4182.training methods and techniques (1)

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  • 8/2/2019 4182.Training Methods and Techniques (1)



    Training methods are, generally, classified by the location ofinstruction. Training can take place in various situations, on the

    job or off the job, in the company or outside the company. Itnecessarily involves the use of a number of tools, methods andtechniques. Some of the widely used training method are asfollows:

    A. On the Job Training

    On-the-job-training is the heart and soul of all training inbusiness art industry. OJT as it is known or sometimes called"

    Shop Training" is the most universal form of employeedevelopment. This is the traditional method of learning, which isdesigned to maximise learning while allowing the employee toperform his job under the supervision and guidance of a trainedworker or instructor, providing him practical application andmaking principles and concepts of learning meaningful andrealistic. This is the most effective method of developmentapplicable at all levels to a wide range of semiskilled, skilled andtechnical jobs, as well as supervisory and managementdevelopment programmes.

    There are several types of on the job training. Those prominentlydeployed in use in OJT are as follows:

    1. Job Instruction Training (JIT). Commonly known as JIT, thistechnique of training was developed during World War II. It is afour step instructional! process. JIT is basically used to teach theworkers how to do their current jobs. A trainer, supervisor or co-worker can act as the coach. The four steps involved in this

    process are:. The trainee receives an overview of the job, its purposes anddesired outcomes, with a clear focus on the relevance oftraining.

    . The trainer demonstrates the job in order to give the employeea model to copy. The trainer demonstrates to him the right wayof doing the job.

    . The trainee is then asked to copy the trainer's demonstration.Demonstrations by the trainer and practice by the trainer arerepeated till the trainee master the right way to perform the job.

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    . Finally the employee does the job independently withoutsupervision.

    2. Coaching. On the Job coaching by the supervisor is an

    important and potentially effective approach. It is a kind of dailytraining and feedback given to employees by their immediatesupervisors. It involves a continuous process of learning bydoing. Coaching involves direct personal instructions andguidance, usually with extensive demonstration and continuouscritical appraisal and correction. It has the advantage ofincreased motivation for the trainee and minimisation of theproblem of transfer from theory of practice. However, themethod will loose its value if the Coach does not possess the

    requisite skills to guide the trainee in a systematic way.Effectiveness of coaching depends upon the patience andcommunication skills of the coach. He will have to:

    - Explain appropriate ways of doing things.- Make clear why some actions are taken.- State the observations accurately.

    - Offer possible alternatives- Give suggestions whenever required

    - Follow up.

    3. Mentoring. It is a somewhat different form of trainingmethod. In mentoring, senior person in the organisation assumesthe responsibility for training as well as grooming of a Juniorperson. A mentor acts as a teacher, guide, counseller,philosopher, exemplar, supporter and facilitator of the juniorperson. The basic objective of mentoring is to help an employeegain psychological maturity and effectiveness and get integratedwith the organisation. Mentoring can take place both at formaland informal levels depending on the prevailing work culture andcommitment from the management. A good mentor has to :

    - Listen to the mentee and understand him- Challenge his intellect and stimulate the learning process- Coach .- Build Self Confidence- Provide wise counselling- Teach by examples- Act as the role model- Share experiences- Offer encouragement

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    A person can learn a lot from his mentor if he :- Listens- Acts on advice

    - Shows commitment to learn- Leave ego at the door- Asks for feedback- Is Open minded- Is willing to change- Is proactive

    Mentoring in India is based on the time honoured Guru-Shishyarelations

    where the guru would do everything to develop the personalityof the Shishya offering emotional support and guidance. Shishyaon the other hand can do anything and everything for the guru.Companies like Coca-Cola, TISCO have used mentoring systemsto good effects in recent times.

    4. Position Rotation. Position rotation training is thebroadening of background of the trainee in the organisation. Ifthe trainee is rotated periodically from one job to another job, he

    acquires a general background. He understands the largerorganisational perspective and different functional areas. Heattains better sense of his own career objectives and interests.Rotation allows the trainees to build rapport with a large numberof individuals within the organisation and facilitates future co-operation among departments. The cross trained personnel willbe more flexible in future in case of transfers, promotions orreplacements.In position rotations, the productive work suffers because of thedisruptions caused by such changes. As specialisation advances,rotation becomes less useful as few people have the technicalknowledge and skills to move from one functional area toanother. To get the best results out of this method, it should betailored to the needs, interests and capabilities of the individualtrainee and not be a standard sequence that all traineesundergo.

