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  • 8/8/2019 4 Speculative Bubbles


    Overconfidence and Speculative BubblesAuthor(s): Jos A. Scheinkman and Wei XiongSource: The Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 111, No. 6 (Dec., 2003), pp. 1183-1219Published by: The University of Chicago PressStable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3555237Accessed: 23/10/2010 13:04

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  • 8/8/2019 4 Speculative Bubbles


    Overconfidence nd Speculative Bubbles

    Jose A. Scheinkman nd Wei XiongPrinceton niversity

    Motivated by the behavior of asset prices, trading volume, and pricevolatility during episodes of asset price bubbles, we present a contin-uous-time equilibrium model in which overconfidence generates dis-agreements among agents regarding asset fundamentals. With short-sale constraints, an asset buyer acquires an option to sell the asset toother agents when those agents have more optimistic beliefs. As in apaper by Harrison and Kreps, agents pay prices that exceed their ownvaluation of future dividends because they believe that in the futurethey will find a buyer willing to pay even more. This causes a significantbubble component in asset prices even when small differences ofbeliefs are sufficient to generate a trade. In equilibrium, bubbles areaccompanied by large trading volume and high price volatility. Ouranalysis shows that while Tobin's tax can substantially reduce specu-lative trading when transaction costs are small, it has only a limitedimpact on the size of the bubble or on price volatility.

    I. Introduction

    The behavior of market prices and trading volumes of assets duringhistorical episodes of price bubbles presents a challenge to asset pricingtheories. A common feature of these episodes, including the recent

    This paper was previously irculated under the title "Overconfidence, hort-Sale Con-straints and Bubbles." cheinkman's esearch was supported by the Chaire Blaise Pascaland the National Science Foundation, and partially done while he was visiting he Uni-versit6 Paris-Dauphine. We would like to thank Patrick Bolton, Markus Brunnermeier,John Cochrane, George Constantinides, arrell Duffie, Ivar Ekeland, Edward Glaeser,Ravi

    Jagannathan, Pete Kyle, Owen Lamont, Marcelo Pinheiro, Chris Rogers, Tano Santos,Walter Schachermayer, arald Uhlig, Dimitri Vayanos, woanonymous eferees, and sem-inar participants t various nstitutions nd conferences or comments.

    [Journal of Political Economy, 003, vol. 111, no. 6]? 2003 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved. 0022-3808/2003/11106-0007$10.00


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    Internet stock boom, is the coexistence of high prices and high tradingvolume.' In addition, high price volatility is frequently observed.2

    In this paper, we propose a model of asset trading, based on hetero-geneous beliefs generated by agents' overconfidence, with equilibriathat broadly fit these observations. We also provide explicit links betweenparameter values in the model, such as trading cost and information,and the behavior of equilibrium prices and trading volume. More gen-erally, our model provides a flexible framework to study speculativetrading that can be used to analyze links between asset prices, tradingvolume, and price volatility.

    In the model, the ownership of a share of stock provides an oppor-tunity (option) to profit from other investors' overvaluation. For thisoption to have value, it is necessary that some restrictions apply to shortselling. In reality, these restrictions arise from many distinct sources.First, in many markets, short selling requires borrowing a security, andthis mechanism is costly.' In particular, the default risk if the asset pricegoes up is priced by lenders of the security. Second, the risk associatedwith short selling may deter risk-averse nvestors. Third, limitations tothe availability of capital to potential arbitrageurs may also limit shortselling.4 For technical reasons, we do not deal with short-sale costs orrisk aversion. Instead we rule out short sales, although our qualitativeresults would survive the presence of costly short sales as long as theasset owners can expect to make a profit when others have highervaluations.

    Our model follows the basic insight of Harrison and Kreps (1978)that when agents agree to disagree and short selling is not possible,asset prices may exceed their fundamental value. In their model, agentsdisagree about the probability distributions of dividend streams-thereason for the disagreement is not made explicit. We study overconfi-

    'SeeLamont and Thaler (2003) and Ofek and Richardson (2003) for the Internetboom. Cochrane (2002) emphasizes the significant correlation between high prices and

    high turnover rates as a key characteristic of the 1929 boom and crash and of the Internetepisode. Ofek and Richardson (2003) point out that between early 1998 and February2000, pure Internet firms represented as much as 20 percent of the dollar volume in thepublic equity market, even though their market capitalization never exceeded 6 percent.

    2Cochrane (2002, p. 6) commented on the much-discussed Palm case: "Palm stock wasalso tremendously volatile during this period, with ... 15.4% standard deviation of 5 dayreturns, [which] is about the same as the volatility of the S&P500 index over an entireyear."

    3Duffie, Garleanu, and Pedersen (2002) provide a search model to analyze the actualshort-sale process and its implication for asset prices. D'Avolio (2002), Geczy, Musto, and

    Reed (2002), and Jones and Lamont (2002) contain empirical analyses of the relevanceof short-sale costs.4 Shleifer and Vishny (1997) argue that agency problems limit the capital available to

    arbitrageurs and may cause arbitrage to fail. See also Kyle and Xiong (2001), Xiong (2001),and Gromb and Vayanos (2002) for studies linking the dynamics of arbitrageurs' capitalwith asset price dynamics.

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    dence, the belief of an agent that his information is more accurate thanit is, as a source of disagreement. Although overconfidence is only oneof the many ways by which disagreement among investors may arise,5 itis suggested by some experimental studies of human behavior and gen-erates a mathematical framework that is relatively simple. Our modelhas an explicit solution, which allows us to derive several comparativestatics results and restrictions on the dynamics of observables. The model

    may also be regarded as a fully worked out example of the Harrison-

    Kreps framework in continuous time, where computations and com-

    parison of solutions are particularly tractable.We study a market for a single risky asset with limited supply and

    many risk-neutral agents in a continuous-time model with an infinite

    horizon. The current dividend ofthe asset is a

    noisyobservation of a

    fundamental variable that will determine future dividends. In additionto the dividends, there are two other sets of signals available at eachinstant. The information is available to all agents; however, agents aredivided into two groups, and they differ in the interpretation of the

    signals. Each group overestimates the informativeness of a different

    signal and, as a consequence, has distinct forecasts of future dividends.6

    Agents in our model know that their forecasts differ from the forecastsof agents in the other group, but behavioral limitations lead them to

    agree to disagree. As information flows, the forecasts by agents of thetwo groups oscillate, and the group of agents that is at one instant

    relatively more optimistic may become at a future date less optimisticthan the agents in the other group. These fluctuations in relative beliefs

    generate trade.When evaluating an asset, agents consider their own view of funda-

    mentals and the fact that the owner of the asset has an option to sellthe asset in the future to agents in the other group. This option canbe exercised at


    bythe current owner, and the new owner

    gets,in turn, another option to sell the asset. These characteristics make the

    option "American" and give it a recursive structure. The value of the

    option is the value function of an optimal stopping problem. Since the

    buyer's willingness to pay is a function of the value of the option thathe acquires, the payoff from stopping is, in turn, related to the valueof the option. This gives us a fixed-point problem that the option valuemust satisfy. This difference between the current owner's demand priceand his fundamental valuation, which is exactly the resale option value,

    5For example, Morris (1996) assumes noncommon priors, and Biais and Bossaerts(1998) examine the role of higher-order beliefs.

    6 "We all have the same information, and we're just making different conclusions aboutwhat the future will hold" (Henry Blodget, the former star analyst at Merrill Lynch, quotedin Lewis [2002]).

