381 shilpi sharma

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  • 8/18/2019 381 Shilpi Sharma














    D!"##. o$ B%&'!&& A*''+,#'o MBA-4#  S!*!!+




    SESSION 015-1

    1 P a g e

  • 8/18/2019 381 Shilpi Sharma



    I hereby declare that the following documented proect entitled ! 6o*",+,#'! S#%8 o

    E*"lo8!! 9!l$,+! ' P%l'; , P+',#! S!;#o+&,#+ for her %aluable guidance+ encouragement+ and generou"

    help in completion of the Report$ Thi" "tudy i" completed under the ,uidance of M+. R,

    V',8 S'?  -.OD/+ Department of (u"ine"" Admini"tration 0i%e#ananda College of 

    Technology 1 'anagement$ The completion of thi" Proect Report i" al"o attributed to a

    whole lot of indi%idual" who ha%e #nowingly or un#nowingly contributed in my "tudy$

    (S'l"' S,+*, )

    P a g e

  • 8/18/2019 381 Shilpi Sharma






    ,"#!+ 1 I#+o%;#'o o$ E*"lo8!! 9!l$,+! 1-4

    ,"#!+ - o*",+'&o o$ E*"lo8!! 9!l$,+! ' P%l'; , P+',#!

    S!;#o+& 43-1

    ,"#!+ 3 O!;#'!& o$ #! S#%8 -3

    ,"#!+ -4 R!&!,+; M!#oolo?8 4-5

    ,"#!+ 5 D,#, A,l8&'& , I#!+"+!#,#'o -C3

    ,"#!+ - F''?& C4-C5

    ,"#!+ - 7 o;l%&'o& C-C7

    ,"#!+ - C '*'#,#'o& CC-C

    ,"#!+ R!;o**!,#'o& , S%??!'o& 0-1


    %!'o,'+! 3-7

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  • 8/18/2019 381 Shilpi Sharma





    Employee welfare mean" 2the effort" to ma#e life worth li%ing for wor#men . Employee

    welfare mean"+ "uch "er%ice"+ facilitie" and amenitie" "uch a" canteen"+ re"t and recreation

    facilitie"+ arrangement for tra%el to and for the accommodation of wor#er" employed at a

    di"tance from their home+ and "uch other "er%ice"+ amenitie" and facilitie" including "ocial

    "ecurity mea"ure" a" contribute to impro%e the condition under which wor#er" are


    Employee welfare refer" to anything that i" done for the comfort and impro%ement of 

    employee" and i" pro%ided other than wage" or "alary$ )elfare program" help organi3ation"

    to moti%ate it" employee" and #eep their morale high "o a" to retain them for longer 

    duration$ Employee welfare refer" to promotion of indu"trial harmony through infra"tructure

    for health in"urance again"t di"ea"e"+ accident and unemployment for the employee" and

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    their familie"$ )elfare include" all tho"e acti%itie" by the employer" directed toward

     pro%iding employee" with certain facilitie" and "er%ice"$

    )elfare include" "uch acti%itie" a" pri%ate ad%ice on any type of per"onal Problem4

    a""i"tance with problem" of heath or "ic#ne""4 "pecial re"pon"ibilitie" for young People and

    elderly and retired "taff and the pro%i"ion of "port" and "ocial facilitie"$ An Organi3ation

    concerned with the"e matter" "ince the reputation for their "howing Concern help" to

    impro%e the local image of the firm a" a good employer and thu" a""i"t" in recruitment$

    )elfare may not directly increa"e producti%ity but may add to general feeling" of 

    "ati"faction with the firm and cut down labor turno%er$


    Employee welfare may be %iewed a" a total concept+ a" a "ocial concept and a relati%e

    concept$ The total concept i" a de"irable "tate of e5i"tence in%ol%ing the phy"ical+ mental+

    moral and emotional well!being$ The "ocial concept of welfare implie"+ of man+ hi" family

    and hi" community$ The term employee welfare mean" to fare well or to do well$ It refer" to

     phy"ical+ mental+ emotional well being of an indi%idual$

    The relati%e concept of welfare implie" that welfare i" relati%e in time and place$ Employee

    welfare implie" the "etting up of minimum de"irable "tandard" and the pro%i"ion of facilitie"

    li#e health+ food+ clothing hou"ing+ medical allowance+ education+ in"urance+ ob "ecurity+

    "uch a" to "afeguard hi" health and protect him again"t occupational ha3ard"$ The wor#er 

    "hould al"o be e6uipped with nece""ary training and a certain le%el of general education$

    T! IO (I#!+,#'o,l ,o%+ O+?,',#'o) !$'! 2welfare a" a term which i"

    under"tood to include "uch "er%ice" and amenitie" a" may be e"tabli"hed in or the %icinity of 

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    underta#ing to perform their wor# in healthy+ congenial "urrounding and to pro%ide them

    with amenitie" conducti%e to good health and high morale$7

    A;;o+'? #o A+#%+ @,*!& To  2)elfare a" anything done for the comfort or 

    impro%ement and "ocial of the employee" o%er and abo%e the wage" paid+ which i" not a

    nece""ity of the indu"try7$

    A;;o+'? #o #! oG$o+ ';#'o,+8 2Employee welfare or labor welfare mean" 2the

    effort" to ma#e life worth li%ing for wor#men7

    A;;o+'? #o ;o**'##!! o$ l,o+ >!l$,+! (1) - 2"uch "er%ice"+ facilitie" and

    amenitie" a" ade6uate canteen+ re"t and recreation facilitie"+ "anitary and medical facilitie"+

    arrangement" for tra%el to and from wor# and for the accommodation of wor#er employed

    at a di"tance from their home"+ and "uch other "er%ice"+ amenitie" and facilitie"+ including

    "ocial "ecurity mea"ure a" contribute to impro%e the condition" under which wor#er" are



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    Employee welfare include" %ariou" facilitie"+ "er%ice" and amenitie" pro%ided to the wor#er"

    for impro%ing their health+ efficiency+ economic betterment and "ocial "tatu"$ Employee welfare "cheme" are %ery fle5ible and e%er changing$

    Employer" get "table labor force by pro%iding welfare facilitie"$

    )elfare mea"ure" are in addition to regular wage and other economic benefit" a%ailable to

    wor#er" due to legal pro%i"ion and collecti%e bargaining$ Employee welfare mea"ure" increa"e" the producti%ity of the organi3ation and promote

    healthy indu"trial relation"$   Employee welfare mea"ure" may be introduced by the employer+ go%ernment and

    employee" or by any "ocial for charitable agency$ Employee welfare i" a comprehen"i%e term including %ariou" "er%ice"+ facilitie" and

    amenitie" pro%ided to employee" for their betterment$ The ba"ic purpo"e in to impro%e the lot of the wor#ing cla""$

    Employee welfare i" a dynamic concept$

    Employee welfare mea"ure" are al"o #nown a" fringe benefit" and "er%ice"$

    )elfare mea"ure" may be both %oluntary and "tatutory$


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    I n c r e a " e p r o d u c t io n l e % e lI n c r e a " e p r o d u c t io n l e % e l

    O r a n i 3 a t i o n a l i m p r o % e m e n tO r a n i 3 a t i o n a l i m p r o % e m e n t

    O t h e r o b e c t i % e "O t h e r o b e c t i % e "

    I m p r o % e


    e m p l o y e

    e l o y a l ty

    I m p r o % e i n u " t r i a l r e l a t i o nI m p r o % e i n u " t r i a l r e l a t i o n

    O r a n i3 a t i o n a l i m p r o % e m e n tO r a n i3 a t i o n a l i m p r o % e m e n t

    O t h e r o b e c t i% e "O t h e r o b e c t i% e "

    ' o t i %

    a t i o n

    e m p l o

    y e e "

    Increa"e production le%el8 ! One of the primary concern" of employee welfare promotion i"

    to create happy employee"$ .owe%er+ thi" type of obecti%e ha" a greater purpo"e and i" not

    alway" due to the bene%olence of the employer$ In"tead+ good employer" both genuinely

    care for their employee" and do "o becau"e they #now that a happy employee i" one that

    will be producti%e and do hi" ob correctly$

    Impro%e employee loyalty8 ! Another rea"on to promote the well!being of an employee i"

    that it can impro%e employee loyalty$ In the long run+ employee" who are ta#en care of by

    their employer" are le"" li#ely to ump "hip and change companie" or career"$ E%en in

    "ituation" where it might be po""ible to ma#e more money with a different company+ the

    employee who feel" accepted and needed by their employer may not e%en con"ider other ob

    offer" when they come along$

    Organi3ational Impro%ement8 ! (ecau"e employee welfare deal" "pecifically with the well!

     being of employee"+ employee welfare program" adopted by employer" are more effecti%e

    when the want" and wi"he" of employee" are ta#en into con"ideration$ In organi3ation"

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    where employee" are well!cared for and employee" are a"#ed to pro%ide "ugge"tion" a" to

    how to better impro%e the company+ employee" feel a" if they play an important role in the

    impro%ement of the organi3ation$

    Impro%ed indu"trial relation8 ! Impro%ed the indu"trial relation among the wor#er" and

    achie%e indu"trial peace in al"o one of the main obecti%e of employee welfare$ )ith the

    help of %ariou" welfare acti%itie" employer try to maintain balance between the wor#er" in

    order to achie%e the ma5imum output$

    Other obecti%e"8 ! Other important obecti%e of employee welfare are8!

