300 prayers book inners 5


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This is a prayer manual for breakthrough on all ramifications of life.


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I dedicate this prayer book to all ministers that keeps theiraltar pure, and to all the children of God awaiting the second

coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Above all my gratitude tothe man who was born to die for the sins of the whole world.

Thank You so much Jesus the lover of my soul.


300 Dynamic anD multipurposeinspirational prayers©Emmanuel Oludare Olafisoye 2010.

The right of E.O Olafisoye to be identified as author of this bookhas been asserted to him in accordance with the copyright,designs and patents Act 1988. All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrievalsystem or transmitted in any form, electronically, by mechanical,photo copying, recording or otherwise, without the permissionof thecopyright owner.

to contact authorpastor e.o olafisoye079 6171 8754

Design & PrintSupreme Printers020 7249 9211


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Table Of ContentsDedicationacknowledgementForewordFew messages preached by pastor e.o olafisoye

Pg 27-28 1-8 exercising authority and power over powers andauthorities

Pg 29-31 9-20 Breaking the yokes of barrenness, stagnation,and programmed affliction

Pg 32-34 21-37 overcoming internal and external attacks.

Pg 35-36 38-48 Destroying Kingdoms and altars of impossibility.

Pg 37-39 49-62 Breaking hereditary curses and destroyingstubborn barriers.

Pg 40-42 63-81 Destroying dream destroyer, and achieving dreamsand Goals.

Pg 43-45 82-101 releasing your angels and goodnessfrom satanic detention.

Pg46-49 102-133 prayers to overcome expert, crafty andcooperate enemy.

Pg 50-51 134-148 Destroying evil seed and evil foundationcausing stagnation and failure.

Pg 52-54 149-160 Wickedness in high place; ephesians chapter 6 vs.12.

Pg 55-57 161-183 Breaking satanic limitation, removing evil label, anddestroying satanic holds.

Pg58-59 184-193 prayer for children's success, prosperityand protection


Authors Acknowledgement

GRHI appreciate the Holy Spirit for His partnership with me on this booklet,thank Christ who said to me its time, and thanks to the Almighty God forthe grace He gave me. My sincere appreciation to my mother; Mrs ElizabethJoseph who is always there to support me from birth and has not resigned.Thanks to My father Mr E.T Olafisoye and my sincere appreciation to myfather and mother in-law; Rtd Major/Elder Farayola and DeaconessFarayola, thanks to the entire family of Olafisoye, Olatokun, and Farayola’sfamily.

I appreciate the person that made me a complete person under divinedesign; My loving and caring wife; Grace Olafisoye, I can’t but thank myloving children Michael and Daniel who are God’s sent to me. My sincereappreciation to my Senior pastor, and father in the Lord who has been agood model for me; Pastor A.O Fashina, and his wife; Mrs Fashina who is ofimmeasurable support to me.

My thanks to the council of Elders; Christ Apostolic Church Outreach D.C.C,Deacons, Deaconesses, choir, ushers, men, women and children of CACoutreach for their support and thanks to all Chairmen, Ds Pastors, andPastors in CAC worldwide for holding the Pillar of Christ and all otherworkers in Gods vine yard world wide. My sincere appreciation to PastorSunny Richards; the Snr Pastor of Bread of life, Many Thanks Pastor VictorAdebayo of R.C.C.G, revival chapel, Pastor Ayodele of C.A.C Mountain ofsolution in Nigeria, and my best friend Prophet Olusowo Isaac. Manythanks to Bro. Tunji Ishola, Bro Paul Olorun eto Bro Tayo Alabi, and thanksto Mr and Mrs A.A. Ogunleye.

Thanks to my younger ones; Abayomi, and Itunu for their support. FinallyBrethren let us prepare for the coming of Christ and feed the sheep.

pastor e.o olafisoye


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Pastor Emmanuel has done it again by the grace of God. This is atimely and well balanced book that unravels keys todemonstrating and maintaining our redemptive authourity. The

messages and the 300 prayers are not only inspiring and empowering,they are divine in their potency to bring anybody who has a reason forliving to his or her knees in penitence and hold on to the horns of altarfor both reformation and transformation.

I have come across many ministers who teach and preach on prayersbut their personal altar has no oil to keep their light of revelation andunveiling ever shining. Pastor's message is a reflection of his secret life.His ministry and family are products of his prayer life and thetestimonies in this book are demonstrations of what the grace of Godcan do upon a humble vessel of His mercy.

I commend and recommend this book to everybody that wants tolive life to the fullest.

tunji isholaauthor- live your life to the Fullest

This is my testimonial with regards to Pastor E.O Olafisoye's book:300 dynamic and multipurpose inspirational prayers. Testimonialas follows: "The book really connects with the reader. You'll feel

the heavenly hosts saying amen as you are reading and rendering theprayer points. It's almost like the pastor is physically there with you. Thisbook along with the bible is all one need to prosper as we go about ourdaily lives. "Highly recommended for all.”

tayo alabi


Pg60-61 194-212 prayer for business men and those employed underany establishment.

Pg 62 213-222 prayers for anyone who is sick, or having Disease.

Pg 63-64 223-235 prayers; on success at Job interview.

Pg 65-67 236-264 prayer on marital Breakthrough; for those marriedand those about to marry.

Pg 68 265-275 prayers on regularising of papers; Visa’s andindefinite stay or work permit.

Pg 69-70 276-295 prayer of breakthrough

Pg 71 296-300 safe delivery for pregnant women.



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Freedom By Grace


Freedom has to be done under agreement, disagreement, forcefully bythe person taken captive or through an external force that supersedethat of the captor: Isa. 49 vs 24-25.

The Gibeonites deception led them into slavery: Joshua 9 vs 1-23, and whenthe Isrealites wants to kill them Joshua reminded them that they have madean oath with them, however in verse 23; he said to the Gibeonites that theyare under a curse; they will never cease to serve as woodcutter and watercarriers for the house of God. And vs 27 reveals that the curse remains.Deception is sin and sin leads to a curse and that is the curse that Christ tookaway from us to himself in Gal 3 vs 13-14, and Colossians 2 vs 14-16.

On most occasions those who enslave does not want the freedom of theirslaves as it can be seen in Jerimiah 34 vs 8-17; The word came to Jeremiahfrom the Lord, after King Zedekiah had made a covenant with all the peoplein Jerusalem to proclaim freedom for the Hebrew slaves, both male andfemale; no one was to hold a fellow Jew in bondage. So all the officials and thepeople who entered into this covenant agreed that they would free their maleand female slave and no longer hold them in bondage. They agreed and setthem free.

Note that: Although the order came from the King however slavery remaineduntil the King of Kings intervened, that is afterwards they changed their mindsand took back the slaves they had freed and enslaved them again: I Sam 5 vs1-5 is a typological reference as verse 3 said they raised the fallen Dragon,every resurrected problems of your life shall be eternally condemned to deathnow in Jesus name.

The judgement of God on the Terrible captors. Jer.34 vs12-17; Then the wordof the Lord came to Jeremiah: “This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: Imade a covenant with your forefathers when I brought them out of Egypt outof the land of slavery. I said, Every seventeen years each of you must free anyfellow Hebrew who has sold himself to you. After he has served you for 16years, you must let him go free”.Your forefathers, however, did not listen to Meor pay attention to Me. Recently you repented and did what is right in My


This book is more than inspired prayer points, it is an experienceguide on how to develop a life of prayer based on spiritualinsight of life issues. It is a guide about developing skills and

increasing your prayer life to get results and manifestation.

The Church business is prayer and their messages are salvation anddeliverance from the snares and fowlers in this world system. It isessential and desirable that an equipped prayer champion should beaware of how to fight the good fight of faith.

The Church has much to do on prayer life. Pastor Emmanuel Olafisoyea man whose believe is demonstrated in prayer and the word of God,gives vision.

Prayer is more powerful than vision. Prayers can change vision. Prayerswill bring to manifestation what will natural not happen. Limitation inlife are largely absence of consistent prayers. You are encouraged to actand pray skillfully in other to be victorious in all situations. A prayerfulbeliever is a man/woman of influence.

Pastor Emmanuel Olafisoye experience has characteristically shown himas a man of prayer in the ministerial work. This book is commended toall & sundry in the body of Christ as a worthy handbook in dealing withvarious life issues.

pastor sunny o richardssenior ministerBread of life chapel, uK10 allenby roadWest thamesmeadlondon se28 0Bn



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Maximizing Spiritual GiftingAnd Calling


The Holy Spirit of God is the source of everything in the worldthrough the word from God.Read Genesis 1vs 1-3 and John 1 vs. 1-5.Gal. 5 vs. 22-24; But the fruit of the Spirit is Love, Joy, Peace,

Patience, Kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and selfcontrolagainst such things there is no law. NIV version.

To bear the fruit of the Spirit you must be a branch that is connected to theword of God; Christ- John 15 vs. 4 says; Remain in me, and I will remain inyou. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neithercan you bear fruit unless you remain in me.

Being disconnected from the Spirit of God and the Word of God occursthrough the work of the flesh as seen in Gal. 5 vs. 19-21. Thus if you areconnected to the branch according to Gal 5 vs. 24-26; those who belong toChrist Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires.Vs 25; since we live by the Spirit let us keep in step with the spirit. thatis follow the leading of the spirit; romans 8 vs. 14.

One of the major problems among Christians and minister of today is vainglory; Galatians 5 vs. 26; Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking oneanother, envying one another.

Note; seeking vain glory leads to envies.

One may possess all the gifting of the spirit and the five fold ministry butyet be disconnected if care is not taken. 1 Cor. 10 Vs 12; so, if you think youare standing firm be careful that you don’t fall.

Being disconnected can be likened to an electric iron that was in use for 1hour and disconnected to cool off in the course of time. Are you Cooling offspiritually or are you getting hotter. I know your deeds, that you are neither


sight: each of you proclaimed freedom to his country men.

You even made a covenant before Me in the house that bears My name. Butnow you have turned around and profaned My name; each of you has takenback the male and female you had set free to go where they wish. You forcedthem to become your slave again.

Jer. 34 vs 17:Therefore, this is what the Lord says:You have not obeyed Me; youhave not proclaimed freedom for your fellow country men. So I now proclaimfreedom to fall by the sword, plague and famine. I will make you abhorrent toall the Kingdoms of the earth. And the Lord further said that Zedekiah King ofJudah and all his officials shall be handed over to their enemy.

Note: He that takes people captive or enslave people would also beenslaved:Gal 6 vs 7.

In John 8 vs 1-11; Some judges brought an adulterous woman to challengethe Grace and Mercy of God that according to the law as seen in Lev 20 vs 10.

