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A Quote a Day: 365 Quotes of Param Sant Kirpal Singh Master Kirpal Singh 1894 – 1974

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Page 1: 365 Quotes of Param Sant Kirpal Singhkirpalsingh.org/Booklets/Daily_Quote.pdf365 Quotes of Param Sant Kirpal Singh Master Kirpal Singh 1894 – 1974 . I used to read scriptures - Sikh

A Quote a Day:

365 Quotes of

Param Sant Kirpal Singh

Master Kirpal Singh 1894 – 1974

Page 2: 365 Quotes of Param Sant Kirpal Singhkirpalsingh.org/Booklets/Daily_Quote.pdf365 Quotes of Param Sant Kirpal Singh Master Kirpal Singh 1894 – 1974 . I used to read scriptures - Sikh

I used to read scriptures - Sikh scriptures.

But I read only one hymn, not one page or two hundred or ten hymns, only one,

and I put it into writing.

This is today's lesson, and the whole day was given up to this.

Then only you'll understand the meaning.

But that also won't do unless you live up to that lesson.


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Grieving in my heart, I appeal to you: Do not throw away this life, and do not live in error; be done with the past, and begin your regeneration today. (Sat Sandesh, May 2008, page 17)


You have love for me, and I appreciate it. Many do have love, but they do not obey. Do not waste your precious opportunity in love of this kind. I wish that you should benefit fully from the Priceless Jewel you have been given, and your love should be in this alone: whatever is told to you – obey. (http://www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/nolove.htm)


Fortunate you are to have the man body! What you can do here in a short time, cannot be done in the other world, higher planes, in ten times as long. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/lok/god-enter.htm)


Remember, however much of your mind you can give – you will succeed that much. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/serpent.htm)


Love and all things shall be added unto you. It is love that makes you all-attention. It is love that gives you a place in the heart of the Beloved. It is by His love that we live. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/gemsq.htm)


Fear is not good and should be discarded by giving your worries over to the ever present gracious Master-Power working overhead. Fear is always based on some unknown apprehension and one should look at it squarely and then it will flee in no time, as it is a result of your self-created frustration. (Spiritual Elixir, 263)


When love for the Master transcends all bounds, the devotee feels as if he were one with the Master. The Master then appears to be working through him and he is in the Master. (Spiritual Elixir, 133)


Regarding your physical difficulties, you know that all physical ailments are the result or reaction to past karma and must be borne willingly. Yet much of the severity and duration is toned down by the loving grace of the gracious Master-Power working overhead. The barest minimum which cannot be dispensed should be borne gladly with the aid of the gracious protection of the Master. (Spiritual Elixir, 236)

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Please learn to be receptive to His grace and feel His kindly presence riding with you on the buses, chatting with you in the street, sitting with you in the park, by your office desk, accompanying you every morning to the office, slowing down by the lily pond to check the new flowers and walking with you in the evening all the way back by the new moon. Master is always with the disciple and never leaves him or her until the end of the world. The Father will never disown His children. (Spiritual Elixir, 309)


Changing over from material to spiritual man is the most difficult part of spirituality and when you learn to perfect yourself in that field, then God-realization is not difficult. (Spiritual Elixir, 103)


If you do not stop enjoying the senses, you will not be able to leave the body. (ruhanisatsangusa.org/listen.htm)


Meditation is most necessary, for only by meditation will all things come of their own accord. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/thief of.htm)


Question: Why is it that it’s so much more difficult to listen to the Sound than it is to look for the Light? Answer: Because the mind is killed with that Sound. Mind would rather go into the opening of the cannons rather than hear the Sound because hearing the Sound kills the mind forever. (ruhanisatsangusa.org/lok/obedient.htm)


Between God and spirit, there is no other obstacle but that of a veil of the mind. If this veil were to stop fluttering in the breeze of desires, as it does at present, the spirit can take in directly the Cosmic Energy from its very source. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/gemsq.htm)


Once you discover this Light and learn to live by it, your whole existence will be changed. Love will permeate your very being and it will burst forth from the very pores of your body, transmuting all dross into sterling gold. (Spiritual Elixir, 189)


Until one can love, obey and transform one’s life, the gift of the Master remains as a seed locked away in a steel vault that cannot sprout and grow to fruition. (Spiritual Elixir, 300)

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Whatever the Master ordains, that must be taken as Gospel truth, no matter whether it stands the test of mere human reason or not. (ruhanisatsangusa.org/godman/godman_30.htm)


To get the full benefit of the Master Power, the disciple must develop receptivity. It is impossible to develop receptivity until implicit obedience is given to the commandments of the Master. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/receptiv.htm)


When free, try to remember the holy Names or sweetly think of the Master. The Master-Power is the constant companion and will be extending all necessary help, whether you may be conscious of it or not. (Spiritual Elixir, 192)


The simran of the objects of the world should be replaced by the simran of God, and thoughts of the world by contemplation of the Master, who is God incarnate. Thus is imprinted on our subconscious mind the impression of God in the form of our Satguru. (Philosophy of the Masters, v.1, 48)


One must be in the world attending to the duties and obligations assigned to him or her, but one should do these in a very detached manner. (Spiritual Elixir, 277)


Cultivate a state of perpetual resignation to His Will. This will be helpful in meditation. (Spiritual Elixir, 190)


If money is lost, nothing is lost; if health is lost, something is lost; but if character is lost, everything is lost. (Sat Sandesh, May 1977, 3)


Masters have come in all ages to offer this natural science to man. Only those who are discontented with this world rush to them. Others to whom worldly attractions, pleasures and luxuries are dear, turn their backs. (http://www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/gemsq.htm)


All initiates are on the Way. Some have developed more than others, so some may have more faults and failings than the others. We have to hate the sin and love the sinner. (Spiritual Elixir, 92)

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Entire self-surrender to God is the secret of a true lover of God. Therefore, he should be a man of purity, humility and meekness. The main thing one should do is devotion to the Name of God and see the Light and hear the Voice of God – the Sound Principle reverberating in all. For this, he should devote regular time to meditation and conquer the passions through communion with the Master. He should sing of God – the Beloved, and enter into the super-conscious through intoxication of His sweet remembrance. (Spiritual Elixir, 347)


By renouncing everything, one penetrates into the all-pervading spirit. His attachment to the environments is done away with and his bondage to matter is ended. This period is the most critical in the life of a sadhak. Until actual self-realization he is in a state of perpetual restlessness, tossing back and forth. He belongs wholly neither to the world nor to God. While in the eyes of worldly people he is a man of piety, yet in the heart of his heart he knows he is full of iniquities. (http://www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/gemsq.htm)


The Master’s strong and protective arms and His loving vigilant eyes are always on His fold. He is for their progress. When outer difficulties seem hard, His inner grace increases. (Spiritual Elixir, 102)


Those who have love for the Master, where will they go? Where the Master goes. But that should be the ruling passion with love and full faith – only in that case. (ruhanisatsangusa.org/lok/gives-hand.htm)


The dear ones who have been blessed with the sacred boon of holy initiation into the mysteries of the beyond are all granted full protection by the gracious Master-Power in the beyond. Most of their karmic debts are paid off as if they had lived their normal fate karma. Smaller karmic debts are paid off even before leaving off the body and as such they are not reincarnated. If, however, there remain some overwhelming worldly desires, the initiated souls are granted human birth, but are placed in such congenial environments where they will have the chance of continuing their inner journey by meeting the living Master working at the time. Spiritual growth and progress thus continues under His guidance. (Spiritual Elixir, 37)


If you live for God, all things shall work out in your best interest, not only spiritually but also materially. This is the fundamental law of God and can be realized by all who will practice true living. (Sant Kirpal Singh)

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No perfect Saint has ever failed His disciples. Realize fully, this one will not fail you.

(Spiritual Elixir, 235)

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Whether your past has been wicked, or virtuous, or indifferent, the saints call upon you to devote yourselves to the task of meditation. Forget past sins, and do no more. You can rid yourself of the poison you have consumed in the past, but you must not keep swallowing more and more of it. All initiates are granted some experience of the inner life. If you have lost it, it is because you have been lethargic, unwise, and forgetful, or you have persisted in your old ways. If so, you must regain your lost capital. (Sat Sandesh, May 2008, page 17)


The physical life granted to us is a great opportunity and we should make the best use of it. Playing with worldly charms and temptations is just like trifling with toys. (Spiritual Elixir, 281)


So put in more time, please to your practices. Develop love for God within you. You will be blessed. You will have made the best use of your life. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/mt/truelove2.htm)


What takes months to do here, there takes years to do. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/lok/riseabov.htm)


If you wish to love God truly in the most practical way, it is to love our fellow beings and feel for others in the same way as we feel for our dear ones. Instead of seeing faults in others, we look within ourselves, suffer in the sufferings of others and feel happy in the happiness of others. Endure all that comes, cheerfully accepting as His Will, and do not hurt or harm any of His beings. To love God, we must live for God and die for God. (Spiritual Elixir, 338)


The true celebration of a Master’s birthday is to live up to what His ideal is viz., an ethical and chaste life, love for God and love for all creation and rising into God-consciousness in life and write the same practically in own lives. (Spiritual Elixir, 326)


Devotion starts when you detach your heart from the outward things and attach it to God or to the God-in-man. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/mt/devotion-diaries.htm)


We are all on the Way. Some are less ready and others more so due to their karmic evolution of the experience in past lives. (Spiritual Elixir, 201)

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Ever since the child disciple is initiated into the mysteries of the beyond by the Master, the gracious Master-Power resides with him or her at the Tisra Til and watches everything for the spiritual betterment of him or her, and those who obediently endeavor to abide by His behests are rewarded abundantly, whereas those who cannot do so have to wait longer. (Spiritual Elixir, 226)


If you don’t give up these worldly things you are not ready for this path. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/best_use.htm)


One must rise above all enjoyments and not be ruled by greed and lust, for while one remains under their influence no real progress can be made. (ruhanisatsangusa.org/re_mind.htm)


