4kw teaching list

Teaching List for the First 4,000 Words Project Seward Inc. developed this word list as part of the First 4,000 Words Project. The project is supported by the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education, through contract #ED-07-CO-0043 to Seward Inc. The opinions expressed do not represent the views of the U.S. Department of Education. The list is based on the ~4000 word families identified by Hiebert (2005) in her Word Zones ™ corpus. Michael Graves, Ph. D., Primary Project Consultant Greg Sales, Ph. D., Principal Investigator Melanie Ruda, M. Ed., Senior Instructional Designer 3,541 Target Words (primary focus of the First 4,000 Words Project) Rank Word Variations 1 little 2 even evening 3 good goods 4 long 5 year years, year's 6 day days, day's 7 use used, uses, using 8 work worked, working, works 9 go goes, going 10 thing things 11 well 12 look looks, looked, looking 13 another 14 around 15 man man's 16 great 17 same 18 came 19 come comes, coming 20 right rights 21 small 22 old 23 think thinking, thinks 24 take taken, taking, takes 25 still 26 place placed, places, placing 27 find finds 28 off

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  • Teaching List for the First 4,000 Words Project

    Seward Inc. developed this word list as part of the First 4,000 Words Project.

    The project is supported by the Institute of Education Sciences,

    U.S. Department of Education, through contract #ED-07-CO-0043 to Seward Inc.

    The opinions expressed do not represent the views of the U.S. Department

    of Education.

    The list is based on the ~4000 word families identified by Hiebert (2005)

    in her Word Zones corpus.

    Michael Graves, Ph. D., Primary Project Consultant

    Greg Sales, Ph. D., Principal Investigator

    Melanie Ruda, M. Ed., Senior Instructional Designer

    3,541 Target Words (primary focus of the First 4,000 Words Project)

    Rank Word Variations

    1 little

    2 even evening

    3 good goods

    4 long

    5 year years, year's

    6 day days, day's

    7 use used, uses, using

    8 work worked, working, works

    9 go goes, going

    10 thing things

    11 well

    12 look looks, looked, looking

    13 another

    14 around

    15 man man's

    16 great

    17 same

    18 came

    19 come comes, coming

    20 right rights

    21 small

    22 old

    23 think thinking, thinks

    24 take taken, taking, takes

    25 still

    26 place placed, places, placing

    27 find finds

    28 off






  • 29 different

    30 part parts

    31 found founded

    32 world world's

    33 life

    34 three

    35 went

    36 own owned

    37 help helped, helping, helps

    38 every

    39 here

    40 house houses, housing

    41 between

    42 home homes

    43 thought thoughts

    44 put puts, putting

    45 again

    46 important

    47 state stated, states

    48 don't

    49 why

    50 large

    51 want wanted, wanting, wants

    52 few

    53 school schools

    54 often

    55 food foods

    56 under

    57 always

    58 men men's

    59 air

    60 big

    61 say says, saying

    62 left

    63 began

    64 mother mothers, mother's

    65 during

    66 tell telling, tells

    67 land landed, landing, lands

    68 next

    69 once

    70 need needs, needed

    71 high

    72 last lasted, lasting










  • 73 children children's

    74 took

    75 together

    76 saw

    77 light lighted, lighting, lights

    78 example examples

    79 word words

    80 united

    81 father fathers, father's

    82 live lived, lives, living

    83 keep keeping, keeps

    84 body bodies

    85 end ended, ending, ends

    86 hand handed, hands

    87 head headed, heading, heads

    88 read reads, reading

    89 against

    90 young

    91 give given, gives, giving

    92 set sets, setting

    93 kind kinds

    94 room rooms

    95 eye eyes

    96 number numbers, numbered

    97 far

    98 family families

    99 person persons, person's

    100 city cities

    101 better

    102 white whites

    103 side sides

    104 night nights

    105 didn't

    106 country countries, country's

    107 name named, names

    108 it's

    109 form formed, forming, forms

    110 usually

    111 hard

    112 knew

    113 today today's

    114 soon

    115 told

    116 several





  • 117 system systems

    118 upon

    119 Earth Earth's

    120 money

    121 become becomes, becoming

    122 group grouped, groups

    123 government governments

    124 later

    125 change changes, changed, changing

    126 animal animals

    127 let lets, letting

    128 across

    129 America America's

    130 American Americans

    131 early

    132 four

    133 face faced, faces, facing

    134 best

    135 became

    136 sure

    137 energy

    138 sun sun's

    139 second seconds

    140 feet

    141 really

    142 certain

    143 toward towards

    144 black blacks

    145 show showed, showing, shows

    146 mean means, meant

    147 door doors

    148 special

    149 course courses

    150 move moved, moves, moving

    151 near

    152 power powers

    153 war wars

    154 felt

    155 morning

    156 able

    157 heard

    158 feel feels

    159 order ordered

    160 red










  • 161 boy boys, boy's

    162 plant planted, planting, plants

    163 book books

    164 learn learned, learning, learns

    165 information

    166 I'm

    167 open opened, opens

    168 front

    169 sea seas

    170 north

    171 inside

    172 start started, starting, starts

    173 behind

    174 top tops

    175 eat eating, eaten, eats

    176 whole

    177 matters matter

    178 idea ideas

    179 cold

    180 run running, runs

    181 seem seemed, seems

    182 story stories

    183 paper papers

    184 job jobs

    185 ground grounds

    186 gave

    187 brought

    188 try tried, trying, tries

    189 grow growing, grown, grows

    190 point pointed, pointing, points

    191 turn turned, turning, turns

    192 line lined, lines, lining

    193 tree trees

    194 car cars

    195 south

    196 fact facts

    197 play played, playing, plays

    198 probably

    199 above

    200 five

    201 study studying, studied, studies

    202 mind minds

    203 half

    204 kept










  • 205 area areas

    206 human humans

    207 held

    208 fire fired, fires

    209 general

    210 river rivers

    211 picture pictured, pictures

    212 close closed, closing

    213 problem problems

    214 sound sounded, sounds

    215 table tables

    216 possible

    217 perhaps

    218 space spaces

    219 everything

    220 mile miles

    221 hear hearing

    222 outside

    223 strong

    224 can't

    225 call called, calling, calls

    226 dark

    227 business businesses

    228 stop stops, stopped, stopping

    229 short

    230 past

    231 remember remembered, remembering

    232 control controlled, controlling, controls

    233 common

    234 women women's

    235 voice voices

    236 care cared

    237 understand understanding

    238 friend friends

    239 rest rested, resting

    240 amount amounts

    241 town towns

    242 everyone

    243 fish fishing

    244 talk talked, talking, talks

    245 hot

    246 write writes

    247 true.