    5. Apprenticeship. Apprenticeship training may be traced backto medieval times when those who wanted to learn trade skillsused to bind themselves to master craftsman to learn by doingthe work under his guidance. During earlier periods,apprenticeship was not restricted to artisans only. It was used in

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    training for the professions including medicine, law, teachingetc. .In today's organisations, apprenticeship training is a structuredprocess by which people become skilled workers through a

    combination of classroom instructions and on-the-job training. Itis widely used to train individuals for many occupations. Manyorganisations have apprenticeship laws with supervised plans forsuch training.

    6. Committee Assignments. In this method, the trainees areasked to perform special assignments and to solve actualorganisational problems. Sometimes, a task force is createdwhich consists of a number of trainees representing different

    functions in the organisation. In this method, trainers acquireknowledge about the assigned activities and learn how to workwith others. They also understand the personalities, issues andprocesses governing the organisation. However, managersshould very well understand that committee assignments couldbecome notorious time wasting activities.

    Merits.The main advantages of (on-the-job training OJT) are as follows:

    (i) The trainee learns on the actual machine in use and in realenvironment of the job. He gets a feel of the actual job.Therefore, he is better motivated to learn and there. is noproblem of transfer of training skills on the job.

    (ii) OJT is the type of training which can be tailored to suit thespecificrequirements of each trainee, in terms of his background,attitudes, needs, expectations, goals and future assignments.

    (iii)This method is very economical because no additional space,equipment, personnel or other facilities are required for training.

    The trainee produces while he learns.

    (iv) The trainee learns the rules, regulations and procedures byobservingtheir day to day applications.

    (v) OJT is specific, practical and tangible.

    (vi) OJT is most suitable for unskilled and semi-skilled jobs wherethe

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    job operations are simple, easy to explain and demonstratewithin ashort span of time.

    (vii) -The supervisors feel greater responsibility and work morewillinglyand zealously for the development of their subordinates, while

    imparting OJT.

    Demerits. Some of the demerits from which OJT suffers are:(i) In OJT there is a tendency to neglect, disregard and even todo awaywith, in some cases, the essentials of principles and theory in

    favourof immediate production.

    (ii) Trainee while learning may damage equipment, wastematerials, causeaccidents frequently.

    (iii) The work place, with environments charged with hustle andnoise

    and the pace of skilled workers, is most likely to affect thelearning and may create a feeling of frustration in the mind of atrainee.

    (iv) Experienced workers cannot use the machinery while it isbeing usedfor training.

    In order to make this training successful, some conditions mustbe satisfied:(a) What and how to teach should be carefully decided.(b)The instructor should be carefully selected and trained.(c) A definite follow up schedule should be used to judge theresults oftraining.

    B. Off-the job TrainingIn off-the-Job training methods the trainees have to leave theirworkplace and devote their entire time to the training. A few off-the-job training techniques are as follows:

    1. Vestibule Training

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    In this method, a training centre called vestibule is set up andactual job conditions are duplicated or stimulated in it. Experttrainers are employed to provide training with the help ofequipment and machines which are identical with those used at

    the work place. This method of training is used primarily whenlarge number of employees must be trained quickly, as needed,as a result of expansion of business activities by firms orindustries, although it is also helpful as a preliminary to on the-

    job-training.Merits. The important merits of vestibule training are:(i) . This method has the fundamental advantage of training anumber ofpeople in a short period of time, without causing any interruption

    ordisturbance in the normal flow of work.

    (it)The trainee can concentrate on learning without disturbanceof theworkplace noise.

    (iii) This method is essential where on the job training mightresult in a

    serious injury, a costly event or the destruction of valuableequipmentand material.

    (iv) It permits the trainee to practise without the fear of beingobservedand indicribed by the supervisor/coworker.

    (v) It is a specialised superior method of instructions, free fromanypressures of getting out production.

    (vi) The interest and motivation of the trainee are high as thereal jobconditions are duplicated.

