2nd year paragraphs

Charitable Organizations There are many charitable organizations all over the world. Some of them are multinational while the others are local. One of the international charities is called The Chain of Hope. It does operations on children with heart diseases. In this organization, children from poor countries are treated free of charge. In my opinion, these organizations are more important than ever as we have more and more problems with diseases and food shortages, etc. So the government and the individual should play a role to keep them. People should give more money to these charities to let them help more people. Also, the government should facilitate their work without any red tape. * multinational : ﻣﺘﻌﺪدة اﻟﺠﻨﺴﯿﺎت* local : ﻣﺤﻠﻰ* free of charge : ﻣﺠﺎﻧﺎ= for free * play a role : ﺗﻠﻌﺐ دورا* keep them : ﺗﺤﺎﻓﻆ ﻋﻠﯿﮭﻢ* facilitate : ﺗﺴﮭﻞ* red tape : اﻟﺮوﺗﯿﻦ اﻟﺤﻜﻮﻣﻰ----------------------------------------------------------------- Another Paragraph organizations The role of charitable Doubtless, charities have become more important than ever. Today, some societies suffer from more and more problems such as poverty, diseases and food shortages that need the help of the white hands of donors and charitable organizations. Socially, millions of people are starving to death daily throughout the world because of famines or droughts. Who would be for those people if there weren't aid agencies and charitable organizations? Medically these organizations play a big role in helping moneyless people to be treated free of charge in advanced medical centers. Politically, it is a means to stand beside a neighbouring country in times of earthquakes and natural catastrophes. In a word people should give more money to charity so that these organizations can play their role perfectly. * Doubtless : ﺑﻼ ﺷﻚ* societies : ﻣﺠﺘﻤﻌﺎت* droughts : ﺟﻔﺎف* advanced : ﻣﺘﻘﺪم* politically : ﺳﯿﺎﺳﯿﺎ* suffer from : ﯾﻌﺎﻧﻰ ﻣﻦ* donors : ﻣﺘﺒﺮﻋﯿﻦ* aid agencies : وﻛﺎﻻت ﻣﺴﺎﻋﺪة* catastrophes : ﻛﻮارث* socially : اﺟﺘﻤﺎﻋﯿﺎ* famines : ﻣﺠﺎﻋﺎت* moneyless : ﺑﻼ ﻣﺎل* centers : ﻣﺮاﻛﺰ* perfectly : ﺑﺸﻜﻞ ﺟﯿﺪ-----------------------------------------------------------------

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Page 1: 2nd year paragraphs

Charitable Organizations There are many charitable organizations all over the world. Some of them are multinational while the others are local. One of the international charities is called The Chain of Hope. It does operations on children with heart diseases. In this organization, children from poor countries are treated free of charge. In my opinion, these organizations are more important than ever as we have more and more problems with diseases and food shortages, etc. So the government and the individual should play a role to keep them. People should give more money to these charities to let them help more people. Also, the government should facilitate their work without any red tape.

* multinational :

متعددة الجنسیات * local : محلى

* free of charge : مجانا = for free

* play a role : تلعب دورا

* keep them : تحافظ علیھم * facilitate : تسھل * red tape : الروتین الحكومى

----------------------------------------------------------------- Another Paragraph

organizationsThe role of charitable Doubtless, charities have become more important than ever. Today, some societies suffer from more and more problems such as poverty, diseases and food shortages that need the help of the white hands of donors and charitable organizations. Socially, millions of people are starving to death daily throughout the world because of famines or droughts. Who would be for those people if there weren't aid agencies and charitable organizations? Medically these organizations play a big role in helping moneyless people to be treated free of charge in advanced medical centers. Politically, it is a means to stand beside a neighbouring country in times of earthquakes and natural catastrophes. In a word people should give more money to charity so that these organizations can play their role perfectly.

* Doubtless : بال شك

* societies : مجتمعات * droughts : جفاف * advanced : متقدم * politically :سیاسیا

* suffer from : یعانى من * donors : متبرعین

* aid agencies : وكاالت مساعدة

* catastrophes : كوارث

* socially : اجتماعیا * famines : مجاعات

* moneyless : بال مال * centers : مراكز

* perfectly : بشكل جید -----------------------------------------------------------------

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Money is the root of every evil Money is a means that can be used well or badly, so I'd rather say that the love of money is the root of all evil, not money itself. Because of money, people steal, kill and bribe. Also, people may envy each other and hate each other. Not a day passes without hearing about a bank robbery or a murder. The reason why such crimes are committed is usually the desire to make a fortune without exerting great efforts. Moreover, the wars that sweep the world are motivated by financial reasons. Even the civil wars which take place between people within the same country are based on financial affairs. In brief, we can say that although having a fortune is a blessing from God, it can be a curse if we misuse it.