    248 cut cuts, cutting






  • 249 built

    250 follow followed, following, follows

    251 king kings, king's

    252 London

    253 England

    254 English

    255 quickly

    256 below

    257 full

    258 age aged, ages

    259 real

    260 green

    261 lots lot

    262 least

    263 longer

    264 finally

    265 page pages

    266 free

    267 figure figured, figures

    268 believe believed, believes

    269 surface surfaces

    270 main

    271 laws law

    272 public

    273 answer answered, answers, answering

    274 case cases

    275 lost

    276 ready

    277 slowly

    278 build building, buildings

    279 middle

    280 hold holding, holds

    281 stood

    282 ran

    283 west

    284 ask asked, asking, asks

    285 dog dogs

    286 pass passed, passes, passing

    287 process processed, processes, processing

    288 alone

    289 woman woman's

    290 class classes

    291 heat heated, heating

    292 force forced, forces










  • 293 street streets

    294 natural

    295 six

    296 warm warmed

    297 hair hairs

    298 floor floors

    299 gone

    300 poor

    301 yes

    302 leave leaves, leaving

    303 reason reasoning, reasons

    304 suddenly

    305 parent parents

    306 size sizes

    307 sat

    308 ten

    309 clear cleared, clearing

    310 sent

    311 field fields

    312 girl girls

    313 bed beds

    314 hour hours

    315 I'll

    316 question questioned, questions

    317 low

    318 language languages

    319 center centered, centers

    320 result resulted, resulting, results

    321 wind winds

    322 moment moments

    323 child child's

    324 major

    325 carry carried, carries, carrying

    326 window windows

    327 cell cells

    328 deep

    329 grew

    330 decide decided, decides, deciding

    331 stay stayed, staying, stays

    332 blood

    333 reach reached, reaches, reaching

    334 bad

    335 social

    336 present presented, presents








  • 337 period periods

    338 hundred hundreds

    339 cause caused, causes, causing

    340 heart hearts

    341 road roads

    342 oil

    343 begin begins

    344 member members

    345 pay paying, pays

    346 bring bringing, brings

    347 beginning beginnings

    348 summer summers

    349 easy

    350 history

    351 late

    352 office offices

    353 buy buying

    354 blue

    355 heavy

    356 material materials

    357 fast

    358 president president's

    359 national

    360 type types

    361 gold

    362 simple

    363 walk walked, walking, walks

    364 maybe

    365 chapter chapters

    366 you're

    367 produce produced, produces, producing

    368 party parties

    369 subject subjects

    370 third

    371 shown

    372 student students

    373 act acted, acting, acts

    374 dry drying, dried

    375 cover covered, covering, covers

    376 ball balls

    377 lay

    378 fine

    379 New York

    380 teacher teachers







  • 381 carefully

    382 fall fallen, falling, falls

    383 death deaths

    384 develop developed, developing, develops

    385 winter winters

    386 watch watched, watches, watching

    387 level levels

    388 soil

    389 east

    390 couldn't

    391 single

    392 scientist scientists

    393 million millions

    394 interest interested, interesting, interests

    395 beautiful

    396 Europe

    397 European Europeans

    398 central

    399 worker workers

    400 provide provided, provides, providing

    401 mountain mountains

    402 nearly

    403 stand standing, stands

    404 piece pieces

    405 sky

    406 ocean oceans

    407 sense

    408 written

    409 rock rocks

    410 rain rains

    411 percent

    412 larger

    413 necessary

    414 plan planned, planning, plans

    415 wood woods

    416 wasn't

    417 week weeks

    418 tiny

    419 action actions

    420 month months

    421 game games

    422 difficult

    423 wide

    424 various






  • 425 snow

    426 letter letters

    427 store stored, stores

    428 farm farming, farms

    429 sentence sentences

    430 company companies

    431 wall walls

    432 ice

    433 mouth mouths

    434 born

    435 led

    436 fill filled, filling

    437 add added, adding, adds

    438 nature

    439 modern

    440 population populations

    441 meet meets

    442 round rounded

    443 product products

    444 stone stones

    445 easily

    446 tall

    447 thousand thousands

    448 box boxes

    449 position positions

    450 dead

    451 happy

    452 individual individuals

    453 higher

    454 minute minutes

    455 love loved, loves, loving

    456 speak speaking

    457 society societies

    458 particular

    459 let's

    460 huge

    461 century centuries

    462 map maps

    463 trouble troubled, troubles

    464 feeling feelings

    465 glass glasses

    466 island islands

    467 weather

    468 political

  • 469 horse horses

    470 deal dealing, deals

    471 brown

    472 pull pulled, pulling, pulls

    473 speed speeds

    474 direction directions

    475 attention

    476 clothes clothing

    477 experience experienced, experiences

    478 spring springs

    479 lower lowered

    480 physical

    481 basic

    482 development developments

    483 bottom

    484 step stepped, steps

    485 similar

    486 ship shipped, shipping, ships, ship's

    487 color colored, colors

    488 service services

    489 trade traded, trading

    490 support supported, supporting, supports

    491 growth

    492 fell

    493 forest forests

    494 greater

    495 temperature temperatures

    496 wife wives

    497 smaller

    498 bear bearing, bears

    499 rich

    500 environment environments

    501 skin skins

    502 education

    503 arm armed, arms

    504 wrong

    505 bird birds

    506 return returned, returning, returns

    507 gas gases

    508 foot

    509 straight

    510 sleep sleeping

    511 legs leg

    512 meaning meanings

  • 513 behavior behaviors

    514 actually

    515 knowledge

    516 test tested, testing, tests

    517 pressure pressures

    518 strange

    519 notice noticed

    520 object objects

    521 court courts

    522 soft

    523 iron

    524 distance distances

    525 simply

    526 wild

    527 include included, includes, including

    528 son sons

    529 machine machines

    530 rate rates

    531 exactly

    532 brother brothers

    533 beyond

    534 doesn't

    535 lead leading, leads

    536 grass grasses

    537 wish wished, wishes, wishing

    538 future

    539 community communities

    540 chance chances

    541 shape shaped, shapes

    542 clean cleaned, cleaning

    543 baby babies

    544 economics economic

    545 supply supplied, supplies

    546 bill bills

    547 purpose purposes

    548 village villages

    549 British

    550 met

    551 won't

    552 effect effects

    553 according

    554 science sciences

    555 weight weights

    556 view viewed, views

  • 557 spread spreading

    558 moon

    559 travel traveled, traveling, travels

    560 die died, dies

    561 wrote

    562 western

    563 discover discovered

    564 thin

    565 doctor doctors, doctor's

    566 generally

    567 program programs

    568 bright

    569 continue continued, continues, continuing

    570 sit sits, sitting

    571 wait waited, waiting

    572 ahead

    573 seven

    574 local

    575 complete completed

    576 condition conditions

    577 likely

    578 finish finished

    579 broke broken

    580 federal

    581 mark marked, marks

    582 increase increased, increases, increasing

    583 teeth

    584 available

    585 practice practiced, practices, practicing

    586 corner corners

    587 yellow

    588 consider considered, considering

    589 forward

    590 edge edges

    591 kitchen

    592 caught

    593 older

    594 hope hoped, hopes, hoping

    595 mass masses

    596 raise raised, raising

    597 activity activities

    598 source sources

    599 health

    600 spent

  • 601 church churches

    602 sign signed, signs

    603 list listed, lists

    604 movement movements

    605 total

    606 section sections

    607 nation nations, nation's

    608 eight

    609 bit bits

    610 ancient

    611 addition

    612 break breaking, breaks

    613 ability abilities

    614 wouldn't

    615 resource resources

    616 flat

    617 further

    618 I've

    619 he's

    620 star stars

    621 farmer farmers

    622 thick

    623 fun

    624 god gods

    625 boat boats

    626 rule ruled, rules, ruling

    627 specific

    628 listen listened, listening

    629 directly

    630 afraid

    631 isn't

    632 congress

    633 oxygen

    634 personal

    635 quiet

    636 chief

    637 rose roses

    638 coast

    639 charge charged, charges

    640 Paris

    641 France

    642 French

    643 wave waved, waves, waving

    644 afternoon

  • 645 largest

    646 region regions

    647 industry industries

    648 research

    649 Africa

    650 African

    651 method methods

    652 fear feared, fears

    653 cost costs

    654 term terms

    655 sand

    656 lake lakes

    657 bank banks

    658 flower flowers

    659 check checked, checking, checks

    660 chemical chemicals

    661 milk

    662 fight fighting

    663 element elements

    664 explain explained, explaining, explains

    665 event events

    666 allow allowed, allowing, allows

    667 board boards

    668 union unions

    669 separate separated

    670 length

    671 pick picked, picking, picks

    672 famous

    673 hill hills

    674 production

    675 value values

    676 faster

    677 paid

    678 base based, bases

    679 choose choosing

    680 valley valleys

    681 record recorded, recording, records

    682 equipment

    683 drive drives, driving, driven

    684 sight

    685 college colleges

    686 capital

    687 team teams

    688 send sending, sends

  • 689 army armies

    690 entire

    691 cry cried, cries, crying

    692 egg eggs

    693 safe

    694 trip trips

    695 slow slowed

    696 difference differences

    697 involved involve, involves, involving

    698 expect expected

    699 hit hits

    700 police

    701 beside besides

    702 share shared, shares, sharing

    703 catch catching

    704 structure structures

    705 require required, requires

    706 train trained, training, trains

    707 appear appeared, appears

    708 labor

    709 bone bones

    710 pretty

    711 useful

    712 silver

