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REXX Training

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Rexx training


  • REXX Training

  • What is REXX ?Restructured EXtended eXecutor language Programming languageFree format languageIssues commands to different host environmentsSuitable for beginners as well computer professionals

  • USAGE of REXX Automating repetitive tasks - Increases productivity Eg : Allocation of datasets for a release Eg : Deleting 7th char in all records of a file Interacting with TSO/ISPF dialog manager - To create and display custom-made panels - Can store and retrieve variables etc.

  • Writing a simple REXX exec An exec is nothing but a group of REXX statements in a sequential dataset or a PDS member The first statement of an exec should be /* REXX */ REXX is not case sensitive A simple exec (In a PDS member,MYFIRST)/*REXX*/SAY This is first REXX execEXIT

  • Executing a REXX exec Explicit execution from tso ready promptREADY EXEC TATA.REXX.EXEC(MYFIRST) EXECREADY Implicit execution requires the PDS library to be concatenated to either SYSEXEC or the SYSPROC system DDNAMEs. READYALLOC DD(SYSEXEC) DSN(HCL.REXX.EXEC) SHR READY%MYFIRSTFrom ISPF,one can execute it by issuing the following command at command promptTSO MYFIRST

  • REXX Symbols A REXX symbol can consist of A...Z uppercase alphabetica...z lowercase alphabetic0...9 numbers @ # $ ? ! . _ special characters

    Rules for valid REXX symbols are :

    The first character cannot be 0 through 9 or a period (.) The variable name cannot exceed 250 bytes The variable name should not be RC, SIGL and RESULT

  • REXX - Arithmetic operators+ Add - Subtract * Multiply / Divide % Divide and return a whole number without a remainder // Divide and return the remainder only ** Raise a number to a whole number power -number Negate the number +number Add the number to 0

  • REXX - Logical operators& AND (4 > 2) & (a = a) /* true, so result is 1 */ (2 > 4) & (a = a) /* false, so result is 0 */

    | Inclusive OR(4 > 2) | (5 = 3) /* at least one is true, so result is 1 *(2 > 4) | (5 = 3) /* neither one is true, so result is 0 */

    && Exclusive OR(4 > 2) && (5 = 3) /* only one is true, so result is 1 */(4 > 2) && (5 = 5) /* both are true, so result is 0 */

    Prefix \ Logical NOT\ 0 /* opposite of 0, so result is 1 */ \ (4 > 2) /* opposite of true, so result is 0 */

  • REXX - comparison operators = Equal \ = Not equal > Greater than < Less than > < Greater than or less than (same as not equal) > = Greater than or equal to

    \ < Not less than < = Less than or equal to \ > Not greater than

    Note: The not character, "", is synonymous with the backslash ("\").

  • REXX Special VariablesRC: RC stands for return code and is set every time a command is issued.

    SIGL: When the language processor transfers control to another routine or another part of the exec, it sets the SIGL special variable to the line number from which the transfer occurred.

    RESULT : When an exec calls a subroutine ,the calling exec receives the value returned by the subroutine in the REXX special variable RESULT

  • REXX Instructions

  • REXX Instructions A line contains usually one instruction Comma(,) is the continuation character Semi-colon(;) is the instruction delimiter Example : say The quick fox jumps over, the lazy brown dog; say overOutput :The quick fox jumps over the lazy brown dog over Note that the comma operator adds a space

  • REXX Instructions - SAY

    To write a line of output to the TSO terminal Expression can contain variables, literals and functions

    /*REXX*/name=Rooseveltsay Welcome to TSO nameexit Output Welcome to TSO Roosevelt

  • REXX instruction - PULL To read the input from the TSO terminal (when REXX data stack is empty) Syntax : pull var1 var2 var3

    /*REXX*/say Enter your name :pull namesay Good morning nameexit The output will beEnter your name :LincolnGood morning LINCOLN pull automatically converts the input into uppercase

  • REXX Instruction - IF Used to conditionally execute a single stmt or a group of statements Syntax : if expression then stmt; else stmt; A group of statements can be grouped together by using doend Nested IFs are allowed