* a means : وسیلة

* root : جذر -أصل * evil : شر

* bribe : ذ رشوةتأخ(ترتشى ( * sweep : تكتسح

* civil wars : الحروب األھلیة * a curse : لعنة

* envy : تحسد * murder : جریمة قتل

* are committed : تُرتكب * desire : رغبة

* are motivated : تدفعھا * affairs : شئون * misuse : یسئ االستخدام

* make a fortune : یكون ثروة

* exerting efforts : بذل جھود

* financial : مالیة * a blessing : نعمة

----------------------------------------------------------------- My dream house

My dream house won't be in the centre of the city, but it will be on the outskirts to be far from the noise and traffic. It will be in a beautiful location may be high up on a hill, overlooking a lake or some gardens, and every room will have a balcony so that I can enjoy the view. Also, I will plant trees, vegetables and fruit in its garden. In addition, it will have a garage for my car and the cars of my visitors. My dream house will be very high-tech and I will be able to control, for example, the temperature of the rooms, or switch the TV on or off by remote control. It will also be well insulated so that in winter it will be warm and in summer it will be cool. It will be a detached house, but I hope to have friendly neighbours.

----------------------------------------------------------------- The world famous Egyptian architect Hassan Fathy

Hassan Fathy was an Egyptian architect who is the pioneer of appropriate technology for building in Egypt, especially by working to re-establish the use of mud brick. Fathy trained as an architect in Egypt. Graduating in 1926 from the University of King Fouad; which is now the University of Cairo.

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He designed his first mud brick buildings in the late 1930s. He held several governmental positions. Moreover, he was chosen as the head of Architectural Section of The Faculty of Fine Arts in Cairo. He used ancient design methods and materials. He trained local inhabitants to make their own materials and build their own buildings. Also, ancient skills affected his designs.

* pioneer : رائد * appropriate :

* positions : مناصب * was chosen :

)تم اختیاره ( أُختیر

* the head of Architectural Section :

رئیس قسم الھندسة المعماریة* The Faculty of Fine

Arts : كلیة الفنون الجمیلة

* methods : طرق * materials : مواد بناء

* inhabitants : السكان * skills : مھارات


What would you like to be ?** A job that you would like to do **

when you finish your education I would like to be a heart surgeon. This is because I like to adapt to different situations and meet different people. Also, I would like to continue to research new treatments. A surgeon can make a difference to people's lives. It's a hard job-working long hours in hospitals with the assistants and nurses around you all the time. I'll proud to be helping sick people to start a new life with healthy hearts. Our surgeons, modern hospitals and intensive cares help to make Egyptians healthier, and that will be good for our society and the coming generations.

intensive cares غرف العنایة المركزة

----------------------------------------------------------------- Professor Magdi Yacoub

A world famous heart surgeon Professor Magdi Yacoub is a world-famous heart surgeon. He was born in Egypt in Belbis in 1935. When his aunt died because of a heart problem, he decided to be a heart surgeon. In the early 1980s, he was part of the team which did the first British heart transplant operation. At this time, he travelled thousands of kilometers in small planes and helicopters to find healthy hearts for transplants. Yacoub continued to research new treatments. Recently, he was part of team which made new heart parts from human cells. If you ask why he continues to work in his 70s, he will say that he believes he can make a difference to people's lives. For this reason, he works for a charity in Africa which helps children with heart problems. -----------------------------------------------------------------

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An object that you like. It could be a mobile phone, a necklace, a watch or any other cheap or expensive object

( The Laptop ) The laptop is the new form of computer and will be most popular soon. It is as big as a briefcase. It is made of plastic and metal. We use it for writing documents, surfing and downloading from the internet, playing computer games and listening to music. You can see it at home at school, and in offices. It consists of two joined parts; the main part and the screen. It also has a rechargeable battery. I can't do without it. If you don't have a laptop, I advise you to buy one as soon as possible.

* form : شكل

* briefcase : حقیبة لألوراق * documents : وثائق

* a rechargeable battery: نھابطاریة یمكن شح

* joined parts :أجزاء متصلة * screen : شاشة

----------------------------------------------------------------- Global Warming

Most people now accept the fact that the world's climate is changing. The carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is increasing mainly because we burn fuels such as oil and gas. The fact that we continue to destroy the rainforests (which take in carbon dioxide and produce oxygen) makes matters worse. How will global warming affect the world? It is now known that the ice at the Arctic and the Antarctic is melting. If this continues, sea levels will rise and some parts of the world will be flooded, making many people homeless. So what can be done? Countries must stop destroying the rainforests and produce less carbon dioxide. And, as individuals, we must all reduce the carbon dioxide we produce. This can be done by people using cars only when they have to or by turning down air conditioning in the summer.

* atmosphere : الغالف الجوى * rainforests :

الغابات الممطرة

* the Arctic : لقطبیة الشمالیةالقارة ا

* the Antarctic : القارة القطبیة الجنوبیة

* fuels : وقود * homeless : مشردین

----------------------------------------------------------------- The advantages of team work

Without team work, life would be impossible. All living creatures are in need of cooperation to live. Any complex or easy job can't be successfully achieved without cooperation. Cooperation can help all countries to overcome any threat or harm which has a bad effect on their common interests. There are many situations where groups of people such as surgeons or scientists or a sports team need to cooperate to succeed.

