2019 annual journal dinner - shulcloudtell us in pirkei avos (4:17) “rabbi shimon says: there are...

Young Israel Congregaon 2019 ANNUAL JOURNAL DINNER March 3, 2019 I 26 Adar I, 5779 sjh od ohjt ,ca ohgb vnu cuy vn vbv Serving e Communies of Bal Harbour Bay Harbor Islands, Indian Creek & Surfside Honoring Rabb i Moshe and Rena G ruenstein Paying Tribute to our Past Presidents Leon Brum, Daniel Couney, Max Dekelbaum, Jack Gluck, Morris Kaplan, David Kwiat, Shelly Lisbon & Aaron Weinberg

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Page 1: 2019 ANNUAL JOURNAL DINNER - ShulCloudtell us in Pirkei Avos (4:17) “Rabbi Shimon says: There are three crowns in Judaism – the crown of Torah, the crown of priesthood, and the

Young Israel Congregation


March 3, 2019 I 26 Adar I, 5779

sjh od ohjt ,ca ohgb vnu cuy vn vbv

Serving the Communities of Bal HarbourBay Harbor Islands, Indian Creek & Surfside


Rabbi Moshe and Rena G ruensteinPaying Tribute to our Past Presidents

Leon Brum, Daniel Courtney, Max Dekelbaum,Jack Gluck, Morris Kaplan, David Kwiat,

Shelly Lisbon & Aaron Weinberg

Page 2: 2019 ANNUAL JOURNAL DINNER - ShulCloudtell us in Pirkei Avos (4:17) “Rabbi Shimon says: There are three crowns in Judaism – the crown of Torah, the crown of priesthood, and the

Young Israel Congregationwelcomes you to our


March 3, 2019 I 26 Adar I, 5779


Rabbi Moshe and Rena G ruensteinPaying Tribute to our Past Presidents

Leon Brum, Daniel Courtney, Max Dekelbaum,Jack Gluck, Morris Kaplan, David Kwiat,

Shelly Lisbon & Aaron Weinberg

sjh od ohjt ,ca ohgb vnu cuy vn vbv

Page 3: 2019 ANNUAL JOURNAL DINNER - ShulCloudtell us in Pirkei Avos (4:17) “Rabbi Shimon says: There are three crowns in Judaism – the crown of Torah, the crown of priesthood, and the

Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner


Rabbi: Moshe Gruenstein

OfficersPresident: Menno RatzkerVice President: Jack Gluck

Vice President: Martin JacobsSecretary: Daniel Courtney

Treasurer: Israel KopelPast President: Aaron Weinberg

Board of DirectorsMax DekelbaumFred Farbman

Reuven HersseinShelly Lisbon

Jared PlittMali SchwartzIra Sussman

Ianna SterenfeldNick Wigoda

Harvey Wolinetz

Past PresidentsLeon Brum

Daniel CourtneyMax Dekelbaum

Jack GluckMorris KaplanDavid Kwiat

Shelly Lisbon

Office Administrator: Yakira Navarro

Page 4: 2019 ANNUAL JOURNAL DINNER - ShulCloudtell us in Pirkei Avos (4:17) “Rabbi Shimon says: There are three crowns in Judaism – the crown of Torah, the crown of priesthood, and the

Annual Journal Dinner Committee

Chair: Meir Cosiol


Tammy Attias

Joseph Barrington

Amy Benishai

Talia Berner

Edward Chernoff

Daniel Courtney

Max Dekelbaum

Jonathan Gerszberg

Jack Gluck

Susan Gluck

Jerry Gontownik

Freda Greenbaum

Rabbi Moshe Gruenstein

Penny Miller Harris

David Herman

Eli Hirmes

Greta Hirmes

Golda Jacobs

Martin Jacobs

Miriam Lisbon

Marty Packer

Jared Plitt

Linda Laulicht

Helen Ratzker

Menno Ratzker

Rose Schreiber

Mali Schwartz

Steve Schwartz

Bianca Senker

Shelley Senker

Jayne Shapiro

Ianna Sterenfeld

Debra Sussman

Ira Sussman

Aaron Weinberg

Susan Weinberg

Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Thank you to all Dinner Committee members!

Special thanks to Howard Barbanel for his generous donation of wine for our Annual Dinner.

Page 5: 2019 ANNUAL JOURNAL DINNER - ShulCloudtell us in Pirkei Avos (4:17) “Rabbi Shimon says: There are three crowns in Judaism – the crown of Torah, the crown of priesthood, and the

Past Dinner Honorees

2002 Bianca & Joey Senker

2002 Harold Engelstein

2003 Adrianne & Leon Brum

2003 Ann & David Kwiat

2004 Dorothy & Elias Sussman

2005 Jessica & Daniel Courtney

2005 Anita & Max Dekelbaum

2006 Susan & Jack Gluck

2006 Ethelyn Lieblich

2006 Ianna & Jacks Sterenfeld

2007 Nat Lewin

2007 Rhoda Lipton

2008 Elana & Michael Szafranski

2008 Natalie & Matthew Turetsky

2009 Penny & Stuart Harris

2009 Miriam & Shelly Lisbon

2010 Elsa & Isaac Silberberg

2010 Tammy & Aaron Attias

2011 Bellinda & Larry Zaret

2012 Ilana & Hillel Abramson

2012 Freda Greenbaum

2012 in memory of Paul Sterental z’l

2013 Chaya & Rabbi Hod Tamir

2014 Mali & Steve Schwartz

2015 Golda & Martin Jacobs

2015 Rose & Rabbi Simeon Schreiber

2015 Tzippi & Nick Wigoda

2016 Susan & Aaron Weinberg

2017 Batya & Meir Cosiol

2017 Iris & Reuven Herssein

2017 Celebrating YI’s 18th Chai Anniversary

2018 Helen & Menno Ratzker

Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Page 6: 2019 ANNUAL JOURNAL DINNER - ShulCloudtell us in Pirkei Avos (4:17) “Rabbi Shimon says: There are three crowns in Judaism – the crown of Torah, the crown of priesthood, and the

A Special Welcome to Our New Members

David & Emily AaronAndrew & Eti Bales

Golda Brown & Harry KrakowskyJacob Coopersmith

Lawrence & Adele DienerYaakov & Chana Fish

Logan & Estephanie GansRose GerszbergMicah GoldsteinShaya Gordon

Steven & Edith GreenbergJeffrey & Jodi Harris

Michael & Robbye HeneschKim Heyman

Jeffrey & Ellen KoppelHenry & Rena KresselIrving & Miriam Langer Fred & Jennifer Levine

Andrew & Basya LowingerAlan Marcus

Stephen & Eve MilsteinJason & Jessica Muss

Donny & Arielle RosenbergSteven (Tuvia) & Gitty Rothschild

Isaac & Bahee SalverJon & Yearit Sazer

Irwin & Ruth ShapiroRoz Spodek

Daniel & Diana SragowiczTodd Stock & Tina Svetkova

Josh & Mera TreismanJeffrey & Danielle Wild

Michael & Adrienne Wolfe

Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Page 7: 2019 ANNUAL JOURNAL DINNER - ShulCloudtell us in Pirkei Avos (4:17) “Rabbi Shimon says: There are three crowns in Judaism – the crown of Torah, the crown of priesthood, and the

Message from the Rabbi

Dear Friends, עמו"ש

It is with great pleasure that we gather together to celebrate our 18 years with Young Israel and to honor the past presidents who have contributed so much to our shul’s success and growth. As our sages tell us in Pirkei Avos (4:17) “Rabbi Shimon says: There are three crowns in Judaism – the crown of Torah, the crown of priesthood, and the crown of kingship; but the crown of a good name is above them all.” I am proud to say that more than anything else, our Young Israel has the crown of a good name.

Throughout the year, especially during the winter, people come to our shul from all over the country and the world. To my great nachas, they often tell me that they have been to many synagogues, but they have never been to such an inspirational service. The decorum, the davening, and the Torah messages they hear are unlike anything they have experienced anywhere else. People also comment on how warm and inviting the people in our shul are. My friends, it wasn’t always thisway. We have developed and grown, not only in terms of a physical edifice and our numbers, but also spiritually. Together, as a congregation, we have matured and evolved. Our congregation exudes an aura on Shabbos that is not so readily duplicated. That’s because we are blessed with high-quality people and a talented and dedicated leadership that is second to none.

We should never forget our humble beginnings on top of a bank. We started with a minyan for Shacharis maybe three times a week, and there was no minyan for Mincha and Maariv. Today, thank G-d, we have two robust minyanim every morning and of course Mincha and Maariv every day. I still remember my first Kol Nidrei in our Young Israel. We had about 35 people. Today, on some shabbosos we can have as many as 500 people between our hashkama and regular minyan.

Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Page 8: 2019 ANNUAL JOURNAL DINNER - ShulCloudtell us in Pirkei Avos (4:17) “Rabbi Shimon says: There are three crowns in Judaism – the crown of Torah, the crown of priesthood, and the

Yes, we have come a very long way and the Al-mighty has been incredibly kind to us. But He has also sent us wonderful messengers.

I am not going to mention names for fear of leaving someone out, but you know who you are. All I can say is: fortunate is the Rabbi who has such special lay leadership to work with. Without you, all that we have today could never have been accomplished. However, there is one person I would like to single out and that is my eshes chayil. Without her, I am an empty vessel; all that I have been able to accomplish is due to her presence in my life. I thank G-d every day for the special gift that He has given me.

Mazel Tov to all of you who have joined us in this milestone event! May we continue to go from strength to strength as we give nachas to each other, and more importantly, as we give nachas to the Holy One Above that He may continue to crown our efforts with much success.