Do not depend upon your own efforts to pierce through the Light, but repose yourself in the Master Power to grant you the way. (Spiritual Elixir, 143)


Through the practice of listening to this Music, all sins, impurities and afflictions are removed. The pains of many births are eliminated and one gains bliss. Doubts and fears are destroyed. One enjoys heavenly bliss and dwells in his original Home. (Philosophy of the Masters, v. 4, 157)


As loving advice I give you, from this moment let love be your constant companion and trust Him in all things. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/gemsq.htm)


The Negative Power, Kal, represents the power that is going into expression, bringing all creation into being, and the other, Positive Power represents the power of inversion, bringing the soul back to its Source. These then are the centrifugal and centripetal powers working in all creation. Mind is an agent of the Negative Power and always brings one into the outer world. (Spiritual Elixir, 20)


Make up your mind whether you would like to conform to the dictates of your mind or to the commandments of the Master. The choice lies in your own hands; you are free to choose; no one else can make the choice for you. (The Teachings of Kirpal Singh, v. 1, 59, 60)

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Whoever insists on his own ideas and does not want to obey, doubtless he will also get the Master’s love, but the inner key will not be entrusted to him. (ruhanisatsangusa.org/tghp.htm)


You can only become receptive through love. The man who has love, even while sitting with thousands of people still remains all alone, because his whole attention is riveted on the Master with whom he is concerned. This is the way that you can develop receptivity. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/mt/receptivity1.htm)


How happy we are of course when we are in the physical body with our Master; we can never forget it. When we remember those days, tears are shed, the heart bursts. (The Light of Kirpal, 437)


The sacred charged Words carry the life impulse of the Master and their repetition with deep faith and single-minded devotion, feed the soul with gradual consciousness, and leave behind indelible impressions over it. (Spiritual Elixir, 150)


Love for the Master and complete surrender to His will have always been the teachings of all mystics and especially so of Sant Mat. Your main task as a disciple and as an initiate is to cultivate these qualities to the very utmost and leave the rest to the Master. (Spiritual Elixir, 264)


A disciple must do his part and the Master does His. It is for the disciple to sit in meditation in an atmosphere conducive to progress with a sweet remembrance of the Master. The disciple is not to presuppose things or visualize results, for these will follow of their own accord. Ours is to be an attitude of passivity, for the Doer is the One and the only One, the Master, who is the best judge of the time and measure and manner of each step on the Path. (Spiritual Elixir, 177)


One begins to do things in order to carry on with the higher ideal always before him or her, the fulfillment of which becomes an all absorbing vocation in one’s life. (The Teachings of Kirpal Singh, v. 3, 17)


Master takes care of and extends protection for all who are dear and near to the disciple and looks after their best interests. (Spiritual Elixir, 213)

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You cannot have the results according to your desires or expectations. So always do your best and leave the results to the Master overhead and whatever the results are, take them with good cheer. They are always beneficial to the initiated, because the Master-Power working overhead knows what is best for His ailing child. (Spiritual Elixir, 308)


All talents inherited as a result of past karma are good provided they are utilized for attainment of spiritual progress by regular meditations. Everybody comes to this world with certain instincts and impulses which can be harnessed for spiritual development under competent guidance. It is the single-minded devotion of the initiate which should be developed carefully and should be considered as the best of Godly gifts. (Spiritual Elixir, 6)


It is due to the evolution of some rare good karma that one yearns for spiritual enlightenment and Providence has His own immaculate ways in guiding the sincere seekers to the right quarters. (Spiritual Elixir, 240)


Whatever your ruling passion is at the end of your life, you'll be driven there, that's the law. (ruhanisatsangusa.org/comeback.htm)

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All that has blemished your pure life in the past can be left in the hands of the Master, and in the future you should live a clean and chaste life and be regular in your spiritual practices. You will come very close to the Master, and His love will just envelop you. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/tours/55/ss55_11.htm)


The Master-Power is your companion always through thick and thin. So in all of your affairs do whatever you can and leave the rest up to Him, and try not to feel annoyed or discouraged. The Master-Power will be extending all feasible help and protection. (Spiritual Elixir, 158)


What an unspeakable blessing! The time has come to realize Him at last. It is thy turn to meet God. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/gemsq.htm)


Happiness is the willing adjustment of ourselves to our environment. (Spiritual Elixir, 106)


And more than love is devotion. Devotion is more than love. Love burns the lover, and devotion burns the one he is devoted to. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/gemsq.htm)


Thoughts are more potent than deeds, you see. If you think evil of others that thought vibrates and the whole atmosphere is poisoned. Whatever you think of others that thought radiates… others will feel it. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/gemsq.htm)


It may, however, be understood that it is due to the evolution of some rare noble karma of past lives that the inner yearning of the soul gets strong for spiritual enlightenment and those dear ones who benefit from such chances by putting in extra effort are put on the holy Path whereas others simply drift and have to wait for some better future chance. (Spiritual Elixir, 54)


The past and the future take away most of our time, most of our time – these two sprites eating into our veins of life. So forget the past, forget the future, live in the living present. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/gemsq.htm)

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Spiritual science is very definite and whoever, even the vilest of the vile, follows it is changed for the better. (Spiritual Elixir, 88)


If your daily life is not under control, try to bring it in control, or give more time to meditation and you will be able to gain control quicker. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/thief of.htm)


If one cannot rise above, be in full control of, and handle with ease the circumstances of his outer environment, he will never be able to succeed in the way of spirituality. (ruhanisatsangusa.org/receptive.htm)


Our task is to stick at the door and do repetition mentally and no third thing. (letters to Vermont initiates)


You will be glad to know that to sit in complete silence, reposing all in the gracious Master overhead, is what is necessary for the initiates, and all else is to come in its own time with His grace. (Spiritual Elixir, 152)


The first thing the negative power does when he wants to keep control over a soul is to stop them doing bhajan and simran. The individual finds that there is always something to lure him away from his meditation. (The Night is a Jungle, 175)


The mind is a lover of enjoyments, and in the Naam there is the Maha Ras – the most delectable nectar one can ever taste. If only the mind would take one true sip, it would never again yearn for lower enjoyments. (ruhanisatsangusa.org/listen.htm)


Ever since the child disciple is initiated into the mysteries of the beyond by the Master, the gracious Master-Power resides with him or her at the Tisra Til and watches everything for the spiritual betterment of him or her, and those who obediently endeavor to abide by His behests are rewarded abundantly, whereas those who cannot do so have to wait longer. (Spiritual Elixir, 226)


You enjoy outside and unless you get more blissful enjoyment inside you cannot withdraw from outside. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/lok/first see.htm)

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The more you abide by the teachings of the Master, by the sayings of the Master, the more you have to tear up your old name and fame, what you are, whether high or low. (ruhanisatsangusa.org/mt/difficulties.htm)


Man has not to exert himself, except in molding himself ethically and morally to that climax of love, sincerity and humility, which will produce the necessary state of receptivity in him. Everything else is in the hands of the Master. (Spiritual Elixir, 112)


If you want to have love for somebody – remember Him sweetly. That will result in attachment of the mind and outgoing faculties. (The Light of Kirpal, 117)


It is not the inner experience which determine the spiritual progress, but the basic personal attitude of serene living of the child disciple, which proves his or her worth. (The Teachings of Kirpal Singh, v. 2, 95)


To achieve a degree of self-surrender to the will of the Master one must not look up to the deity in its abstract form but in its human form as the Master. For how else is one to know God’s will directly in order to surrender one’s self to it? What one may take as an intuition inspired by the divine may be really one’s own self speaking in disguise, and one may surrender to such seeming intuitions and therefore surrender to the self, the ego. However, if one has found a true Master (who is attuned to the Lord and is His mouthpiece) and obeys Him in all things completely and absolutely, he will surely destroy the ego and reach his heavenly home one day. (Spiritual Elixir, 265, 266)


You must silence your thoughts during meditation. The silencing of the intellect is the last nail in the coffin. You should not wish to have one thing or another. Simply sit at the door and wait. The sublime silence is best and easily achieved by lovingly and humbly reposing in the gracious Master-Power to grant and bless whatever is deemed fit. (Spiritual Elixir, 156)


Your idea of serving others is welcome. First of all one must serve oneself and then others. You are in the bondage of mind and matter. Your soul has many coverings over it such as the physical body, astral body and causal body, mind and matter, etc. So long as you are imprisoned in these bonds, what service can you render to others? (Spiritual Elixir, 252)


Please note – an ounce of practice is better than tons of theory. (Spiritual Elixir, 108)

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All the ills of the world originate with the mental activity. We are stuck fast in the heart-focus from where the rays of the mind start, and passing from the sense organs, envelop the sense objects, and we get attached to the world around us. How little do we realize the great motor power of the soul behind, enlivening the mind and the intellect. If we could divest ourselves of these adjuncts and dedicate our very life to the service of a Godman, we would at once become a freed soul ready to go Godward. Can there be any greater gain than to escape from all the trials and turmoils of the earthly life? This is what we gain by practicing the presence of the personified God in our midst. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/gurbhakti.htm)


Yes, you should give your full attention in meditation so much so that you become one with the gaze: there should be no effort on your part. Leave all and everything in the Master's hands. All desires should be stilled, even the desire for transcension. (letters to initiates in the New York City area)


A measure of success of how well you are succeeding in handling your outer environment will be a gradual awareness that you are becoming the master of your own thoughts. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/receptive.htm)


Each man has to cast off the mortal raiment in a manner predestined and preordained by past karmas, viz. by disease or accident. Death cannot befall any one before it is due. Then why worry? We may not know as to how we will meet death, by disease or by accident, but one thing is certain, if the sweet remembrance of the Lord exists at the time, we will have a peaceful death, as the Master’s presence will be overhead. The only thing that is required is to have sweet remembrance of the Lord at all times. (Spiritual Elixir, 285)


If one is spiritually developed in life, he or she remains so in after-life, but if one is not so developed, how can he develop after death? We have a golden opportunity now in the human body wherein we can develop to any degree of perfection and can become detached from the things of this world. When one has developed overwhelmingly in love and devotion for the Master and has advanced spiritually so much so that he or she has become detached from worldly things, he need not return to earthly life, but will proceed onward in the inner planes with the guidance of the Master-Power residing with him. (Spiritual Elixir, 306)


The love of the Master for you is boundless. The path is difficult, but He is always with you to guide you. (Spiritual Elixir, 322)

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I am your father, I have you by the hand and I shall never let you go.