    The primary obecti%e of employee welfare i" to impro%e the moti%ation le%el of the


    • It impro%e" the loyalty and morale of the employee"$

    • It reduce" labor turno%er and ab"enteei"m$

    • )elfare mea"ure" help to impro%e the goodwill and public image of the enterpri"e$

    It help" to impro%e indu"trial relation" and indu"trial peace$

    • It help" to impro%e employee producti%ity$


    The hi"tory of employee welfare in India "tarted with the abolition of "la%ery "y"tem in

    9:;;$ (a"ed on the recommendation of the international labor conference" in 9:9>+ the

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    go%ernment enacted the factorie" act in 9>>?+ the go%ernment of India launched "cheme of 

    labor welfare their ordnance ammunition and other factorie" in war production+ to #eep up

    the moral of wor#er" and al"o to increa"e their producti%ity$

    After hi" independence the amendment of factorie" act in 9>@:+ the labor welfare mo%ement

    ac6uired new dimen"ion" for one thing+ the ma""i%e in%e"tment" in indu"try during %ariou"

     plan increa"ed in number of wor#men$ It wa" reali3ed from the beginning that labor welfare

    ha" a po"iti%e role in increa"ing producti%ity and reducing indu"trial ten"ion"$ At thi" "tate

    go%ernment enacted %ariou" legi"lation"+ regarding the welfare of the wor#er"$ 'odern

    "ocial welfare and "ocial welfare in"titution" ha%e undergone three di"tinct period" of 

    hi"torical de%elopment$ In the early and mid nineteenth country+ in North America and in

    we"tern and central Europe+ reformer" tin#ered with a %ariety of "chool in"urance "cheme"+

    mainly pen"ion for the aged and certain %oluntary or mar#et!ba"ed remedie"$ They al"o

    organi3ed %ariou" in"titution" de"igned to care for the mentally ill+ promote public health+

    word of epidemic"+ e5pend public education and impro%e lot" of entrepreneur*" arti"an"+

     poor and the mechanic"$ The"e programme" influenced only fraction" of any nation*"

     population"$ Thi" wa" an age of liberal" and democratic ideali"m+ and the"e effort" reflected

    the "pirit of the age$ (etween the 9:?=+ in the "econd period+ the united "tate"+

    together with ,rate (ritain imperial ,ermany &weden+ Denmar#+ Au"tria and rance+ had

    %ariou" "ocial in"urance "cheme" the embraced and hierarchy$


    In the early to mid 9>th  centaury three nation"+ ,reat (ritain+ the ,erman

    "pea#ing "tate that Otto %on (i"marc# unified under Pru""ian" hegemony in


  • 8/18/2019 381 Shilpi Sharma


    had %igorou" public and political hi"torie"+ large middle cla""e"+ con"iderable

    indu"trial de%elopment and lai""e3! fair mar#et capitali"m$



    (etween 9:?=*" and 9>=*" notion" that go%ernment and pri%ate

    "ector could wor# together were the watchword" of the age$ )hile

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    &candina%ian countrie" had already e"tabli"hed fairly comprehen"i%e "ocial

    welfare "tate"+ the united "tate" too# "tep" toward" the modern and embracing

    welfare "tate" with the adoption of "ocial "ecurity*" through the "ocial "ecurity

    act of 9>;$ A large difference between the American and the European "y"tem

    had to do with the lac# in the former of a national health "cheme+ whether 

    national health in"urance or nationali3ed medicine"$ The for thi" wa" the

    rai"ing power and the pre"tige of American doctor"$ In the ?= th century ba"ed

    on their identification" and e5perimental "cience$ &ocial "ecurity made

     po""ible old age pen"ion on a ta5 ba"i" a" a "upplement to pri%ate pen"ion

    "cheme"$ Through the AID TO DEPEN!DENT C.ILDREN+ later aid to

    familie" with dependent children+ child welfare became part of the new federal

     program of welfare+ u"t a" unemployment in"urance+ di"ability in"urance and

    other program came to con"titute the American welfare "tate$ In the 9>=*" the

    American welfare "tate began to e5pend dramatically in the number of it"

    client population"$

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    Employee welfare i" in the intere"t of the employee+ the employer and the "ociety a" a

    whole$ &ignificance of employee welfare" are8!

    It help" to impro%e recruitment $a" the ob become" more attracti%e more efficient employee

    can be recruited$

    Employee welfare impro%e" the morale and loyalty of wor#er" by ma#ing then happy and


    It reduce" labor turno%er and ab"enteei"m thereby building a "table wor#ing management

    help" to increa"e employee$

     Producti%ity or efficiently by impro%ing their phy"ical and mental health$

    Impro%ement in material+ intellectual and cultural condition" life protect" wor#er" form

    "ocial e%il" li#e drin#ing$ ,ambling+ pro"titution etc$

    Employee welfare help" to impro%e indu"trial relation" and indu"trial peace$

    )elfare mea"ure" help to impro%e the goodwill and public image of the enterpri"e$

    0oluntary effort" for the welfare of wor#er reduce the threat of further go%ernment



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      To ad%i"e and a""i"t the management in pro%iding welfare facilitie" "uch a" hou"ing

    facilitie" food+ "ocial and recreational facilitie"+ education of children and ad%i"e on

    indi%idual per"onnel problem$


    To bring to the notice of wor#er" their right and liabilitie" under the "tanding order"

    of the e"tabli"hment" and other rule" which grant right to and define the dutie" of 

    wor#er" of which are directed to the di"cipline "afety and protection of wor#er" and


      To ad%i"e and a""i"t management in the pro%i"ion of amenitie" "uch a" canteen+

    "helter" for re"t+ ade6uate latrine facilitie" drin#ing water+ "ic#ne"" and bene%olent

    "cheme payment"+ pen"ion and pro%ident fund" and gratuity payment"$

      To maintaining harmoniou" relation" between the management and wor#er"$

      To promote relation" between management and wor#er" which will en"ure

     producti%e efficiency a" well a" wor#ing condition" and to help wor#er" to adu"t

    and adopt them"el%e" to their wor#ing en%ironment

      To encourage the formation of wor#er" and oint production committee"+ co!

    operati%e "ocietie" and "afety and welfare Committee" and "uper%i"e their wor#"$


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    Compared to other countrie"+ India ha" much greater need and importance of labor welfare

    wor#$ &uch a condition i" cau"ed by certain deficiencie" in Indian labor force that are not

    found in it" counterpart in other countrie"$ It i" the"e defect" of deficiencie" that increa"e the

    importance of labor welfare acti%ity in the country$ In India there i" need to impro%ement in

    employee welfare acti%itie"$ (riefly+ the following are the rea"on" why labor welfare wor# 

    in India a""ume" greater importance than in other countrie"$

    • ,;= o$ +o? l,o+ %'o *o!*!#:-In India+ e%en today the wor#er" are no

    united into a cla""$ eeping in %iew the number"+ labor Fnion mo%ement i" "till in

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    it" infancy$ E%en in the labor union that doe" e5i"t+ there i" a lac# of enlightened

    leader"hip+ and there i" no unity between the"e union" them"el%e"$ In ab"ence of 

     properly organi3ed labor Fnion the wor#er" can neither+ place their demand"

    effecti%ely before the employer+ nor can they thin# clearly and "y"tematically of 

    their own intere"t"$ A" thi" i" force lac#ing in India+ it i" e""ential that the welfare

    of laborer" in the country be efficiently loo#ed after by the employer" and the


      ,;= o$ "+o"!+ *,,?!*!# "ol';'!&: - 'anagement policie" regarding

    employee welfare are al"o not %ery much clear in India$ Thi" i" the main rea"on

    for unde"irable condition of employee becau"e unclear management policie"

    decrea"e the morale of wor#er"$

    • Ill'#!+,;8: - A" compared with other countrie"+ the percentage of educated

    wor#er" i" %ery low+ mo"t of them being illiterate$ Con"e6uently+ they are not in a

     po"ition to recei%e ad%anced indu"trial training+ under"tand the problem" in

    indu"trie" their own intere"t" and tho"e of nation a" a whole$ Thi" can pro%e a

    "ource of harm not only to the wor#er" but al"o to the country$ .ence efficient+

    and become re"pon"ible citi3en" of the country$

    • P+ol!* o$ ,&!#!!'&* , *'?+,#'o: - Compared to the wor#er" of other 

    countrie" the Indian laborer i" more re"tle"" and doe" tendentiou" toward" fre6uent

    migration becau"e life in the town doe" not pro%ide for hi" need"+ and the

    atmo"phere in general doe" not "uit him$ Al"o due to inade6uate le%el of wage" the

    laborer cannot comfortably "ettle down in one place$ Thi" may in turn al"o gi%e

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    ri"e to Ab"enteei"m$ Thi" wor#er" migratory tendency can be curbed by pro%iding

    him with ade6uate facilitie" and condition"+ and thi" al"o "how" a po"iti%e effect

    o%er the ab"enteei"m in the factory$

    • o> l!!l o$ !,l# , %#+'#'o: - The Indian wor#er a" compared with hi"

    counterpart in mo"t European countrie" i" unhealthy and ill fed$ Thi" "how" a

    definite affect o%er the production potential$ .ence+ he i" %ery great need of 

    ine5pen"i%e nutriti%e food and good facility in ca"e of ho"pitali3ation$

    • EG#+!*! "o!+#8: - The percentage of people under the po%erty line in our 

    country i" comparati%ely high than other countrie"$ &o the "tandard of li%ing i"

    %ery low$ An Indian wor#er i" unable to pro%ide a healthy li%ing for hi" family and

    in the ca"e off female wor#er" "he i" not pro%ide with a""i"tance in ca"e of need$

    .ence+ the labor welfare ha" much to do in the country$ It mu"t a""i"t them by

     pro%iding them maternity benefit"+ in old age i$e$+ pro%ident fund+ pen"ion" and

    gratuity etc$

    • ,;= o$ #+,''?: - A" the percentage of trained wor#er" in India i" %ery low+ it i"

    nece""ary to ha%e training facilitie" for "uch a %a"t labor force$

    • ,;= o$ !,l#8 +!;+!,#'o: - .ealthy recreation i" al"o at a premium in the

    country+ the efficiency of labor force i" dimini"hed by energy being employed in

    all #ind" of unde"irable channel"$ .ence+ it i" e""ential that recreation and

    enoyment of a healthy #ind be pro%ided$

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    T r a d

    u n i o

    I n d i a

    & t a t e r m e n t C e n t ra l , o % e r m e nt E m p l o y e e rAENIES OF EMPOYEE 9EFARE

    !#+,l o!+*!#- The central go%ernment ha" made elaborate pro%i"ion" for the

    health+ "afety and welfare of wor#er" under the factorie" act!9>@:+ and mine" act+ 9>?

