:4: cr .l business - iowa ga/19_prizer_john_washington.pdf · 6rxufh...

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. . . Standard Porm Por Hembera of the Leq1slature .:4: Cr_ .l 1. Birthday and place Marriage (s) date place 3. Significant events for example: · A. q #J--' c/ c ?__.._; p v 7 B. Civic responsibilities __________________________________ __ 4. Church membership ______ 5. sessions served ;r; /f.IIJ -. , ! ... · lr.rr 6. Public Offices A. Local __________________________________________________ __ B. State __________________________________________________ __ C. National ________________________________________________ _ Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

. .

Standard Porm Por Hembera of the Leq1slature


..)~,./! .~ · .:4: Cr_.l

1. Birthday and place

~- Marriage (s) date place

3. Significant events for example:·

A. Business~ q #J--' !ft:/;;,.1A.~~ ,!J"'-.P.d &~.//;;. c/c?__.._; p v 7 ~

B. Civic responsibilities __________________________________ __

4. Church membership ______ ~~----------------------------------

5. sessions served ;r; /f.IIJ ~~/ -. , ! ... · Cl;I-~,, ;J.t,~ If~ - lr.rr

6. Public Offices

A. Local __________________________________________________ __

B. State __________________________________________________ __

C. National ________________________________________________ _

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

11. Degrees ______________________________ __

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

. .


Sources Log For Legislation Entries


Information obtained


Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

U_l1 J r_ 1 ..J_. v ~~u~~:~~:-~:::~·~,d~:; lr.at-tb~ -~thcr lln IJ('tnO (i('ids they &rc 10 t-.aa :LS \0 ~1 -flt!VM. . . !!!'!!~!!'!!==!!!'!!,.;;~~!!!!;;;!';';='f""'~=========·==__;:;-=-----' 0 ,, ... _._. __ , __ ,_ ~~ d"';~-c:r th~ crcp. uuo Nordyk.4.1 a.nd ,,-: t11 arc enjoymg -•v .. ,. ··-r· d ~ C O~ 0 vl1lt !rom their daughter, Ida and Ill! A Til OP JOI1N W. PRlZRil.. A QUEER MIXUP.

Born to Mr. end Mra. S. S. V{hltlotk, Jol<'ph Drc!wer, ll.j:ft :u.r.t.ee-n, ., hlldr

1 A __ _. 13 n Mn. tumwo ,.... !nat&n tly ldll<d ~y gnspln£ t ""· 12 --Lone Treo, lt (\. , ....,._. ~~10 ~

111 A Uvo ,..u. whilo llt play "Kith o. erowd Ssmuel ShA!er ~t to ~empbt., Mo. At lt o'eloek Sunday nhJht, Aug. • Two Men . oo From Bti&htoa to At ·

'· 1. _·· ·.

R Whllloclc: will ba remem of boys in Eedman'• Pa.tk there. Tuesday to •pend A few' daya vhiting Hon. J. W. rt!zcr, ono ot tho . o~dott \ ttnd nn U•clo'• pg"Getftl and. !tlttBlnt W&ttltt. relatfyea. and mvr.. r~spceted eltl%c.n.ll of Bnz-nton, ,'1:eot Him AlJv.eat CblcalfQ DepQil,

.Rn:· C. L. Walker bu traded hU D. N. Sent4 ot Fa£:fi&ld, wua..: W"'7 Mlue' Non Wh.Jte aad Wargurit.e pas:sc<:! :~.w~y. --~tt;mJ!!::!i!llt:§i!fC:J)!j, rosJdtmeo and two lotlln town to Kn. Mondar dlstributinglitenture pot - Co!Ima.n wue over Sunday Y'lsiton ln '!' ·· • .--.... -·-·· · •:"' .,.... · .....-.:--;7~~ • . ..... s th"' !''-'~'.!!!. !!! ~ C'.!!'!~~! !!!1!t!!.ke I

• E'le tbH. IIk:l-"1'. tAk log her roont:T)· homt! ing bill& edn~!!!n~ the Jeffereon Co. Wa;yiAr:d.. ~mru.lcwhih! the authoritioa wero try-

m' flour Big W.htte Loaf \.CK ·

1 toa,th of to..-n In cxehangc. Fatr whieh wlll be held Sept. U -U. M!u Vida Stcv~! is vis1ting her sis- ing to it.lanti(y tha rnl\n who wu ! ou"!d

Tb btu!laCI.II men of Red QtJc: g a.vt 1\ A woman worTie• until .be gtla .-rl.n• te-r, Mn. Lu~ Edwnrd•, nt f';drport dcud In the pAAtarc eouth of Bri~!- ~or B

pleni; tho other dtiy, not! or thcmtolv-ot lcltt thea worriet ~~c she hM Lb.-m. thfa week. l~aw wc~ks :~go, two men lett Uaight rm bu(for their cus!omctttu.d It lJ report- I( she L:&ket Roll.iater • Roeky Moun· Mrs. Myrtle Emry and Juno Emry nnd went to Chlcngo to attenrl tho fun· tel 48 haring been n grcatBUccea1, lain tea 1he wculd bv. nett.kcc went to Fairfield Wednesday to attend : ernl or lln undo, while at the aame t ltne

- ------ Drlght , smiling !~.ee foltow&llt t!:'&. 36 Gha\:t:luqna \ the .11orrowl ng uncle and Aunta 11nd eou.s~ The EJ..·nm:;>DJ.se will be sent to new cent-5, Tea or T•blcts. G. W. Dosh.

11,. II l ..

1 1 • { OJ 1 ins M~t lhc young men nt tho tnin ox.-

tMbwbseribcrafromnowunUIJan.l, ··- - ---·---· -- - .. w, een a:rae et~mem ro~ . . a- I · t fi d fthcm neoro~ be-1907 {ot' 50c, For GOc wo will eend tho Dan W. Hamilton of Sigourney "'.,_. thll, _Mu::.s, Tu~!sday and f• VJIIItiJlg ~ pct'u :;g o m one t b tnl • I I I

EJ.rn;tlMUSE untll JAn.. 1 1907 end the nomlnated ·u the dcmoeratle ce.nd1date rt!!J.tlvcs here. ·!l ' ; I ir.~ l , . ,l~:~~~~~;: orw~:n Ute body ot Fnrm Journal until Jan. i911. !or eongresa in the aixth d1 strid &t the Mn. Dro-m'l, "'ho has been Vll!!i tlr:g . · i , the dt>s!lstrnnL:or alxwc referred to WI.!! I B:

___ ---•- ------ convention ot Ottumwa onAu~:nut 1-tth. her dc.u.:;htcr, !dns. Lloy• .. went heme 1• found ne-ar I'h.os:Lnt f'41.1n and. the cor·

The maasute o! heir-l ess women and He do!eated Gen. Weaver In Lhe con~ to Letts, Saturday. ,. • W k . · 1 I ofler took thu boJy Lo Fair lleld, it. Wtl! :uits this ee chJJdren bylndiansava;t"eaon the s treets vcnllon by a v-oto of GV to 3.3. >rr. Henry Tracy and wt!' went to Wnsh· - c ld t ·z. ~ :-of Drigbtob. next Tue&ds.y eva will bo Hamit t.Qn Ia a mighty good man, abl e l".Z'l':!:'l Th'.!r~..!:lj to b. J rl.rj.• iC.Cda !rem " , searched !or mtant4 o tn !m:n ..wu.

liberrles .·_ ~ ...... ~ ~'!!!ted b}· tb!! c~~b~j·: ~!::o :m,·~ o~ a nd popu lar, nnd he wlll ~-:we the Hr,n. Sam For~mnn' a ag.mpica. •. " li The on ly c:luo found on hlm wao tho Hp~Je.~ · · the aeene juat ln time to r~uo the par- John Lncy o. run !or his moMy. I! tbe . card of P. A. Sovinski, gi ving hil ad~

,,...,5. :· , ··:·-. ty; . !landpJ.tterB keep up the fight on Cum- Joe Shilllg WM in town TueRday. He dreJl! and street number In Chlc:ngo.