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    can be reasonably called a bubble.' Fluctuations in the value of thebubble contribute an extra component to price volatility. We emphasizethat the bubble in our model is a consequence of the divergence ofopinions generated by the overestimation of informativeness of the dis-

    tinct signals. On average, our agents are neither optimists nor pessimists.In equilibrium, an asset owner will sell the asset to agents in the other

    group whenever his view of the fundamental is surpassed by the viewof agents in the other group by a critical amount. Passages through thiscritical point determine turnover. When there are no trading costs, weshow that the critical point is zero: it is optimal to sell the asset im-mediately after the valuation of fundamentals is "crossed" by the valu-ation of agents in the other group. Our agents' beliefs satisfy simplestochastic differential equations, and it is a consequence of propertiesof Brownian motion that once the beliefs of agents cross, they will crossinfinitely many times in any finite period of time right afterward. Thisresults in a trading frenzy, in which the unconditional average volumein any time interval is infinite. Since the equilibria display continuitywith respect to the trading cost c, our model with small trading costs isable to capture the excessive trading observed in bubbles.

    When trading costs are small, the value of the bubble and the extravolatility component are maximized. We show that increases in someparameter values, such as the degree of overconfidence or the infor-mation content of the signals, increase these three key variables. In thisway, our model provides an explanation for the cross-sectional corre-lation between price, volume, and volatility that has been observed inbubbles. However, to obtain more realistic time-series dynamics, it maybe necessary to allow the parameter values to change over time. InSection VIIE, we discuss how to accommodate fluctuations in parametervalues, though we do not provide a theory that explains theseoscillations.

    In the model, increases intrading

    costs reduce thetrading frequency,asset price volatility, and the option value. For small trading costs, the

    effect on trading frequency is very significant. The impact on pricevolatility and on the size of the bubble is much more modest. As thetrading cost increases, the increase in the critical point also raises theprofit of the asset owner from each trade, thus partially offsetting thedecrease in the value of the resale option caused by the reduction intrading frequency. Our analysis suggests that a transaction tax, as pro-posed by Tobin (1978), would, in fact, substantially reduce the amountof

    speculative tradingin markets with small transaction costs but would

    7An alternative would be to measure the bubble as the difference between the assetprice and the fundamental valuation of the dividends by an agent that correctly weightsthe signals. We opted for our definition because it highlights the difference between beliefsabout fundamentals and trading price.

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    have a limited effect on the size of the bubble or on price volatility.Since a Tobin tax will no doubt also deter trading generated by fun-damental causes that are absent from our model, the limited impact ofthe tax on the size of the bubble and on price volatility cannot serve

    as an endorsement of the Tobin tax. The limited effect of transactioncosts on the size of the bubble is also compatible with the observationof Shiller (2000) that bubbles have occurred in the real estate market,where transaction costs are high.8

    The existence of the option component in the asset price creates

    potential violations to the law of one price. Through a simple example,we illustrate that the bubble may cause the price of a subsidiary to be

    larger than that of its parent firm. The intuition behind the exampleis that if a firm has two subsidiaries with fundamentals that are perfectlynegatively correlated, there will be no differences in opinion, and henceno option component on the value of the parent firm, but possiblystrong differences of opinion about the value of a subsidiary. In this

    example, our model also predicts that trading volume on the subsidiarieswould be much larger than on the parent firm. This nonlinearity of the

    option value may help explain the "mispricing" of carve-outs that oc-curred in the late 1990s such as the 3Com-Palm case.

    The paper is structured as follows. In Section II, we present a briefliterature review. Section III describes the structure of the model. Sec-tion IV derives the evolution of agents' beliefs. In Section V, we discussthe optimal stopping time problem and derive the equation for equi-librium option values. In Section VI, we solve for the equilibrium. Sec-tion VII discusses several properties of the equilibrium when tradingcosts are small. In Section VIII, we focus on the effect of trading costs.In Section IX, we construct an example in which the price of a subsidiaryis larger than that of its parent firm. Section X concludes the paperwith some discussion of implications for corporate finance. All proofsare in the


    II. Related Literature

    There is a large literature on the effects of heterogeneous beliefs. In astatic framework, Miller (1977) and Chen, Hong, and Stein (2002) an-

    alyze the overvaluation generated by heterogeneous beliefs. This staticframework cannot generate an option value or the dynamics of trading.

    8 In contrast, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan seems to believe that the lowturnover induced by the high costs of transactions in the housing market are an imped-iment to real estate bubbles: "While stock market turnover is more than 100 per centannually, the turnover of home ownership is less than 10 per cent annually--scarcelytinder for speculative conflagration" (quoted in Financial Times [April 22, 2002]). Theresults in this paper suggest otherwise.

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    Harris and Raviv (1993), Kandel and Pearson (1995), and Kyle and Lin(2002) study models in which trading is generated by heterogeneousbeliefs. However, in all these models there is no speculative componentin prices.

    Psychology studies suggest that people overestimate the precision oftheir knowledge in some circumstances, especially for challenging judg-ment tasks (see Alpert and Raiffa 1982; Lichtenstein, Fischhoff, andPhillips 1982). Camerer (1995) argues that even experts can displayoverconfidence. A similar phenomenon is illusion of knowledge, he factthat persons who do not agree become more polarized when givenarguments that serve both sides (Lord, Ross, and Lepper 1979) (seeBarber and Odean [2001] and Hirshleifer [2001] for reviews of thisliterature). In finance, researchers have developed theoretical models

    to analyze the implications of overconfidence on financial markets (see,e.g., Kyle and Wang 1997; Daniel, Hirshleifer, and Subrahmanyam 1998;Odean 1998; Bernardo and Welch 2001). In these papers, overconfi-dence is typically modeled as an overestimation of the precision of one'sinformation. We follow a similar approach but emphasize the speculativemotive generated by overconfidence.

    The bubble in our model, based on the recursive expectations oftraders to take advantage of mistakes by others, is quite different from"rational bubbles" (see Blanchard and Watson 1982; Santos and Wood-ford 1997). In contrast to our setup, rational bubble models are inca-pable of connecting bubbles with turnover. In addition, in these models,assets must have (potentially) infinite maturity to generate bubbles. Al-though, for mathematical simplicity, we treat the infinite horizon case,the bubble in our model does not require infinite maturity. If an assethas a finite maturity, the bubble will tend to diminish as maturity ap-proaches, but it would nonetheless exist in equilibrium.

    Other mechanisms have been proposed to generate asset price bub-bles (e.g., Allen and Gorton 1993; Allen, Morris, and Postlewaite 1993;Horst 2001; Duffie et al. 2002). None of these models emphasize thejoint properties of bubble and trading volume observed in historicalepisodes.

    III. The Model

    There exists a single risky asset with a dividend process that is the sumof two components. The first component is a fundamental variable thatdetermines future dividends. The second is "noise." The cumulativedividend process D, satisfies

    dD, = fdt + aoDdZD, (1)

    where ZD is a standard Brownian motion and oD is a constant volatility

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    parameter. The fundamental variable f is not observable. However, itsatisfies

    df = -X(f - f)dt + afdZ{, (2)

    where X > 0 is the mean reversion parameter, f is the long-run mean off af> 0 is a constant volatility parameter, and Zf is a standard Brownianmotion. The asset is in finite supply, and we normalize the total supplyto unity.

