstohjd to the ow ners by decree o • th e p riu i cou it.

B R A S S CURTAIN ROQS.‘ C om plete w ith fix tu res,

ex tensions, ------ • 5 c e n ts ,


U h o x S r e a t T J u tf fe S t o r e

^ a t t i s o n > ^ y g #x



None so good. .We’ve go t tiie Bestandytve shall run

. th e m ark e t a t th e t TU TiTLlf STORE.


I Sc. y d ., 29c. yd . 1 ■ ■' . , * 49c.S p e c i a l a t T U T T L E ’S T h is is t h e s o m e goodA fo r w h ic h p th c r . s t o r e s c l i a r g e 'y o u 4 P c . a n d a n d U P t o t h e b i f f a s h b a r r e l s

*’ y o u * h a v e th e b e n e f i t of d c c c n t p a t t e r n s a t* T U T T L B ?S . tf * a t

GA LVA N IZED W A R E "“Tiie m o st complete' line in th e c o u n ty

o t| prices, t h a t defy compctit.ots atiTUTTLE’S

AGATE 5RON WARE,The kind y o u w a n t—a t


- ' TIN W A ^ 2 .'■ ' * j**' ’ ’

-Cham ber Pails, coybrfed, 19c—. . ‘a t TU TTLE^. ;' '*«


Only Urcamtnor. - ■ ,Thts Bleeper stirred uneasily -in- h i t

li umber. Something1 was disturbing1 .Mm He. could , hear i a r away «omp- ivhfi^e tlio troublous song of mos- /|Ulto. Ho w aited and w aited^ /in a l- ly i t eamo. h earer pud tlio so'ng. was louder.. Tlie slum bercr carefully, and slowly disengaged one ariu from .tin- d<;r th e bed clothes. He raised his hand abovo h is chock,-, held- It sus­pended th era fo r a m oment and tlicn b rough t it. ilrMvn with, a whack that/ mus't linve caused tlie blood to rise to -the surfnee. ,Tlie Bong of fhe mos­quito w ent m errily on. The slum- bei'er bad missed it. Ho tried again, nnd a t on opportune tim e whacker^ his forehead w ith bis palm. Still the spiig of th e mosquito, w ent on. Sev- it'ral tim es did th e disturbed dream er make tho a tte m p t to take the lifo -of his to rm entor, b u t it w as.in vain. - At: Inst, rendered desperate, he rose on lils elbow, opened his eyes nnd. lis­tened in ten tly . And Ch&V lie'becatno awn ro- th a t- l ie had -been —blam ing—u moRquito fo r th e togting of ah early- rising ragm an th a t was passing in the street.—llc tro lt ITrco Press.'

Sneandescent L am pi liaeil.- W hat is tlie flununl consumption of

incandescent lamps in th is country? A recent sta tem en t placed th e num ­ber a t G0 ,0 0 0 ;0 0 0 , bu t this is obviously mucli too high. The carefully prepured estim ate of th e ineandcsccnt lamp business of the 'U nited S tates fo r tlie year-1899,' whieh-appeaTcd'ln-ttio'Nc.w' Year’ETivumber-" of th e W estern ' Klee'-; trician, showed tlia t the volume of -business ,waa ^2,700,000. Assuming an average price as low as 17 cents n lamp, tlie num ber produced is less than 1(1,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 . - Probably 15.,000,000 is very near tlie.exact figures representing tbe to ta l ou tp u t of th e factories. Sim ilar­ly th e domestic ou tpu t in 18DS was about- 1 2 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 lamps. The num ber of Incandesccut lam ps im ported is so sm all th a t i t does rtotraJfeet the caleu- hi'tton to nnappreelablsdegree.-^W est- e rn Elcctricinn.

• Ona on t l i r J a d g r .A sto ry is told of a judge who could

not1"Control his tem per and po coultl n o t'co n tro l o th er people. One dny there was unusual disorder in ‘ the eourtrooiij, and a t last tlio judge could endure i t 'no -longer. ‘- I t is impossible to allow th is persisten t contem pt ot- ■t-ourt to go on,” ho eftelnimcd,,“ ,ind I shall bo forced to go to th e cxtrem o length of tak ing the one ptep th a t will stop i t! " T here was a long silence; then One of tho leading counsel rose and with, ju s t n .tra ce of a smile, rjnired: “I t i t please your hony.r, oh'w hat date will your resignation taka ciTect?’.'—Philadelphia Inquirer,

‘Ufonnta null ItrmoantK,The num ber of horses required by an

arm y yorps is immense. They arc heed­ed to m ount the oflicers nnd 'the cav- a ji;}v t6 d rag 'sto res , am m unition and, guus, to draw th e nmbulapco wagons nnfl all tho -hospital necessaries,, to Carry the bridges, pontoons, telegraph apparatus, balloons nnd hundreds 'Of o ther things.. An arm y corps requires n t least li.OOO horses, and ns these are constan tly gcttiing sick, g e ttin g shot and breaking, down, they have to be "renewed ngf&m apd1 again. Not 'fewer th an 1,401 wagoiis nre needed fo r the various purposes of aii arinv carps.— JC.- Y. Herald.-

i #

# , v

“ Hoorayl he yelled at the top of his shrill voice.

An Exciting Incident ia-thekliarmifig' story, of.aij^' /venture by that successful

young author, .Wglcott LeClear Beard. It is entitled

S P I D E R ’S

NOTICE OF ELECTIONfVTotlco ia hereby, 'given tn a tan eloctlon 1 * will be Ireld In the city of Asbury Park, in tho county of Monmouth, on

TUESDAY, APRIL 10,-1900,Between tho hours of six o'clock In tlio morning mid seven o'clock In the evening for the [iprpoat! of clouting

One membor ofr council from tlio First ward.

One member of council from the Second ward. .

A'City Clerk.. ATreasurer....................... -... -----

A Collector of Taxes. • •Ono Overseer of tho Poor.

.. Ona Atfereor from tbo First ward.Ouo Assessor from the Second ward.Ono .Chosen.^Freeholder from tho First

ward. ,■ Ona Chosen Freeholder from the Second ward. .. ■ ■ . I .

Three CommisBlon^r3 of Appeal in' casesaitaxatto iiu . :. _. . . . . . l - i —i - ---------

Two Constables from the First ward.Two Constables from tho'Secotirf ward.

• Two member j of tho Board of Education for tho torni ot two years.

One member of the Hoard of Education for tho term of one year.

We haye purchased the serial rights, for the story in this section., and will print it in these coiupins,.1 beginning

Wednesday, April 11.


Notlca Is horohy given th a t an eloctlon will be .hold a t the E ngine Uonfee, in the Borough o l M eptuno C ity , In the county of M oum oath, on - ---------

Thursday, .the 19th day of April,■ a ;.D., lijQO,. (

between th e hours o f- s ix o’clcek in tho m orning and iiew n o'clock iti the evening, for thn puposo of e leotlng tbo follow ing ot- tlcers fo r tboboroogh- o t Avon-by-tbe-Sea, culd odicers to boclecu-d lfo rtho tiaiiii, untij tho n ex t annual election fo r bortniglj-.cfr H ears:-

■ A M ayor. . .. . ; .S ix Cotmollmon,

.. .An Assessor. _ ____ ___.... ,A C ollector..',.

—A-JtUstice o t tSis Peace. -Tlireti Commlsslouers o f A ppeal in cases

of taxa tion .W ItneBs my hand th is n in th 'd ay of April,

A '.D . 1000. “• LER'OY SO FIEf.D .

83.31 Cleric of the Burough o f.N ep tune City.


• A tiiiiieMie.a ti^en imin ni llie Central park momtjjei-li", ,Ke«; York city.-. /

(ieuoml H M.'Uaudall, U. S. A., com­mander of the (ieimiTineiit of Alaska, has sailed fro^rhVattlii for Steigtiay, where he M-lll select a. site for jm army post. •

Fire 1 u Iliyiokjyu ou Mofulny threw be- tvreon 1,200- mid .men tint of <'iu- ployinentflri.d destroyed several faetpVles. Tlie dnmilKi' is estim ated'at from IjiuUU,- 000 to $000,00(1'. ” . • }

K. C...Smith's box factory,' Iii C|ay Street, the 43reeiiji(iiiit’.seetiim of Ilroyk- iyn, and severe! other hnllUrngB-In the neigliliorUood have been destroyed liy lire,nelBliliorliood-lisve been destroyed I)}' The total damaire is uliout ¥1,000,1)11. . . . wo;

'jilie will ,«f tiie late Miss AlliHe If, Mills of Middletown, N. ’Y., whieh 1ms beeil lltoH w i>»oliate,iiienueiitt«idj>mpbrcty : ^vorth' aWnlt §1100.001) tu the* it.1 yi .7nmes;. A. Oieonm.v-of NeiV l'6 lk • for inisslou work. ;\ .

Tlie Cuihpi'i''ssed.. Air- eompa'iiy or-the borougii of Miuillllttiin, New York city, \v|tlr-,it 'ciipitaliitiitEiiii ot sis,001)',OUO, of Wliloii .?7r>n,(U;0 Is ■ preferred 'j^tiiHirInis- Hieil %iirlit'les (it-hji’o'jporiitloti willi 'lie •lerctiiry ot-sinle n t ; t •>-;

■ N ot M ncli.. ••VNnnc.v;” s a id t l i e s t e r n p a r e n t , ns

h e re a c h e d f o r t lie b u t t e r , ‘‘I th o u g h t ■Taelc H n sh n w a y kiBsed 3:011 l a s t n ig l i t :”

‘‘X oflsense, f a t h e r ! ” re s p o n d e d th e p ic k -c h e e k e d d a u g h te r .—W hy-clid -you t h in k s o ? ” I • |. . • ,

‘.‘W qll/ K 'aucy', a s ; I p a rs e d th e p a r lo r d o o r 1 th o u g h t . I lien rd - y o u say (/Oh,tftop!’ '' - -L ............

' “ T h e Idea! f t Jac(k w e ro to je is s m e, d o y o u th in k I ’d t e l l h im to s to p ? ’’— C h icag o E v e n in g N e w s. '

S h e A polotcl*e» , .- W a i tre s s —Y o u n re s u re y o u d o n ’t

•w ant, a n y th in g m o re , g e n tle m e n ?•.L C u s to m e r—H a v e n 't _Vv6 s a id . so - al* re n d y ? • • I •

■•'I'bog y o u r p a rd o n , I ’m su re '; h i l t I cn ti’t . h o l p b e in g a t t e n t iv e to g e n tle - in e ii . ih n t.lp o lc a s i f th e y w n s g o in g to )jc'BO!) ib e fa l!” —P u c k . r. '

•' ■ ...T n i ta r - ^ I b r o u g h t y o u th i s s u i t s ix

.m o n th s fago, l»nd y ^ u h a v tn ’t, p a id mo. q peiit'. } M ! ' .. -., ’ - • - •

H u rd n p p e —B u t i t d id ri’t s u i t ; i t w as ' d f m a ^ e d . . . •,-‘‘,1 tm S 'a fra id I ' s h a l l h a v e '- to .b r in g

n n d th c r i s u i t f o r damages,.-’-’—^Philadel­p h ia -K e e o rd . iV*

,iy. W.- Muyheiv, Merton, V/ls.; saysT "I fensider Oc. Minute Cough Cure a most wbntlerful metlloliie,iquIek and aafe." Ic is tha only Harmless roiuody-tiiat glvoa Imme- dlata'reauitfi. I t cures coutehs, colds, croup, bronchitis; grippe,-whooping cough, pneu­monia and all tnroataddlung diseases. Its early two prevents: consumption. Childron ill ways l|ko it and- mothoi-s ondorso IE. .Wi It. llntu, 107 Main street . r

We do not do all tlie good


bnfc aiil fclio bicycle repairing wo do is GG0J3. I f jon rcqairo. the scrvicos of an export mechanic to repair your bicycle I would be pleased to eco yon and quote prices which are aoknowi- pd "the lowest in " th e city." . "Our specialty for'this weok is a -s

G o o d T i r & f o r $ 1 . 5 0V

‘ J O S E P H 3 IO R IT Z ~T

CYCO BICYCLE CO. - - ‘ 548 Cookman Avenue

New Koator Block, ........ .-, • ,

25 H E A D 25Oati Carload of acclim ated Ifdrses

will bo Isold nt rUBUO SALE at tho, stablos ^ : ■

S .W .N E W B U R YSummerfleld. and Cookman.

. • . Avenues

FRIDAY, A l * i t l t l8; At i o'clock sharp, - '

C ondltions.on day o f s a le .

kf-bs: THOMASrntp


Tho Pltiiesi has"IStfer'tqlegriiphio nows than tho evening editions tot ike Now York, papers ■which ‘roach Asbury Park. Th? Press Jiab all tho lifeinf h e w s.'I ts readers thus set nil the no%H,.liotli loeal ftiltl goti- oral, for ono Oout.y ' . ; ,

Said election will bo hold in tho following plncest • ■ ...

~l'j tho First ward in- mid-city.-at- tho Boutheast corner Bond eirtet mid 'Bangsavonpo, . • ■* --- ---- -------, In tbo Second ward in said’ city, iu Edu­

cational Hall, Third avenue ana Grand ave­nue. ~ ’' Wllnessmyhiinii'tiils"2Cth"d'ay^of Slarohi

A.D., 1900. ■ • .• " WILLIAM C. -BUilROUGHS.

City Clerk df Asbury Park.

SEEDS... , • 1 • ■ . '■

Tlie planting geagou will soon bo here' and in order' to havo'good cl-op3 it is-important tbat yon have GOOD SEEDS. -Our supply of.


lias jnsfc 'arrived and ai it comos from-oce of tlio moat reliable seed houses in Amorica, we feel that 3 on will bo bountifully repaid by pur­chasing.your seeds at cur store. Wo ;gars supply you seeds in any quantity anil at; prices,tbat will bjar "inspec­tion;

■ Solo A gent fo r th o - i - '




JL D, NEWUN- -173 Matin S treet


Bonds.’ . W h y b o t h e r your

t friends to ask them -to— •— g o on you.r personal

- bond :\vhen youy ~can:se- - • . *' cure a S urety C om pany

— B on d - for sm a ll ex- p e n s e ?..’ 'C ollectors; -treasurers and other of­ficials n eed in g bonds

, can secu re rates and particulars iby applying

", . .

