3. undergraduate study programme - unist.hrmore.unist.hr/portals/7/docs/search-of-courses/mr...

3. Undergraduate study programme 3.1 Programme structure with credits 1st Semester OBLIGED COURSES Course code Course title Obliged courses Type of course L+S+P ECTS Mathematics I 30+0+30 6 General biology 30+0+30 5 Chemistry 30+15+30 6 Elementary meteorology 30+0+30 5 Application of electronic computers 30+0+30 5 Elective courses 3 Total: 150+15+150 30 1st Semester ELECTIVE COURSES Course code Course title Elective courses Type of course L+S+P ECTS Maritime law and fishing law 30+15+0 3 History of the marine research and fisheries 30+15+0 3

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3. Undergraduate study programme

3.1 Programme structure with credits


Course code

Course title Obliged courses

Type of course L+S+P


Mathematics I 30+0+30 6 General biology 30+0+30 5 Chemistry 30+15+30 6 Elementary meteorology 30+0+30 5 Application of electronic computers 30+0+30 5 Elective courses 3 Total: 150+15+150 30


Course code

Course title Elective courses

Type of course L+S+P


Maritime law and fishing law 30+15+0 3 History of the marine research and fisheries 30+15+0 3

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Course code

Course title Obliged courses

Type of course L+S+P


Mathematics II with elementary statistics 30+0+30 6 General biology 30+0+30 4 Chemistry 30+0+15 4 General physics 30+0+30 4 Basic of engineering mechanics 45+15+15 6 Oceanography 30+0+15 3 Elective courses 3 Total 195+15+120 30


Course code

Course title Elective courses

Type of course L+S+P


Analityical chemistry 30+0+15 3 Relationships between marine organisms 30+0+15 3 Ecotoxicology 30+0+15 3


Course code

Course title Obliged courses

Type of course L+S+P


Marine biology and ecology 30+0+30 5 Fisheries biology and ecology 30+0+30 5 Living resources of the sea 30+15+0 3 Exploitation of fishing vessels and fishing harbours 30+15+0 3 Physiology of the marine organisms 30+0+30 4 General microbiology 30+0+30 4 Fieldwork on the sea with research vessel 0+0+30 2 Elective courses 4 Total: 180+30+150 30

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Course code

Course title Elective courses

Type of course L+S+P


Generally about ship 30+0+30 4 Underwater research techniques 30+0+15 4 Applied histology on marine organsims 15+0+15 2 Biological invasion in marine ecosystem 15+0+15 2 Parasitology of marine organisms 15+0+30 4 Methods in biological oceanography 15+0+30 4


Course code

Course title Obliged courses

Type of course L+S+P


Marine biology and ecology 30+0+15 4 Fisheries biology and ecology 30+0+30 5 Physiology of marine organisms 30+0+0 2 Marine living resources 30+0+0 2 Exploitation of fishing vessels and fishing harbours 30+15+0 3 Management of marine living resources 30+0+15 3 Fieldwork on the sea with research vessel 0+0+30 2 Elective courses 9 Total: 180+15+90 30


Course code

Course title Elective courses

Type of course L+S+P


Elementary biochemistry 30+0+15 4 Marine microbiology 30+0+30 4 Marine pollution 30+15+0 3 Dynamics of exploited populations 30+0+15 3 Shellfish toxicity 15+0+0 2 Biomineralization 30+0+30 5 Responsible fisheries and its regulation 30+15+0 4 Capture based on mariculture 30+15+0 3

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Course code

Course title Obliged courses

Type of course L+S+P


Mariculture 30+0+15 4 Fishing gear and technique 30+0+15 4

Preservation and processing of sea products 30+0+15 3 Hygiene in fishery economy 30+0+15 3 Fisheries economy 30+15+0 3 Embryology and genetics of marine organisms 30+0+30 4 Fieldwork 0+0+30 2 Elective courses 7 Total: 240+15+135 30


Course code

Course title Elective courses

Type of course L+S+P


Quality assessment of sea products 30+0+15 4 Nutrition of marine organisms 30+0+15 3 Population genetics of marine organisms 30+0+0 3 Biology and ecology of ichthyoplankton 30+0+15 4 Catchability, selectivity and construction of fishing gear 30+0+30 5 Ecology of fish early life history stages 15+0+15 2 Assessment of sea biological resources 15+0+15 3

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Course code

Course title Obliged courses

Type of course L+S+P


Mariculture 30+0+15 4 Fishing gear and technique 30+0+15 4 Preservation and processing of sea products 30+0+15 3 Hygiene in fishery economy 30+0+0 2 Fisheries economy 30+15+0 3 Embryology and genetics of marine organisms 30+0+15 4 Undergraduate work 2 Fieldwork 0+0+30 2 Elective courses 6 Total: 180+15+90 30


Course code

Course title Elective courses

Type of course L+S+P


Diseases of marine organisms 30+0+15 4 Fisheries acoustics 30+0+0 2 Marine mammal ecology 30+0+0 2 Fishing impact on benthic communities 15+15+0 2 Sea bioproduction and trophic relations 30+0+15 4

In the first and second year of their studies, the students are entitled to a total of 30 hours of extracurricular sports activities. The program of organized sports activities is presented at the beginning of each academic year.

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3.2 Course information

Course title MATHEMATICS I

Course code

Type of course Lectures, tutorials, compulsory

Level of course Basic

Year of study 1 Semester I

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

6 (2 for lectures and tutorials, 4 for individual study with consultations)

Name of lecturer Ph. D. Marko Tomašević

Learning outcomes and competences

A course designed to help students develop the skills needed for the mathematics sequence of their chosen curriculum.

Prerequisites Knowledge form secondary school.

Course contents Matrices; determinates; systems of linear algebraic equations; vectors; complex numbers; limes; derivation; integrals.

Recommended reading

M. Tomašević, Skupovi, brojevi funkcije, Visoka pomorska škola u Splitu, 2001. M. Tomašević, Diferencijalni račun, Visoka pomorska škola u Splitu, 2001. M. Tomašević, Matrični i vektorski račun, Visoka pomorska škola u Splitu, 1998. Demidovič, B.P., Zadaci I riješeni primjeri iz matematičke analize za tehničke fakultete, Zagreb, 1995.

Supplementary reading

Blanuša, D. Viša Matematika, I dio, Tehnička knjiga, Zagreb, 1965. Čaklović, L. Zbirka zadataka iz linearne algebre, Školska knjiga, 1979. Devidé, V. Rješeni zadaci iz više matematike, Školska knjiga,Zagreb, 1973. Faddéev, D.; Sominski, I. Recueil d’exercises d’algèbre supérieure, Éditions Mir, Moscou, 1977. Minorski, V.P. Zbirka zadataka iz više matematike, Tehnička knjiga, Zagreb, 1971. Pavković, B.; Dakić, B. Polinomi, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1988. Ušćumlić, M.; Miličić, P. Zbirka zadataka iz više matematike I, Naučna knjiga, Beograd, 1989.

Teaching methods

Lectures, tutorials, advisory hours

Assessment methods

Written and oral exam.

Language of instruction


Quality assurance methods


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Course code

Type of course Lectures, laboratory exercises

Level of course Basic

Year of study 1 Semester I, II

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

9 (3,5 for lectures and exercises; 5,5 for independent learning and consultations)

Name of lecturer Prof. Ph. D. Ivona Marasović

Learning outcomes and competences

The aim of lectures is to acquire scientific basic knowledge of modern biology by understanding of biological processes in living nature, as well as interrelations of live and still nature, especially in marine ecosystem.

Prerequisites Apply of elementary biological knowledge.

Course contents Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Cell biochemical composition. Energy flow in the cell. System of genetic information flow. Structure and role of nucleic acids in process of heritage. Principles of developmental biology. Basic evolutionary postulates and new evolutionary cognitions. Basic ecological principles in marine ecosystem. Microscope. Introduction to the use of microscope. Bacteria. Plant cell. Animal cell. Mammals and birds skin. Muscle tissue. Nerve tissue. Spinal chord. Blood and blood cells. Reticulocites. Sexual organs. Mitosis and meiosis. Genetic experiments. Interactions between genes. Chromosome changes as source of genetic variability. Genetic structure of natural populations. Genetic balance of the population. Biometric methods and their apply in genetics.

Recommended reading

Berns, M.W. (1991) Stanice. Školska knjiga,Zagreb (Prijevod K. Milković) Campbell, N.A., J.B.Reece & L.G. Mitchell. (1999) Biology, Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.. Levine, R.P. (1982). Genetika, Školska knjiga, Zagreb Šerman, D. & N. Ljubešić (1990) Molekularna biologija stanice, Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu Matoničkin, I. (1987) Opća zoologija, Sveučilište u Zagrebu

Supplementary reading

Zubay, G. (1987) Genetics. Balinsky, B.I. (1981) An Introduction To Embriology, Sounders College Publ., Phyladelphia

Teaching methods

Lectures, power point presentations, video and similar presentations. Exercises are held in practicum and laboratory on the research vessel.

Assessment methods

After term exam (exercise) there is final written and oral exam.

Language of instruction

Croatian, if needed English.

Quality assurance methods

Through questionnaires.

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Course title CHEMISTRY

Course code

Type of course Lectures with numerical and laboratory exercises

Level of course Basic

Year of study 1st Semester I, II

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

10 ECTS (4 for lectures and exercises, 6 for individual study with consultations)

Name of lecturer

Ph. D. Mladen Tudor

Learning outcomes and competences

Base knowledge of general, inorganic and organic chemistry. Abilities for work with chemistry techniques in laboratory and to be able make simple chemistry calculations.

Prerequisites Competences in elementary chemistry.

Course contents Matter and mixture; Gases; Electronic structure of atoms; Chemical bonds and molecular structures; Solutions; Acid and bases; Reactions; Kinetics and equilibrium; Energy; Mains groups of elements; Introduction in organic chemistry; Nomenclature; Reactions mechanisms; Stereochemistry; Heterocyclic and aromatic compounds; Quantities and units; Atomic and molecules weights; Calculation from chemical equations; Gas lows; Concentrations of solutions; Physical properties of solutions; Chemical equilibrium.

Recommended reading

Filipović, I., Lipanović, S., Opća i anorganska kemija I i II dio, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1995. Pine, S.H., Organska kemija, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1994. Sikirica, M., Stehiometrija, Školska knjiga, Zagreb Sikirica, M, Korpar-Čolig, B., Praktikum iz opće kemije, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2001.

Supplementary reading

Tudor, M. i J. Maršić-Lučić. 1999. Vježbe iz kemije I i II (za internu upotrebu)

Teaching methods

Lectures, laboratory and numerical practice

Assessment methods

Oral and written examination

Language of instruction

Croatian (English)

Quality assurance methods


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Course code

Type of course Lectures with exercises

Level of course Basic

Year of study 1st Semester I

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

5 (2 for lectures and exercises, 3 for individual study with consultations).

Name of lecturer

Ph.D. Branka Grbec

Learning outcomes and competences

Goal is to present basic theoretical assumptions for understanding physical processes and phenomena in the atmosphere. In addition to lectures, the program will be realized through exercises also, and students will receive knowledge about methods of meteorological observations and measurements.

Prerequisites Relevant background in general physics and mathematics

Course contents Weather and climate; the Sun as the energy source in the atmosphere; origin and composition of the atmosphere; vertical structure of the atmosphere; solar and terrestial radiations and solar radiation budget; Thermodynamics of the atmosphere: adiabatic process, condensation and precipitation; Fluid dynamics, spatial distribution of the atmospheric pressure; wind field in the atmosphere; The equation of motion, geostrophic and hydrostatic approximation,vorticity and divergence; general circulation of the atmosphere; extratropical weather system; cyclones and anticyclones; weather analysis and forecast; climate and climate change.

Recommended reading

Ahrens D. Essentials of Meteorology. Brooks/Cole CA, 2001 Penzar, B. i sur.: Meteorologija za korisnike. Školska knjiga Zagreb i Hrvatsko meteorološko društvo, 1996 Online Weather Studies Textbook and Study Guide.American Meteorological Society, 45 Beacon Street, Boston, MA 02108. Printed in the United States of America.

Supplementary reading

Krešo Pandžić, 2002. Analiza meteoroloških polja i sustava. Zagreb. HINUS David G. Andrews, 2000. An Introduction to Atmospheric Physics. University Press, Cambridge

Teaching methods

Course will be done using presentations software/tools such as LCD projector. Exercises will be given at the meteorological station (from the Institute of oceanography and fisheries), at the research vessel Bios (IOR) and in laboratories. Through the exercises the students will visit web pages with on-line meteorologica data from automatic metocean stations (IOR).

Assessment methods

Examinations are written and oral

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Language of instruction

Croatian English

Quality assurance methods

Students will be tested through the semester several times. The results of the tests will serve to the teacher for controlling the level of comprehension of lectures from the students.

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Course code

Type of course Lectures with exercises

Level of course Basic

Year of study 1 Semester I

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

5 (2 for lectures with exercises, 3 for individual study with consultations).

Name of lecturer Ph. D. Vlado Dadić

Learning outcomes and competences

Introduction of students creating complex documents, calculations of spread sheets, making graphics outputs, advanced usage of Internet, basic procedure of web design and computer applications in fisheries and aquaculture

Prerequisites Competences in elementary informatics.

Course contents Introduction to information systems and computers. History of computers and data processing. Structure of systems for electronic data processing. Computers hardware and software. Operating systems. Windows-XP. Computer networks and protocols. Intranet. Internet. Connection of computers on Internet. Internet and security of information. Viruses, worms, trojans, dealers, spywares, adwares and spam. Abuse services. Firewall. Creating of web pages. Text editing, creating of spread sheets and graphic output design. Software for different applications. MS-Office. Matlab. Organisation methods and programs for data processing. Programming, programming languages and compilers. Database management systems. Professional statistical packages, database management systems and their usage in fisheries and aquaculture. Information and data about fisheries and aquaculture on Internet (FAO, EU, etc.).

Recommended reading

Grundler, D., 2000. Primjenjeno računarstvo, Graphis, Zagreb, 247. Luka Abrus: Izrada Weba - Zagreb; BUG @ SysPrint, 2003. Oleg Maštruko: Windows XP - Zagreb; BUG @ SysPrint, 2003. Dario Sušanj: PC računala - Zagreb; BUG @ SysPrint, 2003. ****, 2004. Priručnik s CD za sigurnost korisnika Interneta. CARNet Cert, Zagreb, 75 pp.

