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360 (SLÏMme) Leiderschap quotes “Het tijdperk van verandering is voorbij... het tijdperk van ontwikkeling is aangebroken” – Ruud van Lent 360 (SLÏMme) leiderschap quotes van bekende en onbekende leiders uit de (recente) geschiedenis: ter inspiratie, reflectie en groei van jou in je rol als leidinggevende. Geselecteerd op nieuw en dienend-leiderschap en aangeboden via het Servant Leadership Ïn Motion gedachtegoed. ruudOntwikkelt S.L.Ï.M > Servant Leadership In Motion

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360 (SLÏMme) Leiderschap quotes“Het tijdperk van verandering is voorbij... het tijdperk van ontwikkeling is

aangebroken” – Ruud van Lent

360 (SLÏMme) leiderschap quotes van bekende en onbekende leiders uit de(recente) geschiedenis: ter inspiratie, reflectie en groei van jou in je rol als


Geselecteerd op nieuw en dienend-leiderschap en aangeboden via hetServant Leadership Ïn Motion gedachtegoed.

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InhoudsopgaveS.L.Ï.M. > Servant Leadership ïn Motion......................................................................................................................... 4

Servant Leadership...................................................................................................................................................... 4Ïn Motion....................................................................................................................................................................... 5

Quotes ( Jezelf, Anderen, Organisaties Leiden)........................................................................................................... 6Jezelf Leiden................................................................................................................................................................ 6Anderen Leiden.......................................................................................................................................................... 13Organisaties leiden................................................................................................................................................... 20

Quotes over de 10 Karakteristieken............................................................................................................................ 23Bewustzijn.................................................................................................................................................................. 23Luisteren..................................................................................................................................................................... 23Overtuigingskracht................................................................................................................................................... 23Empathie..................................................................................................................................................................... 24Commitment aan groei............................................................................................................................................. 24Helend vermogen...................................................................................................................................................... 24Bouwen aan gemeenschap...................................................................................................................................... 25Conceptualiseren....................................................................................................................................................... 25Vooruitzien................................................................................................................................................................. 25Rentmeesterschap.................................................................................................................................................... 26

RuudOntwikkelt > Diensten.......................................................................................................................................... 27Over Ruud van Lent........................................................................................................................................................ 28

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S.L.Ï.M. > Servant Leadership ïn MotionS.L.Ï.M. staat voor Servant Leadership In Motion: een visualisatie van mijn overtuigingen, gestoeld op het

gedachtengoed van Servant Leadership.

Een andere manier van kijken waarmee een gemeenschappelijk kader aanreikt wordt: de brandstof die

verandering in gang zet en de smeerolie die zorgt dat verandering in gang blijft.

Servant Leadership"Een leider is in de eerste plaats dienaar. Het begint met een fundamenteel, natuurlijk gevoel van dienst

te willen zijn. Vervolgens kan zorgvuldig afwegen je er toe brengen om dat juist in de vorm van leiden te

willen doen. Het specifieke van dit leidinggeven komt tot uiting in de zorg die gegeven wordt, om er

zeker van te zijn dat in de primaire behoeften van de ander wordt voorzien. De beste test: groeien

diegenen die je dient, als mens? Worden ze gezonder, wijzer, vrijer en zelfstandiger? Ontwikkelen ze zich

zodanig dat ze ook zelf dienaar en dienstbaar willen zijn?" – vrij vertaald van Robert K. Greenleaf

Larry Spears, voormalig CEO van The Robert K. Greenleaf Center for Servant-Leadership, heeft het

gedachtegoed van Greenleaf samengevat in tien karakteristieken (worden in volgende hoofdstuk verder


• Bewustzijn

• Luisteren

• Overtuigingskracht

• Empathie

• Commitment aan groei

• Helend vermogen

• Bouwen aan gemeenschap

• Conceptualiseren

• Vooruitzien

• Rentmeesterschap

Binnen S.L.Ï.M. 'plot' ik deze karakteristieken op de as van:

• Jezelf Leiden

• Anderen Leiden

• Organisaties Leiden.

Effectief leiderschap begint met leiding kunnen geven aan jezelf: Jezelf Leiden. Bewust-zijn is daarvoor

randvoorwaardelijk. Wie ben je, wat zijn je drijfveren, waarom doe je wat je doet? Wat is je kracht, wat zijn

je valkuilen?

Op het moment dat je anderen wil gaan leiden, dan zet je daarvoor de karakteristieken Empathie,

Overtuigingskracht en Luisteren voor in.

Aangevuld met de karakteristieken Bouwen aan gemeenschap, Helend vermogen en Commitment aan

groei die als basis worden gelegd vanuit Organisatie Leiden, zullen je medewerkers in hun kracht worden

gezet en door hun groei, zal ook de organisatie groeien.

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Maar waarheen gaat die groei? Daarvoor zijn de karakteristieken Vooruitzien en Conceptualiseren welke

je op organisatie niveau inzet. Zij zorgen voor het kompas en daarmee de richting, maar bovenal maken zij

de organisatie voor de medewerkers zingevend.

Het begint met jezelf, het wordt gefaciliteerd door de leider van de organisatie, het wordt uiteindelijk

gedaan door jou en anderen.

Als je als leider van een organisatie samen met je collega's een verbinding weet te maken tussen wat zin

geeft voor de medewerkers en de zingeving van de organisatie dan zul je zien dat er vertrouwen komt. Dat

vertrouwen is randvoorwaardelijk voor het volledig durven inzetten van je potentieel, jij groeit, jouw

medewerkers groeien en dus groeit je organisatie.

Directeur: "Wat nou als we investeren in de groei van de medewerkers en ze gaan dan weg?"

Leidinggevende: "Wat nou als we het niet doen en ze blijven?"

Rentmeesterschap zit als rode draad door alles wat we doen, het is de maatstaf waartegen we ieder

besluit dienen af te wegen.

Ïn MotionMet ïn motion wordt in beweging bedoeld, beweging dat er daadwerkelijk zaken gedaan moeten worden,

maar ook dat je niet met een vast omrand doel van start kan gaan. Ook het doel is in beweging.

In plaats van heel veel en lang na te denken over hoe e.e.a. het best en meest efficiënt aan te pakken

betekent ïn motion dat je begint met het zetten van een eerste stap: actie. Doordat je efficiënt leiding kunt

geven aan jezelf zul je zien dat de volgende stappen elkaar in steeds sneller tempo gaan opvolgen. Je

voorbeeldig gedragen is hierin zeer belangrijk, omdat je als leider altijd het voorbeeld bent. Daarom ook de

puntjes op de ï.

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Quotes ( Jezelf, Anderen, Organisaties Leiden)

Jezelf Leiden"A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will

say: we did it ourselves." - Lao Tzu

"Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness." - Johann

Wolfgang von Goethe, German poet (1749-1832)

"The highest compliment that you can pay me is to say that I work hard every day." - Wayne Gretzky,

Canadian ice hockey player (1961- )

"Our real blessings often appear to us in the shape of pains, losses and disappointments." - Joseph

Addison, British essayist (1672-1719)

"The future is not some place we are going to but one we are creating. The paths are not to be found,

but made, and the activity of making them changes both the maker and the destination." - John Schaar,

American scholar (1928- )

"Als je toch van plan bent om na te denken, denk dan in elk geval groot." - Donald Trump

"No man has a good enough memory to make a successful liar." - Abraham Lincoln, American president


"Whenever you do a thing, act as if all the world were watching." - Thomas Jefferson, American

president (1743-1826)

"You can only find truth with logic if you have already found truth without it." - G. K. Chesterton, British

novelist (1874-1936)

"Say not always what you know, but always know what you say." - Claudius, Roman emperor (10 B.C.-A.D.