  • REXX Instructions - NOP nop stands for No-operation Causes REXX to create No-operation condition Only useful as a target of THEN or ELSE clause

  • REXX Instructions - IF/*REXX*/ say Enter AM/PM :' pull ampm if ampm = 'AM' then say 'Good morning!!!' else if ampm = 'PM' then say 'Good evening!!!' else NOP exit

  • REXX Instructions - DO Used to execute a group of statements under the control of an expression Has several formats The repetitive DO construct do 5 /* do x=5 is the same */ say hi there!!!end The statements within do..end will be executed five timesContd...

  • REXX Instructions - DO The do with loop counter/*REXX*/do ix = 1 to 7 by 2 /* 2 is the step value */ say ixend The output will be1357Contd...

  • REXX Instructions - DO The dowhile construct/*REXX*/i=1do while i < 3 say i i = i + 1end The output12Contd...

  • REXX Instructions - DO The do..until construct/*REXX*/i=1do until i > 3 say i i= i+ 1end The output will be 123Contd...

  • REXX Instructions - DO The do..forever special construct/*REXX*/do forever say infinite loopend The above exec results into an infinite loop Enough care should be taken to check the exit criteria of the loop, before executing the exec The leave instruction can be used to exit from the loop

  • REXX Instructions - LEAVE Causes REXX to stop executing the current doend loop and control passes to the next statement after the end of the doend pair

    /*REXX*/do foreversay Enter the code :pull code if code = BYE then do leave;endEndsay Statement after doend exit

  • REXX Instructions - ITERATE Used to restart execution in a do loop ITERATE {name} If name is not specified, ITERATE will step the innermost active loop If name is specified, that particular loop is stepped/*REXX*/do i = 1 to 3 by 1if i = 2 then iterate i say i = iend Outputi = 1i = 3

  • REXX Instructions - SELECT Causes REXX to execute one of several different instructions Most used when one of the several paths must be followed

    /*REXX*/say Enter 1 for salad,2 for pizza :pull choiceselect when choice = 1 then do say Here is the salad end when choice = 2 then say Here is the pizza otherwise say You have opted nothingend

  • REXX Instruction - UPPER To translate the contents of a single or several variables to uppercase Syntax : upper var1 var2 var3 /*REXX*/name =Kennedysay Name is nameupper namesay Now name is nameexit OutputName is KennedyNow name is KENNEDY

  • REXX Instruction - EXIT Used to unconditionally leave a program Can optionally pass back a string to the caller Syntax : EXIT {expression} Example named PROG2/*REXX*/a=10exit a*10 /*return 100 to the caller */ When prog2 is called in an exec as x=prog2(),then x will have the value 100

  • REXX Instructions - INTERPRET Used to execute instructions that are built dynamically Syntax : INTERPRET expression Example :/*REXX*/ out='say hi there!!!' interpret out stmts='do 3; say 'loop'; end' interpret stmts exit Output will behi there!!!looplooploop

  • REXX Instructions - PARSE Tells REXX how to assign data to one or more variables PARSE PULL makes REXX get the string from the REXX data stack. If the stack is empty, REXX will get the string from the terminal PARSE VALUE parses a string under the control of the template PARSE VALUE expression WITH template PARSE VAR indicates that the string to be parsed is not a literal but a variable PARSE VERSION returns REXX interpreter level and the date released

  • REXX Instructions - PARSE parse value Napolean the great with w1 w2 w3w1 = Napolean w2 = the w3 = great parse value Napolean the great with w1 9 w2 w1 = Napolean w2 = the great parse value 'salt+water=brine' with w1 '+' w2 '=' w3 w1 = salt w2 = water w3 = brine parse version vervar say vervar REXX370 3.48 01 May 1992 Contd

  • REXX Instructions - DROP Used to return one or more REXX variables to their initial or uninitialised state Syntax : DROP name1 name2 name3.; Same variable can be dropped more than once Examplesdrop adrop z.5 drop d.

