20/20 business english crash course a1

Crash Course Leer-werkboek A1 Katrin Overgoor-Ivarsson English

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20/20 Business English Crash Course A1


Page 1: 20/20 Business English Crash Course A1

Speciaal voor de leerlingen die een niveau 3 of 4 opleiding volgen en nog geen of nauwelijks ervar het

, is de Crash Course geschreven. Het geeft de eerste kennismaking met het Engels, en brenggt de leerling op het

jf , wordt het basisniveau van het E acht.

Het leer-werkboek kan ingezet worden als start van een lessenserie Engels, maar kan ook zelfstanndig door de leerling

worden doorgewerkt.

ww.2020english.nl) geeft ondersteuning aan de Crash Course door middel van veel ,

ij ij erki

20/20 English, met als startpunt deze Crash Course, het handboek als naslagwerk, de gevarieerde

werkboeken A2 tot en met B2 en het extra materiaal op de website is een complete methode Eng dd

pa ij mbo.

Crash Course

Leer-werkboek A1

Katrin Overgoor-IvarssonEnglish

Page 2: 20/20 Business English Crash Course A1

Katrin Overgoor-IvarssonKatrin Overgoor-IvarssonKatrin Overgoor-IvarssonKatrin Overgoor Ivarsson

Crash CourseLeer-werkboek A1


Page 3: 20/20 Business English Crash Course A1


Katrin Overgoor-Ivarsson


Paul Evans, Amsterdam


EnOf Ontwerp + communicatie, Utrecht

Beeldredactie en opmaak

Studio Imago, Amersfoort

Omslagfotografi e


Fotografi e binnenwerk






Richard van de Pol

Website bij deze uitgave


ThiemeMeulenhoff ontwikkelt leermiddelen voor primair

onderwijs, voortgezet onderwijs, beroepsonderwijs en

volwasseneneducatie en hoger onderwijs.

Meer informatie over ThiemeMeulenhoff en een overzicht

van onze leermiddelen: www.thiememeulenhoff.nl of via

onze klantenservice (088) 800 20 16.

ISBN 978 90 06 81454 5

Eerste druk, eerste oplage, 2011

© ThiemeMeulenhoff, Amersfoort, 2011

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Page 4: 20/20 Business English Crash Course A1


Dit is het leer-werkboek A1 Crash Course van de methode 20/20 Business English voor niveau 3-4.

De titel Crash Course houdt in dat je heel veel leert tijdens een korte maar intensieve periode. De

Crash Course is vooral gemaakt voor studenten die geen of nauwelijks Engels kennen. Maar het

boek kan ook gebruikt worden om je Engels weer op te pakken.

Het boek is verdeeld in vijf units die gaan over vertrouwde onderwerpen uit het dagelijks leven

zoals hobby’s, familie, vrienden, school en werk. Het is een echt leer-werkboek. Er staan veel

oefeningen in en door het maken van die oefeningen leer je meteen de theorie. De antwoorden

en de uitwerkingen van de oefeningen kun je in het boek zelf schrijven, zodat je altijd je werk

bij de hand hebt. Na elke unit volgt een Round up, waarin je kunt laten zien dat je de geleerde

stof beheerst en dat je communicatief vaardiger bent geworden. De laatste unit eindigt met een

Case. Bij het maken van de case kun je laten zien dat je het boek kent.

De methode 20/20 Business English is bedoeld om zelfstandig leren en werken makkelijker te

maken. Als je de aanwijzingen in dit leer-werkboek volgt en de opdrachten naar behoren

uitvoert, zul je merken dat je veel vragen over Engels zelf kunt beantwoorden en problemen zelf

kunt oplossen. Je docent heeft alle uitwerkingen. Bespreek met haar/hem of je over deze

uitwerkingen mag beschikken.

Als je alle vijf de units, de round ups en de case aandachtig hebt doorgewerkt, zul je merken dat

je je in veel situaties al heel goed kunt redden. Je hebt veel Engelse woorden geleerd, je kunt

eenvoudige gesprekken voeren, allerhande teksten lezen en eenvoudige opdrachten schrijven.

Keep up the work, and don’t give up.

Katrin Overgoor

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De hoofdstukken in dit boek heten units. In elke unit oefen je de vaardigheden Speaking

interaction, Reading, Writing en Listening. Daarnaast is er aandacht voor taalregels bij Language

support en belangrijke woorden in de Personal word fi le.

Aan het eind van elke unit vind je een samenvatting in de checklist en een afsluitende opdracht

in de vorm van een Round up of Case.

Speaking interactionIn dit boek vind je veel oefeningen die je helpen een eenvoudig gesprek in het Engels te voeren

over vertrouwde onderwerpen. Vaak vind je voorbeelden hiervan in de luisteroefeningen bij dit


ReadingDeze rubriek bevat leesteksten over dagelijkse onderwerpen. Je leert eenvoudige teksten te lezen

en te begrijpen. Bij deze teksten horen verschillende opdrachten.

WritingElke unit heeft een praktische schrijfopdracht die je herkent uit de dagelijkse praktijk.

ListeningMet de vele luisteroefeningen oefen je je luistervaardigheid, vergroot je je woordenschat en hoor

je een groot aantal voorbeeldgesprekken, die je zelf kunt gebruiken in gesprekken.

Language supportHier vind je regels en tips om correct Engels te spreken en te schrijven.

Personal word fi leHiermee kun je zelf een lijst van woorden aanmaken uit de voorafgaande unit. Zo kun je die nog

eens goed oefenen.

