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  • 7/29/2019 300 to Film ompleto.pdf


    16/03/10 00 in Film - Comics Feature at IGN

    Pgina ttp://comics.ign.com/articles/771/771698p2.html

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    300 in Filmby Richard George

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    The Queen is a fully-developed character in the film. The comics show her for a few brief pages. It is

    clear she's important within the world of Sparta, but Miller's 300 is so focused on the fight ahead that it

    doesn't really stop to reflect on relationships. Lena Headey does a great job with what is essentially a new

    role, breathing a very strong personality into a queen w ho is faced with the prospect of losing her king.

    Headey is the reason the politics subplot works. If we didn't have a sense for the love between the rulers

    of Sparta, we wouldn't have cared what happens to a world without Leonidas.

    David Wenham's Dilios is another character who provides depth to the film. He serves as the narrator of

    the story, spinning the tale of the 300 to the Greek army (and the audience). Wenham is probably best

    known for his work as Faramir in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Similar to those films, Wenham is the mighty

    warrior with torn duties. Dilios is as fierce as any warrior, but he is also an accomplished storyteller. Just

    before Leonidas sends his men to meet their end, he dispatches his trusted warrior to tell the story of the

    300 to all of Sparta so their fight will not be in vain. Dilios desperately wishes to aid his comrades, but he

    obeys his king. It is Wenham's acting that really tells the story here. Again, the graphic novel can only

    convey so much.

    Aside from those three roles, several others are prominent. Theron the politician is important to Queen

    Gorgo's subplot. We'll shy away from talking about this too much as it's something that is unique to the film.

    His role is equally important as Gorgo's in some respects. Captain Artemis and his son, Astinos, also play

    pivotal, emotional parts in the battle of Thermopylae. Again we'll refrain from spoilers and say that Zack

    Snyder and his team did a great deal of justice to these roles. They're even better than the graphic novel

    and, in the case of Theron, add a great deal to the story. We have few complaints (mostly pertaining to

    people being a little too melodramatic) about the characterization or acting with any of the roles in 300.

    35,000+ Back Issue ComicsVery cheap prices & modem friendlyComic bags boards & boxes also.www.squaredealonline.com

    The Daily RageLaugh about lifeLighten up your day!www.thedailyrage.com

    Compra de Comics en EUReciba en Mxico Comics deEU, Conzcanos y Regstrese Gratis.


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  • 7/29/2019 300 to Film ompleto.pdf


    16/03/10 00 in Film - Comics Feature at IGN

    Pgina 2ttp://comics.ign.com/articles/771/771698p2.html

    Before we move on to the imagery of the film and its source material, we did want to acknowledge the

    Persian armies. Xerxes appears just as he does in the comics and actor Rodrigo Santoro is the spitting

    image of his counterpart. Xerxes doesn't really benefit from his film adaptation, but there's really no point in

    giving him anything extra. The role is meant to be more of a presence to thwart Leonidas and nothing more.

    Unlike many war stories, 300has no intention of painting the opposition in a kind light. Synder and his

    design team added a lot of variety to the Eastern hordes. Not only did they add "uber" Immortals and

    rhinos, they also tried to incorporate a variety of cultures and soldiers to imply that Xerxes reach and

    resources are vast. It works incredibly well and also helps keep the action interesting. Had all of the battle

    sequences featured the same faceless warriors dueling the Spartans, we might have grown tired of them.

    Fortunately that was not the case.

    The Design of300

    There are two points to make here before we wrap our analysis. The first is that the film does a spirited job

    of capturing the essence of Frank Miller's work. It is astonishing to see so many scenes recreated perfectly.

    The second point, however, is that the movie still doesn't do some of Miller's spreads justice. Having read

    the mini-series before, we were wondering if the film could top the majestic art. In many respects it does,

    but at the same time there's a raw energy about the source material. This is not meant as a slight against

    the film in any way - it is simply an observation. Seeing these scenes come to life was exhilarating, but

    fortunately the original still captures us in its own unique way.

    Synder's use of blood and slow motion gives the movie a flair of its own that also seems to channel panels

    in a comic book. The blood takes on a very flat, 2-D effect that keeps the violence within limits while also

    making it unique in cinema. We've all seen blood fly in horror movies, but things are done a bit differently

    here. Miller and colorist Lynn Varley used a similar technique, resorting to paint blotches splattered

    throughout the battles rather than going for something painstakingly realistic. The result is something bothartistic and viscerally exciting. Those of you wanting your gore, don't worry, there are still plenty of pointy

    things going into arms, chests and faces. There are still plenty of body parts being removed through a

    variety of primitive methods. Style certainly doesn't interfere with action in this film.