Supplementary reading

FAO, 1995. System of information for the promotion of aquaculture in the Mediterranean, MEDRAP-II/FAO, Tunis/Rome, No, 95/1, 60 pp. G. Smiljanić: Osnove digitalnih računala - Zagreb; Školska knjiga, 1990. G. Smiljanić: Mikroračunala - Zagreb; Školska knjiga, 1990.

Teaching methods Overhead presentation, practical work on computers

Assessment methods

Practical work and creating tests by computers, exercises, seminars

Language of instruction

Croatian and English

Quality assurance methods



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Course code

Type of course Lectures with seminars

Level of course Basic

Year of study 1 Semester I

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

3 (1.5 for lectures with seminars, 1.5 for individual study with consultations)

Name of lecturer

Prof. Ph. D. Ivo Grabovac

Learning outcomes and competences

Make the acquaintance of national and international rules concerning the rigts and obligations of the states to sea areas, and the principles of the fishing law

Prerequisites Competences in knowledge from secondary school.

Course contents Concept of Maritime Public Law, Concept of Fishing Law, International Maritime Law in general and conventions, Internal waters, Territorial waters, Contiguous zone, Epicontinental zone, Exclusive economic zone. The protected ecological-fishing zone in the Republic of Croatia, Straits, High Seas, Scientific reasearch on the Sea, International and national regulations on environmenal protection of the Sea, Legal problem areas in navigational safety, in general and conventions, Organization of safety and emergency services in the Republic of Croatia, The boat, navigation, piloting, Establishing seaworthiness of the boat and other sea vessels, The boat's documents and other documentation, Inspection Authorities' supervision, Fishing Law in general and conventions, Legal and sub-legal regulations int he Republic of Croatia, in particular on sea fishing, Types of fishing activities and their significance

Recommended reading

Ivo Grabovac, Pomorsko pravo (pomorsko javno i upravno pravo), knjiga prva, Pomorski fakultet Split, 2001. Zakon o morskom ribarstvu, Narodne novine, br. 46/97 (pročišćeni tekst), te razni pravilnici.

Supplementary reading

Ivo Grabovac, Plovidbeno pravo Republike Hrvatske, Split, 2003.

Teaching methods

Lectures and seminars

Assessment methods

Verbal (written) examination

Language of instruction

Croatian with possibility of English and Italian

Quality assurance methods



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Course code

Type of course Lectures with seminars

Level of course Basic

Year of study 1 Semester I

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

3 (2 ECTS for lectures and seminars, 1 ECTS for individual study with consultations).

Name of lecturer

Prof. Ph.D. Jakov Dulčić

Learning outcomes and competences

Competences in history of marine research and fisheries as the basis in planning future investigations (especially in scientific research institutions) with the main goal for the better knowledge of marine flora and fauna and for rational exploatation of marine living resources.

Prerequisites Competences in knowledge from secondary school.

Course contents Brief history of marine research and fisheries. Brief history of oceanographic and fishery research in the Mediterranean and Adriatic Sea. Scientific Marine Research expeditions and cruises. Marine Research Institutions. Famous international and national marine scientists and naturalists. Short review of the important results and discoveries in marine research and fisheries.

Recommended reading

Zavodnik, D. 400 years of the Adriatic marine science. Thalassia Jugoslavica, 19 (1-4): 405-429. Kršinić F. 2000. Potraga za karikama života. More, 67: 100-103.

Supplementary reading

Zore-Armanda, M. 1995. 65 godina Instituta za oceanografiju i ribarstvo Split. Monografija. 144 str. IOR-Split. Atkinson, C.E. " Fisheries Management: an Historical Overview." Marine Fisheries Review 50, no. 4 (1988): 111-123. Angel, M.V. "The Discovery Collections: 70 Years of Sampling the Ocean's Fauna." Ocean Challenge 5, no. 3 (1994), 34-39. Brunton, E.V. The Challenger Expedition, 1872-1876: A Visual Index. Historical Studies in the Life and Earth Sciences ; 2. (London : Natural History Museum, 1994), 189. Cushing, D.H. "History of the Fisheries," in : Towards a Science of Recruitment in Fish Populations. Excellence in Ecology, 7. (Oldendorf/Luhe: Ecology Institute, 1996), 1-22.

Teaching methods

Lectures, seminars

Assessment methods

Seminars, final oral exam

Language of instruction

Croatian, English

Quality assurance methods

Questionnaire with question related to gained knowledge and skills, teaching methods and suggestions for course improvement


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Course code

Type of course Lectures, tutorials, compulsory

Level of course Basic

Year of study 1 Semester II

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

6 (2 ECTS for lectures and tutorials, 4 ECTS for individual study with consultations)

Name of lecturer M. Sc. Marko Tomašević

Learning outcomes and competences

A course designed to help students develop the skills needed for the mathematics sequence of their chosen curriculum.

Prerequisites Competences in knowledge in mathematics I.

Course contents Improper integrals; differential equations of first and second order; arithmetic sequences and series: power series; proper integrals; functions of several variables; vector functions of scalar argument, Fourier series. Combinations. Probability of area. Empiric distribution. Random variable and it distribution. Numeric characteristic of random variable. Poisson, normal and gamma distribution. Hi - square test. Two - dimension discrete variable. Correlation and regression. K- level regression polynomial. Exponent and multiple regressions.

Recommended reading

Grupa autora, Mathematics II dio , Pomorski fakultet Rijeka,1993 –s kripta. M. Tomašević, Skupovi, brojevi i funkcije, Visoka pomorska škola u Splitu, 2001. M. Tomašević, Matrični i vektorski račun, Pomorski fakultet u Splitu, 1998. Demidovič, B. P., Zadaci i riješeni primjeri iz matematičke analize za tehničke fakultete, Zagreb, 1995. Šošić, V.Serdar, Uvod u statistiku, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2002. Z. Zenzerović, Statističke metode u tehnologiji prometa, Fakultet za pomorstvo i saobraćaj, Rijeka, 1988. T. Pogány-Z. Zenzerović, Statističke tablice s uputama za primjenu, Pomorski fakultet u Rijeci, Rijeka, 1993. I. Pavlić, Statistička i teorijska primjena, Tehnička knjiga, Zagreb.

Supplementary reading

Blanuša, D. Viša Mathematics, I dio, Tehnička knjiga, Zagreb, 1965. Čaklović, L. Zbirka zadataka iz linearne algebre, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1979. Devidé, V. Riješeni zadaci iz više matematike, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1973. Faddéev, D.; Sominski, I. Recueil d’exercises d’algèbre supérieure, Éditions Mir, Moscou, 1977. Lipschutz, S. Theory and problems of complex variables, McGraw- Hill Book Company, New York, 1964. Minorski, V.P. Zbirka zadataka iz više matematike, Tehnička knjiga, Zagreb, 1971. Pavković,B.; Dakić,B. Polinomi, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1988. Ušćumlić, M.; Miličić, P. Zbirka zadataka iz više matematike I, Naučna knjiga, Beograd, 1989.

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J. Čaval, Statističke metode u privrednim i društvenim istraživanjima, Sveučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, 1981. Šošić, Zbirka zadataka iz statistike, Mikrorad, Ekonomski fakultet, Zagreb, 1998. Računalni program STATISTICA 6 (dostupan u informatičkom kabinetu Fakulteta)

Teaching methods

Lectures, tutorials, advisory hours

Assessment methods

Written and oral

Language of instruction


Quality assurance methods



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Course code

Type of course Theoretical with analytical and practical exercises

Level of course Basic

Year of study 1 Semester II

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

5 ECTS Teaching (lectures 30 h, analytical and practical exercises 30 h) ≈ 2 ECTS Student studying, about 90 hours ≈ 3 ECTS.

Name of lecturer

Prof. Ph.D. Mile Dželalija

Learning outcomes and competences

Student will have competences in basic laws of classical and modern physics, and their applications for different systems. Student will have a competences in measuring of some physical properties.

Prerequisites Competences in elementary mathematics.

Course contents Introduction. Measurement. Motion along a straight line and in two and three dimensions. The Laws of motion. Kinetic energy and work. Potential energy and conservation of energy. Systems of particles. Circular motion. Gravitation. Solids and fluids. Oscillations and waves. Sound waves. Temperatures, heat and the First law of Thermodynamics. Entropy and Second law of Thermodynamics. Electric charge. Electric field and potential. Electric current and resistance. Magnetic field. Maxwell’s equations. Electromagnetic oscillations and alternating current. Electromagnetic waves. Light and optics. Wave optics. Relativity. Photons. Matter waves. Atomic Physics. Lasers. Solids. Atomic nucleus. Radioactivity and interactions with matter. Selected topics of Environmental Physics. Selected analytical problems. Introduction to some measurement instruments. Measurements of selected physical properties.

Recommended reading

M. Dželalija, General Physics with examples of Environmental Physics, University of Split, 2005. R. A. Serway, J. S. Faughn, College Physics, Fifth Edition, Saunders College Publishing, Orlando, 2000.

Supplementary reading

Nigel Mason and Peter Hughes: Introduction to Environmental Physics: Planet Earth, Life and Climate, Taylor and Francis, 2001.

Teaching methods

Combined teaching methods: frontal lectures, work in groups, using modern technologies.

Assessment methods

Assessments during lectures. Exam: written (analytical problems) and oral (understanding of physical properties and laws, conceptual problems

Language of instruction

Croatian. English (possibility).

Quality assurance methods

At the beginning and at the end of the teaching process: questionnaires about learning outcomes and competences, and about the course.


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Course code

Type of course Lecture/exercise/seminar

Level of course Basic

Year of study 1 Semester II

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

6 ECTS 2,5 lectures, exercise course, seminars 3,5 indvidual learning

Name of lecturer

Prof. Ph.D. Radoslav Pavazza

Learning outcomes and competences

Introducing students into basic principle of engineering mechanics that is important for further educations, particularly in subjects of ships and fisheries tools.

Prerequisites Basics of mathematics and physics.

Course contents Statics: concurrent force systems; equilibrium of concurrent force systems; moment of force about a point; couples; moment of couples; coplanar force systems; equilibrium of coplanar force systems; body systems; centroids. Strength of materials: stresses; deformations; tensions of beams; statically indeterminate problems. Dynamics: rectilinear motion of particle; curvilinear motion of particle; translation and rotation of a body; motion equations of particles; linear momentum and kinetic energy; linear impulse–momentum principle and principle of work and kinetic energy. Mechanics of fluids: statics of fluids; pressure; relative motion of fluids; hydrostatic force; buoyant force and stability; continuity equation; Bernoulli equation; measurement of pressure, flow and velocity.

Recommended reading

Supplementary reading

Engineering Manuel: Inženjerski priručnik (poglavlja Mehanika i Mehanika fluida), Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1996.

Teaching methods

Teaching assumes lectures of the theory, as well as exercises through auditoria exercises and seminar workshops. Auditoria exercises illustrate the theory, but also solve problems of the engineering practice and fisheries. Seminar workshops assume individual work with students.

Assessment methods

Students are examined both in the theory and in ability to solve problems.

Language of instruction


Quality assurance methods

Student feedback via questionnaires and surveys lectures responsible.


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Course code

Type of course Lectures with exercises

Level of course Basic

Year of study 1 Semester II

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

3 ECTS (1.5 ECTS for lectures with exercises, 1.5 ECTS for individual study with consultations).

Name of lecturer

Ph.D. Gordana Beg Paklar

Learning outcomes and competences

The main aim of the course is gaining the knowledge of the basic hydrographic properties and their spatial and temporal distribution. Also the course will provide background of kinematic and dynamic properties of the sea motion. Within the coastal and regional oceanography examples of the hydrographic properties distribution and circulation in the selected areas will be shown. Finally, influence of the studied oceanographic parameters on the marine organisms will be presented. After completing the course, the students will be able to discuss basic hydrographic, kinematic and dynamical properties of the selected areas on descriptive level, and to determine their influence on the marine organisms. They will be also able to measure basic parameters important for the assessment of the physical state of the sea.

Prerequisites Competences in knowledge of general biology, chemistry and physics.

Course contents Geographical and geological characteristics of the oceans and adjacent seas. The basic chemical properties of the sea. Heat in the sea and its transport. Salinity, temperature and density distributions in the oceans and adjacent seas. Optical properties. Gases in the sea. Nutrients. Kinematics and dynamics of the sea motions. Basic elements of the sea motion. Sea level oscillations. Coastal oceanography. Regional oceanography. Salinity determinations. Temperature measurements. Sea density determinations. Potential density. T-S diagrams. Determination of the geostrophic currents. Sea current measurements and data analysis. Sea level measurements and data analysis. Application of the satellite data in fisheries.

Recommended reading

Buljan, M., Zore-Armanda, M. (1971): Introduction to Oceanography and Marine Meteorology, Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Special Edition, Split, 424 pp (in Croatian). Zore-Armanda, M., Gačić, M. (1988): Oceanography, Maritime faculty, University in Split, Split, 131 pp (in Croatian). Pickard, G.L, Emery, W.J. (1990): Descriptive Physical Oceanography. Pergamon Press, Oxford, 320 pp. Pond, S., Pickard, G.L. (1983): Introductory Dynamic Oceanography. Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1983, 329 pp.

Supplementary reading

Open University Course Team: Seawater-Its Composition, Properties and Behaviour. Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1999, 168 pp. Open University Course Team: Ocean circulation. Pergamon Press, Oxford,

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2001, 286 pp.

Teaching methods

Lectures and exercises

Assessment methods

Written and oral exam

Language of instruction


Quality assurance methods



Course code

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Type of course Lecture and exercise in laboratory

Level of course Basic

Year of study 1. Semester II

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

3 ( 1.5 for lecture and exercise, 1.5 for learning and consultation)

Name of lecturer

Ph. D. Ilija Vukadin

Learning outcomes and competences

Teaching of basic analytical methods in the technology processes

Prerequisites Knowing basic of chemical method in Oceanography and Fisheries.