ChecklistDit is een overzicht van wat je in de voorafgaande unit allemaal geleerd hebt.

Round up en CaseDe Round up is de afsluitende oefening van een unit waarin je kunt toepassen wat je geleerd

hebt. De Case is uitgebreider dan de Round up en bestaat uit een aantal taken, die je samen met

een ander tot een goed einde moet brengen.

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Betekenis iconen

i Speaking interaction

r Reading

w Writing

l Listening

g Language support

Ga naar www.2020english.nl of de aangegeven website.

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Page 8: 20/20 Business English Crash Course A1


Unit 1 Me, myself and I 9

Round up Personal profi le, part 1 30

Unit 2 My family and friends 31

Round up Personal profi le, part 2 51

Unit 3 My school 53

Round up Personal profi le, part 3 72

Unit 4 My Work 73

Round up Personal profi le, part 4 92

Unit 5 My World 93

Case Making a survey 111

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Unit 1Me, myself and I

In this unit you will learn about things like the English

alphabet, numbers and colours. But also about clothes and


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Unit 1 Me, myself and I

i Speaking interaction

Exercise 1

What English do you already know? Talk to a student about the English words you both

know. Think of words in songs or words you know from computer games.

l Listening

Exercise 2Listen to track 1.

Listen and say the alphabet.


















Ice cream



































Ü Rule! Remember the difference between G and J by saying G-man and DJ.

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Unit 1 Me, myself and I

l Listening

Exercise 3Listen to track 2.

Listen and write down the words you hear. Some of the letters have already been fi lled in.

1 f we

2 na e

3 uee

4 io n

5 ng ish

6 oa

7 rai

8 g s

l Listening

Exercise 4Listen to track 3.

What is your name?

Ben Hi. My name is Ben. What is your name?

Jonas Hello, Ben. My name is Jonas.

Ben How do you spell your name?

Jonas J-O-N-A-S

Ben J-O-N-A-S?

Jonas Yes, that is right.

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Unit 1 Me, myself and I

i Speaking interaction

Exercise 5

Walk around the classroom and ask for fi ve (5) students’ names. Ask how you spell the

name. Write the names down. Check if the spelling is right.

What is your name?

My name is .

How do you spell your name?

l Listening

Exercise 6Listen to track 4.

Listen and repeat the numbers.

0 zero

1 one

2 two

3 three

4 four

5 fi ve

6 six

7 seven

8 eight

9 nine

10 ten

11 eleven

12 twelve

13 thirteen

14 fourteen

15 fi fteen

16 sixteen

17 seventeen

18 eighteen

19 nineteen

20 twenty

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Unit 1 Me, myself and I

i Speaking interaction

Exercise 7

Work with a partner and write down the numbers he or she says.











l Listening

Exercise 8Listen to track 5.

Listen and repeat the numbers.

21 twenty-one

22 twenty-two

23 twenty-three

24 twenty-four

25 twenty-fi ve

26 twenty-six

27 twenty-seven

28 twenty-eight

29 twenty-nine

30 thirty

40 forty

50 fi fty

60 sixty

70 seventy

80 eighty

90 ninety

100 a hundred/one hundred

Ü Rule! Notice the way you write three, thirteen and thirty. And four, fourteen and forty.

And fi ve, fi fteen and fi fty.

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Unit 1 Me, myself and I

i Speaking interaction

Exercise 9

Ask fi ve (5) students the dates of their birthdays. Write the numbers down below.

When is your birthday?

i Speaking interaction

Exercise 10

Ask a partner to tell you his or her telephone number.

r Reading

Exercise 11

Read the text and answer the questions.

A day in the Life of Ordinary TedTed always gets up at seven o’clock. Then he eats breakfast. He usually eats a sandwich and

drinks a glass of milk. Then he walks the dog. When he gets home again he feeds the dog. Ted

always eats lunch at twelve o’clock. He always drinks a glass of milk and eats a hot dog. He

usually has dinner at fi ve o’clock in the evening. Then he watches TV. Later, he does his

homework and then he goes to bed. Ted often goes to bed at eleven o’clock.

A day in the Life of Ordinary TedTed always gets up at seven o’clock. Then he eats breakfast. He usually eats a sandwich and

drinks a glass of milk. Then he walks the dog. When he gets home again he feeds the dog. Ted

always eats lunch at twelve o’clock. He always drinks a glass of milk and eats a hot dog. He

usually has dinner at fi ve o’clock in the evening. Then he watches TV. Later, he does his

homework and then he goes to bed. Ted often goes to bed at eleven o’clock.

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Unit 1 Me, myself and I

1 What time does Ted always get up?

2 What does he do after that?

3 What does he usually eat for breakfast?

4 What time does he always have lunch?

5 What does he usually eat and drink for lunch?

6 When does he usually have dinner?

7 What does he do after dinner?

8 What time does he usually go to bed?

g Language support

Exercise 12

Look at the rules for using am, are and is.

I am a good student.

You are a lazy student

He is a good student.

She is a lazy student.

It is a great book.

We are great students.

You are lazy students.

They are happy students.

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Unit 1 Me, myself and I

Now choose the correct form of the verb to be: am/are/is. The fi rst one has already been

done for you.