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The family members also should cooperate together to lead a happy life .Animals and birds need to cooperate. To succeed, you will have to show tolerance and work with these people.

* in need of : فى حاجة لــ

* harm : أذى * complex : معقد

* lead : یعیش * threat : تھدید

* tolerance : تسامح -----------------------------------------------------------------

Healthy Food Healthy food is very important for a healthy life. We must pay attention to the food we eat and the water we drink. Healthy food should be clean. You must wash the vegetables and fruit well before eating them. You must cover the food to prevent flies and insects from touching it. Healthy food should also be natural and organic. It is not good to eat food that was made by using dangerous additives. Organic food is better than inorganic ones. Foods which are prepared at home are better than fast foods. The most important thing about healthy food is that it must contain all the vital substances like vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

* pay attention to : ینتبھ لــ * additives : إضافات * vital substances :

)أساسیة ( مواد حیویة -----------------------------------------------------------------

ng in your town or city that you think tourists would enjoy A buildivisiting

I think the pyramids are the most famous buildings of the historic places in the world. They are one of the seven wonders in the world. They show the greatness of our great ancestors. The pharaohs built them to bury their dead kings. They built them by using large stones and rocks which withstand all the natural disasters like the earthquakes. From all over the world, a lot of tourists come to admire these ancient building. To shed more light on that, we can say that our ancient Egyptians were great people because they left great things which make all people from all over the world admire. To sum up I can say that our duty as Egyptians to keep these buildings either ancient or modern to enable our coming generations to enjoy them.

* wonders : عجائب * disasters : كوارث

* generations : أجیال

* To shed more light on that :

اللقاء مزید من الضؤ على ھذا

* withstand : یقاوم * duty : واجب

* ancestors : أجداد -----------------------------------------------------------------

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The Mobile phone is a mixed blessing Mobile phones are of great importance to many people in society from a businessman to an ordinary man. They can't do without. In time of emergency people need to make a phone call asking for the ambulance help. In travel, mobiles are necessary to tell other people how you are. But some people have bad habits when using mobiles. They sometimes disturb people indoors unnecessarily at midnight. While driving, they may cause death, so the government should pass strict laws against using them while driving. However, doctors warn people of its drawbacks exposing themselves to the side effects of electromagnetic waves causing cancer. So people should use mobile phones more wisely and quietly.

* emergency : طوارئ * indoors : داخل األبواب

* drawbacks : عوائق * electromagnetic :


* unnecessarily :بال ضرورة * exposing themselves :

معرضین نفسھم* mixed blessing :

نعمة ونقمة

* disturb : یزعج * strict laws : قوانین صارمة

* side effects : أثار جانبیة * warn : یحذر

* habits :عادات

----------------------------------------------------------------- A book that you have enjoyed reading

I read a wonderful book, written by Charles Dickens. Its title is Oliver Twist. Dickens wrote it in the nineteenth century. I read it last week in the school library. It is about a child who had to live in a workhouse because his mother died when he was born. In this story, Dickens shows the dark side of life in London in the nineteenth century. He describes the life of child workers and the life in the workhouse where poor people were sent to live and work. The details of characters and the workhouse are wonderful. The characters are Oliver Twist, some members of a gang and Mr. Brownlow who will adopt Oliver. I liked this book very much as it has a moral. The moral is "Good people are rewarded while bad people are punished." Really, this is my favourite book, so I will definitely read it again.

* title : عنوان * workhouse : إصالحیة أحداث

* are rewarded : یتم مكافئتھم

* details : تفاصیل * members : أعضاء * definitely : بالتأكید

* gang : عصابة * moral : فى قصة ( حكمة (

----------------------------------------------------------------- t you enjoy doingA form of exercise tha

I have been walking for exercise for four hours now. You don't need much to start it; just a strong, comfortable pair of shoes or walking boots and suitable clothing for the weather. All you have to do is to plan your route and walk along it at a reasonable pace. Walking is good for you, especially if you walk at a fast pace because it exercises your heart and lungs.

I'd recommend walking to other people because it is simple and cheap; you can do it alone or with friends and you can enjoy beautiful scenery at the same time.

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----------------------------------------------------------------- ood that you would like Egyptian f

people from other countries to try Thousands of years ago, ancient Egyptians left evidence of their love for food. Well-preserved wall paintings and carvings have been discovered on tombs and temples. Many of these ancient foods are still eaten in Egyptian families today. Peas, beans, cucumbers, dates, figs, and grapes were popular fruits and vegetables in ancient times. In Egypt, most establishments use native ingredients and will offer fruits and vegetables in season. Many of the smaller, Egyptian-style restaurants specialize in basic meat and bean dishes. For most Egyptians, meat is a luxury used in small amounts, cooked with vegetables, and served with or over rice.