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When a true Master accepts a disciple, that person’s status changes. We were lost wanderers whom not one befriended; accepted by the Satguru, we were then recognized. He becomes an “accepted” soul, under the care of the Master. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/gurumukh.htm)


The Master-Power overhead is constantly working with you for your benefit. His protective hands will shadow you from all kinds of dreadful perils. Follow Him. He will never forsake thee and will take you into His kingdom of glory forever. (Spiritual Elixir, 204)


The Master-Power is your companion always through thick and thin. So in all of your affairs do whatever you can and leave the rest up to Him, and try not to feel annoyed or discouraged. (Spiritual Elixir, 158)


You will have more Sounds than one, but you have to stick to that of a big bell, a conch, a shell, thunder, drum-beat, a violin and the flute, which are the higher types of Sounds and leave all the rest. (Spiritual Elixir, 128)


The love for the visible Master, our closest connecting link with God, is in reality love for the Supreme Father. (Spiritual Elixir, 209)


Another common desire which you must sternly repress is the wish to meddle in another man’s business, directly or indirectly, privately or openly. If you see a case of cruelty to a child or an animal, it is your duty to interfere. If you are placed in charge of another in order to teach him, it may become your duty gently to tell him of his faults. Except for such cases, mind your own business and learn the value of silence. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/gemsq.htm)


Karmic debts also come in a man’s life to be squared up, but in the case of a loving disciple the dose is generously diluted and is held firm in the hands and charge of the Master Power sugared with love. (Sant Bani Magazine, Nov. 1990, 27)


The involuntary tears that flow down the cheeks in loving remembrance of the Master will wash away all the dirt of mind. (Spiritual Elixir, 252)

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The Master’s love for His children is unfathomable. Often the children are besmeared with dirt. He will not discard them or let them down, but will first clean them of the dirt and then will warmly hug them to His bosom. (Spiritual Elixir, 230)


A pure and chaste life is a necessary prerequisite for progress on the path to God. These are fundamentals that allow no relaxation whatsoever. Anyone transgressing them will have to reap the fruit thereof. These words may sound stiff, but the Father does not wish His children to go astray. He has overwhelming love for them and their uplift is His foremost job. (Spiritual Elixir, 86)


Sit fully devoted and fully absorbed with the inner gaze fixed losing all sense of effort – as effort involves a taint of ego – leaving all to the Master within. (letters to Vermont initiates)


Devoting hours to meditation without eliminating bad habits and cultivating good ones in their place, will not get one anywhere. Purity of life is essential for fruitful meditations. (ruhanisatsangusa.org/receptive.htm)


What is it that prevents you from following the Master’s instructions? It is your own mind, which you have not yet been able to coax away from the outer attachments of the world to the bliss that awaits it inside. (http://www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/gemsq.htm)


When one gets the Naam’s inner nectar, all worldly intoxicants seem ridiculous, and when the seed of Naam sprouts, all other things become meaningless. (ruhanisatsangusa.org/tghp.htm)


Usually an ordinary initiate would take four births to complete his course, but it can be shortened even to one birth according to the disciple’s love and faith and obedience to the Master. (Spiritual Elixir, 242)


So, to obey the Guru’s commands is the first and the last lesson on the path of spirituality. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/gemsq.htm)


A true disciple's life is the remembrance of the Guru, just as a baby's life is in the mother's milk. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/gemsq.htm)

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No matter where you are or what you are doing, you should not forget God. (The Teachings of Kirpal Singh, v. 3, 116)


Everything that comes to you in the divine dispensation is invariably right for your spiritual progress. (Spiritual Elixir, 223)


My advice is from this day on to make love and self-surrender the corner-stones of your life. If you do this, you will find your life becoming daily a blessing. You must endeavor to cultivate a large capacity for self-surrender to and love for the Master if you wish to make substantial progress in the spiritual field. I have said many times, the Path is not easy. You must crucify your ego and lay your selfhood at the altar of love for your Master. (Spiritual Elixir, 115)


How wonderful it is to surrender completely to one who is competent and loving, and to feel His loving presence and grace working in every sphere of life. The more one is able to develop receptivity by keeping His commandments, the more he or she is able to feel, retain and enjoy His grace. The Master’s grace is boundless. (Spiritual Elixir, 259)


Even a little intoxication derived from steady daily practice will start to erase the taste for outer pleasures. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/thief of.htm)


Success awaits those who lose their heads in the pursuit of God. Living in ease and comfort, sleeping long and getting up when you will, meditating fifteen and twenty minutes at your convenience, and making up excuses for your lapses are not the means by which you reach Him. (Sat Sandesh, July 1988, 23)


Very few men, in all God’s creation, ever see Him and realize Him. Lord Krishna told that one in a thousand walks toward Him; and if a thousand such ones were found, then from them only one will take what is offered; and if a thousand of those were found, only one from them will realize it. In hundreds of thousands, there is none; in millions, there may be one. (ruhanisatsangusa.org/ineffable.htm)


The path is strait and narrow and difficult, very difficult and exacting, but for one who is truly willing, every help is promised, and he can attain the goal in this very life; a goal that sets all other goals to shame; for beside it there are no goals at all, but empty baubles and toys, at best halfway houses. (http://www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/gemsq.htm)

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Mind your own business first. Charity begins at home. Develop love in yourself. Don't be wanting there. Then extend your love to everybody. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/gemsq.htm)


We must constantly remember that our aim is God, and we must not be concerned with anything that makes us forget Him. (The Teachings of Kirpal Singh, v. 3, 94)


If you have been accustomed to one thought, a ruling passion in your life, then naturally that will be the last thought with you. Anything which has been ruling your mind will come up. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/lok/protection.htm)


Rebirth is only for those who lost their faith, go in actual opposition to the instructions of the Master or who do foul deeds and have very low desires and gross worldly tendencies. (Spiritual Elixir, 58, 59)


Master is always helping the seekers far and wide and remains with them wherever they may be. You are always with me. Distance makes no difference, my love flows to you incessantly. (Spiritual Elixir, 208)

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You may do it today, or tomorrow, or next year, in ten years’ time or later on in life, or you can take millions of births to do it, but this very work will have to be done sooner or later. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/gemsq.htm)


Do your best and leave the rest to the Master-Power overhead and leave off all worry and anxiety. It is time to be gay and happy. (Spiritual Elixir, 192)


See Him present in every experience and remember He is always with you, ready to assist whenever you turn your thoughts to Him. (Spiritual Elixir, 93)


Ups and downs do come. Even the darkest cloud has a silver lining. We must always look to the bright side of things. Many good and necessary lessons are derived from adversities. These are indeed helpful. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/gemsq.htm)


Of all of the qualifications love is the most important, for if it is strong enough in a man it forces him to acquire all the rest, and all the rest without it would not be sufficient. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/gemsq.htm)


Honesty, strength, courage and kindness are the rare virtues and may prove very useful for spiritual development provided these are used properly in your daily life. (Spiritual Elixir, 107)


Six things are preordained or covered by fate karma; viz. health and sickness, poverty and opulence, honor and ignominy. (Spiritual Elixir, 36)


Someone connected with a college where Master was speaking asked Him, “How many disciples do you have?” Master said, “I have no disciples. Only God has disciples. These people are my friends. I love them and they love me.” (Sant Bani Magazine, Feb. 2004, 31,32)

-9- Always be buoyant and fresh when you sit for meditation and wait patiently, like a loving baby looking up into the eyes of the nursing mother. (The Teachings of Kirpal Singh, vol. 2, 168)

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If you turn your face to Him, He will be guiding you and speaking to you, by manifesting Himself and in other ways. If He does so once, twice, or four times, and you don’t care, you lose your chance. But still He’s there: whenever you turn your face to Him, He’s there. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/gemsq.htm)


One who permits himself or herself to be disturbed by what others say and do, is without question one who is still controlled by the ego and has yet to conquer the self, and learn the rudiments of spirituality. (Spiritual Elixir, 104)


Thought is the key-note to success. It is the thought pattern of the initiate which is changed gradually when he or she feels overall protection and guidance from the Master-Power in all spheres of life. (Spiritual Elixir, 137)


Meditation is a matter of love and devotion; it is meant to cleanse the vessel of all inner dirt and filth. Unkind thoughts, temptations for revenge, a pride of learning and knowledge, lurking doubts and skepticism, distrust of God and lack of faith in Him are some of the formidable barriers that stand in the way and prevent His grace and blessing from flowing in. (Spiritual Elixir, 130)


Swami Ji has said that we should not hesitate to go all out to still the mind. We do not fully grasp that the mind takes everyone to his doom. It is like a thousand-faced snake, which is constantly with each being; it has a thousand different ways of destroying the person. The rich with riches, the poor with poverty, the orator with his fine speeches – it takes the weakness in each and plays upon it to destroy him. (ruhanisatsangusa.org/serpent.htm)


One cannot possibly forsake the lusts of the flesh unless one comes to know by actual contrast, the real happiness in the life of the spirit which comes about by communion with the holy Word. (ruhanisatsangusa.org/guru-means.htm)


One way of pleasing the Master is to live up to what the Master says without regard to what your mind says or what your heart likes. (Portrait of Perfection, 25)


Sitting in sweet remembrance of the Master is exactly what the words imply. There is no technology involved in it. It is simple enough – a feeling of deep-seated love naturally created within, or a longing. (Spiritual Elixir, 283)

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The instinct of love cannot come into play unless one sees the beloved. As long as we do not see God or the glory of God, we cannot have any faith in the existence of God and without this all prayers go in vain. But Guru or God-Man is the abode of God’s Light and is a radiating center of the same. We can pray with equal efficacy to the Master, who is at one with God. Connected as He is with the power-house behind Him, the Master is equally competent to grant our desires and fulfill our wishes. (Spiritual Elixir, 219)


