324 lecture5

Glandular Epithelium

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Glandular Epithelium

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Glandular Epithelium

• Glandular Epithelium: epithelium of cells specialized to produce secretion. All glands are of composed of epithelium.

• Secretion – Exocytotic release of products, not metabolic wastes

• Molecules to be secreted may be stored in membrane bound secretory granules (vesicles)

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Gland Categories

A) Presence or absence of ducts• Exocrine – ducted

• Endocrine - ductless

B) Uni- or multicellular

C) Mode of secretion

D) Secretion products

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Gland Categories

1) Exocrine - glands that exude secretions into a ductule system. Have two parts, acinous = secretory bulb and ductule.

2) Endocrine - glands exuding secretions directly into body fluids, ultimately blood.3) Mixed - glands combining both the above

characteristics (e.g. liver) in the same cell4) Paracrine - tissue secretions affecting

own cells

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Cellular Composition

1) Unicellular - single cell gland, Goblet cell; mucous secreting. GI tract, respiratory ducts.Secretion process alters cell and nucleus shape.

2) Multicellular - a) intra epithelial gland -

gland is entirely within a layer of epithelium.Common in pseudostratified columnar epith.

b) extra epithelial gland - in CT below epithelium; may have different shapes; tubular and saccular (acinar).

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Mucous Secretory GlandEsophagus

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Modes of Secretion(how products leave the cell)

1) merocrine - secretion does not affect the

well-being of the cell = sweat glands.

2) apocrine - small part of the cell cytoplasm is lost with the secretion; the cell is damaged but not killed = mammary glands.

3) holocrine - great deal of cytoplasm is lost with the secretion; the cell dies. Sebaceous


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Apocrine SecretionMammary Gland

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Epithelial Polarity

Absorption Secretion

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Secretion Products

1) serous - thin, watery fluid, product of serous cells, small pink staining cuboidal cells with spherical to elliptical nuclei; salivary glands, sweat glands, pancreatic acinar.

2) mucous - thicker, viscous secretion, product of mucous cells, large blue staining cuboidal cells with flat, elongate nuclei; GI tract, oral cavity.

3) mixed serous-mucous - oral cavity, salivary.4) sebaceous - thick, lipid rich secretions of

cuboidal cells in certain skin regions - face, nose, axillary and pubic regions.

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Serous (pancreatic acinar) cell

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• Myoepithelium - specialized squamous epithelial cells with powers of contraction;

• Surround glandular acini and ducts of many glands,

• Contain actin, myosin, cytotokeratin =

definitely epithelial in origin, not muscle.

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Myoepithelial CellIn Salivary Gland

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Diffuse Neuroendocrine System(DNES)

• Paracrine secretion of norepinephrine or serotonin in non-endocrine tissue

• Derived from Neural Crest Cells

• About 35 types of cells in a variety of tissues such as respiratory, urinary, gastrointestinal, pituitary, thyroid

• System formerly known as APUD cells– Amine Precursor Uptake Decarboxylation

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DNES CellWith Secretory Granules

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Secretory Membranes

• Similar names of secretion products; names based upon type of secretions; form organs (peritonea, gut tube lining, etc.)

1) Serous Membrane - thin, flat layer of squamous epithelial cells which is moistened by exudates from

underlying blood vessels.

2) Mucous Membrane - moist epithelial surface,usually columnar, but may be cuboidal or squamous, that is moistened by secretions produced by glands formed by the epithelium itself.