But the Judge of the Judges and the God of the gods and the Grace askedthem let he who is without sin be the first to throw a stone and they all left oneafter the other but Jesus asked the adulterous woman, where are youraccusers or those who wants to condemn you, here she received“unmeritedfavour”, Which means“Karis” in Greek and defines Grace.

For according to Number 5 vs 18-19 a bitter water would be given to anadulterous woman as an oath to bring curse on her as she stands before thePriest. But Colossian 2 vs 14 says every ordinances that has been writtencontrary to us has been blotted out by the blood of Jesus and nailed uponthe cross, and Christ has disarmed principalities and powers and disgracethem in public places.

There is a Hebrew term; “Thamim” which means without spot. The blood ofJesus has cleansed our spots.Thus, Hebrew 12 vs 14:says; follow ye peace withall men and holiness without which no man can see God. The word Holinessin Greek translates Hagiasmos.

In Conclusion; Rev19 vs 11-18 reveals that Jesus Christ would overcome allthe generals oppressing us.



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The Gifts Of The Spirit


Spiritual gifts are given as a result of God’s grace and are not the resultof human effort or merit.

Purpose of Spiritual Gifting: The Holy Spirit gives various gifts to differentindividuals but for the common good of the body of believers. 1 Cor. 12 vs.7; But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.KGV

1Cor 12 Vs 8-10; For to one is given the Spirit of the Word of Wisdom; toanother Word of Knowledge to another faith, to another healing, toanother working of miracles; to another prophecy, to another discerning ofspirits, to another divers kind of tongues by the same spirit.

Today. those blessed with these gifts are busy competing with one anotherinstead of praying that the Lord should confuse the language of thekingdom of darkness. note: men that compete can never be complete.Why are the children of God competing, instead of uniting the Grace ofGod in their lives. 1Cor 12 vs. 13: For by one Spirit are we all baptized intoone body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free;and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. 1Cor 12 Vs 8-10; do notcontain the complete list of the Gifts of the Spirit. Those listed above mayhave been specifically used to address issues raised among the Corinthiansletter to Paul; 1 Corinthians 7 vs. 1.


cold nor hot. I wish you are either one or the other. Rev 3vs 15.

God is willing to speak to everyman but not all men are able to fulfil thecriteria to the hearing of Gods voice, and hearing is also in proportion.

2Chronicles 7 vs. 14 says; If my people, who are called by name, will humblethemselves and pray and seekmy face and turn from their wicked ways,then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal theirland.

God is willing to pour out His Spirit on all people. Joel 2 vs. 28-29 says; andafterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughterswill prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will seevisions. Vs 29: Even on my servants both men and women, I will pour outmy Spirit in those days.

In the year 1910; a man called “William seymour” led the Azuza streetsupernatural movement in 1900 and we are yet to recover from it. In 1910he prophesied that in 100 years there would be an outpouring of God’sSpirit and His Shekinah Glory will be greater than what was experienced inhis time. Dear friends plug into the revelation.



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Are you a problem to your generation or a Solution like Joseph and Danielin the Bible? Let me remind you about what Jesus did and experiencedbecause of you and I, in Isaiah 53 vs. 4-5; surely He hath borne our griefs andcarried our sorrow: yet we did esteem Him stricken, smitten of God andafflicted. A statement that makes me feel for Christ is also in Romans 4 vs.25: Who was delivered for our offences and raised for our justification.

conditions for salvation; Faith cometh by hearing and hearing of theword of God; thus the first condition is Faith. The second condition isrepentance; Act 3 vs. 19; Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sinsmay be wiped out, that the time of refreshing may come from the Lord.Baptism by water and the Holy Spirit is also a progressive way tosanctification. John 3 vs. 5: Jesus answered, I tell you the truth, and no onecan enter the Kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit.This implies water baptism and Holy Ghost baptism. You need the Spirit ofGod to govern your life as you daily read and meditate on the word of Godto have good success and make your way prosperous. Joshua 1 vs. 8.

in conclusion: The term Psychikos in Greek refers to a man governed by hisfallen nature. Roman 5 vs. 12. and Romans 2 vs. 14. Grace is the mainrequirement as it is written in Ephesians 2 vs. 8; for by grace are ye savedthrough faith; and that not of yourselves: It is the gift of God. 2 Corintians12 vs. 9; But He said to me, My grace is sufficient for you, for My power ismade perfect in weakness, so I boast about my weakness, so that Christpower may rest on me.



Waiting On The MinistryYou Are Called Into

Or Your Dominant Call And Gift


Some of the gifts of the spirit not mentioned in 1Cor 12 vs. 8-10 canbe seen below.Romans 12 vs. 6-8; Having then gifts differingaccording to grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us

prophesy according to the proportion of faith; Or ministry, let us wait onour ministering; or he that teaches, on teaching; Or he that exhorted, onexhortation; he that gives, let him do it with simplicity; he that ruleth,with diligence, he that sheweth mercy, with cheerfulness. It’s importantthe children of God walk in love and not envy or deceit. Romans 12 vs. 9-10; Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleaveunto that which is good. Be kindly affectionate one to another withbrotherly love; in honour preferring one another.

the Five Fold ministry; Every other ministry is founded on the apostolicministry and apostolic commission is given by Christ Himself Act 1 vs. 25.The book of Ephesians Chapter 4 vs. 11-12; and He gave some, apostles;some prophets; and some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers;for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifyingof the body of Christ. To every programme that God make satan oftencreate the opposite and for that reason be careful of false apostles, prophet,evangelist, Pastors and teachers. For it is written in 2cor. 11 vs. 14; Nowonder, for satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.

proving your calling and gifting;1Cor.4vs 1; so then, men ought to regardus as servants of Christ and as those entrusted with the secret things ofGod. The Greek term “oikonomos” translates one who manages a houseand is accountable to the owner. As a Christian or minister, preaching theGospel of Jesus christ has been entrusted to all christians. Does yourlife style minister Christ as a Christian or a minister of God?


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time of attack: Ecc 10 vs 7-8. Note that attack can come even when you arespirit filled: Act 6 vs 8-Judges 16 vs 1-5. Read the story of samson in Judges16 vs 19-21: Methods of Attack: Enemy imposes fear, nominates instrumentof attack, and restrictions.1 king 19 vs 1-4, Exodus 1 vs 10-14, Daniel 3 vs 20-25.

realms attacked by the enemy in a man. 2 Thes 5 vs 23 established manas spirit, soul and body, the soulish realm: Psalm 142 vs 7, the bodily realm:Luke 8 vs 43-45,and luke 13 vs 11-13,the Spirit realm of attack.

exposition on oppression, possessions, obsession and objection.Delilah was used as an object of attack for Samson: Judges 16 vs 19-21.

obsession: Simon the sorcerer was obsessed by his power. Acts 8 vs 9-24.

possession : Mark 5 vs 1-11 reveals the Gadarene man, and his case entailsobsession and possession vs 6-10. The evil spirits were obsessed with hisbody and they prayed for another place to reside in. The evil spirit alsopossessed him as a property and they ruled over him until the King of Kingscame to rescue him.

oppression: Luke 5 vs 5: He cuts himself with stones and cries; this is asymbol of oppression.

realms of attack: Ephesians 6 vs 12.Principalities. Powers. Rulers ofdarkness of this world. Spiritual wickedness.

Defending attacks: Armour of God, Wisdom and the Fruits of the Spirit.Proverb 4 vs 7 says wisdom is supreme and 1 cor 1 vs 24 says Jesus is thewisdom and the power of God. In summary armours required arecategorised into instrumental and strategic method: Instrumentalincludes:

The belt of Truth: Eph 6 vs 14 and Proverb 30 vs 8a says keep falsehoodand lies far from me.The breastplate of righteousness, Eph 6 vs 14The shield of faith. Eph 6 vs 16The helmet of salvation . Eph 6 vs 17Readiness to Preach the Gospel and preaching it. Eph 6 vs 15



“The Way To Maximize YourGifting And Your Calling Is ByAcknowledging Your Weakness

And Appreciating TheGrace Of God.”


Is satan using your past to haunt you? Please go and read Romans 8 vs.1 and Colossians 2 vs. 14-15. Finally the book of Revelation 16 vs. 15says; Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth

his garments, lest he walks naked, and they see his shame.

You shall not be put to shame in Jesus name and may the grace of our LordJesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be withyou all. Amen

Spiritual Warfareit is expedient to understand the following terms on spiritual warfare.

networking: In Networking there is a local area net work and wide area network. This can be likened in spiritual terms as the internal and externalchannel of attack. Internal includes through children, wife, husband, petsand including non living things such as car or chair.Example is Job 2 vs 8-9 linked with Job.

1 vs 9. Satan did not harm the wife of Job but reserved her as his ownmouth piece. Similarly absalom and aitophel against David but thecounsel was turned to nought, Achan is also an example of an internalenemy that made Israel lost battle to Ai :Joshua 7 vs 19-25 Undernetworking, attack can come from your family both nuclear and extended,place of work, friends, those you have helped, and it could come from yourprayer partners and spiritual leaders.


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The Prey, The MightyAnd The Almighty

GRHWho is the prey, the mighty and the almighty?

prey is an animal hunted or caught for food and one that is defencelessespecially in the face of attack, and they could be regarded as a victim.

the mighty is any living creature that hunts on its prey as a result of havingor showing greater power. Like owls preys on mice, the cat preys on ratand eagle on chicks. The Almighty means the one that has absolute powerover the prey and the mighty Daniel 6 vs. 20-22 revealed how Daniel whoought to be a prey to lion was delivered by the Almighty.

Note that; the name Daniel means “My God is Judge.”

In Daniel 3 vs. 26-27; the Almighty undo the power that fire has over thethree Hebrews,thus the mighty don’t have to be a living weapon.

Dear brethren the Almighty is interested in those that live their life withhumility and wisdom and He is always ready to fight on their behalf. TheAlmighty is able to promote an obedient prey to mighty and demote adisobedient mighty person to a prey. Where there is a king, rememberthere is King of Kings. Revelation 19 vs. 16. What gives you anointing aboveyour fellow is righteousness Hebrew 1 vs. 9.


The Sword of the Spirit: Eph 6 vs 17 and Hebrew 4 vs 12.Praying in the Spirit with different prayer request and supplication.Eph 6 vs 18.

strategic method of defence:A. Spiritual Alertness: means watchfulness. Eph 6 vs18B. Consistent prayers for all the saints with perseverance:

Ephesian 6 vs 18.C. Prayer for the preacher of the word that he preaches the word

without fear: Eph 6 vs 19.D. Humility is required to overcome battles of people that are greater

than you: Psalm 138 vs 6 and the fruit of the Spirit : Galatians 5 vs 22.

In conclusion, holiness is the master key to all these, The Greek termsHagnos and Hagiasmos translates pure and Holiness respectively. Isa. 35vs 1-8, Isa. 2 vs 1-5, and Hebrew 4 vs 12. God has given me a lot of victorythrough the seed of humility.