When anyone would complain to Hazur about inability to still the mind, He would reply, “Your simran is not constant enough.” And for the complaint of not being able to sit for long in meditation, the same reply was given. (The Night is a Jungle, 190)


Whatever comes to your count is a blessing in disguise and should be accepted cheerfully. (The Teachings of Kirpal Singh, v. 2, 108)


In this world difficult problems often arise. The disciplined initiates are, however, privileged to view these petty affairs from high and lofty viewpoints of right understanding, considering them to be simply passing phases and thereby maintaining their mental equilibrium. (Spiritual Elixir, 266)


Everyone who has learned to ride has experienced many a fall. To fall in sin is manly, but to remain there is devilish. (Spiritual Elixir, 87)


Yes, you are correct, all efforts made by the disciple to efface the personal “I” are in the right direction, because elimination of the ego is the only means of liberation from the unending cycle of births and deaths. (Spiritual Elixir, 114)


To understand the teachings of the Master and strictly follow them from day to day, to confide in Him and to completely surrender one’s self, body and soul to His will is not an easy thing to do. (The Teachings of Kirpal Singh, V. 3, 117)


Each bit laid up for the spiritual discipline counts creditable toward your inner progress. The cumulative result of your devotion will bring forth very good results in due course and at the proper time, with the grace of the Master. (Spiritual Elixir, 152)

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So the first principle of devotion or bhakti is to know that God is everywhere. We are living in Him and He is in us. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/mt/bhakti-devotion.htm)


While doing any manual or mechanical work or in idle moments, you can continue repeating the five holy Names or recite some prayer lovingly all the time and you will feel new strength is entering within you and that someone is working with you, sharing much of your labor. (Spiritual Elixir, 174)


The worst of all bad habits is to criticize others. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/reform.htm)


You need not struggle for staying at the eye focus when you withdraw quickly. You have simply to relax fully, repose joyously and resign to the divine will and pleasure of the Master and go into the beyond. (The Teachings of Kirpal Singh, vol. 2, 109)


The Master is always with His initiates working over their heads and He is never unaware of their inner longings and feelings. He helps to wind up the karmic debts so that they need not return for another earthly sojourn. (Spiritual Elixir, 216)


Master always holds the hands He takes. There is never a thought of loosening that tight hold. (Spiritual Elixir, 215)

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“Arise, awake, and stop not till the Goal is reached” is the time honored message coming down, as it does from eternity, and I repeat it today with all the emphasis at my command. Make hay while the sun shines. The Kingdom of God verily is at hand and the power of God unmistakably beckons you to it. Avail of the golden opportunity that God has given you, for human birth is a rare privilege and thrice blessed is man. Make the most of it, while there is yet time. (Spiritual Elixir, 341)


To sacrifice one’s spiritual future just for a few days dancing to the mind’s tune – is this intelligent? (The Night is a Jungle, 154)


The journey may be long but has to be completed. Life is running out, let not vain pursuits deflect us from our noble path. (The Teachings of Kirpal Singh, v. 3, 170)


Those who turn their back upon the world and are wholly engrossed in the love of the Master and make loving devotion as their ruling passion, they easily and quickly get transformed into the likeness of the Master. (www.ruhanisansang.org/gurbhakti.htm)


What, then, is God is the next question. He is an ocean of existence, consciousness, and bliss. All these three are His attributes. Our soul, being a spark of the divine fire, is endowed with the similar qualities. Love is the cementing force between the two. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/gemsq.htm)


We have been put on the way to God because of our love for God. (Spiritual Elixir, 111)


Suffice it to understand that unions and separations in this physical plane are veiled and governed by the inexorable law of karma. There is nothing premature as the divine machinery works with meticulous precision and nothing happens haphazardly, although it may look to us as such. (Spiritual Elixir, 57)


The more you absorb yourself into that Light and Sound, the more love will overflow from you. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/lok/prayer.htm)

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You are protected by the Master-Power working overhead. Depend on Him. You will have all the necessary inner help. The Master is waiting for His dear children to come to Him within. (Spiritual Elixir, 332)


I expect everyone to behave lovingly and to be tolerant and to exhibit in all matters a spirit of humility and self-discipline. (Spiritual Elixir, 99)


It must be borne in mind that restriction to pure vegetarian diet is of utmost necessity. Any transgression in this respect is liable to affect your spiritual progress adversely. The prohibited food flares up carnal desires other than contracting karmic debt. Both are highly detrimental and should be avoided scrupulously. I hope you are abiding by all of the rules and that you take my advice in proper perspective in the larger interests of your spiritual progress. (Spiritual Elixir, 244)


Sitting in sweet remembrance of the Master is exactly what the words imply. There is no technology involved in it. It is simple enough – a feeling of deep-seated love naturally created within or a longing. (The Teachings of Kirpal Singh, v. 2, 106)


So mind is a disciple of the Negative Power, you see. It is working to take you away from the Path, from God. (The Teachings of Kirpal Singh, v.1, 82)


If you are not getting much experience within, then look to your diary, and you will find the reason or cause lying in your everyday life. (ruhanisatsangusa.org/5dacoits.htm)


These Sounds will attract your soul into the beyond and at times will take you to the presence of the Master within. (Spiritual Elixir, 162)


The more a person attends upon his Guru and diligently follows His instructions, the more he develops his receptivity; and in the same proportion, the Guru reveals to him more and more spiritual experiences. (ruhanisatsangusa.org/gurbhakti.htm)

-17- So long as you are the doer you cannot help others. Perfect yourself first, then you can help others. Then He is doing it, not you. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/gemsq.htm)

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The loving disciple is always prayerful and repentant for his or her trespasses and lapses committed consciously or unconsciously during the day. Prayer is not for outward show or a gymnasium, but it is an anguished cry of the soul, which stirs the divine grace, and when directed and channelized smoothly works wonders, and the dear initiate is filled with awe-inspiring gratitude, with His grace. (Spiritual Elixir, 249)


Remembrance of God is the main thing before us to find the way to Him. The purpose of all devotional exercises, places of worship and pilgrimages is the same. The human body is the veritable temple of God. (Spiritual Elixir, 96)


Simran must be done slowly and the words are to be repeated or thought out with clarity. The whole process is to be carried out with love, devotion and single-minded attention to ensure quick results. When properly done for some time, a state of divine intoxication comes upon the spirit and blessed calmness is experienced. (The Ambrosial Hour, 159)


The Master teaches that it does not matter in the least what happens to a man from the outside: sorrows, troubles, sickness, losses — all these must be borne by each and must not be allowed to affect the calmness of his mind. They are the result of past actions, so when they come you must bear them cheerfully, remembering that all evil is transitory, and that you are enjoined to remain always joyous and serene. They belong to your previous lives, not to this; you cannot alter them, so it is useless to trouble about them. (http://www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/gemsq.htm)


The secret of selfless service is to deny the reward or recognition of any type and on the contrary consider one’s self as a humble instrument in the divine hands which are the sustainers and protectors of all. (Spiritual Elixir, 106)

-23- The Masters test the disciples again and again to see how much the disciple can sacrifice, how much loving devotion he has, and to what extent he still remains under the influence of mind. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/tghp.htm)


There are different stages through which one has to pass. To attempt to bypass any stage would make one short of development in that particular stage and eventually prolong final attainment. Let every one develop steadily and slowly. (ruhanisatsangusa.org/drops.htm)

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Each one has to earn and cleanse one’s own vessel before it is filled with the blessings of the Master. There are no windfalls, although the labor bears more fruit in the house of the Master. (Spiritual Elixir, 240)


All is dependent upon the background, the earnestness, the love and devotion that a person will put into the spiritual practices. (Spiritual Elixir, 209)


Prayer is, in a strict sense, another name for collecting the outgoing and wandering faculties of the mind at the root of the mind. Like the rays of the sun, these are spread out into the world, and likewise these can be withdrawn and collected at their source. This concentration while begging for help is called prayer. (Spiritual Elixir, 247, 48)


There is no court of trial after death for a devoted disciple. The Master is all in all for him. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/knowthy.htm)


If you die in that sweet remembrance of the Master you are not to return to the world. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/lok/dont-forget.htm)


Try to surrender completely to the Master and under the cover of His power, protection and grace, you will wade through the waters of life unscathed. The loving Father will protect you like a baby, in the might of His strong arms, and pass you scot-free from the fires of life without a burn. Everyone errs. Through these errors you have to grow into a pure and lusterous soul. Weed out the shortcomings, one by one. The diary is a necessity and must be used for this purpose. It helps you to keep an eye on your ethical side of life, for this must be developed along with the spiritual growth. Remember that the Father wants to embrace His child. If the child’s clothing is soiled with dirt or mud, He will not forsake him, but cleanse the child and take him or her into His lap. He is always with His children whom He loves, a hundred times more than the proverbial love of a mother. (Spiritual Elixir, 307)

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So the Guru will love His disciples because it is He who has given birth to them in the inner way.