U~Q w now Hves in Davanport e.nd travels for j Thl5 eurd fiBA sent W tho chief o! polil!e )itS ' .. :_: .:.~-:'-. 'There w:us e. family reunion out _&t the ~!I we look f(lr Hamilton to be e:<S:t- an Indlnnnpolia pacl.:ing hou!e. . at Chri"A.~n, tne.;-thP.r with a deac:rlption :atO_ ~S .. '· .:, .1 :;·. -, <tld Wm. Char.cu bomc.tti.d norlb o! Hrs. Ott Edwards and llttledau~rhter, · ___ · • .:··:~~~~- ':' »:~- -~" ... I"' ~h~ d!!~.'.! ~!'!. ~!!!:!!!. ~~~ ~ !:~!;:: 1

~ tor.n Mondn:r. Tbe old folk a nre 88 ~~ ~::::~::"':":.::~·:.. ~~:.;t~:~~.;. Portia, or Fairport, v.•ero guests at the (Tht abo~c:vp%;u~~~:: t:k·t;~~~~3 ruu fil'!d his fricnd1. Tho .Chieago offiecr ~Dsi;5- ,·. : .. ·. l3 and 79 yea Til of nger~tpcetlveJy, Tho pl\rcntn1 Steven'u homo, SundBy. •sn wbllc: b~r -• , .. "toe.., St t,.\or,] went to tha nddrese g1 ven whore he


l•el~ .. ~-~dr.r~e Chbo.?:.sc,cwanerdo Pwltosf•en~roinm· The old settlers reunion in Fairfield -Arl Coffman Is hare spending hla va~ round An WH~lo o! P. A. Sovln.11ki, who ~

0. If! ..,··- "'· ~ .... .._.._. ..... J. thls y~rwillbt? ~mcthln: out of the . h H h ood · b Howaaborn lnD11.uphineounty, Pn., atoneoidontlfiedtbee.artl uthat o!one 1 0 . ~ · -::.:: '.- -~ . • Xetlia, OhJo. · ordinary. It will bs held September :J ;:!~~':n:~ 0:~~-e Chl~a:os ~~erie~. ns on October 8, 1825, and lived t<t th' O! hi!l two nephews who had r ecently

'!!Z!i~jgfjii;ji!ii~~ii!l The Greek.& havo boon busy for the nnd 4. No expanse h~ been aparcd and :M C d 11 Ll d . cd ! good old age of 80 years 10 months o.nd gone. to Iowa to I!Dend their vacation Tht i lfii past week trying to ftnd bottom under cYcrything will be froo including a b:g M d~9 - H or Tc n d oy ndrr;\' rom '1- day•. - --- - ·~ . with relAt ives and friends near :Pleasnnt It haC -!Jii!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!S!I!Emppi!?¥1!!.1!!!9Ef!R!!!! tht old track in the qulclcAAnd under tho hArbcettc dinn~r. Lots o! prbca n.ro of- c h n~ '• :;~ ~y, ~ H s L~ ~eat He lived in Ponnsylvnnla until 1849 PlAin, whore the bo'dy wna found. Tho Bul = DYcrhea.dbridga. SeTor&l catlo:a.ds o! fcretl And there will bc aomethlng doing at ~fr:. ;:::Is~~:;:~ ~bo' h~:l'been when ~o c:nmo \':cat and aettlod In descrlptioh tallied-brown h3.lr, gr~y atock

antedl coalclaek hu been paelced in the tJea e.ll the tlms. visit'·" her sl'ster·l'n·l&w, <. "rJ. J ohn ~rlghton, Iotwt·h,, w! here lie huh livedtevo!nr suit and wolg~t o.bout 145 lbs.-ao tbe kno"i hut tba track et!U sink a w-henever a u•.,. lu stnec cxcep o our ye~trs e ~rpen uncle e.tonec ·eoriduded t.hft.t hli nephew .. lliJ train rutl.l over ll. MARRIED Kasowsky returned homo to Chien go, Cnlifornla. He was Ohe ol the members had boen knied in lows, and sent a brief lions

Saturday. of the expedition fitted out in the spring telegnm to the other brother a.t Plea~ ! C "!. . A Town ·Improvement Asaodntion At the home of the bride's · Pni-enLB, Ga.lo a!ld Breeze Heaeoek go to Cednr of 1850, by the late I. H. Friend, and nnt Plain o.!king what train h& wu,.~tJl- an ill

'::n ~: ~r:;1~a:::~~n:~~;~ ~~~ ~:a::;~e~:;8~ui;,:~~n:t :;~; ;i~1~ :~~~~~!toWi~~0t~:~rCba:~:; ~~ :~~e~h:i:~ifh:~~~!::s~~ ~ ~!u~~·h!;'"~nh~.1~r!~~~~~~~ ~a~~ mor~

Hcurtanything f,or Brighton th&t Will o! Fnlrficld were uni.cd In m•rrl•g• by St•tc, •nd wl!o (neo M•mle Flc•k) oro C•uffmnnunder tho firmnomo o( Caulf. not knowing o! tho Fairf!cl<llnqoiry, in· It helphulld.upth~:::,__ · th«)Rcv. F. Geiring. Onlya!ow oftho h~rc · from M11homct, IllinoiJ., violting man_ &Prlzor. In 1_872-whcn tho first tcrproted the mesSAge to moan that the'

=. -· N: :!•4':''~ p!!.!'::: ~.!.';"':!;:..,.-:: ::t!!~ WOdduig' took PiA&-e,ipwhich th<;ir ciaugh· aiu.i liuniiy.. ~be returned to Brtg~ton and . went Into cdgo !~r b;n-~1. - i't. seeU15 th~ telegnm ......., upon uyot but t.hc purpoao wm bo !"D tor, Lena c. and Mr. WilHam E. llOC'.h ChnrleJ Pioraon, cditoro! the Sueker tbe mereantllo busmess Wtth D. W. got jumbled up son:.ehow, and the boya =~:

POatmuter Brloton wants · to . warn immcdint~ rolntivos of the contrn.cdng !riC'nd11 and relatives. NaliOnnl Bllllk o! Bnghton WnJ organ~ tbclr uncle, whoso name wns in the It . ·• . some of tile amart alcx' .e ttat are mnil· parties wcro present. . The happy pair . Mu. J: E. Clifton who hn5 been via.- lz~.~c w .. n.s oleetcd Cl\~bl~r_ and he~d tho mossacro. w:t.!l rt .. IIJt In Chlcngo. A ro· be~!

b: ~t ~6 :.t t.~:: P.· 0. to be : .:.:-e!:.:_l !(l!t tbe ~e~t !by !or :F::lrflc!d !:orn iting hete and nt Washington for" some ·r;::s~,. 1011 •1~~" :cr& ~?en,;ot r~s igned turn ~-e~nge :\\;,;s -~t eny\ng he and p etl or they will get themselves into trouble, which pl&ce they will go next week to time past rcturnOO to her home~at Mor· a pos1

• on u con mu 0 e eo~~ his brother would !tart !or Chicago on sain The :U . S. poatallaws me.ke it o. .- crim~ Lamont, Oklnhoma, where _tho groom gail Park, 111., thi:s week. · feete! wttl~ the bank as~ ~fficer

8unttl the first train. And they d4l· They A:.