  • REXX Instructions - ADDRESS To indicate the destination of non-rexx commands Syntax ADDRESS destination The destination could be any one of these TSO - Routes commands to TSO ISPEXEC - Routes commands to ISPF/PDF ISREDIT - Routes commands to the ISPF Edit macro processor Address tso lista st Address tso listds(hclt.rexx.exec) members Address ispexec /* Dest. Changed and set */

  • REXX Instructions - Procedure Used to protect the variables in existence when the function or subroutine is called Syntax : PROCEDURE { EXPOSE name1 {name2}} name1, name2 are not protected from the subroutine. That is they are exposed to the subroutine

  • REXX Instructions - ProcedureExample

    /*REXX */ lines=2 pages=3 call showlines say 'The line count is' lines ',the page count is' pages /* 'say' above displays 10 for lines and 3 for pages */ exit showlines: procedure expose lines lines=10 pages=1 return

  • REXX Instructions - ARG To parse out the arguments passed to a program or internal subroutine and store the arguments in variables Eg:/*REXX*/arg a,bc = a+ bsay The sum is cexit REXX does not prompt for any missing arguments ARG converts the parameters passed to uppercase

  • REXX Instructions - RETURN Used to pass control back to the caller of a subroutine or function.An optional value can also be passed Syntax : RETURN {expression } If invoked as a function, the value in the return instruction is substituted for the function call If invoked as a subroutine , the value in the RETURN instruction is stored in the REXX special variable RESULT If the RETURN instruction doesnt have any expression , then a null string is passed to the caller

  • REXX Instructions - CALL Used to invoke an internal or external subroutine and built-in-functions The called routine usually uses the ARG function to extract the parameters passed by the call Eg. arg x /* parse 'x' */ call factorial x /* go get factorial of 'x' */ say x'! =' result /* write result out */ exit factorial: procedure /* factorial subroutine */ arg n /* parse 'x' */ if n=0 then return 1 /* quit when done */ call factorial n-1 /* call myself with x minus 1 */ return result * n /* build up answer in 'result'*/

  • REXX Instructions - SIGNAL It is an equivalent command for GOTO command in other languages Syntax : SIGNAL label Example/*REXX*/ say Before signal /* displayed */ signal bye say After signal /* never gets executed */exitbye: say In signal /* displayed */ exit Note that the say instruction after signal will never get executed

  • REXX Instruction - PUSH Used to place a new element on a REXX data stack Syntax : PUSH {expression} Places the element on the top of the REXX data stack A null string of length zero is stacked if the expression is omitted Stacks strings LIFO sequence

  • REXX Instruction - QUEUE Used to place a new element on the bottom of a REXX data stack Syntax : QUEUE { expression } Stacks strings in FIFO sequence A null length string is stacked if expression is omitted The PULL instruction is used extract an element from the top of the REXX data stack

  • Executing REXX in Batch

  • Executing REXX in batch Need arises when the REXX exec takes longer time to complete the execution.So time-consuming and low priority execs can be run in background

    Main advantage - Batch mode does not interfere with persons use of the terminal

    Only those execs which do not require any sort of terminal interaction can be run in batch mode.

  • Executing REXX in Batch - JCL//TSOBATCH EXEC PGM=IKJEFT01,DYNAMBR=30,REGION=4096K//SYSEXEC DD DSN=HCLT.REXX.EXEC,DISP=SHR//SYSTSPRT DD SYSOUT=A//SYSTSIN DD * % SETUP/*//The following points are to be noted : IKJEFT01 - TSO command processor program SYSEXEC - System DD card to which REXX libraries are concatenated SYSTSPRT - Destination of the REXX output,as well the TSO command processorContd..