Rabbi Moshe Gruenstein

Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Page 9: 2019 ANNUAL JOURNAL DINNER - ShulCloudtell us in Pirkei Avos (4:17) “Rabbi Shimon says: There are three crowns in Judaism – the crown of Torah, the crown of priesthood, and the

Message from the President

Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Herb Brooks, the coach of the 1980 Olympic Gold Medal Hockey team, was quoted as saying, “There is no I in the word team.”

Similarly, there is no successful charity organization or for that matter corporation that operates without a team.

As most of you know, I have been associated with a number of Charitableorganizations (Shaare Zedek Hospital, Yeshiva University, Community Synagogue of Monsey to name a few.) All worked with a team.

Here at the Young Israel we also operated as a team, led by the past Presidents and others and by our Rabbi Gruenstein. The edifice that we now occupy, our “Mikdash M’at,” was financed and mostly paid for by many of our current membership. They acted as a team and followed the rule stated in parshas Re’eh: “ish k’matnas yado” – everyone should give his fair share.

The Young Israel Congregation is controlled and run by a team. There’s an old joke that says, “In my family my wife makes all the big decisions and I make the small ones…” Well here, the Executive Committee makes all the frequent SMALL decisions and the 15-member board makes all the large and significant ones. That’s how we were able to build a $15 million building and after less than three years have a debt of below $400,000!

Being President takes a great amount of time BUT without that team the job would become totally impossible. Consequently, I am fully indebted to that team and thank them for their continuous effort.

May we all work in a united way so that our Young Israel will continue to flourish.

Menno Ratzker

Page 10: 2019 ANNUAL JOURNAL DINNER - ShulCloudtell us in Pirkei Avos (4:17) “Rabbi Shimon says: There are three crowns in Judaism – the crown of Torah, the crown of priesthood, and the

Message From the Youth Director

מנא לן דשמא גרים אמר רבי אליעזר דאמר קרא לכו חזו מפעלות ה׳אשר שם שמות בארץ אל תקרי שמות אלא שמות

From where do we derive that the name affects one’s life? Rabbi Eliezer said that the verse says: “Go, see the works of Hashem, who has made desolations [shamot] upon the earth (Psalms 46:9). Do not read the word as shamot, rather as shemot, names.” (Berachos 7b)

The Maharsha explains that this means that Hashem acts in accordance with the names He has devised. In other words, Hashem inspires parents to select a name when naming their baby and many years later, it becomes clear to all why that name was selected.

We all know Moshe Rabeinu toiled his entire life for the Jewish people and even did so for the very people that accused, ignored, complained, and even rebelled against him! When he was leaving his position, he had no personal interest; he was only concerned that the people have a new leader who would take care of them.

Indeed, it has become clear why our Rabbi Moshe Gruenstein was given his name as he, like Moshe Rabeinu, has dedicated his life to the Jewish people and is constantly thinking about them. He does so together with his Rebbetzin, Rena. The word Rena, Rabbi Azriel Rosner explains, is a rejoicing that often appears in Tanach after a hardship. The well- known pasuk in Tehillim says, "הזורעים בדמעה, ברנה יקצורו " – those who planted with tears, will harvest with rejoicing. Similarly, Rebbetzin Rena Gruenstein toiled hard raising a large beautiful family, teaching Torah, making herself available to community needs and somehow finding time to even cook for so many each Shabbos!

One of the main goals of our Youth Program is to make sure that every child feels he/she has a special “name” and a significant mission as

Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Page 11: 2019 ANNUAL JOURNAL DINNER - ShulCloudtell us in Pirkei Avos (4:17) “Rabbi Shimon says: There are three crowns in Judaism – the crown of Torah, the crown of priesthood, and the

part of the Jewish people. Fortunately, our youth are blessed to have the most shining examples of whose who live up to their “names”, this evening’s honorees, Rabbi & Rebbetzin Gruenstein! Mazel Tov to themand to all of our Past Presidents, and much thanks to President Menno Ratzker, the Board of Directors and the entire congregation for helping us ensure that our Jewish Youth follow in their footsteps and live up to their “names”!

With admiration and a great deal of gratitude,

Rabbi Avi Fried

Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Page 12: 2019 ANNUAL JOURNAL DINNER - ShulCloudtell us in Pirkei Avos (4:17) “Rabbi Shimon says: There are three crowns in Judaism – the crown of Torah, the crown of priesthood, and the

Message from the Dinner Chair

Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Welcome to our Young Israel’s 2019 Annual Dinner. Tonight, we ponder how fortunate we are to be a part of this beautiful community and to marvel at how far it has come in the past 20 years. From a small minyan in the basement of a hotel that no longer stands, through the sweet years above the bank, to a beautiful edifice emanating with a cascade of minyanim, Torah learning, youth programs, and more. Please join me in saying Baruch Hashem! Thank you, Hashem, for all of it.

I want to recognize our honorees for all their work on behalf of this community and for their help in making this dinner a realty. Rabbi and Rebbetzin Gruenstein have led this community for 18 years. During that time, this shul has blossomed in large part thanks to the Torah values that Rabbi G and his Rebbetzin have instilled in all of us. The Rabbi’s drashas and shiurim, enjoyed by members and visitors alike, emphasize a love of Torah and a passion for personal improvement. Rabbi G constantly extols us to work on ourselves to become closer to Hashem and more kind to our fellow man. Thank you for making our shul so inspiring.

Our past presidents are true giants of community service. Each in his own beautiful way has worked tirelessly and selflessly for the success of this community. Each has given of his own unique talents and capabilities, and our community cannot thank them enough. These askanim will always be towering examples for the rest of us. May we all learn from them and seek to emulate them.

It gives me great pleasure to thank all those who helped make this evening a success. I especially want to thank Mali and Steve Schwartz, the backbone of this effort. Steve undertook the herculean task of managing the solicitations and putting together the dinner journal. It is thanks to Steve, along with master fundraisers Menno Ratzker and Jack Gluck, that this is our most successful fundraiser thus far.

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Mali has devoted a tremendous amount of time, effort and creativity to put together the film presentations about our honorees, as well as organizing all the myriad details that go into planning a Simcha for 250 people. We hope you enjoy.

Historians disagree as to whether a “golden age” is something that can be experienced by those fortunate enough to live through it, or if it is something that comes into focus only upon reflection, many years later. I don’t have the final answer to that debate, but something tells me that this time in our history, in this small corner of South Florida, is a Golden Age of peace, tranquility, prosperity and growth of Torah. May we all recognize the blessings that Hashem has bestowed upon us and may this community continue its growth and success.

Enjoy the show!

Meir Cosiol

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Guests of Honor

Rabbi Moshe and Rena G ruenstein

Rabbi Moshe Gruenstein has served the Young Israel Congregation for eighteen years, watching it grow from a small kehilla on the second floor of the Amtrust Bank building to a thriving shul community in its new home, a magnificent new state of the art building.

Rabbi Gruenstein grew up in Forest Hills, New York. His parents were Holocaust survivors who lived in Czechoslovakia before the war. He attended Chofetz Chaim High School and Queens College and received his smicha from what was then the Rabbinical Seminary of America.

Rena Gruenstein comes from Chicago, where she attended ICJA High School and then completed her education at Beis Yaakov seminary in Israel. Rena has been a teacher of elementary school her entire adult

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

life, having taught in South Bend IN, Chicago, Flatbush and Toras Emes in North Miami Beach. Rena is a master teacher with a stellar reputation. Her students and their parents adore her, and she has seen her students grow up to take their place in the Jewish world.

The Rabbi and Rena married in Chicago, and then lived in Forest Hills, Queens where their third child Yaakov was born. They moved to Florida to join the Toras Chaim Kollel, then at 41 st Street in Miami Beach. The members of that kollel went on to become prominent leaders and educators in the South Florida Jewish community. Rabbi Yisroel Niman is now Rosh HaYeshiva of Yeshiva Toras Chaim, Rabbi Eliyahu Rabovsky became spiritual leader of the Young Israel of Boca Raton, and Rabbi Gedalya Glatt is a master teacher and popular lecturer.

At different times during his rabbinic career, the Rabbi taught Talmud and halacha at Yeshiva Toras Chaim, and halacha and hashkafa at Beis Yaakov High School. In 1988 he founded Project Heritage, an outreach program catering to secular Jews, which offered classes, programs and shabbatonim all over South Florida. It was a very successful and dynamic outreach program that touched the hearts and souls of hundreds of Jews who might never have known what it means to be Jewish. The Rabbi wore many different hats, all of them black of course. He was the teacher, executive director, office manager, and director of public relations.

Due to the encouragement and persistence of the Sussman family, Rabbi Gruenstein became the Morah D’asrah of the Young Israel of Bal Harbour. The Rabbi has many positive memories of instituting programs throughout the years which are now the mainstay of our shul. During the Rabbi’s tenure, he initiated the annual shul journal dinner and the Scholar-in-Residence program. The Rabbi fondly remembers hosting a “Keep Your Children Safe” Shabbaton, where “we were one of the first shuls to offer this type of program, and for which we received tremendous feedback.” The entire Gruenstein family have enjoyed dressing up for Purim which has brought much simcha and joy to shul members.

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

The Rabbi and Rena feel strongly about instilling this message to their children: “that we were put in this world for one reason - to help others in whatever capacity we can.” As a couple, Rabbi Moshe and Rebbetzin Rena are known for their open- door hospitality (and Rena’s cooking) – virtually every Shabbos, a group of shul members enjoy a home cooked meal hosted by the Gruensteins. One of Rabbi Gruenstein’s most inspirational and emotional moments was the first Friday night in our new shul building. “The atmosphere was of such joy, the dancing Friday night was incredible, and the outpouring of gratitude and the feeling of achdus was unforgettable.”

