2d seismic data importing

November 2008 Seismic Micro-Technology, Inc. E X I T Importing Data Importing 2D Seismic Data Version 8.3 www.cadfamily.com EMail:[email protected] The document is for study only,if tort to your rights,please inform us,we will delete

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November 2008

Seismic Micro-Technology, Inc.


Importing Data

Importing 2D Seismic Data

Version 8.3

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Trademarks and CopyrightThis manual was produced by Seismic Micro-Technology, Inc.

Version 8.3

November 2008

Seismic Micro-Technology, Inc.8584 Katy Freeway, Suite 400

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The KINGDOM™ software and all of its components, 2dPAK®, 3dPAK®, 2d/3dPAK®, AVOPAK®, CGMPAK®, EarthPAK®, LoadPAK®, LogPAK®, ModPAK®, PAKnotes®, OpenKINGDOM Domain®, OpenKINGDOM Scout® SynPAK®, The KINGDOM Company®, TracePAK®, Tunnel L+®, Tunnel O®, VelPAK®, VuPAK®, are registered trademarks of Seismic Micro-Technology, Inc. (SMT).

Certain software programs incorporated in KINGDOM are proprietary products copyrighted © 1993 – 2008 by Seismic Micro-Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Portions of data loading are copyrighted by Blue Marble Geographics.

VuPAK and VelPAK include OpenInventor™ and VolumeViz™ from Mercury Computer Systems Incorporated. Some components or processes may be licensed under U.S. Patent Number 6,765,570.

ModPAK includes SHAPES® from XOX Corporation.

Tunnel L+ includes OpenWorks® and SeisWorks® Development Kit from the Landmark Graphics Corporation.

Tunnel O includes OpenSpirit® FrameWork from the OpenSpirit Corporation.

Portions of KINGDOM bitmap graphics are based on GD library by Boutell.Com, Inc. Further information about the company can be found at www.boutell.com.

PAKnotes TIFF support is based in part on libtiff.

Rock Solid Attributes™ is a trademark of RDSP I, L.P. Solid Attributes™ contains confidential, proprietary, and trade secret information of RDSP I, L.P. This unpublished work by RDSP I, L.P. is protected by the laws of the United States and other countries. Additionally, if publication occurs, the following notice shall apply: Copyright ©RDSP I, L.P., All Rights reserved.

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SMT incorporates BMC® AppSight™ Black Box Technology in its software. BMC Software, BMC Software logos and all other BMC Software product and service names are registered trademarks or trademarks of BMC Software Inc. © 2008 BMC Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

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AcknowledgmentsSeismic Micro-Technology, Inc. wishes to gratefully acknowledge the contributions of the many client software testers in preparing the KINGDOM software. The enthusiastic Beta testers, smoke testers, and SMT staff greatly appreciate their invaluable feedback and contributions.

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Import 2D Seismic Data


Note: A small demo data set for importing data is included with the KINGDOM software. The files are located in the Data folder of the demo data sets DVD. It is recommended that you use these files for your practice sets.

Basic Workflow• Create new project.

• Import World Coordinates - import X-Y coordinates of the shotpoints for the line, plot the line on a map, and add the line name to the list of surveys in the project tree.

Note: World Coordinates may or may not be a part of the seismic import file.

• Import SEG Y Traces – Import seismic traces to a file in the project.

• Assign Shotpoints to 2D Surveys – specify relationship between the traces and shotpoint numbers.

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Getting Started


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Getting Started

You may use this tutorial as a guide in importing your own data into a work project, or as an exercise during which you import data into a practice project.

If you import your data, you should copy the SEG Y data from tape to a file on your hard drive and examine the records with the KINGDOM Viewer (Start > Programs > The KINGDOM Software 8.3 > Viewer).

To use SMT data, please begin with the Viewer Tutorial and follow instructions for viewing the SEG Y data. Record the appropriate byte number locations and other important information for use in the 2D and 3D importing tutorials.

Note: To begin any of the 2D and 3D importing tutorials with SMT data, you should either create a new project or use the Data Importing project you created for the Well Data Importing tutorial. The project should use US State Plane / NAD27 / Texas South 4205 State Zone coordinate system, and should have a Seismic Datum Reference of 0 feet.You can use the same project for all three tutorials, or create a new project for each.

From the MS Windows desktop, either select Start > Programs > KINGDOM 8.3 > KINGDOM, or double-click the KINGDOM icon ( ) to open the KINGDOM software main window.

