4 wk bikini diet

4 Week Bikini Body Workout www.mattibbs.com THE 4 WEEK BIKINI DIET 4 weeks until your ‘Bikini Body’ Ready By Matt Ibbs IFS UK Personal Trainer of the Year 2008

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4 Week Bikini Body Workout





4 weeks until your

‘Bikini Body’



Matt Ibbs

IFS UK Personal Trainer of the Year 2008

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4 Week Bikini Body Workout



Congratulations on taking the first steps to getting ‘bikini body’ ready for the summer.

What you are about to discover are tried and tested workouts and nutritional plans

designed by IFS UK Personal Trainer of the Year 2008 Matt Ibbs.

These workouts have been specially formulated to ensure maximum results in

minimal time, and all in the comfort of your own home (or beach if you wanted to add


In 4 weeks you will have lost weight, dropped inches and feeling fitter and ready for

that beach!

This program is not a simple get fit quick routine. It is hard and you will be tested and

pushed to your limits but you will get the results if you stick to it.

The way the workouts have been constructed you will be able to repeat the program

and continue with the training plan after the 4 weeks to add more results. All you

need to do is repeat the program and beat the targets you set for each workout


The nutritional plan however is only designed for 4 weeks. This must not be

undertaken for any longer than this period. From the 4 weeks you are to go back to a

balanced eating pattern still sticking to the amount of meals and snacks per day. I

have given you calculations to follow so after the 4 weeks you can work out your

correct food levels to continue with the weight loss.

You will see by the nutritional plan that each day is already written for you. Follow

the meal plans and stick to eat.

If there are any food choices you do not like please substitute them for a like

alternative. For instance if you are vegetarian then replace the chicken for quorn


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Disclaimer You must have a Doctor’s approval before beginning this exercise program. This Exercise plan is not designed to cure or prevent illness or injuries. They are not Medical guidelines but for educational purpose only. You must consult your Doctor before embarking on this exercise plan or if you have Any medical conditions or injury that contraindicates physical activity. This program is Designed for healthy individuals of 18 years or older. The exercises and information is meant to supplement and not replace exercise Training. All forms of exercise pose some inherent risks and the author does not Accept any responsibility for participants’ safety and it is the participants’ responsibility for their own safety and to know their limits. Do not exercises is you are fatigued or if you are showing improper technique and always ask for instruction from a fully qualified fitness professional if you are unsure of any technique If you are taking any medication(s) please seek advice from your Doctor before starting any exercise plan, including this manual. If you experience light headedness, dizziness, feel faint or shortness of breath stop the exercise(s) and consult your Doctor. You must complete a full medical, health and lifestyle questionnaire if you are sedentary or if you have high blood pressure or any other illness or injury that may affect your ability to carry out the exercise(s) in a safe effective manner. If you Doctor recommends you do not follow this plan we recommend you follow your Doctors’ orders. Thank you Matt Ibbs

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Getting Started

For the next four weeks you will transform your body through exercise and changes

to your eating habits. The exercise programme has been designed to target your

whole body and is made up of simple workouts that require no equipment and should

take no longer than 40 minutes. This, coupled with a carefully planned eating plan

should see you slimming into that bikini, possibly even looking fitter and healthier

than last year!

But before you begin you must complete the following essential steps!

Get the go ahead!!

Consult you doctor! At Matt Ibbs personal training your wellbeing comes first! If you

have been given any advice that contradicts any aspect of the bikini body workout

then please do not risk your health by going against your doctors recommendations.

Get snap happy!!

In order to appreciate how effective the programme is and to motivate you into

making and sticking to the changes required over the next four weeks take a

photograph of yourself! Go on! Try on that bikini and see how it looks, take a picture,

stick it somewhere you can’t miss - the fridge, your bedroom mirror, etc and then use

it as inspiration to continue heading in the right direction for the duration of the


Get measured up!!

Next you’ll need to find a tape measure! Measuring your arms, hips, waist and thighs

is essential, the difference you notice week from week will be inspiration enough and

will allow you to keep a track of the changes to your body over the next 4 weeks and

in the future. Once you have taken your measurements, complete the measurement

table and place them with your photograph - they too will remind you of why you are

making the changes and reaffirm your commitment in any weak moments!