  • Executing REXX in Batch - JCL SYSTSIN - Instream card wherein TSO commands or invocation of REXX execs can be issued The dataset HCLT.REXX.EXEC is a PDS and has a member of the name SETUP. The Instream data can be used to invoke an REXX exec either implicitly or explicitly as indicated below%SETUP >>>> ImplicitEXEC HCLT.REXX.EXEC(SETUP) EXEC >>>> Explicit Any parameters to the exec can be passed as below%SETUP parm1 parm2

  • Executing REXX in Batch Example to pass parmPass parameters form JCL to a Rexx Program//systsin dd * %name parm1 + parm2

  • Executing REXX in Batch Invoking REXX procedure//Exasbajb JOB dddddd,class = d,Notify=&sysuid//REXXJCL EXEC PGM=IRXJCL,PARM=P0002//SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=*//STEPLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=XXXX.XXXX//SYSEXEC DD DISP=SHR,DSN=XXXX.XXXX

  • REXX-TSO Interface Samples

  • TSO Samples - Read Routine read_routine: address TSO alloc da(dsnanme) F(indd) shr reuse if rc = 0 then do address TSO execio * diskr indd (finis stem rec_stm. end else do say Error in allocating the file dsnanme end

  • TSO Samples - Write Routine write_routine: address TSO alloc da(dsnanme) F(indd) shr reuse if rc = 0 then do address TSO execio * diskw indd (finis stem rec_stm. end else do say Error in allocating the file dsnanme end

  • TSO Samples Validate Dataset Validate_routine: if sysdsn(dsnname) = ok then do say present end

  • TSO Samples File Creation Create_routine: address tso alloc da(psfile) new , Lrecl(80) recfm(f b) , dsorg(ps) space(1,1) tracks

  • TSO Samples File Deletion Delete_routine: if sysdsn(psfile) = ok then do delete psfile end

  • TSO Sample Read PDS members Read_pds_routine: trap_var = outtrap(pds_stm.) Address TSO listds pds_name mem if rc /= 0 then do say listds error end trap_var = outtrap(off) do index1 = 7 to pds_stm.0 member_name = strip(pds_stm.index1) end

  • TSO Sample Output Output for listds in first six lines EXAKRY.MCP.PILOT.JCLLIB --RECFM-LRECL-BLKSIZE-DSORG FB 80 27920 PO --VOLUMES-- USR009 --MEMBERS PGPYD058 PGPYD059 PGPYD060 .

  • REXX Functions

  • REXX FunctionsA function is a sequence of instructions that can receive data, process that data, and return a value. Built-in functions

    User-written functions - Internal and External

  • REXX Functions - ABS Returns the absolute value of a number

    ABS(56.7') returns the number 56.7

    ABS(' -0.125') returns the number 0.125

  • REXX Functions - ADDRESS Returns the current setting to which the non-REXX commands in an REXX exec is addressed to

    Example/*REXX*/say address() /* returns TSO */address ispexecsay address() /* returns ISPEXEC */address isredit /* returns ISREDIT */ say address() exit

  • REXX Functions - CENTER Used to center one string within a certain length area and pad on the left and right of the centered string with an optional padding character Syntax : CENTER(string, length{,pad}) The default padding character is spaces Examples : say center(uswest,10,*) Output: **uswest**

  • REXX Functions - COMPARE Used to compare two strings and return a zero if the strings are the same ,or a non-zero number if they are not Non-zero number is the position of the first mismatching character found Syntax : COMPARE(string1,string2{,pad}) If the optional padding character is specified,then the shorter string is padded and compared Examples :COMPARE('123','123') returns a 0 (exact match) COMPARE('FO?? ','FO','?') returns a 5 (1st mismatch after padding) COMPARE('abc','ak') returns a 2 (first mismatching char) COMPARE('ZZ ','ZZ','x') returns a 3 (1st mismatch found 3 chars in)COMPARE('xy ','xy',' ') returns a 0 (exact match with padding)

  • REXX Functions - COPIES Used to concatenate or append a string to itself a certain number of times Syntax : COPIES(string,n) Examples : COPIES('Hello',4) returns 'HelloHelloHelloHello' COPIES('Say what?',0) returns '' (null string)

