40k rpg character sheet 6.05

40K character generator and character It currently supports material from the Dark Heresy (Core Rule Tips: Always use the blank sheet to start a new character, not a previously used one I tend to save a blank character sheet (.rtc file) and load that in during testing to en Instructions Note: The implementation of Grey Knights falls somewhere between the Dark Heres The light blue cells indicate areas to enter data. Some of the Sample Data Entry Cell Some skills will already be ticked and have zero XP cost if th If the talent has an associated option the drop down menu to t You can also increase your characteristics on this sheet, ente To get around this problem, put the difference in the XP cost into the "other" cell in All this data is consolidated on a choice of 3 printable chara The save files will allow you to continue to develop your char If you find errors in the spreadsheet or have enhancement requ The 40K setting and RPG design are © Black Industries, Fantasy The programming and design of the sheet remain © Daryl Tose 20 Visit the webpage below for links to the forum and to download This spreadsheet can be used to generate a new Rogue Trader, D OpenOffice users should do a recalculate hard (Ctrl+Shift+F9) after opening the wo First fill in your basic character details on the Character Ge If your character has mutations then add them to the Mutations To spend XP go to the Skills and Talents sheets. On the Skills sheet you can tick the available skill advances On the Talents sheet you can see the talents for which you qua Finally switch to the Shop sheet and mark the items you own an The Advancement sheet is for adding in XP gained and levelling Note: When reaching a new rank you may find some previously chosen skills becom If you are playing an Imperial Psyker, Adept, Sorceror or Libr If you are playing Deathwatch and want to design your own Chap The Talent Summary sheet can also be printed. It contains a su Finally, the DW Mode sheet contains a summary of the Solo and Characters can be saved and loaded from the Character Generati You can also adjust the behaviour of the workbook by adjusting http://www.blackmoor.org.uk/40K.html

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Post on 02-Nov-2014




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A sheet for 40k RPG


Page 1: 40K RPG Character Sheet 6.05

40K character generator and character sheet

It currently supports material from the Dark Heresy (Core Rulebook, Inquisitors Handbook, Radicals Handbook, Disciples of the Dark Gods, Blood of Martyrs and Ascension, Daemon Hunter), Rogue Trader (Core Rulebook, Into the Storm) and Deatchwatch (Core Rulebook, Rites of Battle)

Tips: Always use the blank sheet to start a new character, not a previously used one as some formulas are overridden when tick boxes are used.I tend to save a blank character sheet (.rtc file) and load that in during testing to ensure the workbook is correctly reset.


Note: The implementation of Grey Knights falls somewhere between the Dark Heresy and Deathwatch rules. As such they have their own setting.The light blue cells indicate areas to enter data. Some of these will become available or unavailable depending on other options chosen.

Sample Data Entry Cell

Some skills will already be ticked and have zero XP cost if they were acquired as part of your origin path or career. XP values can be adjusted if taken as an elite advance with a different XP cost.

If the talent has an associated option the drop down menu to the right of the option will highlight in blue and you should select the appropriate option from that menu.

You can also increase your characteristics on this sheet, enter elite advances not available elsewhere and adjust values such as insanity, corruption and fate that change during game play.

To get around this problem, put the difference in the XP cost into the "other" cell in the XP spent summary. i.e. If the XP went down by 200, add 200 into the "other" cell.

All this data is consolidated on a choice of 3 printable character sheets. The Imperial or Modern style Character Sheets show all the information in differring formats and the Text CS can be used to export (cut and paste) to other applications using the stand book notation.

The save files will allow you to continue to develop your characters in future releases of this spreadsheet without the need to re-enter all the details.

If you find errors in the spreadsheet or have enhancement requests, feel free to contact me via email or the forum.The 40K setting and RPG design are © Black Industries, Fantasy Flight Games and Games Workshop and are used with thanks by a fan.The programming and design of the sheet remain © Daryl Tose 2010/2011 ([email protected])Visit the webpage below for links to the forum and to download the latest release.

This spreadsheet can be used to generate a new Rogue Trader, Dark Heresy or Deathwatch character and to advance an existing one when you gain experience.

OpenOffice users should do a recalculate hard (Ctrl+Shift+F9) after opening the workbook to ensure all dropdown menus are calculated correctly. Save the .xls file as an .ods and reload before starting data entry. Macros will NOT work.

First fill in your basic character details on the Character Generation sheet. You can change the Orange Title from Rogue Trader to Dark Heresy or Deathwatch depending on your adventure setting.

If your character has mutations then add them to the Mutations sheet. This is also used to add in malignancies (caused by corruption) and disorders (from insanity) as your character advances.

To spend XP go to the Skills and Talents sheets.On the Skills sheet you can tick the available skill advances (shown with a blue background). If the text is greyed out then you have not met the prerequisites.

On the Talents sheet you can see the talents for which you qualify. Tick the appropriate box, if it is highlighted in blue, to purchase the talent. You can adjust the xp cost if taken as an elite advance.

Finally switch to the Shop sheet and mark the items you own and carry then move to the Equipment sheet to equip your armour and weapons.

The Advancement sheet is for adding in XP gained and levelling up. Select the next rank when you have spent enough XP to cross a level boundary.

Note: When reaching a new rank you may find some previously chosen skills become available at a lower cost (particularly in Deathwatch) and the sheet automatically assumes you have taken the lower cost option. This may mean your XP spent goes down!

If you are playing an Imperial Psyker, Adept, Sorceror or Librarian, the Powers sheet is used to select your psychic powers dependant on your Psy rating and talents or to buy Ascended powers.If you are playing Deathwatch and want to design your own Chapter using the rules from Rites of Battle, this should be done on the "Chapter" sheet before creating your character.

The Talent Summary sheet can also be printed. It contains a summary of the talents descriptions, influence talents and the combat rules, useful for new players. The Gear summary can also be printed if you have too much to fit on the character sheet.Finally, the DW Mode sheet contains a summary of the Solo and Squad modes available to your character. It can be printed and turned to face the appropriate direction when in combat.Characters can be saved and loaded from the Character Generation sheet. The save process creates a small .rtc file that can be loaded at a later time. To do this you must enable macros, however in OpenOffice or new versions of Office for Mac macros will not work.

You can also adjust the behaviour of the workbook by adjusting the options on the Character Generation sheet, i.e. whether an expansion book is allowed. Note these options are not saved with the character.


Page 2: 40K RPG Character Sheet 6.05

It currently supports material from the Dark Heresy (Core Rulebook, Inquisitors Handbook, Radicals Handbook, Disciples of the Dark Gods, Blood of Martyrs and Ascension, Daemon Hunter), Rogue Trader (Core Rulebook, Into the Storm) and Deatchwatch (Core Rulebook, Rites of Battle)

Tips: Always use the blank sheet to start a new character, not a previously used one as some formulas are overridden when tick boxes are used.I tend to save a blank character sheet (.rtc file) and load that in during testing to ensure the workbook is correctly reset.

Note: The implementation of Grey Knights falls somewhere between the Dark Heresy and Deathwatch rules. As such they have their own setting.The light blue cells indicate areas to enter data. Some of these will become available or unavailable depending on other options chosen.

Some skills will already be ticked and have zero XP cost if they were acquired as part of your origin path or career. XP values can be adjusted if taken as an elite advance with a different XP cost.

If the talent has an associated option the drop down menu to the right of the option will highlight in blue and you should select the appropriate option from that menu.

You can also increase your characteristics on this sheet, enter elite advances not available elsewhere and adjust values such as insanity, corruption and fate that change during game play.

To get around this problem, put the difference in the XP cost into the "other" cell in the XP spent summary. i.e. If the XP went down by 200, add 200 into the "other" cell.

All this data is consolidated on a choice of 3 printable character sheets. The Imperial or Modern style Character Sheets show all the information in differring formats and the Text CS can be used to export (cut and paste) to other applications using the stand book notation.

The save files will allow you to continue to develop your characters in future releases of this spreadsheet without the need to re-enter all the details.

If you find errors in the spreadsheet or have enhancement requests, feel free to contact me via email or the forum.The 40K setting and RPG design are © Black Industries, Fantasy Flight Games and Games Workshop and are used with thanks by a fan.The programming and design of the sheet remain © Daryl Tose 2010/2011 ([email protected])

Deathwatch character and to advance an existing one when you gain experience.

users should do a recalculate hard (Ctrl+Shift+F9) after opening the workbook to ensure all dropdown menus are calculated correctly. Save the .xls file as an .ods and reload before starting data entry. Macros will NOT work.

sheet. You can change the Orange Title from Rogue Trader to Dark Heresy or Deathwatch depending on your adventure setting.

sheet. This is also used to add in malignancies (caused by corruption) and disorders (from insanity) as your character advances.

sheet you can tick the available skill advances (shown with a blue background). If the text is greyed out then you have not met the prerequisites.

sheet you can see the talents for which you qualify. Tick the appropriate box, if it is highlighted in blue, to purchase the talent. You can adjust the xp cost if taken as an elite advance.

sheet and mark the items you own and carry then move to the Equipment sheet to equip your armour and weapons.

sheet is for adding in XP gained and levelling up. Select the next rank when you have spent enough XP to cross a level boundary.

When reaching a new rank you may find some previously chosen skills become available at a lower cost (particularly in Deathwatch) and the sheet automatically assumes you have taken the lower cost option. This may mean your XP spent goes down!

sheet is used to select your psychic powers dependant on your Psy rating and talents or to buy Ascended powers. and want to design your own Chapter using the rules from Rites of Battle, this should be done on the "Chapter" sheet before creating your character.

sheet can also be printed. It contains a summary of the talents descriptions, influence talents and the combat rules, useful for new players. The Gear summary can also be printed if you have too much to fit on the character sheet. sheet contains a summary of the Solo and Squad modes available to your character. It can be printed and turned to face the appropriate direction when in combat.

sheet. The save process creates a small .rtc file that can be loaded at a later time. To do this you must enable macros, however in OpenOffice or new versions of Office for Mac macros will not work.

Character Generation sheet, i.e. whether an expansion book is allowed. Note these options are not saved with the character.

Page 3: 40K RPG Character Sheet 6.05

It currently supports material from the Dark Heresy (Core Rulebook, Inquisitors Handbook, Radicals Handbook, Disciples of the Dark Gods, Blood of Martyrs and Ascension, Daemon Hunter), Rogue Trader (Core Rulebook, Into the Storm) and Deatchwatch (Core Rulebook, Rites of Battle)

All this data is consolidated on a choice of 3 printable character sheets. The Imperial or Modern style Character Sheets show all the information in differring formats and the Text CS can be used to export (cut and paste) to other applications using the stand book notation.

users should do a recalculate hard (Ctrl+Shift+F9) after opening the workbook to ensure all dropdown menus are calculated correctly. Save the .xls file as an .ods and reload before starting data entry. Macros will NOT work.

When reaching a new rank you may find some previously chosen skills become available at a lower cost (particularly in Deathwatch) and the sheet automatically assumes you have taken the lower cost option. This may mean your XP spent goes down!

can also be printed if you have too much to fit on the character sheet.

sheet. The save process creates a small .rtc file that can be loaded at a later time. To do this you must enable macros, however in OpenOffice or new versions of Office for Mac macros will not work.

sheet, i.e. whether an expansion book is allowed. Note these options are not saved with the character.

Page 4: 40K RPG Character Sheet 6.05

Character Creation Version 6.05 Rogue Trader SettingRank

Characteristics Rolled (2d10) Background Bonus Starting Value Options ###Weapon Skill (WS) 25 25 Character Sheet Colouring ColourBallistic Skill (BS) 25 25 Allow Inquisitors Handbook YesStrength (S) 25 25 Random dice rolls Allow Ascension YesToughness (T) 25 25 1d5 4 Allow Into the Storm YesAgility (Ag) 25 25 1d10 3 Allow Radicals Handbook YesIntelligence (Int) 25 25 2d10 14 Allow Blood of Martyrs YesPerception (Per) 25 25 1d100 26 Allow Rites of Battle YesWill Power (WP) 25 25 Allow Daemon Hunter YesFellowship (Fel) 25 25 Use Errata weapon stats Yes

###Rolled Values Current Value XP to Spend House Rules ###

Character Name Wounds (1d5) 500 Rank 2 (Rogue Trader) XP starts at 7000Player Fate (1d10) Allow invalid backgrounds NoCareer Insanity IH Background xp affects rank No

Corruption Allow Web enhancements YesShip Role Handedness Adjust for Power Armour Yes

+2 Psy Rating from Unnatural WP No

Origin path Home World Birthright Lure of the void Trials and Travails Motivation Lineage Skill ChoicesOptions ###

###Face of the enemy


Character DescriptionHomeWorldListOption1ListOption2ListOption3List

Author: Changes to stats from mutations should be added here
Author: Display the Character sheet with the chosen colours or as black and white.
Author: This options allows access to Ascension ranks and changes the XP table for DH ranks.
Author: Grey Knights use their own setting. This option allows access to the Dark Heresy Background packages and Alternative ranks in the Demon Hunter rulebook.
Author: In the Deathwatch errata (1.1) an alternative set of weapon statistics were introduced. Set this option to No if you want to use the original weapon stats from the core rulebooks.
Author: Override the Rank 2 starting XP here.
Author: Allow access to backgrounds for which you don't qualify.
Author: It is unclear if xp spent on backgrounds from the Inquisitors handbook should count towards xp spent towards your rank increases. Both Into the Storm and Radicals Handbook makes it clear that Background packages are not counted towards spent xp. Set this option to Yes to allow IH backgrounds to count towards rank.
Author: Allow access to 1.The Palatine Class from Heresy Begets Retribution http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_news.asp?eidn=1888 2. Eldar Homeworld from the Forum http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_foros_discusion.asp?efid=160&efcid=3&efidt=319484 3. Alternative Careers from Radicals Handbook - Salvation demands sacrifice
Author: If wearing power armour then your strength and agility bonus may be affected.
Author: In the Rogue trader core rulebook, unnatural willpower adds 2 to your Psy Rating. Set this option to yes to apply this bonus to other settings (Deathwath/Dark Heresy)
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MutationsThe descriptions and effects of some of the mutations differ in the Rogue Trader and Dark Heresy settings. Ensure you select the version from your game setting.

Dice Rolls 1d10 4 1d5 52d10 11 1d100 50

Rogue TraderGained Mutations Adjustments

1-5 : Grotesque6-10 : Tough Hide11-15 : Misshapen16-20 : Feels no pain21-25 : Brute26-30 : Nightsider31-35 : Mental Regressive36-40 : Malformed hands41-45 : Tox blood46-50 : Hulking51-55 : Wyrdling56-59 : Vile deformity60-63 : Aberration64-67 : Degenerate mind68-70 : Ravaged body71-74 : Clawed/Fanged75-78 : Necrophage79-81 : Corrupted Flesh82-85 : Venomous86-89 : Hideous strength90-91 : Multiple appendages92-93 : Worm94 : Nightmarish95 : Malleable96 : Winged97 : Corpulent98 : Shadow Kin99 : Corrosive bile100 : HellspawnNavigator Mutations1-15: Strangely Jointed16-30: Elongated Form31-45: Pale and Hairless46-55: Dark Eyes56-60: Withered Form61-70: Bloated Form71-75: Membranous Growth76-80: Inhuman Visage81-85: Needle Teeth86-90: Disturbing Grace91-95: Strange Vitality96-100: Unnatural Presence

Author: Lose 2d10 Agility.
Author: Random reduction to Int
Author: Random reduction to Willpower
Author: Random reduction to Fellowship
Author: Gain 1d10 Insanity
Author: Lose 1d10 Toughness
Author: Lose 1d10 Intelligence
Author: Psy Rating
Author: Psychic Technique
Author: Psychic Technique
Author: Lose 1d10 Intelligence
Author: Lose 1d10 Intelligence
Author: Lose 1d10 Fellowship
Author: Gain a random talent or trait.
Author: Roll 1d5 times on the mutation table ingoring duplicates.
Author: If you don't have the Contortionist skill you gain it, otherwise you become talented in the skill. Pick at the time you gain this mutation.
Author: Lose 1d5 Toughness
Author: Lose 1d5 Fellowship
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Dark HeresyMinor Mutations1-20 : Grotesque21-30 : Tough Hide31-40 : Misshapen41-50 : Feels No Pain51-60 : Brute61-70 : Nightsider71-80 : Big Eyes81-85 : Malformed hands86-89 : Tox Blood90-99 : Wyrdling100 : Major Mutation1-25 : Vile Deformity26-35 : Aberration36-40 : Degenerate Mind41-50 : Ravaged Body51-60 : Clawed/Fanged61-65 : Necrophage66-70 : Corrupted Flesh71-75 : Vile Alacrity76-80 : Hideous Strength81-85 : Multiple Appendages86-90 : Worm91-92 : Nightmarish93-94 : Malleable95-96 : Winged97-98 : Corpulent99 : Corrosive Bile100 : Hellspawn

Author: Lose 1d10 Agility.
Author: Lose 1d10 Intelligence
Author: Lose 1d10 Fellowship
Daryl: Lose 1d10 Intelligence
Author: Lose 1d10 Intelligence
Author: Gain a random talent or trait.
Author: Roll 1d5 times on the monor mutation table ingoring duplicates. Add the new entries by putting Yes in the Gained column
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Corruption and MalignanciesThe descriptions and effects of some of the mutations differ in the Rogue Trader and Dark Heresy settings. Ensure you select the version from your game setting.

Corruption levels Tested Characteristics102030405060708090

100 Retired

Gained MalignanciesPalsyDark HeartedIll-fortunedSkin AfflictionNight EyesMorbidWitch-MarkFell ObsessionHatredIrrational NauseaWasted FrameNight TerrorsPoor HealthDistrustfulMalign SightAshen TasteBloodlustBlackoutsStrange Addiction

Author: Lose 1d10 Agility
Author: Lose 1d10 Fellowship
Author: Lose 1d10 Intelligence
Author: Lose 1d10 Strength
Author: Lose 1d10 Toughness
Author: Lose 1d10 Perception
Page 8: 40K RPG Character Sheet 6.05

Insanity and Disorders

Insanity Mental Trauma Disorders102030405060708090

100 Retired

A Machine of FleshBruteClawed/FangedFeels no PainNightsiderTough HideVenomousRegenerationSonar SenseSturdy

Page 9: 40K RPG Character Sheet 6.05

Skill sheet XP Spent on Skills0

Name Stat Basic Trained +10 +20 SpecialismAcrobatics AgAwareness Per üBarter Fel üBlather FelCarouse T üCharm Fel üChem-Use IntCiphers Int - Rogue Trader - Mercenary Cant - Nobilite Encoding - Throne Agent - Inquisition - Astropath - UnderworldClimb S üCommand Fel üCommerce FelCommon Lore Int - Adeptus Arbites - Adeptus Astartes - Adeptus Astra Telepathica - Adeptus Mechanicus - Administratum - Ecclesiarchy - Imperial Creed - Imperial Guard - Imperial Navy - Imperium - Koronus Expanse - Machine Cult - Navis Nobilite - Orks - Rogue Traders - Tech - Underworld - WarConcealment Ag üContortionist Ag üDeceive Fel üDemolition IntDisguise Fel ü

Author: Once a skills is mastered at Ascension level you can still specialise to give a +10 bonus.
Page 10: 40K RPG Character Sheet 6.05

Dodge Ag üDrive Ag - Ground Vehicle - Skimmer/Hover - WalkerEvaluate Int üForbidden Lore Int - Adeptus Astartes - Adeptus Mechanicus - Archeotech - Daemonology - Heresy - the Inquisition - Mutants - Navigators - Pirates - Psykers - the Warp - Xenos - Ordos - Officio AssassinorumGamble Int üInquiry Fel üInterrogation WPIntimidate S üInvocation WPLip Reading PerLiteracy IntLogic Int üMedicae IntNavigation Int - Surface - Stellar - WarpPerformer Fel - Dancer - Musician - Singer - StorytellerPilot Ag - Personal - Flyers - Space CraftPsyniscience PerScholastic Lore Int - Archaic - Astromancy - Beasts

Page 11: 40K RPG Character Sheet 6.05

- Bureaucracy - Chymistry - Codex Astartes - Cryptology - Drusian Chronicles - Heraldry - Imperial Warrants - Imperial Creed - Judgement - Legend - Navis Nobilite - Numerology - Occult - Philosophy - Tactica ImperialisScrutiny Per üSearch Per üSecret Tongue Int - Administratum - Ecclesiarchy - Military - Navigator - Throne Agent - Rogue Trader - Tech - UnderdeckSecurity AgShadowing AgSilent Move Ag üSleight of Hand AgSpeak Language Int - Eldar - Explorator Binary - High Gothic - Low Gothic - Ork - Kroot - Stryxis - Tau - Hive Dialect - Ship Dialect - Techna-Lingua - Trader's CantSurvival IntSwim S üTactics Int - Air Combat - Armoured Tactics

Page 12: 40K RPG Character Sheet 6.05

- Assault Doctrine - Defensive Doctrine - Orbital Drop Procedures - Recon and Stealth - Void CombatTech-Use IntTracking IntTrade - Agri S - Apothecary Int - Archeologist Int - Armourer Ag - Artist Ag - Astrographer Ag - Chymist Int - Cryptographer Int - Explorator Int - Linguist Int - Remembrancer Ag or Int - Scrimshawer Int - Shipwright Int - Soothsayer Fel - Technomat Int - Trader Fel - Voidfarer Ag - Smith S - Tanner S - Valet Fel - Wright IntWrangling IntSkill Mastery (Ascension only) AcquiredAthletic Mastery Acrobatics, Climb, Contortionist, Dodge, Swim

Commerce Mastery Barter, Evaluate

Common Lore Mastery Common Lore (all skill groups)

Cryptological Mastery Ciphers (all skill groups), Secret Tongue (all skill groups)

Decadent Mastery Carouse, Gamble, Performer (all skill groups)

Charismatic Mastery Blather, Charm, Command

Driving Mastery Driving (all skill groups)

Fieldcraft Mastery Navigation (surface), Survival, Tracking, Wrangling

Forbidden Lore Mastery Forbidden Lore (all skill groups)

Investigation Mastery Inquiry, Interrogation, Intimidate

Linguistic Mastery Lip Reading, Literacy, Speak Language (High/Low Gothic, Ship Di

Observation Mastery Awareness, Scrutiny, Search

Piloting Mastery Pilot (all skill groups), Navigation (Stellar)

Scholastic Lore Mastery Logic, Scholastic Lore (all skill groups)

Shadow Craft Mastery Deceive, Disguise, Security, Sleight of Hand

Stealth Mastery Concealment, Silent Move, Shadowing

Tech Lore Mastery Chem-Use, Demolition, Medicae, Tech-Use

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Warp Lore Mastery Invocation, Psyniscience

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XP to Spend Basic

500 ###Tick box results

Misc Bonus TrainedXP Value ###


Author: If a skill is taken as an elite advance for a diffent XP cost to the one shown, put the difference in XP cost in here. i.e. If the cost shown is 200 and you get it for 300, put 100 in here.
Author: If you have a +5 bonus put 5 in this column. If it has an XP cost then put that value in the previous column.
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Acrobatics, Climb, Contortionist, Dodge, Swim #########

Ciphers (all skill groups), Secret Tongue (all skill groups) ###Carouse, Gamble, Performer (all skill groups) ###


Navigation (surface), Survival, Tracking, Wrangling ###Forbidden Lore (all skill groups) ###Inquiry, Interrogation, Intimidate ###Lip Reading, Literacy, Speak Language (High/Low Gothic, Ship Di###

###Pilot (all skill groups), Navigation (Stellar) ###Logic, Scholastic Lore (all skill groups) ###Deceive, Disguise, Security, Sleight of Hand ###Concealment, Silent Move, Shadowing ###Chem-Use, Demolition, Medicae, Tech-Use ###

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Character AnonymousCareer None chosen, see Character Generation Sheet

Rank 1


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XP to Spend 500

Err:502 Err:502

XP cost Bought0000000000000000000000000000000000000000

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KeyTalent available

Prerequisites not met

Talent possessed


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ShoppingSelect the items you own (put the quantity in the owned column and adjust the number carried if you don't carry them all)

For ammo - the quantity reflects the number of clips owned.