* evidence : دلیل

* peas : البسلة ( البازالء ( * cucumbers : لخیارا

* grapes : العنب * a luxury : ترف

* well-preserved : المحفوظة بشكل جید

* dates : البلح ( التمر( * establishments: مؤسسات

* specialize in : متخصص فى

* carvings : األشیاء المنحوتة * beans : الفاصولیا

* figs : التین * native ingredients :

لیةالمكونات األص

---------------------------------------------------------------------- How you think people could protect the environment in your town

? or city

It is clear that our environment is exposed to a great danger because the climate has become more warming than before. All of us must co-operate and stand as a one man to put and end to this serious problem which threatens our life. For example we must reduce the amount of chemicals, carbon dioxide and energy. We can also grow plants because the trees purify the air through getting carbon dioxide and emitting oxygen necessary for life. In brief, we must exert great efforts to solve this problem which threatens our life on and to lead a happy life free from problems.

* exposed to : معرضة لــ * purify : ینقى

* emitting : إنبعاث

* put and end to : یضع نھایة لــ

* threaten : تھدد * reduce : یقلل

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Unit ( 1 ) Positive Contributions elderly people can make to society

یستطیع كبار السن ان یقدموھا للمجتمعاالسھامات االیجابیة التى Never does life stop at a certain age; elderly people can benefit their society greatly. They always like feeling useful and think they can make a difference to society. They have special qualities that younger people lack; they have more experience and knowledge which goes hand in hand with being calmer and more patient when dealing with different situations. Also, they are really sensible in making decisions. Furthermore, they can make use of their free time in teaching illiterate people, doing charitable work and help children with health problems. Finally, not having enough to do to fill the hours in the day is one of the biggest reasons for depression and boredom attacks elderly people.

* certain : معین –محدد

* sensible : حساس –معقول * depression :اكتئاب

* lack (v) :ینقص * Furthermore :

عالوة على ذلك* boredom :ملل

* hand in hand :یدا بید * illiterate people :األمیین

---------------------------------------------------------------------- s why I like my jobThe reason

االسباب التى من اجلھا احب عمليSometimes I ask myself what if I wasn't an engineer. Really, I've always decided to be an engineer. The reason why I like this job is that I meet all kinds of people that makes me gain good experience in dealing with others. Also, I find this job different everyday as I am not chained to the same chair doing the same routine. Moreover, despite working outside in the heat with the noise of heavy machines around me all the time, I am proud to be helping to build the renaissance of my country. I work on a lot of useful projects such as planning roads, building bridges and dams. These projects will make Egypt richer and that will be good for our children and grandchildren. In a word, for these reasons I can't imagine myself in another job.

* not chained : غیر مقید * renaissance : نھضة * imagine : یتخیل


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Unit ( 2 ) Life in the future

الحیاة فى المستقبل

Life in the future will be different from life now. Many changes will take place in every field. New inventions and new discoveries will appear. Man

will send more spaceships to other planets and may find life possible there. Vast areas of the world’s desert will be reclaimed. The production of food will increase. A cure for dangerous diseases such as cancer and AIDS may be discovered. New sources of energy will be found. Computers will be widely used in all fields, especially in education. Means of transport will be faster and more comfortable. In fact, life will be very complicated and man will depend completely on machines. No one can be sure if life in the future will be better or worse.

* reclaim : یستصلح * completely : تماما

* planets : كواكب * widely used : یستخدم على نطاق واسع

* possible : ممكن * depend on : یعتمد على


Unit ( 3 ) Internet shopping

Doubtless, online shopping has become so popular today. It has some advantages and disadvantages for companies and consumers. As for companies; they have a bigger market: they can sell anywhere in the world. They don't need to spend money on shops and places to sell their products, they only need to have a website. This way they can sell the products more cheaply. As for consumers, things are cheaper for them to buy and they have more choice because they can shop in many different places, looking for the cheapest prices. They can buy everything online and from home. They don't have to go to the shops, so it is quick and convenient. However, this kind of shopping can be risky for customers for many reasons: firstly, there aren't any real products to pick up. Secondly, to buy online, you should have a credit card and this may be risky because of the credit fraud. Thirdly, older people and people who don't have experience using a computer might find it difficult. Fourthly, sometimes the wrong products are sent or they arrive damaged or don't arrive at all. In the end if you shop online, you must use only trusted companies and not give your bank information.

* Doubtless : بال شك * website : موقع على االنترنت

* damaged : تالفة

* convenient : مناسب –مالئم * fraud : إحتیال

* trusted : موثوق فیھ

* risky : خطیر * pick up : یلتقط

Consumers مستھلكین

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Different forms of money

Money has changed over the years because the way we buy things has also changed. Thousands of years ago, people had no system of money. At first, they used to exchange anything they had. Time passed, many different things were used as money in various parts of the world. These included sharks' teeth and certain types of sea shells. Then, gold was very popular because it keeps its value and doesn't rust. These days, the most modern way of buying goods and services is by credit card. In the future, more and more of us will use credit cards and cash will be a thing of the past.

