44 presse cra ra autisme 23 29 octobre 2012

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  • 7/31/2019 44 Presse CRA RA Autisme 23 29 Octobre 2012


    Actualits francophones :

    Une confrence-dbat sur lautisme

    Les nouvelles structures pour autistes dans le Mlantois

    Le spectacle du combat quotidien d'un papa, par la drision et le coup de gueule

    Organisation d'une confrence-dbat sur la gntique et l'autisme

    Maison d'accueil spcialise : le chantier avance grands pas

    L'autisme, ils en ont parl ensemble

    Enfants autistes : Je ne trouve pas que je suis diffrente

    Un forum pour aborder lautisme autrement

    La gntique au cur de la confrence-dbat

    Autisme : la vie autrement

    Veauche : La France accuse, dans le domaine de la prise en charge, un srieux retard

    Le bonhomme de l'ombre, roman sur l'autisme de Maurice Coudy

    Actualits scientifiques internationales :

    Modeling of Autism Genetic Variations in Mice: Focusing on Synaptic and Microcircuit

    Dysfunctions.Developmental Neuroscience

    GABA system dysfunction in autism and related disorders: From synapse to symptoms.

    Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews

    Functional connectivity magnetic resonance imaging classification of autism.Brain

    Targeted treatments in autism and fragile X syndrome.Research in Autism Spectrum


    Corpus callosum abnormalities, intellectual disability, speech impairment, and autism inpatients with haploinsufficiency of ARID1B. Clinical Genetics

    Extracting multiscale pattern information of FMRI based functional brain connectivity with

    application on classification of autism spectrum disorders.Plos One

    Trends and topics in Early Intensive Behavioral Interventions for toddlers with autism.

    Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders

    16 - 22 octobre 2012

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    Abstractness and continuity in the syntactic development of young children with autism.

    Autism Research

    Metaphor and metonymy in ASD children: A critical review from a developmental

    perspective.Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders

    Methods for assessing sleep in children with autism spectrum disorders: A review.Research

    in Autism Spectrum Disorders

    Diagnostic History and Treatment of School-aged Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

    and Special Health Care Needs.Nchs Data Brief

    Assessment of anxiety in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders.Research

    in Autism Spectrum Disorders

    Teaching caregivers to implement video modeling imitation training via iPad for their

    children with autism.Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders

    Collateral effects of mand training for children with autism.Research in Autism Spectrum


    Ensuring successful admission to hospital for young people with learning difficulties, autism

    and challenging behaviour: a continuous quality improvement and change management

    programme. Child

    Evidence-based practice: Quality indicator analysis of antecedent exercise in autism

    spectrum disorders.Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders

    Visual Scanning Patterns during the Dimensional Change Card Sorting Task in Children

    with Autism Spectrum Disorder.Autism Research and Treatment

    Teaching advanced operation of an iPod-based speech-generating device to two students

    with autism spectrum disorders.Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders

    Enhanced cortisol response to stress in children in autism.Journal of Autism and

    Developmental Disorders

    Evaluation of a self-instructional package on discrete-trials teaching to parents of children

    with autism.Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders

    The effect of perceptual-motor training on attention in the children with autism spectrum

    disorders.Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders

  • 7/31/2019 44 Presse CRA RA Autisme 23 29 Octobre 2012



    Brigitte BARNEOUD

    342 mots

    24 octobre 2012

    La Nouvelle Rpublique du Centre Ouest





    Copyright 2012. La Nouvelle Rpublique du Centre Ouest. All Rights Reserved.

    Lautisme, daujourdhui demain : 40 ans de recherches par lcole de Tours. Cest ce thme que le

    conseil gnral dIndre-et-Loire a choisi pour ouvrir un nouveau cycle de confrences, consacr aux

    sujets de socit.

    LIndre-et-Loire compte de nombreux tablissements spcialiss, mais tous ne sont pas adapts

    laccueil de personnes atteintes dautisme et il ny a pas assez de places.

    Aujourdhui, alors quon value 440.000 le nombre de personnes qui souffrent de cette maladie en

    France, le constat demeure proccupant : l reste une maladie diagnostique souvent trop

    tardivement, ce qui nuit sa prise en charge et accentue le handicap. Mme lorsque le diagnostic est

    pos, laccompagnement reste inadapt (non-scolarisation, isolement, etc.)

    Grce aux donnes de la recherche, on sait maintenant que cette pathologie est lie un trouble du

    fonctionnement crbral. Les travaux mens par lquipe de recherche Inserm de Tours ont t pionniersdans lavance de ces connaissances. Ils se fondent sur la collaboration troite entre les mdecins

    cliniciens et les chercheurs. Un panorama des donnes les plus rcentes, notamment celles portant sur

    linfluence des mutations gntiques perturbant la communication entre les neurones, sera prsent et

    mis en lien avec les perspectives thrapeutiques actuelles et futures.

    Trois gnrations dexperts de lcole de Tours, seront prsents :

  • 7/31/2019 44 Presse CRA RA Autisme 23 29 Octobre 2012


    > Le professeur Frdrique Bonnet-Brilhault, chef du service pdopsychiatrie au CHU de Tours,

    coordonnateur du centre de ressources de la rgion centre et responsable de lquipe Inserm

    U 930 ;

    > Le professeur Catherine Barthlmy, chef de service honoraire du centre de pdopsychiatrie, vice-

    prsident de la commission neurosciences de lInserm ;

    > Le professeur Gilbert Lelord, fondateur du centre universitaire de pdopsychiatrie et cofondateur de

    lunit Inserm U 930.

    L , daujourdhui demain , jeudi 25 octobre, 18 h 30, Htel du Dpartement, place de la

    Prfecture Tours. Gratuit, ouvert tous.

    Document NOUREP0020121024e8ao000a5

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    370 mots

    24 octobre 2012

    La Voix du Nord

    Copyright 2012 La Voix du Nord, tous droits rservs. Si vous navez pas daccord direct avec La Voix du

    Nord ou avec Factiva, vous avez uniquement la possibilit de consulter le prsent document, vous ne

    pouvez en aucun cas le rutiliser.

    2012. C'est l'anne de l'autisme en France. Ce handicap d'origine gntique touche une fille pour quatregarons. On estime donc 400 000 le nombre d'individus atteints, en France, par cette maladie, ou de

    troubles envahissant le dveloppement. Et dans le Nord, cinquante-et-une d'entre eux sont concernes

    par l'amendement Creton. C'est--dire des personnes de plus de 20 ans, maintenues en instituts

    mdicaux ducatifs (IME), faute de place dans des centres pour adultes. Dans le Mlantois, Annoeullin,

    un IME pour adolescents autistes ouvrira l'an prochain. En 2014, un centre d'accueil pour adultes

    accueillera trente-deux personnes Attiches. La Fontinelle. C'est le premier IME pour adolescents dans

    la rgion, Annoeullin. Trente-six jeunes, de 12 20 ans, y seront accueillis partir de l'an prochain

    avec cet objectif, pour l'association Sesame autisme Nord : qu'ils deviennent le plus autonomes possible.

    L'Ore de la fort.

    Situ rue de la Faisanderie, Attiches, ce projet est port par l'association Nord qui gre dj

    quatre foyers d'accueil mdicaliss, Orchies et Templeuve et une maison de loisirs Seclin. L'Ore de

    la fort accueillera trente-deux adultes rpartis dans quatre maisons de huit places, dont une

    d'accueil temporaire. Son ouverture est prvue pour 2014. La liste d'attente affiche 160 personnes. Il y

    aura une commission d'attribution qui choisira les jeunes, prioritairement du Nord et en fonction de leur

    handicap puisqu'on doit trouver un quilibre entre les degrs d' , prcisait Gille Pourbaix en

    juin, dans nos colonnes. Les associations : Nord Tl :03 20 05 52 70 ; www. -nord.org ;

    asso@ -nord.org. Sesame NPDC : Tl :03 21 45 47 45 ;www.sesame- -59-

    62.org; sesameautisme@sesame- -59-62.org. EPAJ 59 : Cre en 2011 pour Jason et Aurlien,

    elle concerne dix-huit familles dans le Nord - Pas-de-Calais, la Somme et les Ardennes. Elle participe

    notamment la promotion d'Handichien, pour remettre gratuitement des chiens d'assistance aux

    personnes porteuses de handicap. http://epaj59.fr/

  • 7/31/2019 44 Presse CRA RA Autisme 23 29 Octobre 2012


    577 mots

    24 octobre 2012

    La Voix du Nord




    Copyright 2012 La Voix du Nord, tous droits rservs. Si vous navez pas daccord direct avec La Voix du

    Nord ou avec Factiva, vous avez uniquement la possibilit de consulter le prsent document, vous nepouvez en aucun cas le rutiliser.