Owned Carried ItemBackpackCameleoline CloakCharmChronoClip/Drop HarnessClothingExplosive collarFiltration PlugsInfra-Red GogglesPhoto-Visors/ContactsRe-BreatherRecoil GloveRespirator/Gas-MaskVoid SuitBraid CloakSoul MaskHunting MustGloom EyeOcular CatechizerOpus MachinaAerial Pinions 4 lineAerial Pinions 6 lineRedole Re-breatherThermal GlovesJump PackMagbootsSelenite Void SuitSelenite Void Suit with ImpellorBackpack or Field SackDog TagsUniformSpider PadsGil FilterHolo VisorConsecrated ScrollsGrimoire of True NamesLitany Micro-BeadsNeural ScourgePsyocculumSoubrious Power PackUlumeathi Plasma SiphonUnguents or WardingNight Cloak

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Preysense GogglesShifting FabricSurvival SuitBlast GogglesRockhound Voidware SuitSlip SuitTargeting MonocleChalice of VisionAdamantine MantleDevotion ChainTabard Ornamental DW/Squad Heraldry Chapter HeraldryBlood Drop PendantGolden Icons Icon of Inspiration Wings of Wrath Purity Focus Robe Scholar's Robe Robe of Secrets Seeker's RobeWolf PeltRunic Totem Bloodied Hunter Sea Wolf Sun WolfTempest Amulet Amulet of Might Victory Scripture Guardian AmuletCingulum Adamantine Inlays Honor Belis Marks of LeadershipHeraldry ScrollHarnessJump PackMagbootsPsychic HoodBack BannerCharmChronoDilation FieldAmasecDe-ToxFrenzon

Page 52: 40K RPG Character Sheet 6.05

InjectorLho-sticksMedikitObscuraRation PacksRecafRotgut BoozeSacred Machine OilSlaughtSpookStimmFeral Healer's KitFeudal Healer's KitSleep DustSour MudStyckle OilBelly-ChurnSpirit TonicStyger MilkGorsk White GynQuaddis Wine Sorrowful VintageQuaddis Wine Golden TokayKataline MalmseyNight DustPanimmuneSlamSomnaVeritaThe Tears of the DragonDryas (per dose)PolygumRation GrubsCoral PastePloin JuiceCivilian Relief RationsCombat Ration PackDaily PrayersEmergency RationsLong Duration Ration PackCast SprayCounterseptic DrugsGhostfire ExtractHaloKickRainbowSynth-SkinToxin WandsDreamjuice

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Imperium's FervourMedkit(Advanced)high provendersacred unguentsThosophit's PhiltreTranqAttention SpannerBlushCold FirePloin JuiceRaenkaSpurWideawakeWhite VoidDe-ToxDeadlock (Toxin)Delay Agent (Toxin)Genophage (Toxin)InjectorNartheciumPain SuppressantRepair CementResuscitexSacred UnguentsAuspex/ScannerAuto QuillCombi-toolData-slateDemo ChargeExcruciator KitGlow-globe/Lamp packGrapnelLascutterMagnocularsManaclesMicro-beadMultikeyNavis PrimaPict RecorderPsy-FocusScreamersStummersVox-casterWriting KitCaltropCapsican TrapGlo-slug of DuskKill Stick

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Powder BombSkeleton KeySkem NetSmoke FlareSpark RocksSpine PickStink BombAxe-RakeCognomenForgery KitHeretic's Wake DeckHolo WaferMantle ShrinePenthrift Dreadfuls Basic SuperiorVox-PhonographCylinder Short-Range Long-RangeWard AccessorCogitator EmplacedCogitator PersonalGrey DeviceHolo-ProjectorIsotropic Fuel RodsGreater Icon of PassageCalixis Survival KitBeetle Tent 3 personBeetle Tent 6 personBeetle Tent Extra ArmourCamp WardersPoi-SavantShade-ServitorSky EyeEmergency KitMelta GelThe 9-70 Entrenching ToolBedrollCompass/Orienting DeviceHostile Weather GearInfantryman's Uplifting PrimerInfantry Lamp PackMess KitPersonal Grooming KitSandbagsTentTool Kit

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Weapon/ Gear StorageWeapon Maintenance KitWhistleNull BoxPsy-Jammer AmuletPsy-TrackerPrivacy FieldLine AscenderVox TrackerIntrusion SpiritTracking DeviceVox BugPict FlyPict-CasterAlmanac Astrae DivinitusArms CofferCalculance ArrayData-loom (Hadd-Pattern)DiagnostorGrav ChuteLord-Captain's BatonMefonte's OrthodoxyMulticompassRenumeration EngineVenom RingMurder CogitatorPrognosticaonSpeculum UmbraeQ'Orl Mind GrubBadge of OfficeBackpack Ammo/Power PackCerebral PlugGrav-ChuteSentinel ArrayAquila MagnificusBloodlock BoltBomb SprayConcealed HolsterDet-Cord, Det-TapeDisguise KitEmergency HabFirewaterFlak SprayFlex TentFlip-BeltGlidewingGravity GeneratorHab Base

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Lingua-Vox ServitorLong-Range AuspexNephitic AcidPerimeter SystemPhysik kitPlagueword VenomPower BoardPromethiumPsycrystalSkinplantStasis PodTravel Survival KitScreaming TourniquetStrait-CapeBlacklight ProjectorBlurshieldCaged SongbirdCarnelian SievestoneChronal EnergizerHolo-SuitStryxian CompactVoid AbacusWarp Jump PackChaplet EccleisasticusCiliceDialogous StaffEikonHospitaller Medicae ToolsLiber HeresiusLitanies of FaithPilgrim's Travel StaffPsyocculumReliquaryQuesting Pilgrim BadgeSeraphim Jump PackRing of SuffrageRule of SororitasSimulacrum ImperialisWitch CageCluster MineSignumSignum LinkAuspexCartographCodex AstartesCombi-ToolData SlateDemolition Charges

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ElucidatorLamp/Glow-GlobeLocus SeekerMagnocularsMelta BombMultikeyPict RecorderPsy-FocusReductorRestraintsScreamersStummersTeleport HomerVox-CasterCombat WebbingGrapnelGrav-ChuteAuto-Sense GogglesCamo-CloakCameleoline TarpaulinClavisDiagnosticatorInfiltriol EnamelGrav-FlaresLuminator Signal Flare CapsulesSiege AuspexStalker FlaresVivisection CageChain of ZealWings of SaronathBlacksnow CharmAugery MalificaThe Plecian TomeGang LeathersHeavy LeathersQuilted VestBeast FursGrox HidesChain CoatFeudal PlateXeno HidesBanded ArmourBoneBracersHeavy PlateScale ArmourScrag FursSilkmail

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Mirker's GreavesIron CollarBurnscour Beast HideFlak HelmetFlak GauntletsLight Flak CoatFlak VestFlak JacketFlak CloakGuard Flak ArmourFlak GreatcoatMask BodygloveBlur SuitFlak CoatFlak ArmourMesh CowlMesh GlovesXeno MeshMesh VestMesh Combat CloakHardened Body GloveVolcanis ShroudCarapace HelmCarapace VambracesCarapace GreavesEnforcer Light CarapaceCarapace Chest PlateStorm Trooper CarapaceMagistratum CarapaceBoarding ArmourWindrider CarapaceCameleoline Combat ArmourShock CarapaceCadian Kasrkin CarapaceJudge's CarapaceHospitaller CarapaceSanctified CarapaceScout ArmourCarapace ArmourDeathwatch Scout ArmourLight Power ArmourPower ArmourDragon ScaleLidhl Power ArmourIgnatus Power ArmourHeavy Power ArmourSororitas Powered ArmourMalleus Power Armour

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Malleus Terminator ArmourGrey Knight Power ArmourGrey Knight Terminator ArmourNemesis DreadknightAstartes Power ArmourArtificer ArmourTerminator ArmourArmour of the Remorseless CrusaderDiagnostor HelmetMk I "Thunder" ArmourMk II "Crusade" ArmourMk III "Iron" ArmourMk IV "Maximus" ArmourMk V "Heresy" ArmourMk VI "Corvus" ArmourMk VIII "Errant" ArmourAmulet of WardingRefractor Field Refractor Charge CellRosariusRefraction BracerRefraction Field (Brontian Pattern)Jokaerian FieldRefractor Field (Lathe)Rosarius (Maccabien)Icon of the Just (Daemonsbane)Null Blocker (Lathe)Archeotech Mirror ShieldConversion Field (Locke)Displacer Field (Mars)Eldar ForceshieldPower Field (Personal) (Ryza)Power Field (Vehicle/Emplacement)Refractor Field (Mars)Salvation ShieldCombat ShieldStorm ShieldIron HaloLevin ShieldRosariusSynskinEnvironmental body GloveSlither BootsWind ArmourArmoured BodygloveHolo-ArmourMecronid ArmourEldar Raider Armour

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FlexsteelThermalArd HatBoss PoleEavy ArmourIron GobSquighideFetish PouchKroot LeathersTotemBlessed Sackcloth TunicSanctified Chain CoatShield RobesCloaks of St. AspiraMantle of OpheliaVindicare Spy MaskVindicare Stealth SuitLaspistolLas CarbineLasgunLong LasMP LascannonCivitasDeath LightDrusus PrimeDueling LasMinerva -AegisPalantineSeries-S VenomSteel BurnerD'laku HellgunFuryHellgunHellpistolLaslockMark IIIMark IVMulti-LaserRoth PatternStormfrontTwin LasgunDigital LaserSynapse DisruptorArcheotech LaspistolBelasco Dueling PistolHellpistol (Lucius)Hellgun (Lucius)Las Gauntlets

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Lascarbine (Locke)Hellgun (Cadian)Hellpistol (Cadian)Assault LasgunMark IV DervishMezoa LascutterLascannonAutopistolStub RevolverStub AutoHand CannonAutogunHunting RifleShotgunPump-Action ShotgunCombat ShotgunHeavy StubberArmageddonArmsman-10BlackhammerCarnodonVI Crank CannonCreed-9EncarmineFate BringerFlametongueHack ShotgunHecuterMarietteMercy KillerMeat HammerNomadPhobos StubberPuritan-14Ripper ClipSalvationScalptakerSlayerSpectreSteadholderStormchildTalon Mark III54 TranterPanopticVanaheinIronclawNaval ShotcannonIrontalon

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Shotgun PistolAlcher Mark IVAssault CannonAutocannonDoreas PatternOrthlak Mark IVCatechistBaraspian Palm GunHell RifleSting-BluntHeavy Stubber(Orthlack)Heavy Stubber(Ursid)Naval Pistol(Mars)Assault StubberCivilian FirearmDisposable HandgunRipper PistolSniper RifleVoid SpeargunAstartes Assault CannonAstartes ShotgunAssault ShotgunBolt PistolBoltgunHeavy BolterAngelusMaulerSpitfireGarm PatternScourge BoltgunSacristan BolterBoltgun(Locke)Bolt Pistol(Ceres)Storm Bolter(Mars)Heavy Bolter(Solar)Malleus PsycannonStorm Bolter (Ryza)Bolter CaneSolo BoltgunGodwyn-De'az BolterGodwyn-De'az Storm BolterAstartes Storm BolterAstartes Bolt PistolBolter (Godwyn)Boltgun (Stalker)Combi-WeaponAstartes Heavy BolterStorm Bolter

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Skapulan BolterBolter (Hesh)Furious VengeanceGuardian Bolt PistolOctavio's BurdenRedemption of St. SulechUrion's DoomInferno PistolMeltagunMelta-CutterMulti-MeltaUltimoThermal LanceInferno Pistol(Mars)Meltagun(Mars)Meltagun(Mezoa)Thermal Lance(Mars)Multi-Melta(Mars)Hellax InfernusBeamer MeltagunSeraphim Inferno PistolInfernus PistolMeltagun (Vulkan)Multi-Melta (Maxima)Conflagration Infernus PistolConflagration MeltagunFirestorm Multi-MeltaPlasma PistolPlasma GunKronosPlasma BlasterPlasma CannonMark III SunfuryPlasma Pistol(Ryza)Plasma Gun(Mezoa)Plasma Cannon(Ryza)Plasma Pistol (Ryza)Plasma Gun (Ryza)Clovis Plasma GunWrath Plasma PistolAstartes Plasma CannonPlasma Gun (Ragefire)Astartes Plasma PistolDeathroarBarrage Plasma GunBarrage Plasma PistolPlasma Gun 438Hand Flamer

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FlamerDestroyerGas TorchTox SprayBurstStingrayHeavy FlamerVoss PatternHand Flamer(Mezoa)Flamer(Mezoa)Heavy Flamer(Locke)Assault FlamerSeraphim Hand FlamerAstartes IncineratorHeavy IncineratorAstartes FlamerAstartes Hand FlamerAstartes Heavy FlamerBalefire GunImmolation RifleTriflame VambraceBolasHand BowFlintlock PistolMusketBowSlingCrossbowIocanthos BlunderbussComposite BowDeuce PistolFedrid Rasor DiskFlick BowHeavy CrossbowLongbowSiskan MusketVibe SpearVolonx Bone BolasVolonx ThunderclapDrive NailerImpalerScrap CannonHaywire RifleBlunderbussHunting QuoitJavelinGrenade LauncherRPG Launcher

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Gorge GLDisposable LauncherGrenade Launcher(Mezoa)Grenade Launcher(Voss)Missile Launcher(Locke)Missile Launcher(Retobi)Auto LauncherBola LauncherDisposable Launcher (I)Hunter-Killer MissileMole MortarMortar (Voss)Mortar (Locke)Cyclone LauncherMissile Launcher (Soundstrike)Aux Grenade LauncherArmoursbane Missile LauncherFragKrakBlindPhoton FlashHallucinogenFire BombChoke GasNail BombBilge GrenadeFrag MissileInferno/ThermalKrak MissileMark III FGStunDet-Cord and TapeFycelineLimper MineMelta BombPromethiumPsyk-Out GrenadePsykotroke GrenadeRad GrenadeAnti-PlantFilamentPlasmaSmokeVirusOrk Pulsa MineBloodfireHaywireHowler

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KineticMinefield RoundStarflareScatter RoundStunnerTanglefootToxinBlind GrenadeFrag GrenadeAstartes Frag MissileIncendiary GrenadeIncendiary MissileAstartes Krak GrenadeAstartes Krak MissileNova GrenadePlasma GrenadePlasma MissileStasis GrenadeStun GrenadeEMP GrenadePhoton Flash GrenadeVortex GrenadeAnti-Plant GrenadeAnti-Plant MissileConcussion GrenadeConcussion MissileCryo GrenadeInhalation GrenadeHopper MineMelta BombMonoball GrenadeNeedle PistolWeb PistolNeedle RifleWebberAegis-RedbackGalvian NeedlerHypo PistolWidowerRad-CleanserShock BlasterSnare GunEmpyrian Brain MinesTyranicus Heavy WebberCrux Beam GunDartcasterDigi-laserDigi-melta

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Digi-needlerDigi-flamerGraviton GunKroot RifleShuriken CatapultShuriken PistolEldar Shuriken PistolEldar Avenger Shuriken CatapultEldar Ranger Long RifleEnoulian Shard PistolEnoulian Shard RifleOrk SluggaOrk ShootaOrk SnazzgunCallophean Psy-EngineMorgauth Burn CasterXenarch Death-ArcDigi-lasDigital ExplosivePurgatus CrossbowExecutor Pistol (Bolt)Executor Pistol (Needle)Exitus PistolExitus RifleMeritech CannonRazorweb LauncherRocketfire GunSonic RifleWeb GunHeavy WebberAssault GauntletEntropic AcceleratorLightning CannonQuill BlasterArgonite WhistlerDragon's BreathEldar BlasterEldar DeathspinnerEldar LasblasterEldar SunriflePulse PistolPulse RiflePulse CarbineLarn CuttersSplinter PistolSplinter RifleXenos Flechette BlasterBig Shoota

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BurnaDeffgunRokkit LauncherBomb SquigSploding SquigStikkbombStinkbombKroot Hunting RifleKrootbowConversion BeamerAstartes PsilencerAstartes PsycannonGatling PsilencerHeavy PsycannonDigital FlamerDigital LaserDigital MeltaSniper RifleAtomizer CannonGraviton CannonMk.IX Ultra-Pattern Sharpshooter's RifleSeismic Escalation DetonatorTechxorcism GunAstartes WebberCompactExterminatorExtra GripFire SelectorMelee AttachmentMonoRed-Dot LaserSilencerTelescopic SightLathe BladeAux GLDuplus Ammo ClipsForearm Weapon MountingTargeterTripod and BipodsSanctified WeaponMotion PredictorPhoto SightPreysense SightOmni-scopeSuspensorsVox OperatedSpoor TargeterCalamity Vent

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Exterminator CartridgeTox DispenserBigga BarrelBigga KlipKombi-ShootaKustom JobLoudenerMore ShootyRed LightSparky KnobzSpiky BitzSarissaAstartes Mono attachmentAstartes Chain attachmentDipole Mag-lockArrows/ QuarrelsShotBulletsShellsCharge Pack (pistol)Charge Pack (basic)Charge Pack (heavy)Fuel (pistol)Fuel (basic)Bolt ShellsMelta Canister (pistol)Melta Canister (basic)Overcharge PackPlasma Flask (pistol)Plasma Flask (basic)ExoticDumdumHot-shot ChargeInferno ShellsMan-Stopper BulletsHellgun BackpackSpitfire shellsHypo-pistol ammoRazor DartsDueling LasMariette cylindersHyper-Density PenetratorsTempest Bolt ShellsVoid RoundsBlaze Shotgun ShellsCatechist BoltBlessed AmmunitionPsycannon Bolts

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Cryptus Shotgun ShellsPsybolt AmmoPsyflame AmmoBackpack Ammo PackAmputator ShellsBleeder RoundsExpander RoundsExplosive Arrows/QuarrelsEmpyric null field generatorMorgauth ammoExecutioner Shotgun ShellsExitus RoundsExitus Hellfire RoundsExitus Shield-Breaker RoundsExitus Turbo-Penetrator RoundsAcid ShellsAirtorch CanisterMicroburst FlaskNephium Fuel TankOrgangrinder RoundsSnare ShellsToxic ShotTracer ShellsVoid RoundsDragonfire ShellsHellfire RoundsImplosion ShellsKraken RoundsMetal Storm RoundsStalker RoundsVengeance RoundsWitch BoltsBreaching RoundsIgnis RoundsPenetrator RoundsRazorweb AmmoShredder RoundsSlug RoundsAxeBrass KnucklesClubFlail*Great Weapon*GroxwhipImprovisedHammerKnifeThrowing Star/Knife

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ShieldSpear*SwordStaff*UnarmedBastard SwordBucklerChain-StickCutlassDouble Flail*Long-Sabre*Mirror ShieldMoon BladePunch DaggerSabreScythe*Spetum*Steam Drill*StilettoTower Shield(metal)Tower Shield(wood)Bolo KnifeDevil's KissEmperor's WhisperPunisher BatonRenderSigiliteArmoured GauntletBoarding Pike*Chimera Pistol SwordKraken Tooth DaggerMan-CatcherNaval ShieldShort SwordCombat KnifeGuard ShieldTrophy KnifeGarroteSieve BladeBlackwing HalberdGreat Hammer*Daggered VambracesQuicksilver BladeReliquary BladeSacred IncenseTruename StaffTruncheonWarhammer

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KinebladesCombat ShieldFalchionLacusta Hammer*Memory WireParrying DaggerSwordstick CaneBaptismal MaceDaemon Pike*Ecclesiarchy Corsesque*Fire Lance*Flame Hammer*Mancatcher*Praesidium ProtectivaScoriadaAxe of Retribution*Blade of Admonition*Astartes Combat KnifeCeremonial SwordSacris Claymore*Astartes Combat ShieldStorm ShieldSword of the Remorseless CrusaderDuty's EndThe Corroded FalchionRemembrance ShieldSalvation of CorreusChainswordChain AxeChain KnifeEviscerator*Crimson CrownDouble-Edged Chainsword*Drusian ChainswordAstartes ChainswordWitchbaneJaw of BloodcharnThe Krixian Chainglaive*Power BladePower SwordSerpintineEnergy BladeOmnissian AxePower FistPower Longsword*Witch LanceOmnissian Axe(Sollex)Power Axe(Mezoa)

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Power Fist(Mezoa)Power Maul(High)Power Sword(Mordian)Arbites Ultima-Pattern Power Maul (Low Power)Arbites Ultima-Pattern Power Maul (High Power)DaemonhammerPower StakeBurning BladeLoi Pattern Power Axe*Power DiscusThunder Hammer*Nemesis Force SwordNemesis Force HalberdNemesis Daemon HammerNemesis FalchionNemesis Warding StaveNemesis Greatsword*Nemesis DoomfistChainfistLightning ClawAstartes Power AxeAstartes Power FistAstartes Power SwordThunder HammerOmnissian Axe (Astartes)Frost BladeDeathwatch Relic Blade*Breaching AugerBulkhead Shears*Crozius ArcanumExecutioner Axe*Fist of DragosPower Claymore*Power FalchionPower Spear*SkyboltTeeth of The BlizzardShock MaulElectro-FlailLightning GauntletLightning Chain*Neural WhipOfficer's CutlassShock-StaffShock GauntletsConcussion MaceShock GloveShock-Staff (I)

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Shock KnucklesShock StarsSuppression ShieldBreacherVivisectorBulkhead CuttersFractal BladeGhost SwordHarlequin's KissOrk ChoppaOrk Choppa (I)Enoulian Whisper LineApostatic MatrixEmpyric Conduit BladeAether LanceDraethri Pain GauntletScythian Fury TalonNeuro-GauntletAgonizerEgerian Shard GlaiveKroot Rifle (melee)Eldar PowerswordForearm PowerbladeGalthite LaceratorInertial Hammer*Macro Hammer*Null RodSoft SwordBig Choppa*Grabba StickGrotwhipPower KlawForce AxeForce Staff*Force SwordNaduesh Force AxeNaduesh Force StaffNaduesh Force SwordAstartes Force Staff*Astartes Force SwordBionic Left Arm (Good)Bionic Right Arm (Good)Bionic Left Arm (Common)Bionic Right Arm (Common)Bionic Left Arm (Poor)Bionic Right Arm (Poor)Bionic Locomotion (Good)Bionic Locomotion (Common)

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Bionic Locomotion (Poor)Bionic Respiratory System (Good)Bionic Respiratory System (Common)Bionic Respiratory System (Poor)Auger ArraysBallistic MechadendriteCortex ImplantsCybernetic SensesManipulator MechadendriteMachinator ArrayMedicae MechadendriteMind Impulse UnitOptical MechadendriteUtility MechadendriteChem Implants Chem GlandsChem Implants Injector RigConcealed Weapon Bionic (Poor)Concealed Weapon Bionic (Common)Concealed Weapon Bionic (Good)Hermetic Infusion (Common)Hermetic Infusion (Good)Mining Helot AugmeticsThe Rite of SeteshVehicle Interface CircuitsPsy-Jammer ImplantAugmented SensesBaleful EyeBionic HeartCalculus Logi UpgradeCranial ArmorLocator MatrixMemorance ImplantMIU Weapon InterfaceRespiratory Filter ImplantScribe-tinesSubskin ArmorSynthetic Muscle GraftsSynthetic Muscle Grafts (Best)VoidskinVolitor ImplantVox ImplantMalygrisian BioforgingTransgenic GraftingPlasma Cutter MechadendriteServo-ArmBlackbone BracingGastral BionicsInternal Blade

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Internal Power CellPain WardVitae SupplementAstartes Servo-ArmServo-HarnessBionic Hand

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Select the items you own (put the quantity in the owned column and adjust the number carried if you don't carry them all)

Total Weight of items carried

DescriptionHolds stuff up to 50kg+20 to concealment; when standing still, wearer counts as one Range bracket further away when targeteddepending on charm, could lead to lucky moments at DM discretionkeeps time+30 to climb tests to descend, cannot fallshows stance and worthFit on Helpless or Unconscious target; can explode remotely up to 1k, kills wearer, deals 1d10X Blast(3), removal without the trigger is -20 Tech-use

+20 toughness to resist gassesNo penalties due to darkness, +20 to vision based percep tests at night. Advanced can look like simple glassesgain dark sight trait, good quality make immune to flash grenadesimmune to gases and can breath underwater. Canisters last an hour before being replaced, cost 25 thrones and are scarcecan fire basic weapon with one hand without penalty+30 to toughness tests to resist gas, may re-roll if failedfull suit with rebreather, can survive in a vacuum+10 on concealment test when in forest or jungle terrain, +1 AP(primitive)cool oversized mask-20 on perception test to detect wearer by smell, lasts 1d10 hoursScarce on Volg, glow like a candle, counts as superior charm, +10 to avoid pinning+10 to literacy, lore, and search where close examination is needed. Failure by 4 or more degrees, gain one fatigue, can record onto data slate

need common lore (machine cult) skill, +10 to fellowship on followers of machine cultharness that allows traversing below ceilings, half normal speedag test to move normal speedhelmet that draws oxygen from water to stay under indefinitely. Expires after 10 years, no protection from airborne toxins, must keep gills wet

protect from cold, can use for +10 tech-use to power old data slates and such, can charge a lasgun charge pack for 1d5 shots

use pilot(jump pack) skill, softens falls, Flyer(12) trait for 1 minute, power lasts 1 hour or strain before replacinghalve movement and ag, in low or no grav no penalty as long as he can walk.last 10 hours in space, internal vox-link, seal patching kit, compact grapnel, photo-visor, 3AP to body, arms, legs, 4AP to head, -10 to agpropel through open space with movement of 6, don’t work in normal gravitycan serve as body bagName and Rank tags worn by soldiersSuitably styled clothing+30 to climb, +10 on scree, talus, or similarsynthetic gill to breath underwater, needs constant immersiondetects infra-red laser on gun that can only be seen in visor, kind of bulkyOne off use to reroll on the Psychic Phenomena tableResearch True Name (-20 forbidden lore Daemonology) to auto confirm Righteous fury. Lasts 2d10+Int bonus daysTune into 1 of 3 channels to grant various effects (Chem Geld, Jaded or +10 vs mind control). Count as deafened.Grants +20 to interrogation tests ro does 1d5 damage to target.Able to see psychic effects with +10 Awareness test. Non psychic effects are at -20 to spot. Gain fatigue after 1 min.Sanctified. Triggers warp instability.Plasma weapons within 10m suffer -30 BS and lose volatile traitWhen applied grants +20 vs Daemonic fear and +10 WP vs psychic effects. Lasts 1 month.absorbs light and emits no heat, toughness test or suffer fatigue after every hour, +30 to concealment when in dark

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no penalty in darkness, +20 to vision based percep tests at nightlike Rorschach's mask from watchmen but colorful+20 to toughness test against extreme weatherProtects eyes from shrapnel and bright lightContains enough air for 15 hours of operations. Applies -5 to user's Agility. Gain Fly (3) in low or zero gravity.Grants +10 to escape Grapple, and opponents take -10 to Grapple.May be a kind of sight (details on pg 133). -30 Scrutiny to determine true purpose. Counts as weapon's sight.Chapter Relic of the Blood Angels. Gain +10 to all WS, BS, and Skill Tests and Unnatural Perception for 1 Hour. Page 167 for more details.

