4 docs research

Research of 4 documentaries Kazi Uddin

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Research of 4 documentaries

Kazi Uddin

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The Paw Pair is about a homeless man and how his life was turn around when he meets a cat named Bob. He writes a book that wins the award for best seller.

It is a biographical documentary The film makers message to the audience is

to help the homeless, also it is for the homeless to never give up and don’t lose hope.

The Paw Pair

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The paw pair is participant lead, this give the documentary a more personal feel as we are lead by the main person.

There are no voxpops as it is a personal story and there is no need for the public opinion.

There is also no interviews as it is participant lead. The music is slow for the personal parts of the

short documentary as it adds more emotion to what he is saying.

There are voiceovers of the homeless man explaining what the cutaway is showing

The Paw Pair

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There is cutaway footage of the man and his cat selling books and he is smiling. this connotes that he his happy with the changes and being a local celebrity.

There is slow motion editing so that the scene can be digested by the audience. There is also continuality editing so it is smooth and looks professional. There is also fade ins and outs.

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The title is plain. They only use the image of a Paw instead of writing it.

The mise en scene is where he works ,which is on the streets as a street perfomer, where he lives, on estates, where he found the cat.

The target audience are males and females of the age of 16-25. this motivates people not to give up as he didn’t. the secondary target audience is cat lovers as it is about cats.

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The target audience for Hide and Tweet are Muslims form the age of 17-25 due to the social networking.

The documentary is about Ahmed Ali who saw a post on Facebook from someone he is friends with which was a rant about Muslims. Ahmed says it shows how people are different online and social networking creates a second persona for everyone. It is an investigation into how anonymous users of social networks are spreading Islamophobia, and how this affects young people online.

It is a biographical and observational documentary as is is observing what people think of social networking. It is also about a personal experience.

The film makers message is that people have a different online persona and it is much easier to abuse people online and people take advantage of that.

Hide and Tweet

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Hide and Tweet is participant lead, this give the documentary a more personal feel to it. There are no voxpops because it is a personal story and there is no need for the public opinion, however there are many interviews of different participant telling their views on the topic.

The music is foreign oriental music at the beginning. This hints the audience on what the documentary will be about.

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The interview is done outside in the park where they arranged to meet the person tweeting islamphobia. The interview seemed like a back up plan. The presenter is out of focus, this makes the audience focus on the interviewee and what he is saying. The mise en scene of the interview relates to the topic.

The astons are plain so it adds no effect to the documentary also the title is plain with a simple design.

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There is cutaway footage of the park to show where the interview is and where they are at. It is also to show time passing by. There is further cutaway footage of the interviewee doing random things, this might be because the interviewee might have been doing something he might be embarrassed about so they had to use cutaway footage to hide it.

There is continuity editing to make it look smooth and professional

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Together alone tells a story of people in long distance relationships and the challenges within it.

It is a biographical documentary as it is about the couples. The target audience is young people at the age of 18-24 males and females who are in university, because one of the couples story is about her leaving to go to university, and in a long distance relationship. The secondary audience is white males and females because the participants are all white.

The film makers message is that people can do long distance relationships and is how to overcome the challenges of it.

Together alone

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Together alone is participant lead as it is a personal story of the couple and the focus should be on them. There is no voxpops as there is no need for the publics opinion.

There is slow music to represent the struggles also to show and emphasis there love.

The continuality editing makes the documentary look professional and smooth.

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The title is plain. The background is black and the title is small, in the middle and white. This shows that they fell alone in a big world. The color contrast makes the title stand out.

The interview mise en scene is in the participants homes. This makes the story more personal as he/she has allowed the interviewers into there homes. The interview is with two couple in long distance relationships.

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There is cutaway footage of the couple together and the mise en scene is them in the park. This makes the documentary more about romance than the struggles of long distance and in shows that the wait to see each other is worth it.

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Skin your in is a man talking about his tattoos and the story behind why he got them. It shows one man’s relationship with his many tattoos and raises questions about how society responds to body art.

This documentary style is biographical as it is about the participant.

The target audience is white males with tattoos as this is the main person. The secondary target audience is males and females who are interested in tattoos and whishes to get one in the future.

The film makers message is that tattoos have meanings and different people have ways of expressing themselves. This documentary promotes positive tattooing and that people should only get tattoos when it means something.

Skin your in

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Skin your in is participant lead which gives the documentary a more personal feel.

There are no voxpops as there is no need for the publics opinion as it is a personal story.

The music is slow to represent his struggles, also the oriental music when he shows his Buddhist tattoo emphasis his beliefs.

There is fast paced editing to show his personality.

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The interview is with the main person and the mise en scne is in an ally way. This connotes that he has had to hide from the public due to his tattoos.

There is cutaway footage of his tattoos while there is a voiceover explaining his tattoos

The title is white and grey with the background being a brick wall where the interview was held. It also has him leaning on the wall. This hints where the documentary will be also it shows the main participant.