    the"e act" pro%ide for canteen"+ crGche"+ "helter"+ re"t room+ lunch room"+ wa"hing facilitie"

    etc$ "imilar facilitie" are pro%ided under the plantation labor act+ 9>9+ and motor tran"port

    wor#er" act 9>9$

    S#,#! o!+*!#&-  ,o%ernment" in different "tate" and union territorie" pro%ide

    welfare facilitie" to wor#er$ &tate go%ernment" pre"cribe rule" for the welfare of wor#er"

    and en"ure compliance with the pro%i"ion" under %ariou" labor law"$

    T+,! %'o& ' I',-  Trade union" ha%e done little for the welfare of wor#er"$

    Labour union" ha%e contributed their "hare for the betterment of the employee"$ 'ention

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    may be made here of the te5tile labour a""ociation of headband and the railway men*" union

    and the ma3door "abha of anpur+ which ha%e rendered in%aluable "er%ice" in the field of 

    labour welfare$ The welfare acti%itie" of the te5tile labour a""ociation$ Ahmedabad+ are

    worth nothing$

     E*"lo8!+&- Fntil recently+ employer in India did little for the welfare of wor#er" baring

    a few e5ception"$ 2The employer" in general loo#ed upon welfare wor# a" fruitle"" and

     barren though "ome of them in deed had done pioneering wor#7$ They ta#e intere"t in

    welfare wor# both %oluntarily and under "tatutory pro%i"ion"$ A TI&CO+ for e5ample+ well!

    e6uipped ho"pital+ "chool+ gymna"ium"+ club"+ canteen"+ crGche" and cooperati%e "ocietie"

    are being pro%ided$


    • They pro%ide better phy"ical and mental health to wor#er" and thu" promote a

    healthy wor# en%ironment$

    • acilitie" li#e hou"ing "cheme"+ medical benefit"+ and education and recreation

    facilitie" for wor#erH" familie" help in rai"ing their "tandard" of li%ing$ Thi" ma#e"

    wor#er" to pay more attention toward" wor# and thu" increa"e" their producti%ity$

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    • Employer" get "table labor force by pro%iding welfare facilitie"$ )or#er" ta#e acti%e

    intere"t in their ob" and wor# with a feeling of in%ol%ement and participation$

    Employee welfare mea"ure" increa"e the producti%ity of organi3ation and promote

    healthy indu"trial relation" thereby maintaining indu"trial peace$

    • The "ocial e%il" pre%alent among the labor" "uch a" "ub"tance abu"e+ etc are reduced

    to a greater e5tent by the welfare policie"$


    'any organi3ation" ha%e created en%ironment" and condition" that ha%e appealed to the

    emotional+ profe""ional+ and economic intere"t" of the employee"$ They u"e complete

    reward and recognition "y"tem" %ia8

    • Bob de"ign

    • Deci"ion ma#ing proce""

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    •  Pay e6uity

    • Performance planning and management "y"tem"

    • &elf!direction

    • Communication

    • Leader"hip "tyle"

    • Profe""ional de%elopment

    An o%erall "y"tem i" open to incorporate anything that influence" the employee"! to en"ure

     profitability+ e%en "ur%i%al+ during har"h economic time"$ 'any middle manager" ha%e lo"t

    their ob"$ People that remain+ manager" and non!manager" ali#e+ ha%e had to demon"trate

    their %alue to their organi3ation to "tay employed$ ,one i" the old "tyle p"ychological

    contract for lifelong employment$ A" one manager e5pre""ed4 Loyalty i" dead+ we can no

    longer afford it$ The bad new"8 )hile companie" ha%e been getting meaner and leaner+

    wor# commitment and per"onal dri%e to go all out ha%e been lo"t$ The good new"8

    Employee" ha%e become more re"ourceful at finding way" to demon"trate and increa"e their 

    worth to current pro"pecti%e employer"$ &mart employee" "ee them"el%e" a" free agent" and

    are continuou"ly loo#ing for way" to impro%e their "#ill"+ competencie"+ reputation+ and


    &mart manager" recogni3e the need" of free agent" by engaging in the practice" that "ay4

    IHll meet your need"+ I e5pect you to meet mine+ letH" wor# togetherJ ree agent" want

    1 P a g e

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    fle5ibility to mo%e through organi3ational "y"tem" without being loc#ed in to one

    department$ They want to be recogni3ed and %alued for the talent" they bring and for re"ult

    achie%ed$ They prefer team" in which they can reali3e a more "elf!directed en%ironment

    than they can in a "ingle ob reporting to a "uper%i"or$ )hile reward" are important+ "o+ too+

    are re"pon"ibility+ re"pect+ recognition+ and relation"hip"$ 'oreo%er+ becau"e of their 

    concern for independence and mar#etability+ they ha%e a critical need to protect their 

    reputation4 they gra%itate to a""ignment" that enhance their "tanding in the eye" of other"$

    The new currency that manager" mu"t u"e in todayH" wor#place i" ba"ed on re"pect$ E%en

    the organi3ation" are #nown to or intend to down"i3e+ "mart manager" under"tand the

    importance of re"pecting peopleH" intelligence and telling it li#e it i"$ They wor# 

    collaborati%ely with employee"$ They ma#e con"ciou" deci"ion" to oin force" in"tead of 

    "ubordinating or dominating$ A" newer "y"tem" "uch a" "#ill!ba"ed pay+ total!reward

     program"+ pay!for!performance plan"+ and open!boo# management become more main

    "tream+ the challenge for management will be to a%oid any "ugge"tion that they are

    manipulati%e or di"re"pectful$ In fact+ placing too much empha"i" on pay and pay "y"tem"

    will di"tract from the intrin"ic %alue of wor# it"elf$

    True recognition i" a whole!per"on e5perience$ The approach i" holi"tic$ It begin" with

    feeling"$ &mart manager" #now they may engage the head+ but they mu"t al"o engage the

    heart of e%ery employee$ ItH" the only way to recogni3e and reward employee" in the

    wor#place of the new millennium$

    P a g e

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    The purpo"e of welfare %i"ion i" to a""i"t indi%idual*" need" and to be the be"t "er%ice!

    di"abled+ %eteran !owned+ "mall bu"ine"" pro%iding 6uality "er%ice" and re"ource" for "mall+

    medium+ and large bu"ine""e"$ )elfare mi""ion i" to e5plore all #ind of thing which a

    common per"on want" in hi" life$


      To pro%ide better life and health to people$

    • To ma#e the people happy and "ati"fied$• To de%elop+ implement and "upport program" and proce""e" which add %alue" to the

    company and it" employee leading to impro%ement employee welfare and

    empowerment growth and retention while committed to the company it"

    management and pro"perity and it" cu"tomer"+ employee and "hareholder$

    3 P a g e

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      To pro%ide "olution" of any #ind of problem" through the well 6ualified and

    e5perience per"on$ 


    Culture ma#e" a difference in "ocial "ociety policy$ Political ideologie"+ religiou" belief"+

    moral conception" of the poor and normati%e perception" of gender role" are among the

    cultural factor" that "hape welfare "tate" and welfare policie"$ On the other hand+ "ocial

     policie" may ha%e cultural impact" for in"tance regarding wor# ethic"+ family %alue"+ ci%il

    morality and "olidarity$ Organi3ation" are effecti%ely run by the people wor#ing o%er there$

    To impro%e the producti%ity+ profitability+ and image and to retain it" crucial A&&ET&

    -PEOPLE/+ they ha%e to pro%ide minimum welfare facilitie" a" being pro%ided in the

    actorie" Act 9>@:$

    4 P a g e

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    I n t r a m u r a l

    E 5 t r a m u r a l


    5 P a g e

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    I#+,*%+,l: - Intra!mural acti%itie" con"i"t of facilitie" pro%ided within the factorie" and

    include medical facilitie"+ compen"ation for accident"+ pro%i"ion of "afety mea"ure"+

    acti%itie" relating to impro%ing of employment+ and the li#e$ The"e are pro%ided within the

    organi3ation li#e8

    • Canteen+

    • CrGche

    • Fniform

    • Drin#ing water

    • Toilet"

    • Re"t "helter"

    • Protecti%e clothing

    • Recreating facilitie"

    EG#+,*%+,l8! E5tra!mural acti%itie" co%er the "er%ice" and facilitie" pro%ided out"ide the

    factory "uch a" hou"ing accommodation+ indoor and outdoor recreational facilitie"+

    amu"ement and "port"+ educational facilitie" for adult" and children and the li#e$ The"e are

     pro%ided out"ide the organi3ation+ li#e8

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    •  .ou"ing+

    • Child welfare+

    • Lea%e tra%el facilitie"+

    • Intere"t free loan"+

    • )or#er" cooperati%e "tore"+

    • 0ocational guidance

    • Education facilitie"

    • 'aternity benefit"

    • Tran"portation

    • &port" facilitie"

    • .oliday home"

    • Cooperati%e "tore"

    • air price "hop"

    • &ocial in"urance

    7 P a g e

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    Employee welfare program" "er%e different obecti%e"$ The mo"t important obecti%e i" to

     pro%ide better and healthy life to wor#er"$ &econdly welfare benefit" are pro%ided in order 

    to ma#e employee happy and "ati"fied$ Other purpo"e of benefit" i" to relie%e employee"

    from e5hau"tion and impro%e cultural and li%ing condition" of the employee"$ A" an

    employer if you employee anyone -irre"pecti%e of time period "hort or long/ you mu"t a"

    rea"onably pro%ide ade6uate welfare facilitie" for employee" while they are at wor#$

    )elfare facilitie" are tho"e nece""ary for the wellbeing of your employee"$ Organi3ation"

     pro%ide welfare benefit" to their employee" to moti%e them$ Employee welfare "cheme" can

     be di%ided into two categorie"8

    • &tatutory "cheme"

    •  Non! "tatutory "cheme"

    S#,#%#o+8 >!l$,+! &;!*!&: -  &tatutory "cheme" are re6uired by law to be

     pro%ided to the employee"$ The"e "cheme" are tho"e re6uired by law and organi3ation" mu"t

     be pro%ided in order to meet "tatutory obligation"$ Employer" are re6uired to made

     pro%i"ion" for .ealth and "afety+ fir"t Aid appliance"+ drin#ing water+ latrine"+ canteen"+

    lighting+ wa"hing place" and changing room" etc$ The mo"t important of "uch "tatutory