* sharks' teeth : أسنان سمك القرش

* shells : أصداف * rust :یصدأ

* keep its value : یحفظ قیمتھ


Unit ( 4 ) oleranceTooperation and C

In fact, cooperation together with tolerance is essential for the success of any work and any company. Good teamwork requires that team members cooperate fully and show tolerance to each other. Each member does his part cooperatively, which in turn facilitates the work of the whole group. They do the work in a lovely atmosphere and achieve their goals. Furthermore, people can't get on and agree all the time. Thus, showing tolerance to inflexible people melts all the disagreements among the members making them friendly and helpful with each others. Finally, when people cooperate with each other, life will be better for all.


* essential for : أساسى لــ * facilitate : تسھل * melt (v) : یذیب

* fully : تماما * inflexible : غیر مرن

* cooperatively : تعاونى –بشكل متعاون

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---------------------------------------------------------------------- Being tolerant is the best quality

It's natural that not all people get on and agree all the time that's because I think the best quality a person should have in his life is tolerance. There are many fruits one can reap at home, at work and even among his neighbourhood. Firstly, families are like teams and they need to show tolerance towards each other at times; in turn a warmth atmosphere will encircle the family and strengthens ties among its members. Secondly, sometimes showing tolerance to inflexible people melts all the disagreements among the members making them friendly and helpful. This in turn facilitates the work of the whole group and help colleagues to achieve their goals. Thirdly, being tolerant with your neighbours makes the neighbourhood a better and more friendly place to live in. Last but not the least; a tolerant person makes lots of friends.

* reap (v) : یجنى

* This in turn : ھذا بدوره * Last but not the least :

أخیرا ولیس بأخر

* neighbourhood : الجیرة * encircle : تطویق

* goals : أھداف * warmth : دافئ

* towards : نحو * strengthens ties :

یقوى الروابط


Unit ( 5 ) Why people should keep to the rules

Doubtless, rules organize people's lives and help them to work together and to cooperate. Firstly, they help people know what is right to follow and what is wrong to avoid. Secondly, they help to make sure things run smoothly and that people know what other people will do in certain situations. Thirdly, they help to make it possible to organize things. For example, in families there may be rules about bedtime, doing homework, helping with chores: in school there may be rules about uniform, meal times, play times, etc. When driving a car, there are rules about speed, traffic lights, roundabouts, etc. However, if there are no rules, or people break the rules, people don't know what others will do in certain situations and it makes life unpredictable. People can get hurt, cars can crash and there could be a complete lack of order.

* rules : قواعد

* bedtime : وقت النوم * meal times : أوقات الوجبات

* organize : ینظم * chores : األعمال المنزلیة

* roundabouts : الدورانات

* smoothly : بسالسة * uniform : الزى الموحد

* unpredictable:غیر متوقعة


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Rules Rules are important in many situations. For example, rules are important in families. Children should obey their parents and go to bed on time. Rules are also important when driving a car. Drivers should stop at traffic lights and stop if they see an old person trying to cross the road. If a person breaks the rules, then there can be all kinds of trouble. If rules are broken in the family, this can result in an unhappy family, and if rules are broken on the road, this can result in death.

* obey : یطیع * traffic lights :إشارات المرور * result in : ینتج عنھ

---------------------------------------------------------------------- The qualities needed for leadership

Leaders are examples people follow in their footsteps and hang around to organize their lives. There are some qualities leaders should have whether they are inborn in them or they acquire. Hence, good leaders should be calm and patient. So they can talk to people easily and make the right decisions. They need to be intelligent and understanding, too. They ought to be tolerant and get on with each others in particular those who oppose them. Also, they have to be sensible if there are any disagreements and do their best to settle the disputes. Finally, good leaders work for the benefit of the whole world.

* footsteps : خطوات األقدام * inborn in them :

مولودون بھم* disputes : خالفات –نزاعات


Unit ( 6 ) The importance of motivation

Motivation helps you go through difficult times, and push you to excel in your life. It is essential if you want to succeed. First, if you are motivated, you like to do your work so it's much easier for you to do. You don't need other people to push you. Second, you need motivation to keep moving forward when the situation is difficult. Without it, it's easy to give up when you meet obstacles. Third, motivation helps you enjoy your journey to success. The journey to success is not easy. Furthermore, it's a long way. At last, motivation can make the difference between being a winner and a loser in life.

* motivation : دافع

* obstacles : العقبات * excel : یتفوق

* keep moving forward : یستمر فى التقدم لألمام

* essential : جوھرى -ضرورى


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Why do people climb mountains? All of us at certain times in our lives want to conquer great challenges. Climbing big dangerous mountains may be the most obvious reason for people who enjoy challenge and prove that they could overcome all the obstacles, it is not climbing the mountain that is the hardest thing; it is actually what is in mind - thinking about their dangers, missing family and friends. However, there is no room for mistakes. They have to do everything correctly because the dangers are very high. Furthermore, some climbers see it as their lifelong ambition that they want to fulfill. They have always been inspired by stories of great climbers who were motivated by something greater than themselves. Moreover for others, it is a national pride; they are proud of their country and they want to honour their county by their climbing achievements. In the end, while mountain climbing can be one of the most exciting and challenging sports, there are also many dangers involved in mountain climbing which one should consider.

