31 pechakucha tm

SKILL inter-personal motivation leadership negotiation presentation communication relationship public speaking self marketing intra-personal time management stress management change management transforming beliefs transforming character creative thinking process goal setting & life purpose accelerated learning techniques

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Post on 12-May-2015




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time management salah satu item dari : 1. Linguistic and verbal intelligence: good with words 2. Logical intelligence: good with math and logic 3. Spatial intelligence: good with pictures 4. Body/movement intelligence: good with activities 5. Musical intelligence: good with rhythm 6. Interpersonal intelligence: good with communication ( motivation, leadership, negotiation, presentation, communication, relationship, public speaking & self marketing ) 7. Intrapersonal intelligence: good with analyzing things ( time management, stress management, change management, beliefs, transforming character, creative thinking process, goal setting - life purpose & accelerated learning techniques) 8. Naturalist intelligence: good with understanding natural world


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SKILL inter-personal

motivation leadership negotiation

presentation communication

relationship public speaking self marketing


time management stress management

change management transforming beliefs

transforming character creative thinking process

goal setting & life purpose accelerated learning techniques

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1 5W1H 9 5w1h 2 action plans 16.1 Rencana aksi 3 appreciation 15.2 Penghargaan 4 attainable 10.3 Dicapai 5 balance 14.3 Keseimbangan 6 better 2.2 Lebih baik 7 big 7.2 Big 8 big picture 8 Gambaran besar 9 bite-sized 8.2 ukuran gigit 10 breaks 7.6 Istirahat 11 career 3.2 karir 12 check points 11.2 Periksa poin 13 choices 7 Pilihan 14 chunking 8.1 dipotong kecil kecil 15 clarity 15 Kejelasan 16 comfort zones 3.4 Zona nyaman 17 communication 13 Komunikasi 18 confidence 5.4 Keyakinan 19 correction 13.5 Koreksi 20 deadlines 11.3 tanggal jatuh tempo 21 decision 7.1 Keputusan 22 de-clutter 7.4 tidak kacau 23 Delegation 3 Delegasi 24 diaries 16.4 jurnal harian

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25 discretion 6.3 Kebijaksanaan 26 diversify 8.4 Diversifikasi 27 effectiveness 16 Efektivitas 28 efficient 12.2 Efisien 29 encourage 6.2 Mendorong 30 ergonomic 12 Ergonomis 31 exceed expectation 5.2 Melebihi harapan 32 faster 2 Lebih cepat 33 fearless 5.1 Tidak takut 34 feedback 13.1 Umpan balik 35 follow-up 14.2 Tindak lanjut 36 goals 16.3 Gol 37 guidance 3.5 Bimbingan 38 help 6.1 Membantu 39 improve 13.6 Meningkatkan 40 key issues 11 Masalah-masalah penting 41 let go 5 Membiarkan pergi 42 life 3.3 Kehidupan 43 measureable 10.2 terukur 44 meetings 16.5 Pertemuan 45 methods 11.1 Metode 46 mindmaps 1.2 pemetaan pikran 47 mindtools 1 alat yang membantu pikiran 48 monitoring 14 Memantau 49 motivation 15.1 Motivasi 50 multi-tasking 8.3 Multi tugas / fungsi

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51 Negotiation 14.4 Negosiasi 52 positive 12.4 Positif 53 praise 13.3 Pujian 54 priorities 16.2 Prioritas 55 progress 14.1 Kemajuan 56 relevant 10.4 Relevan 57 review 13.4 Meninjau 58 simplification 15.3 Penyederhanaan 59 slowdown to speed up 7.5 melambat untuk percepatan 60 small 7.3 Kecil 61 smart 10 Pintar 62 smarter 2.1 Lebih pintar 63 Speed reading 1.1 membaca cepat 64 spesific 10.1 Spesifik 65 supervise 6 Mengawasi 66 support 13.2 Mendukung 67 teamwork 3.6 Kerja tim 68 time-bond 10.5 Batas waktu 69 to do or not to do 3.1 Untuk dilakukan atau tidak lakukan 70 transcend limits 5.3 Melampaui batas 71 trust 3.7 Kepercayaan 72 urgent vs. important 2.3 mendesak vs. penting 73 user-friendly 12.1 bersahabat untuk digunakan 74 value-added 12.3 nilai tambah 75 wastage 2.4 buang2x waktu 76 well being 4.1 dalam keadaan yang baik 77 work life balance 4 Keseimbangan hidup

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Mindtools | Alat yang membantu pikiran

• Speedreading / membaca cepat

• Mindmaps / pemetaan pikran

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Faster / Lebih cepat

Smarter / Lebih pintar better / Lebih baik urgent vs. important / mendesak vs. penting wastage / buang2x waktu

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Delegation / Delegasi

to do or not to do / Untuk dilakukan atau tidak lakukan career / karir life / Kehidupan comfort zones / Zona nyaman guidance / Bimbingan teamwork / Kerja tim trust / Kepercayaan

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work life balance / Keseimbangan hidup

well being / dalam keadaan yang baik

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let go / Membiarkan pergi

fearless / Tidak takut exceed expectation / Melebihi harapan transcend limits / Melampaui batas confidence / Keyakinan

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Supervise / Mengawasi

help / Membantu encourage / Mendorong discretion / Kebijaksanaan

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choices / Pilihan

decision / Keputusan big / Besar small / Kecil de-clutter / tidak kacau slowdown to speed up / melambat untuk mempercepat breaks / Istirahat

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big picture / Gambaran besar

Chunking / dipotong kecil kecil bite-sized / ukuran gigit multi-tasking / Multi tugas - fungsi diversify / Diversifikasi

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5W1H / 5w1h Who / siapa

What / apa

Where / dimana

When / kapan

Why / mengapa

How / bagaimana

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smart / Pintar

spesific / Spesifik measureable / terukur attainable / bisa Dicapai relevant / Relevan time-bond / batas waktu

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key issues / Isu Utama

methods / Metode check points / Periksa poin deadlines / tanggal jatuh tempo

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ergonomic / Ergonomis

user-friendly / bersahabat untuk digunakan efficient / Efisien value-added / nilai tambah positive / Positif

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communication / Komunikasi

feedback / Umpan balik support / Mendukung praise / Pujian review / Meninjau correction / Koreksi improve / Meningkatkan

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monitoring / Memantau

progress / Kemajuan follow-up / Tindak lanjut balance / Keseimbangan negotiation / Negosiasi

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clarity / Kejelasan

motivation / Motivasi appreciation / Penghargaan simplification / Penyederhanaan

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effectiveness / Efektivitas

action plans / Rencana aksi priorities / Prioritas goals / Gol diaries / jurnal harian meetings / Pertemuan

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