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prayer: You would not send your children on a journey that would makeyou mourn over them and you would not waste your effort and resourceson what would destroy you in Jesus name. Gen 37 vs 15-18.

When Joseph arrived at Shechem, a man found him wandering around inthe fields and asked him, “What are you looking for?” Gen 37 vs 16; Hereplied, “I’m looking for my brothers. Can you tell me where they aregrazing their flocks?”

Gen. 37 vs 17; they have moved from here,” and I heard them say, ‘lets goto Dothan. Joseph found them in Dothan. Joseph’s narrow escape fromdreams destroyer and killers of dreamers. Vs18-22; But they saw him atdistance, and before he reached them, they plotted to kill him; Psalm31 vs13, vs 20. Reuben however rescued him by suggesting that they throw himin the cistern and with the hope of coming to rescue him from the cisternand take him back to his father.

Where are your coats?In Gen 37 vs 23-24 Joseph’s coats of many colours was stripped off him byhis brothers and he was thrown into a cistern. Now the cistern was empty,there was no water in it. Link Gen 42 vs. 6-9 and ps 144 vs 7. Gen 37 vs 25:As they sat down to eat their meal, they looked up and saw a Caravan ofIshmaelite coming from Gilead; Their camels were loaded with spices, balmand myrrh, link Matthew 2 vs. 11, and they were on their way to take themdown to Egypt.

In Gen 37 vs 26: Judah (Gen 29 vs35) said to his brothers,“What will we gainif we kill our brothers and cover up his blood? Link Gen 42 vs21. And Gen4 Vs 10. Come lets sell him to the Ishmaelite and not lay our hands on him;after all, he is our brother, our own flesh and blood, his brothers agreed.

In Gen 37 vs 28-30: Joseph was pulled out of the Cistern and sold to theMidianite merchants for twenty shekel of silver to the Ishmaelite who tookhim to Egypt. Reuben returned to the Cistern and saw that Joseph was notthere and he was worried.

The Midianite; see Judges 6vs 1-3, they are destroyer and Gen 25 vs. 1-2 fortheir origin. The typological view of Jesus and Joseph was that Jesus was



The Sure Dreams Of Josephtext: Genesis 37 vs 1-end.


Of a O truth Joseph had dreams that proves to be quite intimidatingto his elder brothers, even to his parents, those dreams were surefor they surely came to pass in Genesis 4 vs. 8; likewise Abel’s dream

was challenged as Cain his brother killed him.

What challenges are your dreams facing?I pray you shall overcome all challenges by the risen of the power in theblood of Jesus, your dream would not be aborted, sold out, transferred,postponed, stolen and you will not die before the accomplishment of yourdreams in Jesus mighty name. Colosian 2 vs.14-15.

In Gen.37 Israel showed Joseph greater love among his children, becausehe had been born to him in his old age; and he made him a richlyornamented robe.

I want you to note that, Joseph was singled out by God from hisconception. His birth was an answer to the prayers of his mother Rachel.The preferential treatment he received from his father symbolised by hisspecial coat caused his brothers to hate him.

Similarly as an Evangelist from 1997-2004 I have been through a lot in theministry. As an Assisting Pastor from 2004 to 2010 it’s indeed an experiencethat has developed me in all areas of life. Joseph had a dream and when hetold his brothers they hated him and were jealous but his father rebukedhim and kept the matter in Mind. Who do you tell your dreams? Protectyour dream because your destiny lies in them.

Joseph sold by his brothersBeware of dream traders. Gen. 37 vs 12-14: Now his brother has gone tograze their father’s flocks near Shechem and Israel said to Joseph, “As youknow, your brothers are grazing the flocks near Shechem. Come I am goingto send you to them. Very well he replied.


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Thy Light Has Come


Textual source: Isaiah 60 vs 1: Arise, shine for thy light has come andthe glory of the Lord is risen upon you.

The coming of your light is what can make you rise from your depressionto perfection, disgrace to grace, bitterness to joy, shame to glory. The manwho was blind and has no light from birth was given light by Jesusaccording to John 9 vs 1-9. Genesis 1 vs 3 reveals the induction andintervention of light even for divine operation. John 1 vs 4-5 reveals thatJesus was the light. And Ephesians 5 vs 14: wherefore he saith, awake thouthat sleepest, and arise from the dead and Christ shall give thee light.

The meaning of waking is to awake out of the works of the flesh unto thefruits of the spirit Gal 5 vs 19-22. Apostle Paul said in Romans 7 vs 21-24 insummary that another law brings him to captivity of the law of sin and whoshall deliver him from the power of sin. Arising has to do with transitionfrom one stage to another. Arise from condemnation to Justification:Roman 8 vs 1, and John 8 vs 1-11. There are four levels of light: Theeverlasting light: Isaiah 60 vs 19. The sun light, The moon light, and the Starlight: 1 Cor 15 vs 41. The property of electrical light is that it can beconnected or disconnected and the three last type mentioned has theirtime during the day. The Moon allows the Sun to rule by day and the Starsallows the moon to rule by night. All your enemies shall give way to you inJesus name.

Matthew 25 talks about the ten virgins: The five foolish ones said they haverun out of oil, which means the Holy spirit, Matt. 25 vs 8. And the lamp is theWord of God. To be connected you need the holy spirit. Romans 8 vs 14,and psalm 119 vs 105 says thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light untomy path. The Intensity of light is directly proportional to the depth ofdarkness. the location of light in a man. These are categorised into thelight upon you, the light around and within you. The light within you: 1John 4vs 4: The seed inside you is proportional to the power you produce.


sold by his treasurer/disciple; Judas for 30 shekel of silver; Matt 27 vs. 3-5and Joseph was sold by his brothers for 20 shekel of silver ; Gen 37 vs. 28.

christological view and eschatological view.Gen 37 vs 31-33: Then they got Joseph’s robe and slaughtered a goat anddipped the robe in the blood. Link Gen 27 vs. 19, Gal 6 vs. 7, Rev 19 Vs 13,Isaiah 53 vs3-5, Col 2 vs. 14, Galatians 3 vs. 13-14. Symbolises ourredemption and sanctification which is a concept of Soteriology i.e. studyof salvation. Gen 37 vs 34: Jacob tore his clothes, put on sack cloth andmourns for his sons many days, all his sons and daughter comforted himbut he refuse to be comforted.

I pray that you will not have any reason to cry in the remaining months,weeks, days, minutes and seconds in the year 2010 in the name of JesusChrist.

Vs 36: Mean while the Midianites sold Joseph in Egypt to Potiphar, one ofPharaoh’s official, the captain of the guard. Where the enemy has sold yourchildren, your job, business, joy, marriage, peace, glory, and happiness youshall repossess them now in the name of Jesus.

conclusion:Guide your dream with Wisdom, be humble, and be prayerful and watchful.Link Prove 4 vs 7, 1 Peter 5 vs. 5-8. The dream of every Christian is to reignwith Christ in heaven. Are you prepared if Jesus comes now? 1 cor 15 vs52.



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Exploration Of Genesis 21; 1stBook Of The Pentateuch.

GRHtopic :time of Fulfilment or time of breakthrough link Gen 21 with

isaiah 45 vs1,3,4,5,6,7,,8,9 and Gen 18vs 14.

There is a difference between the year of fulfilment, month, week , dayand time of fulfilment.The woman with the issue of blood see the timeof her fulfilment as a moment she touches the border of Jesus garment

and she got her breakthrough at the same moment, “the breakthrough ofNow”. Luke 8 vs 43-45. How thirsty are you for the word that changes destiny?

The time of fulfilment is the hour, minute and seconds of the breakingforthof a conceived dream, prophecy, vision or child. It is the visibility of a miraclethat can be seen, touched or a speaking miracle.

Two kings that could stand as obstacle to the fulfilment of Gods Convenantfor Abraham were plagued; Gen 12vs17 and Gen 20 vs 18. What would be thecase if Pharoah or Abimeleck succeeded.

The hand of God shall be heavy on any hindrance to the fulfilment of Godsprophecy for your life and your dreams and your children dreams in Jesusname. Unfailing promise of God is seen as He gave Isaac which he promisedat the set time, and laughter was born . Holding to the divine promise is aconception that would always begat laughter. Gen 21 vs1-3. Please Link Gen17 vs 19.

abraham’s obedience after Breakthrough: Circumcision of Isaac on theeight day as instructed in Gen 17vs 10 &12. Abraham obeyed as seen in vs 4.Do you still remain faithful after any breakthrough in life?There is internal andexternal circumcision; i.e circumcision of the heart Rom2vs21 and outer skinEph 2vs 11. vs 5 Abraham was 100 years and Sarah 90 years when God gavethem a laughter breakthrough; its not too late for God to give you beauty forashes, oil of gladness for the spirit of sadness and Garment of praise for the


Is the seed of Christ in you?

the light around you: Daniel 3 vs 19-20, and Zechariah 2 vs 5. Wall of fireround about Jerusalem.

the light upon you: Act 12 vs 7-10 the light shined upon Peter and theiron gate opened to him on its on accord in summary. And Act 2 vs 1-4Isaiah 61 vs 1-3. Barriers would be broken, yokes destroyed and chainsloosed when the light falls upon you and storms would be silenced whenthe light around you shines out: Luke 8 vs 23-24.

elements of Darkness: Gal 5 vs 19-21 and Galatians 5 vs 26.

Note: John 8 vs 32 : You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.Elements of Light: Phil 2 vs 1-5, and Galatians 5 vs 22-25.

Matthew 7 vs 21-23 : Not everyone that saith unto me lord, lord, shall enterinto the Kingdom of heaven: but he that doeth the will of my father whichis in heaven. Read vs 22-23. Maranatha is a liturgical Aramaic acclamationwhich means our lord is coming. Read 1 cor 1 vs 52, 1 cor 16 vs 22, and Rev22 vs 20. Are you ready to give your life to Jesus and be repositioned? Justsay Jesus I accept you as my Lord and personal saviour.



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Exercising Authority And PowerOver Powers And Authorities


Any Christian that carries the pure fire of the almighty God wouldsurely be confronted by Satan and his agents; but rememberMatthew 21vs 44, Psalm 2 vs. 9, and Ephesians 6 vs. 10-18.