1 It am/are/is cold today.

2 I am/are/is at home now.

3 They am/are/is Swedish.

4 My name am/are/is Andy.

5 There am/are/is a book on the table.

6 She am/are/is a doctor.

7 Tom and Lucy am/are/is married.

8 We am/are/is from Sweden.

9 He am/are/is a teacher.

10 You am/are/is a really good student.

11 They am/are/is not at home.

12 Ben am/are/is my best friend.

13 Liza and I am/are/is happy.

14 It am/are/is late.

g Language support

Exercise 13

Complete the following story with am/are/is.

Today Friday. I on my way to school. It

the last school day of the week.

I taking the bus because it too far to go by bike. School

starts at 8.30 in the morning. It now 8 o’clock. Luckily, the bus

on time, otherwise I would be in deep trouble.

Our classroom nice and light. There three big windows

to stare out of. There twelve desks and twelve chairs.

There six girls and six boys in our class. And of course a teacher.

Her name Eloise.

Now we about to start our English lesson. The teacher

standing there behind the desk. She waiting to tell us what we

going to do. The students not listening to her because it the last day of the week. They all talking about what they are going to

do on the weekend.

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Unit 1 Me, myself and I

Sue going to the pub with her boyfriend. Jack and Joe

going to Amsterdam and Ted going to visit his grandparents.

We all looking forward to the weekend. The teacher not

very happy with her class, but she can understand why everyone

making plans. She has plans too. I happy for her.

g Language support

Exercise 14

Short answers with am, are and is

Write sentences using am, are or is. In sentences there is a long and a short form of I am

(I’m), you are (you’re), she is (she’s), he is (he’s) and it is (it’s). See the example and fi ll in

both forms below. The fi rst one has already been done for you.

1 Yes, I … young. Yes, I am young. / Yes, I’m young.

2 No, you … not.

3 Yes, she … nice.

4 Yes, he … tall.

5 No, you … not old.

6 Yes, it … cold.

7 Yes, we … happy.

8 No, I … not angry.

9 Yes, they … funny.

10 No, we … not tired.

Short questions with am, are and is.

Am I ... ? Is he ... ? Is it ... ? Are you ... ?

Are you ... ? Is she ... ? Are we ... ? Are they ... ?

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Unit 1 Me, myself and I

Write four questions to ask a student. Use exercise 12 for ideas. One has already been done

for you.

1 Are you happy? Yes, I am happy /Yes, I’m happy. No, I am not / No, I’m not.





i Speaking interaction

Exercise 15

Work with a partner. Take turns to ask and answer your questions. See the example.

Partner A Is your father tall?

Partner B Yes, he is. Are you happy today?

Partner A Yes, I am.

Ü Rule! Always answer with more than one word.

w Writing

Exercise 16

Match the colours with the words. Use the words in the box. If possible, use coloured

pencils when you write your answers.

black blue brown green grey red white yellow orange

1 The sky is .

2 The sun is .

3 The grass is .

4 The snow is .

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Unit 1 Me, myself and I

5 Blood is .

6 The colour of coffee is .

7 The sky at night is .

8 The colour of a carrot is .

w Writing

Exercise 17

Scrambled words. Put the letters in the right order. The fi rst word has already been done

for you.

1 iwthe white

2 erd

3 leub

4 lbcak

5 rngeoa

6 regen

7 lolwey

8 yger

i Speaking interaction

Exercise 18

Work with a partner and answer these questions.

1 What colour is the sea?

2 What colour is coal?

3 What colour is a lemon?

4 What colour is wine? /

5 What colour is dark chocolate

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Unit 1 Me, myself and I

w Writing

Exercise 19

Days of the week. Put the days of the week in the right order.

Tuesday Friday Monday Saturday Wednesday Sunday Thursday

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

l Listening

Exercise 20Listen to track 6.

Listen and check your answers to exercise 19.

i Speaking interaction

Exercise 21

Walk around the classroom and ask other students these questions:

1 What day is it today?

2 What day is it tomorrow?

3 What day is your favourite day?

4 Why?

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Unit 1 Me, myself and I

w Writing

Exercise 22

Months of the year. Put the months of the year in the right order.

March August January April September December

June October February July May November

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

l Listening

Exercise 23Listen to track 7.

Listen and check your answers to exercise 22.

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Unit 1 Me, myself and I

i Speaking interaction

Exercise 24

Ask a partner these questions.

1 Which months are hot/cold in the Netherlands?

2 In which month does school start/fi nish?

3 In which month do you usually go on holiday?

w Writing

Exercise 25

The seasons of the year. Put the four seasons in the right order.

spring autumn summer winter

1 2 3 4

What is your favourite season? Why?

l Listening

Exercise 26Listen to track 8.














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Unit 1 Me, myself and I

r Reading

Exercise 27

Find these clothes in the picture and give them the right number. One has already been

done for you.

trousers shirt jacket shoes T-shirt skirt suit shorts boots coat sweater trainers

i Speaking interaction

Exercise 28

Ask a partner the following questions. What clothes do you wear

to a party?

to school?

to work?

to relax at home?


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Unit 1 Me, myself and I

r Reading

Exercise 29

Hobbies. Match the activities with the pictures. Write A-H on the lines.

One has already been done for you.

1 painting B

2 going to the cinema 3 reading 4 playing computer games 5 doing fi tness 6 playing football 7 listening to music 8 seeing friends

l Listening

Exercise 30Listen to track 9.

Listen and check your answers to exercise 29.