    Gabin au square, au salon de coiffure, l'cole... Dans Le Bal des pompiers , Laurent Savard raconte

    la vie de son fils, autiste. Un spectacle humoristique sur la diffrence, caustique mais qui respecte

    l'autre . Plus de dix mille personnes l'ont vu en un an. Demain soir, pour sa premire reprsentation

    dans le Nord, il sera la salle des ftes de Seclin, 20 h 30. PAR ANNE-SOPHIE PUJOL

    [email protected] Gabin, votre fils, a dix ans, il est autiste et c'est le personnage principal de votre

    spectacle. Comment est venue l'criture ? J'ai commenc crire dans ma tte, au fur et mesure que

    je suivais Gabin. Le dclic, c'est surtout quand j'ai eu face moi cette directrice d'cole publique qui m'adit en runion pdagogique : "Vous savez monsieur Savard, quand j'ai commenc ce mtier ce n'est

    certainement pas pour m'occuper d'enfants handicaps." Est-ce que c'est un spectacle sur l'autisme ou

    sur le handicap ?

    Je ne voulais pas faire rire du handicap mais autour du handicap et des gens qui se pensent normaux

    mais ne le sont pas. On a tous une diffrence plus ou moins marque. En France, on a mal la

    diffrence : l' est un problme de diffrence. Un des moments symptomatique du spectacle c'est

    quand mon fils se met poil dans le square et que quelqu'un le voit. Du coup, je "pte les plombs" et moi

    aussi je me mets poil. Comme si les gens n'avaient jamais vu quelqu'un de nu ! En fait, devant moi, se

    droulait une succession de sketches, c'est aussi cette prise de conscience qui m'a fait crire. Et les

    gens rient, apprcient ? Oui, c'est un spectacle caustique mais qui respecte l'autre. Je ne voulais pas

    me "planter", donc j'ai attendu d'tre sr de ma lgitimit avant de monter seul en scne. Je crois que les

    mentalits ont aussi commenc changer avec le livre de Jean-Louis Fournier, O on va, Papa ? C'est

    aussi un spectacle politique, parce que vous voulez faire bouger les choses, interpeller ? L' ,

  • 7/31/2019 44 Presse CRA RA Autisme 23 29 Octobre 2012


    c'est un problme de prise en charge : il n'y a pas assez de centres pour les enfants, on n'applique pas

    les nouvelles mthodes, on n'est pas assez bien form pour prendre en charge de faon prcoce les

    enfants. Ce spectacle, c'est celui du combat quotidien d'un papa, par l'humour, la drision, et le coup de

    gueule. tre parent d'un enfant en 2012, c'est quoi ? C'est une vie o on joue d'autant plus

    son rle de parent. C'est avoir recours des personnes formes parce que vous ne pouvez pas tre "nonstop" avec votre enfant. C'est tre patient : il s'est pass quatre ans pour qu'on ait un diagnostique pos

    qui s'est affin il y a trois mois et explique son hyperactivit. tre parent d'un enfant , c'est, dans

    notre cas, l'aider ce qu'il puisse faire ses lacets, tre en change social, acheter le pain. Parce qu'on ne

    sera pas toujours l. Le Bal des pompiers , salle des fte, demain 20 h 30. Gratuit. Sans


    Document VOINOR0020121024e8ao000m4

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    364 mots

    26 octobre 2012

    Midi Libre




    Copyright 2012 Midi Libre All Rights Reserved


    Dernirement, dans la salle Michel Galabru, la dlgation biterroise de la Croix Rouge et la Maison de

    Sol-N ont reu nombre de professionnels du monde mdical la confrence-dbat organise par le

    docteur Jean-Michel Amar et anime conjointement par le professeur Pierre Sarda, chef du service

    gntique, et le docteur David Genevive, gnticien, tous deux au CHU de Montpellier. Trois thmes ont

    t dvelopps : gnralits en gntique, syndrome d'Engelmann et de Willi Prader, gntique et

    autisme. Aprs l'accueil du Dr Amar, le Dr Genevive traita

    les composantes gntiques de l' et le rle du gnticien dans sa prise en charge .

    L' est 4 fois plus frquent chez les garons que chez les filles. Les dficiences de l'

    sont caractrises par le choix des interactions sociales rciproques, la communication verbale, les

    activits imaginatives avec restriction des intrts associes au retard mental, aux signes neurologiques

    et anomalies morphologiques et dysmorphiques. Le syndrome de Willi Prader se caractrise la

    naissance par une hypotonie svre avec des difficults alimentaires, suivie par l'hyperphagie,

    responsable du dveloppement d'une obsit morbide. Le syndrome d'Engelmann, trouble trs svre dudveloppement neurologique d'origine gntique, est caractris par un retard svre du

    dveloppement : retard mental, dficit important de la parole et comportement caractristique. Les

    enfants sont trs joyeux riant de faon inapproprie. Le professeur Sarda commente l' ou

    plus gnralement les troubles du spectre autistique (TSA) un trouble du comportement humain

    caractris par une interaction sociale et une communication anormales, avec des comportement

    restreints et rptitifs. L' affecte la faon dont le cerveau traite les informations en modifiant de

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    manire encore non connue l'organisation des rseaux de neurones durant le dveloppement. Les

    symptmes sont gnralement dtects par les parents ds les deux premires annes de la vie de

    l'enfant. La classification internationale distingue en parlant d' : l' infantile, le

    , l' atypique. En 2012 l' a t dclar grande cause nationale

    en France. Les thmes dbattus, les invits ont partag le succulent buffet de Nicolas Cabrol.

    Document MIDLIB0020121026e8aq000bi

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    375 mots

    26 octobre 2012

    Ouest France




    Ouest France 2012.

    Le projet

    Fin 2013, la premire Maison d'accueil spcialise (MAS) du Pays de Brest ouvrira ses portes

    Ploudalmzeau. Le chantier avance bien. Ce mardi, partenaires du projet, familles de futurs rsidents ou

    encore voisins avaient t convis une visite du chantier.

    Ce projet est men par l'association Les Gents d'or qui, tout au long de son laboration, a travaill en

    troite collaboration avec le centre de ressources Bretagne et le cabinet d'architectes Gohier.La ralisation des 2 700 m2 de construction a t prise en charge par Brest Mtropole Habitat.

    Construire est leur mtier, pas le ntre ! remarquait Yannick Arzel, directeur du futur tablissement.

    Pour polyhandicaps et

    Cette nouvelle structure est appele accueillir 25 personnes en situation de polyhandicap et 15

    personnes souffrant d' . Soixante salaris (personnels de sant, administratif, techniques)

    assureront son bon fonctionnement. Une infirmire sera prsente 24 heures/24, ce qui permettra de

    limiter les recours hospitalisation se rjouit le directeur.

    L'tablissement comprendra deux zones. L'une destine aux patients pour lesquels il est

    important de limiter les stimulations : chambres plus petites, espaces communs disposant d'alvoles pour

    s'isoler, etc. La zone rserve aux polyhandicaps proposera, quant elle, des dimensions plus larges,

    de faon pouvoir voluer dans de bonnes conditions avec les fauteuils roulants, lits mdicaliss et

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    autres quipements.

    La moiti des places dj attribue

    Sur les 40 places disponibles, une vingtaine a dj t attribue. Il s'agit de dossiers concernant despersonnes actuellement hberges dans des structures pour adultes ou dont les familles attendaient

    avec impatience une possibilit de rapprochement gographique. Nous avons beaucoup apprendre

    de vos comptences de parents remarquait Yannick Arzel qui a dj rencontr plusieurs reprises ces


    Aprs la visite du chantier, Jean-Pierre Phelippeau, directeur gnral des Gents d'or, devait souligner

    que s'il leur est parfois difficile de s'implanter sur un territoire, Ploudalmzeau, on ne parle plus

    d'intgration mais d'inclusion, tant la personne handicape a sa place dans la cit ! .

    Ce projet est financ principalement par l'Agence rgionale de sant, tant au niveau de la construction

    que du fonctionnement.

    Document OUESTF0020121026e8aq000d1

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    Saint-Malo Ville

    338 mots

    26 octobre 2012

    Ouest France

    Ouest France 2012.

    Un forum sur l'autisme s'est tenu la Maison de la famille. Parole tait donne aux malades et leurs

    familles. L'un d'eux tmoigne.

    Un tat des lieux a permis de rvler que 53 enfants (40 garons et 13 filles) taient identifis comme

    autistes typiques, sur le pays de Saint-Malo. Virgil, 21 ans, est l'un d'eux. Il tmoigne.

    Quand j'tais petit, je courais partout, mais je ne sais pas pourquoi, car j'tais . Je suis all

    l'cole 10 ans. Mon parcours au collge a t trs difficile. Je n'ai pas pu aller dans le collge de ma

    ville, car ils ne voulaient pas d'handicaps, donc pas d'embrouille. Mais, j'ai quand mme eu mon brevet

    des collges et je suis rentr au lyce. J'ai fait une seconde bac pro comptabilit. Au dbut, je ne

    communiquais pas avec les lves.

    partir de la premire, je commenais communiquer avec les autres. Je comprenais leur conversation

    et je me suis fait un peu de copains. J'ai ressenti de la joie et, avec l'aide de Stphan et de Maud, mes

    AVS (Auxiliaire de vie scolaire), qui m'ont beaucoup aid, j'ai eu mon bac avec une mention bien. Aprs,

    j'ai suivi un BTS CGO premire anne. C'tait trs difficile, a allait trop vite. Aujourd'hui, j'ai plus

    d'analyse qu'avant.

