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Post on 18-Oct-2015




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Ingilizceyi ogrenmenin kolay yolu ilk once turkce cumleyi okuma ondan sonra ingilizcesini okumak.Boylece ingilizce daha cabuk ve kolay ogrenirsiniz.


2600 ingilizce cmle

Tembel bir kz bir dergi okuyor. A lazy girl is reading a magazine.

Bir rehber resimler hakknda konuuyor. A guide is speaking about the pictures.

Biraz, bir dereceye kadar, bir para A little bit/ a little / somewhat

Birok insanlar giriyor ve kyorlar. A lot of people are coming in and going out.

steimi kabul et Accept my request

Arada srada kazalar olur. Accidents happen every now and then

O birka dakika sonra geldi. After a few minutes he came.

. Ahmet ve mehmet eve gittiler. Ahmet and Mehmet went home

Ahmet ve Zeynep trenle geliyor. Ahmet and zeynep are coming by train.

Ahmet ve Zeynep, daha sonra ngiltereye gidiyor. Ahmet and zeynep are going to england after.

Ahmet zgn bir ekilde cevap verdi. Ahmet answered sadly.

Ahmet, onunla gidiyor. Ahmet are going with her.

Ahmetin ok kitab var. Ahmet has a lot of books. .

Ahmet, fatma hanma bo fincanlar veriyor. Ahmet is giving empty cups to Fatma Hanm.

Ahmet ark sylemiyor. Ahmet is not singing.

Ahmet , u evi tamir ediyor. Ahmet is repairing that house.

Ahmet pencerenin yannda oturuyor. Ahmet is sitting near the window.

Ahmet masann yannda duruyor. Ahmet is standing near the table.

. Ahmet, ngilizceye Trkeden eviriyor. Ahmet is translateing from turkish into english

Ahmet, Zeynepe bir mektup yazyor. Ahmet is writing a letter to zeynep.

Ahmet, bu mzii dinler. Ahmet listen to this music.

Ahmet imdi kzd. Ahmet was angry now.

Ahmetin antas buradadr. Ahmets bag is here.

Ahmetin topu byktr. Ahmets ball is big.

Ahmetin kitab benimkinden daha enteresandr. Ahmets book is more interesting than mine

Ahmetin kalemi uzun deildir. Ahmets pencil isnt long.

Ali onu ona verdi. Ali gave it to her.

Btn ocuklar oyuncak severler. All children like toys.

Tek dnebildiim sensin All I can think about is you

Tek istediim zaman All I need is time

. Btn erkekler siyah takm elbise giyiyorlard. All men were wearing black suits

Tm hayatm sana verdim All of my life I gave to you

Btn retmenlerimiz ve arkadalarmz iyidirler. All our teachers and friends are fine.

Btn kitaplar, rafn stndedir. All the books are on the shelf.

Btn ocuklarn komik ayakkablar vard. All the children had funny shoes.

Btn kzlar ok sk ders altlar. All the girls studied very hard.

Buradaki btn evler yenidir. All the houses are new here.

Btn insanlar durakda bekliyor. All the humans are waiting in the stop.

Btn insanlar durakda bekliyor. All the humans are waiting in the stop.

. Btn yollar iyi ve temizdi. All the roads were good and clean

Btn kadnlar, bir yry iin gidiyor. All the women are going for a walk.

Tm hayallerin gerekleebilir All your dreams could come true

Ne yaptn bilmiyorum And I dont know what to do

Hikimse seni anlamyor And no one understands you

imdi bir degiiklik yapyorum And now Im making a change

Baka ilgi alann? Another interests?

Baka zaman Another time

Bunu hangi renci olsa anlayabilir. Any student cn understand this.

Bunu kim olsa yapabilir. AnybOdy can do this.

Her ey olabilir. Anything can happen?

Ne zaman istersen Anytime you want me to

Elma - portakal - kavun - karpuz - zm Apple - orange melon watermelon grapes

Hi geni cadde var m? Are there any wide streets?

Odada renciler var m? Are there some students in the room?

Arkada olalm m? Are we can be friend?

yi misin? Are you all right?

Yalnz msn? Are you alone?

Krmsn Are you blind

Megulmsn Are you busy

Sarmsn Are you deaf

Yzmekten holanr msnz? Are you fond of swimming?

Yarn bo musun? Are you free tomorrow?

Yoksa onu pecek misin? Are you going to kiss her?

Onunla evlenecekmisin? Are you going to marry her?

Eski evinizi satacak msnz? Are you going to sell your old house?

grenci yurdundam kalacaksn? Are you going to stay at the dorm?

Evli misin? Are you marriaged?

Bana aldrmyor musun? Are you passing me by?

Hazr msn? Are you ready

Bekar msn? Are you single?

Yatyor musun? Are you sleeping?

Orda msn? Are you there

Peeteleri kullanyormusun Are you using the napkins?

Denemek istiyor musun? Are you willing to try

Yemiyor muyuz? Arent we eating?

Ackmadn m? Arent you hungry?

Adama sor. Ask the man.

Okul hangi sokakta? At what street is the school located?

Aye onlar grd. Aye saw them.

Aye binann iine yrd. Aye walked into the building.

. Ayen selinden daha gzel. Ayen is more beautiful than Selin

Ayeninki gzeldir. Ayes is beautiful.

Ana kuzusu Baby-in-arms

Kt haber tez yaylr Bad news travels fast

Havlayan kpek srmaz Barking dog never bites

Barrynin hi hobisi yok. Barry does not have any hobbies.

Barrynin baz hobileri var. Barry has some hobbies.

Acele et Be quickly

Orda ol, benim iin Be there, for me

Senin yznden Because of you

Ge olsun da g olmasn Better late than never

Zararn neresinden dnlrse kardr Better lose the saddle than the horse

Bob istirahat etmekteydi. Bob had been resting.

Mutluluk kitab Book of happiness

. Kitaplar ve defterler arabann iinde. Books and note-books are in the car

Kitap yararldr. Books are useful.

Her ikisi de harika! Both are wonderful.

. Her iki kadn da ksa. Both women are short

Kitab bana getir. Bring the book to me.

Ama bu nasl olabilir ki? But how can that be?

Ama nasl sylesem bilemiyorum But I dont know how i say

Bir sreliine gle gle Bye for a while

.... Beni bu numaradan ara: 0532 33384 .. Call me from this number: 053233384

Gidebilir miyim? Can I go?

Size birey gsterebilir miyim? Can I show you with something?

Dierini (dier kalemi) alabilir miyim? Can I take the other one?

ngilizce renirsem bu kitab anlayabilir miyim? Can I understand this book if I learn English

Bu gece yamur yaabilir mi? Can it rain tonight?

Acy gzlerinde grebiliyorum Can see the pain in your eyes

O da gidebilir mi? Can she go too?

Siz yalnz geri gelebilir misiniz? Can you come back alone?

Oda servisini balar msnz Can you connect me to room service please?

Bana biraz su verirmisin? Can you give me some water?

Yardm edebilir misiniz? Can you help me?

Piyano alabilir misin? Can you play the piano?

Resmini gnderir misin? Can you send me your picture?

Otelde sigara iiliyor mu? Can you smoke in the hotel?

Trke konuabilir misin? Can you speak Turkish?

Bana saati syleyebilir misiniz? Can you tell me the time, please.

Hibir ey bizi durduramaz Cant nothing hold us back

Dikkatli okuma gereklidir. Careful reading is necessary.

erefe Cheers

Peynir stten yaplr. Cheese is made from milk.

ocuklar oynamaktan holanrlar. Children enjoy playing.

ocuklar erken yatmaldr. Children should go to bed early.

Uygar insan elektrik olmadan yaayamaz. Civilized man can not live without electricity.

Gzlerini kapat Close your eyes

Saat 5;00ten sonra gel. Come after 5;00 oclock.

Haydi, abuk Come along

Saat 5;00te gel. Come at 5;00 oclock.

Saat 5;00 veya 6;00da gel. Come at 5;00 or 6 oclock.

Saat 5;00ten evvel gel. Come before 5;00 oclock.

Saat 5;00e kadar gel. Come by 5;00 oclock.

eri girmez misiniz? Come in, wont you?

Yakna gel. Come near.

Hadi gel dans et benimle Come on and dance with me

Trkiyeye tatile gel Come to turkey for holiday

irket toplantlar 15 gnde bir yaplr. Company meetings are held fortnightly.

Tebrikler. Congratulations.

imdi gidebilir miyiz? Could we go now?

Dn gidebilir miydik? Could we go yesterday?

Ltfen ekmei uzatabilir misiniz? Could you pass the bread, please?

Tekrar edebilir misiniz? Could you repeat that please

Korkunun ecele faydas yoktur Covards die many times before their deaths

Ayan yorganna gre uzat Cut your coat according to your cloth

ou erkek ocuk futboldan holanr. Most boys like football.

Siz orba kaselerini doldurdunuzmu? Did you fill the soup bowls?

Siz bu konuyu sordunuzmu? Did you ask this subject?

Siz okula baladnzm? Did you begin the school?

Siz fincanlar krdnzm? Did you break the cups?

Siz altn kutusunu getirdinizmi? Did you bring the gold box?

Siz bir okul ina ettiniz mi? Did you build a school?

Siz bir helikopter satn aldnzm? Did you buy a helicopter?

Siz bir ay yakaladnzm? Did you catch a bear?

Siz gzel bir iek sedinizmi? Did you choose a beautiful flower?

? Siz elbiselerimi temizledinizmi? Did you clean my dresses

Siz bu snf temizledinizmi? Did you clean this class?

Sen buraya trenle mi geldin? Did you come here by train

Siz dn buraya geldinizmi? Did you come here yesterday?

Siz tel ehriye orbasn piirdinizmi? Did you cook the vermicelli soup?

Siz sakallarnz kesdinizmi? Did you cut your beards?

Siz nar suyu idinizmi? Did you drink the pomegranate water?

Siz paten srdnzm? Did you drive the skate?

Siz pirin orbasn yedinizmi? Did you eat the rice soup?

Bu balktan hi yedin mi? Did you ever eat this fish?

Siz yanl bir otobse bindiniz mi Did you ever take a wrong bus

Siz sandalyeden ddnzm? Did you fall from the chair?

Rzgar hissediyor musun? Did you feel the wind

Sen, dn snfa kavga ettin mi? Did you fight to the class yesterday?

Siz fincanlar doldurdunuzmu? Did you fill the cups?

Siz kolyemi buldunuzmu? Did you find my necklace?

Siz benim ismimi unutdunuzmu? Did you forget my name?

Siz akam yemeini hazrladnzm? Did you get the dinner?

Siz benim anahtarlarm verdinizmi? Did you give my keys?

Siz tiyatroya gitdinizmi? Did you go to the theater?

Siz gzel haberi iitdinizmi? Did you hear the beautiful news?

Siz retmeninize yardm ettiniz mi? Did you help your teacher?

Siz arabaya vurdunuzmu? Did you hit the car?

Siz gmleri muhafaza ettiniz mi? Did you keep the silvers?

Siz cevaplar bildinizmi? Did you know the answers?

Siz bu olaya gldnzm? Did you laugh this event?

Siz sorular rendinizmi? Did you learn the questions?

Siz camiyi terk ettiniz mi? Did you leave the mosque?

Siz kaplumbaamdan holandnzm? Did you like my tortoise?

