Giving What We Can launches essay competition, first prize is $1000; deadline to submit is August 31st in GH Announcements May 28th, 2015 Giving What We Can evaluates global poverty charities and encourages members to give to the most effective ones. Members pledge to give at least 10% of their income to the most effective charities (students can pledge to give 1% while they are studying). More information is available on thewebsite . Giving What We Can is launching an essay competition for students in global health, (international) public health, development, (development) economics, philosophy, medicine, and related subjects. Giving What We Can finds the best opportunities to make a significant impact to reduce disease and suffering in the world. That’s why they’re asking students to write about the most cost-effective global poverty or health interventions – they could write about the merits of an existing intervention, or look for a neglected

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Giving What We Can launches essay competition, first prize is $1000; deadline to submit is August 31stin GH Announcements May 28th, 2015Giving What We Can evaluates global poverty charities and encourages members to give to the most effective ones. Members pledge to give at least 10% of their income to the most effective charities (students can pledge to give 1% while they are studying). More information is available on thewebsite.Giving What We Can is launching an essay competition for students in global health, (international) public health, development, (development) economics, philosophy, medicine, and related subjects.

Giving What We Can finds the best opportunities to make a significant impact to reduce disease and suffering in the world. That’s why they’re asking students to write about the most cost-effective global poverty or

health interventions – they could write about the merits of an existing intervention, or look for a neglected disease or cause that looks like a really promising candidate for solving with cost-effective interventions. The best entries will be published on their website and share in $2000 worth of prizes — first prize is $1000!Information about how to enter the competition can be found here.

The deadline for submissions is 31st August 2015 (11:59pm, UK time).


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nnouncing the Giving What We Can Global Poverty Essay

Competition ($2000 in prize money): ‘Where should we

donate to do the most good?’by Hauke Hillebrandt, posted on May 27th 2015

About Giving What We Can:

Giving What We Can is a global community of people committed to giving part of our income in the most effective way possible in order to fight global poverty. We evaluate global poverty charities and encourage our members to give to the most effective ones. Our members come from all walks of life and all pledge to give at least 10% of their income to the most effective charities (students pledge to give 1% while they are studying). If enough people do this, we can eliminate extreme poverty within this lifetime.

Giving What We Can has also established student chapters in the UK, the US, Switzerland and Australia. You can join the nearest chapter (or help to set one up) to meet like-minded people and to support each other in giving.

Giving What We Can - Essay competition

How can we help others most effectively? Which organisation should we donate our money to, in order to do the most good for the global poor? What is the mosteffective, scalable, evidence-based, but currently underfunded global poverty/health intervention that is already being implemented or could be implemented soon?

Your essay should address a question of this kind. You can see some examples of such research here.

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The essay might clarify the following issues:

1. Intervention scale: What is the scale of the problem?

For health interventions, this could be quantified in terms of the global burden of disease in disability adjusted life years (DALYs). For other interventions, such as educational interventions or cash transfers, other ways of quantification are possible. As a general orientation you might find the data from the Global Burden of Disease study useful, which you can visualize here.

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2. What is the cost-effectiveness analysis of the intervention (USD per DALY averted)?

For information on this, see:

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o page 52 of the Disease Control Priorities Vol. 2.o You can find more recent cost-effectiveness analyses by browsing Google 

Scholar for “"DALY averted" OR "DALY saved" or the Disease Control Priorities website.

3. Neglectedness/crowdedness:o Is there an organisation that is currently doing this intervention work and 

could use our donations?o Is there room for more funding in this area which would mean that 

additional donations to this intervention have high impact? Or is this area currently already sufficiently funded, so that the marginal impact of our donation would be low?

o For a pointer see Givewell’s page on this.

4. Evidence base / Tractability:

How strong is the evidence that this intervention is or will be effective? Is it a feasible intervention that could realistically be implemented soon or are there strong barriers to this intervention being implemented (e.g. cultural, political, technological barriers)?

Word limit

900 words excluding references.


1st Prize: $1,000

2nd Prize: $500

3rd Prize: $250

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4th Prize: $50

5th Prize: $50

Prize 6-12: Book prize: Doing Good Better: How Effective Altruism Can Help You Make a Difference

Eligibility Criteria:

You must be a student enrolled at a school or university to enter this competition. Current and former employees and interns of the Centre for Effective Altruism and their family members and friends are excluded from this competition.

