2.27.13 classwork wednesday

Christy Samira Leon Kareena Philicia Ayanna Lilah Remy Donovan Michael Yamilee Jessica Leslie Jose Carlos Bryan Ricardo Alexis David Jordan Alejandra Kathy Diana Ixza Emily Jaileen Jeffrey Wednesday February 27, 2013 Imagine that you are a hockey puck during a hockey game. Describe how you feel. Edward Adrianette

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  • 1. Imagine that you are a hockey puck during a hockeygame. Describe how you feel. Wednesday February 27, 2013Ricardo Emily AyannaLeslieIxza Christy AlejandraJoseKathySamira BryanRemyLeon Alexis Jaileen Carlos Donovan JessicaDiana Kareena LilahMichael YamileeEdward PhiliciaAdrianette Jordan DavidJeffrey

2. Morning WorkDO NOW:Write the x5Times Table tentimes. 3. ReadingAim: Extreme Weather(p. 460)Talk About It: What is themost extreme weatherexperience you have had? What happenedand what did you learn from it?Picture Prompt: Look at the picture andrespond in writing. Write two paragraphs (35sentences each). 4. Damages are the destructive results ofsomething harmful.Property is anything owned by a person orgroup.If something is available, it is able or readyto be obtained or used.When things make contact, they toucheach other. 5. Atmosphere refers to the blanket of air thatsurrounds Earth.Destruction is great damage or ruin.Hurricanes are severe tropical storms.A surge is a large wave or series of wavesduring a storm. 6. ReadingAim: The Extreme Cost ofExtreme Weather (p. 462)DictionaryMultipleMeaning Wordsare words with several different meanings.If one meaning doesnt fit the sentence, lookfor its other definition.For example, the word atmosphere is amultiplemeaning word. 7. Text Structure DescriptionDescription is one way authors organize, orstructure nonfiction text.A Description Chart will help you understandthis text structure.Signal words like first, next, finally, or forexample will alert you to descriptive facts. 8. DescriptiveSignal Words Facts temperature,wind, water,At these times,and airpressure go wild.warm airFirst,makes contactwith cool air.warmer and cooler air stir Next,together, andspinning faster and faster.a tornado isFinally, born.blizzards are For example, costly winter problems. 9. MultipleMeaning WordsDirections: Use a dictionary to find the correctmeanings of the multiplemeaning words.1. I could not see the eye of the storm with my own eye.2. I will check the horses bit in a bit of time.3. The baseball fan brought a fan to the game because it was so hot.4. While we waited in the traffic jam, we ate toast with jam. 10. ReadingAim: Hurricanes (p. 465)GenreInformational Nonfictionpresents facts aboutreal people, things, places, or events.Description ChartAs you read, use your Description Chart,found in your Practice Book page 135. 11. Signal Words Descriptive Facts strong winds,heavy rains,Hurricanes storm surges,bringflooding, sometimestornadoes Atmosphere gathers heat through contactFirst with ocean waters above80.Evaporatingmoisture from warm watersNextenters atmosphere, begins to powerinfant hurricane. given within 36 hours ofHurricaneapproachingWatchstorm decide what to do. given within 24 hours for areaHurricane listen to localWarningradio or TV for safety instructionsListen closely to the radio orFirsttelevision for official bulletins. 12. ReadingAim: Suspense (p. 478)PoetryPersonification is whenhuman characteristics aregiven to animals, objects, orideas.Imagery is the use of descriptions to createvivid pictures in the readers mind.Onomatopoeia is a word that sounds like theactions or object it describes. 13. Reading HomeworkPractice Book, page 137Study for exam tomorrow. 14. MathAim: Multiply and DivideDecimals (p. 371)Lesson: Complete "Am I Ready?" exercises 114 on page 373. 15. Math Homework"My Homework" pages 383384 16. Spelling 1. rancher11. pasture 2. searcher 12. creature 3. pressure 13. lecture 4. future 14. gesture 5. butcher15. nature 6. measure16. fracture 7. pleasure 17. moisture 8. mixture18. stretcher 9. treasure 19. legislature 10. feature 20. azure 17. Language ArtsAim: Commas with Introductory PrepositionalPhrases and Interjections (p. 438)Do Now: Take the Quiz Copy the RULES on page 438Lesson:1. Guided Practice, exercise 110, page 438.2. More Practice, exercise 1125, page 439.Homework: Extra Practice, exercise 125, page 499. Writeeach sentence in your notebook! 18. In the shade, you can stillget a sunburn. 19. For protection againstsunburn, I wear sunscreen. 20. Homework Summary for Wednesday February 27, 2013ReadingPractice book, page 137Study for exam tomorrow.Math"My Homework" pages 383384SpellingStudy for exam tomorrow.Language Arts"Extra Practice" exercise 125, page 499. Write eachsentence in your notebook. 21. Attachments 1314158 AnalogiesTTT.notebook