T. FRANK APPLEBY,Cor. rialh S tre e t and M attison Avenue

I Prices from Apr i 5 to April 12 v: J,'

★ . . . '

' k , y

i J .I :

Two M i 8 ( SupssHavo boon received this weok: by

I r i

J. PARKER!I he. . Grocer ?•- *

jL. Cor. Lake Ave. and Hain S t . ' ,n '- .4JL.^ 604 to 608 Cookman Ave. i '

^ y WE W ILL TAKE FROM . CAR NO. iV. T ■ ^6 c a s e s K ln srah ’s S o u p s , a t'6 c c a n * ■

,7 . “ b e s t C o r n S t a r c b , x 5 c . , (iu email lo'tt,)x o h b l s . f i n e S o d a C r a c k e r s , 4 c l b . 2 lbs. to eaeh cuBtomei ' ^

★ 5 Bbls. Qranulated Sugar, 5c ^Poundr^tit. Th ioaIo ~t»l. l.~« m o.t. * ' « • . . ’. W


i '

In 6-poupd sacks—with dUier gootlg. *•_

2 Cases mince Meat, a lb* can 6c* ^

3 Hbls, Best JPrcpared Buckwhqfat, 6 lbs, 17cTh!a will bo the lost- buckvfhont sale for tho season.

' 5 0 C a s e s ' C o n d e n s e d M i l k , 8 c c a n i t

i t CAR NO. 2. ' \ 'X^ 50 BblSi COLUMBIA FLOUR, $4.09 BM. j

la'ono-half barrel sacks- / Not over 2 barrels to a customer. y

l l a t d for OnrvGREAT EASTER SALE | # —— — - • ' ' $ | tiEiiSOH’S JEBSEILILI EODB §3,99 J L %

— - B|eST. PAM| LY FLiOUR AT 49 CENTS SACK." - - ' tA t ' *77®» p a c & a j s c . 'i a N i e c . M a c k e r e l f o r 7 c • ■£.

2 L a r g e JF a t M a c k e r e l f o r i o c -' B e s t K e^V y p r k - S t a t e C o r n Sc. isau;

X P o r k 5 I - 2 C l l J . i . ^ -7 B e s t W h i t e B e a n s S c q t . * y« ------ -- - E a r l y J u n e P e a N y j c a l l s f o r 3 3 c - X■ff 3 c a n s F a n c y 'T a b l e S v r o p f o r 3 5 c


V -a o c B o t t l e P i c k l e s , i u c .* .. * a o c B o t t l e C a t s u p l o r x o e

' 15c Bottle'Worcestershire Saucc 5c 1 ^^ ' x o c bottle Pickles for 5 c

4 ★ ★ i f ' k ' k 'rk’k ' k + ' k ' k ' k ' k ' k i k i t

A' COMEDY IN THREE ACTS, By Robert Buchtinnn and C. Marlowe


Members of Co. H, Third New Jersey Regiment

P a r k O P B R A f l o u s E

Thursday JBeinihor, A r iU L 19U n d o r d lrao ttb h MR. FRANK L. TU.TTLE

CAST OF CHARACTERSCaptain1 Courttinay, a cavalry o'illcer ..-1..............Major. O’GaiiaEhor, a cavalry officer..........................Mr. Satauol Hlbbortson, a solicitor. ........ .....Sergeant Tanner, Scotland yard dctcctivo...............Prof. VonMozer, ii fnuslc teacher..'........................Mlcbnol Dougherty, a private soldier... ........Angela Briglifcwell, a ward in c h a n c e r y . ..........Mrs. O’Galiagher, tho major's w ife.. . . . , ' ................Miss Itoninoy, of Cicero House Academy . . . . . . . . .. ,Euphomla Sehwarlz, she owes a title—and a dot....,Matilda Jones,.a country.bejlo ........Emma Leverage, a.verltabloaireti: . . . .

' - .'. Constables.- School Girls.


;.j:mVARD L. TIFFAN'V H, BLAKE .MARTIN... . 1 . . . . . . . . -HOWARD O. WHITE.....................GEORGE E. HULICK..I-.......... . .FRED..COLLIER

...HARRY Ii. WISEMAN.'..- .........-. .ERANK D. DU0LE\r. . . . . . . . . . HEN RY-SE10 HO RTN E R ARTHUR CHAMBERLAINServants. ' • ' .

1ACT I—Major O'Gftllaerhorls quarters. The Weddirir. .

ACT (t—Cilwo House Acttdem'K-' Tho honeymoon, / . ACT III—Samo as act II. Amazln'ir ajiQtl

7 i

Amazln'y: apQthesla-ef Miss Brown.

“The Strange Adventures _ oLMiss Brown”

T i ~

prank fi.' W alker• ."Practical '

Paper Hunger .and dealer in ____

-Waii; Pajets-«n*i Wall Mouldings

Samples btought to your homo,' thus at- fordinef a buffer ubancn, to match your car­pets, furniture nod other decorations.■* ‘ ' - -A ; - *' * /

'• T “ £-nlI or address ''M2 .Kurirrfi rfrcnue, Wesl, Asbury tfark,.

2 0 2 0

V L c M a l s t r e ' s - ..

Mim Stamps*. . „S '

fljlveit to - every 'p u rch aser., of “QNi; DOLLAR’S .W ORTIf OF ' i. '• ■ GOODS d u rin g 1 o u r A ltera tloa Sale. ,

2 0 2 0


isnritY Park DAtiv rressS tcesi>.4y , a pr ii. it), fooo.

The Daily P ress.KSTABLI8HKD 1887



Maintains, Amicable Relations ;f Between Parties. :

P U B L I S H E D K V K U X E V E N I N G '(KXCfcPT f,UNDAY) ‘

i' * D A IL Y PR IJSS B r i i 'D I N G , I

C 0 7 M a t t l « o n A v e n u e , A s b n r y P a r k .

± ;x*i.srnoH* c«.M : .E d ito r ia l K o o n u , . . , '

' B usiness O ffice ....V ..• SO » .50 b

- ■ - i; '] .TE R M S O P SUBSCRIPTION :

One y e a r ( s t r ic t ly l a a d v a n c e ) .. ..O n e w e e k . . : . . . . . * . . . . . . , ..........A . . .

■ S in g le c o p ie s . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. .**,

..*3.00 ... .00

A dvcrtla in £ . R a tes on A p p lica tio n .

Rocelves th e te leg rap h new s see- vice o f tbe'pnbllaheV s P re ss Asaqcltt- tion , a n a th o hows service.:.of~tho A m erican P ress A ssociation—Iw o pf th e ticsti.


It -is quite "common to bear {ho r.'opnion'ra^TO sieijrTfip 'coniges fail in"

their train ing of vourig men, th a t tliey deal'too much with the impractical nnd theoretical and neglect the vital and living issues of the day.

This view is usually expressed by men " who have never had' college training,

- and hence/view the question from the outside. Howover much tru th there may have been, in this contention; 20

•years ago, there ia'very "little ground for it today. An evidence of this is the questions, selected. for intar-collegiate debate between 14' different representa-

<' live Amerieftarinstitotioas; • They: are • without exception the living issues of

the day, and must certainly reflect the nature and trend of instruction offered

] to our young men by these institutions. The names of these institutions and the

—questions to badisoussodaro asfoliow a: Harvard-Yale—Resolved., Tliat Porto

Rico should be included in the customs boundaries of the United'States. , ' :.

)!ViFcdnslh,Jowa—.Would it he politic for the United States .to tab® direct ac­

t io n .w h ic h would effect^ substantial.in.'crease in her mfijcttimt marine?4' •.......?•-

Si.- Harvard-Prinapton — Resolved, That Englarid'e claims in its controversy with the Transvaal are justifiable^

.Peiinsylvania-Micbigan — Resolved, ‘That the. formation o£ trust! should be opposed by legislation.

Colurabia-Chicago — Resolved, That the national regulation jpf. corporations tending to capitalistic monopoly is un wise and Inexpedient.

California Stanford — Resolved, That inv France the ministers should be re sponsible to the p residen t: " r - - , Brown-Dartmouth — Risolved, That it is the duty of the United' States.to ac­cord complete independence to the'Phil- ippine.Islands as soon as it shall be con- gisteht with their permanent welfare.

I lan n a V lnltf X e ^ 'o rk .* ..,• New York, April-10.—Tile Prrss says

riitit'li mystery -ifiirronml'ed a.'visit.'tn this pify-thnt Scuntur Murk Hanna ended by

, taking tile-afternoon train for tho south yt'stcrdii.v. Tin? empinyi.'eit-iof-thivWii]!.

"ilotf-Astoria, wherb tiu- scniiltti’ jOepf nji ... Iijst 'Suiidii.v.n.’pht, were cautioned to he

discreet and to jiivf ho information con- . ~^t'itIirg=JIr.^Hitiii;ii'lR:i)rt,si‘iii'P"hrth('”hiiL

tel. Swiatw Hu mm arrived ut tjio'hotel late un S.Uiidny.evening aii<l was shrtwn at once tn room No. TSS. Almost :is soon as he arrived u card was sent .up'to him. It bore ^he jjume'.of C(irnolius N, .Bliss, ^[r. P.llss'Vin; ;jil.'(Mtiipi;i the rli'Viilnr ;is soon as Senator Hanna had senf down word that be.wouhl'reeeive him. -The two were closeted. for two jltmirs.' Srnatur

■ lia'nna. left .tlie ’hotel and tlie fity soon afterward!' Whim a . reporter called'nt' !Mr.; iilisK’. hoiite last night, lie admitted at once that. llg had );on»‘ ,to the-hotel .to


if' tho hvii hodrs* ’ta lk .jyiis <m ;th^Vifijo<rjt? Vjf flio vi.co prtfsidwioy -juimiimtiiiji.. “ I hmst. decline to diKeuss thsitj” hi* n ’irtJrd.

\ ' “.Ho' you cxp.wt to tho nmmni»*• ■tioiiT* wiU. t !><* second question. Agjun

• i'lIi'.-'KlIss ivpiir.tl time- !»* cmikl n»>t dis* _cus.H tlie sn bjMrtV : ^ " V : .

rk ii]> ln in Ilc C d te fi^ in Q ila S to rJc s ,W ash ing ton , April - i<V—A of

tho >u1miitistnitinn. » uffyiim^it/M nnild- is- containwlj in. m ! . nuuk* 10 tlu*

. w jir (IfiKirtuK-iit ,l»y O.• •• PieiTtv This ot!ii;«>ir -pniticuUirly•: Vlizo.s tli'o *»x-e!ia|!H»in *i»f. fix.’ vi>1 nutc*ni:s

wiio iisjs- iifon s o • i^riflrisiiiir flip... morjilfj <>f : Th<v Amoric-iin troops- in tho

; ; X M i i l * j n i u k l i i i r u f tvliol»*‘-• vk'jiIo iniokieat ion nml ioliinjr .of tho onov-

lb u K _ l 'i i ie _ i iL . l l i i i . j >umijor of» 1 i i ju a t• <lrinUinjr...fmloojns“ in Mjurihi,,.. ohnjK

Inin (li'oinrofi . i l i j i t tlio li^nror; n.s 'i o ’ tli.* iiumlioi^ofv^VroojiK. h'nvo- iioou'iM»rvortt»ji, tlia t, tho AinorhVi'n’ Wi loon took tho |>(a«*o,

- of nil u n to ld n'liinhoV o f .iiativi* ^in sh ark s '•* w hich <.Iisp v n soil - J iq ii iil—j jirisi ►»—>v-i t-lwdo^

11 lorn bio offo<M >ujh»u tlio Amo uicu.iu J lion j :^ ^ a n d : thnt'-th»^u1«!ititutJun^6fT.t!io-n>x!im!!l-

tn l enntoou lins rosnltod in sin iujproyo- ■ . m out ii* tho soin ioty of tho t'roops.

The Potomac- Memorial Bridge.Wa.«hington» Ani-il': lU.—Tiio sooivtiiry

. of war has forwjn.dod to eofiKross‘the ro* |)oxt* of ji bonni of enjjiuwyis^;iud-ur<-hi-

. .too ts ; i)i fav o r o f Mm ooijstruotitm . o ( a ,brid^o across-tho. J?atom n7^nver from t hi>; oitjt. to ArHnfftoih, • **tuL a ' to

v Aniorfionn pa t H t» r.I^T IV ,^ :o V n an <• f» witl^*’llm r , ' a

f!ir?tinp^iishcd. »»i- ’ o f ” Now\"^Vk/^'t-’AU: cif cost o f ? l,800;U00., ' R fhnilitlhK CpnVention H i i l l r .

! s Kansas - CMY,vr- April 10V — iMaits .for oVootrn# a now oonvbntion ballUijivo j>ra«

tAi- ’ ...... 1 ■i—■’* if

_3>mJdln(?. 'wliieh is to cost in llio mn^Ubor- iiood’yf S^p0,000v r . •*


>r! rlin ,' Afiril •, -10,—Hoa yy rain:.' havo Ion ilutdn^ tho' lastfoartla.vsv and thp

l*5lho nnd Odor liav«‘ (Vvt-irio^od iir.o.vAi'U* . sivo ili^Tru’ts.'l iii. &!xomV Brand ohbll rg

. !JI tlilnk DeWUt’fl Littia Earjy Risers are r tho beat pills in. the world.” says W , E.

flttppy Creek* Vat They remove all ^ obstruction!! »C the liver, and bbwels.-aot;

qulQk)y.f*utl never ^rlpo;-/W. R. Hrim, 107 . >. ‘Mala street. ,V„ .

N o t naving T T i o - t h l r d i o f S e n a t e .I t P r e q n e n t i j * N e e d s ' D e m o c r a t i cY > j t e » - p p p o i i l t l p n to*; D j U n m - T h e

^ r r l e e o f A r m o r . ■"*

^W A su ix b T o st ;A p ill7 ip ;-[ Speeial,]- Probaftly li). uo o ther legislatircJbotTy on

. earth Is. there such ii ljecesslty- to main­tain ii certain Kmotiut o f eoitrtosy tiinl forbearance ns iu tliq United -States senate. One 'of the ' most observant senators ■lit the. boily was 'disctisglu this featu re with nie nnd said: “It-is the desire of tlie majoWty party, and; la fact, it Is-its duty to m aintain good relations with tlie minority nnd, where It. can ,'to concede to the minority .cer­tain lights.- Take, for instance, the prosyut condition in the; senate. We UnVjjU •nq'niber'-of .trciitles that we Ue-

‘SlwfOjJI ratify^ no t only the Nlearagna canal treaty. h iiF lilsp,jnntm ber bf the rciilproidtyjtieaties. ’ To do so we must' liave Democratic votes. Tlie Repub­licans have hot got two-thirds-of tliedpnate'iTrnrircd“L'or'raTifylug'tl'eatiosrand it Is necessary to have such rela-' tions with tbe minority as to.comman.d the. votes needed. I t was so when there, was a" Democratic ■administra­tion. Itepublitan vojes.were necessary' to ratify treaties. Of course tfiere Should1 not be anything like, partisan­ship In tlie matter- of . treaties .which •are dealing/Svlth-foreign aiid not ,do- Ijmstic '.aff^Ita, but; jvhftn the majority unduly?gangers .and ' oiijiresses 'the norlty or .forces i t Into au1:lintlesirable situation- then- we*n\ny-. expect (p,artlsiim sh ip , to run "liigli nnd every act of tho admiuistia.tipn and mnjovity to lie treated Ti'itii a^grepsive andViic.terinin- ed opposition.” ' .... ; ; ’ , j .