By submitting an essay you agree for the essay and your name to be published on the Giving What We Can blog. The deadline for submission is 31st August 2015 (11:59pm).


Please send your submission (including contact details) in PDF format with the subject line: ‘Essay Competition - [ESSAY SUBJECT]’ to Hauke Hillebrandt [email protected].

We are happy to announce that it's time for a new essay writing contest from EssayMama writing service! EssayMama Writing Contest is a great opportunity for both young and experienced writers to express themselves. So don’t hesitate - enter the contest and win great prizes! Entry Fee - $ 0!

Why compete in EssayMama Essay Writing Contest?

Get cash.

1st place - $500 2nd place - $350 3rd place - $200

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Get published.

Get fame and popularity! Three best works will be published on the EssayMama Blog.

Get discovered.

Share your writing spirit and talent with the world!

Terms and Conditions

Deadline - October 1, 2015. Submit your essays from July 6 till October 1, 2015.

Judging Criteria

Essays will be checked by EssayMama team of professional writers and editors from October 1, 2015 till October 8, 2015. Scale - from 0 to 100 points. You can get extra points for extra social sharing (see the information below).

The final results will be announced on October 9, 2015. The winning essays will be published on EssayMama blog. Each winner will receive a personal email alert.

How to enter EssayMama Essay Writing Contest?

To enter the contest you need to "like" EssayMama Facebook Page and share the post about EssayMama Writing Contest on your own Facebook page OR to follow EssayMama Twitter Profile and retweet the tweet about EssayMama Writing Contest.

Link to your shared post/tweet is the 'entry fee' to the competition, so do not forget to add it to your letter!


You can get extra points for extra social sharing! Share/follow/like other EssayMama social profiles and get more points to your essay score! You can find the links to EssayMama social profiles in the sidebar. Page follow - 5 extra points, post sharing - 2 extra points.

Submission Guidelines

Type Essay (800 - 1300 words) - one participant can send only one essay!


1. What is the role of social media in education?2. A college student's dilemma: to study or to work?3. Online learning: is it effective nowadays?4. Why don't teens read like they used to?5. Importance of essay writing in education6. What are the effects of illiteracy for the civilization??7. The ideal education system: what does it look like?8. Causes and effects of academic procrastination

Language English only

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Formats .doc, .rtf, .odt, and .docx

100% unique All submissions will be checked via PlagTracker.

Participation in the contest automatically constitutes your agreement to the Terms and Conditions and the rejection of any claim.

Mail title should be [EssayMama Essay Writing Summer Contest], your name.

Submit to contest[at]essaymama.com

- See more at: http://www.essaymama.com/contests/#sthash.gqXbF0D3.dpuf


Life Obstacles: The Punishment or the Necessary Impetus?

by Ruwaydah Safa Kalb

First place in Essaymama Essay Writing Contest

  The ambition for knowledge and self-realization is as old as humanity. The man was born with the thirst for ultimate realization engraved in the deepest layers of his being. We all want to discover the reason behind our existence. We need to understand why we were born and why we die. What is the purpose of life? Is it joy or suffering? Whatever the true meaning of one’s life is, he can never come to the final realization without going between these two absolutes. When I look around me, I see how everyone I know has his own struggles and reasons to live. I am aware of the fact that people and governments create wars for oil and diamonds, which cannot be owned by anyone, simply because of our temporary existence as individuals. The obstacles in life taught me one thing: nothing is mine, except for the naked truth I was born with. As all other people, I carry a baggage of anger, hate, love, joy and dreams. My emotional layers would be poor without the experiences they resulted from. My evolution as a human being would not be possible without the struggles that taught me how to be strong. 

