365 citate motiv sa nu cauti putere si incredere in sine in alta parte

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  • 8/17/2019 365 Citate Motiv Sa Nu Cauti Putere Si Incredere in Sine in Alta Parte


    Sa nu cauti putere si incredere in sine in alta parte. Trebuie sa le cauti in tine. Mereu acolo au fost.


    Unicul om cu care sa te compari esti tu, cel din trecut. Si singurul, fata de care trebuie sa fii mai

     bun esti tu, in prezent.(Freud)

    1. “Rsp!nde"te lumina, iar #ntunericul se $a risipi de la sine% & Erasmus

    '. “de$rul nu este proprietatea unei singure persoane, ci comoara #ntregii omeniri.%

    & Ralph Waldo Emerson

    . “*u$intele sunt precum frunzele. colo unde ele abund, arareori mai gse"ti "i roade

     #mpre+ur.% & Alexander Pope

    . “-ragostea #nseamn s iube"te ce este greu de iubit. ltfe, nu poate fi numit o $irtute.%

    & Gilbert Keith Chesterton

    . “/ fapt bun este precum un clopot care c0eam oamenii la #nc0inare.% & proverb danez

    . “ fura idei de la cine$a, este plagiat. le fura de la mai mul2i, este cercetare.% & Legea lui


    3. “*!inilor le $ine u"or s4"i arate afec2iunea. 5i nu se #mbufneaz "i nu stau supra2i. 6u fug

    niciodat de acas c!nd sunt trata2i nedrept. 6u se pl!ng niciodat de m!ncarea ce li se d. 6u

    se pl!ng de cum arat casa. Sunt ca$aleri "i cura+o"i. 7ata s4"i prote+eze stp!na cu pre2ul $ie2ii

    lor. 8e plac copiii, indiferent de c!t de glgio"i "i suprtori ei sunt. *!inilor pur "i simplu le

    place s fie #n compania lor. -e fapt, c!inii fac concuren2 so2ilor (brba2ilor) "i dac ace"tia ar

    copia mai mult din $irtu2ile lor, $ia2a #n familiile noastre ar fi mult mai plcut.% & illy 


    9. “*snicia nu ne face nici mai buni, nici mai ri, ci doar intensific la bine "i la ru ceea ce

    de+a se gse"te #n noi. % & !ydney "# $arris

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    :. “6imic nu $aloreaz mai mult dec!t ziua de azi.% % Goethe

    1;. “6u po i tri o zi perfect fr s faci ce$a pentru cine$a care nu te $a putea rspltiț

    niciodat.% % "ohn Wooden

    11. “F trei preziceri corecte, consecuti$ "i $ei fi considerat un eot rezuma #n dou cu$inte tot ce am #n$ at despre $ia @ merge #nainte.% &ț ț  Robert


    1. “=ia a este ce$a ce faci c!nd nu te po i duce la culcare.% &ț ț  *ran Lebo+itz

    1. “-ac fericirea ta depinde de ce$a ce face altcine$a, atunci c0iar ai o problem.% % Ri&hard


    13. “Amposibilul poate fi #mpr it oric!nd #n posibilit i.% &ț ț   Autor ne&unos&ut

    19. “*ei doi mari inamici ai fericirii sunt durerea i plictiseala.% &ș   Arthur !&hopenhauer

    1:. “-ac nu4 i con$ine ce$a, sc0imb acel lucru. -ac nu4l po i sc0imba, sc0imb modul #nț ț

    care te g!nde ti la lucrul respecti$.% &ș  Mary Engelbreit

    ';. “Tot ce e bun@ ori e imoral, ori este ilegal, ori #ngra".% & Legea lui Murphy 

    '1. “6u4mi place de acel om. Trebuie s4l cunosc mai bine.% & Abraham Lin&oln

    ''. “>rocrastinarea este arta de a ine pasul cu ziua de ieri.% &ț  ,on Mar-uis

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    '. “*ontinu s4 i spui c lucrurile $or merge ru i ai anse mari s de$ii un profet.% &ț ș ș  .saa&


    '. “6u putem direc iona $!ntul, dar putem a+usta p!nzele.% &ț  Autor ne&unos&ut

    '. “Tele$izorul este gum de mestecat pentru oc0i.% & *ran/ Lloyd Wright

    '. “ a$ea un prieten este mai $ital dec!t a a$ea un #nger.% & 'i&hita !t)nes&u

    '3. “6imeni nu poate tri fr prieteni, c0iar dac stp!ne te toate bunurile lumii.% 4ș  Aristotel