Mr. Bynnm th e Inane. .Tbe'^enator was discussing the ease

o f William D. Bynum of Indiana, nam­ed for'appraiser of New York." It.w as a place which, under', the law, goes to Ijig-J^einoerats,; ■ a m i tiie Dernqcrats, rind. inNfoct, all tlie~oppositIoiTto the' Rbpt|bllcans In the Semite,• oppgse-hlm. They made an appeal to the Repub= llf.-nlis jnot to forctta .man upon them as a ljem gcrat >yho opposed the last Dcm- OLeratlp candidate »foxv president nnd who was the leadetjjgfj.'tlie gold Dcmo- c ra tlc organization ns ^;ell as an or­ganizer of th a t movement. Corisldbi- able 111 feeling developed, and many -tfepublicaus-thotight-it—was not-gooll policy,to push the conliiMjation of SIiv Bynilin; **It - Is not only U'l’.'itit'H,” ror.- tlmied tlioTenfftoT. ^but b’ther legiTsln tion th a t tCinvolyed.' Of course by re­maining her? all sutiimcr we can pass oiir "bills,- but we w ant to got away early. We want^'unanimous consent agreements fpiv.HaJi}^ aHiCue to vote upon the Philippine- liiir;: tipori tlie Quay case and upon btUei^ menstires which may be called" party ineasttres._ By. acting iu a manner.considered diseotir- teous by the minority 3 he senate may, be compelled to i pmnIn in!-Bossion-40 tir GQ days longer; than there is any real necessity for. doing. I t -tvrfuld be.bet­te r to keep on good terms with tbe .minority and to get through qtir legis­lation.” " . . . . ' . .

Conjcreaalonal Kaval F ig h t. ^-TIie~great cpntbst now Is .over the naval approprlntion bill.' ' Even if the bill passfis as reported by;the lniijority members of tbe committee olV naval af­fairs in ' the houstfrrtt- -is-- onl.v--tht; first- stage of the.-Jiibasure. Not only Is the tight against the arm or-plate pro­visions of t h e ; "measure, but also

.against the large increase made fo r tlie navy. Slimy members of congress be- llqve that the battleships- now ordered should be completed before utore, a’ws. authpilzeii.—Tlicn, tliere. is^aidesire-ou-,

"tlfi>~pai'e^I^someT members tov.’iiSve" more .criiisei'j!-instead’ of battleships'^, But tiie main contention is over ffipf price of ariiior piate." Nivivil otlicer.s’ who know-something of th is niattei: decliire.tl.iat there is- (langer of rieliiy- ing tli** purcliiu'to .oC-ariuor^nnd-t-hey also oppose a-goverm nent-urinor-plato facfory,. The m ajority of co'ngross seems to favot* paying, the price for armor, but tfiere is a very -'grout ile- luand for.providing an armor plant so as to- cause a reduction in the price,- .The senate ill tiie last .cbng’res,s Insist­ed ttpoit tho low price for armor. Tlie belief is 'geperal that, the Senate naval, committee, which now lias charge of the. iiaval approprijition bill; will op-

-pose' The- honse bill and -i:epbrt--in fiivor. of a-low er price -than $515 per toil,: The most deteniiinet^. senators; for • ii' reduction in .price are C’lmndlcr and. TUlmtin; both of wiioiii are-m em bers of-the-njivnl-eoimuittee,--------- --------------

■:T'. -PRO-BOER E E T 1N G. -Plil]n<Xefiilftln>7 $oy*s -Send’ Blesi'cnsptr

' to ICrnger. ^Pliiludolphia. April to.—Ji! bright look

In^i i-odl^oadod Alfiorioan district incs FoiiKr/* lioy.-Jainys Francis Smith of New York, left the staffo of tho“ Acadoh)y ot Mm*ir at IOjHO last night- with the mos sago of sy in pa tby from tho boys of the public schools 11».Prosldent-Kruger- of. the Trans vail I, .to lie delivered, to Ooiiu Paul in poi-son.. ' . • * * . .

I t Xvas- the finale of. a nniiiuo domon stintiun. k,. .

The ine'stinge wns signed by 28,8.14 pu­pils of the piiblie schools of Ph'll ailelplila; Now Yor.l:, Boston. and intermediate clt* h>:*, .. ' •' - '” * • 1: "-VcoornmffT:oT> rofcra.mwo 0,1)00 boys bo- -t»;oen the. agos of 8 iind "|^Vsfcrt*!nl)lcd,ai Iiuiopoildoiu e hiill laPt.opening, and. with bnnds • playing nod: i‘td. ■ • jight^ burhiiig tiinr^bod' jo flu; A.oudomy Lo give MeHse.ii* ger a send (iff. "OreatVeimvds along

• • ■nthii*^ d by

over 5,000 *pooj)]e, mostly boys.'Judge -TOlliam'*N,' ..Ashuin'n • presided.

Tlio^o was a chorus of UQ0 Angers, Ex- Assistant Secretary ol’ the Interior- Web*, fttiii* D avis, • ox-I>istriet Attorney . George

Orahaia, Bourko, Copkran and Lconter Wosscjlsr^U Boor, - mnde. addresses, ^o which the boys ehoered- heartily. Ktlwin Mu’ivhain roiuj iii« *!Ode to Lincoln;'’

Afrriv lbe.,spoechiuakiirg^tbe .crank of the .thehier messenger onII box wits turn­ed; 'anil ip V f.v\Y; .minutes Messenger Smith appeared and" .was /g.reeted with deafening ohoors. : With his ticket ihiirk* ed "To J*rosii 1 out KrtigeV. Protoritf,”^a»d. iVe.arlng tliF’sfglieif n!i‘ssngo of"woliwi^h-' es, he was sent ojV. Me-leCl on the mid* night train for New YorK, bearing tlio message in a leather ease. l ie was no* companied 1 »y frboinas’ J allies. Meek, «Td*. Hill*• and ’Wallis (*ood»Uan, the.‘Commit* tee*of;the high/sihool. ‘ ’

MosKongor .Smith starts for Southamp­ton on the >tonnior Sf. Lo.uis Wodiiosdi1. ’. Front’.SCiutliainpton he. will go to Fr/inee antj. from thei e,. via t lie^^uez cn'iiah.to' tiie eastern roast of Africa by vsieapicr and thence by rail to' Pretofia.- - ■ .• .

The message .tif )*resident Kruger reads: ' ; . 1 ’• .*' •' ' - # ■

UW\\ tho wndorsignod studonts. of the public.sohoiils of Philadelphia, the. eity. Aviiof o;v'oui* -« wii,_ fo’u* f ather'^en list ed.;. i utheir i-ifdOiUHd and sneoossful struggl<T "of the eueitV?n7ciife tlie liae of tiie I)'ra*against Kngiivh oppression, desire, to ; ex* press to..you and to-the, tighting .men of the South African Kepubiie their, £reaj ulnlirat ion for tho genius and courage that has checked ISnglish invnMioi} .of tiie Tra ns va'a 1,.. a nd t ho uiid or signed extend .t h^U i?^C iu :n i s t jv itiii’fiJlla Lin^ilwLead

F o r ;th e ~ P rIn iie M h u .Uepucsentntive Hr^twole- o fM inno-

sota is- a friend of the printers. He has IntrodiicOd. ami .‘hf^\irging. theipas^ sago-of in 'bill prohibiting the govern- Inont frefill printing’ or er.graviug ou stnnrjied envoioiros^ anything save the

T3ii^will--e6!iipel -iHoSe w ho1 , w a iits ta in pod "envelopes with a . return eard 'in the.cqxunv to obtain ihein ftom ^somo priivting otHee;' Millions of-eiir- v el opes. _ w it li-i». rot urn ea rd p rln te d jn„ t lie (;o r n or, a re~Q o >\\ furnish e i,l~ /by the government .throii^h. tlie postofltce <3 * apartment. < ?JVii>/ I|eoMypUf ■ sa.vs this cl a s s o f 'p rtnfi n g -i I )t> g s to -1 li M ltice s that are tMii'tljiped for.-jt throughout the. iioitnVy and oSpecially ln tlm .sumllct* .job oitiCes. liven thiy sm allest towns, lie Says; have .bysine^s'iiien. wiio ob­tain t^ h '^ ^ J l i i ie s ; tb^oi?gli the ' post- otriees. /rlio . g o v ern iiieu t.carries .hi 1 .’tUVf.se. supplies to ..the cOutitiy towns free of. eharge.; wl^leh umkos it easy to. obtain1 thein. • Mr. He.rtwoVe iutthuls , to prbss tlu* bi11 am i "7 pass-- ft • tills Bcsiiloir if

DISEASE HELPS BOERS.Roberts* Armjt Menaced ,, ;J Scourge-of Pneumonia.

> y


L n to n j a p n t o i i 'T e i l **o t S evere -E n - V a tfc m c n t n t • W c p c n c r I^aiitln ff A ll D ny , In W l i t d i t l i e T rn n jiv a n ! F o r c eI* l lc im liQ d —A o w i F r o m M a tc k ln g ,I __*- , . - .___ _

' n L o n d o n ,’ A p rU JO .-G e iise lo ss ! ;a c tiv lty nnd<. grea t-.clu riiig on th e p a r tf o f tlife

'B o e rH.' inniiobility Qnd_lack o f eju^'gy,j o u. the pip-t o f th e B ritish —tliis suhflri.arizesHie p r e s e n t ’Bituatioil ^u S outh A fric ti .so fa r as dispeltchcs f ro m . t h e ' s e a t o'C iwar

. ai:e allo>ved to'^sefc-it .forth. . : ‘ ;iThe Boer forces are close*to Bloemfoft*

tein lit several direction^ ‘ They-hn-vo laa-gered neni* poukersi'joo.rt? .'QHJK. '18 .-miles to t ho southeast. . Tliey sti 11 -oCcupy the wa tor works Vat ‘ 3 a nun h -/Postr ser i m si y i n coaveil i eh elng tho-garrisun_a iid: to^'iis- people. Numerous bollies appt'nr'to be traversing the entire country toward the Cape Colony^border, „ terrorizing those, who recently,'>)3wore/ allegiance : to : the.British .authority•,I .At Rc^dorsburg thefC*is said, to be- ulitffge : iVo tl y, a nd - y ai: ions CoTninandaeV' a reb e tw een Dewetsdo/p

’ and.^niitlifield.-- .•■A/.V.’1vV.:>,.v, - Some liav(|yiilsb been scCiv bn tlie west of thoTailwitjH; “i ; .•. . “

A t AVoponorV thoy confront General Brilliant in stich fmco'us to constitute ir grave nichaCe ^b his coloniai division... ~2lob'efts*li rmy iif ainTUrdtrird'BI hem f on-' tein is.nppiVrent 1 y still Umible to niyve be- cihtse'of hick ,of liorses and winter clothes foi; the troops. Gei^qral G.ataerc has un­der his command Several strong contin­gents' which cannot .move far from; their present stations because it is.their imper­ative d'uty to protect the commander }ii chief’s communlcationp'; Thus in the\ynst-section, of the Orange Free State frorii .Thaliit' N’Chu to Roux- villo:and fronii' Tiadylirnnd and Wopener to Boddorsburg there exists practically no British authority, where a month"dgo the British ll.igj siieiii^d to-be: everywhere predoniiunnti - Beyond Kimberley the country is ftill'-of -Bgers. % .•;IaViiorthefa’y-Natal' t he tinbrohen f 1-ont

, / D rm nJiser, D ln n ^ iiL a X p ll . ; , .Scranton. Pn;.» Apiii TO.-^.loIin God-

dliiig;,t a t raveling salesman’* ar- M’ator* tovrn^N.-Y—who'wns Hikon Uj two wx*eks ago at. the Urand Central hotel, died yes­terday while on his way to the. poor farm. He was riding alone ia a cab!when doafli overtook him. lin'd" tlie cabman did not discover that his fare was-h.corpse until he reached his destination.


the Sou th ' Africa ii. Uepnblic will triumph-over iCngland iivji war in whieli the Boei* cause is mfble,‘the Kiurlish cause unjust.

G e n e r a l .3Io2i no ii* C h e e re d .Ko\v York.. April 10.—Gonornl K. L.

Molinonx Wits \»i*ew*Mt htvU idghtrfat the pubi!e\e‘ncaniinnont of tin*.veterans of his old regiment, the One Hun.dred and Fif* ty-ninlli, New York idatV voluiUeersr which wns held at Borough Brook* jy«, fo colebrato Appon'uittox •(liiy. The veterans ni ride- - ItLanUocco s inn for a dem-, oust ration to honor riioirol<i <;b!iTAntitile!T Genornl Mr.DnoUx was-escorted to a seat' bn-1hp platfoj;ni and, was.grectcd^witli^ap^ plrtuse. : Captain <.J,eorge~3. ^to.yley; in, opening the ineeting. said: ‘‘At the. break­ing out of the war this regiment chose for its leader that grand soldier,- tliat'oblc and patriotic citizen, that, noble specimen of nianho()d,*‘ \vho‘: iievor sn.id 'Go for* ward,’ but whose cry ever was ‘Boys, fol­low uie.V He wfts a man that iievor knew defeat.” Captain C^ler, who’-1 yresidtyf. nnd General llorntlo C. King nnd Mark 1>. Wilbur of »Generali/Mpliueux’s stijiff o.'ioh paid high tribute to thoOgouerul and brought,forth:|.»rolonged cheers; -

. , T l ie TexniM F Io o ils ,Austin, April 3t).~The flood sitiiation

liere .is improving somewhat, but tho1 re­ports froni .po{Jit .-l»ol(m*-indiwtte- lia t the I'n.lTofTed-t of tjio .iimiienst* votniae of- \\£\-. tor is7 being fc it. in Wharton nnd..Ut*fa- .yette counties, ovovyljiiiig heing inumlsi t- od and much lo^s. of property and li.ve ptock being reported. In jjaf?trop couiity tin? Hood ii si s caused . m uch rl ii ln'ngo' to .1?. I ^ ^ .v> J.\nd sn.uiet ii ing lik<* 50wa shout s a nil: losses 'of' l)ridgt»^-,are-- (,e-" ported by the railwaynV Advices fVom tlip area surrounding t he county seat- of Bas­trop county are txv the. effiM't. that tliore has, boon* tfomo loss of: lire* iinuuig the, fnrnijng class; as their homos wore inun- d'ntod* without warning.by the tidnl v/avo, hu : outside of an: niloontinned report tliat "•iirliir liyes woro.lost nothing can bo learn1- c71I~I.iu.th~tCS(ml-h(Xrn infrt several people are inissing; the number represeniiiig ji family of*idx’Italians an(| ztv'o i)egro:faini!5c£■ *: ,- t •

stores Bullet* in the face;fu lle r’s army iri not in the best condi­

tion either to take -the offensive. From Natal comes( a heavy’Hst o f deaths from disease among the men,-,-who are,suffering from, dysentery and enteric fever nearly i f not quite as severely as during the siege of Ladysaiith. • / . X • ..