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Nutritional Plan

Before starting with the nutritional plan you need to ensure that you are fully aware of

the commitments. Just because you are exercising does not mean you can ‘slack’ on

the eating.

Think of it like this:

There are 168 hours in the week. For that we will be sleeping for approximately 56

hours and working out for roughly 4 hours leaving us with 108 to either maximise the

results though our nutrition or ruin what we are achieving!

Exercise and nutrition do go hand in had and it is paramount to your success that

you follow both the nutritional and exercise plan to the letter.

It has been successfully designed to accelerate weight loss and really make a

difference in our body shape for the bikinis.

Failure to commit to both will result in a failure to achieve that perfect ‘bikini body’ –


Plan Your Meals

There is a famous saying:

‘Fail to plan, plan to fail’

We plan everything else in our life so why not plan our food and exercise habits?

With your food please take time to have a look through the weekly sheets and plan

your meals ahead. Write a list of all that is needed for the week and do your shop in

1 go. Stock up on all ingredients and food needed and then take about 10 minutes

the night before to plan/make the food requirements for the following day’s breakfast

and lunch.

By taking 10 minutes from your day I can promise you that you will be well on the

way to achieving the results.

Also plan your workouts too and make time in your diary when these ase going to be

done, do not let anything get in the way or make excuses.

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The Food Plan

Below is a 7 day food plan to be repeated each week. As mentioned before, if there

are any foods on the sheets you do not like please change for a suitable substitute.

Monday Breakfast Amount Wholemeal Toast 1

Egg 1 Snack 1 Apple 1 Lunch

Tuna 250g Green Salad As Desired Olive Oil 1 tsp Snack 2 Piece of Fruit 1

Dinner Grilled Chicken Breast 1 Green Mixed Vegetables As Desired Olives 5

Tuesday Breakfast Amount Weetabix 1

Skimmed MIlk ¼ Pint Snack 1 Apple 1 Lunch Tuna 250g

Green Salad As Desired Olive Oil 1 tsp Snack 2 Piece of Fruit 1

Dinner Grilled Salmon Fillet 1 Green Mixed Vegetables As Desired Tomato 2

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Wednesday Breakfast Amount Weetabix 1 Skimmed Milk ¼ Pint

Snack 1 Mixed Nuts 15 Lunch Wholemeal Bread 2 Mixed Salad As Desired

Turkey Slices 2 Slices Snack 2 Piece of Fruit 1 Dinner Brown Rice 2 Tblsp

Green Mixed Vegetables As Desired Grilled Chicken Breast 1

Thursday Breakfast Amount Weetabix 1 Skimmed Milk ¼ Pint Snack 1

Apple 1 Lunch Grilled Chicken Breast 1 Mixed Salad As Desired Olive Oil 1 tsp

Snack 2 Piece of Fruit 1 Dinner Anything you like

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Friday Breakfast Amount Weetabix 1 Skimmed Milk ¼ Pint

Snack 1 Apple 1 Lunch Tuna 250g Mixed Salad As Desired

Mayoniasse 1 tsp Snack 2 Piece of Fruit 1 Dinner Grilled Salmon Fillet 1 Fillet

Green Mixed Vegetables As Desired Olive Oil 1 tsp

Saturday Breakfast Amount Wholemeal Toast 1 Jam ¼ Pint Snack 1

Apple 15 Lunch Tuna 250g Mixed Salad As Desired Mayoniasse 1 tsp

Snack 2 Piece of Fruit 1 Dinner Grilled Chicken Breast 1 Mixed Green Vegetables As Desired

Olive Oil 1 tps

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Sunday Breakfast Amount Wholemeal Toast 2 Turkey Rashers 1

Snack 1 Apple 1 Lunch Grilled Salmon 1 Fillet Mixed Salad As Desired

Snack 2 Piece of Fruit 1 Dinner Anything you like

The food sheets as stated before are really important. Stick to these to the letter and

no excuses.