Create New Project

Note: If you wish, you may use the Data Importing project created for the Well_Data_Importing tutorial.

1. From the KINGDOM Software main menu select Project > Create New Project.

2. Give the project a name and location path. For our purposes we will create a project called Data Importing.

3. Select SMT for the author.

4. In the Select Project Database dialog box, select from the options shown in Figure 1. If you are running a 32 Bit operating system, your choices are MS Access 97, MS Access 2000, Access 2003, or MS Access XP, depending upon your local operating system.

Note: If you are running a 64 Bit operating system, your Database choices are limited to MS SQL Server and Oracle Project Manager.

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Getting Started


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Figure 1 Select Project Database dialog box

5. Take the defaults for the Project Options and take a seismic datum elevation of 0 feet.

6. We will NOT take the coordinate system of an existing project.

7. From the KINGDOM software main window menu bar, choose Project > XY Projection Method to open the Project Coordinate System dialog box.

8. Turn ON U. S. State Plane System, and turn ON NAD 27 for Datum.

9. Use the down arrow and select Texas South 4205 for State Zone.

10. Click OK.

11. Click YES when asked if you want to change the coordinate system.

12. You have now completed generating a new project.

The KINGDOM software main window (Figure 2) shows the Project Tree and the Base Map. Your base map may look slightly different until data is imported.

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Getting Started


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Figure 2 KINGDOM main window showing the Project Tree and Base Map

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Import World Coordinates


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Import World Coordinates

In this exercise, you import X-Y coordinates for the line, plot the line on a map, and add the line name as a survey to the Project Tree window.

Note: The data sets for the tutorials can be accessed from the KINGDOM Software 8.3 DVD. To install the data sets on your local drive, click the Install Demo Projects button on the Installation Manager. After the installation, the data sets will be located in the following default location: 32-bit machines: Program Files\KingdomSuite\The KINGDOM Software 8.3 Demo Projects. 64-bit machines: Program Files(x86)\KingdomSuite\The KINGDOM Software 8.3 Demo Projects.

1. Click in a Base Map window to make it active, and then from the main menu bar, select Surveys > Import World Coordinates > 2d By File to open the Select Coordinate Files dialog box.

2. In the Select Coordinate Files dialog box, navigate and locate LINE2.UKO in the KINGDOM installation directory: C:\Program Files\KingdomSuite\The KINGDOM Software 8.3 Demo Projects\DATA\2d-3dData\2D.

3. Double-click LINE2.UKO to open the Coordinates and Shotpoints Scaling Options dialog box.

4. No scaling is necessary, so click OK. The message “Do you wish to load the SEG Y data now.”appears.

5. You could import the SEG Y data now, but for this exercise, click No.

Change ScaleYou can see the line location in the Base Map window, but to get a better display:

1. Click the Set Scales icon to open the Settings dialog box (Figure 3).

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Import World Coordinates


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Figure 3 — Settings dialog box

2. In the Settings dialog box, click the Scale tab and specify the parameter values as shown in Figure 3.

3. Click the Margins tab, and add a left and top margin of 1.0.

4. Click OK to close the dialog box.

Note: With the new parameters, the Base Map window should look like Figure 4. This figure uses the project from the Well Data Importing tutorial.

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Import World Coordinates


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Figure 4 - Base Map Window (showing changed parameters)

Note: The name of the survey, L2, is now in the Project Tree window with a light blue icon adjacent to its name. After seismic traces are imported for this line, the icon will change to a gray color.

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Import SEG Y Traces


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Import SEG Y Traces

1. Click in the Base Map window and from the main menu select Surveys > Import SEG Y to open the Import SEG Y Stacked Traces and Gathers dialog box.

In the Import SEG Y Stacked Traces and Gathers dialog box, turn ON the Import SEG Y File(s) into Single 2D or 3D Survey option.

2. Click Next to close this dialog box and open the Create or Select Surveys dialog box.

3. In the Create or Select Surveys dialog box, use the down arrow adjacent to the Select Survey text field and select the L2 survey from the displayed list.

4. In the Numeric Byte Order area, turn ON Standard (Big Endian).

5. In the Import SEG Y Files from area, turn ON Disk and click Browse to open the Open dialog box.

6. In the Open dialog box, navigate to locate and select the 2.sgy file. \KingdomSuite\The KINGDOM Software 8.3 Demo Projects\DATA\2d-3dData\2D.