A now scourge. pucuinonja, duo to want of' wnrm winter, clotliingvVis appearing among the troops ia both section's.-? ’ •’ Thus the British advnnde is teinpora.ri- ly; paralyzed hy disease, laek-of^emountsJ clothing, and transport facilities. Mean-' whilo tho Boers, are as mobile as when t lie. wii i* first* st a rtcd, Th e.v aTTf^lii^rr^piTf" employing the best possible, tactics to i;c( turd the British advance by th e ir .daring' raids, wherein tliey, gobble up'detached boil i(.*H'aii lV-thi;oid iVirobpi'iiltlri i oil tioti s: ■ '■ ;

The report that Sir Tiesrio Bundle, com* snanding the. Eighth division; had been prdered' to Kimberley seems to indicate that Lord ‘Roberts thinks he has enough troops in his own-great arniy without the Eighth division and plamiod to niove ii colump by way of Kimberley and Yey- burg s.o as to1 turn the passages of- the£V^ihl=rtvefr;—- —---- ------------ rL.—

p« v fiona;?? Boihl>nrded,Xy.ack, X .. Y., April H L Burn ing

ierrvos’tnr K-jVr inount-aiiusit Bock hind liake set fire’ to tho dynnini.to house of the iirjoklnrrd .Iinhe, Irnp. ittrilrcoiitpany, ”of; w h ich ( 'on !■: l.in iV: d^dss a ro: p'rojVric-rors.: ri ‘lio: houso was l»Iown~to ’atotus..: The ridsoVm which tin*.house stood wns shut­tered, and a Ktono. weighing- iioai ly ' 5b pounds was hurjoil lialf n mile and peue- tratocl tho^Iothbi.lisi pnrsonago.; falling within two trot of tjio minister’s wife and

h*!d. • No one.\yas h u rt.’ * . /

*AhTitua W. D l-nx..' ' J . I. Carson, Frothonotary, Washington; Pdli'SflVsl' -.•,I‘ha.vb.,;ft)^(id'Kodol Dyspepsia Cure an eifcelSqnt remedy In case of .- sttmt-! ach trouble, and have derived great benefit from Its uffo." i t uigeats what-you.eat and can not fall to: cure. , W, II, Haaj,-icr Main street, --r. ; <’ ‘ w • < ' j„ .. '

Here is an Easy W ay to.Fiiul Out.

-Eo sure-yon, need rrjediclno before you frt^ItTbutnmvIhgonce found'out'tfrat you' neetnt^lose no-Cline'lnigiiHngiEebestrTt; It’s for tho Kidneys, Liver, Bladder.or Blood, RboumatlBm; T)ytpepsin, Chronic Constipation,-or-the. sickness peculiar to women, the best Is Dr. David Kennedy’s Favorlte Hemedy, and a very simple way to- jirid out it>you need it, is to put some uHne nra glosiJiuinbler and let i t stand 24 hours';

•If i t then'has a sediment or a mllkv. cloudy appearance; If it Is'ropy or stringy, pale"or dlecqlored, you do not ueed‘ a physician to toll'you that, •'you. should take -Favorite R£medy-,at once: I t speedily cures such dangeraus. symptoms ns palri in th'o back, frequent desire to ui lnato, especially at night; burning, scalding pain’ In passing water, the staining of,, llnan by your urlne: .and- all . the unpleasant- and dangerouB ef­fects,produced on the'system by the use. of whiskey .and beer. AH 'drugglsits, sell Dr.' Davi^ Kennedy’s Favorlto Remedy a t tl.BO abottlo, or 8 bottles "for *5.00, " -.'•' By a.speclal tlnd partlci)lar arrangement witil* the; mauufactiirew our.teaders can try this grand medicine absolutely"free.: By simply gebding your full name' and posto.f- Pce trigr&S to thell5r. flavlil Kenoedy 'CoV- poratloo^ Itonflpat, N. Y., Mentioning- this paper, when a-trial bottle ofTafbrlte.Etoin- edy, together with a pamphlet o* valuable medical advice, will ba sent you by mail postpaid,, ' "'f, » •' ■*v'i

Tiie publishers of this paper n-tralitee, thdjjonuineiis of tills Offer." .:. ,r i . , . . ... ,,

I-’ . . y * •

GENERAL.Bit AB ANT. . kenbnrg range -aijii, the Biggnrsfterg

W A N T E D . .An.experienced -vrhlto waitress, w 'tti cood rof-

erpneo Apply, ut once to Commercial Hotel, As buryl-ark. E Van Alton. .. 8itf

B rnlm nt U c tia b e i Attack.-'A late dispatch, .from Aliival North

snys 'an engng^iiietit hits talien piu'ei; .at AVepener. Vile ; Boers’ Vickors-Maxim did'considerable execution .at iii'St, but the "British igHits .soon got the range and did_ great hitvoc. The Rousvillb ‘ c'om- mandp IniK gone to AYeneni'i1. ■ ..’ The lighting at 'Wepeiiei: wns. .severe and lasted nil day long. Tbe Boers re­ceived a check. .The casualties were rather heavy tin both . sides.-' Another cbijmiando iK.itdrancing toward Wepeiier from i>e W ets riorj), 1

A di.spnti-li rroiii Mafeking, dated Tttes-dny, Milrch^T, says: . ;.

-was-, received yesterday of the -advance of tlio southern relief column;

“The Boiu;s lliis rtibtning ouoiied lire a t sunrise with seven gulls, ineiiidiiig one 100 potuider" .This hnfT"been tlie inoHr vigorous 1 boniliai-dment o f. tlie season. The Boer siege gun , alone im; jifeil ov(.r 60 roti inlsi \ ■, ‘; Under, cover of the’Die the Bners iid-

vaiiced-’to thr noi'thorn-fnc.o.ur thb^,\ori;s, but-rpfli-ol.'iirecintlatcly-jin coming w-ith- m^rifle.ranBe.--^ri^y^nlso3niIvanced.^to. the siViUnvcstcTii posts, lifit ^vcre-'ropiils- ed. ,There jvtts one casually.- - - _ ‘.'The Boers u n d e r Cbmihandant .Ian Cronje arc,jevidently failingJnick befor^ the ndyatice o/ the sbutiiern relief col­umn and are -cdhcontrntinK wit'll.' two •.commandoes who nro retirini; -before Colonel.Pluiucr in order'to inaki) a finnl effort to ieduce the-town.. , 1

“All the 'fort's find -outlying posjliniis are manned, the troops 'aro slanding-.t o

are convinced that tills is the-Boers’ last attempt.'! .

as already

Sulfcltle aiifl In n an tty Iti .th e1 A^my.Washingtqii,' April 1(V—ItepreseiilatlvD

-I.evy-of New-, i'iirh has ihtrO(lii(ied iV resrt-' lution whieji, iii^ei-' rwiltliig the stiiti;-,

‘'iilents tlijit iW ollicbrs ami men of tiie ar­m y'in ', tlie- Philippines lijufj*. xominittbd- suicide and, that -more ihan 400:iire'. How confined in llisuiie asyluriis and that seri-

-ous ehargea hjive heenT.mudo agahist olB- eitils - jn . tlill transport, coninilssnry and auartei’lnastec's.iicrvlces'.-^AllH-tiii'iiir-tlre' fecri'tnr.v of w or'for Information and ivu-

.tlioi'izcs the speaker t|> appoint an investi­gating.committee If till) house thinks liee- essar>. ' -- ” '•.--i-*,- . -• mm ■ li.l'.•••} * 1 1 ij.

■- • H a u l i e r S t o n e D e n d . ; ■ .. <. ’New \o>k, Ajiiil tO.--Cli:ii'Ii's Stone;

one.;,of ^he fo'tin.dcfS'Iind -iintil sis-jnidntbs hgir ttV'-.iSurer Vi[- r;iie, Peoiili.’s hijnkv' Ims ilied i) ,tl|P gf'lii lii^lifi home in tliis city. ilc. ".vas-*t)rji;yiirs', of.age and repufiii '.th. "ho-\ej5~svealliiy. . . , •____f f

'; 9 , ii:-:..-•

' During this Easter- week both flowers and perfumes wiJ! tie-in special evidehce ,.at? the Pharmacy.-- The best/ as usual, and at

the lowest prices. ; Special an­nouncement later. ,'

‘“Drugs that Cure” for Pre­scriptions.

* ' ’ • ' . ,■ ■ . 1

Vioris Soap, with its odor of violets, is- .suggestive of spring. It is the best • [soap • for , the money ey.er placed on tfe- market. 20 ten ts a ., cake; 5< cehts a box.— —r ---- :- -- - -

M a t t is o n Aye. P h a rm a c y .

, T he A rtificial S u n lig h t (laker.. lialf the Cost of das Light,

A Bixty light ranohine cap bo seen in successful operation a t H um ’s Phar- mady, 107 M a i n ' s t r e e f . •

■ Address *■ ■

Jolin S. ’.VanDyke Electric Co.,’ ;• > IO ll.C ookm an A v en u e ,85-00* 1 A s b u r y P a r k .

SpecialAdvertisements containing , not x^ore than

fcwenty-flvo wordB lnsortod under this heading tor twenty-five cent« .first Insertion and fifteen centa each Hubseqaent ingercioi. . - v


: i:;.'. '

It' I

~ B o ^ y r f u want a ' stylish hat?.. I f .so; we ' have' it:- -'Some people imagine that their ap-'

pearance is Vabo^ the same, no matter,-what . ; kind of a hat they wear; In this they .are mis-

taken. as One' stJ'le 'of hat is never suited" to every face. TTjur .stock is made, up of all the latest spring^-.styles;' including, the always

- pretty nelvU te S pecia l, fhe' Dunlap, Young, Youmans, and two othpr shapes in derby s, an et­as mafty nfew styles iii ihe soft1 hats. Priced

-ito m ,gl.ffl>:tQ-g4tbO .„:/-

-■ Buy ona of our MacHurdle Shirts; take it hpme; tryv it\ on/ and i f any fault’, real or • fancied, bringiit back here and we-will Siiy,it of you at.the.price you paid us. Safe ‘and sure, isn’t it ? Haven’t been asked t i bu^ any back as yet.’- ..v.; / , '

■ T h o “ f le t td . ” H a t t e r s ,

6 0 S M a t t i s o n A v e n u e


\Y r- FoR ItENX.* .Furnished or unfurnished rooms; all improve

meats; eecond flat. Tasting Building. ; .86-68*

W A N T K D , • . r, ,Wbito relifvble help wonted. ' Coohs^ chaiiiber-

mnids, laundrt-SBes, n^usematdii nnd nursea. Ap­ply toM isi O’Shea Employment _ofllca, Howland HI ck. Mativand-MunroeTivenue. • • £0-111*

W A N T liD , • ■AiFexp«rieneM"ftal«riinh^InTneniiivfunilPhIng

and clothhifr Wiist Uavo references. Apply a t once, 1?»~Matn street. , . 8G*

W A N T E Dyoung men to work I repaint shop, i

pqtno cxpenenco preferred; '/Apply .W\V; C:Two j

Weeden, First avecuuTvnd 3Ioin s tree tswitli; CV

W A N T E D *Carpets to clean * by tho tumbling . procQjBa;

cheapest and-oesr.method. SatJsToction guar­anteed. Leave, o/ders with W alter W; Day! Charles J . Black,lopposlto Postdfllce *

S '85-00

;■ .v,:. ..M ^ itunyon and Miss Gardner ' \No 310 Bond street, Asb dry Pnrk,*w. X 82- J'«

WANTED. ,At once; V^o active young ladles 0% learners

In aiilitnery d^partment'.-^Cook’a Bee Hive.- f7tf

FOR 8ALE. -1 o n y x e o d a f o u n ta in , c o m p le t e , n e w ; f .sh o w

c a s e , 4 f t . lo n g ; JS n i c k e l c a n d y t r a y i , 1 d o ? - s o d a h o l d e r V s i lv e r ; 3 'd o z . M d a k Ihww-h, 2 p a i r f in e c o u n t e r s c a le s ; a l s o c a u d y ja rH . ico c r e a m d is h e s . B o d a sp p . n a . Ic e c r e a m a p d c a u d y b o x e s ', 2 ’ d p z . b e n t w o o d c h a i r s , -i t a b l e s , e t c A p p ly S t r ic k ­l a n d B roa.% flJ8 C o o k tn a n a v e n u o , o r H n r r y D u f i le .d , 016 A s b u r y a v e n u e , A s b u r y P a r k , N . 'J . -

' . 7 0 tf .

af q r s a l e .XwQ^euupriiospiralu^good eonditiouVwiV

w o r k a n y w a y ; s ix y e a r s o ld ; i d n d a n d . g e o t l e T e r m s m o d e r a te . A p p ly t o W e s le y - I Iu ^ R in s IAvon.- "■ ‘ '•»••• - - ;

. B E A ^ T .- A P P L E G A T E ,Contrnctii/g falutep and JTcoorator.

p r o m p t l y g iv e n ,P . O . B o x 1064.

Estimates DQtf 1

■ B a - f v a i i i i i k s w a n t e d ,. ‘Boarders.can secure flrat clara accommodation a t 409 Third avenue; terms rensonable; hous0.heat- ed, gas and electric lights bath and all the com­forts of homo. Jlanagoj’- of-tb(i 'BuckiogbamMn; tho summer. Mrs. Geo. M. Buy ’ 38t£ ;

F O R S A L E O R E X C H A N G E ..Eleven bnlldinjr lots, .COxfJOO feet, adjoininj^-

Ocean Grave Heljrhts. Price one hundred doll dry. each; Apply to 508 Fifth avenue, Asbury Far^c'

14tf 4 .. F O R SXMJRm •

Nin'eroom_hQup.G,.fltore.pnA_bnrii,_jwith_clty: water .and sewers, on Ij* s’rout, opposite post office, Belmai4. Will be sold reasonable.Frank Oohon, owner, on the premises.

' . THiJj CHOVre*' “ • • '146 Main avenue.. Ocean Grove.- Open

/ear.-^Tbe-raoBt-homolIke-boarding-house-to Oooan_QfQYe, Bteam hOiVt. 'batbB and ail im- provcmMW^^ennlj“renKonabler iSKfcf •

J O S . X.. D V R K A H

■ W H E N I N L A K S W O O J 9 L .BtOp.at tKa Toners, Mala street, opposftolfiurel

House, , •. . . .XermB-rmsooablo,

>.. ■ • . . . ..'■ '. CnAS. J . Bmft, ; B u m m er Bekaon, At la n tlo g o u t e . O ceaa O rove

_C I.A R E N C E lj.yV Ii.S O M ,-

•I : , Architedt,ISO Broadway, ' ' tO N G B R A N C H .