    (vil) This method provides possibility of frequent lectures, ordiscussionsand greater personal attention to individual trainees.

    Demerits. This method, however, suffers from the followingdemerits:

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    (i) The use of this method is limited more or less to those jobs, inwhichthere is a high turnover or there is a continuously increasingdemand

    for workers.

    (ii) Vestibule training is the most expensive method because ofadditionalinvestment in class-room, equipment and expert trainers.

    (iii) The training situation is somewhat artificial and the traineedoes notget a feel of the real job.

    2.Apprenticeship TrainingThe' Apprenticeship' system is perhaps the oldest and mostcommonly used method for training in industrial crafts, tradesand technical areas. In this method, theoretical knowledge andpractical learning are provided to trainees in training institutes.In India, the government has established Industrial TrainingInstitutes (ITIs) for this purpose. The aim of this training is todevelop all round craftsmen. Generally, a stipend is paid during

    the training period. Thus, it is an 'earn while you learn' scheme.Merits. The main merits of this method are:

    (i) The main advantage of this method is that it combines theoryandpractice. The trainee becomes productive immediately.

    (ii) It ensures the maintenance of a skilled work force.

    (iii) It greatly improves workmanship.

    (iv) This fosters a sense of belongingness and loyalty in theminds ofemployees and opens up opportunities for their growth anddevelopment.

    Demerits. Apprenticeship training is time consuming andexpensive. Many persons leave the training programme midwayas the training period extends from one year to three years.

    3. Classroom Training

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    The classroom training, is the traditional way of education, whichplaces the trainee in a class-room. Class-room training takesplace either inside the organisation or at some external selectedsites, may be institutes, universities or professional associations,

    which have no connection with the company. The main aim ofclass-room training is to take the man away from his workingenvironment, to mix with men in a similar position to his own,and as a result bring about change in his attitude and point ofview, capable of looking at problems differently. Lectures, casestudies, group discussions and audio-visual aids are used toexplain knowledge and skills to the trainees.

    Classroom training is suitable for teaching concepts and problem

    solving skills. It is also useful for orientation and safety trainingprogrammes. It may also include courses in re-training andupgrading.

    4. Internship Training

    In internship training, educational institutions and business firmshave a joint programme of training. Selected candidates carry onregular studies for the prescribed period. They also work in some

    factory or office to acquire practical knowledge and skills. Thismethod helps to provide a good balance between theory andpractice. But it involves a long time period due to slow process.Internship training is used in professional courses e.g. MBBS,C.A., ICWA etc.

    5. ConferencesConference is a favourite training method. Many organisationshave adopted guided discussion type of conferences in theirtraining programmes, in order to escape the limitations of thelecture method. In conferences, the participants pool their ideasand experiences to arrive at improved methods of dealing withthe problems which are the common subject of discussion.Conference may include buzz sessions that divide theconference into small groups for intensive discussion. Thesesmall groups then report back their conclusions or questions I tothe whole conference. Conference method allows the trainees tolook at the rproblems from a broader angle. However, unlessthe conference is directed I towards the required needs of theparticipants, they may feel that the whole exercise is useless.

    6. Role Playing

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    Role playing is a method of human interactions that involvesrealistic behaviour in imaginary situations. Role playing involvesaction, doing and practice. The trainees play the role of certaincharacter eg. the different position holders in the organisation.

    By role playing, a trainee can broaden his experience by tryingdifferent approaches/roles, while in actual practice, he often hasonly one role to play.

    7. Programmed LearningProgrammed instruction is a step by step learning process thatconsists of three parts :-Presenting questions, facts or problems to the trainees.- Allowing the trainee to respond

    - Providing feedback on the accuracy of answers.

    The advantages of this method are:

    - It reduces the training time.- It facilitates learning since it lets trainees learn at their ownpace.- It provides immediate feedback and reduces the risk of errors.

    The limitation of this method, however, is that the trainee doesnot learn much more than he would from a traditional text bookapproach. The management must weigh the cost of developingthe programmed instructions against the potentially acceleratedbut not improved learning.