    '9. “6u cunoa tem dec!t ceea ce #mbl!nzim. Aar oamenii nu mai au timp s cunoasc nimic.ș

    *umpr lucruri gata fcute de la negustori. i cum nu eentru a4 i men ine ec0ilibrul trebuie s continui sț ț ț

    mergi inainte.% & Albert Einstein

    . “6u te po i #ndrgosti de cine$a cu care nu ai r!s niciodat.% 4ț  Autor 'e&unos&ut

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    . “*r ile mele sunt ca apa. *r ile marilor genii sunt ca $inul. -in fericire toat lumea beaț ț

    ap.% & Mar/ 1+ain

    3. “*!nd puterea de iubire $a dep i iubirea de putere, #n lume $a fi pace.% 4ș  "imi $endrix

    9. “Sunt doar dou feluri de oameni pe lume@ cei care #ncearc s4"i umple goliciunea

    interioar "i acele persoane foarte rare "i deosebite care #ncearc s4"i $ad aceast goliciune.%

    & 2sho

    :. “=alorezi at!t c!t te apreciezi.% & *# Rabelais

    ;. “7lumind putem spune orice, c0iar "i ade$rul.% & !igmund *reud

    1. “7!ndi2i critic "i nu memora2i doar ceea ce $or al2ii s g!ndi2i.% & '#,# Wals&h

    '. “*eea ce nu trim la timp, nu trim niciodat.% 4 2&tavian Paler

    . “Mai bine o dragoste pierdut, dec!t una nea$ut.% & Mir&ea Eliade

    . “*ea mai mare glorie nu o dob!nde"ti atunci c!nd nu e"te dobor!t niciodat, ci atunci c!nd

    te ridici dup ce ai czut.% & Con3u&ius

    . “8enea este mama a nou in$en2ii din zece.% 4 Legea lui Murphy 

    . “=ia2a este o tragedie c!nd este pri$it #n prim4plan "i o comedie c!nd o pri$e"ti #n plan

    larg.% & Charlie Chaplin

    3. “>o2i s trie"ti o sut de ani, dac renun2i la toate acele lucruri care te fac s #2i dore"ti s

    trie"ti at!t.% & Woody Allen

    9. “6u permite ca opiniile celorlal2i s de$in realitatea ta.% & Les ro+n

    :. “de$rata ignoran2 nu este absen2a cunoa"terii, ci refuzul de a o dob!ndi% & Karl


  • 8/17/2019 365 Citate Motiv Sa Nu Cauti Putere Si Incredere in Sine in Alta Parte


    ;. “Trebuie s42i dore"ti s fii puternic. ltfel, nu $ei a+unge niciodat a"a.% & *riedri&h


    1. “>e cer nu e

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    . “-e fiecare dat c!nd e de fcut ce$a greu, #l deleg celui mai lene" om, pentru c

     #ntotdeauna gse"te o metod rapid de a face acel lucru.% & Walter Chrysler

    . “5ficien2a este atunci c!nd faci lucrurile bine, eficacitatea este atunci c!nd faci lucrurile care

    sunt bune.% & Peter ,ru&/er

    . “>rogresul nu este pro$ocat de ctre cei care se trezesc primii, el este pro$ocat de ctre

    oamenii lene"i care caut mereu un mod mai u"or de a face un lucru.% & Robert A# $einlein

    3. “?n $ia nu prime ti niciodat ceea ce meri i, ci ceea ce negociezi.% &ț ș ț  1homas Edison

    9. “Toat lumea "tie c anumite lucruri sunt irealizabile, p!n c!nd $ine cine$a care nu "tie

    acest lucru "i le realizeaz.% & Albert Einstein

    :. “Mul2i dintre cei care e"ueaz o fac pentru c nu "i4au dat seama c!t de aproape au fost de

    succes #nainte de a renun2a.% & 1homas Edison

    3;. “Ani2ial a fost o lume a brba2ilor. poi, a aprut 5$a.% & Ri&hard Armour

    31. “-ac iubirea este rspunsul, pute2i s repeta2i #ntrebareaC% & Lily 1omlin

    3'. “S pari slab atunci c!nd e"ti puternic "i puternic atunci c!nd e"ti slab.% & !un 1zu

    3. “/amenii de"tep2i $orbesc pentru c au ce$a de spusD pro"tii, pentru c trebuie s spun

    ce$a.% & Platon

    3. “>ierdem trei sferturi din noi #n"ine #n #ncercarea de a fi ca al2i oameni.% & Arthur