7. Double-click the file, or click Open return to the Create or Select Surveys dialog box.

8. In the Create or Select Surveys dialog box, click Next to open the Select Seismic Data Volume Name dialog box.

9. In the Data Type Name list, click to select Amplitudes in the Time Data Domain as the data type name that you want to give to this data set. (You can also create a new data type and add it to this list by entering (typing) a new name in the Create New Data Type text field).

Note: If the X Y Coordinate dialog box opens, verify that the project coordinates are still correct and click OK to close the dialog box.

10. Click Next to close the Select Seismic Data Volume Name dialog box and open the Define Trace Numbers dialog box.

11. In the Define Trace Numbers dialog box, turn ON Trace Sequence Number by Counting.

Note: The most straightforward method to import traces is Trace Sequence Number by Counting, which means that the traces are counted as they are read in. The first trace is trace number 1, the last trace in this exercise is trace number 281. All traces in the file are read in.

12. Click Next to open the Set Time Data Bounds dialog box.

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Import SEG Y Traces


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Figure 5 — Set Time Bounds dialog box

13. In the Set Time Data Bounds dialog box, observe that the Sample Interval, the Number of Input Samples/Trace, and the Start Time of Imported Trace and End Time of Imported Trace have all been read from the SEG Y file. If you do not need all of data in the file, the start and end time can be changed here.

The Start Time Byte Location in Trace Header is defaulted to 105 but can be changed if it is stored in a different byte in the SEG Y file.

If you need to change the Sample Interval, the Number of Input Samples/Trace, or to use variable start times, click Advanced Loading Options to open the Advanced Options Override SEG Y Input File dialog box in which you can change these options. (For more information on the Advanced Options Override SEG Y Input File dialog box, click Help to open the Online Help file.)

14. Click Next to close the Set Time Data Bounds dialog box, and open the Save Data dialog box.

Note: Imported traces can be stored in either .ksd or .1 format. A .ksd unpadded trace data file is the default format, and is used to improve performance and minimize storage space. However, to be backward compatible to KINGDOM software pre-dating version 7.5, trace data files can also be stored in the .1 padded trace data file by toggling on *.1 (Padded Trace data file) in the Output File Type area of the Save Data dialog box.

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Import SEG Y Traces


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15. Use the Save Data dialog box to point to where you want the traces imported. The selected directory is shown in the Output Directory text box below the list of folders.

IMPORTANT: Under Output Data Format section, select 8-Bit if the data will be used for interpretation. For the vast majority of applications, 8-Bit data provide the resolution needed for interpretation, attribute extraction, and other amplitude analyses.

Note: In KINGDOM 7.5 and later versions, 16 bit seismic data storage is possible.

For study of subtle features, data with rapid amplitude decay, or other rare special cases, 16-Bit or sometimes 32-Bit resolution may be needed. The trade-off is that four times as much disk space is required for 32-bit storage, as opposed to 8-bit.

16. Click Finish to close the Save Data dialog box and store the data in a file in the project directory. After the import operation is complete, an Information message opens.

In this information message, check the number of traces imported and amplitude values to make sure all traces were imported and contain non-zero amplitudes.

17. Click OK to finish the import process and to open the Assign 2D Shotpoints to Traces dialog box.

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Assign 2D Shotpoints to Traces


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Assign 2D Shotpoints to Traces

1. In the Assign 2D Shotpoints to Traces dialog box, use the down arrow adjacent to the Survey text field and select the L2 survey from the displayed list.

Figure 6 - Assign Shotpoints to 2D Surveys dialog box

In the Assign 2D Shotpoints to Traces dialog box in Figure 6, there are 281 traces. The shotpoints start at SP 0.5 and end at SP140.5. The trace range is the range calculated during the importing process, or in this case, 1 to 281 incremented by 1.

KINGDOM has calculated that if your starting shotpoint is 0.5, then with 2 traces per shot point, you have exactly enough traces (281) to assign a trace to every ½ shotpoint. These are the default parameters provided with the Define by starting shotpoint and traces per shot point option.

If for some reason the calculated parameters are incorrect, you can correct the values by entering new values in the two parameter boxes under this option.

