2nd infantry regiment national guard of california 2nd inf regt.pdf1906 san francisco earthquake:...

1906 San Francisco Earthquake: 2 nd Infantry Regiment National Guard of California This history was completed in 1940 by the Works Progress Administration (WPA) in conjunction with the California National Guard and the California State Library. Digitized by the History Office, Camp San Luis Obispo, 24 January 2015 Original document on file at the California State Library

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1906 San Francisco Earthquake: 2nd Infantry Regiment

National Guard of California

This history was completed in 1940 by the Works Progress Administration (WPA) in conjunction with the California National Guard and the

California State Library.

Digitized by the History Office, Camp San Luis Obispo, 24 January 2015

Original document on file at the California State Library




-------------C~o~l=-;:.on=e=l--=Henry I. Seymou..:t·~· . GQI!lmanding_ H ••. -. Company A u------u--~~- Called for active duty Second Infantry William H. White ··· April 20, 1906 Regiment, Chico, California Captain Relieved from active duty

Stations and Locations

In response to a telegraphic message received at 12:39 A.M. April 20, 1906* Company A of Chico left their home station at 6a25 A.M. the same day for Sacramento. Reported and proceeded with the Second Regiment to Oakland. The company was stationed at: Hobart Street and Telegraph Avenue, Oakland, where they performed gu.urd dutj and patrol duty until April twenty-fourth. On April twenty-fourth the comt anY was ordered to: Jefferson Square, San FranciscQf* stationed there doing guard and patrol duty, guarding banks and other financial institu- · tions, furnishing gua .:ds for Quartermaster 's Department, trains ~nd various other duti until Ma) second. Company wa~ then ordered to: D boce Park, San Francisco• renained at Duboce Park doing Patrol duty until May ninth when Company changed locations toz Seventeenth and Cole Streets, San Francisco,•• while at this station the duties of the company consisted of guard and patrol duty. Remained at Seventeenth and Cole Streets until relieved from active duty, May 19, l906X


.. ___ _ ____ JlaY _19 . 1906

*Return Company A, Second Infantry Regiment April 1906. Adjutant General Files.

**AdjutantGoneral Report 1906. Field Order # 2, page 58 .

+Return Company A1 Second Infantry Regiment, Kay 19u6. Adjutant General Files.

+•Return Company A, Second Infantry Regiment, May 1906. Adjutant General Files.

XAdjutant General Report 1906. ield Order # 11, page 61. Vj

~ 00 ~

Thom&.s Rutledg Called for active duty

April 2u, 19u6 Company B Second Infantry Regiment , Colusa , California Captain Relieved from activo d•~

Stations and locations

Company B left the home station at Colusa, 1 : 00 P.M. April twentieth.* Reported for duty at Jeffe rson Square , San Francisco , 2:00 P.K. April twenty­first. Stationed at : Ferry Build in ·~ , San Francisco , guar ding ,ro~erty nd assisting th Citizen's Relief Committee in securing means of transportation , food , and other supplies for sufferers in San Francisco. April twenty-second , re­ported at: Haight and Cole Streets , San Francisco ,** where the Regimental Headquarters wa stationed. Worked in conjunction with th First Battalion Coast Artill ery , National Guard of C•litornia in patrolling th district, VJarding relief trains and supplies, maintaining order and enf orcing civil and military regulations. On the seventh of Uay , Co. B was moved to: Cole and Rivola Stre .ts , San Francisco*** Duties performed were similar to those previously performed when stationed at Cole and Haight Streets. The company remained at Cole and Rivola Streets until relieved from active duty Hay nineteenth.


.. __ llfJ.Y_l9, ).906 ..... ·-·-··

*Report Second Infantry Regiment , Colonel Henry I. Seymour Septdmber 4 , 1906. Adjutant General Files.

**Report Captain Thos. Rutledge Company B, Second Infantry Regiment, April 26 1 1906. Adjutant General Files.

***Report Colonel H. I. Seymour Second Infantry Regiment , September 4 , 1906 1 page 7. Adjutant General Files.


' ~ 1\j

Company C Second Infantry Reriment,

o. • Spear


Called for active duty April 20, 1906

Nevada City, Calif. Captain Relieved from active duty 1906 -------------------------------- -----~-_ll!U'_l5,

Stations and Locations

Left home station at Nevada City April 20, 1906.* Arrived Oakland about 3a00 P.M. same day and re¥orted for orders. Went into camp at: Twenty-first Street and Telegraph Avenue , Oakland, Did patrol and guard duty in Oakland April twentieth to twenty-fourth.** Transferred to San Francisco , April twenty-fourth. Reported to Commanding Office r , Second Provisional Btigade: Jefferson Square, San Erancisco, April twenty-fourth. A~ril twenty-fifth moved to: Haight and Cole Streets, San Francisco, on patrol and guard duty in this district until May ninth when campu was moved to: Cole and Rivola Streets, San Francisco,,

erformed guard and patrol duti~ s in this district until relieved from active duty, May 15, 1906.!