    Computerised and internet based tools have revolutionised the

    training process. Some methods of electronic training are asfollows:


    Audio-visuals include television slides, overheads, films, powerpoints, video conferencing, audio-video tapes etc. These can bevery effective and are widely used as training techniques. Thesecan be used to provide a wide range of realistic examples of job

    conditions and situations in the condensed period of time. Thequality of the presentation can be controlled and will remainequal for all training groups. Audio-visual aids tend to be moreinteresting. This method, however, is more expensive as

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    This method is very cost effective since the employees learn athome and the company does not have to pay for their travel,stay and training.

    Video-Conferencing is used by companies to train theemployees who are geographically separated from each other orfrom the trainer. This method allows people in one location tocommunicate line via a combination of audio and visualequipment with people in another city or country or with groupsin several cities.

    Many firms need the internet and their proprietary intranets todeliver computer based training. Employees can access the

    programmes, whenever they want. Distribution costs are zeroand changes can be made in the programmes at the centrallocation whenever 'need arises.

    Many firms are using Business Portals now-a-days. Training isoften found and delivered through training oriented learningportals. These portals contract with employers and delivertraining options to the firms employees (often web based). Manyfirms are creating their own learning portals for their employees.

    They let the company contract with specific training contentproviders, which offer their training content to the firm'semployees via the portal. The technology of the learning portalsputs more and more information into everyone's hands. Insteadof limiting training opportunities to teacher led conventionalclasses or to periodic training sessions, training becomesavailable all the time. Employees learn at their own pace,whenever they want to.

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    The basic purpose of executive development programmes is tohelp the executive in acquiring and developing different types ofmanagerial skills and knowledge. Different types of skills andknowledge needed by executives are as follows:

    (i) Decision-making skills(ii) Interpersonal skills(iii)Job Knowledge(iv) Organisational Knowledge(v) General knowledge

    (vi) Specific Individual needs.

    The methods/techniques which help the executives in acquiringand Ideveloping these skill are as follows:

    (1) DECISION MAKING SKILLS IThe basic job of every executive is to take decisions, bothstrategic and

    routine. The techniques which help him in developing decisionmaking skills are as follows:

    1. In Basket Exercise. After the trainees are given backgroundinformation on a simulated exercise about a company and itsproducts, organisation and key personnel, they are provided withan in-basket of assorted memoranda, requests and datapertaining to the firm. The trainee must make sense out of thismass of paper work and prepare memos, make notes and

    delegate tasks within a limited period.

    The In-basket training involves:- Situational Judgement in being able to recall details, establishpriorities,interrelate items and determine need for more information.

    - Scheduling meetings with involved personnel andexplaining reasons for action taken.

    - Willingness to make a decision and take action.

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    Merits. The In-basket method has the following advantages:

    (i) It is simple and easy to follow.

    (ii) It is inexpensive and can be organised easily.

    (iii) Trainees learn quickly as they have to list priorities,make assumptions assign work to others and get thingsdone within a time frame.

    (iv) Since participants are from different departments, it iseasy to put out inter-department fires.

    Demerits. On the negative side:

    (i) This method is somewhat academic and removed from reallifesituations.

    (ii)The participants knowing fully well that they are handling animaginary situation, may not be too excited about the wholeexercise and may not fully commit themselves to the task.

    (iii) It discourages originality. since the teams have to adoptthemselves to

    rigid situations.2. Business Games/Management Games. Managementgames are being devised and used with varying degrees ofsuccess in development programmes. Management games aredesigned to be representative of real life situations. Amanagement game is a classroom exercise, in which teams ofstudents compete against each other to achieve certain common

    objectives. The trainees are asked to take decisions aboutproduction, cost, research and development etc. for a stimulatedorganisation. Since, the trainees are often divided into teams ascompeting companies, experience is obtained in team work.Under this method, the trainees learn by analysing problems byusing some intuition and by taking trail and error type ofdecisions. Anything wrongly done is corrected by the trainer orsometimes a second chance is given to do something all overagain. . Management games are intended to teach trainees how

    to take managerial decisions in an integrated manner. Suchgames illustrate the existence of various group processesincluding communication, the resolution of conflicts, theemergence of leadership and development of friendly ties.