? Siz ev devini yapdnzm? Did you make the homework

Siz benim kzm ile grdnzm? Did you meet my daughter?

Siz bu konuyu adnzm? Did you open this subject?

Siz araba iin borlandnz m? Did you owe for car?

Siz silahn parasn dedinizmi? Did you pay the weapons money?

Siz futbol oynadnzm? Did you play the soccer?

Siz arabam garaja koydunuzmu? Did you put my car to garage?

Siz bu gzel hikayeler okudunuzmu? Did you read this beautiful stories?

? Siz bu sabah kodunuzmu? Did you run this morning

Siz gnaydn dedinizmi? Did you say good morning?

Siz benim kzm grdnzm? Did you see my daughter?

Siz hikayelerimi satdnzm? Did you sell my stories?

Siz benim seteri yolladnzm? Did you send my sweater?

Siz mcevherin kutusunu salladnzm? Did you shake the jevels box?

Siz mcevherlerimi gsterdinizmi? Did you show my jevels?

Siz aydanln kapan kapadnzm? Did you shut the teapots lid?

? Siz dn gece oturdunuzmu? Did you sit yesterday night

Siz odamda sigara idinizmi? Did you smoke in my room?

Siz btn gn konudunuzmu? Did you speak all day?

Siz maanz harcadnzm? Did you spend your salary?

? Siz antkabirde durdunuzmu? Did you stand in the Antkabir

? Siz arkadamn yannda kaldnzm? Did you stay near my friend

Siz ayakkablarm aldnzm? Did you steal my shoes?

Siz denizde yzdnzm? Did you swim on the sea?

Siz pembe bir bluz aldnzm? Did you take a pink blouse?

Sen, gazeteyi masadan aldn m? Did you take the newspaper from table?

Siz arkadamn yannda konudunuzmu? Did you talk near my friend?

Siz dans etmesini retdinizmi? Did you teach the dance?

Siz babama syledinizmi? Did you tell my father?

Siz gzel eyleri dndnzm? Did you think the beautiful things?

Siz yeni gmleimi atdnzm? Did you throw my new shirt?

Siz bu hikayeleri tercme ettiniz mi? Did you translate this stories?

Siz bu konuyu anladnzm? Did you understand this subject?

Siz geen hafta bilgisayar kullandnzm? Did you use the computer last week?

Siz bu otobs kullandnzm? Did you use this bus?

Siz bahede yrdnzm? Did you walk in the garden?

Siz elbiselerimi ykadnzm? Did you wash my dresses?

Siz bu konuyu yazdnzm? Did you write this subject?

Siz adnz yazdnzm? Did you write your name?

Hi balk yerler mi? Do they ever eat fish?

Bursay grdn m? Do you ever seen Bursa

Beni hissedebiliyor musun? Do you feel in me

Hissediyor musun bunu? Do you feel it?

zmirde hi arkadan var m? Do you have any friends in zmir?

Salk sigortanz var m? Do you have health insurance?

Salatanz var m Do you have salad?

Bana ayracak biraz zamann var m? Do you have some time for me?

Bu pantalonun baska rengi varm Do you have these pants in a different color?

Gitmen gerekiyor mu? Do you have to go?

Bu kitabn ne kadar pahal olduunu biliyor musun? Do you know how expensive that book is?

Bu otomobilin ne kadar hzl olduunu biliyor musun? Do you know how fast this car is?

Benden holanyor musunuz? Do you like me?

Beni seviyor musun? Do you love me?

Beni tandn m? Do you recognize me?

Onun adn hatrlyor musun? Do you remember her name now?

Beni hatrladn m? Do you remember me

Hi bulut gryor musun? Do you see any clouds?

ngilizce biliyor musunuz? Do you speak english?

Ailenle mi yayorsun Do you stay wiht your parent

Hala phelerin var m Do you still have doubts that

Szlerimi anlyor musunuz? Do you understand my words?

Bir fincan kahve ister misin? Do you want a cup of coffee?

Sen bir baka elma ister misin? Do you want another apple?

Beni istiyor musun Do you want me

Seni almam ister misin? Do you want me to take you?

Dokunduumda acyor mu? Does it hurt when I touch?

Burada sk sk yamur yaar m? Does it often rain here?

Her gn yamur yaar m? Does it rain every day?

Kpek bir hayvandr. Dogs are animals.

Yunuslar ok zeki hayvanlardr. Dolphins are very intelligent animals.

lonely Beni yalnz brakma Dont leave me

Ge kalma Dont be late

Hyarlk etme Dont be a prick

Duyduklarna inanma Dont believe what you hear

Grdklerine inanma Dont believe what you see

Benim canm skma Dont bother me

Alama Dont cry

Beni inkar etme Dont deny me

Beni unutma Dont forget me

Aramay unutma Dont forget to call

Beni yanl anlama Dont get me wrong

Oraya imdi gitme. Dont go there now.

Yzn gizleme Dont hide your face

Sakn beni brakma Dont let me down

Yalan sleme bana Dont lie to me

Bana bakma Dont look at me

Beni bekletme Dont make me wait

Bakasna ihtiyacm yok Dont need no other

Hzl koma. Dont run quickly.

Yemek masasnda yksek sesle konuma. Dont talk loudly at dinner table.

Bana neye inanacam syleme Dont tell me what to believe

Aceleye getirmek istemiyorum Dont wanna rush it

Zamann benimle harcama Dont waste your time on me

Bu gece sakn alama Dont you cry tonight

Saklamaya alma Dont you try to hide it

Nasl erkeklerden holanrsn? Dou you like what kind men?

Ne tr erkeklerden holanrsn? Dou you like what kind men?

Ne eit mzikten holanrsn Dou you like what kind music?

Beni gryor musun? Dou you see me?

ok gezer misin? Dou you travel often

Beni grmek ister misin? Dou you want see me?

lalar eskiye gre daha pahal. Drugs are more expensive than before.

Douda veya batda en rahat yuvamda. East or West, home is the best.

Afiyet olsun Enjoy your meal

Yeterli, kafi, gerei kadar Enough

Her eyin fazlas zarar Enough is enough

Hatasz kul olmaz Even the best man sometimes stumbles

Her felakette bir hayr vardr Every cloud has a silver lining

Her eyde bir hayr vardr Every cloud has a silver lining

Senin iin her gn dua ediyoruz Every day we pray for you

Her gece dua ederim Every night I pray

Her sylediim kelime doru Every word I say is true

Herkes bir byk aacn altnda duruyor. EverybOdy are standing under a big tree.

Her gn birlikteydik, her zaman Everyday together always

Herkes ofisde alyor. Everyone are studying in the office.

Herkes, bir antay tayor. Everyone is carrying a bag.

Herkes geliyor. Everyone is coming.

Sabreden dervi muradna ermi Everything comes to him who waits

Herey gemite kald Everything now in the past

Her ey deiti Everythings changed

Afedersiniz. Excuse me.

Bu kadar yeter. Fair enough.

Farukun kitaplar oradadr. Faruks books are there.

Fatma orba tabaklarna orba koyuyor. Fatma is putting soup in the soup plates.

. Zeynepten daha gzel fatma. Fatma is more beautiful than Zeynep

Sonunda her ey halledildi. Finally everything was settled.

Sonunda pes ettim Finally i gave way

nce sen First you

Be renci Five students are sick. hastadr.

Kalbini takip et Follow your heart

Benim iin asla zamann olmad For me you never really had the time

atal - bak - kak - tabak - bardak Fork - knife - spoon - plate - glass

ans eseri, son treni karmadk. Fortunately, we didnt miss the last train.

Akas, onu pek sevmem. Frankly, I dont like him very much.

Galatasaray benim favori takmmdr Galatasaray is my favorite Football club.

Oyun bitti Game is over

Bana daha yakn ol Get more close to me

Bala! Devam et! Get on with it!

k dar Get out

Adresini ver Give me your address

Mail adresini ver Give me your mail address

Ata biraz su ver. Give the horse a little water.

Kendini bana brak Give yourself to me

Dz git, ikinci sola dn Go straight, make the second left

. Oraya aramba gn git. Go there on Wednesday

Cumartesi gn annene git. Go to your mother on Saturday.

ok yaaGod bless you

yi gnler Good day

yi akamlar Good evening!

Can boazdan gelir Good food is the backbone of life

yi geceler Good night!

little Tatl sz ylan deliinden karr Good words are worth much, and cost

Allahasmarladk Good-bye

Gordonun apkas siyahtr. Gordons hat is black.

Beni etkiledin Got me affected

Harika Great

Can kmaynca huy kmaz Habit lasts for a life-time

Cebinde paras var myd? Had he money in this pocket?

Yangn grm olsaydm, bildirirdim. Had I seen the fie, I would have reported.

Halk oraya gidiyor. People are going there.

Haluk, orhan kadar yakkldr. Haluk is as handsome as Orhan.

Ar i sk almay gerektirir. Hard work requires working hard.

Hemen hemen hi, hi, ancak, gbela, zar zor Hardly scarcely barely

ngilterede bulunmu mu? Has he been to England?

O bayan size hi telefon etti mi? Has she ever called you?

Posta daha gelmedi mi? Has the post arrived yet?

Hasan bakyor, ve glyor. Hasan is looking and laughing.

Hasan bey bir sandalyede oturuyor. Hasan bey is sitting on a chair.

Hasan bey bir sandalyede oturuyor. Hasan Bey is sitting on a chair.

. Hasan bizim snfmzda en uzun adamdr. Hasan is the tallest man in our class

apka - tirt - gmlek - kazak Hat - t-shirt - dress shirt - sweater

Sen imdiye kadar masa tenisi oynadn m? Have you ever played table tennis?

Tavuklar saydn m? Have you counted the chickens?

devini yaptn m? Have you done your homework?

Hi operaya gittin mi? Opera tecrben oldu mu? Have you ever been to an opera?

Hi inde bulundunmu? Have you ever been to China

Sen hi meksikoda bulundun mu? Have you ever been to Mexico?

Trkiyeye geldin mi? Have you ever been turkey

Hi havyar yedinmi Have you ever eaten caviar?

Hi sui yedin mi? Have you ever eaten sushi?

devini bitirdin mi? = u an hazr m? Have you finished your homework?

Parise gittin mi? Have you gone to Paris?

Fotografn var m? Have you got a pic

Erkek arkadan var m? Have you got any boyfriend?

Cep telefonun var m? Have you got mobile phone?

Onu grdn m? Have you seen her?

Matthewi grdn m?Have you seen Matthew?

Son zamanlarda onlar grdn m? Have you seen them lately?

? Hi hokey oynadn m? Have your ever played hockey

! Hala hazr deil misin? Saate bak! Haven"t you got ready yet? Look at the time

O karr He abduct

O, otobs karr. He abduct the bus.

O drr He abort

. O, senin ocuunu drr. He abort your child

O baarr He accomplish

. O, snav baarr. He accomplish the quiz

O sarkntlk eder He accost

O altrr He accustom

O, seni sigaralara altrr. He accustom you cigarettes.

O, seni tanr. He acknowledge you.

O beraat ettirir He acquit

O, sinema zamann ayarlar. He adjust the cinema time.

O, suu itiraf eder. He admit the crime.

O, dolapla birleir. He affiliate with the cupboard.

O daima doal hareket eder. He always behaves naturally.

O daima ge gelir. He always comes late.

O daima ok erken kalkar. He always gets up very early.

O, benim antam getirir. He amass my bag.