    There are two sets of risk-neutral agents. The assumption of risk neu-trality not only simplifies many calculations but also serves to highlightthe role of information in the model. Since our agents are risk-neutral,the dividend noise in equation (1) has no direct impact in the valuationof the asset. However, the

    presenceof dividend noise makes it

    impossibleto inferfperfectly from observations of the cumulative dividend process.Agents use the observations of D and any other signals that are correlatedwith f to infer current f and to value the asset. In addition to the cu-mulative dividend process, all agents observe a vector of signals sA andsB that satisfy

    dsA = fdt + adZt (3)


    dsB = fdt + adZ,, (4)

    where ZAand ZBare standard Brownian motions, and a,> 0 is the com-mon volatility of the signals. We assume that all four processes ZD, Z1,ZA, and Z" are mutually independent.

    Agents in group A (B) think of sA (sB) as their own signal, althoughthey can also observe sB (sA). Heterogeneous beliefs arise because eachagent believes that the informativeness of his own signal is larger thanits true informativeness. Agents of group A (B) believe that innovations

    dZA (dZB) in the signal sA (sB) are correlated with the innovations dZfin the fundamental process, with 4 (0 < 4 < 1) as the correlation pa-rameter. Specifically, agents in group A believe that the process for sAis

    dstA = fdt + adZ{ + as1 - k2dZtA.

    Although agents in group A perceive the correct unconditional volatilityof the signal sA, the correlation that they attribute to innovations causesthem to overreact to signal sA. Similarly, agents in group B believe thatthe process for sB is

    ds,/ = fdt + aodZ{+ a,1 - qS2dZB.

    On the other hand, agents in group A (B) believe (correctly) that in-

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    In addition, the conditional mean of the beliefs of agents in groupA satisfies

    dA= - fA- f)dt + (dsA - fAdt)

    + -1(dSB _ jAdt) + -Y(dD - fdt). (5)

    Since fmean-reverts, the conditional beliefs also mean-revert. The otherthree terms represent the effects of "surprises." These surprises can be

    represented as standard mutually independent Brownian motions for

    agents in group A:


    Adt), (6)


    - (dsB fAdt),(7)


    dWD =- (dD- fAdt). (8)

    Note that these processes are only Wiener processes in the mind ofgroup A agents. Because of overconfidence (4 > 0), agents in group Aoverreact to surprises in sA

    Similarly, the conditional mean of the beliefs of agents in group Bsatisfies

    S(ds+ -fdt) +-+ (d - fdt), (9)+ Sof+ Y (dSB fN- 7 1.414 Af#N MN

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    and the surprise terms can be represented as mutually independentWiener processes:

    dWAB= 1 (dSA1 dt),as1

    1dW == (dD - fd t).


    These processes are a standard three-dimensional Brownian motion onlyfor agents in group B.

    Since the beliefs of all agents have constant variance, we shall referto the conditional mean of the beliefs as their beliefs.We let gA andgB denote the differences in beliefs:

    gA=fB=f-,B=f-AThe next proposition describes the evolution of these differences inbeliefs.


    dgA = -pgAdt + qadWg,where

    p= +02

    o,= afand

    WgAis a standard Wiener process for agents in

    ,groupA, with in-

    novations that are orthogonal to the innovations offA.Proposition 1 implies that the difference in beliefs gA follows a simple

    mean-reverting diffusion process in the mind of group A agents. Inparticular, the volatility of the difference in beliefs is zero in the absenceof overconfidence. A larger 4 leads to greater volatility. In addition,-p/2u2 measures the pull toward the origin. A simple calculation showsthat this mean reversion"0 ecreases with 4. A higher 4 causes an increasein fluctuations of opinions and a slower mean reversion.

    In an analogous fashion, for agents ingroup

    B, gB satisfies

    dgB = -pgBdt + aoddWB,

    10 Conley et al. (1997) argue that this is the correct measure of mean reversion.

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    where WB is a standard Wiener process, and it is independent of in-novations to J.

    V.TradingFluctuations n the difference of beliefs across agents will nduce trading.

    It is natural to expect that investors hat are more optimistic about theprospects of future dividends will bid up the price of the asset andeventually hold the total (finite) supply. We shall allow for costs oftrading: a seller pays c ? 0 per unit of the asset sold. This cost mayrepresent an actual cost of transaction or a tax.

    At each t, agents in group C e {A,B}are willing to pay p,C or a unitof the asset. The presence of the short-sale constraint, a finite supplyof the asset, and an infinite number of prospective buyers guaranteethat any successful bidder will pay his reservation price." The amountthat an agent is willing to pay reflects the agent's fundamental valuationand the fact that he may be able to sell his holdings for a profit at alater date at the demand price of agents in the other group. If we leto E {A,B}denote the group of the current owner, o be the other group,and E0be the expectation of members of group o, conditional on theinformation they have at t, then

    po = sup E7 er(-dD + er(pt+,- c) (10)

    where r is a stopping time, and p,+, s the reservation alue of the buyerat the time of transaction + r.

    Since dD = ffdt + uDdWD, sing the equations or the evolution of theconditional mean of beliefs (eqq. [5] and [9] above), we have that

    I t+i ft+TS-t)dD e-r(t)- e (s-(f - f)]ds M,+,,

    where EtM,+,= 0. Hence, we may rewrite equation (10) as

    po = maxE{ e-r(st)[f e-(fs- - f)]ds + e- (pt5+ - c) (11)

    We shall start by postulating a particular orm for the equilibrium" This observation simplifies our calculations but is not crucial for what follows. We

    could partially relax the short-sale constraints or the division of gains from trade, providedthat it is still true that the asset owner expects to make speculative profits from otherinvestors.

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    price function, equation (12) below. Proceeding in a heuristic fashion,we derive properties that our candidate equilibrium price functionshould satisfy. We then construct a function that satisfies these propertiesand verify that we have produced an equilibrium.'12

    Since all the relevant stochastic processes are Markovian and time-homogeneous and traders are risk-neutral, it is natural to look for anequilibrium in which the demand price of the current owner satisfies

    ppo= g

    )= ff-


    if--+ q(go) (12)r r+X

    with q> 0 and q'> 0. This equation states that prices are the sum oftwo components. The first part, (f/r) + [ - f)/(r + X)], is the expected

    presentvalue of future dividends from the

    viewpointof the current

    owner. The second is the value of the resale option, q(go), which dependson the current difference between the beliefs of the other group's agentsand the beliefs of the current owner. We call the first quantity the owner'sfundamental valuation and the second the value of the resale option.Using (12) in equation (11) and collecting terms, we obtain

    p= po,g = +-f+sup E: r +q(g,) - cje-rr r+X Tor + X

    Equivalently, the resale option value satisfies



    Hence to show that an equilibrium of the form (12) exists, it is necessaryand sufficient to construct an option value function q that satisfies equa-tion (13). This equation is similar to a Bellman equation. The currentasset owner chooses an optimal stopping time to exercise his resaleoption. Upon the exercise of the option, the owner gets the "strikeprice"

    [g+,,/(r+ X)] + q(g,+,), the amount of excess optimism that the

    buyer has about the asset's fundamental value and the value of the resaleoption to the buyer, minus the cost c. In contrast to the optimal exerciseproblem of American options, the strike price in our problem dependson the resale option value function itself.

    It is apparent from the analysis in this section that one could, inprinciple, treat an asset with a finite life. Equations (10) and (11) would

    " The argument that follows will also imply that our equilibrium is the only one withina certain class. However, there are other equilibria. In fact, given any equilibrium pricept and a process M, that is a martingale for both groups of agents, p' = p' + e"M, s alsoan equilibrium.

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    apply with the obvious changes to account for the finite horizon. How-ever, the option value q will now depend on the remaining life of theasset, introducing another dimension to the optimal exercise problem.The infinite horizon problem is stationary, greatly reducing the math-

    ematical difficulty.