Rabbi Gruenstein feels that “a shul should be a place of spiritual inspiration where people can come to pray in an uplifting and inspiring atmosphere and where there is proper decorum, respect, and dignity. I cannot tell you how many comments we receive from people who come to this shul from all over the country and the world. They are truly surprised by the warmth of our shul and the decorum during thedavening. This is a testimony to the quality and caliber of people that join and daven in our shul. My wish for our shul community is that it continues to grow in numbers and in strength!”

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Young Israel Congregation Past Presidents

David Kwiat (1999-2002 and 2005-2006) was the first president of the Young Israel of Bal Harbour (YIBH). He had to contend with lawsuits from the Town of Surfside, and presided over the move from the basement of the Coronado Hotel to the second floor of the Amtrust Bank.

Leon Brum (2000) was part of a presidium with Allen Schloss and David Kwiat in 2000. Leon and his wife Adrianne coordinated the Shabbos kiddushes in the Coronado Hotel, an important service to the shul.

Daniel Courtney (2003-2004 and 2009-2010) had recently moved into the community when he was asked to become shul president. Daniel and his wife Courtney were one of the first young couples who joined YIBH. He remembers the years when there was a “fear of being thrown out of our space on top of the bank.” He has also seen many families with young children move to the neighborhood and join the shul.

Max Dekelbaum (2005-2008) came to Florida from Maryland, where he owned and operated Shalom Strictly Kosher Supermarket and Max’s Kosher Restaurant. He has been instrumental in purchasing many items for our shul, including food, wine, electrical supplies, paper goods, and many other items. Max located and negotiated for the property where our new building now stands. Max believes that commitment is a core requirement for shul volunteerism, and he still does many things large and small to ensure the Young Israel Congregation runs smoothly.

Jack Gluck (2009-2010) moved into the community in 2000 and has seen the Young Israel experience tremendous growth since then. More recently, Jack was chairman of our Building Campaign. He oversaw both the construction of our new state-of-the-art building and the raising of funds needed to complete the job. He worked tirelessly for many years with the result being a magnificent building which everyone now enjoys – residents and visitors alike.

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Morris Kaplan (2011-2012) is a man of action. During his presidency, our congregation reached a settlement with the Town of Surfside and received site plan approval for our new building. He was involved in hiring Yakira Navarro and in establishing a strong youth program in our shul.

Shelly Lisbon (2011) was co-president with Morris Kaplan for one year. Shelly has been organizing our weekly Kiddush for many years – ordering from the caterer, setting up tables, etc. Many remember how he used to move several rows of chairs at the end of davening in order to make room for the Kiddush setup. Shelly loves our new building – it is so much easier to set up the Kiddush now!

Aaron Weinberg (2013-2015) was shul president at a pivotal time in our history. Construction of the new building started – and finished. Aaron maintained ongoing shul operations and oversaw the transition from the old location above the bank to our beautiful new building. Aaron feels that it was truly a team effort. A highlight for him was when a group of shul members marched the Torahs from the old building to our new mikdash m’at, dancing with the Torahs and putting them into the Ark.

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On Behalf of Hechal Shalom/Or Oziel Sephardic Cong. of Surfside,

we would like to Congratulate & show our appreciation to Rabbi &

Rebbetzin Gruenstein for disseminating Torah, Midot, & Derech Eretz to their precious Kehilla of Young Israel. You have excelled in leading the

Community for many years being a true Role Model & Mentor and

opening your house to all. As your neighbors, our Shul also benefits greatly by all your great qualities & love for Torah. We truly admire your

work, selfishly investing time, energy, & resources towards the growth

of our Community as a whole. We are truly grateful for all your hard work. Hashem should Bless you to continue your work for many more

years to come and fulfill all your heart’s desires Amen.

We would also like to express our sincere Gratitude & Appreciation to

the Young Israel Community for always having great Speakers, Shiurim,

& opening their doors to all other communities.

Forever Grateful,

Rabbi Elmaleh, the Board of Directors, & the Congregants.

On Behalf of Hechal Shalom/Or Oziel Sephardic Cong. of Surfside,

we would like to Congratulate & show our appreciation to Rabbi &

Rebbetzin Gruenstein for disseminating Torah, Midot, & Derech Eretz to their precious Kehilla of Young Israel. You have excelled in leading the

Community for many years being a true Role Model & Mentor and

opening your house to all. As your neighbors, our Shul also benefits greatly by all your great qualities & love for Torah. We truly admire your

work, selfishly investing time, energy, & resources towards the growth

of our Community as a whole. We are truly grateful for all your hard work. Hashem should Bless you to continue your work for many more

years to come and fulfill all your heart’s desires Amen.

We would also like to express our sincere Gratitude & Appreciation to

the Young Israel Community for always having great Speakers, Shiurim,

& opening their doors to all other communities.

Forever Grateful,

Rabbi Elmaleh, the Board of Directors, & the Congregants.

Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Page 20: 2019 ANNUAL JOURNAL DINNER - ShulCloudtell us in Pirkei Avos (4:17) “Rabbi Shimon says: There are three crowns in Judaism – the crown of Torah, the crown of priesthood, and the

Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Chair of the BoardJEFFREY SCHECK

Immediate Past Board ChairAMY N. DEAN

Vice Chairs















Associate SecretaryJACOB SERFATI



Associate TreasurerROBIN JACOBS

President andChief Executive Officer


The Mission of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation is to mobilize human and financial resources to care for those in need,

strengthen Jewish life and advance the unity, values and shared purpose of the Jewish people in Miami, in Israel and around the world.

Stanley C. Myers Building | 4200 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami, Florida 33137 | Phone 305.576.4000 | Fax 305.573.8115 | JewishMiami.org



The Strength of a People.The Power of Community.

Dear Friends:

On behalf of the Officers, Board of Directors and Staff of the Greater Miami Jewish Federations, we congratulate Young Israel Congregation on its 2019 Annual Journal Dinner.

We join you in recognizing your distinguished honorees, Rabbi Moshe and Rena Gruenstein, for their spiritual leadership and the distinct roles they have played in the development of your synagogue. Their commitment to Israel, illustrated through their service and dedication to Young Israel, is a powerful testament to Jewish values. The impressive growth of Young Israel Congregation reflects the vibrancy of the Orthodox community in the North Beach area of Miami Beach.

The Talmud instructs us, “All of Israel are responsible for one another.” Our Federation is committed to fulfilling this rabbinic directive by bringing hope, relief and a deep sense of connection to our brothers and sisters in need worldwide.

On this very special occasion, we wish Young Israel Congregation many more years of success and accomplishment, delivering religious fulfillment, teaching Jewish heritage and encouraging traditional Jewish life today and for generations to come.


Jacob SolomonPresident & Chief Executive Officer

Jeffrey Scheck Chair of the Board

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Dear Young Israel Congregation,

It is most fitting that the Young Israel Congregation is paying tribute to their devoted Rav and Rebbitzen, Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe and Rena Gruenstein, for 18 years of dedication to their kehilla.

Rabbi Gruenstein is a tremendous talmid chochom whose vast knowledge in all areas inspires and has guided his congregants, friends and various acquaintances throughout the years. His unwavering bitachon and tremendous yiras Shamayim serve as a model for all to emulate. Most telling is his uncompromising commitment to emes, which he seeks out at all times. Indeed, nothing can stand between Rabbi Gruenstein and his quest for undiluted truth.

Rabbi Gruenstein is respected for his regal demeanor and impressive oratory skills coupled with his total humility and his self-deprecating humor. He knows how to talk to people, and equally as important, how to listen to people. His love for his congregants and his family is boundless, and there is nothing he would not do for them.

Mrs. Gruenstein, the true ezer k’negdo, has partnered with her husband in his life’s mission of teaching and guiding Klal Yisroel. As a popular and beloved preschool teacher for many years at YTCTE, she too, has molded hundreds of impressionable talmidim and talmidos in her warm and inimitable style.

The Young Israel Congregation is truly fortunate to have such a special couple, whose mesiras nefesh for the shul is unparalleled, as Rav and Rebbitzen for 18 years. It is our great kavod to join the entire kehilla as they express their hakaras hatov to their most worthy Guests of Honor, Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe and Rena Gruenstein.

With wishes for continued bracha, hatzlacha and Torah nachas,

Rabbi Binyomin Luban Rabbi Yisroel Y. Niman Rabbi Mordechai Palgon Rosh HaYeshiva Rosh HaYeshiva Rosh HaYeshiva

Page 23: 2019 ANNUAL JOURNAL DINNER - ShulCloudtell us in Pirkei Avos (4:17) “Rabbi Shimon says: There are three crowns in Judaism – the crown of Torah, the crown of priesthood, and the

In memory of


Stuart loved our Shul in so many ways. He was a dedicated member of our Board of Directors

who spent countless hours checking our finances, reviewing our payables and receivables, and cajoling people to sponsor Kiddush.

His larger than life personality and his friendly and gregarious manner endeared

him to all in our Shul.

We sorely miss him – his smile, his Kentucky drawl, his sense of humor.

May his memory be a blessing.


Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

In Memoriam

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In memory of

Rabbi Simeon Schreiber z”l

Rabbi Schreiber was a mentch, a caring and compassionate person

who put other people’s needs above his own. As a valuable member of our Board of Directors,

Simmy took on many responsibilities on behalf of the kahal, not the least of which was overseeing

our Scholar-in-Residence program for many years.He was always ready to share – his wisdom,

his concern for others, his sweet melodious voice endeared him to all in our Shul.

He personified what it means to be anאוהב שלום ורודף שלום

May his memory be a blessing.


Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

In Memoriam

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We have learned so much about life from knowing you,

and even though you are no longer physically with us, you are in our hearts and minds forever.