    713 visit visited, visiting, visits

    714 uncle

    715 powerful

    716 kill killed, killing

    717 empty

    718 fly flies, flying

    719 theory theories

    720 unit units

    721 receive received, receives, receiving

    722 sort sorts

    723 contain contained, containing, contains

    724 nose

    725 freedom

    726 earlier

    727 fresh

    728 radio radios

    729 metal metals

    730 certainly

    731 ride rides, riding

    732 I'd

  • 733 northern

    734 equal

    735 note noted, notes

    736 serious

    737 hurt

    738 sell selling

    739 garden gardens

    740 wet

    741 speech speeches

    742 market markets

    743 divide divided, dividing

    744 wear wearing, wears

    745 Washington

    746 stage stages

    747 describe described, describes, describing

    748 hole holes

    749 solid solids

    750 shoe shoes

    751 variety

    752 tired tire, tires

    753 spoke

    754 spend spending

    755 related relate

    756 measure measured, measures, measuring

    757 race raced, races, racing

    758 path paths

    759 bus buses

    760 average

    761 report reported, reports

    762 price prices

    763 smoke smoking

    764 sister sisters

    765 clearly

    766 busy

    767 push pushed, pushing, pushes

    768 guess guessed

    769 private

    770 China

    771 Asia

    772 Chinese

    773 you'll

    774 liquid liquids

    775 touch touched, touches, touching

    776 strength

  • 777 gray

    778 completely

    779 nice

    780 tool tools

    781 save saved, saving

    782 brain brains

    783 finger fingers

    784 rise rises, rising, risen

    785 chair chairs

    786 sold

    787 electric

    788 current currents

    789 electricity

    790 hardly

    791 cat cats

    792 direct directed

    793 imagine imagined

    794 skill skilled, skills

    795 situation situations

    796 range ranges

    797 influence influenced, influences

    798 narrow

    799 agree agreed

    800 square

    801 fit fits, fitted

    802 evidence

    803 property properties

    804 cool cooled, cooling

    805 seed seeds

    806 apart

    807 foreign

    808 southern

    809 shop shopping, shops

    810 balance balanced

    811 noise noises

    812 arrive arrived

    813 what's

    814 protect protected, protecting, protects

    815 fair

    816 hall

    817 dad

    818 sick

    819 carbon

    820 corn

  • 821 park parks, parking

    822 careful

    823 greatest

    824 sharp

    825 industrial

    826 immediately

    827 flow flows, flowed, flowing

    828 ear ears

    829 crops crop

    830 spot spots, spotted

    831 twenty

    832 forth

    833 meat

    834 dinner

    835 normal

    836 motion

    837 tail tails

    838 dangerous

    839 sir

    840 please pleased

    841 settle settled, settling

    842 detail detailed, details

    843 wonder wondered, wondering, wonders

    844 telephone

    845 series

    846 mom

    847 captain

    848 join joined, joining

    849 key keys

    850 easier

    851 proper

    852 opening openings

    853 angry

    854 regular

    855 paragraph paragraphs

    856 won

    857 stick sticking, sticks

    858 cross crossed, crossing

    859 familiar

    860 master masters

    861 leader leaders

    862 breakfast

    863 prepare prepared, preparing

    864 establish established, establishing

  • 865 meeting meetings

    866 coal

    867 giant giants

    868 success

    869 rapidly

    870 station stations

    871 factory factories

    872 alive

    873 steel

    874 ate

    875 seat seated, seats

    876 California

    877 San Francisco

    878 department departments

    879 determine determined, determines, determining

    880 particularly

    881 occur occurs, occurred

    882 bread

    883 bought

    884 Mexico

    885 Texas

    886 Spanish

    887 Mexican

    888 drink drinking, drinks

    889 plain plains

    890 danger dangers

    891 neck

    892 sugar

    893 television

    894 dust

    895 disease diseases

    896 closer

    897 smell smelled, smells

    898 taught

    899 feed feeding

    900 cotton

    901 popular

    902 depend depended, depending, depends

    903 effort efforts

    904 scientific

    905 account accounts

    906 usual

    907 remain remained, remaining, remains

  • 908 frequently

    909 model models

    910 locate located

    911 search searched, searching

    912 topic topics

    913 organization organizations

    914 successful

    915 soldier soldiers

    916 we'll

    917 cultural

    918 lose loses, losing

    919 quick

    920 role roles

    921 closely

    922 twice

    923 desert deserts

    924 enter entered, entering, enters

    925 lunch

    926 limit limited, limits

    927 salt

    928 dollar dollars

    929 instance instances

    930 laugh laughed, laughing

    931 he'd

    932 inch inches

    933 circle circles

    934 pole poles

    935 aunt

    936 create created, creates, creating

    937 civil

    938 newspaper newspapers

    939 choice choices

    940 bag bags

    941 pattern patterns

    942 concern concerned, concerning, concerns

    943 secret secrets

    944 truck trucks

    945 policy policies

    946 fat fats

    947 income

    948 solution solutions

    949 colony colonies

    950 final

    951 nearby

  • 952 factor factors

    953 impossible

    954 revolution

    955 affect affected, affects

    956 recent

    957 desk

    958 cattle

    959 demand demanded, demands

    960 prevent prevented, prevents

    961 drop dropped, dropping, drops

    962 draw drawn

    963 wheel wheels

    964 complex

    965 original

    966 stream streams

    967 realize realized

    968 lady ladies

    969 manners manner

    970 nine

    971 finding findings

    972 message messages

    973 hungry

    974 surprise surprised, surprising

    975 opposite

    976 serve served, serves, serving

    977 branch branches

    978 loss losses

    979 sheep

    980 beneath

    981 highly

    982 truth

    983 hospital hospitals

    984 twelve

    985 drew

    986 decision decisions

    987 climate climates

    988 citizen citizens

    989 farther

    990 daily

    991 smile smiled, smiling

    992 standard standards

    993 eastern

    994 worth

  • 995 enjoy enjoyed, enjoying

    996 pair pairs

    997 Germany

    998 German Germans

    999 you've

    1000 roof

    1001 plane planes

    1002 everywhere

    1003 library libraries

    1004 medical

    1005 bridge bridges

    1006 religious

    1007 function functioning, functions

    1008 peace

    1009 hat hats

    1010 music

    1011 basis

    1012 offer offered, offering, offers

    1013 shout shouted, shouting

    1014 laid

    1015 upper

    1016 mostly

    1017 species

    1018 coat coats

    1019 importance

    1020 track tracks

    1021 handle handles, handled, handling

    1022 forget

    1023 particle particles

    1024 beach beaches

    1025 waste wasted, wastes

    1026 avoid avoided

    1027 drawing drawings

    1028 effective

    1029 everybody

    1030 extra

    1031 daughter daughters

    1032 kid kids

    1033 muscles muscle

    1034 mineral minerals

    1035 bell bells

    1036 shot

    1037 aid aids

  • 1038 dream dreamed, dreams

    1039 ordinary

    1040 correct

    1041 remove removed, removing

    1042 tube tubes

    1043 season seasons

    1044 block blocked, blocks

    1045 root roots

    1046 yard yards

    1047 quality qualities

    1048 gather gathered, gathering

    1049 reply replied

    1050 dress dressed, dresses, dressing

    1051 smooth

    1052 breath

    1053 character characters

    1054 due

    1055 wooden

    1056 sheet sheets

    1057 mine mines, mining

    1058 active

    1059 loud

    1060 lie lies

    1061 we're

    1062 relationship relationships

    1063 fix fixed

    1064 India

    1065 Indian Indians

    1066 escape escaped

    1067 aware

    1068 safety

    1069 shoulder shoulders

    1070 fifty

    1071 win winning

    1072 design designed, designs

    1073 appearance

    1074 Constitution

    1075 reaction reactions

    1076 data

    1077 accept accepted

    1078 somewhere

    1079 rope ropes

    1080 ring ringing, rings

    1081 terrible

  • 1082 Hudson

    1083 Canada

    1084 Canadian

    1085 military

    1086 attack attacked, attacks

    1087 fuel fuels

    1088 lack

    1089 slightly

    1090 begun

    1091 struck

    1092 jump jumped, jumping

    1093 wonderful

    1094 university

    1095 gradually

    1096 camp camps

    1097 protection

    1098 positive

    1099 broad

    1100 they're

    1101 battle battles

    1102 empire

    1103 hung

    1104 item items

    1105 crowd crowded, crowds

    1106 beat beating, beaten

    1107 cloud clouds

    1108 organize organized, organizing

    1109 band bands

    1110 art arts

    1111 marry married

    1112 computer computers

    1113 shore shores

    1114 wire wires

    1115 independent

    1116 count counted, counting

    1117 merely

    1118 eventually

    1119 writer writers

    1120 burn burned, burning, burns

    1121 Rome

    1122 Roman Romans

    1123 Latin

    1124 statement statements

    1125 career careers

  • 1126 husband

    1127 understood

    1128 characteristic characteristics

    1129 glad

    1130 contact

    1131 opinion opinions

    1132 sudden

    1133 improve improved, improving

    1134 bigger

    1135 alike

    1136 somewhat

    1137 communication communications

    1138 insect insects

    1139 perfect

    1140 task tasks

    1141 fourth

    1142 responsible

    1143 substance substances

    1144 weak

    1145 suggest suggested, suggests

    1146 worse

    1147 tie tied, ties

    1148 exist existed, existing, exists

    1149 shook

    1150 taste tasted, tastes

    1151 drove

    1152 medicine medicines

    1153 tomorrow

    1154 hunt hunted, hunting

    1155 date dates

    1156 hadn't

    1157 stock

    1158 atmosphere

    1159 vast

    1160 mud

    1161 relatively

    1162 judge judges

    1163 shut

    1164 wore

    1165 discuss discussed, discussing

    1166 chose chosen

    1167 opportunity opportunities

    1168 height heights

    1169 queen

  • 1170 mouse

    1171 response responses

    1172 observe observed, observing

    1173 favorite

    1174 storm storms

    1175 arrange arranged

    1176 gain gained

    1177 economy

    1178 approach approached, approaches, approaching

    1179 guide guided, guides

    1180 plate plates

    1181 rough

    1182 tax taxes

    1183 doubt

    1184 attempt attempted, attempts