; . . · .. -: : . ·. with a severe penalty. to irull mntte:r wiU enga~o [n !.a.f!o)ng, They will be Mrs. Lillian Hetnin nhd MiS5 A e.s ong tcr lt was reor~nntze aJ a tate were on their way to 'Chieago to attend an-~ ' w.·IJI pay the highest .u • ..- z. ·. d t' 1 1 o.ccompn.nfed to the[r l\ew l)o1Jle by Mr. . . gn Bank. In 1878 he retired !rom the dry b 1 f •.• 1 h "

8 If. - ~- l-UlL ... )It tn eeent or _suggea tvo, cspec a. Hoch's mothei- who wm reni:lin awhile Klmger o! ChtctLgo . are guests at. the goods firm, his son llenry A.., tnking his t e funera o a respeett.'U unc o w om pi!W tet prlee for all kinds ly on pella!_ earn., and he co~Aaeated and help them get started to bousckcc~ John _Koso:v~ky home. They nre SISter lnterc&tin tim Brighton sto:-e. they bad left in good henlth nfew days dsc• nlftr IJyered ·any ::~:"!: ;:;;,•.:.,~~ ~~;; ·::. lng. The bn•t wisheS of .the .ENTE;_ and soater·tn·lnw oO!rs, Kasowsky. On September G, 1855, lllf'. !'Net was before and spent tho t edioua houro in II

· · r• PRIS& and their manv friend. 'go . w!tb .llrs. 1!. Claude ·rerry and two cbil· monied to Miss Cherlotte Moors, who speculating upon how be could have mot cloij st' m ..ac:e ;west of kuk and ror trill in tho U. S. court. . thoro, • . ' - dren ore gu"sts at tho Dr. Terry home. with !our ot theirG childr6Il lltlrvh'e·hlin. biasuddon death. . alit• 'o""·.·r~IIUl_ d de"" .. · .. t_. • '.' ·. 'su~~s:;:;;-~lo \Q sit ' M"s. .c .. 111. KO<k nnd eh!!d:en c•mc ""' h'" . H • f C . . Monnwhilo iho devoted cnelo and tbr( \.. Wft. ~ r-. r- en • - . ... .. ~ :!. 1.~en nrt: .. cr.ry .'l.., 0 c!'o:::a, aunt!! in Cbica o wete ' re uic ior lho

, "AA.C HOOVER up «YU'/ day In ba Invalid c:balr ond The Cbolon.'!•" In Brltbton ., over !rom Wuhington with them Mon· Cahfor.:,., . Ellen J. Rosenberger, ot ! 1 f th g bel J P h g h or' 1 ;:··· · a.:J . . .• yesterdayventuredto walk acro~a the . . . ··. .· _· _ . • ... - :· day.: .. ·._ · . · Muscatine; Eugene;of Holdrog9, -Nebr. uncn ° 0 0~ .n(!p ew w 05° C 1 ··_ • .-· • room totbs windoW'. ,· .He eonti!luea.to .. M.ra. ·Margtlret De.lzell To.wnsJ~y pub-- · JohnMIUlll, a brothCrof the late Chris and Harriet E. · body '¥."&! d~~ to arn\'e m. & few houn. wbJ

. .. • . · • take more no~bment nnd ln evtryway Uihea in the Waehington J ournal this Mann was here from Kansas, Monds1 T)vo sister:( also survive him; Mn. and wondenng h~w h~ ;ould havo t:not is'n ':....~'::. man.diet co:a,:~ ~:: ll a:e~ along nlcetr a.!ter.hla &erioue week e.n account of the cholera epidem~ nnd ln!t that night for St. Paul to at- Ma'rY Cauffman, of Cnmpbell, Calif or: ~~~~:I :et1th wt_le ~8.1tl;'g &mong ~ T ~ ~IFJM:l'. f .~..-~""' Wneu. However, ·he it sttU we.ak and ie ~ whleh Yiaited Brighton during the tend the National Eneatnpment of th'a nla and 1drt1. Jane C. Wortr, of Wood P

11 arroer ne~. m O\VI\. AI e do~

I £d.itorahave a ~7 0 un~:-Fc:- ihn11 be tome time _before he la I entire~ ·m'onth of July, lS&t. Six years ago the Grand Army. . -. Rive~, _Nebraslc:a. time !.pproo.c~hcd !or the train t() IUTlvo If ~--~od~~ tof t'Go _ly hlmlell, again. -~ It la j~~ a month E.NTER~RISE printed o. series . of Loea.l :'Mia. Harry Reister. Mn . . Clar~nee . Po1llleaUy Mr. Priz.cr wa.a always the uncle a.no.. the ladies ot .. the. ho-use-- all)'

~the ocualon of~~ ot ab.ce be w.a• taken alek._":''!•terl~oo R~aeenee artielea eovenng aU tho Angbey, and !:l.rs. Art MJnnlek and a !launch republican. Ho waa also hold formOO a aorrow!;tl ~ro .. eu!on _and mel ~-to .nte·thli·· HDOt.caaedwua ~~r_, August 11.:.'. · . . :.:; .l important evente: in the early hlatory of their ehildr.en 'e:ame over from Wuhing· broad minded Au.d Uberal in bis viem rna:chedl to th<a depot m time to ~ee the elit I&IIIUI .. d man .;rith . a. moiltb fur Aft':oJc:bang• , IWI been dolrlg some Brighton, which woa •fterw~rds pub· ton Monday and were gocota •t the Bert nnd well rood oo allaubjecta. He hu tu,"~~~-1 d!Bo!ore tho t~ atopped wo1 .,., ., Uo Carne hm at night wltli ftprl:ig,' and .l1llllll up uu;· n.a~t;r ~ l~)- Uahtd In pamphl•t form. Tho_ article T[acr homo. . . held all the responoihlo town •nd scllool • ress eu :.d·~:::.:'!oer~":.~: :: !o:! "' I!Wl'l wlfa , and ·: jo!nod ·. the low.: "Tho dolly woga .of bonoat tolf'.ilt Pr! !11• cholera oeourgo . wao . very cam· ;John G ldth It I !t Tu da offices and WM always aeleetod for any bod.yexp 1 g >at tho Aist- portun!ty . He ths wut In logltlmata we&ltb.·.-.. Tho fully 'I'Omp!ltd from 'data furnished by I .,o oh. ,.., o ' •• Y even- Important loeal position tbnt he could wou d como in a bo.~ or on a