Deathwatch Relic. Negates two points of AP from incoming attacks. Gain +10 to Opposed WS Tests to Feint, and if Defensive Stance is taken, foes suffer an additional -10 to hit.

Chapter Trapping. Grants +3 to WP Tests to resist Fear effects and Cohesion DamageChapter Trapping. 3 Varieties. Grants +2 to Fel Tests. Restores 1 bonus Cohesion per Primary Obj. Completed.Adds 1 to Squad's effective rank for determining BT Solo Ability Effectiveness, but lose 1 Base CohesChapter Trapping. May add +13 to tests when spending a Fate Point instead of +10.Chapter Trapping. 3 Varieties.Grants +3 to Command Tests. Adds +1 Damage if making a Charge Attack.Reduces total incoming Corruption Points by 1. Chapter Trapping. 3 Varieties. Grants +3 to one kind of S. Lore test. (Add manually on skills sheet)Grants +3 to one kind of F. Lore test. (Add manually on skills sheet)Grant's +3 to all Scrutiny Tests.Chapter Trapping. Grants +2 to all Intimidate Tests.Chapter Trapping. 3 Varieties.Adds +1 to any RF Damage.Adds +3 to any tests with a single Drive or Pilot Test. (Add manually to skills sheet)Adds +3 to all Awareness Tests.Chapter Trapping. 3 VarietiesAdds +2 S after all mods.Adds +2 WS when fighting in single combat.Counts as a charmChapter Trapping. 3 Varieties. Adds +3 to Parry Tests. Grants +3 on first WS attack roll in combat. Grants +3 to any tests made to regain Cohesion or prevent its loss.Chapter Trapping. Add +10 Kill Markers to any Assault Mission where it was displayed at least once in battle.Grants +30 to Climb Tests, will not fall if failed.May double base movement with short jump in any direction, ignoring obstacles. May have Flyer (12) for up to one minuteReduce Ag by half when in use. Allows normal movement in low/zero-g.Read page 171 for details.Regain additional point of Cohesion when Kill-Team Leader spends a Fate Point to restore a point of Cohesion.Acts as a charm.Time piece.Read page 172 for details.alcohol drinkimmediately removes all drug effects, stunned for 1d10-TB as you expel all you can inside youbecome fearless and gain frenzy talent. Lasts 1d10 minutes

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inject drugs, full actioncigs+20 to medicae test, 6 doses of stimm and other suppliesillegal recreational drugFOODbasically teabasic boozefull action to make a gun immune to jamming for its clip size. If already jammed it unjams but is no immuneincrease Ag and Per by 3 for 2d10. afterwards test toughness or take -20 to ag and per for 1d5 hourssee pg149lasts 3d10 rounds, ignore negative effects from damage and can not be stunned, wears off leaving -20 to str, toughness and ag+10 medicae test+10 medicae test10 toughness test or 1d10 minutes later fall into a deep sleep for 1d5-TB in hours+10 medicae tests for disease and fevers, full action to stop blood lossApply to melee weapon or primitive firearm. Reroll any failed test to prevent breaking or jamming, lasts 1d10+4 attacks or 12 hours

Cheese that curdled in an animals stomach+10 bonus on fear tests, -10 int, lasts 1d5 hours, addictive+20 resistance to toxins, lasts 1d5 hours, toughness test or lose one point in toughness-20 Carouse to drinkImitation of the best wine in CalixisThe best wine in CalixisHoly Grail of WineSend victims to sleep and causes insanity+30 toughness to resist toxin and disease and carouse tests, lasts 1d5+1 hours, afterwards is fatigued.x2 str and toughness for 1d5 rounds, afterwards permanently lose 1d5 str and ag-10 medicae to use properly, 4 degrees in failure result in death, success means death-like trace for 1d10 days-10 wp tests and -20 percep tests for 3d10 minutes, experiences visions and altered perception, after dose wp test or 1d5 insanity, if gained insanity then 20% chance of 1d5 corruption

-10 WP test or 1d10+10 insanity, gain fearless, permanently reduce fellowship by 1d10lasts 3 days, +20 to survival in arid, half water needed, -10 str and percep, -5 fellowship, extended use cause damagedoes too many things, pg 154 Inq HandbookEnough nutrients for a day, bad for long term dietcovers ships on Spectorin to mask nature from dangerous wildlife, abundant on spectorinPopular space juiceBarely keeps someone alive, literal brick of foodStandard Ration for battlecontains prayers on edible paper, step above relief rationlike standard with higher energySpray on cast, reduces difficulty of medicae test to stop blood loss by one step+20 to resist disease or infections for 6 hoursgives Fearless and frenzy talents and unnatural agility(x2). Lasts 2d10minutes. Take one point of damage+10 to resist Fear and Pinning, -10 Perception, lasts 1d10 hoursremoves fatigue and immune to fatigue for 2d10 rounds, afterwards 1d5 levels of fatiguereroll any failed test to resist disease or toxin, stops blood loss, toughness or take 1d5 damage, ignore ap and TBfull action, stops blood lossdetermine if someone is poisoned with perception test, 2 degrees of success identifies antidoteGrants +10 Int and -20 WP for half an hour. -10 Perception afterwards

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For 24 hours reduce fear tests by 1 level, reduce insantity gained by 2 (min 1), -10 Per+20 to Medicae Test, can be used without training in skillHigh scale foodfull action to apply to weapon, becomes immune to jamming, for 1 clip, if applied to jammed weapon, immediately unjamsSophisticated liquornumbing low-hive alcoholTake -10 WP test to focus. If they pass, all Intelligence tests are at +30 for 3d10 Rounds. If they fail, -20 for 3d10 rounds as you focus on something irrelevant.

Red space wine. Causes drinker to glow faintly when drunk.Gain Battle Rage Talent for 3d10 rounds per dose.Requires -10 Carouse Test to avoid extreme drunkenness (fatigue)Space BrandyDose lasts 2d10 minutes, during which user cannot be stunned and takes no Fatigue. Test for side affects afterwards.Nullifies one level of Fatigue for 1d5 hours. After drug wears off, gain an additional level of Fatigue.Gain +20 WP for 1d10 minutes per dose. If used more than twice a week, take -20 WP test or become addicted, requiring daily use.Ends and renders immune toxins, poison, gases, and other such effects for 1d10 rounds. Injected manually.Take -10 Toughness Save or suffer 1d10 temporary S Damage, plus further 1d10 per DoF.Delays the effect of any drug or toxin by 1d5 hours.May not be requisitioned. Must be custom made. Attacks specific target onlyMay hold a single dose of drug that can be administered by a Full Action.Grants +20 to Medicae Tests on Space Marines. Raises threshold of Lightly Wounded to 3 times patient's Toughness Bonus. Doubles amount healed by First-Aid.

Allows a character to ignore Critical Effects for 1d10 Rounds. May be used in Sacrament of Renewal to refill power Armour injectors with +10 Tech-Use Test.

Only for Reqs deemed excessive. Used to restore integrity of Power Armour. Takes one round.Immediately wakes an unconscious character.Makes weapon immune to Jamming for a number of shots equal to clip size. May be applied to Jammed weapon to Unjam it.+20 to awareness, tech-use test to detect things not normally detected, gasses, biosigns, radiation. Range 50m+10 to trade(copyist)+10 to tech-usehold digital info3d10X+2xweight. Blast area is weight x5, for setting pg101+20 to Interrogationilluminate area of dozen or more meters, lasts 1d5 hours before needing rechargefires grapple hook with 100m wire line attached, can be used as a crude one shot crossbowcan cut or weld 10cm a turn, altering time for thickness, not combat capablebinoculars with a cooler namehandcuffscomm device with range of 1km, range can be reduced+30 to security when opening lockscontain interstellar maps of safe warp trails, good craftsmanship is +10 to stellar tests, best give +20 stellarvideo camera+10 invocation tests for psykersproximity alarm that detect motion or sound, to use, tech-use test, GM rolls in secret. Device has Per 75 for detecting. Makes noise up to 1km

opposite of screamer, nullifies sound, +30 to silent move test, last about 20 minutes, recharge takes about an hourcomm device to send signals over great distance, ordinary (+10) tech-use testcontains what would be expectedCovers 2x2m, if victim has no AP on feet, hit by toxic. Anyone walking takes difficult ag test, success halves movement, fail quarters. Remains until medical treatment

-10 ag test, failure sets off trap, 1d10E. Second ag test, failure means caught on firelights area of meters equal to the number of slugs put togetherstepping into area, AG test or take 1d10+2R

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Thrown weapon with range of 10m with smoke quality, caught in blast must test toughness or gain one level of fatigue. Lasts 2d10 rounds

used to open all doors in regionnet with toxic and snare traitsthick black smoke covers 40m area, clears in 1d5 to 2d10 minutesstart fires even when wet, packing together may cause sparks+10 to climb, or improvised weaponThrown weapon, 10m range, fills 8m diameter with gas, exposure takes toughness test each round or get one level of fatigue+10 to Climb test and forcing doors and locks. Melee weapon for 1d10+2I or R with primitive and Unbalancedhiver ID card+10 to Trade(copyist) or tech-use to copy, forge, or fabricate (+20 when Good, +30 when Best Craftsmanship)Heretical card gameAssassin "calling cards"Portable shrineanti Xenos propagandadetects radiation, airborne toxins, and pollutants. Beeps when there is dangerdetects radiation, airborne toxins, and pollutants. +10 tech-use to identify dangerplays video cylinder double price to record video and play video from other sourcesContains videosdata-slate sizedbackpack sizedBlank Security Cardanalyze and process vast data, +20 to tests. Failure leads to inaccuracies+10 to test in analyzing data-slatesheretical prognostication device -30 test to locate, cant with tech priests aroundProjection deviceConcentrated Power Source that can last several weeks.Set of Multikeys, +10 security tests to disable alarms and communicate to machine spirits+10 to survival testsArmoured tents AP 8 (primitive), minor camouflageArmoured tents AP 8 (primitive), minor camouflageIncrease AP to 12Advanced caltrops, bestial trait creature -20 WP or flee+20 tech-use to use, detects if food is edible. Failure gives inconclusivefans owner to resist heatrecon device that can scout radius up to 15km, Flyer(8) trait, -30 to detect, can withstand single point dmg before destructionContains useful survival gearpaste that can cut through metalnasty improvised weaponincludes blankets

lasts 1d5+5 on standard charge, hold or attach to bayonet lug

can make pillowfits two, waterproof, reflective on one sidefor maintenance and routine repair

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portable stasis field in box, all time and motion in box stops creating psychic dead zone+20 to resist psychic powers and +10 to resist possession, no effect on psychic attacks that inflict direct damage

5m radius area that blocks sound, vox, and pict-castingfull action to move ag bonus on a rope line, half action to disengage2d5 rounds to assemble, needs strong enough signal, quality of direction depends on tech-use testone time use of +30 to security or tech-use to beat lock or security system with porttracking device size of coin, attaches to most anything, removed with relative easerecords and transmits sound to user up to 1kmbroadcasts video and poor quality sound to pict-casterPlayback device+10 to Navigation, pilot, scholastic lore(astromancy) or trade(astrographer) where info relevantGun carrying case+10 to commerce skill tests+10 to logic tests, can use to reduce research and investigation times at dms discretion+20 to medicae or perception to detect ailment, success indicates proper treatmentslows falls, can hover for one minute, hour of use uses all the powersee page 145 of Rogue Trader+10 to charm tests involving religious oratory or inspiration and an imperial audience+10 to survival and navigation (land) testsattempts to sleight of hand or other distraction suffer -30 where engine is used, needs techpriests to constantly attend-20 to tests to detect user introducing poison into food or drinktech use, retrieves specific info, then destroys whatever its connected to1d10 Corruption, sacrifice 8 people, answers 8 questions about the future, pg 193 Radicals handbook for moresummon souls of the dead to answer questions, pg 195 Radicals handbookDominates Psyker's mind, causes insanityRepresents a Throne Agent's authority by the Holy OrdosWorn like a backpack, can carry 25kg. Ammo store of 1 of the following: 300 las shots (150 for hell las); 80 plasma and melta charges; 200 bolt or SP rounds; or 60 shots of flame

Allows user to work with tech directly through his mind.Worn like a backpack, uses anti-grav to slow descent.Complex sensor array that must be used with a cerebral plug or other mind link device. Grants awareness bonuses.10m tall beacon that summons calls local Minostorum vessels to come and bring the planet into the fold.Complicated chest that uses a combination of the owner's blood with the right dosages of drugs to unlock.Spray on explosives. Does 1d5+3X per kilogram used and a blast radius of 2 meters per kg. Conceals gun. Common and good impose -20 to tests to discover, while best also allows the weapon to be drawn as a free action.Inflicts 1d5X per KG, with 5 meters blast per kg. Best does 1d5+1.Grants +20 to use disguise; Best grants +30 instead.Tent for 3 people. Stiffens when exposed to water. Good and Best can hold 4 and 6 people, respectively.Spontaneously ignites on contact with oxygen. Explodes for 1d10E per Kg, blast radius of 2m per Kg. Those caught in blast must make Agility Test or catch fire.

Makes any clothing act as guard flak for 3d10 rounds.2 person tent, erected with a small electrical charge. Good and best hold 3 and 4, respectively.Grants Hover (6), and +20 on Agility Tests. Requires Pilot (Personal) to use. All are good craftsmanship or better.Grant Flyer (12), but require Pilot (Personal) and launch from 15 meters or higher. Best grants +10 to use.Area of effect version of grav-plating. Turn an area into a certain value of gravity, usually Holy Terra standard.pg 136 for info

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Servo-Skull that translates. Counts as having all Speak Language skills as Basic Skills. Best quality can decipher Secret Tongues.Counts as a regular auspex except it can scan up to 5km and through 1m thick walls. Good craftsmanship has 10km range; Best grants +30 to awareness tests.

Grey-green paste that eats up to 5cm of 1 square meter of adamantium in a single round, deals 2d10+10E damage. Becomes inert after this. Must be contained in pure silicate glass.

Creates a field that does 2d10+6E with Shocking to anyone who passes through it. Must have other pylons. Good and Best craftsmanship versions do an additional 1d10 damage.

Grants +10 to first-aid medicae. Best grants +20.Weapon coated with this gains Toxic for 1d5 rounds. In addition, if target fails Toughness Test, suffers 1d10 Agility damage. No craftsmanship level.

Fancy hoverboard. Grants Flyer (15), requires Pilot (Personal)Common Fuel. Explosion does 1d10E per Kg, with 4m blast per Kg. Agility Test of catch fire if caught in blast.Glows when psychic powers are used or someone is being targeted by psychic powers within 5 meters.Like an electroo, but just under the skin. Can be a chrono, lamplight, etc. Anything non-mechanical.Will preserve one humanoid sized item as long as power is maintained. Grants +10 to Survival tests. Good and best craftsmanship provide +20 instead.High-Tech tourniquet. Grants +10 to medicae to stop blood loss. Good and best grant +20 instead.Strait Jacket. Can be used with thrown weapon but gives inaccurate and snare. -10 on all tests to escape.Bathes area in human visible spectrum in complete blackness. -40 to all vision based perception tests in area.Imposes -20 penalty on all BS tests made to attack the wearer. Warns of Gellar Field Failure 1d10 rounds prior to it happening. May also warn of a Daemon in 10 meters, though this is up to the GMFilters a liquid into its purest form.User may take two full actions per round (including two attacks). During the subsequent round, he may take no actions and suffers 1 level of fatigue.

Impose -20 to all BS and WS tests targeting user. Grants +30 to concealment if stationary, and forces a further -20 to all ranged attacks.

Contract in alien script signifying owner as a trusted trading partner of the Stryxis. Grants +20 to all Interaction tests with Stryxis.Can integrate with ship's auspex and drive systems to allow the crew to plan short warp jumps without the aid of a navigator.Allows user to move up to 4d10 meters. May cause corruption and insanity.If openly displayed, may re-roll failed Charm Tests against Ecclesiarchy Member of equal or lower status (GM's discretion)Grants +10 to WP to resist Fear, Charm, Intimidation, or other kinds of social manipulation. May cause fatigueFitted with a Laud hailer and audio recording device. Counts as a staff in combat. +10 to understand sounds at a distance.Small portrait, usually of the Emperor.Counts as a medi-kit with 2 doses of De-Tox and 2 doses of Stimm.May only be issued to the most trusted of Witch Hunters. Provides a +20 on Research involving F. Lore (Cults, Heresy)A complete copy provides +20 on Research involving C. Lore (Ecclesiarchy) and S. Lore (Imperial Creed). Abridged editions only provide +10.

Simple staff, usually with a hook on the top for hanging symbology. A form of photo-visor. May visually detect psykers as if the user had Psyniscience +20. Requires a Full Action.Some form of container for a relic or image.Small badge for pilgrims representing a person or event. Requires Pilot (Personal/Jump Pack) and Sororitas Power Armour. Flyer (12).Designed to cause minor discomfort when twisted. Counts as a charm.Grants +10 to all C. Lore Tests made on the subject of Ecclesiarchy, Heretics, Mutants, or the Adepta Sororitas.If openly displayed, any characters in 20m that spend fate points recover them on an d10 8+. Characters with over 20 Corruption do not benefit.

Reduces wearer's effective Psy Rating by 4, and takes -40 to Invocation Tests. Wearer is considered Blind and Deaf.Read page 173 for details.Receive +5 to all BS tests while in Squad Mode with Marine carrying Signum. Tech-Use to add +10BS next round.Join with marine carrying Signum in Squad Mode to gain the effect of Ganging Up, regardless of ranged or melee combat, gaining effect for both BS and WS.

+20 to awareness, tech-use test to detect things not normally detected, gasses, biosigns, radiation. Range 50mGrants +10 to all Navigation (Surface) checks if connected to some form of data. May contain maps and 3d projectors.The Codex Astartes, Pocket Edition.Grants +10 to Tech-Use tests.Holds data.Does 3d10 Damage plus 2 Damage per extra KG and a radius of 3 meters per kilogram. Uses Demolition skill to plant or defuse.

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Translates languages based on Low Gothic. May make -20 Logic Test to translate alien languages.Provides light for dozens of meters. Lasts 1d5 hours.Page 175 for Details.High-tech binoculars.Must be planted to be effective. Sticks to metallic surfaces with magnets. Anything that survives must make an Ag Save or be set on fire.Grants +30 to Security Tests when trying to open locks.Records video.Gain +10 Bonus on making an Invocation test.Reduces time to remove Progenoids gland to 1 Round per gland (2 for full recovery). May be used in melee with 1d10+2R Pen 10, don't add S Bonus.

Used to restrain targets. Strong enough to hold even an Ork.proximity alarm that detect motion or sound, to use, tech-use test, GM rolls in secret. Device has Per 75 for detecting. Makes noise up to 1km

opposite of screamer, nullifies sound, +30 to silent move test, last about 20 minutes, recharge takes about an hourAllow a teleportarium to focus in on an individual and his squad. Long-range communicator. Requires tech-use test to communicate through interference. A load bearing web vest. Page 144 has a list of suggestions that could be attached.Fires a hooked or magnetic grapnel from a bolt pistol. It is connected to the launcher with a thin but strong 100m wire. May climb manually, or using an inbuilt motor.

May be utilized by Space Marine Scouts if a more subtle entry is needed. Allows a safe fall from any height. Combines the effects of a photo-visor, preysense, has a pict-corder, 5x optical zoom, 5x micro-magnification, and color filters. Grants +20 to allied artillery BS checks.

Grants +20 to all Concealment checks. When stationary, count as one range bracket further.A 5x5 meter sheet of cameleoline. May be hooked together to hide anything. Grants +30 to concealment checks. Special vambrace worn by Deathwatch Keepers. Allows wearer to unseal, open, override, and generally pass through any lock and automated defense system.

A handheld cogitator device. Grants +20 to all Tech-Use tests to diagnose or repair malfunctioning equipment.Masks smell with gaunt pheromones of Hive Fleet Dagon. More details on page 145. Small flares that hover at high altitude and illuminate an area 10km in diameter for 2d10 minutes. They come in red, white, green, gold, and blue.

A small beacon that can either provide steady illumination or flash rapidly.A powerful auspex that can scan through materials to find weak points. Generally only scans through 20m of solid material.Invisible markers, only viewable through preysense and photo-sights, or through auto-senses.A clawed arm mount. Grants +10 to Medicae, Intimidate, and Intimidate checks. May be used as a weapon that deals 1d5+5R with Tearing and Toxic.

Black Templar Relic. Must requisition with a 20 req or less weapon. Grants +10 to Fear and Pinning tests, and +1 to effective rank for BT Solo Ability.

Blood Angel Relic. Functions as jump pack, except it triples move rate. Grant +20 to Command and fellowship in dealings with Blood Angels.

Space Wolf Relic. Grants +5 strength when fighting Orkz, counts as a charm.Deathwatch Relic. Acts like a regular auspex, but grants +30 to awareness tests to detect Daemons, but only +5 to detect others. Further abilities at GM's discretion.

Deathwatch Relic. May only be requisitioned by Techmarines. Grants +10 to F. Lore (Adeptus Mechanicus), and +2d10 to Tech-Use (roll each time).

AP 1 - Arms, Body, LegsAP 2 - Arms, Body, LegsAP 2 - BodyAP 2 - BodyAP 3 - BodyAP 3 - Arms, Body, LegsAP 5 - AllAP 6 - BodyAP 3 - Arms, Body, LegsAP 2 - Arms, Body, LegsAP 1 - Arms, Body, LegsAP 6 - AllAP 3 - Arms, Body, LegsAP 2 - BodyAP 3 - Arms, Body, Legs

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AP 4 - LegsAP3 - Head (-10 Dodge, AP5 vs critical)AP 6 - BodyAP 2 - HeadAP 2 - ArmsAP 2 - Arms, Body, LegsAP 3 - BodyAP 3 - Arms, Body, LegsAP 3 - AllAP 4 - AllAP 4 - Arms, BodyAP 2 - Body, Arms, LegsAP 2 - AllAP 3 - Arms, Body, LegsAP 4 - AllAP 3 - HeadAP 3 - ArmsAP 4 - Arms, Body, LegsAP 4 - BodyAP 4 - AllAP 3 - Arms, Body, LegsAP 3 - AllAP 4 - HeadAP 5 - ArmsAP 5 - LegsAP 5 - Arms, Body, LegsAP 6 - BodyAP 6 - AllAP 5 - AllAP 5 - Body, HeadAP 6 - BodyAP 5 - AllAP 6 - Body, Arms, LegsAP 6 - AllAP 5 - AllAP 5(4) - All (Head)AP 6 - AllAP 6 - Body, ArmsAP 6 - AllAP 7(5) - Body, Arms (Legs)AP 7 - AllAP 8 - AllAP 8 - AllAP 6 - AllAP 8 - AllAP 9 - AllAP 7(8) - Arms, Legs, Head (Body)AP 9 - All

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AP 12 - AllAP 8(10) - Arms, Legs, Head (Body)AP 14 - AllAP 15 - AllAP 8 and 10 - AllAP 12 - AllAP 14 - AllAP 12 - AllAP 8 - HeadAP 4, 6, 8 - Legs, Arm/Head, BodyAP 7 and 9 - AllAP 9 and 10 (6) - AllAP 7 and 9 - AllAP 8 and 9 - AllAP 8 and 9 - AllAP 8 and 11 - AllAP special - AllAP special - All

AllAP 30 - AllAP 30 - AllAP 70 - Psychic attacks onlyAP 30 - AllAP 50 - AllAP 55 - AllAP 60 - AllAP 60 - Arm and BodyAP 50 - AllAP 55 - AllAP 75 - AllAP 80 - AllAP 80 - AllAP 30 - AllAP 70 - One locationAP 25 - ArmAP 55 - Arm and BodyAP 50 - AllAP 55 - Arm and BodyAP 50 - AllAP 2 - AllAP 1 - AllAP 3 - LegsAP 3 - AllAP 3 - Arms, Body, LegsAP 4 - AllAP 7 - AllAP 5 - All

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AP 4 - Arms, Body, LegsAP 3 - AllAP 2 - HeadHeadAP 4 - Body, LegsAP 2 - HeadAP 3 - Body, Arms, Legs