    Last but not least in Snyder's arsenal of techniques is slow motion combined with freezing frames. There

    are many clips out there and we encourage you to check them out (or just see the movie of course). Snyder

    will rush along in a battle only to suddenly drop the frame rate down drastically. The effect is something

    almost akin to a panel. Synder then speeds things up only to chop the movie down again. It could be a

    very awkward thing to behold but Snyder employs it to great effectiveness. We loved the approach

    although we doubt we'd want to see it replicated in every action movie we see.

  • 7/29/2019 300 to Film ompleto.pdf


    16/03/10 00 in Film - Comics Feature at IGN

    Pgina ttp://comics.ign.com/articles/771/771698p2.html

    Copyright 1996-2010, IGN Entertainment, Inc.

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    When the dust settles and the credits roll, you'll find that you agree with us. There's just no sense in

    denying that this adaptation of300not only does its heritage justice, it exceeds it in many ways. Zack

    Snyder and his team have gone to great lengths to recreate Frank Miller's world. Even the coloring and

    framing of scenes is genuine. What has been altered or expanded upon only serves the story better. We

    were astonished at the depth of the film considering the book wasn't exactly trying to do anything other

    than depict the battle of Thermopylae. We were completely blown away by this film. A few melodramatic

    and odd moments aside, 300is magnificent and stands high in the ranks of comic book adaptations.

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  • 7/29/2019 300 to Film ompleto.pdf


    16/03/10 00 in Film - Comics Feature at IGN

    Pgina ttp://comics.ign.com/articles/771/771698p1.html

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    300 in FilmPerhaps the most faithful adaptation of a comic book to date.by Richard George

    March 8, 2007 - Welcome to the latest edition of "Comics in Film." This semi-regular series shines a light

    on the various franchises and characters that have made the transition to the big screen. We've previous

    analyzed Superman, the X-Men and Ghost Rider. With 300opening on Friday, we thought it best to turn

    our attention to this latest adaptation. Does director Zack Snyder do the battle of Thermopylae justice? Will

    King Leonidas be portrayed as a force of nature or a fallible commander on a fool's errand? We've seen

    the film and well, read on to find out what we think.

    When you're done reading, and more importantly once you've seen the film, be sure to come back and let

    us know what you thought! You can send us an e-mail by clickinghere.

    The Story of300

    Believe it or not the plot of the movie is better than the one in the graphic novel. Frank Miller's work is

    more of an art showcase than a stirring piece of semi-fiction. Miller's arc basically features the battle of

    King Leonidas and his men. It starts with them, does a little backtracking to the origin of the king, and then

    rushes towards a brutal finish. Along the way the Spartans meet Ephialtes, a deformed hunchback looking

    to join their ranks. Leonidas is kind to Ephialtes, but cannot use him in the upcoming war. In turn, the

    hunchback turns to the Persian "god" Xerxes and reveals a secret path that leads to the demise of the 300

    (all save one, Dilios, who is ordered to go back to Sparta to tell the story of Leonidas and his men).

    While the focus of the novel is on the battle, the film explores several other angles to flesh out the story.

    This primarily occurs in three ways: the larger conflict with the Persians, Leonidas's family and the politics

    of Sparta. While the first is mentioned and briefly shown, the second two barely exist in the comic books at

    all. Snyder's incorporation of these elements actually makes this movie superior to its source material. We

    do think both are worthwhile since their visual styles are still very unique (despite the strict adherence to

    Miller's art). No matter how faithful the art team was for the movie, they still can't quite capture some of the

    breathtaking spreads that Miller composed.


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  • 7/29/2019 300 to Film ompleto.pdf


    16/03/10 00 in Film - Comics Feature at IGN

    Pgina ttp://comics.ign.com/articles/771/771698p2.html

    The Latest Reviews

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    God of War III

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    IGN TV UpdatesReviews, news, more:

    Guides & Walkthroughs

    300 in Filmby Richard George

    Previous 1 2

    The Queen is a fully-developed character in the film. The comics show her for a few brief pages. It is

    clear she's important within the world of Sparta, but Miller's 300 is so focused on the fight ahead that it

    doesn't really stop to reflect on relationships. Lena Headey does a great job with what is essentially a new

    role, breathing a very strong personality into a queen w ho is faced with the prospect of losing her king.

    Headey is the reason the politics subplot works. If we didn't have a sense for the love between the rulers

    of Sparta, we wouldn't have cared what happens to a world without Leonidas.