Course contents Because of the interdisciplinary of oceanography, the analyst may be presented with a wide variety of problems by physical oceanographers, marine biologists, biochemists and geochemists. The samples to be examined may include not only seawater itself but also marine organisms, and sediments as their intersticial water. It is possible that future progress in inorganic aspect of sea water analysis will center around the principal topics: -Greater sensitivity of analytical methods, -Production of sensitive sensors in probe, -Development of techniques for the study of speciation of elements in sea water, as well in the colloid and particulate form.

Recommended reading

Filipović, S. Lipanović: Opća i anorganska kemija, ŠK, Zagreb,1994. Š. Cerjan-Stefanović: Osnove analitičke kemije, Zabreb, 1985. J.P. Riley, G. Skirrow: Chemical Oceanography, AP, London, 1975.

Supplementary reading

Teaching methods

Lecture and exercise in lab.

Assessment methods

Assessment by colloquy and conversation, and final examination testing students knowledge by test and an oral.

Language of instruction

Croatian and English

Quality assurance methods



Course code

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Type of course Lecture, laboratory exercises and field work

Level of course Advanced course

Year of study 1 Semester II

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

3 ECTS Lecture, laboratory and field work 45 school hours = 1.5 ECTS Study for test 60 hours = 1.5 ECTS

Name of lecturer

Ph. D. Mate Šantić

Learning outcomes and competences

Qualification for understand different relationships and interaction between marine organisms. Students will understand metabolic process in the marine communities.

Prerequisites Ecology of animals.

Course contents Lecture: Ecology of population. Intraspecific and interspecific interactions. Energetic and trophic relationships in marine ecosystems: Food chains, ecology pyramids, materia and energy, thermodynamic lows, energy flow through marine ecosystems. Laboratory: Collecting, preparing and identifying of species in laboratory. Selection of species according with marine habitats, accommodation with the marine sediment and ecology respond.

Recommended reading

Odum E.P., 1971. Fundamentals of Ecology (3 rd Edn). Saunders, Philadelphia. Levinton J.S., 1995. Marine Biology (function, biodiversity, ecology). New York: Oxford University Press. Karleskint G., 1998. Introduction to Marine biology. Sounders College Publishing. Chapman J.L. and M.J. Reiss, 1999. Ecology (principles and applications). Cambridge University Press.

Supplementary reading

Ercegović A., 1949. Život u moru. JAZU. Peres JM, Gamulin-Brida, 1973. Biološka oceanografija. Školska knjiga Zagreb. Riedl R., 1973. Fauna und Flora der Adria. Verlag Paul Parey. Hamburg-Berlin

Teaching methods

Oral presentation, fieldwork and laboratory exercises.

Assessment methods

Oral exam.

Language of instruction

Croatian and English.

Quality assurance methods



Course code

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Type of course Lectures with exercises

Level of course Specialistic

Year of study 1st Semester II

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

3 ECTS ( 1.5 ECTS for lectures and exercises, 1.5 ECTS for individual study).

Name of lecturer

Ph.D. Jasna Maršić Lučić

Learning outcomes and competences

Gaining theoretical and practical knowledge on directly and indirectly effect of toxic substances on nature and their interactions.

Prerequisites Competences in knowledge in general biology and chemistry.

Course contents History of ecotoxicology. Xenobiotics, poissone and poisonousness. Detoxications. Fiziological classification of toxicants. Pathophysiological effects of poissoning. Absorbtion and distribution of toxicant in human body. Bioakumulation, bioconcentration and biodegradation. Biodinamics. Biochermical mechanisms of toxicity. Bioacumulation and bioconcentration in marine organisms. Transport mechanisms in environment.

Recommended reading

Srebočan V.: Veterinarska toksikologija, Medicinska naklada, 1993. Kamrin, M.A.: Toxicology : a primer on toxicology principles and applications. Lewis publishers. 1988.

Supplementary reading

Walker,C.H., Hopkin, S.P., Sibly, R.M.and Peakall,D.B.: Principles of ecotoxicology Taylor & Francis publ. 1997.

Teaching methods

Lecture and practice

Assessment methods

Written and oral examination

Language of instruction

Croatian, English

Quality assurance methods



Course code

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Type of course Lectures, seminars, demonstrations, auditory exercises, laboratory exercises, field exercises

Level of course Basic

Year of study 2 Semester III, IV

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

9 (4 for lectures, seminars, exercises, 5 for individual study with consultations).

Name of lecturer

Prof. Ph. D. Mladen Šolić

Learning outcomes and competences

Introduction to marine life. Understanding the relationship between marine organisms and their environment as a essential for understanding the all life processes in marine environment, evolution of life and their diversity on the spatial and temporal scale. Moreover, knowing the ecological principles is necessary in sustainable exploitation of the marine living resources.

Prerequisites Elementary physics, chemistry, biology and statistics

Course contents Basic ecological terms. Characteristics of marine environment. Marine life forms: Pelagic organisms, Benthic organisms. Marine flora and fauna. Adaptations to marine environment. Production in seawater. Marine communities. Human impact on marine ecosystems. Systematic, taxonomy, nomenclature. Habitat, biotop, areal. Sampling and conservation of marine organisms. Determination of marine organisms. Forms and anatomy of marine organisms. Abiotic factors in marine environment. Estimation of population density: Sampling a unit of habitat, Capture-recapture, Transect, Neighborhood distance. Spatial structure of population. Community ecology: Similarity index, Diversity index, Evenness index. Interactions between organisms. Human impacts on marine ecosystems.

Recommended reading

Krebs, C.J. 1994. Ecological Methodology. Benjamin/Cummings.620p. Levinton, J.S. 1995. Marine Biologi, Function, Biodiversity, Ecology. Oxford Univ. Press. 420 p. Peres, J.M. i H. Gamulin Brida 1973. Biološka oceanografija. Školska knjiga, Zagreb. 493p. Tait, R.V. and F.A. Dipper. 1998. Elements of Marine Ecology. Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford. 462 p.

Supplementary reading

Scientific papers

Teaching methods

Regular weekly classes or block classes. Lectures, power-point presentations, video presentations, class discussions, group projects and demonstration methods, seminar papers. Laboratory exercises, field exercises

Assessment methods

Class participation, homework assignments, papers, written quizzes, and final exam

Language of instruction

Croatian English (possibility)

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Quality assurance methods

Questionnaire with question related to gained knowledge and skills, teaching methods and suggestions for course improvement


Course code

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Type of course Lectures with laboratory practicum

Level of course Basic

Year of study 2nd Semester III, IV

ECTS 10 ECTS (6 ECTS for participating in lectures and laboratory practicum, 4 ECTS for individual study with consultations).

Name of lecturer Prof. Ph. D. Ivan Jardas

Learning outcomes and competences

By mastering this course the theoretical and practical knowledge about fundamental biological (external and internal morphology and physiology of organic systems) and ecological characteristics (environment and behavior) of the major animal groups which represent important fishing objects (fishes, crustaceans, mollusks), with special attention to the Adriatic as well as classification of the mentioned animal groups and species important in fisheries economy are obtained.

Prerequisites Passed exams or enrolled courses: General biology, Marine biology and ecology, Living resources of the sea, Oceanology

Course contents Pelagic and bentic divisions of the sea. Fresh waters: rivers and lakes – limnion and pedon divisions. General view of fisheries important marine and freshwater animals (world, Mediterranean, Adriatic) as well as catch quantities. Fisheries important marine animals: fishes – main characteristics; morphology and physiology of organic systems; behavior; classification (Adriatic ichthyofauna) and important species; bivalves – main characteristics, morphology and physiology of organic systems; behavior, classification and more important species; cephalopods – main characteristics; morphology and physiology of organic systems; behavior, classification and more important species; cephalopods fauna of the Adriatic Sea; crustaceans – main characteristics; morphology and physiology of organic systems; behavior; classification and more important species; crustacean fauna of the Adriatic Sea. Basic principles of rational exploitation of the living resources. Determination and acquaintance of economically important species. Fish, crustacean and mollusk morphology, reproduction, development, age, growth.

Recommended reading

Bone, Q., Marshall, N.B., Blexter, J.H.S. 1999. Biology of Fishes. Stanly Thornes Publ., Cheltenham, pp. 332; Diana, S.J., 1995. Biology and Ecology of Fishes. Biol. Sci. Press; Jardas, I. 1996. Jadranska ihtiofauna. Školska knjiga d.d., Zagreb, pp. 533; Matoničkin, I., Habdija, I., Primc-Habdija, B. 1998. Beskralješnjaci. Biologija nižih avertebrata. Školska knjiga d.d., Zagreb, pp. 691; Matoničkin, I., Habdija, I. Primc-Habdija, B. 1999. Beskralješnjaci. Biologija viših avertebrata. Školska knjiga d.d., Zagreb, pp. 609.

Supplementary reading

Fisher, W., Bauchot, M.-L., Schneider, M. (réd.), 1987. Fiches FAO d'identification des espèces pour les besoins de la pêche.(Rev. 1). Mediterranée et mer Noire. Zone de pêche 37. Vol. I i II. Rome, FAO, pp. 1529; Jardas, I., 1997. Ribe i glavonošci Jadranskog mora. IP «Svjetlost»,

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Sarajevo, pp. 171; Marguš, D., 1998. Školjkaši ušća rijeke Krke. Javna ust. «NP Krka», Šibenik, pp. 165.

Teaching methods

Lectures are attended on a weekly basis or concentrated in several lecturing units.

Assessment methods

Regular testing during the course Exams: oral and practicum (colloquium)

Language of instruction

Croatian English (possible)

Quality assurance methods



Course code

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Type of course Lectures with seminars

Level of course Basic

Year of study 2 Semester III, IV

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

5 ECTS (2.5 ECTS for lectures, seminars and exercises, 2.5 ECTS for individual learning with consultations).

Name of lecturer

Prof. Ph.D. Jakov Dulčić

Learning outcomes and competences

Basic knowledge and competences on the wise utilization and management of the marine living resources to maximize production without exceeding their carrying capacity. Adoption of the approaches presented will improve the conservation and management of the many world fisheries that are suffering from years of inefficient practices. This knowledge could be valuable to fishery and social scientists, fishery officers and administrators.

Prerequisites Competences in elementary biology, mathematics and statistics.

Course contents Marine Living Resources: their habitats and fisheries. Peculiarities of life and marine living resources. World resources. Status and trends of the world fishery resources. Marine living resources by FAO fishing areas. Abundance, population size and fluctuations of marine living resources in each FAO fishing area. Mediterranean living resources. Adriatic Sea and its living resources. Migrations of fishes and other marine organisms. Climate change and marine living resources. Direct populations size estimation techniques with special emphasis on Egg production method. Monitoring of living resources. Fisheries Management-Laws and Regulations (National, International).

Recommended reading

Gulland, J.A. 1971. The fish resources of the ocean. Fishing News Books, Ltd. Surrey, England.; Caddy et al. 1994. Review of the state of world marine fishery resources. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. Rome, 355 pp. FAO Atlas of the living resources of the sea, 2000. Published by FAO, Rome. Iversen E.S. 1996. Living Marine resources. Their Utilization and Management. Chapman & Hall. 403 pp.

Supplementary reading

Anonymous, 2002. Aspccts of Fish markets in the Adriatic Sea. AdriaMed Technical Documents, 10, Termoli, Italy: FAO and MiPAF. Vrgoč et al. 2004. Review of current knowledge on shared demersal stocks of the Adriatic Sea. AdriaMed Technical Documents, 12, Termoli, Italy: FAO and MiPAF. Dujmušić, A. 2000. Hrvatsko ribarstvo ispod površine. Rabus media, Zagreb, 215 str.

Teaching methods

Lectures, seminars, exercises

Assessment methods

Seminars, exercises, final oral exam

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Language of instruction

Croatian, English

Quality assurance methods



Course code

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Type of course Lectures, exercises

Level of course Specialistic

Year of study 2 Semester III, IV

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

6 ( 3 points for lectures and exercises, 3 for individual study with consultations)

Name of lecturer

Prof. Ph. D. Perica Cetinić

Learning outcomes and competences

Course provides knowledge and skills for subjects concerning exploitation of fishing vessel and fishing harbour as well as on making of exploitation and technological demands for its construction.

Prerequisites Competences in knowledge of technical mechanics, ship, fisheries biology and ecology and living resources of sea.

Course contents Definition of vessel, fishing vessel and fishing fleet. Function and demands of fishing vessel. Classification of fishing vessels. Fishing vessel logs. Basic exploitation and technical characteristics of fishing vessel. Fishing vessel equipment. Technological processes and processing and preservation equipment. Internal and external transportation on fishing vessels. Means of fishing vessel exploitation. Fishing vessel as catch and processing unit and its demands. Exploitation systems of fishing vessel. General features of main types of fishing vessels. Definition, classification, objectives and functions of fishing harbour. Objects of fishing harbour. Objects of fishing harbour for vessel and catch servicing. Main and auxiliary objects and its positioning within fishing harbour. Objectives order of fishing vessel while entering harbour. Movement and servicing of fishing vessel within harbour. Fishing harbour possibilities. Fishery markets, distribution centers and basic characteristics of some fishing harbour.

Recommended reading

Pike, D., 1992: Fishing boats and their equipment, Fishing News Books, London, 188 p. Sainsbury, J., C., 1996: Commercial fishing methods: an introduction to vessels and gears, Fishing News Books, 359 p. Anonymus, 2001: Fishing vessels of Britain and Ireland, Published by Agra Europe (London) LTD, 288 p. Staff Members, 1970: Fishing Ports and Markets, Fishing News Books, London, 396 p.

Supplementary reading

Sciortino, J., A., 1995: Construction and maintenance of artisanal fishing harbours and village landings, FAO, Rome, 137 p. Anonymus, 1985: Definition and classification of fishery vessel types, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No. 267, Rome, 62 p. Fyson, F., J., 1980: Fishing boat designs: 3, Small trawlers, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No. 188, Rome, 51 p. Eyres, D., J., 1984: Fishing boat designs: 4, Small steel fishing boats, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 239, Rome, 55 p.

Teaching methods

Lectures and exercises.

Assessment Written and oral tests.

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Language of instruction

Croatian, english.