  Obstacles are necessary even when a person is put in the ideal surroundings. He has enough money, a compatible partner, and successful children. What does he face? Insecurities. Our complex personality is consisted of many aspects related to internal perceptions about the events in our life, especially the ones from the period of early childhood. There are many elements that determine the way we react to the events and relations: the way we were raised, the education we received, the community we grew up in, and much more. We are not always aware of the impressions that influence the way we perceive reality. We can only become stronger if we understand ourselves, and we can only come to that understanding if we learn from the struggles in our lives. I’ve had the opportunity to observe people who have everything others wish for: money, power, love, health, and achievements. They are the perfect foundation for developing domineering, overly-aggressive behavior that intoxicates people around them. Their lives seem perfect, and that’s the exact obstacle they face. 

  The difficulties on our path to self-realization have a “permission” to exist. They have a purpose, as gears in a complex mechanism that is perfectly balanced in its apparent chaos. Through pain and suffering, life forces us to realize when we’ve wrapped comfort around our existence. We cannot fix something if we don’t face an experience that leads to awareness. How would we

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recognize progress if we didn’t work hard for it? When I realized the purpose of the difficulties I faced, I understood they were a necessary tool that taught me how to make a difference between good and bad, important and insignificant, useful and pointless. I was not aware of the value of some things until I lost them. The most tragic event in my life made me realize that the world did not exist for me. No one is in charge of making me feel safe and happy all the time. It is my own responsibility to deal with the emotions that resulted from something I could no longer influence. Every experience comes with a lesson. In reality, obstacles are a necessary part of the journey towards our goals. 

  People, like societies, are not solely transformed by revolutions. In fact, revolutionary transformations can often take us backwards. It’s the little, often understated changes that make us stronger by forcing us to face our fears and disappointment. When something is too painful for us, we are not immediately ready to take it as a lesson. Nevertheless, we eventually come to the realization that the purpose of the event was not to make us give up on everything we stand for, but to make us stronger and more committed to discovering the reason we live for. For me, the only way to surpass the barriers is to understand the way they influence my emotions, thoughts, and overall personality. When I see the bigger picture, I am able to perceive the difficulties not as a punishment, but as a necessary impetus that’s never as serious as my current emotions make it seem. 

  The biggest obstacles in life don’t come from external factors. They come from people’s ego, which is rarely willing to accept a situation that doesn’t make it feel comfortable. Each difficulty tests my ego. When things don’t go as planned, I wonder: “Do I have enough knowledge and strength to proceed? Will this experience make me a bitter person, or will it help me grow?” Every moment in my life may seem like a struggle when I observe it with a negative state of mind. Thus, my mind patterns, dictated by the Ego, are the main obstacles I need to overcome. The bumps on the road are necessary lessons that help me surpass myself. - See more at: http://www.essaymama.com/blog/life-obstacles-punishment-necessary-impetus/#sthash.FYyYS9ys.dpuf

Novel ‘1984' by George Orwell – Dystopia or Possible Reality?

By Joel NichollsSecond place in Essaymama Essay Writing Contest 

  In the middle of the 20th century, George Orwell frightened the world with the pessimistic forecast he elaborated in 1984. Since this year is far behind us, the novel may seem outdated regarding the threats and challenges we face today. Orwell, inspired by the events in the Cold War, presented a cruel type of totalitarian society, inspired by the Soviet Union under the rule of Stalin. Yet, the ubiquitous character of the Big Brother denies the idea that Orwell’s vision was limited to the events he witnessed. Over twenty years after the fall of the Soviet Union, the Big Brother and his philosophy of governance remain a typical example of the protagonists of power in the world. Orwell’s predictions for the future, defined by a boot stamping on a human face, were enough to scare both misanthropic pessimists and idealistic optimists. What fraction did the writer belong to? Was he trying to present a gloomy dystopia or a possible reality? Perhaps he did both. 

  1984 is a dystopian novel in its essence, but to me, Orwell was an impeccable realist. The book is so convincing in the fact that this kind of reality is possible for the future of our society, that the

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writer had to be deeply convinced in its probability. As a touchstone for our culture, 1984 still is a warning alarm that reminds us how things are about to get worse. We survived the bloodiest century in human history, although we still haven’t come to the final nuclear annihilation predicted by Orwell. One reading of this book was enough for me to understand that although this writer was inspired by the Soviet society, his vision can be applied to any government, in any period of history. In the era of globalization and digitalization, the Big Brother seems more realistic than ever before. Even his goals – to enslave the citizens and to keep them frightened and threatened by constant wars, existential crises and continuous brainwashing – are easily applicable in today’s governmental systems. However, the means of power have changed. 