    David Wenham's Dilios is another character who provides depth to the film. He serves as the narrator of

    the story, spinning the tale of the 300 to the Greek army (and the audience). Wenham is probably best

    known for his work as Faramir in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Similar to those films, Wenham is the mighty

    warrior with torn duties. Dilios is as fierce as any warrior, but he is also an accomplished storyteller. Just

    before Leonidas sends his men to meet their end, he dispatches his trusted warrior to tell the story of the

    300 to all of Sparta so their fight will not be in vain. Dilios desperately wishes to aid his comrades, but he

    obeys his king. It is Wenham's acting that really tells the story here. Again, the graphic novel can only

    convey so much.

    Aside from those three roles, several others are prominent. Theron the politician is important to Queen

    Gorgo's subplot. We'll shy away from talking about this too much as it's something that is unique to the film.

    His role is equally important as Gorgo's in some respects. Captain Artemis and his son, Astinos, also play

    pivotal, emotional parts in the battle of Thermopylae. Again we'll refrain from spoilers and say that Zack

    Snyder and his team did a great deal of justice to these roles. They're even better than the graphic novel

    and, in the case of Theron, add a great deal to the story. We have few complaints (mostly pertaining to

    people being a little too melodramatic) about the characterization or acting with any of the roles in 300.

    35,000+ Back Issue ComicsVery cheap prices & modem friendlyComic bags boards & boxes also.www.squaredealonline.com

    The Daily RageLaugh about lifeLighten up your day!www.thedailyrage.com

    Compra de Comics en EUReciba en Mxico Comics deEU, Conzcanos y Regstrese Gratis.


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  • 7/29/2019 300 to Film ompleto.pdf


    16/03/10 00 in Film - Comics Feature at IGN

    Pgina 2ttp://comics.ign.com/articles/771/771698p2.html

    Before we move on to the imagery of the film and its source material, we did want to acknowledge the

    Persian armies. Xerxes appears just as he does in the comics and actor Rodrigo Santoro is the spitting

    image of his counterpart. Xerxes doesn't really benefit from his film adaptation, but there's really no point in

    giving him anything extra. The role is meant to be more of a presence to thwart Leonidas and nothing more.

    Unlike many war stories, 300has no intention of painting the opposition in a kind light. Synder and his

    design team added a lot of variety to the Eastern hordes. Not only did they add "uber" Immortals and

    rhinos, they also tried to incorporate a variety of cultures and soldiers to imply that Xerxes reach and

    resources are vast. It works incredibly well and also helps keep the action interesting. Had all of the battle

    sequences featured the same faceless warriors dueling the Spartans, we might have grown tired of them.

    Fortunately that was not the case.

    The Design of300

    There are two points to make here before we wrap our analysis. The first is that the film does a spirited job

    of capturing the essence of Frank Miller's work. It is astonishing to see so many scenes recreated perfectly.

    The second point, however, is that the movie still doesn't do some of Miller's spreads justice. Having read

    the mini-series before, we were wondering if the film could top the majestic art. In many respects it does,

    but at the same time there's a raw energy about the source material. This is not meant as a slight against

    the film in any way - it is simply an observation. Seeing these scenes come to life was exhilarating, but

    fortunately the original still captures us in its own unique way.

    Synder's use of blood and slow motion gives the movie a flair of its own that also seems to channel panels

    in a comic book. The blood takes on a very flat, 2-D effect that keeps the violence within limits while also

    making it unique in cinema. We've all seen blood fly in horror movies, but things are done a bit differently

    here. Miller and colorist Lynn Varley used a similar technique, resorting to paint blotches splattered

    throughout the battles rather than going for something painstakingly realistic. The result is something bothartistic and viscerally exciting. Those of you wanting your gore, don't worry, there are still plenty of pointy

    things going into arms, chests and faces. There are still plenty of body parts being removed through a

    variety of primitive methods. Style certainly doesn't interfere with action in this film.

    Last but not least in Snyder's arsenal of techniques is slow motion combined with freezing frames. There

    are many clips out there and we encourage you to check them out (or just see the movie of course). Snyder

    will rush along in a battle only to suddenly drop the frame rate down drastically. The effect is something

    almost akin to a panel. Synder then speeds things up only to chop the movie down again. It could be a

    very awkward thing to behold but Snyder employs it to great effectiveness. We loved the approach

    although we doubt we'd want to see it replicated in every action movie we see.