    VI. Equilibrium

    In this section, we derive the equilibrium option value, duration betweentrades, and contribution of the option value to price volatility.

    A. Resale Option Value

    The value of the option q(x) should be at least as large as the gainsrealized from an immediate sale. The region in which the value of the

    option equals that of an immediate sale is the stopping region. The

    complement is the continuation region. In the mind of the risk-neutralasset holder, the discounted value of the option e-'q(g,) should be a

    martingale in the continuation region and a supermartingale in the

    stopping region. Using Ito's lemma and the evolution equation for go,we can state these conditions as

    xq(x) > - + q(-x) - c (14)r+X


    oq" - pxq'- rq < 0, (15)

    with equality if (14) holds strictly. In addition, the function q should be

    continuously differentiable (smooth pasting). We shall derive a smoothfunction q that satisfies equations (14) and (15) and then use theseproperties and a growth condition on q to show that in fact the function

    q solves (13).To construct the function q, we guess that the continuation region

    will be an interval (-oo, k*), with k* > 0. The variable k* is the minimumamount of difference in opinions that generates a trade. As usual, we

    begin by examining the second-order ordinary differential equation that

    q must satisfy, albeit only in the continuation region:

    IU"2UU pXU- U 0. (16)

    The following proposition helps us construct an "explicit" solution toequation (16).

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    h(x) = (17)

    U (r xi fx0

    2 M(, , ~X2 - U , , x if x> 0,

    Pr(?+(r/2p))r(4)2p' 2'

    \-2p' 2' g


    is the gamma function, and M: R3 - R and U: R3 -- R aretwo Kummer functions described in the Appendix. The function h(x)is positive and increasing in (-oo, 0). In addition, h solves equation (16)with

    h(0) =r( + (r/2p))r(l)

    Any solution u(x) to equation (16) that is strictly positive and increasingin (-c0, 0) must satisfy u(x) =

    1lh(x)with ,1 0.

    We shall also need properties of the function h that are summarizedin the following lemma.

    LEMMA 2. For each x E R, h(x) > 0, h'(x) > O0,h"(x) > O, h"'(x) > 0,

    lim_x h(x) = 0, and lim,_, h'(x) = 0.Since q must be positive and increasing in (-oo, k*), we know fromproposition 2 that

    PFfh(x) for x< k*

    q(x) = (18)x- + 13Ph(-x) - c for x > k*.r+ X

    Since q is continuous and continuously differentiable at k*,

    k*+(k*) -1h(-k*) + c = 0,r+X

    11Oh'(k*) Ofh'(-k*) - 0.r+X

    These equations imply that


    [h'(k*) + h'(-k*)](r+ X)') (19)and k* satisfies

    [k* - c(r+ A)][h'(k') + h'(-k*)] - h(k*) + h(-k*) = 0. (20)

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    The next theorem shows that, for each c, there exists a unique pair(k*, 0,) that solves equations (19) and (20). The smooth pasting con-ditions are sufficient to determine the function q and the "trading point"k*.

    THEOREM 1. For each trading cost c 2 0, there exists a unique k* thatsolves (20). If c = 0, then k* = 0. If c > 0, k* > c(r + X).The next theorem establishes that the function q described by equa-

    tion (18), with 31and k* given by (19) and (20), solves (13). The proofconsists of two parts. First, we show that (14) and (15) hold and thatq' is bounded. We then use a standard argument to show that in fact qsolves equation (13) (see, e.g., Kobila [1993] or Scheinkman and Zar-iphopoulou [2001] for similar arguments).

    THEOREM 2. The function q constructed above is an equilibrium op-tion value function. The optimal policy consists of exercising immedi-ately if go> k*; otherwise wait until the first time in which go2 k*.

    It is a consequence of theorem 2 that the process go will have valuesin (-co, k*). The value k* acts as a barrier, and when go reaches k*, atrade occurs, the owner's group switches, and the process is restartedat -k*. The function q(go) is the difference between the current owner'sdemand price and his fundamental valuation and can be legitimatelycalled a bubble. When a trade occurs, this difference is

    1 h(-k*)b l q(-k*) = .(21)+ Xh'(k*) + h'(-k*)

    Using equation (21), we can write the value of the resale option as


    h(x) for x< k*

    q(x) =(22)x b- + - h(-x) - c for x 2 k*.

    r+ X h(-k*)

    B. Duration between Trades

    We let w(x, k, r) = Eo[e-'(xk) x], with r(x, k) = inf (s:go++,>

    }, giveng, = x < k. The term w(x, k, r) is the discount factor applied to cashflows received the first time the difference in beliefs reaches the levelof k given that the current difference in beliefs is x. Standard arguments

    (e.g., Karlin and Taylor 1981, p. 243) show that w is a nonnegative andstrictly monotone solution to

    Sw-xw, = rw, w(k, k, r) = 1.

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    Therefore, proposition 2 implies that

    h(x)w(x,k, r) =-h((23)h(k)

    Note that the free parameter 3, does not affect w.If c> 0, trading occurs the first time t> s when g, = k* given that

    gO= -k*. The expected duration between trades provides a useful mea-sure of trading frequency. Since w is the moment-generating functionof r,

    aw(-k*, k*, r)E[7(-k*, k*)] = - ar r=O

    When c = 0, the expected duration between trades is zero. This is aconsequence of Brownian local time, as we discuss below.

    C. An Extra Volatility Component

    The option component introduces an extra source of price volatility.Proposition 1 states that the innovations in the asset owner's beliefs f,and the innovations in the difference of beliefs goare orthogonal. There-fore, the total

    price volatilityis the sum of the

    volatilityof the funda-

    mental value in the asset owner's mind, (f/r) + [(f - f)/(r + X)], and thevolatility of the option component.

    PROPOSITION 3. The volatility from the option value component is

    72kaor h'(x)/(x) -

    Vx< k*. (24)+ Xh'(k*) + h'(-k*)

    Since h'> 0, the volatility of the option value is monotone.The variance of an agent's valuation of the discounted dividends is



    2 + (r+X)-2X2 + +f +


    -2 + + (2 2) +(1- 2) ,

    which increases with 4 ifX > 0 and equals au/(r + X)2 f X = 0. Therefore,an increase in overconfidence increases the volatility of the agent's val-uation of discounted dividends. In the remainder of the paper, we ignore

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    this effect, which vanishes when X = 0, to focus on the extra volatilitycomponent caused by the option value.



    for SmallTrading


    In this section, we discuss several of the characteristics of the equilibriumfor small trading costs, including the volume of trade and the magni-tudes of the bubble and of the extra volatility component. We also

    provide some comparative statics and show how parameter changes co-move price, volatility, and turnover.

    A. Trading Volume

    It is a property of Brownian motion that if it hits the origin at t, it willhit the origin at an infinite number of times in any nonempty interval[t, t + At). In our limit case of c = 0, this implies an infinite amount oftrade in any nonempty interval that contains a single trade. When thecost of trade c = 0, in any time interval, turnover is either zero or

    infinity, and the unconditional average volume in any time interval is

    infinity.'" The expected time between trades depends continuously onc, so it is possible to calibrate the model to obtain any average dailyvolume. However, a serious calibration would require accounting forother sources of trading, such as shocks to liquidity, and should matchseveral moments of volume, volatility, and prices.