  • REXX Functions - DATATYPE Used to determine the data type of the string passed Syntax : DATATYPE(string{,type}) If type is omitted,NUM is returned if the string is a valid number and CHAR is returned in all other cases If type is specified,either TRUE(1) or FALSE(0) is returned The valid types are as follows

    A - AlphanumericN - NumericW - Whole numberL - LowercaseU - UppercaseM - Mixed case ExamplesDATATYPE(' 44 ') returns NUM (numeric) DATATYPE('*1**') returns CHAR (caharcter string) DATATYPE('Wally','M') returns a 1 (mixed case) DATATYPE('75.54','W') returns a 0 (not a whole number)

  • REXX Functions - DATE Returns the current date An optional character can be passed to obtain date in specific formats Syntax : DATE({option}) Some of the chars that can be passed areU returns date in USA format, 'mm/dd/yyJ returns a Julian date in the form 'yydddW returns the day of the week (e.g. 'Tuesday', 'Sunday', etc.) Examplessay date() /* returns 17 Dec 1999 */say date('U') /* returns 12/17/99 */say date('J') /* returns 99351 */ say date('W') /* returns Friday */

  • REXX Functions - DELSTR Used to delete or remove one string from within another string Syntax : DELSTR(string,n{,length}) 'string' is the string from which a portion is to be deleted starting with character number 'n', where 'n' is a positive integer The length of the portion to be deleted is given by the optional length parameter When n is greater than the length of the string no action is performed ExamplesDELSTR('abcde',3,2) deletes 'cd', leaving 'abe' DELSTR('zyxw',3) leaves 'zy', deleting 'xw' DELSTR('12345',6) no change, since 6 is greater than string length

  • REXX Functions - INDEX Used to find the position of one character string within another character string Syntax : INDEX(string,substring{,start}) 'start' is an optional starting character position for the search within string Examples INDEX('hello','ll') returns a 3 INDEX('say what','w ') returns a 5 INDEX('zyxwvu','vu',6) returns a 0 INDEX('zyxwvu','vu',2) returns a 5

  • REXX Functions - LEFT Used to extract the leftmost characters of the string Syntax : LENGTH(string,length{,pad}) If string is shorter than length,the string returned is padded with pad char in the function call if available or with the default pad character blank. Examples :LEFT('Wallawalla',4) returns 'Wall' LEFT('Republicans',20,'-') returns 'Republicans---------'LEFT('Motley Crue ',8) returns 'Motley C'

  • REXX Functions - LENGTH Used to return the length of the string passed to the function Syntax : LENGTH(string) Examples : LENGTH('LIFO') returns 4 LENGTH('Rubber baby buggy bumpers') returns 25 LENGTH('') returns 0 (null string)

  • REXX Functions - MAX Returns the maximum numeric value from a list of numeric values Syntax : MAX(number{,number}...) Up to 20 numbers may be specified as arguments to MAX. Calls to MAX can be nested if more are needed Examples :MAX(21,22,81,67) returns 81 MAX(27.32,0.45,102.3) returns 102.3 The MIN function is similar to MAX except that it returns the minimum value

  • REXX Functions - POS Returns the position, relative to 1, of one string within another. Syntax : POS(substring,string{,startloc}) A zero is returned if substring is not found within string Examples POS('M','ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ') returns 13 POS('Smith','Merrill, Lynch, Pierce, Fenner, and Smith') returns 37 POS('hart','MVS is breaking my heart...',4) returns 0 (not found)

  • REXX Functions - QUEUED Returns the no of elements that remain on the REXX data stack No arguments If queued() returns zero,that indicates the REXX data stack is empty and the next PULL instruction will obtain input from the TSO terminal/*REXX*/newstackpush apush bsay queued() /* returns 2 */delstackexit

  • REXX Functions - REVERSE This function reverses the order of all characters in a string Syntax : REVERSE( string) Examplesay reverse(XYZ) returns ZYX

  • REXX Functions - SIGN Used to determine the sign of a number Syntax : SIGN(number) Returns -1 if the number is negative Returns 0, if the nuber is zero Returns +1,if the number is positive The number is rounded to meet the current setting for NUMERIC DIGITS before the test. Examples : SIGN('-22.811') returns -1 SIGN(0.0) returns 0

