3. after the battle of kahlenberg-libre

8/18/2019 3. After the Battle of Kahlenberg-libre http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/3-after-the-battle-of-kahlenberg-libre 1/2 Revista Română de Studii Eurasiatice, an VI, nr. 1-2/2010 ISSN: 1841-477X e - ISSN: 2247-4536  AFTER THE BATTLE OF KAHLENBERG. THE ROMANIANS IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPEAN POLICY (1683 - 1684) Daniel Flaut Facultatea de Istorie şi Ştiinţe Politice, Universitatea ,,Ovidius’’ Constanţa; e-mail: [email protected]  Abstract.  In 17 th  century, Vienna, Warsaw and Moscow represented the fundamental nuclei of Central and Eastern Europe, around which defensive and offensive political systems were created, and, sometimes, certain agreements were reached to, such as the one that generated the foundation of the Holy League. The battle for Vienna had a general political implication; the detachments of the Romanian Countries also fought in this battle. All that followed until January 1699, at Karlowitz, only proved that, in the middle Danube area, unique events were taking place. The Ottoman Empire was gradually losing half of its European territories, and it was heading towards an imminent collapse. The present study starts with revealing the Habsburgs’ attempts of luring Şerban Cantacuzino into the organization of an anti-Ottoman crusade and into the Polish campaign in right side of Dnieper’s Ukraine; these attempts also determined the re-establishing of Ştefan Petriceicu on Moldavia’s throne, but only for a short period. Further, we describe the relations between the everlasting ruler and Poland, as well as his orientation towards Moscow’s Tsars. The negotiations of the Christian forces, which determined the foundation of the Holy League, receive a special attention in our analysis; furthermore, there are presented Austria’s and Poland’s claims to the Romanian territories, which, they said, were based on “historical rights”, the Polish military campaign and the Romanian rulers’ actions of maintaining the balance between the Ottomans and the Christians, in 1684.

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8/18/2019 3. After the Battle of Kahlenberg-libre

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Revista Română de Studii Eurasiatice, an VI, nr. 1-2/2010

ISSN: 1841-477X

e - ISSN: 2247-4536


EUROPEAN POLICY (1683 - 1684)

Daniel FlautFacultatea de Istorie şi Ştiinţe Politice,

Universitatea ,,Ovidius’’ Constanţa;e-mail: [email protected]

 Abstract. In 17th  century, Vienna, Warsaw and Moscow represented the

fundamental nuclei of Central and Eastern Europe, around which defensiveand offensive political systems were created, and, sometimes, certainagreements were reached to, such as the one that generated the foundation ofthe Holy League.

The battle for Vienna had a general political implication; thedetachments of the Romanian Countries also fought in this battle. All thatfollowed until January 1699, at Karlowitz, only proved that, in the middleDanube area, unique events were taking place. The Ottoman Empire was

gradually losing half of its European territories, and it was heading towards animminent collapse.The present study starts with revealing the Habsburgs’ attempts of luring

Şerban Cantacuzino into the organization of an anti-Ottoman crusade and intothe Polish campaign in right side of Dnieper’s Ukraine; these attempts alsodetermined the re-establishing of Ştefan Petriceicu on Moldavia’s throne, butonly for a short period. Further, we describe the relations between theeverlasting ruler and Poland, as well as his orientation towards Moscow’s Tsars.The negotiations of the Christian forces, which determined the foundation ofthe Holy League, receive a special attention in our analysis; furthermore, thereare presented Austria’s and Poland’s claims to the Romanian territories, which,they said, were based on “historical rights”, the Polish military campaign andthe Romanian rulers’ actions of maintaining the balance between the Ottomansand the Christians, in 1684.

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Daniel Flaut

ISSN: 1841-477X

e - ISSN: 2247-4536

Rezumat.În secolul al XVII-lea, Viena, Varşovia şi Moscova au reprezentatnucleele de bază ale Europei centrale şi de est în care se croiau sisteme politiceofensive şi defensive sau se exprimau adeziuni de genul celora care au condus laexistenţa Ligii Sfinte.

O cheie de boltă a întregului eşafodaj politic l-a constituit bătălia pentru Viena, la care au luat parte şi detaşamentele ţărilor române. Tot ce a urmat pânăîn ianuarie 1699, la Karlowitz, nu a făcut decât să demonstreze că se întâmplaula Dunărea mijlocie evenimente de excepţie. Imperiul otoman pierdea jumătatedin teritoriul stăpânit în Europa şi se îndrepta, ireversibil, spre prăbuşire. 

Studiul de faţa debutează cu relevarea intenţiilor imperialilor de a-l atragepe Şerban Cantacuzino în planurile organizării unei mari cruciade antiotomaneşi a campaniei poloneze în Ucraina din dreapta Niprului ce a dus şi la reaşezareape tronul Moldovei, pentru scurt timp, a lui Ştefan Petriceicu. Sunt expuse, încontinuare, raporturile efemerului domn cu Republica nobiliară şi orientarea sacătre ţarii de la Moscova. O atenţie deosebită este acordată prezentăriitratativelor dintre puterile creştine, ce au dus la constituirea Ligii Sfinte, apretenţiilor de expansiune, bazate pe ,,drepturi istorice”, ale Casei de Austria şiPoloniei asupra spaţiului românesc, rezultatelor campaniei militare polone şiacţiunilor politice ale domnilor români, de echilibru între otomani şi creştini,din cursul anului 1684. 

Keywords.anti-Ottoman crusade; Holy League; Christian forces; Polish military campaign;Romanian Countries.