Quality assurance methods



Course code

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Type of course Theoretical, audiovisual and practical exercises

Level of course Basic

Year of study 2 Semester III, IV

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

6 ECTS (3 for lectures and exercises, 3 for individual study with consultations).

Name of lecturer

Prof. Ph.D. Miro Kraljević

Learning outcomes and competences

Acquiring fundamental knowledge of physiological functions of fishes, crabs and mollusks. Initiation with physiological functions of cells, tissue, organs, glands, sistems, whole organisams and their complex relationships as well with different abiotic effects.

Prerequisites Passing exam Biology, Chemistry, Oceanography, Physic, Analytic chemistry

Course contents Theoretical fundamental knowledge of physiological function of cells, tissues, organs, systems and whole organism. The physiology of swimming, buoyancy, feeding and digestion, growth and metabolism, gas exchange, osmotic, ionic and acid-base regulation, cardiovascular, central nervous, auditory and mechanosensory lateral line and autonomic nervous systems, nitrogen excretion, immunity, electroreception, chemoreception, vision, endocrinology and reproduction.

Recommended reading

Evans, D.H., 1998. The physiology of fishes. (II ed.), CRC Press, Boca Raton New York, 519 p.

Bond, C. E., 1996. Biology of fishes. (II ed.), Saunders college publishing, Harcourt Brace College Publisher, Fort Worth, Philadelphia, San Diego, New York, Orlando, Austin, San Antonio, Toronto, Montreal, London, Sydney, Tokyo, 750p.

Supplementary reading

Kraljević, M. The physiology of fishes. Internal scprit Guyton, A. C., 1976. Medicinska fiziologija. (V ed.), Medicinska knjiga, Beograd-Zagreb, 1072p.

Teaching methods

Weekly theoretical and practical lectures, field practical

Assessment methods

Test and oral exam

Language of instruction

Croatian, English

Quality assurance methods

Questionnaire at the end of course


Course code

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Type of course Theoretical with practical exercises

Level of course Basic

Year of study 2 Semester III

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

4 ECTS (2 for lectures with practical exercises, 2 for individual study with consultations).

Name of lecturer

Prof. Ph. D. Nada Krstulović

Learning outcomes and competences

A remarkable and fascinating aspect of the microbial world is the staggering diversity of the forms and their importance to humans and biosphere. This diversity is exemplified by the impact of bacteria on the evolution of all other living organisms, the physiological tolerances and ranges over which microorganisms live and function, the fascinating and unique metabolic pathways utilized by microorganism that evolved on Earth, and consequences of ecological activities and geochemical transformations carried out by microorganisms. Microorganisms drive many of the life processes on Earth - macroscopic organisms are utterly and completely dependent on them. For this reason, this is imperative to provide the students general understanding about the basic biochemical and physiological principles underlying microbial life, because these principles direct all life.

Prerequisites Competences in elementary citology

Course contents An Introduction to Microbial Life. The Diversity of Microorganisms. Functional Anatomy of Procaryotic and Eucaryotic Cells. Comparing Procaryotic and Eucaryotic Cells. Structure and Function of Procaryotic Microorganisms (Eubacteria and Archaea). Microbial Physiology: Nutrition and Growth. Control of Microbial Growth, Physical and Chemical Requirements for Growth. Metabolism. Microbial Genetics. Classification of Microorganisms: Bacteria, Fungi, Protozoa, Algae, Slime ,Molds, Lichens and Viruses. Microbial Mechanisms of Pathogenicity. Microbial ecology: Microorganisms and Ecosystems, Metabolic Diversity, Microbial Biodegradation, the Role of Microorganisms in Biogeochemical Cycles. Applications of Microbiology. Preparing a bacterial smear; bacterial staining (simple stain, differential stain, negative stain gram stain); microbiological media preparation; techniques of isolation of bacteria; single colony isolation; morphology of bacterial colony; growth patterns of bacteria in different media; biochemical tests; microbial control; antibiotic sensitivity; technique for bacterial enumeration; microbiology of food (milk and yeasts).

Recommended reading

Duraković, S. 1996. Opća mikrobiologija, Prehrambeno-tehnološki inženjering, Zagreb (Udžbenici Sveučilišta u Zagrebu), 462 p. Duraković, S. 1996. Primijenjena mikrobiologija, Prehrambeno-tehnološki inženjering, Zagreb (Udžbenici Sveučilišta u Zagrebu),327 p. Duraković, S. 1997. Priručnik za rad u mikrobiološkom laboratoriju, Prehrambeno-tehnološki inženjering, Zagreb (Udžbenici Sveučilišta u

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Zagrebu), 336 p.

Supplementary reading

Mayer, R.M., Pepper, I.L. and Gerba, C.P. 2000. Environmental Microbiology, Academic Press, 585 p.

Teaching methods

Combined teaching methods: frontal lectures, work in groups, using modern technologies.

Assessment methods

Assessments during lectures. Exam: written after main chapter and oral at the end of teaching process.

Language of instruction

Croatian. English (possibility).

Quality assurance methods

At the beginning and at the end of the teaching process: questionnaires about learning outcomes and competences, and about the course.

Course title FIELDWORK

Course code

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Type of course Practical work and fieldwork on the sea with research vessel

Level of course Basic exercises

Year of study 2 Semester III

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)


Name of lecturer

The head of department

Learning outcomes and competences

Competences in knowledge to work with instruments used on the research vessel during cruise with main aim to explore the sea and its living resources.

Prerequisites Finished 1st year of study.

Course contents Work with sampler, thermomethers, multisonds, meteorological instruments (anemomether, psihomether, baromether), Secchi disc, currentmether). Sampling with planktonic nets (ichthyoplankton, phytoplankton, zooplankton), analyzing sampled material directly on the vessel and storage and preservation of material for laboratory analysis. Sampling with bottom grab, analyzing of material and storage for quantitative and qualitative analysis. Abiotic parameters (CTD sonda).

Recommended reading

Supplementary reading

Teaching methods

Practical exercises

Assessment methods

Language of instruction

Croatian, English

Quality assurance methods



Course code

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Type of course Lecture / Exercise Course

Level of course Basic

Year of study 2nd Semester III

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

4 ECTS (2 for lectures and exercises, 2 for individual learning with consultations).

Name of lecturer

Prof. Ph.D. Roko Markovina

Learning outcomes and competences

The main goal of the course is to teach students to understand the basics naval architecture knowledge and shipbuilding terminology, as well as about construction-technical characteristics of ships as a floating object, with a specific accentuation on fishing ship, the other types of ships, main characteristics and floating lows, stability, hydrostatic and hydrodynamic of ships, loading of ships construction, materials in shipbuilding, construction elements of ship and ships nomenclature, ship’s equipment, ships erection and examining, repairing and maintenance, for the reason that the student could use correctly the ship in practice, as one of the principal resource in sea fishing.

Prerequisites Attend a course of Mathematic I and Technical Mechanic I

Course contents What is the ship? Criteria of ship’s valuation. Based ship’s parts. Elementary shipbuilding technical terms. The ship’s forms. Presentation of ship’s hull form. Dividing of ships. Fishing boat. Dividing of sea-going fishing boats and criteria its have to complied. Classification societies and its marks. Croatian Register of shipping. Materials for building the ship. Hydrostatic – floating and stability of ship. Hold cargo spacing. Unsinkability. Maneuverability. Diagram of hydrostatic curves. Hydrodynamic of ship – ship resistance and types of ship’s resistance. Ship’s resistance determining. Ship’s propulsion. Classic and modern types of propellers. Ship’s powered engines. Main powered engine. Shafting. Ship’s auxiliary engines. Rudders. Construction of ships. Loading of ships construction. Longitudinal, transversal and local strength. Ship’s construction elements. The systems of ship building. Connection of ship’s elements. Protection of ships construction. Ship’s outfitting. Accommodations. Piping. Navigational equipment. Additional equipment for a special ships and fishing boats. Special electronically and navigational equipment for fishing boats. Basic of shipbuilding process. Ship building organization. Shipyards. Maintenance and repairing of ships. Visiting of the Shipyard “Split”.

Recommended reading

Markovina,R.: Generally about ship, selected chapters, FESB,Split, 2000. Furlan,Z; Lučin,N.;Pavelić,A.: Basic of naval architecture, Šk.knjiga-Zagreb, 1989. Tupper, E.: Introduction to naval architecture, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, 2001. Munro-Smith, R,: Ships & Naval architecture, Institute of marine engineers,

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London 1973. Pike,D.: Fishing boats and their equipment, Fishing News Books, London, 1992. Cetinić,P.: Dividing of sea-going fishing boats and requirements which its have to meet. SORTA 1992.

Supplementary reading

Grubišić,M.: Construction of ship, Zagreb, 1984. Uršić,J.: Ship’s strength I, II, III part, Zagreb, 1984. Ljubetić,M.: Resistance and propulsion of ship, Dubrovnik, 1992. Bosnić,A.: Ship design, Zagreb, 1982.

Teaching methods

Lectures. Exercise course. Visiting of the shipyard. Consultations.

Assessment methods

The students knowledge verify in writing and orally. After one half of lectures first colloquia will organize. The students have one colloquia examined right, and if it passes successfully after second part of lectures have at second colloquia examined right. The final note is average value of the both colloquia notes. In the case of not passed colloquia, the students passes in one piece examine, written and oral, in regular examine term.

Language of instruction

Croatian. Lectures on English is possible.

Quality assurance methods

Student feedback via questionnaires and surveys Lectures responsible for the same subject area collaborate closely and monitor each other's work. Occasional class observations and appraisal by Head of Department


Course code

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Type of course Lectures with exercises

Level of course Specialistic

Year of study 2 Semester III

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

4 (2 for lectures and exercises, 2 for individual study with consultations)

Name of lecturer

Ph.D. Alen Soldo

Learning outcomes and competences

Course aims to introduce students with modern techniques that are used in underwater research of marine ecosystem. Within course special interest is given to underwater research techniques of fishing gear impact on fish and other marine organisms, as well as on the sea bottom. Hence, course provides knowledge on other underwater techniques that are used in other researches such as marine pollution and habitat destruction.

Prerequisites Competences in knowledge of general physics, biology and ecology of sea and fisheries biology and ecology.

Course contents SCUBA diving, SCUBA diving equipment, diving categories, underwater video and photo equipment, underwater video and photo techniques, ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicles), stationary cameras, video and photo shooting of stationary and towed fishing gear, data collecting and processing, data processing software, data application of obtained results for stock assessment and other biological parameters, method standardization, short-term and long-term research.

Recommended reading

Fish behavior in relation to fishing operations. ICES Marine Science Symposia, Vol. 196, 1993. Examining underwater visual census techniques for the assessment of population structure and biodiversity in temperate coastal marine protected areas. (Ed. N. Barrett and C. Buxton). Technical Report Series, No. 11, Tasmanian Aquaculture and Fisheries Institute, 2002.

Supplementary reading

Christie, C. A., Bass, D. K., Neale, S. J., Osborne, K., and Oxley, W. G. (1996) Surveys of sessile benthic communities using the video technique. Long-term monitoring of the Great Barrier Reef Standard Operational Procedure Number 2. Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville. Halford, A. R. and Thompson, A. A. (1994) Visual census surveys of reef fish. . Long-term monitoring of the Great Barrier Reef Standard Operational Procedure Number 3. Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville

Teaching methods

Lectures and exercises.

Assessment methods

Written and oral tests.

Language of instruction

Croatian, english.

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Quality assurance methods



Course code

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Type of course Lectures with exercises

Level of course Specialistic

Year of study 2 Semester III

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

2 (1 for lectures with exercises, 1 for individual study with consultations).

Name of lecturer

Ph.D. Ivona Mladineo

Learning outcomes and competences

Histology has a task to discover the effect of mechanisms of different environmental conditions that reflect on cells and their result on the survivor of the organism. The subject has the scope to prepare the student for recognition of the aspects of physiological tissue and oscillation from that form.

Prerequisites Competence in knowledge of general biology and fisheries biology and ecology.

Course contents What is the scope of histology? What is the cell, tissue, organs and how they connect in the unity named organism? Main types of tissue. Short ontogenesis of organ systems. Specificities of some organ systems. Differences in tissue among different marine organisms (models fish, shellfish, octopus). The impact of environmental factors (chemical, biological, mechanical) on the tissue changes. Ontogenesis of diseases. Stained mounts, imunohistochemistry, histochemistry, immunofluorescence. Section and sampling. Fixative preparation. Dehydration, paraffin bath and staining. Embedding in paraffin blocks and microtome cutting. Differential staining.

Recommended reading

Veterinarska histologija. Kozarić, 2002. Theory and practice of histotechnology. Sheehan & Hrapchak, 1980. Histologija domaćih životinja. Hrastnik,

Supplementary reading

An atlas of histology and cytology of marine bivalve molluscs. IFREMER, 2003.

Teaching methods

After introduction in main types of tissue and their function in organ systems, the accent will be put on the fieldwork sampling and preparation of own histological map, based on student’s interests or affinities (tissue samples from polluted area, tissue of ill organisms, tissues subjected to seasonal changes).

Assessment methods

The exam is composed of oral presentation of the chosen subject with the preparation of own histological map. Prerequisite is the colloquium of tissue identification.

Language of instruction

Croatian, English

Quality assurance methods



Course code

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Type of course Lectures with practical work on the field

Level of course Advanced

Year of study 2 Semester III

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

2 (1.5 for lectures with practical work on the field, 0.5 for individual study with consultations).

Name of lecturer

M. Sc. Ante Žuljević

Learning outcomes and competences

Within this subject students will gain theoretical and practical knowledge about biological invasion with a special attention on marine ecosystem and Mediterranean Sea.

Prerequisites Competences in knowledge in marine biology and ecology.

Course contents History of the biological invasion. The invasive species – what factors determine whether a species will become an invader or not? Invaded ecosystem – what site properties determine whether an ecological system will be prone to, or resistant to invasions? Concept "The tens rule". Ecological consequences of invasion. Management of biological invasion. Biological invasion in the Mediterranean Sea – species origin, vector of introduction and spreading mechanisms. Selected examples of the invasive species.

Recommended reading

Williamson M. (1996). Biological invasion. Chapman & Hall, London. 243 p.

Supplementary reading

Selected papers.

Teaching methods

The classes will be held in classroom equipped with projectors and by practical lessons in the field.

Assessment methods

Oral examination.