C A N c ^ R i U N G p i a n o s ;J f& CVFiscnfia made thejr one hundred thous­

andth piano In 1800,' the largest output o f ; any- one’ concern'iri ..the.history o f - plauo maklatf. Thls.maky was sold"ln„%pbury.Park, for.55CO. 1 sd l ihem for- Saco. 8cpoMacker pianos, (ill .strings gold platcd: Never rusts a t tb.e seashore. A perfect4 piano, Bold by Asbury -PaVk dealer fo r ?4?5„ My price lb S80Q. Kroeoku piinos, established 1UC-2, made by a former superintend nttrof 8telnway’H. "Bold in towo for SiSO I ask 3250. Thprfffl'r^i others.-but >h?fto throe makes- w lirserveto tlliiatiaio tlie difTereriu^bidealer v

__________________ ,_________________ io tw e e n .tl ior with heavy expenses and; tlie. piano .tuner

who sells direct .from the factory (that’s me)..' Tn the face of the fact tbar these,plauqs ara„sti!i In Afebury Park-and »hatl .have timed Uiem nnd EKow tbnt they arp'civing entire satlBfactton,.nnd -that both' dealer wuo sold thennan^^^maniifac- t urer who made them aro still responsible for? them; I ask If Itispqt justfa little bit In'consistootj, for^hfi samo dealer to cry *'thump bOjJ.'V4 furjii- taropiinq.V etc.^et(/!, wheu_l sell the same piano be frtraiorly sold 1 ' , / ^ - ; -'.* ' > ;1110 Princeton,’ ' >V. 071)01381;,Oil) CkoltxuAn arcnuo, - Piano Tunor iti years!

r-'-V .

■Y P I A N O Se x c h a n g e a b l e

. We have 6ften wondered whether you-rcally under­sto od 'what we meant by our guarantee, EXCHANGE IE KOT SATISFACTOllY. It means that e.ven when you buy an "instrument and intend to pay for it tir have';paiii f<5r ' it,.it is really only sent to you ON APPROVAl,. Thjs promise to exchange a piano.is.. our,..guarantee of. quality- ’ A piano should last you a lifetime and" we do not want to

■ tie you-up so that 0 you are dissatisfied you must continue dissatisfied. .We arc determined that we shall please you. Our pianos are mad? up of ia line that covers the best iti aU grades, from the great Weber down,to a piano that Costs;

• only $ 195.;■ ;" ■- - ; 7 ..............jfiTfirat pkyihent of §io and regular monthly 'paymenfs

of'$6, $8, $12 or $15will be sufficient. .:Should you wish to rent,a piano we would deliver to

you a new upright of- -y.crur- Mm selection, and when the- f rental is at an end we wiii allow you every dollar you have paid on that piano or any other piano that you may' wish to purchase. , ‘ , .

* >' Taylor & Tustlng Building,M attison Avenue and Bond Street

/ . . ' Asbury, Park, N. J.




A most exquisite assortment at the Jewelp^ Store of\ . l . ;» .» -yr—rrr; —

-' W i G o r n e l i t i s62# C o o k m a n A v e n u e

100,000 ROI.LS OF

jT. orn all the lead ins mai ufaoturera

5c ROLLFrota up\vjrds

PAPER HANGING.'13Ko per roll and up. . - ■'

WALL MOULDi>JGS,.To matoVnll poporfl, 2o a'fooj; and up. .'

J A C O B D O L L , J r .p r a c t i c a l ' - • .

pajerflaDgei541-543 C ookm an

T onsorial C om fort

Tf la . tlio destroy)t- eyety-rann who' patronizes a-barber to recolvo a Sat­isfactory-sbavo, as well -Jits " prompt attention! This will to aqcQrdefl fo nil ihmo who patrbnfsTo -tha new. estdbllatimout wlilch opens : ,.

Saturday,, April 7th,. Eaoh patron may liavo either tt liot

or cold towel, quick servlco' nntl snt- ..fsfaotory atfontlbn. ’ FurnlBliltiBS. new and up to da tt.. Perie.ct sanitary . applinnoss. • . '. .

R, FRANK GAGECookman'Avcnue ^locit',- ., :Coo\maii Av.e, below/ Emory St,' -,


B u c h a n o n & S m o c k711 Main St., Asbury Park.

A flue'line ot caskets on hand to W lect ( to rn ,-F lo w * designs a specialty. Ope!} d'ay-and n igh t. •>..

Telephone, 2 J a i '" '- Residence, 410 &5W*1! avenue. READ THE PRESS

MIB3 MARIOS VAN DKB LACKBHAW. was one of tlio favored tew who-wdnt twice a week to tlio bis royal castle in the Netherlands for a grand,.' jolly romp. The two little ones played with dolls ami mml pies ju st ns otli,er elill. dren not ro.vai <Jp.

Mies Van <Um;.- Laeksliniv left, the Netherlands a few years aj;o and tm- tl! the outbreak of tiie w ar lived In tho Transvaal. At the beginning of hostilities she moved to California and tool: up her rt’sldeiice with a married sister Iii' Santa .(’lawi douuly.-

F irst r, 3:54T Quarter D p - m.

.c- , Full *1 a 3:02,£/M»oa - I ' r p. ra.

ASBU RY PA ltK D A ILY pfoKS^,,T U ESt)A Y , A PR IL' 10, -1900.


M il* L o u ta c T w y m a n , o f CXUoaarp, H *fl D o n e S o m e .p o t a b le W o t k m

1 • D e c o r a to r .* ' ' V -__ ~ • • So m any young women have taken

up in terio r decoration in the past few yenra and liave done so well th a t th is very lucrative a r t seems destined to fall, to the (jehtlcv bcx by r ig h t of poo- sesslon and perfection.

Ten years ago a womnn decora to r was a curiosity. Even;six years ago,’ when Miss Looise.lt. Xwynian, the sub­jec t of tliis sketch, under tho tu te lage of her fa ther, opened a Ktmlio inC lil- i ago, she was considered the pioneer decorator anil was generally stared a t and wondered at, says an exchange.

She decorated, araong- others, the luxurious lib ra ry in the house of U rs. Frederick W inston, in North S tate street, Chicago; Jhe reception.Jball and drawing-room of Sirs. Horatio May, in A stor stree t, and frescoed a fte r her

..own designs the drawing-room of Sirs.' W illiam Bradb'urn,of Proiric avenue, a t Chicago.

■ Miss Twym an’s m ethods differ Irons those i f fresco pain’tei;s Iri'generflirTo

"h er fresco painting1 is no t a trade to be


learned .by apprenticeship so m uch as an a r t full of the soul and appreciation; of beauty. H er preference is-for.still1 life; her sty le i» bold, strong arid m as­culine, un'd lius all the elements of real genius. Miss Twynian is ^ th o ro u g h ­ly progressive and modern young wom­an. One of t lie expressions of her 'ad­vanced ideas is found in her costume.

’ In he r wortc she wears it pair of blue denint bloomers, which have acquired such wouderful.daahes o f colosing-tliut they rival Joseph 's coaf in variety, bu t sh e says they are the pride-fef h<;r heart.

i MRS. SLAKE PROTESTS..Ia O n t-o f H w ao r DecBO»« W*»

>ot E lected Leailer of the 8af- *■ irmigo A iif te ls lb s ,

. M rs. L illio D e v e rp u r B la k e ,w h o , w i th * h e r f r ie n d s , t h r e a te n s to d isp la ce M rs.

C a r r ie C h u p m a n C n tt a s th e le a d e r o f th o w o m a n s u f f ra g is ts , is re g a rd e d a s Iu m a n y r e s p e c ts a m o re cap a b le w om - ,un th a n th e r e c e n t ly c le c te d p re s id en t, o f tile ; s u f f ra g e u ssp c ia tio n . M rs. C o tt , i t is chargeid , liiis i ic v e r iiocom pliahcd iiuy t i l in g w o r th t a lk in g a b o u t f o r w on i- eln ,..w h e re u s M rs. llh ilce 'lias-d ev o ted '3 0 o f h e r CO y e a r s o f j i f c to th e cau se . B e ­s id e s , i t r S . B la k e h a s b een p v o m in e h t

I MRS. L lE L IE D E V E R E U X BLAKE.' i 1

in every movement having for its object v thu am elioration of woman's condjtion,

w ithout reference to 'thc franchise. She is a capable lecturer and w riter, aud h e r pen lias never been idle. .Sirs. Catt, oij. the. othox.liand, lias, it is alfeged, spent more of he r tim e reading poetry and raising flowers than in helpiiljj her sis­ters. Mrs. Blalce is a native of North Carolina. ..In 1S5S she hiajri'ded Frank a . Ilnihtrd, who- left her a widow with" two children depertdent-on her. For ten years she corned her own living and oducated her children with the money k'jc made o a t of her literary wjotIc. In

■ 1S0C stiu inai ried Grenfill Blake', of New • Y ork,-and BinOs then has resided in . th a t city. The threatened secession .from the old tissociationtind the organs fetation o f an opposition- society w ith Mrs. Blake ns i ts president finds favor, ■imong m any of the most-'progrossive ■jf tho suffragists in New York

<) D a a t ln i r I ’o iU iliod F u r n i t u r e . .The more 1 (ifflily a surface is p d lj^ ed

the more liable i t Is to show tjie n ia r te O fepyth lng that- Is passed over It. The best m ateria ls fo r dU stddths arc soft, Worn'silk, worn French thinned, and a line quality df cheese-eioth. .V (lamp filotlr \\ill clond tiic polish of furniture and therefore should n6t be used.—La- die* ’ Home. Jou rn a l. .

‘ MlutaUeu W itt Happen.We always t.hjnk th a t if we had our

lives' to Kve over we .''would avoid all tho old m istakes. This is probahle; but' wc would be a p t tci jnake as many new onga—Philadelphia X iW s.

' • A Q U E E N’S PLAY M A T E .

A n Am erican Girl W b n J tiia p c a W ttb ^Vllticlnxlftd oC.ihc Nctlierlnnd.*, - 'Miss Mnrion Vnn tier I.nrUslia w has

tiie fortune of lieiiif?'7n form er play*, m ate of. Queen Wifhclinltm of the Netherlands, . •.

The queeii and Miss Van tier Lack- sliaw arc abo'ut the - same nge .and liave been friends •since very , early childhood.- Miss Van dor' Lackshaw

> .

A Wonutn l.atvyer.Miss Frank (iviiy Shafer of P itts ­

burg, who ii«s_ foijnitHl a partnership with Attorney \V. II. Phillips J a Me­nominee, is snld to lie the only woman practicing law in the tipper;.penlnsulp o f Mlelilgnii. To -tjie (inostlQji .wuy giiu hritnip"en tip "tlio study Of law, she replied, '‘For the same reason tlia t a man does—to practice It and to make It pay a livelihood.'^

•Miss Shafer w as-horn Iii 1874, lu" PlttHl'm^g. 'vhere her father, Mr, D. Q. ^hafer, is master mechanic of the western end of, the Pennsylvania rail- rotol. Slie attended the public schools of th a t city until 1800. Then sho en­tered Swnitlimore college, near Phila­delphia, where she studied three years. The nest two years were spent in trav ­el and study..). Iu lsiKi slie entered the la tv .(lepnrtin'ent-of > the-IJh lv e rsltj ':of -Michigan. Slie took the regular three years’ j:qur30_aud- was graduated lu 1S0D. SflpFShnfer was a good student, and popular among her classmates. She was vice-president of her class the .firs t year and “prophetess" In Iter senior year.

Thc.pnst summer and fail Miss Sha­fer spend in the British Isles and France, and slie 'lias returned to .this country ready for work. She is 'de- BCiilvMl as a brlglitTTnrorgetlc and gc- nhil woman, who will undoubtedly suc­ceed In her chosen profession.—\Vo- mau’s Journal. ‘

— A Womnn'u H ra lau ran t. . | ....• I don’t wonder the woman MUffragitsts

select our city as' their rallying point, foi- woman 111 Washington has attained a pinnucle of supremacy she can hard­ly hope for elsewhere, .A man 1 know —I toll J tlj|g as itn llUistra-tiou—w.eot in­to a recently opened and very much patronized cafe a fte r the. theater, the other night. He was all alone. As he tlrow near' the* door and nyide ready to remove Ills coat the head w aiter Be­

llin i 'a fte r tlio m anner of head

wmaiiivjiltViLlKLiiiniiitcd,— === "One,” an.K_wpre.il the man I.k n o w .'The head waiter’s expression gre^v

hau g h tie r ' than evt-r. and you know w hat tiie habitual look of a head wnlt-i

.sorry, sir." he said, "bu t we are not serving gentlemen tmucconipa-

ladles this evening." : —in tlio 'nuuic of tire couutiess

thousand? of piy sex who have' been forced to marry In order that they m ight have husbands to gain them ad­mittance to hotels, and cafes 1 siiy, “Ilttrrah for WashingtonI’J-O ne W.oiu- nn’8 View in Wiishlnglon Post.

A n O ld l» n ld '« I ’n r t r .. From oue'of the towns' up thc_£tatQ comes a tale-of-a-’ uovel sort of put'ty th a t shows clearly enough tliat all re­proachful meaning' has departed -from tlio terin old fuulrtj.’’ i T hat saving sensb o t hm ior lias eomc.to the rescue, aud a number o f unmarried women'or- old lualds.oivbaiilielor girls lmve given 5 birthday party to one. ofTTTeir nuiu- :hur. It makes' lio difference which, of. the three liames you use to denote tliera. On the other hand, it docs jnalio n' d1l£ei'e.nt’e-M you use the worfl-spin­sters. . No woiuau Is going to sit calm­ly by and hear that w ord'applied to her—Slot if she can help it. A t the old m aids’ party hy common..cpu&eht and to establish n precedent-that \vill not prove. emharrpssitiK .iu llie futurp it' was i Iso sixteenth Birthday that, they celebrated with ti cake and caudles and all tiie nonsense- thsit belongs *,a -10 years.—New' York Siuf. " ' I '

.Tin) bvajll)-. IIIsli ttM l.j .;lIn-tlip feet vanity too often pnya n

price which is dangerously e.xpensive, •The high heeled shoe Is made in de-t fiance oi ihe relation it ough t'to bear, to the anatomy of the foot and the di­rection iii wlileh the. pressure of the

.body’s weight falls upon it. The boot jor shoe,, dipt-It 'nitty no; slip upon0 thu foot, which , liy tilt' high . heel is de­prived of lt3 usutvl jnuciiass of direct downw ard pressure, is'.mudp io hold w ith .undue 'flrmnoss Ju s t. above , the back pf thp heel, (ilmllrtg.of a delicate .pUln ls'rt'nilily proilV'eil. This, t]iough In itself a'tjrlfic, way lead to graver troubles. , 1 '

H er S ilen t H a te .-; / "- The lot of a., husband of a gay. and successful society woman cannot, as a iuh>, be saiil to be n particularly happy one_; *Of course,! tlicre aro eicepilons whom both are popular and care equal­ly for the .‘‘frills’.’ of life. 'A s a rule, however, social trium phs do not Inter­e s t men, except incidentally'- as pleas­in g -llie ir wonicnkind. But a_‘ "good American is generally /content .to effacu himself nnd, become tlio silent partner who supplies the wherewithal to his brilliant anjl nmbltiotls better half to represent the firm. He feels,a sort of vicarious pride and pleasure in her tri- umphsn>ut avoids the ;dutles of ti host as much as possible.

