29 innovation & success quotes by elon musk


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Page 1: 29 Innovation & Success Quotes by Elon Musk




Page 2: 29 Innovation & Success Quotes by Elon Musk

"When something isimportant enough, you

do it even if the odds arenot in your favor."

by Elon Musk

Page 3: 29 Innovation & Success Quotes by Elon Musk

"Some people don't likechange, but you need toembrace change if thealternative is disaster."

by Elon Musk

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"Failure is an optionhere. If things are notfailing, you are notinnovating enough."

by Elon Musk

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"The path to the CEO's officeshould not be through the CFO's

office, and it should not bethrough the marketing

department. It needs to bethrough engineering and design."

by Elon Musk

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"Persistence is very important.You should not give up unless you

are forced to give up."

by Elon Musk

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"I think it's very important tohave a feedback loop, where

you're constantly thinking aboutwhat you've done and how you

could be doing it better."

by Elon Musk

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"There's a tremendous biasagainst taking risks. Everyone is

trying to optimize theirass-covering."

by Elon Musk

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"It's OK to have your eggs in onebasket as long as you controlwhat happens to that basket."

by Elon Musk

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"Brand is just a perception, andperception will match reality overtime. Sometimes it will be ahead,other times it will be behind. But

brand is simply a collectiveimpression some have about a

product."by Elon Musk

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If you're co-founder or CEO, youhave to do all kinds of tasks you

might not want to do... If youdon't do your chores, the

company won't succeed... No taskis too menial."

by Elon Musk

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"I always invest my own moneyin the companies that I create. I

don't believe in the whole thing ofjust using other people's money. Idon't think that's right. I'm not

going to ask other people toinvest in something if I'm not

prepared to do so myself."by Elon Musk

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"My biggest mistake is probablyweighing too much on someone's

talent and not someone's personality.I think it matters whether someone

has a good heart."

by Elon Musk

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"I don't create companies forthe sake of creating companies,

but to get things done."

by Elon Musk

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"I don't believe in process. In fact, when I interview apotential employee and he or she says that 'it's all

about the process,' I see that as a bad sign. Theproblem is that at a lot of big companies, process

becomes a substitute for thinking. You're encouraged tobehave like a little gear in a complex machine. Frankly,it allows you to keep people who aren't that smart, who

aren't that creative."

by Elon Musk

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"Talent is extremely important. It'slike a sports team, the team that hasthe best individual player will often

win, but then there's a multiplier fromhow those players work together and

the strategy they employ."

by Elon Musk

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"Work like hell. I mean you just have toput in 80 to 100 hour weeks every week.[This] improves the odds of success. If

other people are putting in 40 hourworkweeks and you're putting in 100 hourworkweeks, then even if you're doing the

same thing, you know that you willachieve in four months what it takes them

a year to achieve."

by Elon Musk

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"When somebody has a breakthroughinnovation, it is rarely one little thing.Very rarely, is it one little thing. It'susually a whole bunch of things that

collectively amount to a hugeinnovation."

by Elon Musk

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"If you get up in the morning andthink the future is going to be better,it is a bright day. Otherwise, it's not."

by Elon Musk

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"What makes innovative thinkinghappen?... I think it's really amindset. You have to decide."

by Elon Musk

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"People should pursue whatthey're passionate about. Thatwill make them happier thanpretty much anything else."

by Elon Musk

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"I wouldn't say I have a lack offear. In fact, I'd like my fearemotion to be less because it'svery distracting and fries my

nervous system."

by Elon Musk

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"When Henry Ford made cheap,reliable cars, people said, 'Nah, what'swrong with a horse?' That was a huge

bet he made, and it worked."

by Elon Musk

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"I wouldn't say I have a lack offear. In fact, I'd like my fearemotion to be less because it'svery distracting and fries my

nervous system."

by Elon Musk

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"Disruptive technology whereyou really have a big technology

discontinuity... tends to comefrom new companies."

by Elon Musk

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"As much as possible, avoidhiring MBAs. MBA programs

don't teach people how to createcompanies."

by Elon Musk

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"Don't delude yourself intothinking something's workingwhen it's not, or you're gonnaget fixated on a bad solution."

by Elon Musk

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"If something has to be designedand invented, and you have to

figure out how to ensure that thevalue of the thing you create is

greater than the cost of theinputs, then that is probably my

core skill."

by Elon Musk

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"I always have optimism, but I'mrealistic. It was not with the

expectation of great success that Istarted Tesla or SpaceX... It's just

that I thought they wereimportant enough to do anyway."

by Elon Musk

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"You shouldn't do things differently just becausethey're different. They need to be... better."

by Elon Musk