    1185 birth

    1186 worry worried

    1187 lift lifted, lifting

    1188 volume

    1189 plenty

    1190 sunlight

    1191 unusual

    1192 greatly

    1193 pain

    1194 apartment

    1195 golden

    1196 ear

    1197 degrees degree

    1198 memory memories

    1199 pound pounding, pounds

    1200 throw throwing

    1201 friendly

    1202 beauty

    1203 tend tended, tends

    1204 settler settlers

    1205 teach teaching

    1206 fruit fruits

    1207 rubber

    1208 sweet

    1209 feature features

    1210 card cards

    1211 wagon wagons

    1212 additional

  • 1213 atom atoms

    1214 title titles

    1215 couple

    1216 fifteen

    1217 tea

    1218 male males

    1219 chain chains

    1220 professional

    1221 paint painted

    1222 wise

    1223 stretch stretched, stretches, stretching

    1224 dear

    1225 younger

    1226 respect respected

    1227 adult adults

    1228 hide hides, hiding

    1229 coffee

    1230 proud

    1231 blow blowing, blows

    1232 entirely

    1233 march marched

    1234 pure

    1235 layer layers

    1236 advantage advantages

    1237 constant

    1238 lord lords

    1239 Spain

    1240 Spaniards

    1241 loose

    1242 slave slaves

    1243 female females

    1244 mix mixed, mixing

    1245 valuable

    1246 consist consisted, consists

    1247 flight

    1248 officer officers

    1249 neighborhood

    1250 primary

    1251 quietly

    1252 attach attached

    1253 spirit spirits

    1254 vote votes, voting

    1255 grandmother

    1256 lying

  • 1257 experiment experiments

    1258 clay

    1259 bottle bottles

    1260 progress

    1261 funny

    1262 sorry

    1263 wheat

    1264 presence

    1265 suit suits, suited

    1266 operation operations

    1267 credit

    1268 post posts

    1269 firm firms

    1270 roll rolled, rolling, rolls

    1271 engine engines

    1272 swim swimming

    1273 dirt

    1274 religion

    1275 threw

    1276 potential

    1277 outer

    1278 recently

    1279 strike strikes, striking

    1280 unlike

    1281 stomach

    1282 pocket pockets

    1283 prove proved

    1284 Japan

    1285 Japanese

    1286 journey

    1287 express expressed

    1288 content contents

    1289 darkness

    1290 string

    1291 damage damaged

    1292 club clubs

    1293 authority authorities

    1294 solve solved, solving

    1295 goal goals

    1296 pleasant

    1297 discussion

    1298 grain grains

    1299 compare compared, comparing

    1300 highest

  • 1301 clock clocks

    1302 railroad railroads

    1303 birthday

    1304 magic

    1305 recognize recognized

    1306 Atlantic

    1307 Pacific

    1308 issue issued, issues

    1309 scale scales

    1310 transportation

    1311 treatment

    1312 stronger

    1313 copper

    1314 climb climbed, climbing

    1315 thirty

    1316 wing wings

    1317 extremely

    1318 treat treated

    1319 furniture

    1320 sad

    1321 exercise exercises

    1322 pond

    1323 bent

    1324 o'clock

    1325 essential

    1326 reader readers

    1327 electron electrons

    1328 press pressed, pressing

    1329 technique techniques

    1330 technology

    1331 sport sports

    1332 actual

    1333 destroy destroyed

    1334 grade grades

    1335 promise promised

    1336 print printed, printing, prints

    1337 fellow fellows

    1338 prince

    1339 properly

    1340 neighbor neighbors, neighboring

    1341 negative

    1342 mirror mirrors

    1343 plastic

    1344 gun guns

  • 1345 official officials

    1346 independence

    1347 bacteria

    1348 grandfather

    1349 raw

    1350 trail trails

    1351 aside

    1352 silent

    1353 belong belonged, belongs

    1354 wool

    1355 responsibility responsibilities

    1356 shadow shadows

    1357 rode

    1358 native

    1359 flew

    1360 molecule molecules

    1361 gently

    1362 classroom

    1363 mixture

    1364 fairly

    1365 legal

    1366 chest

    1367 rays ray

    1368 guard guards

    1369 style styles

    1370 refuse refused

    1371 steam

    1372 insurance

    1373 expression expressions

    1374 fail failed, fails

    1375 connected connect

    1376 match matches

    1377 frank

    1378 majority

    1379 perform performed, performing

    1380 creature creatures

    1381 formal

    1382 gate gates

    1383 excited excite, exciting

    1384 naturally

    1385 nuclear

    1386 cave caves

    1387 excitement

    1388 exchange exchanged

  • 1389 apply applied, applies, applying

    1390 committee

    1391 former

    1392 row rows

    1393 aren't

    1394 June

    1395 planet planets

    1396 hid hidden

    1397 nervous

    1398 frightened frighten

    1399 expensive

    1400 stairs

    1401 frog frogs

    1402 fought

    1403 replace replaced

    1404 hang hanging, hangs

    1405 asleep

    1406 healthy

    1407 wash washed, washing

    1408 rabbit rabbits

    1409 pile piled, piles

    1410 acid acids

    1411 hurry hurried

    1412 mainly

    1413 enormous

    1414 brush brushes, brushed

    1415 pool pools

    1416 driver drivers

    1417 council

    1418 disappear disappeared

    1419 harder

    1420 tongue

    1421 passage passages

    1422 compound compounds

    1423 apple apples

    1424 bay

    1425 discovery discoveries

    1426 repeat repeated

    1427 cook cooked, cooking

    1428 unable

    1429 desire desired

    1430 silence

    1431 fully

    1432 distant

  • 1433 fur

    1434 widely

    1435 shelter

    1436 location locations

    1437 route routes

    1438 pot pots

    1439 Virginia

    1440 owner owners

    1441 pollution

    1442 fed

    1443 image images

    1444 internal

    1445 basket baskets

    1446 maintain maintained, maintaining

    1447 obtain obtained

    1448 combination combinations

    1449 billion billions

    1450 baseball

    1451 combine combined

    1452 comfortable

    1453 fence

    1454 conversation

    1455 phone

    1456 tape

    1457 invent invented

    1458 cap caps

    1459 lip lips

    1460 traffic

    1461 construction

    1462 duty duties

    1463 partly

    1464 description descriptions

    1465 double

    1466 cup cups

    1467 automobile automobiles

    1468 stuck

    1469 wealth

    1470 seek seeking

    1471 examine examined, examining

    1472 organism organisms

    1473 orange

    1474 professor

    1475 visible

    1476 football

  • 1477 article articles

    1478 surrounded surround

    1479 you'd

    1480 helpful

    1481 principle principles

    1482 consumer consumers

    1483 appropriate

    1484 crew

    1485 column columns

    1486 rice

    1487 conflict conflicts

    1488 tribe tribes

    1489 bar bars

    1490 chart charts

    1491 largely

    1492 author authors

    1493 identify identified

    1494 introduce introduced

    1495 forgotten

    1496 meal meals

    1497 stare stared, staring

    1498 solar

    1499 county

    1500 vary varying, varies, varied

    1501 constantly

    1502 July

    1503 bound

    1504 blind

    1505 tight

    1506 thank thanks

    1507 enemy enemies

    1508 accident accidents

    1509 mail

    1510 tear tears

    1511 screen

    1512 motor

    1513 typical

    1514 mental

    1515 shell shells

    1516 traditional

    1517 concept concepts

    1518 Saturday

    1519 royal

    1520 movie movies

  • 1521 scene

    1522 pleasure

    1523 reference

    1524 governor

    1525 reduce reduced

    1526 steady

    1527 audience

    1528 excellent

    1529 cow cows

    1530 performance

    1531 bare

    1532 mama

    1533 dirty

    1534 signal signals

    1535 April

    1536 collect collected, collecting

    1537 principal

    1538 cast

    1539 bicycle

    1540 barn

    1541 division divisions

    1542 copy copies

    1543 contract contracts

    1544 selection

    1545 project projects

    1546 throat

    1547 electrical

    1548 command

    1549 relative relatives

    1550 civilization civilizations

    1551 territory

    1552 verb verbs

    1553 practical

    1554 tissue tissues

    1555 quarter quarters

    1556 marriage

    1557 pet pets

    1558 mention mentioned

    1559 knife knives

    1560 sale sales

    1561 spoken

    1562 international

    1563 existence

    1564 leather

  • 1565 dance danced, dancing

    1566 exact

    1567 obvious

    1568 permanent

    1569 unknown

    1570 affair affairs

    1571 composition

    1572 accurate

    1573 feather feathers

    1574 instruction instructions

    1575 claim claimed, claims

    1576 nod nodded

    1577 indicate indicated, indicates

    1578 laboratory

    1579 rapid

    1580 obviously

    1581 instrument instruments

    1582 pine

    1583 declare declared

    1584 breathe breathing

    1585 extent

    1586 shirt

    1587 vegetable vegetables

    1588 crime

    1589 luck

    1590 manage managed

    1591 normally

    1592 snake snakes

    1593 brief

    1594 worn

    1595 tip tips

    1596 honor

    1597 difficulty difficulties

    1598 commonly

    1599 competition

    1600 nest nests

    1601 commercial

    1602 possibly

    1603 kingdom kingdoms

    1604 compose composed

    1605 emperor

    1606 player players

    1607 elect elected

    1608 speaker speakers

  • 1609 forever

    1610 Sunday

    1611 cabin

    1612 attitude attitudes

    1613 earn earned

    1614 personality

    1615 upset

    1616 bury buried

    1617 hydrogen

    1618 song songs

    1619 publish published

    1620 haven't

    1621 canal canals

    1622 address

    1623 cycle

    1624 gentle

    1625 knee knees

    1626 pour poured, pouring

    1627 bike

    1628 survive survived

    1629 frozen

    1630 relation relations

    1631 bark

    1632 net

    1633 security

    1634 belt

    1635 spite

    1636 thrown

    1637 management

    1638 previous

    1639 tonight

    1640 deer

    1641 financial

    1642 pale

    1643 advance advanced, advances

    1644 operate operated, operating

    1645 bowl

    1646 represent represented, represents

    1647 defense

    1648 procedure procedures

    1649 colonial

    1650 equally

    1651 inner

    1652 administration

  • 1653 rush rushed, rushing

    1654 surely

    1655 significant

    1656 sing singing

    1657 advertising advertise

    1658 perfectly

    1659 agreement

    1660 release released

    1661 drug drugs

    1662 Roosevelt

    1663 patient patients

    1664 shine shining

    1665 analysis

    1666 wolf wolves

    1667 literature

    1668 split

    1669 supper

    1670 symbol symbols