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Unit 1 Me, myself and I

w Writing

Exercise 31

Fill in the missing word in each sentence. Use the words from the box. The fi rst one has

already been done for you.

running playing going listening talking

1 I love talking to my friends on the phone.

2 I hate in gym class.

3 I like to school.

4 I am good at football.

5 I love to really cool music.

Ü Rule! We often use the –ing form after we have used like, love and hate.

i Speaking interaction

Exercise 32

Work with a partner. Now say what you like to do.

I love I like I do not like I hate I am good at I am not good at

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Unit 1 Me, myself and I

l Listening

Exercise 33Listen to track 10.

Listen to the text and choose the right word. The fi rst one has already been done for you.

1 I like walking in the mountains with my dog.

a walking

b fl ying

c driving

2. My dad goes in the city pool twice a week.

a weight lifting

b swimming

c basketballing

3 Tom likes to work because it is a good way to exercise.

a cycling

b footballing

c volleyballing

4 She uses watercolours when she is .

a singing

b painting

c knitting

5 I love a book before I go to sleep.

a throwing

b eating

c reading

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Unit 1 Me, myself and I

r Reading

Exercise 34

Read the text and answer the questions: a, b or c.

Ann’s hobbies and interestsAnn has a lot of hobbies and interests. She gets up early so she can run before school. Ann often

rides a horse at a stable near her home. She sometimes goes after work, but she usually goes

horseback riding on Sundays. She loves music. She sings in a band. She doesn’t have much extra

money, but when she has, she goes to a concert. She does not watch TV very often because she

likes doing things outside. She goes to the gym if it is raining outside. She isn’t often alone

because she has a lot of friends. She sometimes does things alone, but she usually goes out

with one of her friends. Ann is a happy girl!

1 Why does Ann get up early?

a She gets up early to run before school.

b She gets up early to go to school.

c She gets up early to have breakfast.

2 How often does Ann ride a horse?

a She rides a horse every day.

b She often rides a horse.

c She never rides a horse.

3 How often does Ann go to concerts?

a Every Saturday.

b When she has money.

c Never.

4 What does Ann do if it is raining?

a She goes outside.

b She goes to the gym.

c She calls friends.

Ann’s hobbies and interestsAnn has a lot of hobbies and interests. She gets up early so she can run before school. Ann often

rides a horse at a stable near her home. She sometimes goes after work, but she usually goes

horseback riding on Sundays. She loves music. She sings in a band. She doesn’t have much extra

money, but when she has, she goes to a concert. She does not watch TV very often because she

likes doing things outside. She goes to the gym if it is raining outside. She isn’t often alone

because she has a lot of friends. She sometimes does things alone, but she usually goes out

with one of her friends. Ann is a happy girl!

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Unit 1 Me, myself and I

5 How often does Ann do things alone?

a She never does things alone.

b She sometimes does things alone.

c She always does things alone.

i Speaking interaction

Exercise 35

Work with a partner. Ask and answer the following questions.

How often do you … ? Answer

1 watch TV? often / sometimes / never

2 cook? often / sometimes / never

3 read a book? often / sometimes / never

4 play computer games? often / sometimes / never

5 go out with friends? often / sometimes / never

w Writing

Exercise 36

Have a look at the example and then fi ll in your own form.

About me

Name: Lisa Hammon

Age: 17

Lucky number: 5

Favourite colour: green

My favourite clothes: jeans, sweater and trainers

Hobbies: watching TV, playing


What I like: seeing friends

What I do not like: reading books

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Unit 1 Me, myself and I

About me

Name: Age: Lucky number: Favourite colour: My favourite clothes: Hobbies: What I like: What I do not like:

Personal word fi le

Here you can write down all the words you have learned in this unit. Write the English

word and if you like you can also write the word in your own language.

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Unit 1 Me, myself and I


Tick the things you can now do in English.

n I can say the alphabet.

n I can spell my name

n I can say numbers.

n I know how to use am, are and is.

n I can say the names of colours.

n I can say the days of the week.

Round up | Personal profi le, part 1

Make your own personal profi le. Fill in the word-map below ( ) with information about

yourself. In English of course. Put a photo of yourself in the middle or do a drawing.

Use more than one word.

For example ‘My name is….’ ,

‘I am xx years old’ and

‘My favourite

colour is….’,

and so on. If

you do not

know the


words go

back and look

them up.

Good luck.

n I can say the months of the year.

n I can say the names of the seasons.

n I can say the names of clothes.

n I can say what my hobbies are.

n I can fi ll in a simple form.

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Unit 2My family and friends

In this unit you will learn about family and friends.

We will also talk about the body, the different rooms

in a house and about furniture.

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Unit 2 My family and friends

i Speaking interaction

Exercise 1

Work with a partner. What English words do you know that have to do with family?

Think of words like mother, father, aunt and uncle.

l Listening

Exercise 2Listen to track 11.

Listen and repeat the following words.










l Listening

Exercise 3Listen to track 12.

Listen to the short story about John and his family. Do you know any other words that

mean ‘nice’? Write them down.

l Listening

Exercise 4Listen to track 12 again.

While you listen fi ll in the missing words. Use the words from the box.

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Unit 2 My family and friends

brother England father grandmother John Kate mother

name (3x) nice Patrick sister

1 My is .

2 I come from .

3 I have a and a .

4 I have one and one .

5 My sister’s is and

my brother’s is .