* conquer : یھزم –یقھر * obvious : واضح

* prove : یثبت * achievements : إنجازات

* overcome : یتغلب على * no room for mistakes :

ال مجال لألخطاء* honour : یكرم

* fulfill : یحقق * inspire : یلھم

* pride : فخر


Unit ( 7 ) The importance of international trade

The development of international trade brought many changes to the world. People from different countries meet each other for the first time. As well as trading goods, they trade ideas and teach each other many new things. Hence, international trade is intercultural. Moreover, Companies from one country often trade in many other countries. They hire local workers at low wages. Thus, companies make more profit and at the same time, they create more jobs for countries all over the world. However, global trading is affected by the economic crisis; that's to say if the economy goes bad in one country, all the other countries may affect.

* Hence : ومن ثم –وبالتالى * create : یخلق

* intercultural : بین الثقافات * economic crisis :

أزمة إقتصادیة

* hire : یستأجروا * economy : إقتصاد


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Another Paragraph the international tradeThe importance of

International trade is the exchange of goods and services between countries. This type of trade gives rise to a world economy, in which prices or supply and demand, affect and are affected by global events. Trading globally gives consumers and countries the opportunity to be exposed to goods and services not available in their own countries. Almost every kind of product can be found on the international market; foods, clothes, spare parts and oil. The internet is the widest current marketplace for international trade as the business world has become aware of the benefits brought by it; therefore so many websites were born and keep appearing in the endless universe or the World Wide Web.

* the exchange of : تبادل لــ

* spare parts :غیار قطع * the widest : أوسع

* aware of : على درایة بــ * universe : الكون

* demand : طلب * services : خدمات * current : حالى * benefits : فوائد

* available : متاح * market : السوق

* marketplace : السوق * endless : بال نھایة

---------------------------------------------------------------------- Globalization

Globalization is the system in which the same products are sold throughout the world by huge multinational companies. Everybody wears the same trainers, eats the same fast food, drinks the same drinks and watches the same programmes on television. Globalization is seen as a threat by increasing numbers of people. People feel that globalization is growing as consumers are not given a choice. They worry about the effect globalization will have on the culture of individual countries, cities and towns. Moreover, in a global market, the bigger companies have more money to expand and advertise, and they can also make and sell their products cheaply. The result is that people stop buying from the smaller, local companies. Some people might see the global culture as a good thing as it brings people together and means that we have cheap food.

* globalization : العولمة

* trainers : األحذیة * advertise : یعلن

* a threat : تھدید * a choice : إختیار

* means : یعنى

* effect : تأثیر * expand : یوسع


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Unit ( 8 ) How people should feel about their situations in life

Not many people are content with the situation of their lives. They either blame bad luck or circumstances for their miserable living conditions, especially when they are born poor. Perhaps, they feel a bit disappointed if they haven't got nice clothes or nice jewellery to wear at formal occasions ....etc. They only believe that happiness is in collecting money which makes their daydreams come true, everything may not really be what they think it is that they may get deceived by its appearance. Hence, everybody should be happy with their lives and be proud of what they I have got. They must know that qualities make men highly respected. They must work hard to improve themselves as hard work is the way to real happiness. In the end, I see that if one feels his inner satisfaction, he misses nothing in life.

* blame : یلوم

* content with : راضى بــ * disappointed : محبط

* deceive : یخدع * improve : یحسن

* daydreams : أحالم الیقظة

* bad luck : حظ سئ * circumstances : ظروف

* formal occasions : مناسبات رسمیة

* appearance : مظھر * inner : داخلى

* miserable : بائس * living conditions :

ظروف المعیشة* respected : محترم

* satisfaction : رضاء

---------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit ( 9 )

The benefits of international sports Doubtless, International sports encourage world understanding among countries. People travel to other countries and meet other cultures. They feel proud of their player's sports achievements and appreciate athletes from other countries. Furthermore, international sports encourage world peace. They are the field where countries with political disagreements forget them and turn over a new leaf. Moreover, they have become big business for most countries especially the poorest. For the host countries, they get lots of publicity creating a boom, in tourism and business. One thing important, is fair play and honesty are important in international sports because all competitors and countries must be seen to have an equal chance.

* appreciate : یقدر * boom : رواج

* publicity : دعایة

* turn over a new leaf : یفتح صفحة جدیدة

* equal chance : فرصة متساویة

* host countries : الدول المستضیفة


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Unit ( 10 ) Organic farming

Today more and more people are becoming interested in organic farming for different reasons. Organic farmers grow food naturally without using pesticides or chemical fertilizers. They claim that pesticides kill the small creatures and insects that birds and other wildlife feed on. They are poisonous, expensive and very harmful to the soil. Moreover, supermarkets in many countries have shelves for organic food. Consumers don't object to paying a bit extra for healthy food that has no side-effects on their health. In the end, if you ask me which you buy organic or inorganic, I'd say buy organic food and save your health.