    B. Magnitude of the Bubble

    When c = 0, a trade occurs each time traders' fundamental beliefs"cross." Nonetheless, the bubble at this trading point is strictly positivesince

    1 h(O)b=2(r + X) h'(0)

    Owners do not expect to sell the asset at a price above their own val-uation, but the option has a positive value. This result may seem coun-terintuitive. To clarify it, it is worthwhile to examine the value of the

    option when trades occur whenever the absolute value of the differencesin fundamental valuations equals an e > 0. An asset owner in group A(B) expects to sell the asset when agents in group B (A) have a fun-

    damental valuation that exceeds the fundamental valuation of agents

    s The unconditional probability that it is zero depends on the volatility and meanreversion of the process of the difference of opinions and on the length of the interval.As the length of the interval goes to infinity, the probability of no trade goes to zero.

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    in group A (B) by e, that is, gA = C (gA = -E). If we write b0 for thevalue of the option for an agent in group A that buys the asset whengA

    = -E and b, for the value of the option for an agent of group B thatbuys the asset when gA = E, then

    (r+ X )h(E)where h(-e)/h(e) is the discount factor from equation (23). Symmetryrequires that b0 = b, and hence

    b0 - r + X h(E) - h(-E)

    As Ec 0,1 h(0)


    )- b.2(r + X) h'(0)

    In this illustration, as e -- 0, trading occurs with higher frequency andthe waiting time goes to zero. In the limit, traders will trade infinitelyoften and the small gains in each trade compound to a significantbubble. This situation is similar to the cost from hedging an optionusing a stop-loss strategy studied in Carr and Jarrow (1990).

    It is intuitive that when ag becomes larger, there is more differenceof beliefs, resulting in a larger bubble. Also, when p becomes larger, fora given level of difference in beliefs, the resale option is expected tobe exercised quicker, and therefore there is also a larger bubble. In factwe can show that the following lemma is true.

    LEMMA 3. If c is small, b increases with ag and p and decreases with rand 0. For all x < k*, q(x) = b[h(x)/h(-k*)] increases with ag and p anddecreases with r and 0.

    The proof of lemma 3 actually shows that whenever c is small, theeffect of a change in a parameter on the barrier is second-order.

    Proposition 1 allows us to write ug and p using the parameters 4, X,0af, , = af/o, and iZ = OD/aD, where i, and iD measure the information ineach of the two signals and the dividend flow, respectively. To simplifycalculations, we set X = 0. Then

    Urg V0f,

    p = V(2 42)is+ (1 02)i2

    Differentiating these equations, one can show the following: (1) As

    af ncreases, ag increases and p is unchanged. Therefore, b and q(x), forx < k*, increase. The bubble increases with the volatility of the funda-

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    mental process. (2) As i, or i, increases, a, is unchanged and p increasessince 0 < 4 < 1. Therefore, b and q(x), for x < k*, increase. The bubbleincreases with the amount of information in the signals and the dividendflow. (3) As 4 increases, ag increases and p decreases. Thus an increasein 4 has offsetting effects on the size of the bubble. However, numericalexercises indicate that the size of the bubble always increases with 4.

    C. Magnitude of the Extra Volatility Component

    As the difference of opinions x approaches the trading point, the vol-

    atility of the option value approaches

    i24Oaf h'(k*)r + Xh'(k*) + h'(-k*)

    We have the following lemma.LEMMA 4. If c is small, q(k*) decreases with the interest rate r and the

    degree of mean reversion X and increases with the overconfidence pa-rameter 0 and the fundamental volatility af.

    This lemma implies that an increase in the volatility of fundamentalshas an additional effect on price volatility at trading points, through anincrease in the volatility of the option component.

    D. Price, Volatility, nd Turnover

    Our model provides a link between asset prices, price volatility, andshare turnover. Since these are endogenous variables, their relationshipwill typically depend on which exogenous variable is shifted. In thissubsection, we illustrate this link using numerical examples with a small

    trading cost.Figure 1 shows the effect of changes in 4 on the equilibrium when

    there is a small transaction cost on the trading barrier k*, expectedduration between trades, the bubble at the trading point b, and the

    volatility of the bubble at the trading point, r,(k*). The expected durationbetween trades is measured in years. The terms k*, rl(k*), and b aremeasured in multiples of the fundamental volatility af/(r + X).14 Recallthat, as 4 increases, the volatility parameter ag n the difference of beliefsincreases, whereas the mean reversion parameter p decreases. As a result,the resale option becomes more valuable to the asset owner, the bubbleand the extra volatility component become larger, and the optimal trad-

    ing barrier becomes higher. The duration between trades is determined

    14 Since the bubble is generated through an option value, it is natural to normalize itby the volatility of the underlying fundamental value, i.e., the price volatility that wouldprevail if fundamentals were observable.

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    3xx 1a 0.02



    E(t) 0.01

    0 00 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

    c d6 0.8


    b 11 0.4


    0 00 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

    *9FIG. 1.-Effect of overconfidence level: a, trading barrier; b, duration between trades;

    c, bubble; d, extra volatility component. Here, r = 5 percent, X = 0, 0 = 0.1, i, = 2.0,i, = 0, and c = 10-'. The values of the bubble and the extra volatility component arecomputed at the trading point. The trading barrier, the bubble, and the extra volatilitycomponent are measured as multiples of a (r + h), the fundamental volatility of the asset.

    by two offsetting effects as 0 increases. On the one hand, the tradingbarrier becomes higher, making the duration between trades longer.On the other hand, the volatility a,gof the difference in beliefs increases,causing the duration to be shorter. As we stated, the proof of lemma 3shows that, when cis small, the change in the trading barrier k* s second-order. Thus the duration between trades typically decreases, as illus-trated in figure 1b.

    Figure 2 shows the effect of changes in the volatility of the noise insignals a, on the equilibrium, again with a small transaction cost. Wemeasure the changes of a in terms of the ratio i, = af/,. As i, increases,the mean reversion parameter p of the difference in beliefs increases,and the volatility parameter ,g s unchanged. Intuitively, the increase inp causes the

    tradingbarrier and the duration between trades to

    drop.Nevertheless, the bubble at the trading point becomes larger becauseof the increase in trading frequency. The extra volatility component qis almost independent of i, since it is essentially determined by 4 anda1as shown in equation (24).

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    xl10 a



    k I\E(T)0.02


    1 00 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4

    8s al a s/ac dB * 0.6


    b 11


    1 00 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4

    8=/a i=F/CO

    FIG. 2.-Effect of information in signals: a, trading barrier; b, duration between trades;c, bubble; d, extra volatility component. Here, r = 5 percent, X = 0, 0 = 0.1, 4 = 0.7,iD= 0, and c = 10-6. The values of the bubble and the extra volatility component arecomputed at the trading point. The trading barrier, the bubble, and the extra volatilitycomponent are measured as multiples of ot/(r

    + X), the fundamental volatility of the asset.

    In both cases, there is a monotonically increasing relationship be-

    tween the size of the bubble at the trading point and duration betweentrades. In addition, the extra price volatility either increases or does notdecrease. We have also verified that this qualitative relationship holdsfor many other parameter values. In our risk-neutral world, we mayconsider several assets and analyze the equilibrium in each market in-dependently. In this way our comparative statics properties can be trans-lated into results about correlations among equilibrium variables in thedifferent markets. Thus our model is potentially capable of explainingthe observed cross-sectional correlation between log market/book andlog turnover for U.S. stocks in the period 1996-2000 as documented byCochrane (2002) and a similar cross-sectional correlation between theprice ratio of China's A shares to B shares and turnover (see Mei,Scheinkman, and Xiong 2003).

