2.14.12 classwork tuesday

Max Roxana Joey Mitzy Joshua Johnny David Alan G Ryan Brianna Ramon Cameron Cincere Andres Adolfo Nyashia Emma Jose Eric Brian Matthew Christopher Carlos Alan R Natalie Ricardo Massire Christian Elizabeth Angel Gia Linder Sualee Tuesday February 14, 2012 Today is Valentine's Day. Imagine that you have just anonymously received the perfect gift. Write about what it is and how you will figure out who gave it to you.

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  • 1. Today is Valentines Day. Imagine that you have justanonymously received the perfect gift. Write about whatit is and how you will figure out who gave it to you. Tuesday RamonEric February 14, 2012CameronDavid Linder Adolfo Joey Emma Alan G Cincere GiaJoseMassire BrianAndres Max Alan R Matthew Angel Natalie JoshuaBrianna Ryan ChristianChristopher ElizabethRicardo NyashiaSualeeCarlos JohnnyRoxanaMitzy

2. Daily WarmUp 2 2.13.12MorningReadingJuneBugsThe ArmadilloTake a handout from the binin the front of the classroom.Use you SMART Clickers toanswer the questions.Return the handout (withyour name written on it) andthe clicker once you arefinished. 3. Reading Who Says Robots Cant Think(p. 358)AnalogiesAnalogies comparetwo pairs of words.Sometimes analogiesuse synonyms, wordsthat have similarmeanings. Forexample broken is todefective as tidy is toneat. 4. Reading Who Says Robots Cant Think(p. 358)Analogies: Synonymsstaggered is to swayed as marched is to paraded or excitement is to boredom? 5. Reading Who Says Robots Cant Think(p. 358)Make Inferences and AnalyzeDraw ConclusionsMaking inferences about what happens in a story willhelp you draw conclusions about characters and eventsand come to a new understanding of the story.Use your Conclusions Diagram as you reread the selectionto help you make inferences and draw conclusions. 6. Reading Who Says Robots Cant Think(p. 358)EvidenceConclusion 7. Reading Who Says Robots Cant Think(p. 358)Reading Homework Practice book,page 104 8. Math Divisibility (p. 200)LearnThe 82 members of thesinging group stand inrows as they perform.Can the singers standin 3 equal rows?Math WorddivisibleA whole number is divisible by another number whenthe first is divided by the second and the remainder is 0. 9. Math Divisibility (p. 200)A whole number is divisible byif the number is divisible by2 if the last digit is 0, 2, 4, 6, 8. 6both 2 and 3.if the sum of its digits is if the sum of the digits is39divisible by 3. divisible by 9.5 if the last digit is 5 or 0. 10 if the last digit is 0. 10. Math Divisibility (p. 200)Math HomeworkPractice book, page 41 11. Language Arts Comparative andSuperlative Adjectives (p. 270)RULESComparative adjectives comparetwo nouns or pronouns. Add er tomost adjectives to compare twopeople, places, things or ideas.Sugar is sweeter than honey. 12. Language Arts Comparative andSuperlative Adjectives (p. 270)RULESSuperlative adjectivescompare more than two nounsor pronouns. Add est to mostadjectives to compare morethan two people, places, thingsor ideas.That is the sweetest cake of thethree cakes on the table. 13. Language Arts Comparative andSuperlative Adjectives (p. 270)Guided PracticeName the correct adjective that compares.Example: Split pea soup is (thicker, thickest) than chickensoup.1. Salsa is (hotter, hottest) than ketchup.2. Blueberry cheesecake is (sweeter, sweetest) thanpumpkin pie.3. Lemon meringue pie is the (sweeter, sweetest) of all.4. Steaks are often (tougher, toughest) than lamb chops.5. Fudge may be the (chewier, chewiest) candy. 14. Language Arts Comparative andSuperlative Adjectives (p. 270) Language Arts Homework Practice book,page 56 15. Spelling Words of the Week 16. Spelling Words of the Week1. sugar11. crater2. gentler12. pillar3. scissors 13. splendor4. founder14. peddler5. director 15. professor6. scholar16. shatter7. saucer 17. governor8. labor18. vapor9. commander19. equator10. error 20. soldier 17. Spelling Word Sorts director What do they havein common? / r/ e scholar saucer 18. Spelling Word SortsSort each spelling word by finding the sound andspelling pattern to which it belows. Write the spellingwords with the / r/ spelled:e 19. Religion During the Liturgy of the Word, we listen andrespond to the Word of God (p. 134) Loving God, you have the words of everlasting life.We GatherWhat are some stories that tell ofevents that are important to you andyour family? 20. Religion During the Liturgy of the Word, we listen andrespond to the Word of God (p. 134)Class WorkRead pages 134 and 135.Write the Key Word Liturgy of the Worddefinition in your notebook.Complete the WE RESPOND activity inyour textbook. 21. Religion During the Liturgy of the Word, we listen andrespond to the Word of God (p. 134)Religion Homework1. What happens during the Liturgy of the Word?2. Whom does the entire assembly pray for?Answer using complete sentences. Use your notebook 22. Homework Summary Tuesday, February 14, 2012Reading1. Practice book, page 104Math1. Practice book, page 41Language Arts1. Practice book, page 56Religion1. What happens during the Liturgy of the Word?2. Whom does the entire assembly pray for?3. Use your notebook 23. Range: Mode:5Median: Mean: 24. Attachments imgres