You will have 2 days of the week where your evening meal is your own choice.

Be disciplined with this choice and avoid takeaways and fast food but if there is

anything you crave like a home made burger or home made pizza, homemade

chips.......Have a real think and use this as a treat but then straight back to the food


It does not mean either that the last meal can last all night. Once you have had your

own choice of meal then you cannot continue to relax for the rest of the night!!!!

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After The 4 Weeks

Once you have completed the 4 weeks of the nutritional plan please use the

following calculations to work out your exact daily amounts for effective fat loss.

For our example we are going to take a 150lb lady with 30% body fat.

The first thing you need to do is find your lean body mass. The reason for this is we

do not want to add calories for feeding fat!

Bodyweight = 150lbs

Body Fat = 30%

150lbs x 30 % = 45lbs

150lbs – 45lbs = 105lbs of Lean Body Mass

Now we have found our lean body mass that is the figure we are going to use for our


Lean Body Mass = 105lbs

105lbs x 10 = 1050 Calories

The calories figure then needs to be timed by 60% to get our activity levels. This is

based on you still training 3-4 times per week.

1050 x 60% = 630

We then need to add 228 calories for our workout levels too. So our final calculations

will look like this.

1050 (calories) + 630 (activity levels) + 228 (workouts) = 1908

Because our goal is fat loss we need to now take away our fat loss. You can minus

between 500 and 750 calories for fat loss. For our example we will minus 750


1908 – 750 = 1158calories

To workout your carbohydrates, proteins and fats take the final calorie figure and do

the following calculations.

Carbohydrates – 1158 x 60% divide by 4 = 173.7 grams per day

Proteins – 1158 x 25% divide by 4 = 72.375 grams per day

Fats – 1158 x 15% divide by 9 = 19.3 grams per day

There you have your following calculations to maintain your weight loss.

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The Assessment

Even though this is a 4 week plan we still need to assess where we are and the

results we have made. This will also act as an inspiration and motivation for you to

keep going and to also redo the plan when necessary.

One of the best ways to judge your success is before and after photos. By actually

being able to view the difference in your shape you can see the success you have


For this ask someone to take a photo of you from the front, side and also from

behind. You will be able to see the changes in your shape and hips and compare the

two photos.

Alongside this it is also essential you take measurements so at the end of the 4

weeks you can retake these and see the total amount of inches you have lost and

the progress you have made.

Use the chart below to log your measurements and also attach your before and after

photo’s and stick this on the fridge or your bedroom mirror.

The reason for making this visible is that each day you need to remind yourself why

you are doing this and the benefits it will have on you.

If you were to take the photos and measurements and shove them in your drawer

the chances are you would forget about them.

By having them in view you won’t and this will act as a motivational tool.

Please take time to do this as I promise you it will help to reaffirm your commitment

over the next 4 weeks to make a difference and make positive changes.

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WEEK 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Right Left Upper Arm Abdominals Hips

Thighs Total Inches Total Inches Lost







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The Workout Logs

When exercising for the first time or starting a new program please be realistic about

what you can do. If you start to feel sick, dizzy or feel any discomfort please take a

break. If you have to stop because of these symptoms make sure you do. I am not

telling you to give up when it becomes hard but please be sensible and look after


The repetitions you are given are total targets for each workout. If you have had a

break or are a beginner at exercise break the repetitions down. Do not worry if you

do not complete the full amount in one go, do as many as you can, take a breather

and then finish them off and move on to the next exercise.

The exercise routine can be repeated throughout the year. To ensure you progress

each time you do it please make sure you log the time taken to complete the circuit

so next time you repeat the program you have a goal to aim for.


Dependent on space or where you complete the workouts you can do the intervals in

two different ways.

Setting up a marker

Find a safe flat piece of ground and set up your markers to the required distance (10,

20 or 30m apart). The interval is completed by you sprinting from one marker then

walking back to the start as your recovery.

Jogging on the spot

If you are short of space or do not have access to the park you can simply jog on the

spot for the required time.

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The Exercises

One of the biggest complaints or excuses I receive from people is that when wanting

to start an exercise and nutritional plan they do not have time!