    1671 whisper whispered

    1672 portion

    1673 Lincoln

    1674 magnetic

    1675 announce announced

    1676 porch

    1677 complicated complicate

    1678 struggle struggled

    1679 apparently

    1680 dozen dozens

    1681 argument arguments

    1682 oldest

    1683 failure

    1684 miss missed, missing

    1685 fox

    1686 numerous

    1687 we've

    1688 supreme

    1689 seldom

    1690 device devices

    1691 lion lions

    1692 hunter hunters

    1693 sail sailed, sailing

    1694 ill

    1695 generation generations

    1696 trait traits

  • 1697 explanation explanations

    1698 forty

    1699 youth

    1700 stable

    1701 uniform

    1702 occasionally

    1703 pencil

    1704 castle

    1705 scattered scatter

    1706 pink

    1707 extend extended, extends, extending

    1708 associate associated

    1709 mistake mistakes

    1710 mechanical

    1711 sample samples

    1712 honey

    1713 Columbus

    1714 Pilgrims

    1715 packed pack

    1716 assume assumed

    1717 considerable

    1718 dictionary

    1719 smallest

    1720 dawn

    1721 lungs

    1722 refer referred, refers

    1723 mystery

    1724 rid

    1725 Franklin

    1726 anger

    1727 worst

    1728 household

    1729 sought

    1730 yell yelled

    1731 rocky

    1732 stress

    1733 relief

    1734 election elections

    1735 intend intended

    1736 troops troop

    1737 educational

    1738 Italy

    1739 Mediterranean

    1740 Italian

  • 1741 airplane airplanes

    1742 December

    1743 Santa

    1744 Christmas

    1745 Christian

    1746 Christ

    1747 bean beans

    1748 lucky

    1749 risk

    1750 continent continents

    1751 frame

    1752 code

    1753 communicate

    1754 upward

    1755 machinery

    1756 circumstances circumstance

    1757 curve curved, curves

    1758 harm

    1759 heavily

    1760 buffalo

    1761 culture cultures

    1762 universe

    1763 quantity quantities

    1764 deeply

    1765 stuff stuffed

    1766 habit habits

    1767 employed employ

    1768 primarily

    1769 Massachusetts

    1770 Boston

    1771 advice

    1772 emotional

    1773 Athens

    1774 Greece

    1775 Greek Greeks

    1776 pride

    1777 grandpa

    1778 define defined

    1779 impression

    1780 immediate

    1781 candy

    1782 tough

    1783 select selected

    1784 bond bonds


  • 1785 sailor sailors

    1786 weapon weapons

    1787 nutrients nutrient

    1788 highway highways

    1789 expose exposed

    1790 blew

    1791 dioxide

    1792 biggest

    1793 interior

    1794 leaf

    1795 evil

    1796 ruler rulers

    1797 chicken chickens

    1798 burst

    1799 vessel vessels

    1800 agency agencies

    1801 cash

    1802 staff

    1803 curious

    1804 harbor

    1805 dull

    1806 belief beliefs

    1807 agriculture

    1808 earliest

    1809 alcohol

    1810 recall recalled

    1811 sufficient

    1812 intelligence

    1813 balloon

    1814 sang

    1815 pen

    1816 slip slipped

    1817 tightly

    1818 customer customers

    1819 differ

    1820 tobacco

    1821 lonely

    1822 mad

    1823 Florida

    1824 log logs

    1825 fifth

    1826 eleven

    1827 harmful

    1828 conduct conducted

  • 1829 reflect reflected, reflects

    1830 custom customs

    1831 background

    1832 democratic

    1833 potato potatoes

    1834 colonist colonists

    1835 collection

    1836 benefit benefits

    1837 association associations

    1838 achieve achieved

    1839 application applications

    1840 clue clues

    1841 brave

    1842 employee employees

    1843 trial

    1844 fashion

    1845 arrangement arrangements

    1846 organ organs

    1847 needle needles

    1848 impact

    1849 secretary

    1850 silk

    1851 trunk trunks

    1852 Mississippi

    1853 magazine magazines

    1854 shade

    1855 executive

    1856 contrast

    1857 justice

    1858 scared scare

    1859 gasoline

    1860 dig digging

    1861 firmly

    1862 tremendous

    1863 wrap wrapped

    1864 cent cents

    1865 load loaded

    1866 grand

    1867 gift gifts

    1868 meanwhile

    1869 capable

    1870 steep

    1871 dug

    1872 instant

  • 1873 hotel

    1874 campaign

    1875 output

    1876 joy

    1877 satisfied satisfy

    1878 hollow

    1879 gravity

    1880 lightning

    1881 efficient

    1882 August

    1883 calm

    1884 palace

    1885 pig pigs

    1886 trust

    1887 hate hated

    1888 jar jars

    1889 deposit deposited, deposits

    1890 depression

    1891 tin

    1892 institution institutions

    1893 bedroom

    1894 aspect aspects

    1895 blanket blankets

    1896 stranger strangers

    1897 stove

    1898 politics

    1899 noon

    1900 environmental

    1901 capacity

    1902 cake cakes

    1903 oak

    1904 adopt adopted

    1905 lean leaned, leaning

    1906 employment

    1907 badly

    1908 eager

    1909 slept

    1910 everyday

    1911 welcome

    1912 possibility possibilities

    1913 definition definitions

    1914 respond responded

    1915 October

    1916 warn warned, warning

  • 1917 strip strips

    1918 cream

    1919 entrance

    1920 nurse

    1921 tower towers

    1922 Ohio

    1923 weren't

    1924 file

    1925 boots boot

    1926 assembly

    1927 lamp lamps

    1928 nearest

    1929 truly

    1930 lock locked

    1931 unique

    1932 yesterday

    1933 shortly

    1934 reality

    1935 encourage encouraged

    1936 favor favored

    1937 she'd

    1938 Russia

    1939 Soviet

    1940 Russian

    1941 Communist

    1942 representative representatives

    1943 manager managers

    1944 shock shocked

    1945 January

    1946 urban

    1947 basketball

    1948 coach

    1949 slope slopes

    1950 fault

    1951 port

    1952 papa

    1953 mice

    1954 observation observations

    1955 manufacture manufactured, manufacturing

    1956 wake

    1957 tank tanks

    1958 faith

    1959 conclusion conclusions

    1960 September

  • 1961 hire hired

    1962 fiber fibers

    1963 odd

    1964 tone

    1965 border borders

    1966 permit permits, permitted

    1967 propose proposed

    1968 film

    1969 slight

    1970 review

    1971 grant granted

    1972 sandy

    1973 lesson lessons

    1974 Australia

    1975 era

    1976 afford

    1977 camera cameras

    1978 hello

    1979 sharply

    1980 leadership

    1981 daddy

    1982 severe

    1983 safely

    1984 glance glanced

    1985 swept

    1986 nucleus

    1987 slide sliding

    1988 grandma

    1989 agricultural

    1990 purchase purchased

    1991 surrounding surroundings

    1992 silly

    1993 passenger passengers

    1994 wine

    1995 ideal

    1996 meter meters

    1997 wealthy

    1998 shoot shooting

    1999 resistance

    2000 shake shaking

    2001 confidence

    2002 profit profits

    2003 equator

    2004 crack cracked, cracks

  • 2005 deeper

    2006 neat

    2007 Jefferson

    2008 bitter

    2009 flag

    2010 jacket

    2011 tropical

    2012 classify classified

    2013 rear

    2014 rare

    2015 torn

    2016 shorter

    2017 float floated, floating

    2018 steadily

    2019 poem poems

    2020 approximately

    2021 cousin cousins

    2022 underground

    2023 soul

    2024 specialize specialized

    2025 softly

    2026 minister

    2027 explore explored, exploring

    2028 woke

    2029 storage

    2030 ceiling

    2031 straw

    2032 powder

    2033 lovely

    2034 honest

    2035 okay

    2036 Pennsylvania

    2037 Philadelphia

    2038 dish dishes

    2039 fort

    2040 garbage

    2041 globe

    2042 fluid

    2043 distribution

    2044 diet

    2045 outline

    2046 navy

    2047 merchant merchants

    2048 carve carved

  • 2049 kilometer kilometers

    2050 ton tons

    2051 comfort

    2052 moral

    2053 stem stems

    2054 whale whales

    2055 atomic

    2056 awake

    2057 shift shifted, shifting

    2058 artificial

    2059 challenge

    2060 nerve nerves

    2061 sink

    2062 increasingly

    2063 repair

    2064 dependent

    2065 barely

    2066 pipe pipes

    2067 assign assigned

    2068 definite

    2069 vision

    2070 focus focused

    2071 expansion

    2072 ancestors ancestors

    2073 occupy occupied

    2074 soap

    2075 remarkable

    2076 imagination

    2077 agent agents

    2078 liberty

    2079 expert experts

    2080 pat

    2081 trap trapped

    2082 pan

    2083 overhead

    2084 regard regarded, regarding

    2085 bend bending

    2086 fog

    2087 slavery

    2088 lawn

    2089 comparison

    2090 forgot

    2091 butter

    2092 stiff

  • 2093 cage

    2094 invite invited

    2095 rarely

    2096 grab grabbed

    2097 attract attracted

    2098 district

    2099 moisture

    2100 arrow arrows

    2101 status

    2102 twenty-five

    2103 violence

    2104 knock knocked

    2105 prize

    2106 violent

    2107 bow

    2108 transfer transferred

    2109 reasonable

    2110 capture captured

    2111 prison

    2112 seriously

    2113 critical

    2114 diagram

    2115 trace traced

    2116 palm

    2117 concentration

    2118 correctly

    2119 smart

    2120 shiny

    2121 minimum

    2122 prime

    2123 sigh sighed

    2124 thread threads

    2125 protein proteins

    2126 sidewalk

    2127 sooner

    2128 annual

    2129 superior

    2130 damp

    2131 prairie

    2132 melt melted, melting

    2133 poverty

    2134 extreme

    2135 anxious

    2136 display displayed

  • 2137 thirteen

    2138 continental

    2139 preparation

    2140 beam beams

    2141 creek

    2142 vital

    2143 wilderness

    2144 commission

    2145 thoroughly

    2146 awful

    2147 minor

    2148 November

    2149 counter

    2150 treasure

    2151 platform

    2152 package packages

    2153 mood

    2154 formation

    2155 crust

    2156 adequate

    2157 junior

    2158 horn horns

    2159 attractive

    2160 suitable

    2161 invention inventions

    2162 organic

    2163 mount mounted

    2164 tooth

    2165 painting paintings

    2166 shelf

    2167 satisfaction

    2168 plus

    2169 maximum

    2170 tennis

    2171 purple

    2172 absorb absorbed

    2173 phase phases

    2174 spell spelling

    2175 shallow

    2176 hunger

    2177 swung

    2178 robin

    2179 rocket rockets

    2180 wound wounded


  • 2181 deck

    2182 occasion

    2183 league

    2184 bite

    2185 mighty

    2186 insist insisted

    2187 ladder

    2188 handsome

    2189 pace

    2190 seal

    2191 courage

    2192 false.