    "cheme" are health and "afety and fir"t aid facilitie" at wor#place$ These schemes are

    H!,l# , &,$!#8 ,# >o+="l,;!: - E%ery employer mu"t ta#e practical "tep" to

     pro%ide+ "afe wor#ing en%ironment and "afe acce"" to and from wor#ing place+ a

    "afe "y"tem of wor#+ "afe tool"+ e6uipment and appliance"+ protection ha3ard" and

    nece""ary training for employee"$ Apart from thi" if an organi3ation" employee fi%e

    C P a g e

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    or more employee" it mu"t ha%e written health and "afety policy$ Employer" ha%e a

    duty toward" general public a" well and mu"t en"ure health and "afety of %i"itor"$

    Employee" al"o ha%e a duty to en"ure health and "afety at wor# and mu"t not ta#e

    "tep" which can affect other" health and "afety$ F'+ A' $,;'l'#'!& ,# >o+="l,;!: ! A" an employer you are re6uired to pro%ide fir"t

    aid appliance" at the wor# place$ The"e facilitie" will depend on+ the number of "taff+

    type of wor#+ "i3e of the wor#ing premi"e" and location of "taff and location of 

    wor#ing premi"e"$ A" far a" number of "taff i" concerned it depend" on the abo%e

    factor" but generally there "hould be one fir"t aider for = to 9== employee"$ )here

    ha3ard" are greater there "hould be one fir"t aider for e%ery = employee"$ M!';,l S!+';!&: ! According to the factory act 9>@: -under "ec$ @/ where the no$

    of employee" who are employed i" le"" than ==+ there mu"t be pro%ided many fir"t

    aid bo5e" at %ariou" place" by their employee" in the factory$ According to "tatutory

    rule at lea"t one fir"t aid bo5 mu"t be pro%ided a" per the 9= employee" and where

    the no$ of employee" who are employed i" == or more than ==+ there mu"t be

     pro%ided a di"pen"ary cell by their employer"$ In thi" way+ the factory i" pro%iding

    all the"e medical facilitie"8!

    O;;%",#'o,l H!,l# !#!+ (O.H..):- Thi" center con"titute" three per"on+ one female

    nur"e+ one a""t$ and one "enior Doctor$

    • Company i" in"talled many fir"t aid bo5e" at %ariou" place" under a re"pon"ible and

    trained per"on "o a" employee" could relief %ery 6uic#ly$

    • 'edical officer %i"it" the plant daily to chec# the employee" who are "ic# or "uffered

    any minor inury$

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    • The main ta"# of O.C i" to pro%ide the in"tant and 6uic# relief to the ailing

    employee"+ "o that he can carry on with hi" wor#$

    • If an employee want" to get the treatment out"ide the factory in"tead of company*"

    di"pen"ary cell+ he may be allowed for it$

    • Thi" O.C ha" all fir"t aid facilitie" and medicine" which are mu"t for the fir"t


    Do*';'l',+8 T+!,#*!#: - Thi" i" %ery important facility which i" being pro%ided by the

    company to it" employee"$ .ere the employee" can ha%e treatment out"ide the factory and

    all the e5pen"e" they incur are reimbur"ed by the company$ Thi" amount pro%ided to the

    employee" %ary a" per there grate" in the organi3ation "tructure$

    Ho&"'#,l',#'o B!!$'#&: - Thi" i" one another facility which i" pro%ided to the employee$

    E5ample for wor#er" it I" R"$ =+=== per annum for four member"$ &pecial accident benefit"

    "cheme" are al"o pro%ided to the employee" at Aligarh factory$ A per"on i" gi%en

  • 8/18/2019 381 Shilpi Sharma


    and renting hou"e" at rea"on all rate"$ i"cal and monetary incenti%e" "hould be


    E%;,#'o: ! In 9>< the go%ernment of India formulated an all India "cheme of 

    wor#er*" education$ The central board of wor#er*" education wa" con"tituted to

    admini"ter the "cheme$ The program of wor#er" education operate" in three tier"$

    a/ Education officer" trained at the central place+ who in turn$ b/ Train wor#er teacher" all regional le%el andc/ The wor#er teacher" conduct cla""e" in %ariou" indu"trial e"tabli"hment"$ R!;+!,#'o  Recreation in the form of mu"ic+ art+ theatre+ "port" and game" can

     play an important role in the phy"ical and mental de%elopment of employee$ The

    I$L$O$ ha" urged upon the member countrie" to ta#e appropriate "tep" to pro%ide

    recreational facilitie" for the wor#er" in or near the underta#ing which they are

    employed$ Fnder the plantation labor act 9>9+ it i" obligatory for employer" to

     pro%ide recreational facilitie"+ e5cur"ion"+ youth club" and holiday home" can be

     pro%ided for employee$ o&%*!+ ;oo"!+,#'! o+!&  The national cooperati%e de%elopment board "et

    up a committee in 9>9$The committee "ugge"ted that employee" "hould introduce

    con"umer cooperati%e "tore" in their labor welfare program$ The Indian labor"

    conference in 9>; adopted a "cheme for "etting up con"umer cooperati%e "tore in

    all indu"trial e"tabli"hment" including plantation" and mine" employing ;== or more

    wor#er"$ The employer wa" re6uired to gi%e a""i"tance in the form of "hare capital+

    wor#ing capital+ loan+ free accommodation and other amenitie"$ O#!+& ,#%#o+8 $,;'l'#'!&: - "ome other "tatutory "er%ice" pro%ided to the wor#er"


    • F,;'l'#'!& o$ >,&'? #! ;lo#!&: - A" the facility of wa"hing the clothe" al"o

    come" in welfare acti%itie"$ &o in thi" way company al"o pro%ide" the wa"hing

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    facility to their employee i" pro%ided a uniform by the company$ The color of their 

    uniform are fi5ed a" per their department$ or wa"hing and drying the"e+ company

    hired a wa"her man on a contract ba"e$ E%ery day ta#e" the "oiled clothe" away and

     bring the wa"he" one" the ne5t day -for en"uring that no interruption occur" in thi"

    daily routine the wor#er ha%e been pro%ided with four pair of uniform/$ In thi" way

    the per"onal hygiene of the wor#er i" al"o ta#e care by the company$

    • F,;'l'#8 o$ o;=!+ Roo*8 ! )or#er" are pro%ided with the loc#er" room$ The

    loc#er" room i" a part of the wa"hing facilitie" that are pro%ided to the employee" by

    the company$ Employee" can ha%e their per"onal clothe" in the loc#er room$ E%ery

    employee ha" loc#er room$ Thi" loc#er" room ha" two type" of code"4 one i"

     permanent "erial no$ and "econd one i" loc#er" no$ "o employee" can ha%e their 

     per"onal dre""e" in the loc#er" with "afety$

    • F,;'l'#8 o$ R! Roo*: - At Aligarh factory+ company i" arranged the re"t room" for 

    the employee"$ The ba"ic purpo"e of re"t room i" to pro%ide "ome re"t to employee"

    -when they don*t feel well/ and if they want to "ome re"t -if they allowed by the

    company/$(e"ide" it+ tho"e employee" who ha%e to wor# in night can al"o u"e the

    re"t room" during the period of fini"hing their night dutie"$

    No- ,#%#o+8 &;!*!&: -  &uch "cheme" pro%ide a 6uantifiable %alue for 

    indi%idual employee" and may be contingent li#e a pen"ion "cheme+ "ic# pay and in"urance

    co%er$ &uch benefit" al"o include element" which are not "trictly remuneration "uch a"

    annual holiday"$ The obecti%e" of "uch employee benefit" policie" and practice of an

    organi3ation might be+ to increa"e commitment of the "taff to the organi3ation"+ to pro%ide

    for the actual per"onal need" of the employee" "uch a" per"onal "ecurity+ financial "ecurity+

    to demon"trate that organi3ation care" for the need" of it" employee"+ to en"ure that a

    3 P a g e

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    competiti%e compen"ation pac#age i" pro%ide in order to attract and retain highly %aluable

    "taff and to pro%ide a method of remuneration which reduce" ta5 liabilitie"$ The schemes


    i. P!&'o &;!*!&: - Pen"ion ha" alway" been an important and %aluable element of 

    remuneration pac#age$ The 6ue"tion ari"e" here i" why organi3ation" pro%ide

     pen"ion "cheme" for it" employee" and what are the benefit" of pro%iding it$ An

    employer percei%ed moral obligation to pro%ide a "tandard of po"t retirement li%ing

    for employee" particularly for tho"e with long "er%ice$ The logic al"o e5tend" to

     pro%iding pen"ion" arrangement" for dependent" on a current or retired employeeH"

    death$ &imilarly a pen"ion "cheme demon"trate" that employer ha" a long intere"t of 

    employee" at heart$ Apart from thi" pen"ion "cheme may help organi3ation" in

    retaining and attracting "taff$ii. P!+&o,l &!;%+'#8: - Per"onal "ecurity include" benefit" that enhance employee"H

     per"onal and family life "ecurity with regard to illne""+ health+ accident" and

    redundancy or life in"urance$ Thi" al"o include death in "er%ice benefit" which i"

     pro%ided a" a part of pen"ion "cheme or a" a "eparate life a""urance co%er+ "uch

     benefit" include a multiple of "alary to be paid to employee" dependent" if he or "he

    die" before retirement$ The range of "alary payable range" from one to four time"

    and may be dependent on employee"H "tatu"$ Per"onal accident co%er i" another form

    of per"onal "ecurity which pro%ide" compen"ation if an employee i" in%ol%ed in an

    accident cau"ing "eriou" inury or death$iii. F',;',l A&&',;!:- Another #ind of welfare benefit" i" gi%ing employee" "ome

    "ort of financial a""i"tance$ Company loan "cheme" either pro%ide "um" of money to

     be lent intere"t free or at fa%orable intere"t rate" to employee"$ &mall "um to be lent