    3. “6u po2i opri $alurile, #ns po2i #n$2a s na$ig0ezi.% 4 "on Kabat (inn

    3. “?n momentul #n care te mul2ume"ti cu mai pu2in dec!t meri2i, $ei primi c0iar mai pu2in

    dec!t at!t.% &Maureen ,o+d

  • 8/17/2019 365 Citate Motiv Sa Nu Cauti Putere Si Incredere in Sine in Alta Parte


    33. “*aut ridicolul #n toate lucrurile "i #l $ei gsi.% & "ules Renard

    39. “>rimul om care a preferat s #n+ure dec!t s dea cu piatra poate fi considerat in$entatorul

    ci$iliza2iei.% &!igmund *reud

    3:. “Mul2i indi$izi din societatea modern sunt ca barcagii@ trag la $!sle, dar stau cu spatele la

     $iitor.% &$enry Coand)

    9;. “-ac gse"ti un drum fr obstacole, probabil c drumul acela nu duce nicieri.% 4 "# *#


    91. “5

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    :;. “Toate comorile pm!ntului nu pot cumpra o "ans pierdut.% & Amanda !&ott

    :1. “8impede nu $ezi dec!t cu inima, oc0ii nu pot s ptrund #n miezul lucrurilor.% 4 Antoine

    de !aint Exupery 

    :'. “6imeni nu te poate face s suferi fr permisiunea taE% & Eleanor Roosevelt

    :. “Faima e

  • 8/17/2019 365 Citate Motiv Sa Nu Cauti Putere Si Incredere in Sine in Alta Parte


    1;. G5 ti acela i azi ca i peste cinci ani, cu eroblema e c tu nu le $ezi.% IaK bra0amț ș

    1;:. 5 ti a a cum e ti pentru ca a a $rei s fii. -ac realmente ai $rea s fii altfel, ai fi de+a #nș ș ș ș

    plin proces de sc0imbare.% Fred Smit0 #n citate moti$ationale

    11;. G*el care st la umbr astzi, o face pentru c a plantat un copac cu mult timp #n urm.%

     Narren Huffett ($ezi i cartea =ia a lui Narren Huffett)ș ț

    111. G=iitorul m intereseaz foarte mult. 5ste locul unde am de g!nd s4mi petrec urmtorii ani

    de $ia .%ț  NoodK llen

    11'. “Seamana un gand si $ei culege o actiuneD seamana o actiune si $ei culege un obiceiD

    seamana un obicei si $ei culege un caracterD seamana un caracter si $ei culege un

    destin.% Charles Reade

    11. “Suntem ceea ce facem in mod repetat. 5

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    11. “6u incerca sa faci un lucru cu e

  • 8/17/2019 365 Citate Motiv Sa Nu Cauti Putere Si Incredere in Sine in Alta Parte


    1'9. “-a sansa fiecarei zile sa fie cea mai frumoasa din $iata ta.% Mar/ 1+ain

    1':. “=iseaza ca si cand ai trai pentru totdeauna, traieste ca si cand ai muri azi.% "ames


    1;. “/amenii fericiti planifica actiuni, nu planifica rezultate.% ,ennis Wholey 

    11. “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we

    recommend it daily.

    1'. 5it0er Orite somet0ing Oort0 reading or do somet0ing Oort0 Oriting. & Hen+amin


    1. N0en e$erKt0ing seems to be going against Kou, remember t0at t0e airplane taes off 

    against t0e Oind, not Oit0 it. & JenrK Ford


    1. At does not matter 0oO sloOlK Kou go as long as Kou do not stop. & *onfucius

    1. Huild Kour oOn dreams, or someone else Oill 0ire Kou to build t0eirs. & Farra0 7raK 

    13. N0en A let go of O0at A am, A become O0at A mig0t be. & 8ao Tzu

    19. 5$erKt0ing 0as beautK, but not e$erKone can see. & *onfucius

    1:. N0en A let go of O0at A am, A become O0at A mig0t be. & 8ao Tzu

    1;. 5$erKt0ing 0as beautK, but not e$erKone can see. & *onfucius

    11. Pou mae a li$ing bK O0at Kou getD Kou mae a life bK O0at Kou gi$e. & Ninston


    1'. Leep Kour face to t0e suns0ine and Kou can ne$er see t0e s0adoO. & Jelen Leller

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    1. T0e best OaK out is alOaKs t0roug0. & Robert Frost