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    E. Crashes nd Fluctuations n Parameters

    There are several ways in which we can imagine a change in equilibriumthat brings the bubble to zero. The fundamental of the asset may becomeobservable. The overconfident

    agents maycorrect their overconfidence.

    The fundamental volatility of the asset may disappear. For concreteness,imagine that agents in both groups believe that the asset fundamentalwill become observable at a date determined by a Poisson process thathas a parameter 0 and is independent of the four Brownian motionsdescribed earlier in the model. Once the fundamental becomes ob-servable, agents in each group believe that the beliefs of agents in theother group will collapse to their own. In this case, it is easy to see thatthe option value

    q(gy) =sup E' + q )-




    - c e


    Effectively, a higher discount rate r + 0 is used for the profits fromexercising the option.

    Cochrane (2002) shows that there was a (time-series) correlation be-tween the New York Stock Exchange index and NYSE volume through

    the 1929 boom and crash and between the NASDAQ index andNASDAQ volume throughout the Internet bubble. To reproduce sucha correlation in a nontrivial manner, we would have to generalize ourmodel to account for parameter changes, in the same spirit as ourdiscussion of crashes. For concreteness, imagine that the overconfidenceparameter 4 or the informativeness of signals i, can assume a finitenumber of values and that the value of the parameter follows a Markovprocess with Poisson times that are independent of all the other relevantuncertainty. The model will then produce results that are qualitatively

    similar to the case in which these parameters are constant, except thatthe average size of the bubble at any time will depend on the currentvalue of the parameter. In this way, we can admit fluctuations on thesize of the bubble and turnover rates, although a more interesting dis-cussion should account for reasons for the parameter fluctuations.

    VIII. Effect of Trading Costs

    Using the results established in Section VIA, we can show that increasingthe trading cost c raises the trading barrier k* and reduces b, q(x), and7(x). In fact, we have the following proposition.

    PROPOSITION 4. If C ncreases, the optimal trading barrier k* increases.Furthermore, the bubble q(x) and the extra volatility component y(x)

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    a b0.02


    00equlbiuum stratmgyk 0.01l E()

    0.25trade mmediately

    0 - -00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04cost cost

    c d4.5


    b 10.2


    S00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04

    cost cost

    FIG. 3.-Effect of trading costs: a, trading barrier; b, duration between trades; c, bubble;d, extra volatility component. Here, r = 5 percent, 0 = 0.7, X = 0, 0 = 0.1, i, = 2.0, andi, = 0. The values of the bubble and the extra volatility component are computed at thetrading point. The trading barrier, the bubble, the extra volatility component, and tradingcost are measured as multiples of ao/(r + X), the fundamental volatility of the asset.

    decrease for all x < k*(c). As c -+ 0, dk*/dc oo,but the derivatives of b,q(x), and i7(x) are always finite.

    In order to illustrate the effects of trading costs, we use the followingparameter values from our previous numerical exercise: r = 5 percent,

    = 0.7, X = 0, 0 = 0.1, is= 2.0, and iD = 0. Figure 3 shows the effect

    of trading costs on the trading barrier k*, expected duration betweentrades, the bubble at the trading point b, and the volatility of the bubbleat the trading point, ql(k*).

    Figure 3a shows the equilibrium trading barrier k*. For comparison,we also graph the amount c(r + X), which corresponds to the differencein beliefs that would justify trade if the option value was ignored. Thedifference between these two

    quantities representsthe

    "profits"hat the

    asset owner thinks he is obtaining when he exercises the option to sell.When the trading cost is zero, the asset owner sells the asset immediatelywhen it is profitable, and these profits are infinitely small. As the tradingcost increases, the optimal trading barrier increases, and the rate of

  • 8/8/2019 4 Speculative Bubbles



    increase near c = 0 is dramatic since the derivative dk*/dc s infinite atthe origin. As a result, the trading frequency is greatly reduced by theincreasing trading cost as shown in figure 3b.

    Figures 3c and 3d show that trading costs also reduce the bubble andthe extra volatility component, but, as guaranteed by proposition 4, ata limited rate even near c = 0. Although one could expect that the

    strong reduction in trading frequency should greatly reduce the bubble,this effect is partially offset by the increase in profits in each trade.'5Similar intuition applies to the effect of the trading cost on the extravolatility component.

    To estimate the impact of an increase in trading costs, measured asa proportion of price, as opposed to a multiple of fundamental volatility,

    we must take a stand concerning the relationship between price andvolatility of fundamentals. For the parameter values used in our ex-ample, figure 3c shows that the bubble at the trading point, for c - 0,is close to four times the fundamental volatility parameter o/(r + X).The drop in prices of Internet stocks from the late 1990s until todayexceeds 80 percent. If we take this variation as a measure of the size ofthe bubble in the late 1990s, then the size of the fundamental volatilityalso must have been approximately 20 percent of trading prices. In thisway, we can reinterpret the values in the figures as multiples of prices.The numerical results indicate that in this case a tax of 1 percent ofprices would have caused a reduction of less than 20 percent to themagnitudes of both the bubble and the extra volatility component.

    The effectiveness of a trading tax in reducing speculative trading hasbeen hotly debated since Tobin's (1978) initial proposal for a transactiontax in foreign currency markets. Shiller (2000, pp. 225-28) provides anoverview of the current status of this debate. Our model implies thatfor small trading costs, increases in trading costs have a much larger

    impact in trading frequency than in excess volatility or the magnitudeof the price bubble. In reality, trading also occurs for other reasons,such as liquidity shocks or changes in risk-bearing capacity, that are notconsidered in our analysis; for this reason, the limited impact of trans-action costs on volatility and price bubbles cannot serve as an endorse-ment of a tax on trading. Our numerical exercise can also answer aquestion raised by Shiller of why bubbles can exist in real estate markets,where the transaction costs are typically high.

    " Vayanos (1998) makes a similar point in a different context when analyzing the effectsof transaction costs on asset prices in a life cycle model. He shows that an increase intransaction costs can reduce the trading frequency but may even increase asset prices.

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    IX. Can the Price of a Subsidiary Be Larger than That of ItsParent Firm?

    The existence of the option value component in asset prices can po-

    tentiallycreate violations to the law of one

    priceand even make the

    price of a subsidiary exceed that of a parent company. In this section,we use a simple example to illustrate this phenomenon.

    There are two firms, indexed by 1 and 2. For simplicity, we assumethat the dividend processes of both assets follow the process in equation(1) with the same parameter oa, but with independent innovations andwith different fundamental variables f, and f2, respectively. The funda-mental variables f, and f2 are unobservable, and both follow the mean-reverting process in equation (2) with the same parameters X = 0,


    of.There is a third firm, and the dividend flow of firm 3 is exactly thesum of the dividend flows of firms 1 and 2. In this sense, firms 1 and2 are both subsidiaries of firm 3. In addition, it is known to all partic-ipants that (f,), + (f2), = f3, a constant. This implies that innovations tof, and f2 are perfectly negatively correlated. In particular, the price ofa share of firm 3 is f3/r.

    However, according to our analysis, a speculative component existsin the prices of the shares of firms 1 and 2. Since jl +fc = f3 for

    C E {A,B},when agents in group A are holding firm 1, agents in groupB must be holding firm 2, and the option components in the prices ofthese two firms are exactly the same.