    33 P a g e

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    where there i" per"onal hard"hip$ )hile larger loan" are to be lent for defined

     purpo"e" "uch a" hou"e impro%ement" and purcha"ing car etc$ Repayment" are made

    on regular deduction" from "alary a" agreed by employee and employer$ A good

    employer pro%ide" relocation charge" to it" "taff when they mo%ed from one place to

    another$ Companie" which offer product" and "er%ice" pro%ide di"count" to it"

    employee" on "uch product" and "er%ice"$ Another #ind of financial a""i"tance i"

     payment of fee" for any profe""ional cour"e underta#en by employee"$i%$ S"o+#& ;l%: - Public and pri%ate "ector al"o focu"ed on "port club committee by

    which company i" con"ider not only on the mental de%elopment of employee" al"o

    on phy"ical de%elopment$ Thi" committee i" formed by 9@ member"$ E%ery

    employee may be "elected for the member of thi" committee at any de"ignation by

    the wor# force$ Thi" club arrange" the %ariou" "port" game" yearly+ both indoor and

    outdoor game"$ E$g$ Long ump+ high ump+ badminton+ %olleyball+ table tenni"+

    che"" etc$ thi" club al"o pro%ide" the tour" for the employee" e$g$ picnic tour"+

    religiou" tour+ educational tour+ educational tour etc$ yearly$ Company al"o pro%ide"

    the "weet" and gift pac#et" to the employee" on the occa"ion$ Recently+ one addition

    feature ha" been added to the acti%ity of thi" club$ Company ha" "tarted gi%en a "um

    of rupee" one thou"and a" a reward to the meritoriou" "tudent of it" employee"

    -"tudent who obtained fir"t di%i"ion in the cla"" 9= th  and 9?th  / to moti%ate them$

    E%ery year an annual function i" held in which the"e "tudent are awarded$ or 

    organi3e the"e program company a" well a" employee" of management "ide are

    contributed R"$@ per month and the wor#er*" "ide contributed R"$: per month to the

    "port club$ The annual contribution i" around rupee" >=+===$

    34 P a g e

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    . P!+&o,l "+o#!;#'! !%'"*!#: - &afety and "ecurity of it" men and material" i"

    the prime concern of .ein3$ or thi" purpo"e the employee" are pro%ided with P$P$E$

    The e6uipment pro%ided %arie" depending upon the nature of ob$ E5tra precaution

    ha" to be ta#en by tho"e wor#ing with boiler"+ roller" and "pray dryer" etc$ The P$P$E$

     pro%ided i" "afety goggle"+ helmet"+ apron"+ "hoe" etc$ In thi" way company en"ure"

    that a "afe en%ironment i" pro%ided to it" employee"+ "o that they are able to carry on

    their acti%itie" without any interruption$

    '. T+,&"o+#,#'o $,;'l'#'!&:- The company pro%ide" tran"portation facility to it"

    employee at %ery nominal rate"$ or thi" purpo"e it" employee" which operate" in

    "hift"$ The co"t incurred in operating the"e bu"e" come" around ?@ lac# per annum$

    In thi" manner the company pro%ide" ea"y e5ce"" to it" employee" to the factory

     premi"e" from all part of Aligarh city$ The bu"e" are hired for thi" purpo"e on a

    contract ba"ed$

    ''. S%+8 ,llo>,;!:- In addition to other facility the "taff at .ein3 i" al"o pro%ided

    with a %ariety of "undry allowance$


    ir"t aiding allowance

    ire fighting allowance

    .ea%y %ehicle allowance


    Ca"h handling allowance


    &unday cleaning allowance

      ield duty allowance

    'i"c allowance to tan#er dri%er"

    35 P a g e

  • 8/18/2019 381 Shilpi Sharma


      Fniform wa"hing allowance to the dri%er"


    (an# wor# allowance at city

    viii. O""o+#%'#'!& $o+ l!,+'? #+,''? , !!lo"*!#: - Employee" learning

    mean" to de%elop firm"H re"ource ba"ed capability$ According to .uman Re"ource

    'anagement principle it i" nece""ary to in%e"t in employee" in order to de%elop

    human capital re6uired by firm and to increa"e it" "toc# of #nowledge and "#ill"$

    According to .uman capital theory the "#ill" and #nowledge that an employee ha")hich come" from learning and training generate" a "toc# of producti%e capital$



     The fir"t factory act in India wa" pa""ed in 9::9$ It wa" de"igned primarily to protect

    children and to pro%ide for "ome health and "afety mea"ure"$ It wa" followed by new

    factorie" act 9:>9+ 9>99+ 9>?? and 9>;@$ The act of 9>;@ wa" pa""ed to implement the

    recommendation" of the royal commi""ion on labor in India and the con%ention" of the

    international organi3ation$ The e5perience of the wor#ing of thi" act re%ealed a number of 

    defect" and wea#ne""e" which hampered effecti%e admini"tration of the act$ urther+ the

    3 P a g e

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     pro%i"ion" of thi" act regarding "afety+ health and welfare of wor#er" were al"o found to be

    inade6uate and un"ati"factory$

    .ence+ a new factorie" act wa" pa""ed in 9>@: and came into force w$e$f 9 April+ 9>@:$ The

    obecti%e of pa""ing the factorie" act+ 9>@: wa" to con"olidate and amend the law regulating

    labor in factorie"$ The factorie" act+ 9>@: i" a piece of legi"lation co%ering all a"pect"

    regarding factorie" namely8!

    • Appro%al + licen"ing and regi"tration of factorie"

    • The in"pecting authoritie"

    • .ealth+ "afety+ welfare wor#ing hour"+ employment of wor#er"

    • Annual lea%e and penaltie"

    • 0ariou" "afety mea"ure" for wor#er"$


    • ir"t aid bo5e" or cupboard" one for e%ery 9=" wor#er and ambulance facilitie" if here are

    more than == wor#er"$

    • acilitie" for "toring and drying clothe"

    • &itting facilitie" for occa"ional re"t for wor#er"$

    • Canteen" if more than ?= wor#er" are employed$

    • CrGche where more than ;= women are employed$

    • )elfare officer+ where%er more than == wor#er" are employee$

    • Ade6uate+ "uitable and clean wa"hing facilitie" "eparately for male and female wor#er 

    37 P a g e

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    • A crGche+ if employing = or more women wor#er"$

    • Recreational facilitie" for the wor#er" and their children$

    • A canteen where 9= or more wor#er" are employed$

    • .ou"ing facilitie" for e%ery wor#er and hi" family re"iding in the plantation$

    • 'edical aid to wor#er" and their familie"$

    • &ic#ne"" allowance and maternity allowance "ubect to any rule"$

    • ramed by the "tate go%ernment$

    • Appointment of a welfare officer in plantation" employing ;== or more wor#er"$


    • &helter" for ta#ing food and re"t+ whene%er 9= more wor#er" are employed$

    • A canteen whene%er ?= more wor#er" are employed$

    • ir"t aid bo5e" and fir"t aid form in mine" employing more 9= wor#er"$

    • Pit head bath" e6uipped with "hower bath"+ "anitary latrine" and loc#er"$ &eparately for been

    and women wor#er"$

    • Appointment of a welfare officer whene%er more than 9= wor#er" are employed$

    3C P a g e

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    • Canteen of pre"cribed "tandard" if employing 9== or more wor#er"$

    • ir"t aid facilitie" in e%ery tran"port %ehicle$

    • Pre"cribed medical facilitie" at the operating center"$

    • The pre"cribed amount of wa"hing allowance to the abo%e mentioned "taff$

    Fniform"+ raincoat" to dri%er"+ conductor" and time chec#er" for protection again"t rain and


    • Clean+ well!lighted and comfortable re"t room" at e%ery place where motor tran"port

    wor#er" are re6uired to halt all night$


    The wor#er" compen"ation act+ 9>?; i" one of the earlie"t labor welfare and "ocial "ecurity

    legi"lation enacted in India$ It recogni3e" the fact" that if a wor#man i" a %ictim of accident

    or an occupational di"ea"e in cour"e of hi" employment he need" to be compen"ated$

    3 P a g e

  • 8/18/2019 381 Shilpi Sharma


    • To con"ider compen"ation payable by an employer to hi" wor#men in ca"e of an accident a"

    a mea"ure of relief and "ocial "ecurity$

    • To enable a wor#men to get compen"ation irre"pecti%e of hi" negligence$

    • It lay" down the %ariou" amount payable in ca"e of an accident upon the type and e5tent of 





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    There ha" been much debate o%er whether public "ector employee" are o%erpaid or 

    underpaid+ relati%e to their pri%ate "ector counterpart"+ and how to ma#e an apple"!to!

    apple" compari"on of the compen"ation recei%ed by each "ince ob function" are oftentime"

    6uite different$ The following "ee#" to addre"" thi" i""ue in light of a new report that

    "ugge"t" that "tate and local go%ernment wor#er" recei%e le"" total compen"ation than

    comparable pri%ate!"ector wor#er"+ and to e5amine how i""ue" not addre""ed in the "tudy

    might affect tho"e conclu"ion"$

    E%en if we were to a""ume that the producti%ity of public and pri%ate "ector wor#er" i"

    e6ual+ or that difference" in ob "ecurity were not a factor+ thi" would not "pea# to the

    nece""ity or "heer number of go%ernment employee"+ and thu" to the o%erall co"t or 

    nece""ity of go%ernment program"$ Fnli#e the pri%ate "ector+ where deci"ion" on the

    number and compen"ation of employee" are dri%en by "upply and demand and economic

    realitie"+ the "i3e and co"t of go%ernment employee" i" dri%en by the political

     proce""$ Thu"+ go%ernment employee"H labor union" are con"tantly pre""uring legi"lator"

    -who are fre6uently indebted to the union" for campaign contribution" and other help

    41 P a g e

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     pro%ided to get them elected/ to increa"e wor#er"H wage" and benefit"+ and legi"lator" are

    alway" creating or e5panding go%ernment program" that may or may not be needed or 

    effecti%e$ The"e pre""ure" are independent of economic con"traint"+ and are limited only to

    the e5tent that ta5payer" refu"e to con"ent to additional borrowing or ta5 increa"e"$ Thi" ha"

    allowed go%ernment" at all le%el" to continue to add employee" e%en during the "e%ere

    rece""ion that ha" forced a "ignificant contraction in the pri%ate "ector$ (etween December 

    ?==< and December ?==>+ the pri%ate "ector lo"t more than

  • 8/18/2019 381 Shilpi Sharma


    "ur%ey reported a much greater > percent ad%antage for public "ector benefit"+ the (ender 

    and .eywood total compen"ation gap narrowed only "lightly+ from 99!9? percent to roughly