  Instead of direct imposition of power, typical for the practices of Lenin and Stalin that served as an inspiration to Orwell, today we recognize the principles of abundance, freedom and democracy. However, these alleged liberties are created in the minds of the subject, serving as means for a more subtle way of governing that has the same Orwellian goals. “War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength” – these are the postulates of Orwell’s dystopian society. When it comes to the civilization we are witnessing today, it seems like our existence is defined by the final part of this motto, “ignorance is strength”. The need to gradually reduce general knowledge and people’s spiritual potential is not exclusive to communist societies. Unfortunately, this hypothesis is an unspoken imperative of higher education programs in contemporary western societies. The system of student evaluation by contemporary educators certainly leads towards their transformation in entertainers. Each lesson that requires more effort is being censored for the sake of simpler methods that appeal to the digital generation. The downfall of arts and humanities in American high schools carries an Orwellian vigor in its essence. The final goal of Orwell’s Newspeak was Duckspeak – speech that would be produced solely by the throat, without any participation of the brain centers. When I take a look at the pointless news produced by the numbing mass media, this dreadful prediction seems somewhat familiar. 

  If Orwell could see the turn our society took by following the trail of technological innovation, he would consider his Big Brother to be a rather benign phenomenon when opposed to the outrageous systems for general supervision and the daily attacks on privacy we witness today. Various Internet corporations are monitoring every human in this world without their knowledge or direct permission. They are collecting personal information on our identity. They know all about our habits, connections, prospects, and interests. Monitoring polices are no longer aimed towards politically exposed persons. Today, every citizen is a target. When we see that all countries belong in the territory of global supervision, we realize that democracy is nothing more than an illusion. The information coming from conflicted countries is shamelessly manipulated. When the news reaches us, we are not even able to think for ourselves. Edward Snowden’s reports told us what we already knew: the Big Brother is absolutely real. 

  1984 is an unusual blend of the past, present, and future of the human society. It is a credible analysis of power, which can be related to all political ideologies and systems. Power does not choose its means of realization. However, people have an instinct to oppose to things that are being served to them. Winston Smith personifies that natural rebellion that’s still present today – some of us do not succumb to mediocrity. In the end, Winston realizes that he loves the Big Brother more than liberty. His transformation represents the end of rebellious spirit and desire for freedom. Winston, who is finally “purified” with the methods of the Party, is a dark prediction for humanity. I choose to believe that Orwell’s prediction was unnecessarily pessimistic in this part. Throughout the book, I sympathized with this character and suffered with him. Fortunately, I don't see myself ending up like he did. Many people, who are supposed to be content by the pleasures

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and convenience served by technology, are refusing to go on the path of mindlessness. If we are living in a world where freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength, I choose to be a fragile seeker for the truth, who is enslaved by the freedom of choice. - See more at: http://www.essaymama.com/blog/1984-george-orwell-dystopia-possible-reality/#sthash.38GoG56q.dpuf

The Most Inspiring Book You've Ever Read. The Brothers Karamazov by F. Dostoevsky

By Kristy S. Owens Third place in Essaymama Essay Writing Contest

  There are books we read without a purpose. We grab them when we want a leisure activity that wouldn’t burden us with dilemmas about the choices we make in life. There are also powerful books that transform something within us. Some authors manage to change the way we understand the world and ourselves. For some people, the inspiration is in the Scriptures, while others prefer modern psychology in the form of “how to” books. Others find deep meaning in a seemingly simple story, such as The Little Prince or Jonathan Livingston Seagull. The book that shifted me from the zone of comfort was The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoevsky. No matter how many times I go back to it, I always discover new inspiration that helps me trace my entire life in the direction I believe it is supposed to go. This book makes me seek for answers deep within me. The questions Dostoevsky imposes are mostly based on belief and free will, which are both a freedom and a punishment. In my opinion, this writer was one of the greatest researchers of the human soul that ever existed. 