    The numerical exercise in Section VIID shows that the magnitude ofthe option component can equal four or five times fundamental vola-tility. If fundamental volatility is large relative to the discounted valueof fundamentals, the value of one of the subsidiaries will exceed thevalue of firm 3, even though all prices are nonnegative.'6 Althoughhighly stylized, this analysis may help clarify the episodes such as 3Com's

    equity carve-out of Palm and its subsequent spinoff." In early 2000, fora period of over two months, the total market capitalization of 3Comwas significantly less than the market value of its holding in Palm, asubsidiary of 3Com. Other examples of this kind are discussed in Schilland Zhou (2001), Mitchell, Pulvino, and Stafford (2002), and Lamontand Thaler (2003). Our model also predicts that trading in the subsid-iary would be much higher than trading in the parent company becauseof the higher fluctuation in beliefs about the value of the subsidiary. Infact, Lamont and Thaler show that the turnover rate of the subsidiaries'

    6Duffie et al. (2002) provide another mechanism to explain this phenomenon basedon the lending fee that the asset owner can expect to collect." The missing link is to demonstrate that the divergence of beliefs on the combinedentity was smaller than the divergence of beliefs on the Palm spinoff.

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    stocks was, on average, six times higher than that of the parent firms'stocks.

    This example also indicates that the diversification of a firm reducesthe bubble component in the firm's stock price because diversification

    reduces the fundamental uncertainty of the firm, therefore reducingthe potential disagreements among investors. This result is consistentwith the diversification discount "puzzle"-the fact that the stocks ofdiversified firms appear to trade at a discount compared to the stocksof undiversified firms (see, e.g., Lang and Stulz 1994; Berger and Ofek1995).

    X. Conclusion and Further Discussions

    In this paper, we provide a simple model to study bubbles and tradingvolume that result from speculative trading among agents with hetero-geneous beliefs. Heterogeneous beliefs arise from the presence of over-confident agents. With a short-sale constraint, an asset owner has anoption to sell the asset to other agents with more optimistic beliefs.Agents value this option and consequently pay prices that exceed theirown valuation of future dividends because they believe that in the futurethey will find a buyer willing to pay even more. We solve the optimalexercise problem of an asset owner and derive, in an almost analyticform, many of the equilibrium variables of interest. This allows us tocharacterize properties of the magnitude of the bubble, trading fre-quency, and asset price volatility and to show that the model is consistentwith the observation that in actual historical bubbles, volatility and turn-over are also inordinate. Theoretical results and numerical exercisessuggest that a small trading tax may be effective in reducing speculativetrading, but it may not be very effective in reducing price volatility orthe size of the bubble. Through a simple example, we also illustratethat the bubble can cause the

    priceof a subsidiary to be


    that of its parent firm, a violation of the law of one price.It is natural to conjecture that the existence of a speculative com-

    ponent in asset prices has implications for corporate strategies. Firmmanagers may be able to profit by adopting strategies that boost thespeculative component.

    The underpricing of a firm's initial public offering (IPO) has beenpuzzling. Rajan and Servaes (1997) show that higher initial returns onan IPO lead to more analysts and media coverage. Since investors may

    disagreeabout the

    precisionof information

    provided bythe media, the

    increase in this coverage could increase the option component of thestock. Therefore, IPO underpricing could be a strategy used by firmmanagers to boost the price of their stocks. If this mechanism is op-erative, underpricing is more likely to occur when managers hold a

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    larger share of the firm. This agrees with the empirical results in Ag-garwal, Krigman, and Womack (2002). According to our model, a biggerunderpricing should be associated with a larger trading volume. In fact,Reese (2000) finds that the higher initial IPO returns are associated

    with larger trading volume for more than three years after issuance. Ina similar fashion, our framework may also be useful for understandingreturns and volume on name changes (adding "dot-com").

    In addition, if prices contain a large nonfundamental component,many standard views in both corporate finance and asset pricing thatuse stock prices as a measure of fundamental value will be substantiallyaltered. For example, Bolton, Scheinkman, and Xiong (2002) analyzemanagerial contracts in such a model. The paper shows that the pres-ence of overconfidence on the part of potential stock buyers could

    induce incumbent shareholders to use short-term stock compensationto motivate managerial behavior that increases short-term prices at theexpense of long-term performance. This provides an alternative to thecommon view that the recent corporate scandals were caused by a lackof adequate board supervision.


    ProofsProof f Lemma

    Let0(o) = X (o,/oa) ndt(4) = (1 - 42)[(2a2/o,2) + (f/oa2)]. Then

    dy 120(dd/dq) + (dt/d4) dt

    do 2 ?(0 2+ t) do-( )dO

    1 dt

    = _2+ -dI)o

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    Using equations (6) and (7), we get

    dgA = -pgAdt + (adWB o,dWAA).

    The result follows by writing

    1WA - (WA WA)g= 2 (WB WA

    It is easy to verify that innovations to gWAare orthogonal to innovations to f inthe mind of agents in group A.

    Proof of Proposition

    Let v(y) be a solution to the differential equation

    yv"(y) + (I - y)v'(y) - t-v(y) = 0. (Al)2 2p

    It is straightforward to verify that u(x) = v((p/oa)x2) satisfies equation (16).The general solution of equation (Al) is (see Abramowitz and Stegun 1964,

    chap. 13)

    v(y) = aM , y + ,U , ,


    , ")and

    U(', , ")are Kummer functions defined as

    ay (a),y2 (a),y"M(a, b, y) = 1 + ay + +

    2+ .(a) "

    ,(b),2! (b),n!

    with (a), = a(a + 1)(a + 2) ... (a + n - 1) and (a)0 = 1; and

    7 M(a, b, y) 1,-bM(1 + a- b, 2- b, y)lU(a, b, y)= --ysin rbtr(1 + a - b)F(b) r(a)r(2 - b)

    Furthermore, M,(a, b, y) > 0, for all y > 0, M(a, b, y) -' +oo, and U(a, b, y) - 0 asy- +00.

    Given a solution u to equation (16), we can construct two solutions v toequation (Al) by using the values of the function for x< 0 and for x> 0. Weshall denote the corresponding linear combinations of M and U by a, M +

    31,Uand ax2M+ 02U. If these combinations are constructed from the same u,their values and first derivatives must have the same limit as x- 0. To guaranteethat



    increasingfor x0,r(I + (r/2p))r(l)

    and h(-oo) = 0. Equation (16) guarantees that at any critical point at whichh < 0, h has a maximum, and at any critical point at which h > 0, it has a minimum.Hence h is strictly

    positiveand increasing in (-oo, 0).

    Proof of Lemma 2

    Write a = ag/2p > 0 and 3 = r/p > 0. The function h(x) is a positive, and in-creasing in (-c, 0), solution to ah" - xh' - ph = 0.

    If x* e R with h(x*) > 0 and h'(x*) = 0, then h"(x*) = 1h(x*)/ac> 0. Hence hhas no local maximum while it is positive, and as a consequence, it is alwayspositive and has no local maxima. In particular, h is monotonically increasing.Since h'> 0 for x < 0 and h" > 0 for x O0, '(x) > 0 for all x. From the solutionconstructed in


    lim,_,h(x) = 0.

    Note that any solution to the differential equation is infinitely differentiable.Next, we show that h is convex. For x> 0, h"(x) = [xh'(x)/a] + [ph(x)/a] > 0. Toprove that h is also convex for x< 0, let us assume that there exists x* < 0 suchthat h"(x*) 5 0. Then

    x*h"(x*) (0 + 1)h'(x*)h'(x) = + > 0.a a

    This directly implies that h"(x)

  • 8/8/2019 4 Speculative Bubbles



    Proof of Theorem


    1(k) = [k - c(r+ X)][h'(k) + h'(-k)] - h(k) + h(-k).