Alternatively, two shotpoint numbers and their corresponding trace numbers can be entered by selecting the option, Define by two shotpoints and trace numbers. The entries in the following table achieve the same results as the default values in the dialog box. Both methods provide the following association:

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Assign 2D Shotpoints to Traces


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The third option to define the trace to shot point relationship is Define SP/Trace Relationship by Table, in which case you must click Setup to open the Define Irregular Shotpoint/Trace Relationship dialog box, and enter appropriate data.

2. For this exercise, select the Define by starting shotpoint and traces per shotpoint option and specify 0.5 and 2 as the two parameters, respectively.

3. Click OK to close this dialog box.

Annotation for the shotpoints on the line are now shown in the Base Map window (Figure 7).

Figure 7 - Base Map Window showing L2 with Shotpoints

The seismic line can be shown and checked to make sure the traces are assigned to the right shotpoints. Also note that in the Project Tree window that the icon for L2 Survey has changed to a gray color indicating that seismic data has been loaded for this line.

4. Double-click the line itself in the Base Map to open the Line L2, Amplitudes Vertical Seismic Display window (Figure 8).

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Assign 2D Shotpoints to Traces


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Figure 8 - Line, L2, Amplitudes Window (with Shotpoints)

5. Position the cursor on the left-most trace and check the shotpoint value in the Status bar. The shotpoint should be either the first or last shotpoint.

6. Move the cursor to the right-most trace and check the shotpoint number again.

In our exercise the numbers are 140.5 and 0.5, respectively.

7. Press the F4 key to restore the initial amplitude display settings.

8. Press the F5 key to increase the amplitudes in the display.

9. Press the F6 key to decrease the amplitudes in the display.

You have now imported a 2D line and verified that the shotpoints are correct!

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Import 2D Data With Coordinates


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Import 2D Data With Coordinates

1. Click in the Base Map window, and from the KINGDOM software main window menu bar, choose Surveys > Import SEG Y to open the Import SEG Y Stacked Traces and Gathers dialog box.

2. In the Import SEG Y Stacked Traces and Gathers dialog box, turn ON Import Multiple 2D SEG Y Files with Coordinates.

3. Click Next to open the Bulk Import 2D SEG Y Traces with Coordinates dialog box.

4. Turn ON Standard (Big Endian) for the Numeric Byte Order.

5. Click Browse to open the Open dialog box.

6. In the Open dialog box, navigate to locate the 3.sgy file.

7. Select the 3.sgy file and click Open, or double-click the 3.sgy file. (If you installed KINGDOM with the defaults, the 3.sgy file is located in the directory: \KingdomSuite\The KINGDOM Software 8.3 Demo Projects\DATA\2d-3dData\2D.

8. Click Next to close the Bulk Import 2D SEG Y Traces with Coordinates dialog box and open the Select Seismic Data Volume Name dialog box.

9. Select *Amplitude (default) and click Next to open the SEG Y File Parameters dialog box.

Having already viewed the data in KINGDOM Viewer, we know that data is stored as follows:

• Seismic Line name is in Row 2 of the Text Header Record (it’s Line Number 3).

• For each trace, the shotpoint number Starts in byte 5, the X coordinate Starts in Byte 73, and the Y coordinate Starts in Byte 77.

• For the Golden Data set, your parameters should appear exactly as in Figure 9.

• Notice that when you change a number in one of the “Byte” parameter boxes, the contents of that byte for the first trace in the file appear to the right of the parameter box.

• The format (16-Bit, 32-Bit, IBM Float or IEEE Float) for items in the header data may not be the standard 32-bit format. If the value to the right of the parameter box is yielding incorrect values, try a different format. Look at the number to the right of the parameter box. If the value that you expect for the first trace is still not correct, choose another format, and see if the correct number appears.

• Shotpoint, X, and Y scale factors are used to multiply these parameters by a constant. For example, if shotpoints are stored as 1000, 1005, etc. in the file when they should really be 100, 100.5, etc., the scale factor 0.1 should be used.

• For the Golden Data set, use 1.0.

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Import 2D Data With Coordinates


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Figure 9 — SEG Y File Parameters dialog box

10. In the SEG Y File Parameters dialog box, enter the parameters as shown in Figure 9.

11. Click Next to open the Set Time Data Bounds dialog box.

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Import 2D Data With Coordinates


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Figure 10 — Set Time Data Bounds

12. The Start Time and End Time can be changed in this dialog box. Click Next to open the Save Data dialog box.

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Import 2D Data With Coordinates


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Figure 11 — Save Data dialog box

Note: In the Output Data Format option, select 8-Bit if the data is to be used for interpretation. For the vast majority of applications, 8-Bit provide the resolution needed for interpretation, attribute extraction, and other amplitude analyses. For study of subtle features, data with rapid amplitude decay, or other rare special cases, 32-Bit resolution may be needed. The trade-off here is that four times as much space is required for 32 bit format storage.