    Pour l'instant, je reste avec mes parents, pour russir mon indpendance plus tard. J'ai pris de

    l'autonomie et je ralise beaucoup de choses seul : cuisine, courses, matchs de foot, cours de code,

    bibliothque, tennis de table que je pratique en comptition. Pour l'avenir, j'adore les chiffres et la

    comptabilit, et j'ai une excellente mmoire. Je recherche un emploi d'aide comptable. Je suis ,

    mais je fais beaucoup d'efforts pour entrer dans votre monde, alors n'oubliez pas le mien !

    Document OUESTF0020121026e8aq001zc

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    Recueilli par

    571 mots

    26 octobre 2012

    Ouest France



    Franais Ouest France 2012.

    La semaine de l'autisme se tient jusqu' demain Ergu-Gabric. L'occasion de dcouvrir, de l'intrieur,

    la vie de certains enfants autistes.

    Est-ce difficile de vivre auprs des autres ? Se sentent-ils diffrents ? Ils rpondent ces questions,

    accompagns de leurs mamans.

    Adrien, 10 ans, Je vais l'cole comme les autres. Je suis seulement un petit peu diffrent. Les autresenfants arrivent rester plus calmes que moi. Une auxiliaire de vie scolaire m'accompagne. C'est la

    matresse qui a expliqu la classe que j'tais et ce que a voulait dire.

    Quand un nouvel lve handicap est arriv l'cole, j'ai tout de suite dit que moi aussi j'tais

    handicap. Moi, a ne me drange pas que les autres le savent. Mes copains, a leur est gal. J'ai un

    peu plus de mal l'crit, je prfre l'oral.

    Zanna, maman d'Adrien

    Nous avons appris l' d'Adrien assez tard. Il avait dj 7 ans. Avant, on ne savait pas ce qu'il


    On se posait beaucoup de questions : pourquoi il n'obit jamais ? Qu'est-ce que l'on fait mal ? Une fois

    que le diagnostic a t pos, au moins on savait comment travailler, les rgles qu'il fallait respecter...

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    L' est un nom qui effraie, il faut alors apprhender le handicap. Ce n'est pas toujours facile car

    c'est invisible. La famille ne nous croit pas, ne comprend pas.

    Gabriella (1), 13 ans Je suis scolarise normalement et je ne trouve pas que je suis diffrente. J'ai unevraie bande de copains mais je n'ai pas envie de le leur dire. Car les autres ne comprennent pas et c'est

    compliqu expliquer. Je l'ai dit une fois, mais on m'a dit que je mentais car, pour eux, les ne

    parlent pas. Avant d'tre diagnostique, je pleurais tous les soirs, je ne voulais pas aller l'cole.

    Aujourd'hui, tout va mieux.

    Marie (1), maman de Gabriella

    La cour de rcr, c'est parfois le champ de foire. C'est en se faisant des amis que les

    apprennent les relations sociales mais ils ont parfois des ractions diffrentes, les autres enfants ne

    comprennent pas toujours.

    En tant que parent, on a besoin de savoir ce qu'ils ont. Il faut tomber sur les bonnes personnes, qui

    osent dire le mot . Aprs, il faut continuer sa vie, assumer ses responsabilits. Pour les frres et

    soeurs, aussi, ce n'est pas vident. Ils en ont marre qu'on parle tout le temps d' .

    Mario, 11 ans, et Nathalie, sa maman

    Mario est n aveugle. Nous avons appris plus tard que c'tait une des consquences de l' et

    aujourd'hui il voit correctement. Il a fallu tout lui apprendre, la motricit, la parole... Le matin, il est

    scolaris normalement avec un ducateur. Il apprend seulement les mathmatiques et le franais.

    L'aprs-midi, il est au centre exprimental Aba. Mario aime beaucoup qu'on s'intresse lui, qu'on lui

    pose des questions... Il y a encore quelques annes, je n'aurai jamais pu croire qu'il puisse parler et

    mme compter. Il progresse normment.

    Elodie RAB.

    (1) Les prnoms ont t modifis.

    Document OUESTF0020121026e8aq002ds

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    202 mots

    26 octobre 2012

    Le Progrs




    2012 Le Progrs.

    Dclar cause nationale 2012, lautisme a fait lobjet dun forum, mercredi soir, salle Edgar-Faure.

    Organise par lassociation Lieu-Dit et lassociation pour la Cause Freudienne Bourgogne Franche-

    Comt, cette srie de tables rondes avait pour objectif daborder lautisme sous un angle clinique

    renouvel. Le clinicien doit y mettre du sien, a dclar Marga Karsz-Medelenko, prsidente de Lieu-Dit,

    ds louverture, le sujet possde un savoir, mme sil ne parle pas. Nous laccueillons, nous

    laccompagnons dans sa cration. Toutes les interventions sont dailleurs alles dans ce sens. Le cas

    de Laura, une enfant atypique, a longuement t voqu par lquipe pluridisciplinaire qui la entoure

    jusqu la faire accder une sociabilit dont elle tait jusque-l absente. Jeu, musique, danse maisaussi participation des parents aux activits sont aujourdhui des pratiques qui se dveloppent.

    La pdopsychiatre Isabelle Chaveneau a parl dalliance thrapeutique avec les parents qui, sils

    viennent avec leur anxit et leur besoin de recettes, peuvent entrer dans un jeu dchange plus riche

    avec leur enfant dans le cadre de sances adaptes.

    Document PROGRS0020121026e8aq0009a

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    428 mots

    28 octobre 2012

    Midi Libre




    Copyright 2012 Midi Libre All Rights Reserved

    Dernirement, dans la salle Michel-Galabru, la dlgation biterroise de la Croix-Rouge et la Maison de

    Sol-N ont reu nombre de professionnels du monde mdical la confrence-dbat organise par le

    docteur Jean-Michel Amar et anime conjointement par le professeur Pierre Sarda, chef du service

    gntique, et le docteur, David Genevieve, gnticien, tous deux exerant au CHU de Montpellier. Trois

    thmes ont t dvelopps : 'gnralits en gntique' ; 'syndrome d'Engelmann et de Willi Prader' ;

    'gntique et autisme'. Le chromosome 15 en cause Aprs l'accueil du Dr Amar, le Dr Genevieve traita

    des composantes gntiques de l'autisme et le rle du gnticien dans sa prise en charge. L'autisme est

    quatre fois plus frquent chez les garons que chez les filles.

    Les dficiences sont caractrises par le choix des interactions sociales rciproques, la communication

    verbale, les activits imaginatives avec restriction des intrts associes au retard mental, aux signes

    neurologiques et anomalies morphologiques et dysmorphiques. Le syndrome de Willi Prader se

    caractrise la naissance par une hypotonie svre avec des difficults alimentaires, suivie par une

    hyperphagie, responsable du dveloppement d'une obsit morbide. Tous les malades ont un

    comportement particulier avec difficults d'apprentissage. L'hypogonadisme touche les deux sexes et la

    taille est rduite. L'absence de la rgion PWS/AS du chromosome 15 paternel est la cause de la

    pathologie. Le syndrome d'Engelmann, trouble trs svre du dveloppement neurologique d'originegntique, est caractris par un retard svre du dveloppement avec retard mental, dficit important de

    la parole, dmarche brieuse par ataxie crbelleuse et/ou trmulations des membres et comportement

    caractristique : les enfants sont trs joyeux, riant de faon inapproprie. Le docteur britannique

    Engelmann en dcrit les symptmes pour la premire fois en 1965. Tout comme le syndrome de Willi

    Prader, l'absence de la rgion PWS/AS du chromosome 15 mais maternel cette fois est la cause de la


  • 7/31/2019 44 Presse CRA RA Autisme 23 29 Octobre 2012


    Grande cause nationale en 2012 Le professeur Sarda commente l' , ou plus gnralement les

    troubles du spectre autistique (TSA), un trouble du comportement humain caractris par une interaction

    sociale et une communication anormales, avec des comportements restreints et rptitifs. L'

    affecte la faon dont le cerveau traite les informations en modifiant de manire encore non connuel'organisation des rseaux de neurones durant le dveloppement. Les symptmes sont gnralement

    dtects par les parents ds les deux premires annes de la vie de l'enfant. Notez qu'en 2012,

    l' a t dclar grande cause nationale en France.

    Document MIDLIB0020121028e8as000ke

  • 7/31/2019 44 Presse CRA RA Autisme 23 29 Octobre 2012


    707 mots

    29 octobre 2012

    News Press



    (c) Copyright News Press 2012. Tous droits reserves.

    Association Perce-Neige

    De nombreux clichs illustrent notre vision de l'autisme. Etres surdous ou totalement renferms sur eux-

    mmes, les autistes ont de multiples visages. Ils peuvent fasciner comme drouter. Camille Blossier,

    conseillre technique au sein de Perce-Neige, nous donne les cls de cet univers inaccessible.