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    Merits. Merits of management games are:

    1. There is usually a great sense of excitement and enjoymentin playing

    the games. This helps to develop problem solving skills.

    2. These games compress time. Events that take painfully longperiodsof time are made to occur in a matter of hours.

    3. In these games, one can learn from mistakes. Participants cantake adifferent course of action by looking at the consequences and


    4. It helps in changing attitudes. Participants become moretolerant.

    5 . Prompt feedback facilitates quick learning.

    6. These games focus attention on planning rather than just

    putting outfires.

    Demerits. The demerits of this method are:

    1. The games can be very expensive to develop and implementparticularly when the game itself is computerised.

    2. Business games are removed from reality. These force the

    decisionmakers to choose his alternatives from a closed list, whereas inreal life, managers may get unlimited chances for creating newalternatives.

    3. No evidence is available which may indicate that those whoare successful in business games will also be successful in a real


    4. Unorthodox Strategies may be advanced by innovativeparticipants.But when these strategies do not find acceptance from others,creativity may take a back seat.

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    5. Participants may be so engrossed in getting ahead of allothers thatthey fail to grasp the underlying management policies being


    3. Case Study. The case study method of development utilisesactual case examples collected from various organisations fordiagnostic purposes. Under this method, a real or hypotheticalproblem or situation demanding solution is presented in writingto the trainees. They are required to identify and analyse theproblem, suggest and evaluate alternative courses of action andchoose the most appropriate solution. The trainer guides the

    discussion and ensures that no relevant factor is overlooked.Thus, the trainees get an opportunity to apply their skills in thesolution of realistic. problems. To make the case study aneffective tool, the trainer must:

    (i) Identify the minor and major problems in the case.(ii) Filter out the significant facts from the insignficant ones.(iii) Analyse the issues and use logic to fill the gaps in the


    (iv) Arrive at some means for solving the identifiableproblems.

    For the effective use of case studies, group discussions may alsobeConducted

    Merits. The merits of case study method are:

    (i) This method improves the problem solving skills of theparticipants.

    (ii)This method is a way of learning by doing. Trainees can applytheoryto practical problems and learn quickly.

    (iii) Trainees get a feel of how others work at a problem andbegin to

    appreciate and learn from each other's thinking.

    (iv) If the case reflects a real life situation trainees take keeninterest ana,

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    examine the cross currents with an open and inquisitive mind.

    (v) Case study can provide stimulating discussions amongparticipants a!

    well as excellent opportunities for individuals to defend theiranalyticaiand judgemental abilities.

    Demerits. The negative points of case study are:

    (i) It is a costly and time consuming method since the casestudies do not originate easily.

    (ii) Cases, sometimes, are not sufficiently realistic to be useful.

    (iii) Examining the old case studies may fail to develop theanalytical andreasoning abilities of the participants.

    (iv) Cases may contain information which may not beappropriate for thekind of decisions that the trainees would take in real life


    (v) A trainee who is not skilled in this technique may undermineitsusefulness.


    The various techniques used to foster and develop interpersonal

    skills are as follows:

    1. Role Playing. Under this method, a conflicting situation isartificially created and two or more trainees are assigneddifferent roles to play. No dialogues are given before hand. Therole players are provided with either a written or oral descriptionthe situation and the roles they are to play. After being allowedsufficient time to plan their actions, they must then act theirparts spontaneously before the class. For example, a role playing

    situation may be a salesman making is presentation to theprospective buyer.

    Role playing techniques is generally used for human relations

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    - T Group consists of 10-12 persons.

    - A leader acts as the catalyst and provides a free and open

    environmentfor discussion.

    - There is no specified agenda.

    - Trainees express their ideas, opinions and feelings freely andopenly. The focus is on behaviour rather than on duties.

    - The aim is to achieve behaviour effectiveness in transactions

    withone's environment.

    Merits. According to Campbell and Dunnettee sensitivitytraining helpsthe participants to :- learn more about themselves, especially their own weaknesses


    - Develop insights into how they react to others and how othersreactto them.

    - Discover how groups work and how to diagnose humanrelationsproblems.

    - Find out how to behave more effectively in inter-personalrelationsand how to manage people through means other than power.

    - Develop more 'component' and 'authentic' relations in whichfeelingsare expressed openly.