    2193 overcome

    2194 flash flashed

    2195 Arctic

    2196 external

    2197 hemisphere

    2198 acre acres

    2199 bench

    2200 secondary

    2201 unfortunately

    2202 ghost

    2203 deliver delivered

    2204 originally

    2205 rang

    2206 hero heroes

    2207 bull

    2208 freely

    2209 entry

    2210 herd herds

    2211 budget

    2212 happiness

    2213 rub rubbed, rubbing

    2214 adventure adventures

    2215 cheese

    2216 differently

    2217 halfway

    2218 fever

    2219 warmth

    2220 attend attended

    2221 boss

    2222 behave

    2223 wage wages

    2224 penny

  • 2225 site

    2226 elephant elephants

    2227 origin

    2228 princess

    2229 judgment

    2230 victory

    2231 engaged engage

    2232 cliff cliffs

    2233 absolute

    2234 engineer engineering, engineers

    2235 expand expanded, expanding

    2236 swing swinging

    2237 crazy

    2238 payment payments

    2239 lawyer lawyers

    2240 cancer

    2241 suffer suffered, suffering

    2242 February

    2243 acquire acquired

    2244 mathematics

    2245 prefer preferred

    2246 alarm

    2247 partner partners

    2248 precious

    2249 primitive

    2250 estimate estimated

    2251 convince convinced

    2252 cord

    2253 sixteen

    2254 flame flames

    2255 examination

    2256 phrase phrases

    2257 aluminum

    2258 mild

    2259 garage

    2260 admit admitted

    2261 core

    2262 invisible

    2263 brick bricks

    2264 here's

    2265 explorer explorers

    2266 fortune

    2267 jungle

    2268 conquer conquered

  • 2269 chin

    2271 exclaim exclaimed

    2272 moist

    2273 button buttons

    2274 threaten threatened

    2275 assistant

    2276 democracy

    2277 requirements requirement

    2278 zoo

    2279 funds fund

    2280 peaceful

    2281 remind reminded

    2282 nut nuts

    2283 absolutely

    2284 stern

    2285 frequency

    2286 flood floods

    2287 ore

    2288 crash

    2290 unhappy

    2291 visitor visitors

    2292 ease

    2293 confusion

    2294 peak peaks

    2295 investment

    2296 chamber chambers

    2297 museum

    2298 lens

    2299 fold folded

    2300 percentage

    2301 crown

    2302 vapor

    2303 voyage

    2304 fertile

    2305 toy toys

    2306 illustration

    2307 dim

    2308 mere

    2309 brilliant

    2310 react

    2311 rod

    2312 pretend

    2313 poetry

    2314 fundamental

  • 2315 mill mills

    2316 medium

    2317 convention

    2318 technical

    2319 settlement settlements

    2320 continuous

    2321 faint

    2322 vacation

    2323 objective objectives

    2324 soup

    2325 Friday

    2326 thunder

    2327 heavier

    2328 corporation corporations

    2329 absence

    2330 pilot

    2331 mysterious

    2332 childhood

    2333 spin spinning

    2334 apparent

    2335 toe toes

    2336 duck ducks

    2337 ranch

    2338 psychological

    2339 argue argued

    2340 emergency

    2341 joint joints

    2342 threat

    2343 we'd

    2344 juice

    2345 legislation

    2346 mayor

    2347 succeed succeeded

    2348 welfare

    2349 strongly

    2350 trick tricks

    2351 introduction

    2352 ugly

    2353 appeal

    2354 endless

    2355 plot

    2356 downward

    2357 eighteen

    2358 sensitive

  • 2359 parallel

    2360 error errors

    2361 temple

    2362 Kansas

    2363 Missouri

    2364 successfully

    2365 measurement measurements

    2366 regularly

    2367 expense expenses

    2368 nineteenth

    2369 tunnel

    2370 circuit

    2371 piano

    2372 microscope

    2373 encyclopedia

    2374 secure

    2375 sequence

    2376 shed

    2377 vehicle vehicles

    2378 tradition traditions

    2379 fourteen

    2380 tide

    2381 appoint appointed

    2382 hay

    2383 scarcely

    2384 zero

    2385 photograph photographs

    2386 snap snapped

    2387 routine

    2388 bother

    2389 bush bushes

    2390 pitch

    2391 permission

    2392 domestic

    2393 confused confuse

    2394 cabinet

    2395 intelligent

    2396 schedule

    2397 fancy

    2398 tent

    2399 countryside

    2400 nearer

    2401 contest

    2402 investigation

  • 2403 upstairs

    2404 gap

    2405 altogether

    2406 chocolate

    2407 gene genes

    2408 score scores

    2409 temporary

    2410 candidate candidates

    2411 thumb

    2412 survival

    2413 tale tales

    2414 pony

    2415 delicate

    2416 craft

    2417 they'd

    2418 Illinois

    2419 Chicago

    2420 text

    2421 index

    2422 doorway

    2423 historical

    2424 aloud

    2425 toad

    2426 obey

    2427 dissolved dissolve

    2428 lit

    2429 rural

    2430 elsewhere

    2431 senate

    2432 sunny

    2433 emphasis

    2434 thrust

    2435 backward

    2436 predict predicted

    2437 oppose opposed

    2438 hi

    2439 electronic

    2440 weigh weighed, weighs

    2441 label labeled, labels

    2442 abandoned abandon

    2443 arrival

    2444 illness

    2445 puzzle puzzled

    2446 stamp stamps

  • 2447 similarly

    2448 harvest

    2449 totally

    2450 Monday

    2451 Jupiter

    2452 Mercury

    2453 Mars

    2454 rat rats

    2455 noble nobles

    2456 gulf

    2457 media

    2458 fasten fastened

    2459 dragon

    2460 logical

    2461 manufacturer manufacturers

    2462 owl

    2463 he'll

    2464 emotion emotions

    2465 clever

    2466 autumn

    2467 link linked

    2468 northwest

    2469 presently

    2470 connection

    2471 philosophy

    2472 tendency

    2473 newly

    2474 sunshine

    2475 distinct

    2476 jet

    2477 flesh

    2478 vocabulary

    2479 reveal revealed

    2480 initial

    2481 proportion

    2482 drum

    2483 spider

    2484 fierce

    2485 tiger

    2486 cape

    2487 New Jersey

    2488 lightly

    2489 depth depths

    2490 elementary

  • 2491 proof

    2492 interview

    2493 holy

    2494 automatic

    2495 coin coins

    2496 amendment

    2497 homework

    2498 radiation

    2499 necessarily

    2500 construct constructed

    2501 channel

    2502 horizon

    2503 automatically

    2504 jean jeans

    2505 monster

    2506 desirable

    2507 criminal

    2508 mess

    2509 tap

    2510 massive

    2511 lumber

    2512 bath

    2513 membrane

    2514 interrupt interrupted

    2515 employer employers

    2516 previously

    2517 adapt adapted

    2518 boiling

    2519 midnight

    2520 ridge

    2521 republic

    2522 chemistry

    2523 tense

    2524 illustrate illustrated, illustrates

    2525 conference

    2526 quit

    2527 nail nails

    2528 restaurant

    2529 enable enables

    2530 concentrate concentrated

    2531 compete

    2532 switch

    2533 servant servants

    2534 contrary

  • 2535 injury injuries

    2536 magnet

    2537 bureau

    2538 rent

    2539 reward

    2540 freeze freezing

    2541 detective

    2542 bet

    2543 orbit

    2544 bee bees

    2545 taller

    2546 forehead

    2547 request

    2548 savings

    2549 compass

    2550 turkey

    2551 precise

    2552 folks folk

    2553 mission

    2554 pump pumped

    2555 punishment

    2556 nitrogen

    2557 wander wandered, wandering

    2558 physically

    2559 accomplish accomplished

    2560 colonel

    2561 pupil pupils

    2562 terror

    2563 wipe wiped

    2564 avenue

    2565 fortunately

    2566 Arizona

    2567 Colorado

    2568 accompany accompanied

    2569 extensive

    2570 educate educated

    2570 bathroom

    2571 biological

    2572 heaven

    2573 jail

    2574 aboard

    2575 cheek cheeks

    2576 twist twisted

    2577 foundation

  • 2578 possession

    2579 blame

    2580 excess

    2581 shelves

    2582 barrel

    2583 meadow

    2584 informal

    2585 commerce

    2586 marble

    2587 dying

    2588 occupation

    2589 estate

    2590 aim aimed

    2591 fireplace

    2592 exception

    2593 alternative

    2594 flour

    2595 Kennedy

    2596 drank

    2597 frost

    2598 hen

    2599 bat

    2600 presidential

    2601 saddle

    2602 loudly

    2603 mold

    2604 westward

    2605 input

    2606 guilty

    2607 guest guests

    2608 consideration

    2609 lighter

    2610 reputation

    2611 container containers

    2612 shouldn't

    2613 outdoor outdoors

    2614 noisy

    2615 spare

    2616 journal

    2617 widespread

    2618 boundary boundaries

    2619 dense

    2620 approval

    2621 noun nouns

  • 2622 injured injure

    2623 host

    2624 cookie cookies

    2625 isolated isolate

    2626 personnel

    2627 emerge emerged

    2628 contribute contributed

    2629 collar

    2630 concrete

    2631 cottage

    2632 poison

    2633 lap

    2634 sixty

    2635 facilities facility

    2636 mammal mammals

    2637 devoted devote

    2638 skull

    2639 guy guys

    2640 fool

    2641 context

    2642 remote

    2643 coastal

    2644 sake

    2645 crystal crystals

    2646 angle

    2647 southwest

    2648 weed weeds

    2649 marine

    2650 precisely

    2651 telescope

    2652 poet poets

    2653 approve approved

    2654 excuse

    2655 frequent

    2656 skeleton

    2657 amaze amazed, amazing

    2658 intense

    2659 survey

    2660 canoe

    2661 derive derived

    2662 sodium

    2663 director

    2664 slid

    2665 wedding

  • 2666 lowest

    2667 sack

    2668 eagle

    2669 wax

    2670 conscious

    2671 crisis

    2672 remark remarked

    2673 accurately

    2674 hammer

    2675 trash

    2676 turtle

    2677 zone

    2678 underneath

    2679 circus

    2680 glow 8 glowing

    2681 Israel

    2682 Jewish

    2683 Hitler

    2684 Jews

    2685 sum

    2686 alphabet

    2687 graph

    2688 inform informed

    2689 category categories

    2690 inherit inherited

    2691 persuade

    2692 acceptable

    2693 elevator

    2694 neutral

    2695 reform

    2696 vertical

    2697 efficiency

    2698 scream screamed, screaming

    2699 assistance

    2700 seize seized

    2701 delivery

    2702 ant ants

    2703 Georgia

    2704 Carolina

    2705 Bible

    2706 victim victims

    2707 creation

    2708 frontier