AP 2 - All

AP 2 - BodyAP 4 - Arms, BodyAP 3 - Arms, Legs, BodyAP Adds 3 - All

Details on pg 147Details on pg 14730m S/-/- 1d10+2E 0 30 Full Reliable60m S/2/- 1d10+2E 0 40 Full Reliable100m S/3/- 1d10+3E 0 60 Full Reliable150m S/-/- 1d10+3E 1 40 Full Accurate, Reliable300m S/-/- 5d10+10E 10 5 2Full 25m S/2/- 1d10+1E 0 25 Full Reliable80m S/3/- 1d10+5E 2 18 Full 100m S/2/- 1d10+3E 0 50 Full 30m S/-/- 1d10+4E 4 1 Full Accurate, Tearing60m S/4/8 1d10+2E 0 40 Full Reliable20m S/3/- 1d10+2E 0 20 Full Reliable10m S/-/- 1d10+1E 0 15 30m S/-/- 1d10+4E 2 10 Full 100m S/3/5 1d10+3E 4 40 2Full 20m S/2/5 1d10+2E 0 30 Full Reliable110m S/3/- 1d10+4E 3 40 3Full 35m S/2/- 1d10+3E 3 20 2Full 70m S/-/- 1d10+4E 0 1 Full Unreliable100m S/3/- 1d10+3E 0 60 Full Reliable70m S/2/- 1d10+3E 0 15 Full Accurate, Reliable250m -/-/10 3d10+3E 4 60 3Full 120m S/2/- 1d10+2E 0 60 Full Reliable100m S/3/- 1d10+3E 0 60 Full Reliable100m S/2/- 1d10+4E 0 18 Full Tearing, Unreliable4m S/-/- 1d10+3E 7 1 Special Reliable40m S/-/- Special 0 10 2 Full90m S/3/- 1d10+3E 2 70 Full Accurate, Reliable45m S/-/- 1d10+5E 4 1 Full Accurate35m S/2/- 1d10+4E 7 40 2Full 110m S/3/- 1d10+4E 7 30 2Full 50m S/4/- 1d10+4E 1 20 Full Reliable

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60m S/2/- 1d10+3E 0 40 2Full Reliable50m S/3/- 1d10+4E 7 30 2Full 20m S/2/- 1d10+4E 7 40 2Full 50m S/-/5 1d10+3E 0 120 2Full Reliable25m S/4/- 1d10+3E 0 20 Full Reliable5m S/-/- 2d10+3E 6 10 2Full 300m S/-/- 5d10+10E 10 6 2Full Proven(3)30m S/-/6 1d10+2I 0 18 Full 30m S/-/- 1d10+3I 0 6 2Full Reliable30m S/3/- 1d10+3I 0 9 Full 35m S/-/- 1D10+4i 2 5 2Full 90m S/3/10 1d10+3I 0 30 Full 150m S/-/- 1d10+3I 0 5 Full Accurate30m S/-/- 1d10+4I 0 2 2Full Scatter, Reliable30m S/-/- 1d10+4I 0 8 2Full Scatter, Reliable30m S/3/- 1D10+4i 0 18 Full Scatter120m -/-/10 1d10+4I 3 200 2Full 100m S/2/6 1D10+4i 0 15 Full Reliable35m S/3/- 1d10+3I 0 13 Full 20m S/-/- 2d10I 0 1 2Full Inaccurate, Scatter35m S/3/- 1d10+4I 2 6 Full Accurate70m -/-/5 1d10+5I 0 100 3Full Unreliable50m S/3/10 1d10+3I 0 35 Full 20m S/3/8 1d10I 0 24 Full 40m S/-/- 1d10+3I 2 5 2Full Accurate, Reliable20m S/-/- 1d10+6I 0 2 2Full Primitive, Reliable10m S/-/- 1d10+4I 0 1 2Full Inaccurate, Scatter, Tearing30m S/3/6 1d10+3I 0 15 Full Reliable20m S/-/- 2d5+3I 0 1 2Full 20m S/-/- 1d10+2I 0 1 2Full Inaccurate, Unreliable30m S/-/- 2d5+6I 0 1 3Full Scatter, Tearing250m S/-/- 1d10+5I 3 4 Full Accurate, Reliable30m S/3/- 1d10+3I 0 9 Full 20m S/3/6 1d10+2I 0 14 Full 15m -/-/6 1d10+2I 0 12 Full Inaccurate, Unreliable10m S/3/- 1d10I 0 7 30m S/-/- 1d10+3I 0 6 2Full Reliable30m S/-/- 1d10+4I 0 6 3Full Scatter80m S/3/10 1d10+3I 0 20(x3) Full (each) 100m S/-/- 1d10+4I 0 6 Full 35m S/-/- 1d10+4I 2 5 2Full 30m S/2/6 1d10+2I 0 18 Full 30m S/2/- 1d10+5I 2 7 Full Unreliable35m S/2/- 1d10+3I 0 5(x2) 2Full Reliable40m S/3/6 1d10+4I 0 15 Full Scatter30m S/2/- 1d10+4I 0 12 Full Reliable, Scatter40m S/3/- 2d10+4I 0 24 2Full Scatter, Unreliable20m S/2/5 1d10+2I 0 15 Full Primitive, Reliable, Tearing

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10m S/-/- 1d10+4I 0 1 Full Reliable, Scatter60m S/-/10 1d10+3I 0 40 Full 120m -/-/10 3d10+5I 5 200 2Full Tearing, Unreliable300m S/2/5 4d10+5I 4 20 2Full 30m S/3/- 1d10+3I 0 9 Half 30m S/-/6 1d10+4I 0 12 Full 40m S/-/- 1d10+4R 3 5 2Full Special5m S/-/- 1d10R 0 2 Full300m S/-/- 2d10+4R 7 Felling(2)30m S/2/- 1d10R 0 5 Full, Shocking120m -/-/10 1d10+5I 3 200 2Full 120m -/-/10 1d10+5I 3 40 Full 20m S/3/- 1d10+4I 0 6 Full Tearing100m -/-/6 1d10+4I 3 200 2Full Storm60m S/2/- 1d10+3I 0 6 Full 30m S/2/- 1d10+2I 0 8 2Full Inaccurate, Unreliable30m S/2/- 1d10+3I 7 8 Full Tearing, Toxic220m S/-/- 1d10+4I 0 6 Full Accurate10m S/-/- 1d10+2R 2 1 Full 150m -/-/10 2d10+12I 6 200 3Full Devastating(1), Tearing30m S/2/- 1d10+9I 4 18 Full Reliable, Scatter30m S/3/5 1d10+10I 4 20 Full Reliable, Scatter30m S/2/- 1d10+5X 4 8 Full Tearing90m S/2/- 1d10+5X 4 24 Full Tearing120m -/-/10 2d10X 5 60 2Full Tearing100m S/-/- 2d10X 5 3 3Full Accurate, Tearing30m S/3/- 1d10+5X 4 6 Full Reliable, Tearing20m S/-/- 1d10+3X 0 3 Full Tearing, Unreliable30m S/2/- 1d10+5X 4 8 Full Tearing90m S/2/- 1d10+5X 4 24 Full Reliable, Tearing30m S/2/- 1d10+6R 4 6 Full Tearing90m S/2/4 1d10+5X 4 24 Full Tearing30m S/2/- 1d10+5X 4 8 Full Tearing90m S/2/4 1d10+5X 4 60 Full Storm, Tearing120m -/-/10 2d10+2X 5 60 Full Tearing120m S/-/5 2d10+5X 5 40 3Full Tearing, Reliable, Sanctified90m S/2/4 1d10+5X 4 60 Full Storm, Tearing30m S/-/- 1d10+5X 4 1 2Full Tearing100m S/-/- 1d10+5X 4 8 Full Accurate, Tearing, Reliable90m S/2/- 1d10+5X 4 30 Full Reliable, Tearing90m S/2/- 1d10+5X 4 60 Full Reliable, Tearing, Storm100m S/2/4 1d10+9X 5 60 2Full Storm, Tearing30m S/2/- 1d10+9X 4 14 Full Tearing100m S/3/- 1d10+9X 4 28 Full Tearing200m S/-/- 1d10+9X 4 24 Full Accurate,Tearing100m S/3/- 1d10+9X 4 28 Full Tearing150m -/-/6 1d10+12X 5 60 Full Tearing100m S/4/- 1d10+9X 4 60 2Full Storm,Tearing

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120m S/2/4 2d10+9X 7 28 Full Accurate, Tearing, Special50m S/3/- 1d10+9X 4 28 Full Tearing Accurate, Reliable100m S/2/4 2d10+5X 8 28 Full Tearing, Felling (1)30m S/2/- 1d10+9X 4 14 Full Tearing, Accurate, Reliable100m S/2/4 2d10+5X 5 28 Full Tearing160m -/-/12 2d10+12X 6 60 Full Tearing120m S/2/4 2d10+5X 5 60 2Full Storm, Tearing10m S/-/- 2d10+4E 12 3 Full 20m S/-/- 2d10+4E 12 5 2Full 10m S/-/- 2d10+4E 10 5 3Full 60m S/-/- 4d10+12E 12 10 2Full Blast(1)40m S/-/- 2d10+2E 8 5 2Full 10m S/-/- 2d10+4E 12 2 2Full 10m S/-/- 2d10+8E 13 3 Full 20m S/-/- 2d10+8E 13 5 2Full 20m S/-/- 2d10+8E 13 10 3Full 10m S/-/- 2d10+10E 12 2 2Full Accurate60m S/3/- 4d10+5E 13 10 2Full Blast(1)10m S/-/- 2d10+6E 14 5 2Full Sanctified40m S/-/- 2d10+6E 12 6 2Full 10m S/-/- 2d10+2E 10 6 Full Reliable10m S/-/- 2d10+12E 12 4 Full30m S/-/- 2d10+14E 12 6 2Full60m S/-/- 2d10+16E 12 12 2Full Blast(1)10m S/-/- 2d10+14E 14 2 Full20m S/-/- 2d10+14E 4 2Full100m S/2/- 2d10+20E 14 6 2Full Blast(2), Recharge, Volatile30m S/-/- 1d10+6E 6 10 4Full Recharge, Overheats90m S/2/- 1d10+6E 6 20 8Full Recharge, Overheats30m S/-/- 1d10+6E 6 10 4Full Overheats, Recharge60m S/-/- 2d10+6E 6 6 2Full Overheats, Recharge, Unreliable120m S/-/- 2d10+10E 8 16 5Full Overheats, Recharge, Unreliable80m S/2/- 1d10+10E 6 10 2Full Overheats, Recharge30m S/2/- 1d10+6E 6 10 3Full Overheat90m S/2/- 1d10+7E 6 40 5Full Overheat120m S/-/- 2d10+10E 8 16 5Full Blast(1), Overheat, Unreliable30m S/2/- 1d10+6E 6 10 3Full Overheats90m S/2/- 1d10+7E 7 40 5Full Overheats60m S/3/5 1d10+5E 6 40 5Full Overheats40m S/-/- 1d10+8E 6 8 3Full Overheats, Accurate150m S/-/- 2d10+12E 10 16 5Full Blast(3),Volatile100m S/2/- 1d10+12E 10 24 4Full Volatile30m S/2/- 1d10+10E 8 12 3Full Volatile40m S/-/- 2d10+13E 10 10 3Full Blast (1), Felling (1), Volatile120m S/3/5 1d10+9E 10 30 4Full Overheats, Volatile40m S/3/- 1d10+8E 9 3Full Overheats, Volatile120m S/2/- 1d10+12E 9 40 4Full Volatile10m S/-/- 1d10+4E 2 2 2Full Flame

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20m S/-/- 1d10+4E 3 3 2Full Flame15m S/-/- 1d10+5E 2 5 2Full Flame5m S/-/- 1d10+1E 2 5 2Full Flame10m S/-/- 1d10E 0 3 3Full Flame, Toxic5m S/-/- 1d5E 0 1 2Full Flame, Primitive15m S/-/- 1d10+3E 2 4 Full Flame30m S/-/- 2d10+4E 4 10 2Full Flame20m S/-/- 1d10+5E 2 3 2Full Flame, Toxic10m S/-/- 1d10+4E 2 2 2Full Flame20m S/-/- 1d10+4E 2 6 2Full Flame30m S/-/- 2d10+4E 4 10 2Full Flame10m S/-/- 1d10+4E 1 12 3Full Flame10m S/-/- 1d10+4E 2 6 Full Flame30m S/-/- 2d10+6E 6 10 2Full Flame, Sanctified60m S/-/- 2d10+6E 6 20 2Full Flame, Sanctified20m S/-/- 1d10+9E 4 6 2Full Flame10m S/-/- 1d10+7E 4 4 2Full Flame30m S/-/- 1d10+12E 6 10 2Full Flame20m S/-/- 1d10+9E 4 6 2Full Flame, Toxic25m S/-/- 1d10+12E 2 5 Full Flame30m S/-/- 2d10+4E 5 12 3Full Flame10m S/-/- 0 1 Primitive, Snare, Inaccurate15m S/-/- 1d10R 0 1 Full Primitive15m S/-/- 1d10+2I 0 1 3Full Primitive, Unreliable, Inaccurate30m S/-/- 1d10+2I 0 1 5Full Primitive, Unreliable, Inaccurate30m S/-/- 1d10R 0 1 Half Primitive, Reliable15m S/-/- 1d10-2I 0 1 Full Primitive30m S/-/- 1d10R 0 1 2Full Primitive10m S/-/- 1d10+1I 0 1 5Full Inaccurate, Primitive, Scatter, Unreliable40m S/-/- 1d10+2R 1 1 Half Accurate, Primitive15m S/2/- 1d10+2I 0 2 3Full Primitive, Unreliable10m S/-/- 1d10R+SB 1 1 Primitive15m S/-/- 1d10R 0 1 Full Primitive, Special80m S/-/- 1d10+4R 2 1 4Full Primitive50m S/-/- 1d10+2R 2 1 Half Primitive40m S/-/- 1d10+3I 0 1 5Full Primitive10m S/-/- 1d10+2+SB 1 1 Primitive, Snare, Special8m S/-/- 1d5I 0 1 Primitive, Snare, Toxic9m S/-/- 1d5+3X 0 1 Blast(2), Inaccurate, Primitive, Unstable5m -/3/- 1d10+1R 4 15 3Full Primitive30m S/-/- 1d10+5I 2 1 2Full Primitive, Unreliable15m S/-/- 1d10+3R 0 1 3Full Scatter, Unreliable10m 1/-/- 1d10+3I 2 6 Full 30m S/-/- 1d0+2I 0 1 2Full Primitive, Unreliable, Inaccurate10m S/-/- 1d10R 0 1 Primitive10m S/-/- 1d10R 0 1 Primitive60m S/-/- * * 6 Full *120m S/-/- * * 1 Full *

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60m S/-/- * * 1 2Full Reliable*250m S/-/- * * 1 Full *80m S/-/- * * 1 Half *60m S/-/- * * 6 Full *, Inaccurate250m S/-/- * * 1 Full *200m S/-/- * * 5 2Full *15m S/-/- * * 3 3Full 20m S/-/- 1d10I 0 6 Full Primitive, Snare200m S/-/- 3d10+3X 4 1 N/A 350m S/-/- 3d10+6X 6 1 N/A 50-200m S/-/- 2d10+2X 2 1 Full Inaccurate, Shocking, Blast(4)50-300m S/-/- 2d10X* 3* 1 Full Inaccurate, Blast (5)50-300m S/-/- 2d10X* 3* 6 2Full Inaccurate, Blast (5)300m S/2/- * * 12 3Full *250m S/-/- * * 8 Full *45m S/-/- * * 4 2Full *200m S/-/- * * 1 2Full *SBx3 2d10X 0 Blast (4)SBx3 2d10+4X 6 SBx3 0 SmokeSBx3 Special(pg137) 0 SBx3 Special(pg137) 0 SBx3 1d10+3E 6 Blast(3)SBx3 Special 0 1 Blast(1d10+3)SBx3 1d10+1X 0 1 Blast(2), UnreliableSBx3 2d10X 0 Blast(4), Unreliable, Toxic 2d10X 4 Blast(6)SBx3m S/-/- 1d10+3E 6 1 Blast(2) 3d10+10X 10 Blast(1)SBx3m S/-/- 2d10X 0 1 Blast(5)SBx3m S/-/- special 0 1 Blast(3)1d5X per kg, radius is kgx2 in meters1d10+5X per kg, radius is kgx5 in meters4d10X in one meter, Pen 86d10E in 2 meters, Pen 12, ag test or catch fire2d10E per kg, radius is kgx4, ag test or catch on fireSBx3m S/-/- 1d10X 0 Blast(3)SBx3m S/-/- Special Blast(3)SBx3m S/-/- 1d10E 0 Blast(2)SBx3m S/-/- 3d10E* 0 Blast(3)SBx3m S/-/- 4d10+4R 6 Blast(1), TearingSBx3m S/-/- 1d10+6 6 Blast(1)SBx3m S/-/- 0 Smoke**SBx3m S/-/- 3d10I 0 Toxic*** 1d10E Blast 10, UnstableSBx3m S/-/- Special 0 SBx3m S/-/- Special 0 Blast (2)SBx3m S/-/- Special 0

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SBx3m S/-/- Special 0 Blast (2)* S/-/- 2d10X 1 Blast (1)* S/-/- Special 0 * S/-/- 2d10X 0 Blast (4)SBx3m S/-/- Special 0 SBx3m S/-/- Special 0 Blast (2), SnareSBx3m S/-/- Special 0 SBx3 S/-/- Special 0 SmokeSBx3 S/-/- 2d10X 0 Blast (5)2d10X 4 Blast(5), Devastating (1)SBx3 S/-/- 1d10+4E 0 Blast (3)1d10+3E 0 Blast (5)SBx3 S/-/- 3d10+4X 6 3d10+10X 8 Blast(1)SBx3 S/-/- 1d10E 0 Blast (3)SBx3 S/-/- 1d10+12E 8 Blast(1), Special, Volatile2d10+12E 12 Blast (3), Special, VolatileSBx3 S/-/- Special 0 SBx3 S/-/- Special 0 Blast(5)SBx3 S/-/- Special 0 Haywire (3)SBx3 S/-/- Special 0 SBx3 S/-/- Special 0 SBx3 S/-/- 3d10E 0 Blast (3)5d10E 0 Blast (5)SBx3 S/-/- 4d10I 3 Concussive, Blast (3)6d10I 5 Concussive, Blast (5)SBx3 S/-/- Special 3 Blast (3)SBx3 S/-/- Special 0 Blast (5)2m S/-/- 3d10+9I 3 Blast(10)5m S/-/- 5d10+7E Blast(5)SBx3 S/-/- 4d10+8R 8 Blast(3), Tearing30m S/-/- 1d10R 0 6 Full Accurate, Toxic30m S/-/- 0 1 Full Snare180m S/-/- 1d10R 0 6 2Full Accurate, Toxic50m S/-/- 0 1 Full Blast(5), Snare80m S/-/- 0 4 3Full Blast(6), Snare30m S/3/- 1d10-1R 0 7 Full Toxic20m S/-/- 1d5+2R 2 3 2Full 35m S/-/- 1d10+3R 4 1 Full Accurate30m S/-/- 2d10+2E 7 20 Blast(2), Recharge, Toxic20m S/2/- 1d10+2E 4 7 Full Shock30m 1/-/- 0 1 Full SnareSBx3m S/-/- Special75m S/-/- Special 0 1 2Full, Blast(4), Snare80m S/3/- 2d10+5E 6 25 4Full Scatter30m S/-/- 1d10R 0 1 Full Toxic3m S/-/- 1d10+3E 7 1 Full Reliable3m S/-/- 2d10+4E 12 1 Full

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3m S/-/- 1d10R 0 1 Full Toxic3m S/-/- 1d10+4E 2 1 Full Flame30m S/-/- Special 3 2Full Blast(5)110m S/2/- 1d10+5E 1 6 2Full 60m S/3/10 1d10+4R 6 100 2Full Reliable30m S/3/5 1d10+2R 4 40 2Full Reliable20m S/3/5 1d10+2R 4 40 2Full Reliable80m S/3/10 1d10+4R 6 100 2Full Reliable, Tearing200m S/-/- 1d10+3E 2 40 Full Accurate, Reliable20m S/-/- 1d10+1R 0 20 Full Tearing70m S/3/- 1d10+2R 0 40 2Full Tearing20m S/3/- 1d10+4I 0 18 Full Inaccurate, Unreliable60m S/3/10 1d10+4I 0 30 Full Inaccurate, Unreliable100m S/2/- 2d10I or E 1d10 20 2Full Inaccurate, Overheats, Unreliable100m See page191 Radicals handbook 0 20m S/3/- 1d10+4E 9 12 3Full Unstable100m S/3/6 1d10+3E 0 100 Full Inaccurate, Shocking3m S/-/- 2d5+5E 5 1 1d5 Hours SBx3 S/-/- 3d10X 5 Blast (3)50m S/-/- 1d10+5I 2 5 2Full Reliable, Sanctified30m S/2/- 2d10+4X 5 16 Full Tearing30m S/3/- 1d10+5R 3 16 Full Toxic30m S/3/- 2d10+2I 9 5 Full Accurate200m S/-/- 2d10+2I 9 10 Full Accurate15m S/-/- 2d10+4X 4 6 3Full Blast (1)10m S/-/- 2d10+4R 5 1 Full Blast (1), Tearing80m S/-/- 1d10+5I 4 6 Full Tearing30m S/2/- 1d10+3X 2 8 Full Tearing, Shocking50m S/-/- None 0 1 Full Snare, Blast (2)70m S/-/- None 0 3 Full Snare, Blast (5)20m S/-/8 1d10+4I 2 24 4Full 40m S/-/- 3d10+4E 3 1 - Recharge, Toxic60m S/-/- 2d5+4E 4 2 Full Overheats, Shocking50m S/-/6 1d10R 2 50 2Full Tearing, Overheats40m S/-/- 3d10E 6 8 2Full Recharge30m S/-/- 2d10+2E 3 20 Full Flame30m S/-/- 2d10+5E 8 24 Full 40m S/-/- 4d10+5R 2 30 2Full Reliable, Blast (2), Tearing120m S/3/6 1d10+4E 4 90 Full Reliable, Blast (2), Tearing90m S/4/8 1d10+6E 4 60 Full Reliable, Storm40m S/2/- 2d10+2E 4 16 Half Gyro-Stabilised150m S/2/4 2d10+3E 4 36 Half Gyro-Stabilised60m S/-/3 2d10+2E 4 24 Full Gyro-Stabilised20m S/-/- 4d10+6E 8 4 3Full Tearing50m S/3/- 1d10+2R 3 120 2Full Toxic80m S/3/5 1d10+2R 3 200 2Full Toxic20m S/-/- 3d10R 2 40 2Full Tearing, Blast (2)80m S/3/10 1d10+6I 1 40 Full Inaccurate, Unreliable

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15m S/-/- 1d10+5E 3 8 2Full Inaccurate, Unreliable, Flame90m S/4/8 1d10+10I 2 50 2Full Inaccurate, Unreliable, Unwieldy, Storm120m S/-/- 3d10+5X 6 1 Half Inaccurate, Unreliable3d10m S/-/- 4d10+5X 0 Accurate, Blast (1d5)SBx3m S/-/- 2d10R 0 Blast (2)SBx3m S/-/- 2d10+5X 2 Blast (1)SBx3m S/-/- Special 0 Smoke150m S/-/- 1d10+5E 3 8 Full Accurate40m S/4/8 1d10+3R 3 20 2Full Tearing, Toxic100m S/-/- Varies Varies 4 2Full 100m -/-/4 1d10+10E 0 Sanctified120m -/2/5 2d10+15 5 200 2Full Proven(4)100m -/-/8 1d10+8E 0 Sanctified, Storm120m S/-/- 2d10+15 5 40 2Full Proven(4), Blast(6)4m S/-/- 2d10+2E 3 1 Special Flame4m S/-/- 1d10+4E 7 1 Special Reliable4m S/-/- 2d10+5E 12 1 Special 200m S/-/- 1d10R 0 6 2Full Accurate, Felling (1), Toxic50m S/-/- 2d10+14E 8 25 3Full Blast(5),Devastating(4), Volatile45m S/-/- Special 5 3Full Blast (5)250m S/-/- 1d10+4R 0 5 Full Accurate, Felling (1), Toxic100m S/-/- 3d10+14I per round 1Hour 3Full Blast(10)80m S/3/- 1d10+4E 4 30 Full Shocking, Special80m S/-/- 5 Full Blast (5), SnareHalves weight but halves clip size and reduces damage by 1; -20 to skill test to find weaponOne shot flamer, attach to weapon with damage of at least 1d10 (no Pistols, no Flexible), lose BalancedOne hand without -20 penalty, range halved (use two-handed for full range)Select between three different ammunition types, switch at the beginning of turnweapon with melee attachment counts as spearNo longer primitive, +2 penetration; Power weapons only affected with field off +10 to BS when fired on single shot; Counts as sightAwareness test to detect shot at -20 penalty. Attempt at half normal distance to detectIgnore penalties for long and extreme range with full action to aim; Counts as sightLoses Primitive, +2 Dmg, +3Pen, +10 WS, immune to Power Field, AP 25 if attacked, Best QualityBasic, 45m, S/-/-, Clip 1, Rld FullHalves reload timeCan use pistol but keep a free hand, reduce range by 30%Reduce difficulty of shots by one stepIncreases accuracy; bipod 90-degree arc (half action to brace), tri-pod 180-arc (full action)Adds Holy damage type, special against daemons and warp+10 to BS test, only works on semi or full auto burstNo penalties due to darkness; Counts as sightNo penalties due to darkness, +20 to vision perception tests at night; Counts as sightCombines red dot, telescopic, and preysense scopes; Counts as sight.Halves weight, user gains auto-stabilized trait, always counts as braced, semi and full auto as half actionFire, operate shot selector, switch firing modes by voice commandPrevents firing on an ally. No penalty for firing into melee. Counts as a sight. When weapon overheats, roll a d10. 4+ vent operates, overheat nullified. 3 or lower, take hit to body with full damage and pen. Don't lose a round to cooling