    - Confront interpersonal problems directly, so that they may besolve~and not try to avoid them rather smooth them over or seek acompromise.

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    After training, the trainees become more sensitive to others andmore open. Such training can also result in increased company'performance and profits.

    Demertis.The demerits of this training are:

    - The programme is considered to be a waste of time. Even thetrainees'who themselves are favourably impressed with the trainingcannot point out the specific benefits and 'neither can theirassociates.

    - Sensitivity training make the trainees so sensitive to thefeelings of others that he is not in a position to take harshdecisions.

    - Such training induces anxiety among participants. Such anxietymaycause the people to be highly frustrated, unsettled and upset.

    - T-Group training when applied to technical professionals isoften lesseffective as compared to the conventional methods.

    - The trainers often create stress situations. There is a dangerthat training of this sort may do a better job of tearing apartpeople than of bringing, them together.

    - The ultimate goals and techniques. of this training are ofteninconsistentwith the business and economic world in which we live.

    3. Behaviour Modelling. Behaviour modelling is based on thesocial learning theory. Behaviour modelling is a more structuredapproach to teach specific supervisory skills. The approach,generally, involves the following stages:

    - A conceptual presentation is made in the proper handling of aparticularproblem. The key action step is identified and emphasised.

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    - A video tape of the effective handling of the problem ispresented.Each key action step is performed.

    -A behavioural rehearsal period is then undertaken. Though thismaylook like role playing, the trainee is not free to select a response.Rather he rehearses the behaviour presented to him.

    - During and after the rehersal period, the trainee is givenfeedback onperformance and is positively reinforced when demonstratingthe behaviour model.

    - Finally, the trainee is encouraged to try the behaviour at thejob andreport back for discussion of the result of that tryout.

    4. Transactional Analysis (TA). TA offers a model ofpersonality and dynamics of self and its relationship to othersthat makes possible a clear and meaningful understanding ofbehaviour. It is used in industry as a method of analysing and

    understanding interpersonal behaviour. When people interact,there is a social transaction in which one person responds toanother. The study of these transactions between people iscalled 'Transactional Analysis'. T A was originally developed byEric Berne, a psychotherapist, for psychotherapy in 1950. Heobserved in his patients that it was as if there were severaldifferent persons inside one person. He also observed that theseseveral selves transmitted with people in different ways. Lateron the application of T A for ordinary transactions waspopularised by Harris and Jongeward besides Berne.

    Transactional analysis is a very popular method of executivedevelopment. By exposing their executives to courses intransactional analysis, the companies seek to improve their selfunderstanding, interpersonal effectiveness, communication andleadership skills.

    5. Multiple Management. This method is for the training ofjunior executives. Here the Junior executives are encouraged toput their minds to work on the business as -a whole, rather thanto concentrate on their specialised areas. Though the major

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    objective is training, the organisation is also benefited by theproductive ideas. Under this system, a junior board of youngexecutives is constituted. Major problems are analysed in the

    Junior board which makes recommendations to the Board of

    Directors. The young executives learn decision making skills andthe Board of Directors receives the benefit of collective wisdomof the executive team. Vacancies in the Board of Directors canbe filled from the Junior board members who have receivedconsiderable exposure to problems and other issues.

    This method has the advantages of being relatively inexpensive,development of team work and group decision making amongmanagers, enabling the managers to see the problems from the

    organisational point of view rather than departmental orfunctional point of view.

    (iii) Job Knowledge.

    In addition to the above mentioned skills, the executives shouldalso possess knowledge about the jobs to perform their jobseffectively and efficiently. Job knowledge can be acquiredthrough the following methods:

    1. On the Job experience. On the job technique is most usefulwhen the objective is to improve the job behaviour of theexecutives. Such training is inexpensive and time saving.

    Training takes place in real job situations and the motivation tolearn is high. The success of this technique depends upon theimmediate supervisor and his teaching capabilities.

    This technique is particularly useful for certain groups likescientific andtechnical personnel.

    The limitation of this method is that neither the trainer nor thetrainee are free from the daily routine and pressures of the job.

    The costs of training may appear to be low initially, but they mayturn out to be high when wastages of all kinds are considered.Despite the limitations, still it is the most popular method of

    developing the executives.