"Always make a total effort, even when the odds are against you." - Arnold Palmer, American

professional golfer (1929- )

"Eerst negeren ze je. Dan lachen ze je uit. Dan vechten ze met je. En dan win je." - Mahatma Gandhi

"Be happy while you're living, for you're a long time dead." - Scottish Proverb

"Let our advance worrying become advance thinking and planning." - Winston Churchill, British prime

minister (1874-1965)

"Common sense is not so common." - Francois Voltaire, French philosopher (1694-1778)

"Slaves do what others want. Servants do what others need." - James C. Hunter

"In reading the lives of great men, I found that the first victory they won was over themselves... self-

discipline with all of them came first." - Harry Truman, American president (1884-1972)

"If a small thing has the power to make you angry, does that not indicate something about your size?" -

Sidney J. Harris, American journalist (1917- 1986)

"Open-deur-beleid heeft geen zin als je zelf gesloten blijft." - Bob Nelson

"Just as people tend to overestimate their strengths, they also tend to overrate their weaknesses." -

Marshall Goldsmith, American author (1949- )

"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." - Ralph Waldo


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"The one quality that all successful people have is the ability to take on responsibility." - Michael Korda,

American author (1933- )

"My philosophy is that not only are you responsible for your life, but doing the best at this moment puts

you in the best place for the next moment." - Oprah Winfrey, American actress (1954- )

"Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but sometimes, playing a poor hand well." - Jack London,

American novelist (1976-1916)

"De enige wijsheid die echt telt is weten dat je niets weet." - Socrates

"Wie anderen wil leiden, moet eerst zijn eigen meester worden." - P. Massinger

"Courage never takes away fear; courage simply redistributes fear to get the job done." - Dan B. Allender

"Right is right, even if everyone is against it, and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it." - William

Penn, British colonizer (1644-1718)

"It’s not about trying to find something to help you be a more effective leader. It’s about trying to be a

better person. The other will follow." - James A. Autry

"We raken niet verstoord door wat er om ons heen gebeurt maar door onze gedachtes er over." -

Epictetus (50 AD-138 AD)

"Persoonlijk leiderschap is het proces van het je voor ogen houden van je visie en je waarden, en je leven

aanpassen om daarmee congruent te zijn." - Stephen R. Covey

"Being defeated is often only a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent." - Marilyn

vos Savant, American author (1946- )

"Peace of mind is that mental condition in which you have accepted the worst." - Lin Yutang, Chinese

author (1895-1976)

"The tragedy of life is not so much what men suffer, but rather what they miss." - Thomas Carlyle, British

essayist (1795-1881)

"Constant dripping hollows out a stone." - Lucretius, Roman poet (ca, 99 B.C.-ca. 55 B.C.)

"The first and best victory is to conquer self." - Plato, Greek philosopher (B.C. 428-347)

"You can do anything in this world if you are prepared to take the consequences." - W. Somerset

Maugham, British novelist (1874-1965)

"You have to have your heart in the business and the business in your heart." - Thomas J. Watson, Sr.,

American business leader (1874-1956)

"Only passions, great passions, can elevate the soul to great things." - Denis Diderot, French philosopher


"You can only lead others as far as you are willing to go." - Dr. Tony Baron

"There never has been, and cannot be, a good life without self-control." - Leo Tolstoy, Russian novelist


"We must be willing to get rid of the life we‘ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us." -

Joseph Campbell, American anthropologist (1904-1987)

"When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not

hold a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn." -

Henry Ward Beecher, American author (1813-1887)

"To believe in something, and not to live it, is dishonest." - Mohandas Gandhi, Indian religious leader


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"Succes is een nevenverschijnsel dat nooit het doel mag worden." - Gustave Flaubert

"The successful people of this world take life as it comes. They just go out and deal with the world as it

is." - Ben Stein, American author (1947- )

"To conquer oneself is a greater task than conquering others." - Buddha, Indian founder of Buddhism

(B.C. 563-483)

"It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that they are

difficult." - Lucius Annaeus Seneca, Roman playwright (B.C 4- A.D. 65)

"Een pessimist ziet in elke kans de moeilijkheden. Een optimist ziet in elke moeilijkheid de kansen." - Sir

Winston Churchill

"Vele mislukkingen zijn het gevolg van het feit dat men niet besefte hoe dicht men bij het succes was,

toen men het opgaf." - Thomas Alva Edison

"Hold yourself responsible to a higher standard than anyone else expects of you. Never excuse yourself."

- Henry Ward Beecher, American author (1813-1887)

"He who knows others is wise, he who knows himself is enlightened." - Lao Tzu, Chinese philosopher (Fl.

B.C. 6th cent.)

"It's not the years in your life that count, it‘s the life in your years." - Abraham Lincoln, American

president (1809-1865)

"The twin killers of success are impatience and greed." - Jim Rohn, American author (1930-2009)

"Things turn out best for people who make the best of the way things turn out." - John Wooden,

American college basketball coach (1910-2010)

"A man should never be ashamed to own that he has been in the wrong, which is but saying, in other

words, that he is wiser today than he was yesterday." - Jonathan Swift, British essayist (1667-1745)

"Als je bezig bent met een hommage aan jezelf, is dat het begin van het einde" - Ricardo Semler

"Succes is het vermogen om keer op keer te falen zonder daarbij je enthousiasme te verliezen." - Sir.

Winston Churchill

"Almost all our faults are more pardonable than the methods we resort to to hide them." - François Duc

de La Rochefoucauld, French author (1613-1680)

"The minute you choose to do what you really want to do, it's a different kind of life." - Buckminster

Fuller, American architect (1895-1983)

"Other people's opinion of you does not have to become your reality." - Les Brown, American author

(1945- )

"Het maakt niets uit wat ik vraag. Hoe meer ik kost, hoe meer mensen denken dat het ergens op slaat

wat ik vertel" - Ricardo Semler

"Never let the fear of striking out get in your way." - Babe Ruth, American professional baseball player


"The best of all things is to learn. Money can be lost or stolen, health and strength may fail, but what you

have committed to your mind is yours forever." - Louis L'Amour, American novelist (1908-1988)

"Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom." - Thomas Jefferson, American president (1743-


"If you start to think the problem is ‘out there,’ stop yourself. That thought is the problem." - Stephen


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"Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment. Full effort is full victory." - Mohandas Gandhi,

Indian religious leader (1869-1948)

"Succes is het resultaat van goed oordelen. Goed oordelen is het resultaat van ervaring. Ervaring is

meestal het resultaat van slecht oordelen." - Anthony Robbins

"Persons of high self-esteem are not driven to make themselves superior to others, they do not seek to

prove their value by measuring themselves against a comparative standard. Their joy is being who they

are, not in being better than someone else." - Nathaniel Branden, American psychologist (1930- )