Yet they have time to go to the pub, stay in bed that extra half an hour, stroll round

the shops, and have an afternoon nap...........................endless

The beauty of this workout and they way my company trains the client is that I have

condescend the workouts in to manageable, intense full body workouts designed to

raise the metabolism and maximise fat loss.

You are not body builders so there is no need to waste time in breaking down your

body parts (as some people recommend!). The most beneficial way is to combine

intense cardio with weights.

This way you are increasing muscle tone which in turn increases your metabolism

and coupled this with intense cardio interval training you will be burning a higher rate

of calories than the traditional ‘fat burning zone’ walk people do on the treadmill!!!!

Take time to go through all the exercises and read the instructions and look at the


Then take a look at the workouts and see which exercises you have to complete for

each sessions.

Keep the book at hand with the instructions in case you get stuck and need to refer

to the exercise descriptions.

Log your times too for each workout. That way if you repeat the program or continue

with the workouts you can see yourself completing the workouts quicker and

therefore getting fitter, progression!

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Week 1


Week 1 is a basic full body workout. Complete your cardio first and then progress on

to the exercises.

Your repetitions are a total target and if you need to break them down the first time

you complete the workout that is ok.


Exercise Sets Repetitions Time

Squats 1 30

Lunge and Twist 1 20 (each side)

Press Ups 1 30

Bench Dips 1 30

Toe Touches 1 40

Bridge 2 1 Minute

Dorsal Raises 1 30

Cardio 20minute brisk walk or run

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Week 2


Week 2 is a circuit workout.

Complete the 20 minute brisk walk/run and then move on to the circuit.

Do one set of each exercise for 30 repetitions and once you have completed one set

go through it again to make it 2 sets. At the end of the 2 sets then move on to the



Exercise Sets Repetitions Time

Squat Thrusts 2 30

Walking Lunges 2 30

Crunches 2 30

Bench Dips 2 30

Sit Up and Twist 2 30

Side Bridge 2 30 seconds each side

Press Ups 2 30

Reverse Crunches

2 30

Dorsal Raises 2 30

Superman 2 30

Cardio 20minute brisk walk/run

3 Intervals 20m apart (or 10 seconds sprinting on the spot with 30 seconds rest

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Week 3


Week 3 gives you your first 2 day split routine.

Workout 1 focuses on and all over body workout and workout 2 is an abdominal and

cardiovascular workout.

Complete workout 1 for 3 times this week and workout 2 twice.


Exercise Sets Reps Time

Squats 4 15

Press Ups 4 15

Lateral Lunges 4 15 (each side)

Bench Dips 4 15

Advanced Superman

4 15 (each side)

Leg Raises 4 15

Cardio 5 intervals of 20m apart (or 20 seconds sprint on the spot with 30 seconds rest


Exercise Sets Reps Time

Bridge 3 1 minute hold

Toe Touches 4 20

Sit Ups and Twist 3 20 (each side)

Mountain Climbers

4 30 (each leg)

Side Plank 3 30 seconds (each side)

Cardio 20 minute brisk walk/run

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Week 4


This as with week 3 gives you another 2 day split focusing on upper and lower body

workouts. More workloads!!!

When organising you diary for this workout complete 2 days back to back. So for


Monday: Workout 1

Tuesday: Workout 2

Wednesday: REST DAY

Thursday: Workout 1

Friday: Workout 2

This way you give yourself 2 full days between each workout allowing yourself time

to recover before your next session.