    1. Mae eac0 daK Kour masterpiece. & Io0n Nooden

    1. T0e best dreams 0appen O0en KouQre aOae. & *0erie 7ilderbloom

    1. -onQt count t0e daKs, mae t0e daKs count. & Mu0ammad li

    13. T0e difference betOeen ordinarK and e

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    13. At does not matter 0oO sloOlK Kou go as long as Kou do not stop. & *onfucius

    19. Huild Kour oOn dreams, or someone else Oill 0ire Kou to build t0eirs. & Farra0 7raK 

    1:. A Oould rat0er die of passion t0an of boredom. & =incent $an 7og0

    1;. A didnQt fail t0e test. A +ust found 1;; OaKs to do it Orong. & Hen+amin Franlin

    11. 8imitations li$e onlK in our minds. Hut if Oe use our imaginations, our possibilities

     become limitless. & Iamie >aolinetti

    1'. *0allenges are O0at mae life interesting and o$ercoming t0em is O0at maes life

    meaningful. & Ios0ua I. Marine

    1. Too manK of us are not li$ing our dreams because Oe are li$ing our fears. & 8es


    1. Af t0e Oind Oill not ser$e, tae to t0e oars. & 8atin >ro$erb

    1. Af KouQre offered a seat on a rocet s0ip, donQt as O0at seatE Iust get on. & S0erKl


    1. Jappiness is not somet0ing readKmade. At comes from Kour oOn actions. & -alai


    13. N0en A let go of O0at A am, A become O0at A mig0t be. & 8ao Tzu

    19. 5$erKt0ing 0as beautK, but not e$erKone can see. & *onfucius

    1:. FeO t0ings can 0elp an indi$idual more t0an to place responsibilitK on 0im, and to

    let 0im noO t0at Kou trust 0im. & Hooer T. Nas0ington

    13;. T0ere is onlK one OaK to a$oid criticism@ do not0ing, saK not0ing, and be not0ing. &


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    131. T0e best re$enge is massi$e success. & Fran Sinatra

    13'. 5it0er Kou run t0e daK, or t0e daK runs Kou. & Iim Ro0n

    13. Ninning isnQt e$erKt0ing, but Oanting to Oin is. & =ince 8ombardi

    13. Pour time is limited, so donQt Oaste it li$ing someone elseQs life. & Ste$e Iobs

    13. 8ife is O0at 0appens to Kou O0ile KouQre busK maing ot0er plans. & Io0n 8ennon

    13. Iust noO, O0en Kou trulK Oant success, KouQll ne$er gi$e up on it. 6o matter 0oO 

     bad t0e situation maK get. & UnnoOn

    133. A donQt regret t0e t0ings AQ$e done, A regret t0e t0ings A didnQt do O0en A 0ad t0ec0ance. & UnnoOn

    139. Jappiness cannot be tra$eled to, oOned, earned, or Oorn. At is t0e spiritual


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    19. 6e$er gi$e up on somet0ing t0at Kou canQt go a daK Oit0out t0ining about. &


    19. N0en Kou feel lie gi$ing up, remember O0K Kou 0eld on for so long in t0e first

    place. & UnnoOn

    19. lOaKs be a first4rate $ersion of Kourself, instead of a second4rate $ersion of 

    somebodK else. & IudK 7arland

    193. N0at lies be0ind us and O0at lies before us are tinK matters compared to O0at lies

     Oit0in us. & JenrK S. Jasins

    199. *0allenge Kourself Oit0 somet0ing Kou noO Kou could ne$er do, and O0at KouQll

    find is t0at Kou can o$ercome anKt0ing. & UnnoOn

    19:. At is ne$er too late to be O0at Kou mig0t 0a$e been. & 7eorge 5liot

    1:;. ll our dreams can come true&if Oe 0a$e t0e courage to pursue t0em. & Nalt -isneK 

    1:1. T0e best OaK to predict t0e future is to in$ent it. & lan LaK 

    1:'. Af Kou cannot do great t0ings, do small t0ings in a great OaK. & 6apoleon Jill

    1:. n obstacle is often a stepping stone. & Nilliam >rescott

    1:. Pou mae a li$ing bK O0at Kou getD Kou mae a life bK O0at Kou gi$e. & Ninston


    1:. T0e +ourneK of a t0ousand miles begins Oit0 one step. & 8ao Tzu

    1:. N0at Kou do speas so loudlK t0at A cannot 0ear O0at Kou saK. & Ralp0 Naldo


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    1:3. Pou must be t0e c0ange Kou Ois0 to see in t0e Oorld. & 7and0i