"If you're proactive, you don't have to wait for circumstances or other people to create perspective

expanding experiences. You can consciously create your own." - Stephen Covey, American author (1932- )

"What you are speaks so loudly I cannot hear what you say." - Ralph Waldo Emerson, American

philosopher (1803-1882)

"Oh, what a great gift we would have if we could only see ourselves as others see us." - Robert Burns,

Scottish poet (1759-1796)

"I believe that every right implies a responsibility, every opportunity, an obligation, every possession, a

duty." - John D. Rockefeller, American business leader (1839-1937)

"Live out of your imagination, not your history." - Stephen Covey, American author (1932- )

"If people knew how hard I have had to work to gain my mastery, it wouldn‘t seem wonderful at all." -

Michelangelo Buonarroti, Italian artist (1475-1564)

"Wij zien de dingen niet zoals zij zijn. Wij zien de dingen zoals wij zijn." - Anaïs Nin

"It is not only what we do, but also what we do not do, for which we are accountable." - Jean Baptiste

Molière, French playwright (1622-1673)

"Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will." - Zig Ziglar, American

author (1926- )

"Tracht niet een man van succes te zijn, probeer liever een man van waarde te zijn." - Albert Einstein

"He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else." - Benjamin Franklin, American

scientist (1706-1790)

"Een beter milieu begint bij jezelf" - campagne

"What is necessary to change a person is to change his awareness of himself." - Abraham H. Maslow

"Als je je met niemand vergelijkt word je wie je bent" - Krishnamurti

"It is the heart always that sees, before the head can see." - Thomas Carlyle, British essayist (1795-1881)

"Falen is succes als we ervan leren." - Malcolm Forbes

"Open your arms to change, but don't let go of your values." - Dalai Lama, Tibetan religious leader (1935-


"The true profession of man is to find his way to himself." - Hermann Hesse

"He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he

has." - Epictetus, Greek philosopher (50-138)

"Now is no time to think of what you do not have. Think of what you can do with what there is." - Ernest

Hemingway, American novelist (1899-1961)

"In the choice between changing one‘s mind and proving there's no need to do so, most people get busy

on the proof." - John Kenneth Galbraith, American columnist (1908-2006)

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"People who shut their eyes to reality simply invite their own destruction." - James Baldwin, American

novelist (1924-1987)

"It is not enough to have a good mind, the main thing is to use it well." - Rene Descartes, French

mathematician (1596-1650)

"Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we often might win, by fearing to attempt." -

William Shakespeare, British playwright (1564-1616)

"You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today." - Abraham Lincoln, American

president (1809-1865)

"How different our lives are when we really know what is deeply important to us, and keeping that

picture in mind, we manage ourselves each day to be and to do what really matters most." - Stephen

Covey, American author (1932- )

"It's a little like wrestling a gorilla. You don't quit when you're tired, you quit when the gorilla is tired." -

Robert Strauss, American politician (1918- )

"The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus." - Bruce Lee, Chinese actor (1940-1973)

"A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd." - Max Lucado

"If it feels like shit, you are being fertilized to grow" - Robert Burney

"The most important thing you can do to achieve your goals is to make sure that as soon as you set them,

you immediately begin to create momentum." - Anthony Robbins, American author (1960- )

"Think for yourself, and let others enjoy the privilege of doing so, too." - Francois Voltaire, French

philosopher (1694-1778)

"A liar will not be believed, even when he speaks the truth." - Aesop, Greek fabulist (B.C. 620-560)

"The least initial deviation from the truth is multiplied later a thousandfold." - Aristotle, Greek

philosopher (B.C. 384-322)

"The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex

overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one." - Mark Twain,

American novelist (1835-1910)

"Nobody who ever gave his best regretted it." - George Halas, American professional football coach


"Management is de dingen goed doen, leiderschap is de goede dingen doen." - Peter F. Drucker

"Do what you are expected to do, and you will survive. Do more than you are expected to do, and you

will thrive." - Harvey Mackay, American author (1933- )

"Everything we shut our eyes to, everything we run away from, everything we deny, denigrate or

despise, serves to defeat us in the end." - Henry Miller, American novelist (1891-1980)

"Most of the corruption and disruption in the corporation is the result of leaders’ failure to lead

themselves." - Dr. Tony Baron

"I don‘t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody." - Bill Cosby,

American actor (1937- )

"Every man I meet is my superior in some way. In that, I learn of him." - Ralph Waldo Emerson, American

philosopher (1803-1882)

"Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with the important matters." -

Albert Einstein, American physicist (1879-1955)

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"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees

with your own reason and your own common sense." - Buddha, Indian founder of Buddhism (B.C. 563-


"When you lose, don't lose the lesson." - Dalai Lama, Tibetan religious leader (1935- )

"What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?" - Vincent Van Gogh, Dutch painter


"Alles wat je in dit leven nodig hebt, zijn onwetendheid en zelfvertrouwen, dan is je succes verzekerd." -

Mark Twain

"If you had a friend who talked to you like you sometimes talk to yourself, would you continue to hang

around with that person?" - Rob Bremer

"Those who make the worst use of their time are the first to complain of its shortness." - Jean de la

Bruyère, French author (1645-1696)

"A professional is one who does his best work when he feels the least like working." - Frank Lloyd Wright,

American architect (1869-1959)

"Alleen maar ‘managen’ komt neer op de maatschappelijke ladder beklimmen en bovenaan ontdekken

dat hij tegen de verkeerde muur staat." - Stephen R. Covey

"Believe you can and you‘re halfway there." - Theodore Roosevelt, American president (1858-1919)

"Not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck." - Dalai Lama, Tibetan religious

leader (1935- )

"Be the change you wish to see in the world" - Gandhi

"Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has plenty, not on your past misfortunes, of

which all men have some." - Charles Dickens, British novelist (1812-1879)

"When anger rises, think of the consequences." - Confucius, Chinese philosopher (B.C.551-479)

"Habit is a cable, we weave a thread of it each day, and at last we cannot break it." - Horace Mann,

American educator (1796-1859)

"Zeg nooit dat je niet genoeg tijd hebt. Je hebt precies evenveel uren per dag als Michaelangelo,

Moeder Theresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson en Albert Einstein." - H. Jackson Brown

"Outside show is a poor substitute for inner worth." - Aesop, Greek fabulist (B.C. 620-560)

"Van alle machtsvertoon is er niet één die zoveel indruk maakt als zelfbeheersing." - Thucydides

"You can't have a better tomorrow if you are thinking about yesterday all the time." - Charles F.