O, bu dnyay baka adan gsterir. He angle this world.

O, toplanty ilan eder. He announce the meeting.

O, elmalar paylatrr. He apportion the apples.

. O, olay syler. He apprise the event

O, seni bir nl benzetir. He associate you a famous.

O, arkadalardan onun cn alr. He avenge from he of friends.

O, otobs bekler. He await the bus.

. O, szc siler. He backspace the word

O, adama iddetle vurur. He bash the man.

Doktor oldu. He became a doctor.

Mutlu oldu. He became happy.

Hastaland. He became ill.

O, onun ocuklar iin yiyecei satn alr. He buy food for his children.

Beni, iine yardm edeyim diye ard. He called me to help him with his work.

O pek gremez. He can hardly see.

ngilizceyi iyi konuur. He can speak good English.

ok iyi gremez. He cant see very well.

O, saat ondan sonra gelir. He come after ten oclock .

Gn doana kadar uyuyamad. He couldnt sleep until dawn.

gn nce bitirdi He finished three days ago

O bana verdi. He gave me.

Cumartesi gnleri ie gider. He goes to work on Saturdays.

Onun ellerinde bir byk sepet var. He had a big basket in his hand.

Beni daha nce de muayene etmiti. He had examined me before.

Onun ellerinde byk bir kitap var. He has a big book in his hand.

Hafzas ok ktdr He has a memory like sieve

Hedefine ulat bile He has achieved his goal already

O daima drst He has always been honest olmutur

Ayan krdaya halen krk He has broken his leg

O, biraz nce evden kt He has just gone home

Henz dar kt He has just gone out

Az nce ayrld. He has just left.

Son zamanlarda ortalkta grnmyor He has not shown up lately

French O, ingilizce ve franszca okudu He has studied English and

Be yldr ingilizce reniyor. He has studied English for 5 years.

stifa etmeyi dnyordu. He has thinking of resigning.

Onun ok paras var. He has wery money.

3 oscar kazand He has won 3 Oscars

O nehiri gemiyle geiyor. He is crossing river by ship.

O iyi bir ouktur. He is a good boy.

O biraz tembeldir. He is a little lazy.

O ilgin bir kimsedir. He is an interesting person.

? O evdedir, deil mi? He is at home, isnt he

O evdedir. He is at home.

Bugn okuldadr. He is at school today.

O birka ingilizce kelime sylemeye balyor. He is beginning to say a few English words.

O, sebzeleri piiriyor. He is cooking the vegetables.

O , karatahtada bir harita iziyor. He is drawing a map on the blackboard.

O , benim orbam yiyor. He is eating my soup.

O bu sorunu zecek kadar deneyimlidir. He is experienced enough to solve this problem.

O, trenle ankaraya gidiyor. He is going to Ankara by train.

. Ba belada. He is in trouble

. O, onun arkadalaryla ingilizceyi reniyor. He is learning English with her friends

O, bu ayn sonunda bizim lkemizden ayrlyor. He is leaving our country at the end of this month.

O, dalara bakyor. He is looking the mountaines.

O, spor sayfasna bakyor. He is looking at the sports page.

O, bo gzlerle zeynepe bakyor. He is looking at Zeynep with empty eyes.

O, onun antasn aryor. He is looking for his bag.

Eskisinden ok daha mutlu. He is much happy than before.

O benim en yakn arkadam He is my closest friend

O ok kibar bir insan deildir. He is not a very polite person.

O, evi satn almayacak. He is not going to buy the house.

O muhtemelen bir sahtekar. He is possibly a crook.

O olduka aptaldr ama kzkardei olduka zekidir.) He is rather stupid, but his friend is fairly clever.

O bir gazete okuyor. He is reading a newspaper.

. O araziyi alacak kadar zengin. He is rich enough to buy that land

O , bizim olay diyor. He is saying our event.

O benim yanmda oturur. He is sitting near me.

O glmsyor ve yrmeye balyor. He is smiling and is begining to walk.

. O bir sigara iiyor. He is smoking a cigarette

. O kadar iyi bir insan ki herkes onu sever He is such a nice person that everybOdy likes him

O, ktphanede konuuyor. He is talking in the library.

Yksekten atyor. He is talking loud

. Okulumuzdaki en iyi sporcudur. He is the best athlete in our school

Grdm en iyi srcdr. He is the best driver that ve seen.

O grdm en iyi insandr He is the best man I have ever seen

Snfmzn en uzun boylu ocuudur. He is the tallest boy in our class.

O ok (ar) yal. He is too old.

Evlenmek iin ok gen. He is too young to marry.

O ok yeteneklidir. He is very talented.

O, imdi evde bekliyor. He is waiting at home now.Lks bir yaants var. He lives a high life.

Bklm sokanda oturuyor. He lives on Bklm Street.

O, yolculuk brorne bakar. He look at the travel brochure.

O olduka yorgun grnyor. He looks quit tired.

. Kalmaya karar verdi. He made up his mind to stay

Boyay birine vermi olabilir He might have given the painting to someone

Henz bitirmemi olmal. He must not have finished yet.

O asla sigara imez. He never smokes.

O imdi bahede koar. He run now in the garden.

Ge gelebileceini syledi. He said he might come late.

Beni arayacan syledi. He said he would call me.

Onunla kalmam gerektiini syledi. He said I should stay with him.

. Yavalamamn iyi olacan syledi. He said Id better slow down

. Birka ingilizce kelime syler. He say a few English words

Daha iyi oynamas gerekirdi. He should have played better.

Sana daha nce sylemeliydi He should have told you earlier

Bazan bala gider. He sometimes goes fishing.

Yeteri kadar alt. He studied sufficiently.

O, srekli konuur. He talks all the time.

O anlalamayacak kadar hzl konuuyor. He talks too quickly to understand.

Bana gecikebileceini syledi. He told me he might be late.

O, drt saat seni bekler. He wait four hours you.

O ,yava yrr. He walks slowly.

Eve elbisesini deitirmek iin gitti. He went home to change his clothes.

Okulu bitirdiinde 24 yanda olacak He will be 24 by the time he has finished school

Bana hi bor para vermeyecek. He wont lend me any money.

O krmz bir kurun kalem ile onun adn yazar. He writes his name with a red pencil.

Ona bir mektup yazd. He wrote a letter to him.

O kendisi yazd. He wrote it himself.

Gerekten iyi bir retmendir. Hes fairly a good teacher.

O ok ilgin bir adamdr. Hes quite an interesting man.

Adama yardm et. Help the man.

Son Yeni kitab ocuk bakm hakkndadr. Her latest book is about child care.

Benim kzmdan ok daha iyi onun kk kz. Her little girl is much better than my daughter.

. Annesi onun nereye gittiini biliyor. Her mother knows where she goes

Onun almas ok daha iyi Her work is very much better.

te ben Here I am

Yine buradaym Here I am again

Herkes bir byk aacn altnda duruyor. EverybOdy are standing under a big tree.

Herkes bir madeni paray almay deniyor. EverybOdy are trying to get a coin.

Herkes geliyor. Everyone is coming.

Herkes ofisde alyor. Everyone are studying in the office.

Herkes, Antkabiri ziyaret ediyor. EverybOdy are visiting the antkabir.

Herkes, bir antay tayor. Everyone is carrying a bag.

Hereyi olduu gibi syler She tells it like it is

Balk pazarna gitti Hes gone to the fish market

Evi istanbuldadr. His house is in stanbul?

. Toplantda bulunuu artcyd. His presence at the meeting was surprising

Onun konumas epeyi etkiliydi. His speech was fairly effective.

Onun retmenlerinin otomobilleri yeni deildir. His teachers cars arent new.

Onun Trkesi ok kt. His Turkish is very bad.

Drstesi, onun performansndan pek memnun kalmadm. Honestly, I am not so pleased with her performance.

nALLAH, snavda baarsz olmaz. Hopefully, he wont fail in the exam.

Saat - gn Hour - day

Nasl benim btn retmenlerim ve arkadalarm? How are all my teachers and friends?

Nasl para alyorsun? How are you getting the money?

Naslsnz? How are you?

Sizin einiz ve sizin kz evlat nasldr? How are your wife and your daughter?

Odanz ne kadar byktr? How big is your room?

Gitmeyeceinden nasl emin olabilirim How can I be sure that you wont go

Bunu nasl yapabildin! How could you do it!

Nasl bu kadar souk kanl olabildin? How could you ever be so cold?

Nasl bu hale geldi? How did it end up like this?

Ben fareyi nasl yakalarm? How do I catch the mouse?

Memnun oldum How do you do

Onu nasl yaparsnz? How do you do it?

Yolunu nasl bulur? How does he find his way?

Ankara ne kadar uzaklktadr? How far is Ankara?

Bu da ne kadar yksekliktedir? How high is this mountain?

ler nasl? How is business?

Durumun nasl? How is everything

Aileniz nasl? How is your family?

Sizin anne nasldr? How is your mother?

Ein nasl? How is your wife?

Buna ne kadar tahamml edebilirsin How long can you tolerate it

Oraya gitmek ne kadar alr? How long does it take to go there?

Ne kadar sredir bu okulda bulunmaktasn? How long have you been at this school?

Bir ders ne kadar srer? How long is a class?

Bu masa ne kadar uzunluktadr? How long is this table?

Parisde biz ne kadar zaman kalacaz? How long shall we stay in Paris?

Ka tane vardr? How many are there?

Ka tane kitabn var? How many books do you have?

Siz ka tane madeni paralar hazrladnz? How many coins did you get?

Arabann arkasnda ka tane kpekler ve kediler vardr? How many dogs and cats are there behind the car?

Ka kii buradadr? How many people are here?

Bu ayakkab kaa How much are these shoes?

Onlar ne kadardr? How much are they?

Fiyat ne kadar? How much does it cost?

Kilosu kaadr? How much is a kilo?

Ka lira? How much is it?

Ne kadar para kayboldu? How much money is lost?

Ben ne kadar vereceim? How much shall I give?

Ne kadar zamanmz var? How much time do we have?

Buraya ne kadar sk gelirsiniz? How often do you come here?

Ka yandasnz? How old are you?

Bu bina ne kadar eskidir? How old is this building?

Biz nasl oraya gideceiz? How shall we go there?

Nasl gidelim? How shall we go?

Nasl da armt! How surprised she was!

Boyunuz ne kadardr? How tall are you?

Bu bina ne kadar yksekliktedir? How tall is this building?

Nasl bilebilirdim ki? How was I to know?

Sizin alveri nasld? How was your shopping?

Nasl gitmek istersiniz? How would you like to go?

Acele edin gelip beni kurtarn Hurry up and come and save me

Ben, onu denerim. I attempt he.

Ben, dans denerim. I attempt the dance.

Ben, voleybolu denerim. I attempt the volleyball.

Ben, her gn traktr kullanrm. I use the tractor every day.

Ben, souk suyla benim yzm I wash my face with cold water. ykarm.

Ben brakrm I abandon

Ben, sigaray brakrm. I abandon the cigarette.

Ben hzlandrrm I accelerate

Ben, ii hzlandrrm. I accelerate the work.

Ben, iki bileti elde ederim. I acquire two tickets.

Ben, benim programma baml olurum. I addict my program.

Ben, benim arkadam kibarca uyarrm. I admonish my friend.

Sana daima doal davranman tavsiye ederim. I advise you to always behave naturally.