    2709 ink

  • 2710 berries berry

    2711 statue

    2712 daylight

    2713 fiction

    2714 candle candles

    2715 destruction

    2716 briefly

    2717 sword

    2718 decline

    2719 cooler

    2720 foolish

    2721 flexible

    2722 dam

    2723 axis

    2724 gentleman gentlemen

    2725 opposition

    2726 unemployment

    2727 grace

    2728 improvement improvements

    2729 friction

    2730 relax relaxed

    2731 warmer

    2732 producer producers

    2733 consequently

    2734 profession

    2735 closet

    2736 enterprise

    2737 dramatic

    2738 friendship

    2739 afterward afterwards

    2740 alert

    2741 borrow borrowed

    2742 regulations regulation

    2743 downstairs

    2744 decrease decreases

    2745 digestive

    2746 intellectual

    2747 polish polished

    2748 ignore ignored

    2749 researcher researchers

    2750 knight knights

    2751 reserve

    2752 rely

    2753 blank

  • 2754 pants

    2755 Indies

    2756 Rico

    2757 upright

    2758 impress impressed

    2759 toss tossed

    2760 convenient

    2761 imaginary

    2762 puppy

    2763 ash ashes

    2764 identical

    2765 effectively

    2766 strongest

    2767 instantly

    2768 Egypt

    2769 Egyptian Egyptians

    2770 Arab Arabs

    2771 Nile

    2772 cheap

    2773 sandwich

    2774 notebook

    2775 favorable

    2776 symptoms symptom

    2777 preserve preserved

    2778 rug

    2779 useless

    2780 laughter

    2781 bulb

    2782 sweat

    2783 brass

    2784 psychologist psychologists

    2785 louder

    2786 math

    2787 Columbia

    2788 novel

    2789 mate

    2790 pause paused

    2791 swallow swallowed

    2792 register

    2793 smoothly

    2794 dinosaur dinosaurs

    2795 legend

    2796 airport

    2797 worship

  • 2798 dusty

    2799 peculiar

    2800 wider

    2801 petroleum

    2802 sank

    2803 arise

    2804 simplest

    2805 conservative

    2806 twentieth

    2807 canyon

    2808 lifetime

    2809 transport

    2810 defeat defeated

    2811 maple

    2812 adjust adjusted

    2813 operator

    2814 longest

    2815 joke

    2816 occasional

    2817 Carter

    2818 enthusiasm

    2819 goat goats

    2820 latest

    2821 holiday holidays

    2822 delighted delight

    2823 self

    2824 squeeze squeezed

    2825 convert converted

    2826 consequences

    2827 horizontal

    2828 loyalty

    2829 inhabitants inhabitant

    2830 arose

    2831 well wells

    2832 sixth

    2833 curiosity

    2834 decade decades

    2835 wisdom

    2836 distinguish distinguished

    2837 rigid

    2838 squirrel squirrels

    2839 closest

    2840 reproduction

    2841 painful

  • 2842 yield

    2843 essay

    2844 tension

    2845 southeast

    2846 classmates classmate

    2847 recognition

    2848 margin

    2849 murder

    2850 pioneer pioneers

    2851 disappoint disappointed

    2852 universal

    2853 eagerly

    2854 harsh

    2855 stir stirred

    2856 unexpected

    2857 disturb disturbed

    2858 formula

    2859 decay

    2860 happily

    2861 target

    2862 visual

    2863 artist

    2864 carriage

    2865 blown

    2866 strict

    2867 stupid

    2868 clerk

    2869 arithmetic

    2870 chromosomes chromosome

    2871 drag dragged

    2872 Los Angeles

    2873 expedition

    2874 gear

    2875 breeze

    2876 commander

    2877 companion companions

    2878 brightly

    2879 license

    2880 whistle

    2881 telegraph

    2882 sewing sew

    2883 latitude

    2884 vice

    2885 commit committed

  • 2886 explosion

    2887 assure assured

    2888 sunset

    2889 necessity

    2889 scratch scratched

    2890 worm worms

    2891 mask

    2892 hut

    2893 rainfall

    2894 traveler travelers

    2895 continually

    2896 beef

    2897 prior

    2898 trader traders

    2899 hook

    2900 glands gland

    2901 minority

    2902 boom

    2903 cart

    2904 bored bore

    2905 mature

    2906 crude

    2907 density

    2908 roar roared

    2909 silently

    2910 recommend recommended

    2911 conservation

    2912 diamond diamonds

    2913 parade

    2914 urge urged

    2915 peasant peasants

    2916 reproduce

    2917 dare dared

    2918 shield

    2919 Minnesota

    2920 Michigan

    2921 Wisconsin

    2922 interaction

    2923 costly

    2924 bundle

    2925 Nixon

    2926 consumption

    2927 protective

    2928 identification

  • 2929 bug bugs

    2930 senator

    2931 separation

    2932 unpleasant

    2933 grave

    2934 fossil fossils

    2935 waist

    2936 cure

    2937 panic

    2938 orderly

    2939 kitten kittens

    2940 scarce

    2941 astronaut astronauts

    2942 well-known

    2943 tray

    2944 outstanding

    2945 landscape

    2946 anxiety

    2947 circular

    2948 equilibrium

    2949 cane

    2950 spray

    2951 voters voter

    2952 variation variations

    2953 assignment

    2954 bronze

    2955 youngest

    2956 heel heels

    2957 maintenance

    2958 oral

    2959 crush crushed

    2960 splendid

    2961 notion

    2962 debt

    2963 considerably

    2964 preceding precede

    2965 carol

    2966 reflection

    2967 appreciate

    2968 slender

    2969 equipped

    2970 fled

    2971 beard

    2972 pad

  • 2973 clause

    2974 Catholic

    2975 priest priests

    2976 pearl

    2977 possess possessed

    2978 eighteenth

    2979 singular

    2980 miller

    2981 illegal

    2982 exhausted exhaust

    2983 psychology

    2984 shy

    2985 beaver

    2986 cigarette

    2987 rescue

    2988 salmon

    2989 basin

    2990 pin

    2991 discipline

    2992 resist

    2993 icy

    2994 accuse accused

    2995 lid

    2996 rifle

    2997 rail

    2998 finest

    2999 twins twin

    3000 genetic

    3001 Oregon

    3002 they'll

    3003 distribute distributed

    3004 grasp

    3005 experimental

    3006 suggestion suggestions

    3007 cheerful

    3008 calcium

    3009 scholar scholars

    3010 ruin ruined, ruins

    3011 accustomed

    3012 grocery

    3013 kite

    3014 suspect suspected

    3015 revolutionary

    3016 cargo

  • 3017 participate

    3018 naked

    3019 sprang

    3020 statistics

    3021 productive

    3022 satellite satellites

    3023 diameter

    3024 camel camels

    3025 admire admired

    3026 swift

    3027 expectation expectations

    3028 sacred

    3029 Alaska

    3030 Hawaii

    3031 identity

    3032 rag rags

    3033 miner miners

    3034 evolution

    3035 prosperity

    3036 patience

    3037 typically

    3038 fond

    3039 usage

    3040 cruel

    3041 seventeen

    3042 rank ranks

    3043 germs germ

    3044 feast

    3045 stimulus

    3046 rider riders

    3047 achievement

    3048 envelope

    3049 carpet

    3050 Irish

    3051 membership

    3052 conclude concluded

    3053 fleet

    3054 liberal

    3055 deaf

    3056 receiver

    3057 blade

    3058 entitled entitle

    3059 spacecraft

    3060 gang

  • 3061 theme

    3062 creative

    3063 pasture

    3064 prisoner prisoners

    3065 temper

    3066 duke

    3067 muddy

    3068 literary

    3069 irrigation

    3070 gum

    3071 bold

    3072 decorate decorated

    3073 vacuum

    3074 hatch

    3075 jaw jaws

    3076 dining dine

    3077 debate

    3078 kick kicked

    3079 fork

    3080 socks sock

    3081 throne

    3082 northeast

    3083 timer

    3084 strain

    3085 leap leaped

    3086 variable

    3087 midst

    3088 swiftly

    3089 consciousness

    3090 kit

    3091 inland

    3092 framework

    3093 component components

    3094 dock

    3095 pit

    3096 beast beasts

    3097 extraordinary

    3098 abundant

    3099 hasn't

    3100 stroke

    3101 exploration

    3102 magnificent

    3103 adjustment adjustments

    3104 terminal

  • 3105 ordinarily

    3106 coil

    3107 pie

    3108 encounter encountered

    3109 deny denied

    3110 interfere

    3111 Louisiana

    3112 Orleans

    3113 humankind

    3114 classification

    3115 physics

    3116 substitute

    3117 colder

    3118 access

    3119 satisfactory

    3120 uncomfortable

    3121 incident

    3122 Kentucky

    3123 dash dashed

    3124 ticket

    3125 liver

    3126 relieve relieved

    3127 cellar

    3128 elaborate

    3129 mole

    3130 fade faded

    3131 neatly

    3132 substantial

    3133 bunch

    3134 crow

    3135 plow

    3136 biology

    3137 picnic

    3138 vegetation

    3139 burden

    3140 equality

    3141 digestion

    3142 investigate

    3143 rainy

    3144 version

    3145 abroad

    3146 discrimination

    3147 mist

    3148 manual

  • 3149 distinction

    3150 underwater

    3151 greet greeted

    3152 demonstrate demonstrated

    3153 periodic

    3154 formerly

    3155 entertainment

    3156 accuracy

    3157 chase

    3158 enclose enclosed

    3159 Holland

    3160 Dutch

    3161 establishment

    3162 regulate

    3163 centimeter centimeters

    3164 significance

    3165 mechanism

    3166 slower

    3167 peninsula

    3168 vitamins vitamin

    3169 physician

    3170 fate

    3171 loan loans

    3172 reverse

    3173 chip chips

    3174 followers follower

    3175 theater

    3176 stolen

    3177 marshall

    3178 resolve resolved

    3179 attic

    3180 wildlife

    3181 playground

    3182 fan fans

    3183 interval intervals

    3184 colorful

    3185 startle startled

    3186 drill

    3187 shark sharks

    3188 arrest arrested

    3189 chores

    3190 lend

    3191 consistent

    3192 offspring

  • 3193 compromise

    3194 metric

    3195 alongside

    3196 eliminate eliminated

    3197 spun

    3198 senior

    3199 shone

    3200 contemporary

    3201 barrier

    3202 flock

    3203 revenue

    3204 pollen

    3205 invade invaded

    3206 ownership

    3207 dignity

    3208 grapes grape

    3209 pillow

    3210 disaster

    3211 swam

    3212 cement

    3213 sweep sweeping

    3214 outward

    3215 junk

    3216 sled

    3217 drawer

    3218 weave weaving

    3219 beads bead

    3220 dot dots

    3221 Maine

    3222 Connecticut

    3223 curtains curtain