Kettering, American engineer (1876-1958)

"I think the only way to get out of the ego is to get into yourself." - James A. Autry

"The real danger is not that computers will begin to think like men, but that men will begin to think like

computers." - Sidney J. Harris, American journalist (1917- 1986)

"Als je geen plan maakt voor je eigen leven zul je worden ingezet in de plannen van iemand anders." -

Jim Rohn

"We are solely responsible for our choices, and we have to accept the consequences of every deed,

word, and thought throughout our lifetime." - Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, American author (1926-2004)

"To become different from what we are, we must have some awareness of what we are." - Eric Hoffer,

American philosopher (1902-1983)

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"It sometimes seems that intense desire creates not only its own opportunities, but its own talents." -

Eric Hoffer, American philosopher (1902-1983)

"De essentie van kennis is om het te gebruiken, als je het hebt. En om het toe te geven als je het niet

hebt." - Confucius

"The future belongs to him who knows how to wait." - Russian Proverb

"The most fearful unbelief is unbelief in yourself." - Thomas Carlyle, British essayist (1795-1881)

"People with humility don’t think less of themselves, they just think about themselves less." - Ken


"People who fly into a rage always make a bad landing." - Will Rogers, American actor (1879-1935)

"Confidence is the result of hours and days and weeks and years of constant work and dedication." -

Roger Staubach, American professional football player (1942- )

"Publicity is like poison; it doesn’t hurt unless you swallow it." - Joe Paterno

"Nothing so conclusively proves a man's ability to lead others as what he does from day to day to lead

himself." - Thomas J. Watson, Sr.

"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm." - Ralph Waldo Emerson, American philosopher


"Do every act of your life as if it were your last." - Marcus Aurelius, Roman emperor (121-180)

"Indecision is the thief of opportunity." - Jim Rohn, American author (1930-2009)

"Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are." - Malcolm S. Forbes,

American publisher (1919- 1990)

"It is a shame that so many leaders spend their time pondering their rights as leaders instead of their

awesome responsibilities as leaders" - James C. Hunter

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Anderen Leiden"Vertel het mij en ik zal het vergeten, laat het mij zien en ik zal het mij herinneren, betrek mij erin en ik

zal het begrijpen." - Chinees spreekwoord

"The servant-leader is servant first… It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve

first. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead. That person is sharply different from one who is

leader first…" - Robert K. Greenleaf

"Het is wanneer je geen vertrouwen in anderen hebt, dat de anderen geen vertrouwen hebben." - Lao


"Ieder oordeel heeft zijn nadeel" - Johan Kruijf

"A good head and good heart are always a formidable combination." - Nelson Mandela, South African

president (1994-1999)

"We live in a world in which we need to share responsibility. It's easy to say It's not my child, not my

community, not my world, not my problem.‘" - Fred Rogers, American TV host (1928-2003)

"If leadership serves only the leader, it will fail. Ego satisfaction, financial gain, and status can all be

valuable tools for a leader, but if they become the only motivations, they will eventually destroy a

leader. Only when service for a common good is the primary purpose are you truly leading." - Sheila

Murray Bethel

"If you think and achieve as a team, the individual accolades will take care of themselves. Talent wins

games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships." - Michael Jordan, American professional

basketball player (1963- )

"In the time we have it is surely our duty to do all the good we can to all the people we can in all the ways

we can." - William Barclay, Scottish theologian (1907-1978)

"I will smile at friend and foe alike and make every effort to find, in him or her, a quality to praise, now

that I realize the deepest yearning of human nature is the craving to be appreciated." - Og Mandino,

American author (1923-1996)

"The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader

is a servant." - Max De Pree

"No enterprise can exist for itself alone. It ministers to some great need, it performs some great service,

not for itself, but for others; or failing therein it ceases to be profitable and ceases to exist." - US

President Calvin Coolidge

"Leiderschap wordt niet uitgeoefend met woorden, maar met houding en daden." - Harold S. Geneen

"The world will belong to passionate, driven leaders—people who not only have an enormous amount of

energy but who can energize those whom they lead." - Jack Welch, American business leader (1935- )

"One who looks for a friend without faults will have none." - Jewish Proverb

"Gratitude is a duty which ought to be paid, but which none have a right to expect." - Jean-Jacques

Rousseau, French philosopher (1712-1778)

"The best minute you spend is the one you invest in people." - Ken Blanchard

"In life, lots of people know what to do, but few people actually do what they know. Knowing is not

enough! You must take action." - Anthony Robbins, American author (1960- )

"Consider how hard it is to change yourself and you'll understand what little chance you have in trying to

change others." - Jacob M. Braude

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"Nothing would be done at all if one waited until one could do it so well that no one could find fault with

it." - John Henry Newman, British clergyman (1801- 1890)

"You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it." - Margaret Thatcher, British prime minister

(1925- )

"I will pay more for the ability to deal with people than any other ability under the sun." - John D.

Rockefeller, American business leader (1839-1937)

"Life‘s most persistent and urgent question is: What are you doing for others?" - Martin Luther King, Jr.,

American civil rights leader (1929-1968)

"I never got far until I stopped imagining I had to do everything myself." - Frank W. Woolworth, American

business leader (1852-1919)

"Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way." - General George Patton

"Wees vriendelijk tegen hen die je tegenkomt als je de ladder van succes beklimt, want je zult ze later

tegenkomen als je naar beneden komt." - J. Durante

"We are complacently caught in our particular view of the world, which compels us to feel and act as if

we knew everything about the world." - Carlos Castaneda, American author (1926-1998)

"Pretend that every single person you meet has a sign around his or her neck that says, 'Make me feel

important.‘ Not only will you succeed in sales, you will succeed in life." - Mary Kay Ash, American

business leader (1918-2001)

"We must never forget that people buy into the leader before they buy into a mission statement." -

James C. Hunter

"How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged,

sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and the strong. Because someday in life you will

have been all of these." - George Washington Carver, American scientist (1864-1943)

"The purpose of life is not to win. The purpose of life is to grow and to share. When you come to look

back on all that you have done in life, you will get more satisfaction from the pleasure you have brought

into other people's lives than you will from the times that you outdid and defeated them." - Rabbi

Harold Kushner

"I'd like people to know that you can recover from life adversity. You don't have to give up because

you've been down a lot of times." - Ray Charles, American singer-composer (1930-2004)

"There's always a way - if you're committed." - Anthony Robbins, American author (1960- )

"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society

that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift." - Albert Einstein, American physicist (1879-1955)

"Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success." - Henry

Ford, American business leader (1863-1947)

"Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or who says it." - Malcolm X, American political leader (1925-


"One thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and

found how to serve." - Albert Schweitzer, French philosopher (1875-1965)

"Niets is lastiger om aan te pakken, hachelijker om er de leiding over te nemen, of minder zeker van

succes, dan het invoeren van nieuwe dingen, omdat degene die nieuwigheden invoert, hen die het in de

oude toestand goed ging tot vijanden en hen die het onder de nieuwe omstandigheden goed zou

kunnen gaan, als lauwe verdedigers heeft." - Machiavelli

"A big man is one who makes us feel bigger when we are with him." - John C. Maxwell

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"Je managet dingen, je leidt mensen." - Grace Murray Hopper

"Medewerkers letten op het gedrag van de directie, niet op haar verklaringen." - Saul Gellerman

"Aan de top wordt altijd geleid, daaronder wordt meestal geleden." - Martin Kessel

"Als je vrij wilt zijn, moet je je medewerkers laten bepalen hoe zij het doen" - Ricardo Semler