Ben, herkesi etkilerim. I affect the everybOdy.

Ben, benim defterimi ilitiririm. I affix my notebook.

Basket oynamasn da bilirim. I also know how to play basketball.

Yatmadan nce dilerimi fralardm. I always brushed my teeth before I want to bed.

Her zaman iimi nce yaparm. I always do my work first.

Hep uyanp gidiyorum I always get up and go

Daima erken kalkarm. I always get up early.

Dnyaya her zaman pembe gzlklerle bakarm I always look at the world through rose coloured

Ben, imdi trenin pencerelerini ayorum. I am opening the trains windows now.

Ben, senin iin konuuyorum. I am talking for you.

Ben yardm iin teekkr etmeyi dnyorum. I am thinking thanking for help.

Ben, her zaman bilgisayar kullanyorum. I am useing the computer every time.

Geceleri okumaya alknm. I am accusromed to reading at night.

Bende iyiyim ok teekkrler. I am also well,thank you.

Ben muhasebeciyim I am an accountant

Kzgnm. I am angry.

Ben, telefonu cevaplyorum. I am answering the telephone.

Skntdan patlyorum I am bored stiff.

Ben, ucuz bir ceketi satn alyorum. I am buying a cheap jacket.

Ben, sinei yakalyorum. I am catching the fly.

Ben, benim bilgisayarm temizliyorum. I am cleaning my computer.

Bomba gibiyim I am coll

Ben, ankaradan geliyorum. I am coming from Ankara.

Harikaym I am cool!

Ben, benim hatam dzeltiyorum. I am correcting my mistake.

Ben, ocuklar sayyorum. I am counting the children.

Ben, hasta erkek karde iin alyorum. I am crying for the ill brother.

Ben, karpuzu kesiyorum. I am cuting the watermelon.

Ben, karpuzu kesiyorum. I am cuting the watermelon.

Ben, bir bakla ekmei kesiyorum. I am cutting the bread with a knife.

Ben, benim bebeimle dans ediyorum. I am dancing by my baby.

Canm ok sklyor. I am dead bored

Ben, souktan lyorum. I am dieing from cold.

Ben, benim devimi yapyorum. I am doing my homework.

Benden bu kadar I am done with this

Ben, senin giysilerini beeniyorum. I am enjoying your dresses.

Ben, imdiden mutlu hissediyorum. I am feeling happy already.

Ben, ay fincanlara dolduruyorum. I am filling the tea the cups.

Ben de iyiyim. I am fine, too.

Ben, senin ismini unutuyorum. I am forgeting your name.

Kzmaya balyorum. I am getting angry.

Ben, benim retmenime benim kitabm veriyorum. I am giving my book to my teacher.

Tantmza ok memnun oldum I am glad we met

Utanyorum I am going in shame.

Ben yalnz alverie gidiyorum. I am going shopping alone.

Ben, benim kz arkadamla sinemaya gidiyorum. I am going the cinema with my girl friend.

Ben, benim arkadalarma bunlara vereceim. I am going to give these to my friends.

San diegoya gidiyorum. I am going to San Diego

Bu yl, ingilizce alacam. I am going to study English this year.

Ben, sinemaya gidiyorum. I am going to the cinema.

Ben, bu gece tiyatroya erken gidiyorum. I am going to theater early tonight.

Ben, ingiltereden trkiyeye gidiyorum. I am going to Turkey from England.

Ben, benim babamla gidiyorum. I am going with my father.

Sabrm tayor. I am growing impatient.

Am. I am hungry.

Acelem var I am in a hurry

Boazma kadar borca battm I am in a red

Senin gemiinle ilgiliyim. I am interested in your past.

Ben, ingilizceyi reniyorum. I am learning English.

Gelecek hafta istanbuldan ayrlacam. I am leaving stanbul next week.

Yarn hareket ediyorum. I am leaving tomorrow.

Ben bir azizden daha az sabrlym. I am less patient than a saint.

Ben benim kpeimi aryorum. I am looking for my dog.

Ben, benim gzlklerimi aryorum. I am looking for my glasses.

Sizi grmek iin sabrszlanyorum. I am looking forward to seeing you.

Ben, benim her eyimi kaybediyorum. I am losing my everything.

Ben, benim kz arkadam seviyorum. I am loving my girl friend.

Ben bir sandalyeyi yapyorum. I am making a chair.

Ben bir sandalyeyi yapyorum. I am making a chair.

Ben, imdi kafede seni karlyorum. I am meeting you in the cafe now.

Ben, senin babanla kavga etmiyorum. I am not fighting with your father.

Ben, benim kz arkadam beklemiyorum. I am not waiting my girl friend.

Bu konuda senin kadar hevesli deilim. I am not as enthusiastic about this as you are.

Ben senin kadar mutlu deilim. I am not as happy as you are.

Ben yemek piirmiyeceim. I am not going to cook.

Ben, hibir eyi karmyorum. I am not missing nothing.

Ben yumurtalar sallamyorum. I am not shaking the eggs.

Ben, bugn almyorum. I am not working today.

Ben sz veriyorum renmek iin. I am promising for to learn.

Bu hafta yeni bir kitap okuyorum. I am reading a new book this week.

ok uykusuzum I am really sleepy

. Ben bugn hediyeler alyorum. I am receiveing the presents today

Ben senin arkadalarnn ismini hatrlyorum. I am remembering your friends name.

Ben, telefon numaralarn sylyorum. I am saying the telephone numbers.

Ben kz arkadama fotoraflarm gsteriyorum.. I am showing my photos my girl friend.

Hastaym I am sick

imdi koltukta oturuyorum. I am sitting in the chair now.

Ben sskaym. I am skinny.

ok younum I am snowed under

Ben ok gencim ve sen ok yalsn I am so young and you are so old.

Ben zgnm, benim ingilizcem ok iyi deildir. I am sorry, my English isnt very good.

Ben bursada oturuyorum I am staying in Bursa

Ben ondan daha glymdr. I am stronger than he is.

Bu yl ben franszca alyorum. I am studying French this year.

Eminim I am sure.

ardm. I am surprised.

Ben babanzla konuuyorum. I am talking by your father.

Ben, ingilizce sylyorum. I am telling English.

Ben, her zaman sylyorum. I am telling every time.

Ben, her zaman benim arkadalarma teekkr ediyorum. I am thanking my friends always.

. Ben, mze turu hakknda dnyorum. I am thinking about the museum tour

Yorgunum. I am tired.

Gelecek hafta ie balamam gerekiyor. I am to start work next week.

Ben ok yalnzm. I am too alone.

Sinemaya gidemeyecek kadar yorgunum. I am too tired to go to the cinema.

Ben, ylana dokunuyorum. I am touching the snake.

Ben zeynepe ingilizce retmeyi deniyorum. I am trying to teach Zeynep English.

Ben, seni deniyorum. I am trying you.

. Ben, seni deniyorum. I am trying you

Trkm, istanbuldan geliyorum I am Turkish. I am coming from Istanbul

Ben, seni anlyorum. I am understanding you.

Erken kalkmaya alknm. I am used to getting up early.

Teniste iyiyimdir. I am very good at tennis.

. Burada ok mutluyum fakat hepinizi ok zlyorum. I am very happy here, but I miss you all

Ben ok mutluyum. I am very happy.

ok iyiyim, teekkr ederim I am Very well, thank you.

Bekliyorum I am waiting

Ben her eyi satn almay istiyorum. I am wanting to buy everything.

Ben , maazada elbiseleri seyrediyorum. I am watching the dresses in the shop.

yiyim. I am well.

ok ardm. I am wery surprised.

Ben yarm gn alyorum. I am working part-time.

Ben, karatahtada yazyorum. I am writing on the blackboard.

Ben, yolda yavaa yrrm. I amble the way.

Ben, benim hatam dzeltirim. I ameliorate my mistake.

Ben, senin baheni slah ederim. I amend your garden.

Ben, kzlar elendiririm. I amuse the girls.

Ben, bu silah yok ederim. I annihilate this gun.

Ben, benim kapma aklayc not eklerim. I annotate my door.

. Ben, senden nce davranrm. I anticipate from you

Ben, benim annemi yattrrm. I appease my mother.

Beni memnun etmek iin yaptklarna minnettarm I appreciate the things ya do to please me

Ben, senin arkadalarnn hakknda ak konuurum. I articulate about your friends.

Ben, bu adresi sorarm. I ask this address.

Ben , salata yedim. I ate the salad.

Ben, benim erkek kardeimin gnln alrm. I atone my brother.

Ben, balkondan bakarm. I attend from the balcony.

Ben, tepeden bakarm. I attend from the hill.

Ben, pencereden bakarm. I attend from the window.

Ben, benim ayaklarm ykarm. I bathe my foots.

. Ben, senin satran arkadan yenerim. I beat your friend of the chess

Ben, sar eve iaret ederim. I beckon the yellow house.

Bu an bekleyip durdum I been longing for the moment

Ben komaya baladm. I began to run.

Ben, benim annemi kandrrm. I beguile my mother.

Ben, benim babam ikna ederim. I belabor my father.

Ben, tanrya inanrm. I believe the god.

Ben, benim arkadalarm kmserim. I belittle my friends.

Ben, senin arkadalarn azarlarm. I berate your friends.

Ben, antay benim arabama sktrrm. I beset the bag my car.

Ben, at iin bahse girerim. I bet for horse.

Ben, kpei srdm. I bit the dog.

Ben, onun arkadann hakknda kt szler sylerim. I blaspheme about his friend.

Ben, benim arkadamdan dn alrm. I borrow from my friend.

. Ben , bu eyleri satn aldm. I bought these things

Ben, her zaman nefes alrm. I breathe every time.

Ben, bir inei beslerim. I breed a cow.

Ben, benim romanm yaynlarm. I broadcast my novel.

Ben , barda krdm. I broke the glass.

Ben ceketinizi getirdim. I brought your jacket.

. Ben, cdi yaktm. I burnt the CD

Ben, bir kitab satn alrm. I buy a book.

Ben, bir arabay satn alrm. I buy a car.

Ben, bir ceketi satn alrm. I buy a jacket.

Ben, bizim paramz hesaplarm. I calculate our money.

Ben daha erken geldim. I came earlier.

Ben ankaradan geldim. I came from Ankara.

Geen yl eve erken gelirdim. I came home early last year.

Eve yemek yemee geldim. I came home to have lunch.

Senden daha hzl srebilirim. I can drive faster than you.

Geri dnebilirim I can go back

Seni (hemen hemen) hi duymuyorum. I can hardly hear you.

. Seni glkle(zarzor) grebiliyorum. I can see you hardly

Senin kadar iyi ingilizce konuabilirim. I can speak English as well as you.

ok az ingilizce biliyorum I can speak very little english

Ne dndn syleyebilirim I can tell what your thinking

Seni mkemmelen anlayabiliyorum. I can understand you perfectly.

Artk buna dayanamyorum I cannot take this anymore

Mutlu olamyorum I cant be happy

Kulaklarma inanamyorum. I cant believe my ears.

Seni dncemden karamyorum I cant block you out

. Hangisini alacama karar veremiyorum. I cant decide which to buy

Ben, fatma girikin son filmini unutamam. I cant forget Fatma Giriks last film.

Devam edemiyorum I cant go on

Ne dediini iitemiyorum. I cant hear what you are saying.

Sizi duyamyorum. I cant hear you.