On this night of reflection, we include in our hearts and thoughts

all those members of our Young Israel Congregation family

who passed away during the past year.

Stuart Harris z”lShlomo Mayer z”l

Marilyn Pollans z”lRabbi Simeon Schreiber z”l

Efry Steinmetz z”l

Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

In Memoriam

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner


Mazel Tov to all our Past Presidents

Leon BrumDaniel CourtneyMax Dekelbaum

Jack GluckMorris Kaplan

David KwiatShelly Lisbon

Aaron Weinberg

Your selfless dedication, commitment, and devotionon behalf of our Young Israel

has contributed so much to the growth and success of not only our shul,

but the entire community.

May Hashem bless all of you with many more years of good health

and may you live to see much more nachasfrom the Young Israel community that you were

instrumental in creating.

Rabbi Moshe & Rena Gruenstein

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner


Yasher Koach to our presidentMenno Ratzker

For his 24/7 commitment to our Shul.A man who works tirelessly

to make sure our Young Israelruns like clockwork.

And a special thank you to the entire Young Israel staff

who do such an amazing job to ensure our Shul runs

smoothly and efficiently.


Rabbi Moshe & Rena Gruenstein

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner


A special thank you to

Mali & Steve Schwartz

for their herculean efforts on behalf of this year’s

Journal Dinner

|Ein Kemochem!

Rabbi Moshe & Rena Gruenstein

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Five-Star Benefactor

In Loving Memory of

Heskel IzhakHeskel Ben Chaim Z"L

Beloved Husband, Father,

Grandfather and Great Grandfather

5Yoram Izhak And Family

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Five-Star Benefactor

Mazel Tov to Guests of Honor

Rabbi Moshe & Rena Gruenstein

and to all of our

Past Presidents

Yleana & Yoram Izhak & Family

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Diamond Benefactor

Congratulations to our Honorees

Rabbi Moshe & Rena Gruensteinand all of the

Past Presidents

With sincere appreciation for yourdedication and hard work.


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Platinum Benefactor


Rabbi & Rebbetzin Gruenstein


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Platinum Benefactor

We are happy to give kavod toour wonderful Rav and Rebbetzin,


and to all of thePAST PRESIDENTS

of our Young Israel Congregation.

We have been members since for 20 years now, and it gives us so much pleasure

to see how far it has come in large part to your dedication and tireless efforts.

May Hashem bless you with the ability to go from strength to strength

in good health and with a sach Yiddishe nachasעד מאה ועשרים

Suri & Bert Fried

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Platinum Benefactor

Mazel Tov toRabbi Moshe & Rena Gruenstein

To a most deserving couple who continue to inspire all those around them.

Thank you for all that you do for our beautiful Shul and Klal Yisrael!

We are also happy to pay tribute to our Past Presidents

who have done so much for our congregation – thank you!


With Respect and Admiration,DEBBIE & BOB HARTMAN

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Platinum Benefactor

In honor of our dear


Our visits to Miami have been greatly enhanced since we have met you.

Aside from the lovely Shul and congregation which you have cultivated,

we enjoy your lectures and the meaningful life lessons you insert.

Much continued health and nachas from all.

Ralph & Yenny Herzka

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Platinum Benefactor

Mazel Tov to Honorees

Rabbi Moshe & Rena Gruenstein

We appreciate all of your effortson behalf of our Young Israel.

May your family be blessed withhealth and happiness.

Congratulations to all the

Past Presidents

of our Young Israel Congregation.I am proud to be counted among such a

distinguished group of hard workers.


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Platinum Benefactor

Mazel Tov toRabbi Moshe & Rena Gruenstein

and to all of thePast Presidents

of our Young Israel.

Your devotion and commitment to our shul

is an inspiration to us all!


Seryl & Charlie Kushner

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Platinum Benefactor

Mazel Tov to

Rabbi Moshe & Rena Gruensteinand all the

Past Presidents


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Platinum Benefactor

Mazel Tov to

Rabbi Moshe & Rena Gruenstein

and yasher koach to the

Past Presidents

for this well-deserved honor.


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Platinum Benefactor


and the Past Presidents

who have all shown thatZei Haben Lieb Yidden!



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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Platinum Benefactor


Rabbi Moshe Gruenstein, AND HIS AYSHES CHAYIL,









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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Gold Benefactor


Congratulations on an honor



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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Gold Benefactor

Congratulations to RABBI G AND HIS REBBETZIN on this well-deserved honor.

Thank you for leadership and for your Torah teachings.

Thanks most of all for always pushing us to grow and to improve in our relationship with Hashem

and with our fellow man.

May Hashem bless you and your entire family with continued growth and success.

Batya & Meir Cosiol & Family

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Gold Benefactor


Rabbi & Rebbetzin Gruenstein.

Thank you for your inspirational leadership of our Congregation for the past 18 years. Thank you for your wisdom and strength

throughout the difficult times building our truly beautiful House of Prayer.

Thank you for your cherished friendship.

May Hashem bestow all his blessings on you and your family for many years to come.



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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Gold Benefactor

Mazal Tov and our best wishes to ourYoung Israel Past Presidents:

Leon BrumDaniel CourtneyMax DekelbaumMorris KaplanDavid Kwiat

Shelly LisbonAaron Weinberg

It was an honor to have served as a President together with all of you,

and be a part of such a fine group of exceptional individuals.

Each of you in your own way raised our Young Israel community to a higher level.

Thank you for your great efforts and for your treasured friendship.

And thank you, Susan, for your never-ending support


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Gold Benefactor


For this well deserved honor.

Our community has been very blessedwith your insight, knowledge

and steadfast leadership.

May Hashem give you and your family much good health, strength, wisdom and joy to be able to continue your important work.

With immense gratitude



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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Gold Benefactor

Mazal Tovon this well deserved recognition

You are a group offantastic, extraordinarily devoted,hard working and very supportive

past presidents





May Hashem continue to bless you with Gezunt und MenicheNaches and strength to do more good deeds for Klal Israel.

With much appreciationEvelyn and Dr. Shmuel KatzNicole and Jordan Kavana

Chantal and JJ KatzElizabeth Katz

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Gold Benefactor

Mazal Tov and our best wishes to


for your outstanding leadership and spiritual guidance

of our Young Israel family.

May you be blessed to continue to lead us for many years to come.

Miriam & Irving Langer

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Gold Benefactor

Mazal Tov and best wishes to our


Thank you for all of the years

of devoted service and hard work on behalf of our shul.

May all of you continue your good deeds

for many years to come.


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Gold Benefactor

In honor ofRabbi Moshe & Rena Gruenstein

and our Past Presidents who have helped build

the Young Israel Community.

Linda & Murray Laulicht


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Gold Benefactor

In honor of

Rabbi Moshe & Rena GruensteinThank you for your friendship, leadership

and commitment to our Shul.May you and your beautiful family be blessed with good

health, mazal and brachaand may Hashem give you strength needed

to continue your work for Klal Yisrael.

Mazal Tov to all ourPast Presidents!

Thank you for everything you have done for our Shul and our community.

With admiration and best wishes,ETELLA & HAIM MARCOVICI

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Gold Benefactor

Mazel Tov toRabbi Moshe & Rena Gruenstein

on this well-deserved honor.

Kudos to all thePast Presidents

for your dedication and hard work on behalf of the Young Israel.

Eve & Stephen Milstein

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Gold Benefactor

Mazel Tov to

Rabbi Moshe & Rena GruensteinThank you for your leadership,

your wisdom,

and your friendship.

Yasher koach to all the

Past PresidentsThank you all for the time,

effort and hard work

on behalf of our shul

and our community.

Minnie Schraga

ShopSie Schraga

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Gold Benefactor

Dear Rabbi Moshe & Rena Gruenstein,

Our heartfelt congratulations to both of you on this well-deserved honor. Mazel tov on your many years of loyal service to the Young Israel Congregation. Thank you, Rabbi, for your inspiring words. Thank you, Rena, for hosting us for delicious

meals in your home.

We’ve enjoyed watching your children grow and start families of their own. May they emulate your middos and follow your

path of caring about each and every Jew.

Wishing you continued health, happiness, and Yiddishe nachas to 120 years.

To the Young Israel Congregation Past Presidents,Yasher Koach on your years of dedicated service and leadership to our Young Israel. You have all contributed your talent and

skills to cultivate a dynamic, growing kehillah.

Thanks to all of you, we live in a special community with a special shul that we love going to! May you all go from

strength to strength!


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Gold Benefactor

We salute


for their guidance and inspiration of our Kehilla.

Thanks to all the

PAST PRESIDENTSfor your leadership, dedication

and tireless efforts on behalf of our Shul.

May you all go mechayil el chayil.

|The Sussman Family

Elias, Joel & Debra, Ira & MarshaPerri & Akiba Stern

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Gold Benefactor

Mazel Tov and Yasher Koach toRABBI MOSHE & RENA GRUENSTEINfor your 18 years of wonderful service to our Young Israel

and for being our spiritual guiding light during these years of our shul’s remarkable growth. With Hashem’s help, we look forward to benefitting

from your wisdom and spiritual leadership in the years to come.

Mazel Tov to all of ourPAST PRESIDENTS

for your hard work, dedication, and the application of your many and diverse skills

that have been so instrumental in our growth, in getting us from a startup 20 years ago,

through many years above a bank, and to the amazing building that we are in now.

With all that, the combination of the Rabbi’s efforts and our presidents, may we continue to go from chayil el choyil in the years to come, while we always recognize and appreciate

our humble beginnings.

Mazel Tov and Yasher Koach!