- 3-

*Report Colonel H. I, Seymour Second Infantry Regimant, Sept. 4, 1906, page 3. djutant General Files.

**Report Colonel II. I. Seymour Second Infantry Regiment, Sept. 4 , 1906 1 page 8. Adjutant General Files.

• Report Colonel H. I. Seymour , 2nd Infantry Regiment , Sept. 1906, page 7. Adjutant General Files.

••Adjutant General Report 1906. Field Order I 91 page 61.



Company D, Second Infantry Regiment,


Phil J. Divver Called .for ·· active duty

Anril 20, 1906

arysvil~e, Calif. Captain Relieved fr om active duty % May· 19. 1906 .

Stations and Locations

Arrived in Sacr April twentieth* and land. Camped at: Twenty-first Street and Telegraoh Avenue, Oakland,W on patrol and guard duty at est Oakland, Sourthern Pacific Depot,

Santa Fe Depot, and !dora Park, Oakland. Transferred to San Francisco April . twentv­fourth. Stationed ats Jefferson Square, San Frangisco, April twenty-fourth X to May second, 1906, guarding financial district, furnishing guards for Quartermaster's trains and various other duties. Transferred to: Dt boce Park, San Francisco, May second. Company was stationed there performing guard and ~atrol duty in that district until May ninth. The company wa on that dat e transferred to& Seventeenth and Cole Streets, San Francisco, at that location the Company r erformed guard duty and patrol duty in that district until relieved from active duty, Kay 19, 1906 XX

*Report Colonel H. I. Seymour Second Infantry Reglment,Sept.

, 1906. page 3. Adjutant Gene ral !tiles.

WReport Colonel H. I. Seymour · Second Infantry Regiment, Sept. i, 1906, age 8. Adjutant General Files.

XReport Colonel H. I. Seymour, Second Infautr~ Regiment, Sept. 4, 1906, page 3. Adjutant General Files.

XXAdjutant General Report 1906, page 61. Field Order 11, par. 2.


~ ~ ~

STATIONS AND I.OCATIONS OF ·rHE SECOND R~- ... ~·-.m ....... ~ ...... m .... 4 ....


Frank F. Canon Called· for active duty

April 20, 1906 Company E, Second Infantry Regiment, Sac­ramento, Calif. Captain Relieved from active duty

__ _ __ __ May 19, 1906

Stations and Locations

Left Sacramento about lO•OO A. 11. April twentieth . Bivouacked f or the night at Eddy and Jones Streets, San Francisco. * On April twenty-first went into camp at; Cole and Hai ht S reets San Francisco, the company was stationed there an worked in conjunction With the First Battalion, Coast Artillery, N. G. c., patrolling the district, guarding relief trains and supplies, and maintaining order. On May seventh camp was moved to: Cole and Rivola Streets, San Francisco,** The company continued to J erform guard , .nd patrol duties at this loc"tion until

relieved !rom active duty, Kay 19, 1906~ ·


Report Col. H. I. Seymour Second Inf. Reg. Sept. 4, 1906, p. 5. Adjutant General Files.

**Report Col. H. I. Seymour Second In!. Reg . Sept. 4, 1906. Adjutant General Fil

iAdjutant General Report 1906. Field Orde r # 11, pa~ 2, page 61.

~ ~ 00 U1


Company F, -~~--- --~ -~-- Called for active-auty Second Infantry ~ John G. Lee April 20 , 1906 Regiment,

oodland Calif. Captain

Stations and Locations

Comp~~y entrained at Woodland at 4: 00 P. K. April 20, 1906*. Arrived at Ferry Building , San Francisco at 10&00 P. Jl. same eveninr. Detailed for duty at & Ferry Building , San Fr&ncisco ,** under direct orders from Adjutant General J. B. Lauck , details were sent out to guard the Ferry Buil~ing and wat~rfront , to clear the building and wharves of people as there was danger of fire s~eep­ing the waterfront. At so assisted the firemen in saving wharves. Details sent out to impress teams and men into service for the purpose of transporting supplies to outlying districts. Also details sent to impress men to unload suppl ies f rom steamers. Three saloons on water­front closed and liquor destroyed by troops. April twenty-second, company ordered to report at : Bai~ht and Cole Streets , San Franc1sco,x patrolled streets in this district, guarded relief trains and suppli s, assist­ed in maintaining order and enforcing regulation. On the seventh of May, Camp was moved to : Cole and Rivola Streets . San Fr~ncisco , perveormed guard duty t patrol duty, at c h·1t station until relievea f rom active duty , Yay 19 , 1906 ;

Relieved f rom active duty May 19 . 1906

*Report Col. H. I. Seymour Second Inf. Reg. Sept. 4 , 1906. Page 10. Adjutant General Files.