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Fired with half action, counts as hand flamer.Free action to gain Toxic for one round. May use up to ten times before refilling.Adds 10m to weapon range. Doubles clip size.Makes twin-linked or combi-weapons. Grants Customised quality. Inflicts -10 to all Pinning Tests. Adds +1 to Damage and Pen.Functions as Red-Dot Laser Sight.Grants Shocking quality. Makes Ork ranged weapons count as unbalanced swords in close combat. Ork melee weapons gain +1 damage.A large spike. When mounted, acts as an Axe in close combat.Basic ranged weapon can be used as a mono combat knifeBasic ranged weapon can be used as a non-balanced chain swordGrants Quick Draw for upgraded weapon. If talent is already possessed, may ready as a Parry.A clip (quiver)A clip for a primitive weaponA clip for an SP weaponA clip for a shotgun weaponA clip for a Las pistolA clip for a Las RifleA clip for a heavy Las weaponA clip for a flame pistolA clip for a flame weaponA clip for a Bolt weaponA clip for a melta pistolA clip for a melta gunadds 1 to damage, halves clip size for Las weaponsA clip for a Plasma pistolA clip for a Plasma gunA clip for an exotic weaponA clip for an SP weapon. +2 damage, double APA clip for a Las Weapon. +1 damage, Tearing, pen 4, loses Reliable, clip reduced to 1A Clip for a shotgun. Ag test or catch fire, may set things other than people on fireA Clip for an SP weapon. Set Penetration to 3Holds Ammo for all Hellguns and Hellpistols. Must carry one if you use a hell gun or pistol.A clip of special shotgun shells

A clip of special ammo for a dueling Las

Reduce range by half, +2 pen, gains tearing. If Shot +10 toughness test or knocked down.Damage changes from X to E, gains shock qualityreliable quality in the voidcan only fire on single shot, max range 15m or less, type becomes E, gains flame and primitivecan only be acquired by holy Ordosdeals holy, special against daemons and warp creatures, through holy Ordos onlyonly given to full inquisitorial rank, +5 to crit damage, double damage against psy rating, daemons, and warp entity after AP and TB, classed as holy

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Weapon counts as sanctified and Daemonic/Warp creatures hit at short range test Toughness or blinded for 1d5 roundsSanctified, bypasses psychic protections, add psy rating to damageSanctified, bypasses psychic protections, -5 to Ag test per psy rating80 shots Plasma/Melta/Las, 200 SP/Bolt, 60 Flame +2 to damage +3 damage to bio, ap doubled +1 dmg and pen -10 attack, dmg becomes E, loses primitive quality

Loses scatter, +4 to damage, +1 to pen; Shots that miss at short or standard range may re-roll, ignore cover. Single shot onlyAny attempt to dodge is at -20. Can be programmed to self-destructAdds 1d10 to damage and inflicts RF on 9 or 10. Gains tearing.Ignores daemonic, any protection from Psychic Powers and fields. If something with these is hit, they cease functioning for one roundInflicts +2d10 damage and adds 5 to the pen. Ignores increases to toughness from unnatural toughness, but not daemonic.Causes 2d10E, pen 0. Takes damage like Fire. If it hits armor, reduce location by 1, must be repaired to regain effectiveness.Gain Scatter and Overheat, halve range. Add -2 damage, +2 pen, +10 meters range, lose maximal and overheating. Add 1kg to weight. Agility tests to avoid damage suffer -10, increase base damage by 2. Target must take a Toughness Test with -10 per point of damage taken. Failure causes 2d5R damage with no reduction. Decrease base damage by 2, gain Snare. Gains toxic. If weapon jams, user takes 1d5 damage, no reduction. Add 5 to BS tests when firing on full auto. Tests to hit user also gain +5. Operated normally in the void. Suffer -1 Damage while in atmosphere. Decrease base damage by 2. If within 2m of target, make Ag save or catch fire. May choose to target area with +20 test.Ignores Natural Armor, inflicts RF on 9 and 10. Gain tearing. With Heavy Bolter, RoF changes to S/-/- and gains Blast (3). Add one additional power of magnitude damage on hordes.

If damage is taken, suffer 1d5 points of temporary Agility Damage.Increase Pen to 8, increase range 50%.Decrease Damage and Pen by 2, but gain Blast (2).Awareness tests to hear suffer -30 and may only be attempted at half distance. Reduce damage by 2 unless used in Stalker Pattern Boltgun. If used in a Stalker, shot is impossible to hear.

Gain Felling (1) and increase Pen to 9. Detonate prematurely on roll of 91-100. Suffer explosive damage equal to weapon's damage at pen 5 to an arm. Also causes a jam.

Any creatures with Psy Rating that take damage reduce Psy rating by 1 for 1d10 rounds. May not push. Warp Instability must immediately check.

Changes the weapon's damage type to X and reduces its range by half.Changes damage type to E. A target hit must pass an Agility Save or be set on fire in addition to normal damage. Gives +5 to pen. Lose the scatter quality.A webber loaded with this inflicts an additional -20 to escape. Furthermore, each attempt deals 2d10R, pen 8.Gains +1 pen and tearing. Lose Scatter, gain Tearing and Felling (1)1d10+1I 0 Primitive, Unbalanced1d5-1I 0 Primitive1d10I 0 Primitive1d10+2I 0 Flexible, Primitive2d10R 2 Primitive, Unwieldy1d10R 0 Primitive,Flexible,Tearing1d10-2I 0 Primitive,Unbalanced1d10+1I 0 Primitive, Unbalanced1d5R 0 Primitive1d5R 0 Primitive

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1d5I 0 Defensive, Primitive1d10R 0 Primitive1d10R 0 Balanced, Primitive1d10I 0 Balanced, Primitive1d5-3 R 0 Primitive1d10+1R 1 Primitive1d5-2I 0 Balanced, Primitive1d10+1I 0 Fast, Primitive, Toxic1d10R 0 Primitive, Unbalanced1d10I 0 Flexible, Primitive1d10+2R 2 Balanced, Primitive1d5-1I 0 Defensive, Primitive1d10R 0 Fast, Primitive, Unwieldy1d5+1R 2 Primitive1d10R 0 Balanced, Primitive1d10+2R 0 Primitive, Unwieldy1d10R 2 Primitive, Unbalanced2d10I 3 Primitive, Unbalanced, Unwieldy1d5-1R 2 Fast, Primitive1d5+2I 0 Defensive, Primitive1d5+1I 0 Defensive, Primitive2d5R 2 1d5R 3 Fast, Primitive1d5+1R 2 Balanced1d10I 0 1d5+1R 0 Primitive, Tearing1d5R 3 Defensive1d5I 0 Primitive1d10+3X 2 Primitive1d10+1R 2 Primitive1d5+1R 1 Primitive1d10I 0 Primitive, Snare, Unwieldy1d5+2I 0 Defensive, Primitive1d10-1R 0 Primitive1d5+3R 0 Primitive1d5I 0 Defensive, Primitive1d5+1R 1 Balanced, Primitive1d10R 0 Flexible, Primitive1d10-1R 0 Primitive1d10R 4 Balanced1d10+4R 2 Unwieldy1d10R 0 Unwieldy1d10+2R 0 Balanced1d10+2R 3 Balanced, Sanctified1d10+2I 0 Flexible, Sanctified1d10I 0 Balanced, Sanctified1d10I 0 Primitive1d10+2I 1 Primitive

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1d5R 2 1d5I 0 Primitive, Defense1d5+3R 0 Primitive, Defense1d10+2I 0 Primitive1d5-1I 0 Primitive1d5R 0 Defensive, Primitive1d10R 0 Balanced, Primitive1d10+1I 0 Unbalanced, Toxic1d10R 2 Sanctified1d10R 2 Unbalanced, Sanctified1d10R 0 Special2d10I 2 Unwieldy, Special1d10I 0 Unwieldy, Special1d5+2I 0 Defensive0I 0 Primitive, Flexible2d10R 8 Sanctified2d10R 4 Balanced, Sanctified1d10+2R 2 1d10+3R 2 Balanced2d10+2R 2 Unbalanced1d5+1I 0 Balanced1d10I 0 Defensive1d10+8R 6 Sanctified1d10I 0 Defensive1d10+5R 3 Balanced, Devastating (1), Toxic1d5+1I 0 Balanced1d10+3R 2 Devastating (2)1d10+2R 2 Balanced, Tearing1d10+4R 2 Tearing1d5+3R 2 Tearing1d10+10R 5 Special, Tearing, Unwieldy1d10+2R 2 Tearing1d10+5R 2 Tearing1d10+2R 2 Tearing, Balanced1d10+3R 4 Balanced, Tearing1d10+5R 4 Balanced, Tearing1d10+3R 4 Balanced, Tearing1d10+8R 4 Tearing1d10+3E 6 Power Field1d10+5E 6 Balanced, Power Field1d10+2E 6 Fast, Power Field1d10+6E 7 Balanced, Power Field2d5+5E 6 Power Field, Unwieldy2d10E 8 Power Field, Unwieldy1d10+6E 6 Power Field1d10+4E 6 Power Field, Special2d10+4E 6 Power Field, Unbalanced1d10+7E 7 Power Field, Unbalanced

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2d10E 9 Power Field, Unwieldy1d10+5E 4 Power Field, Shocking1d10+5E 5 Power Field, Balanced1d10I 0 Shocking1d10+5I 5 Power Field2d10+1I 8 Power Field, Sanctified, Unwieldy1d10+7E 5 Power Field, Unbalanced, Sanctified1d10+5E 4 Power Field, Balanced1d10+7E 9 Power Field, Unbalanced1d10+4E 5 Power Field2d10+4E 10 Power Field, Unwieldy, Shocking1d10+2E 2 Power Filed, Sanctified, Balanced1d10+3E 2 Power Filed, Sanctified, Tearing2d10+5E 2 Power Filed, Sanctified, Unwieldy1d10+1E 2 Power Filed, Sanctified1d10+1E 2 Power Filed, Sanctified, Balanced, Defensive2d10+5E 2 Power Filed, Sanctified, Balanced2d10+5E 2 Power Filed, Sanctified, Unwieldy2d10E 10 Power Field, Tearing1d10+6E 8 Power Field, Special, Tearing1d10+8E 6 Power Field, Unbalanced2d10E 9 Power Field, Unwieldy1d10+6E 6 Balanced, Power Field2d10+5E 8 Power Field, Concussive, Unwieldy1d10+11E 6 Power Field, Unbalanced1d10+11E 9 Balanced, Power Field, Tearing2d10+7E 9 Power Field, Special2d10+11R 7 Tearing, Unwieldy, Power Field2d10+13R 6 Tearing, Unwieldy1d10+7E 7 Balanced, Power Field1d10+13E 8 Power Field, Unwieldy, Felling(1)2d10+4E 9 Power Field, Unwieldy1d10+11E 8 Power Field, Unwieldy, Devastating(1)1d10+4E 5 Power Field, Razor Sharp1d10+6E 7 Power Field1d10+4E 8 Power Field, Felling (2)1d10+12E 9 Balanced, Power Field, Tearing1d10I 0 Shocking1d10+2I 0 Flexible, Shocking1d10I 0 Primitive, Shocking1d10+1I 0 Flexible, Primitive, Shocking1d10+1E 0 Flexible, Shocking1d10R 0 Shocking1d5+1I 2 Shocking1d5E 0 Shocking1d10+3I 4 Unwieldy, Volatile, Blast(1)1d10I 0 Shocking1d5+3I 0 Shocking

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1d10I 0 Shocking1d10I 0 Shocking1d10E 0 Defensive, Recharge, Shocking1d10+5R 4 Special, Tearing, Unwieldy1d5+5R 0 Tearing, Unwieldy1d10+3R 6 Tearing, Unwieldy1d10+1R 7 Power Field, Balanced1d10+3E 6 Power Field, Balanced1d10+8R 10 Tearing1d10+1R 2 Unbalanced1d10+1R 2 Tearing, Unbalanced1d10+1R 4 Flexible, Tearing1d10I 0 Balanced, Shocking1d10R 2 Balanced2d5E 0 Unwieldy1d10+2R 0 Shocking1d5+3R 3 Toxic1d10R 8 Tearing, Toxic1d10+3E 6 Tearing, Shocking1d10+4R 2 Tearing, Toxic1d10R 0 Balanced1d10+4E 8 Power Field, Balanced1d10+1E 4 Power Field, Balanced, Defensive1d10+6R 6 Tearing1d10+7I 3 Unwieldy1d10+7E 10 Power Field1d10+5E 4 Power Field1d10R 2 Balanced2d10R 2 Tearing, Unbalanced1d5I 0 Snare1d10+3R 0 Flexible, Tearing, Primitive2d10E 10 Power Field, Tearing, Unwieldy1d10+3R 2 Unbalanced, Force1d10I 0 Balanced, Force1d10+1R 2 Balanced, Force1d10+3R 3 Force, Unbalanced1d10I 2 Force1d10+1R 2 Force, Balanced1d10+1I 0 Balanced, Force1d10+2R 2 Balanced, Force+10 Ag for fine manipulation and +10 Str using arm+10 Ag for fine manipulation and +10 Str using armReplaces missing armReplaces missing armHalf Ag for fine manipulation and -10 WS/BS using armHalf Ag for fine manipulation and -10 WS/BS using armGain Sprint Talent and +20 to athletics tests to jump or leapReplaces missing legs

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Halve movement rate. Test Ag or fall at end of run action.+20 Toughness vs airborne toxins and gas attacks. Counts as life support system+20 Toughness vs airborne toxins and gas attacks+20 Toughness vs airborne toxins and gas attacks. -20 Silent Moveacts as standard auspex, half action to concentrateuses laspistol with compact upgrade, need talent to useReplace/enhance brain. Gain Unnatural Intelligence x 2, 1d10 insanity and +10 to skill tests when processing large data poolsduplicate normal senses+20 to str, can tether techpriest with clamps, counts as clubEnhanced mechanicus implants. +10 Str, +10 Toughness, -5 Ag, -5 Fel, cannot swim+10 to medicae, can act as injector, half action to stop blood loss, eases amputation, 1d5R, +10 interrogationinterface with tech devices, +10 Tech-use, pilot, or drive when linked+10 percep, microscopic to telescopic, see normally in darkness, +20 to vision based tests at night+10 to tech-use, can blast smoke every 15m, -5 to weapon tests by all living creatures 2m away for one round, percep by sense of smell get +10

Choose up to three chemicals when implanted, toughness test and half action to excrete chem, failure adds fatigue, 4degrees means 1d10 toughness damage

Holds up to 10 doses of 4 chems, half action to inject and instantly takes effect, manual or remote trigger, critical hit poisons user, 2d10 damage negating AP

weapon takes unreliable, cant disarm, detailed inspection or auspex scan to locateas poor, but not unreliableweapon is best quality+10 to resist toxins, disease, and radioactive substance, gains die hard talentAs common but +20 instead and gain regeneration talentExtra limb with breacher, str and toughness +10, -10 ag, 1d10 insanityGain Machine(4) trait, without mind side effects, gain regeneration, halves WS, BS, and AG, 2d10 insanity, +5 to critical effects+10 to pilot vehicles with interface, percep test to determine state of vehicle+20 to resist psychic powers and +10 to resist possession, no effect on psychic attacks that inflict direct damageGives Heightened Senses talent for any one sense (add as elite advance)can shoot hellpistol from eye with range 10m, can be fired when hands are full, acts as pistol in melee+1AP to body, gain sprint talent+10 to literacy, logic, or scholastic lore tests+1 AP to head, stacks with armorknow magnetic north, present location, velocity, altitude, time of day and other info, need maps to be effective info+10 trade (remembrancer) tests, or other tests in social situations where recorded info provides value, grants total recall talentRemotely operate a single weapon, fire as free action with full bs skill, weapon has to be connected to MIU weapon interfaceignore toxic gases or atmospheric contaminants+10 to investigation skill tests+2 AP to arms, body, legs. Stacks with armor+1 to str bonusUnnatural Strength trait but -10 to agresist damage to void for d10+3 rounds past normal durationhide certain info in artificial memory or prevent certain task, attempt to force info or task can knock out or kill userbuilt in microbead, often hardwired to ships vox frequencyGain traits unnatural toughness x2, natural armor 2, mutant, void resistant: immune to cold and vacuum, still need air. Lose 1d5 points from ag, int

gain 1d10 insanity and one trait from alien speciesCan cut through a meter of 20cm thick adamantine plating every minute; can function as a Ryza-Pattern Plasma Pistol without maximal.

Has strength of 65 with Unnatural Strength (x2). May anchor self as a free action. May be used as a weapon with a -10 WS check.Grants bulging biceps and iron jaw talents, and +2 damage to unarmed attacks.Ignores effects of poisoned food. Best quality can eat anything organic with no ill effects, though taste is still an issue.Hidden blade. Good quality has toxic, best quality gains +2 damage and pen and power field.

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Generates power. Can charge a basic las weapon charge pack after one full day.Allows user to ignore involuntary actions caused by pain such as fire, stun, and critical damage. Acts as emergency life support. Grants autosanguine.Has strength of 75 with Unnatural Strength (x2). May anchor self as a free action.See page 177 for details.Duplicates regular hand. Exceptional versions grant +10 to fine manipulation.

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0.0 kg You can filter the shop list using the categories below

Weight Cost Availability Proficient Category Type1 10 Plentiful Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Items

0.5 500 Rare Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Items

Var Average Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Items

40 Abundant Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Items

2 25 Common Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Items

Var Abundant Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Items

1 55 Rare Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Items

15 Common Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Items

0.5 275 Rare Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Items

0.5 100 Scarce Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Items

1 50 Scarce Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Items

0.5 85 Rare Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Items

0.5 25 Average Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Items

8 100 Plentiful Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Items

2 80 Uncommon Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Item1 200 Scarce Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Item

0.2 20 Rare Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Item300 Very Rare Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Item250 Scarce Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Item

0.5 1500 Tech Priest Only Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Item10 300 Scarce Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Item15 500 Rare Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Item

1 250 Rare Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Item1 220 Scarce Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Item

25 2000 Rare Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Item2 65 Average Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Item

20 600 Average Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Item25 200 Scarce Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Item

2 5 Common Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Item1 Plentiful Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Item

3 10 Common Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Item1 150 Scarce Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Item

0.5 100 Scarce Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Item0.5 250 Rare Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Item

1 100 Scarce Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Item10 5000 Very Rare Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Item

100 Scarce Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Item2 1700 Rare Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Item

1.5 1200 Rare Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Item150 Very Rare Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Item

10 8000 Near Unique Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Item50 Common Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Item

2 Average Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Items

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0.5 Rare Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Items

Very Rare Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Items

Plentiful Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Items

0.5 Common Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Items

30 Scarce Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Items

7.5 Very Rare Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Items

0.02 Very Rare Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Items

5 70 Hero Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Item15 50 Hero Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Item

Black Templars Yes Gear Clothing & Personal ItemBlack Templars Yes Gear Clothing & Personal ItemBlack Templars Yes Gear Clothing & Personal ItemBlack Templars Yes Gear Clothing & Personal ItemBlack Templars Yes Gear Clothing & Personal ItemBlood Angels Yes Gear Clothing & Personal ItemBlood Angels Yes Gear Clothing & Personal ItemBlood Angels Yes Gear Clothing & Personal ItemBlood Angels Yes Gear Clothing & Personal ItemBlood Angels Yes Gear Clothing & Personal ItemDark Angels Yes Gear Clothing & Personal ItemDark Angels Yes Gear Clothing & Personal ItemDark Angels Yes Gear Clothing & Personal ItemDark Angels Yes Gear Clothing & Personal ItemSpace Wolves Yes Gear Clothing & Personal ItemSpace Wolves Yes Gear Clothing & Personal ItemSpace Wolves Yes Gear Clothing & Personal ItemSpace Wolves Yes Gear Clothing & Personal ItemSpace Wolves Yes Gear Clothing & Personal ItemStorm Wardens Yes Gear Clothing & Personal ItemStorm Wardens Yes Gear Clothing & Personal ItemStorm Wardens Yes Gear Clothing & Personal ItemStorm Wardens Yes Gear Clothing & Personal ItemUltramarines Yes Gear Clothing & Personal ItemUltramarines Yes Gear Clothing & Personal ItemUltramarines Yes Gear Clothing & Personal ItemUltramarines Yes Gear Clothing & Personal ItemUltramarines Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Item

8 4 Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Item50 15 Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Item

5 3 Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Item15 25 Distinguished Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Item

5 15 Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Item6 Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Item1 Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Item

1 45 Famed Yes Gear Clothing & Personal Item50 Scarce Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables

65 Rare Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables

95 Very Rare Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables

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5 Abundant Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables

10 Common Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables

2 150 Common Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables

28 Rare Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables

10 Plentiful Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables

5 Abundant Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables

10 Abundant Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables

150 Very Rare Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables

75 Scarce Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables

395 Rare Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables

20 Average Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables

2 50 Average Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables3 100 Scarce Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables

0.5 100 Rare Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables3 45 Uncommon Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables

0.5 12 Scarce Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables1 10 Average Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables

0.1 12 Common Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables0.3 75 Very Rare Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables

5 Common Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables250 Rare Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables

1000 Very Rare Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables10000 Very Rare Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables

25 Very Rare Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables40 Average Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables

100 Very Rare Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables500 Scarce Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables500 Very Rare Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables

6000 Very Rare Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables200 Rare Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables

75 Very Rare Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables15 Average Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables

1 225 Very Rare Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables0.5 25 Scarce Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables0.5 2 Plentiful Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables

1 2 Plentiful Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables1 Average Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables

1 10 Average Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables1 5 Common Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables

55 Scarce Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables25 Common Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables

300 Very Rare Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables100 Common Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables

75 Average Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables75 Rare Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables50 Average Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables

0.2 100 Scarce Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables75 Scarce Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables

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20 Scarce Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables5 Rare Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables

Very Rare Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables

Very Rare Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables

Very Rare Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables

Abundant Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables

Very Rare Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables

Rare Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables

Rare Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables

Ubiquitous Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables

Scarce Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables

Scarce Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables

Plentiful Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables

Rare Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables

10 Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables10 Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables

6 Yes Gear Drugs & ConsumablesN/A Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables

3 Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables5 10 Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables

10 Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables0.5 1 Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables

5 Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables20 Yes Gear Drugs & Consumables

0.5 145 Scarce Yes Gear Tools

55 Scarce Yes Gear Tools

1 200 Rare Yes Gear Tools

0.5 25 Common Yes Gear Tools

1 250 Scarce Yes Gear Tools

1 375 Very Rare Yes Gear Tools

0.5 15 Abundant Yes Gear Tools

2 30 Common Yes Gear Tools

4 65 Average Yes Gear Tools

0.5 55 Average Yes Gear Tools

1 35 Plentiful Yes Gear Tools

20 Average Yes Gear Tools

150 Scarce Yes Gear Tools

Priceless Very Rare Yes Gear Tools

1 100 Average Yes Gear Tools

100 Rare Yes Gear Tools

2 140 Scarce Yes Gear Tools

2 25 Average Yes Gear Tools

4 300 Scarce Yes Gear Tools

2 20 Common Yes Gear Tools

0.1 6 Rare Yes Gear Tools3 20 Uncommon Yes Gear Tools

0.1 8 Rare Yes Gear Tools0.3 1 Common Yes Gear Tools

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1.5 17 Uncommon Yes Gear Tools0.1 24 Rare Yes Gear Tools

3 85 Rare Yes Gear Tools0.4 12 Scarce Yes Gear Tools

1 2 Common Yes Gear Tools1 25 Uncommon Yes Gear Tools1 6 Common Yes Gear Tools4 20 Abundant Yes Gear Tools

Varies Plentiful Yes Gear Tools1 400 Scarce Yes Gear Tools

10 Scarce Yes Gear Tools5 Scarce Yes Gear Tools

1 30 Abundant Yes Gear Tools1 Average Yes Gear Tools

20 Common Yes Gear Tools80 Average Yes Gear Tools

20 200 Average Yes Gear Tools1 20 Common Yes Gear Tools

0.5 500 Rare Yes Gear Tools15 3000 Rare Yes Gear Tools

25 Average Yes Gear Tools100 4000 Average Yes Gear Tools1.5 750 Average Yes Gear Tools

3 500 Rare Yes Gear Tools40 3000 Scarce Yes Gear Tools10 5000 Average Yes Gear Tools

0.5 12000 Tech Priest Only Yes Gear Tools120 Average Yes Gear Tools

5 60 Common Yes Gear Tools10 100 Scarce Yes Gear Tools

8 80 Rare Yes Gear Tools4 310 Rare Yes Gear Tools

300 Rare Yes Gear Tools3 400 Rare Yes Gear Tools4 1500 Very Rare Yes Gear Tools6 300 Common Yes Gear Tools

200 Rare Yes Gear Tools2 15 Average Yes Gear Tools4 8 Plentiful Yes Gear Tools

25 Scarce Yes Gear Tools2 10 Common Yes Gear Tools

0.3 5 Plentiful Yes Gear Tools1 10 Average Yes Gear Tools

0.5 5 Plentiful Yes Gear Tools0.1 2 Common Yes Gear Tools

5 4 Plentiful Yes Gear Tools9 40 Average Yes Gear Tools1 15 Common Yes Gear Tools

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1 5 Common Yes Gear Tools1 20 Average Yes Gear Tools

5 Plentiful Yes Gear Tools20 25000 Very Rare Yes Gear Tools

0.5 7000 Very Rare Yes Gear Tools1.5 1000 Rare Yes Gear Tools10 1250 Rare Yes Gear Tools