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Human birth is the highest rung of all creation. It is really a rare blessing which you have got. This has been given to you for attaining divine realization and spiritual perfection. It is a supreme opportunity for striving and obtaining a sublime experience of all-consciousness. It is to be utilized for this great purpose. (Spiritual Elixir, 329)


The awakening of a soul into the higher oversoul is the essential part of man and without achieving it human life’s greatness is ruined. (Spiritual Elixir, 281)


One has to outlive and forget one’s past whatever it be…(Spiritual Elixir, 51)


I wish you all to be independent — independent of your body, independent of your outgoing faculties, independent of your mind, independent of your intellect. Dependence is a heinous crime. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/gemsq.htm)


If we have helped even one person by removing a little misery from his day, we have done a great service. (The Night is a Jungle, 238)


Such love and self-surrender to the will of the Lord embodied in the Master, has been the keystone of the teachings of all mystics and especially so of the Sant Mat. Your main task as a disciple and as an initiate is to cultivate these qualities to the very utmost and leave the rest to the Master. (Spiritual Elixir, 100)


Spiritual inheritance counts greatly for everybody’s inner progress, yet earnest and persistent efforts put in under the protective guidance of the living Master never go in vain and in due course of time bring in much fruit and that too in abundance. You should know it for certain that everything is being recorded behind the veil, and the gracious Master-Power is fully aware of your innermost aspirations. (Spiritual Elixir, 158)


With all the strength a man can have, he cannot fathom the love of God and of the Master which He has for a loving disciple. The Master stands by the initiates even in dreams. The disciple is guided by His mighty hand each fraction of a second. (Sant Bani Magazine, 11/90, 27)

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Master is pleased to see His children going along. He does not compare the man running with the child hopping along; He appreciates that hopping, too. (ruhanisatsangusa.org/lok/god-enter.htm)


Always keep your tongue under control. This is one thing. The wound given by a sword will be healed in a month or so, but the wound given by the tongue is not healed. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/gemsq.htm)


If we wish to love God truly in the most practical way, we must love our fellow-beings. We must love others as we do our dear ones. (Spiritual Elixir, 124)


Strenuous effort, self-control and discipline do play an important role for our betterment with the grace of the Master. Many dear ones with unhappy and checkered careers claim to have become saintly persons after holy initiation and faithful meditations on holy Naam. (Spiritual Elixir, 36)


It is not your karma that holds you back, nor is it responsible when you miss your meditations, but rather the treacherous misleading of your mind, which can be subdued and controlled by careful planning and execution. (Spiritual Elixir, 261)


The mind will not allow man to have knowledge of the soul. Its nature is to seek pleasure and its constant fluctuations are difficult to subdue. Attuning one’s self with the internal Sound Current is the best way to calm the mind and practice concentration. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/gemsq.htm)

-15- The dross of mind can be washed clean. The sovereign and the most potent remedy to wash the mind clean, say all the Masters, is by communion with the holy Word. (Spiritual Elixir, 75, 76)


The outer sign of a man who loves is that he gives implicit obedience, complete self-surrender. He cherishes what the Beloved or the Master wants. He always wants to please the Master, not to please himself. (The Teachings of Kirpal Singh, v. 3, 91)

-17- Depression and despair breed in egoistic hearts. (The Teachings of Kirpal Singh, v. 2, 108)

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The secret of a successful prayer lies not so much in the words we use, nor in the time we devote to it, nor in the effort that we put into it, as it lies in the concentrated attention that we may give it at the seat of the soul so as to make it soulful. The most natural form for a fruitful prayer is the yearning of a soul without the agency of words, oral or mental, with the tongue of thought. A prayer like this generates and releases such a fund of spiritual energy that all the cosmic powers are attracted and combine together, shaping out things as best as possible. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/pray/pray_title.htm)


If one loves someone, one cannot forget that person, his face is always before the vision, in the heart, in the mind, even vibrating in one’s blood as it runs through the veins. (The Teachings of Kirpal Singh, v. 2, 106)


The five sacred Names are charged and carry the life impulse of the Master. Their repetition with deep faith and single minded devotion will invoke His mercy and blessings. (Spiritual Elixir, 165)


I would request you to gaze, and gaze with longing in your heart, with silence in your soul and with no thought of this world or the next. The grace of God will descend on you and the gaze will grow into a glimpse and He will reveal Himself to you and you will find, nay see Him within yourself. (Spiritual Elixir, 336)


Yet another point, you must give up all your feelings of possession; karma may take from you the things which you like best - even the people whom you love most. Even then, you must be cheerful - ready to part with anything and everything. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/gemsq.htm)

-23- There is a divine purpose behind the life of everyone who comes into the world; no one has been created for nothing. We have something to learn from everyone. This is the mystery of humility. (The Way of the Saints, 344)

-24- First is God's grace. He has given you human birth. This means you can go up: go back to your home. Again His grace – the second grace – you met somebody who was Word made flesh. This is His grace. Then that Word made flesh – (grace was there) gave you something to start with. So all this - God's grace and Master's grace is done. So many thousands of dollars have been deposited in your name. Now comes the third grace – your own grace – have grace on your own self, and go to the window where that money can be drawn. So even God's grace and the Master's grace does not help much unless you have grace on your own self, you see. The whole thing depends on you. (The Light of Kirpal, 138)

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There are no windfalls as a general rule. You have to work your way up. Every one reaching the top step has ascended the steps below. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/gemsq.htm)


Put in one ounce of love in all your affairs, even the mundane affairs; you'll have your happiness. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/gemsq.htm)


Compassionate as He is, His grace is always at work in each and all alike, for we cannot live without it. We can, however, attract that grace to our advantage by becoming a fit receptacle for it. Humility and faith purify the mind and make it a fitting instrument for God's grace. These two aids help in inverting the lotus of the mind which, at present, is attuned with the senses. Unless we are able to turn its direction upwards, God's grace cannot directly flow into it. Prayers, humble and sincere, help in establishing a harmony between man’s mind and God’s grace. All that is required is a loving and pure heart attuned to His grace and the latter is automatically attracted to it. Prayer has in it a great dynamic force. It strengthens and prepares a person to face and fight the battle of life fearlessly and successfully. It is in fact the only panacea for all types of ills. It is the key that unlocks the Kingdom of Heaven (Spiritual Elixir 125, 126)


We must reform ourselves before we can reform others, but unfortunately we are always anxious to reform others. (Spiritual Elixir, 94)


Wherever our desire is, we shall go there. That is why a person's thought should be on God at the time of death. (www.ruhanisantangusa.org/serpent.htm)


Desire is the root-cause of all bondage and rebirths. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/gemsqa.htm)


When the Master initiates someone, He resides with him; He watches all of his actions, guiding him further where it is needed; especially those who turn their faces to Him. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/fruit2.htm)

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With all the strength a man can have, he cannot fathom the love of God and of the Master which He has for a loving disciple.

(Sant Bani Magazine, 11/90, 27)

If you knew how much I loved you, you would dance with joy. You will become so intoxicated by His love that it will carry you

straight into the arms of your Beloved within. (1970 Birthday Message)

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-1- Excessive eating and drinking, frittering away the attention on worldly sights, sounds and sensations - all these are outer enjoyments which deny one the bliss of the inner enjoyments. (ruhanisatsangusa.org/listen.htm)


Those who have made the best use of their nights, by knowing oneself and the overself, have themselves been made. Those who have wasted their nights in frivolous pursuits have wasted themselves. (The Night is a Jungle, 347)


It is a great blessing to be under the care of a competent Master as He may steer you through the stormy sea of the world and guide you to your true home. (Spiritual Elixir, 211)


So long as we do not sacrifice that to which we are most attached, at the altar of God’s love, we cannot obtain salvation. (Philosophy of the Masters, v.2, 152)


Every moment of our life is most precious. We should not fritter it away in useless pursuits, but devote it in the search of self and God. (Spiritual Elixir, 311)


When the mind needs no other thing except the Master, He who is always within draws the veil aside and appears. So it is a question of developing an intense desire for Him. This desire is aroused by meditation and by sweetly remembering Him in one’s heart to the exclusion of all other things. (Spiritual Elixir, 174)


The karmas in life have to be paid; so why not pay them cheerfully? All our relationships and environments have been written by the Lord’s pen, and He has joined both individuals and circumstances through the prarabdha karmas. It behooves us to live through them with the best attitude. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/gemsq.htm)


The Master always holds His disciples in the innermost heart center. After all they all are His children. He does not look at their unworthiness. He is there to make them worthy. He cannot leave them – His love is so great. (Spiritual Elixir, 218)

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The Master always saves the disciples, no matter how dangerous a situation they may be in. His protecting arms serve as a shield and buckler, and the disciple leads a charmed life as it were. (Portrait of Perfection, 190)


With continued spiritual progress toward inner development, outer things become less disturbing. Remember, events come and go. Inner development, as it progresses, will gradually eclipse the physical temptations. (Spiritual Elixir, 160)


He who would walk the way of humility must renounce his earlier ways of living. He must give up the opinions he has formed, the standards to which he is accustomed. He must have a new outlook on life. The things the world would worship are to him of no value. (The Way of the Saints, 347)


The holy meditation should not be a mechanical routine of just sitting for a certain time but it should be of loving devotion dyed in reverential humility when you stand begging at the divine door of the Lord. (Spiritual Elixir, 22)


…mind is material, it will always drag you to the material things. (The Light of Kirpal, 198)


You know that the inner bliss is supreme and unrivaled. There is nothing similar to it on earth, but alas! The mind is no much intoxicated with the lust for woman, wine, and wealth that it fails to see and comprehend the greatness of the spiritual beatitude within. (ruhanisatsangusa.org/follow.htm)

-15- The only medicine for all the ailments is the practice of the holy Sound, together with the Master’s spiritual help and guidance. (Spiritual Elixir, 220)


One must, therefore, obey the Master literally, and straightway engage himself in the spiritual practices and discipline as it may be laid down for him. This is the only way to spiritual success; there is no other. (The Teachings of Kirpal Singh, v. 3, 167)

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The Sant is God plus man. He is the mouthpiece of God, or if anyone is pleased to accept it, He is God-in-person or personified God. He is the most sacred “personal God” invested with all powers and authority, and He is a living altar to whom man may pray and seek a solution of his problems from birth to death and after. He is the only source within the reach of man through which he can unite himself with God. (Spiritual Elixir, 203)


Sweet remembrance of the Master is the sum total of all practices. We do them only to show that He may not be forgotten in weal or woe. As you think, so you become. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/moc.htm)


To the best of your efforts you should resort to the repetition of charged Names all along your vacant moments and keep yourself immersed in the loving remembrance of the Master. (Spiritual Elixir, 169)


If one tries to live a Godly life, all God’s favors automatically flow down to him. One who loves God need not ask for any favor. It is enough to dedicate our very life to Him and become His bound slaves. It is up to Him to treat us as He wishes. (The Teachings of Kirpal Singh, v. 2, 27)