    < percent -public employee" recei%ed more benefit" than comparable pri%ate!"ector wor#er"+

     but the difference wa" much "maller than that reflected in the ECEC "ur%ey/$ The relati%ely

    "mall impact of the greater benefit" of public employee" al"o appear" to fly in the face of the

    fact that in California and el"ewhere+ many "tate and local go%ernment" ha%e increa"ed

    go%ernment employee"H benefit" by a" much a" = percent in the pa"t decade or "o+ allowing

    many wor#er" to retire a" young a" = or year" old with pen"ion" e6ual to a" much a" >=

     percent of their final "alarie"$ The"e are benefit" unheard of in the pri%ate "ector$

    In the (ender and .eywood report+ the author" a""umed that the determinant" of 

     benefit %alue"!factor" "uch a" education+ age+ and other demographic characteri"tic"!affect

    the re"ult" in the "ame way that the determinant" affect the calculation" of hourly

    earning"$ The author" ac#nowledge that thi" a""umption i" debatable$ If the determinant"

    affect the comparability of benefit" in a different way than they affect wage"+ then thi" could

    "#ew the re"ult"$ Perhap" thi" could account for at lea"t "ome of the apparent di"crepancy$

    'oreo%er+ the report cannot account for e5pected increa"e" in benefit" that would re"ult in

    greater compen"ation for public employee"+ relati%e to comparable pri%ate!"ector 

    employee"$ The report i" nece""arily a "nap"hot in time+ a" it would be impo""ible to predict

    all future change" to employee"H wage" and benefit"$ Met+ we can "afely a""ume that health

    care co"t"+ and thu" the co"t" of employee" retiree health care benefit"+ which ha%e ri"en on

    the order of 9= percent a year for mo"t of the la"t decade+ will continue to ri"e+ particularly

    "ince demand for health!care "er%ice" will increa"e a" the (aby (oomer generation enter"

    retirement -and+ it could be argued+ the "upply of health care practitioner" might be reduced

    43 P a g e

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     by increa"ed go%ernment in%ol%ement in the health care indu"try+ thu" e5acerbating the"e

    co"t increa"e"/$ Retiree health benefit" are typically much more generou" in the public

    "ector than they are in the pri%ate "ector+ if they are pro%ided at all in the pri%ate "ector$ In

    California+ the "tate pay" 9== percent of health care co"t" for retired "tate wor#er" and >=

     percent of co"t" for retiree"H familie"$ (arring any commen"urate reduction" to the"e

     benefit"+ which+ unli#e pen"ion benefit"+ can+ in fact+ be reduced+ we "hould e5pect to "ee

    the gap between public and pri%ate employee benefit" widen and the difference" in

    comparable public and pri%ate employee"H total compen"ation to adu"t accordingly$



    Retirement i" a goal that employee" in both the public and pri%ate "ector wor# toward"+ but

    the difference between the retirement benefit" in the two "ector" i" monumental$

    ,o%ernment wor#er" are getting better deal" than employee" in the pri%ate "ector and their 

     pen"ion" are partly paid for by ta5payer"$

    The "tate go%ernment" ha%e been increa"ing the fringe benefit" of their employee"$

    A" (ob )illiam" e5plain"+ thi" i" becau"e the go%ernment cannot afford the co"t of 

    employee union demand"!often regarding retirement and health care benefit"$  &tate (udget

    &olution" found that hea%ily unioni3ed go%ernment wor#er "tate"+ li#e California and New

    Mor#+ ha%e the large"t unfunded pen"ion" and retiree health care$

    44 P a g e


  • 8/18/2019 381 Shilpi Sharma


    A;;o+'? #o #! B%+!,% o$ ,o+ S#,#'';& D,#,,&!& there i" an increa"e in "tate and

    local go%ernment fringe benefit"$ Public employee" are recei%ing pen"ion and retirement

     benefit" that are ;;< percent greater than pri%ate "ector employee"$


    ,o%ernment employee" enoy e5cellent benefit"+ including health in"urance+ dental

    in"urance+ %acation time+ "ic# lea%e and other income "ecurity benefit"$ (enefit" ma#e a

     po"ition %aluable e%en if the "alary offered i" lower than a pri%ate!"ector "alary$ ,o%ernment

    employee" more often get retirement benefit" from their employer+


    ,o%ernment employee" enoy more ob "ecurity in two re"pect"$ ir"t+ go%ernment ob" are

    generally more "table than pri%ate!"ector ob" unle"" a go%ernment employer cut" ob" due

    to "eriou" economic problem"$ &econd+ go%ernment ob" are often permanent appointment"4

    once an employee pa""e" a probationary period+ u"ually one year+ he can only be fired for 

    gro"" error" or illegal action"$


    Pri%ate!"ector employee" face higher %ulnerability to mar#et force"+ including wage le%el"

    according to fluctuating mar#et condition"$ They mu"t remain competiti%e in term" of "#ill"

    and ob performance "o they wonHt be replaced$ ,o%ernment employee" mu"t meet

     performance "tandard"+ too4 but+ a" noted+ itH" harder to get rid of them$ Pri%ate!"ector 

    wor#er" may be laid off more readily by bu"ine""e" that clo"e or "uffer economic "etbac#"$

    45 P a g e

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    In ?==>+ the federal go%ernment wor#er a%eraged the highe"t at

  • 8/18/2019 381 Shilpi Sharma


     profitability$ On the other end of the "pectrum are the financial manager" in the public "ector 

    who do not nece""arily ha%e a bottom line to maintain$ In"tead+ they may be ta"#!oriented or 

    dri%en by "ome other moti%ating force endemic to the "pecific type of wor# the organi3ation

    i" focu"ed on daily$


    Another fundamental difference between public and pri%ate financial manager" i" the

    conte5t in which they operate$ Thi" conte5t can ma#e all the difference when it come" to

    how each approache" hi" wor#$ The profit!dri%en financial manager in the pri%ate "ector 

    will generally ha%e the leeway to get done what need" to be done in order to maintain the

     bottom line$ )ith public "ector financial manager"+ %ariou" con"traint" may pre%ent the

    manager from acting with a great deal of autonomy$ The manager may be "ubect to

    legi"lati%e and regulatory con"traint" that pre%ent autonomou" action$ The political

    framewor# of the public "ector may pit bureaucratic financial manager" again"t elected

    official" on occa"ion+ cau"ing "ignificant limitation" to getting the ob done$


    The difference" in the deci"ion!ma#ing proce"" between public and pri%ate "ector financial

    manager" are clo"ely related to the conte5t of operation$ In pri%ate "ector financial

    management+ deci"ion" are generally made from the top and are filtered down through the

    hierarchy of the bu"ine"" a" the financial manager hand" off the order" or direction" to tho"e

     below him on the company food chain$ In public "ector management+ it i" not "o "imple$

    Public "ector financial manager" often ha%e to wor# with political con"tituencie" and

    47 P a g e

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    na%igate between competing intere"t group"$ Important financial deci"ion" are often

    rendered by creating coalition" and "upport$ Deci"ion" cannot typically be handed down and

     pa""ed off to the ne5t in command without "ome type of public "anction or appro%al$


    ederal law gi%e" pri%ate "ector+ but not public "ector+ employee" the right to oin union"+

    ha%e them negotiate with employer" for wage" and wor#ing condition" and ta#e group

    action concerning their employment+ including the right to "tri#e$ Pri%ate "ector employer"

    may not fire+ di"cipline or lower the "alarie" of employee" for oining a union or e5erci"ing

    their collecti%e bargaining right"$ 'any "tate" ha%e granted public employee" the right to

     oin union" and collecti%ely negotiate for certain benefit"$ .owe%er+ in "ome of the"e "tate"+

    "uch a" New Ber"ey+ union" do not ha%e the right to bargain for employment "ubect" that are

    not controlled by federal or "tate law or that pre%ent the go%ernment agency from

     performing it" dutie"$


    Public employer" may not force employee" to ma#e "tatement" that can be u"ed again"t

    them in criminal pro"ecution"$ The Fnited &tate" &upreme Court in ,arrity %$ New Ber"ey

    "aid that threatening to fire police officer" who did not "pea# with in%e"tigator" %iolated the

    ifth AmendmentH" protection again"t "elf!incrimination$ A public employer may re6uire an

    employee to an"wer 6ue"tion" in an internal agency in%e"tigation if the employee i" told that

    no an"wer" will be u"ed to pro"ecute the employee$ )or#er" in the pri%ate "ector do not

    ha%e the"e ,arrity right" "ince the ifth Amendment applie" only to the go%ernment+ not

    4C P a g e

  • 8/18/2019 381 Shilpi Sharma


     pri%ate actor"$ .owe%er+ a pri%ate "ector employee ha" the right to the pre"ence of a union

    repre"entati%e during an in%e"tigation by the employer$


    Pri%ate employer" are not re6uired to gi%e employee" any holiday"+ according to Te5a"

    "tate law and the federal air Labor &tandard" Act+ which treat all holiday" li#e any other 

    wor#day$ 'o"t public "ector employee" recei%e 9= legal and paid holiday" a" ordered by

    federal law$ The"e holiday" include8 New Mear*" Day+ 'artin Luther ing Day+ Pre"ident*"

    Day+ 'emorial Day+ Independence Day+ Labor Day+ Columbu" Day+ 0eteran*" Day+

    Than#"gi%ing Day and Chri"tma" Day$ Depending on the cla"" of employee+ "ome

    employee" wor#ing on go%ernment contract" are al"o granted holiday pri%ilege"$ Tho"e

    wor#ing on contract" o%er ?+== or of certain "tatu" may recei%e holiday" and fringe

     benefit" under the 'cNamara!O*.ara &er%ice Contract Act or the Da%i"!(acon Act$


    Pri%ate employer" are not re6uired to gi%e employee" o%ertime or bonu" pay for wor#ing on

    holiday"$ Paid holiday" are al"o not counted toward o%ertime pay or for amily and 'edical