    1:9. Toug0 times ne$er last, but toug0 people do. & -r. Robert Sc0uller

    1::. Leep Kour face to t0e suns0ine and Kou can ne$er see t0e s0adoO. & Jelen Leller

    ';;. T0e best OaK out is alOaKs t0roug0. & Robert Frost

    ';1. Mae eac0 daK Kour masterpiece. & Io0n Nooden

    ';'. T0e best dreams 0appen O0en KouQre aOae. & *0erie 7ilderbloom

    ';. -onQt count t0e daKs, mae t0e daKs count. & Mu0ammad li

    ';. T0e difference betOeen ordinarK and e

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    '1. T0e more A Oant to get somet0ing done, t0e less A call it Oor. & Ric0ard Hac0

    '1. Pour imagination is Kour pre$ieO of lifeQs coming attractions. & lbert 5instein

    '1. -o O0at Kou lo$e and t0e moneK Oill folloO. & Mars0a Sinetar

    '1. T0e 0arder A Oor, t0e lucier A get. & 7arK >laKer

    '13. 5$en if Kou fall on Kour face, KouQre still mo$ing forOard. & =ictor Liam

    '19. T0e purpose of our li$es is to be 0appK. & -alai 8ama

    '1:. N0en in doubt, smile.

    '';. At is not enoug0 to be busKD so are t0e ants. T0e uestion is@ N0at are Oe busK 

    aboutC Henry David Thorea

    ''1. “T0e uicest OaK to double Kour moneK is to fold it o$er and put it bac in Kour pocet.%%

     Will Rogers

    '''. “N0oe$er lo$es muc0, performs muc0, and can accomplis0 muc0, and O0at is done in lo$eis done Oell.%% 4in&ent 4an Gogh

    ''. “*ourage is t0e first of 0uman ualities because it is t0e ualitK O0ic0 guarantees all

    ot0ers.%% Winston Chur&hill

    ''. “T0e great t0ing in t0is Oorld is not so muc0 O0ere Kou stand, as in O0at direction Kou are

    mo$ing.%% 2liver Wendell $olmes

    ''. “Af not us, O0oC Af not noO, O0enC%% "ohn *# Kennedy 

    ''. “-onQt OorrK about failures, OorrK about t0e c0ances Kou miss O0en Kou donQt e$en trK.%%

    "a&/ Can3ield

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    ''3. “T0oug0 no one can go bac and mae a brand neO start, anKone can start from noO and

    mae a brand neO ending.%% Carl ard

    ''9. “Some men see t0ings as t0eK are and saK O0K & A dream t0ings t0at ne$er Oere and saK 

     O0K not.%% George ernard !ha+ 

    '':. “T0e onlK OaK of finding t0e limits of t0e possible is bK going beKond t0em into t0e

    impossible.%% Arthur C# Clar/e

    ';. “Spea less t0an Kou noOD 0a$e more t0an Kou s0oO.%% William !ha/espeare

    '1. “-o not go O0ere t0e pat0 maK lead, go instead O0ere t0ere is no pat0 and lea$e a trail.%%

    Ralph Waldo Emerson

    ''. “5$erK noble Oor is at first impossible.%% 1homas Carlyle

    '. “6obodK e$er Orote doOn a plan to be broe, fat, lazK, or stupid. T0ose t0ings are O0at

    0appen O0en Kou donQt 0a$e a plan.%% Larry Winget

    '. “Rule 1 of life. -o O0at maes P/U 0appK.%% 5n/no+n

    '. “T0e best re$enge is massi$e success.%% *ran/ !inatra

    '. “At is not enoug0 to aim, Kou must 0it.%% .talian Proverb

    '3. “*0allenges are O0at mae life interesting and o$ercoming t0em is O0at maes life

    meaningful.%% "oshua "# Marine

    '9. “5$erK strie brings me closer to t0e ne

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    ';. “/ur li$es begin to end t0e daK Oe become silent about t0ings t0at matter.%% Martin

    Luther King "r#

    '1. “T0e mind is e$erKt0ing. N0at Kou t0in Kou become.%% uddhA 

    ''. “What yo do spea!s so lodly that " cannot hear what yo say.# $%alph Waldo &merson

    '. “'a!e each day yor masterpiece.# $(ohn Wooden

    '. )nce yo choose hope, anything’s possible.# $*hristopher %eeve

    '. “+o mst not only aim right, bt draw the bow with all yor might.# $Henry David 


    '. “-ight tomorrow with today.# $&liabeth /arrett /rowning

    '3. “&verything yo’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.# $0eorge 1ddair