    We first show that there exists a unique k* that solves 1(k) = 0.If c = 0, then 1(0) = 0 and l'(k) = k[h"(k) h"(-k)] > 0 for all k # 0. There-

    fore, k* = 0 is the only root of 1(k) = 0.If c> 0, then 1(k) 0,

    l"(k) = h"(k) h"(-k) + [k - c(r + X)][h"'(k) h"(-k)] > 0.

    Therefore, 1(k) = 0 has a unique solution k* > c(r + ).

    Proof of Theorem

    First we show that q satisfies equation (14). Using the notation introduced inequations (21) and (22), we have



    h(-x) for x>-k*

    q(-x)-- + - h(x) - c for



    bU"(x) = [h"(x) h"(-x)], -k* < x? k*.h(-k*)

    From lemma 2 we know that U"(x) > 0 for 0 < x< k* and U"(x) < 0 for -k*

  • 8/8/2019 4 Speculative Bubbles



    x5 k*. Therefore, we need only to show that equation (15) is valid for x> k*.In this region,

    x bq(x)= - + - h(-x) - c;r+ X h(-k*)


    1 bq'(x) - h h'(-x)

    r+X h(-k*)


    bq"(x) =- h"(-x).



    1aq".(x)- pxq'b(x) rq(x) =

    [2bh"(-x)+ pxh'(-x) - rh(-x)]h(-k*)

    - x+ rcr+ X

    r+p x+ rc< -(r+ p)c+ rcr+ X

    = -pc k*> (r + X)c from theorem 1.Also, q has an increasing derivative in (-00, k*) and has a derivative bounded

    in absolute value by 1/(r+ X) in (k*, oo). Hence q' is bounded.If r is any stopping time, the version of Ito's lemma for twice-differentiable

    functions with absolutely continuous first derivatives (e.g., Revuz and Yor 1999,chap. 6) implies that


    = q(goo)[?aq"(go)

    - pgq'(gO)



    Equation (15) states that the first integral is nonpositive, and the bound onq' guarantees that the second integral is a martingale. Using equation (14), weobtain



    cli E0[e-"q(g] q(g ).This shows that no policy can yield more than q(x).

    Now consider the stopping time r = inf{t: g-

    k*}. Such a r is finite withprobability one, and go is in the continuation region for s< 7. Using exactly the

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    same reasoning as above, but recalling that in the continuation region (15)holds with equality, we obtain

    q(go) = Eoe-rjr +q(-g) - cJ

    Proof of PropositionSince

    1 h(x)q(x) - r + Xh'(k) + h'(-k) '

    the volatility of q(go) is given by

    1 h'(go)r+ Xh'(k) + h'(-k)

    multiplied by the volatility of g,'. From the proof of proposition 1,

    dgl = -pgodt + (d - ds').

    From equations (3) and (4), the volatility of s~- so is ja2 in an objective measure.Hence the volatility of go is oaf.

    Proof of Lemma 3When c = 0, the magnitude of the bubble at the trading point is

    a Pr((r 0)/2p)b = (r + X)r(2

    + [(r+ O)/2p])

    It is obvious that b0 increases with ag. We can directly show that b0 ncreases withp and decreases with r and 0 by plotting it.

    When c = 0, the bubble is qo(x) = bo[h(x)/h(0)], where h(x) is a positive andincreasing solution to

    aogh"(x) - pxh'(x) - (r+ O)h(x) = 0,

    h(O)=r(I + [(r+ 0)/2p])r(i)

    Note that qo(x) is not affected by letting h(O) = 1.Assume ,> ag, et h(x) solve ~'Ih"(x) pxh!(x) (r+ 0)h(x) = 0, h(-oo) = 0,


    h(o) =F(I + [(r+

    0)/2p1])r(-)We show that h(x) > h(x) for all x< 0. Let f(x) = h(x) - h(x). Then from lemma2, f(-oo) = f(0) = 0. Suppose that f has a local minimum x* with f(x*)

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    such a local minimum exists,f'(x*) = 0 andf"(x*) 2 0. On the other hand, fromthe equations satisfied by h(x) and h(x), we have

    2[ 5"(x) o2h"(x)] px[h!(x)- h'(x)] - (r+ 0)[h(x) - h(x)] = 0.

    This implies that ih"(x*) ah"(x*). Since g>ao2, this in turn implies thath"(x*)< h"(x*). This is equivalent to f"(x*) < 0, which contradicts with x* as alocal minimum. Therefore, f(x) cannot have a local minimum with its value lessthan zero. Since f(-oo) = f(0) = 0, f(x) must stay above zero for x e (-0o, 0).Therefore, h(x) > h(x) for all x< 0. This implies that the bubble q0(x) increaseswith ag for all x< 0.

    Assume p > p, and let h(x) solve

    2a h"(x) pxh'(x) - (r+ 0)h(x) = 0,

    h(- o) = 0, and

    h(0) = (

    (2+ [(r+ 0)/2p])r(l)

    We can show that h(x) < h(x) for all x < 0. Again let f(x) = h(x) - h(x). We firstestablish that f(x) has no local minimum x* with f(x*) < 0. If such a local min-imum exists, f'(x*) = 0 and f"(x*) 0O. On the other hand, taking differences,we obtain

    2o [h"(x) h"(x)] px[h'(x) - h'(x)] - (r+ O)[h(x) - h(x)]= (p- p)xh'(x).

    This last equation implies that h'(x*) h(x) for all x

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    limit behavior, we use the explicit form of h given in the proof of proposition2 and write

    h(x, ) = Co+ Cx + C2x2+ Cx3 + o(X),


    Co C = ,3r((r/2p) r)F(') =(r/2p)r(-)ag

    7rr r (r + p)C2=, C, =4P((r/2p) + )() 3r(r/2p)( )

    We use equation (20) to replace the term k* - c(r+ X) on the right-hand sideof equation (A2) by

    h(k*, ) - h(-k*, )[ah(k*, )/ax] + [ah(-k*, )/ax]

    Taking limits as k* - 0, we obtain

    8k*({, c)-------- o(k'), ~ ~og, , O.

    A small variation establishes the same result for dk*(r, )/ar. Hence, for small c,b increases with a, and p and decreases with r and 0. In addition, we can showthat q(x) for x< h* increases with ,gand p and decreases with r and 0.

    Proof of Lemma 4

    This is analogous to the proof of lemma 3.

    Proof of Proposition


    l(k, c) = [k - c(r+ X)][h'(k) + h'(-k)] - h(k) + h(-k).

    The function k*(c) is the root of 1(k, c) = 0. If c> 0,

    dk* r+ X h'(k*) + h'(-k*)-> 0.

    dc k*- c(r+ X)h"(k*) h"(-k*)

    Hence k*(c) is differentiable in (0, oo). Now suppose that c, -f 0. The sequencek*(c,) is bounded, and every limit point k* must solve l(k*, 0) = 0. Hence, as weargued in the proof of theorem 1, k* = 0 and the function k'*(c) s continuous.

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    Hence dk*/dc-+ ooas c+ 0. The claims on b and q(x) follow from equations (21)and (22) and lemma 2. The derivative of tn(x) with respect to c is

    d-q(x) 4_ 0foh'(x)[h"(k*) h"(-k*)] dk'dc r+ X [h'(k*) h'(-k*)]2 dc

    \o2afh'(x)[k* - c(r+ X)][h'(k*) + h'(-k*)]

    Therefore, y(x) decreases with c. However, note that d-y(x)/dc s finite as c- 0,although dk*/dc-+ oas c-+ O0.


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