Sensiz yaayamam I cant live without you.

Senin akn olmadan yaayamam I cant live without your love.

. Onu ka kez grdm hatrlamyorum. I cant remember how many times ve seen her

Hibir ey gremiyorum I cant see anything

face Yzn gremiyorum I cant see your

Geceleri uyuyamyorum I cant sleep at night

Dnemiyorum I cant think

Tek bir ey bile dnemiyorum I cant think of a single thing

Onu nasl yaptklarn anlayamyorum. I cant understand how they do it.

Ben, kediyi yakalarm. I catch the cat.

Ben unlar kular yakaladm. I caught those birds.

Ben, onun defterini deitiririm. I change his notebook.

Ben, gzel bir iei seerim. I choose a beautiful flower.

Ben , bu meyvalar setim. I chose these fruits.

Ben, pencereyi temizlerim. I clean the window.

Ben, tiyatroya gelirim. I come the theater.

Ben, konumaya devam I continue the talk . ederim.

Ben, bal iyi piiririm. I cook the fish good.

Ben, onun hatasn dzeltirim. I correct his mistake.

Onu imdi yenebilirim. I could beat him now.

Onu o zaman yenebilirdim. I could beat him then.

Tam olarak ne sylediinizi anlyamadm I could not quite understand what you said.

Genken hzl koabilirdim. I could run fast when I was young.

Beni ilgilendirmez! I couldnt care less!

Ben, paralar sayarm. I count the moneys.

Ben, bisikletle geerim. I cross by the bicycle.

Ben, hasta insanlar alarm. I cry the ill humans.

Ben, byk bir bakla eti keserim. I cut the meat with a big knife.

Parmam kesdim. I cut my finger.

Ben, ekmei keserim. I cut the bread.

Ben, gzel dans ederim. I dance nice.

imi bana rettii gibi yaptm. I did my work as he had taught me.Bu kalemi sevmedim. I did not like this pen.

. Bilmiyordum. I didnt know

Ben, senin iin lrm. I die for you.

Bu tabaklar istemiyorum. I do not want these plates.

Bilmiyorum I don`t know

Ne istediimi bilmiyorum I don`t know what I want

Yalan sylemem I don`t lie

Beni inanmyorum tandna I dont believe you know me

Bu adil mi deil mi umursamyorum I dont care if thats not fair

Ben bile bilmiyorum I dont even know

Gitmek zorunda deilim. I dont have to go.

Saate bakmyorum I dont look at the clock

Saat 5:55 t is five to six

Bylesi en hayrldr. t is for the best

Saat 4:45 t is four fourty five / quarter to five

Saat 1:15 a.m. t is one fifteen / it is quarter after one

Saat 12:10 a.m. t is ten after midnight

Saat 3:30 t is three thirty

Kulaa ok ho geliyor t sounds so good

Gitme zaman geldi t`s time to go

Bana gre doru ts right for me

Her ey sana bal ts all up to you

Bu byle devam edecek ts going to carry on

Bu sefer yle olmayacak ts not just gonna to happen like that

O kadar da kt deil ts not that bad

ok skc ts so boring

Ocak - ubat - mart - nisan January - february - march -april

Japonya sper bir g oldu Japan has become a super power

John 20 yldr matematik retiyor John has taught math for twenty years

John 20 yl matematik retti John taught math for twenty years

Beni kendime brak Just give me myself

Sadece bir gz at Just have a look

Her zamanki gibi Just like before

Sadece rahatna bak sevgilim Just settle down my dear

Bana sadece doruyu syle Just tell me the truth

Kemalin at aacn altndadr. Kemals horse is under the tree.

Havan alrsn Kiss my ass

She likes horror films. Korku filmlerinden holanr.

Basardim I done made it through

Etrafmdakileri umursamam I dont give a damn about whos around

Geen yaz antalyaya gittik. Last summer we went to Antalya.

Geen hefta hava berbatt. Last week the weather was awfull.

Geen yl, geen ay, geen hafta Last Year, last month, last week

Son gnlerde ok yorgunum Lately Im so tired

Brak da gideyim Let me go

Sana kendimi tantym Let me introduce you myself

Hadi yeni bir balang yapalm Lets make a new start

Gidelim Lets go

Dar kalm Lets go out

Bir sinemaya gidelim. Lets go to a cinema.

Hadi gidelim Lets go!

Tatl da yiyelim Lets have dessert also.

Bu masaya oturalm Lets sit at this table.

Taksiye binelim. Lets take a taxi.

Yry yapalm. Lets take a walk.

Hadi konualm Lets talk

Grelim Lets we talk over often

Yazialm Lets write

Hayat be para etmez grnyor Life seems so pathetic

imdi beni dinle Listen to me now

Melodiyi dinle Listen to the melody

Gzlerimin iine bak Look into my eyes

Sana benziyor Looks like you

Lora bacan hi krmad Lora has never broken a leg

Sonsuza dek sev Love endlessly

. Sevgim sonsuza dek srecek Love in my heart is forever

lgn yllar geti Mad years passed

nsanlarn kendi sorunlar vardr. Man has his problems.

Yuvay dii ku yapar Man make houses, women make homes

nsanlk daima ilerlemitir Mankind has always progressed

Damlaya damlaya gl olur Many a little makes a mickle

Mary eve gelmekte deildi. Mary had not been coming home.

Adresinizi alabilir miyim? May I have your address?

Telefon numaranz alabilir miyim? May I have your phone number please?

Yardmc olabilir miyim? May I help you?

Size katlabilir miyim? May I join you?

Pasaport ltfen May I see your passport please?

ek yazabilir miyim? May I write a check?

Belki zaman getike anlarm Maybe when time goes by ll understand

Ben de Me too!

Mehmet bilgisayarda uzmandr. Mehmet is expert on computer.. Mehmetin babas bir retmendir. Mehmets father is a teacher

Mehmetinki, gruptaki en enteresan kitaptr. Mehmets is the most interesting book in the group.

Melisa 30 dakika bekledi Melissa waited for 30 minutes

Siz kendi iinize bakn Mind your own business

Modern arabalar fazla grlty yapmaz. Modern cars dont make much noise.

Pazartesi - sal - aramba - Monday - tuesday - wednesday

Daha nemlisi, hereyi bildiim gibi yaptm. More importantly, I did it my way.

Aa yukar More or less

ou elmalar ktyd. Most of the apples were bad.

ou insanlar sigaray brakt. Most people have stopped smoking.

Yava hareket et Move it slow

Benim antam dierlerinden daha ucuz ve daha iyi. My bag are cheaper and better than the others.

Erkek kardeim avukattr. My brother is a lawyer.

Benim ocuklarm, adresi bilir. My children know the address.

ngilizcem iyi deil My english is not good.

Benim babam, kprleri ina eder. My father build the bridges.

Benim babam, buday yetitirir. My father grows wheat.

Babam afrikadadr. My father is in Afrika.

Babam telefonda. My father is on the telephone.

Babam bir okulda ingilizceyi retiyor. My father is teaching English at a school.

Benim babamn ingilizcesi ok iyi deildir. My fathers English isnt very good.

Babamn ad tomdur. My Fathers name is Tom.

Benim arkadalarm, komik olaylara glyor. My friends are laughing the comic events.

Arkadalarm ingilizceyi benden iyi konuabiliyorlar. My friends can speak English better than I.

Kalbim krlyor My heart is breaking

Kalbim yprand My heart is worn

Evim buradan biraz uzak. My house is a little far from here.

Yaamm senden ibaret My life is all you

Param alnd. My money was stolen.

Annemin yeil bir apkas var. My mother has a green hat.

Annem bir iyi adr. My mother is a good cook.

Benim annem, yeni bir giysi satn alacak. My mother is going to buy a new dress.

Benim annem, seni yemee davet ediyor. My mother is inviting you the dinner.

Benim annem, telefonda konuuyor. My mother is talking at the telephone.

Benim annem, telefonda konuuyor. My mother is talking at the telephone.

Annemin ad suzandr. My Mothers name is Suzan.

Azmdan laf kmyor My mouth cant speak

Benim adm ....... My name is....

Sabrm azalyor My patience getting short

Oda numaram 234 My room number is 233

Olumun ad mark. My sons name is Mark

Tatl meleim My sweet angel

Eimin ad marylynne My wifes name is Marylynne

im bitti. imdi kabiliriz. My work is over. We can go out now.

Hi bu kadar yalnz hissetmemitim ben Never felt so lonely I

Beni hi terketme Never leave me

Bover Nevermind

Sizinle tanmak ok ho Nice meeting you

Tantmza memnun oldum Nice to meet you

Seni grdme sevindim Nice to see you.

Para yok No money

Kimse bunu daha iyi yapamaz No one can better this

Kimse aclar iinde yaayamaz No one can live in sorrow

Kimse gerekten bilmez bunun neden olduunu No one really knows why this is happening

Hayr, teekkrler ben oktan bir tane itim No, thanks I"ve already had one

Kimse seni aramyor. NobOdy is calling you.

Seni hi kimse beklemiyor NobOdy one is waiting for you.

Hi kimse yalnz olmak istemez NobOdy wants to be alone

Boa harcayacak bir dakikam yok Not a moment to spare

O kadar da iyi deil Not so great

Pek iyi saylmaz Not so hot

Henz deil Not yet

Hayatmdaki hibir ey eskisi gibi olmad Nothin in my life has been the same

Hibir ey beni rahatsz etmiyor. Nothing is brothering me.

Hibir ey nemli deil Nothing really matters

Beterin beteri var Nothing so bad but might have been worse.

Hibir ey gemii silemez Nothing takes the past away

Ara sra Now and then

Sana resmimi gnderiyorum Now I am sending my picture to you

imdi senden kayorum Now ll run from you

imdi sulu aramann anlam yok Now theres no point in placing the blame

imdi detik. Now we are quits.

imdi burada, yanmdasn Now you`re here by my side

Bu gnlerde Nowadays

Nurten hasta oldu. Nurten has been ill.

She is reading a magazine. O bir dergi okuyor.

Oraya gidebilirdim, ama gitmedim. O could have gone there, but I didnt.

O otelde kalyor. She is staying in the hotel.

Oldu - grmek zere... O.K. - see you later

Tamam dostum O.K. Buddy!

Tamam, gel taksiye atlayalm O.K. Lets catch a taxi.

Aman tanrm Oh my god

Tanrm! Bunu nasl yapabildin! Oh, God! How could you do it!

Hafta ii bir gn. On a weekday.

Mektubunu alr almaz, cevap yazmaya oturdum. On receiving your letter, A sat down to answer it.

Krk ylda bir Once in a blue moon

Bir zamanlar Once upon a time

Milyar - drt milyar - be milyar One billion four billion five billion

Milyon - iki milyon - milyon One million - two million three million

Bir kez daha One more time

Onun arkada, bir roman satn alr. His friend buy a novel.

Onun ocuunu aryor. She is looking for her child.

Onun kedisi sandalyenin altnda uyuyor. Her cat is sleeping under the chair.

Kitaplarnz anz. Open your book.

irketimiz bu konuda ok tecrbelidir. Our company is very experienced on this subject.

Akmz mr boyu srecek Our love will last forever.

Sorunlarmz paylalmal Our problems should be shared

retmenimizin otomobili okulun nndedir. Our teachers car is in front of the school.

Pantolon - etek - palto - i amar Pants - skirt - coat - underwear

Selamn aleykm Peace be on you

Halk onlardan korkar. People are afraid of them.