"Few people are successful unless other people want them to be." - Charlie Brown

"To lead the people, walk behind them." - Lao Tzu

"Everyone carries with them at least one piece to someone else's puzzle." - Lawrence Kushner, American

author (1943- )

"You can't get your job done unless you also have the confidence that the other guys are going to get

their jobs done, too. Without them, I'm nothing." - Johnny Unitas, American professional football player


"Do unto others as you would have others do unto you." - Jesus Christ, Jewish founder of Christianity (0-


"Never give an order that can't be obeyed." - Douglas Macarthur, American general (1880-1964)

"Als je de juiste mensen uitkiest en je geeft ze de mogelijkheid hun vleugels uit te slaan, dan hoef je ze

nauwelijks te managen. " - Jack Welch

"The true art of memory is the art of attention." - Samuel Johnson, British essayist (1709-1784)

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." - Martin Luther King, Jr., American civil rights

leader (1929-1968)

"It takes more than a year to make a friend, but you can lose one in an hour." - Chinese Proverb

"Het is beter om als leider op de achtergrond te bijven en anderen naar voren te schuiven. Dit geldt

speciaal bij het vieren van een succes. Jij treedt op de voorgrond als er gevaar dreigt. Dan zullen

"mensen je leiderschap waarderen." - Nelson Mandela

"My research debunks the myth that many people seem to have... that you become a leader by fighting

your way to the top. Rather, you become a leader by helping others to the top. Helping your employees

is as important, and many times more so, than trying to get the most work out of them." - William Cohen

"Responsibilities gravitate to the person who can shoulder them." - Tom Stoppard, Czech playwright

(1937- )

"The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader

is a servant." - Max DePree, American business leader (1924- )

"No one who achieves success does so without acknowledging the help of others. The wise and

confident acknowledge this help with gratitude." - Alfred North Whitehead, British philosopher (1861-


"A strong leader accepts blame and gives the credit." - John Wooden, American college basketball coach


"The purpose of learning is growth, and our minds, unlike our bodies, can continue growing as we

continue to live." - Alfred Adler, Austrian psychiatrist (1870-1937)

"The final test of a leader is that he leaves behind him in other men the conviction and will to carry on." -

Walter J. Lippmann

"To handle yourself, use your head, to handle others, use your heart." - Eleanor Roosevelt, American

diplomat (1884-1962)

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"Example is not the main thing in infuencing others, it is the only thing." - Albert Schweitzer

"The perfect human being is all human beings put together, it is a collective, it is all of us together that

make perfection." - Socrates, Greek philosopher (B.C. 469- 399)

"Action springs not from thought, but from a readiness for responsibility." - Dietrich Bonheoffer, German

theologian (1906-1945)

"Only one who devotes himself to a cause with his whole strength and soul can be a true master. For this

reason mastery demands all of a person." - Albert Einstein, American physicist (1879-1955)

"Servant-leadership is all about making the goals clear and then rolling your sleeves up and doing

whatever it takes to help people win. In that situation, they don't work for you, you work for them." - Ken


"He that is everywhere is nowhere." - Thomas Fuller, British clergyman (1608- 1661)

"It is less important to redistribute wealth than it is to redistribute opportunity." - Arthur Vandenburg,

American political leader (1898-1956)

"It is a terrible, an inexorable law that one cannot deny the humanity of another without diminishing

one‘s own: in the face of one‘s victim, one sees oneself." - James Baldwin, American novelist (1924-1987)

"Your enthusiasm will be infectious, stimulating and attractive to others. They will love you for it. They

will go for you and with you." - Norman Vincent Peale, American author (1898-1993)

"The only freedom which deserves the name, is that of pursuing our own good in our own way, so long

as we do not attempt to deprive others of theirs, or impede their efforts to obtain it." - John Stuart Mill,

British philosopher (1806-1873)

"It's odd that you can get so anesthetized by your own pain or your own problem that you don't quite

fully share the hell of someone close to you." - Lady Bird Johnson, American first lady (1912-2006)

"Leaders must be close enough to relate to others, but far enough ahead to motivate them." - John C.


"Adopt the pace of nature, her secret is patience." - Ralph Waldo Emerson, American philosopher (1803-


"Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others." - Marcus Tullius Cicero,

Roman orator (B.C. 106-43)

"Als we naar de toekomst kijken, dan zullen leiders diegenen zijn die het lukt om anderen aan de macht

te helpen." - Bill Gates

"The goal of many leaders is to get people to think more highly of the leader. The goal of a great leader

is to help people to think more highly of themselves." - J. Carla Nortcutt

"We must be silent before we can listen. We must listen before we can learn. We must learn before we

can prepare. We must prepare before we can serve. We must serve before we can lead." - William Arthur


"People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care." - John C. Maxwell

"The most valuable "currency" of any organization is the initiative and creativity of its members. Every

leader has the solemn moral responsibility to develop these to the maximum in all his people. This is the

leader's highest priority." - W. Edwards Deming

"Als je wilt leiden, moet je volgen." - Lao Tzu

"Doing deals doesn’t yield the deep rewards that come from building up people." - Clayton M.


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"Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe

in themselves, it's amazing what they can accomplish." - Sam Walton

"Een werkgever krijgt doorgaans de werknemers die hij verdient." - Walter Bilbey

"From a worldly point of view, there is no mistake so great as that of always being right." - Samuel Butler,

British novelist (1835-1902)

"You can‘t shake hands with a clenched fist." - Indira Gandhi, Indian prime minister (1917-1984)

"The best index to a person‘s character is (a) how he treats people who can‘t do him any good, and (b)

how he treats people who can‘t fight back." - Abigail Van Buren, American columnist (1918- )

"Human diversity makes tolerance more than a virtue, it makes it a requirement for survival." - René

Dubos, French-American author 1901-1982)

"Een goede leider inspireert mensen om vertrouwen te hebben in de leider, een geweldige leider

inspireert mensen om vertrouwen te hebben in zichzelf." - Eleanor Roosevelt

"Jij zult de vriendelijke woorden die je hebt gezegd misschien vergeten, maar de ontvanger onthoudt ze

een leven lang." - Oprah Winfrey

"Een leider is het meest effectief als mensen ternauwernood weten van zijn bestaan. Als zijn werk erop

zit en zijn doel is bereikt, zullen zijn troepen denken dat zij het zelf hebben gedaan." - Lao Tzu

"When learning about life and people, make no more assumptions than are absolutely necessary. Ask

and observe." - William of Occam, British philosopher (1285-1349)

"The only way to make a man trustworthy is to trust him." - Harry Lewis Stimson, American statesman


"If anything goes bad, then I did it. If anything goes semi-good, then we did it. If anything goes real good,

then you did it." - Paul "Bear" Bryant, American college football coach (1913-1983)

"Anyone too busy to say thank you will get fewer and fewer chances to say it." - Harvey Mackay,

American author (1933- )

"The beginning is the most important part of the work." - Plato, Greek philosopher (B.C. 428-347)

"Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier." - Mother Teresa, Indian humanitarian


"Leiderschap is mensen laten worden wie ze zijn" - Wessel Ganzevoort

"He that cannot obey, cannot command." - Benjamin Franklin

"Als jij een appel hebt en ik heb er een, en we ruilen die met elkaar, dan hebben we nog steeds allebei

een appel. Maar als jij een idee hebt en ik heb er een en die ruilen we met elkaar, dan hebben we allebei

twee ideeën." - George Bernard Shaw

"It is mutual trust, even more than mutual interest, that holds human associations together." - H. L.