Following some sections of deliverance ministration for four women whoare possessed, in February 2010. I had a dream that a man whose heightreached the heaven was chasing me and after running for about a distanceof 100 metres, I stopped suddenly and I asked him this question; Who areyou and what have I done to you? With a voice that is earth quaking hereplied that I am Satan, and i am here to fight you because you havetransferred my children from the Kingdom of darkness to light. Then Ireplied him that; it is written in the book of 1John Chapter 3 vs. 8: that hethat committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning.For this purpose the son of God was manifested, that He might destroy theworks of the devil. When he heard this he was so furious and roared like aLion and every where was shaking, and I shouted with a loud voice, shut up,you are not the Lion of Judah but you only roar like a lion for the book ofRevelation 5 vs. 5 has revealed to me that Jesus is the Lion of Judah. Itherefore command you to be quiet in the name of Jesus. Suddenlyeverywhere was calm and the giant became small like the eraser on apencil stick, and I crushed him on the floor with my feet. I woke updrenched with sweat and I prayed, and the Holy Spirit told me I haveovercome Satan and his agents for you, and wherever they see you, theyshall fear and honour you; remain connected and continue my work, I willforever be with you.


spirit of heaviness; see Isaiah 61 vs 3; vs 6-8; God made Sarah laugh andAbraham celebrated a feast when the child has been weaned. God wouldsurprise you, your friends and enemies, people would ask you how you madeit and you will forget your sorrows. Abraham laughed in Gen 17vs 17; a laughof unbelief thinking how can it be possible but God’s Magnificency wasrevealed to him. I pray that people would laugh with you but not laugh atyou. Amen.

God is not partial: God said in Isaac Abraham’s seed would be named butHe would make a nation of Ishmael. Vs 12 &13. Do you puff up afterbreakthrough or submit yourself to your maker? Sarah’s grevious action wasto send out Hagar, Abraham had compassion because of his son, but God toldAbraham to listen to Sarah. Hagar was sent into the wilderness of Beer-shebaor Paran; pronounced as Paw-rawn is a desert of Arabia; Brief etymology;study of the root of a words and changes to it.

theology of the omnipotent, omniscience and omnipresent , theodecyand Harmatiology. vs 14-20 Abraham sent Hagar and Ishmael away withbread and bottle of water on her shoulder , the water got finished, but theGod that heard Hagar’s cry when she was sent away the first time whilepregnant heard the cry of the baby and Hagar again.Thus Gods kindness andthe selfishness of man was portrayed here.The Jehovah Jaireh opened Hagar’seyes to see the well and she fetched from it. Just like Christ showed theSamaritan woman the living water; Christology and typology see John 4 vs 10.And Gen 16 vs 11

Vs 21; Ishmael dwell in the wilderness of Paran and his mother took him a wifein Egypt: link Gen 16vs1 and Gen 24 vs 4.

Ishmael became an archer .see Gen 21 vs 20 and ref Gen16 vs 12. Submissionof king Abimelech to the God of the Abrahamic covenant. Ref Psalm 105 vs14&15 and psalm 18vs18. Abimelech went with Phicol the chief captain of hishost..

The king made an oath of peace with Abraham and Abraham brought theKings’attention to the misconduct of the Kings’servant, the King stated henever heard of it. Abraham used 7 ewes as witness that he dug the well ofBeersheba. Beer-she-ba means Well of Oath in Hebrew.



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Breaking The Yokes OfBarrenness, Stagnation, And

Programmed Affliction


Iconducted deliverance for a Woman of 54 years who was waiting forthe fruit of the womb, and I told her that the person that submitted herwomb to the occultist group as a channel to receive power would visit

her in London in two weeks time and would fall sick after staying with herfor 1 week. The sister told me two weeks later that her father who is a Pastorvisited her and he is currently ill and would be going back to Nigeria onthe second day. A day before she called me, her father and his occultistgroup appeared to me in the dream and they were saying different kindsof incantation, some prayed using bible verses, and lastly they called out abeast that also said all he has to say. I replied to them in one statement thatit is written In Colossian 2 vs. 14-15 that blotting out the handwriting ofordinances that was written against us, which was contrary to us, and tookit out of the way, nailing it to His cross; And having spoiled principalitiesand powers, He made a show openly, triumphing over them in it. Therefore,release her womb and do not trouble the sister any more, and they alldisappeared in that trance. Nine months later in the year 2007 when thesister gave birth to a baby boy, she was 55 years old.

9. Holy Ghost fire, 3ce roast every satanic snakes in the heavenly realm,marine realm, land and forest that are consuming the eggs of myfortune, hindering my conception, causing miscarriage, hindering myglory and Joy in the name of Jesus. Exodus 7 vs. 12.

10. He that is higher than the highest 3ce with a very loud voice; showyour greatness to those that are older, greater, and mightier than methat says that I shall not give birth to my dream as you did to the tenbrothers of Joseph in the name of Jesus. Genesis 42 vs. 6.

11. All the wicked, powerful and crafty enemies using my children,wife/husband, Job/business, education, health, and all other areas of


1. Daddy I thank you because you will change my story today and releasemy Spirit, Soul and Body from satanic prisons and limitations.

2. Every foot hold I have given to the devil or legal hold given by myparent or ancestors, I seek for mercy and forgiveness under theconfessions of my sins and the grace in the blood of Jesus I destroysuch holds. Ephesians 4 vs. 27.

3. The rod of iron of the Lord 3ce dash into pieces every kingdoms,nations, strong hold, imaginations, thoughts and knowledgeopposing my glory, comfort and success in the name of Jesus. Psalm2 vs. 9

4. The Lion of Judah 3ce break into pieces the sceptre of wicked rulersand the staff of authority of the kingdom of oppressors programmingafflictions into my life, family and my lot. Isaiah 14 vs. 5.

5. Fire from the altar of God 3ce consume to ashes every mountains ofaffliction, stagnation, barrenness, joblessness, failure, disappointment,shame, miscarriage and sudden death in my life and that of my familyin the name of Jesus.

6. Put your right hand on your head and read; Isaiah 50 vs.7 -9; Becausethe Sovereign LORD helps me, I will not be disgraced. Therefore haveI set my face like flint, and I know I will not be put to shame. He whovindicates me is near. Who then will bring charges against me? Let usface each other! Who is my accuser? Let him confront me! It is theSovereign LORD who helps me. Who is he that will condemn me? Theywill all wear out like a garment; the moths will eat them up.

7. Father in the court yard of my comfort, Joy, Glory, Peace, Prosperity,honour and wealth make me an irremovable mountain for Satan andall his agents in the name of Jesus. Psalm 125 vs. 1-3.

8. The merciful God 3ce, in the remaining months, weeks, days, minutesand seconds in this year 2010, do not let me mourn over my children,wife/husband, Job/Business, marriage, conception, and all goodportions of my life in Jesus name.



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19. When rain drops depart from heaven it cannot be arrested not to pouron the earth; every angels of my life and my God given children Icommand you to manifest physically by the mercy of God, Blood ofJesus and the fire of the holy ghost.

20. Every enemy subjecting me to barrenness, affliction, oppression,shame, impossibility, and disgrace; Mighty warrior, 3ce trample themunder Your feet now in the name of Jesus.



my life as weapon of attack against me, Mighty man in battle set theirpower house on fire. Joshua 8 vs1-end and I Samuel 5 vs. 1-5.

12. Father I thank you because you have turned my test to testimony andmistakes to miracle and my story of sadness to a sweet story, and inten months time I shall dedicate my baby in the church of God.

13. By the risen of the blood of Jesus I destroy and undo every covenantthat is hindering the physical manifestation of my God given children,blessing, gift and success that am given in the spiritual realm in thename of Jesus.

14. The Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding required for me and myfamily to fulfil our life span and destiny release it upon us in the nameof Jesus.

15. Fire from the altar of God, 3ce consume every altar resurrecting, andpromoting sorrow, barrenness, failure, sickness, poverty, financialdraught, untimely death and impossibility in my life and family in thename of Jesus.

16. The Grace, (Karis in Greek; translates unmerited favour), Mercy, andfavour that supersede the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding ofFalse prophets, Satan and his agents; witches wizards, sorcerers, evilold ones, and satanic experts that are hindering me from giving birthto my children and glory; release such mighty grace upon my lifeforever in Jesus name.

17. Every completed works of darkness over my marriage, children, womb,fallopian tube, my husband’s sperm count, and all that is biologicallyrequired for reproduction, be erased, and disgraced by the blood ofJesus in Jesus name. Colossians 2 vs. 14-15.

18. All the things that were created by God from the first day to the sixthday that are in possession of the letters of my Joy, my God givenchildren, garment of my glory and my benefactors; I command you tovomit them now and hand them over to me in Jesus name. 2 king 6 vs.5.



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covenanted to make me come to this world in vain with my house holddry up, vanish and be destroyed in Jesus name.

22. Because Jesus Christ has shed His blood; my blood, the blood of mychildren, husband/wife and loved ones will not be shed for sacrifice nowand throughout our life time in the name of Jesus.

23. Almighty God 3ce, unseat every kings, authorities, powers and wickedones promoting failure, disappointment, stagnation, disgrace, andmisfortune in my life in the name of Jesus.

24. Every garments of no remedy on my life and family be removed by thefire of the Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus.

25. Every satanic deposition or marks bringing pain, sorrow, reproach andshame to my life, I send you out completely to Sahara desert in Jesusname and never to return. Psalm. 119 vs. 22, Nahum 1 vs9.

26. Every enemy fighting against my destiny with their thought, imagination,holds and knowledge receive the sword and arrow of repentance in Jesusname. 2 Cor. 10 vs. 4 & Psalm 62 vs. 4.

27. Every yokes, marks, garment, ropes, chains, shoes of slavery upon my lifeand family break by the fire of the holy ghost, thunder of God and theblood of Jesus in Jesus name. Isa. 10vs 27, 1 Sam 2 vs. 10, and Galatians3 vs. 13-14.

28. Every inherited curses, spirits, and labels working against my destiny; bedestroyed and erased by the blood of Jesus. Colossians 2 vs. 14-15.

29. People that have agreed in numbers of 3, 4, 7, 16, 21, 24, 30, 36 and morethat vow not to do certain things to make me come to this world in vain;let the fire and arrow of repentance fall upon them, but if they refuse torepent , pass a sudden judgement on them within 7 hours.

30. My relative that has been commissioned to open doors for the enemyand frustrate my life, due to evil covenants, forcefully liberate him or herlike you did to Saul who became Paul on his way to Damascus. Act 9 vs.1-end.

Overcoming InternalAnd External Attacks

GRHpsalm 3, and psalm118 vs 10 - 12

Asister came to my house with her spouse in February 2010 to reportthe man’s offence and how she has punished him. She said this isthe fifth time she is coming to planet earth, she said she has put the

glory of her spouse on a throne that his hand can never attain in his lifetime, she has put a mark on his forehead that no body can erase.

She said they are sending three ladies to him which he would meet in threeyears to complete the operation she has started, and finally she said shewas supposed to complete a three days vigil prayer; that God should nothave mercy on his spouse, but she was troubled in her spirit and her groupscan not resist the power that brought her to me for this confession.