* claim : یدعى * shelves : أرفف

* a bit extra : أكثر قلیال

* creatures : مخلوقات * feed on : یتغذى على

* insects : حشرات * object to : تعترض على

---------------------------------------------------------------------- GM foods

Genetically-modified foods can solve many of the world's hunger and help protect and preserve the environment. Yet, there are many challenges ahead for governments, especially in the areas of safety testing, regulation, international policy and food labeling. Many people feel that genetic engineering is the technology of the future. We can't ignore its benefits. However, we must proceed with caution to avoid causing unintended harm to human health and the environment as a result of our enthusiasm for this powerful technology.

* hunger : جوع

* safety testing : اختبار السالمة

* ignore : یتجاھل * benefits : فوائد

* unintended : غیر مقصود

* preserve : یحفظ * enthusiasm : حماس

* international policy : السیاسة الدولیة

* proceed with : یمضى قدما * harm : أذى

* ahead for : أمام * regulation :لتنظیم ا

* food labeling : وضع التیكت على األغذیة

* caution : حذر

---------------------------------------------------------------------- Keeping Your Body Healthy

Would you like to live a longer life? To live longer, you must keep your body healthy, and I have some suggestions for you. First you must eat healthy foods that will provide necessary protein, vitamins, and carbohydrates. You should not eat food that contains fats and cholesterol because they clog your arteries and cause heart attacks. Proper diet can help to keep you body healthy.

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The second important requirement is regular exercise. You should exercise every day. You might jog or lift weights to keep your body healthy and active. The third and most important point is, not to take illegal drugs. Drugs can ruin your life and the lives of your family. You should not smoke, and you should not take heroin. By keeping your body healthy now while you are young, you could live longer, and you might enjoy life more.

* clog arteries :

تسد الشرایین* requirement :مطلب

* active : نشیط * ruin : تدمر

* heart attacks : أزم���ات قلبیة

* regular exercise : تدریب منتظم

* illegal drugs : مخدرات

* proper diet : النظام الغذائى السلیم

* jog : الجرى البطئ * lift weights : رفع أثقال


Unit ( 11 ) The dangers of being too ambitious

People need to be ambitious if they want to reach their goals in their lives. However, determination and too much ambition are sometimes dangerous because you don't see alternatives to achieve your goals. You may hurt others without being conscious for the sake of your private interest and even destroy yourself. Therefore, it is important to balance between your ambition and the safety of others. Also, it is important to think of other people and the consequences of your actions. In the end, you must not think only of yourself and your goals regardless to those who are around you.

* determination : التصمیم * for the sake of : من أجل

* regardless to : بغض النظر عن

* alternatives : بدائل * interest : اھتمام

* conscious : واعى * consequences : نتائج


Unit ( 12 ) The ideal house

Living in a high tech house has some advantages and disadvantages. The computer controls many of the routine jobs that up to now have always been our responsibility. Also, you can use your mobile to lock or unlock the door; to start cooking without being there yourself, so you could save time. However, what happens if the computer systems suddenly breakdown? In addition, it is very expensive and if you lost your mobile, someone else could enter your house. In the end, if I chose between a traditional house and a high-tech, I'd choose a traditional one.

* responsibility : مسئولیة

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The advantages and disadvantages of the market and the supermarket

Do you prefer to do your shopping going to the market or the supermarket? Some people prefer buying their things from the market. They claim that there is less choice and most things are cheaper. So, they can save money and spend less money shopping. Also, most supermarkets are often on the outskirts of cities so you need to use a car. On the other hand, many people are in favour of the supermarket claiming that they have a lot more choice and you can buy everything in one place. They also have many imported things that are sold at low prices. They can make bargains and have big discounts. For me, I'd like to buy fresh, eye-seen products.


Unit ( 13 ) The Mobile phone

Just like any other modern device, the mobile phone has become an indispensable part of our lives. Many people see that its advantages are numerous to count. Suppose your car broke down and you need help then you can call for a mechanic. Moreover, you can do business, check for your e-mails, surf the net, and contact someone if there is a necessity. Now, I will move on to the disadvantages, a considerable number of people claim there is a link between mobile phones and cancer! Also, using the mobile while driving causes to have accidents besides it is a means of disturbances. In the end, if there was a need to use a telephone, I would use a mobile, but less.

* device : جھاز * suppose : افترض

* a necessity : ضرورة

* indispensable : ال غنى عنھ * a considerable number :

عدد ال بأس بھ

* numerous to count : كثیرة أن تعد

* disturbances : ازعاج - اضطرابات

---------------------------------------------------------------------- The Internet

The internet has become known to everyone now because of the development occurred in information technology. Besides its being source of information, it has made communication easy and simple. Sending messages that used to take months can be done now within seconds. You can send a message to thousands of people in different places by just pressing send button. World has become a village because of internet and information technology. You can get information about any places you want by just searching the name of that place on a search engine like Yahoo or Google. You can see and talk with people from thousands of miles far from you. Internet is one of the greatest developments the world has ever known.