  • REXX Functions - STRIP Used to remove the leading and/or trailing characters from a character string Syntax : STRIP(string{,{option}{,char}}) The default char for char is blank The option can take either L or T or B and the default option is B Examples :STRIP(' February 11, 1989 ') returns 'February 11, 1989'STRIP('7642.7600',T,0) returns '7642.76' STRIP('$$$$52.4',Leading,$) returns '52.4'

  • REXX Function - SUBSTR Used to extract a portion of a string Syntax : SUBSTR(string,n{,{length}{,pad}}) length is the length of extracted substring If length is omitted,the remainder of the string from char number n is extracted The extract string is padded on the right with pad char, if there are not enough characters in the extracted substring to reach length Examples :SUBSTR('Hi there',4) returns 'there' SUBSTR('MVS',1,5) returns 'MVS ' SUBSTR('December 7, 1941',6,15,'-') + 'ber 7, 1941----'

  • REXX Function - SYMBOL Used to determine whether a symbol is valid REXX symbol Syntax : SYMBOL(name) Returns BAD if the name is not a valid REXX symbol If name is name of the variable with a value assigned to it,VAR is returned In other cases, LIT is returned j='TSO/E Version 2.1' /* assign value to variable J */ Symbol('J') /* returns VAR since assigned */ Drop j Symbol('J') /* returns LIT after Drop */ Symbol('.variable') /* returns BAD since 1st character is a '.' */

  • REXX Function - TIME Returns the current time of day in a variety of different formats and can also be used to perform elapsed time calculations Syntax : TIME({option}) L - hh:mm:ss:uuuuuuExamples :TIME() returns 09:18:04 TIME('L') returns 11:00:32.672567

  • REXX Function - USERID Returns the current TSO user id Format : USERID() Examplesay userid() /* returns the current user id */

  • REXX Function - WORD Used to extract a specific word from within a string of words Syntax : WORD(string,n) The words in the string must be separated by blanks n indicates that the nth word in the string is to be extracted Examples :WORD(Arise Awake and Stop not',4) /* returns Stop' */ test = '1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9' WORD(test,1) /* returns '1' */ WORD('Carolina moon, what are you doing over Gismo Beach?',10) /* returns null string */

  • REXX Function - WORDS Used to determine the number of words contained within a string of words Syntax : WORDS(string) Examples :WORDS(Arise, Awake and Stop not till the goal is reached) /* returns 10 */WORDS('1234567890abcdefghikjlmnopqrstuvwxyz $@#!') /* returns 2 */

  • LISTDSI - External Function Returns in variables the dataset attributes of a specified datasetExample/*REXX*/X=LISTDSI(HCLT.PDS.COBOL) IF X=0 THEN DOSAY SYSDSORG SYSDSORGSAY SYSLRECL SYSLRECLEND ELSE SAY CALL UNSUCCESSFULEXIT

  • LISTDSI - External functionThe following points are note-worthy Note two sets of quotes in the call to LISTDSI - to indicate the parm is literal to REXX - to indicate the dsname is fully qualified The return code should always be checked after the call The output of the above REXX could beSYSDSORG PO - PO- Partitioned DatasetSYSLRECL 80- Record length Totally there are 33 variables that are set as a result of the call to LISTDSI external function

  • OUTTRAP - External Function Traps TSO/E command output into a stem variable The function call returns the name of the variable specified Trapping is capturing the lines of data which otherwise would have been displayed at the terminal

    /*REXX*/ x=outtrap("a.") /* turns trap on. x=a. */"listds 'rhkrish.rexx.exec' members" x=outtrap("off") /* turns trap off. x=off */say 'No of lines trapped ' a.0 EXIT

  • OUTTRAP - External functionContd.. The output of the exec could be thisNo of lines trapped 57 Note that the no of lines trapped is stored in A.0 All the trapped lines from A.1 to A.n can be used The outtrap function can be used to trap only a certain no of lines.OUTTRAP(A.,10)Only 10 lines trapped.