11 f1 on'tho p.":.,.,.;.Loo..;(N, Y.) Rodce!enor ·etteu. 1o now at tho bUIIon all_tbo loeal reoidonii.'1tben UYIJ}&' who ~ool~ r W "\'tb~l d·~i':; at - ~cdro- 0. L"~uced t<> nceopt. . Brighton people ~retoher. When tbe ;n>ln stopped tho

w ·. , :. , _ ~ · ·, ··~ · . ~-. dollar mark: . ·If Unele ' John D. ·wero went through the t.Jring ordeal: We ... r' as • e Wt .sapcrmten- &lway.11 bad e0ll8dence in hiJ judgment. yagot oft but Peter ~agged behind to ··, · · • .:i.• '· ,_('; • .., boclset tcller'gettlng 1 tboU...Od dol· found in l;otervl•"ing thOlll thAt the ::\;o!(th~ ICPJ>Ol~, ~vm~ eleven He was notan aspiring. politlciali and light a cigar to brace hun up for the try. S

r . • · • .:. .. . ,.. •• : . ... • Jan a dAy, ho'd hAve to Work about 2778 ll:'<mera.l tmpreuioa of the number o! c ors ';U1 er hlm.-SfgO~ey New~. we ~ever )c~e_w ~hl) t~ be a ~!lJlclidt.te ina' ordeal, for hil t~d CP.ught a gllmps6 per :DON!'I.liJC -DA:CKW AJO). •.... long- Ytan ·to amau hia.!abulounrealth. deaths by_ eholera at Brighton that aum ,Mrs. FloN~nce Heaeoek came up from 'for c.ny ofHco·in t&·e rOodirn-' sense:~ .·In .of the wee~~g l.a4t~ on the pla.ttorm der, AO~ .. ~kt;e ~ uk fot • ftM ~~ lnoth~ wor4t; ho.dbo •tar-ted S62yean 01er waa grc~tly exag~remted. Mru. B~l~ton, TueBdAy, and spent .tho day 1879,_ as tbe roault of o. dead lock tn , tho aheo.d. .T~e o~er brother ~~~~ fro~ jihe ~~lola •. &lonaoh and LIY boforo Cbr!it ·.,.,.lX>rn o.rid got $1000 ·a To'"!'•loy . esUm&teo tho number vo! :"']th hicnda horo. She was obliged to convention, he was nominated for otah tho crowd and ihook hand. with his rei· r C!\

tlelo :Wuro gla4"' sl.,. ~loom clayuntnno:w, ho would b&vojUJtroaob· dcaw at 75; .but tt wao ronlly leao tb&l> mak_o her vielt .!hort on account o! -the oonator. Ho w"not • candidate haforo atlveswhilo they all wept t<>gotbor ovu ~ '""' 1i"-""t. ti'O\>bW _'lrllb l>IUou,. od blo pn>eG~>t mill!. lt'o too dueling on<>-tb!rd tb&t number, Tho following pool boalthot hormotbsr, Mro. Rbodea, tho convention, but when tho o!.hora th•lr ead boroovemont. Thrul theladleo u ll .-:..lpot4tol or.ur41.tor4ott>I,U.. 10 bt hontlt.u · .. · 1, a eomploto l:Ot ol th010 whn died I "';:"tlrequlru bor conatantcaro aud at- follod tho dolegates in looking ovor tho osksd him whoro Pete wu- In tho fiX· hoe • .Murllo;r~ .~~~lo . ·. L!ttloMiaaTrlno,: Mn.'Garrttt, to on. •· dlatr!otforanavnllnblomanooonunltcd pnu orhoggagoeor and"'"" holn • UrA H4 lr7,\boll ~·: W G .l&ta.tl .. !>P• clay not lona' ago down on ·tho Horaeo Carpontsr, Ed Lulnlford.- ' Mrs. John Joyco, of A~reney,ls visit- on him. Ho ~·u olootcd ond acrvcd four cuke~ Just tho~ Pet e <Amo up with • sou

· , • · ; . farm ol 1~ p~coll a . otnn~o pot• !lire, Dr. T. Moaloy, · Ur. Jcbn Fmoo ing fr!ouduhout Brighton. The Cam- yoars In t!;e Iowa otato asnste and modo grip In each hand and a eil!ar in his ol,~ ;,; . : FOil S.U,E. .. , . to_rmanee WAI'.'iQaiil<><l 1>1 tJro J'h!l4roP. Blwftel4 childron, 2.. Thos,J!onnlng; II~ form•rly Uv~ hero and conducted a a good rooord. . mouth ano tbe·womon wers ao startled vlg< fbi. bilildln;rlot, ,GHt: boot,' JuOt· ~twot ~no ~y when' aU tht melnbOt• of Pr.jlal<>.'• chlld1 • : Wm. BU.~fteld, morkot gonion. The a-Iris beve grown For Inany YOf\rS Mr. PrUer has lived and a.tonlobcd that they woro not JUre <oe a.:ot . wtiat~a · formo"lt .. boWD ., thetDrlsooU f~Jy were away ·. ,fro~ Mn: ·w_m. Bllufteld, . )!r. J.,ufn!!Otd, · np~nd aN doing woiL Thros of them a rehred U!e 1pend1ng hia time in hi• It was not his ghost. And Pet. w;u un~

~?{''f!',sher prorx!yw~~~ ~::r:::~u:..M~~~~r~~l ~d14t!~ ~~.!~~:~~so, . ~:.~ ~=·· . ~~~ f~/'! ~~~ ~~h ~~bo!-J and are :';!-::~:~~ b~:~yo ~=-~i~ ~~~ ::-~~~~:t~~~~·~h:::::.::,c~':n': \VOl

·:. • • .-c.: • .;,..,___ • • 0 • • .F., Drf1eoll'.i cblldron wu • at.~ 14re, S. Gooderol, . Simon Par.~hal, , Frank Borclter pi.ekod hle goodt In a Tta~y to d!.11cuu loeUI ond n.a'tional at. up be waa more lllltpriaed t.h&n ever, oft •· ..•.. , C:..d •r 'Jbiakl, : ., . . thoro JU>d whilo the 70~tere .,.,.. o>lt Allen Honderaon, · f>(rs. Ba.k,or. box ear Monday and hu II""O, with hi• fa Ira in on lntelll~rent way, 01 recant and helot hi• gripo drop an<l 1 )oo •!gar !111!

~~a~y :t ~ta·,;:~ :W. Pr;t! i• ~~r~~~.:..~·~-.::.'~;~~<><l•~m~~~ ~~D:::~::;:r: ~~~::~ ':\~~~~:, ~~~lyK:!~~Ir ne;~:o:;: ~~~~: ~~:~•bro ~;;~~~~bl~t~'~u:0~n~t :; :~~eau':::l~~:~~.;-;,~~~;o~~·~~.~ 1~ h' to en..od their tlw>kJ to !bolt wind mill t4wer •• The yo~gotors wert ~nearly always fatal, thoro belllll on· about Drighton aro sony to llo'" tbla hot bosn • great berdahlp for it Isolated An~ hla uncle raplled "W'hyl'etelthlo _. rhbi>r~ and frlands ur th~ ldJl4.llo •Ill bot throe ond fOIU y..no e.d but they If fivo genuine cueo which snrv!ved, fine family loove, but wbh them oucce" him, HI• dooth woo <>Used br old age lsn t you, you are dsad. • • j;' oympatby oxtor>ded during tbo!r,... wontt~ the lbp of tb• 60 foot tower and they baing Samuel Shafor, Mro. George In their now surroundongs, and a eompUeation, ot di>e•.., tho nat. Tho mys tory .... ,.. •• 1~.,., h..:... • t

t &ftll~n. •. , , -_. . . . • . , ~ ~Y, -•ed qn tho platform. Trine, Roui>on Israel, Gllbe:t To<>le>nd B. F. WUldno, ofCounoll Blut!t, Ia ~ere urahiving o~t of the body 'that hod ever, and tj10 coti .:..:. · •• hoi' w· '" 1