Halk oraya gidiyor. People are going there.

nsanlar oksijen veya suya gerek duyar. People need oxygen ad water.

Peter amerikada iki kez bulundu Peter has been to the States twice

Defol Piss off

Ltfen bana inan Please believe in me

Ltfen beni ara. Please call me.

Ltfen kapda bekleyen adam arnz. Please call the man waiting at the door.

Ltfen bir sonraki renciyi arn. Please call the next student.

Ltfen benimle kalmaya devam et Please continue to bear with me

Ltfen gitmeyiniz. Please dont go.

Ltfen beni affet Please forgive me

Ltfen imdi eve git. Please go home now.

Ltfen yavaa konuun. Please speak slowly.

Ltfen aklamay brak Please stop explaining

Ltfen bana hangi renciyi en ok beendiini syle. Please tell me which student you like best.

Masann stne birka iek koy. Put some flowers on the table.

Onlarn antalarn oraya koy. Put their bags there.

Hadi giy en gzel elbiseni Put your best dress on

Kalemini kitabn stne koy. Put your pencil on the book.

Bu gece bir kitap oku. Read a book tonight.

u kitaplar oku. Read those books.

Gerekten mi? Really?

Son zamanlarda Recently

Son zamanlarda ok sorunla karlatm Recently, I have faced a lot of problems

Rahatla Relax

Sa - sol - ileri - geri Right - left straight back

Gller krmzdr. Roses are red.

Gller ilkbaharda kzarrlar. Roses, get red in spring.

zc, ama gerek Sad but true

Salata - meze - orba - tatl Salad - appetizer - soup - dessert

Tuz - biber - ya - sirke Salt - pepper oil vinegar

Beni kurtar Save me

Seni seviyorum de Say I love you

Beni sevdiini ve daima seveceini syle Say you love me and youll have me

Okul 26 austosta balyor School starts on August 26th.

Saniye - dakika Second - minute

Tekrar grmek zere! See you later!

Bir dahaki sefere grrz See you next time

Yaral olduu iin ona yardm etmeye altk. Seeing that he was hurt, we tried to help him.

Ayn dn gibi Seems like just yesterday

Mail yoluyla gnder Send me via mail

Sevim onlar iin ok iyi iki pili buldu. Sevim found two very good chickens for them.

Bir taxi araym m? Shall I call a taxi?

Seninle geleyim mi? Shall I come with you?

Pencereyi aaym m? Shall I open the window?

Sinemaya gidelim mi? Shall we go to the cinema?

Biraz ay ielim mi? Shall we have some tea?

Artk balayalm m? Shall we start now?

Bizimle gelmeye raz oldu. She agreed to come with us.

Onsuz gitmenize raz oldu. She agreed to our going without her.

Yzmeye gitmesi iin kzna izin verdi. She allowed her daughter to go swimming.

O, elmalarn hepsini yedi. She ate all the apples.

. Trende okumak iin bir dergi ald. She bought a magazine to read on the train

O her iki earb da satn ald. She bought both scarves.

O, baka bir bardak getirdi. She brought another glass.

Tandm herkesden daha iyi yemek piirir. She cooks better than everyone I know.

Benden iyi yemek piirir. She cooks better than me.

Daha kibar olabilmeliydi She could have been nicer

Dn benimle dans etti. She danced with me yesterday.

Belgeleri aldn inkar etti. She denied having stolen the documents.

Annesi kadar dikkatli srmez. She doesnt drive as carefull as her mother.

Kocas olmadan, o hibir yere gitmez. She doesnt go anywhere without her husband.

Hzl srer. She drives the fastest.

Biz vardmzda o gitmiti bile. She had already left when we arrived.

Onu kapda bekliyorduk. She had us waiting at the gate.

Mavi bir elbisesi yoktu. She hadnt a blue dress.

Onun beyolunda bir gzel apartman var. She has a beautiful apartment at Beyolu.

O bu yl oktan tatile kt She has already had a holiday this year

ki yldr avustralyada yayor She has been in Australia for two years

iKi yldr avustralyada yayor She has been in Australia for two years

month Geen aydan beri inde She has been in China since last

O yrmekte. She has been walking.

Seni grmeye geldi She has come to see you

O, adn unuttu amnezihafza kayb var She has forgotten her name She has amnesia

Uzaklara gitti She has gone away

Byyerek gzel bir kz oldu She has grown to be a pretty girl

Onun daha yeni bir bebei oldu. She has just had a baby.

u anaimdiye kadar baarl olamad She has not been succesfull so far

O ok sk alt. She has studied very hard.

Onunla konumad She hasnt spoken to him

O bizi davet etti. She invited us.

O hzl bir koucudur. She is a fast runner.

O kk bir ouk. She is a little girl.

O bir zarif hanmefendidir. She is a pretty lady.

O bir iman kzdr. She is already a fat girl.

O da bana kzgn. She is also angry with me.

imdi geliyor She is coming.

Ona tahamml edilemez. She is hardly/barely/scarcely tolerable.

Yemek piirmede iyi deildir. She is not good at cooking.

O arkeolojide epeyi uzmandr. She is quite an expert in archeology.

O bir dergi okuyor. She is reading a magazine.

O bana biraz krgn. She is somewhat upset with me.

O otelde kalyor. She is staying in the hotel.

. mrmde grdm en gzel kzdr. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen

Snfmzn en gzel kzdr. She is the most beautiful girl in our class.

O ok gzeldir. She is very beautiful.

O ok dostane bir insandr. She is very friendly.

O mutlu deildir, deil mi? She isnt happy, is she?

ini ok iyi bilir. She knows her job very well.

Kitaplar okuyarak kendi kendine inglizce rendi. She learnt English by herself, readings books.

Korku filmlerinden holanr. She likes horror films.

Kralieye benziyor. She looks like a queen.

ok gariban gzkyor She looks like death warmed over

O bizi sever. She loves us.

O seni delice seviyor. She loves you madly.

Kapy kilitlemeyi unutmu olabilir She might have forgotten to lock the door

Bu filmi grm olmal. She must have seen this film.

Zor zamanlarda hi cesaretini yitirmedi. She never lost courage during bad times.

Kutuyu bir bak kullanarak at. She opened the box using a knife.

O ok iyi piyano alar ,deil mi? She plays the piano very well, doesnt she?

O hzl koar. She runs fast.

Onunla ender olarak konuuruz. She seldom speaks to him.

O franszcay ok iyi konuur. She speaks French very well.

O Trkeyi olduka akc bir ekilde konuur. She speaks Turkish fairly fluently.

ngilizce alt. She studied English.

Btn gn ktphanede sessizce alt. She studied quietly in the library all day.

Benden iyi daktilo yazar. She types better than I.

Tm sekreterlerin iinde en hzl tapaj yapandr. She types the fastest of all the secretaries.

Genellikle erken bitirir. She usually finishes early.

Dn dersteydi. She was in class yesterday.

Yarmay kazanmaktan vnlyd. She was proud of winning the contest.

Dn gece saat onda uyuyordu. She was sleeping at 10 p.m. Last hight.

Ben geldiimde uyuyordu. She was sleeping when I came.

Katlarn almak iin ofise gitti. She went to the office to get her papers.

O benim iin ok yal. Shes rather old for me.

Pazara giderse yumurta alacak. Shell buy eggs if she goes the market.

Kahretsin Shit

Beni ne kadar zlediini gster Show me how you miss me

Sus Shut up

Seninle konutuumda eneni kapa Shut up when Im talking to you

Sus kpek Shut up you dog

Glmse Smile please

imdiye kadar, u an itibariyle So far, up until now, as yet

Yazklar olsun sana So much the worse for you

O zaman gitmeyeceini syle So say that you wont leave

Eh, yle byle So so

Bu yzden ok mutluydular. So they were very happy.

Neden bunu zorlatryorsun So why make it harder

Aramak zorunda deilsin So you dont have to call

Baz erkek ocuklar sigara iiyor. Some boys are smoking cigarettes.

Baz arabalar yeildir. Some cars are green.

Baz kediler byk halda uyuyor. Some cats are sleeping on the big carpet.

Baz sandalyeler genidir. Some chairs are wide.

Elbet bir gn Some day

Elmalarn bazs yeildir. Some of the apples are green.

Snflarn bazs bykdr. Some of the classrooms are big.

Birka kii seni bekliyor. Some people are waiting for you.

Bazlar her eyi ister Some people want it all

Baz renciler iyi deildir. Some students are not good.

Birisi bana iyi bir otelin adresini verdi. SomebOdy gave me the address of a good hotel.

Birisi seni aryor. SomebOdy is calling you.

Bir ey beni rahatsz ediyor. Something is bothering me.

Bazen kamam gerektiini hissediyorum Sometimes I feel ve got to Run away

Bazen saklanrm Sometimes I hide

Bazen kaarm Sometimes I run

Biz bazen kt davranrz. Sometimes we behave badly.

Bazen ormanda yrye karz. Sometimes we go walking in the woods.

Eek olu eek Son of a donkey

Hayvan olu hayvan Son of an animal

Biliyorum ki er ya da ge bitecek Sooner or later its over

Kzn dvmeyen dizini dver Spare the rod and spoil the child

Onunla ingilizce konuun. Speak to him in English.

Fotorafna bakyorum Staring at your photograph

Ksa bir sre kal Stay a while

Benimle kal Stay with me

Steve ve carol bu restoranda iki kere yemek yediler Steve and Carol ate at that restaurant twice

Tuhaftr ki, hi bir hata yapmad. Strangely, he made no mistake at all.

Aniden alamaya balad. Suddenly he began to cry.

Aniden ortaya kt. Suddenly he showed up.

Sunny krmz bir elbise giyiyor olacak. Sunny will be wearing a red dress.

Sreyya rakiplerinden ok daha hzldr. Sreyya is far more faster than her rivals.

. Yzmek elencelidir. Swimming is fun

imdi kyde yaar. t rain at the village now.

Masa - sandalye Table - chair

Yzme bir bak Take a look at my face

Biraz dinlen Take a rest

Sana sylediim tm szleri geri alyorum Take back all the things I said to you

Kendine iyi bak Take care

Ardan al, yava Take it down, down

Keyfine bak Take it easy

Kolay gelsin Take it easy

Beni eve gtr. Take me home.

Birka kalem al. Take some pencils.

Vakit kaybetme Take your time

Bana hibir eyin nemli olmadn syle Tell me nothing ever counts

Bana ne yapmam gerektiini syle Tell me what I gotta do

Adama teekkr et. Thank the man.

iekler iin teekkr ederim. Thank you for the flowers.

Saol, iyiyim Thanks, I am fine

u byk ada bykadadr. That big island is Bykada.

O gn, o anda, tam o anda That Day, At that moment, that very moment

Bu beni pek etkilemez That dont impress me much

O film ilgin gibi. That film sounds interesting.

Bu modas gemi bir fikir That idea is old hat

Bu olabilecein en ktsdr That is the worst of it

Hayat her zaman istediim gibi gitmiyor That life doesnt always go my way

O magazin sadece ylda bir yaymlanr. That magazine is only published annually.

yi bir fikire benziyor. That sounds like a good idea.

Erken gelmemiz onlar artmad. That we came early didnt surprise them.

imdilik bu kadar Thats all for now

Aktrlerin hepsi ok iyi idi. The actors were all very good.