I replied in three statements to her that can the blood of Jesus remove thatmark you said no man can remove? She replied; only that blood canremove it. I told her it is written in Ecclesiastes 5 vs. 8: If thou sees theoppression of the poor, and violent perverting of Judgement, and justicein province, marvel not at the matter: for He that is higher than the highestregarded; and there be higher than they. I asked her can the hand of theperson who is higher than the whole world remove the glory of yourspouse from that throne you kept it? She replied; Yes sir.

Finally I told her to read Proverb 16 vs. 1 and ask God for forgiveness, whilstshe was making her confessions, her spouse has been asked to prostratebefore her to apologise, and also ask God for forgiveness. Proverb 16 vs. 1;the preparations of the heart in man, and the answer of the tongue, is fromthe Lord.

21. Hold three peoples hands if you have people to pray with you, and ifnot, pray it on your own as the angels of God are in Partnership with you;By the reason of the blood of Jesus every blood that has been

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Destroying KingdomsAnd Altars Of Impossibilities

GRHread psalm :10

Achild named Moses was excluded from national death for babies inhis own time, and his mother was given money to nurse himinstead of mourning over her son. Ex1 vs 22 and Ex2 vs 1-8

A woman brought her sister to me for prayers and as I closed my eyes topray I saw this same woman, place her hands around her sister’s waist Iopened my eyes and I asked the sister to go out and I asked the woman inprivate why she is hindering her sister from conceiving and she replied thather sister was the reason why her marriage broke down and that she wouldnever allow her to conceive. I pleaded with her to release her sister and shesaid she would release her, and I prayed with the sister briefly.

38. Every satanic kingdoms and government militating against theshining of my star; the Kings of Kings 3ce overthrow them now.Revelation 19 vs. 16 and Haggai 2 vs. 21-22,Matt 2 vs 7-15

39. The hand of the Almighty collect the keys of my joy, letters of joy andgoodness from the hands of those that are stronger than me andfrustrating my plans and hand my goodness, letters of joy and keys ofmy joy to me. In Jesus name

40. I switch on the light of my glory, marriage, job, business, health,children, and all that pertains to my life that Satan and his agent hasswitched off in the name of Jesus. Psalm 18 vs. 28 and Genesis 41vs. 45.

41. I command the Tree of my life to begin to bear fruit from now on inthe name of Jesus. Read Isaiah 54 vs. 1-end, Isa. 62 vs. 1-end, Isa 52 vs1–end, Isa 64 vs. 1 –end and Isa 60 vs.1-end. Especially for those waitingon the lord for the fruit of the womb. Just believe.

31. Every authority, powers, throne, kingdoms, and altars bringingdisagreement between me and my children, husband/wife, manager,Pastor, friends, and benefactors your end has come in the name ofJesus the Omega. Revelation 1 vs. 8.

32. Every mark of the enemies’ vengeance on me and my children basedon my parent or ancestors wickedness in the past under the coveringof the blood of Jesus Christ I plead for mercy and I erase those markscompletely over me and my family at large in Jesus name.

33. I withdraw my life from Periodic, constitutional, and programmedaffliction in the mighty name of Jesus.

34. The lord that has the ability to move any mountain, remove everymountains of sorrow, failure, disappointment and impossibility beforemy life.

35. All those who are rivals of my glory and dreams; Almighty God, 3ce letthem bow and submit to me like Haman did to Mordecai and thebrothers of Joseph did to Joseph in the name of Jesus.

36. Every food I have eaten, drinks l have drunk, gifts of any kind fromconception till now that is working against my glory be aborted andfail now in the mighty name of Jesus.

37. Almighty God I thank you for you will not let me pray to You in vainwhilst my oppressors rejoice over me. Psalm 74 vs. 21.

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Breaking Hereditary CursesAnd DestroyingStubborn Barriers

GRHread 2Kings 2 vs 19 - 21, psalm 74 vs 1 - end

Isaw a strange mark on my younger sister in the year 2005, and I askedher where she was coming from and whom was the elderly woman sheinsulted. She replied that it was the woman selling spirit/kerosine, and

I went to see the old woman on sighting me she said Pastor because of thehonour I have for you, I remove the mark of shame and disgrace that I haveplaced on your sister, and immediately the mark disappeared. The oldwoman said that the mark should have been a hereditary curse on her.Children of God should be careful with what they say with their mouthsand don’t go and abuse a witch, even when they attack, simply pray to Godfor mercy and grace to be delivered.

49. I exceed every limitation set for my family in age and achievement bythe fire of the Holy Ghost and by the blood of Jesus in Jesus name.

50. I decree favour, grace, honour, mercy, victory, Joy and greatness intomy life time in Jesus name. Esther 8 vs. 16 - end.

51. The Stars of heaven gives way for the moon to rule by night, the Moongives way for the Sun to rule by day; let day and night give way to mysun and moon to succeed and every thing that God created from the1st to the 6th day that needs to be repositioned for me to accomplishthe purpose of my creation, make good impact on my generation andaccomplish my dream and fulfil destiny, by grace begin to repositionthat which Your hand has created. Joshua 10 vs. 1-end

52. I command the earth, heaven, sea, rivers, lake, tree or anything createdby God that is holding my glory to vomit them in the name of Jesus.

42. Every high -Iron gate and broad walls hindering my breakthrough, Icommand you to be broken to pieces in the name of Jesus. Jeremiah51vs 58, psalm 24 vs. 1 –end, Isa. 43 vs. 1-end and Isaiah 45 vs. 1-end.

43.Every satanic hunter appointed to monitor my destiny and that of myfamily; I command you to sleep a deadly sleep now in the name ofJesus Christ. Jeremiah 51 vs. 57.

44. Every clothes of the graves, chains of the grave, ropes of grave, wristwatch of grave, covenants of the grave and marks of the grave uponme be destroyed in the name of Jesus Christ.

45. O Lord put laughter in my mouth and give me a visible testimonybefore ------- insert the date you want. In the name of Jesus.

46. I give birth to favour, success, blessing, signs and wonders, greatness,and prosperity in the name of Jesus.

47. Every idols, spirits and gods, that has been worshiped or beingworshiped at a certain time and given sacrifice to frustrate my life; fallaccording to the order of Dagon in the name of Jesus Christ. 1Samuel5 vs. 1-5, Isaiah 44 vs. 24-28.

48. Every altar erected against my promotion, success, peace, letters ofjoy and benefactors fall down and be burnt by fire. 1 King 13 vs. 1-4.

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61. Lion of Judah 3ce; roar to silent every lions surrounding my destinyand that of my family in the name of Jesus.

62. O Lord that put an end to the issue of blood; put an end to every issueof shame, disgrace, misfortune, impossibility, struggles, difficulties,oppression, sickness, barrenness, retrogression, disappointment, andfailure in my life.

53. Every negative dream militating against my positve dreams, negativevisions militating against my positive vision, negative recordsmilitating against my positive records, negative prophecy militatingagainst positive prophecy militating, negative prayers militatingagainst positive prayers, negative imaginations and thoughts becancelled and completely erased by the precious and unfailing bloodof Jesus. Num 23 vs. 23, Isaiah 10 vs. 1, Isaiah 44 vs. 25 and Colossians2 Vs 14-15.

54. Every night exploiters using up my glory, intellect, and blessing as ameans of enslaving me while l’m asleep to make me void of glory andpotentials, Receive the arrow of condemnation and termination ofassignment from my life and family in the name of Jesus.

55. Every curses that has entered into my life through sexual intercourseconsciously or unconsciously via dream, or seeing my self naked,seeing faeces or places have lived previously or curses from a strangevoice or relatives be destroyed in the name of Jesus..

56. Every mark of disfavour and hatred upon my life be removed by theblood of Jesus.

57. Every enemy that wants to strip me naked, Almighty God disgracethem in the public and make them powerless. Jeremiah 49 vs. 37,Obadiah vs. 3-4, Colossian 2 vs. 15 and Jer. 20 vs. 11.

58. Every foundation that needs to be destroyed and fountains that needsto dry for my Joy to come I decree your destruction and drynessrespectively in the name of Jesus. Luke 8 vs 43-45

59. The woman with the issue of blood took the right action,Bartholomew the blind took the right action and used the key word;father give me the key word to my breakthrough and enable me totake the right steps to fulfil my destiny.

60. Holy Ghost fire 7ce, consume every agents of affliction that has beenassigned to throw me and my family into the fire of life in the name ofJesus. Daniel 3 vs. 15-25.

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66. O Lord deliver me and my family from the pit of life in the name ofJesus.

67. Let your mercy speak on my behalf over the enemy’s desire againstme and my family. Gen 37 vs. 27.

68. Father Pronounce famine on my enemy and create an avenue for myglory to shine, Father give me the solution to the problem that nobody can solve in my generation. Genesis 42 vs. 5.

69. O Lord that accomplishes dream, command all my enemies to bowdown for the accomplishment of my dream and testimony throughChrist in Jesus name.

70. Every evil mark hindering the lifting of my head and suppressing myvision be destroyed by the blood of Jesus.

71. Every evil mark that is not giving me a say amongst my counterpart beerased by the blood of Jesus.

72. O Lord you are the lifter up of my head, Lift my head up; 7ce in thename of Jesus. Psalm 3 vs. 1-end

73. Jacob went to Laban house with a staff but went back home withabundant blessings including children, wives and live-stocks. Fatherdo not let me return to my country empty handed, give me somethingto show forth as a seed of prosperity and blessing.

74. Every powers of destiny manipulator over my life and family aredestroyed by the blood of Jesus in Jesus name.

75. Every rituals and sacrifices militating against my success be roastedby fire in the name of Jesus.

76. Joshua 11 vs. 11 reveals that Hazor the leader of the armies thatattacked the Israelites was burnt by fire; Oh lord set the Principalenemy of my life on fire that can not be quenched in Jesus name.




Destroying Dream Destroyer,And Achieving

Dreams And Goals


Ayoung man who has been Jobless for many years went to see aprophet, and was advised to humbly go to an old man in his village;saying daddy I have come to beg you to kindly release my glory

that is in your possession. The old man replied that you are a wise youngman, follow me, and the old man took him to a deep forest and at a spot,he asked him to dig a hole and he found three different pots. He asked himto break the first pot, and the man saw the certificate given to him fromhis primary school to his Masters certificate. The old man told him, thecertificate he is using to look for Job was all counterfeit as he has theoriginal certificates in the pot. When he was asked to break the second pot,Which he did; in this he found keys, and the old man said to him these arethe keys to your business, cars, houses, and joy .

He was asked to break the third pot, right there and then he saw an imageof himself begging the old man. After this experience the young man’s lifewas transformed for Good.