Exercise Sets Reps Time

Squats 1 60

Squat Thrusts 1 60

Burpee’s 1 60

Walking Lunges 1 60 (each leg)

Lateral Lunges 1 60 (each leg)

Cardio 8 Intervals 30m apart (or 30 seconds jog on the spot with 30 seconds rest)


Exercise Sets Reps Time

Press Ups 1 60

Single Leg Bench Dips

1 60

Close Grip Press Ups

1 60

Sit Ups 1 60

Leg Kick 1 60

Cradle Crunches 1 60

Cardio 20 minute brisk walk/run

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SQUATS Set Up Execution Main Teaching Points Stand up straight with your hands by your side Place your feet just outside shoulder width and you toes slightly turned outwards

Imagine you are sitting on to a seat and push your bum out behind you Keep your chest up and your back straight Keep your weight in your heels and bend no lower than 90’ Breathe in and then stand up straight

If you struggle to keep your back straight put your hands out straight chest height and keep them there as you squat Keep your weight in your heels Breathe out as you lower in to a squat and in when you stand up Do not let your knees rock over your toes

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Lunge and Twist Set Up Execution Main Teaching Points Standing from an upright position take a step forward so your right foot is flat on the ground Put your hands together and out in front of you at chest height and keep looking forward

Bend both legs so they are at 90’ and make sure your front knee does not go over the toes and the heel is on the floor As you bend twist your body to the right so you are facing the side and breathe out Twist back to the front and then stand up again and repeat on the other side

Keep your weight in your front heel Never let your front knee go over your toes Keep your chest and head up and back straight

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Walking Lunges Set Up Execution Main Teaching Points Stand up straight and place your hands on your hips Keep your head up and look forward

Step forward on to your right leg Drop your hips to the floor so both legs bend to 90’ Keep the front heel on the floor and come up on to the balls of your feet on the back leg Pushing through the front heel stand up and push your hips forward so you are stood up straight again and carry the back leg through to the front

Breathe out as you step forward and in as you stand up Never let the front knee go over the toes Keep all the weight in the front foot in the heel Keep your back straight and your chest up at all times and do not lean forward If you struggle to balance just step up halfway

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Squat Thrusts Set Up Execution Main Teaching Points Place your palms on the floor and your legs out straight behind you keeping your back straight Keep looking at the ground

Breath in and lifting your legs of the floor bring your knees in towards your chest The quickly breath out and kick them back to the starting position and you back straight

This is a quick movement and relies on constant movement so try not to pause Do not hold your breath throughout this movement either

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Lateral Lunges Set Up Execution Main Teaching Points Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and your chest and head up

Step to the right so your left leg is straight Push your bum out behind you keeping your weight in you right foots heel Keep you back straight and chest up and looking forward at all times

Do not bend you back through out the movement Never let your ‘bending’ knee go over your toes and keep the weight in your heel and at all times If you are less flexible do not stretch our and take a smaller step to the sides

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Burpee’s Set Up Execution Main Teaching Points Crouch down so your hands are flat on the floor and your on your toes with your knees by your chest

Keeping your hands in the same position ‘kick’ your legs out behind you breathing out and landing on your toes with your legs straight and your back straight too Then breathe in and bring your knees back to your chest Breathe out and then jump up off the ground pushing your hips forward

Keep your back straight at all times This is an intense exercise so if you feel yourself going dizzy please take a breather

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Press Ups

Set Up Execution Main Teaching Points BEGINNER Start on all 4’s and then reach your hands forward Place both hands flat on the floor just outside shoulder width Keep your head looking at the floor ADVANCED Kneel on to the floor and place your hands in front of your body and then lift up on to your toes

Keep your back straight and slowly breathe in and lower yourself to 90’ making sure your shoulders are still inline with your hands Pause for 2 seconds and then pushing through the hands come back up so your arms lock out – breathe out too

Keep your back straight and your abdominals tight so your back does not arch Make sure your shoulders are kept over your hands at all times No need to look up either in the mirror, you’ll still be there when you have finished!

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Bench Dips Set Up Execution Main Teaching Points You can use either a bench, settee, chair or step for this Start by sitting on the bench with your legs out straight Put your hands by the side of your body Lifting your weight on to your hands and your bum off the seat rock on to your toes

Keeping your back against the bench bend your arms to 90’ while breathing in When you reach 90’ breathe out and push back up so your arms are straight

Keep your back against the bench and do not lean your bodyweight in to your feet Do not bend the arms lower than 90’ If you struggle to push up when your arms are tired push through your feet too to squeeze the extra repetition out