    Lea%e Act eligibility$

    4 P a g e

  • 8/18/2019 381 Shilpi Sharma



    According to the T)C+ pri%ate employer" are not re6uired to grant religiou" holiday"+

    unle"" they ha%e 9 or more employee"$ (u"ine""e" greater than 9 are "ubect to

    di"crimination law" and may need to grant the nece""ary religiou" holiday" to employee"

    wi"hing to celebrate$ That "aid+ an employer may deny an employee a religiou" holiday if 

    the company will "truggle unduly without them$


    According to employeei""ue"$com+ although not legally obligated+ pri%ate employer" grant

    many of the legal and religiou" holiday"+ becau"e it help" retain employee"+ boo"t" morale

    and attract" new employee"$



    &e%eral analy"e" of a%erage wage" and benefit" in the public and pri%ate "ector" re%eal that

    "tate and local go%ernment wor#er" earn more than pri%ate "ector wor#er"$ According to the

    50 P a g e

  • 8/18/2019 381 Shilpi Sharma


    mo"t recent E*"lo8!+ o& $o+ E*"lo8!! o*"!&,#'o &%+!8 from the F$&$ (ureau

    of Labor &tati"tic"+ a" of December ?==>+ "tate and local go%ernment employee" earned

    total compen"ation of ;>$= an hour+ compared to ?>9/$ In addition+ a" o#! 8

    +!"o+#!+ , ,l"!&'o&.;o* lo??!+ E M!!l+ in ?== the "tate conducted a

    compari"on of "tate and pri%ate "ector compen"ation for the fir"t time in two

    decade"$ )hile the D!",+#*!# o$ P!+&o!l A*''+,#'o &%+!8 did not include all

     ob cla""ification"+ the analy"i" determined a number of benchmar# ob cla""ification" and

    found that "tate compen"ation wa" greater than pri%ate "ector compen"ation for clerical ob"+

    accountant"+ cu"todian"+ electrician"+ "tationary engineer"+ and analy"t"+ but lagged in

    medical occupation"$ 'oreo%er+ data from the (ureau of Economic Analy"i" illu"trate that

    a%erage "tate and local go%ernment compen"ation ha" been increa"ing at a fa"ter rate than

    a%erage pri%ate "ector compen"ation o%er the pa"t ;= year$


    (ut according to a new "tudy  publi"hed by the Center for &tate 1 Local ,o%ernment

    E5cellence and the National In"titute on Retirement &ecurity+ the"e aggregate compen"ation

    compari"on" are mi"leading$ The author"+ Fni%er"ity of )i"con"in!'ilwau#ee economic"

     profe""or" eith A$ (ender and Bohn &$ .eywood+ a""ert that "tate and local go%ernment

    wor#er" are better educated and ha%e more wor# e5perience+ on a%erage+ than do pri%ate

    "ector wor#er"+ "o it i" natural that their o%erall a%erage compen"ation would be

    51 P a g e


  • 8/18/2019 381 Shilpi Sharma


    higher$ Thu"+ they conclude+ the fact that public "ector wor#er" recei%e greater a%erage

    compen"ation than pri%ate "ector wor#er" "hould be no more "urpri"ing than the fact that

    tho"e with more "#ill" and education earn more$

    urthermore+ after attempting to control for "uch %ariable"+ they find that "tate and local

    go%ernment wor#er" actually earn le"" than their pri%ate "ector counterpart"$ According to

    the analy"i"+ "tate go%ernment wor#er" earn an a%erage of 99$@ percent le"" than pri%ate!

    "ector wor#er" of "imilar education and wor# e5perience and local go%ernment wor#er" earn

    9?$= percent le""$ Due to the greater benefit" recei%ed by public "ector wor#er"+ the gap

    narrow" when the"e benefit" are factored in+ to $: percent and .




    A" the report note"+ it i" difficult to do a real apple"!to!apple" compari"on of public and

     pri%ate "ector compen"ation becau"e public "ector ob de"cription" and dutie" may be %ery

    different from tho"e in the pri%ate "ector+ and %ice %er"a+ "o oftentime" there are no good

     po"ition" to compare to in the other "ector$

    It would be intere"ting to ta#e a clo"er loo# at the education "tati"tic"$ nowing the

     percentage of wor#er" with a college degree+ for e5ample+ i" helpful+ but not all college

    degree" are e6ual$ &ome field" of "tudy are more rigorou" than other"+ and "ome

    uni%er"itie" and college" are more pre"tigiou" than other"$ One who earn" a degree in a

    5 P a g e

  • 8/18/2019 381 Shilpi Sharma


    more rigorou" field+ or who attend" a more pre"tigiou" -and u"ually a more co"tly/

    uni%er"ity+ would e5pect to earn a higher "alary after college than one who did not$ )hile

    data with thi" le%el of detail do not "eem to be a%ailable+ it would be intere"ting to "ee if 

    there are any difference" in the"e more "pecific educational categorie" between public and

     pri%ate "ector employee"$

    It i" al"o worth a"#ing whether higher education le%el" are actually re6uired to perform

    many go%ernment ob"$ The (ender and .eywood "tudy pre"ume" that we "hould e5pect

     public employee" to be paid more becau"e they tend to be better educated than comparable

     pri%ate "ector employee"+ but i" thi" additional education nece""ary It may be that "tate and

    local go%ernment" hire more educated people not becau"e ob dutie" demand more

    education+ but rather "imply becau"e they can+ a" they ha%e acce"" to the publicH" money

    and+ a" "uch+ go%ernment budget" are not "o con"trained a" pri%ate firm"H budget"$ In the

     pri%ate "ector+ firm" ha%e "trong incenti%e" to #eep co"t" down and pay no more for labor 

    than they need to$ The public "ector+ by contra"t+ i" infamou" for it" lac# of efficiency+ and

     budget" are determined by political mean"+ re"ulting in budget" that are u"ually much

    different!and more wa"teful!than tho"e determined by economic mean" thi" i" why

    go%ernment" typically achie%e "ignificant co"t "a%ing" by out"ourcing the pro%i"ion of 

    "er%ice" to the pri%ate "ector$ Thu"+ it may be that go%ernment" are paying higher wage" to

     better!educated employee" not becau"e tho"e employee"H educational "#ill" are re6uired to

     perform their ob dutie"+ but rather becau"e they are o%er6ualified for their ob"$ It i" worth

    noting that pri%ate "ector compen"ation might al"o be "#ewed higher by a relati%ely "mall

    number of %ery high income earner"+ "uch a" large corporation CEO" and "enior officer"+

    entertainer"+ and profe""ional athlete"+ for which there i" no e6ual in the public "ector$

    53 P a g e

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    E%en ta#ing the "tudyH" analy"i" a" gi%en+ thi" doe" not mean that the %alue of an a%erage

    go%ernment wor#erH" labor i" e6ual to that of an a%erage pri%ate "ector wor#er with "imilar 

    education and wor# e5perience$ Thi" i" becau"e pri%ate "ector wor#er" tend to be more

     producti%e$ A" Cato In"titute Director of Ta5 Policy &tudie" Chri" Edward" note" in a

    recent paper + according to the F$&$ (ureau of Labor &tati"tic" -(L&/ National

    Compen"ation &ur%ey+ pri%ate!"ector employee" wor#ed an a%erage of ?+== hour" in ?==:+

    9? percent more than the 9+:? hour" wor#ed by the a%erage public!"ector employee$

    E%en on an hour!for!hour ba"i"+ one would e5pect pri%ate "ector wor#er" to be more

     producti%e due to the lac# of competiti%e force" in go%ernment$ Pri%ate "ector bu"ine""e"

    face con"tant pre""ure" of competition to inno%ate and impro%e their good" and "er%ice"+

    le"t they lo"e bu"ine"" to their competitor"$ ,o%ernment agencie"+ by contra"t+ are typically

    monopolie" protected by law+ and thu" are not "ubect to "uch competiti%e incenti%e" and



    The notion that public employee" are "ignificantly undercompen"ated beg" the 6ue"tion8 if 

    they are "o underpaid+ why would they agree to ta#e go%ernment ob" when they could earn

    more by performing "imilar ob" in the pri%ate "ector &ome might cling to the romantic

    idea of public "er%ice+ but public!"ector employee" are e%ery bit a" "elf!intere"ted a"

     pri%ate!"ector wor#er"+ "o thi" an"wer i" wholly un"ati"fying$

    One maor factor not di"cu""ed by the reportH" author" that could pro%ide an e5planation

    -"etting a"ide the po""ibility that public!"ector wor#er" are actually o%ercompen"ated+

    relati%e to their pri%ate!"ector counterpart"/ i" the "ignificant difference in ob

    54 P a g e


  • 8/18/2019 381 Shilpi Sharma


    "ecurity$ ,o%ernment ob "ecurity i" famou"ly+ and notoriou"ly+ ironclad+ oftentime" ma#ing

    it practically impo""ible to fire or lay off public!"ector wor#er" for the "ame rea"on"

    employee" are terminated in the pri%ate "ector+ e%en in ca"e" of poor performance or 

    unethical acti%ity$ Thi" ob protection ha" tremendou" %alue which i" not captured in the

    (ender and .eywood report$

    )hether for ob "ecurity or other rea"on"+ the attraction to go%ernment ob" i" e%idenced by

     ob!6uit rate"$ Lower 6uit rate" indicate a lac# of better ob opportunitie"

    el"ewhere$ Indeed+ a" the Cato In"tituteH" Chri" Edward"  point" out + (L& data re%eal that

    the 6uit rate i" "ignificantly lower in the public "ector than in the pri%ate "ector$ (etween

    ?==9 and ?==>+ the public "ector layoff and di"charge rate i" only about one!third of the

     pri%ate!"ector rate$ &urely+ if go%ernment wor#er" were "o poorly compen"ated and were

    6ualified to earn "ignificantly more in the pri%ate "ector+ they would lea%e for tho"e pri%ate