63. O Lord confuse the language of every enemy operating against mydreams, visions, and goals in the name Jesus.

64. The lord that has the greatest voice, use your voice to deliver me fromall enemies that are stronger than me. Gen 31 vs. 29; Laban said toJacob that is in the power of my arm to harm you but the Lord of yourfather appeared to me in the dream; saying do Jacob no evil or good.

65. Every enemy that has entered into covenants with the morning,afternoon, evening, night, marine spirit, grave, and in the heavenlyrealm to oppress me throughout my life time; Almighty God 3cebecause of your mercy deliver me from them. Psalm 37 vs35-36,Obadiah vs. 3-4.

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Repossess Your Possessions,And Release Your AngelGlory And Goodness

From Satanic Detention


Ayoung prophet was told by God that an older prophet has his gloryin possession and the young prophet asked God for wisdom, andthe Lord said to him; tell the old prophet I have given a letter for my

child, and that he should let go of his possession as soon as possible. Andthat was how the young prophet repossessed his possession

82. Almighty God release all my angels from satanic arrest and detentionin the name of Jesus. Daniel 10 vs. 11-12. Every power stirring uphatred between me and my benefactors, wife/husband, children,managers, customers and turning us to enemies be erased right nowby the risen of the blood of Jesus.

83. Every power and authority turning my day to night I empty you withthe mighty storm of God. Jeremiah 51 vs. 2.

84. Every evil mark that was placed on me whilst in my mothers womb,on the day of birth, christening, gifts, when crawling, when backedby women or girl, when sitting as a baby, standing, or running;merciful God because of your mercy erase them

85. The date and time that the enemy has appointed for my sorrow, kingof glory turn it around to destroy my enemies like you did forMordecai, Esther and the Jews.

86. The cords of affliction that ties me to my mothers lineage, fatherslineage, in-laws and generation, break completely by the blood ofJesus and fire in Jesus name.


77. Every device and weapon that my enemies are using to contend withme, oh Lord turn it against them in the name of Jesus.

78. Oh God of reconciliation settle the dispute between me and all mybenefactors in the name of Jesus.

79. Gen 37 vs. 27; the brothers of Joseph said come let us sell him; Oh Lorddeliver me from every satanic committee that have sold me and mydreams into slavery or traded with my glory and let me recover allwhat have lost in Jesus name.

80. The Lord that transferred Mephiboseth from Lodebar to palace, andJoseph from prison to place when the chief butler forgot him, pleaseopen the book of Your remembrance and transport me to my greenpasture and palace.

81. Every dream, vision and glory that has been stolen from me, Irepossess them by fire.



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87. Every enemy that say it’s only their death that would make meprosper, according to their word; God of vengeance 3ce use theirblood as sacrifice for my breakthrough.

88. All the enemies that changed my mountain of possibility toimpossibility please destroy their works in my life and let themexperience everlasting impossibility that would never make themprevail over me in the name of Jesus.

89. I release my glory and goodness from every satanic pots andcalabash used by the evil ones and the expert wicked ones in wavingaway my goodness and keeping my glory, I command the power thatcalled out Lazarus from the grave to release my glory back to me .John 11:35-43.

90. Every pots and satanic material buried by a lake or stagnant water tostagnate my life, release my glory in Jesus name; I command yourfunction to be ineffective and destroyed through the prevailing bloodof Jesus and I command the holy spirit to break that pot in Jesusname.

91. Call the name of Jesus three times, the thunder of God; 7ce, the clockof my life; 7ce, I release the clock of my life from satanic manipulationand I command the clock of my life to receive new battery of the holyghost to recover all lost chances and speed up to predestined divineprogramme. in Jesus name.

92. All the wicked people that shut me in the prison and keep the Keys intheir pocket, Holy Ghost remove the key from their pocket, makethem sleep a deadly sleep and set me completely free.

93. Every weapon that a wicked man or woman is using as a legal groundof attack or power over my life be destroyed by the blood of Jesusand the fire of the Holy Ghost.

94. The storm of the Lord 7ce; every satanic kingdom and nations thatare working against my success be destroyed and evacuated by thestorm of God.



95. Almighty destroy the might, power, authority and the foundation thatmy enemies are using to attack me and my family.

96. O Lord the evil marks of the expert ones that are obstructing myvision, thinking, dream, and actions, undo such marks by the blood ofJesus Christ.

97. Every evil marks stagnating my arms and feet be destroyed in Jesusname.

98. Isaiah 62 vs. 8;says I have sworn by My right hand and the arm of Mystrength that I would not give your corn to the enemy; neither wouldforeigners drink your new wine therefore, every power and authoritytrespassing against Your word in my life, judge them with Your mightand power in Jesus name.

99. Alpha and Omega show me the mental picture of my future in Jesusname.

100. Endue me with the grace to bridle my tongue when I need to, andspeak where I need to speak in Jesus name.

101. O lord make me think good of myself and endue me with positiveimaginations.

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Prayers To Overcome Expert,Crafty And Cooperate Enemy

GRHobad: 1 Vs 3-4, psalm: 24 V 1-end

Aminister of God whose mother was also a minister was brought fordeliverance. I told him the Lord said three people close to him areat the verge of death, and he replied you got it right. I said thus

says the Lord, go to your mother very early tomorrow morning and ask herto pray for you over this issue. He went to his mother on the next day andthe mother said who taught you; well your wife and the twin babies shegave birth to, would not undergo operation in the hospital and there shallbe no more complication. You should have listened when I told you not tomarry that girl. Thus the twins and their mother were discharged from thehospital the following day after that prayer

102. Every seal and altar that is changing my prayer and the prayer’speople are praying for me to curses, be destroyed in Jesus name.

103. All those who have prayed for me with their mouth and deliberatelycurse me in their hearts nullify their curses on me by the blood ofJesus. Psalm 62 vs. 4.

104. I disengage my body, spirit, and soul from every demonic influenceand satanic manipulation in Jesus name.

105. O Lord disgrace, my disgrace, put my shame to shame and let thosewho want me to cry, to cry instead of me.

106. O Lord turn the table around to favour me, so that my oppressorsand tormentor would come and beg me, so as to show them the wayto salvation.

107. Holy Ghost ignite my life with fire that would arrest satanic lion andrender them powerless.



108. Every completed rituals or sacrifice troubling my destiny bedestroyed by the blood of Jesus in Jesus name.

109. Every satanic injection in my body system and blood be destroyed bythe blood of Jesus.

110. By the blood of Jesus, I withdraw my destiny from any satanic altarswhere it has been presented in Jesus name.

111. Every cooperate hands, eyes, hands, legs and voices, captivating mydestiny; be destroyed by the sword, arrow and fire of the Lord in Jesusname.

112. My destiny awake from your sleep in the name of Jesus.

113. Every wall of impossibilities, and gate of afflictions erected againstmy life, fall and be consumed by fire in the name of Jesus.

114. Every chain of death and sickness over my life, children and familybe destroyed by fire in Jesus name.

115. Every evil birds flying and crying against my destiny and glory Icommand you to fall down and die in Jesus name.

116. Every agent, powers and forces postponing my breakthrough,receive the thunder and the fire of God and be destroyed in Jesusname.

117. Every kingdom frustrating my effort and wasting my resources, beconfused and destroyed in Jesus name.

118. Every power disconnecting my life from Joy, breakthrough andgreatness be rendered powerless and destroyed in Jesus name.

119. I unseat every satanic agent sitting on the horse of my glory, and Iride upon the horse of favour, joy, breakthrough and greatness inJesus name.

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120. O Lord remove every garment of slavery, penury and disgrace frommy life in the name of Jesus.

121. Every power resisting my miracle be put to shame in Jesus name.

122. Every agent waking at night time to pronounce curse upon my life, Isend all your curses issued against me, back in seven folds to you inthe name of Jesus.

123. Anybody that is saying , thinking or having an imagination that Ishould experience the bitter experience they have had in the past asway of sending me into problem, let their counsel be turned tonought and judge them quickly oh Lord.

124. Father what you propose to do with my life, do it before my enemyask me of my God in Jesus name

125. Merciful God, don’t let me be naked before you clothe me, don’t letme go hungry before you feed me, and not to be disgraced beforeyou answer my prayers.

126. Every thing that needs to be repositioned for my life to be fine -tuned, mighty God reposition them

127. As you protected Your investments in the lives of Peter, and David,protect Your investment in my life, oh Lord.

128. Those that join forces together in the marine realm, land and heavento destroy my vision and dream, Father let there be a great thunder,quake and mighty shaking that would destroy their gathering. inJesus name. Isaiah 8 vs. 9-10

129. By the risen of the blood of Jesus, I terminate the appointment ofagents subtracting my goodness, joy, favour, and blessings in thename of Jesus.

130. I will not die before the accomplishment of my vision and my visionwould not die or be aborted in Jesus name.



131. Every hold of wasted effort, loose your grip in my life in the name ofJesus.

132. The miracle of suffer no more, cry no more, lack no more and hinderme no more, perform it in my life in the name of Jesus.

133. Father, protect Your investment in my life, in my family and the bodyof Christ as a whole in name of Jesus.

133b. Every kings frustrating and oppressing me I command you to besilent forever in Jesus name.

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Destroying Evil Seeds And EvilFoundations Causing

Stagnation And Failure

GRHisa: 44 vs 24

Asister told me she has to use medication to regulate her period. Iconducted deliverance for her and the seed of the enemy wasuprooted and her life changed for the better.

134. Because of Your mercy, every thing in me, around me, and upon methat is militating against Your glory, neutralise them in Jesus name.

135. O Lord put an end to the might, power, and authority of theantagonist in my life in the name of Jesus.

136. Lord use Your power, and the host of heaven to subdue satan and hisagent that are waiting for me at the junction of my breakthrough inJesus name.

137. Where the enemy has placed my glory, a place that, no eyes can seeand no hands can reach, O Lord touch the place from Your throneand release my glory.

138. O Lord put me inside God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit and put thetrinity inside me.

139. Every completed assignment of the wicked one over my life carriedout on the land, sea, river, grave, heavenly realm, or in the tree,destroy them in Jesus name.

140. Every enemies using the hours of prayer to curse my life, Father lettheir curses backfire on them.



141. Authority that converts every curse to blessing rest upon me and myhousehold in Jesus name. Num 23vs 23.

142. Every throne of spiritual wickedness and altars militating against myglory be scattered by the fire of the Holy Ghost thunder and theblood of Jesus.

143. Every secret that I need to know to accomplish my dream in lifereveal them to me O Lord in Jesus name.

144. The blood of Jesus go into my fountain and my foundation forperfect solution in the name of Jesus.

145. O Lord let the hosts of heaven call a meeting of joy, success andbreakthrough for my life in Jesus name,

146. The Lord that publicised the glory of sea all over the world. Publicisemy glory in Jesus name.

147. Let every hands opening doors for problems in my life be consumedby fire and turn the doors and windows of my life to fire that can notbe tampered with in Jesus name.

