230335125 icaps engineering manual r3 10

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  • 7/26/2019 230335125 ICAPS Engineering Manual R3 10




    Index Description Date Issued by

    1 ICAPS R3 10/2005 Capgemini

    2 ICAPS R3.10.02 11/2007 Capgemini

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    1. Introduction________________________________________________________3

    1.1. Aims of the Engineering Manual _________________________________3

    1.2. OPERCOM Methodology ______________________________________3

    1.3. ICAPS______________________________________________________4

    2. Engineering Import-Export Module _____________________________________5

    2.1. Main Principles of the Module___________________________________5

    2.1.1 Introduction____________________________________________5

    2.1.2 Data format ____________________________________________5

    2.1.3 Database code __________________________________________5

    2.1.4 Automatic numbering ____________________________________5

    2.1.5 Revision Types _________________________________________62.1.6 Log report _____________________________________________6

    2.1.7 Users groups ___________________________________________62.1.8 Import / Export SYSTAL _________________________________7

    2.1.9 Punch List Import _______________________________________7

    2.2. Man Machine Interface (MMI) __________________________________8

    2.3. Importing Engineering Data _____________________________________9

    2.3.1 Introduction____________________________________________9

    2.3.2 Import of Items _________________________________________9

    3. Engineering Import Format Examples __________________________________11

    4. Revision Types ____________________________________________________12

    5. Glossary _________________________________________________________13

    6. Appendix_________________________________________________________146.1. Appendix 1: The Typical Phases of a Project ______________________14

    6.2. Appendix 2: OPERCOM Methodology ___________________________14

    6.3. Appendix 3 Project breakdown ________________________________17

    6.4. Appendix 5 - Import Log Report ________________________________19

    6.5. Functional Specifications of Import / Export Module ________________19

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    1.1.Aims of the Engineering Manual

    ICAPS is the Integrated Commissioning And Progress System application to beused with the TOTALs OPERCOM methodology.This ENGINEERING MANUAL intends to explain the importing rules of

    Engineering data in the ICAPS software.

    - Definition of the main principles of the IMPORT / EXPORT module.- Definition of the engineering data file format and mandatory data.

    This manual is only an introduction of the mechanism of Import into ICAPS.

    For a complete description of the Import/Export rules associated with each type

    of import, please refer to the Engineering Manual Annexe1 Manual.

    1.2.OPERCOM Methodology

    The typical phases of a Project are shown in APPENDIX 1with the main

    completion activities highlighted.

    The five major precommissioning and commissioning activities detailed in

    APPENDIX 2 are:

    - General OPERCOM preparation,

    - Precommissioning preparation,- Commissioning preparation,

    - Precommissioning execution,- Commissioning execution.

    The OPERCOM methodology has been developed to handle the preparation andthe execution works of both the precommissioning and the commissioning. Its

    main objective is to allow a smooth transfer of the installation from theConstruction to the Operator, as quickly as possible, in full confidence, and with

    all the required safety.

    The OPERCOM methodology consists of the following documents :

    - GSEXP-101 : Precommissioning and commissioning guidelines.

    - GSEXP-103 : Precommissioning and commissioning preparation.

    - GSEXP-105 : Precommissioning execution.

    - GSEXP-107 : Commissioning execution.

    OPERCOM methodology is used with the commissioning software ICAPS.The main goal of this Manual is to help the contractor to perform the completion

    work preparation, which must be started early in the Project, during the

    engineering phase.

    The major preparation work concerns the engineering equipment lists which

    should be provided using the OPERCOM system approach presented in MD-COM01 and SP-COM512. In addition to that, those lists must be built in order to

    suit the formats required by ICAPS.

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    ICAPS provides to the precommissioning and commissioning teams the meansto :

    - Import the engineering equipment lists into the OPERCOM database,

    - Prepare the precommissioning and commissioning databases,- Prepare the precommissioning and commissioning dossiers, including all the

    OPERCOM datasheets,

    - Define the precommissioning and commissioning execution staff


    - Follow-up the precommissioning and commissioning execution,

    - Report progress and status.