Susan & Aaron Weinberg

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Sapphire Benefactor

Mazel Tov and best wishes to

Rabbi Moshe & Rena Gruensteinand all the

Past Presidents

on this most deserving honor.

We are proud to be able to share this special night with you.

nBella & Stephen Brenner

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Sapphire Benefactor

In honor of

Rabbi Moshe & Rena Gruensteinand all the

Past Presidents

•Annette & Mitchell Eichen

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Sapphire Benefactor

Mazel Tovto all theHonorees


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Sapphire Benefactor

RABBI & REBBETZIN GRUENSTEINand to our Past Presidents.

May you continue to see the nachas of all your dedication and hard work

on behalf of our wonderful shul and community.




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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Sapphire Benefactor

Mazel tov and thank you to

Rabbi Moshe & Rena Gruensteinand all the

Past Presidents

for all they do for the Young Israeland the Jewish Community.


Elliot & Debbie Gibber

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Sapphire Benefactor

In honor ofRabbi Moshe and Rena


and all thePast Presidents

Leah KarfunkelT

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Sapphire Benefactor

toRabbi Moshe & Rena Gruenstein

for his leadership and their friendship.

Mazel Tov also to all thePast Presidents

who have served our shul so tirelessly.


Sincerely, Alan and Debbie Kestenbaum

Asher Foundation


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Sapphire Benefactor

In honor ofRabbi Moshe & Rena


For close to twenty years we have enjoyed our close relationship with you.

We have gained a tremendous amount of knowledge,insight and lessons in the proper treatment

of our family and friends.In other words, ben adam laMakom

is equally as important as ben adam lachaveiro.May you both continue to enjoy health,

your family and happiness.

Helen & Menno RatzkerJeff Ratzker

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Sapphire Benefactor

In honor of

Yakira NavarroIt would be very difficult to perform my job efficiently

without your daily assistance.

Florence MalgouyardA very special, dignified and able assistant

to the Young Israel operation.

Joseph BarringtonHandles everything that the above

two individuals do not!As a former US Navy man,

he keeps our synagogue in “ship shape.”

Helen and Menno Ratzker

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Sapphire BenefactorIn honor of our Past PresidentsAll of them still extremely active in our Young Israel!

DANIEL COURTNEYOur tallest cantor, legal advisor, and only jogger

among this group.

MAX DEKELBAUMTakes care of everything that the rest of us ignore or forget.

Thank G-d for Max.

JACK GLUCKBuilder, interior designer, chazan and a very special person!!!

MORRIS KAPLANHelped build the Y.I., major contributor, and inventor of sushi.

DAVID KWIATOne of the first Y.I. presidents, mild, soft spoken, and always happy.

SHELLY LISBONTeacher, gabbai, kiddush planner, and a wonderful person.

AARON WEINBERGShaliach tzibbur, bal korei, shomer of the Y.I. finances

and a fantastic individual.

After more than two years I am totally familiar with yourpast suffering, pharmaceutical prescriptions and therapy.

May all of you continue in good health and happinessin your retirement and enjoy your pensions.

Menno Ratzker, President (still)

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Sapphire Benefactor

Mazel tov to our Rabbi and Rebbetzin

Rabbi Moshe & Rena Gruensteinand to all the

Past PresidentsOn this well-deserved honor!

Your hard work and dedication to our shuland the Jewish community

is an inspiration to all of us.

May Hashem grant you strength to continueעד מאה ועשרים שנה


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Ruby Benefactor

Mazal Tov to the entire Young Israel community

on another amazing year!

RABBI & REBBETZIN GRUENSTEIN,what a truly deserved honor!

Our family stands where we stand today thanks to your leadership, friendship and mentorship.

We admire and respect you.

May Hashem continue showering you with revealed blessings,

nachas from your children and grandchildren and strength to continue leading us all on a

path of Torah growth and Mitzvot.

With much gratitude,Aaron & Tammy Attias & Family

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Ruby Benefactor

“You are of the disciple of Aaron,

loving peace and pursuing peace,

loving people and bringing them

closer to Torah.”


In honour of our beloved Rabbi & Mrs. Rena Gruenstein

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Ruby Benefactor

In honor of

Rabbi & Rebbetzin Gruensteinfor their incredible community work

and for having my wife and I educated

into our belief.



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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Ruby Benefactor

In honor of the extraordinary couple

Rabbi Moshe & Rena Gruenstein

nMarjorie Blenden

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Ruby Benefactor

To our esteemed Rabbi and Rebbetzin עמו״שMay you continue to do your holy work

of uplifting our brothers and sistersfor many more years to come.

May Hashem give you strength to be His messengerto bring all of His children closer to Him,

and may you have continued yiddishe Nachasfrom all your children and grandchildren for 120 years.

To Menno, May you do Hashem's work in leading us

for many years to come.

To Jack, For being an unsung hero, for being the inspiration

and guiding force for our beautiful building.

To Max, For his untiring efforts and devotion

to our wonderful shul.

To Stuart ע״ה, We miss you dearly. We always remember your

hard work and caring for us all.

With love and admiration,EDWARD AND PHYLLIS CHERNOFF


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner


Our lives have been intertwined for almost a quarter of a century – years during which many wonderful and meaningful actions have occurred and

been so strongly manifested ב”ה.

As you know so very well, the Gemara in Sanhedrin teaches “he who instructs the child of his friend in words of Torah it is as if the teacher of G-d’s sacred word is giving life in the hereditary meaning of parenting.”Our first rebbi, Moshe Rabaynu, is given this parenting title and accorded the honor of being respected and honored as a true parent of Aaron’s children even more than Aaron though he has sired them, for the gift of life is sacred and one’s parents are to be accorded eternal love, honor and

respect by children.

However in this bit of Gemara, here and elsewhere, a cardinal teaching of Judaism is postulated. He who teaches and transmits the words of Torah is the truest parent in spiritual terms. For though the body is conceived in a human fashion there are three partners – mother, father and Al-mighty G-d.Physicality is from our earthly parents and our soul, our neshama, is the Ruach Elokim as infused through the breath of life by HaShem, May He

be blessed.

As we are taught elsewhere, he who is charged with forming our soul, our Rabbi, our teacher is to be honored even more then one’s physical parents as we learn when the B’nei Aharon are listed as the children of Moshe – Aharon yulad and Moshe limayd. Body and soul achieve their sacred purpose as a total child of HaShem, a ben and bas Yisroel through

this interweaving.

Thusly, to our Rav and Rebbetzin, our spiritual parents who have given the Yiddishe Neshama to our kehilla the Young lsrael of Bał Harbour over

all these many years, we say, thank you!

With eternal respect, admiration and appreciation.Your loving children,


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Ruby Benefactor

“One who strives to do tzedakah and kind deeds finds life, success, and honor.”

Proverbs 21:21




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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Ruby Benefactor







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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Ruby Benefactor

In honor of our dear friend and neighbor

Meir Cosiol

Thank you for your tireless efforts on behalf of your community.

The Elbogen Family


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Ruby Benefactor

Mazel Tov and yasher koach to

Rabbi Moshe & Rena Gruensteinand to all the

Past Presidents

for their accomplishments in the Jewish Community.

Be healthy and keep up the good work!

Miriam & Felix Glaubach

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Ruby Benefactor

With admiration, respect and gratitudein honor of our

Rabbi & Rebbetzin GruensteinThank you both for all you have done and continue to do

to elevate our Kehilla, teaching us, leading us, and inspiring us to grow.

Our Young Israel community is blessed to have you,

extraordinary Torah role models for all Klal Yisroel.

May Hashem continue to bless you with wisdom, strength,

good health, bracha and nachas from your beautiful family.

A Heartfelt Mazel Tov,



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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Ruby Benefactor

In Loving Memory of my dear husbandStuart Harris z”l

whose kindness, friendship, generosity of spirit, big smile and robust laugh were so very noteworthy.

As Young Israel’s phenomenal Kiddush Chair, he was a gregarious and passionate advocate

for Orthodox Judaism.

In Honor ofRabbi Moshe & Rena Gruenstein

Young Israel’s beloved spiritual leaders for eighteen years.Your extraordinary leadership, guidance, and hospitality

have created an amazing Young Israel environment.

In Tribute to Young Israel’sPast Presidents

There is so much appreciation and love for your tireless efforts on behalf of our Shul.

xWith love and gratitude,

Penny Miller Harris

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Ruby Benefactor


on being honored by the Young Israel for theirservice and guidance of our outstanding community.

Tizku l’Mitzvot!

Thank you, Rabbi G, for the drashot that start with humor that makes us giggle, followed quickly by sincere topics

and words of Torah.They inspire and focus on personal growth and guidance, leading toward Torah values and greater understanding

of ourselves and others.

Thank you, Rebbetzin Rena, for your quiet, cordial and pleasant caring manner as

you greet and listen to us after Shul and in your home.

With great respect and affection,Golda & Martin Jacobs


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Ruby Benefactor

In honor of ouresteemed spiritual leader

and his eishes chayilRabbi Moshe & Rena Gruenstein

George & Renee Karfunkel

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Ruby Benefactor

Mazal tov to all the


Anat & Eric Maller

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Ruby Benefactor

To ourRabbi, Rebbetzin

and Leaders

A pleasure to honor all of you.

Joyce & Steven Robinson

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Ruby Benefactor

In honor of

Rabbi Moshe & Rena Gruenstein

and the Young Israel of Bal Harbour.

Sonny Sassoon


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Ruby Benefactor

Mazel Tov and thank youRabbi Moshe & Rena Gruenstein

who are our spiritual leaders of Young Israel.

You inspire us all!


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Ruby Benefactor



on this well-deserved honor.

Your hard work and devotion are much appreciated.