1 100 Scarce Yes Gear Tools6 450 Scarce Yes Gear Tools

0.5 500 Very Rare Yes Gear Tools0.5 200 Scarce Yes Gear Tools

500 Rare Yes Gear Tools1000 Rare Yes Gear Tools

5 400 Scarce Yes Gear Tools4 Extremely Rare Yes Gear Tools

6 Average Yes Gear Tools

120 Scarce Yes Gear Tools

13 Very Rare Yes Gear Tools

4 Very Rare Yes Gear Tools

15 Rare Yes Gear Tools

1 Very Rare Yes Gear Tools

2 Scarce Yes Gear Tools

4 Near Unique Yes Gear Tools

7 Very Rare Yes Gear Tools

Very Rare Yes Gear Tools

1.5 9000 Rare Yes Gear Tools3 5000 Rare Yes Gear Tools

10 60000 Very Rare Yes Gear Tools1 Special Special Yes Gear Tools

Near Unique Yes Gear Tools15 Common Yes Gear Tools

Common Yes Gear Tools20 Scarce Yes Gear Tools12 Near Unique Yes Gear Tools

125 Very Rare Yes Gear Tools

25 Extremely Rare Yes Gear Tools

2 Very Rare Yes Gear Tools

2 Scarce Yes Gear Tools

1 Common Yes Gear Tools

5 Rare Yes Gear Tools

10 Scarce Yes Gear Tools

1 Rare Yes Gear Tools

4 Very Rare Yes Gear Tools

2 Scarce Yes Gear Tools

2 Extremely Rare Yes Gear Tools

25 Extremely Rare Yes Gear Tools

500 Very Rare Yes Gear Tools

Extremely Rare Yes Gear Tools

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2.5 Very Rare Yes Gear Tools

175 Very Rare Yes Gear Tools

Very Rare Yes Gear Tools

175 Very Rare Yes Gear Tools

2 Common Yes Gear Tools

Rare Yes Gear Tools

15 Near Unique Yes Gear Tools

1 Abundant Yes Gear Tools

0.3 Near Unique Yes Gear Tools

Scarce Yes Gear Tools

250 Extremely Rare Yes Gear Tools

15 Rare Yes Gear Tools

2 Very Rare Yes Gear Tools

4 Scarce Yes Gear Tools

12 Extremely Rare Yes Gear Tools

3 Near Unique Yes Gear Tools

0.5 Extremely Rare Yes Gear Tools

1 Extremely Rare Yes Gear Tools

8 Unique Yes Gear Tools

2 Extremely Rare Yes Gear Tools

0.1 Extremely Rare Yes Gear Tools

65 Near Unique Yes Gear Tools

25 Unique Yes Gear Tools

1 1000 Issued Only Yes Gear Tools0.5 Varies Rare Yes Gear Tools

4 Issued Only Yes Gear ToolsVaries Common Yes Gear Tools

10 Issued Only Yes Gear Tools10 Issued Only Yes Gear Tools10 500 Uncommon Yes Gear Tools

3 15 Common Yes Gear Tools2 3000 Very Rare Yes Gear Tools1 Varies Common Yes Gear Tools

Varies Common Yes Gear Tools15 5000 Very Rare Yes Gear Tools

10 Rare Yes Gear Tools5 100 Rare Yes Gear Tools

10 Issued Only Yes Gear Tools15 4000 Very Rare Yes Gear Tools

4 5 Yes Gear Tools5 35 Distinguished Yes Gear Tools

0.5 20 Yes Gear Tools0.5 12 Yes Gear Tools0.5 5 Yes Gear Tools0.5 Free Yes Gear Tools

1 15 Yes Gear Tools0.5 5 Yes Gear Tools

1 10 Yes Gear Tools

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1 25 Yes Gear Tools0.5 1 Yes Gear Tools

30 Yes Gear Tools0.5 3 Yes Gear Tools12 25 Yes Gear Tools

15 Yes Gear Tools1 5 Yes Gear Tools

15 Yes Gear Tools4 8 Yes Gear Tools4 10 Yes Gear Tools

1.5 5 Yes Gear Tools2 5 Yes Gear Tools

10 Yes Gear Tools0.5 10 Yes Gear Tools

3 Yes Gear Tools3 Yes Gear Tools5 Yes Gear Tools

10 Yes Gear Tools20 Yes Gear Tools

5 Yes Gear ToolsDW Keepers Yes Gear Tools

25 Distinguished Yes Gear Tools10 Distinguished Yes Gear Tools

7 Yes Gear Tools5 Yes Gear Tools

13 Yes Gear Tools8 Yes Gear Tools

35 Distinguished Yes Gear Tools3 20 Distinguished Yes Gear Tools

45 45 Hero Yes Gear Tools0.1 10 Distinguished Yes Gear Tools

1 20 Hero Yes Gear Tools5 30 Hero Yes Gear Tools5 25 Average Yes Armour Primitive

7 100 Common Yes Armour Primitive

2 10 Common Yes Armour Primitive

10 5 Average Yes Armour Primitive

14 60 Common Yes Armour Primitive

18 50 Average Yes Armour Primitive

30 120 Scarce Yes Armour Primitive

22 5000 Very Rare Yes Armour Primitive

12 50 Rare Yes Armour Primitive12 20 Average Yes Armour Primitive

0.5 10 Plentiful Yes Armour Primitive28 300 Scarce Yes Armour Primitive15 1000 Very Rare Yes Armour Primitive

7 5 Common Yes Armour Primitive5 150 Rare Yes Armour Primitive

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8 50 Average Yes Armour Primitive3 20 Common Yes Armour Primitive

20 Very Rare Yes Armour Primitive

2 25 Average Yes Armour Flak Armour

1 50 Average Yes Armour Flak Armour

4 80 Scarce Yes Armour Flak Armour

5 50 Average Yes Armour Flak Armour

6 100 Average Yes Armour Flak Armour

8 80 Scarce Yes Armour Flak Armour

11 300 Scarce Yes Armour Flak Armour

9 150 Average Yes Armour Flak Armour6 650 Rare Yes Armour Flak Armour7 750 Rare Yes Armour Flak Armour5 Average Yes Armour Flak Armour

15 N/A Yes Armour Flak Armour0.5 100 Rare Yes Armour Mesh Armour

0.5 120 Rare Yes Armour Mesh Armour

2 375 Rare Yes Armour Mesh Armour

1 150 Rare Yes Armour Mesh Armour

1.5 350 Very Rare Yes Armour Mesh Armour

5 300 Rare Yes Armour Mesh Armour20 350 Average Yes Armour Mesh Armour

2 250 Rare Yes Armour Carapace Armour

2 300 Rare Yes Armour Carapace Armour

3 375 Rare Yes Armour Carapace Armour

15 575 Rare Yes Armour Carapace Armour

7 600 Rare Yes Armour Carapace Armour

17 3750 Very Rare Yes Armour Carapace Armour

16 1100 Rare Yes Armour Carapace Armour17 1225 Rare Yes Armour Carapace Armour

6 800 Scarce Yes Armour Carapace Armour17 1000 Very Rare Yes Armour Carapace Armour19 5000 Very Rare Yes Armour Carapace Armour15 Very Rare Yes Armour Carapace Armour

15.5 Very Rare Yes Armour Carapace Armour20 10000 Very Rare Yes Armour Carapace Armour18 6000 Very Rare Yes Armour Carapace Armour30 N/A Yes Armour Carapace Armour15 N/A Yes Armour Carapace Armour30 N/A Yes Armour Carapace Armour40 8500 Very Rare Yes Armour Power Armour

65 15000 Very Rare Yes Armour Power Armour

20 7500 Tech-Priest only Yes Armour Power Armour40 8000 Very Rare Yes Armour Power Armour65 Extremely Rare Yes Armour Power Armour

150 Extremely Rare Yes Armour Power Armour

35 20000 Very Rare Yes Armour Power Armour180 25000 Near Unique Yes Armour Power Armour

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400 Unique Yes Armour Power Armour180 Rank 1 Yes Armour Power Armour400 Rank 3 No Armour Power Armour

2000 Rank 8 No Armour Power Armour180 N/A Yes Armour Power Armour100 60 Hero Yes Armour Power Armour400 100 Famed Yes Armour Power Armour110 70 Hero Yes Armour Power Armour

30 15 Yes Armour Power Armour250 N/A Yes Armour Power Armour280 N/A Yes Armour Power Armour300 N/A Yes Armour Power Armour220 N/A Yes Armour Power Armour200 N/A Yes Armour Power Armour170 N/A Yes Armour Power Armour190 N/A Yes Armour Power Armour

1 30000 Very Rare Yes Armour Force Field1.5 20000 Very Rare Yes Armour Force Field

1000 Rare Yes Armour Force Field2 25000 Rare Yes Armour Force Field

0.3 5000 Rare Yes Armour Force Field0.4 15000 Very Rare Yes Armour Force Field0.5 50000 Near Unique Yes Armour Force Field0.5 Very Rare Yes Armour Force Field0.5 Extremely Rare Yes Armour Force Field0.5 Near Unique Yes Armour Force Field0.5 Extremely Rare Yes Armour Force Field1.5 Near Unique Yes Armour Force Field

1 Extremely Rare Yes Armour Force Field

2 Near Unique Yes Armour Force Field

0.2 Unique Yes Armour Force Field

50 Near Unique Yes Armour Force Field

500 Extremely Rare Yes Armour Force Field

2 Very Rare Yes Armour Force Field

0.05 Near Unique Yes Armour Force Field

3 20 Distinguished Yes Armour Force Field10 35 Distinguished Yes Armour Force Field

0.5 40 Hero Yes Armour Force Field10 50 Hero Yes Armour Force Field

Chaplains Yes Armour Force Field2 2500 Very Rare Yes Armour Other Armour

5 625 Rare Yes Armour Other Armour6 500 Rare Yes Armour Other Armour

18 2200 Rare Yes Armour Other Armour5 Rare Yes Armour Other Armour

4 Special Special Yes Armour Other Armour2 15000 Very Rare Yes Armour Other Armour4 Near Unique Yes Armour Other Armour

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7 Very Rare Yes Armour Other Armour

12 Rare Yes Armour Other Armour

3 Scarce/Common Yes Armour Other Armour

5 Very Rare/Rare Yes Armour Other Armour

8 Very Rare/Rare Yes Armour Other Armour

5 Very Rare/Rare Yes Armour Other Armour

4 Scarce/Plentiful Yes Armour Other Armour

2 Extremely Rare/Rare Yes Armour Other Armour

4 Very Rare/Rare Yes Armour Other Armour

1 Near Unique/Extremely Rare Yes Armour Other Armour

4 500 Rare Yes Armour Other Armour15 750 Rare Yes Armour Other Armour

2 5000 Very Rare Yes Armour Other Armour4 Extremely Rare Yes Armour Other Armour4 Near Unique Yes Armour Other Armour2 Near Unique Yes Armour Other Armour5 Near Unique Yes Armour Other Armour

1.5 50 Common No Pistol Las3 75 Common No Basic Las4 75 Common No Basic Las

4.5 100 Scarce No Basic Las55 5000 Very Rare No Heavy Las

2 40 Common No Pistol Las7.2 250 Very Rare No Basic Las

7 50 Common No Basic Las1.7 220 Very Rare No Pistol Las4.1 150 Scarce No Basic Las1.1 100 Average No Pistol Las0.5 120 Scarce No Pistol Las2.5 100 Very Rare No Pistol Las10 500 Scarce No Basic Las

1.5 100 Scarce No Pistol Las6 180 Rare No Basic Las4 140 Rare No Pistol Las4 40 Plentiful No Basic Las4 75 Average No Basic Las

1.75 150 Rare No Pistol Las50 2000 Scarce No Heavy Las

4 175 Rare No Basic Las5 85 Very Rare No Basic Las7 220 Rare No Basic Las

0.1 9000 Unique No Pistol Las5 3500 Very Rare No Basic Las4 Near Unique No Pistol Las

1.5 Very Rare No Pistol Las4 Rare No Pistol Las6 Rare No Basic Las3 Very Rare No Pistol Las

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2.5 Scarce No Basic Las6 Rare No Basic Las4 Rare No Pistol Las

4.5 Average No Basic Las1.5 Scarce No Pistol Las

8 Rare No Heavy Las75 30 Respected No Heavy Las

2.5 75 Common No Pistol SP1 40 Plentiful No Pistol SP

1.5 50 Plentiful No Pistol SP3 65 Average No Pistol SP

3.5 100 Average No Basic SP5 100 Scarce No Basic SP5 60 Common No Basic SP5 75 Average No Basic SP

6.5 150 Scarce No Basic SP35 750 Scarce No Heavy SP

8.5 100 Average No Basic SP1.5 50 Plentiful No Pistol SP4.7 250 Rare No Basic SP2.5 200 Scarce No Pistol SP38 500 Average No Heavy SP

3.6 115 Average No Basic SP2 90 Average No Pistol SP

1.6 200 Rare No Pistol SP2 140 Rare No Pistol SP3 60 Common No Pistol SP2 175 Average No Pistol SP

0.5 400 Rare No Pistol SP1 10 Plentiful No Pistol SP5 80 Scarce No Basic SP

10 2000 Very Rare No Basic SP1.3 50 Plentiful No Pistol SP1.7 100 Scarce No Pistol SP

3 40 Scarce No Pistol SP0.7 80 Common No Pistol SP

2 40 Plentiful No Pistol SP3.5 70 Average No Basic SP6.5 375 Rare No Basic SP

5 60 Plentiful No Basic SP3 65 Average No Pistol SP

2.3 70 Common No Pistol SP3.5 95 Common No Pistol SP

2 225 Rare No Pistol SP8 300 Average No Basic SP

6.5 80 Scarce No Basic SP7 700 Scarce No Heavy SP2 150 Rare No Pistol SP

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1 60 Average No Pistol SP3.5 95 Average No Basic SP60 7000 Very Rare No Heavy SP55 1000 Scarce No Heavy SP

1.5 150 Rare No Pistol SP2.5 75 Scarce No Pistol SP

4 750 Rare No Basic SP0.5 150 Rare No Pistol SP10 Unique No Basic SP

1.5 350 Common No Pistol SP35 Average No Heavy SP35 Scarce No Heavy SP

3 Scarce No Pistol SP21 Average No Heavy SP

3 Common No Basic SP2 Ubiquitous No Pistol SP4 Extremely Rare No Pistol SP4 Rare No Basic SP

1.5 Average No Basic SP80 30 Famed Unsure Mounted SP12 5 No Basic SP10 7 No Basic SP

3.5 250 Rare No Pistol Bolt7 500 Very Rare No Basic Bolt

40 2000 Very Rare No Heavy Bolt11 2000 Very Rare No Basic Bolt

2.75 375 Very Rare No Pistol Bolt3 75 Scarce No Pistol Bolt

4.5 350 Rare No Pistol Bolt10 650 Very Rare No Basic Bolt

3.3 380 Rare No Pistol Bolt7 Very Rare No Basic Bolt

3.5 Rare No Pistol Bolt9 Extremely Rare No Basic Bolt

40 Very Rare No Heavy Bolt20 Extremely Rare No Heavy Bolt

9 Extremely Rare No Basic Bolt3 Very Rare No Pistol Bolt7 Very Rare No Basic Bolt6 1000 Very Rare No Basic Bolt

12 9000 Extremely Rare No Basic Bolt26 Rank 1 No Basic Bolt

5.5 5 No Pistol Bolt18 5 No Basic Bolt17 15 Respected No Basic Bolt25 15 Respected No Basic Bolt68 20 No Heavy Bolt26 20 Respected No Basic Bolt

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16 75 Hero No Basic Bolt15 * * No Basic Bolt18 25 Hero No Basic Bolt

5.5 * Distinguished No Pistol Bolt18 25 Distinguished No Basic Bolt68 40 Famed No Heavy Bolt26 35 Famed No Basic Bolt

2.5 7500 Very Rare No Pistol Melta8 4000 Rare No Basic Melta

30 600 Scarce No Basic Melta55 8500 Very Rare No Heavy Melta10 2500 Very Rare No Basic Melta14 3000 Rare No Heavy Melta

2.5 Very Rare No Pistol Melta7.5 Rare No Basic Melta8.5 Rare No Basic Melta40 Rare No Heavy Melta40 Very Rare No Heavy Melta

2 Unique No Pistol Melta9 Very Rare No Basic Melta2 9000 Extremely Rare No Pistol Melta5 35 Famed No Pistol Melta

14 20 Respected No Basic Melta72 35 Respected No Heavy Melta

5 35 Distinguished No Pistol Melta14 35 Distinguished No Basic Melta70 65 Distinguished No Heavy Melta

4 4000 Very Rare No Pistol Plasma11 3000 Very Rare No Basic Plasma

4 5000 Very Rare No Pistol Plasma20 7500 Very Rare No Basic Plasma38 8500 Very Rare No Heavy Plasma12 3000 Very Rare No Basic Plasma

4 Very Rare No Pistol Plasma18 Very Rare No Basic Plasma40 Very Rare No Heavy Plasma

4 Very Rare No Pistol Plasma9 Very Rare No Basic Plasma

20 Extremely Rare No Basic Plasma5 Extremely Rare No Pistol Plasma

70 30 Distinguished No Heavy Plasma27 20 Respected No Basic Plasma

6 25 Respected No Pistol Plasma7 70 Hero No Pistol Plasma

30 28 Distinguished No Basic Plasma7 32 Famed No Pistol Plasma

30 25 Distinguished No Basic Plasma3.5 200 Rare No Pistol Flame

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6 300 Scarce No Basic Flame2.1 750 Very Rare No Pistol Flame20 150 Very Rare No Basic Flame

6 200 Rare No Basic Flame3 50 Scarce No Basic Flame3 100 Average No Basic Flame

45 1000 Rare No Heavy Flame6 400 Very Rare No Basic Flame

3.5 Rare No Pistol Flame6 Scarce No Basic Flame

20 Rare No Heavy Flame6 Scarce No Basic Flame2 1000 Extremely Rare No Pistol Flame

65 Rank 3 No Heavy Flame200 Rank 8 No Heavy Flame

15 10 No Basic Flame6 10 No Pistol Flame

65 15 No Heavy Flame7 16 Respected No Basic Flame5 15 No Basic Flame

13 45 Famed No Basic Flame1.5 10 Average No Thrown Primitive

1 200 Rare No Pistol Primitive4 10 Common No Pistol Primitive7 30 Common No Basic Primitive2 10 Common No Basic Primitive

0.5 10 Plentiful No Basic Primitive3 10 Common No Basic Primitive4 35 Rare No Basic Primitive3 50 Uncommon No Basic Primitive2 40 Common No Pistol Primitive

0.5 50 Average Unsure Exotic Primitive1 30 Scarce No Pistol Primitive5 75 Rare No Basic Primitive3 20 Average No Basic Primitive8 60 Scarce No Basic Primitive2 14 Uncommon No Thrown Primitive2 12 Rare No Thrown Primitive1 45 Very Rare Unsure Exotic Primitive7 50 Common No Basic Primitive

22 100 Scarce No Heavy Primitive40 150 Very Rare No Heavy Primitive

5 400 Very Rare No Basic Primitive4 Plentiful No Basic Primitive

0.5 Common No Thrown Primitive0.5 Common No Thrown Primitive

9 500 Scarce No Basic Launcher15 1200 Rare No Heavy Launcher

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8 300 Average No Basic Launcher35 3000 Scarce No Heavy Launcher10 Scarce No Basic Launcher

12.5 Scarce No Basic Launcher12 Scarce No Heavy Launcher35 Rare No Heavy Launcher30 Very Rare No Heavy Launcher

8.75 Scarce No Basic Launcher10 Rare No Heavy Launcher64 Very Rare No Heavy Launcher50 Extremely Rare No Heavy Launcher41 Rare No Heavy Launcher48 Rare No Heavy Launcher95 25 Famed No Basic Launcher50 10 No Heavy Launcher

3 15 Respected No Basic Launcher12 15 No Heavy Launcher

0.5 10 Common Yes Thrown Grenades & Explosives

0.5 50 Rare Yes Thrown Grenades & Explosives

0.5 25 Scarce Yes Thrown Grenades & Explosives

0.5 60 Scarce Yes Thrown Grenades & Explosives

0.5 40 Rare Yes Thrown Grenades & Explosives

0.5 5 Plentiful Yes Thrown Grenades & Explosives

0.5 40 Scarce Yes Thrown Grenades & Explosives1 20 Average Yes Thrown Grenades & Explosives

0.5 20 Common Yes Thrown Grenades & Explosives0.5 75 Average Yes Grenades & Explosives0.6 60 Rare Yes Thrown Grenades & Explosives1.5 150 Average Yes Grenades & Explosives0.8 10 Scarce Yes Thrown Grenades & Explosives0.2 40 Scarce Yes Thrown Grenades & Explosives

1 20 Common Yes Thrown Grenades & Explosives1 70 Average Yes Thrown Grenades & Explosives3 55 Scarce Yes Thrown Grenades & Explosives4 100 Rare Yes Thrown Grenades & Explosives1 60 Scarce Yes Thrown Grenades & Explosives1 5000 Very Rare Yes Thrown Grenades & Explosives1 500 Rare Yes Thrown Grenades & Explosives1 500 Rare Yes Thrown Grenades & Explosives

0.5 Very Rare Yes Thrown Grenades & Explosives

0.5 Extremely Rare Yes Thrown Grenades & Explosives

4 Very Rare Yes Thrown Grenades & Explosives

0.5 Common Yes Thrown Grenades & Explosives

0.5 Extremely Rare Yes Thrown Grenades & Explosives

20 2000 Very Rare Yes Placed Grenades & Explosives0.5 Rare Yes Thrown Grenades & Explosives

0.5 Near Unique Yes Thrown Grenades & Explosives

0.5 Scarce Yes Thrown Grenades & Explosives

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0.5 Extremely Rare Yes Thrown Grenades & Explosives

2 Rare Yes Lau/Mor Grenades & Explosives

1 Scarce Yes Lau/Mor Grenades & Explosives

2 Very Rare Yes Lau/Mor Grenades & Explosives

0.5 Rare Yes Thrown Grenades & Explosives

0.5 Extremely Rare Yes Thrown Grenades & Explosives

0.5 Rare Yes Thrown Grenades & Explosives

0.8 10 Yes Thrown Grenades & Explosives0.8 1 Yes Thrown Grenades & Explosives

2 5 Yes Grenades & Explosives1 15 Yes Thrown Grenades & Explosives2 15 Yes Grenades & Explosives

0.8 1 Yes Thrown Grenades & Explosives2 5 Yes Grenades & Explosives

0.8 15 Yes Thrown Grenades & Explosives2 20 Distinguished Yes Thrown Grenades & Explosives3 25 Distinguished Yes Grenades & Explosives1 N/A N/A Yes Thrown Grenades & Explosives

0.8 10 Yes Thrown Grenades & Explosives0.5 30 Respected Yes Thrown Grenades & Explosives0.5 5 Yes Thrown Grenades & Explosives

1 N/A N/A Yes Thrown Grenades & Explosives0.5 18 Yes Thrown Grenades & Explosives

1 25 Yes Grenades & Explosives0.5 18 Yes Thrown Grenades & Explosives

1 20 Yes Grenades & Explosives0.5 18 Yes Thrown Grenades & Explosives

2 * Yes Thrown Grenades & Explosives2 5 Yes Placed Grenades & Explosives4 12 Yes Placed Grenades & Explosives

0.5 50 Distinguished Yes Thrown Grenades & Explosives1.5 1250 Very Rare No Pistol Exotic3.5 1200 Rare No Pistol Exotic

2 1000 Very Rare No Basic Exotic8 1800 Rare No Basic Exotic

17 2000 Rare No Heavy Exotic1 950 Very Rare No Pistol Exotic1 1000 Scarce No Pistol Exotic2 1000 Rare No Pistol Exotic

26 7000 Very Rare No Exotic Exotic3 650 Rare No Exotic Exotic

3.5 100 Scarce No Basic Exotic1 500 Very Rare No Thrown Exotic

12 2500 Rare No Heavy Exotic4 Near Unique No Basic Exotic

2.5 Rare No Pistol Exotic0.5 Extremely Rare No Pistol Exotic0.5 Extremely Rare No Pistol Exotic

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0.5 Extremely Rare No Pistol Exotic0.5 Extremely Rare No Pistol Exotic

5 3500 Near Unique No Basic Exotic6 Extremely Rare No Basic Exotic

2.5 Very Rare No Basic Exotic1.2 Very Rare No Pistol Exotic1.2 5000 Very Rare No Pistol Exotic2.5 9500 Very Rare No Basic Exotic

2 8500 Very Rare No Basic Exotic1 2000 Very Rare No Pistol Exotic2 5500 Very Rare No Basic Exotic2 100 Scarce No Pistol Exotic4 200 Scarce No Basic Exotic7 1500 Rare No Basic Exotic

15 41000 Very Rare No Basic Exotic4 2750 Very Rare No Basic Exotic

10 2750 Very Rare No Basic Exotic0.1 Extremely Rare No Pistol Exotic0.1 Extremely Rare No Thrown Exotic6.5 Very Rare No Basic Exotic5.5 Near Unique No Pistol Exotic5.5 Near Unique No Pistol Exotic

5 Near Unique No Pistol Exotic9 Near Unique No Basic Exotic

0.5 Unique No Pistol Exotic3 Extremely Rare No Basic Exotic4 Very Rare No Basic Exotic

3.5 Rare No Basic Exotic6 Rare No Basic Exotic

14 Rare No Heavy Exotic3 Very Rare No Pistol Exotic5 Near Unique No Basic Exotic

0.5 Near Unique No Basic Exotic5 Near Unique No Basic Exotic2 Near Unique No Pistol Exotic4 Unique No Basic Exotic

1.2 Unique No Basic Exotic4 Unique No Basic Exotic

3.5 Near Unique No Basic Exotic4 Unique No Basic Exotic3 Very Rare No Pistol Exotic8 Very Rare No Basic Exotic6 Very Rare No Basic Exotic