Language of instruction


Quality assurance methods



Course code

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Type of course Lectures with exercises

Level of course Specialistic

Year of study 2 Semester III

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

4 (1.5 for lectures with exercises, 2.5 for individual study with consultations).

Name of lecturer

Ph. D. Ivona Mladineo

Learning outcomes and competences

The purposes of the subject are to develop student’s capacities to recognize parasitological systems in rearing conditions, that are not harmful for the host and to be able to assume measures in order to keep the system as it is. The student will be enable to identified the basic parasitic groups found in intensive rearing systems of fish and shellfish, methods of its confinement and possible treatment.

Prerequisites Competences in knowledge in general biology, biology and ecology of sea and general microbiology.

Course contents Parasite ecology. Relationships in the balance parasite-host. Types of parasitism. Population dynamic of parasites in open and closed systems. Main parasite nomenclature. Main features for recognition of some parasites groups. The most usual parasites of certain marine organisms. The most usual parasites in rearing conditions. Parasites that are regulated by the law. Sampling procedure of parasites. Preparation of permanent slide mounts for parasite collection. Types of fixation and staining. Diagnostic techniques of parasite in rearing conditions. Section and sampling protocol. Preparation of parasites for the identification. Parasite microscopy and photography. Identification keys.

Recommended reading

Fish pathology. Heinz-Hermann Reichenbach-Klinke, 1964. Fish Diseases and Disorders, Volume 1: Protozoan and Metazoan Infections. Woo, 1995. Protozoan parasites of fishes. Lom & Dykova, 1992. Parasitofauna of Monte Negro fish. Radujković & Raibaut, 1989. Evolutionary biology of host-parasite relationships: theory meets reality. Poulin, Morand, Skorping, 2000.

Supplementary reading

A monograph on the isopods of North America. Richardson, 1905. Keys to the trematoda, volume 1. Gibson, Jones, Bray, 2001.

Teaching methods

Lectures, practicum, fieldwork.

Assessment methods

After the introduction in general parasitology, the accent will be put on the fieldwork sampling and own preparation of parasitological collection, based on own student’s interests and affinities (parasites of reared fish, shellfish, octopus or wild fish). The exam will consist of oral presentation of the chosen subject and presentation of own parasitological collection. Prerequisite to attend the exam will be the colloquium of recognition of permanent slide mounts of

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most common parasites and written colloquium of general parasitology.

Language of instruction

Croatian, English

Quality assurance methods



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Type of course Lectures, laboratory practicum, fieldwork exercises Level of course Advanced Year of study 2nd Semester III ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

4 (1.5 for lectures, laboratory practicum, fieldwork exercises, 2.5 for individual study with consultations)

Name of lecturer Ph. D. Živana Ninčević Gladan Learning outcomes and competences

Students learn different sampling techniques in marine biology and gain insight and practical experience in the use of modern methods in marine research. They extend their knowledge about important groups of organisms in the marine ecosystem and gain understanding of importance and design of experimental work

Prerequisites Basic knowledge in marine biology and ecology. Course contents Sampling techniques in plankton, Direct and indirect sampling methods in

benthos, Preservation and storage of samples, Phytoplankton biomass determination, Sedimentation method of phytoplankton determination, fluorescent microscopy, Zooplankton abundance and biomass determination, Acoustical and optical methods, Biomass estimation of exploited population, Introduction in biostatistics, Experiment design.

Recommended reading

Sournia, A., Phytoplankton manual UNESCO, Paris 1978. 337 pp. Harris, R.P., Zooplankton Methodology Manual, ICES, Academic Press, 2000, 683 pp. Štirn, J., Manual of methods in aquatic environment research, FAO, Rim, 1981., 70 pp.

Supplementary reading

Pérès J.M., Gamulin Brida H., Biološka Oceanografija, Školska knjiga, Zagreb 1973, 149-155

Teaching methods

Lecture, cruise-laboratory work

Assessment methods

Written exam

Language of instruction

Croatian English

Quality assurance methods

Student questionnaire.


Course code

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Type of course Lectures, excersises.

Level of course Basic

Year of study 2 Semester IV

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

3 (1,5 for lectures and exercises, 1,5 for individual study and consultation)

Name of lecturer

Prof. Ph. D. Perica Cetinić

Learning outcomes and competences

Course provides practical and theoretical knowledge concerning rational management of living resources of sea, estimation, prediction, regulation and defining optimal fisheries and estimation of status of living resources targeted by fisheries.


Course contents Basic terms used in management of living resources of sea. Thropic relations in marine ecosystem. Fishing areas. Characteristics of living resources of sea as objects of fishing. Russel's law, MSY theory. Factors affecting status of living resources. Stock, its structure and analysis. Fishing effort, power and catchability. Fishing gear selectivity. Basic factors affecting stock biomass. Natural regulations of stock size. Stock identification methods. Models of optimal fishing. Stock biomass assessment. Natural causes of changes in stock productivity. Stock interactions and its influence. Multispecies fishing and its assessment. Fishing regulations. Fishing impact on marine ecosystem. Management of living resources of sea in EEZ and protected areas. International organizations for fishing regulations.

Recommended reading

Spare, P. and Venema, S. C. 1998: Introduction to tropical fish stock assessment, Part 1: Manual, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 306/1, 407 p.

Supplementary reading

Kompowski, A., J. Horbowy, 1997: Wstęp do teorii optymalnych połowów, Akademia Rolnicza, Szczecin, 108p.

Teaching methods

Lectures and exercises.

Assessment methods

Written and oral tests.

Language of instruction

Croatian, english.

Quality assurance methods


Course title FIELDWORK

Course code

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Type of course Practical work and fieldwork on the sea with research vessel

Level of course Advanced exercises

Year of study 2 Semester IV

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)


Name of lecturer

The head of department

Learning outcomes and competences

Competences in knowledge to work with bottom trawl, dredge and other fishing gear and analysis of catches.

Prerequisites Verified III semester.

Course contents Work with bottom trawl and analysis of trawl catches, with special emphasis on the ecological characteristics of catched organisms. Taking of basic biometric parameters of catched organsims and storage for laboratory analysis. Analysis of the substrate where the sampling was done. Sampling with dredge and analysis of catches. Work with other fishing gears and analysis of catches.

Recommended reading

Supplementary reading

Teaching methods

Practical exercises

Assessment methods

Language of instruction

Croatian, English

Quality assurance methods



Course code

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Type of course Lectures with exercises

Level of course Basic

Year of study 2 Semester IV

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

4 ECTS (1.5 for lectures and exercises, 2.5 for individual study with consultations)

Name of lecturer

Ph. D. Mladen Tudor

Learning outcomes and competences

Knowledge of macromolecules structures and functions, energy originate and storage, metabolic pathways, macromolecules biosynthesis and breaking.

Prerequisites Competence in knowledge in general biology and chemistry.

Course contents Chemistry of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates; Structures and functions of macromolecules; Enzymes and coenzymes; Nucleic acid and biosynthesis of proteins; Nitrogen metabolism and excretions; β-oxidation of lipid and fatty acids biosynthesis; Glycolysis and gluconeogenesis; Biological oxydation and citric acid cycle; Dietary and vitamins; Carotenoids, steroids and hormones; Regulatory mechanisms of metabolisms;

Recommended reading

Karlson P., Biokemija. Školska knjiga, 1993. Stryer L., Biokemija. Školska knjiga, 1991.

Supplementary reading

Shulman, G.E. and R.M. Love. The Biochemical Ecology of Marine Fishes. Advances in Marine Biology, Vol. 36. Academic Press. 1999.

Teaching methods

Lectures and practice

Assessment methods

Oral and written examination

Language of instruction

Croatian (English)

Quality assurance methods



Course code

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Type of course Lectures with practical exercises

Level of course Basic

Year of study 2 Semester IV

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

4 ECTS (2 ECTS for lectures and practical exercises, 2 ECTS for individual study with consultation)

Name of lecturer

Prof. Ph. D. Nada Krstulović

Learning outcomes and competences

A diverse range of microorganisms, including bacteria, filamentous fungi, yeast, micro-algae and protozoa, is regarded as true (autochtonous) inhabitants of the marine environment. Furthermore, microorganisms are very important component of marine environment regarding their role in all trophic precesses. This subject should provide students answers to the questions: What are the standing stock and production rates of various microbial groups? What is the flux of DOM through bacteria to higher trophic levels? What is contribution of heterotrophic bacteria to mineralization of C and N, especially as sources of nutrients like ammonium for primary production? In short, this subject should provide the students understanding the role of microbes in food web dynamics and biogeochemical cycles in the marine environment. How microbes impact oceanographic and ecological processes.

Prerequisites Competences in General Microbiology and knowledge of the essential features of the marine environment.

Course contents An introduction to marine microbiology. Marine microbes – an overview. Habitats for marine microorganisms. Taxonomy of marine microorganisms. Abundance, biomass, productivity and distribution of microorganisms, especially of bacteria in marine environment. Factors influencing the density and dynamics of microorganisms. The role of microorganisms in marine ecosystem. Microbial food web. Heterotrophic processes and the Microbial Loop. Interaction between bacteria and their Grazers. Impact of Viruses on Bacterial processes. Dynamics and activity of microorganisms in sediments. Dynamics and activity of microorganisms in deep-sea environment. Relationship of microorganisms and macroorganisms in marine environment. Alochtonous microorganisms in marine environment. Effect of environmental parameters on bacterial growth (temperature, pressure, salinity, inorganic ions); Winogradsky column; anaerobic organism cultivation; isolation of bacteria in sediments; isolation of bacteria involved in nitrogen cycle; isolation of luminescent bacteria; enumeration of marine organisms (bacteria, cyanobacteria, flagellates); determination of bacterial biomass and production in water column and sediments, determination of indicator organisms in marine waters and shellfish

Recommended reading

Krstulović, N. i M. Šolić, 2004.Mikrobiologija mora. Interna skripta,350 p. Šolić, M. i N. Krstulović, 2000. Ekologija morskog bakterioplanktona, Sveučilišni priručnik, IOR-Split, 472p..

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Supplementary reading

Austin, B. 1993. Marine Microbiology, Cambridge University Press,218 p. Kirchman, D.L. 2000. Microbial Ecology of the Oceans, Wiley Series in Ecological and Applied Microbiology, 542p

Teaching methods

Combined teaching methods: frontal lectures, work in groups, using modern technologies.

Assessment methods

Assessments during lectures. Exam: written after main chapter and oral at the end of teaching process.

Language of instruction

Croatian. English (possibility).

Quality assurance methods

At the beginning and at the end of the teaching process: questionnaires about learning outcomes and competences, and about the course.


Course code

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Type of course Lectures with seminars

Level of course Advanced

Year of study 2 Semester IV

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

3 (1.5 for lectures with seminars, 1.5 for individual study with consultations).

Name of lecturer Prof. Ph.D. Ante Baric

Learning outcomes and competences

Competences in knowledge of sea pollution.

Prerequisites General, Inorganic and Organic Chemistry, Chemical Oceanography, and Marine Ecology

Course contents The following issues are included within the course: What is pollution? Sources of marine pollution (urban wastewater, industrial wastewater, run-off from agricultural and public surfaces, river inputs, radioactive waste, atmospheric fallout, waste from ships). Impacts of pollutants on the marine ecosystem (persistence in the marine environment, toxicity and other harmful effects, accumulation in organisms and sediments, biological transformations which create harmful substances, impacts on dissolved oxygen). Biomonitoring, bioindicators and biomarkers. Characteristics of specific pollutants (organic matter, metals, crude oil and oil products, persistent organic pollutants (POPs) biologically non-degradable detergents and other surface active substances, radioisotopes, solid waste, plastics, heat). Impacts of mariculture on marine environment.

Recommended reading

R.B. Clark, R.B. (2001). Marine Pollution, (Fifth Edition), Clarendon Press, Oxford, 248 pages. Laws, E.A. (2000). Aquatic Pollution, An Introductory Text (Third Edition). Willey Intersci. Publ., New York, 672 pages.

Supplementary reading

Selected articles from Scientific journals

Teaching methods

Lecturing and home works

Assessment methods

Tests during the course and a oral exam at the end of the course

Language of instruction

Croatian, possibility of English in a part of lectures and at the exam

Quality assurance Methods

Un-disclosed evaluation by students during the course and after the exam using an evaluation form


Course code

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Type of course Lectures with exercises

Level of course Advanced

Year of study 2 Semester IV

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

3 (1.5 for lectures and exercises, 1.5 for individual study with consultations)

Name of lecturer

Ph.D. Nedo Vrgoč

Learning outcomes and competences

Students are expected to get the basic knowledge about growth and mortality dynamics in exploited populations and also about an impact of exploitation on the state of populations and assemblages. At the end of the course students will be capable for sustainable and rational management with renewable biological resources of the sea.

Prerequisites Competences in knowledge of fisheries biology and management of the living resources of the sea.

Course contents Definitions of population and stock. Russel's axiom. Estimation of growth parameters. Von Bertanalffy growth equation. Methods for estimation growth parameters. Estimation of mortality rates. Natural mortality. Fishing mortality. Changes in populations and communities due to the fishery. Concept of responsible exploitation. Problematic of multispecies exploitation. Assessment of migratory stocks. Sampling theory. Sampling commercial catches. Stock assessment computer packages.

Recommended reading

Sparre P. and Venema S.C. 1998. Introduction to tropical fish stock assessment. Part 1. – manual. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. 306/1. 407.p Pauly D. 1984. Fish population dynamics in tropical waters. ICLARM Stud. Rev. (8): 325 Gulland J.A. 1964. Manual of methods of fish population analysis. FAO Fish. Techn. Pap., (40):63 pp.

Supplementary reading

Krebs C.J. 1989. Ecological methodology Harper & Row Publisher, new York, 474.

Teaching methods

Lectures and seminars

Assessment methods

Oral exam and/or written test

Language of instruction

Croatian Possibly English

Quality assurance Methods



Course code

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Type of course Lectures

Level of course Specialized course

Year of study 2 Semester IV

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

2 (0,5 for lectures; 1,5 for independent learning and consultations)

Name of lecturer Prof. Ph.D. Ivona Marasović,

Learning outcomes and competences

The aim of this course is to introduce to students complete problematic of shell toxicity, what is of exceptional significance for the future development of Croatian shell breeding.