    "L' a t dcrit en 1943 par le Docteur Lo Kanner. Il tait jusqu'alors considr comme une

    psychose infantile. Actuellement, on l'identifie au travers d'un trouble principal : le trouble majeur de la

    communication et des interactions sociales. Pour tre qualifis d'autistiques, ces troubles doivent tre

    prsents et constats avant l'ge de 3 ans. Aujourd'hui encore, les causes de l' restentmystrieuses. La piste gntique semble toutefois tre la plus vraisemblable.

    La personne n'est pas en mesure de dcoder spontanment le langage, qu'il soit oral ou gestuel.

    Il ne peut donc pas y rpondre. Evidemment, ce handicap se manifeste diffremment selon les sujets.

    Certaines personnes sont totalement replies sur elles-mmes, enfermes dans des strotypies

    gestuelles ou phoniques. D'autres bnficient d'une relative autonomie. Enfin, il existe le '

    ' : les personnes touches sont d'une intelligence rare avec un talent exceptionnel dans un

    domaine trs prcis.

    Un comportement domin par l'angoisse

    Les sont trs angoisss. Combine leur difficult communiquer, cette anxit peut parfois

    gnrer des troubles du comportement. L'inattendu les plongeant dans un grand dsarroi, ils peuvent

    parfois se faire mal ou faire mal aux autres. L'apprentissage d'un mtier est trs rare chez les . Il

  • 7/31/2019 44 Presse CRA RA Autisme 23 29 Octobre 2012


    existe des exemples bien sr, notamment chez les personnes touches par le ' '.

    Parmi ces d'exception, on pense Temple Grandin. Cette femme a en effet russi dcrocher

    un doctorat en sciences du comportement animal et enseigner l'universit du Colorado ! Oliver Sacks

    s'est d'ailleurs intress son parcours dans son ouvrage Un anthropologue sur Mars."

    La question rituelle "et aprs ?"

    "Les personnes sont incapables d'anticiper. Cela les angoisse terriblement. Lors de leur

    intgration dans une Maison Perce-Neige, l'quipe encadrante a pour objectif d'organiser l'aprs', les

    aider s'orienter, se reprer dans le temps comme dans l'espace. Selon les rsidents, l'intgration

    dans une Maison Perce-Neige demande un temps d'adaptation plus ou moins long. Ils ont besoin de

    repres forts dans leur cadre de vie, leurs rapports avec les autres, leurs activits. Certains se

    sentiront vraiment mal tant qu'ils n'auront pas trouv ces marques.

    Nous veillons galement surveiller leur tendance aux strotypies. Elles se manifestent par exemple

    par des balancements d'avant en arrire ou par l'utilisation d'objets dtourns de leur usage premier. Les

    peuvent ainsi fixer du regard pendant un long moment le hublot d'une machine laver en

    marche. Ces actions 'en boucle' leur permettent quasiment de 's'hypnotiser', de combler leur angoisse du

    vide et par consquent de se calmer. Ils ne doivent toutefois pas s'enfermer dans ce cycle d'auto-

    stimulation au risque de ne plus faire que cela.

    Des tudes amricaines ont avanc l'hypothse que les recevraient toutes les informations

    ambiantes d'un seul coup. N'ayant pas la capacit de les trier et de les hirarchiser, ils seraient en fait

    'sur-stimuls', saturs d'informations. Ils immobiliseraient alors les lments qu'ils peuvent identifier.

    Cette hypothse expliquerait leur rsistance au changement."

    Plus jamais de "souffrance sur la souffrance

    "Grce au travail quotidien des ducateurs, certains gagnent en autonomie. Certains loisirs,

    comme le dessin, leur offrent l'opportunit de s'exprimer et de librer leur sensibilit intriorise. En

    parallle de ce travail, nous veillons accompagner du mieux possible les familles. Elles ont longtemps

    eu un rapport tendu avec la mdecine. Pour expliquer les causes de l' , on a souvent point du

    doigt une mauvaise relation parents/enfant (mre/enfant en particulier). Cette mprise a ajout de la

    souffrance sur la souffrance. Les parents ne doivent plus jamais tre traits ainsi. A Perce-Neige, nous

    avons toujours l'esprit l'accompagnement des familles. Cela fait partie de notre mission. "


  • 7/31/2019 44 Presse CRA RA Autisme 23 29 Octobre 2012



    257 mots

    29 octobre 2012

    Le Progrs



    Franais 2012 Le Progrs.

    Des yeux extraordinaires, une vivacit et une ptillance toute preuve, Lna est une petite fille trs

    attachante. Atteinte dautisme, elle saccroche face de nombreuses difficults : acquisitions scolaires,

    langage, etc. Ses parents, Sverine et Stphane Dumas ont cr lassociation Lna avance .


    Cette anne, Lna est en sur-maintien en grande section de maternelle aux Glycines. Mme Levet,

    directrice et enseignante, est extraordinaire avec elle. Lna est prise en charge, orthophonie,psychomotricit, etc., mais ce nest pas suffisant. Depuis 3 ans, elle bnficie dune ducatrice

    spcialise avec la mthode ABA. Elle la rencontre une fois par semaine domicile et aussi lcole.

    Mais tout cela a un cot notre charge et lassociation a pour but de recueillir des fonds indispensables

    la prise en charge de Lna dans le cadre de lABA.

    Cest une mthode comportementale qui est individualise afin de rpondre aux besoins de chacun. Elle

    donne les bases dune prise en charge utiliser dans la vie de tous les jours : difficults face aux

    comportements, acquisitions scolaires, meilleure autonomie, etc. La France accuse dans ce domaine un

    srieux retard.

    Lassociation est rcente. Une pice de thtre a t joue Savigneux et dans lt, Mickal Jones est

    venu jouer Saint-Romain-le-Puy. Un chque a t remis et nous avons pu faire connatre lassociation

    ce moment-l.

  • 7/31/2019 44 Presse CRA RA Autisme 23 29 Octobre 2012


  • 7/31/2019 44 Presse CRA RA Autisme 23 29 Octobre 2012



    356 mots

    29 octobre 2012

    La Montagne


    La Montagne-Cantal; La Montagne-Tulle


    Copyright 2012. Centre France. All Rights Reserved.

    Le bonhomme de l'ombre , un roman sur l'autisme sign Maurice Coudy. Maurice Coudy qui habite

    actuellement dans les environs de Bort-les-Orgues vient de signer un roman sur l'autisme intitul Le

    bonhomme de l'ombre. Prsentation.

    Question : Pourquoi avez-vous choisi d'crire un roman sur l'autisme ?

    Le bonhomme de l'ombre est avant tout un roman sur la vie et l'histoire d'un couple qui se voit confront,

    au travers de l'enfant qu'il a eu, l' .

    Question : Vous avez dirig pendant plus de 27 ans l'tablissement de Peyrelevade qui accueille des

    enfants difficiles, psychotiques et . Votre exprience et ce temps pass auprs d'eux vous a-t-il

    inspir ?

    Rien ne remplace l'exprience! Auprs des enfants mais aussi en rencontrant chaque fois que la

    demande m'en tait faite les parents. Car si rien n'est facile pour ces enfants difficiles, aux

    comportements tranges, surprenants, dfiant toute logique, rien n'est facile non plus pour les parents. Ils

    ont besoin d'tre couts et soutenus. Les parents doivent tre des partenaires, vcus comme tels par

    toute l'institution. Toutes les forces, toutes les comptences, tous les savoirs mme les plus intuitifs

    doivent converger vers une prise en charge scurisante, empreinte d'un profond humanisme et avec

    beaucoup de respect et d'humilit.

    C'est le vcu, la confrontation au quotidien, la scurit matrielle et affective, en quelque sorte

  • 7/31/2019 44 Presse CRA RA Autisme 23 29 Octobre 2012


    l'exprience, qui nous autorise parler un peu de l' . Voil pourquoi j'ai eu envie d'crire ce

    roman. Le bonhomme de l'ombre , dans cette belle aventure amoureuse, vient heurter les liens positifs

    qui unissent cet homme et cette femme jusqu' rendre difficile voire impossible une vie commune. Mais je

    ne vous dvoilerai pas la fin. Le rsum serait trop imparfait.

    Question : Comment se procurer le livre ?

    Il suffit de me tlphoner au Le livre cote 12 ?.

    Le bonhomme de l'ombre , un roman sur l' sign Maurice Coudy.

    Document LAMONT0020121029e8at0005z

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    410 mots

    26 octobre 2012Genomics & Genetics Weekly




    (c) Copyright 2012 Genomics & Genetics Weekly via NewsRx.com

    2012 OCT 26 (NewsRx) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Genomics & Genetics Weekly --

    Fresh data on Developmental Neuroscience are presented in a new report. According to news reporting

    out of Los Angeles, California, by NewsRx editors, research stated, "Autism spectrum disorders (ASD)

    are heterogeneous neurodevelopmental disorders that are characterized by deficits in social interaction,

    verbal and nonverbal communication, and restrictive interests and repetitive behaviors. While human

    genetic studies have revealed marked heritability in ASD, it has been challenging to translate this genetic

    risk into a biological mechanism that influences brain development relevant to the disorder phenotypes."