Joni & George White

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Ruby Benefactor

Yasher Koach to

Rabbi & Mrs. Gruenstein

for being a shining example and inspiration of Torah living.

Mazal Tov

Dan & Miriam Wiener

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Ruby Benefactor


and to all thePAST PRESIDENTS

on a well-deserved honor.

Thanks for all that you do for our YIBH community!

With much admiration,Nick Wigoda

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Silver Sponsor

ABARBANEL BRAND WINESAvailable at finer kosher wine retailers or online.

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Page 90: 2019 ANNUAL JOURNAL DINNER - ShulCloudtell us in Pirkei Avos (4:17) “Rabbi Shimon says: There are three crowns in Judaism – the crown of Torah, the crown of priesthood, and the

Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Silver Sponsor


who gave of themselves to buildthis beautiful world class synagogue.

This beautiful building would just be that, if not for ourRAV AND REBBETZIN

who are the heart and soul of our shul.

Their leadership and selfless dedication for the welfare of all members and the community

completes our Young Israel as not only the most beautiful edifice,

but a place of spiritual nourishment and growth.

With gratitude to all the honorees,Robert & Pessia Frankel


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Silver Sponsor

In deep appreciation to the founders and role models of our communityRabbi Moshe & Rena Gruenstein

and Past PresidentsDaniel Courtney, Max Dekelbaum

Jack Gluck, Morris Kaplan, David KwiatShelly Lisbon and Aaron Weinberg

In our Tefilla every Shabbat we pray, concerning those who toil in the

vineyard of community responsibility, that Hashem “Yeshalem Secharom.”

May our community continue to grow,qualitatively and quantitatively,

for many years.

With appreciation,ANNE & JERRY GONTOWNIK

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Silver Sponsor

Our Heartfelt Thanks and Appreciation to our Most Deserving Honorees

Rabbi Moshe & Rebbetzin Rena Gruenstein

You are a living example and inspiration to our congregation and community at large.

Your leadership and inspirational words of Torah have touched our lives,

and our community is very blessed to have you as our Rabbi.

A special Mazal Tov to all of the

Past Presidents!

We deeply appreciate all of your efforts and commitment to our community.

May Hashem bless you all and your beautiful families with much bracha and success

for all of your hard work and dedication!


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Silver Sponsor


5Miriam & Morton Kriger

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Silver Sponsor


for their guidance and visionary leadership not only to the Young Israel Congregation

but to our greater Jewish Community!

We also pay tribute to our Past PresidentsDANIEL, MAX, JACK, MORRIS, DAVID,

SHELLY AND AARONfor their hard work and constant devotion

to our Shul and community.

May Hashem give you all the strength tocontinue your efforts on behalf of Klal Yisroel!

Ann & Alex Lebowitz

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Silver Sponsor










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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Silver Sponsor

To Rabbi Moshe & Rena Gruenstein.

in gratitude for your dedicated service

to the shul and the community.

Basya & Andrew Lowinger

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Silver Sponsor

Yasher Koach to all of our

PAST PRESIDENTSwith many thanks for their hard work.

Mazel Tov to


Thank you, Rabbi G., for being a true friend to Shlomo z”l


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Silver Sponsor

Mazel Tov and many thanks for thewarmth and dedication of

RABBI & REBBETZIN GRUENSTEINIt has been our pleasure to join the

Young Israel of Bal Harbour.

Marcia & Stanley Reiter

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Silver Sponsor

In honor of

Rabbi & Rebbetzin GruensteinFor your outstanding leadership and dedication

to our shul and to our community.

And Kol Hakovod to our

Past Presidentsfor all your tireless efforts

on behalf of the Young Israel

May all of you and your familiesbe blessed with good health and happiness


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Silver Sponsor

Mazel Tov to

Rabbi & Mrs. Moshe Gruenstein,for their devotion to our shul.

And to our

Past Presidentsfor their tireless efforts

on behalf of our shul, too.


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Silver Sponsor

Mazel Tov to Rabbi & Renaand to all our Past Presidents

Thank you for all you have done and continue to do for our

Young Israel family.

ºShelley & eddie Senker

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Silver Sponsor

Rabbi & Rena Gruenstein,

Mazel Tov on this well-deserved and long overdue honor!

Your dedication and hard work at making the Young Israel welcoming

and spiritually uplifting is admirable and so appreciated.

You have guided us for 18 years.You have taught us to be better congregants

and better Jews.We are truly grateful that you continue to lead usand we look forward to many more years together.

To all of thePast Presidents,

thank you for your selfless leadership and devotion to the betterment of our shul.


The Sterenfeld Family

Page 103: 2019 ANNUAL JOURNAL DINNER - ShulCloudtell us in Pirkei Avos (4:17) “Rabbi Shimon says: There are three crowns in Judaism – the crown of Torah, the crown of priesthood, and the

Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Silver Sponsor

Our heartiest mazel tov toRabbi Moshe & Rena


on this well-deserved honor.

To all the Past Presidents:

thank you for your inspired leadership.With much appreciation for your efforts in building this wonderful congregation.


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Silver Sponsor

Mazel Tov to our wonderful and inspirational

RABBI & REBBETZIN!We are so thrilled and blessed

to be a part of our fabulous shul!

Yasher Koach to our

PAST PRESIDENTSfor bringing our shul to this milestone!


Linda & Steve Storch

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Silver Sponsor

Thank you for being ourShul away from home.

Avi & Elia Weinstock

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Bronze Sponsor

It is our pleasure to be at this simcha.

`Diane & Howard Cole

Page 107: 2019 ANNUAL JOURNAL DINNER - ShulCloudtell us in Pirkei Avos (4:17) “Rabbi Shimon says: There are three crowns in Judaism – the crown of Torah, the crown of priesthood, and the

Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Bronze Sponsor

Mazel Tov toRabbi & Rebbetzin Gruenstein

on all their accomplishments these past 18 years.You have led our kehilla to be better people.

Mazel Tov to thePast Presidents

whose dedication and countless hours of service have inspired our family.


Daniel, Jessica, Asher, Sammy & Lily Courtney

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Bronze Sponsor

A hearty mazel tov toRabbi Moshe & Rena Gruenstein

and toDaniel Courtney

and the rest of the esteemed honorees for this most deserved recognition of theirexemplary service to the shul community.

The Courtney Family is so proud of Daniel –

the beloved mentsch that he is, and theselfless, altruistic work that he does.

Love,Stuart & Tova Courtney,

Eduardo Robinovich & Lisa Courtney,Jonathan & Shira Courtney,Michael & Devora Courtney

Page 109: 2019 ANNUAL JOURNAL DINNER - ShulCloudtell us in Pirkei Avos (4:17) “Rabbi Shimon says: There are three crowns in Judaism – the crown of Torah, the crown of priesthood, and the

Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Bronze Sponsor

To Rabbi & Rebbetzin Gruenstein,

Daniel Courtney, Jack Gluck

and Morris Kaplan,

Thank you for your tireless dedicationand inspirational leadership.

ohrabf rct ukgh jf uphkjh 'v huueu


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Bronze Sponsor

Mazel Tov toRabbi Moshe & Rena

Gruensteinand all the

Past Presidentsfor their dedicated




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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Bronze Sponsor

To our dear


Your warm and inspiring leadership make our stay in Florida very special.

Thank you for all that you have done for our Shul.

Mazal Tov and thanks to all of the


May Hashem bless you all with arichas yamim and good health ad meah v’esrim!

Always & always,Devora & Shimmy Gardyn

Page 112: 2019 ANNUAL JOURNAL DINNER - ShulCloudtell us in Pirkei Avos (4:17) “Rabbi Shimon says: There are three crowns in Judaism – the crown of Torah, the crown of priesthood, and the

Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Bronze Sponsor

Congratulations to

Rabbi Moshe & Rena Gruensteinon this wonderful

and well-deserved honor.

Thank you to all the

Past PresidentsMay you all continue

from strength to strength!

Lillian & Jeffrey Glick

Page 113: 2019 ANNUAL JOURNAL DINNER - ShulCloudtell us in Pirkei Avos (4:17) “Rabbi Shimon says: There are three crowns in Judaism – the crown of Torah, the crown of priesthood, and the

Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Bronze Sponsor

Congratulations on this well-deserved honor!

In heartfelt appreciation toRabbi Moshe & Rena GruensteinYou are an inspiration to us all!


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Bronze Sponsor

Mazel Tov toRabbi Moshe & Rena Gruenstein

we thank you for your inspiring leadership.

Special thanks to all thePast Presidents

for all you have done.


Debbie & Steve Hamburg

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Bronze Sponsor

L’kavod ourRabbi Moshe & Rebbetzin Rena Gruenstein

You make our Shul imbued with the highest Torah standardsfilled with joy and sheves haTorah.

We appreciate your continued guidance and devotion!We wish you many years of bracha in good health.

Mazel Tov to our dear friends and honoreesDaniel Courtney, Max Dekelbaum, Jack Gluck,

Morris Kaplan, David Kwiat, Shelly Lisbon, Aaron Weinberg

and our current President Menno Ratzker

on this well-deserved honor.We look forward to many years

of watching you lead by example.

May Hashem pay your hard work and dedicationback with much bracha and good health!


Michael & Robbye Henesch

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Bronze Sponsor






Rachel & David Herman

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Bronze Sponsor

Yasher koach toRabbi Moshe & Rena Gruenstein.

Kol hakavod to ourPast Presidents

for your devotion and tireless efforts

on behalf of our shul and community.


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Bronze Sponsor

Yasher Koach toRabbi Moshe & Rena


Mazel Tov to ourPast Presidents

May you continue to be a source

of strength and inspiration to our community.