Prerequisites Apply of elementary biological and biochemical knowledge.

Course contents Causes and types of shellfish poisoning. Toxic species of phytoplankton. Spatial and temporal distribution of shellfish poisoning. Methods for analysis for algal toxin. Control measures and legislation related to shellfish toxicity.

Recommended reading

Hallegraef, G.M. 1991. Aquaculturist’s guide to harmful Australian microalgae. CSIRO Australia, pp. 58. Hallegraef, G.M. 1993. Areview of harmful algal blooms and their pparent global increase. Phycologia, 32: 79-99.Falconer, J.R. 1993. Algal Toxins in Seafood and Drinking Water.University press, Cambridge, pp. 224. Marasović, I., Ninčević, Ž., Orhanović, S. & Pavela-Vrančić, M.1998. A survey of shellfish toxicity in the central Adriatic Sea.Journal of Marine Biology Association U.K, 78: 745-754. UNESCO 2003. Manual of Harmful Marine Microalgae. Eds. G.M. Hallegraef, D.M. Anderson and A.D. Cembella. Unesco Publ., Paris.pp. 793.

Supplementary reading

Teaching methods

Lectures, power point presentations, video and similar presentations.

Assessment methods

Final oral exam.

Language of instruction

Croatian, if needed English.

Quality assurance methods

Through questionnaires.


Course code

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Type of course Lectures with exercises

Level of course Advanced

Year of study 2 Semestar IV

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

5 (2 for lectures with exercises, 3 for individual study with consultations)

Name of lecturer

Ph.D. Davorin Medaković

Learning outcomes and competences

The basic knowledge of the mechanisms and biomineralization processes in the selected marine organisms, capability to perform scientific and ecological research to collaborate and to lead a part of complex joined scientific projects.

Prerequisites Finished undergraduate study (180 ECTS) from scientific field of Natural sciences (e.g. Marine fisheries, Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Physics, …

Course contents Minerals and biominerals. Theory of biomineralization. Biomineralization of the molluscs, echinoderms, barnacles and fish. Enzymatic activity of the carbonic anhydrase. X-ray difraction methods. Biomineralization in the ecological studies. Production and using of the biominerals in the surgery and pharmaceutic industry.

Recommended reading

Kirschvink J L, Hagadoron J W, 2000. A Grand unified theory of Biomineralization. In: Bäuerlein E, (Ed.), Biomineralization. Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH, Weinheim, Germany, pp. 139-150 Matoničkin I, Habdija I, Primc-Habdija B, 1988. Avertebrata. Biologija nižih beskralježnjaka. Školska knjiga, Zagreb. Medaković D, 2000. Carbonic anhydrase activity and biomineralization process in embryos, larvae and adult blue mussels Mytilus edulis L. Helgoland Marine Research 54: 1-6 Watabe N, 1988. Shell structure. In: Wilbur K M, (Ed.), The Mollusca. Form and Function. Vol.11, Part 4. Academic Press, New York, pp. 69-104

Supplementary reading

Lowenstam H A, 1981. Minerals formed by organisms. Science NY, 211: 1126-1131 Medaković D, Popović S, Gržeta B, Plazonić M, Hrs-Brenko M, 1997. X-ray diffraction study of calcification processes in embryos and larvae of the brooding oyster Ostrea edulis. Marine Biology 129: 615-623

Teaching methods

Lectures; Exercise; Seminars; Consultation

Assessment methods

Tests; Examination

Language of instruction

Croatian (English, Slovenian)

Quality assurance methods



Course code

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Type of course Lectures with seminars

Level of course Advanced

Year of study 2 Semester IV

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

4 ( 2 for lectures and exercises, 2 for individual study with consultations).

Name of lecturer

Ph. D. Alen Soldo

Learning outcomes and competences

Course provides knowledge on sustainable exploitation of living resources of the sea in accordance with environment, use of those procedures in fishing and aquaculture which does not harm ecosystem, resources and its quality and regulations on marine protection and protection of its living resources and its inspection.

Prerequisites Competences in knowledge of management of the living resources of the sea and dynamics of exploited populations.

Course contents Nature, scope and objectives of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, its implementation and monitoring, fishery management, fishing operations, aquaculture development, fishing gear impact on marine ecosystem, fishery mortality, fishing gear selectivity and its influence on state of living marine resources, integrations of fisheries into coastal area management, fishery regulations.

Recommended reading

Pearse, P.H., 1980. Regulation of fishing effort: with special reference to Mediterranean trawl fisheries. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. 197: 82 p. Sparre, P. & Venema, S. C., 1998. - Introduction to tropical fish assessment, Part I: Manual, FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. 306/1: 407 p. Beddington, J.R. & Rettig, R.B., 1984. Approaches to the regulation of fishing effort. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. 243: 39 p. FAO, 2000. Kodeks odgovornog ribolova. FAO Adriamed: 38 p.

Supplementary reading

Greboval, D. (ed.), 1999. Managing fishing capacity: selected papers on underlying concepts and issues. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. 386: 206 p. Cleveland, B.C. (ed.), 1985. Adjustments to changes in fisheries law and economics. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. 269: 115 p. FAO, 1999. Guidelines for the routine collection of capture fishery data. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. 382: 113 p.

Teaching methods

Lectures and exercises.

Assessment methods

Written and oral tests.

Language of instruction

Croatian, english.

Quality assurance methods



Course code

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Type of course Lectures, seminars

Level of course Advanced

Year of study 2 Semester IV

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

3 ECTS (1,5 for lectures and seminar work, 1,5 for individual work with consultations)

Name of lecturer

Prof. Ph. D. Ivan Katavić

Learning outcomes and competences

Skills in connecting and co-relating two mutually dependent and supporting, and at the same time contrasted activities in fisheries. Knowledge of the logical historical development of a commercial activity.

Prerequisites Management of living resources

Course contents Introduction. History of aquatic farming. basic principles of fishing vs. farming. Classification of farming according to place, intensity and species - land-based and sea-based, extensive and intensive, polyculture and monoculture. Increase of energy flow in natural ecosystems. Shellfish farming as a particular form of extensive farming in monoculture. Ocean ranching - farming based on natural instincts of marine organisms. Intensive farming based on wild juveniles - eel farming; farming and fattening of bluefin tuna; amberjack farming; farming of dusky grouper and its relatives. Potentially interesting new species - fish and invertebrates

Recommended reading

Katavić et al. 2005. Marikultura. Manuscript Ottolenghi, F., Silvestri, C., Giordano, P., Lovatelli, A., New, M.B., 2004. Capture-based aquaculture. The fattening of eels, groupers, tunas and yellowtails. Rome, FAO, 385p.

Supplementary reading

Bardach, J.E., 1997. Sustainable aquaculture. John Wiley and Sons Inc., 251p Bond, E.E., 1996: Biology of Fishes. 2nd Edition, Saunders College Publishing, 750p. Landau, M. 1992. Introduction to aquaculture. John Wiley and Sons Inc. 440p. Spencer, B.E. 2002. Molluscan shellfish farming. Blackwell Science, 325p.

Teaching methods

Audiovisual presentation, interviews and questionnaires with adequate questions at the end of individual chapters

Assessment methods

Written intermediary test and final oral exam

Language of instruction

Croatian English

Quality assurance methods


Course title MARICULTURE

Course code

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Type of course Lectures, practical

Level of course Basic

Year of study 3 Semester V, VI

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

8 ECTS (3 for lectures and practical work, 5 for individual work with consultations)

Name of lecturer

Prof. Ph.D. Ivan Katavić

Learning outcomes and competences

Competences in using basic biotechnological skills needed for enhancing fisheries

Prerequisites Basic knowledge of oceanography - biology, genetics, biotechnology and marine ecology

Course contents Introduction. Historical attempts of marine aquaculture. Capture fisheries vs. aquaculture. Definition, aims, directions and global trends of development of marine aquaculture. Classification of rearing activities: extensive, semi-intensive, intensive and super-intensive. Land-based and sea-based aquaculture. Sea as a farming environment, its bio-physical variables important for farming activities. Farming methods and techniques. Controlled reproduction - neuro-endochrinous control of gametogenesis. Role of external factors in reproduction cycle. Plankton monocultures - micro algae and zoo-plankton. Criteria for selection of species in marine aquaculture. Biology and ecology of farmed species. Feed and environmental variables. Disturbances and diseases. Bio-ecological basis for shellfish and crustacean farming. New species - potentially interesting candidates for controlled farming. Ecological aspects of farming. Quantification and waste management. Environmental impact assessment of marine aquaculture. Mitigation measures. Monitoring - quantitative and qualitative.

Recommended reading

Katavić, I. 2005. Marikultura. manuscript Barnabe, G. (ed.), 1994. Aquaculture - biology and ecology of cultured species. Ellisharwood, 403 p. Beveridge, M.C.M. 1996. Cage aquaculture. Fishing News Books, Blackwell, Oxford, 351p. Black, K.D. and Pickering, A.D. (eds.) 1998. Broodstock management and egg and larvae quality. Blackwell Sciences Ltd. 424p. Gosling, E. 1992. The mussel Mytilus: ecology, physiology, genetics and culture. Elsevier. 689p.

Supplementary reading

Bardach, J.E., 1997. Sustainable aquaculture. John Wiley and Sons Inc., 251p Bond, E.E., 1996: Biology of Fishes. 2nd Edition, Saunders College Publishing, 750p. Landau, M. 1992. Introduction to aquaculture. John Wiley and Sons Inc. 440p. Spencer, B.E. 2002. Molluscan shellfish farming. Blackwell Science, 325p.

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Teaching methods

Audiovisual presentation, interviews and questionnaires with adequate questions at the end of individual chapters

Assessment methods

Written intermediary test and final oral exam

Language of instruction

Croatian English if necessary

Quality assurance methods



Course code

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Type of course Lectures, exercises and practical work at sea

Level of course Specialistic

Year of study 3 Semester V, VI

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

8 (4 for lectures and exercises, 2 for individual study with consultations).

Name of lecturer

Prof. Ph.D. Perica Cetinić

Learning outcomes and competences

Course provides practical and theoretical knowledge on marine fishing, rational management of living resources of the sea, estimation of fishing gear impact on marine populations, fishing regulation, calculation and construction of fishing gear, fishing methods and organization, as well as on inspection of fishery regulations.


Course contents Basic terms used in fishing. Classification of fishing gear. Netting materials. Twine thickness, cutting rates, mesh geometry and hanging ratio. Size determination of mesh and netting. Textile, steel and combination ropes used in fishing. Mounting of fishing gear. Fishing gear construction and different fishing techniques. Influence of different physical and chemical factors on fishing.

Recommended reading

Cetinić, P., J. Swiniarski, 1985: Alati i tehnika ribolova, Logos, Split, 655 p. Nedelec,C., J. Prado, 1990: Definition and classification of fishing gear categories. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No. 222, Revision 1,Rome, 92 p. Sainsbury, J., C., 1996: Commercial fishing methods: an introduction to vessels and gears, Fishing News Books, 359 p.

Supplementary reading

Swiniarski J., P. Cetinić, 1993: Technologia połowu organizmόw morskich, Wydawnictwo Morskie, Gdańsk, 472 p. Grubišić. F., 1960: Osnovi tehnike ribolova, Ribarska biblioteka, knjiga 4, Rijeka, 203 p. Soldo, A., 2004: Konstrukcijsko-tehničke značajke i selektivnost pridnenih koća na Jadranu, Doktorska disertacija, Agronomski fakultet, Zagreb, 201 p.

Teaching methods

Lectures and exercises.

Assessment methods

Written and oral tests.

Language of instruction

Croatian, english.

Quality assurance methods




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Type of course Lectures with exercises

Grade Basic

Year 3 Semester V, VI

ECTS 6 (3 for lectures with exercises, 3 for individual study with consultations).

Professor M.Sc. Neven Bosnić

Learning outcomes

Students are learning technologies of cooling, freezing, processing and conserving of sea organisms, and techniques for marking the quality of final product. Learning outcome is to get competences for working in fish industries (canning, salting, seafrozen…), refrigeration plants and fish markets.

Prerequisite for registration

Graduated college of Sea fishing or Biology and ecology of sea, also any other graduated college from scientific field of biotechnological sciences, departments: agronomy, biotechnology and food tehnology, natural sciences; biology and biomedicine and health departments , veterinarian medicine department.

Contents Determination of quality of fresh and frozen see organisms Cooling and freezing technology of see organisms Technologies and techniques of heading, gutting and filleting of fish Conservation of fish with high temperatures (canning) Salting and salt fish products Other technologies of conservations (dried fish, marinates, smoked fish and seafrozen products)

Recommended literature

Andrović, E., Janežić, B., Lisac, H., Mladina, V., Parać, B. (1956): Tehnologija industrijske prerade ribe, Udruženje morskog ribarstva Jugoslavije, Rijeka, Mala ribarska biblioteka, knjiga 2: 160pp. Šoša, B. (1989): Higijena i tehnologija prerade morske ribe, Školska knjiga, Zagreb: 184pp. Živković, J. (1986): Higijena i tehnologija mesa, GRO Tipografija, Đakovo: 487pp.

Additional literature

EUROFISH, stručni časopis, Fachpresse-Verlag An der Alster 21 D-20099 Hamburg. Lorini, P., (1936): Soljenje i stručno uređenje morske ribe. I . Penović, Split. Pravilnik o kvaliteti riba, rakova, školjkaša, morskih ježeva, žaba, kornjača, puževa i njihovih proizvoda (NN br. 53/91).

Teaching methods

Theory and practical exercises

Marking methods


Languages of instruction

Croatian (English, Italian)


Course code

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Type of course Lectures with exercises

Level of course Basic

Year of study 3 Semester V,VI

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

5 ECTS (2.5 ECTS for lectures with exercises, 2.5 for individual study with consultations)

Name of lecturer


Learning outcomes and competences

Gaining theoretical and practical knowledge on sanitary –hygiene methods in fish processing, disinfections and desinsection.

Prerequisites Competences in knowledge of chemistry, general microbiology and physiology of marine organisms.

Course contents Sanitary hygiene in catching, transport and processing fish and shellfish. Cleaning and sanitation in sea food processing. Disinfections by use of heat, chemical agents. Plant location, physical environment and infrastructure. Utensils and equipment. Personal hygiene. Quality assurance. HACCP system . Application of the ISO quality standards and certification.