    Our news journalists obtained a quote from the research from the University of California, "This is partly

    due to the complex genetic architecture of ASD, which involves de novo gene mutations, genomic

    abnormalities, and common genetic variants. Rather than trying to reconstitute the clinical disorder, using

    genetic model animals to examine specific features of core ASD pathophysiology offers unique

    opportunities for refining our understanding of neurodevelopmental mechanisms in ASD. A variety of

    ASD-relevant phenotypes can now be investigated in rodents, including stereotyped and repetitive

    behaviors, and deficits in social interaction and communication. In this review, we focus on several

    prevailing mouse models and discuss how studies have advanced our understanding of synaptic

    mechanisms that may underlie ASD pathophysiology."

    According to the news editors, the research concluded: "Although synaptic perturbations are not the only

    alterations relevant for ASD, we reason that understanding the synaptic underpinnings of ASD using

    mouse models may provide mechanistic insights into its etiology and lead to novel therapeutic and

    interventional strategies."

    For more information on this research see: Modeling of Autism Genetic Variations in Mice: Focusing on

    Synaptic and Microcircuit Dysfunctions. Developmental Neuroscience, 2012;34(2-3):88-100.

  • 7/31/2019 44 Presse CRA RA Autisme 23 29 Octobre 2012


    298 mots26 octobre 2012

    Genomics & Genetics Weekly




    (c) Copyright 2012 Genomics & Genetics Weekly via NewsRx.com

    2012 OCT 26 (NewsRx) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Genomics & Genetics Weekly --

    Investigators publish new report on Neuroscience. According to news reporting out of London, United

    Kingdom, by NewsRx editors, research stated, "Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are

    neurodevelopmental syndromes characterised by repetitive behaviours and restricted interests,

    impairments in social behaviour and relations, and in language and communication. These symptoms are

    also observed in a number of developmental disorders of known origin, including Fragile X Syndrome,

    Rett Syndrome, and Foetal Anticonvulsant Syndrome."

    Our news journalists obtained a quote from the research from King's College, "While these conditions

    have diverse etiologies, and poorly understood pathologies, emerging evidence suggests that they may

    all be linked to dysfunction in particular aspects of GABAergic inhibitory signalling in the brain. We review

    evidence from genetics, molecular neurobiology and systems neuroscience relating to the role of GABA in

    these conditions."

    According to the news editors, the research concluded: "We conclude by discussing how these deficits

    may relate to the specific symptoms observed."

    For more information on this research see: GABA system dysfunction in autism and related disorders:

    From synapse to symptoms. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 2012;36(9):2044-55. (Elsevier -

    www.elsevier.com; Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews -


    Our news journalists report that additional information may be obtained by contacting S. Coghlan, King's

    College London, Dept. of Forensic and Neurodevelopmental Sciences, Institute of Psychiatry, De

    Crespigny Park, London, SE5 8AF, UK.

  • 7/31/2019 44 Presse CRA RA Autisme 23 29 Octobre 2012


    557 mots

    29 octobre 2012Mental Health Weekly Digest




    Copyright 2012 Mental Health Weekly Digest via NewsRx.com

    2012 OCT 29 (NewsRx) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Mental Health Weekly Digest --

    Current study results on Autism have been published. According to news reporting originating in Salt Lake

    City, Utah, by NewsRx journalists, research stated, "Group differences in resting state functional magnetic

    resonance imaging connectivity between individuals with autism and typically developing controls have

    been widely replicated for a small number of discrete brain regions, yet the whole-brain distribution of

    connectivity abnormalities in autism is not well characterized. It is also unclear whether functional

    connectivity is sufficiently robust to be used as a diagnostic or prognostic metric in individual patients with


    The news reporters obtained a quote from the research from the University of Utah, "We obtained

    pairwise functional connectivity measurements from a lattice of 7266 regions of interest covering the

    entire grey matter (26.4 million connections) in a well-characterized set of 40 male adolescents and young

    adults with autism and 40 age-, sex-and IQ-matched typically developing subjects. A single resting state

    blood oxygen level-dependent scan of 8 min was used for the classification in each subject. A leave-one-

    out classifier successfully distinguished autism from control subjects with 83% sensitivity and 75%

    specificity for a total accuracy of 79% (p=1.1 x 10(-7)). In subjects

  • 7/31/2019 44 Presse CRA RA Autisme 23 29 Octobre 2012


    classification accuracy was better for younger subjects, with differences between autism and control

    subjects diminishing after 19 years of age. Classification scores of unaffected siblings of individuals with

    autism were more similar to those of the control subjects than to those of the subjects with autism."

    According to the news reporters, the research concluded: "These findings indicate feasibility of afunctional connectivity magnetic resonance imaging diagnostic assay for autism."

    For more information on this research see: Functional connectivity magnetic resonance imaging

    classification of autism. Brain, 2011;134(Pt 12):3742-54. (Oxford University Press -www.oup.com/; Brain

    - brain.oxfordjournals.org)

    Our news correspondents report that additional information may be obtained by contacting J.S. Anderson,

    Dept. of Neuroradiology, University of Utah, 1A71 School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT 84132, United


    Keywords for this news article include: Utah, Brain, Autism, Neurology, United States, Salt Lake City,

    Central Nervous System, North and Central America, Developmental Disabilities.

    Our reports deliver fact-based news of research and discoveries from around the world. Copyright 2012,

    NewsRx LLC

    Document MHWK000020121026e8at00012

  • 7/31/2019 44 Presse CRA RA Autisme 23 29 Octobre 2012


    476 mots29 octobre 2012

    Mental Health Weekly Digest




    Copyright 2012 Mental Health Weekly Digest via NewsRx.com

    2012 OCT 29 (NewsRx) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Mental Health Weekly Digest --

    Research findings on Autism and Developmental Disorders are discussed in a new report. According to

    news reporting out of Sacramento, California, by NewsRx editors, research stated, "Autism is a

    neurodevelopmental disorder consisting of a constellation of symptoms that sometimes occur as part of a

    complex disorder characterized by impairments in social interaction, communication and behavioral

    domains. It is a highly disabling disorder and there is a need for treatment targeting the core symptoms."

    Our news journalists obtained a quote from the research from MIND Institute, "Although autism is

    accepted as highly heritable, there is no genetic cure at this time. Autism is shown to be linked to several

    genes and is a feature of some complex genetic disorders, including fragile X syndrome (FXS), fragile X

    premutation involvement, tuberous sclerosis and Rat syndrome. The term autism spectrum disorders

    (ASDs) covers autism, Asperger syndrome and pervasive developmental disorders (PDD-NOS) and the

    etiologies are heterogeneous. In recent years, targeted treatments have been developed for several

    disorders that have it known specific genetic cause leading to autism. Since there are significant

    molecular and neurobiological overlaps among disorders, targeted treatments developed for a specific

    disorder may be helpful in ASD of unknown etiology. Examples of this are two drug classes developed to

    treat FXS, Arbaclofen, a GABA(B) agonist, and mGluR5 antagonists, and both may be helpful in autism

    without FXS. The mGluR5 antagonists are also likely to have a benefit in the aging problems of fragile X

    premutation carriers, the fragile X-associated tremor ataxia syndrome (FXTAS) and the Parkinsonism that

    can occur in aging patients with fragile X syndrome."

    According to the news editors, the research concluded: "Targeted treatments in FXS which has a well

    known genetic etiology may lead to new targeted treatments in autism."

    For more information on this research see: Targeted treatments in autism and fragile X syndrome.

  • 7/31/2019 44 Presse CRA RA Autisme 23 29 Octobre 2012


    Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 2012;6(4):1311-1320. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders

    can be contacted at: Elsevier Sci Ltd, The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, Oxon,

    England. (Elsevier - www.elsevier.com; Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders -


    Our news journalists report that additional information may be obtained by contacting C.K. Gukan, UC

    Davis Med Center, MIND Inst, Sacramento, CA 95817, United States.

    Keywords for this news article include: Genetics, Sacramento, California, United States, Fragile X

    Syndrome, Nervous System Diseases, Congenital Abnormalities, Sex Chromosome Disorders, North and

    Central America, Neurologic Manifestations, Developmental Disabilities, X-Linked Mental Retardation,

    Neurobehavioral Manifestations, Autism and Developmental Disorders

    Our reports deliver fact-based news of research and discoveries from around the world. Copyright 2012,

    NewsRx LLC

    Document MHWK000020121026e8at00019

  • 7/31/2019 44 Presse CRA RA Autisme 23 29 Octobre 2012


    394 mots

    29 octobre 2012Mental Health Weekly Digest




    Copyright 2012 Mental Health Weekly Digest via NewsRx.com

    2012 OCT 29 (NewsRx) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Mental Health Weekly Digest --

    Researchers detail new data in Autism. According to news originating from Lille, France, by NewsRx

    correspondents, research stated, "Corpus callosum abnormalities are common brain malformations with a

    wide clinical spectrum ranging from severe intellectual disability to normal cognitive function. The etiology

    is expected to be genetic in as much as 30-50% of the cases, but the underlying genetic cause remains

    unknown in the majority of cases."