“ I was iit u'ilue . niuiiicaie- a t Mrs. A.’s tlio -other afternoon,” said u society wo­man recently, ‘‘and as I came away whom did I see iu the hall but'M r. A.," evidently bent on m aking his escape by tiie back way. ‘W hat is going on. Jam es?’ I heard him ask of oue of'the footmen iu attendance, who was help­ing him o:T w ith hlB overcoat under tlio -great niarble otairway. ‘A. recep­tion, sir, with muBlc,’ answered the man grandly. Whereupon Ills m aster beat, a linsty re tre a t,. disappeared in the : baeft-i;egiou8f - and ;I-could - fancy him seeking tho rfifugo.of his own dep 'by the way of the servafits’ stairs.”— P ittsburg Dispatch. -

o * o » o o o -:t o * o o 4:- o o o;:- a i; o -x-oo* o •


;; Cant.ls propedy a.double distilled He, tlic 2 V sccotrd jjowtv of a llc.-*-Carl>-Ie. . . y

nnUAKFAST.F ru lt r

Oatmcul and Cream.Bofk Uollud Kgg^. Jta'dlshefl.

• Dutter Toast. ~KoIJs. .* Coffee. /. r ‘

LU N C H E O N .Co ld UkjeJ-Tc^. Crisps. ,

•Lettucc and Onion Salnd, Cup CudtiVda. KcJairs.


. D IN N ER .'C lea r Soup.

. Salmon Loaf. Stuffed Potatoes.- Lettuce -Unions, Kgff UrcsBlnga------

, App le Tapioca Pudding. . American Cheese Toasted on Crackcr*

M ixed 'Nuts. .Cafe Nplr.

. SO FT BO ILED ’T C C S .— F i l l a deep Muee- ^ O ?<an w ith bo iling w a ic r .1 'When i t bo ila up. O

tlrop the_egtfi ; i^ v ? r j .carefu lly to *vold ^ O breaking, ufrftu/ the .-.paii away from the O* ) io lU it part <»f the atove' imm ediately b oO ihat the water xvill not continue to bo il, 2♦ but where ft i l l keep hot. The egRf •ivili© La sufficiently cooked after three minutea. O

o * o * d » o * o # o * o # o # q « -o * o ^ o * o # b


S he D riv e * T l iro a ir l i S o m e o f t h e P r I u c l p a I S 4 r e e t m o f D u 111 in , j

'Dublin, April 10.—There \n consMera* blc e^citt*mout ovur tiie question whether her majesty will vigit Belfast. It 1h ru­mored tlmt tho tlcet has been ordeml there; aud the Bplfu«t uiithorities are us­ing every iufluence to persuade the queen to include that city in her itinerary* Lord Deflliig.Jj wuy reported to have/ goue to BelfaHt to’ raake the necessary \prepara* tions, but Inst evening be suid]>uere was no .foundation whatever, for* tlur^stftte ment. Neither is there any otllejal con­firmation tlint the queen has in any wuy altered her original plans, 'hut it does not. follow thut she will not eventually visit Belfast. *

Queen yiotorla took her usual drive in r-tho viceregal/grounds yesterday morning and paid her promised visit to the city in the afternoon. • _ (i Au escort of the household cavulry lent picturesquenesH to. the royal. process ion; The stores aud houses in the main thor* o\ighfar»3.werD plentifully.dveofnted with flags and bunting. I ,Thc weatiier was spleiidid/ jfttd the brilliant sunshine and varicolored decorations gave the city quite n carnival uppeurailce. Thousands of pedple Rathered from early morfting and lined the route thickly. The throngs pbout O’C’onuell street, ^Jickvllle streQt< and Collegt?”ftrt%eti'Were enormous.-

Jfot even on Jhe oOejision of the .state. >n try_-into.. Publi 11 _wa s... the... scene-more Ini pressive or more signiti cant tit up yes­terday.- The scene iiboii^.College green, where the Bank of I rein ml, Trinity col­lege aud the public statues were gajiy l^edecketl. was .specially . interesting., as that vantage point had been selected.not only by the coilegmtes, but by thousands of visitors^ from Belfast and other cities. T h e crowds were &TtTcnse that they al­most touched the c a r r ia g e wheels, yet tliere was an almost total ubseucc of con* stulntlary. '

The A ahnntl liprlflins.London,' April 10.—Oflicial reports re­

ceived from Sir Frederick Mitchell Hbdg- son, governor and comiua,uder in chid’ ol_ the Gold CNiast ~ eojonjv-show ’ thut'"flie

-.Vslpmti uprising was due- to eOfoi ts 'by the British to «»htnin posscsKion of the- “golden stool-of Ashanti,” whiclrJKing Viom peli Ava alleged to have conceal i'd tit the time of his submission to the Brit­ish expedition led by Sir Francis Scott. 'These efforts have been violently opposed by tho Kimiussi tribe, with the result that two British constnbles liave been diyigev-. ’ou3Iy“\v»mided and one has been killed. A third is. missing, and 21 other casual­ties are reported. .Mo«t of the chiefs, however,-declare thonifolves loyal and re- fifsCrttTjoiii-.ihe.KuinassLtrihesineir. ...The govermn* hopes to secure peaceable set­tlement. lie hus. sent for two tid.ditiu.mil companies oi troops. •

Labor Tr bub l e a (a Ptirto Rico.Wasliington, Aprfil 10.—Secretary Root

ha« uufde putfiie a telegram from (Suiienil I>aviri, the military- governor o f'Porto llico, in. regard-1 o t lie ' re cep t. In hor... tr»m blo^-near San Jitan, But beyond indicating his prlvutc~npinio{i that there is uo Jikeli- hood of a reeurrence of the riots the sec*

"rotary decjinod to diucuHS the uiutter for diublUfiitlonr tieneral' Davis’; letter, which is dati’tl Nan Juan, March tf. is. us fol­lows: “Civil disorders here beyond cunt nil. of military police,'therejty forcing.the use* of tro'nps tiiv-the preservation of oilier. Have pjnced ofticer oY. the army in cHavge ■of the mnnieinaLiiolice of'San .fttun. The trouble* Hub •been principally/caused., by assault-by nutivesMipon resident negroes; fi om neighlio^lnjf liiigii^h Ishimls. One uutirtuiud-oue British'subject .killed.M * •

'• • ‘ S trike f ts F re lg h t llnnd^i'ia,

. New—Vjjirk, . April— .10.r7.Twtf hiiudreil freight lmndlers employed at „tbe docks of the Ocean. Steahjshjp compnny iii Ilobii- keu have genii ou Strike. Tln\(.iuen’ cbiim to.hiA'e a nimilier of grlevaiiOcH. but the ptiueipiil. trouble ijrrew out,of a deinand lor increased wagea, which ivus refused. *•

Reliable Furniture,I

Grass Cloth " •Floor Covering, &c.

: ' ' ’ ' : *■** a" ‘Gras? cloth is. a r.ew, floor fabric tliat is;.cer­

tain to take.the place o im atling .to a coniiderar ble extent. It lopks-better, is heavier weight, wears longer and costs, no more thahi matting. It conies in various flat colors; such as ,green, bfown, red, yellow, and Astnpcd. We believe it to be the most eccmomical-flogr covering of the

™"day. ‘. In,China and Japanese mattings we have an

: immense assortment of every color and quality.' . Prices from $S to S 15 a roll. • I .

' . Our assortment of rugs is li-rger and better ■ than fever before. You will find here every de­

sirable size in Jutes, A rt -Squares,' Brussels> Smyrna, Wiltons and the new Bazaritine, all, at very reasonable prices.' "

THE DAVIS FURNITURE STORE,Grand and Cookman Avianes, Asbury Park, N.,J.

Q. T. 5ASF0RD . 4 .6 4 5 M attison A venue

1900 APEIL 1900

Su. Mo.' Tu. We, -Th. Frf Sa.

1 2 . 3, '4 5 6 . 7^8 9 IQ 11 12- -13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 PA

2 2 23 24 25 26 27 2829 3(T

MOON’S PHASES.sr T h i r d ^Quarter©MoTn 2 9

. ^ P R E S S O/UjENDAK.

lo n d en aed L ist o f O om lng B m oM for Q nlokfltefereniBo

Wednesday. April 11—Bi>kftball. Mon­mouth county chanipionshlp—Oreos A.

—- ft—vsr-8£ -"JajhM-ArArOf-Red'Bohkr Contrathall, 8*p. m.

Wedncpday, April .11—PhotottrSpTi'-sociatile o f Epworth L»neiio.of West Grove M. E. olmreh, a t the parsonago. -

Balurday, Aorll 14—Second annual Easter recaption and reunion a t ..Ocean CSrove uniit r management ot board of tr.ifla and ladles’ auxiliary, Aesoolation halL

UonUyy. '-April 15—Easter reunion lawn feto in Alisoolatloh hnll. Ocean drove, under auspices t.aiUoa' av.iltlary. *■ —-v..

WedneBday, Thursday and FrMay, April 18, 19 nnd 2 0 —Annual convention K J e r ­sey Epworth Leaguo in St.'Paul’s M. E. churob, Ocean Grove. -

Thursday, Ann! 19—“The. Strange Ad - yemnres- of Miss Brown,’’ a three-act

comcdy-droma, bpnelit Company H, Park Opera Hoi|So.' ■ /. :.__ • a

Monday, April ttl—Sociiiiils and dance of AStiury Hark Lorfee, No. 25!i> I. 0. O. P.,

in Wlhcklei’s hall.Wednesday, liny, 2—Election ot. chler and

assistant chief ot Asbury Park llie (le- partmei)t. ‘

ProfessionalORS. BRYAN & BURT

PHYSICIANS AND BURGEONS. 221 Aubur| avenue, Asbury ’Park, N. JV Office hourt.8 to IS a. m., 2 to a p. m., 0 to 9 p. nu Phone 6.

D({. F . F . COLEM ANNorthwest corner Fourth avenue and I..

street. Office Hours: to 10 a. try*. 1.80 to 2.{jP. m., 7 to 3 p. ra. Ttjephone

R< S .B EN N ETTj M . D,PHYBIOIAJiANDBUKQEok 514 Aatnry aro

nue, 4 abui7 Park. Office hours: 8 to 10 a lio., 1 toSaodytoDp m. 1S4-S78% ' —

UR. M’ARQARET 3. CURRIE '120 JJain avpaue, Ocean Grove, Ni J . Offloe

Hours: 7 to 10 a. m.. 2 to 5 o. m»4 7 to 10 p. m;

DR ELLA PRENTISS UPHAM I805 Third avenue, Asbury ‘Parir, N. J . Qfflce

hours until 10 a, m., 18 to 2 p. m,, 0 to 7.S0 p, m. Telephone call 201.

H. S; KINM0NTH. M. 0.710-Grand avenue, and a t Klnmonth & Co.1!

Drugstore, T24 Cookman avenue, Asbury Park.

BURTON BROTHERS .D E N T T 8T P, 626 C o o k m a n a v e n u e ; A n b u r y P a r t r .

B a u d o u ln o b u i ld in g , 8 . W . C o r . B r o a d w a y a n d 2 8 th s t r e e t , N e w Y o r k . Kfaw Y o r k o ff lo e c lo e o d f r o m M a y u n t i l O c to b e r . * * < •

as. H. I . TAYLORDENTIST. (Graduate ofUaiverslfr

vania), corner Cookman aveirae and Emory street, over lieMalKtre’s, oppoaite post office; entranoe on Emory street, Asbury Park. Offloe houisfrom 9 a . « v to S d. m. Telephone 931 .

- Q E O .t . 0. TO M PK IN S O f D. s 7~DENTIST. Rooios 2,3 jiad 4, Pofltofllce build*

Asbury Park. -Teeth extracted palolettfly*with­out rt-ndering the patient unconscious. .Gat ad* Tninlpt^rwl. Office bonr«: 9 a . nir to C p. m.

R. F . DORAN, D .0 .8 . .DFNTI8T. Successor to the Ronton Dentlita.

715 Mattison avenue, Winchler Building.

CLAUDE y . GUERINLAW 0FFICE8. Transacte general legal bnal'

neaa. Acknowledgments taken-for all' states. Booms 9-10 Appleby BuUdinR.

W i l l i a m c . b y r a mA T T O R N E Y A T L A W / ............

M A 8 T E R IN C H A N C E R Y , 28 A p p le b y B u ild in g , A s b u r y P a r k , N . J .

W M . C. 30TTRELARCHITECT. Iflafta a n i specifications for-

nlaned at snort ncU co\H otel work a specialty 41B Lake avenu§. ' . «f #SAu u k l A . P n o o s fi E m S k T A".*Anio<D .

f .; - BlROUSE ft AR^fc-A r o b ito c ta 93t C h e s tn u t s t r o e t , P h i l a d e l p h i a

F o r s t - R ic h e y B u ild in g , T r e n to n , N V J , A p p le b y •k, N, YAsbury Park .J .

OR. V . B. HEIG HT, ■'$VETEItniAKy 8UHGEON, TreaU’ »!! .»!

mala. 0*1 ce5C8Bewail avenue. TelephoneNo. 0. Aabury.Parfe.N. J .

Sixieen ICundvi'd ?.llncr« S trike.Frosllmrg, Md., April 10.—The 1000

miners^of the Consolidation Coul coiupa- -nv have reHised to itihjiu to«wor);.and as- sort that they wiiLieniiihi a_wny frouiTthe mines untU llio T.TuVt'ii xvlio were dismiss"-* ed for part:i-;p:liin^ in the recent m uss moifiiiiK- have been'reinstated by the voui- pany. A member of the citizens*’ commit­tee appoint oil to mediate between opera- toVs am liuen luul u talk over the loittf distance telephone.vjvith 1‘r^ident C. K. Lord in Bai:imore, but could.offer im on* conra^ement to , the men nt ‘it* OoikIii- sibii. It is '.Ijelibvcd'lhat the •"trouble’will be settled us soon as llp?.<*bmpuHy.-uj;roea t;o-reinstate t.he-dischutgcd niiners. r

- - — .— ------- — — —F ushIIm I',ouutl a t llooniohi J .