**Report Col. H. I. Seymour Second In!. Reg. Sept . 4 , 1906. page 10. AdJutant General Files .

eport Col. H. I. Seymour. Second Int . Reg . Sept . 4, 1906 , page 6. Adjutant Gene ral Files.

IXReport Col . H~ I • Seymour , Second ~ Int. Reg. Sept. 4, 1906. page 7. djutant General Files. ~ 00

IAdjutant General Report 1306. Fiei ·:JJ Order #ll , par. 21 page Sl,


Company G, Second Infantry Regiment, Sacramento, Cal1£orn1a

John l!. Milliken

First Lieutenant

Stations and Locations

Company G left sacramento about lOtO A, M. April 20, 1906.* Arrived at San Francisco about 6;00 P. M. same day. Reported to General Koster Ate Jefferson Square, San Francisco , night of April t~entieth. Left Jaffer~ son Square April twenty-first and went into camp at: Haight and Cole Streets, San Francisco.** Patrolled the district adjacent to t·h camp, gu"'leded relief train3, and sup lies, assisted in maintaining order and enforc­in! regulations in th~t district. On May s.e entn CamP was ...ltlOVe tot. ~o e and H~~o~a ~tree s , ~an Francisco.~ performed duties incident to .atro111ng the district, guarding relief trains, care of relief distributing stations! maintaining order and enforein, civi and military orders. Heavy guards were ~ounted. This work was performed until the company was relieved rrom active duty Vay nineteenth.iW .




Called for active duty April 20 , 1906

Relieved from active ~uty May 19. ldu6

*Return Co. G, Second Infantry Reg. A!ril 1906. Adjutant General Files.

**Report Col. H, I. Seymour Second Inf. Reg. Sept. 4 , 190f. page 5. Adjutant General files.

WReport Col. H. l· Seymour Second Inf. Reg. Sept. 4, 1906. page 7. Adjutant General Files.

''Adjutant General Report 1906, page 61. Field Order' # 11, par.2

~ )-'. :t) .,~

Com r; any h, Second Infantry Regiment,


Geor c. Gardner


Called for active duty ril 20, 1906

Placerville, Calif. .. Captain Relieved from actiYe dut

Stations and Location

Company H ot Place~ville reached Oakland May 20, 1906,* and by direction of Adjut­ant General J. B. Lauck proceeded to San Jose, arriving th~re April twenty-first. San J l se, California~ .

orked in conjunction with Company B, Fifth Infantry. The entire busines section of San Jose was cut off, by a chain of Sentinels posted at alJ inter­secting streets. Balance of men placed on patrol duty inside the district, Persons having business within the · patrolled district were allowed to pass under escort of a member of the guard. On April .. twenty-eighth the lines wer thrown. Open, the soldiers doing patrol duty in conjunction with the city police officers. Camp was maintained at St. James Park, San Jose, adjacent to the patrolled dist~ict . Tents were used tor s helter. The system outlined above was followed until May ninth when the company was relieved from further active duty.**


May 9 1 :~06

*Report Col. H. I. Seymour, Second Infantry Regiment! September 4, 1906, page o. Adjutant General Files.

*Adjutant General Report 190v ., page 59. Field Order # 6, par. 1.


Company 1 , Called for active duty Second Infantry H. L. Condon April 20, 1906 Regiment , Vacaville, Calif. Captain . ,., Relieved from active duty ~. _ _ -----~ _ _ _ _ _ . May 1 5 . 1906

Stations and Location

Company I left its:, home stat ion at Vacaville At ril 20, 1906.* Proceeded to Oakland, thence. to San Francisco. Bivouacked that .night on a lawn at t he corner·of Jones and Eddy Streets, San Francisco. April twenty-first

oved to the corner of Cole and Haight Streets where went into camp. Cole and Baight Streets. San Francisco.** At his location the company render ed service in the First Military District working in conj unction with the First Battalion, Coast Artillery, N. G. c. patrolling the district, guarding rel ief trains and sup ~lies, maintaining order nd enforcing civil and military regula.

tions. On May seventh the camp was moved to the corner Of: Cole and Rivola Streets, San Francisco.• The com~ anies of the Second Infantry Regiment including Company I performed all the work incident to patroll ing, guarding of r elief supply trains, c re of relief stations and enforctaent ot orders in the First Military District. Company I was relieved from active d ~ ty Kay 15, 1906·••


*Return-Co. I, Second Inf. Reg. A ril, -1906. Adjutant General Files.

Report Col. H. I. Seymour Second Infantry Regiment, September 4, 1906, age· 5 . Adjutant Gene r al Files.

• Report Col. H. I. Seymour, Second Infantry Regiment April 4 , 1906. page 5. Adjutant General Fil eg.

••Adjutant General Report 1906 Field Order # 9, par. 1, page 61.

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