Bebek senin kadar ok yiyemez. The baby cannot eat so much as you can.

Bebek ackm. The baby is hungry.

Bebek uyuyor. The baby is sleeping.

Banka soldadr. The bank is on the left.

Ava giden avlanr The biter is sometimes bit

Bot nehirin karsna gidiyor. The boat is going across the river.

Kitap ilgintir. The book is interesting.

ocuk uyumakta The boy has been sleeping.

ocuun kpei bahededir. The boys dog is in the garden.

ocuun bacaklar uzundur. The boys legs are long.

Bina ok yksekti. The building was very high.

Otobs ehire gidiyor. The bus is going to the city.

. Otobsler ocuk doluydu. The buses were full of children

Pastann tad ok lezzetli. The cake tastes delicious.

Otomobil kprdedir. The car is on the bridge.

Tavuk kt kokuyordu. The chicken smelled bad.

. ocuk alamaya balad. The child began to cry

ocuklar geliyor. The children are coming in .

ocuklar, maymunlara glyor. The children are laughing the monkeys.

ocuklar, retmene bakyor. The children are looking at the teacher.

ocuklar yal kadnn etrafnda oturuyor. The children are sitting round the old woman.

ocuklar kzlara glmsyor. The children are smiling the girls.

ocuklar tembel bir ekilde yryorlar. The children are walking lazily.

ocuklar sabah erken okula giderler. The children go to school early in the morning.

ocuun yz kirlidir. The childs face is dirty.

Babam ayda bir ziyaret ederim. I visit my father once a month.

Saat bee kadar bekledim. I waited until 5 oclock.

Ben yava yrrm. I walk slowly.

Mutlu olmak istiyorum I wanna be happy

Sylediin hereye inanmak istiyorum I wanna believe in everyting that you say

Ben iyi olanlar isterim. I want good ones .

Onu o kadar ok istiyorum ki I want her so much

Daha fazlasn istiyorum I want more

Seni grmek istiyorum I want see you

Bir eyler istiyorum I want something

Yapacak bireyler istiyorum I want something to do

Ben dier arabay istiyorum. I want the other car.

Onlarn hepsini istiyorum. I want them all.

Sana yakn olmak istiyorum I want to be close to you

Ben be vazoyu satn almay isterim. I want to buy five vases.

Ben yalnz alverie gitmek isterim. I want to go shopping alone.

Pencere yan bir koltuk istiyorum I want to sit by the window please

Bilmeni isrtiyorum I want you to know

. Biraz para istedim. I wanted some money

Ona yle bir yerde rastladm iin ardm. I was a little bit surprised to meet him at such a place.

Ben bu makaleyi anlayabildim. Gemi zaman I was able to understand this article.

Beni aradklarnda evdeydim. I was at home when they called.

Deitim I was changed

Dn leden sonra futbol oyanayacaktm. I was going to play football yesterday afternoon.

O zaman atm. I was hungry then.

Telefon ettikleri zaman uyuyordum. I was sleeping when they called.

Dn ok hastaydm. Ama bugn ok daha iyiyim. I was so sick yesterday. But today, I am a lot beter.

O televizyon izlerken ben alyordum. I was studying while she was watching television.

ok kzgndm. I was very angry.

long Uzun zamandir bekliyordum I was waiting for so

Ben senin iin bekliyordum I was waiting for you

. Onlar futbol oynarken seyrettim. I watched them while they were playing football

Yzmeye gittim. I went swimming.

. Ben selimiye camisine gittim. I went to Selimiye Mosque

Mays aynda amerikaya gidiyor olacam. I will be going to America in May.

Temas halinde olacam I will be in tocuh

Btn akam kitap okuyor olacam. I will be reading a book all evening.

Aktr olacam. I will become an actor.

Oraya gideceim. I will go there.

Yarn sabaha kadar onu grm olacam. I will have seen him by tomorrow morning.

Sadece seni karlkszca seveceim I will just love you in vain

O gelince ben gideceim. I will leave, when she comes.

Bizi lm ayrana dek seni seveceim I will love you till death do us part

much Seni ok zleyeceim I will miss you very

Ben bu makaleyi anlamaya muvaffak olmayacam. I will not be able to understand this article.

. imi bitirdikten sonra seni greceim. I will se you after I have finished my work

ok yaknda grrz I will see you real soon

Sana gstereceim I will show you

ay kalacam. I will stay for 3 months.

Sen dndnde ben hala alyor olacam. I will still be studying when you come back.

Keke hepsini geride brakabilseydm I wish I could leave it all behind

Oraya geen yl gitmi olmay isterdim. I wish I had gone there last year.

Onu grm olmay isterdim. I wish I had seen him.

Dilerim bu gece hi bitmez I wish that this night would never end

Keke inanabilseydin I wish you would believe

Nasl oluyor merak ediyorum I wonder how

Seni bir daha grebilecekmiyim diye merak ediyorum I wonder if ll ever see you again

Merak ediyorum. I wonder.

Pes etmeyeceim I wont give up

Senin fotorafna ihtiyacm yok I wont need your picture

Srlarn sylemeceim I wont tell your secrets

Akbankta alyorum I work at Akbank

Ben microsoftta alyorum I work at Microsoft

Akbankta 3 yldr alyorum I worked 3 years in Akbank

Sk altm. I worked hard.

imdi oraya gidecektim. I would go there now.

Onu grm olsaydm, sylerdim. I would have told him, if I had seen him.

Biraz kahve rica edeyim. I would like some coffee please.

Gelmek isterdim I would like to come

Onlarla tanmak isterim. I would like to meet them.

Ben demek istiyorum I would like to pay for this

Ben demek istiyorum I would like to pay for this

Seni daha seyrek grmek isterdim I would like to see you less often..

Kimsenin seni krmasna izin vermem I would never let somebOdy break you down

Kahve isem daha iyi olur. I would rahter drink coffee.

ay yerine kahve imeyi yelerim. I would rather drink coffee than tea.

Yzmektense tenis oynamay yelerim. I would rather play tennis than swim.

Oraya gitmek istemezdim dorusu. I wouldnt like to go there.

devimi oktan yaptm I"ve already done my homework

Annemi daima seveceim. Ill always love my mother.

Sigara iilmeyen oda istiyorum Id like to have a non-smoking room please

Sizle nemli bir konu hakknda grmek istiyorum. Id like to talk to you about an important subject.

Oraya kendim gitmeyi yelerim. Id sooner go there myself.

Onu grmemeyi yelerim. Id sooner not see him.

Eer yardm gerekirse haberim olsun If I can help you, just let me know

Elimde olsa zaman geri alrdm If I could I would turn back the time

Eer zamanm olsayd, onlarla beraber denize giderdim. If I had any time, I would be going to the sea with them.

Eer orada olsaydm, ben de ldrlm olacaktm. If I had been there, I would have been killed too.

imdi param olsayd, bu arabay satn alrdm. If I had money now, I would buy this car.

Eer ondan haber alrsam, sana bildiririm. If I hear from him, I will let you know.

Senin yerinde olsaydm, teklifi kabul edebilirdim. If I were you, I might accept the offer.

Eer imdi yamur yasayd, evde otururdum. If it rained now, I would stay at home.

Okula gittiim sralarda sk sk futbol oynardm. If often played football during the time I was at school.

imdi anszn ieri girselerdi, ne yapardn? If they suddenly came in now, what would you do?

. Eer yorsan, pencereyi kapat. If you are cold, shut the window

Suyu kaynatrsan, buharlar. If you boil water, it evaporates.

Eer onu tek bana yapamyorsan, sana yardm edebilirim. If you cant do it alone, I can help you.

Eer iyi yzemiyorsan, burada yzme. If you cant swim well, dont swim here.

Eer sen gelmi olsaydn, onu grm olabilirdin. If you had come earlier, you might have seen her.

Eer bu filmi grmsen, baka bir sinemaya gideriz. If you have seen this film, well go to another cinema.

Eer dikkatlice ararsan, onu bulacan kesindir. If you look for it carefully, you are certain to find it.

Eer beni seviyorsan, bana gven If you love me, trust in me

Eer yardma ihtiyacn olursa, hemen beni ara. If you need any help, call me at once.

Eer bu arabay istiyorsan, onu alacaksn. If you want that car, you shall have it.

Pencereyi aarsan, biraz temiz hava alrz. If you will open the window, well have some fresh air.

Ben daima seni hayal edecem Ill always be dreaming of you

Her zaman phede olacam Ill always be in doubt

Bee kadar dnerim. Ill be back by 5 oclock.

Saat dokuzdan sonra dneceim. Ill come back after nine oclock.

Ben biraz st ieceim ve bir sigara sigara ieceim. Ill drink a little milk and smoke a cigarette.

Nereye gidersen git seni bulacam. Ill find you wherever you go.

Burada sessizce oturursan sana bir elma vereceim. Ill give you an apple if you sit here quietly.

Ben size ekmek ve bir bardak su vereceim. Ill give you bread and a glass of water.

Asla ayn olmayacam Ill never be the same

Asla seninle olamayacam Ill never be with you

Seni asla terketmem Ill never leave you

Ben sana iyi davranaam Ill treat you good

Seni brakmak zereyim Im about to give you away

Aklm kaybetmek zereyim Im about to lose my mind

Korkuyorum Im afraid

Kafam ok kark Im all mixed up

Hep yollardaym Im always on the road

Eve geliyorum Im Coming Home

Yapmam gereken her eyi yapyorum Im doin everything I shouldve

Hayatma girdiin iin memnunum Im glad that you came into my life

Uzklara gidiyorum Im going away

Sana telafi edeceim Im gonna make it up to you

Daha sk alacam Im gonna work harder

Evde ok nadir olurum Im hardly ever home

Sonsuza kadar bekleyeceim Im holding on forever

Ben motive oldum Im just motivated

Gnm yayorum Im living the day

imdi bir saat ncesi kadar a deilim. Im not as hungry now, as I was an hour ago.

Buna hazr deilim Im not ready for this

Senin iin zgn deilim Im not sad for you

Yalan sylemiyorum Im not telling lies

Ben o kadar masum deilim Im not that innocent

Gerekten anslym Im really lucky

Eve geri dnyorum Im returning to home

Haklym, deil mi? Im right, arent I?

Bktm ve usandm Im sick and tired

ok memnunum Im so glad

Tamamen kontrolden ktm Im so out of control

Bala, seni aramay unuttum. Im sorry, I forgot to call you.

Eminim hepsini daha nce duydun Im sure youve heard it all before

Televizyon izliyorum Im watching tv

Ben senin tek gerek arkadanm Im your only true friend now

Son yllarda enflasyon dyor In recent years, enflation has been falling down

Sonunda baarl oldu In the end, he has made it

Haluk, orhan kadar yakkl m? Is Haluk as handsome as Orhan?

O dinliyor mu? Is he listening?

Olu, babas kadar zeki mi? Is his son as clever as his father?

Toplant yapmamz mmkn m? Is it possible for us to have a meeting?

O gelecek sene seyahat edecek mi? Is she going to travel next year?

Mutlu mudur? Is she happy?

Daha ucuza bir izme var m ? Is there a cheaper boot?

Bedava kahvalt var m? Is there a complimentary breakfast?

Buraya yakn bir lokanta var m? Is there a restaurant close by?

Odada televizyon var m? Is there a TV in the room?

Masann stnde hi para var m? Is there any money on the table?