    2. Coaching. Under this method, the immediate superior guidesthe subordinates about various methods and skills to do the job.

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    He briefs the trainees in what is expected of them and guidesthem how to get it. He also watches their performance andguides them to correct their mistakes. The superior only guidesand directs but does not teach, although he extends his

    assistance whenever needed. He periodically reviews theperformance and suggests changes required in behaviour andperformance. The main objective of coaching is to providediversified knowledge. Coaching is recognised as one of theresponsibilities of the managers. The manager has an obligationto train and develop the subordinates working under him. Heguides and trains them and prepares them to handle thecomplex situations.

    Merits. The merits of coaching are: - Increased motivation ofthe trainee, since coaching constitutes learning by doing.

    - Minimisation of the problems of transferring learning fromtheory topractice.

    - Least centralised staff co-ordination is required, since everyexecutive

    can coach his men 'even if no management developmentprogrammeexists.- Feed back on performance is received quickly. Demerits. Thismethod has the following demerits also: - This method relies onthe ability of the coach to be a good teacher, which he may notnecessarily be.

    - In many cases, the learner cannot develop much beyond thelimits ofhis own boss's abilities.

    - This technique is authoritarian, for a coach tends to familarisehissubordinates with his own work habits and beliefs, even thoughthesemay be faulty.

    - The training atmosphere is not available in this method.

    Coaching method will work well if the coach provides a good

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    model with whom the trainee can identify, if both can be openwith each other, if the coach accepts his responsibility fully andif he provides the trainee with recognition of his improvementand suitable rewards.

    3. Understudy. An understudy is the person who is speciallydesignatedas the heir apparent. In this method, the trainee is prepared toperform the work or fill the position of his superior. Suchunderstudy is likely to assume the full duties and responsibilitiescurrently held by his superior as his superior leaves the job dueto promotion, retirement or transfer. The department managerpicks up one person from the department to become his under

    study. The departmental manager routes much of his workthrough the under study, discusses the problems with him andallows him to participate in the decision making process as oftenas possible. The junior is generally assigned tasks which areclosely related to work in his section and he is deputed to attendexecutive meetings as a representative of his superior. Theunderstudy may even be asked to directly supervise a number ofpeople at work. This will give him an opportunity to try out hisleadership skills.

    Merits.The merits of understudy method are as follows:

    - This method creates a practical and realistic situation in whichthetraining is conducted.

    - It is a practical and fairly quick way of training designatedpersonsfor greater management responsibilities.

    - It emphasises learning by doing.

    - It relieves the boss of some of his workload by delegating someportionof the workload to the understudy.

    - It ensures that the organisation will not be in adisadvantageous situation if an executive suddenly leaves his

    job. The understudy will be in position to hold that position.

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    Demerits. There are quite a few disadvantages of this methodalso:

    - Since the understudy has been specifically designated, it mayspark off jealously and rivalry among competing subordinates.

    The others may feel that the competition for promotion is over.This reduces the motivation level of both the one who isdesignated and the other personnel.

    - The understudy may be picked up on the basis of his similarityin thinking and acting with those of his superior and then theunderstudy will learn the ways. of his superior, who has learnt

    from his superior. Thus, understudy will perpetuate the existingpractices, the bad as well as the good. Therefore, outsidecontacts through other development techniques are essential forthe development of the person and for the well being of theorganisation.

    The effectiveness of understudy assignments depends upon thewillingness and ability of the higher level manager to shareexperiences and to transfer knowledge to the understudy


    (iv) Organisationl Knowledge.

    In addition to the job knowledge, the executives should possessthrough knowledge about the organisation in which they work.

    There are two techniques of imparting organisational knowledge:Job Rotation and Multiple Management. (Multiple managementhas been discussed under inter-personal skills).

    Job RotationJob rotation implies systematic, planned and coordinated effortto transfer an executive from job to job or from plant to plant.

    The main aim of job rotation is to broaden the generalbackground of the training in the business. The executive isgiven all the duties and responsibilities which go along with the

    job to which he is transferred. This method broadens the outlook

    of the executive as he comes to appreciate the problems facedby other managers, plants, departments etc. According to W.E.Benett "Job rotation is a process of horizontal movement thatwidens the manager's experience horizon beyond the limited

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    confines of his own."