. _ , • ,, su ,DrtaeoU .. w tbom J>Ol,tb"ll tt-• Moore, . apendlor hla vacation \"llh hio 1 d bean full ot h!o and onorgy tor , rejol t ro,.... ' ' wont omo to' ron VNNit\IRiSAII.Y IIXPIINSII, . hil!h open tho to,. or •be. l-<e1me Ito~· ' • ' · ' • mother, androiauvoo tn Craw!ordavft~. ICOrey.,rs, .our and c~,,;r•tbe; that While the mlstoke I'Oh -lollt'-~ol •h•ltra, 41.,. .. , clallyi!Uedw!thf=. · Boo bad JIOV<r 1

, _,. , • ·, Mr, Wllkinllt travollngaieot t or tho lntl11deatbo! Mr. rrusr Drlghto thorn ehodyo blunder hl.d cauocd tho 1 4t•'nt.e,.com.oa-::~!l.Oa,; ... talaJ,g ~11J:a.Nd, tbe~towtrlartel!batnow uw ., P~-;-JmmGtt•llty. • l::lg hunb:iea &t Jlre(J)Mt, Ntbt'~, lo1o11 tho ono man lett ..,bo 'had bee: the w'

9!otof worry ond CJ:(PDDia, yet dH1

; piiKn· •f m.,t l>o · o~f.d.M<I :.lit lm-tlve llQOfY.ielty fot doing "" A c\olnty clo\h·bound book lot con~•il>- andt<Ovolo tr.rtbet <cneoin oltyo"" '""' fllOII prollllnontly i1entlfted Wit!J tho ingy !no • gl~d It turnod out to bo noth. day .,. Ji r 11}1 ol iiioUnli>r lllo Jtarillg horill tbo!aef, u,tbelongatrlna ~~ the life of Plsto and bla argull)ont eept the toooth o< .\ulllllt which ho IAI· buaincas ond acelolalfalro ot tho to llld j U ••nou,. Tber bad a "w~~•" li ..,.. ot . . ..ult•'• camO. In li.oll of r..ope ,ebeboldl7 went and . took the on lml!lorttUty lo Iaausd by Alden Br01. uaUy oponck lA llrlsrhton, . .. • ~ouver hal! • e!nturi·. · .'. • ':; da ~ 0

Y lilllo tha t nlg])t but tho noxtl trio nil c~ .. ·e· Col•, Cltolora )'OIIIIfoot_. ehUd alld eoon roaehOII tho N.Y. Clty,suecooaonwJobnl! Alloa - ·.. .. Thofllll•rt~lwoat..ldtromtha ho boy otllaaldho<lldnot propciJJo' to be >'icl I~ llecu•IJ.U •• haa<l· A oarth Ill oafoty ....:the;awh!lt her cou•· t11e pionoorpobliJherof h!ili-ela~book• ~-iht~l- ' al tlu .. ?'cloo~ Wlldnoll4.lf af1 ••• llout ot hlo •-u rt that · way tlld wo• '~ ol tlllu&a~odf .,...lbaiiiYt tho .pa-, ;:• ~~fl ~~ llul! Nit mach at )lttlo cool- Tho pr! .. , lk, ~011w0 'Mlt - t <lllllr .,_, ooft. Ro•, E. G. Bror ofttclotlnr with'?':"· fu.m!tb~ck to Brighton l'lh~to bo <on· tr 1tl!aloro a J!oclor co..t<l .,a, .. , II • _.... a....,t and ~ ~ that AJJ!eo'• iood"'orl<l• to -tlml<i. llc!o:H ~.' lit buu~o~ -tin the Drigbton cemotcrr ;t· • 0 <~~lor hi• votatlon and vl•l~ ' j ,;,:,'-"':~"""""to toil,· .WIII ,Ia !!!11!'13~.~~-'ib~·~ ~;lTblalaontllltlooftho Hri4J Intandtd ~; ~·.: . ·, lm':~~oH~·.~eoosnd ~~·.,pop •m?o;tbo !'nowojcy'aand, Sob,;.ki'~Dl 11\10tt ~w ~...! J!""B' "'u ._... t=W~~IIrii-IIOttveDo.br.Nio to Cimlprloa • 14brlll1 Of 11111•~•1 l!lt~:t' 1 t)Qutlil~ ot tho tunmt, 1l'h'~ .. ~Ol'felt I'l'eMitl tM•IIIor«oqd!JJ~ndt .. uth •f town .,.1: l ." o 'ttiD!III' . W.ll14S 1>f ;~O!ll ;ill lt[J:t11m IIJi4 -I .'!IU ~m Utontu!t, ot .lll itmet Mil ~ f, frol'tl Calitol'l!~ 011 .':,~ rmrd. Until Wocii!NdiQ' '~f lhlb k h ~"i ~j,;,l-_;r,~ O ' lritJii. , :{' .. 'iiftljllW! f ~ , . '' ~~ · ' '· · · (l'oi ,M~Ujj;AIJ "' • LL.,,~4 hiUIIIf41obJt ~ w .. '\0 011 ho Th"' . , .~ · ... S·: 1J ''·: ; : • ··~ ;.'. , , ... ·,. ' ··· . '. - ... . ;;·•· , ·r . . .. . ~ . ~ ..... • ~~U~~o,~.""'"ti' . . ..,.. i!ol·l tuih lid " "'k&tChtca¥191riil,q9t '1''~ ~,~. : ... •• • .. • •• • • • -~~:.' ·' ~ ·~·~· ~-·· ... ,,., ~ r ·-;-;·.·.'-,..· (,,.·,~,\' • ··r. •' ,:· ~· '• ,•. ,:_"- '1 ._. ' •• ~ ~ .. ~ ~ ~- ... ~ •• •• ~:_..;. ".:: .. ;... . _ 0~~-~~- ...... ~:--·~· .... :_; ........ ·. ~ o:f\· Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.



'them out; Mr. Peasley died October :2, 1874, leaving a family of six chil­-<lt·enliving: Robert, Sat·ah (nowMt·s. .James Beans, of Kansas), Abigail, M. (now Mrs. Wm. Marrall, _of Harrison, Iowa), Mount, Anna and Leo: have lost five.