  • SYSDSN - External Function Returns OK if the specified dataset exists; Otherwise returns appropriate error messages Example call available = SYSDSN(HCLT.rexx.exec) /* available could be set to "OK" */


  • SYSVAR - External Function Uses specific argument values to return information about the user, terminal, language, system, exec and console session Examplesay sysvar(sysuid)displays the user id. The arguments corresponding to user information areSYSPREF - Prefix as defined in user profileSYSPROC - Logon procedure of current sessionSYSUID - User id of current session

  • SYSVAR - External Function Terminal informationSYSLTERM - No of lines available on screenSYSWTERM - Width of screen Exec informationSYSENV - Whether exec is running in fore or backgroundSYSISPF - whether ISPF is active or not System informationSYSRACF - Whether RACF is availableSYSNODE - Network node nameSYSTSOE - Level to TSO/E installedNote : Only some of the variables are covered

  • REXX TSO/E Commands

  • REXX Command - EXECIO Used to perform read and write operations against a sequential dataset or a pds member The data is either read from the data set and placed on the data stack or into a list of variables, or written from the data stack or a list of variables into the data set Syntax for read operations :

    EXECIO {lines *} DISKR ddname {linenum} { ( {{FINIS}} { STEM var {FINIS} } {)} }

    Syntax for write operations :

    EXECIO {lines *} DISKW ddname { ( {STEM var} {FINIS} {)} }

  • REXX Command - EXECIO Example

    /* read all lines in data set and display them */Address TSO /* pass unknowns to TSO */ Parse Arg dsn /* get data set name */ "ALLOC DD(TEMP) DA("dsn") SHR" /* allocate file */ end_of_data = 0 /* negate end of file */ Do While end_of_data = 0 'EXECIO 1 DISKR TEMP ( FINIS' /* read a record onto stack */ If RC = 2 then end_of_data = 1 Else Nop /* set end-of-file? */ Pull line /* get line off stack */ Say line /* display line */ End

    Note : This example uses the original REXX data stack.

  • REXX Command - EXECIO/* Example 2 - copy a file into another */ Address TSO "ALLOC F(IN) DA('SYS1.PROCBLIB(ASMHCL)') SHR" "ALLOC F(OUT) DA(TATA001.DELETE.ME) SHR" 'EXECIO * DISKR IN (STEM DATA. FINIS' /* copy file into stem*/ Queue /* add null line to stack */ 'EXECIO * DISKW OUT (STEM DATA. FINIS' /* copy using stem*/ "FREE F(IN,OUT)" SAY No of lines in input : data.0 EXIT

    Note : This example uses stem variable data to read the contents of input file.The Number of lines read will be stored in data.0.

  • REXX Command - NEWSTACK used to create a new data stack in the REXX environment When this command is executed, the current data stack is saved and a new stack is created and made the current stack When the stack is empty,the subsequent pull instruction obtains input from the TSO terminal When the stack has data elements,the pull instruction gets the input from the top of the stack Example"NEWSTACK" /* creates new stack */Push tcs /* puts tcs in top of stack */Push uswest /* puts uswest over tcs */ pull data /* pulls data from the top of stack */say from the stack data /* displays uswest */pull data /* pulls data from top of stack */say from the stack data /* displays tcs */pull data /* obtains input from tso terminal */"DELSTACK" /* delete stack */

  • REXX Command - DELSTACK used to delete the data stack that was created last in the REXX environment When this command is executed the most recently created stack is deleted and all elements on it are purged If there is any previous data stack,that is made available Example :NEWSTACK /* new stack is created */push a /* a is stored on top */ queue b /* b is stored at the bottom */NEWSTACK /* new stack is created */push c /* c is stored on top */say queued() /* displays 1 */ DELSTACK /* deletes the current stack */say queued() /* displays 2 */DELSTACK /* deletes the stack */


  • File Tailoring - Skeletons Skeletons are members of a PDS that have variables and fixed text. The skeleton files can contain variable-length records,with a maximum record length of 255.