6 They are .

7 My is living with us. She is nice too.

w Writing

Exercise 5

Scrambled words. Put the letters in the right order. The fi rst one has already been done for


1 ehfrta father

2 hobrrte 3 rseits 4 gandetohrrm 5 emthor 6 dntgarfehra 7 amifyl 8 nuecl 9 tuan 10 osicun

Ü Rule! If you do not know what a word means, use a dictionary.

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Unit 2 My family and friends

l Listening

Exercise 6Listen to track 13.

Listen and repeat the following words.









i Speaking interaction

Exercise 7

Talking about your family.

Look at the family tree below. Fill in the missing words. If you don’t remember the words

look at exercise 5 and 6 again.

Tom and Ann

Lisa (m. Bill) James (m. Susan) Bob (m. Anne)

Max Kate Anna Chris Emma

(m. = married)

1 Lisa is Ann’s .

2 James is Bob’s .

3 Ann is Lisa’s .

4 Max is Emma’s .

5 Tom is Kate’s .

6 Lisa is James’s .

7 Ann is Chris’s .

8 Tom is Bob’s .

9 Max and Anna are Tom’s .

10 James is Ann’s .

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Unit 2 My family and friends

i Speaking interaction

Exercise 8

Ask your partner to tell you who is who in exercise 7. Look at the example.

Who is Lisa? Lisa is Ann’s daughter.

r Reading

Exercise 9

Find the words in the box in the family tree below and circle them with a pen.

aunt brother cousin grandmother grandfather husband uncle

wife sister
























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Unit 2 My family and friends

w Writing

Exercise 10

Your family

Make your own family tree in the space below. Use photos or drawings if you have any.

Who is your father, mother, sister, brother, aunt, uncle and so on.

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Unit 2 My family and friends

w Writing

Exercise 11

Look at the names you put in your family tree in exercise ten. Answer the following

questions. Look at the example fi rst.

Who is Aisha? She is my aunt.

Who is Peter? He is my uncle.

Who is ? Who is ? Who is ? Who is ? Who is ? Who is ? Who is ? Who is ? Who is ? Who is ?

i Speaking interaction

Exercise 12

Your partner’s family

Ask your partner who is who in her/his family tree.

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Unit 2 My family and friends

l Listening

Exercise 13

Listen to track 14.

Read the dialogue. Then listen and write down the missing words.

A Do you have any brothers and sisters?

B Yes. I have one and

one .

A How old is your brother?

B He is years old.

A Are you married?

B I am.

A Do you have any ?

B Yes I have. Do you have any brother and sisters?

A No, I don’t.

B How old are ?

A I am .

i Speaking interaction

Exercise 14

Now work with a partner and fi t the conversation to your own family. Use exercise 13 and

make the changes that are needed.

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Unit 2 My family and friends

r Reading

Exercise 15

Read the card below and answer the questions.

Bob and Anne Thompson

are proud to announce

the arrival of their new baby boy

ChrisDate of birth: 5th March 2012

Time: 5 o’clock. Weight: 4.2 kilos

Colour of eyes: Green

Colour of hair: Black

Mother and baby are fi ne.

1 What is the baby’s fi rst name? 2 Is the baby a boy or a girl? 3 How much does the baby weigh? 4 What colour are the eyes? 5 What colour is the hair? 6 Is the baby OK?

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Unit 2 My family and friends

l Listening

Exercise 16Listen to track 15.

Your body

First listen and repeat the words. Then look at the pictures below and number the parts of

the body.

back arm ear eye face fi nger foot hand knee leg toe mouth neck

nose shoulder stomach

Ü Rule! Learn how to say the word ‘stomach’.

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Unit 2 My family and friends

i Speaking interaction

Exercise 17

Check with a partner. Did you have all of the body parts right?

g Language support

Exercise 18

Look at the rules for using has and have.

I have a sweet cat.

You have a mean cat.

He has a young cat.

She has a smelly cat.

It has a cat that looks like a rat.

We have a cat in a big black hat.

You have a wild cat.

They have a great cat.

Now chose have or has. The fi rst one has already been done for you.

1 I have/has a good job.

2 It have/has a long black tail.

3 They have/has many nice friends.

4 He have/has a passport.

5 They have/has a big brother.

6 She have/has a blue car.

7 Tom and Lucy have/has a new house.

8 We have/has a dog with big teeth.

9 He have/has an uncle who is rich.

10 You have/has a big nose.

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Unit 2 My family and friends

g Language support

Exercise 19

Fill in the blanks with have or has.

1 We beautiful fl owers in our garden.

2 You an expensive car.

3 She a good job.

4 He a lot of money.

5 You a tall brother.

6 The dog a small tail.

7 My mother an interesting hobby.

8 I curly hair.

9 They two tickets for the show.

10 You lots of luck.

i Speaking interaction

Exercise 20

What do you look like?

Look at the picture and the words that

describe the person in the picture.

The man has short brown hair.

His eyes are black.

He has a beard.

He has dark skin.

He is tall.

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Unit 2 My family and friends

Now try to describe yourself. Use the words in the box.

a beard bald curly hair long hair short hair shoulder-length hair

short tall glasses light skin dark skin average height

big eyes (colour) hair (colour) small

Write down the words that describe you.

Ü Rule! If you do not know what a word means, use a dictionary.

i Speaking interaction

Exercise 21

What does your best friend look like?

Answer the questions below.

1 What colour is his/her hair? Her/his hair is .

2 How long is his/her hair? Her/his hair is .

3 Is it straight or curly? It is .

4 What colour are his/her eyes? Her/his eyes are .

5 Is he/she tall? Yes, she/he is .

No, she/he is .