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Single Leg Bench Dips Set UP Execution Main Teaching Points You can use either a bench, settee, chair or step for this as with the original bench dips Start by sitting on the bench with your legs out straight Put your hands by the side of your body Lifting your weight on to your hands and your bum off the seat rock on to your toes Then proceed to lift on leg off the floor and extend it out straight

Keeping your back against the bench bend your arms to 90’ while breathing in When you reach 90’ breathe out and push back up so your arms are straight Perform half the repetitions with one leg out straight and then the other half with the other leg extended

Keep your back against the bench and do not lean your bodyweight in to your feet Do not bend the arms lower than 90’ If you struggle to push up when your arms are tired push through your feet too to squeeze the extra repetition out

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Close Grip Press Ups Set Up Execution Main Teaching Points BEGINNER Start on all 4’s and then reach your hands forward Place both hands flat on the floor shoulder width apart Keep your head looking at the floor ADVANCED Kneel on to the floor and place your hands in front of your body and then lift up on to your toes so only your hands and toes are touching the floor

Keep your back straight and slowly breathe in and lower yourself to 90’ making sure your shoulders are still inline with your hands Pause for 2 seconds and then pushing through the hands come back up so your arms lock out – breathe out too

Keep your back straight and your abdominals tight so your back does not arch Make sure your shoulders are kept over your hands at all times No need to look up either in the mirror, you’ll still be there when you have finished!

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Toe Touches Set Up Execution Main Teaching Points Lie on the floor on your back Put your legs in the air so your body is at a 90’ angle Put your arms up straight towards your toes Pull your stomach in contracting your abdominals

Breathe out and keeping your lower back on the floor reach towards your toes Breathe in and lower so your shoulder blades are back on the floor

Make sure you pull your stomach in Breathe out on the way up If your neck aches support your head but DO NOT pull on the neck Do not rock in the movement, control it!

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Bridge Set Up Execution Main Teaching Points BEGINNER Lie on your stomach and rest on your elbows keeping them shoulder width apart Keep your knee’s on the floor ADVANCED Lie on your stomach and rest on your elbows keeping them shoulder width apart Lift Your body weight on to your toes

With your body resting on your elbows, forearms and knees/toes contract and relax your stomach controlling your breathing Keep your back straight and slight tilt your hips towards the floor

DO NOT relax the back and let your lower back ‘relax’ dropping your groin to the floor DO NOT hold your breath, control your breathing If you are doing the advanced version and you struggle keep up for as long as you can and then drop on to your knees for the remainder of the time.

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Dorsal Raises Set Up Execution Main Teaching Points Lie on the floor on your front Place your fingers on your temple (side of the head) and your elbows pointing out Look at the floor

Breathe out and keeping your groin on the floor squeeze your bum and lift the upper part of your body Pause for 2 seconds and then relax back down to the floor

There is no need to look up, keep looking at the floor Do not hold your breath Do not over extend and put pressure on the back

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Crunches Set Up Execution Main Teaching Points Lie on your back Pull your stomach on Have your legs bent at 45’ with your feet flat on the floor Place your hands by the side of your head

Keeping your lower back on the floor breathe out and imagine you are crunching your chest in to your stomach Pause at the top for 2 seconds and then relax back down so your shoulder blades are touching the floor

Breathe out as you crunch up Do not pull on the neck, if your neck is aching put one had behind and support the neck

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Sit Up and Twist Set Up Execution Main Teaching Points Lie on your back Bend your knees so your feet are flat on the floor Push your lower back on to the floor and place your hands out straight towards your knees

Pushing your lower back in to the floor breathe out and sit up as far as you can As you sit up twist your body to the right and touch the floor inline with your bum Twist your body back to the centre then across to the left and touch the floor again inline with your bum Twist back to the centre again and then breath in and lower back to the floor so your shoulders are resting in the floor gain and repeat

Do not worry if you cannot pull yourself all the way up, come up as far as you can and then twist Do not ‘jerk’ the movement as you come up and do not lift your bum off the floor at the start to get momentum, curl up! Breath out on the way up

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Side Bridge

Set Up Execution Main Teaching Points Lie on your side Rest your upper body on your elbows and forearms Rest on your knees and lower legs and place one foot slightly in front of the other