PRIZER, JOHN W., retired mercltant and banker, Brigh. ton; among the many good citizens -of this county there is none perhaps that is more deserving of notice than the subject of this sketch; he was born October 8, 1825, in Dauphin

·County, Pennsylvania; there he grew to manhood, and recei,•ed only a -common school educR.tion; being of .an energetic disposition and hearing -of the advantages and openings for the young men in the far west, he Jetermined to see the face of its ·broad prairies; in the fall of 1849 he bid adieu to his old home and -carne to Iowa, and located in the town of Bl'ighton; the gold fe,·er having broken out during that season he determined to see the gold fields -of California, and in company with a few of his neighbors, received tl}eir -outfit at the expense of Mt·. Fl'iend, who now lives in Brighton; the tt·ip though frrutgltt with many pet·i.Js .and hardships was successfully car­l'ied through, and he at last fonnd himself wandering around digging in the golden State; he remained ther·e till 1854, when he returned to Brighton fully satisfied that there wet·e as gt·eat "'old fields in Iowa as tltcr·e were In Oalifurnia; soon nfter his retnm he embarked in the met·­cantile trade with D. \V. Cott'man, in 13t·ighton, and continued it till Janwtry, 1878, when he retired from the til'llt, his son Henry taking his interest; at the organization of the National Uank of .Bt·ighton, in 1872, he was electeJ its cashiet·, which po­sition he held nntil January. 1877, when - he retired to give his eu­ti re attention to his mercantile interest:>; in Jnunury, 1871), he

a~ain became connected with the bank by being elected to its p'res­idency, which position he now holds; he was elected to the St11te Senate from the Hth Senatorial dis­trict in the fall of 1879, for a full term of four years, as a Republican; this is the tit·st public office he ever hel<l in his life and came to )Jim nn­solicited, as he was never an office seeker; he is a man of sterling in­tegrity, and one who w:ll not stoop to the low tl'icks of the professional politician, but will repr·esent his con­stituency honestly and well; he was married September 6, 1855, to Miss Charlotta Moore, who is a native of Ohio; their family consit>ts of tour children Jiving: Hem·y A., .Josepha E., Eugene and llattie, and two de­ceased.

R ISK, MRS. AMANDA, farm-er; Sec. 17; P. 0. 131"il{hton;

born in Ohio, May 15, l B28; she lived there until 18-!ti, when her father, Mr. Abraham Pat·k, came to this county locating on Sec. 3:~, of this township; February 16, 185 L, she married Mr. Wm. Risk, a native of Pennsylvania; he died on the 2:M of N overnber, 1875, le11vi ng her a family of eight childt·en living: Lou­isa (now Mrs. Henry Nichols), John, James, George. Mat·lha (now Mt·s. Tom Hivet·s), Hattie, Ar·t.hur and Dom, and one deeeased; with the assistance of her suns who are all at home, Mrs. H.iRk has continued to carT)' on' the farm.

S ·,\ll'l'TI, UR[AH., f<i.t'mcr; Sec. 31; P. 0. ill'ighton; ll';ts

born in Ohio, Novetuhet· l!J, 1852; there was raised and educated in the common schools and also leat·ned the cRr·pen ter and jni ncr's tmde, which he fulloll'cd until he eamc to tid,: conntv; he has wlll'ked at this tmde ~tnd "rarrnil)g since he has been here and is considet·eJ one of the best lllecltanics in tllis part of the county; llHJI'ed to Pennsylvani1\ iu'UHU and lived there until 18t.il,

,/1 ,c-ut..:..~~- C<)' //;~7' 1 fa" Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

• ...... -···-··------ -·---· -·--·-- ---- - -·-----·--·--··----····-·- --···-------------- ·---- y t ~~~~--------------------------------~-------p.-J~--*

I "C l' { WASHINGTON COUNTY. / tf<2 7 377 i·

also born in that State. They we1·e married in Pennsylvania, ann their two eldest children were born there-Elizabeth, wife of Andrew Bmwn, of Henry County, and James, deceased. The Coch­rans probably located in this county in 1856, on a farm ncar Crawfordsville. By trade ile was a car­penter, and for many years worked at tile trade. Later, he purchased a sawmill and some land south of Crawfordsville, and operated the mill for many years. It is now owned by his son, William S. Cochran. Five children were horn after the Coch­mns became residents of this county: Amanda E., wife of James Skinner; Anna M., wife of our sub­ject; Laura F., wife of Frank Young, wilo is Super­intendent of the county farm in Taylor County, Iowa; WilliamS. and John L. are still single.

Mr. and Mrs. William K. Wooley are the par­ents of two children, Mary E. and John C., both bright and interesting, who will enjoy superior ed­ucational advantages, from the fact of the parents

ving been educators of note, and in whose ad-<~.ncement they will take special pride. Mr.

Wooley has served six years as Assessor of Craw­ford Township, and is the present incumbent.

=~ON. JOHN W. PRIZER, of Brighton, is a ~ native of Dauphin County, Pa., born Oct. 8,

1825. His father, Henry J. Prizer, was burn in Chester County, Pa., in 1792, and was a

soldier in the War of 1812. He married Miss Re­becca Jackson, born in Dauphin County, Pa., in 1797. They were of Scotch and Irish descent, and were the parents of eight children, six of whom are living: Oliver H., a practicing physician in Brigh­ton; Sarah, the wife of Edward Scott, of Brighton; Mary, the wife of D. W. Cauffman, residing in Col­orado Springs, Col.; John W., the subject of this sketch; Rebecca, the wife of Henry Hopple, of Millerstown, Perry Co., Pa.; Jane C., now the wife of Rev. T. C. Wortz, a Methodist Episcopal minister, now stationed at Albion, Neb. Mr. Pri­zer was a stanch supporter of Gen .• Jackson in his <lay; he was a man of more than ordinary ability,

Hi well posted in the affairs of his time. He died

in 1831. Mrs. Prizer died in 1859; she was a life­long member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and was highly respected for her Christian. vii·tues.

The subject of this sketch was reared in. Perry County,'Pa. When six yea1·s of. age his father died, and at nine he was put out on a farm to earn his own living, consequently, his early education was sadly neglected. In the schools ile obtained but little knowledge, and that which he has attained bas been by subsequent reading and contact with the brainy men of the nation. In 1849, he left his native State with a view of going to California, but this step met with such determined opposition from his mother, that he abandoned the idea and came to Washington County, Iowa, and located in Brigh­ton. Still he could not give up his cherished de­sire to visit the new Eldorado, so in the spring of 1850, in company with:twelve others he started with teams, and made)he long and tedious journey overland. On arriving in California, he engaged in mining and trading, and there remained four years, enduring all the h(l.rdships of that eal"ly day. In 1854, he returned to Brighton, but in that year there was a rush to Kansas, and in June he went there, but remained only a short time, returning again to Brighton, where he has since continued to reside. On his returu, he at once em barked in the mercantile business in company with D. W. Cauff­man, unde1· the firm name of Cauffman & Prizer, in which business he continued until 1872, when, in company with others, he organized the Brighton National Bank, and was elected Cashier of the same, which position~he filled for five years. He then resigned the position, and embarked in the boot and shoe trade, though not severing his connection with the bank altogether, for_he was elected its Vice President.