148. O Lord turn the thrones of my life and my seats to fire that no idolscan tamper with in Jesus name.

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150. O Lord locate the picture of my benefactors, with mine, and connectmy benefactors to me, and connect me to my benefactors in Jesusname.

151. Where the goodness and the glory of my life had disappeared, thepower that located the axe in the river locate it and hand it over to mein Jesus name.

152. By the power that pushed Satan and his agents down like lightning,every satanic committee competing with me at the throne of my joyand breakthrough eject them out by fire, blood of Jesus, and thunder.Isaiah 14 vs12

153. The hand of God, I send you to the power house of witches, wizards,and sorcerers where the glory of my life is hidden to bring it out withyour might, and hand it over to me.

154. Every sound promoting sorrow in my life be silent, everything thatis shaking to sponsor affliction, I command you never to shake again,every tree blocking my path to breakthrough, I set you ablaze by theconsuming fire of God.

155. Every blood spilled on the floor, grave yard, root of evil trees, evilaltars, that has brought impossibility to my life; the blood of Jesusand the fire of the holy ghost dry them up and frustrate their effectin Jesus name.

156. The mighty rain of God quench all evil fire burning me fromunderneath my clothe, the one burning my clothes and any evil fireburning my soul, spirit, and body, I quench you by the fire of the HolyGhost.

157. O Lord what You need to uproot, plant, mantle and dismantle for meto prosper in life; Holy ghost uproot, plant, mantle and dismantle inJesus name.

158. Everlasting God, every power reviving the affliction of my life, Icommand you to die eternally in Jesus name.




Destroying The Holds OfPrincipalities, Powers, Rulers Of

Darkness, And SpiritualWickedness In High Places

GRHephesians chapter 6 vs. 12.

Following some sections of deliverance ministration for those whoare possessed, in February 2010. I had a dream that a man whoseheight reached the heaven was chasing me and after running for

about a distance of 100 metres, I stopped suddenly and I asked him thisquestion; Who are you and what have I done to you? With a voice that isearth quaking he replied that I am Satan, and l’m here to fight you becauseyou have transferred my children from the Kingdom of darkness to light.Then I replied him that; it is written in the book of 1 John Chapter 3 vs. 8:that he that committed sin is of the devil; for the devil sinned from thebeginning. For this purpose the son of God was manifested, that He mightdestroy the works of the devil. When he heard this he was so furious androared like a Lion and every where was shaking, and I shouted with a loudvoice, shut up, you are not the Lion of Judah but you only roar like a lion forthe book of Revelation 5 vs. 5 has revealed to me that Jesus is the Lion ofJudah. I therefore command you to be quiet in the name of Jesus. Suddenlyeverywhere was calm and the giant became small like the eraser on apencil stick, and I crushed him on the floor with my feet. I woke updrenched with sweat and I prayed, and the Holy Spirit told me I haveovercome Satan and his agents for you, and wherever they see you, theyshall fear and honour you; remain connected and continue my work, I willforever be with you.

149. The fire that dwells in Jesus that makes us call Him a consuming fire,the one that dwells in the Holy Spirit that makes Him consuming fireand the one that dwells in the Almighty God be deposited in me nowin the name of Jesus.

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Breaking Satanic Limitation,Removing Evil Label, AndDestroying Satanic Holds

GRHZech 3 vs 1-5

Iprayed for a woman whom the enemy put a mark of hatred on. People atwork, husband, children, family, her benefactors, and church membershated her; but the blood of Jesus removed the mark and she was liberated

.161. Every invisible marks, invisible burdens, bondages, hands, mouths,

walls, and gates obstructing my glory, the mighty storm of God,Blood Jesus and the Staff of God roll them away completely in Jesusname.

162. The God that created male and female; all the assembly of men andwomen contending with my life, judge them O Lord.

163. Every agent polluting my prayer and fasting through evil sacrifice Iannounce their end in Jesus name.

164. All those who agreed that I would not enjoy comfort in the morningof my life as long as they see the morning, let them not see themorning any more in Jesus name.

165. All those that have made covenants with the afternoon that theywould not allow my glory to shine, lord let them not see theafternoon any more in Jesus name.

166. All those who made covenants with sunset that they want me to setwith the sun let their curse go back to their head, in Jesus name

167. Every ruler that says the glory of God in my life would not bemanifested; let them be overthrown by fire in Jesus name.


159. Every principalities, power, rulers of darkness of this world in highplaces and spiritual wickedness realm that my case has beenpresented for demonic reinforcement; let the hosts of heavenconfuses their language and make my name a terror to theirgathering. Eph 6 vs 12 and Ezekiel 3vs 9

160. My God locate the missing keys of my glory, breakthrough andgreatness and hand them over to me today.



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180. Anything hindering me from shining I command you to disappear inJesus name.

181. Father give me the grace to forgive and forget in the name of Jesus.

182. As the north is far from the south, let failure and backwardness befar from me in Jesus name.

183. The doors of glory that refuse to open for my ancestors andgeneration, I command you to be rolled away in Jesus name.



168. Every massive tree that would not let me succeed in life let the greatstorm of God, carry away it ashes as the Holy Ghost fire consumes itin Jesus name. Psalm 37 vs 36-36

169. The mighty man in battle, all wise men consulting the oracle to lookfor my downfall, condemn them without mercy in the name of Jesus.

170. Every wind of shame blowing against my life, the almighty Godconvert it now to a wind of glory as You did it for the woman withthe issue of blood.

171. Every satanic agent using divination to interfere with my prayer,receive the arrow of destruction in Jesus name.

172. All those who are going on evil Journey because of me, let themnever return in Jesus name.

173. O Lord remove from me reproach and contempt, Lord don’t let me bedisgraced or put to shame. Psalm 119 vs 22

174. Every operations of magicians over my joy, blessing, success andbreak through be destroyed in Jesus mighty name.

175. Those that are in higher position that says I would not reach mypredestined position, frustrate their plan over my life and let thembe put to shame.

176. O Lord give me the grace not to disappoint destiny in the name ofJesus.

177. The mountain of success that my parents are unable to attain, OhLord take me there with Your chariot of fire. 1 King 5 vs. 3-5.

178. Father give me the grace to release my inbuilt talent in the name ofJesus.

179. Make me a champion in my generation.



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188. Every Herod that wants to destroy my children, I command thatHerod to die a sudden death in Jesus name.

189. Every hunters of Glory, hunting to destroy my children’s glory, letsudden death seize them all in Jesus name. Jer 51 vs 57

190. Wisdom, knowledge and understanding to relate with respect toelderly people, colleague and all individuals that my children comesacross let it rest upon them in Jesus name.

191. O Lord shield my stars, my children’s stars and that of mywife/husband with the blood of Jesus in Jesus name.

192. Father I thank You because, You have not given my children, familyand myself as meat for the enemy; Psalm 27 vs. 1-3.

193. Merciful God do not allow the storms and eagle of this world to carrymy children, husband/wife and loved ones away in the name ofJesus.



Prayer For Childrens Success,Prosperity And Protection

GRHisa 8 Vs 18

Awoman once told me her son wants to drop out of school andwhen we prayed about it, I found out that the woman’s rival whois currently with her husband has placed an embargo on the boy’s

vision. Thus The name of Jesus removed the embargo and the boy is nowa graduate. Likewise, a sister who reads a lot was having many carry oversin school, one day I asked her when she would be going to read inpreparation for the next paper she said between 12am-3am and I said I cansupervise till 2am as I must pray at 3am. Whilst she was reading I sat fourrows away to where she was seated to see every thing going on in thespiritual realm. Finally I saw a tall ugly creature putting a straw on her headto suck the entire disposition she has gained even whilst she was praying.Following the vision I saw, I ask her to follow me to the prayer field and thename of Jesus condemned her failure and shame that same night andthere was no carry over on her subjects anymore.

184. King of Glory let an excellent spirit like that of Daniel rest upon meand my family in Jesus name.

185. O Lord make distinction my children’s best friend and title in theiracademic in Jesus name.

186. My children would not die before the accomplishment of theirdreams; their dreams shall not be transferred and stolen in Jesusname.

187. My children would be ten times better than their colleague in theiracademics in Jesus name.


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200. Every evil charm that has been buried on the land where the businessis situated be destroyed in Jesus name.

201. Every tongue speaking evil of my business to the public, I silencethem in Jesus name.

202. Every evil mark that has been placed on my car that is affecting myfinance be destroyed in Jesus name.

203. Every visible or invisible evil devices used against me at home forfinancial draught, I destroy them by the blood of Jesus.

204. My business that is almost closing up l command an open door toyou in the name of Jesus. Deut 32 vs. 1, and Isaiah 64 vs. 1.

205. Every agent of devourer that is hindering my business from movingto the next level be destroyed in Jesus name

206. Every unfriendly friend causing backwardness in my business, Fatherseparate us by fire in the name of Jesus.

207. Every possessed product contaminating the product of my businessI neutralise you by the blood of Jesus.

208. The Lord that publicised the sea, publicise the glory of my businessin the name of Jesus.

209. O Lord let the host of heaven blow the trumpet of prosperity andbreakthrough for my business in Jesus name.

210. I command my business to rise up to the peak in the name of Jesus.

211. Every anti revival, anti-miracle, and anti-christ spirit competing withmy glory, be desolate in Jesus name.

212. Every seed of resources wasters and slavery in my life is destroyed byfire.



Prayer For Business Men AndThose Who Are EmployedUnder Any Establishment

GRHisa 60 vs 1-end.

Iprayed for a man and the Lord told me that for his miracle to happenthe rain must fall now and the evil seed planted on his business groundbe destroyed. I said Father for it is written in Deuteronomy 32 vs. 1 that

hear oh ye heaven and I would speak and listen to the word of my mouth.oh ye earth, and immediately the rain started falling and the evil seed wasdestroyed, before we finished the prayer it stopped raining. It only rainedfor 4 minutes.

194. Evil voices of the grave against my job and business be silenced forever in the name of Jesus.

195. O Lord connect me with people that matter, so that my business canflourish extensively in Jesus name.

196. Father let the fountain of blessing from above breath upon and fromthe land flow into my business is situated in the name of Jesus Joel3 vs 18.

197. Let the name of my business attract unusual favour, and exceedingblessings from the north, south, west, and east.

198. Every strange money that has been given to me which is causingretrogression in my business be rendered non effective by the bloodof Jesus.

199. Every regional limitation set for people who have businesses, in thelocal area where my business is situated be broken by fire, as I amunlimited in Jesus name.