  In The Brothers Karamazov, Dostoevsky gave us the ideal of a beautiful, positive person through the character of Father Zosima, opposed against the character of the bitter rationalist Ivan Karamazov. Between these two “absolute” characters, I could recognize a plethora of personalities with their own internal struggles. There is hardly a human characteristic that Dostoevsky did not address in this book. For Nietzsche, this author was the only psychologist from whom he had anything to learn. In psychology, the personality is defined as “the integrated and dynamic organization of the physical, mental, moral, and social qualities of the individual that manifests itself upon others in social life”. Dostoevsky managed to capture different combinations of these factors. Thus, this novel is more than literature to me; it is psychology and philosophy in actu. The world of twisted or naive aristocrats and servants, pious saints and atheists, criminals and sufferers, and obsessive idealists and rigid conformists, reaches readers regardless of the time, territory, religion, and cultural turmoil. 

  Although the patricide, which is in the middle of the action, makes the narration intriguing and successful, the value of this book is in the thought-provoking parable The Grand Inquisitor, as well as in the opposing views of Ivan on one side, and the elder Zosima and Alyosha Karamazov on the other. When I first read The Brothers Karamazov, I was shocked by the intellectual atheism of Ivan Karamazov and his legend of the grand inquisitor, which raised many questions about everything I stood for. This part of the book made me reconsider my beliefs, mainly because it did not offer definitive answers; it left the discussion open for pondering in the deepest layers of my personality. The hesitation Dostoevsky leaves me with always leads to learning more about myself. Through this part of the book, the author performs a radical, unprecedented attack on Christianity, which I experienced even more intensively than the one in Nietzsche’s Antichrist. As I faced Ivan’s harsh critiques of religion and unforced satire of people’s beliefs, I spent days in inner struggle, pulling parallels with real-life events. Finally, I was able to see the big picture and come to realization. 

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  Although Dostoevsky presents both atheism and spirituality through this book, he is never an explicit apologist of any side. This book imposed one question, which I managed to answer after a long, honest dialogue with myself: “Do I believe?” However, there was another answer I needed too: “Did Dostoevsky believe?” Like all great writers, he is not acting with the thesis “these are the good guys, and these are the bad ones”. Throughout his analysis of humanity, he managed to present his own tormented mind that was looking for solutions. The writer was not trying to convince us of something; he took the role of a “realist in the higher sense”. That’s why his novels are polyphonic. The characters come on stage to tell their story, and the reader remains in charge of the side he stands for. Dostoevsky presents the man in anger and distress; in a fiery whirlwind of passion and temptations. For me, the most disturbing part of this book was Dmitry’s tormented spirit, which reveals the outback in people’s soul. I understood this character as a masochistic archetype, running towards his own downfall. When someone loses touch with himself, the terrible face of nothingness pushes him deeper. Throughout the novel, I saw Dmitry Karamazov show his great power, when he finally found where to direct it. 

  After reading The Brothers Karamazov, I realized that the characters of the Elder Zosima and Alyosha Karamazov inspired me to be a better person, in the spirit and true essence of Christianity. I started reading the Bible after I finished this book and resolved my own inner struggle. Dostoevsky’s characters present the best and worst features of humanity. I don’t know if he ever found his answers, but I’m grateful that he helped me find my own. Not many readers would choose Father Zosima as their favorite character from the book, mainly because they consider him to be idealistic. Nevertheless, I saw him as an inspiring man, who showed me how to remain strong through silent resistance against everything that’s wrong in our world. - See more at: http://www.essaymama.com/blog/most-inspiring-book-brothers-karamazov-dostoevsky/#sthash.ZzgguLxu.dpuf


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Mekanisme  Lomba Menulis #DreamsWellEngineered

Writing competition berlangsung di fanpage Niro Granite Indonesia, dan twitter @nirogranite.

Peserta writing competition diharuskan membuat tulisan dengan tema yang berhubungan dengan

rumah impian Anda, dapat berupa konsep rumah, arsitektur, desain, ataupun dekorasi.

Peserta yang memiliki blog, dapat membuat tulisan di blog dan share link di fb peserta dengan

men-tag Niro Granite Indonesia atau share link melalui twitter dengan mention @nirogranite

disertakan dengan hashtag #DreamsWellEngineered

Peserta yang tidak memiliki blog dapat membuat tulisan di note fb dengan men-tag Niro Granite

Indonesia atau share link note fb melalui twitter dengan mention @nirogranite disertakan hashtag


Selain berupa tulisan, peserta dapat menyertakan gambar yang diambil dari berbagai sumber

(internet atau milik pribadi) dengan menyertakan sumber gambar.