13. Click Finish to complete the loading.

Your Base Map window should look like Figure 12.

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Import 2D Data With Coordinates


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Figure 12 - Base Map Window (with SEG Y 3 Loaded)

14. To change the scales and add margins at the top and on the left side of the window, click the

Set Scales icon to open the Settings dialog box.

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View Shotpoints in Seismic Window


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View Shotpoints in Seismic Window

The seismic line can be shown and checked to make sure the traces are assigned to the right shotpoints. Also note that in the Project Tree that an icon for 3 has been added under the Survey List and this has a gray color indicating that seismic data has been loaded for this line.

1. Double-click Line 3 to open the Line 3, Amplitudes Vertical Seismic Display window (Figure 13).

Figure 13 - Line 3, Amplitudes Window (with Shotpoints)

2. Position the cursor on the left-most trace and check the shotpoint value in the Status bar. The shot point should be either the first or last shotpoint (1 or 256).

3. Move the cursor to the right-most trace and check the shotpoint number again.

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View Shotpoints in Seismic Window


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4. Press the F4 key to restore the initial amplitude display settings to improve the quality of the seismic display.

5. Press the F5 key to increase the amplitudes in the display.

6. Press the F6 key to decrease the amplitudes in the display.

You have now imported a 2D line with shotpoints and coordinates and verified that the data was imported correctly!

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Import World Coordinates


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Import World Coordinates

1. Click in the Base Map window, and from the main menu, choose Surveys > Import World Coordinates > 2d By File to open the Select Coordinate Files dialog box.

2. In the Select Coordinate Files dialog box, click the down arrow adjacent to the Select Survey text field and select Create new 2D survey(s) from the displayed list.

3. In the Select Coordinate Files dialog box, click the down arrow adjacent to the Files of type text field and select Other Files (*.*) from the displayed list.

4. Use the down arrow adjacent to the Look in text field and select \KingdomSuite\The KINGDOM Software 8.3 Demo Projects\DATA\Text Files.

5. Double-click LN1SPS.TXT to open the Coordinates and Shotpoints Scaling Options dialog box.

6. In the Coordinates and Shotpoints Scaling Options dialog box, turn on Imported Coordinates in Feet (no scaling applied) and click OK to open the Shot Point Data File dialog box (Figure 14).

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Import World Coordinates


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Figure 14 - Shot Point Data File dialog box (showing Line 1 Data)

7. In the Shot Point Data File dialog box, enter 11 in the Lines to Skip text box to skip the comment lines in the file.

8. In the Selection List we will associate an item with the column(s) containing the item in the data file. The File Data list shows that you can scroll through 6 lines at a time of the file to make sure the proper fields are identified in the data file.

9. Tab size of eight columns works for this data set, so un-check the Use tabs as delimiter option to activate the Tab size text area. (You may have to change it to fit your data).:

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Import World Coordinates


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10. In the Selection List, click Line_Name char.

The line is highlighted in red and the first column in the File Data also turns to red. The line name is L1 so this association is correct.

11. In the Selection List, click Shot_Point Float.

The column with shot point numbers is now highlighted in green in the File Data list corresponding to the green highlight for the item in the Selection List.

12. In the Selection List, click X and Y.

The next two columns in the File Data list are highlighted in blue and yellow, corresponding to the same items in the Selection List.

Tip: You can move the column headers by positioning the cursor on the heading name (at which time a <-> symbol appears), then click and hold down the left mouse button to move the header to the correct column position. Release the left mouse button to complete the move operation.

13. Use the cursor on the File Data list to ensure that all the digits in each column are completely highlighted. To expand the column (highlighting), position the cursor at the edge of the highlighted column until the cursor turns into a <||>, hold down the left mouse button and drag to expand to the column to the desired width and then release the button.

14. Click OK

KINGDOM message asks: “Do you wish to Import the SEG Y data now?”

15. Click NO because, for this tutorial, you want to read in the rest of the line number coordinates before you begin importing the data traces.

16. Repeat the same process for LINE5SP.PRN starting on Step 1 of Import World Coordinates on page 21 on through step 14.

