2nd apcrs-adriani ipb-abstract

ABSTRACTS SUBMISSION FORM ABSTRACTS SUBMISSION FORM THE APPLICATION OF DNA-BARCODE IN STUDYING NAPOLEON WRASSE POPULATION RECOVERY IN SERIBU ISLANDS, INDONESIA Adriani Sunuddin 1,4,* , Irma Shita Arlyza 2 , Lilik Litasari 3 , Syamsul Bahri Agus 1,4 , and Adi Kurniawan Harahap 4 1* Department of Marine Science and Technology, Bogor Agricultural University. Jalan Agatis, Kampus IPB Dramaga, Bogor 16680. 2 Research Centre for Oceanology, Indonesian Institutes for Sciences. Jalan Pasir Putih 1, Ancol, Jakarta 11048 3 Sub-Bureau for Fisheries and Marine Affairs, Administrative Regency of Seribu Islands, Provincial Government of Jakarta. Jalan Gunung Sahari 11, Jakarta 10720. 4 Ocean Imperator: centre for marine research. Jalan Ketapang 50 RT/RW 01/01, Lancang Island, Kepulauan Seribu 14430. E-mail*: [email protected] The nap ole on wras se, Cheil inus undulatus Ruppel l, 1835 (Famil y Labr idae) , is an endangered fish species and among the most important species in the global live reef food fish trade. Indonesian reef waters serve as the major source of production and resulted in its  population decline including in the coral reef ecosystem of Kepulauan Seribu. Recent sporadic sightings and capture of napoleon wrasse in Kepulauan Seribu since 2008 signal its population recovery. A total of 70 fish were sampled from fishers and two culture facilities, showing skewed distribution of size frequency with modal size peak at 21.0 to 30.9 cm. Size freque ncy indicated that napol eon wrasse populatio n was at juven ile stage. DNA barcode for napoleon wrasse was produced for 5 specimens, extracted from fin tissue, each represents different sampling localities, i.e. Panggang Island, Pramuka Island, Pari Island, Harapan Island, and Kelapa Island. Compromising our results of DNA-barcode with internet-based BLAST search available at Barcode of Life Data System (BOLD) website (www.barcodinglife.org), we revealed taxon confirmation for four specimens with Cheilinus undulatus and one uni dentified spe cie s for anothe r spe cimen obt ained from Panggang Island. Further analyses revealed sister lineage of the unidentified specimen with outgroup species from Lutjanidae, indicating the possibility of two distinct populations of Cheilinus undulatus were available in Seribu Islands. However, complete resolution the napoleon wrasse population recovery in Seribu Islands requires the addition of sequences from more obtained tissue samples. Keywords: napoleon wrasse, Cheilinus undulatus, Seribu Islands, DNA barcode Your abstract is for x Oral Presentation   Poster    Student Competition (Please indicate accordingly). If there is no indication, your abstract will be scheduled as a poster presentation. 1 2 nd Asia Pacific Coral Reef Symposium  June 20 – 24, 2010, Phuket, Thailand

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