•Greta & Eli Hirmes

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Bronze Sponsor

A Well DeservedMAZEL TOV


for their service, commitment and devotion tothe entire Jewish Community.


whose tireless dedication and selfless hours of workhelped grow the Young Israel of Bal Harbour

from a seedling to a magnificent congregation

With love and admiration,

Rozy and Larry Jaffe

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Bronze Sponsor

Mazel Tov to our Mara d’Asra and his RebbetzinRABBI MOSHE & RENA GRUENSTEIN

on this well-deserved honor.

A special thank you to all of ourPAST PRESIDENTS

May you all continue with your outstanding work for the shul,

community and all of Klal Yisrael and may you all continue to go maychayil l’choyil.

Shaynee & Marty Kessler

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Bronze Sponsor

Best wishes to

Rabbi Moshe & Rena Gruensteinfor leading such a

wonderful congregation for many years.

Wishing you continued success.

Jay & Chani Kestenbaum

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Bronze Sponsor

Mazal Tov to


for being this year’s Honorees at ourAnnual Shul Dinner

for providing their continuous guidance, support and spiritual leadership to our community.

We would like to pay a Special Tribute to our Past Presidents,



for all their devotion, and hard work that they generously have given to our Shul,

making it such a special place for us to Daven in.

Mazal Tov and Yasher Koach to all of You.

WarmlyAnne & Mitch Kirschner

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Bronze Sponsor

Our very best wishes to

Rabbi and Rebbetzin Gruenstein& All Past Presidents

who devoted countless hours to shaping our Young Israel Congregation.

May Hashem continue to bless you and yourfamilies, and grant you health and koach

to continue all the good work that you do.May you go from strength to strength and

receive much hatzlacha and bracha!

Mazal Tov!


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Bronze Sponsor

We conquered the mountain of bias, survived reaching the pinnacle graced by our beautiful edifice.

Together, Teamwork then Success

Congratulations to all obvious and background contributors,

physical and financial.

Be proud.

Ann & David Kwiat

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Bronze Sponsor

Mazel Tov to all the Honorees•


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Bronze Sponsor

In honor of

Rabbi Moshe & Rena Gruensteinand all the

Past Presidents


Alissa Wilk & Ira Lifshutz

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Bronze Sponsor

Mazel Tov to

Rabbi Moshe & Rena Gruenstein

May Hashem always bless you with success in all your endeavors.


Allen Packer

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Bronze Sponsor

With our sincere thanks to

Rabbi Moshe & Rena Gruenstein

for their tireless leadership, scholarship, and friendshipwhich have contributed to our shul’s growth and success.

We thank them for all that they have done for our community.

We join with our fellow congregants in thanking our

Past Presidents

who helped to make our new home – the Young Israel of Bal Harbour – a reality.

May we continue to go from strength to strength.



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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Bronze Sponsor

Find the 8 YICBHPresidents - Past & Present

305-534-2525 • www.drplitt.com333 41st Street • Suite 706 • Miami Beach

This dinner entertainmentbrought to you by:

Ask about our

Young Israel


Thank youRabbi and Rebbetzin Gruenstein

& all the YICBH Presidentsfor all your hard work!

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Bronze Sponsor


for all that you do for the community.May you continue to have the health and strength

to lead and guide us for many years to come.

Thank you and mazel tov on the well-deserved honor!


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Bronze Sponsor



Jane & William Senders

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Bronze Sponsor

Mazel Tov on this well-deserved honor

Rabbi Moshe & Rena GruensteinYou have been a part of our lives for over 17 years.

From celebrating our oldest son Jonas’ Bris, Siddur presentations for our boys at HILLEL,

and being a part of our family’s simchas, you always make the time to be present.

We have enjoyed many Young Israel festivities together and are inspired by your beautiful way of living a humble and meaningful life. Thank you for the Torah and wisdom

you each infuse in our lives – whether a Shabbas Dvar Torah, a Shiur, or a meaningful hallway conversation.

We feel grateful for your passionate and dedicatedleadership and our connection to the Young Israel community.

We love and respect you very much.

Thanks to all the

Past Presidents for working so hard on behalf of our Shul.


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Bronze Sponsor

Mazal Tov toall of the Honorees

Janet & Sholom Spitz

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Bronze Sponsor

We wish Mazel Tov to

Rabbi Moshe & Rena Gruenstein

and thank you to all the

Past Presidents

ºTina Svetkova & Todd Stock

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Bronze Sponsor

With appreciation to

Rabbi Moshe & Rena Gruenstein

and all our friends

of Young Israel of Bal Harbour.

 Thank you

for always including us.

5Bat-Sheva & Albert


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Bronze Sponsor

In honor of

Rabbi Moshe & Rena Gruenstein

and all the

Past Presidents


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Bronze Sponsor

Hail to the chief, is music so sweetReading the Psalms, O’ what charm.

Seven worthy members leadershiproles they accepted,

Tonight we recognize their contributionwith nothing excepted.

For Congregation Young Israel,who can equal the spiritual aura and

TORAH PRISTINEAs exemplified by our HONOREES

Rabbi & Rebbetzin Gruenstein.

Appreciative members

Shirley & Sol Weiss

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Bronze Sponsor

Mazal Tov tothe Rabbi

and his entire family.


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

In Honor of Rabbi and Rebbetzin


Your dedication and devotion to our Kehila

are an inspiration to all.

May both of you be blessed with good health,

strength and energy to continue chesed towards the shul and klal yisroel.

Ellen & Irwin Adelsberg

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner



for building this beautiful and welcoming YI community.

We wish we could be there to celebrate with you.

Kol Hakavod and Mazal Tov!


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Congratulations to Rabbi Moshe & Rena Gruenstein

and to all thePast Presidents

Allen Baron

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner



It’s been a privilege and an honor for us working with you.

Your commitment to the community is admirable.

Joseph Barrington

Florence MalgouyardYakira Navarro

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner



Keith Berman

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

We wish you continued success and strengthto inspire and promote growth

in this wonderful warm and outgoing community.

Thank you for all you do!


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

I want to thankRabbi Gruenstein

for his kindness and his instrumental role in creating a positive shul vibe.

The warm welcoming atmosphere of the shul members, including the Rabbi, Rebbitzen, board members, etc.

is most hospitable.

I truly appreciate being part of the YIBH Community and am proud to be part of such

a worthwhile Congregation.

I as well appreciate all that many individual members have done on my behalf.

May all of us have a healthy and prosperous year to come.


Jacob S. Coopersmith


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

In honor of the worthy honorees

Rabbi Moshe & Rena Gruensteinand the

Past Presidents

Your efforts and contributions are truly appreciated.


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov to



Adele & Larry Diener

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

The Law Office OfJuda J. epsTein

Proudly congratulates the Young Israel Congregation

and the honorees, Rabbi Moshe & Rena Gruenstein,

on their tremendous efforts on behalf of the Congregation and the extended Jewish community.

The Law Offices of Juda J. Epstein3543 Main Street, Second Floor

Bridgeport, CT 06606(203) 371-7007

[email protected]

General practice specializing in real estate,condominiums, construction and collection.


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner


on your most deserving honor!

Congratulations as well toPast Presidents



Recognizing MEIR COSIOL,

STEVEN & MALI SCHWARTZ and the entire dinner committee.


for their tireless efforts on behalf of our Young Israel.

May our entire congregation enjoy continued blessings!

Sarah & Avi Fried & Family

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner


of theYoung Israel of Bal Harbour

Rabbi Moshe & Rebbetzin Rena Gruenstein

A couplewho truly personify the words

"Rabbi" and "Rebbetzin"

May Hashem grant youthe strength to keep upyour amazing work for

Klal Yisroel

We wish you continued nachas from your wonderful familyand your loyal congregation

With Much Admiration


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Rabbi Moshe & Rena Gruensteinon a well-deserved honor

and to all thePast Presidents


Nicole & Marc Gleitman

Mazal tovto

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

In Loving Memory

Milton Gluck z"l

Edith Gluck z"l

Mickey Brecher z"l

David Brecher z"l

Marilyn Katzenstein z"l

David Katzenstein z"l

ºSusan & Jack Gluck

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

In Loving Memoryour very dear friends


ºSusan & Jack Gluck

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner





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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner












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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

A tribute and thanks to our extraordinary 

Past Presidents 

Leon Brum Daniel CourtneyMax Dekelbaum

Jack GluckMorris Kaplan

David KwiatShelly Lisbon

Aaron Weinberg 

 Your leadership, devotion, commitment  and tireless efforts

on behalf of our Young Israelare an inspiration to us all!

 May you continue to go from strength to strength

 Freda Greenbaum


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

HonoringRabbi Moshe & Rena


כל הכבוד


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov toRabbi Moshe & Rena Gruenstein

We greatly appreciate everything that you do.

Thank you to all thePast Presidents

who have worked so hard on behalf of our shul.

Barbara & Eli Grossman

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Who would’ve thought that a shul on top of a bank

would one day be in a magnificent building?

Who would’ve thought that a little house on Byron Avenue

can host so many Shabbos guests week after week?

Who would’ve thought that peoples’ lives in Young Israel would change for the better so fast?

Who would’ve thought that Young Israel would be a sought-after shul where

people from far and near feel so welcome?

With a Rabbi and Rebbetzin like you, we could’ve.Aba and Mommy,

we couldn’t be prouder. We love you.



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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

To the best Zaidy and Bubby in the USA

Mazel Tov on this special day

you win the medal of loving us the most

Grandparents like you, we have what to boast.

Whether its hugs and kisses, treats or toys

or trips together and putting up with our noise,

we are the luckiest to have you around.


your grandkids who love you

from many different towns!