Mr. Prizer was marl"ied, Sept. 6, 1855, to Miss Charlotte Moore, a daugllter of Anson Moore, of Brighton, and one of the early settlers of thecoU}lty. She was hom in Trumbull County, Ohio, Aug. 8, 1 831. By this union there were fon r children, two sons and two daughters: Henry A., now engaged in the dry-goons business at Brighton; Ellen J., the wife of N. Roseberger, attorney-at-Jaw. Musca-


tine, Iowa; Eugene, a member of the finn of .J. W. i 1

Prizer & Co.; and Hattie E. In politics .Mr. Prizer 'f i . ! I

~ -"'!t-----------------------------------------t.l;~;, 4. "

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

' . -!-~.,:,....~---_ -_-:..,.-:..·· --------=---· -:;::-_···--·::::::_-._. --·----·--·-· :_:::· ::: . .::-_. ::::_-_-_-_._·---··-·::::::.:::_-_- _--_-_ _ ··-·-:.-:._--:.,.-.ei-p>-t--, .. f I

. !;~, 378 WASHINGTON COUNTY. ! ============================================T============================================ f

i ; - :


i i l l l

I !


is one of the stanch Republicans of the State of Iowa, and was interested in the party in this State. He has held several local offices, and in 1879, was elected to the State Senate from the district com­prising the counties of Washington and Louisa. While he was a member of the Assembly, the ques­tion of the submission of the Prohibition Amend­ment was asked for by many persons in the State, and Mr. Prizer was among the number of those favorable to granting t.he request, and as a Senator voted for it. When the question w:as submitted to a vote of the people, be favored an adoption of the amendment, believing it to be ~·ight.

Mr. Prizer is now leading a retired life, and in his community, and wherever he is known, he is respected fot· the stability of his character and his true worth as a citizen. No man enjoys the con­fidence and esteem of his fellow-citizens in a higher degree. Always the n-;._nd of education, he has done much to advance the intet·ests of the public schools. In every good work calculated to build up Brighton or Washington County, he has ever been in the front. When he arrived in the· county, he was in limited circumstances, but through close attention to his business, and that energy and push that have always characterized him, he has been enabled to lay by sufficient to keep him in his old age. He is living with his family in a very pleasant home in the village of Brighton, surrounded by such comforts as may be acquired by the use of wealth rightly spent, coupled with good taste.

'.... -~-·--•>-'''""' .. "'-''

SAMUEL C. PEARSON, who resides on sec­

tion 34, Oregon Township, engaged in farming and stock-raising, is a native of Washington County, born May 29, 1857.

He is the son of Jesse and Mat·y J. (Frew) Pearson, a sketch of whom appears elsewhere in this volume. He was reared on his father'!! farm and received his education in the .district schools of W ashingtou County. Bred to the life of a farmer, he has con­tinued in that occupation till the present time, and is now the owner of 212 acres of land which is well­improved in every t·espect, and which he has

,., brought under a high state of cultivation. His

farm is one of the neatest and best in Oregon Town­ship, the improvements on it being first-'Class.

Samuel C. Pearson and Martha E. Colthurst were united in marriage in this county .Jan. 23, 1879 .. She is also a native of this county, born in 1859, and is a daughter of Thomas and Ann Colthurst, who are numbered among the earliest settlers of this county, a sketch of whom will be found in this "'ork. Three children have been born to them­Florence N., Leslie G. and Lulu F. Mr. Pearson is a member of Orient Lodge No. 365, A. F. & A: M. Politically, be is independent, believing more in voting for the right men than because they may happen to belong to "our party."

While yet a young man, not having reached the pl'ime of life, Mr. Pearson is one full of energy, who endeavors to discharge every duty in a faithful manner, is not willing to sit idly by to witness the procession as it passes, but who proposes to join in, and ever go forward . Socially, he is esteemed by all who know him .

J A. TURBOTT is a farmer and stock-raiser, residing 011 section 2R, Oregon Township. He is a native of Ohio, born in Harrison County in 1841, and is the son of Peter

and Margaret (Sands) Turhott, bo.th natives of Ohio, the former of Scotch-ll'ish, and the latter of Scotch-English descent. They emigrated to this county in 1864 and settled in Jackson Township, where the father died in 1886, at the age of seventy­six years. The mother is still residing in Jackson Township. They reared a family of nine children, eight of whom are still living in this county.

The subject of this .sketch grew to manhood in his native State, was reared on a farm and educated in the common schools. He came to this county in 1864, and first settled in Highland Township, where he remained until March, 1887, when he removed to his present farm. He was married in Coshocton County, Ohio, in 1864, just previous to his removal to Iowa, to .Jane Kan, daughter of John and Maria Kan, the former of Scotch and the latter of Irish descent. The former died in Ohio, while the la tter

- ~-<~------------------------------------------------------------------------~~~~ ---/~

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

1880 United States Federal Census- Ancestry.com

< ancestry

Name: John W. Prizer

Home in 1880: Brighton, Washington, Iowa

Age: 54

Estimated birth abt 1826


Birthplace: Pennsylvania

Relation to head- Self (Head)


Spouse's name: Charlote Prizer

Father's Pennsylvania


Mother's Pennsylvania


Neighbors: View others on page

Occupation: Banker-Pres.

Marital Status: Married

Race: White

Gender: Male

~nnot read 'Tlte: Blind:

Deaf and dumb: View image

OJhe~t'i~ 1sa e : Idiotic or insane:

Household Name Age Members: .John W. Prizer 54

Charlote Prizer 47

Henn· A. Prizcr 23

Ellen .J. Prizer 21

Ugene Prizcr 13

Hattie Prizer 11

M<ID-E._S19_}\'t~1 34

D.L. Cauffman 18

Source Citation: Year: 1880: Q>nsus Place: Brighton. lt'ashington. Iowa: Roll: 369: Family Histmy Film: 125-1369; Page: t88A; Enumeration District: 1-/..J~ Image: OD';-;.

Ance-stry.com and The Church of .Jesus Christ of L..1ttE'r-day Saints. 1880 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, CT, USA: :\ncestry.com Operations Inc, 2010. 1880 U.S. Census Index provided by The Church of .JeSllS Christ of Latter-day Saints© Copyright 1999 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. All use is subject to the limited use license and other terms and conditions applicable to this site.

Original data: Tenth Census of the United States, 1880. (NARA microlilm publication T9, 1,454 rolls). Records of the Bureau of th<? Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, \'\'ashington. D.C.

Description: This database is an index to so million indi\·iduals enumrrated in the t88o United Stt~tE's Ff'deral Crnsus. Census takers recorded many dett~ils including each person's name, address. occupation. relationship to the head of household. race, sex, age at last birthday. marital status. place of birth. parents' placE' of birth. Additionally, tht' names oft host" listed on the population sche-dule are linked to actual images oftlw 1880 Federal Census. l .e~nJ more ...

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1/15/2011 Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

1900 United States Federal Census- Ancestry.com

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Name: John W Prizer

[John Prizer]

Home in 1900: Brighton, Washington, Iowa

Age: 74

Birth Date: Oct 1825

Birthplace: Pennsylvania

Race: White

Gender: Male

Relationship to Head


Father's Pennsylvania


Mother's Pennsylvania


Spouse's name: Charlotte Prizer

Marriage Year: 1855

Marital Status: Married

Years Married: 45

Occupation: View on Image

Neighbors: View others on page

Household Name Age Members: John W Prizcr 74

Charlotte Prizer 68

Hattie E Prizcr 31

Elizabeth Vernon 28

Source Citation: Year: 1900: Census Place: Brighton, H'ashington. lmt>a: Roll: T623_ 464; Page: IA; Enumeration Dislrict: 107.

Ancestry.com. 1900 United States Federal Census [database on-lineJ. Provo. UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2004.

Original datn: United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Tu.:elfth Census of the United States. 1900. Washington, D.C.: ~fltional Archiq•s and Records Administration, 1900. T623, 1854 rolls.