Mencken, American columnist (1880-1956)

"The adventure of life is to learn. The purpose of life is to grow. The nature of life is to change. The

challenge of life is to overcome. The essence of life is to care. The opportunity of like is to serve. The

secret of life is to dare. The spice of life is to befriend. The beauty of life is to give." - William Arthur


"Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must be first overcome." - Samuel Johnson,

British essayist (1709-1784)

"If you must speak ill of another, do not speak it... write it in the sand near the water's edge." - Napoleon

Hill, American author (1883-1970)

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"Nothing will work unless you do." - John Wooden, American college basketball coach (1910-2010)

"It is a shame that so many leaders spend their time pondering their rights as leaders instead of their

awesome responsibilities as leaders." - James C. Hunter

"Few things help an individual more than to place responsibility upon him, and to let him know that you

trust him." - Booker T. Washington, American educator (1856-1915)

"Forgiving behavior is dealing with situations as they arise in an assertive manner and then letting go of

any lingering resentment. As the leader, if you are not able to let go of the resentment, it will consume

you and render you ineffective." - James C. Hunter

"A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out." - Walter Winchell, American

journalist (1897-1972)

"If we wait for the moment when everything, absolutely everything is ready, we shall never begin." - Ivan

Turgenev, Russian novelist (1818-1883)

"Feedback is the breakfast of champions." - Ken Blanchard, American author (1939- )

"The leaders who work most effectively, it seems to me, never say 'I'. And that's not because they have

trained themselves not to say 'I'. They don't think 'I'. They think 'we'; they think 'team'. They understand

their job to be to make the team function. They accept responsibility and don't sidestep it, but 'we' gets

the credit.... This is what creates trust, what enables you to get the task done." - Peter F. Drucker

"The good that you do will come back to you and it really doesn‘t cost very much." - David Packard,

American business leader (1912-1996)

"The roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation for goodness." - Dalai Lama, Tibetan religious

leader (1935- )

"Mensen groeien op het moment dat ze beseffen dat ze dingen kunnen realiseren. Wanneer ze in

zichzelf geloven, dan hebben ze het eerste geheim van succes ontdekt." - Norman Vincent Peale

"Silent gratitude isn't very much use to anyone." - Gertrude Stein, American novelist (1874-1946)

"No leader can possibly have all the answers . . . . The actual solutions about how best to meet the

challenges of the moment have to be made by the people closest to the action. . . .The leader has to find

the way to empower those frontline people, to challenge them, to provide them with the resources they

need, and then to hold them accountable. As they struggle with . . . this challenge, the leader becomes

their coach, teacher, and facilitator. Change how you define leadership, and you change how you run a

company." - Steve Miller

"Almost everything in leadership comes back to relationships." - Mike Krzyzewski, American college

basketball coach (1947- )

"The goal of many leaders is to get people to think more highly of the leader. The goal of a great leader

is to help people to think more highly of themselves." - J. Carla Nortcutt

"Ever since I was a child I have had this instinctive urge for expansion and growth. To me, the function

and duty of a quality human being is the sincere and honest development of one's potential." - Bruce

Lee, Chinese actor (1940-1973)

"Share our similarities, celebrate our differences." - M. Scott Peck, American psychiatrist (1936- )

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." -

John Quincy Adams

"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless." - Mother Teresa, Indian

humanitarian (1910-1997)

"If you are a leader, it is not possible to be at peace with all and friends with everyone." - Dan B. Allender

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"Fidelity purchased with money, money can destroy." - Lucius Annaeus Seneca, Roman playwright (B.C 4-

A.D. 65)

"De motivatie van een medewerker is het directe resultaat van de kwaliteit van de interactie met de

manager." - Bob Nelson

"You can never step into the same river, for new waters are always flowing on to you." - Heraclitus, Greek

philosopher (Fl. c. B.C. 400)

"Een ware leider legt een besluit niet op, maar zorgt ervoor dat mensen het zichzelf opleggen." - Nelson


"True leadership must be for the benefit of the followers, not to enrich the leader." - John C. Maxwell

"The goal of many leaders is to get people to think more highly of the leader. The goal of a great leader

is to help people to think more highly of themselves." - J. Carla Nortcutt

"De essentie van leiderschap is om meer leiders voort te brengen, niet meer volgers." - Ralph Nader

"Part of the role of a thought leader is not to necessarily have all the answers – I certainly don’t – but it’s

to be able to ask the right questions and the privilege of being able to lead the conversation." - Michael


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Organisaties leiden"Value is not determined by those who set the price. Value is determined by those who choose to pay it."

- Simon Sinek

"Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the

better." - Harry Truman, American president (1884-1972)

"I think we’re living in a time when size is not a strategic advantage, necessarily." - Michael Hyatt

"The best way to predict the future is to create it." - Peter Drucker, American author (1909- 2005)

"Leiderschap is het in staat zijn te beslissen wat er gedaan moet worden en vervolgens anderen te

vinden die het doen." - Dwight D. Eisenhower

"What we see depends mainly on what we look for." - John Lubbock, British statesman (1834-1913)

"…while everyone’s focusing on keeping the boss happy, who’s focusing on keeping the customer

happy?" - James C. Hunter

"Voor alle vijanden van creativiteit is succes de gevaarlijkste." - O. A. Battista

"In a marriage, an organization, or a culture, only to the extent that people are willing to hold

themselves accountable can we have relationships, enterprises, or a world that works." - Nathaniel

Branden, American psychologist (1930- )

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world."

- Albert Einstein, American physicist (1879- 1955)

"He that will not apply new remedies must expect new evils, for time is the greatest innovator." - Francis

Bacon, British philosopher (1561-1626)

"You can tell any story 20 different ways. The trick is to pick one and go with it." - Clint Eastwood,

American movie director and actor (1930- )

"The main thing is keeping the main thing the main thing." - German Proverb

"Old paradigms die hard, even if they don‘t work." - Karl Albrecht, American author (1941- )

"Het zijn niet de sterkste soorten die overleven en ook niet de meest intelligente. Het is het soort dat

het beste reageert op veranderingen." - Charles Darwin

"You see things, and you say, 'Why?‘ But I dream things that never were, and I say, 'Why not?‘" - George

Bernard Shaw, British playwright (1856-1950)

"Kansen worden door de meeste mensen gemist, omdat het gekleed gaat in overals en op werk lijkt." -

Thomas Edison

"People are more inclined to be drawn in if their leader has a compelling vision. Great leaders help

people get in touch with their own aspirations and then will help them forge those aspirations into a

personal vision." - John Kotter

"Just because a man lacks the use of his eyes doesn't mean he lacks vision." - Stevie Wonder, American

singer-composer (1950- )

"De intelligente elite zou graag ander leiderschap zien. Dat zegt meer over hen dan over de wereld" -

Ricardo Semler

"Dream big dreams! Imagine that you have no limitations and then decide what's right before you decide

what's possible." - Brian Tracy, American author (1944- )

"It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory." - W. Edwards Deming, American author (1900-


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"You just don't luck into things. You build them step by step, whether it's friendships or opportunities." -

Barbara Bush, American first lady (1925- )

"Our grand business in life is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what clearly lies at hand."