10 Near Unique No Basic Exotic1 Extremely Rare No Pistol Exotic

2.5 Extremely Rare No Basic Exotic2 Very Rare No Basic Exotic6 Rare/Average No Basic Exotic

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8 Very Rare/Scarce No Basic Exotic45 Extremely Rare/Rare No Heavy Exotic15 Very Rare/Scarce No Basic Exotic

5 Extremely Rare/Rare No Thrown Exotic1 Extremely Rare/Rare No Thrown Exotic1 Scarce/Common No Thrown Exotic

1.5 Rare/Average No Thrown Exotic4 Extremely Rare No Basic Exotic6 Near Unique No Basic Exotic

85 40 Hero No Heavy Exotic60 Rank 7 No Heavy Exotic50 Rank 5 No Heavy Exotic

240 Rank 8 No Heavy Exotic190 Rank 8 No Heavy Exotic0.1 35 Famed No Pistol Exotic0.1 35 Famed No Pistol Exotic0.1 35 Famed No Pistol Exotic

4 20 No Basic Exotic80 50 Famed No Heavy Exotic65 45 Distinguished No Heavy Exotic

4 25 No Basic Exotic40 40 No Heavy Exotic

30 Respected No Basic Exotic8 10 Distinguished No Basic Exotic

50 Average Yes Upgrades

1 35 Common Yes Upgrades

25 Plentiful Yes Upgrades

0.5 25 Scarce Yes Upgrades

2 25 Plentiful Yes Upgrades

0 40 Scarce Yes Upgrades Melee

0.5 50 Scarce Yes Upgrades Sight

0.5 10 Plentiful Yes Upgrades

1 35 Average Yes Upgrades Sight

0 2500 Very Rare Yes Upgrades Melee2.5 250 Rare Yes Upgrades

0 10 Scarce Yes Upgrades1 300 Scarce Yes Upgrades Pistol

1.5 2250 Rare Yes Upgrades2 25 Average Yes Upgrades0 500 Very Rare Yes Upgrades

0.5 Very Rare Yes Upgrades

0.5 Very Rare Yes Upgrades Sight

0.5 Very Rare Yes Upgrades Sight

2 Near Unique Yes Upgrades Sight

Extremely Rare Yes Upgrades

0.5 Rare Yes Upgrades

0 Very Rare Yes Upgrades0.5 Very Rare Yes Upgrades

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1 Common Yes Upgrades

0.75 Rare Yes Upgrades

2.5 Common Yes Upgrades

Abundant Yes Upgrades

0 Very Rare Yes Upgrades

0 Very Rare Yes Upgrades

2 Average Yes Upgrades

3 Common Yes Upgrades

1 Rare Yes Upgrades Sight

2 Scarce Yes Upgrades Melee

4 Abundant Yes Upgrades

2 50 Rare Yes Upgrades2 7 Yes Upgrades Basic8 9 Yes Upgrades Basic0 5 Yes Upgrades

1/20 Common Yes Ammo

1/20 Common Yes Ammo

1/20 Plentiful Yes Ammo

1/20 Common Yes Ammo

10/clip Common Yes Ammo

15/clip Common Yes Ammo

30/clip Rare Yes Ammo

8/clip Scarce Yes Ammo

10/clip Scarce Yes Ammo

16/1 Rare Yes Ammo

20/clip Very Rare Yes Ammo

15/clip Rare Yes Ammo

15/1 Common Yes Ammo

24/clip Rare Yes Ammo

18/clip Rare Yes Ammo

20/1 Very Rare Yes Ammo

5/6 Scarce Yes Ammo

15/1 Scarce Yes Ammo

18/1 Rare Yes Ammo

5/6 Scarce Yes Ammo

10 Average Yes Ammo

5/3 Scarce Yes Ammo8/1 Scarce Yes Ammo

15/1 Rare Yes Ammo20/1 Rare Yes Ammo

100/1 Rare Yes Ammo100/1 Rare Yes Ammo250/1 Very Rare Yes Ammo

8/1 Scarce Yes Ammo4/1 Common Yes Ammo

50/1 Rare Yes Ammo50/1 Very Rare Yes Ammo

250/1 Very Rare Yes Ammo

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50/5 Rare Yes Ammo100/1 Very Rare Yes Ammo100/1 Very Rare Yes Ammo

25 Rare Yes Ammo

Extremely Rare Yes Ammo

Rare Yes Ammo

Scarce Yes Ammo

Scarce Yes Ammo

1 17000/1 Very Rare Yes Ammo10/1 Scarce where weapon is fo Yes Ammo

Very Rare Yes AmmoNear Unique Yes AmmoNear Unique Yes AmmoUnique Yes AmmoUnique Yes AmmoVery Rare Yes Ammo

Extremely Rare Yes Ammo

Extremely Rare Yes Ammo

Very Rare Yes Ammo

Extremely Rare Yes Ammo

Rare Yes Ammo

Scarce Yes Ammo

Average Yes Ammo

Rare Yes Ammo

28/clip Respected Yes Ammo25/clip Yes Ammo27/clip Respected Yes Ammo15/clip Yes Ammo15/clip Yes Ammo

5/clip Yes Ammo25/clip Famed Yes Ammo12/Clip Distinguished Yes Ammo

8/clip Distinguished Yes Ammo10/clip Famed Yes Ammo

6/clip Distinguished Yes Ammo6/clip Famed Yes Ammo7/clip Distinguished Yes Ammo4/clip Yes Ammo

4 20 Average No Melee Primitive0.5 5 Plentiful No Melee Primitive

2 5 Abundant No Melee Primitive4 20 Scarce No Melee Primitive7 70 Scarce No Melee Primitive4 Scarce No Melee Primitive

Common No Melee Primitive4 10 Common No Melee Primitive

0.5 5 Abundant No Melee Primitive0.5 5 Plentiful No Thrown Primitive

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3 25 Average No Melee Primitive3 15 Common No Melee Primitive3 15 Common No Melee Primitive3 10 Plentiful No Melee Primitive

Common No Melee Primitive5 50 Average No Melee Primitive1 30 Common No Melee Primitive1 30 Scarce No Melee Primitive3 10 Common No Melee Primitive4 28 Scarce No Melee Primitive3 70 Very Rare No Melee Primitive3 60 Rare No Melee Primitive3 25 Rare No Melee Primitive

0.5 4 Plentiful No Melee Primitive2 15 Common No Melee Primitive5 12 Uncommon No Melee Primitive6 45 Rare No Melee Primitive

18 100 Very Rare No Melee Primitive0.2 25 Uncommon No Melee Primitive

7 60 Rare No Melee Primitive5 40 Uncommon No Melee Primitive2 50 Rare No Melee Primitive

0.3 55 Rare No Melee Primitive0.5 150 Very Rare No Melee Primitive

3 50 Average No Melee Primitive1.2 50 Rare No Melee Primitive

0.75 85 Rare No Melee Primitive0.5 35 Common No Melee Primitive

4 30 Common No Melee Primitive3.5 130 Scarce No Melee Primitive0.4 200 Rare No Melee Primitive

8 60 Scarce No Melee Primitive9 75 Average No Melee Primitive

1.5 12 Common No Melee Primitive0.8 40 Average No Melee Primitive3.5 100 Scarce No Melee Primitive0.3 700 Very Rare No Melee Primitive0.5 200 Scarce No Melee Primitive0.5 75 Scarce No Melee Primitive

5 500 Rare No Melee Primitive8 70 Common No Melee Primitive1 100 Common No Melee Primitive2 1000 Rare No Melee Primitive3 3000 Very Rare No Melee Primitive5 3000 Very Rare No Melee Primitive4 2000 Very Rare No Melee Primitive2 Plentiful No Melee Primitive

4.5 Scarce No Melee Primitive

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0.5 Very Rare No Melee Primitive1 Common No Melee Primitive2 Average No Melee Primitive5 Average No Melee Primitive1 Rare No Melee Primitive

0.5 Average No Melee Primitive2 Scarce No Melee Primitive

4.5 500 Scarce No Melee Primitive4 1000 Rare No Melee Primitive6 N/A Issued Only No Melee Primitive4 550 Rare No Melee Primitive8 800 Rare No Melee Primitive4 200 Rare No Melee Primitive

14 7500 Very Rare No Melee Primitive1 5 Scarce No Melee Primitive8 Near Unique No Melee Primitive6 Near Unique No Melee Primitive2 3 No Melee Primitive5 3 No Melee Primitive

10 3 No Melee Primitive3 20 Distinguished No Melee Primitive

10 35 Distinguished No Melee Primitive5 N/A N/A No Melee Primitive

12 60 Hero No Melee Primitive8 30 Hero No Melee Primitive3 30 Famed No Melee Primitive2 40 Hero No Melee Primitive6 275 Rare No Melee Chain

13 450 Very Rare No Melee Chain2.5 80 Scarce No Melee Chain12 750 Scarce No Melee Chain

0.5 Very Rare No Thrown Chain12 Average No Melee Chain

7 Average No Melee Chain10 5 No Melee Chain

8 10 Famed No Melee Chain10 30 Famed No Melee Chain18 35 Famed No Melee Chain

1.5 1750 Very Rare No Melee Power3.5 2500 Very Rare No Melee Power1.5 2500 Very Rare No Melee Power

1 5000 Very Rare No Melee Power7 No Melee Power

12 3100 Very Rare No Melee Power4.5 3500 Very Rare No Melee Power

5 2800 Very Rare No Melee Power8 Extremely Rare No Melee Power6 Very Rare No Melee Power

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13 Very Rare No Melee Power3.5 Very Rare No Melee Power

3 Very Rare No Melee Power3 Rare No Melee Power3 Rare No Melee Power5 Extremely Rare No Melee Power1 Very Rare No Melee Power3 Extremely Rare No Melee Power9 Extremely Rare No Melee Power

0.2 Extremely Rare No Thrown Power15 Very Rare No Melee Power

6 Rank 1 No Melee Power9 Rank 3 No Melee Power

20 Rank 5 No Melee Power5 Rank 6 No Melee Power5 Rank 6 No Melee Power

1500 Rank 8 No Melee Power1500 Rank 8 No Melee Power

48 40 Famed No Melee Power30 30 or 45 Distinguished No Melee Power10 20 Respected No Melee Power25 30 Distinguished No Melee Power

5 20 Respected No Melee Power18 30 Distinguished No Melee Power14 30 Distinguished No Melee Power10 60 Hero No Melee Power25 50 Hero No Melee Power25 18 No Melee Power10 17 No Melee Power10 No Melee Power22 25 Famed No Melee Power25 35 Famed No Melee Power18 15 Distinguished No Melee Power

7 25 Distinguished No Melee Power8 15 Distinguished No Melee Power

15 50 Hero No Melee Power10 75 Hero No Melee Power

2.5 150 Scarce No Melee Shock4.5 375 Rare No Melee Shock

2 80 Scarce No Melee Shock4 100 Very Rare No Melee Shock4 500 Rare No Melee Shock3 200 Scarce No Melee Shock2 100 Average No Melee Shock1 100 Scarce No Melee Shock

15 200 Scarce No Melee Shock1.5 Rare No Melee Shock

2 Rare No Melee Shock

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1 Scarce No Melee Shock0.2 Rare No Thrown Shock

5 Rare No Melee Shock18 750 Scarce No Exotic Exotic

1.5 650 Rare No Exotic Exotic6 75 Average No Melee Exotic1 Extremely Rare No Melee Exotic1 Extremely Rare No Melee Exotic1 Extremely Rare No Melee Exotic8 Scarce No Melee Exotic5 600 Scarce No Melee Exotic

0.5 4500 Very Rare No Melee Exotic4 30000 Very Rare No Melee Exotic3 45000 Very Rare No Melee Exotic

3.5 50000 Very Rare No Melee Exotic3 1500 Very Rare No Melee Exotic1 1000 Very Rare No Melee Exotic

2.5 Extremely Rare No Melee Exotic8 Very Rare No Melee Exotic4 Extremely Rare No Melee Exotic0 Extremely Rare No Melee Exotic2 Near Unique No Melee Exotic

1.5 Very Rare No Melee Exotic1 Near Unique No Melee Exotic4 Near Unique No Melee Exotic8 Extremely Rare No Melee Exotic3 Near Unique No Melee Exotic

1.5 Rare No Melee Exotic10 Rare/Average No Melee Exotic

5 Rare/Average No Melee Exotic5 Rare/Average No Melee Exotic

17 Near Unique/Very Rare No Melee Exotic4.5 4000 Very Rare No Melee Primitive

3 3500 Very Rare No Melee Primitive3.5 3500 Very Rare No Melee Primitive

8 Near Unique No Melee Primitive2 Near Unique No Melee Primitive5 Near Unique No Melee Primitive5 25 Respected No Melee Primitive5 25 Respected No Melee Primitive

2000 Rare Yes Cybernetics

2000 Rare Yes Cybernetics

1000 Scarce Yes Cybernetics

1001 Scarce Yes Cybernetics

750 Scarce Yes Cybernetics

751 Scarce Yes Cybernetics

3000 Rare Yes Cybernetics

1500 Scarce Yes Cybernetics

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1000 Scarce Yes Cybernetics

1600 Very Rare Yes Cybernetics

800 Rare Yes Cybernetics

600 Rare Yes Cybernetics

1000 Rare Yes Cybernetics

600 Adeptus Mechanicus only Yes Cybernetics Las

5000 Very Rare Yes Cybernetics

2250 Rare Yes Cybernetics

500 Adeptus Mechanicus only Yes Cybernetics Primitive Weapons

Talent Adeptus Mechanicus only Yes Cybernetics

500 Adeptus Mechanicus only Yes Cybernetics

1750 Rare Yes Cybernetics

400 Adeptus Mechanicus only Yes Cybernetics

500 Adeptus Mechanicus only Yes Cybernetics Primitive Weapons

5000* Very Rare Yes Cybernetics750* Scarce Yes Cybernetics

150** Scarce Yes Cybernetics300** Scarce Yes Cybernetics750** Rare Yes Cybernetics

3000 Tech Priest Only Yes Cybernetics17000 Tech Priest Only Yes Cybernetics

2000 Scarce Yes Cybernetics100000 Very Rare Yes Cybernetics

2000 Rare Yes Cybernetics12000 Very Rare Yes Cybernetics

Rare Yes Cybernetics

Near Unique Yes Cybernetics

Rare Yes Cybernetics

Very Rare Yes Cybernetics

Scarce Yes Cybernetics

Rare Yes Cybernetics

Rare Yes Cybernetics

Rare Yes Cybernetics

Rare Yes Cybernetics

Scarce Yes Cybernetics

Very Rare Yes Cybernetics

Rare Yes Cybernetics

Very Rare Yes Cybernetics

Scarce Yes Cybernetics

Rare Yes Cybernetics

Scarce Yes Cybernetics

20000 Very Rare Yes Cybernetics20000 Very Rare Yes Cybernetics

Adeptus Mechanicus Only Yes Cybernetics PlasmaAdeptus Mechanicus Only Yes Cybernetics PrimitiveVery Rare Yes Cybernetics

Scarce Yes Cybernetics

Very Rare Yes Cybernetics

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Very Rare Yes Cybernetics

Rare Yes Cybernetics

Rare Yes Cybernetics

30 Yes Cybernetics Primitive50 Famed Yes Cybernetics10 Distinguished Yes Cybernetics

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Gear MenuYou can filter the shop list using the categories below















Feral & Feudal WorldFeral & Feudal WorldFeral & Feudal WorldHive WorldHive WorldForge WorldFrontier WorldFrontier WorldFrontier WorldFrontier WorldThe VoidThe VoidThe VoidThe VoidWar ZoneWar ZoneWar ZoneShadow GearShadow GearShadow GearDaemon HunterDaemon HunterDaemon HunterDaemon HunterDaemon HunterDaemon HunterDaemon HunterDaemon HunterRogue Trader

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Rogue Trader

Rogue Trader

Rogue Trader

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm




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Feral & Feudal WorldFeral & Feudal WorldFeral & Feudal WorldFeral & Feudal WorldFeral & Feudal WorldFeral & Feudal WorldFeral & Feudal WorldFeral & Feudal WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldForge WorldFrontier WorldFrontier WorldFrontier WorldFrontier WorldThe VoidWar ZoneWar ZoneWar ZoneWar ZoneWar ZoneWar ZoneWar ZoneWar ZoneWar ZoneWar ZoneWar ZoneWar ZoneWar ZoneDaemon Hunter

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Daemon HunterRogue Trader

Rogue Trader

Rogue Trader

Rogue Trader

Rogue Trader

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm





















Feral & Feudal WorldFeral & Feudal WorldFeral & Feudal WorldFeral & Feudal World

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Feral & Feudal WorldFeral & Feudal WorldFeral & Feudal WorldFeral & Feudal WorldFeral & Feudal WorldFeral & Feudal WorldFeral & Feudal WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldForge WorldForge WorldForge WorldForge WorldForge WorldForge WorldFrontier WorldFrontier WorldFrontier WorldFrontier WorldFrontier WorldFrontier WorldFrontier WorldFrontier WorldThe VoidThe VoidWar ZoneWar ZoneWar ZoneWar ZoneWar ZoneWar ZoneWar ZoneWar ZoneWar ZoneWar ZoneWar Zone

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War ZoneWar ZoneWar ZoneHoly OrdosHoly OrdosHoly OrdosShadow GearShadow GearShadow GearShadow GearShadow GearShadow GearShadow GearShadow GearRogue Trader

Rogue Trader

Rogue Trader

Rogue Trader

Rogue Trader

Rogue Trader

Rogue Trader

Rogue Trader

Rogue Trader

Rogue Trader

Rogue Trader

Dark TechDark TechDark TechXenos TechAscensionAscensionAscensionAscensionAscensionInto the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

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Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm


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AstartesAstartesAstartesAstartesAstartesAstartesAstartesAstartesAstartesAstartesAstartesAstartesAstartesAstartesRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleCore








Feral & Feudal WorldFeral & Feudal WorldFeral & Feudal WorldFeral & Feudal WorldFeral & Feudal WorldFeral & Feudal WorldFeral & Feudal World

Page 139: 40K RPG Character Sheet 6.05

Hive WorldDaemon HunterRogue Trader








War ZoneShadow GearShadow GearRogue Trader






Hive WorldHive WorldCore






Hive WorldThe VoidWar ZoneShadow GearShadow GearAscensionAscensionReliquaryReliquaryAstartesAstartesRites of BattleCore


Forge WorldWar ZoneAscensionInto the Storm

ReliquaryDaemon Hunter

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Daemon HunterDaemon HunterDaemon HunterDaemon HunterAstartesAstartesAstartesAstartesAstartesRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleForge WorldWar ZoneWar ZoneHoly OrdosDaemon HunterDaemon HunterDaemon HunterAscensionAscensionAscensionAscensionInto the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

AstartesAstartesAstartesAstartesRites of BattleCore

Frontier WorldFrontier WorldFrontier WorldRogue Trader

Xenos TechXenos TechInto the Storm

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Into the Storm

Into the Storm






ITS Kroot

ITS Kroot

ITS Kroot

ReliquaryReliquaryReliquaryReliquaryReliquaryAscensionAscensionCoreCoreCoreCoreCoreHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldForge WorldWar ZoneWar ZoneWar ZoneWar ZoneWar ZoneWar ZoneWar ZoneWar ZoneWar ZoneWar ZoneDaemon HunterDaemon HunterRogue TraderRogue TraderRogue TraderRogue TraderRogue Trader

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Rogue TraderAscensionAscensionInto the StormInto the StormInto the StormAstartesCoreCoreCoreCoreCoreCoreCoreCoreCoreCoreHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldForge WorldForge WorldThe VoidThe VoidThe Void

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The VoidWar ZoneWar ZoneWar ZoneWar ZoneWar ZoneHoly OrdosDaemon HunterDaemon HunterDaemon HunterRogue TraderRogue TraderRogue TraderInto the StormInto the StormInto the StormInto the StormInto the StormInto the StormAstartesAstartesRites of BattleCoreCoreCoreHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldWar ZoneWar ZoneHoly OrdosRogue TraderRogue TraderRogue TraderRogue TraderAscensionAscensionInto the StormInto the StormReliquaryReliquaryDaemon HunterAstartesAstartesAstartesAstartesAstartesAstartes

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AstartesRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleCoreCoreHive WorldWar ZoneWar ZoneWar ZoneRogue TraderRogue TraderRogue TraderRogue TraderRogue TraderAscensionInto the StormReliquaryAstartesAstartesAstartesRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleCoreCoreForge WorldWar ZoneWar ZoneWar ZoneRogue TraderRogue TraderRogue TraderAscensionAscensionInto the StormInto the StormAstartesAstartesAstartesAstartesRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleCore

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CoreHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldThe VoidThe VoidWar ZoneWar ZoneRogue TraderRogue TraderRogue TraderInto the StormReliquaryDaemon HunterDaemon HunterAstartesAstartesAstartesRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleCoreCoreCoreCoreCoreCoreCoreFeral and Feudal WorldFeral and Feudal WorldFeral and Feudal WorldFeral and Feudal WorldFeral and Feudal WorldFeral and Feudal WorldFeral and Feudal WorldFeral and Feudal WorldFeral and Feudal WorldFeral and Feudal WorldFeral and Feudal WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldShadow GearInto the StormInto the StormInto the StormCoreCore

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Hive WorldWar ZoneRogue TraderRogue TraderRogue TraderRogue TraderInto the StormInto the StormInto the StormInto the StormInto the StormInto the StormInto the StormAstartesAstartesAstartesRites of BattleCore






Hive WorldHive WorldThe VoidWar ZoneWar ZoneWar ZoneWar ZoneWar ZoneWar ZoneWar ZoneWar ZoneWar ZoneWar ZoneDaemon HunterDaemon HunterDaemon HunterRogue Trader

Rogue Trader

Rogue Trader

Rogue Trader

Rogue Trader

Xenos TechInto the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

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Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

AstartesAstartesAstartesAstartesAstartesAstartesAstartesAstartesAstartesAstartesAstartesAstartesAstartesAstartesAstartesRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleCoreCoreCoreCoreHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldForge WorldForge WorldShadow GearDaemon HunterDaemon HunterRogue TraderRogue TraderRogue TraderRogue Trader

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Rogue TraderRogue TraderRogue TraderRogue TraderRogue TraderRogue TraderCreatures AnathemaCreatures AnathemaCreatures AnathemaCreatures AnathemaCreatures AnathemaCreatures AnathemaCreatures AnathemaCreatures AnathemaDark TechXenos TechXenos TechAscensionAscensionAscensionAscensionAscensionAscensionAscensionITS Imperial ExoticITS Imperial ExoticITS Imperial ExoticITS Imperial ExoticITS Imperial ExoticITS Imperial ExoticITS Archeotech ExoticITS Archeotech ExoticITS Archeotech ExoticITS Archeotech ExoticITS Xenotech ExoticITS Xenotech ExoticITS Xenotech ExoticITS Xenotech ExoticITS Xenotech ExoticITS Xenotech ExoticITS Xenotech ExoticITS Xenotech ExoticITS Xenotech ExoticITS Xenotech ExoticITS Xenotech ExoticITS Xenotech ExoticITS Xenotech ExoticITS Ork

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ITS OrkITS OrkITS OrkITS OrkITS OrkITS OrkITS OrkITS KrootITS KrootAstartesDaemon HunterDaemon HunterDaemon HunterDaemon HunterAstartesAstartesAstartesAstartesRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleCore









Forge WorldWar ZoneWar ZoneWar ZoneWar ZoneWar ZoneHoly OrdosRogue Trader

Rogue Trader

Rogue Trader

Rogue Trader

Rogue Trader

Rogue Trader

AscensionInto the Storm

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Into the Storm

Into the Storm































Hive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldForge WorldForge WorldThe VoidThe VoidHoly OrdosHoly OrdosHoly Ordos

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Daemon HunterDaemon HunterDaemon HunterRogue Trader

Rogue Trader

Rogue Trader

Rogue Trader

Rogue Trader

Dark TechXenos TechAscensionAscensionAscensionAscensionAscensionInto the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

AstartesAstartesAstartesAstartesAstartesAstartesAstartesAstartesRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleCoreCoreCoreCoreCoreCoreCoreCoreCoreCore

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CoreCoreCoreCoreCoreFeral and Feudal WorldFeral and Feudal WorldFeral and Feudal WorldFeral and Feudal WorldFeral and Feudal WorldFeral and Feudal WorldFeral and Feudal WorldFeral and Feudal WorldFeral and Feudal WorldFeral and Feudal WorldFeral and Feudal WorldFeral and Feudal WorldFeral and Feudal WorldFeral and Feudal WorldFeral and Feudal WorldFeral and Feudal WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldHive WorldThe VoidThe VoidThe VoidThe VoidThe VoidThe VoidThe VoidWar ZoneWar ZoneWar ZoneShadow GearShadow GearDaemon HunterDaemon HunterDaemon HunterDaemon HunterDaemon HunterDaemon HunterDaemon HunterRogue TraderRogue Trader