Recommended reading

Soša, B. 1989.: Higijena i tehnologija prerade morske ribe, Školska knjiga Zagreb, 184 p. Zajcev, V. i dr. 1969.: Fish curing and processing, Mir publishers, Moskva Banjad, S., Divić, B. 1970.: Tehnologija ribe i prerada ribe, Zadar (skripta).

Supplementary reading

Huss,H.H. 1994. Assurance of seafood quality. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. No. 334. 169pp.

Teaching methods

Lectures, practice

Assessment methods


Language of instruction

Croatian, English

Quality assurance methods



Course code

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Type of course Lectures, seminars. Compulsory core course.

Level of course Basic

Year of study 3 Semester Semester V, VI

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

6 ECTS (3 for lectures and seminars, 3 for individual study with consultations).

Name of lecturer Ph.D. Maja Fredotović,

Learning outcomes and competences

The student acquires basic knowledge about the marine fishery as an economic activity. Student adopts the principles of responsible marine fishery, skills to assess the value of marine resources as well as an interdisciplinary approach to the different aspects of marine fishery that serve as a basis for further upgrading in the fields of decision-making, management and policy related to the marine fishery.

Prerequisites Prerequisites defined by the Statute of the University of Split.

Course contents INTRODUCTION: Notion and content of the marine fishery economics. The place of the marine fishery economics within the entirety of economic science and disciplines. MARINE FISHERY AS AN ECONOMIC ACTIVITY: Definition and scope of marine fishery. The importance of marine fishery within national economy (% of GDP, employment, economic subjects - number, structure, territorial distribution, investments): marine fishery, mariculture, processing industry. Market of fish and sea-based products: sale, distribution channels, wholesale. Exports and imports of fish, other organisms and sea-based products. Statistics of marine fishery and monitoring. DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK OF MARINE FISHERY IN CROATIA: Sustainable development and Code for responsible fishery. EU Common Fishery Policy. Development strategy of marine fishery in Croatia. Policy of marine fishery in Croatia (instruments of economic and development policies, structural measures, incentive system). ECONOMICS OF MARINE RESOURCES: Renewable and other marine resources. Methods for assessment of economic value of marine resources. SOCIO-ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF MARINE FISHERY: Income dependency related to marine fishery. Direct and indirect employment. Fishing communities. INTRODUCTION TO ECONOMICS: Basic economic functions (market, supply, demand). MICROECONOMIC ANALYSIS: Cost analysis. Total income and profits, definitions and calculations. Business efficiency calculation methods. ECONOMIC ANALYSIS FOR MARINE FISHERY: Size and structure of fishing fleet. Economic analysis of the fishing vessel operations. Economic analysis of mariculture business. Economic analysis of the efficiency of processing plant. Market analysis and opportunities for fishery products sales. BUSINESS PLAN AND INVESTMENT: Business plan elements, method and process of elaboration. Specific of business plan in different marine fishery activities. Investment planning. Elaboration of an investment study. Case studies.

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Recommended reading

Hrvatska u 21. stoljeću, Strategija razvitka RH; sastavnica: Prehrana, II. Ribarstvo, 2001. (www.vlada.hr) Communication from the Commission on the reform of the common fisheries policy - Roadmap, EC, 2002. Markandya, A.; Harou, P.; Bellu, L.G.; Cistulli, V.: Environmental Economics for Sustainable Growth - A Handbook for Practitioners, Edward Elgar Publishing, Northampton, 2002. Samuelson, P.A.; Nordhaus, W.D.:Ekonomija, 15. izdanje, Mate, Zagreb, 2000. Cingula, M.: Kako izraditi poslovni plan i investicijski elaborat: priručnik za poduzetnike i menadžere, RRIF-plus, Zagreb, 2001.

Supplementary reading

Understanding the culture of fishing communities, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 401, FAO, Rome, 2001. Anderson, L.G.: Fisheries Economics: Collected Essays, Vol. I & II, Ashgate Publishers, Aldershot, 2002 Sustainable Development - Critical Issues, OECD, Paris, 2001.

Teaching methods

Lectures, Seminars, Advisory hours.

Assessment methods

Continuous assessment during the classes (oral tests during seminars) Oral exam

Language of instruction

Classes are on Croatian language, with possibility of teaching on English language.

Quality assurance methods

Student feedback via questionnaires and surveys. Lecturers responsible for the same subject area collaborate closely and monitor each other's work. External evaluation by the Croatian Agency for quality assurance of higher education.


Course code

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Type of course Lectures with exercises

Level of course Basic

Year of study 3 Semester V, VI

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

8 ECTS (3.5 ECTS for lectures and exercises, 4.5 ECTS for individual study with consultations).

Name of lecturer

Prof. Ph.D. Jakov Dulčić

Learning outcomes and competences

Basic knowledge and competences in embryology and genetics of marine organisms with their applications in fisheries biology, aquaculture and fishery industry.

Prerequisites Competences in general biology and fishery biology and ecology.

Course contents Introduction to embryology. Basic morphological stages and developmental stages of the ontogenetic systems. Reproductive systems and reproduction. Structure, shape and size of eggs. Fecundity. Partenogenesis and ginogenesis. Gamete and gametogenesis. Basic embryonic stages. Environmental influences of the embryonic development. Early life history stages. Growth. Introduction to genetics. Qualitative and quantitative genetics. Gene interactions. Environmental influences on the genetic material. Chromosome structure. Changes in chromosomes as the source for genetic variability. Cariotypes and sex chromosomes. Chromosome aberations. Biochemical genetics. The problems and methods of selectivity. Genotoxic effects and chromosomes. Hybridization. The importance of genetic diversity.

Recommended reading

Purdom, C.E. 1993. Genetics and Fish Breeding. Chapman & Hall, 556 p. Gilbert, S.F. 2003. Developmental Biology. Seventh Edition, Sinauer Associates, 838 pp. Ćurćić, B. 1984. Razviće životinja. Naučna knjiga, Beograd.

Supplementary reading

Bond, C.E. 1997. Biology of Fishes. Saunders College Pub. 576 pp. Kiprichnikov, V.S. 1981. Genetic basis of fish selection. Springer-Verlag. 395 pp. Depeche, J. et R. Billard. 1994. Embryology in fish. A review. Editions speciales de la Societe francaise d'ichthyologie, 123 pp.

Teaching methods

Lectures, exercises

Assessment methods

Seminars, exercises, final oral exam

Language of instruction

Croatian, English

Quality assurance methods


Course title FIELDWORK

Course code

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Type of course Practical work and fieldwork in facilities for conservation and processing fish and other sea food products

Level of course Specialised exercises

Year of study 3 Semester V

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)


Name of lecturer

The head of department

Learning outcomes and competences

Competences in knowledge to work in facilities for conservation and processing fish and other sea food products.

Prerequisites Finished 2nd year of study.

Course contents

Recommended reading

Supplementary reading

Teaching methods

Practical exercises

Assessment methods

Language of instruction

Croatian, English

Quality assurance methods



Course code

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Type of course Lectures with exercises

Level of course Advanced

Year of study 3 Semester V.

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

4 (1.5 for lectures with exercises, 2.5 for individual study with consultations).

Name of lecturer

Ph. D. Ivona Mladineo

Learning outcomes and competences

The scope of the subject is the introduction in characteristics of fish and seafood processing technology, conditions of fish and seafood storing and transporting, organoleptic, physical and chemical methods of quality assessment, tools and laboratory equipment for the quality assessment, and legislative aspects of the quality assessment of fish and seafood.

Prerequisites Hygiene in marine fisheries

Course contents Types of biological marine resources and products made from them. Characteristics of different fish and seafood products, their storing and transporting. Organization, charge and principles of legal control offices for fish and seafood quality assessment and legislative in Croatia. Organoleptic, physical and chemical methods of quality assessment. Tools and laboratory equipment for quality assessment: Quality assessment based on legislative. European Union standards. In the framework of practicum, students will be introduced with methods of quality assessment of fish and seafood products, and protocols for determination of different elements in.

Recommended reading

HACCP Program, Sardina, Postira, 1998. Anon. 1972. Procedings of the 1971. National Conference on Food Protection. US Government Printing Office, Washington D.C. USA FNB/NRC (Food and Nutrition Board, National Research Council, USA), 1985. An evaluation of the role of microbiological criteria for foods and food ingredients (Subcommittee on Microbiological Criteria, Committtee on Food Protection). National Academy Press, Washington D.C. USA Huss, H.H. 1994. Assurance of seafood quality, FAO Rome Soša, B. 1989.: Higijena i tehnologija prerade morske ribe, Školska knjiga Zagreb

Supplementary reading

Teaching methods

Lectures, practicum.

Assessment methods

Oral exam.

Language of instruction


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Quality assurance methods


Course code

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Type of course Lectures, audiovisual and practical exercises

Level of course Basic

Year of study 3 Semester V

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

3 (1.5 for lectures with exercises, 1.5 for individual study with consultations).

Name of lecturer

Prof. Ph. D. Miro Kraljević

Learning outcomes and competences

Acquiring fundamental knowledge of anatomy, histology and physiology of fishes, crabs and mollusks, absorption, providing and specific biochemical process in the cells. Initiation with biochemical composition of natural and artificial food in aquaculture and different effects on their growth, metabolism and survival.

Prerequisites Competences in knowledge of marine biology, ecology and physiology.

Course contents Theoretical and practical fundamental nutrition knowledge. Biochemical process inside cells, tissues organs and systems. Artificial rearing of natural phytoplankton and zooplankton (Brachionus, Artemia) cultures. Different artificial food and their different effects on growth, metabolism and survival of some reared fishes as well as different abiotic effects on better fish quality.

Recommended reading

Treer, T., Safner, R., Ančić, I. i M. Lovrinov, 1995. Hranidba riba. U: Ribarstvo. Nakladni zavod lobus, Zagreb: 239-283.

Skrudland, A., 1993. Nutrition in aquaculture. In: Aquaculture for veterinarians: fish husbandry and medicine. Ed: Brown L., Pergamon Press, Oxford, New York, Seul and Tokio: 153-159.

Supplementary reading

Kraljević, M., 1995. Rast komarče, Sparus aurata L. I pica, Diplodus puntazzo Cetti, u prirodnim i kontroliranim uvijetima. Doktorska disertacija, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, 157pp. Kraljević, M. Hranidba riba. Interna skripta

Teaching methods

Weekly theoretical and practical lectures, field practical

Assessment methods

Oral exam, seminar

Language of instruction

Croatian, English

Quality assurance methods

Questionnaire at the end of course


Course code

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Type of course Lectures

Level of course Advanced

Year of study 3 Semester V

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

3 ECTS (1 ECTS for lecture and 2 ECTS for individual study with consultations).

Name of lecturer

Ph.D. Jasna Maršić Lučić

Learning outcomes and competences

Gaining theoretical knowledge of population genetics and her application in aquaculture and protection genetic biodiversity of natural population of marine organisms.


Course contents History of population genetics. Population in genetic equillibrium. Factors affected on genetic equilibrium. Geographic variation among populations. Effective population size and gene flow in natural population. Genetic drift in natural and cultured population. Protection of genetic variability of natural populations. Influence of fish farms population on natural. Molecular techniques in population genetics. Statistics in population genetics.

Recommended reading

Hartl, D.L.& ClarkA.G.: Principles of population genetics, Sinauer asssociates, Inc. 1997. Borojević, K. 1991. Geni i populacija, 2. izdanje Forum, Novi Sad, 544pp. Futuyma, D.J.: Evolutionary Biology, Sinauer associates, Inc. 1986.

Supplementary reading

Hedrick, P.W. 1983. Genetics of populations. Science Book Int. iNc. 630pp.

Teaching methods


Assessment methods

Oral examination

Language of instruction

Croatian, English

Quality assurance methods



Course code

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Type of course Lectures with exercises

Level of course Advanced

Year of study 3rd Semester V

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

4 ECTS (1.5 ECTS for lectures and exercises, 2.5 ECTS for individual study with consultations).

Name of lecturer

Prof. Ph.D. Jakov Dulčić

Learning outcomes and competences

Basic knowledge and competences in embryology of fishes, biology and ecology of ichthyoplankton with their applications in fisheries biology, aquaculture and fishery industry (direct fish population size estimation).

Prerequisites Competences in general biology and fishery biology and ecology.

Course contents Introduction. Reproductive organs in fishes. Structure, shape and size of fish egg. Fecundity. Time and place of fish spawning. Fertilization. Embryonic development. Fish early life history stages. Growth. Mortality and survival. Age determination in fish larvae and postlarvae. Stock – recruitment relationship. Sampling Gears for ichthyoplankton collecting. Towing the sampling gear. Sampling strategy. Preserving and processing of ichthyoplankton samples. Biomass estimation based on egg production.

Recommended reading

Regner, S. 1989. Reproduction of fishes and ecology of their early stages. Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Split. Centre for the training of fishing personnel from developing countries, 107 pp. Depeche, J. et R. Billard. 1994. Embryology in fish. A review. Editions speciales de la Societe francaise d'ichthyologie, 123 pp.

Supplementary reading

Anonymus, 1983. Ontogeny and systematic of fishes. Based on an International Symposium dedicated to the Memory of E.H. Ahlstrom. Special Publication Number 1, American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, NMFS, NOAA and USDC. 755 pp.

Teaching methods

Lectures, exercises

Assessment methods

Seminars, exercises, final oral exam

Language of instruction

Croatian, English

Quality assurance methods




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Course code

Type of course Lectures with exercises

Level of course Advanced

Year of study 3 Semester V

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

5 (2 ECTS for lectures and exercises, 3 for individual study with consultations).

Name of lecturer

Ph. D. Alen Soldo

Learning outcomes and competences

Course provides knowledge on constructional and technical characteristics of fishing gear, methods of its calculations and construction and calculation and improvement of its selectivity and catchability.

Prerequisites Competences in knowledge of fish biology and fishing gear.

Course contents Internal and external forces affecting fishing gear, basic principles of calculation and construction of fishing gear, construction of trawls, construction of seines, construction of gillnets and trammel nets, fishing gear catchability, selectivity of fishing gear and influence on population of fish and other marine organisms.