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Unit 2 My family and friends

i Speaking interaction

Exercise 22

Describe what your best friend looks like. Your partner will draw that person. Give your

partner a mark out of 10 for the quality of the drawing. Use the words in the box to help

you get started.

He has .

She has .

He is .

She is .

His eyes are .

Her eyes are .

and so on.

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Unit 2 My family and friends

i Speaking interaction

Exercise 23

They say that a dog is a man’s best friend. But for you it could also be a cat or a bird or any

other animal. Discuss the following questions with a partner.

Do you have a pet?

If you do, what kind of animal is it?

What does it look like?

How old is it?

What is its name?

If you don’t have a pet, why not?

Make one up.

i Speaking interaction

Exercise 24

‘My home is my castle.’

Work with a partner. What words do you know to talk about your house?

l Listening

Exercise 25Listen to track 16.

Listen and repeat the following words.







dining room



living room



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Unit 2 My family and friends

w Writing

Exercise 26

Put the words from the box in their right places.

attic balcony basement bathroom bedroom dining room hall

kitchen living room roof stairs toilet

i Speaking interaction

Exercise 27

How many did you get right? Work with a partner and check. Which part of your house do

you spend most of your time in and why?

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Unit 2 My family and friends

l Listening

Exercise 28Listen to track 17.

Listen and repeat the following words.

a sofa

a table

a shower

a mirror

a cupboard

a stove

a TV

a fridge

a dishwasher

a bed

a sink

a chair

i Speaking interaction

Exercise 29

In which rooms do you usually fi nd the things in the box? You can fi nd some of the things

in more than one room.

a bed a dishwasher a chair a cupboard a fridge a mirror a shower

a sink a sofa a stove a table a TV a wardrobe a toilet

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Unit 2 My family and friends




Living room

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Unit 2 My family and friends

i Speaking interaction

Exercise 30

Work with a partner. In which room do you do the things in the box? You can do some of

the things in more than one room. Use a dictionary to fi nd the words that you do not


do the washing-up watch DVDs brush your teeth cook food get dressed

check your emails put on make-up sleep eat your dinner

take a shower take a pee




Living room

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Unit 2 My family and friends

w Writing

Exercise 31

More personal information. Fill in the form with more detailed information about yourself.

The colour of my eyes: The colour of my hair: My hair is: I am short/average height/tall: Weight: Some information about my home:

Personal word fi le

Here you can write down all the words you have learned in this unit. Write the English

word and if you like you can also write the word in your own language.

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Unit 2 My family and friends


Tick the things you can now do in English.

n I can name family members.

n I can make a family tree.

n I can ask questions about other people’s families.

n I can name body parts.

n I know how to use have and has.

n I can describe a person.

n I can talk about my pet.

n I can describe a/my home.

n I can fi ll in personal information about my family.

Round up | Personal profi le, part 2

Go on with your personal profi le and fi ll in the information in the table below.

How many people are there in your family?

How many brothers and sisters do you have?

What are their names?

What about aunts and uncles?

Who is your favourite family member and why?

Fill in the names of your mother, father, cousins, grandparents and so on. You can also fi ll

in the colour of their eyes, hair and so on, under Extra information.

Good luck.

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Unit 2 My family and friends



Extra information

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Unit 3My school

In this unit you will learn about school. We will also talk

about sports, food and drinks.

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Unit 3 My school

i Speaking interaction

Exercise 1

What English words do you know that have something to do with school? Look around

the classroom to help you. Think of words like teacher, schoolbooks and pencil.

l Listening

Exercise 2Listen to track 18.

Listen and repeat the following words.




school bag







l Listening

Exercise 3Listen to track 18 again.

Listen to track 18 and fi ll in the right words from the box.

school bag folder highlighter notebook pencil photocopier plug

rubber socket whiteboard




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Unit 3 My school

w Writing

Exercise 4

Fill in the missing word. Use exercise 3 if you need some help. The fi rst one has already

been done for you.

1 If you want a sentence to be bright you use a highlighter.

2 You usually keep your papers in a .

3 You put your schoolbooks in a .

4 You need a to remove your mistakes.

5 If your laptop need electricity you put the

in a .








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Unit 3 My school

r Reading

Exercise 5

Read the message and answer

the questions.

1 What has Pamela lost?

a her fi le

b her folder

c her notebook

2 What colour is it?

a green

b blue

c grey

3 Pamela needs it for her

a mother

b exams

c vacation

4 What do you think reward means?

a a present

b food

c time

5 When can you call Pamela?

a during the daytime

b anytime

c only in the evening


I have lost my folder.

Please help me to fi nd it.

It is green with my name on it - Pamela Smith.

I need it so I can study for my exams.

The fi nder will get a reward.

Call me on 0464688234 or 0677884466


You can mail me at [email protected]

I really need my folder back!

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Unit 3 My school

l Listening

Exercise 6Listen to track 19.

Listen and repeat the following words.



vocational school









Ü Rule! Use your dictionary to look up the words you do not know.

l Listening

Exercise 7Listen to track 20.

You are going to hear two talks about studying. Use the words from the box to fi ll in the


boring diploma hard student studying year vocational school

Talk 1

A So what do you do, Karen?

B I’m a student at a .

A Oh, OK. What are you ?

B Marketing.

A Right. And what are you in?

B My fi rst. I started this year.

A Do you like it?

B Yes, it’s great. I really enjoy it.