    Skeleton libraries are to be allocated to the application library ddname ISPSLIB

    Allocation can be done temporarily using ISPF service


  • File Tailoring - FTOPEN Allows skeleton files to be accessed from the skeleton library specified by ddname ISPSLIB If the output is to be saved in a PS or PDS , the particular library has to allocated to the ddname ISPFILEISPEXEC FTOPEN [TEMP]TEMP specifies whether the output is to be placed in temporary file or notThe name of the temporary file will be stored in the profile variable ZTEMPF

  • File Tailoring - FTINCL Specifies the skeleton that is to be used to produce the file tailoring output Command invocation formatISPEXEC FTINCL skel-name [NOFT] NOFT specifies that no file tailoring is to be performed on the skeleton.So the entire skeleton will be copied to the output file exactly as is with no variable substitution or interpretation of control records NOFT can be used when there are no variables in the skeleton to be included

  • File Tailoring - FTCLOSE Used to terminate the file tailoring process and to indicate the final disposition of file tailoring output Command invocation format ISPEXEC FTCLOSE [NAME(member-name)] [LIBRARY(library)] [NOREPL] NOREPL specifies that FTCLOSE is not to overlay an existing member in the output library

    NAME specifies the name of the member in the output library that is to contain the file tailoring output

    LIBRARY specifies the name of a DD statement of the output library in which the member-name exists.

  • File Tailoring - Example Assume skeleton library as TATA.UTIL.SKELS Skeleton member JOBSTMT//&JOBNAME JOB (BILL01E0),TATA',NOTIFY=&&SYSUID,// MSGCLASS=T,MSGLEVEL=(1,1) Skeleton member SYNCSORT//STEP01 EXEC PGM=SYNCSORT,REGION=400K//SORTIN DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&OLDSRC //SORTOUT DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&NEWSRC //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=*//SYSIN DD * SORT FIELDS=(1,10,CH,A)/* These are the two skeletons we will be using in the REXX exec to build the sort jcl

  • File Tailoring - Example/*REXX*/ "ispexec libdef ispslib dataset id(tata.util.skels')"say 'enter the jobname :' pull jobname say 'enter old source dsn :' pull oldsrc say 'enter new source dsn :' pull newsrc "ispexec ftopen temp" "ispexec ftincl jobstmt " "ispexec ftincl syncsort " "ispexec ftclose " "ispexec vget (ztempf)" "ispexec edit dataset('"ztempf"')" exit

  • File Tailoring - Example If you respond to the prompts for jobname,old dsname and new dsname with jobsort,tata.old.file and tata.new.file respectively,the tailored output will look like

    //JOBSORT JOB (BILL01E0),TATA',NOTIFY=&SYSUID,// MSGCLASS=T,MSGLEVEL=(1,1) //STEP01 EXEC PGM=SYNCSORT,REGION=400K//SORTIN DD DISP=SHR,DSN=TATA.OLD.FILE//SORTOUT DD DISP=SHR,DSN=TATA.NEW.FILE//SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=*//SYSIN DD * SORT FIELDS=(1,10,CH,A)/* Note that all three variables have been substituted with appropriate values Note the single ampersand in the NOTIFY parameter


  • ISPF Services

  • LMINIT ISPF Service Generate data id for a dataset



  • LMMOVE ISPF Service Used for moving member(s) from one dataset to another dataset


    Address ISPEXEC LMMOVE FROMID(from-data-id) [FROMMEM(from-member-name)] TODATAID(to-data-id) [TOMEM(to-member-name)] [REPLACE]

  • LMCOPY ISPF Service The LMCOPY service copies members of a partitioned data set, or copies an entire sequential data set.


    Address ISPEXEC LMCOPY FROMID(from-data-id) [FROMMEM(from-member-name)] TODATAID(to-data-id) [TOMEM(to-member-name)] [REPLACE]

  • LMCMP ISPF Service Used for compressing a dataset


    Address ISPEXEC LMCOMP DATAID(data-id)