Description: This database is an index to indi\'iduals enumerated in the 1900 United States Federal Census. the Twelfth Census of the United Slates. Census takers recorded many details including each person's name, address, relationship to the head of household, color or race, sex, month and year of birth . age at last birthday, marit£~1 status. number of years married. the total number of children born of the mother, the number of those children Ji .. ing. birthplace, birthplace of father and mother~ if the indi .. idual was foreign born, the year of immigration and the number of years in the United States. the citizenship status of foreign-born indi\'iduals o,·er age twenty-one, occupation, and mort?. Additionally, the names of those list(•d on thE' population schedule are linked to actual images of the 1900 Federal Census. l.ga_.r:n mor.~._,.

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1115/2011 Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

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Tracy Wright Entries: 5205 Updated: 2008-08-22 00:46:32 UTC (Fri) Contact: .Tracy Wright · .,.. ~:-\ · :.-~ :c-~ ·\":.· <

Index I Descendancy I Register I Pedigree I Ahnentafel I Download GED

ID: 15044 Name: John W. PRIZER Sex: M Birth: 18 OCT 1825 in Chester Co.,PA Death: 12 AUG 1906 in Brighton,Washington Co.,IA Burial: AUG 1906 Brighton,Washington Co.,IA

IDNO: 306 12

Change Date: 18 DEC 2002 at 13:50:02

• Ancestry Hints for John W. PRIZER

6 possible historical record matches

Father: Henry PRIZER b: 13 JUN 1802 in Chester Co.,PA Mother: Elizabeth DIFFENDAFER b: Abt 1805 in Chester Co.,PA

Marriage 1 Charlotte MOORE b: 8 AUG 1831 in Gustavus,Trumball Co.,OH Married: 6 SEP 1855 in Brighton,Washington Co.,IA Note: 1 REFN 4171 1 2 Children ~ Henry Anson PRIZER b: 4 JUL 1856 in Brighton,Gustavus Co.,IA ~ Ellen J. PRIZER b: 26 DEC 1857 in Brighton,Washington Co.,IA

Eugene Arthur PRIZER b: 13 NOV 1865 Harriet Eliza PRIZER b: 8 SEP 1867

Sources: Title: GEDCOM File: uncledoug.ged Author: Richard Douglas Russell Abbrev: Richard Douglas Russell Abbrev: GEDCOM File: uncledoug.ged Note: 2318 70th Ave W Apt. #39 University Place, WA 98466 Date: 7 DEC 2002 Title: GEDCOM File: GRAHAM.ged Author: Graham and Tracy Wright Abbrev: Graham and Tracy Wright Abbrev: GEDCOM File : GRAHAM.ged Note:

http:/ /awt.ancestry .cornlcgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET &db=:3341316&id=I5044 1115/2011 Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

John W Prizer- Overview- Ancestry.com Page 1 of 1

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John W Prizer Birth 18 Oct 1825 in , Chester. Pennsylvania

Death 12 Aug 1906 in Brighton Washington Iowa

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Timeline ( VI§W_c:letoils)

1825 180ct

Birth , Chester, Pennsylvania

1855 Man-iage to Charlotte Moore

Age: 30

Death 1906 12Ang

Age: 80

Brighton. Washington, Iowa


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Family Members

Parent s

Henry Prizer 1802- 1893

Elizabeth Diffendafer 1805- 1880

Spouse & Children

Charlotte Moore 1831- 1917

Henrv A Prizer 1855-

Ellen J Prizer 1857- 1939

Eugene Prizer 1864-

Hattie Prizer 1868-

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1115/2011 Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Individual Record Page 1 of2

Individual Record Family Search ™ Pedigree Resource File

John W. Prizer Compact Disc #70 Pin #508398 Sex:M

Event(s) Birth: 18 Oct 1825

Chester Co., PA Death: 12 Aug 1906

Brighton, Washington Co., lA Burial: Aug 1906

Brighton, Washington Co., lA

Parents Father: Henry Prizer Disc #70 Pin #508425

Mother: Elizabeth Diffendafer Disc #70 Pin #508426

Marriage(s) Spouse: Charlotte Moore Disc #70 Pin #508399

Marriage: 6 Sep 1855 Brighton, Washington Co., lA

Notes and Sources Notes: None

Sources: None

Submitter Richard Douglas RUSSELL 2318 70th Ave W Apt. #39 University Place, WA 98466

Submission Search: 2239876-0423103035814


URL: http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/r/u/s/Richard-D­Russell/index. htm

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About FamilySearch Pedigree Resource File The Pedigree Resource File is a new lineage linked database of records available on compact disc containing family history records submitted by individuals through FamilySearch Internet Genealogy Service. Family information is organized in family groups and pedigrees and includes submitted notes and sources. Many charts and reports can be printed from this data. Each disc contains about 1.1 million names. With the publication of every five discs, a master index for those discs will be published and packaged with that set of discs. With the publication of every 25 discs, a master index for those discs will also be published and packaged with that volume of discs. Discs may be purchased as sets or volumes.

http:/ /www.familysearch.org/eng/search!PRF /individual_record.asp?recid=700508398&ld... 1/15/2011 Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

PRF Pedigree View Page

Pedigree Chart

Henry Prizer B: 13 Jun 1802

Chester Co., PA ~ D: 18 Jun 1893

Chester Co., PA M: 13 Mar 1826

Chester Co., PA

J ohn W. Prizer B : 180ct1825

Chester Co., PA D : 12 Aug 1906

Brighton, Washington Co., lA : 6Se M p 1855

Brighton, Washington Co., lA

Charlotte Moore B: 8 Aug 1831

Gustavus, Trumball Co., OH D: 6 Jul1917

Brighton, Washington Co. , lA

Elizabeth Diffendafer

_l B: abt1805 Chester Co., PA

D: aft 1880 Chester Co., PA

Friedrich Prizer B: 9 Dec 1768

,.! Montgomery Co., PA D: 27 Jan 1823

Chester Co., Pennsylvania


Susannah Brownback B: 5 Jul1772

2 East Coventry Twp., Chester Co., PA

D: 7 Apr 1856 East Coventry Twp. , Chester Co., PA





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Johannas Preisser 8 B: abt 1731








Huechelheim, Germany o· 1111

Chester Co. , Pennsylvania M: 1756


Anna Christina Mueller B: 2 Nov 1734

Huechelheim, Germany D: 5 Jan 1777

Chester Co., Pennsylvania

© 1999-2005 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. English approval: 3/1999

http://www.familysearch.org/eng/search/PRF /pedigree_ view.asp?recid=700508398&famil... 1/15/2011 Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

John Wesley Prizer (1825- 1906)- Find A Grave Memorial Page 1 of 1

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John Wesley Prizer


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Oct. 8, 1825 Dauphin County Pennsylvan ia, USA Aug. 12, 1906 Brighton Washington County Iowa, USA

Son of Henry J. Prizer and Rebecca Jackson Husband of Charlotte Moore Father of Henry Anson Prizer, Ellen J. Prizer Rosenberger, Mary El izabeth Prizer, Emma Laura Prizer, Eugene Arthur Prizer, Walter E. Prizer and Harriet Elizabeth Prizer.

Burial: Hillcrest Cemetery Brighton Washington County Iowa, USA

Created by: Sylvia Meeker Record added: Nov 02, 2000 Find A Grave Memorial# 5090003

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Flowers for one of Iowa 's early pioneers. -Anonymous

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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

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