Periode writing competition #DreamsWellEngineered dimulai pada tanggal 1 – 31 Agustus 2015

dan akan dipilih 1 orang pemenang beruntung dengan tulisan sesuai kriteria yang akan

diumumkan pada 14 September 2015.

Hadiah writing competition #DreamsWellEngineered berupa Bathroom Make Over untuk 1 orang

pemenang. Maksimal area 2x3m , area lantai dan dinding (tidak termasuk aksesoris kamar

mandi), termasuk pemasangan/instalasi.

Syarat dan Ketentuan Lomba Menulis Niro Granite Indonesia

Peserta writing competition diharuskan untuk ‘Like’ fanpage Niro Granite Indonesia, follow twitter

@NiroGranite dan follow Instagram @nirograniteid

Peserta writing competition diharuskan membuat tulisan dengan tema “Dreams Well Engineered”

yang menggambarkan keinginan peserta akan konsep rumah impian (dapat termasuk di dalamnya

konsep arsitektur, interior, eksterior)

Peserta yang memiliki blog, dapat membuat tulisan di blog dan share link di fb peserta dengan

men-tag Niro Granite Indonesia atau share link melalui twitter dengan mention @nirogranite

disertakan dengan hashtag #DreamsWellEngineered

Peserta yang tidak memiliki blog dapat membuat tulisan di note fb dengan men-tag Niro Granite

Indonesia atau share link note fb melalui twitter dengan mention @nirogranite disertakan hashtag


Peserta hanya diperbolehkan membuat 1 (satu) buah karya tulisan.

Tulisan terdiri dari minimal 700 kata. Dapat menyertakan image dengan mencantumkan sumber

foto (misalnya dari internet atau foto original milik pribadi). Peserta juga dapat mengambil image

milik Niro Granite dari www.nirogranite.co.iddengan tetap mencantumkan keterangan sumber foto.

Tulisan tidak mengandung unsur politik, SARA dan pornografi.

Niro Granite Indonesia akan memilih 1 (satu) orang pemenang untuk mendapatkan hadiah utama

dan hadiah hiburan untuk 5 (lima) orang komentator yang memberikan komen menarik pada

tulisan peserta writing competition.

Penilaian juri berdasarkan kreativitas, orisinalitas, keunikan dan kesesuaian dengan kriteria karya


Keputusan juri bersifat mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.

Tulisan yang tidak sesuai dengan kriteria kompetisi dapat didiskualifikasi.

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Syarat & ketentuan dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya.


Lomba Karya Tulis Kominfo 2015

Lomba Karya Tulis mengenai Perkembangan atau Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi di Indonesia.

Waktu Pelaksanaan lomba tanggal 17 Agustus 2015 s.d 16 Oktober 2015, pengumuman

pemenang tanggal 28 Oktober 2015.

Ketentuan khusus

Karya Tulis harus original.

Karya Tulis dan data diri yang dapat dihubungi disampaikan paling lambat tanggal 16 Oktober

2015 ke alamat [email protected]

Sebanyak 3 (tiga) pemenang yang terpilih akan mendapatkan masing-masing 1 (satu) paket

hadiah menarik.

Ketentuan Umum Lomba

Mengandung materi yang bersifat positif dan tidak melanggar peraturan perundang-undangan

yang berlaku. 

Keputusan pemilihan pemenang, tidak dapat diganggu gugat.

Untuk pertanyaan seputar lomba dapat dikirimkan ke alamat email: [email protected]


Dalam rangka memperingati hari ulang tahun ke-70 Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia tahun

2015, Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika menyelenggarakan lomba yang dapat diikuti

oleh masyarakat umum sebagai berikut:


1. Lomba Foto Unik Perayaan HUT ke-70 Kemerdekaan RI pada personal blog. 


Waktu Pelaksanaan lomba dari tanggal 14 Agustus 2015 s.d 25 Agustus 2015, pengumuman

pemenang tanggal 31 Agustus 2015.