    The APPENDIX 3gives the architecture of the software. It shows the main

    hierarchies and links involved in the model, which are:

    - The physical hierarchy for the equipment breakdown,

    - The task hierarchy for the associated completion tasks.

    The transfer of engineering data is done using the IMPORT / EXPORT module.

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    2.1.Main Principles of the Module


    The IMPORT / EXPORT module is an easy tool to allow to :- Import all the engineering data required by ICAPS to create the

    OPERCOM database.

    - Import / export parts or complete OPERCOM database (Status Index,

    Technical DataBase,) during the completion activities (revised


    In order to allow import, it is necessary to fix the engineering list formats, which

    is the main target of this document.

    2.1.2Data format- The typical type of import / export files is Microsoft Excel (.xls).- The date format is local date (see regional parameters).- The number format is standard.- No difference is done with small and capital letters. Codes and Tag numbers

    are all stored in capital letters.

    - Field name lengths are defined in this document. When imported names arelonger, they are truncated.

    - ICAPS element Types are mandatory. N/A should be used when Typesare not available.

    - Tag number must be unique for the whole project. (see in the following

    chapter)- ICAPS considers equipment elements as objects (Items, BFs,) ; some of

    these objects have detailed data tables.

    When importing those detailed data, the data tables should be presented

    in a specific order with column names identified as Data1, Data2,.The meaning of the column identifiers is not shown in the import file

    and the user should refer to Type definition for it.The content of the detailed data field is limited to 50 characters.

    - Each object can be identified by the following identifiers :- Code (Any alpha-numerical value, i.e. A for priority, abbreviation,),- Number (Any alpha-numerical value, i.e. B2350, 2150, ),

    - Name (Pressure Gauge,),- Description (Air Inlet Pressure Gauge,).

    2.1.3Database code

    Each database of the project is identified by a letter. This letter is used for mergeddatabase.

    2.1.4 Automatic numbering

    The database letter is used in the automatic creation of the task number, OT/PVP

    number and punch list number.

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    Object number format:

    Object Format

    Task 1xxxxxxx

    OT/PVP 2xxxxxxxPunch list 3xxxxxxx

    is the database letter.xxxxxxx are a single number.

    2.1.5Revision Types

    The engineering lists are generally revised several times during the Project.

    In order to update the OPERCOM database when a new revision is issued, all the

    imported engineering data should be provided with a Revision Number and a

    Revision Type.

    The Revision Numberis the last one for the current data.

    The Revision Type is a Capital letter to characterise the import Action (SeeTable 6)Note : The ICAPS User can specify an engineering revision range to limit the

    import to that selection of data.

    2.1.6Log report

    Following engineering data file import, a log file is created which provides a

    registered history of the errors during import (\importXXX_Date_Time.xls

    XXX = IT, BF ).

    An example of the ICAPS Import Log Report is shown in APPENDIX 5.

    This file provides the following information:- An Item Import Global Status Report; "General" Sheet with:- Date and time at the end of import,- Number of records (excluded after rev no comparison, excluded after error,

    deleted, created, modified, updated, excluded due to unknown action..)

    - Excluded due to unknown action.- List of rejected sheets.- A Successful Imported item list; "Item Good" Sheet with inserted records

    into ICAPS,- A List of errors (data not following ICAPS import rules). Errors are presented

    in 2 sheets. The imported data concerned by the error is stored in the first

    sheet; "Item Bad" Sheet, the error code is stored in the second sheet; "ItemErrors" Sheet. This is to allow later import of the data after correction,

    2.1.7Users groups

    ICAPS R2 includes a new concept: users groups.

    A users groups allows to split tasks in a project depending on who is responsible

    for the taskrealization.

    Every ICAPS user belongs to one and only one users groups.

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    When a task is created from the MMI or from Initialization, it is automaticallyallocated to the users groups of the connected user. A users groups is

    characterised by a code and a name.

    From import:When tasks are created in the local database, the users groups must be empty. Thetask number is automaticaly created and the user group is the users group of the

    connected user.