It is good to work, and one should work wholeheartedly; and then forget it. To continue concerning oneself with countless petty matters will fritter away the attention. This only causes further enmeshing attachments, and wherever your thoughts are, there will you reside. (The Teachings of Kirpal Singh, v. 3, 57)


In this vast creation, everyone is gifted with an individual perception. The heredity, the environment and the teachings inculcated, all combine to make one what he is. We cannot blame anyone for thinking differently in his own way. Everyone has his own temperament and his own way of thinking. They must differ and they do differ vehemently. There is no help for it. It is, on the other hand, the sign of sentient life. We must not therefore, on that account, cross swords with them. (The Way of the Saints, 257)


Any time you feel overtaken with unloving thoughts towards anybody, you should resort to the Simran of Names and think of the Master. (The Teachings of Kirpal Singh, v. 2, 34)


You should please be rest assured that the blood and near relations of the initiates are granted feasible protection and help in the beyond. (Spiritual Elixir, 252)

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It is difficult to control your senses, to rise above body consciousness, to keep thoughts pure and not to think ill of others. If we accomplish these things, it is not difficult to realize God. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/reform.htm)


(Initiation) is predestined and preordained in the frame-work of the divine plan that certain souls are to be accepted and initiated by each Master during His ministry, and many a time it so happens that those who are ostensibly unworthy are accepted. (Spiritual Elixir, 51)


The diary helps to bring out many of the hidden underlying weaknesses to the surface so that one may begin to see them and try to remove them one by one, and with their removal, life becomes more pleasant and spiritual progress is accelerated. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/gemsq.htm)


The Audible Life Stream is the shield of the initiate and even the Angel of Death dreads its presence and cannot reach the initiate, when he or she is a devoted disciple of the living Master. (Spiritual Elixir, 220)


To the loving and obedient disciple there should be no fear of death. It will only change the arena of action for the better, until they are escorted to their final home. (Spiritual Elixir, 299)


If you have got love for worldly things, naturally you will come again and again to the world. If you have got love for God or the God-in-man, then where will you go? Where He will go. (ruhanisatsangusa.org/mt/truelove1.htm)


The soul is a prisoner and the Master is the liberator and He works to that end day and night for the benefit of the initiates. The Master’s blessings are always assured in overflowing degrees to the initiates. He wants them to progress within in the least possible time and is happy to see them progress. (Spiritual Elixir, 258)

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The Master’s love for His children is immeasurable and unfathomable and the more it is enjoyed the more it grows.

(Spiritual Elixir, 229)

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The Master-Power overhead is anxiously waiting as to when His children will come to Him and enjoy the most heavenly peace and pure tranquility and celestial calm unheard of and undreamt of in the fleeting and delusive world. (Spiritual Elixir, 197)


The greatest purpose of human life is that one should know one’s Self and know God, and all the rest is mere dissipation. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/vegdiet.htm)


This is the ashram. Body is the ashram. He is waiting for you there. You have not to call Him. He is waiting for you. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/gemsq.htm)


The all-knowing Master looks to your inner-most intentions, the sincerity of purpose in you, and honesty of efforts you make in following His commandments, and bestows on you the gift of His spiritual wealth according to your merits. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/gurbhakti.htm)


Cast away all negative thoughts, and instill positive ones in their place. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/change.htm)


The spontaneous flow of trickling tears goes a long way in washing off the dross of the mind and fortunate is the eye that sheds these, for they leave unending trails of ravishing bliss and harmony. It is the grace of the Master that He remembers His children and the faithfully obedient ones reciprocate His love and benefit from the ocean of compassion and grace. (Spiritual Elixir, 251)


You must bear your karmas cheerfully. You should not complain of what suffering comes to you, because it shows that the Lords of Karma think you are worth helping. However hard it is, be thankful that it is no worse. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/gemsq.htm)


All children are equally dear to the Master and He wants them to blossom into beautiful, loving flowers emitting the deep fragrance of God’s love. And Master’s love for His children surpasses all things…(Spiritual Elixir, 96)

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It is you who have drawn a thick screen of various thoughts in between you and your Friend. Try to remove this screen, then you will see a Friend waiting with outstretched arms, to embrace you with love, to stand by you all through this life and thereafter. (Spiritual Elixir, 207)


Regarding laxity in the prescribed diet, I wish to say to all aspirants on the Path that it is necessary so long as one is in the physical body, vegetarianism should be strictly adhered to. Any relaxation in the matter of diet would not only be a definite hindrance in meditation but would unnecessarily contract karmic reaction. The real goal is to use every means possible to rise into full God-consciousness. (Spiritual Elixir, 243)


Man is so constituted that he cannot for long remain at one level. He either progresses or slips back. You may judge for yourselves which way you are going by seeing how far your minds and senses are coming under your conscious control. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/gemsq.htm)


The only thing to be done is sit in one position with the inner gaze fixed constantly on the darkness or Light, whichever it may be. The rest is for the Master to do who is overhead extending all feasible help. (Spiritual Elixir, 165)


So, in the court of Saints, this is the greatest teaching, the secret of all secrets: that God is won by him who will give his mind. (The Teachings of Kirpal Singh, v. 3, 122)


The load of karmic debt gets lighter by listening to the holy Sound Current even if it is in its lowest links…(Spiritual Elixir, 44)


If only we would obey implicitly for six months, we would see the magical change in our condition. (The Teachings of Kirpal Singh, v. 3, 138)


It is for you to remain devoted to Him, and keep His commandments. The rest is for Him to do. (The Teachings of Kirpal Singh, v. 1, 27)

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Beg from the Lord and the Guru their divine vision, complete self-surrender and the gift of Naam. Pray also to be saved from the evil tendencies of the mind and the senses. Being omnipotent, He is capable of granting us all these boons. Besides this, the seeker may pray for the gift of happily resigning to His sweet will. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/pray/pray_23.htm)


So if all the time we think of Him, no matter while we are engaged in worldly pursuits, we will gradually imbibe His spirit. (The Night is a Jungle, 254)


Be strong in your Simran, it will remove all difficulties. You will become bold and fearless. You will see within so many rivers, mountains – you will cross them by flying over them. Simran will enable you to fly over them. (Spiritual Elixir, 175)


How fortunate is the child who reposes fully, and surrenders completely in the strong, protective and loving care of the Father and becomes carefree and works according to the directions of the benign Father. His life becomes sweet, his problems become easier, and his way clear and easier to tread. Let us all be full of trust in Him. (Spiritual Elixir, 290)


The basic principle of a highly serene life is to accept the divine dispensation with cheer as it is chiefly based on the reactions of our own actions and is invariably flavored with mercy for our eventual betterment. A disciplined devotee should view everything from a highly elevated viewpoint and accept life without any regret or remorse. (Spiritual Elixir, 170)


The mission of my life is to help others to rise above body-consciousness and have a glimpse of the Lord, with the grace of my Master. (Spiritual Elixir, 337)

-23- To shirk one’s duty is timidity, to face it with determination is manly, to take the results with cheer is bravery and to adjust one’s life according to one’s environments is invigorating and peaceful. (Spiritual Elixir, 327)


I quite appreciate your yearnings, but the fact remains that He, the Great within, will surely bless you at the opportune moment when considered fit. (Spiritual Elixir, 154)

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Your physical body is sitting of course, but that time only counts in which attention was not relaxed, was not slackened; continuously dwelling on one subject. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/lok/camel.htm)

-26- How wonderful it is to surrender completely to the One who is competent and loving and to feel His kindly presence and grace working in every sphere of life. I am glad that you truly and sincerely want to give obedience to the Master and are aware of the need for “house cleaning”. The more one is able to develop receptivity by keeping His commandments, the more one is able to feel, retain and enjoy His grace. The Master-Power working overhead will help you in all your efforts. The involuntary tears that flow down the cheeks in loving remembrance of the Master will wash away all the dirt of the mind. The Master’s grace and blessedness is boundless. (Spiritual Elixir, 283)


If man can control the dim hours from sunset to sunrise, he becomes a true human being. But instead we eat, drink, enjoy the worldly pleasures until midnight, and then snore the rest of the night away. (The Night is a Jungle, 347)


Each man has to die in the manner destined by past karma, either by disease or accident. Death cannot befall us before it is due. Then why worry? We may not know as to how we will meet death, whether by disease or by accident, but one thing is sure, that if the sweet remembrance of the Lord exists at the time, we will have a peaceful death as the Master's presence will be overhead. The only thing required to be done is the sweet remembrance of the Lord all the time. (Sant Bani Magazine, January 1984, 16)


After initiation by a competent Master, one is assured of getting to his or her True Home. Those who, after initiation, fall back to a sinful and evil life and are caught in worldly attachments, have to be reincarnated as human beings so that the progress on the Path may continue. (Spiritual Elixir, 242)


Playing with worldly charms and temptations is just like trifling with toys. (Spiritual Elixir, 281)

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The Master's love for the children is unfathomable. It is a thousand times more than the love of a worldly

father and mother put together. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/drops.htm)

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Most fortunate are those who get a link within at the Tenth Door of the Light and Sound of God, to be developed from day to day. The huge mass of humanity is groping in the dark in feelings, emotions and inferences and is not prepared to receive this rare gift. The Master working overhead is aware of all that occurs within the initiates and He continues to work for their benefit. (Spiritual Elixir, 288)


Those who are now better situated may have been like you some time back, or even worse off. They persevered and did the right thing. It gave them strength and power. You can do likewise. It is just a matter of starting anew. Start right now. The Master is anxious to see you progress. He wants His initiates to rise to sublime heights and have their bowls filled to the brim with the Nectar of God-consciousness. But the bowls must first be emptied of the rubbish that they contain in order to make room for the Nectar to be put in. (Spiritual Elixir, 88)


You are protected by the Master-Power working overhead. Depend on Him. You will have all the necessary inner help. The Master is waiting for His dear children to come to Him within. (Spiritual Elixir, 296)


One’s whole life can be changed with meditation and love for the Guru. The Guru will then appear within. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/joyfully.htm)


A true disciple revels in inner bliss-giving silence and has great tolerance and moderation in all things. (Spiritual Elixir, 120)