    '9. “1 year from now yo may wish yo had started today.# $2aren -amb

    ':. “There are no traffic 3ams along the e4tra mile.# $%oger 5tabach

    ';. “Do what yo can, where yo are, with what yo have.# $Teddy %oosevelt 

    '1. “The road to &asy 5treet goes throgh the sewer.# $(ohn 'adden

    ''. “"f there is no strggle, there is no progress.# $6rederic! Doglass

    '. “What we fear doing most is sally what we most need to do.# $Tim 6erriss

    '. “The more " want to get something done, the less " call it wor!.# $%ichard /ach

    '. +or imagination is yor preview of life’s coming attractions.# $1lbert &instein

    '.  Do what yo love and the money will follow.# $'arsha 5inetar

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    '3. The harder " wor!, the lc!ier " get.# $0ary Player

    '9. +o7ve got to bmble forward into the n!nown.# $6ran! 0ehry

    ':. “&ven if yo fall on yor face, yo’re still moving forward.# $8ictor 2iam

    ';. The price of anything is the amont of life yo e4change for it.# $Henry David Thorea

    '1. “)bsessed is 3st a word the lay se to describe the dedicated.# $%ssell Warren

    ''. “5omeday is not a day of the wee!.# $Denise /rennan9:elson

    '. “There are no short cts to any place worth going.# $/everly 5ills

    '. “8ery often a change of self is needed more than a change of scene.# $1rthr *hristopher


    '. *hange yor thoghts and yo change yor world.# $:orman 8incent Peale

    '.  1lways ma!e a total effort, even when the odds are against yo.# $1rnold Palmer

    '3. “"f yo have everything nder control, yo’re not moving fast enogh.# $'ario 1ndretti 

    '9. “" will go anywhere as long as it is forward.# $David -ivingston

    ':. “"f yo aren’t going all the way, why go at all; $(oe :amath

    '3;. “Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try.# $+oda

    '31.  (st !eep going. &verybody gets better if they !eep at it.# $Ted Williams

    '3'. “*hoosing a goal and stic!ing to it changes everything.# $5cott %eed 

    '3. “Don’t wish it were easier, wish yo were better.# $(im %ohn

    '3. “The creation of a thosand forests is in one acorn.# $%alph Waldo &merson

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    '3. “+o miss of the shots yo don’t ta!e.# $ Wayne 0ret!y

    '3. “"t’s not whether yo get !noc!ed down, it’s whether yo get p.# $8ince -ombardi

    '33. What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.# $:apoleon Hill

    '39.  "t wasn’t raining when :oah bilt the ar!.# $Howard %ff

    '3:. “:ever let yor memories be greater than yor dreams.# $Dog "vester

    '9;. At is ne$er too late to be O0at Kou mig0t 0a$e been.

    '91. “ll O0o 0a$e accomplis0ed great t0ings 0a$e 0ad a great aim, 0a$e fi

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    '99. “*0ase Kour passion, not Kour pension.% & -enis NaitleK 

    '9:. “6e$er folloO Kour dreams. FolloO Kour effort. AtQs not about O0at Kou can dream of.

    T0atQs easK. AtQs about O0et0er or not itQs important enoug0 to Kou to do t0e Oor to be

    readK to be successful in t0at business.% & Mar *uban

    ':;. “T0ere is no greatness Oit0out passion to be great, O0et0er itQs t0e aspiration of an

    at0lete or an artist, a scientist, a parent, or a businessperson.% & nt0onK Robbins

    ':1. “A learned t0is, at least, bK mK eut Kour future in good 0ands & Kour oOn.% &

    Mar =ictor

    ':. “T0is is a classic negotiation tec0niue. AtQs a gentle, soft indication of Kour

    disappro$al and a great OaK to eep negotiating. *ount to 1;. HK t0en, t0e ot0er person

    usuallK Oill start taling and maK $erK Oell mae a 0ig0er offer.% & Hill *oleman

    ':. “8et us ne$er negotiate out of fear. Hut let us ne$er fear to negotiate.% & Io0n F.