    3224 institute

    3225 regional

    3226 academic

    3227 overnight

    3228 limb limbs

    3229 grey

    3230 shower

    3231 long-term

    3232 ceremony ceremonies

    3233 draft

    3234 nursery

    3235 loop

    3236 witch

  • 3237 restless

    3238 attraction

    3239 consent

    3240 spectrum

    3241 deadly

    3242 evident

    3243 govern governed

    3244 crept

    3245 jewelry

    3246 cardboard

    3247 interpret

    3248 refrigerator

    3249 enzymes enzyme

    3250 mechanics mechanic

    3251 complain complained

    3252 inflation

    3253 defend

    3254 severely

    3255 one-half

    3256 gloves

    3257 legislature

    3258 sulfur

    3259 editor

    3260 conductor

    3261 dominant

    3262 volcano

    3263 width

    3264 declaration

    3265 sweater

    3266 cooperation

    3267 auto

    3268 resident residents

    3269 carbohydrates carbohydrate

    3270 sickness

    3271 immigrant immigrants

    3272 grandparents grandparent

    3273 towel

    3274 horror

    3275 recreation

    3276 downtown

    3277 suspend suspended

    3278 specifically

    3279 uranium

    3280 ribs rib

  • 3281 nonsense

    3282 prehistoric

    3283 unity

    3284 carrier

    3285 accordingly

    3286 Maryland

    3287 grin grinned

    3288 recover recovered

    3289 evaluation

    3290 earthquake

    3291 pop

    3292 ultimate

    3293 acceptance

    3294 beer

    3295 undoubtedly

    3296 lately

    3297 immense

    3298 likewise

    3299 divorce

    3300 progressive

    3301 they've

    3302 elderly

    3303 soccer

    3304 bacon

    3305 goose

    3306 awareness

    3307 fastest

    3308 assumption

    3309 republican

    3310 eighty

    3311 calories calorie

    3312 twenty-four

    3313 bucket

    3314 innocent

    3315 algae

    3316 impulse impulses

    3317 infant

    3318 countless

    3319 spoon

    3320 Britain

    3321 Scotland

    3322 Ireland

    3323 launch launched

    3324 poorly

  • 3325 pail

    3326 determination

    3327 unnecessary

    3328 equivalent

    3329 linen

    3330 gravel

    3331 rim

    3332 unfamiliar

    3333 promote

    3334 velvet

    3335 bomb

    3336 Peru

    3337 Brazil

    3338 sleepy

    3339 thermometer

    3340 reduction

    3341 sticky

    3342 historian historians

    3343 ratio

    3344 blast

    3345 constitutional

    3346 cease ceased

    3347 stability

    3348 tub

    3349 desperate

    3350 ivory

    3351 trend

    3352 glory

    3353 kitty

    3354 transmit transmitted

    3355 reliable

    3356 prey

    3357 who's

    3358 assist

    3359 collective

    3360 fame

    3361 warrior warriors

    3362 skirt

    3363 writing writings

    3364 salary

    3365 talent

    3366 lamb

    3367 worthy

    3368 plaster

  • 3369 moss

    3370 web

    3371 involvement

    3372 pottery

    3373 contributions contribution

    3374 headquarters

    3375 phenomenon

    3376 runner

    3377 legislative

    3378 exhibit

    3379 delay

    3380 breed breeding

    3381 parliament

    3382 geese

    3383 helpless

    3384 fist

    3385 astronomer astronomers

    3386 dairy

    3387 sore

    3388 poisonous

    3389 evolve evolved

    3390 drift drifted

    3391 graduate graduated

    3392 tune

    3393 monkey

    3394 tour

    3395 exposure

    3396 treaty

    3397 Napoleon

    3398 claws claw

    3399 doctrine

    3400 basement

    3401 congressional

    3402 lively

    3403 vague

    3404 interpretation

    3405 appointment

    3406 van

    3407 cowboy

    3408 mutual

    3409 raft

    3410 pollute polluted

    3411 patch patches

    3412 succession

  • 3413 unusually

    3414 handicap handicapped

    3415 elbow

    3416 spaceship

    3417 specify specified

    3418 bake baked

    3419 odor

    3420 crawl crawled

    3421 promptly

    3422 prominent

    3423 glue

    3424 hormones hormone

    3425 network

    3426 proceed

    3427 steal

    3428 soda

    3429 brand

    3430 woven

    3431 definitely

    3432 forbidden

    3433 rob

    3434 criticism

    3435 radical

    3436 ashore

    3437 Sweden

    3438 twig twigs

    3439 miserable

    3440 invasion

    3441 separately

    3442 participation

    3443 province

    3444 Portugal

    3445 grip

    3446 confine confined

    3447 lazy

    3448 bump

    3449 calendar

    3450 anchor

    3451 circulation

    3452 provisions provision

    3453 proudly

    3454 leisure

    3455 chew chewing

    3456 indirect

  • 3457 merchandise

    3458 keen

    3459 Tuesday

    3460 peas pea

    3461 upside

    3462 handful

    3463 cluster

    3464 swamp

    3465 reporter reporters

    3466 buck

    3467 ivy

    3468 loyal

    3469 perception

    3470 graceful

    3471 tomato tomatoes

    3472 sturdy

    3473 governmental

    3474 analyze

    3475 competitive

    3476 vine vines

    3477 volunteer volunteers

    3478 dumb

    3479 stimuli

    3480 veins vein

    3481 curl curled

    3482 weekend

    3483 lane

    3484 awkward

    3485 mainland

    3486 efficiently

    3487 erosion

    3488 furnace furnaces

    3489 lieutenant

    3490 fee

    3491 daytime

    3492 critic critics

    3493 evaluate

    3494 span

    3495 musical

    3496 advertisement advertisements

    3497 plural

    3498 cannon

    3499 aircraft

    3500 she'll

  • 3501 muscular

    3502 winding

    3503 hers

    3504 cavity

    3505 deliberately

    3506 sadly

    3507 oven

    3508 hind

    3509 triumph

    3510 personally

    3511 restrict restricted

    3512 sufficiently

    3513 tribal

    3514 slim

    3515 safer

    3516 mercy

    3517 delicious

    3518 intention

    3519 doll

    3520 depressed depress

    3521 pyramid

    3522 textbook

    3523 devil

    3524 Apollo

    3525 emphasize

    3526 genius

    3527 strictly

    3528 characterized characterize

    3529 fearful

    3530 prayer

    3531 detect

    3532 sphere

    3533 graze grazing

    3534 fantastic

    3535 whip

    3536 baker

    3537 descend descended

    3538 abuse

    3539 generous

    3540 excessive

    3541 arteries artery

    116 Function Words (secondary focus of the First 4,000 Words Project)

  • f001 such

    f002 too

    f003 much

    f004 our

    f005 must

    f006 before

    f007 me

    f008 any

    f009 should

    f010 us

    f011 away

    f012 those

    f013 might

    f014 never

    f015 while

    f016 something

    f017 however

    f018 both

    f019 being beings

    f020 does

    f021 without

    f022 until

    f023 along

    f024 sometime sometimes

    f025 enough

    f026 got

    f027 almost

    f028 since

    f029 ever

    f030 though

    f031 himself

    f032 yet

    f033 done

    f034 less

    f035 among

    f036 nothing

    f037 anything

    f038 cannot

    f039 ago

    f040 although

    f041 within

    f042 themselves

    f043 already

    f044 either



  • f045 quite

    f046 rather

    f047 someone

    f048 instead

    f049 whether

    f050 am

    f051 thus

    f052 else

    f053 happen happens, happened, happening

    f054 itself

    f055 shall

    f056 oh

    f057 therefore

    f058 except

    f059 especially

    f060 whose

    f061 suppose supposed

    f062 nor

    f063 anyone

    f064 yourself

    f065 herself

    f066 per

    f067 throughout

    f068 whom

    f069 onto

    f070 indeed

    f071 whatever

    f072 neither

    f073 unless

    f074 myself

    f075 whenever

    f076 none

    f077 nobody

    f078 anyway

    f079 till

    f080 otherwise

    f081 despite

    f082 ought

    f083 somehow

    f084 fewer

    f085 anywhere

    f086 ourselves

    f087 somebody

    f088 nevertheless


  • f089 wherever

    f090 anybody

    f091 moreover

    f092 hey

    f093 latter

    f094 readily

    f095 hence

    f096 someday

    f097 practically

    f098 furthermore

    f099 whereas

    f100 gotten

    f101 regardless

    f102 overall

    f103 ours

    f104 nowhere

    f105 anymore

    f106 virtually

    f107 ah

    f108 chiefly

    f109 essentially

    f110 thereby

    f111 yeah

    f112 so-called

    f113 basically

    f114 thou

    f115 literally

    f116 ye

    148 Proper Nouns (secondary focus of the First 4,000 Words Project)















  • Louis












































  • Ma














    Adam Adams






























  • Phillip












































  • Alfred


    First 100 Words (assumed known; not taught in the First 4,000 Words Project)

    n001 the

    n002 of

    n003 and

    n004 to

    n005 a

    n006 in

    n007 is

    n008 that that's

    n009 it

    n010 was

    n011 for

    n012 you

    n013 he

    n014 on

    n015 as

    n016 are

    n017 they

    n018 with

    n019 be

    n020 his

    n021 at

    n022 or

    n023 from

    n024 had

    n025 I

    n026 not

    n027 have having

    n028 this

    n029 but

    n030 by

    n031 were

    n032 one ones, one's

    n033 all

    n034 she she's

    n035 when

    n036 an

    n037 their theirs

    n038 there there's

    n039 her

    n040 can cans

  • n041 we

    n042 what

    n043 about

    n044 up

    n045 said

    n046 out

    n047 if

    n048 some

    n049 would

    n050 so

    n051 people peoples, people's

    n052 them

    n053 other others, other's

    n054 more

    n055 will willing

    n056 into

    n057 your yours

    n058 which

    n059 do doing

    n060 then

    n061 many

    n062 these

    n063 no

    n064 time times

    n065 been

    n066 who

    n067 like liked, likes

    n068 could

    n069 has

    n070 him

    n071 how

    n072 than

    n073 two

    n074 may

    n075 only

    n076 most

    n077 its

    n078 made

    n079 over

    n080 see seeing, seen, sees

    n081 first

    n082 new news

    n083 very

    n084 my

  • n085 also

    n086 down

    n087 make makes, making

    n088 now

    n089 way ways

    n090 each

    n091 did

    n092 just

    n093 after

    n094 water waters

    n095 through

    n096 get gets, getting

    n097 because

    n098 back backed, backs

    n099 where

    n100 know knowing, known, knows
