4.1-4.10 ald ketones

Chapter 4 Ketones and Aldehydes

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  • Chapter 4Ketones and Aldehydes

    Chapter 18

  • 4.1 Carbonyl StructureCarbon is sp2 hybridized.C=O bond is shorter, stronger, and more polar than C=C bond in alkenes.

    Chapter 18

  • 4.2 Carbonyl Compounds=>

    Chapter 18

  • 4.3 Naming AldehydesIUPAC: Replace -e with -al.The aldehyde carbon is number 1.If -CHO is attached to a ring, use the suffix -carbaldehyde. There are no cycloaldehydes =>

    Chapter 18

  • Examples3-methylpentanal2-cyclopentenealdehyde

    =>benzaldehyde - aromatic


    Chapter 18

  • Small unbranched aldehyde common namesUse the common name of the acid.Drop -ic acid and add -aldehyde.1 C: formic acid, formaldehyde2 Cs: acetic acid, acetaldehyde3 Cs: propionic acid, propionaldehyde4 Cs: butyric acid, butyraldehyde. =>

    Chapter 18

  • 4.4 IUPAC Names for KetonesReplace -e with -one. Indicate the position of the carbonyl with a number.Number the chain so that carbonyl carbon has the lowest number.For cyclic ketones the carbonyl carbon is assigned the number 1. =>

    Chapter 18

  • Examples3-methyl-2-butanone3-bromocyclohexanone4-hydroxy-3-methyl-2-butanone =>

    Chapter 18

  • Common Names for Simple KetonesNamed as alkyl attachments to -C=O.methyl isopropyl ketone ethyl isopropyl ketone =>

    Chapter 18

  • Historical Common Namesacetoneacetophenonebenzophenone =>

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  • Name as SubstituentOn a molecule with a higher priority functional group, C=O is oxo- and -CHO is formyl.Aldehyde priority is higher than ketone.3-methyl-4-oxopentanal3-formylbenzoic acid =>

    Chapter 18

  • 4.5 Isomerism in aldehydes and ketonesAldehydes and ketones are constitutional isomersAldehydes and ketones can have skeletal and positional isomers if there are enough carbons.Stereoisomers are also possible if there is a ring or C=C in the molecule

    Chapter 18

  • 4.6 Selected Common aldehydes and ketonesFormaldehydeAcetoneVanillinBenzaldehydeCinnamaldehydeButanedione

    Chapter 18

  • FormaldehydeGas at room temperature.Formalin is a 40% aqueous solution.

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  • Industrial ImportanceAcetone and methyl ethyl ketone are important solvents.Formaldehyde used in polymers like Bakelite.Flavorings and additives like vanilla, cinnamon, artificial butter. =>

    Chapter 18

  • Formaldehyde -formalinAcetone solvent and metabolic productVanillin - vanilla flavoringBenzaldehyde - almond flavorCinnamaldehyde - cinnamonButanedione - butter

    Chapter 18

  • 4.7 Physical propertiesBoiling points page 121

    Solubility water solubility page 123

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  • Boiling PointsMore polar, so higher boiling point than comparable alkane or ether.Cannot H-bond to each other, so lower boiling point than comparable alcohol.

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  • SolubilityGood solvent for alcohols.Lone pair of electrons on oxygen of carbonyl can accept a hydrogen bond from O-H or N-H.Acetone and acetaldehyde are miscible in water. =>

    Chapter 18

  • 4.8 Preparation of Aldehydes and KetonesOxidation2 alcohol + Na2Cr2O7 ketone1 alcohol aldehyde

    Chapter 18

  • 4.9 Oxidation and reduction of Aldehydes and ketones

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    Chapter 18

  • Tollens TestAdd ammonia solution to AgNO3 solution until precipitate dissolves.Aldehyde reaction forms a silver mirror.

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  • Oxidation of ketonesKetones no reaction

    Chapter 18

  • Reduction Catalytic HydrogenationKetones give secondary alcoholsAldehydes give primary alcohols

    Chapter 18

  • Reduction: aldehyde + hydrogen --> pri. AlcoholForm of addition reaction.

    Chapter 18

  • Reduction: aldehyde + hydrogen Break hydrogen bond

    Chapter 18

  • Reduction: aldehyde + hydrogen Break double bond and use electrons to bond with hydrogen.

    Chapter 18

  • Reduction: aldehyde + hydrogen Brief Method

    Chapter 18

  • 4.10 Addition of AlcoholHemiacetal and Acetal Functional Groups

    Chapter 18

  • Hemiacetal and Acetal Functional Groups Hemiacetal: alcohol and ether on same carbonAcetal: Two ethers on same carbon

    Chapter 18

  • MechanismMust be acid-catalyzed.Adding H+ to carbonyl makes it more reactive with weak nucleophile, ROH.Hemiacetal forms first, then acid-catalyzed loss of water, then addition of second molecule of ROH forms acetal.All steps are reversible. =>

    Chapter 18

  • Hemiacetal Synthesis: aldehyde + alcohol Alcohol + aldehyde --> hemiacetalEthanal + methanolAlcohol oxygen becomes an etherCarbon double bond oxygen becomes an alcohol

    Chapter 18

  • Mechanism for Hemiacetal

    Chapter 18

  • Aldehyde and Ketone Reactions

    Chapter 18

  • Synthesis of Acetal Functional Group Acetal: alcohol plus hemiacetal (ether synthesis)Acetal: Two ethers on same carbon

    Chapter 18

  • =>

    Chapter 18

  • Aldehyde and Ketone Reactions

    Chapter 18

  • Mechanism Hemiacetal to Acetal

    Chapter 18

  • Cyclic AcetalsAddition of a diol produces a cyclic acetal.Sugars commonly exist as acetals or hemiacetals.

    Chapter 18

  • SKIP 4.11 AND 4.12


    Chapter 18

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