    When tasks are created in a remote database and then imported in the local

    database, the users groups must be given in the import files.

    There is no export/import facilities for the users groups. However, during a task

    import in order to merge two database, if the users group of a task does not exist

    while it is in the import file, it is automatically created by the system before the

    task creation.

    Security:A user can create/modify/delete tasks and associated punch lists of his group.

    A user can modify/delete tasks and associated punch lists of another group only if

    his access level is 4.

    A user with a level 4 access can create tasks of another group if he imports tasks

    from another database.

    2.1.8Import / Export SYSTAL

    ICAPS R3.10 includes a new concept : import and export SYSTAL.A user with a level 4 access can import SYSTAL only for a modification revision


    No Creation and Deletion allowed for SYSTAL.

    2.1.9Punch List Import

    ICAPS R3.10 includes a new concept : management Punch List Actors with

    ICAPS login.

    A user who is not a Punch List User cant import PunchLists even if user withlevel 4.

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    2.2.Man Machine Interface (MMI)

    The import user interface is shown on the following screen view (FIGURE 1) :

    Figure 1- Import MMI

    Among the several possible importing facilities, this document presents only theimport of Itemswhich concern the Engineering preparation.

    They are required to build the OPERCOM database (Main Equipment,

    Instruments, Cables, piping, ...).-

    The Item Number list contain data for all the other equipment.

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    2.3.Importing Engineering Data


    The two engineering data importing formats are presented in the followingparagraphs.

    It is strongly recommended to comply with those 2 formats from the

    beginning of the engineering data list preparation in order to avoid a laterconversion to the data formats required by ICAPS.

    In any case, the Engineering team is in charge of the data file conversion

    to the ICAPS file formats.

    Some of the imported data are mandatory in the engineering equipment

    lists as they are necessary to use ICAPS. All the other data are optional,

    however, it is recommended to supply them as they are used during the

    execution and it is appropriate to gather them at this time, when they are


    2.3.2Import of Items

    All the engineering equipment elements are imported into ICAPS using

    the format shown in the Table1.

    This EXCEL file "items.xls" must contain only one worksheet named:


    The mandatory data in this Item import file are as follows :

    - Revision Number,- Revision Type,- Item Number(and Old Item Numberwhen modified),

    - Item Type Code,

    Table 1 ICAPS Import File Format for ItemsField Name Mandatory Valid entries Data Type Length

    Revision Number Yes Any value Standard 3

    Revision Type Yes See 4.2 - Table 6 (C,D,M) Character 1

    Item Number Yes Any value Character 30

    Old Item Number Yes (A) Any existing ITEM Number from Dictionary Character 30

    Item Name No Any value Character 50

    Item Type Code Yes See 4.3 - Table 7 Character 10

    Associated SubSystemNumber

    Yes Any existing SYS Number from Dictionary Character 30

    Associated Module Code no Any existing MODULE code from Dictionary Character 30Manufacturer Model No Any value Character 30

    Manufacturer Name No Any value Character 30

    Manufacturer Type No Any value Character 30

    PO Number No Any value Character 30

    Item Serial Number No Any value Character 30

    Comments NO Any value Character 50

    Data1 No (B) Detail DATA(1) Content - any value = Control Type if Instrument items Character 50

    Data2 No Detail DATA(2) Content - any value Character 50

    . . .

    Data15 No Detail. DATA(15) Content - any value Character 50

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    (A) Only when ItemNumberhas been modified (Revision Type= M)

    (B) In the case of instrument items, the Control_Type should be entered in

    Data1. (Refer to 4.1-Table 5 for the list of Control_Types).