    Our news journalists obtained a quote from the research from University Hospital, "By next-generation

    mate-pair sequencing we mapped the chromosomal breakpoints of a patient with a de novo balanced

    translocation, t(1; 6)(p31; q25), agenesis of corpus callosum (CC), intellectual disability, severe speech

    impairment, and autism. The chromosome 6 breakpoint truncated ARID1B which was also truncated in a

    recently published translocation patient with a similar phenotype. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction

    (Q-PCR) data showed that a primer set proximal to the translocation showed increased expression of

    ARID1B, whereas primer sets spanning or distal to the translocation showed decreased expression in the

    patient relative to a non-related control set. Phenotype-genotype comparison of the translocation patient

    to seven unpublished patients with various sized deletions encompassing ARID1B confirms that

    haploinsufficiency of ARID1B is associated with CC abnormalities, intellectual disability, severe speech

    impairment, and autism."

    According to the news editors, the research concluded: "Our findings emphasize that ARID1B is important

    in human brain development and function in general, and in the development of CC and in speech

    development in particular."

    For more information on this research see: Corpus callosum abnormalities, intellectual disability, speech

    impairment, and autism in patients with haploinsufficiency of ARID1B. Clinical Genetics, 2012;82(3):248-

    255. Clinical Genetics can be contacted at: Wiley-Blackwell, 111 River St, Hoboken 07030-5774, NJ,

  • 7/31/2019 44 Presse CRA RA Autisme 23 29 Octobre 2012


    369 mots

    29 octobre 2012Mental Health Weekly Digest




    Copyright 2012 Mental Health Weekly Digest via NewsRx.com

    2012 OCT 29 (NewsRx) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Mental Health Weekly Digest --

    Investigators publish new report on Autism. According to news originating from Davis, California, by

    NewsRx correspondents, research stated, "We employed a multi-scale clustering methodology known as

    'data cloud geometry' to extract functional connectivity patterns derived from functional magnetic

    resonance imaging (fMRI) protocol. The method was applied to correlation matrices of 106 regions of

    interest (ROIs) in 29 individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), and 29 individuals with typical

    development (TD) while they completed a cognitive control task."

    Our news journalists obtained a quote from the research from the University of California, "Connectivity

    clustering geometry was examined at both 'fine' and 'coarse' scales. At the coarse scale, the connectivity

    clustering geometry produced 10 valid clusters with a coherent relationship to neural anatomy. A

    supervised learning algorithm employed fine scale information about clustering motif configurations and

    prevalence, and coarse scale information about intra-and inter-regional connectivity; the algorithm

    correctly classified ASD and TD participants with sensitivity of [Formula: see text] and specificity of

    [Formula: see text]. Most of the predictive power of the logistic regression model resided at the level of

    the fine-scale clustering geometry, suggesting that cellular versus systems level disturbances are more

    prominent in individuals with ASD."

    According to the news editors, the research concluded: "This article provides validation for this multi-scale

    geometric approach to extracting brain functional connectivity pattern information and for its use in

    classification of ASD."

    For more information on this research see: Extracting multiscale pattern information of FMRI based

    functional brain connectivity with application on classification of autism spectrum disorders. Plos One,

    2012;7(10):e45502. (Public Library of Science - www.plos.org; Plos One - www.plosone.org)

  • 7/31/2019 44 Presse CRA RA Autisme 23 29 Octobre 2012


    364 mots

    29 octobre 2012Mental Health Weekly Digest




    Copyright 2012 Mental Health Weekly Digest via NewsRx.com

    2012 OCT 29 (NewsRx) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Mental Health Weekly Digest -- New

    research on Autism is the subject of a report. According to news reporting from Baton Rouge, Louisiana,

    by NewsRx journalists, research stated, "The use of applied behavior analysis (ABA) to treat persons with

    autism goes back several decades. Many specific target behaviors and intervention strategies have been


    The news correspondents obtained a quote from the research from Louisiana State University, "In the last

    two decades the most heavily studied of these methods has been Early Intensive Behavioral Interventions

    (EIBI). This package of ABA methods is unique in two ways. First, a broad range of target behaviors are

    trained for 20-40 h per week. This training is much more treatment per week than what is described in

    most ABA studies. Second, the children treated are typically 2-3 years of age, which is younger than for

    most ABA research. Reviews of EIBI have typically focused on the efficacy of the methods. These are

    important, but at present we argue that these methods are effective."

    According to the news reporters, the research concluded: "This paper is different in that it looks at current

    trends such as generalization, parent training, factors that mitigate against effective treatment and the

    need for follow-up and booster treatment."

    For more information on this research see: Trends and topics in Early Intensive Behavioral Interventions

    for toddlers with autism. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 2012;6(4):1412-1417. Research in

    Autism Spectrum Disorders can be contacted at: Elsevier Sci Ltd, The Boulevard, Langford Lane,

    Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, Oxon, England. (Elsevier - www.elsevier.com; Research in Autism

    Spectrum Disorders - www.elsevier.com/wps/product/cws_home/709651)

    Our news journalists report that additional information may be obtained by contacting J.L. Matson,

    Louisiana State University, Dept. of Psychol, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, United States.

  • 7/31/2019 44 Presse CRA RA Autisme 23 29 Octobre 2012


    355 mots

    29 octobre 2012Mental Health Weekly Digest




    Copyright 2012 Mental Health Weekly Digest via NewsRx.com

    2012 OCT 29 (NewsRx) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Mental Health Weekly Digest --

    Investigators publish new report on Autism. According to news reporting out of Storrs, Connecticut, by

    NewsRx editors, research stated, "Grammar is frequently considered to be a strength in the cognitive

    profile of individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs); however, few studies have investigated how

    abstract (i.e. distinct from specific lexical items) is the grammatical knowledge of individuals with ASD. In

    this study, we examine the extent to which children with ASD have abstracted the transitive (SVO) frame

    in English."

    Our news journalists obtained a quote from the research from the University of Connecticut, "Participants

    in a longitudinal study of language acquisition in children with autism (17 children with ASD averaging 41

    months of age, 18 TD children averaging 28 months of age) were taught two novel verbs in transitive

    sentences and asked (via intermodal preferential looking) whether these verbs mapped onto novel

    causative vs. noncausative actions. Both groups consistently mapped the verbs onto the causative

    actions (i.e. they engaged in syntactic bootstrapping). Moreover, the children with ASD's performance on

    this task was significantly and independently predicted by both vocabulary and sentence-processing

    measures obtained 8 months earlier."

    According to the news editors, the research concluded: "We conclude that many children with ASD are

    able to generalize grammatical patterns, and this ability may derive from earlier lexical and grammatical


    For more information on this research see: Abstractness and continuity in the syntactic development of

    young children with autism. Autism Research, 2011;4(6):422-37. (Wiley-Blackwell - www.wiley.com/;

    Autism Research - onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1939-3806)

  • 7/31/2019 44 Presse CRA RA Autisme 23 29 Octobre 2012


    306 mots

    29 octobre 2012

    Mental Health Weekly DigestMHWK



    Copyright 2012 Mental Health Weekly Digest via NewsRx.com

    2012 OCT 29 (NewsRx) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Mental Health Weekly Digest --

    Investigators publish new report on Autism. According to news reporting out of Rome, Italy, by NewsRx

    editors, research stated, "The aim of the present article is to critically review the experimental research in

    the domain of metaphor and metonymy competencies in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) children."

    Our news journalists obtained a quote from the research from Sapienza University, "After providing some

    basic definitions of metaphor and metonymy, we consider some major points emerging from studies on

    metaphorical and metonymical competencies in typical child development. Then, we review a number of

    emblematic studies concerning the relationship between autism and metaphor and metonymy, starting

    from the pioneering clinical studies by Kanner and Asperger in the 1940s, We also critically analyze

    experimental research on these same topics starting from the 1990s."

    According to the news editors, the research concluded: "The discussion highlights some major points

    emerging from recent experimental research and outlines possible perspectives for future research."

    For more information on this research see: Metaphor and metonymy in ASD children: A critical review

    from a developmental perspective. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 2012;6(4):1289-1296.

    Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders can be contacted at: Elsevier Sci Ltd, The Boulevard, Langford

    Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, Oxon, England. (Elsevier - www.elsevier.com; Research in Autism

    Spectrum Disorders - www.elsevier.com/wps/product/cws_home/709651)

    Our news journalists report that additional information may be obtained by contacting S. Melogno, Roma

    La Sapienza University, Dept. of Psychol Dev & Socialisat Proc, I-00185 Rome, Italy.

    Keywords for this news article include: Rome, Italy, Europe, Autism, Pediatrics

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    29 octobre 2012

    Mental Health Weekly DigestMHWK



    Copyright 2012 Mental Health Weekly Digest via NewsRx.com

    2012 OCT 29 (NewsRx) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Mental Health Weekly Digest --

    Current study results on Autism have been published. According to news reporting originating from San

    Bernardino, California, by NewsRx correspondents, research stated, "A literature review completed by

    Bauer and Blunden (2008) determined that compared to objective measures, subjective assessments of

    sleep for typically developing children (e.g., parental reports) were of limited utility. No comparable

    literature review has been undertaken to determine whether subjective measures are appropriate for

    assessing sleep in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD)."