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Prayers Regarding SuccessOn Job Interview

GRHisaiah 60 vs 1-end

Following a success on a job interview I resigned from my previousJob in housing as I had been offered the position of a deputymanager to start Job on Monday. Suddenly I had a call from the

agency that the company do not want an agency staff anymore, and l hadalready resigned. While walking I just said devil you took this because youknow it was Good, as my God lives, there shall be a better replacement; lhave not completed my prayer when my phone rang, I was informed thatan interview I did a long time ago and was told I was the second best forthe post of care manager in the adult social services and that can I start onthe same day that I should have started the contract I lost. I said oh yes.

223. I release any duplicate of my certificate and keys to my Job from anyevil pot in the name of Jesus Christ.

224. Father let all those that shall seat on the panel for my interview workfor my favour.

225. Let my appearance attract favour, mercy and grace in the name ofJesus.

226. Give me audience and let my words be pleasant in the hears of theinterviewer in Jesus name.

227. O Lord undo from my spirit, soul, and body every caging cobweb ofdemonic forces in the name of Jesus.

228. Every wall standing against my success; fall according to the orderof the wall of Jericho in Jesus name


Praying For Anyone Who Is Sick,Or Having DiseaseOr Terminal Illness

GRHezek 37 Vs 1-end.

By the power of God I have prayed for many people in the hospital withterminal illness and the grace of God and the blood of Jesus haverevived them.

213. Every seed sponsoring terminal illness in my loved ones is destroyed inJesus name.

214. Every weak bone begin to receive the strength of God in the name ofJehovah Rapha. Ezekiel 37 vs 1-12

215. I command effective coordination into the system of my loved one andI prophesy that he/she would not die but live in the name of Jesus.

216. I release the wind of comfort and peace on my love one in Jesus name.

217. I decree that the blood of Jesus run through the vein of my love one asit is written that by His stripes we are healed. Isaiah 53 vs. 5.

218. I release the word of perfect healing on my love one in Jesus name.

219. Let the water of life run through his/her vein in the name of Jesus. ReadEzekiel 37 vs. 1-12 and Ezek 47 vs. 1-10.

220. Every food eaten in the dream and every seed promoting sickness bedestroyed in Jesus name.

221. The oil of the Lord rest on this person for healing. Read Isa 10 vs. 27 andIsaiah 61 vs. 1-3 on the oil.

222. I thank God for the perfection of healing on you in Jesus name.


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Prayer On Marital Breakthrough;For Those Married

And Those About To Marry

GRHGen 2 Vs 18-21

God connected me with my wife in 2001, but I came to UK shortlyafterwards. I went home for my marriage in 2005 to fulfil promise.That was the beginning of a warfare that began in 2005 and ended

in 2007 in my marriage, I thank God that today my wife and I are together.

236. Almighty God connect me with the bone of my bone and the flesh ofmy flesh in Jesus name.

237. Father destroy all the effect of past sexual sin which is haunting myfuture in Jesus name.

238. Father give me a man/woman after your own heart.

239. Show me a sign that would let me know my partner

240. Every vashti sitting in the place of my Esther be unseated in Jesusname.

241. All that I need to be a good helpmate equip me with it, and all thatis needed to be a good husband be released in Jesus name ( for theman)

242. Every marriage conducted for me and spiritual wife/husband isdestroyed by the blood of Jesus.

243. Every power causing confusion between me and my future partneris nullified in Jesus name.


229. I declare that; henceforth the gate of my breakthrough shall becontinually open for me in Jesus name. Isaiah 60 vs. 11.

230. The position I am applying for must not be filled without me, as Godas prepared the table for me and I would be singled out for successat the interview in Jesus name.

231. Every mark of hatred on me, which is militating against job stability,be destroyed in Jesus name.

232. Every power that is bringing dreams of failure a day before myinterview, through dream of seeing faeces or being naked in thedream, be destroyed in Jesus name.

233. Every satanic agent turning my fortunes to misfortune, even when Ithink have got the job be disgraced in Jesus name.

234. Every spirit of anxiety affecting my performance at the interview bedestroyed in Jesus name.

235. Every spirit of confusion, doubt, and frustration locking my mentalfaculty I cast out to a wilderness of no return in Jesus name.



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255. Proverb 19 vs. 21; There are many devices in man’s heart; but thecounsel of the Lord shall stand. Therefore unite my wife and l into ourCanaan land in Jesus name.

256. I refuse to live as a single man or woman in Jesus name.

257. I refuse to fall into satanic marital trap or soul tie in the name of Jesus.

258. Father, henceforth let your love reign in my home, let my husbandlove me like Jacob loved Rachel.

259. Let there be bonding likened to the toe nail and the foot, blood andthe body between me and my husband/wife.

260. I decree that my husband /wife would not lust after another personin Jesus and he/she would honour and cherish me forever in Jesusname.

261. All areas that sin has destroyed in my life, receive remedy in the nameof Jesus.

262. Every covenant that my husband/wife has entered consciously orunconsciously with a strange woman/man that would disengage mylove from his heart is terminated by the blood of Jesus.

263. Any concoction that has been given to my husband, that is causinghim to develop hatred towards me, and having affection for a strangewoman, be destroyed in Jesus name.

264. Every marriage conducted for me and the spirit of failure, death,stagnation, shame and impossibility; be destroyed by the blood ofJesus, thunder and fire of the holy ghost in Jesus name.



244. Every satanic dream launched to destroy the trust, love and affectionI have for my spouse be destroyed in Jesus name.

245. All those who knows about my relationship and has entered into acovenant to jeopardise it; O Lord show them that you have the finalsay over our relationship.

246. Every negative actions, words, and thoughts, ministering failure tomy relationship be destroyed by fire in Jesus name.

247. O Lord let me find favour before my mother in-law, father in law, andall my in-laws in the name of Jesus.

248. Let my father in-law, mother in law, sister in-laws, and brother inlawslove me like themselves in Jesus name.

249. Every curse that wants me to live alone and all negative prophecyover my relationship; be nullified by the blood of Jesus.

250. As it is written in Gen. 2 vs. 21 that I am the rib taken from myhusband; I decree that my husband would be uncomfortable withstrange women in the name of Jesus.

251. Every walls erected from the foundation of my husband family, myfamily, friends, and relative against my marriage; fall down and bedestroyed in Jesus name.

252. Everywhere my spouse’s pictures, clothing’s, shoes, ring, nails, andhair has been taken by my spouse snatcher for demonic operation; Isend the blood of Jesus to that place in Jesus name.

253. Every agreement or covenants that my spouse has entered into orcovenants with a strange partner is destroyed by the blood of Jesus.

254. I release my spouse’s soul, body and spirit from the influence ofdemonic padlock, prisons, and demonic cage and I set my spousefree in Jesus name.



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Prayers Of Break-Through

GRHisaiah 60, 43 and 45

Before coming to the United Kingdom I went to a mountain to pray,and the lord told me you have prayed for 3 days giving thanks,asking for forgiveness, and other points but I want you to pray for

forgiveness on the sin of your fathers house. As I mentioned it once theLord said to me; you can now go home. Oncoming to U.K I was singled outby someone who attended to me at the board of entry with dignity andrespect.

276. The Lord that is able; do what any man cannot do in my life to makean evidence of Your goodness to this generation.

277. Father give me a blessing that would scare the blessed.

278. The Lord that accommodate the baby in the womb accommodatesme on a higher ground.

279. Show me a token of Your goodness to put my enemies to shame.Psalm 86 vs. 17.

280. Father teach me how to fight the battle of life without being hurt.Psalm 144 vs. 1.

281. Father I bless Your name with everything in me.

282. Father let time and hours serve me, do not let me be a servant totime.

283. Endue me with the garment of honour, and shoe of peace in Jesusname.

284. Father transport me from mountain of promise to my mountain of


Regularising Of Papers; Visa’s AndIndefinite Stay Or Work Permit

GRHJoshua 1 vs 3

Iprayed for a man as led by God, and I told him that his indefinite stay wouldbe posted to him on a particular date that God revealed and lo, and beholdhe got it on the set date and he came to share his testimony

265. It is written that whereever the sole of my feet shall step, it shall be givenunto me in Joshua 1 vs3. I claimed that I am a citizen of this land in Jesusname.

266. Father direct me to the right lawyer or right individuals that wouldfacilitate my application in Jesus name.

267. Let time and chance work in my favour in the name of Jesus.

268. I reject every spirit of error and rejection on my application in the nameof Jesus.

269. I soak all the documents l’m submitting in the pool of the blood of JesusChrist.

270. Whosoever is going to be my case worker let him or her be interestedto favour me.

271. Every spirit of divination awaiting my shame on the application for mystay be rendered powerless in Jesus name.

272. Favour encompass my name and all my documents in Jesus name 7times.

273. Let all those whom my application would pass through be in a happymood when the application would be sent.

274. Disgrace my failure, and make my application a success in Jesus name.

275. For the remaining months in this year let the peace of God thatsupercede all understanding reign in England.


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Safe Delivery For Pregnant Women

GRHisa. 54 Vs.1- 13, isa. 62 Vs. 8-12.

Not long ago, a woman had been in the labour room for a longerperiod than normal remembered that she was once told that herdelivery would not be possible, she informed her friend and her

friend told me. I prayed with her friend and told her before 12pm the Lordsaid she would give birth and the God of time said yes as she delivered abouncing baby girl.

296. It is written that I shall not bring forth for trouble; therefore mydelivery shall be safe in the name of Jesus.

297. I soak the date, time, place, midwife, doctor, and every living and nonliving things in the labour room with the blood of Jesus.

298. Every demonic agent that are trying to find out the destiny of myunborn child be blindfolded in Jesus name.

299. Every negative thought, imaginations and holds, on the unborn childbe destroyed by the blood of Jesus.

300. I release the fire of the Holy Ghost and the blood of Jesus upon myunborn baby for protection in Jesus name.


fulfilment.285. Father water the root of my life continually and multiply Your blessing

in my life.

287. Almighty God turn my scars to stars, and my ridicules to miracle

288. At the junction where the enemy think it is over with me, Lordmanifests your power and surprise me in Jesus name.

289. The corn goes into the soil naked but comes forth clothed, fatherclothe me in all areas of life and do not let me lack.

290. In the remaining days of the year Father order my foot steps.

291. Every traps of deceit set against my life be roasted by fire in the nameof Jesus.

292. Heal my foundation and heal the fountain of my life in Jesus name.

293. Father silence every raging storm against my family and l in Jesusname. Luke 8 vs. 24 and Isaiah 25 vs. 4.

294. Father protect my contract, let it be extended, I would not be joblessin the name of Jesus.

295. Father do a new thing that would create positive argument in my lifetoday and let me prosper and excel with ease.



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Reference:The Bible; King James and NIV, Inspiration of the Holy Spirit.