Lift your body up so you’re supporting yourself on your elbows, forearms and feet. Control your breathing and keep your body in a straight line Contract and relax your stomach through the movement

Do not push your hips forward or back Keep your back straight throughout the exercise If you are struggling relax so you can support yourself from your knee’s down to your feet

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Reverse Crunches

Set Up Execution Main Teaching Points Lie on the floor on your back Put your legs in the air so your body is at a 90’ angle Put your arms by your sides Pull your stomach in contracting your abdominals

Breathing out lift your bum off the floor and push your feet towards the ceiling Keep your shoulder blades and head on the floor Pause for 2 seconds and then return to the starting position

Breath out as you lift your legs Do not rock in the motion Always push your feet towards the ceiling and not over your head!

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Advanced Superman Set Up Execution Main Teaching Points Go on to all fours keeping your back straight and head looking towards the floor

Keep your head looking at the floor and extend your left arm out straight Balancing yourself and contracting your abdominals squeeze your bum and lift your right leg out straight behind you Control your breathing and contract and relax your stomach muscles

Do not hold your breath If you find your body ‘twisting’ and you fall revert back to the original superman

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Superman Set Up Execution Main Teaching Points Lie on your front keeping your arms out straight and your head down

Keep your head down and lift your left arm off the floor and contract your bum and lift your right leg at the same time Control your breathing and hold in that position

There is no need to lift the head to look in the mirror! Keep the head down Control your breathing and DO NOT hold your breath

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Leg Kicks Set Up Execution Main Teaching Points Lie on your back and place your hands by your sides Pull your stomach in and keep your lower back on the floor Lift your legs up and have a slight bend in them but so they are about 10-15inches off the floor

Control your breathing and lift one of your legs so it is about 10inches Breath in and then lower back to the starting position and repeat on the other leg The motion of your legs is a kicking motion from the hips

If you are struggling or it is pulling you back you can sit on your hands by placing them on the lower part of your bum

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Mountain Climbers Set Up Execution Main Teaching Points Start off on all fours and then extend your legs out so your back is straight but your bum is slightly in the air

Slowly bring on leg in towards your chest As you do this breathe out and contract your abdominals Pause for 2 seconds then change legs and repeat

Keep your back straight Keep your head down Make sure you contract your abdominals when bringing your knee towards your chest and breathe out then too

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4 Week Bikini Body Workout



Cradle Crunches Set UP Execution Main Teaching Points

Lie on your back and with your feet flat on the floor and bent to 90’ Keep your legs locked in that position lift them off the floor Place your hands by the side of your head Contract your abdominals and push your lower back towards the floor

Breathe out and crunch your chest towards your abdominals As you do this keeping your legs locked in the original position bring them towards your chest Pause for 2 seconds and then lower the legs and your upper body back to the starting position

Breathe out when performing the crunch You can support your head by placing your hands behind it but DO NOT pull on the neck

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4 Week Bikini Body Workout


About The Author

Matt is to be considered on of the UK

leasing fitness professional with over

12 years experience as a fitness

industry leader.

In March 2008 he was awarded UK

Personal Trainer of the Year at the

prestigious International Fitness

Showcase Awards.

His personal training services specialises in weight loss and he has transformed

thousands of bodies just like your through personal training, boot camps, online

training and e books.

He is the founder of Matt Ibbs Personal Training Services and a wide range of his

services can be found at:


Alongside his personal training he has written for many fitness publications and

fitness journals including the Daily Mirror and Fitness Professionals.

Matt is a fitness professional who has dedicated his life to improving the lives of

others by providing a practical, no nonsense approach to achieving results. If you are

serious about your health and it is results that you want then his cutting edge training

and nutritional programs will help you look and feel better than ever before. Just one

session with Matt and you will see why his clients achieve their results so quickly.

Matt is not like your average personal trainer. He is not new to the industry and has

developed his own style of training which is guaranteed to get you results.

Matt is so confident in his results program that he will give you a 100% refund if you

do not achieve the results we set out at the start of your plan!