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AscensionInto the StormInto the StormInto the StormInto the StormInto the StormInto the StormReliquaryReliquaryReliquaryReliquaryReliquaryReliquaryReliquaryReliquaryReliquaryReliquaryAstartesAstartesAstartesAstartesAstartesAstartesRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleCoreCoreHive WorldHoly OrdosInto the StormInto the StormInto the StormAstartesRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleCoreCoreHive WorldForge WorldForge WorldWar ZoneWar ZoneHoly OrdosRogue TraderRogue Trader

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Rogue TraderRogue TraderRogue TraderAscensionAscensionAscensionAscensionInto the StormInto the StormInto the StormInto the StormDaemon HunterDaemon HunterDaemon HunterDaemon HunterDaemon HunterDaemon HunterDaemon HunterAstartesAstartesAstartesAstartesAstartesAstartesAstartesAstartesAstartesRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleRites of BattleCoreCoreFeral and Feudal WorldFeral and Feudal WorldThe VoidThe VoidThe VoidShadow GearDaemon HunterRogue TraderRogue Trader

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Into the StormInto the StormInto the StormForge WorldForge WorldThe VoidRogue TraderRogue TraderRogue TraderRogue TraderCreatures AnathemaCreatures AnathemaDark TechDark TechXenos TechXenos TechXenos TechAscensionInto the StormInto the StormInto the StormInto the StormInto the StormInto the StormInto the StormInto the StormInto the StormInto the StormITS OrkITS OrkITS OrkITS OrkHoly OrdosHoly OrdosHoly OrdosInto the StormInto the StormInto the StormAstartesAstartesCore








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Forge WorldForge WorldForge WorldForge WorldForge WorldForge WorldForge WorldForge WorldForge WorldForge WorldHoly OrdosRogue Trader

Rogue Trader

Rogue Trader

Rogue Trader

Rogue Trader

Rogue Trader

Rogue Trader

Rogue Trader

Rogue Trader

Rogue Trader

Rogue Trader

Rogue Trader

Rogue Trader

Rogue Trader

Rogue Trader

Rogue Trader

Dark TechXenos TechAscensionAscensionInto the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

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Into the Storm

Into the Storm

Into the Storm

AstartesAstartesRites of Battle

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EquipmentYou can select from a menu of items bought in the shop, or type in custom itemsIf the armour or weapon menus are empty - you need to buy gear in the shop then come back here

LocationsArmour Armour Type & Quality Type override AP Damage Bonus

Common HeadLeft Arm

Armour Weight Right ArmBody

Force Field Left LegRight Leg

Name Class Damage Type PenWeapon Usage

Shopping Show on character sheets Yes


Author: If a location has a different armour type, put the correct type in here.
Author: Value can be overriden if the value shown is not correct
Author: Damage bonuses from good quality bionics arms and synthetic muscle grafts are added for each arm automatically. If the value is wrong you can override it here.
Author: Enter the quality of your armour here and pick the one worn from your armour bought in the shop in the cell below.
Author: Select from the list or enter manually. If the list is empty you haven't acquired any weapons from the shop sheet yet.
Author: Most Melee weapons add your Strength bonus to the damage dealt. If you put the phrase +Str into the damage line it will be replaced with your Strength bonus on the final character sheet. i.e. 1d10+5+Str for power swords and 2d10+2Str for power fists. Extra damage for Crushing Blow and Mighty Blow and weapon quality are added automatically.
Author: The modern CS only has room for the first 6 entries. The main character sheet will display the first 4 melee weapons and the first 4 ranged weapons.
Author: If you have too much gear to fit, print the Gear Summary sheet instead.
Page 159: 40K RPG Character Sheet 6.05

Damage Bonus WeightOwned Equipped

Gear 0.0kg 0.0kgArmour 0.0kg 0.0kg

Weapons 0.0kg 0.0kgAmmo 0.0kg 0.0kg

Total 0.0kg 0.0kg

Range RoF Clip Reload

Author: Note: The range, weight and clip size of the weapon can be affected by assigning upgrades. The updated values are shown on the character sheet.
Author: If the RoF starts with a dash (-) then you need to put a single quote at the start, i.e. '-/2/4 otherwise excel thinks it is a negative number Note:- For the format check to work you need to leave the cell with "enter" or "tab", not a mouse click.
Page 160: 40K RPG Character Sheet 6.05

Special Quality

Custom Gear Weight

Author: The weight (in kg) of your custom items. Shop items are calculated automatically.
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Career Path

Rank Name Alternative12345678



Elite Advances Talent or Trait

Author: Chosing an Alternative path for a rank replaces the abilites of the Rank in the column to its left. This should be done as soon as you level up and before you spend xp at the new level. Note: you still need to select the primary rank before selecting the alternative. For Deathwatch this advanced speciality is in addition to the chosen rank, not a replacement.
Author: The cost of transition to either Interrogator or Inquisitor is 2000xp per transition and only available with GM permission.
Author: If your character takes elite advances that cannot be entered on the talents sheet then enter them here either from the pull down talent list or manually. Note. If the talent has an option then put this in square brackets [] at the end. i.e. Navigator power [Lidless stare] or Talented [Survival] For Ascended characters with the Psyker's gift you need to ensure increases to your Psy Level use the following format when your new Psy Rating is 3,4,5 or 6. At these levels you must choose a new discipline or half your willpower bonus (rounded up) bonus powers. The format is either:- Psy Rating 3 [Biomancy] or Psy Rating 4 [3] Ascended powers use the standard format, i.e. Ascended Psychic Power [Stormworth]
Page 163: 40K RPG Character Sheet 6.05

AdvancementStart Simple Intermediate Trained

Weapon Skill (WS) 25Ballistic Skill (BS) 25

Strength (S) 25Toughness (T) 25

Agility (Ag) 25Intelligence (Int) 25Perception (Per) 25Will Power (WP) 25Fellowship (Fel) 25

XP SpentCurrent Rank 1 Career 4500

Characteristics 0XP Gained 0 Skills 0

XP Start 5000 Talents 0Background 0 Powers 0

XP Spent -4500 OtherXP to Spend 500 4500

XP cost Description

Author: For xp spent in other ways, i.e. choice of starting mutation or buy off for insanity/corruption
Page 164: 40K RPG Character Sheet 6.05

AdvancementExpert Heroic Master Total Unnatural

25 ###25 ###25252525252525 ###

Starting XP###

Adjustments Current Values ###Fate Ascension Path MenusInsanity 0CorruptionProfit Factor Has Alternative

Next Rank Initiative 2 ###7000 xp Level



Author: If you have an unnatural characteristic, the multiplier will be worked out below. If this is wrong, it can be entered manually from the drop down menu.
Author: Changes to fate, i.e. Awards from GM or burnt
Page 165: 40K RPG Character Sheet 6.05

Unused by your character

Current Psy Rating 0 XP to Spend

Psy Rating Minor powers Discipline powers123456

Total from Psy Rating 0 0Bonus from Talents 0 0

Total Available 0 0

DisciplinesMinor Powers

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Page 167: 40K RPG Character Sheet 6.05


Discipline Ascension Powers Rank 1

0 0


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Page 169: 40K RPG Character Sheet 6.05

XP spent on Ranks 0Unused powers discount 0

XP Saved 0Total XP Cost 0

Rank 2 Rank 3#####################

XP spent on Ascension Ranks ###0 0


Minor Powers##########################################################################################

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Page 171: 40K RPG Character Sheet 6.05

Deathwatch ChapterThis sheets allows the creation of a new Space Marine Chapter

according to the rules in Rites of Battle.

Enable Custom Chapter No 1d101d100

Chapter HistoryName Custom ChapterWhy the Chapter was founded (1d10)When the Chapter was founded (1d100)Modifiers (1d100)Advances (1d100)Special Equipment (1d100)Beliefs (1d100)Current Status (1d10) - Friends (1d100) - Enemies (enter manually)

Gene-seedProgenitor (1d100)Purity (1d10)Demeanour (1d10)Mutation (1d100)Deficiencies (Select Yes if deficient) - Hyper-stimulated Omophagea - Oversensitve Occulobe - Mutated Catalepsean Node - Oolitic Secretions - Disturbing Voice - Lost Zygote - Doomed

FlawsChapter Flaw (1d10)Missing Zygotes (1d100)Missing Zygotes (1d100)

Founding FathersFigures of Legend (1d100)Deeds of Legend (1d100)

Home WorldCategory (1d100)Terrain (1d100)Relationship (1d10)

OrganisationSuccessor (1d10)Restricted Speciality (1d100)Restricted Speciality (1d100)Combat Doctrine (1d10)

Abilities - Solo Mode (1d100)

Page 172: 40K RPG Character Sheet 6.05

- Squad Mode Attack Pattern (1d100) - Squad Mode Defensive Stance (1d100)

House Rule AdjustmentsYou may add basic or advanced skills known by your chapter.

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Warning - adverts may damage your health

Join the

Celestial WardensTogether we are stronger




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Rogue Trader

Origin Path: → → →

Skills Gear

Strength (S)

2 5££££

Toughness (T)

2 5££££

Agility (Ag)

2 5Awareness (Per) 12Barter (Fel) 12 ££££

Carouse (T) 12Charm (Fel) 12 Intelligence (Int)Climb (S) 12

2 5Command (Fel) 12Concealment (Ag) 12Contortionist (Ag) 12 ££££

Deceive (Fel) 12Disguise (Fel) 12 Perception (Per) Custom GearDodge (Ag) 12

2 5Evaluate (Int) 12Gamble (Int) 12Inquiry (Fel) 12 ££££

Intimidate (S) 12Logic (Int) 12 Will Power (WP)Scrutiny (Per) 12

2 5Search (Per) 12Silent Move (Ag) 12Swim (S) 12 ££££

Fellowship (Fel)

2 5££££

Profit Factor

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Page 177: 40K RPG Character Sheet 6.05

Wounds () Insanity Fatigue (2) Corruption Critical Damage

££Stable (0)


Talents and Traits Weapon Training

Ballistic Skill (BS)

2 5BasicPistolHeavy




Half Move: 2mFull Move: 4mCharge: 6mRun: 12mLeap: 2m

Jump: 40cm

XP To Spend


XP Spent

4500Carried: 0kg

Carry: 18kgLift: 36kg

Push: 72kg

Strength Bonus



Weapon Skill (WS)

2 5££££

Armour (Toughness)ThrownMelee

Head 1-10 Right Arm 11-20 Left Arm 21-30 Body 31-70 Right Leg 71-85Left Leg 86-100

(2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2)




























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Page 179: 40K RPG Character Sheet 6.05

Rogue TraderCharacter Player

Career Path Rank XP to Spend 500 XP Spent

Money Fate Points Wounds Insanity Points Corruption PointsProfit Factor Maximum Used Total Damage Critical Fatigue Current Degree Current Degree

Weapon Skill (WS) Ballistic Skill (BS) Strength (S) Toughness (T) Agility (Ag) Intelligence (Int) Perception (Per) Will Power (WP) Fellowship (Fel)

2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5Adv. Adv. Adv. Adv. Adv. Adv. Adv. Adv. Adv.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

WEAPONS Armour Talents and Traits(Toughness)


Class Damage Type Pen

(2)Range ROF Clip Reload


Name 2(2) (2)Class Damage Type Pen

Range ROF Clip Reload

Special Handedness Weight Carried


Class Damage Type Pen

Range ROF Clip Reload

Special (2) (2)Name

Class Damage Type Pen

Range ROF Clip Reload BasicSpecial Pistol Thrown

Heavy Melee

Name MovementClass Damage Type Pen Half MoveFull Move Charge Run Base LeapBase Jump

Range ROF Clip Reload 2m 4m 6m 12m 2m 40cmSpecial

Name LiftingClass Damage Type Pen Carry Lift Push

Range ROF Clip Reload 18kg 36kg 72kgSpecial


Right Arm11-20

Left Arm21-30


Right Leg71-85

Left Leg86-100











SP Bolt









Page 180: 40K RPG Character Sheet 6.05

Origin PathSkills Skills

Trained +10% +20% Total Trained +10% +20% Total

Awareness (Per) 12Barter (Fel) 12Carouse (T) 12Charm (Fel) 12Climb (S) 12Command (Fel) 12Concealment (Ag) 12Contortionist (Ag) 12

DescriptionDeceive (Fel) 12Disguise (Fel) 12Dodge (Ag) 12Evaluate (Int) 12Gamble (Int) 12Inquiry (Fel) 12Intimidate (S) 12Logic (Int) 12Scrutiny (Per) 12Search (Per) 12Silent Move (Ag) 12Swim (S) 12

Weapon Skill (WS) Ballistic Skill (BS) Strength (S) Toughness (T) Agility (Ag) Intelligence (Int) Perception (Per) Will Power (WP) Fellowship (Fel)

2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5Adv. Adv. Adv. Adv. Adv. Adv. Adv. Adv. Adv.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Gear Custom Gear

Page 181: 40K RPG Character Sheet 6.05

Talent Summary Rules SummaryTraits Description Hatred

Attack ActionsAim H/FAll out Attack FullDodge ReactionStandard Attack HalfMultiple Attacks Full

###Melee Actions

Charge FullParry ReactionGuarded Attack FullDefensive Stance FullFeint HalfGrapple FullKnock-down Half

Starting and Equipment based Talents Description Stun Full###

Move ActionsMove H/FManoeuvre HalfDisengage FullRun FullTactical Advance FullStand / Mount HalfJump / Leap Full

###Ranged Actions

Semi-auto Fire FullFull-auto Fire FullCalled Shot FullSuppressing Fire FullBrace Heavy Weapon Half

###Other Actions

Reload See weaponUse a Skill VariesUse a fate point Free

Bought Talents XP Cost Description Delay HalfFocus Power VariesReady Half

###Combat Modifiers

Darkness -20 WS/-30 BSGanging up (2:1) +10 WSGanging up (3+:1) +20 WSHigh Ground +10 WSFatigued -10 All skillsTarget Stunned +20 WS/BSPinned -20 BSAim (Half) +10 WS/BSAim (Full) +20 WS/BSSemi Auto +10 BSFull Auto +20 BSCalled Shot -20 WS/BSSuprise Attack +30 WS/BSShoot into Melee -20 BS

###Range Modifiers

Point Blank (<2m) +30 BSShort (<1/2 range) +10 BSLong (>2x range) -10 BSExtreme (>3x range) -30 BS

###Spend Fate points

Recover from stun ###Roll 10 for initiative ###Re-roll a failed test ###Add 1 degree of success ###Gain +10 to a test (before rolling) ###Remove 1d5 damage (not critical) ###


Full Auto Hit LocationsFirst Hit, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Rest


Influence Table Bonus StatusAcademics -Adeptus Arbites -Adeptus Astartes -Adeptus Mechanicus -Adeptus Sororitas -Adeptus Titanicus -Administratum -Astropaths -Chartist Captains -Cult (Specific) ###


Death Worlders -Ecclesiarchy -Enforcers -Feral worlders -Government -Hivers -Inquisition -Imperial Navy -Imperial Guard -Mercantile -Mercenaries -Middle Classes -Military -Mutants -Navigators -Nobility -Ordo Malleus -Ordo Xenos -Officio Assassinorum -PDF -Pilgrims -Planet (Specific) ###

Elite Advances 0 Description ----

Recidivist Organisation (Specific) ###----

Rogue Trader -the Insane -Underworld -Void born -Workers -

Head èHeadèArmèBodyèArmèBodyArm èArmèBodyèHeadèBodyèArmBody èBodyèArmèHeadèArmèBody

Leg èLegèBodyèArmèHeadèBody

Page 182: 40K RPG Character Sheet 6.05

Gear Summary TotalA list of all the items you have purchased on the shop sheet. 0.0 kg

Owned Carried Item Description Wt. (kg)

Page 183: 40K RPG Character Sheet 6.05

Cohesion: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16









r Nam








ed V




tal F



Feat o

f Stre



me E






r's Gra


Burst o

f Sp






/A 1 5 1 5 7 1








yer N









ce p

er d

ay in




ral stre



lier 1


for 1




Once per gam

e session for 1 hours you may re-roll failed toughness tests.



































3 1 1 3 1 1 #N



3 1 2 2 3 1 #N






























r N




ack P


















s C





l A



Tank B







e S





Go t

o G





Soak F







ical Sp





Space Marine Im

plants - Secondary Heart/O



en: Unnatural Toughness &

Strength Larraman's O

rgan: No blood loss Catalepsean N

ode: No perception test penalties for staying aw

ak for long periods Preom

nor: +20 vs ingested poisons Multi-lung: M

ay reroll failed toughness tests for drowning, gases or asphyxiation. +30 vs gases. O

cculube and Lyman's Ear: You gain H

ightened senses (Sight & H

earing) Sus-an Mem

brane: You may

enter suspended animation. O

olotic Kidney: May reroll failed toughness tests to resist poisons and toxins. N

eurglottis: M

ay detect poisons and toxins by taste, gain +10 on tracking targets you have tasted. Mucranoid: Reroll toughness tests

for temperature extrem

es. Bletcher's Gland: Spit acid (Rng 3m

, 1d5 Pen 4 toxic, possible blinding) Progenoids: Gene-seeds - m

ust be returned to chapter if comrade dies. Black Carapce: Enem

ies gain no bonus to hit you due to your power

armour size increase.

Astartes Power arm

our - +20 Strength, Hulking, D

ark sight, imm

une to photo flash and stun grenades, called shots are half action, +10 bonus to Sight/Hearing tests (add m

anually), may fire basic w

eapons one handed, delicate tasks are at -10 penalty


e a

nd m


a s





h b









round t

o m


a s





-20 p


y f




e fi

re o

r overw




e e


y a

nd m


a s





h o


on t

o r





May u

se r



to m


a t


ical advance

, re


ing c




ng m



+5 B

S w


heavy w


on o

r exp


ve, or

move 2

m c


r to














ts o

f co


if s



May m

ove u

p t

o 2

m t

o fi






by a





, p






a h


May m

ove u

p t

o 4

m a

s fr

ee a


n w




ng o



h o

r su



e fi



ead o

f dodgin

g a



, sp

read h








Squad g


s +

20 B

S v

s ca

lled t



may r




age a





s fo

r extr

a s




May s





h b








ssion a

t the sta

rt of a

round, ig


the sta

tus a

ffects o

f a



us critica

l hit fo

r 1 ro


Once per gam

e session, re-roll a failed WP test to resist psychic pow

ers or attem

pts to subvert your w


Once per gam

e session for 1 rounds, when using fate points, regain spent fate point if you

roll under your rank on a d10


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Page 184: 40K RPG Character Sheet 6.05

Ammunition tracker ######

Weapon Ammo Type Ammo Reload ##############################

Author: Use this sheet to track ammunition usage. The buttons for single shot, semi auto and full auto will subtract the approriate ammo from the the total. The reload button inserts a full clip and removes the quantity owned on the shop sheet.
Author: Ammo must be acquired in the shop first.
Author: This will remove 1 from the quantity bought in the shop.
Page 185: 40K RPG Character Sheet 6.05

ProfileWS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

Movement: 2/4/6/12Wounds: Corruption Points:0Insanity Points: 0Fate Points: Skills:Talents: Traits: Armour: Weapons: Gear:

Author: This sheet can be used to cut and paste a basic text export format into other applications such as Wolph42's framework for online gaming.
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To do



Page 187: 40K RPG Character Sheet 6.05

NotesBasic 2-Page character sheetMajor revamp - added support for all origin paths with auto selection of traits/talents and skillsAdded Tick boxes for talent selection, support for talent prerequisites, font changes for 2003 compatibility and an instructions sheetFirst internet release of Dark Heresy additions following in-house testing.Added Ascension and Inquisitors handbook support - redesign of all tables, removed support for all but the Old Gothic sheetAdded Daemon Hunter alternative ranks, backgrounds and gear. Added Grey Knight setting and new psychic discipline.Fixed Dark Voyage skills (were appearing as traits), added missing Grey Knight gear to the shop and all weapon stats from Daemon HunterFixed Compact weapon upgrade. Fixed Feared by the Warp prerequisites and added Talented[Pilot(personal)] to Strike Squad rank 8 talents. Added force fields to equipment sheet and character sheets. Fixed strength bonus calculations for items like power fists when interacting with unnatural strengthReduced Rank requirements on heavey weapons for Purgation Squad, fixed Gunmetal city starting traits. Fixed xp costs of Astropath Psychic Talents. Added +10 Ag bonus for Mk6 armour. Added Naduesh Force weapons.Added Peer option to Product of Upbringing. Added support for Wyrdling Powers. Fixed bug with Psy Rating 4 major powers introduced in 6.0Fixed bug in talent sheet to cope with updated Psychic Talent xp cost when formula is copied down by VB code. Made Right Place, Rigth time give +10 skill bonus.Fixed bug with talent list when using open office , removed spurious skill from Rogue trader rank 5 list, Implemented changes to reload time based on rapid reload talent. Fixed pre-reqs for Host-Bound background. Ensured knife lists as a Melee weapon.Fixed issue with some skills failing to display on character sheet. Added missing Psychic power to Scholar Materum. Improved handling of Wrydling Mutation.

IssuesIf you gain access to a skill at a lower cost than you have already paid for the skill, you get it at the new lowest costIf you gain a talent with the (Specific) or "Chosen" subtext during character creation, there is no way to enter the details for the specific entryCalculation speed in older version of Excel (pre-2007) is slowOpenOffice sometimes needs a forced recalculation for the drop down menus to update properly.

listPort macros to OpenOffice - in fact, wait for VBA support to work - hopefully version 3.4

NotesThe workbook is designed in such a way as to make adding new worlds or careers as easy as possible.All input cells and drop down menus are configured in the "Menus" sheet.To add a new Career, insert the entry in the Careers section on the Menu sheet, then add the Rank names and XP costs to the "Careers" and "Career Ranks" sheets. Ensure that the named ranges are extended and formulas are copied down.Finally, add the talents and skills into the "Advances" Sheet, again ensuring to copy down the formulas in the grouped and hidden columns

My thanks go out to everyone who helped with testing this spreadsheet or has given me feedback, in particular to John (general testing), Zero (Mac support), Daltris (Logic errors), Nik (Version 5 functional testing) and Trent (Deathwatch Errata)In release 5.8 I incorporated a full weapons and armour list from the excellent resource by unknownrelic. See the Forum for a link to the original download.

Page 188: 40K RPG Character Sheet 6.05

Added Tick boxes for talent selection, support for talent prerequisites, font changes for 2003 compatibility and an instructions sheet

Added Ascension and Inquisitors handbook support - redesign of all tables, removed support for all but the Old Gothic sheetAdded Daemon Hunter alternative ranks, backgrounds and gear. Added Grey Knight setting and new psychic discipline.Fixed Dark Voyage skills (were appearing as traits), added missing Grey Knight gear to the shop and all weapon stats from Daemon HunterFixed Compact weapon upgrade. Fixed Feared by the Warp prerequisites and added Talented[Pilot(personal)] to Strike Squad rank 8 talents. Added force fields to equipment sheet and character sheets.

Reduced Rank requirements on heavey weapons for Purgation Squad, fixed Gunmetal city starting traits. Fixed xp costs of Astropath Psychic Talents. Added +10 Ag bonus for Mk6 armour. Added Naduesh Force weapons.Added Peer option to Product of Upbringing. Added support for Wyrdling Powers. Fixed bug with Psy Rating 4 major powers introduced in 6.0Fixed bug in talent sheet to cope with updated Psychic Talent xp cost when formula is copied down by VB code. Made Right Place, Rigth time give +10 skill bonus.Fixed bug with talent list when using open office , removed spurious skill from Rogue trader rank 5 list, Implemented changes to reload time based on rapid reload talent. Fixed pre-reqs for Host-Bound background. Ensured knife lists as a Melee weapon.Fixed issue with some skills failing to display on character sheet. Added missing Psychic power to Scholar Materum. Improved handling of Wrydling Mutation.

If you gain access to a skill at a lower cost than you have already paid for the skill, you get it at the new lowest costIf you gain a talent with the (Specific) or "Chosen" subtext during character creation, there is no way to enter the details for the specific entry

To add a new Career, insert the entry in the Careers section on the Menu sheet, then add the Rank names and XP costs to the "Careers" and "Career Ranks" sheets. Ensure that the named ranges are extended and formulas are copied down.Finally, add the talents and skills into the "Advances" Sheet, again ensuring to copy down the formulas in the grouped and hidden columns

My thanks go out to everyone who helped with testing this spreadsheet or has given me feedback, in particular to John (general testing), Zero (Mac support), Daltris (Logic errors), Nik (Version 5 functional testing) and Trent (Deathwatch Errata)In release 5.8 I incorporated a full weapons and armour list from the excellent resource by unknownrelic. See the Forum for a link to the original download.

Page 189: 40K RPG Character Sheet 6.05

Reduced Rank requirements on heavey weapons for Purgation Squad, fixed Gunmetal city starting traits. Fixed xp costs of Astropath Psychic Talents. Added +10 Ag bonus for Mk6 armour. Added Naduesh Force weapons.

Fixed bug with talent list when using open office , removed spurious skill from Rogue trader rank 5 list, Implemented changes to reload time based on rapid reload talent. Fixed pre-reqs for Host-Bound background. Ensured knife lists as a Melee weapon.

To add a new Career, insert the entry in the Careers section on the Menu sheet, then add the Rank names and XP costs to the "Careers" and "Career Ranks" sheets. Ensure that the named ranges are extended and formulas are copied down.

My thanks go out to everyone who helped with testing this spreadsheet or has given me feedback, in particular to John (general testing), Zero (Mac support), Daltris (Logic errors), Nik (Version 5 functional testing) and Trent (Deathwatch Errata)