  • 7/29/2019 300 to Film ompleto.pdf


    16/03/10 00 in Film - Comics Feature at IGN

    Pgina ttp://comics.ign.com/articles/771/771698p2.html

    Copyright 1996-2010, IGN Entertainment, Inc.

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    When the dust settles and the credits roll, you'll find that you agree with us. There's just no sense in

    denying that this adaptation of300not only does its heritage justice, it exceeds it in many ways. Zack

    Snyder and his team have gone to great lengths to recreate Frank Miller's world. Even the coloring and

    framing of scenes is genuine. What has been altered or expanded upon only serves the story better. We

    were astonished at the depth of the film considering the book wasn't exactly trying to do anything other

    than depict the battle of Thermopylae. We were completely blown away by this film. A few melodramatic

    and odd moments aside, 300is magnificent and stands high in the ranks of comic book adaptations.

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  • 7/29/2019 300 to Film ompleto.pdf


    16/03/10 00 in Film - Comics Feature at IGN

    Pgina 2ttp://comics.ign.com/articles/771/771698p1.html

    The larger conflict with Persia is something that is incorporated mostly from history books. Though highly

    stylized and enhanced, the story of the Spartans is true. It is also true that their bravery against

    overwhelming odds stirred Greece to rally against the vast Persian army, eventually defeating it. Snyder

    and his writing time bring this into the fold to have the movie end on a fairly upbeat note. Let's face it, if we

    just featured the story of Leonidas, we'd be pretty depressed by the time we walked out of the theater. By

    adding the context of Thermopylae, the battle means more and the audience is better served emotionally.

    The relationship between Leonidas and his wife is significant. Not only does it feed the major subplot about

    the politics of the nation, it makes the king a sympathetic character. He has a wife and a young son, and

    he's fighting to protect them. The novel more or less glosses over this outside of a couple moments. Adding

    this layer also makes the film more resonate with the viewer because it makes the Spartans seem more

    human. It's suddenly clearly apparent that each of these warriors has a family to protect and loved ones

    who will miss them. It's such an obvious yet subtle detail that adds much to the plot.

    In some ways the politics of the film aren't necessary. This is a story about Thermopylae and the sacrifice

    of the men there. However sometimes what goes on behind the scenes is just as important as the front

    line. We're not sure if this subplot is historically accurate. It probably isn't although we imagine similar

    events were happening. Even so, adding the machinations of politicians and their motives does serve two

    purposes. It reminds us that in any government there are those working for different causes. Leonidas'squest to be free of control is not without its critics. There are those who believe control will create a better

    life for many, including those in positions of power. The other thing this thread does is allow for a break in

    the action. The Spartans survive three days of gore and mayhem - it's nice to see something else besides

    spears stabbing into chests (trust us, you get plentyof that).

    All said, the story is incredibly well done. Even with the additions, we're not looking at high- class fiction.

    This is a tale of sacrifice and its impact on a nation. There aren't any twists. What we just told you is pretty

    much what happened. Having said that, we knew all of the beats of the story and were stillblown away.

    This is one case where it doesn't matter if you know what's coming next. It's still awesome.

    The Characters of300

    We're not dealing with characters that have a 40 year history. Rather 300originally existed in a five issuemini-series first published in 1998 by Dark Horse Comics. As we mentioned, the story is pretty

    straightforward. We mention this because when it comes to the characters in the movie, there isn't much to

    work with. We can't think of any characters that are egregiously different from their comic book counterpart.

    If anything, the characters have improved under the direction Zack Snyder and benefit from the humanity

    brought by the actors. The only major additions come due to the politician subplot and in the interest of

    diversifying the Persian army.

  • 7/29/2019 300 to Film ompleto.pdf


    16/03/10 00 in Film - Comics Feature at IGN

    Pgina ttp://comics.ign.com/articles/771/771698p1.html

    Copyright 1996-2010, IGN Entertainment, Inc.

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    Leonidas and his wife, Queen Gorgo, are played by Gerard Butler and Lena Headey respectively. These

    two bring the most to their roles as they are central to their plots. While Frank Miller's work does a capable

    job of expressing Leonidas's interests and feelings, Butler simply does it better. His Leonidas is simply a

    more sympathetic character. You can see the anguish of his decisions in his eyes. In a flash, however, that

    anguish is replaced by rage. The Spartan King is angry that the "god" Xerxes believes he can simply take

    what he desires. Butler's rage is believable for the most part. There are a couple times when you might

    wonder if he's about to burst some brain cells, but for the most part his acting flows well with the plot and is

    faithful its source.

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