    An example of engineering data import file is provided in 3 -Table 3

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    Table 2 Example of ITEM Import FileRevisionNumber


    Item Number Item Name ItemTypeCode







    1 c 01-30-CJF-04-2S Comm. Cable FromCCR to PLC I/OCabinet (FW)

    ICAB 9677 TBD C-Z-09-1 C-Z

    1 c 01-30-HSL-254A CRUSHER EMERG.STOP

    INST 9615 FW

    1 c 01-30-HSL-254B CRUSHER EMERG.STOP

    INST 9615 FW

    1 c 01-30-JBF-04 Junction Box ZCLA 9615 TBD FosterWheleer

    1 c 01-30-WY-01F Control Cable CABL 9615 TBD FosterWheleer

    1 c 01-30-WY-03F Control Cable CABL 9615 TBD FosterWheleer

    1 c 01-30-WY-06F Control Cable CABL 9615 TBD FosterWheleer

    1 c 01-30-WY-07E Control Cable CABL 9615 TBD Foster

    Wheleer1 c 01-30-ZSH-

    250A/BINST 9615 FW

    1 c 01-30HS-241A CR-101 - Pull CordSwitch

    INST 9615 FW

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    Table 6 Revision Types

    Which difference between Modification and Update?You have to choice the M code if you want to change the name of an element or the

    links between it and its fathers (for example, change an item from Basic Function).

    You only have to use the U code if you plan to modify data information about theelement, not data structure.

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    It is the group of STATIC and DE-

    ENERGIZED verifications to be carried out in

    order to ensure that the installation adheres tothe Project Engineering Documents.


    It is the group of DYNAMIC andENERGIZEDtests to be carried out in order to ensure that the

    installation is ready for start-up.

    SYSTEMIt is a subdivision of an installation that

    performs a proper operational function.


    It is the minimum portion of the Plant requiredfor Commissioning purpose, and at the same

    time, will be the handover package toOperations.

    BASIC FUNCTIONIt is the smallest group of items for a single

    Commissioning task.

    ITEMIt is the smallest portion of an installation for a

    Precommissioning Task.

    TASK ACTIVITYIt is any of the Pre Commissioning or

    Commissioning execution type of work,


    It is each individual precommissioning or

    commissioning job applies on an item, , a test

    pack, a Basic Function or a subsystem.

    Table 8 OPERCOM Glossary

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    6.1.Appendix 1: The Typical Phases of a Project

    6.2.Appendix 2: OPERCOM Methodology

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    1) Subsystem Preparation2) Start-Up Sequence Preparation3) Coloured Marked-Up Drawing Preparation4) Subsystem Engineering List Preparation



    1) Conformity Checks2) Static Tests3) Piping Tests


    1) Status Index Preparation2) Precomm. Dossier Preparation3) Precomm. Manpower Estimate Preparation4) Long Precomm. Task Preparation



    1) Preliminary Checks2) Functionnal Tests3) Operating tests4) Pipinp & Vessels Prep


    1) Technical Database Preparation

    2) Comm. Dossier Preparation3) Comm. Manpower Estimate Preparation4) Long Comm. Task Preparation



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    6.3.Appendix 3 Project breakdown

    ICAPS database includes all technical and organizational data for P/Com and Com

    activity preparation and follow-up during execution. All data inside one ICAPS

    database must be related to a unique project.

    ICAPS database is organized in 4 main branches as follow:

    Equipment Branch: Defines all project equipment using ahierarchical arrangement

    Task Branch: Defines all P/C and Comm. Tasks within theproject. Each task is associated to equipment and to a progress

    substage. Each task is part of a task activity and is linked to one

    or several disciplines.

    Progress Branch: Defines project sequence using a four levelshierarchy

    Punch list Branch: Defines all Punch List items during theoverall project.

    Users Group











    Project Seq

    Subproject Seq





    Data written in italic are optionnal.

    General order of execution for different Task Activities is defined below (bottom

    corresponds to first tasks and upper part is for latest tasks.)

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    Operational Tests(OTS)

    -Piping & Vessels Preparation(PVP)

    Functional Tests(FTS)

    Conformity Checks(CCK)

    Piping Tests(PIP)

    Static Tests(STS)

    Preliminary Checks(PRC)

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    6.4.Appendix 5 - Import Log Report

    6.5.Functional Specifications of Import / Export Module

    This technical document lists type by type the rules applied for import in and export

    from ICAPS database. Please refer to the following document:

    ICAPS Engineering Manual Annexe 1.doc

    for more details about Import and Export rules.