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Unit 3 My school

Talk 2

A So what do you do, Ben? Are you working?

B I’m a at a vocational school .

A Oh, right. What are you studying?

B English.

A Really? What year are you in?

B My second.

A Do you like it?

B No, it’s quite

and !

A Would you like to quit?

B No, I want my .

l Listening

Exercise 8Listen to track 20 again.

Listen to the two talks again and fi ll in the table. One thing has already been fi lled in for


Subject Year How is it going


2 2nd

i Speaking interaction

Exercise 9

What subjects do you study at school? Look at the subjects below and talk about them in

class. You may need to translate the words into your own language or into Dutch.

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Unit 3 My school








i Speaking interaction

Exercise 10

Work with a partner. Talk about the following:

What are you studying?

What year are you in? (fi rst (1), second (2), third (3))

Do you like it?


g Language support

Exercise 11

A and an.

You use a and an when you say what a person or thing is. For example:

I am a student.

Karen is a teacher.

A dictionary is a book.

A cat is an animal.

An hour is a period of sixty minutes.

1 You use a with words that begin with b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z.

2 You use an with words that begin with a, e, i, o, u.

3 English sometimes has exceptions to the rules: When one of the letters from group 2

sounds like one of the letters from group 1 you use a.

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Unit 3 My school

For example: u can sound like ‘uh’ in uncle and then you use an. But it can also sound like

‘yew’ in uniform and then you use a.

Also, when one of the letters from group 1 sounds like one of the letters from group 2 you

use an.

For example: h can sound like ‘ha’ in handle and then you use a. But it can also sound like

‘ow’ in hour and then you use an. It’s not as diffi cult as it sounds. You’ll get the hang of it!

Fill in the gaps with a or an.

1 Tom has dog.

2 Sweden is European


3 This is old book.

4 I do homework for hour

every day.

5 There is store close to


6 Schiphol is airport.

7 Do you have notebook?

8 This is useful book.

9 This is expensive car.

10 I need red pen.

11 Soldiers wear uniform.

12 Brenda has aunt in Paris.

13 They are building new fi tness


14 I have idea.

15 I don’t want to study at


g Language support

Exercise 12

You also use a and an when you are talking about jobs. For example:

A What’s your job?

B I’m a teacher.

‘What does Bob do?’ ‘ He’s an engineer.’

Would you like to be a singer?

What are the jobs of the people in the next drawing? Choose from the words in the box

and fi nish the sentences. The fi rst one has already been done for you.

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Unit 3 My school

architect dentist electrician nurse shop assistant student

1 He is a dentist.

2 She is 3 He is 4 He 5 She

6 And you? I am

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Unit 3 My school

l Listening

Exercise 13


Listen to track 21.

First listen to the words below and then write the words under the pictures. One has

already been done for you.

aerobics basketball cycling fi tness football/soccer skiing

swimming volleyball


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Unit 3 My school

i Speaking interaction

Exercise 14

Work together with a partner. Match each sentence to the right sport.

1 you have to kick a ball into a net golf

2 you have to put a ball through a hoop with a net table tennis

3 you have to hit a ball into a hole with a club volleyball

4 you have to hit a ball over a net on a table with a bat tennis

5 you have to hit a ball over a net with a racket basketball

6 you have to hit balls into holes on a table football/soccer

7 you have to hit a ball over a net with your hands billiards

r Reading

Exercise 15

Read the text and answer the questions.

At the gym

Kate What a great place this is. It was a great workout!

Pam Yes, it’s great here. What other sports do you do?

Kate Well, I play volleyball, I play a little tennis and I ski in the winter.

Pam Wow, you really do a lot of sports. I’m a little lazy. I come here because the

exercises are easy.

Kate Why don’t you come with me the next time I play volleyball?

Pam Well, I don’t know. I’m not sure I would be any good.

Kate You can learn. Why don’t you come with me next Friday evening?

Pam Well, ok.

Kate I will pick you up at 6 o’clock.

Pam Great. See you then.

At the gym

Kate What a great place this is. It was a great workout!

Pam Yes, it’s great here. What other sports do you do?

Kate Well, I play volleyball, I play a little tennis and I ski in the winter.

Pam Wow, you really do a lot of sports. I’m a little lazy. I come here because the

exercises are easy.

Kate Why don’t you come with me the next time I play volleyball?

Pam Well, I don’t know. I’m not sure I would be any good.

Kate You can learn. Why don’t you come with me next Friday evening?

Pam Well, ok.

Kate I will pick you up at 6 o’clock.

Pam Great. See you then.

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Unit 3 My school

1 Where are Kate and Pam?

a playing volleyball

b in a gym

c at home

2 What sports does Kate do?

a football, tennis and skiing

b volleyball, tennis and skiing

c fi tness, volleyball, tennis and skiing

3 Pam says that she is lazy. What does that mean?

a she is happy

b she is not into sports

c she does not feel like working too hard in the gym

4 Who is going to learn how to play volleyball?

a Kate

b Pam

c both

i Speaking interaction

Exercise 16

A small survey

Work with a partner. Walk around the classroom and ask fi ve students what their

favourite sport is. And ask why they like it. Write down what the students say. You will

need the answers to be able to do exercise 17.

What is your favourite sport?

Why do you like it?


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Unit 3 My school





i Speaking interaction

Exercise 17

What is the most popular sport in your survey? Tell the rest of the class what you and

your partner found out.