Yardmc olabileceim birey var m? Is there anything I can get for you?

ecek birey var m? Is there anything to drink?

Bu ocuk sizin olunuz mudur? Is this boy your son?

Evde deil mi? Isnt he at home?

O, her eye yapr. It adhere everything.

O, senin bilgisayarna bitiik olur. It adjoin your computer.

O, adamlara saldrr. It assail the men.

Bu gece kar bile yaabilir. It can even snow tonight.

Elden birey gelmez. It cant be helped

nemli deil It does not matter

Fark etmez It doesnt make any difference

Hi fark etmez It doesnt make any difference

Zarari yok, fark etmez. It doesnt matter

O, durgun akar. It flow calm.

. Zor bir gn oldu. It has been a hard day

O krld It has broken!

O mehur bir alveri blgesidir. It is a famous shopping district.

O zor bir derstir. It is a hard lesson.

O, sana iyi ans getiriyor. It is bringing you good luck.

O, btn bildirileri yaynlyor. It is broadcasting all declarations.

Dn hava souktu. It is cold yesterday.

. O, souk oluyor. It is getting cold

Yamur yaacak; u bulutlara bak! It is going to rain; look at those clouds!

O hibir ie yaramaz It is good for nothing

Gelmekle iyi ettiniz. It is good of you to come.

Bir yabanc dil renmek zordur. It is hard to learn a foreign language.

nemi yok It is of no consequences

ok yksek bir binann stndedir. It is on a very high building.

Dilimin ucunda It is on the tip of my tongue

imdi yamur yayor. It is raining now.

O yayor, ben, bir taksiyi almak zorundaydm. It is raining, I had to take a taxi.

O daima istasyonda duruyor. It is stoping in the station always.

Bana gre hava ho It is the same to me.

Gn domadan neler doar It is the unexpected that always happen

Grlt var. Neden? It is too noisy. Why?

Yamur yaacaa pek It is unlikely to rain. benzemiyor.

nemi yok, zarar yok. It makes no matter

Aksilikler hep st ste gelir It never rains, but pours

ok yamur yad. It rained hard.

Gittike daha hzl yamur yad. It rained more and more

Sakaryada ok yamur(kar) yaar. It rains heavily(snows) in Sakarya.

yi bir partiye benziyor. It seems like a good party.

Yamur yamaya balad. It started to rain.

ok kl gzel bir ehirdi. It was a beautiful city with a lot of lights.

Byk aalar ve ieklerle doluydu. It was full of high trees and flowers.

Yar kazanmas iyi oldu. It was good for her to win the race.

Ona yardm etmekle nezaket gsterdin. It was kind of you to help her.

Benim hatamd. Ama kasten yapmadm. It was my mistake, but I didnt do it deliberately.

Saat hemen hemen on ikiydi. It was nearly twelve oclock.

Olduka depresif bir hikayeydi. It was rather a depressive story.

Gelecek hafta hava ok gneli olacak. It will be very sunny next week.

O size iyi ans getirecek. It will bring you good luck.

Sana pahalya mal olacak. It will cost you a lot.

Asla ayn olmayacak It wont be the same

Gzel bir gn Its a beautiful day.

Vakit akam zeri. Its late afternon.

imdi artk ok ge. Its too late now.

Her ey bitiyor Its all ending

Bu beni delirtecek Its gonna drive me crazy

Bu benim hayatm Its my life

Bu srpriz deil Its no surprise

O gerekten ok iyidir. Its really very good.

Bu ok heyecanl Its so electric

Hayatmda grdm en skc film Its the most boring film ve ever seen

Birok soru sordum Ive asked so many questions

Geri geleceini dlyordum Ive been dreaming you would come back

Seni aryordum Ive been searching for you

New yorkta daha nce bir kere bulundum Ive been to New York once before

Seni ok istedim Ive longed for you

Aklm kaybettim Ive lost my mind

Hatalar yaptm Ive made mistakes

Duvarlar babamn gsterdii gibi boyadm. Ive painted the wals the way my father showed me.

Her zaman aradm Ive searched through time

Tm yaamm bunu beklemekle geirdim Ive waited my whole life for this

Kaybetmekten korktum afraid to lose

Yalnzm am alone

Kalbinin atn hissediyorum am feeling your heart beating

Her eyimi vereceim am gonna give it my all

Seni dnyorum am thinking of you

Evlenmek iin gencim am young for marriage

Sana inanyorum believe in you

Sadece ingilizce konuabilirim can just speak english

Kelimelerle ifade edemem cant express the words

Yeteri kadar yakn olamyorum cant get close enough

Senin iin lrm die for you

Bilmiyorum neden dont know why

nanmyorum dont believe

Nefret etmiyorum dont hate it

Resmim yok dont have pic

Bu gece alma laf duymak istemiyorum dont wanna hear about work today

Seni dlyorum dream of you

Beni bekleyeceini umuyorum hope that you will wait for me

Orada olacan biliyorum know youll be there

Sana ihtiyacm var need you

Hi byle hissediceimi bilmezdim never knew I could feel

En iyi arkadam kaybettiimi hissediyorum really feel that Im losing my best friend

Yemin ederim swear

htiyacm olan alrm take what I need

Bence biliyor olmalsn think you ought to know

Yzn grmek istiyorum want see ur face

Seni istiyorum want you

Bursada dogdum was born at Bursa

Ben senin iin yaratilmisim was made for you

Hemen dneceim will be right back

Orda olacam ll be there

Drst olacam ll be true

Senin iin burdaym m here for you

apkasn unutursa geri gelecek. f he forgets his hat, hell come back.

O bir doktorsa bize yardm edebilir. f he is a doctor, he can help us.

Asa ona biraz sucuk ve yumurta vereceim. f he is hungry, ll give him some sausage and eggs.

Geri yrrse gle decek. f he walks back, hell fall into the lake.

Keke kalbini eritebilseydim f I could melt your heart

Oraya gidersem onlar greceim. f I go there, ll see them.

ngilizce renirsem ingiltereye gideceim. f I learn English, ll go to England.

Ahmeti grrsem ona bir kitap vereceim. f I see Ahmet, ll give him a book.

Bir mektup yazarsam postaneye gideceim. f I write a letter, ll go to the post office.

Yamur yaarsa piknie gitmeyeceiz. f it rains, we shant go for a picnic.

Btn odalar temizlerse erken gidebilir. f she cleans all the rooms, she can go early.

Buraya gelirse sizi grecek. f she comes here, shell see you.

Elmalar ucuzsa kilo alacam. f the apples are cheap, ll buy three kilos.

sterlerse bize yardm edebilirler. f they want, they can help us.

Bu kapy kramazsak pencereyi krabiliriz. f we cant break this door, we can break the window.

Evimizi satarsak iki traktr alacaz. f we sell our house, well buy two tractors.

Bu gmlei alrsan annen onu beenecek. f you buy this shirt, your mother will like it.

Ona biraz para verirsen mutlu olacak. f you give him some money, hell be happy.

Ankaraya giderseniz sizi zleyeceiz. f you go to Ankara, well miss you.

Burada oturursanz sizi grecekler. f you sit here, thelll see you.

stersen ingilizce renebilirsin. f you want, you can learn English.

She stay with my mother two months. ki ay benim annemle kalr.

Terbiyesiz llmannered

lgintir ki, kimse onun tuhaf nerisine itiraz etmedi. nterestingly, nobOdy objected his strange offer.

Bozuk t is broken

Seim senin The choice is yours

Temiz atallar dolapdadr. The clean forks are in the cupboard.

. Kahve iilemeyecek kadar souktu The coffe was too cold to drink.

Kahvenin kokusu enfesti. The coffee smelled wonderful.

Elmann rengi The colour of the apple

Konser imdiye dek balam olmal. The concert must have started by now.

Serin su iyi geldi. The cool water felt good.

Tatlnn tad tuzlu gibiydi. The dessert tasted sallty.

Kirli atallar masadadr. The dirty forks are on the table.

Doktor sigaray brakmasn tavsiye etti. The doctor advised him to stop smoking.

Doktorlarn otomobilleri okulun nndedir. The doctors cars are in front of the school.

Doktorun evi okulun yanndadr. The doctors house is near the school.

Doktorun ofisi u anda kapal The doctors office is closed now

Kpek kendisi buraya geldi. The dog itself came here.

Kpekler saldrr. The dogs attack.

Src, ocuklar bekliyor. The driver is waiting for the children.

rdekler kk glde yzyor. The ducks are swiming on the small lake.

. rdekler kk glde yzer. The ducks swim on the small lake

Erkenci ku yemi kapar. The early bird catches the worm.

Sona kalan dona kalr The early bird gets the worm

Atn kulaklar uzun deildir. The ears of the horse are not long.

ngilizler ok bira ierler. The English drink a lot of beer.

Snav pazartesi gndr. The exam is on Monday.

Ne kadar hzl alrsam o kadar ok hata yaparm. The faster I work, the more mistakes I make.

Film henz balamad The film hasn"t started yet

lk mteri gen bir kadnd. The first customer was a young woman.

lk soru, sonuncudan daha kolayd. The first question was easier than the last one.

Balklar, balinalar ldryor. The fishermans is killing the whales.

. Yemek ok iyiydi. Buraya tekrar gelelim The food was great. Lets come here again

Oyun daha henz balamt ki, yamur yamaya balad. The game had sooner started than it began to rain.

Okulun bahesi kktr. The garden of the school is small.

Kz ok gzel dans eder. The girl dances very well.

Kzn krmz elbisesi var. The girl has a red dress.

Kz, pencereye kapdan yryor. The girl is walking from the door to the window.

Krmz elbiseli kz ok gzeldir. The girl with the red dress is very pretty.

Kzlar bahededir. The girls are in the garden.

Kzlar, komedyene glyor. The girls are laughing at the comic actor.

. Kzlarn antalar sizin odanzdadr. The girls bags are in your room

Kzn kpei sandalyenin yanndadr. The girls dog is near the chair.

Bahedeki kzlar. The girls in the garden

Bu dkkandaki mallar olduka ucuz. The goods in that shop are fairly cheap.

Yeil ev olan bizimkidir. The green house is ours.

Konuklar, kahveyi ier. The guestes drink coffee.

Rehber, onlar ok ilgin hikayeler sylyor. The guide is telling them very interesting stories.

. Mdr uzun boylu, zayf bir adamd. The headmaster was a tall, thin man

At, biraz su iti. The horse drank a little water.

Ev denizin yaknndadr. The house is near the sea.

Satn aldmz ev denizin yaknndadr. The house that we bought is near the sea.

Kapnn anahtar masamn stndedir. The key of the door is on my table.

Anahtar uzaa atld. The key was thrown away.

Son haberler bizi ok ilgilendirdi. The latest news has very much interested us.

Masann bacaklar ksadr. The leg of the table are short.

nein bacaklar ksadr. The legs of the cow are short.

Atn bacaklar uzundur. The legs of the horse are long.

Ktphane sadadr. The library is on the right.

Kk kz bir trl benimle konumuyor. The little girl just wont talk to me.

Kapdaki adam. The man at the door.

Adam hergn buraya gelir. The man comes here every day.

Adam kapdadr. The man is at the door.

Adam, byk otobs sryor. The man is driving the big bus.

Adam, ona bakyor. The man is looking at her.

Adam odada oturuyor. The man is setting in the room.

Adam ok gldr. The man is very strong.