Note: Observe that this file contains 12 header lines, so enter 12 in the Lines to Skip text field.

17. At the end of the process the KINGDOM Suite message appears: “Do you wish to Import the SEG Y data now?”

18. Click Yes to close this dialog box and to open the Bulk Import 2D SEG Y Into Existing 2D Surveys dialog box (Figure 15).

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Bulk Import 2D SEG Y Into Existing 2D Surveys


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Bulk Import 2D SEG Y Into Existing 2D Surveys

Figure 15 - Bulk Import 2D SEG Y Into Existing 2D Surveys

1. Accept the default specifications of Standard (Big Endian) and Time and click Next to progress to the Select Seismic Data Volume Name dialog box.

If you are going to pick horizons on this data set, select Amplitudes as the data type. If you already have an Amplitudes data type imported for this line, select another data type or Create New Data Type.

2. Select Amplitudes as the Data Type Name and click Next to advance to the Bulk Import 2D SEG Y Traces dialog box.

3. In the Bulk Import 2D SEG Y Traces dialog box (Figure 16), the SEG Y Data Type text field indicates that the input data type will be Amplitudes.

If you need to change the data type click the < Back button to take you back one step to the Select Seismic Data Volume Name dialog box. Select a data type other than Amplitudes.

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Figure 16 — Bulk Import 2D SEG Y Traces dialog box

Tip: When you pick horizons, the value of the Amplitude is automatically imported into the horizon file along with the times of your picks.

4. For the Lines to Display option, turn ON Lines Without Traces.

The dialog box changes so that only L1 and L5 line names are visible (Figure 17).

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Figure 17 - Bulk Import 2D SEG Y Traces dialog box showing only L1 & L5

5. Turn ON Disk (for all input sources except tape, select Disk).

6. Triple-click File1 name is Row 1 of the SEG Y File column to open the Open dialog box.

7. Double-click 1.sgy to open the file.

8. Triple-click the File1 name in Row 2 of the SEG Y File column, to open the Open dialog box.

9. In the Open dialog box, click to select file 5.sgy, and click Open to open the file.

10. In the Bulk Import 2D SEG Y Traces dialog box, click Next to open the Define Trace Numbers dialog box.

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11. In the Define Trace Numbers dialog box (not shown), turn ON Trace Sequence Number by Counting and click Next to open the Save Data dialog box.

Note: IMPORTANT: In the Save Data dialog box, select 8-Bit if the data will be used for interpretation. For the vast majority of applications, 8 bits will provide the resolution needed for interpretation, attribute extraction, and other amplitude analyses. For study of subtle features, data with rapid amplitude decay, or other rare special cases, 32-Bit resolution may be needed. The trade-off here is that four times as much space is required for 32-Bit format storage.

Note: In the Output Directory area, the location where the data will be stored is displayed.

12. If desired, turn ON User Directory and click Browse to select a new location for the seismic data.

Note: Available space in the chosen directory will be listed automatically, along with the Maximum space required to load the seismic data.

13. Click Finish to load the seismic data and close the loading dialog boxes. The base map should now look like Figure 18.

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Figure 18 — Base Map Window showing 1.sgy and 5.sgy

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View the Shotpoints in Seismic Window


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View the Shotpoints in Seismic Window

If you need to change the scales and add margins at the top and on the left side of the window.

1. Click the Set Scales icon to open the Settings dialog box.

2. In the Settings dialog box, click the Margins tab and enter 1 for top and left margin.

3. Click the Scale tab a scale of 1 inch = 3000 feet.

4. Click OK.

Notice that the two lines you just loaded are also now shown in the Project Tree window under the Surveys/Survey List folder. The gray icon beside each line name indicates that there are traces associated with the shotpoints on the lines.

To view the seismic data:

1. To verify Line L5 was properly imported, double-click a shot point of line L5 on the base map to open a display window for the line (Figure 19).

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View the Shotpoints in Seismic Window


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Figure 19 - Line L5 Amplitudes (showing Shotpoints)

2. Position the cursor on the first and last traces on the display and verify that the shotpoint numbers are 260.5 and 375.5. You can also tell by looking at the Y Scale across the top of the window, which lists the shotpoints.

3. Repeat the process and show L1 in a Line window to also verify that the data is properly imported.

Congratulations, you have completed the 2D Seismic Importing Tutorial

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