Booutoli, N. if., April 10.—-The eilfjt ne6i'« ut work oii llie construction o t a waterworks plant, at this .place -have.« coltectioii'iif Tbssils unearthed-iii a bed of sands1<jue on the sittyof the.propp 'd r e s ­ervoir. The fossils 6re-4uflievied to bi*-tlu* petriHed rerauins of prehiKtorlc iishi They

l^and-*Tesein|)Ukr^ii-»m J *• line black bass, but are larffi*r.}*Sppervls- itip l‘jiigluc6r K./AV.* Ilarrison Uilnks tin* fish ijretT in a ^Veat ITIke man.v thouauiids of yenrs'URt) ii^d were buried'in sand in a , yroat upheaval -which formed .the Im­mense bedm of sandstone;:^ Boonton..

C leans the ‘liver, pijrlfy Iho. blood, invlcr* .orato the-body hy uslpff DeWlttVLIttle Early JUagrs. These falmous llttlo pills al wayf? act promptly. *street. - • .

W. a Ham, tor Mala

-GIVEN AWAYCacnmeaciog SATUKDAY. APRIL 7.th, and continuing. the following. wfck unlU SATURDAY, APKIL 1C inclusive,wt will PEESENT TO ALL purchasers of our world-renownedNew Season Freshly Koasted .

T E A S 1 C O F F E E SA . & -P . E x tr a c t s , S b lc e s , B ak in g P o w d e r and S a u c e

k A Bcanti.ful EASTER SOtlVENlR




E le c tr ic Bells an d A n n u n c ia to rs . B u rg la r A la rm s, E tc .

W A L L A C E N. B U R RB 3 2 C 0 6 K M A N a v e n u e ;

New Keator Block. - '

B R A D L E Y B E A C i l.. Branch .Station of th e Asbury Park

* 7 ^ ' ^ tRn'tV PRESS - >' ^T H E S H O R E P R E S S

For tbo convenience ol our patreas a branch station h<i8 been established;a t ' tUe BRADLEY BEACt[ NOTION STORE, Main street, between McCabe and Cook-avenues. /* Paporq rdKuIarl^ on sale and supplied to news- boysatopnee rate.

Advertisem ents received, and in Order^to cetve.insei^Ion same day. must bo handed In at>

_ lh la station not later than 12,30. _

Beg to. announce their removal from their former- location, corner Main street and Asbury Avenue, to

Cookman ansi Mattison Avenues/opposite the Postoffice, where they extend a cor- dial invitation to their friends and patrons, to call

them. .“ Owing to delay in makirtg alterations and improve*

ments' they will not have, their store in perfect order fotafeW days, but you will be none the le:s welcome / . ...Attractive goods at attractive prices will'repay you for your visit should you desire to purchase.

MAIN ENTRANCE—607/609 Cookman avenue, |CARF1AGE ENTRANCE—606 608 Ma(txson avenue


SPRING GARMENTOur s t y l e s are ali'in; have been, in fact, for7-a week dr,, more. A more complete line it would'be hard to find. Small checks, and narrow, stripes will be the prevailing styles th is spring.


3 1 5 BO N D S T R E E T . ~


~ T : 5 t o c l c

T aking! ' . ' ' . . *t *.:* /

Bargains■ T h is

j • - • . .


«; V^.lllTCtrtainly^“ Pay"You To Know Our Store

W. JD. mWLEI iOChina Hall.

NO. 162-164 riain Street Asbury Park.


We have a very desirable prop­erty to offer for sale at LOCH

-ARBOUR. House . h as.. , 10 rooms; 5 bed rooms.-. Two lota SOxlSQ.ft.- aaoh, for-only

, 5 0 0hst us glve you full-partlculars.

Monmoutli Realty Co*ROOMS i a - 1 3


N o r th w e s t C o rn o r M a ttiso n A venua an d Bond S t r e e t

A S S U R Y PA R K , N . J.


Thfere are none . b e tte r ,

^ n o n e so g o o d . Our large . t r a d e in -th is 3ine is th e

e v id e n cey / e o ffe r of y e a rs

■. of fair d e a lin g a n d g o o d

. ■>.7’ gCOds. . . - r “

J . J T W lliC iC L E R_ 717 M a ttiso n AVenue.

JAMES H. SEXTON Funeral Director

153........... ................


Beet and Moet Economical Fnrnaces Made


*M W



Very pretty and at reasonable prices.

. -UM BR EL LA S, .Etc?Tbe usnai corapl'eta line ot Watohes,

- : 1 Diamonds, etc. ___ ■ . _

K B JOHNSONBoo an 0?b. and Bond St. .

i * ASBURY PARKEnsravlns: wbllo you wait.


. $ 1 . 0 0 G a llo n .



; •; . rt)UR GRAND ANNUAL , ,



APRIL 13, U, 1 5 .

EV E R Y T H IN G in. the w ay o f im ported sh apes 'and finish

will be ready for inspection , su p p lem en ted by a corps o f

proficient d esign ers and trim mers, w ith-ready ideas and su g ­

g estio n s which ‘h elp to m ake- .your m illinery ,purchasing

easy . .* ' / '■ ' ' \ v '• '' ... j "

On the sam e dates w.e will inaugurate, tbe sea so n ’s op en

ing in • '

R E A D Y - T O - W E A R G A R M E N T S■J—-

For Ladies:; Men’s and Childrens W ear/

T h ere’s'n oth in g w e have om itted; from o u r 'p u rch a sin g

w hich g o es to 'm ake an up-to-date line.' .-


m, i nI>CS SUITS, t r o u s e r s M.tlN J AND OVERCOATS

—-A-ll-particularly-adapted-and-designed-for-spripgt-sepice. It’s' untiecessaryito mention the importance to .you and'-our- selves of pur- ■


Cook s BeeHive>»* (S7&HEN in the course of hum an events it becomes neces- . y y v ary” to repair your ROOF, COOK or GASOLENE STOVES, w hy not have the work done properly by

W O O D W O R T H «£ H A B B K G A H N ,■ •• 713 C O O liM A N A V E . B a s e m e n t .


1ELndLOrnamenta.1 P la s te r e r sBrictWyfng, Setting; of Mantels. Range') and Heaters. Also Boiler Setting and

• > Foundations Enid. Tiio Setting.„• E S T IM A T B 9 F D K N I S B E D F O R A B O V E , W I T H R E F E R E N C E S . ................ - 1 L

'i ■ . S 'P o s t o f f i o e B o x 4 3 , B r a d i e y B o a o h , JV, J .


f i I M bajS

. iSPtCIAltir^o.TiAiR-f - - - C H A S . AT~B E N N £ T T

Aarent for tlio Spreinlty-Fiinmcf5, Viest ailil ■most ccoonlnlcal furnace m atli*.

Stoves.and Ranges.'- Gutters, Leaders, Tin Hboflni?, Repairing.

MjOt mo entlmato for yoijr vvorlj. ■'MAIN ST R E E T , BEACH'

$ 1 00,000.A T

P E R C E N T .

• W e have the above sum to place in larga.or small amounts op-Orgt Diortgttgg. (oans on Asbury Park, Loch ArbcUr,

’ A llenlm rst . and. Deal business or ilvei lfir# property.,. , '

V J. W. HetriCk & Son,..,./ -- . =\y

'';''Q 25'7vnittl3cm7Avar!-aB.H o a tb r B lock.

c a n d y : ■'


• X n i l , n i l ’r o c t i i d i s o r d e r s o r n in u r v ¥ 6 ftin d o d ., N o t u t iu v a le . • A' r a d ic m -c u n s t .Vte a t

e l m s . J . B I w k . T . M . S u n u r f X t - O . - O r i 'r t a l l o , o f ut Etfn C ru K CO., PWto. !’*>• Plmsotry ltJ\

NO MATTERW h o sold you y o u r h icycle , p e rm it us to rep a ir it. W e are equipped .to .rep a ir an y m ake, an d our constan t" effort is to do it b e tte r- th an -an y o n e -e lse ,

—an d to tre a t you so w ell th a t it w ill be a .p leasure to do

. business w ith us.

^ A C H A R I A S & C O .7*3 M a tt is o n A v e .


A d m l r n J Dctvey l lc j.? In > * M o v h i - K . . W:i>hii:^It.n. A|ii it lu.--Admiral I>ew-

lui .v yesteidn.v beginning moving to “his country Ih.iisc :ii. WiMidlry Park. Tli*- hoi;*e is not .ready ih all rcspeejs,

hiursi! • and liw wife wjll stn>;ut.' of ;}ii»\. I h»*ir desire heini; us miirlr as . piissible'.t.he rush . Sin- c 1 her tMftitiral~bj*» nine u fnr j* :*«•.-:«J nil "lu** tins i*«l a -lI^Llil.i.'ir. ui_klH»p=-»m—uisii ors

wheir lu* d'li's. not, feel likt* ^ ‘.i-injr iheni,. Tlii* sentry ri'iujiiji'! * m his imsW i-wiL w:iii*hi;s:thnmj*h fin*, irhiss for :i|»ju‘imfh- ill--'' yi*it..;-: ;ij:«l , u hi*n hr. stM-s ;ip-

ilii- il«jor upi-jr,' (;i i)\\> is «im»yi*j| • h.v t in

and iln* visitors .rcptiisiMl. . AVIi'-ii tin: </r iriMs in ;i niiM.it! to j>* ;• i'll try i> ,|ahi.-»i ofj* l.i'H is an^vvm l in tho

Iiu» : * ii]

t<i r s i ?: ip i '»r \ i i: • K‘:;a i |i« l; ; t« '

i f l i d :

.pro;!*T.tiivf swings A vuy, j lit* a i l M itra l :.ii:r-riliir o f iin- ih an- i'.ijiy'tiifiiii.-ly r t i l ! :s ir a !ffcM Vc. i.ill* :>, itlTny. a in i* l ! u ' ih*<< uviliiiu*;i;.\• Cbji'i-j. <«. .-irfiJ

St. 'I i.iiaiiis, i>. i»iRh.lay*

J’rlrlii’al.-il at .*t Thi-t r xv;»- rCi ot

i>/TlailrHli i.Mlnmli. \V: Iv.' April lO.-Tho

Siiuiliiy. iv:i>t unusually -'‘’ihinnis atiij[ Si. r ’roix. hitr.-l o t loyalty 11» 1 >i

mai’U iii-'il ilotnonstratioiis ii^aiiist tho sah* i • I', i I i t* i > hu i 'l’i f u'^j-a t r.M \vri’ii s»* 111 .l.iy -Hit*- ia!ia}^r;!:irs~i*^tlji» >»'o|fitii:il;-i,rMtiu,il WiHhiiit; his usaji'xty. a lo|ijr.riMi:;i aliil. «*rc- ;»ii*i--iii1;- ihi* Iiojk* thni fk-ilJinuifli'. iKij' 'TTTin h I - rv?-j‘ “TritAV. ;i at- rHh i • ~i tJiat-tl:«;y SvouJil ri-tiiiint untlcr his scfpti'r Till* r»;l .|i J}-i a .r;I ‘ J|„{ ;|1|,, s;i If O f ' Hlf 1 >U U i:-h AWsi Iiiilit’s j< srroti'4. •

AV:T!:t* Dny'ln Conjcreits. •

tsjiiisul'.iji.* A'pril It).—S*‘iu ^ o r fiia 'tv illi;i ’.-: ylJTort -lo •»i‘t -n day MIximI fo r-a ,vott* oli the ^ n a y fa s t? w as fru it li**':.. T'iti* soil- a lo ’ p iisv fii’tlie* Im lian a p p ro p ria tio n ‘hill. -I H^rKir-aH.J-'tiiiisit I i»ra I >1 c f \\wln»ii'Tt Im 'Alit^Uan ItiU; 'd istustfin^ ah an io iu lnuait propii:a*tJ Ry ,\1 r. l la t i^ iro u ^ li . . •Th^'lioust! fonsiilricd tho a^ ricn ltn rn l .appropria tion , bill.

“Xo family cati afford to ^>0 wfthout Ono Minute.Cou^lj Ciiro. It wiH'stoi) a coneh ami cure a cold qulokor-than any other meUic'ne,? writes O. Wrt-^Vllllams^Sfcehllne: Run, Pa. It cures croup, bronchitis and all thrb/it antV lunc: troubles >nriil provepta con- stimptlon. Ploapant and harmti>S9. . W. H. Hum, 108 Main Htreet. ■ v* .


WE DEL’S■ S p e c i a l B a r g a i n s i n ,

-...•r. . ;• '■ :7 .•

Snakes, Tinware, Enamel Ware, Tubs’, Wringers, Oil Cloth', Wash BoaVds, Baskets and general m o v in g -time necessities.

F r e s h G a r d e n . S e e d sAT W HOLESALE PRICES-

c c- W e " G r ^ d L e 3 ? s e l l

SPring OPeningMRS, E p iL T S

Announces that her Spring Millinery Opening will . takfe place a t'he r Parlors, ' . ..

• • . 706 COOKMAN AVENUE ' - ; - 1* • #. • ■ ** .1 ‘

Wednesday and f Hufsday/April 4 and 5ALL ARE CORDIALLY INVITED ' . * . V • “ - J_

TOOK MINDANAO TOWNSB a tes Occupies' E leven W ithout

F ir in g , a S h o t.


CRAIUPS AHD CARNEGIER urnor-of-Coinbinationof—T w o

Great Housed.


Ailjutnot Geiit»rnl S n y t* Tlm<W lirntoii nn«I Il«»ll • W ill I l« v c AH tlie Zte>cnforctM»«»iitr< Xecd.Uri^niidN W ill Uc Wli>rtl Out.

"^Vasl'iimtoa. April 10.—>T1h*i following report of rm 'itt iH*vt*lopnu*nts in t In* Phil- ippiiH'S has bri'ii ivndvrd y't-tlu* war iK*- piirinicnt from (Jiun-ral Otis: .V tJwral I lilt I**? just roturm'.d from south *afu,r placing FortiPrii infaniry'at Suri^ao. ('a- Kay an, lllipuiea. Is'amis, Da pi tan, north­ern Mindanao, and attending to special matters intrusted to -tlltii, department Mindanao'and Jolo, attemleil liv two na­val vessels and t.wo ^unbua^s. Troops oc* eitpled points without .resistapee* Two hundred and forty-one rilles. JIT pieces of artillery snrrenderetl. • Kleven plavi^ Mn Mnidauao and three in JoliVareliiyeh^o now <ieeiipi(M by troops wit hour tne'ririn*: of a slmt. r*Aflairs? in tliat section quite satisfactory.”

