3 reasons you must preach the gospel


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Post on 02-Jul-2015




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Soul winning is said to be God's number one business, yet we find that the most of believers haven't taken up this responsibility yet. In this presentation, we share three major reasons why you should preach the gospel. Come along and find out why!


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Page 3: 3 reasons you must preach the gospel

To start with, I like to say that many times when people hear the

word “preach” their minds tend to “shut down” involuntarily as

they say to themselves:

“that’s not for me. I am not a pastor!”

So I want to bring to your notice the fact that there is a great deal of

difference between preaching the gospel and being a preacher!

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We are not talking about you becoming a preacher in terms of

apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors or teachers here but

preaching the gospel (the good news of Christ’s death burial,

resurrection, and ascension).

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Interestingly, in the Hebrew and Greek renderings, to preach had

little or nothing to do with the apostles, prophets, evangelists,

pastors or teachers.

It actually means to approach and address someone boldly or


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It means to summon or invite someone over as a guest and also;

To publish or proclaim a message

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These definitions show that preaching basically entails


These two (approaching and addressing people) constitute your

goals in sharing the gospel.

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You want to ensure that you are always reaching more people

and addressing more people.

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By approaching people, we are looking at you making the move to reach people rather than sitting, waiting and hoping they will come to you somehow.

The Christian who doesn’t take his evangelism aggressively enough to reach out to people is like a guy winking at a lady in the dark and hoping she will respond to him!

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The part of addressing people is the reason why preaching is always

described as publishing and proclaiming!

You must never forget that the reason for the approach people in

the first place is to pass a message on.

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The center focus of the message is what God has already done for

mankind in Christ Jesus.

However, you might want to also extend an invitation to your

audience; asking them to be your guest at a meeting where this

message will be preached – Church and Cell meetings for example.

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Please note that the option of making them your guest should

not be the goal. It is only one way to multiply the effect of the

message you must have introduced to them already.

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Bearing in mind that where purpose is not known, abuse is

inevitable; lets get to why it is important that you take on this job.

Why should you preach at all?

Why should you invest your time and resources into preaching

the gospel?

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Fact 1 – Heaven is real and Hell is real!

Fact 2 – Everyone who dies without receiving this gospel ends

up in hell!

Fact 3 – Jesus is coming back again someday very soon!

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Fact 4 – The world’s death rate!

1.78 deaths per second

107 deaths per minute

6,390 deaths per hour

153,000 deaths per day

56 million deaths per year

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Moreover, the population of Christians around the world is

estimated at 2.18 billion people and that represents 31.59% of the

world’s population.

It therefore goes without saying that for every three people that die,

only one is likely to have heard the gospel at one point in their lives!

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Out of the 107 people that die in a minute, only about 34 of them

are likely to have been Christians!

This means that a rough estimate of a whooping 73 people, walk

straight through the gates of hell every single minute!

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From the statistics shown, a portion of these people estimated to die and likely go to hell will include those within your world of contact!

So what are you doing about this?

Are you actively doing something about this or do you care less?

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• The number one reason you must preach this gospel is because of

these overwhelmingly glaring facts.

• You must do something tangible about these figures no matter

what it may cost you.

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“Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that

sent me, and to finish his work. Say not ye, There are yet four

months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift

up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already

to harvest.” (John 4:34-35)

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• In fact, when you follow the story from the background, you will discover that they had been travelling when they got hungry and tired and decided to wait awhile to refresh themselves here.

• Upon seeing a woman who needed to receive the gospel, Jesus who was too tired to join the disciples to get food; found enough strength to witness to the woman. In fact, when He was through with her, He was no longer hungry!

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“We then, as workers together with him, beseech you also that

ye receive not the grace of God in vain. (For he saith, I have

heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have

I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold,

now is the day of salvation.)” (2 Cor 6:1-2)

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• From the way the Lord Jesus handled the situation at the well of

Samaria and the way Paul expresses the urgency of salvation here,

it is evident that when it come to salvation, it is a “NOW” thing!

• NOW is the accepted time and NOW is the day of salvation!

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• “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the

world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end

come.” (Matt 24:14)

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• Why do you think God wants the whole world to hear this gospel before the end comes?

• What is so special about the message anyway?

• Why cant God just end it all right now considering the alarming increase of evil around the world?

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• “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the

power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to

the Jew first, and also to the Greek.” (Rom 1:16)

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If you had the cure to the Ebola Virus that has become a global matter and is claiming lives lately, will you say you are

shy to present it to the world?

• Only the man who does not understand the importance of the gospel of Christ gives shyness as an excuse to preaching the gospel.

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• You have to understand that the gospel is the only formula God

has for solving all of man’s problem. It is the only way His saving

power can be put to work on behalf of mankind. That is why

God wants everyone to hear it.

• If we refuse to share it radically, then we have refused to put His

power to work and as such, people will perish in their numbers …

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“When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou

givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from

his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die

in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand. Yet if

thou warn the wicked, and he turn not from his wickedness,

nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou

hast delivered thy soul.” (Ezek 3:18-19)

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What will you do differently with the gospel from this moment

forward? How will you approach and address more people

than ever before now?

• I admonish you to take full advantage of the events we have lined

out for this weekend. Avail yourself of this opportunity and your

life will never remain the same.

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