    ':3. “-onQt bargain Kourself doOn before Kou get to t0e table.% & *arol Fro0linger

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    ':9. “Je O0o 0as learned to disagree Oit0out being disagreeable 0as disco$ered t0e most

     $aluable secret of a diplomat.% & Robert 5stabroo 

    '::. “Pou must ne$er trK to mae all t0e moneK t0atQs in a deal. 8et t0e ot0er felloO mae

    some moneK too, because if Kou 0a$e a reputation for alOaKs maing all t0e moneK, Kou

     OonQt 0a$e manK deals.% & I. >aul 7ettK 

    ;;. “T0e most important trip Kou maK tae in life is meeting people 0alf OaK.% & JenrK 


    ;1. “T0e Oorst t0ing Kou can saK is VA Oant WX for t0is +ob,Q lea$ing no opening for

    negotiation bK t0e ot0er side. Hetter language is VA 0ope to earn betOeen WX and WX.Q T0at

    gi$es t0e ot0er partK more fle

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    ;9. “nger can be an effecti$e negotiating tool, but onlK as a calculated act, ne$er as a

    reaction.% & Mar Mc*ormac 

    ;:. “AtQs a Oell4noOn proposition t0at Kou noO O0oQs going to Oin a negotiationD itQs 0e

     O0o pauses t0e longest.% & Robert *ourt

    1;. “>lace a 0ig0er prioritK on disco$ering O0at a Oin loos lie for t0e ot0er person.% &

    Jar$eK Robbins

    11. “T0e trut0 is, unless Kou let gounless Kou forgi$e t0e situation, unless Kou realize

    t0e situation is o$er, Kou cannot mo$e forOard.% & Ste$e Maraboli

    1'. “N0ene$er Kou mae a mistae or get noced doOn bK life, donQt loo bac at it too

    long. Mistaes are lifeQs OaK of teac0ing Kou. Pour capacitK for occasional blunders is

    inseparable from Kour capacitK to reac0 Kour goals. 6o one Oins t0em all, and Kour failures,

     O0en t0eK 0appen, are +ust part of Kour groOt0. S0ae off Kour blunders. JoO Oill Kou

    noO Kour limits Oit0out an occasional failureC 6e$er uit. Pour turn Oill come.% & /g


    1. “T0ere is no failure e

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    13. “/nlK as 0ig0 as A reac0 can A groO, onlK as far as A see can A go, onlK as deep as A

    loo can A see, onlK as muc0 as A dream can A be.% & Laren Ra$n

    19. “To accomplis0 great t0ings, Oe must not onlK act, but also dreamD not onlK plan, but

    also belie$e.% & natole France

    1:. “Success is not final, failure is not fatal@ it is t0e courage to continue t0at counts.% &

     Ninston *0urc0ill

    ';. “Reac0 0ig0, for t0e stars lie 0idden in Kour soul. -ream deep, for e$erK dream

    precedes t0e goal.% & >amela =aull Starr

    '1. “/nlK t0ose O0o Oill ris going too far can possiblK find out 0oO far one can go.% &

    T.S. 5liot

    ''. “7oals are dreams Oit0 deadlines.% & -iana Sc0arf Junt

    '. “Man cannot disco$er neO oceans unless 0e 0as t0e courage to lose sig0t of t0e

    s0ore.% & ndre 7ide

    '. “*rKstallize Kour goals. Mae a plan for ac0ie$ing t0em and set Kourself a deadline.

    T0en, Oit0 supreme confidence, determination and disregard for obstacles and ot0er

    peopleQs criticisms, carrK out Kour plan.% & >aul I. MeKer

    '. “7oals are a means to an end, not t0e ultimate purpose of our li$es. T0eK are simplK 

    a tool to concentrate our focus and mo$e us in a direction. T0e onlK reason Oe reallK pursue

    goals is to cause oursel$es to e

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    '3. “Pour time is limited, so donQt Oaste it li$ing someone elseQs life. -onQt be trapped bK 

    dogma & O0ic0 is li$ing Oit0 t0e results of ot0er peopleQs t0ining. -onQt let t0e noise of 

    ot0erQs opinions droOn out Kour oOn inner $oice. nd most important, 0a$e t0e courage to

    folloO Kour 0eart and intuition. T0eK some0oO alreadK noO O0at Kou trulK Oant to

     become. 5$erKt0ing else is secondarK.% & Ste$e Iobs

    '9. “T0e future belongs to t0ose O0o belie$e in t0e beautK of t0eir dreams.% & 5leanor


    ':. “>eople often saK t0at moti$ation doesnQt last. Nell, neit0er does bat0ing & t0atQs

     O0K Oe recommend it dailK.% & Big Biglar

    ;. “Success means 0a$ing t0e courage, t0e determination, and t0e Oill to become t0e

    person Kou belie$e Kou Oere meant to be.% & 7eorge S0ee0an

    1. “For last KearQs Oords belong to last KearQs language and ne

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    . “To dream anKt0ing t0at Kou Oant to dream. T0atQs t0e beautK of t0e 0uman mind.