Adjutant tieneral Corbin said re«ard- ittM flit* dispatch from Manila which sta t­ed* that re-.eiifon^eineiiis'had lu*eii reiptest- ed by ticiierals V<>un^-and Hidl of (Gen­eral Otw:/*Il is a fact, that 1 have learn­ed. thijt ^ueh .iv-eafore.einents h.ave 1....11requested of T jtisj: No.ollicial liotiet? bus- bireu pvi’ii. iiu1 regardi|ii; this.m atter, hut 1 can sttue thiit ihe I'or/ys umler- Yottn^ a 11 d 1 (oil aril/iujVdiM\ua ttv. < Jeneral-vHt»lU; ilrpjirticuiar, is^reatl.Mn need t»l!-trot»ps;- aud 1 ha%e ’heard through direct sources that hi* operations owinir-to llie lack of troops have been greatly hampereil time jutd t ime aiiain.". . (

<reiier:il 'Corbin went on *>o say that fjeneral Otis.has directly under his com­mand more men thaii he really needs ami* that beyond all probability the requests of Young and Hell \vould lie immeiliatel.V granted anil that llie.v would be supplied with, troops from ihe forces .now. in ^he vicinity n f .Manila.

hi conclusion the ndjjitmif. general said that with such re-enfi»rceu\cnts’as desired (lenerals Young*an.d Kell w'rtuld actively .engage, ihe insurgents an/1 at tempt ‘if pos- fiible to m*s*,tore prrt^e. hi the provinces of Luzon.* .

Cnriit'Kie MiskcH Tlm t nnd C rnm pi lliiiltl the Shi|iM T hnt W ear tlie I’la te — Touretlier rl‘liey ’W ould lie

Os*trireme. .•w .York, Aprill,l(l~,The World snys

^n^xotiatioiis are in'-progress for a .cojji- biifhi^yr.of the gigantic new Carnegie company Mnd _tlij'; Cramp-shipbuilding concern. If tin* (inference no\y going on in Atlantic .Ci|y .results in a satisfactory arrn ugement v t he. coalit i^n bet weeii. tliese tw,o‘ great inti'rests'will soon be nmiouue- ed. . • . • j- .

(diaries M-. • Schwab-and Henry ’C. Fricl; ‘have beeii<respectively-at tlie l»riirh1on and Traymore liottds iu Atlantic City for several days. J t ‘was.announeed that ibcy. were at tlie Beaside for their

^ t o v e m v n t K - o f - X n v n 1 T c H H e |« ,~ * f t s .^Vashinglon, April lO.w-The iJagship

—C-iliii£:«>r*l :iud*ihe cnuver Moiitgoinery have left Ceara for Maranham. Brazil. .The gimboat Yankton has arrived al Bibara, the • battleship Kearsargi* a t Newjiort News and tin* Iowa a f San Francisco. The1"I’tiiiimae .lias sailed froin Key West.

4 ^ 1 ' XlpejCulin: the^unboii't Vixen'from San JutuiVor Vieijqes and the cruiser De­troit from fNirt Iamon for Chiriqul. t The Tiavy iTepnrfnient-- has* lieen iiifor.iiied^ f».v Hear Admirid Watson thaf-tht* gunljoat .Wheeling, m*w Ui ;Fakit, Cliinarto protect AmcrWrau interests, wiirtoneh at .Yokolia-' inn on her way to Una la ska. The. gun­boat/ Yorktown. \ylwch. will 'a*elicye, the- Wheeliuir a t Taka, will llrst ilock a t’ Fu- chait. The guhboaf Castine is a* Shang­hai undergoing repairs whieh will he cAin- pleled^ about -J lily I.- The-moJiitoi'-Moiiit*-; ley. convoyed ib.v the slipply slup Seindia, arrived.lit* ilongkoug. The soutli At Inn-

-He—K -uadV^n—will—i*en«le/.vouK-at Baidak IJrazil; late/ iii the mouth, ami the I rain* Ing slop Hartford., will join the squadron then* on A'pril *«!!». , • • •

l*iirto‘I tIcaii Kill In ti<*'IIoi:j»e. .•Washinglnif. April-10;—While no »ig.ree*

men! has*bceic reached in regat'il «>to the yofe on the I’oHd lii< :m -tayifl liill. it im> practically been decided by I hr h^diu^ KepnJillffrjr^1 4 o ; ill low «TTfly"1oire‘ daTTiVif debt) t e a 1 a I in h a yji\ t lie vi ie \ t a k (Ml oil’ AVediicsiliiy iittei j unit].* Tlit* i\*iuiiutti*e -bn w.uys aacl uiea-ns is t/i report The bill to thev. »u.W. in iieenrdyibe. wijli tho^ict,inn <>f t]n' _Hepiiblicau»..-T< iifc*i:eiice<' and.r thc disenssiuM ‘\viil . probably. run . unli(‘ A o'clock, when tin* vote .will be had. . fIvhe friejjds o fihe bill say it will*he passed.b;* aliOu'l' the s'anle vote tu\ he'MiTtTUfe ail-' vantage-gai.ued .by fhe seating t)f. twi Itcjiulilicans iji the>i»S;ices*of ‘I)emoerat» biviug offHel.fij* a change In the.pair/V .'T:t - rr^T"' -


C. W. CRAMP, health. Mr. Schwab is president of the (inriiegle Steel eouipanj'. v William and Samuel Cramp.of the Wil­liam Cramp & -Mouj>\ Ship aud Hngine Building naapaifv- of IMuladclphia are at the Triiytmiiv h‘»t<*lr| These, four’ repre­sentative '.meo^have had frequent inei‘t-

jngs. They have'not yet jiro^ressyd be- ytnuMho.ptilnt of .denying 11».*a’their talks, have ^iything-to tlo with a.steel iind ship* buildiilg'triist. ~ %

i t .is well.kuo.wa to New York .steel inen 'that ever since tjie- Carnegie-Frick differences have been settled* the • newly fornletl^com|lauv bus been looking' for an idfeusivis. and defensive ul I ia nee. with .soiae great shipbuilding, 'concern,! The new Carnegie company, with its $1U<V UOtl.Olin ca.pitjAl., already stands nt the liead of the j'Ti'el making interests oY .this count r.v. , . /'

To Control ^Vnrsliiy Mnrliet. Among the most profitable branches of

'activity*. I ti steel in ami til ctu ring is 11 ui king nrinor.'ijbitf.s fi>iv wars:h»ps. • The 'Cnrnc- gie niiHs ‘leail till others iir this. industry.\ if the Carnegie*company should .obtain control of or.a strong. nflJaaci* with-the /greatetl.^hlpbuiHlinjf .coiieeVii iii ifiti..l!uitr. cd States.' it Woahb be able to undertake irontrii<;ts n[* uupreeeilciiled magnitude to. •build., .armor.. warships—for "lluY Unileif Spates ' goyeruiiient. or for amy. other

S t o m a c h ■ 1 ...v A* Out of Or.der ? 'C& Egt’ SleeP or Worl ‘

snS ili■'rente af>peihe„lndnci. r e f r c s h ln B Bljwp.< .abl m k c w o ik a |,le u s u re . \O mc X i tb lc t , o u e d o .ic .

I p i m e r f i . t e , L a s t i n g , A z r t e c i l l e . L a r s e B o i *3 T a b l e t s ) 10 C e n ts , '. . M a c e . ( i f

f&f obneoa 'LcbaraScrlcjy, lie-.. Phllidclahi*.j ta t i ie W W-n- ,H*m And #ll,iMd!B& toinrtit*

EAST itUR advertising this week1 will tell you of the many good things we have

in stock for Eastertide—all.those_iesseritials,demanded by'jladies who would dress fasliionatileT'"' We have been arkmgingr'for \this «yetit

for!months arid now that the choice stock has arrived we want our patrons|to inspect it critically, or wetfeel assrtired'that our selections will proved satisfactory and satisfac­tion means quick felling in most instances.

LADIES’ READY TAILORED SU ITS liIn this department.are displayed Ladies’ Ready-tailored Suits, Separate Skirts and

Etons; Jackets and Wraps arid Silk and Satin Shirt Waists^ Fashion has decreed that the tailor-made gowns must form a part of the well dressed woman’s spring wardrobe and this necessity is met by our establishments, where modish costumes can be obtained in a! great-variety of styles and materials, with a guarantee of the best workmanship and perfect fit. Our suits,; skirts, jackets'and waists were manufactured expressly for -our Easter trade, and we assure prospefctive patrons that no' little detail of perfection has been overlooked. Such a stock has^never before been offered in Asbhry Park and,, notwithstanding the exclu­sive styles, the richness of materials and the faultless making, the prices’ will be found to be reasonable. Few stores in the larger cities carry a more complete stock and none of them offers better values when quality and workmanship is considered. ' !

. f a s t e r m i l l i n e r y . Y . Y-. -V Our display of Easter millinery cannot be excelled. The reigning Parisian '-modes

are represented, as are the^cutest creations of bur American designers. Scores of shapes to select frbm'and adepts in the millinery art to arrange the trimmings after the selection is made. Reacly-trimrned hats in profusion; built by our own millfners'after recently conceived models. Flowers and ribbons and laces gatore-are shown in this department—the most complete and cheapest millinery establishments south of Newark. . t

: . SHOE SP E C IA LS ’*. .•; ; . 1 ^ -r * . •

No other store in the coutitiry carries a more varied and better lihe of shoes, formen,’women and children. ' It has taken years to build up our shoe-selling reputation, butwe are now reaping the benefit in increased sales-. A t the Ocean Palace only can be foundthe justly famed jenness Miller, hygienic shoe for women, while the celebrated Soroi#s shoe ishandled exclusively at the Mammoth. Other , makes carried in stock, but shoddy lineshavejno place,on_ou*i.shelves..,. __................ v - . ... ... .J ______

, . EASTER HABERDASHERY . ,You. will need a new hat, or. shirt, or neckwear, or hosiery to wear with your

new-spring s.uit. These'essentials you will find in our Gents’ furnishing- Department, just now the loveliest^ corner in the stores. Complete and fashionable. lines ..of. spring novelties are now ready at prices considerably lower than elsewhere. • . ‘

■'•.‘I. • ■ ’. .. -

Steinbach Coinpariy,General Providers for Men, W omei and Children.- Two Modern Marts.

T h e M am m oth , ‘ T h e O c e a n .Palace ,Cookman and Emory,*- Cookman and Main. A S B U R Y PA R K .

pmver. • ’ . *With the power to issue bond,*.to tho’

extent of ^1U0.(K)I),00(I the new (.’arnegie coinpany can easily acquire a big interest jn the t ’rainn company if the negotiators come to terms. The Cramps’ vnpita! is ?5,0U0(0t)fl stook aud $.1 ,riUO,IM)0 bOiuls. .The prolits of the concern last.year were

Charles II. •Crump ; afid ^Ienry t \V. Cramp, (lie heads of the great shiplniihl- ing house, are not far. from 70 years of age. New York steel men say Thai they* •are* not averse ti^ iu arrangement whltli will permit ,theui to give up the arduous' labor of l^anaglng their gtyaiUie ship- ytiuif . ■ * ■'

Dnvlil Hntnmond Uend, ,- Now - - York, - A pril- 10.—I favhl- Tltlin*

• loud.* one qf the most prominent hotel pieh in New York city, has tiled, .aged about 70. He was born in tlie. vicinity of I'oiighkeepsie, N. Y., and formerly taught achool in I )uteh’esK eon nt.v. . He-il rifted Into the hotel bitsiness and became pm*.

j~pricUir o f , the ( Jrand, the (*i!sey. the Bristol, and the Murray JIIll su'eceKsivcJy. He was one of . the prtqirietors of 'the Murray Hill hotel when ihe manage­ment was merged into a joint stock'com­pany a number of yeals ago. Mr. Ham­mond was limn.elected president of the company. He was also Interested-with his brother in, the management of the IMaitii; .* :

A l*cen|inr ~Aeel«eitt* ** Lancaster. Pa., -April 10.—10. A^TuttlQ

jf^urd ifl’* Md., U dead as. tin* result of )i_ ?_«i».!linf.' accident. \\t .'n eiirriage .works.^ where.lie was employed. l ie wan-work-.' liig at a bending macliiiie wlien a piece of wood flew, out,^tpking him In tin* pil.of ;lie stoaincli and penetrating to liis,vitals.' rh e fofls'of blood was so' gVeat tliat t wtr* luhrts.of a. liquid *to act as a substitute wfre pumped iiito him a t -Ihe fiospilal, hut l?,o bl6t to d j;atli.' . '

A StrSckcn'Vnm lly^'iNew Ha yi»ut ’ April' 30.—(J motive W,

Amlerson and wift^ died a t tlie City .lios- pltul o f pueimionia wltblp 24 hours of «/i(t*h,*»thei*i . .A' lo-year-ohl, daughter _ia. 111 otcrilicjiiiy i11 , tind ii is doubt fit) if She wjll roctiytfr. • There 'are -alsa four otl}( p children Bl with the\liaease a t their West Ilaven homer» .

Otto ICorb, Grand Chancellor. K.' P.,Boou- vlllt, Ind., saya: ^‘'DeWltti? Witch Hazel Balvo - floothea tho most delicate akin an<t heals the.moat stubborn utcer w lth ^ rta ln and ftood results.” ‘ Cores piles and *skln rilBeasea Don’t buy an imitation. ''\Vr-R« Ham; 107 Main street, t •• - ^

Fine ^ Fum ittire

1 Made to O r del*• -_____ • t ,_____ ■ . ______

riattresses Renovated.All .kinds of Cushion Work. Old Furniture made to look

like new. ■ •A complete line of Uphol­

stering:. Goods a lw ays in !'• stock. '5 : ■ • • - - - ;


DpfiQlsiersr, m Deeoraior6 » COOKNAM ! AVIS.

| T o r . S a l eBusiness property

. paying io% . . . . .

Great B argainCome in and ask 7. ; concerning i t ;

WILLIAM GIFFAR02*i2 flain ^Street

Q U A L I T YBut We-e,mploy onlyOne skilled labor andGrade- u£ie6hTypu/e whiteof work lead and 'linseed The ‘. J .oil. ' T h e honest Best.. . paint that lasts....

* E . vi .Contracting I’alntcr Uecoi'ator ' ,

STROUDP. Q^Boi 007’


Has moved its main office from BIS Cfeol:. man avenue to”62l Sfattlson avooue^Eoaligii Block. • . • , ,'l

P atronage S o lic ited .

FiBSirBLges wobk and paojnPT SEWIISET clepiiono 8lib.

Insurance written ; best com­panies.

Money to loan 5 and 6 per cent

Awnings,> . Flags,

T eH ts , b u r g e e s .

Canvas Coversmade ‘of vbost m." U:-. emfwoi-damriilp e! low-, f sc prices, ... '


E le v a to r an d Dumfe W a lte r- ftlKSlhK, S p llo ln a , &o.

. H & M M B N W A Y ’S tfir ^Cookman. 6118 Mattison .AveSi