Ü Rule! Use your dictionary to look up the words you do not know. Look up the word survey.

i Speaking interaction

Exercise 18


Work with a partner. What food and drink words do you know?

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Unit 3 My school

l Listening

Exercise 19Listen to track 22.

Write the words under the pictures. Then listen, check and repeat.

an apple a bottle of water a bowl of tomatosoup a cheese sandwich

a cup of coffee a cola a glass of milk a green salad

a hamburger an ice cream an orange juice a plate of pasta

a portion of French Fries a cup of tea

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Unit 3 My school

r Reading

Exercise 20

Underline all the items of food. Use a dictionary to fi nd the words that you do not know.

The fi rst one has already been done for you.

1 a) cake b) read c) cat

2 a) lesson b) apple c) trumpet

3 a) foot b) biscuit c) garden

4 a) juice b) boy c) hair

5 a) taxi b) green c) bread

6 a) banana b) nice c) aunt

7 a) colour b) fi sh c) tall

8 a) milk b) swim c) actor

9 a) spaghetti b) eat c) uncle

10 a) word b) you c) sausage

r Reading

Exercise 21

Read the text and answer the questions.

Tom’s lunchTom wants to eat lunch. He goes to a restaurant. He is hungry. He orders a hamburger, a cup of

coffee and a glass of milk. The waiter asks Tom if he wants something else. Tom says he wants

a bagel and tomato soup. Tom eats all his food and pays the bill. He is full now. He goes back to


Tom’s lunchTom wants to eat lunch. He goes to a restaurant. He is hungry. He orders a hamburger, a cup of

coffee and a glass of milk. The waiter asks Tom if he wants something else. Tom says he wants

a bagel and tomato soup. Tom eats all his food and pays the bill. He is full now. He goes back to


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Unit 3 My school

1 Where does Tom go?

2 What does he order?

3 What does the waiter ask him?

4 How does Tom feel after eating?

5 Where does Tom go after eating?

l Listening

Exercise 22Listen to track 23.

Listen to Kate and Bill talking about Kate’s favourite food. Answer

the questions below.

Bill Hi, I’m Bill from London. I’m here with Kate from Dublin.

We’re going to talk about Kate’s favourite food. What ‘s your favourite food, Kate?

Kate I think I like American food.

Bill What type of American food?

Kate I like hamburgers.

Bill Do you like any side orders such as French fries with your hamburger?

Kate I love French fries. I also like a green salad with my hamburger.

Bill Do you only like hamburgers?

Kate No, I like sushi too.

Bill Oh, I don’t like sushi. It is too fi shy for me.

Kate And my favourite dessert is ice-dream. I just love it.

Bill Me too, and chocolate cake. Well, thank you Kate. I hope you get to eat your

favourite food today.

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Unit 3 My school

1 Kate likes hamburgers sushi.

a but not

b and

c too

2. As a side order she usually has

a French fries

b nothing

c French fries and a green salad

3. Kate’s favourite dessert is

a chocolate cake

b ice cream

c chocolate cake and ice cream

4. Bill sushi.

a loves

b hates

c prefers

i Speaking interaction

Exercise 23

Talk about your favourite food.

Work with a partner. Use ‘I love’ ‘I really like’ and ‘I do not (don’t) like’. See example.

I really like bananas, but I don’t like milk.

I really like , but I don’t

like .

I love but I don’t

like .

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Unit 3 My school

l Listening

Exercise 24Listen to track 24.

You are going to hear Peter and Mary talking about a recipe. Try to put the sentences

below in the right order. Check your answers with a partner’s. Then listen again and see if

you were right.

1 It is easy. 2 put the plate in the oven. 3 You fi rst wash them.

4 put them on a plate. 5 for about 30 minutes

i Speaking interaction

Exercise 25

Work with a partner. There are different ways to prepare food. Match each word to the

right meaning.

1 bake a to heat and cook food in very hot water

2 boil b to heat food really quickly with an electrical machine

3 fry c to cook food in an oven

4 grill d to cook food in hot oil or butter

5 microwave e to cook food nice and crispy under heating elements

w Writing

Exercise 26

Do you like to cook? Here is a pancake recipe. You will need to know a couple of words

before you read the recipe. And look up other words you do not know.

pinch: the amount of salt, for example, that you can hold between your thumb and fi rst

fi nger

whisk: blend something very fast

batter: a mixture of fl our, eggs and milk

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Unit 3 My school

Ingredients for four pancakes

240g white fl our

Two eggs1⁄2 litre milk

Small pinch of salt

Butter to fry in

1 Whisk together the milk, eggs and salt.

2 Put in the fl our a little at a time, and whisk until smooth.

3 Heat a small amount of butter in a pan.

4 Pour the batter into the pan.

5 Cook until the pancake looks dry and then turn it over and cook the other side.

Serve with anything you like.

My own recipe

Now write down your own recipe. If you don’t have one look one up on the internet.

Personal word fi le

Here you can write down all the words you have learned in this unit. Write the English

word and if you like you can also write the word in your own language.

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Unit 3 My school


Tick the things you can now do in English.

n I can name different things in a classroom.

n I can talk about what I study.

n I can ask others about what they study.

n I know how to use a and an.

n I can name different sports.

n I can talk to people about sports.

n I can name different foods.

n I can talk to other people about food.

n I can write down a recipe

Round up | Personal profi le, part 3

Go on with your personal profi le and fi ll in the information from the list below.

Write down what you study at school.

Write down what sports you do and why you like them.

Write down your favourite food.

Good luck.

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