    Our news editors obtained a quote from the research from California State University, "Such a review is

    necessary as children with ASD have more sleep problems than typically developing children and

    children's sleep difficulties can negatively affect the child and other family members. It is, therefore,

    important to have measures of sleep for children with ASD that can reliably detect sleep problems and

    track improvements in sleep. This literature review described frequently used measures of children's

    sleep and evaluated their utility for assessing sleep in children with ASD. It was determined that, with the

    exception of sleep latency, parents' reports of children's sleep are not consistently associated with

    objective measures of children's sleep. This was true for single-item parent-reports and for a widely used

    multi-item parent-report measure of children's sleep."

    According to the news editors, the research concluded: "Limitations of objective sleep measures (e.g.,

    polysomnography, actigraphy), including the inability of children with ASD to tolerate such methods, are


    For more information on this research see: Methods for assessing sleep in children with autism spectrum

    disorders: A review. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 2012;6(4):1337-1344. Research in Autism

    Spectrum Disorders can be contacted at: Elsevier Sci Ltd, The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington,

    Oxford OX5 1GB, Oxon, England. (Elsevier -www.elsevier.com; Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders

    - www.elsevier.com/wps/product/cws_home/709651)

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    306 mots

    29 octobre 2012Mental Health Weekly Digest




    Copyright 2012 Mental Health Weekly Digest via NewsRx.com

    2012 OCT 29 (NewsRx) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Mental Health Weekly Digest -- New

    research on Autism is the subject of a report. According to news reporting originating from Hyattsville,

    Maryland, by NewsRx correspondents, research stated, " Data from the 2011 Survey of Pathways to

    Diagnosis and Services The median age when school-aged children with special health care needs

    (CSHCN) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) were first identified as having ASD was 5 years. School-

    aged CSHCN identified as having ASD at a younger age (under age 5 years) were identified most often

    by generalists and psychologists, while those identified later (aged 5 years and over) were identified

    primarily by psychologists and psychiatrists."

    Our news editors obtained a quote from the research from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,

    "Nine out of 10 school-aged CSHCN with ASD use one or more services to meet their developmental

    needs. Social skills training and speech or language therapy are the most common, each used by almost

    three-fifths of these children."

    According to the news editors, the research concluded: "More than one-half of school-aged CSHCN with

    ASD use psychotropic medication."

    For more information on this research see: Diagnostic History and Treatment of School-aged Children

    with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Special Health Care Needs. Nchs Data Brief, 2012;(97):1-8.

    The news editors report that additional information may be obtained by contacting B. Pringle, Centers for

    Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Health Statistics 3311 Toledo Road, Hyattsville,

    Maryland 20782, United States.

    Keywords for this news article include: Autism, Maryland, Neurology, Pediatrics, Hyattsville, United

    States, North and Central America, Developmental Disabilities.

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    315 mots

    29 octobre 2012Mental Health Weekly Digest




    Copyright 2012 Mental Health Weekly Digest via NewsRx.com

    2012 OCT 29 (NewsRx) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Mental Health Weekly Digest -- A

    new study on Autism is now available. According to news reporting out of Columbus, Ohio, by NewsRx

    editors, research stated, "Anxiety disorders are among the most common comorbid conditions in children

    and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), although assessment presents unique

    challenges. Many symptoms of anxiety appear to overlap with common presentations of autism."

    Our news journalists obtained a quote from the research from Ohio State University, "Furthermore,

    deficits in language and cognitive functioning make it difficult for such children to convey their emotional

    states accurately. A comprehensive review of the recent literature was conducted to assay the types and

    rates of use of tools for evaluating anxiety symptoms in children and adolescents with ASDs."

    According to the news editors, the research concluded: "We identified strengths and weaknesses in

    existing scales, identified instruments that (although imperfect) seem to have a good coverage for

    youngsters with ASDs, recommended strategies for studying anxiety in these youth, and offered

    suggestions for future scale development."

    For more information on this research see: Assessment of anxiety in children and adolescents with autism

    spectrum disorders. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 2012;6(4):1345-1365. Research in Autism

    Spectrum Disorders can be contacted at: Elsevier Sci Ltd, The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington,

    Oxford OX5 1GB, Oxon, England. (Elsevier -www.elsevier.com; Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders

    - www.elsevier.com/wps/product/cws_home/709651)

    Our news journalists report that additional information may be obtained by contacting S.N. Grondhuis,

    Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210, United States.

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    392 mots

    29 octobre 2012Mental Health Weekly Digest




    Copyright 2012 Mental Health Weekly Digest via NewsRx.com

    2012 OCT 29 (NewsRx) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Mental Health Weekly Digest --

    Current study results on Autism have been published. According to news originating from Pullman,

    Washington, by NewsRx editors, the research stated, "Children with autism fail to imitate from an early

    age and this lack of imitation is a salient diagnostic marker for the disorder. For children with Autism

    Spectrum Disorder (ASD), increased imitation skills appear to be related to increased skill development in

    a variety of areas."

    Our news journalists obtained a quote from the research from Washington State University, "Video

    modeling was recently validated as a technique to support imitation acquisition in young children with

    autism. The purpose of this research was to determine if there is a functional relation between caregiver

    implemented Video Modeling Imitation Training (VMIT) via iPad and increased imitation skills in young

    children with autism. In addition, a secondary analysis of language development after exposure to VMIT

    was also conducted. A multiple baseline design across four caregivers and their children with autism was

    implemented. Results indicated that all four caregivers were able to successfully create video models on

    an iPad when provided with minimal training and implement VMIT with fidelity for their children. All four

    children made substantial gains in their imitation skills during caregiver implemented treatment. Imitation

    skills maintained post treatment and, to varying degrees, generalized to imitation of live models."

    According to the news editors, the research concluded: "Expressive language skills increased to varying

    degrees for all participants."

    For more information on this research see: Teaching caregivers to implement video modeling imitation

    training via iPad for their children with autism. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 2012;6(4):1389-

    1400. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders can be contacted at: Elsevier Sci Ltd, The Boulevard,

    Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, Oxon, England. (Elsevier - www.elsevier.com; Research in

    Autism Spectrum Disorders -www.elsevier.com/wps/product/cws_home/709651)

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    405 mots29 octobre 2012

    Mental Health Weekly Digest




    Copyright 2012 Mental Health Weekly Digest via NewsRx.com

    2012 OCT 29 (NewsRx) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Mental Health Weekly Digest --

    Researchers detail new data in Autism and Developmental Disorders. According to news originating from

    East Lansing, Michigan, by NewsRx correspondents, research stated, "Proponents of the verbal behavior

    approach to instruction for individuals with autism have identified mand training as a starting point for

    early intervention. Mand training is a process whereby the learner is taught to request highly preferred

    items under conditions when those items are most valuable."

    Our news journalists obtained a quote from the research from Michigan State University, "A hypothesized

    benefit of this approach is that mand training has a collateral effect on nontargeted behavior, though

    empirical support for this hypothesis is currently tenuous. The present investigation examined the

    collateral effects of vocal mand training compared to vocal request training for 3 previously nonvocal

    children with autism. Levels of orienting toward a speaker, compliance with instruction, and overall

    problem behavior were measured across experimental conditions and analyzed using an alternating

    treatment design. Results indicate that problem behavior for all participants occurred at lower levels

    during mand training than request training and that the level of nontargeted social behavior (i.e., orienting

    and compliance) was higher during mand training for 2 participants and was similar across both

    conditions for the final participant."

    According to the news editors, the research concluded: "The results support the hypothesis that mand

    training can have a collateral impact on nontargeted behavior, though explicit instruction of social

    behaviors may also need to be embedded within mand training procedures."

    For more information on this research see: Collateral effects of mand training for children with autism.

    Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 2012;6(4):1366-1376. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders

    can be contacted at: Elsevier Sci Ltd, The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, Oxon,

  • 7/31/2019 44 Presse CRA RA Autisme 23 29 Octobre 2012


    England. (Elsevier - www.elsevier.com; Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders -

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    330 mots

    29 octobre 2012

    Mental Health Weekly DigestMHWK



    Copyright 2012 Mental Health Weekly Digest via NewsRx.com

    2012 OCT 29 (NewsRx) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Mental Health Weekly Digest -- New

    research on Pediatrics is the subject of a report. According to news reporting from London, United

    Kingdom, by NewsRx journalists, research stated, "Background Children and young people with autism

    spectrum conditions frequently have adverse experiences in accessing health care. An audit of

    experiences of families known to our tertiary service and hospital staff was conducted."

    The news correspondents obtained a quote from the research from Evelina Children's Hospital, "A

    checklist asking about particular aspects of behaviour and communication was developed and

    incorporated into pre-admission planning. Awareness of the child/young person's communication needs

    and behaviours, plus good preplanning by all staff involved and a team member allocated to ensure that

    the care plan is carried through, has resulted in a vastly improved 'patient experience' from the

    perspective of family and staff. Children and young people with autism spectrum disorder, often with co-

    existing learning difficulties, vary greatly in their reactions to hospital admission."