Recommended reading

Fridman, A. L., 1986. Calculations for fishing gear designs. FAO Fishing Manuals, Fishing News Books : 234 p. Hovgard, H., Lassen, H., 2000. Manual on estimation of selectivity for gillnet and longline gears in abundance surveys. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper, No 397. Rome, FAO: 84 p.

Supplementary reading

Cetinić, P. & Swiniarski, J. 1985. Alati i tehnika ribolova, Logos, Split: 655 p. Soldo, A. Konstrukcijsko-tehničke osobine i selektivnost pridnenih koća na Jadranu. Doktorska disertacija, Agronomski fakultet, Zagreb: 210 p.

Teaching methods

Lectures and exercises.

Assessment methods

Written and oral tests.

Language of instruction

Croatian, english.

Quality assurance methods



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Course code

Type of course Lectures with exercises

Level of course Advanced

Year of study 3 Semestar V

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

2 (1 for lectures with exercises, 1 for individual study with consultations).

Name of lecturer

M.Sc. Pero Tutman

Learning outcomes and competences

Assistance in evaluation of importance and bringing opinions of necessarity in conservation of coastal habitats being considered as fish spawning, nursery and feeding grounds which have special importance in resource assesment in fish biology and marine fishery

Prerequisites Completed courses of Marine Vertebrates and Marine Ecology

Course contents Fish life cycle. Importance of shallow-water regions in fish early life history. Terms migrations and recruitment. Importance of abiotic and biotic factors on survival, growth and development. Early life stages behaviour models in shallow-waters

Recommended reading

Fishery Science, The Unique Contributions of Early Life Stages. Fuiman LA, Werner RG (ed.) Blackwell Science. p 324

Supplementary reading

Leis JM (1991) The pelagic stage of reef fishes: the larval biology of coral reef fishes. In: The Ecology of Fishes on Coral Reefs, pp. 183-230. Sale PF 1991, Academic Press, New York

Teaching methods

Lectures and picture presentations

Assessment methods

Seminars, preliminary exam, verbal exam

Language of instruction

Croatian and English language

Quality assurance methods

Evaluation efficacy questionnaire provide by students


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Course code

Type of course Lectures with exercises

Level of course Advanced

Year of study 3rd Semester V

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

3 (1 for lectures with exercises, 2 for individual study with consultations).

Name of lecturer

Ph.D. Nedo Vrgoč

Learning outcomes and competences

In the scope of the course students are expected to get the basic knowledge about population dynamics, biomass estimation methods and basic elements of rational management and protection of renewable biological resources of the sea.

Prerequisites Competences in knowledge of fisheries biology, management of living resources of the sea and dynamics of exploited populations.

Course contents Russel's axiom. Estimation of growth parameters. Method for estimation growth parameters. Estimation of mortality rates. Natural mortality. Fishing mortality. Biomass estimation. Direct methods. Indirect methods. Recruitment. The concept of responsible exploitation. Estimation of MSY. Sampling theory. Fishery regulation measures.

Recommended reading

Sparre, P. and Venema. S.C., 1998. Introduction to tropical fish stock assessment. Part 1. – manual. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. 306/1. 407.p Pauly, D. 1984. Fish population dynamics in tropical waters. ICLARM Stud. Rev. (8): 325

Supplementary reading

Krebs, C.J. 1989. Ecological methodology Harper & Row Publisher, new York, 474.

Teaching methods

Lectures and seminars

Assessment methods

Oral exam and/or written test

Language of instruction

Croatian Possibly English

Quality assurance methods



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Course code

Type of course Consultations

Level of course

Year of study 3 Semester VI

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)


Name of lecturer


Learning outcomes and competences

Competences for individual use the literature and solving problems in indiviudal work on specialistic topics.

Prerequisites Finished all lectures and exercises.

Course contents Depends on topic choosen for final undergradutae work.

Recommended reading

Depends on topic choosen for final undergradutae work.

Supplementary reading

Depends on topic choosen for final undergradutae work.

Teaching methods

Consultations, suggestions, review

Assessment methods

Review of final work and its presentation in front of commision.

Language of instruction

Croatian (English)

Quality assurance methods

Questionnaries after finishig undergraduate study.

Course title FIELDWORK

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Course code

Type of course Practical work and fieldwork in hatcheries and other marticulture facilities. Fieldwork on research vessel with echosonder and echointegrator.

Level of course Advanced exercises

Year of study 3 Semester VI

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)


Name of lecturer

The head of department

Learning outcomes and competences

Competences in knowledge to work in hatcheries and other marticulture facilities. Competences in knowledge to work on research vessel with echosonder and echointegrator.

Prerequisites Verified V semester.

Course contents Production of live food for postlarval stages of fishes. Production of 1-cell algae. Feeding of parental stock. Anestezing of parental stock. Biopsy. Collecting of young shellfish. Feeding of tuna in captivity. Feeding of sea bass, gilthead sea bream and other species in captivity. Impact on environment. Work with echosonder and echointegrator.

Recommended reading

Supplementary reading

Teaching methods

Practical exercises

Assessment methods

Language of instruction

Croatian, English

Quality assurance methods



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Course code

Type of course Lectures with exercises

Level of course Basic

Year of study 3 Semester VI.

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

4 (1.5 for lectures with exercises, 2.5 for individual study with consultations).

Name of lecturer

Ph.D. Ivona Mladineo

Learning outcomes and competences

The student familiarize with conditions necessary for disease breakout, symptoms characteristic for specific diseases, in order to identified the diseases in time, along with the decision of the best method for its attenuation and eradication.

Prerequisites General microbiology, Marine microbiology, Physiology of marine organisms.

Course contents What is a disease? What are epizootiological factors, anamnesis, clinical signs, patomorphological signs? What is diagnosis and therapy? General types of diseases. Basic tissue changes (inflammation, hydrops, hemorrhages, tumor, changes in cell metabolism) and ways of identification. Bacterial diseases, viral diseases, parasitic diseases, diseases with zootechnical cause. Basics of therapy: zootechnical measures. Chemotherapy. Section. Sampling. Storing and sending the samples for the analysis. Bacterial cultivation and biochemical determination. Antibiogram. Virus cultivation on cell cultures. Serological methods of diagnosis. Molecular methods of diagnosis. Dozing and application of drugs.

Recommended reading

Fish Diseases and Disorders, Volume 1: Protozoan and Metazoan Infections. Woo, 1995. Fish Diseases and Disorders, Volume 2: Bacterial and viral diseases. Woo, 1995. Fish Diseases and Disorder, Volume 3: Non-infectious Diseases. Woo, 1995.

Supplementary reading

Bacterial diseases of fish. Inglis et al, 1993. Fish pathology. Heinz-Hermann Reichenbach-Klinke, 1964.

Teaching methods

Lectures, practicum, fieldwork.

Assessment methods

Prerequisites are two written colloquia, the exam is oral.

Language of instruction

Croatian, English

Quality assurance methods



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Course code

Type of course Lectures

Level of course Specialistic

Year of study 3 Semester VI

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

2 (1 for lectures, 1 for individual study with consultations).

Name of lecturer

Ph.D. Vjekoslav Tičina

Learning outcomes and competences

Within framework of this course, students acquire basic theoretical knowledge about fisheries acoustics, essential for proper use of usual acoustic equipment in fisheries. Furthermore, students get information about the most recent development of this segment in world fisheries.

Prerequisites Competences in physics, exploitation of fishing vessel, fisheries biology and ecology and management of living resources of the sea.

Course contents 1) Introduction – historical review; 2) Physical basis of acoustics; 3) Acoustic equipment in fisheries - basic principles; 4) Echograms; 5) Acoustic properties of marine organisms; 6) Acoustic equipments; 7) Use of acoustic equipments in fisheries&mariculture; 8) Acoustic monitoring

Recommended reading

Lazarević, Ž., 1987. Tehnička hidroakustika. Vojna tiskara, Split: 425 p. MacLennan D.N. and E. J. Simmonds (1995): Fisheries Acoustics. Chapman & Hall (2nd Edition), London, 325 p.

Supplementary reading

Cetinić, P. i J. Swiniarski, 1985. Alati i tehnika ribolova. Logos, Split: 655 p. Simmonds, E.J. and D.N. MacLennan, 1996. Fisheries and Plankton Acoustics. Proceedings of ICES International Symposium, Aberdeen, Scotland (12-16 June, 1995), ICES J.Mar. Sci., 53(2): 535 p.

Teaching methods

Lessons based on use of modern teaching accessories such as LCD projector, PC and related equipment

Assessment methods

Interview and/or in written form

Language of instruction

Croatian Possibly English and Italian

Quality assurance methods



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Course code

Type of course Lectures

Level of course Advanced

Year of study 3 Semester VI

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

2 (1 for lectures, 1 for individual study with consultations)

Name of lecturer

Ph.D. Melita Peharda Uljević

Learning outcomes and competences

Objective of this course is introduction of students to marine mammal ecology. Special attention will be devoted to conservation biology of this group of organisms and on marine mammals in the Adriatic Sea. Students will gain theoretical background necessary for participation in field investigations and marine mammal protection.

Prerequisites Basic knowledge in biology.

Course contents Evolution of marine mammals. Classification and systematic of marine mammals. Anatomy and physiology. Methods used in marine mammal studies. Population dynamics, life span and reproduction. Feeding and predation. Student presentations. Interactions between humans and marine mammals. Conservation biology. Marine mammals in the Adriatic Sea.

Recommended reading

Evans, P.G.H. 1987.The Natural History of Whales and dolphins. Facts on file publications. 343 pp. Riedman, M. 1990. The Pinnipeds. Seals, Sea Lions and Walruses. University of California Press. 439 pp.

Supplementary reading

Katona, S.K., V. Rough and D.T. Richardson. 1993. A field guide to whales, porpoises, and seals from Cape Cod to New Foundland. Smithsonian Institution Press. 316 pp. Pryor, K. And K.S. Norris. 1991. Dolphin Societies – discoveries and puzzles. 397 pp Scientific papers

Teaching methods

Lectures, student presentations, analysis of scientific papers

Assessment methods

Class participation, student presentations and oral exam.

Language of instruction

Croatian and English language.

Quality assurance methods



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Course code

Type of course Lectures with seminars

Level of course Specialistic

Year of study 3 Semester VI


2 ECTS (1 for lectures and seminars, 1 for individual study with consultations).

Name of lecturer

M. Sc. Marija Despalatović

Learning outcomes and competences

Within this subject students will gain theoretical and practical knowledge about the influence of fishing on benthic communities.

Prerequisites Acquired knowledge of fish biology and ecology with special review on benthic communities, fishery economy and use of fishing gear.

Course contents Characteristics of benthic communities from biological, ecological and economical aspects. The influence of fishing on changes in benthic communities in the Adriatic Sea. Short and long-term changes in composition of benthic communities as consequences of using bottom fishing gears. Survivals of invertebrates from trawl by-catches. Biological indicators of trawling intensity.

Recommended reading

Peres J.-M., Gamulin-Brida H. 1973. Biološka oceanografija, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 493 pp. Cetinić, P., Swiniarski, J. 1985. Alati i tehnika ribolova, Logos, Split, 655 pp.

Supplementary reading

Matoničkin I, Habdija I, Primc-Habdija B (1999) Beskralješnjaci, Biologija nižih avertebrata. Školska knjiga. Zagreb, 691 pp., Matoničkin I, Habdija I, Primc-Habdija B (1999) Beskralješnjaci, Biologija viših avertebrata. Školska knjiga. Zagreb, 609 pp.

Teaching methods

Lectures are held in classroom and through seminars.

Assessment methods

Knowledge is tested through seminar papers and term exams. Acquired knowledge is tested and evaluated on final exam (oral).

Language of instruction

Croatian, if needed English.

Quality assurance methods



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Course code

Type of course Lectures, exercises

Level of course Advanced course

Year of study 3rd Semester VI

ECTS (Number of credits allocated)

4 (1,5 for lectures and exercises; 2.5 for independent learning and consultations)

Name of lecturer Prof. Ph.D. Ivona Marasović

Learning outcomes and competences

The aim of this course is to introduce to students features of primary and secondary production, especially related to energy transfer between members of autotrophy and herbivore plankton community in the sea. Understanding of relations between sea communities is of an extraordinary meaning for better understanding of the sea life.

Prerequisites Acquired knowledge of sea biology and ecology.

Course contents Primary production in the sea.. Secondary plankton production. Plankton role in food web. Relations of different phytoplankton size fractions towards micro zooplankton. Ecological efficacy of energy transfer through different trophic levels. Limiting factors of primary production. Zooplankton grazing – control of phytoplankton biomass. Natural biomass fluctuations on different trophic levels. Biomass fluctuations on different trophic levels caused by anthropogenic impact. Ecological analysis of phytoplankton bloom. Ecological analysis of zooplankton bloom.

Recommended reading

J.E.G. Raymont, 1980. Plankton and Productivity in the Oceans. Pergamon Press Oxford M.J. Dring,1982. The Biology of Marine plants. Edward Arnold Publ. E. Steeman Nielsen, 1975.: Marine Photosynthesis with Special Emphasis on the Ecological Aspects. Elsevier Sci.Publ.Comp.

Supplementary reading

Marasović, I., B. Grbec & M. Morović. 1995. Long term production changes in the Adriatic. Netherland Journal of Sea Research. 34 (4): 267-273. Marasović, I., T. Pucher-Petković & V. Alegria,1990: Phytoplankton productivity of the Adriatic Sea in relation to the fishing grounds. In: Perspectives in Phycology. Ed.V.N. Rajarao, Today and Tomorow 's Printers & Publishers, New Delhi, pp. 255-261. Marasović, I., D. Viličić & Ž. Ninčević, 1999. South Adriatic ecosystem: Interaction with the Mediterranean Sea. In: The Eastern Mediterranean as a Laboratory Basin for the Assessment of Contrasting Ecosystems ( Eds. P.Malanotte-Rizzoli & V.N. Eremeev), Kluwer Academic Press, Dordrecht, Netherlands: 383-405.

Teaching methods

Power point presentations and video presentations.

Assessment Final oral exam.

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Language of instruction

Croatian, if needed, there is a possibility of teaching in English.

Quality assurance methods

Through questionnaires.