    "ector opportunitie" and the 6uit rate would be much higher$

    In California+ the "tateH" pri"on guard" pro%ide a good e5ample of the lac# of di""ati"faction

    with public!"ector compen"ation$ According to a  F!+%,+8 00C !?'&l,#'! A,l8&

    O$$';! +!"o+#+ correctional peace officer co"t" ma#e up the large"t "hare of ,eneral und

     per"onnel e5pen"e"$ The appro5imately ;=+=== "tate correctional peace officer" ma#e up

    nearly 9= percent of all "tate employee"$ The report de"cribed correctional officer"H o%erall

    compen"ation le%el" a" %ery attracti%e+ particularly con"idering that the ob re6uire" only a

    high "chool or e6ui%alent education+ and noted that the California Department of 

    Correction" and Rehabilitation -CDCR/ boa"t" that the ob ha" been called Hthe greate"t

    entry le%el ob in CaliforniaH!and for good rea"on+ and that Along with the great "alary+ our 

     peace officer" earn a retirement pac#age you u"t canHt find in pri%ate indu"try$ Perhap"

    55 P a g e


  • 8/18/2019 381 Shilpi Sharma


    thi"+ along with the CDCRH" inability to control "ic# lea%e and o%ertime benefit"+ i" why the

    "tate recei%e" roughly 9;=+=== application" to become a pri"on guard each year$


    ,o%ernment &ector 0" Pri%ate &ector i" a debate which "eem" to be a ne%er ending topic$ It

    i" %ery difficult to ta#e "tand for either of the"e form" of admini"tration$ The rea"on behind

    that i" not un#nown but ob%iou" a" both pro%ide "cope" in different way"$ The fir"t

    allegation that can be put up for thi" debatable i""ue i" that ,o%ernment &ector i" more

    di%ided than organi3ed$ )hat thi" mean" i" that a public "ector admini"tration run" on the

    "houlder" of many "ub di%i"ion"$ or e5ample Q human re"ource ha" a mini"try and ha"

    many go%ernmental organi3ation" wor#ing under it to collect the data from$ Thi" may "eem

    to be organi3ed but ultimately it become" di%ided and create" a problem in the long run$

    A Pri%ate &ector i" al"o di%ided into department" which wor# clo"ely$ They need to ha%e a

    coherent wor#ing "tructure or el"e bu"ine"" will falter$ The organi3ation and "eparation of 

    departmental power i" %ery "trict$ Thi" doe" not create any #ind of rift between the different

    department" a" they wor# together$ They operate on different function" and "o cannot

    o%erride each other*" function"$

    Again+ Pri%ate &ector employee" ha%e to be %i"ible and accountable for each and e%ery

    action they ta#e$ In other word" they ha%e to be %i"ible in order to promote their bu"ine""

     but can wor# in their own comfort$ .owe%er+ ,o%ernment &ector employee" ha%e to wor# 

    "howing complete tran"parency to their ob"$ They ha%e to wor# under the public eye$ &o it

    can be "aid that they wor# with the go%ernmental radar on and under public "cannerJ It i"

    5 P a g e

  • 8/18/2019 381 Shilpi Sharma


    "aid that the ,o%ernment &ector i" not clear with it" endea%or"$ The obecti%e" of the public

    "ector are more confu"ing and indefinite in compari"on to the Pri%ate &ector$ The Pri%ate

    &ector "uppo"edly pro%ide" more clarity to their apparent "ubecti%ity$ Thi" ma#e" the "ector 

    more e%ident$ )ell thi" lucidity could go again"t the Pri%ate &ector a" thi" "ector i" accu"ed

    of only profit oriented wor#$ Thi" "ector will ne%er ta#e anything until and unle"" it "ee"

     profit in it$ Thi" 2what*" in it for me7 mentality i" %ery dangerou" a" it e%entually doe" not

    do any good for the community$ The dream of thi" "ector i" to ma#e more money at the co"t

    of anything and e%erything$ .ence the need of a public "ector ari"e" which can loo# into and

    offer it" "er%ice" to the well being of a nation$ Apart from all thi"+ there i" another po"iti%e

     point for the ,o%ernment &ector in thi" conte"t of ,o%ernment &ector 0" Pri%ate &ector+

    that it ha" elected repre"entati%e"$ The"e repre"entati%e" are cho"en by the public who are

    more tru"ted than any corporate honcho li#e (ill ,ate"+ &te%e Bob" or a Rupert 'urdoch$ It

    i" needle"" to "ay that the Pri%ate &ector ha" no "uch intention" of u"ing popular %oting or 

    %eto power to en"ure it" wor#ing$ It i" pri%ate and that i" how it ha" to be treated$ No

    tre"pa""ing i" "urely allowed on the pri%ate propertie"$

    In fact to ta#e liberty at the di"cu""ion of ,o%ernment &ector 0" Pri%ate &ector+ it can be

    "aid that both are e6ually important for any nation$ It "hould be ,o%ernment &ector and

    Pri%ate &ector which "hould be the area of di"cu""ion$ A harmony between the two i"

    re6uired for any nation to pro"per and grow$

    57 P a g e

  • 8/18/2019 381 Shilpi Sharma


    CHPTER- "



    To identify impact of %ariou" Employee welfare acti%itie" on employee"* morale and

    5C P a g e

  • 8/18/2019 381 Shilpi Sharma


    organi3ational producti%ity in public and pri%ate "ector

    To #now the amount of in%e"tment which wa" being made on welfare acti%itie" in public

    and pri%ate "ector$

    To #now how fle5ible are the welfare policie" in nature$ Do they "ati"fy

    the need" of e%ery cla"" of employee" or not$

    To identify that all the employee" of public and pri%ate "ector are well "ati"fied by the"e

     policie" i$e$ the facilitie" they are being pro%ided or do they want any amendment" in the

    e5i"ting policie" being followed by the management"

    )hich "ector pro%ide" better employee welfare "er%ice" to their employee"

    5 P a g e

  • 8/18/2019 381 Shilpi Sharma






    R!&!,+; !&'?:- E5ploratory re"earch de"ign


    A""+o,; o$ %8:- ue"tionnaire ba"ed "tudy

    S,*"l! &'!:-  9== -= employee" of pri%ate "ector organi3ation" and =

    employee" of public "ector organi3ation"/


    T8"! o$ ,#,:- Primary data a" well a" "econdary data

    0 P a g e

  • 8/18/2019 381 Shilpi Sharma


    • S,*"l'? *!#o:- Con%enience "ampling

    S,*"l'? ,+!,:- Aligarh


    S,*"l! %'#:- Employee" of pri%ate and public organi3ation" in Aligarh


    To carry out the "tudy+ I u"ed both primary and "econdary data$ The "econdary data and

    information ha%e been collected from %ariou" "ource" li#e bu"ine"" new"paper"+ ournal"+

    maga3ine"+ R(I Report" and publication"+ Indian (an#ing A""ociation publication" etc$

    Primary data ha" been collected through "tructured 6ue"tionnaire$

    1 P a g e

  • 8/18/2019 381 Shilpi Sharma





    9$ Are you aware about all welfare acti%itie" pro%ided to the employee" in public and

     pri%ate "ector

    • Me"

    •  No


    PF(LIC :=K ?=K


  • 8/18/2019 381 Shilpi Sharma













    80% 75%

    20% 25%




    )e found from the abo%e graph that :=K of the public "ector and

  • 8/18/2019 381 Shilpi Sharma


    ?$ Are you "ati"fied with the amount being in%e"ted on employee welfare acti%itie" in

     public and pri%ate "ector"

    • &ati"fied

    • Di""ati"fied



  • 8/18/2019 381 Shilpi Sharma












    70% 65%

    30% 35%




    The gi%en graph "how that

  • 8/18/2019 381 Shilpi Sharma


















    The gi%en graph "how that K of public "ector and K of pri%ate "ector employee thin# 

    that welfare policie" are enough fle5ible in nature$ )hile ;K of public and @K of pri%ate

    "ector do not thin# the "ame$

    @$ Are employee welfare acti%itie" able to increa"e the morale of employee"

    • Me"

    •  No


    PF(LIC :=K ?=K


  • 8/18/2019 381 Shilpi Sharma



















    It can be interpreted from the abo%e table and graph that mo"t of the employee of both

     public and pri%ate "ector thin# that welfare acti%itie" increa"e their morale$


    5. Are you "ati"fied with %ariou" "afety facilitie" pro%ided by public and pri%ate "ector 

    to their wor#er"

    • &ati"fied

    • Di""ati"fied


    7 P a g e

  • 8/18/2019 381 Shilpi Sharma



  • 8/18/2019 381 Shilpi Sharma





















    The gi%en graph "how" that K of public "ector and @=K of pri%ate "ector employee thin# 

    that company ta#e" care of them while wor#ing in night "hift$ Re"t @K of public and =K

    of pri%ate "ector employee" are not "ati"fied with "afety facilitie" of their organi3ation$


  • 8/18/2019 381 Shilpi Sharma























    The gi%en graph "how" that ?=K of public "ector and ;K of pri%ate "ector employee thin# 

    that food" 6uality i" good+ =K of public "ector and ;K of pri%ate "ector employee thin# 

    food 6uality i" "ati"factory and remaining ?=K of public and ?K of pri%ate "ector 

    re"pondent" are not "ati"fied with thi" 6uality food$

    :$ )hat le%el of hygiene i" maintained in the canteen

    • ,ood

    • &ati"factory

    • (ad


    PRI0ATE @K ;K ?K

    70 P a g e

  • 8/18/2019 381 Shilpi Sharma























    It can be interpreted from the abo%e table and graph that+ le%el of hygiene i" maintained

    more in pri%ate "ector a" compare to public "ector$

    >$ )hat type of lunch room and re"t room facilitie" pro%ided to the employee" in

     public and pri%ate "ector"

    • ,ood

    • &ati"factory



    PF(LIC ?K =K 9K

    PRI0ATE ;=K =K 9=K

    71 P a g e

  • 8/18/2019 381 Shilpi Sharma













    25% 30%


    15% 10%





    The gi%en graph "how" that =K of public "ector and =K of pri%ate "ector employee thin# 

    that lunch room facility i" "ati"factory and 9K of public "ector 1 9=K of pri%ate "ector 

    employee are not "ati"fied with the"e facilitie"$


    10. Are you "ati"fied with the %ariou" medical benefit" pro%ided by organi3ation for the

    employee" and their family


    .ighly &ati"fied




    &ECTOR .I,.LM



    7 P a g e

  • 8/18/2019 381 Shilpi Sharma


    PF(LIC ;=K K K

    PRI0ATE =K @=K 9=K