By developing intense love with the Master, your soul will begin to leave the body of itself without any strenuous efforts on your part. (Spiritual Elixir, 317)


The spiritual aspirants devoted humbly to their spiritual perfection under the gracious guidance of the living Master are blessed with the rare boon of general amnesty for their past karma, otherwise it would be abnormally difficult for them to withstand the strain. Only the barest minimum is to be borne by the disciplined devotees which is invariably flavored with divine mercy. (Spiritual Elixir, 242)


I cannot help emphasizing that all Satsangis, whatever their qualifications and the degrees of advancement, are equally dear to me. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/runs out.htm)

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You need not entertain the idea that Master is far away. He is always with you each fraction of a second, protecting, correcting and patting you internally even when you are fast asleep. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/drops.htm)


You must guard, too, against certain small desires which are common in daily life. Never wish to think, or to appear clever; have no desire to speak. It is well to speak little; better still to say nothing, unless you are quite sure that what you wish to say is quite true, kind, and helpful. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/gemsq.htm)


Happy is the man who awakens from the lethargic sleep of worldly intoxication. (Spiritual Elixir, 259)


This is just like having an effortless effort. You have to become the inner eye itself. Your job is only to see minutely and with a searching eye into the center of the darkness, while repeating the five Names mentally and slowly, and wait. It is for the Master within to give you results more or less according to the background earned as a result of karmic reactions. We cannot get higher results by clutching. The very anxiety and impatience themselves stand in the way. Your part is to sit at the door behind the eyes, and knock and it shall be opened unto you. (letters to Vermont initiates)


Mind is accustomed to roam about externally through ages. Unless it is offered something more joyous within, it cannot be controlled. (Spiritual Elixir, 69)


When you come in contact with Light and Sound Power within, you have not to adopt any virtues, but everything, all virtues, will come within you of themselves. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/lok/occupied.htm)


Remember, he who breaks the wall of the Guru’s orders will never realize the inner knowledge. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/tghp.htm)


Generally, you’ll find we don’t keep His commandments; we simply modify something to our own interests or purposes. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/comeback.htm)

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In all trying circumstances, prayer is the last weapon in our armory. Where all human efforts fail, prayer succeeds. (Spiritual Elixir, 248)


Are you always keeping sweet remembrance of God? Just as if a man has been stabbed and feels pain, so should you feel pain for God. If that is not developed we are nowhere. We are wasting our human life. (ruhanisatsangusa.org/mt/love4god.htm)


The practice of Simran begins with the repetition of the Master’s objective Names slowly with a mental poise. At first the practice is objective, but in time it becomes subjective. Then the constant thought of the Lord continues without cessation. Once this starts, the remembrance becomes automatic, continuous and constant and one never forgets the Lord. (Spiritual Elixir, 184)

-20- The Guru may give happiness or misery, for he has to make a beautiful form from a rough piece of stone and therefore has to wind up all the karmas; but a true follower will never complain, no matter what hardships the Guru allows. (The Teachings of Kirpal Singh, v. 1, 27)


You may well ask why there is this insistent stress on complete self-surrender on the mystic path. The answer is simple: without this absolute surrender of the last vestiges of ego and selfhood and without such complete absorption in the object of one’s love, one cannot attain that unwavering concentration of all one’s faculties which is the prerequisite of all inner progress. (http://www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/gemsq.htm)


The causal spells of depression or discouragement should be avoided by sweetly reposing in His will and pleasure. You should please note that it is the negative attitude of mind which often brings forth such periods of anxiety, resulting in vague frustration and resentment. You should always feel happy and contented while attending to your mundane and spiritual obligations as best as you can. There is no greater grace than having been initiated by the competent living Master and enjoying His protective guidance at each step with His grace. (Spiritual Elixir, 260)

-23- The climax of selfless service is the annihilation of the ego, considering oneself to be a humble servant of the Lord-Master, entrusted with certain duties to be carried out through him or her and deeming it to be a fortune of the highest order. (Spiritual Elixir, 95, 96)

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We are adrift. Sometimes we want God, sometimes the world…Sometimes you are running like a hare, then sleeping, then again turning your head some other way. It’s better to go regularly like a tortoise, step by step, step by step, every day, not turning but going ahead. (The Light of Kirpal, 217)


Perseverance combined with full faith in the gracious Master Power working overhead will one day remove all obstacles, and your cherished goal will be achieved. (The Teachings of Kirpal Singh, v. 2, 121, 122)

-26- With initiation and spiritual practice, one gradually becomes aware of his shortcomings and tries to weed them out; and the more he purifies himself, the more he grows into Divine Life. (Naam or Word, 278)

-27- Purity of body, mind and soul is the most important factor in winning the love of the Lord. It may be considered in three different stages - Repentance, Forgiveness and Abstention. (The Teachings of Kirpal Singh, v. 2, 25)


Regularity, earnestness and accuracy coupled with inner longing and yearnings are the helping factors, which bring one closer to the Master within. (Spiritual Elixir, 154)


All are on the road to perfection and it is not wise for anyone to find fault with others. (Spiritual Elixir, 290)


The initiates of the living Master have a rare privilege, for they are granted divine protection at the time of their final exit from the world. Such disciplined souls are greeted at the last moment by the Radiant Form of the Master, who escorts them into the inner planes for further progress on the Path as may be necessary for each individual. There are many living instances of those leaving the earth plane for good who bore testimony to the Master's presence and make a happy transition, with His Grace. (ruhanisatsangusa.org/follow.htm)


Those who have a ruling passion for and faith in the Master and are doing spiritual practices and have left all attachments of the world, are not to be reincarnated at all. Their souls are placed in the lower planes where with the help of the Master, they work their way to progress and eventually reach their true home. (Spiritual Elixir, 242)

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Do your best and leave the rest to the Power overhead and do not worry. No amount of worry will help you.

Let Him worry for you. (Spiritual Elixir, 87)

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It is really an inspiration in this unhappy and confused world to enjoy the guidance of the Master-Power working over the head of each initiate. Like a loving father, He is always working for the benefit of His children, whether they know it or not, although at times they do know and feel it very vividly. (Spiritual Elixir, 213)


You are advised to draw a thick curtain over the past and just forget everything which has since passed as no amount of repentance or resentment can do it. You must start a new pattern of life. (The Teachings of Kirpal Singh, v. 1, 53)


A disciple who does not see in his Master the Power-of-God is not yet a true disciple. He is yet on probation and continues to be so until he sees in him the glory of God; and this, in the true sense, happens only when the Master reveals His Radiant Form within the disciple. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/gemsq.htm)


A disciple said, “I just want to pray to you that I develop more love and faith in you.” Master told him, “That love will sprout forth when you come in contact with Light and Sound Principle…or sweet remembrance of the Master.” (Sat Sandesh, Sept. 1974, 6)


We must always look to the bright side of things. (Spiritual Elixir, 280)


He who starts seeing another as equal to his Master, HIS SOUL BECOMES AN ADULTERESS. (http://www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/tghp.htm)


Ups and downs do come up as a result of the reactions of one’s own actions, past and present. But they are passing phases. They will come whether one is agitated or remains calm and cool. Meditations in spiritual practices and love and surrender to the Master help to tone down their severity and duration and will produce strength of will to combat difficulties cheerfully and calmly. (Spiritual Elixir, 237)


Do not worry as to what may or may not happen in the near or distant future. The Master always shields His children suitably. (Spiritual Elixir, 205)

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Death and distance are immaterial in the relationship of the Master and the disciple. He is always by his side, here and hereafter. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/jj/jj-intro4.htm)


There is no specific time limit for this second stage (man-making). It all depends upon the disciple’s aptitude for self-discipline, obedience to the commandments of the Master, and developing a love for Him. (The Teachings of Kirpal Singh, v. 2, 6)


The purpose of the diary is to reflect your own inner state, so that you know where you stand. It is a tool, which if used properly, will chisel you into a receptacle fit for the manifestation of the Master within you. (ruhanisatsangusa.org/receptive.htm)


To have inner experiences of Godly Light and Sound is no small thing and really only the fortunate few blessed from above receive them. (Spiritual Elixir, 225)


It is not you who are to control the mind. It is that Power within you. (The Light of Kirpal, 131)


True love, wisdom and power are the greatest gifts that one gets by basking in the sunshine of Heaven’s Light. (The Teachings of Kirpal Singh, v. 2, 92)


If you obey Him, you will become what He is. If not, if your mind steps in and interferes, you will not be able to get anywhere near Him. (The Teachings of Kirpal Singh, v. 1, 28)


If at every moment you are consciously watching your behavior, a calm consideration will replace a blind instinctive reaction to certain situations in life where the choice lies between committing a lapse in behavior or avoiding it. (The Teachings of Kirpal Singh, v. 2, 19)

-17- Remembrance of the Master, day and night, is very helpful. (Spiritual Elixir, 161)

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The more a person attends upon his Guru and diligently follows His instructions, the more he develops his receptivity; and in the same proportion, the Guru reveals to him more and more spiritual experiences. (ruhanisatsangusa.org/gurbhakti.htm)


The most effective way is to come in contact with or enjoy His presence. Once you have enjoyed somebody, then naturally His sweet remembrance will go on…And when you have seen Him, His physical body at your own level, talking to you, have enjoyed His presence, then that effect carries sweet remembrance all the time. Naturally you see, there’s no difficulty. (The Light of Kirpal, 133)


He who resigns himself to the Will of the Master, places himself under the protecting power of the Master, who hastens to awaken the divinity in him. The Master never leaves the probationer once taken over, until He takes him to God, whose prototype He is on earth. (Spiritual Elixir, 217)


Self-denial and abnegation is another stepping-stone to the climax of spirituality. Be completely immersed in the sweet glory of His remembrance, altogether oblivious of the past or future. Just resign and surrender in favor of His divine will. (Spiritual Elixir, 90)