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Unit ( 14 ) nline distance learningO

Online distance learning is an instructional system which connects learners with educational resources. Students work on their own at home, or at school and communicate with faculty and other students via e-mail, video conferencing and other forms of computer-based communication. There are both advantages and disadvantages to online distance learning. Online distance learning is available all the time and everywhere. However, there are drawbacks for some learners. The online learner only has the written text; this may confuse the learner and cause misunderstanding. While distance learning allows openness, it is also cumbersome because it is done by e-mail messages and writing , therefore it may take more time than face- to-face learning. Online distance learning is important for students who may be unable to attend classes for various reasons like illnesses or busy schedules. They just want to do their studies at home.

* distance learning : التعلم عن بعد

* Via : عن طریق * face - to-face learning :

التعلم وجھا لوجھ

* instructional system : النظام التعلیمى

* openness : إنفتاح * schedules : الجداول

* educational resources: مصادر تعلیمیة

* Cumbersome : مرھقة * confuse : یربك


Unit ( 15 ) ( Siwa Oasis ) A touristic place

You are going to love the fabulous landscapes of Siwa Oasis. It is the largest oasis in Egypt. It lies in a deep depression. All over this historic oasis, you will find natural wells, hot springs where bubbles come up from 15 to 20 meters under the ground. You can see traditional streets and houses, walk around the historical sites. Also you can buy jewellery, hand-made rugs, baskets, traditional clothes and head dresses decorated with old coins. The Siwans who lie there are very friendly. They have their own culture and customs. In fact, I recommend Siwa Oasis to anyone who likes an adventure holiday.

---------------------------------------------------------------------- A place that is off the beaten track

Obviously, most tourists today tend to get off the beaten destinations. Among the historic places in Egypt, I'd recommend Siwa for those who love ecotourism. Siwa lies in a deep depression in the western desert. All over

this historic oasis, you will find natural wells and palm trees with good quality

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dates. The people there are very friendly and hospitable. You can go on safari and enjoy camping in tents sharing Bedouin night entertainments. The Siwans' traditions still exist to this day. Women wear their traditional clothes. In fact, Siwa is one of the best places in Egypt to buy jewellery, rugs and baskets. ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Unit ( 16 ) The importance of tourism

It's known that tourism is the second important earner for foreign currency in Egypt. Its benefits are numerous such as creating more job opportunities; it employs huge numbers of Egyptian youth in hotel staffs, tour guides, … etc. It also helps to promote the cultures of different countries by allowing many more people to visit more far away places and maintains and supports many famous monuments. Egyptian travel agents think that by the year 2017, sixteen million tourists will visit Egypt each year, compared to the nine million who visited in 2006. If this happens, new hotels and roads will have to be built and new parks and resorts will need to be planned.

* earner for foreign currency : جالب للعملة الصعبة

* promote the cultures : تعزیز الثقافات

* maintains : یحافظ * supports : یدعم

* parks and resorts :متنزھات ومنتجعات

---------------------------------------------------------------------- Unemployment البطالة

Unemployment means that there aren’t enough jobs for people. The most important cause of unemployment is over-population. Thousands of young people graduate every year from schools and universities. They remain for long years without jobs. This is because most of them are waiting for governmental jobs. Another cause of unemployment is the increasing use of modern technology in all fields. Man depends a lot on machines. This leads to a lack of job opportunities. To solve this problem, we should encourage young people to go the desert and reclaim it. They should look for jobs in the new cities. Banks can

lend them loans to start their own projects.

* governmental jobs : وظائف حكومیة * loans :قروض


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Unit ( 17 ) Science

There is no doubt that we live in the age of science and technology. Much of our progress is resulted of them. If we look at the latest discoveries in medicine, engineering and space travel. Computer and the internet are the inventions that make everything possible. The invention of planes and cars has led to great progress in transport. They made the world as if it is a global village. Another, many of the luxury goods we have, make our lives more comfortable and easier. In a word, science is the way to advance.

* progress : تقدم * resulted of : نتج من

* the way to advance : طریق التقدم * the latest :أحدث

---------------------------------------------------------------------- ges and disadvantages of atThe advan

scientific research Doubtless, scientific research is the way to progress; there is much to be said in favour of it. Scientific research has always been beneficial to mankind. We can improve health, food production, education, travel and nearly every aspects of our life. Scientific researchers can also develop vaccines against fatal diseases. On the other hand, it sometimes turns into a harmful thing to our planet. Advanced weapons may cause a lot of damage. They may take the lives of many innocent people. Science experiments which go wrong can affect people. Whatever the benefits of scientific research, scientists must take caution not to panic people.

* in favour of : مؤید لــ * beneficial to : مفید لــ

* aspects : أوجھ * fatal diseases : أمراض قاتلة

* innocent people : األبریاء * panic people : یفزع الناس

* Scientific research : البحث العلمى * mankind : الجنس البشرى * vaccines :قاحات ل

* advanced weapons : أسلحة متقدمة * take caution : یأخذ حذره