Sebanyak 3 (tiga) pemenang yang terpilih akan mendapatkan masing-masing 1 (satu) paket

hadiah menarik. 

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Kirimkan link foto di blog anda melalui Twitter dengan mention@kemkominfo & @gprbaik dan

sertakan tagar #RI70, paling lambat tanggal 25 Agustus 2015. 


2. Lomba Penulisan pada personal blog seputar peringatan HUT ke-70 Kemerdekaan RI.


Waktu Pelaksanaan lomba dari tanggal 14 Agustus 2015 s.d 25 Agustus 2015, pengumuman

pemenang tanggal 31 Agustus 2015.

Sebanyak 3 (tiga) pemenang yang akan terpilih akan mendapatkan masing-masing 1 (satu)

paket hadiah menarik.

Kirimkan link tulisan di blog anda melalui Twitter dengan mention @kemkominfo & @gprbaik dan

sertakan tagar #RI70, paling lambat tanggal 25 Agustus 2015. 


3. Lomba Karya Tulis mengenai Perkembangan atau Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi dan

Komunikasi di Indonesia. 

Waktu Pelaksanaan lomba tanggal 17 Agustus 2015 s.d 16 Oktober 2015, pengumuman

pemenang tanggal 28 Oktober 2015.


a.Karya Tulis harus original.

b.Karya Tulis dan data diri yang dapat dihubungi disampaikan paling lambat tanggal 16 Oktober 2015 ke alamat

email [email protected]

Sebanyak 3 (tiga) pemenang yang terpilih akan mendapatkan masing-masing 1 (satu) paket

hadiah menarik.


Ketentuan Umum Lomba:

1.Mengandung materi yang bersifat positif dan tidak melanggar peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. 

2.Keputusan pemilihan pemenang, tidak dapat diganggu gugat.

3.Untuk pertanyaan seputar lomba dapat dikirimkan ke alamat email:[email protected]


Lomba Menulis #Wego17an

Kami mencari tulisan opini tentang jalan-jalan dan nasionalisme. Baik opini yang cenderung mendukung pendapat jalan-jalan di Indonesia bisa menambah rasa nasionalisme, ataupun sebaliknya. Kamu juga bisa menambahkan opini seputar hubungan antara jalan-jalan dan

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nasionalisme. Informasi destinasi boleh diikutsertakan, tapi penilaian utama kamu adalah penyampaian sudut pandang kamu terhadap hubungan jalan-jalan dan nasionalisme.

Hadiah Lomba Menulis #Wego17an

Pemenang 1: Rp. 1.000.000

Pemenang 2: Rp. 750.000

Pemenang 3: Rp. 500.000

Tulisan ketiga pemenang akan ditampilkan di Travel On dan dipromosikan di kanal media sosial

Wego Indonesia.

Syarat Ketentuan Lomba Menulis #Wego17an

Tulisan maksimal 1000 kata.

Disertai foto pendukung tulisan, minimal 3 buah. Foto harus asli milik sendiri dengan ukuran

minimal 750 pixel.

Tulisan tidak mengandung unsur SARA.

Tulisan beserta foto dikirim ke [email protected]

Atau unggah di blog masing-masing dengan dengan menyertakan ‘Tulisan ini disertakan dalam

lomba ‘jalan-jalan nasionalisme’ yang diadakan Travel On Wego Indonesia”. Jangan lupa

promosikan di media sosial kamu (Twitter, Facebook, dan Instagram) dengan mencantumkan

tagar #wego17an supaya mudah dideteksi.

Tulisan paling lambat dikirimkan atau diunggah (bagi yang menggunakan media blog pribadi)

pada tanggal 30 Agustus 2015 pukul 23.59 WIB.

Pemenang diumumkan di Travel On pada tanggal 31 Agustus 2015 paling lambat pukul 15.00.

Tulisan terbaik akan dipilih oleh redaksi Wego Indonesia. Keputusan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.

Tulisan pemenang menjadi milik Wego Indonesia untuk diunggah di kanal Travel On dan

dipromosikan pada media sosial Wego Indonesia. Tulisan peserta lain tidak akan digunakan oleh

pihak redaksi