The whole creation is the temple of God. There is no place where He is not. In minerals life is sleeping; in plants life is dreaming; in birds and animals life is awakening; and in man life is awake. As such we are brothers of all creatures, of plants, of birds and animals. So the flowers and trees, sparrows and doves are as members of our own order. How simple, pure, loving and beautiful they are! We should love all. We should live in fellowship with all creatures, with all life. One must not interfere with the life of any animal in God’s creation. (Portrait of Perfection, 143)


Question: How does faith in the Master-Power develop? Answer: By regular practice…Some people are in the make already, they have that grown already. Others have to form faith in due course, not all at once. So it’s better when you see you are helped by Master in all your affairs; when you see some improvement in your inner way. First, when you see quite impossible things are made very softened down, naturally faith arises. …The more you come in contact with Master, and the more you become receptive, the more faith you will have in Him. (ruhanisatsangusa.org/lok,hunger.htm)


The meditation practices should be an easy, natural and enjoyable process, wherein you could sit for extended hours. (Spiritual Elixir, 144)

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Ingratitude is the greatest evil. What has God given us? All that we need and much more. Have we ever offered a thanksgiving prayer for what He has done and the bounteous gifts supplied by Him? If we fulfill these conditions of truthfulness and contentment with a sense of gratefulness, He would not deny us anything for which we may happen to wish. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/search4truth.htm)

-26- Prayer and gratitude are akin. There is much to be grateful for, if we only just count the manifold blessings granted to us by the Master Power. A healthy physical body, strong enough to attend to mundane obligations, and a sound mind purified by meditations in the holy Naam are perhaps the superb blessings. (ruhanisatsangusa.org/wayof.htm)


There will be moments in the course of developing love for the Master when one, judging from one’s own limited understanding, doubts the validity of the Master’s instructions, but such moments are only tests to make our self-surrender more complete and more secure, and he who passes through these tests successfully, will one day radiate with the glory of God. (Spiritual Elixir, 263)


My best wishes are always with you. You may go where you like, live anywhere, and do anything that may serve to help your inner progress. Anything that may retard your inner progress will not be in your interest. (Spiritual Elixir, 308)


Death is no bugbear; it is the name given to a change which comes when one leaves the coarse atmosphere of the earth and enters a finer one of Light. Something like the sun setting in one place and rising in another. (ruhanisatsangusa.org/jewel.htm)


The possibility of future incarnations can be ruled out by gradual development of loving devotion to the Master-Power and aversion for worldly possessions. (Spiritual Elixir, 16)

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Without a connection with the All Sustainer, our life is wasted; nothing remains but preparation for the return to the field of action. (The Night is a Jungle, 356)


An initiate’s earnest longing should be to see and meet the Radiant Form of the Master within and be a constant, conscious recipient of His blissful, loving grace and blessings. The Master-Power overhead helps in all feasible ways to fulfill this desire. (Spiritual Elixir, 176)


The duties of the world have to be done cheerfully while one is on the physical plane. However, the wonderful gift of God that the Master gives us is superb and the more you practice it, the more you will enjoy it. Necessary help and protection will always be forthcoming. (Spiritual Elixir, 268)


I would rather have a handful of disciples, nay even one, who can sacrifice their ego on the spiritual altar and learn to live by love, than millions who understand not the value and meaning of these virtues. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/gemsq.htm)


Whatever goes to develop your love for God, do it. Whatever goes to develop love for your own self, at the cost of the love for God, then leave it. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/gemsq.htm)


A man who has got love with him, love of God, is attached to God so much that all other things leave his mind, he is not attracted by anything else. (The Teachings of Kirpal Singh, v. 3, 93)


A man is not what he appears to be. Everyone has his background of past karmas. Your past karmas have now ripened up and the help is at hand. Food is for the hungry and water is for the thirsty. The reactions of the past lives karma are bearing forth fruit, and what you have been so far is the result of all that. (Spiritual Elixir, 239)


Your Master is constantly with you extending His protective hand and knows what is best for you. Trust in Him; shake off sadness and carry on steadfastly. He is competent and powerful. He never fails His children. (Spiritual Elixir, 227)

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Having received the protection of a God-realized man, do you think He would ever forget you? The Master always holds His disciples in the innermost heart center. (Portrait of Perfection, 189)


The more you will try to eradicate the weaknesses in you and lovingly attend to Simran, Dhyan, and Bhajan, the richer will be the extent of your experiences within. (The Teachings of Kirpal Singh, v. 2, 111)


I would like to remind you that the eating of liver and fish will definitely stand in the way of your spiritual progress without in any way helping you in your illness or in any way extending your lifespan. “Thy days are numbered,” is a well known aphorism. So why unnecessarily create karmic debts which you may easily avoid? (Spiritual Elixir, 244)


You should not have any clutching tendency to have one thing or the other. Simply sit at the door and wait. This sublime silence is best and easily achieved by lovingly and humbly reposing in the gracious Master-Power, to grant and bless you with whatever it deems fit. (Spiritual Elixir, 195)


Mind is very powerful. At the time of deliberation, it makes promises but does not care to fulfill them when the occasion arises. (The Teachings of Kirpal Singh, v. 2, 22)


There is a sound of truth vibrating within – a song which is sung in every being. There is a great attraction in hearing this sound, through which all other attractions will fade away – one becomes free of them. (The Teachings of Kirpal Singh, v. 2, 166)


The highest type of love for the lover is to live in the Will of the Beloved. (Philosophy of the Masters, v. 2, 191)


The difference between one who is advanced on the Way, and one who is not advanced, is that he lives up to what he memorizes, the others don’t. (ruhanisatsangusa.org/lok/occupied.htm)


Become even a little receptive and the Master in you will restrain you when you are in danger of going wrong. (www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/re_mind.htm)

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When you are at work, be completely absorbed in it, and when there is no work, do not permit your mind to wander aimlessly or to remain idle, for “an idle mind is the devil’s workshop” as the saying goes. You should resort either to the repetition of the five holy Names during all vacant hours of the day and night as well as keeping your mind in sweet remembrance of the Master wherever you may be, or in listening to the sweet symphonies of the melodious Word, if it becomes audible. This will leave no room for idle thoughts and they will not disturb you in meditation. (Spiritual Elixir, 250, 251)


The Names given by the competent Master are charged. They invoke the power of the giver. (Spiritual Elixir, 215)


One will go on coming and going until one surrenders one's whole being to the Guru; and this means living in accordance with His wishes, thinking as he advocates. (ruhanisatsangusa.org/dance.htm)


The disciplined initiates should be all the more humble, pious and overwhelmingly grateful for the divine grace. You should know that the Lord is hidden to the naked eye and those to whom He does manifest must be silently receptive and resigned to His will and pleasure. (Spiritual Elixir, 294)


The disciple reaches his final goal in proportion to his own integrity, loyalty and devotion to Master. (Spiritual Elixir, 118)


Never allow yourself to feel sad or depressed. Depression is wrong, because it infects others and makes their life harder, which you have no right to do. Therefore, if ever it comes to you, throw it off at once. (http://www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/gemsq.htm)


All the initiates who have been initiated in the past, if they are faithful to meditation with love and devotion and perseverance are assured of rising to the higher planes and to meet their Radiant Master within. This is their inheritance granted to them from the Lord above. Everything will come up in due time. (Spiritual Elixir, 167)


Christmas is celebrated for Christ was born this day, but the real Christmas will be celebrated when we really make up our minds to fulfill the aim of Christ’s birth, viz., to enter the Kingdom of God within us, and bring the same on earth. (Spiritual Elixir, 319)

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-26- How fortunate is a child who will repose fully and surrender completely in the strong and protective arms and loving care of the Father! He then becomes care-free, leaving all the work to the merciful and benign Father, of working out things as He deems best. Such a life becomes supremely sweet and all his problems become easier and his way becomes clear and smooth. The Master-Power is constantly extending all feasible help and blessings. Let us fully repose our trust in Him. The fortunate ones do as the Master says, and receive all the necessary material help, which goes a long way to assuage the severity of the karmic debts. The difficulties and troubles may come, but they pass off without leaving an ugly mark behind. Please do not lose heart. (Spiritual Elixir, 280)


The teachings of all the Masters, may be of lower order or higher order, are helpful to the initiates provided the latter do not indulge in controversial discussions. Like an intelligent swan (whose beak is blessed with the rare boon of separating milk from water) the disciple should accept goodness from wherever it may be available. (Spiritual Elixir, 28)


At death, some writhe in agony and torment, and others leave in joy and peace. So what is it all about? They say that at the event of any birth the world rejoices, and the newcomer cries – but brothers, you should live such a life that at departure you yourself rejoice, and the whole world cries. This would mean that you had won the gamble of life. (Sant Bani Magazine, Oct. 1988, 7)

-29- Rebirth is only for those who lost their faith, go in actual opposition to the instructions of the Master or who do foul deeds and have very low desires and gross worldly tendencies. That the pan of the scales goes down which is overloaded, and not the other, is the law. (Spiritual Elixir, 58, 59)


Our Master used to give an example of people crossing a river. The sailor first takes one load, then another load, then a third. Those whom Masters have initiated are taken one by one. All will go, some before, some after, but on the other side of the world you will all meet. (ruhanisatsangusa.org/lok/god-enter.htm)

-31- This New Year means a new life to me and those who are attached to me in the noble cause of God. In this period we have to make sacrifices which alone lead to Bhakti. These sacrifices will be of one’s low desires, hatred, ill-will, malice, name and fame, pride and egoistic life. Unless we are ourselves symbols of sacrifices, we cannot advance any further in the divine Path. Without sacrificing all that we have, how can we reach His Bhakti? (Spiritual Elixir, 363)

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Do your best and leave the rest to the Master-Power overhead and leave off all worry and anxiety. It is time to be gay and happy.

(Spiritual Elixir, 192)

You have love for me, and I appreciate it. Many do have love, but they do not obey. Do not waste your precious opportunity in love of this kind. I wish that you should benefit fully from the Priceless Jewel you have been given, and your love should be in this alone:

whatever is told to you – obey. (http://www.ruhanisatsangusa.org/nolove.htm)

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May your soul be happy; journey joyfully.


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