    According to the news reporters, the research concluded: "Preplanning that involves the family with a

    dedicated informed staff member can dramatically reduce distress and improve the patient and staff


    For more information on this research see: Ensuring successful admission to hospital for young people

    with learning difficulties, autism and challenging behaviour: a continuous quality improvement and change

    management programme. Child, 2012;38(6):789-97. (Wiley-Blackwell - www.wiley.com/; Child -


    Our news journalists report that additional information may be obtained by contacting K. Pratt, Guy's & St

    Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust Evelina Children's Hospital and King's College London, London, UK.

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    29 octobre 2012Mental Health Weekly Digest




    Copyright 2012 Mental Health Weekly Digest via NewsRx.com

    2012 OCT 29 (NewsRx) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Mental Health Weekly Digest --

    Fresh data on Autism and Developmental Disorders are presented in a new report. According to news

    originating from Cortland, New York, by NewsRx correspondents, research stated, "The purpose of the

    research was to conduct a quality indicator analysis of studies exploring the effects of antecedent

    exercise on self-stimulatory behaviors of individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Educational

    Resources Information Center (ERIC), Google Scholar, SPORTDiscus, PsychINFO, and

    PubMed/MedLine databases from 1980 to October 2010 and reference lists of included articles were


    Our news journalists obtained a quote from the research from the State University of New York, "Twelve

    research studies employing group experimental (Gersten et al., 2005) or single-subject designs (Horner et

    al., 2005) met inclusion criteria. Each study was assessed for the presence and clarity of quality

    indicators. Group experimental and single-subject designs met 48% and 82% of quality indicators,

    respectively. This suggests that the effects of antecedent exercise on self-stimulatory behaviors of

    individuals with ASD is incomplete and claims of exercise being an evidence-based practice are

    premature. Several indicators were difficult to interpret or lacking clear definitions."

    According to the news editors, the research concluded: "Recommendations for clarifying and applying the

    quality indicators are offered."

    For more information on this research see: Evidence-based practice: Quality indicator analysis of

    antecedent exercise in autism spectrum disorders. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders,

    2012;6(4):1418-1425. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders can be contacted at: Elsevier Sci Ltd, The

    Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, Oxon, England. (Elsevier -www.elsevier.com;

    Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders - www.elsevier.com/wps/product/cws_home/709651)

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    325 mots

    29 octobre 2012

    Mental Health Weekly DigestMHWK



    Copyright 2012 Mental Health Weekly Digest via NewsRx.com

    2012 OCT 29 (NewsRx) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Mental Health Weekly Digest --

    Investigators discuss new findings in Autism. According to news originating from Guangdong, People's

    Republic of China, by NewsRx correspondents, research stated, "Impaired cognitive flexibility in children

    with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has been reported in previous literature. The present study explored

    ASD children's visual scanning patterns during the Dimensional Change Card Sorting (DCCS) task using

    eye-tracking technique."

    Our news journalists obtained a quote from the research from Sun Yat-Sen University, "ASD and typical

    developing (TD) children completed the standardized DCCS procedure on the computer while their eye

    movements were tracked. Behavioral results confirmed previous findings on ASD children's deficits in

    executive function. ASD children's visual scanning patterns also showed some specific underlying

    processes in the DCCS task compared to TD children. For example, ASD children looked shorter at the

    correct card in the postswitch phase and spent longer time at blank areas than TD children did. ASD

    children did not show a bias to the color dimension as TD children did."

    According to the news editors, the research concluded: "The correlations between the behavioral

    performance and eye moments were also discussed."

    For more information on this research see: Visual Scanning Patterns during the Dimensional Change

    Card Sorting Task in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Autism Research and Treatment,

    2012;2012():123053. (Hindawi Publishing - www.hindawi.com; Autism Research and Treatment -


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    343 mots

    29 octobre 2012Mental Health Weekly Digest




    Copyright 2012 Mental Health Weekly Digest via NewsRx.com

    2012 OCT 29 (NewsRx) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Mental Health Weekly Digest --

    Investigators publish new report on Autism and Developmental Disorders. According to news reporting

    originating from Graz, Austria, by NewsRx correspondents, research stated, "We evaluated a program for

    teaching two adolescents with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) to perform more advanced operations on

    an iPod-based speech-generating device (SGD). The effects of the teaching program were evaluated in a

    multiprobe multiple baseline across participants design that included two intervention phases."

    Our news editors obtained a quote from the research from Medical University, "The first intervention

    focused on teaching the students to navigate between two screen pages and complete a multi-step

    response sequence to request preferred stimuli. The second intervention aimed to teach the students to

    turn on and unlock the device prior to navigating to the correct screen pages. Teaching procedures

    included response prompting, prompt fading, and differential reinforcement. Results showed that both

    interventions were effective in teaching the respective operations."

    According to the news editors, the research concluded: "Learning advanced operation of the iPod-based

    SGD could be seen as one way to promote greater independence in using such devices for multi-step


    For more information on this research see: Teaching advanced operation of an iPod-based speech-

    generating device to two students with autism spectrum disorders. Research in Autism Spectrum

    Disorders, 2012;6(4):1258-1264. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders can be contacted at: Elsevier

    Sci Ltd, The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, Oxon, England. (Elsevier -

    www.elsevier.com; Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders -


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    358 mots

    29 octobre 2012Mental Health Weekly Digest




    Copyright 2012 Mental Health Weekly Digest via NewsRx.com

    2012 OCT 29 (NewsRx) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Mental Health Weekly Digest --

    Research findings on Autism and Developmental Disorders are discussed in a new report. According to

    news reporting out of Charleston, South Carolina, by NewsRx editors, research stated, "Children with

    Autism often show difficulties in adapting to change. Previous studies of cortisol, a neurobiologic stress

    hormone reflecting hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activity, in children with autism have

    demonstrated variable results."

    Our news journalists obtained a quote from the research from the Medical University of South Carolina,

    "This study measured cortisol levels in children with and without Autism: (1) at rest; (2) in a novel

    environment; and (3) in response to a blood draw stressor. A significantly higher serum cortisol response

    was found in the group of children with autism. Analysis showed significantly higher peak cortisol levels

    and prolonged duration and recovery of cortisol elevation following the blood-stick stressor in children with


    According to the news editors, the research concluded: "This study suggests increased reactivity of the

    HPA axis to stress and novel stimuli in children with autism."

    For more information on this research see: Enhanced cortisol response to stress in children in autism.

    Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 2012;42(1):75-81. Journal of Autism and Developmental

    Disorders can be contacted at: Springer, 233 Spring Street, New York, NY 10013, USA. (Springer -

    www.springer.com; Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders -


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    416 mots

    29 octobre 2012Mental Health Weekly Digest




    Copyright 2012 Mental Health Weekly Digest via NewsRx.com

    2012 OCT 29 (NewsRx) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Mental Health Weekly Digest --

    Current study results on Autism and Developmental Disorders have been published. According to news

    originating from Winnipeg, Canada, by NewsRx correspondents, research stated, "The purpose of this

    research was to evaluate a self-instructional package (Fazzio & Martin, 2007) to train parents of children

    with autism to conduct discrete-trials teaching (DTT). In Study 1, we investigated the effectiveness of a

    self-instructional manual and a self-instructional video for teaching five parents of children with autism to

    correctly apply DTT to teach three tasks to a confederate who role-played a child with autism, and to their

    own child when possible."

    Our news journalists obtained a quote from the research, "Following an average of 4.76 h of training, the

    package produced a strong effect with three parents and a weak effect with two parents. In Study 2, we

    investigated the effectiveness of the self-instructional manual combined with role-playing and feedback,

    plus the self-instructional video, for teaching an additional five parents. Following an average of 4.68 h of

    training, all five parents demonstrated large, clinically significant gains in their performance of DTT, both

    with a confederate as well as with their own child, with a minimal investment of one-on-one instructor


    According to the news editors, the research concluded: "These results suggest that the training package

    in Study 2 has considerable potential as an effective, efficient and acceptable method of training parents

    of children with autism to apply DTT."

    For more information on this research see: Evaluation of a self-instructional package on discrete-trials

    teaching to parents of children with autism. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 2012;6(4):1321-

    1330. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders can be contacted at: Elsevier Sci Ltd, The Boulevard,

    Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, Oxon, England. (Elsevier - www.elsevier.com; Research in

    Autism Spectrum Disorders -www.elsevier.com/wps/product/cws_home/709651)

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    317 mots

    29 octobre 2012Mental Health Weekly Digest




    Copyright 2012 Mental Health Weekly Digest via NewsRx.com

    2012 OCT 29 (NewsRx) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Mental Health Weekly Digest -- A

    new study on Autism is now available. According to news reporting originating in Tehran, Iran, by NewsRx

    editors, the research stated, "The present study attempted to investigate the effect of perceptual-motor

    training on attention in children with autism spectrum disorders. The participants (20 girls and 20 boys)

    were divided into experimental and control groups."

    The news reporters obtained a quote from the research from the University of Tehran, "They were

    selected from among 85 subjects after primary tests to be matched. The design of the study was quasi-

    experimental including an independent variable, a pretest and a posttest. After considering the research

    hypotheses using descriptive statistics and one-way Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA), the results

    suggested a significant difference in posttest scores of experimental and control groups after independent

    variable being applied."

    According to the news reporters, the research concluded: "The results also showe