    A junior entrant who is new to the organisation requires aconsiderable degree of specialised knowledge and skill but a

    man can never acquire the diversified skill unless he is put indifferent types of situations.

    Merits.Job rotation has many advantages:

    - It works to bring down the feeling of superiority of onedepartment over the others; since everyone is moved from onedepartment to other.

    - It rather develops inter-departmental co-operation.

    - Boredom, monotony are reduced.

    - Job rotation injects new ideas into the different departments ofthe organisation.

    - Under this system, an executive is not destined to end up injust one spot but is equipped to step up into any of the several

    executive posts in any of various functional decisions.

    - The trainee will learn the nature and significance ofmanagement principles by transferring learning from one job toanother.

    - Each executive's abilities and talents are best tested in avariety of jobs. So the organisation can secure his best utilisationin the ultimate assignment.

    Demerits. The demerits of Job rotation are:

    - Productive work may suffer due to disruptions caused bychance and limitations of individuals to adjust to a new job. So itis better I lengthen the interval of rotation and to rotate fewerpersonnel at a time.- The executives can't gain specialised knowledge in one

    particular branch of work during a short span of time.

    - It upsets home and family life, since many a time transfers areeffected to different geographical areas.

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    - It becomes difficult for the subordinates to adjust themselvesto their new bosses. Interpersonal relationship takes time foradjustment and employees with frequent moves are apt to feel


    It develops friction, jealousy and other non-cooperative anddysfunctional forms of human behaviour.

    (v) General Knowledge.

    In addition to the knowledge about the job and the organisation,the executive should also possess general knowledge, as every

    organisation is influenced and affected by the externalenvironments. He should have general knowledge about theeconomic, political, legal and international environment of thecountry. General knowledge can be acquired with the help of thefollowing! methods:

    1. Special Courses. The executives can attend the workshops orexecutive development programmes organised by themanagement institutes, universities and colleges. These courses

    will help in improving their general knowledge.

    2. Special Meetings. Some outside organisations likeconsumer forums, chambers of industry and commerce, and somany other voluntary organisations, organise special meetingsfrom time to time. The executives can attend such

    meetings to acquire general knowledge.

    3. Specific Readings. Specific articles published by variousjournals,specific portions of important books are provided to the traineesto improve their general knowledge.

    (vi) Specific Individual NeedsSome executives may have to be trained in some specific areasdue to some specific needs or weaknesses. The. methods oftraining for this aspect are:

    1. Special Projects Assignments. A special assignment is ahighly training device under which a trainee is assigned a projectthat is closely related to his job. Sometimes, a number of trainee

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    executives are put together to work on a project directly relatedto their functional areas. The trainee studies the problems andsubmits the written recommendations upon it. It provides him avaluable experience in tackling the problem but would also have

    the other values of educating the trainees the importance of theproblem and to understand the organisational relationship of theproblem with different angles. When he works as a member ofthe team, he not only acquires knowledge, but also learns howto work with others having different points of view.

    2. Committee Assignments. This method is similar to projectassignment. Under this system an ad-hoc committee isconstituted and is assigned a subject related to the business to

    discuss and to make recommendations. Through discussions incommittee meetings, the executives get acquainted withdifferent point of views and alternative methods of problemsolving. They also learn interpersonal skills. Generally, theexecutives are selected from different departments havingspecialised knowledge in different areas.

    3. Conferences. A conference is a group meeting conductedaccording to an organised plan in whcih the members participate

    in oral discussion of a particular problem and thus, develop theirknowledge and understanding. It is an executive training devicefor conference .members and conference leaders. Both learn alot from others view point and compare their opinions withothers. The conference leaders may also learn how to developtheir skills to motivate people through direction of discussion.

    The conferences are of three types:(i) Guided or directed conference(ii) Consultative conference and(iii) Problem solving conference.

    For training purposes, guided or directed conference is used. It isideally suited in developing conceptual knowledge, reducingdogmatism and modifying attitudes. The trainee activelyparticipates and his interest in learning is maintained.

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