    To do anKt0ing t0at Kou Oant to do. T0at is t0e strengt0 of t0e 0uman Oill. To trust Kourself 

    to test Kour limits. T0at is t0e courage to succeed.% & Hernard 5dmonds

    3. “T0roug0 perse$erance manK people Oin success out of O0at seemed destined to be

    certain failure.% & Hen+amin -israeli

    9. “A do not t0in t0ere is anK ot0er ualitK so essential to success of anK ind as t0e

    ualitK of perse$erance. At o$ercomes almost e$erKt0ing, e$en nature.% & Io0n -.


    :. “ little more persistence, a little more effort, and O0at seemed 0opeless failure maK 

    turn to glorious success.% & 5lbert Jubbard

    ;. “8ife is not easK for anK of us. Hut O0at of t0atC Ne must 0a$e perse$erance and

    abo$e all confidence in oursel$es. Ne must belie$e t0at Oe are gifted for somet0ing, and

    t0at t0is t0ing, at O0ate$er cost, must be attained.% & Marie *urie

    1. “8ife is a c0allenge, meet itE 8ife is a dream, realize itE 8ife is a game, plaK itE 8ife is

    lo$e, en+oK itE% & Sri Sat0Ka Sai Haba

    '. /portunit ile bat #ntotdeauna la u . >roblema e c cei mai mul i oameni au radioulț ș ț

     #ndoielii de sine la $olum mult prea mare ca s le aud. & Hrian =aszilK 

    . G>o i afla mai multe despre o persoan prin ceea ce spune ea despre ceilal i dec!t prin ceeaț ț

    ce spun ceilal i despre ea.%ț   1drey Hepbrn

    . G?ncearc sa fii un om de $aloare i nu neaprat un om de succes.%ș   1lbert &instein

    . =ia2a poate fi #n2eleas numai pri$ind #napoi, dar trebuie trit pri$ind #nainte.%  5oren


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    . G*ea mai mare gre eal pe care o poate face cine$a este s #i fie fric s gre easc.%ș ș   &lbert 


    3. Gi cura+ul s # i ascul i inima i intui iaE 5le tiu de+a ceea ce $rei tu s de$ii cuț ț ș ț ș

    ade$rat.% 5teve (obs

    9. Gcolo unde e ti se afl lumea #ntreag.%ș  William 5ha!espeare

    :. . G-ac iube ti $ia a, i $ia a te $a iubi pe tine.%ș ț ș ț   1rthr %binstein

    ;. . G*el mai greu lucru de pstrat e ec0ilibrul.% (ean 0renier

    1. G=ia2a e prea important ca s fie luat #n serios.% )scar Wilde

    '. G/amenii nu #"i mai dau seama de bucuria de a tri, pentru c nici nu mai "tiu s pri$easc

    minunile 6aturii.% *onstantin /r?nc i ș

    . G-ac ar fi s #mi triesc din nou $ia a, a face acelea i gre eli doar c maiț ș ș ș

    de$reme.% Talllah /an!head 

    . GAa #n considerare c!t de greu este s te sc0imbi pe tine i $ei #n elege ce anse mici ai ca s4ș ț ș

    i sc0imbi pe ceilal i.%ț   (acob '. /rade

    . GSingurul lucru constant #n $ia este sc0imbarea.%ț   6rancois de la %ochefocald 

    . G*el mai bun mi+loc de a #n$2a s te cuno"ti e s #ncerci a4i #n2elege pe ceilal2i.% 1ndre 0ide

    . 6u lasa ca ieri sa foloseasca prea mult din astazi. (*0eroee)

    . Biua si noaptea nu pot ramane impreuna. (-uOamis0)

    . 5ste mai bine sa ai mai putin tunet in gura si mai mult fulger in mana. (pac0e)

    3. 6iciun rau nu se poate intoarce la sursa, insa toate raurile trebuie sa inceapa de unde$a. (Trib


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    13. 6u poti trezi un om care pretinde ca doarme. (6a$a+o)

    19. >une intrebari din inima si ti se $a raspunde din inima. (/ma0a)

    1:. *unostintele care nu sunt folosite sunt abuzate. (*ree)

    ';. =iata nu este separata de moarte. -oar arata asa. (Hlacfoot)

    '1. -aca un om este intelept ca un sarpe, isi poate permite sa fie inofensi$ ca un porumbel.


    ''. / pasare care a mancat nu poate zbura alaturi de o pasare care este flamanda. (/ma0a)

    '. Suntem rude cu toate lucrurile si in toate lucrurile. (Siou