2b. gladys friedler, pharmacology researcher

!" #$%&' )*''+',-. /*0+1*2 34*5+-016 71$8*--$1 2b. Gladys Friedler, Pharmacology Researcher

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Post on 18-Dec-2021




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2b. Gladys Friedler, Pharmacology Researcher

3. Elma Lewis, African-American Arts

4. Louisa Matthiasdottir, painter

5b. Maxine Kumin, poet

6b. Sylvia Olden Lee with Zubin Mehta, musician

7. Lucile Fessenden Dandelet, Photographer 8. Elda Hartley, Photographer

9. June Wayne, painter, graphic artist 10. Annamaria Torriani-Gorini, biologist

11b. Helen Davies, biology professor

12. Marianna Pineda, sculptor

13. Sydney Leonard, dance choreographer and master teacher

14. Olive Pierce, Documentary Photographer

15a. Phyllis Curtin, opera soprano & professor 15b. Maud Morgan, painter

Rosalyn Yalow, physicist


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Heilbrun, C. (1988). Writing a Woman's Life. NY: Ballantine Books. Hess, T. & Baker, E., Eds. (1973). Art and Sexual Politics: Women's Liberation, Women Artists, and Art History. NY: Macmillan Publishing Co. Lippard, L. (1976). From the Center: Feminist Essays on Women’s Art. NY: EP Dutton. Munro, E. (1979). Originals: American Women Artists. NY: Simon & Schuster. Nochlin, L. (1988). Women, Art and Power. NY: Harper. Woolf, V. (1979). Women and Writing. The Women’s Press. Women in the Sciences Abir-Am P. & Outram, D. (1987). Uneasy Careers and Intimate Lives: Women in Science. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press. Bird, S. (1993). Mentoring Means Future Scientists. Washington DC: Association for Women in Science. Fort, D. Ed. (1995). A Hand Up: Women Mentoring Women in Science. Washington, DC: The Association for Women in Science. Harding, S. (1987). “Introduction. Is There a Feminist Method?” In S. Harding , Ed. Feminism and Methodology. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. Mattfeld, J. & Van Aken, C. Eds. (1965). Women and the Scientific Professions: the MIT Symposium on American Women in Science and Engineering.: MIT Press. National Academy of Sciences (2000). Who Will Do the Science of the Future? A Symposium on Careers of Women in Science. Washington DC: National Academy Press. Selby, C. Ed. (1999). Women in Science and Engineering: Choices for Success. NY: The New York Academy of Science. Rossiter, M. (1982). Women Scientists in America: Struggles and Strategies to 1940. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. Rossiter, M. (1995). Women Scientists in America: Before Affirmative Action, 1940-1972. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. Sonnert, G. (1995). Who Succeeds in Science: the Gender Dimension. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press. Women and Science: Celebrating Achievements, Charting Challenges: Conference Report. (March 1997). Arlington, VA: National Science Foundation. Women, Minorities, and Persons With Disabilities in Science and Engineering: 1996. Arlington, VA: National Science Foundation. Other Books Pertaining to Women and Work Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1990). Flow: the Psychology of Optimal Experience: Steps Toward Enhancing the Quality of Life. NY: HarperPerennial. Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1996). Creativity: Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and Invention. NY: HarperPerennial. Fletcher, JK. (1999). Disappearing Acts: Gender, Power, and Relational Practice at Work. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Goleman, D. (1998). Working With Emotional Intelligence. NY: Bantam Books. Jordan, J., et al (1991). Women’s Growth in Connection: Writings From the Stone Center. NY: The Guilford Press. See especially “Relationship and Empowerment “(Surrey); “The Construction of Anger in Women and Men” (Miller); “Work Inhibitions in Women” (Stiver); “Women and Power” (Miller). Lewin, R. & Regine, B. (2000). The Soul at Work: Listen...Respond...Let Go: Embracing Complexity Science for Business Success. NY: Simon & Schuster. Rimm, S. (1999). See Jane Win: The Rimm Report on How 1000 Girls Became Successful Women. NY: Three Rivers Press. Streznewski, MK. (1999). Gifted Grownups: the Mixed Blessings of Extraordinary Potential. NY: John Wiley & Sons.!