- Thomas Carlyle, British essayist (1795-1881)

"Trust is the lubrication that makes it possible for organizations to work." - Warren Bennis, American

author (1925- )

"Een bedrijf is een bemiddelaar tussen jou en jouw dromen" - Ricardo Semler

"Opportunity dances with those who are already on the dance floor." - H. Jackson Brown, American

author (1940- )

"Normally, we do not so much look at things as overlook them." - Alan Watts, American philosopher


"It's not the employer who pays the wages. Employers only handle the money. It's the customer who

pays the wages." - Henry Ford, American business leader (1863-1947)

"Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change

anything." - George Bernard Shaw, British playwright (1856-1950)

"What would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?" - Robert Schuller, American clergyman (1926- )

"You can't cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water." - Rabindranath Tagore, Indian

philosopher (1861-1941)

"We think too small, like the frog at the bottom of the well. He thinks the sky is only as big as the top of

the well. If he surfaced, he would have an entirely different view." - Mao Tse-tung, Chinese political

leader (1893-1976)

"Adapt or perish, now as ever, is Nature‘s inexorable imperative." - H. G. Wells, British novelist (1866-


"A leader has the vision and conviction that a dream can be achieved. He inspires the power and energy

to get it done." - Ralph Lauren, American business leader (1939- )

"Striving for success without hard work is like trying to harvest where you haven't planted." - David Bly,

American politician (1952- )

"Anyone can steer a ship when the sea is calm." - Harvey Mackay, American author (1933- )

"Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart.... Who looks outside, dreams. Who

looks inside, awakens." - C. G. Jung, Swiss psychiatrist (1875-1961)

"The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of them." - Linus Pauling, American chemist (1901-1994)

"Er is maar één ding erger dan blind zijn: kunnen zien, maar geen visie hebben." - Helen Keller, politiek


"The great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving." -

Oliver Wendell Holmes, American author (1809-1894)

"Niet het gekwaak, maar het vliegen van de wilde eend, doet een kudde eenden vliegen en volgen." -

Chinees gezegde

"Opportunities multiply as they are seized." - Sun Tzu, Chinese philosopher (Fl. B.C. 500-320)

"If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading." - Lao Tzu, Chinese philosopher

(Fl. B.C. 6th cent.)

"Logica brengt je van A naar B. Verbeelding brengt je werkelijk overal." - Albert Einstein

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"The best thing about the future is that it only comes one day at a time." - Dean Acheson, American

statesman (1893-1971)

"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most

responsive to change." - Charles Darwin, British scientist (1809- 1882)

"Als je de richting van de wind niet kunt veranderen, verander dan de stand van je zeilen." - H. Jackson


"…while everyone’s focusing on keeping the boss happy, who’s focusing on keeping the customer

happy?" - James C. Hunter

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Quotes over de 10 Karakteristieken

BewustzijnZoals het woord aangeeft, betekend bewustzijn op een bewuste manier in het leven staan. Dat is minder

makkelijk dan het lijkt. Veel dingen gebeuren op de automatische piloot en vaak zijn we tijdens ons werk in

gedachten met iets anders bezig. Dat is geen vruchtbare houding. Bewustzijn betekent dat we helemaal in

het hier en nu leven en onze verantwoordelijkheid leven. Doen wat nodig is. Maar het betekend ook: met

een open blik bij jezelf naar binnen kijken en verantwoordelijkheid nemen voor wat je daar aantreft.

"Too many leaders act as if the sheep… their people… are there for the benefit of the shepherd, not

that the shepherd has responsibility for the sheep." - Ken Blanchard

"Leadership is action, not position." - Donald H. McGannon

"Mastering others is a force, Mastering yourself is true power" - Lao Tsu (+/- 400 BC)

LuisterenEen dienend leider verstaat de kunst van het luisteren. Dat is een kunst die lang niet iedereen verstaat.

Vaak luisteren we vooringenomen. Denken we al te weten wat iemand wil zeggen. Of we staan te popelen

om ons eigen antwoord te geven. Werkelijk naar mensen luisteren is iets anders. Dat vraagt interesse,

openheid, concentratie en inlevingsvermogen. Daarnaast is het ook belangrijk om te luisteren naar wat

mensen niet zeggen en de intentie achter de woorden te begrijpen.

"Nature has given us two ears, two eyes, and but one tongue - to the end that we should hear and see

more than we speak." - Socrates, Greek philosopher (B.C. 469-399)

"Give whatever you are doing and whoever you are with the gift of attention." - Jim Rohn, American

author (1930-2009)

"What I keep saying is, don’t be the person who has all the answers; be the person who has the best

questions. And then you’ll get better answers!" - James A. Autry

OvertuigingskrachtAlle aandacht voor dienen laat onverlet dat een leider ook gewoon moet leiden. Hij of zij moet de richting

aangeven en mensen in beweging krijgen. Niet via dwang, maar via overtuigingskracht. Werkelijke

overtuigingskracht is meer dan een goed betoog. Het berust ook op morele autoriteit. Het is het vermogen

om op zo'n manier iets naar voren te brengen dat anderen hun eigen, andere mening los durven laten en

overtuigd raken van de waarde van het nieuwe argument. Dat vraagt om een vastberaden en vriendelijke

benadering met respect voor tegenwerpingen, twijfels en vragen.

"Do not waste a minute -- not a second -- in trying to demonstrate to others the merits of your

performance. If your work does not vindicate itself, you cannot vindicate it." - Thomas Wentworth

Higginson, American clergyman (1823-1911)

"There is no more powerful leadership tool than your own personal example." - John Wooden, American

college basketball coach (1910-2010)

"When in doubt, tell the truth." - Mark Twain, American novelist (1835-1910)

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EmpathieEmpathie of inlevingsvermogen is een wezenlijk kenmerk van een dienend leider. Het is een belangrijke

eigenschap, omdat die beantwoord aan het verlangen van mensen om serieus genomen te worden, gezien

en gehoord te worden. Dat betekent overigens niet dat een dienend leider alles maar goed vindt.

Empathisch vermogen is ook de kunst om een scheiding te maken tussen mensen en hun daden.Het is best

mogelijk dat mensen geen goed werk leveren of dat ze het beter kunnen. Daar zul je als leider dan je

afkeuring over uit moeten spreken. Maar altijd met respect voor de persoon die het betreft. Zaken kun je

afkeuren. Mensen nooit!

"I am responsible for me and must oversee with great sensitivity the impact of what I say or do on

others." - Barbara Jordan, American politician (1936-1996)

"The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done, and

self-restraint enough to keep from medddling with them while they do it." - Theodore Roosevelt

"Leadership should be born out of the understanding of the needs of those who would be affected by

it." - Marian Anderson

Commitment aan groeiDienend leiderschap draait om de wensen om mensen tot hun recht te laten komen. Daarom zal een

dienend leider altijd inzetten op groei van zijn of haar medewerkers - zowel op het persoonlijke vlak als

professioneel. Dienend leiderschap is dan ook altijd gekoppeld aan coaching. Het scheppen van

voorwaarden die groei mogelijk maken, is een vanzelfsprekendheid. Het is een voortdurende zoektocht

naar de optimale balans voor mens en organisatie. Als het goed is, groeien ze daardoor allebei. Maar

werkelijk commitment kan ook betekenen: mensen helpen een andere werkplek te zoeken waar ze beter op

hun plaats zijn.

"Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe

in themselves, it‘s amazing what they can accomplish." - Sam Walton, American business leader (1918-


"If I have been able to see farther than others, it was because I stood on the shoulders of giants." - Isaac

Newton, British scientist (1642-1727)

"I have underlying respect for the broad-shouldered family man and woman who care more about their

kids than themselves, and they are willing to make sacrifices so that their children can succeed." - Frank

Borman, American astronaut (1928- )

Helend vermogenHelend vermogen is het vermogen om mensen 'heel' te maken. En je bent 'heel' als je in balans bent met

jezelf en je omgeving. Helaas is die balans vaak ver te zoeken, wat kan leiden tot stres en conflicten. Een

dienend leider zal er altijd naar streven mensen te ondersteunen in hun poging een goed evenwicht te

vinden, in zichzelf en met anderen.

"You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not

exist." - Friedrich Nietzsche, German philosopher (1844- 1900)

"The compliment that helps us on our way is not the one that is shut up in the mind, but the one that is

spoken out." - Mark Twain, American novelist (1835- 1910)

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"There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for bread." - Mother Teresa, Indian

humanitarian (1910-1997)

Bouwen aan gemeenschapAan de basis van dienend leiderschap ligt het idee dat de mens een sociaal wezen is. Ieder mens is

onderdeel van een groter geheel en daarin ligt ook de kracht. Samen krijg je niet alleen meer voor elkaar,

maar je kunt ook steun, warmte en stimulans ontlenen aan de groep. Daarom zal de dienend leider streven

naar saamhorigheid en een gevoel van betrokkenheid en verantwoordelijkheid bij elkaar en bij de

organisatie. Het is de kunst om een team samen te stellen waarin de verschillende kwaliteiten elkaar

aanvullen en versterken. Dat leidt tot een sfeer van vertrouwen en een omgeving waarin mensen tot bloei

kunnen komen.

"Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do

it." - Dwight D. Eisenhower

"Je bent een leidinggevende zolang je medewerkers dat goedvinden" - Ricardo Semler

"We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men, and among those

fibers, as sympathetic threads, our actions run as causes, and they come back to us as effects." - Herman

Melville, American novelist (1819-1891)

ConceptualiserenNieuwe dingen ontstaan uit dromen. Uit het vermogen om te kijken voorbij de bestaande kaders. Maar met

dromen alleen kom je nergens. Om handen en voeten te krijgen, zal de droom ingebed moeten worden in

de realiteit. Om je droom te realiseren, moet je wel in actie komen, de juiste maatregelen treffen en

werken vanuit een concept. Dat concept fungeert als kompas. Het geeft richting aan en dient als ijkpunt

om te kijken of je nog wel op de juiste weg bent. Met de juiste mix van droom en daad kun je je eigen

werkelijkheid creëren.

"Be clear about your goal but be flexible about the process of achieving it." - Brian Tracy, American

author (1944- )

"If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people together to collect wood and don't assign them tasks

and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea" - Antoine de Saint-


"What is now proved was once only imagined." - William Blake, British poet (1757-1827)

VooruitzienVooruitzien is het vermogen om te anticiperen, in te spelen op situaties vanuit een brede ervaring. de

intuïtie is daarbij heel belangrijk. Iedereen beschikt erover, maar lang niet iedereen durft er ook op te

vertrouwen. Jammer. Niet alleen omdat het een heel betrouwbare raadgever is, maar ook omdat we vaak

niet over de informatie beschikken die nodig is om een rationele beslissing te nemen. Intuïtie kan op dat

moment een brug vormen tussen de beschikbare en gewenste informatie.

"Wij leren al vroeg dat alles op een bepaalde manier moet gebeuren zodat we ons later niet meer

afvragen of dat wel de beste manier is" - Ricardo Semler

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"The past does not equal the future." - Anthony Robbins, American author (1960- )

"The manager has his eye on the bottom line; the leader has his eye on the horizon." - Bennis

RentmeesterschapIn een wereld waar grondstoffen langzaam maar zeker uitgeput raken en de aarde schijnbaar

onomkeerbare schade wordt toegebracht, is duurzaamheid een belangrijk begrip. Een dienend leider kent

zijn verantwoordelijkheid voor de omgeving en gedraagt zich als een goed rentmeester. Dat betekend dat

hij of zij verder kijkt dan vandaag en op verantwoorde wijze met de omgeving en het milieu omgaat.

"This is the moment when we must come together to save this planet. Let us resolve that we will not

leave our children a world where the oceans rise and famine spreads and terrible storms devastate our

lands" - Barack Obama

"Wij behandelen de aarde alsof we er een in reserve hadden." - Jane Fonda

"Als we de oceanen schoon willen houden, zullen we de vissen stemrecht moeten geven. " - GodeLiva


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RuudOntwikkelt > DienstenDe diensten binnen S.L.Ï.M. zijn afgezet op de leiderschapsas van jezelf, anderen en organisaties leiden:

"Erkennen wat is, verkennen wat kan zijn"

Werkvorm: coaching

"Laat jij mensen 'Vinken of laat jij mensen 'Vonken?"

Werkvorm: bilateraal, coaching

"Wat is jouw visie en hoe zet je die om in gedragen actie?"

Werkvorm: brainstormen, co-creatie

“Het erover hebben is één, maar het daadwerkelijk doen... daar

gaat het om"

Werkvorm: detachering

Meer informatie: http://www.ruudontwikkelt.nl/diensten

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Over Ruud van LentDoor mijn jarenlange ervaring als 'interim-er' word ik vaak ingezet binnen teams / afdelingen die niet

afdoende functioneren of projecten / programma's die maar niet van de grond willen komen dan wel

steeds stranden. Er wordt veelal afdoende gemanaged maar het ontbreekt aan leiderschap. Hierdoor gaan

medewerkers 'vinken' in plaats van 'vonken'.

Ik ben een Zelfstandig Professional die als 'leiderschap katalysator' functioneert voor organisaties en

leidinggevenden waar gedragen verandering nodig is, maar waar stilstand / weerstand aan de orde is.

Ik coach en begeleid mensen in hun rol van leidinggevende en doe dit op basis van Servant Leadership

principes. Daarnaast ben ik inzetbaar als interim leidinggevende om een voorbeeld rol te vervullen en de

nodige verandering te initiëren en gedragen te krijgen onder de medewerkers die het gaan doen: om een

visie handen en voeten te geven. Geen 'goud-omrand' advies, maar praktisch en direct toepasbaar.

Wil je meer weten of vrijblijvend een keer samen over de voor jou of jouw organisatie toegevoegde waarde

van mijn diensten klankborden? Voel je vrij om contact op te nemen, ik kom graag een keer op bezoek voor

een goed gesprek!


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