Page 161: 2019 ANNUAL JOURNAL DINNER - ShulCloudtell us in Pirkei Avos (4:17) “Rabbi Shimon says: There are three crowns in Judaism – the crown of Torah, the crown of priesthood, and the

Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov toRabbi Moshe & Rena GruensteinThank you for all you have done

for the Young Israel.

Yasher Koach to all of thePast Presidents

We appreciate all of your hard work and your commitment to our community.



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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

In honor of


with great appreciation.

Mazal tov to all the honorees!


Jeff & Ellen Koppel

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Mazal Tov to

Rabbi & Rebbetzin Gruensteinand to all the honorees with much

mazal, bracha and hatzlacha.

ºHelen & Danny Laufer & Family

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Mazal Tov toRabbi Moshe & Rena

Gruensteinand the Past Presidents

Judy & Michael Levine

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov toRabbi & Mrs. Gruenstein

Thank you for your continuous support

and inspirationthat you have given us

through the years.

May Hashem bring us only nachas to share in the future to come.

With much appreciation,


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

I t is with great pleasure that we pay tribute to



for creating a beautiful Makom Torah which inspires and enhances

the spiritual growth of so many.


Fredd i e & Lor i Marton

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

A SpecialThank You & L’Chaim

to Joseph!

From theWomen’s Mimosa Club

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Congratulations to all theHonorees

Shelley Rindner & Family

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner


Rabbi Moshe Gruensteinwhose consistent and dedicated efforts

were indispensable to the birth and development of this classically orthodox congregation.

My wife and I congratulatethe leaders of the congregation

for building an impressive edifice to house an extraordinary shul.

Thank you for the privilege of praying with you.


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

In honor ofRabbi Moshe & Rena


and all thePast Presidents


Tuvia & Gitty RothschildROTHSCHILD LAW LLC

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Mazal Tov

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

In Loving Memory of my dear husband

Rabbi Simeon Schreiber z”l

|In honor of

Rabbi Moshe & Rena Gruensteinand all the

Past Presidents


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov to all the



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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov to

Rabbi Moshe & Rena Gruensteinfor making the Young Israel what it is in Bal Harbour.

Also, Mazel Tov to all our

Past Presidentswho worked so hard

in accomplishing their goals.



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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Congratulations to this year’s honorees

RABBI MOSHE & GRUENSTEINThis honor is long overdue

and we are so happy that you are finally the recipient of this well-deserved honor

on this Chai anniversary of your joining our community.

We look forward to honoring you at your double chai anniversary as well!

To our

PAST PRESIDENTS AND OUR CURRENT PRESIDENTwe thank you all for the hard work

you have put in over the years.Without all of you we would not be

where we are today.


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Congratulations and Best Wishes to Honorees


You are an inspiring rabbi, teacher and leaderwhose kindness, dedication and commitment

to the Jewish people is boundless.May you and Rena continue to enlighten

and educate all who are fortunate to know you and may the Young Israel Congregation

continue to enjoy your special Neshamas.

We wish you and your family continued successand may you go from strength to strength

with Gesind and Menuche until 180!Thank you for your continuous inspiring

and tireless dedication.

With great respect and admiration,

Moshe and Lillian Tabacinic and Family

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

We are delighted to pay tribute toPast President

Daniel CourtneyFor your unwavering commitment,

your unbelievable service, dedication and significant contributions

on behalf of The Young Israel Congregation

May Hashem continue to bless you and your family,and give you health and koach to continue

all the good work that you do. May you go from strength to strength

and receive much hatzlacha and bracha!

With great admiration and respect,


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

We are delighted to pay tribute to Past President

Max DekelbaumThank you for your unwavering commitment,

your unbelievable service, dedication and significant contributions

on behalf of The Young Israel Congregation

May Hashem continue to bless you and your family,and give you health and koach to continue

all the good work that you do. May you go from strength to strength

and receive much hatzlacha and bracha!

With great admiration, friendship, love and respect,


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

We are delighted to pay tribute to

Jack GluckOn your outstanding dedication to our community.The time and hard work you invest characterizes

your every endeavor – you enrich the entire community,

and you are most deserving of this special recognition.

Your enthusiasm is infectious, your commitment is admirable, and your actions are noteworthy.

All that you do, you do with a smile!You exemplify what it means to be

part of the Young Israel Congregation.

May Hashem continue to bless you and your family,give you health and koach to continue

all the good work that you do.

With great admiration, respect, and love,Moises and Lillian Tabacinic and Family

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Congratulations to


Thank you for your dedication, commitment and self-sacrifice.

You are most deserving of this special recognition.

May Hashem continue to bless you and your family,and give you health and koach to continue all the

good work that you do. May you go from strength tostrength and receive much hatzlacha and bracha!

With great admiration, friendship, respect, and love,

Moises and Lillian Tabacinic and Family

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Moises and Lillian Tabacinic and Familyare delighted to pay tribute to

Past President

David KwiatThank you for your commitment to the

The Young Israel Congregation

May Hashem continue to bless you and your family,and give you health and koach

to continue all the good work that you do. May you go from strength to strength

and receive much hatzlacha and bracha!

Page 182: 2019 ANNUAL JOURNAL DINNER - ShulCloudtell us in Pirkei Avos (4:17) “Rabbi Shimon says: There are three crowns in Judaism – the crown of Torah, the crown of priesthood, and the

Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Moises and Lillian Tabacinic and Familyare delighted to pay tribute to

Past President

Shelly LisbonThank you for your commitment to The Young Israel Congregation

May Hashem continue to bless you and your family,and give you health and koach

to continue all the good work that you do. May you go from strength to strength

and receive much hatzlacha and bracha!

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

We are delighted to pay tribute to Past President

Aaron WeinbergYou have truly been an inspiration

and incredible role model to your peers and to all who surround you.

Your enthusiasm and genuine passion for The Young Israel Congregation

is a true reflection of your inner strength and energetic spirit.

Thank you for your years of service and devotion.May your dedication, leadership, and generosity

continue to be an inspiration to friends, family, and community for many more years to come,

with Gesind und Menucha!

With great admiration, friendship and respect,

Moises and Lillian Tabacinic and Family

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

In honor of ourRabbi and Rebbetzin

in recognition of their love and commitment to our community.

May they continue from “strength to strength.”


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Congratulations to

Rabbi Moshe & Rena Gruensteinand to all the

Past Presidents

Thank you for all you have done

for our Young Israel

and for the greater Jewish Community.

Toby & Jerry Wolf

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner



Jana & Moshe Banin

We join in the tribute to the Mara D’Asra and his Rebbetzin

Rabbi Moshe & Rena GruensteinLeading the Young Israel

to greater heights for the past 18 years.Building on your longstanding leadership

in the growth of the South Florida community.

May you continue to lead, educate and inspirefrom the pulpit, in the Beis Medrash and in the classroom.

We feel privileged to call you friends and colleagues.

לכו מחיל אל חיל!

Rabbi Kalman & Rucha Baumann

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Kol Hakavod toRabbi & Mrs. Gruenstein

and to all thePast Presidents

We appreciate all that you do for the YICBH!


To our dear friends

Rabbi Moshe & Rena GRuenstein

May the next 18 years bring you

even greater hatzlacha and nachas

from your beautiful and growing

family and kehillah.

Rabbi Hershel & Sima BeckerYoung Israel of Kendall

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

In Honor of

Rabbi Moshe & RenaGruenstein

Bernard & Chavi Englard

With much gratitude to

Rabbi Moshe & Rena Gruensteinand all the members of Young Israel Congregation

who enabled our dad Al G. Brown z”l

to be given the opportunity to participate

and feel so much a part of this wonderful kehillah.

Golda Brown & Harry Krakowsky

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner



The Fish Family

Mazel Tov and much gratitude

to all of the honorees.


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov to our Dad and Zayde,

David Kwiatand all the other honorees

Aliza & Russell, Shayna & Moshe and Tova Kwiat

To the Rabbi & Rena

Congratulations!Thank you for your wonderful work

in the community.

With much admirationRENA & HENRY KRESSEL

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Mazel TovRabbi Moshe & Rena GruensteinThank you for everything you did for

Mrs. Ethelyn Lieblich a”h.



A heartfelt Mazel Tov to

Rabbi Moshe & Rena Gruenstein

and to all the Past Presidents!


Rona & Myles Mittleman

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner


and to all thePAST PRESIDENTS

Thank you for all you have done for our Young Israeland for the greater Jewish Community.

Amy & Ilan Mosery

toRabbi Moshe & Rena Gruenstein

and Familyand to all our past presidents.

Sharon & Steve Opert


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

In Honor of our Dear Mechutanimהר׳ ר׳ משה והרבנית רנה שליט״א

We have seen and heard your amazing Harbotzas Torah, your sterling examples of Yiras Shomayim,

and your exemplary guidance in Midos Tovos.

Your Kehila greatly admires youand holds you in the highest esteem.

May Hashem bless you with many more years of Hatzlacha in your holy endeavor.

You should see nachas from your entire familyas we share nachas from our children

Baruch Shlomo, Rifkie and Chaim Yoel.

הר׳ שמואל וזיסי ראטקין









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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

With best wishes of Mazel Tov to our Guests of Honor


May you all continue your exemplary workfor our Young Israel and for

the greater Jewish Communityin good health for many years to come.


Carol & Kive Strickoff

Mazal Tov toRabbi Moshe & Rena Gruenstein

on your CHAI anniversary with Young Israel!We are so appreciative

of your dedication to our congregation!


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov toRabbi & Rena Gruenstein

May our Shul see continued success from you!

Jeff & Cathy Weiss

A hearty Mazal Tov toRabbi Moshe & Rena Gruenstein

and to all thePast Presidents

Yasher Koach for all your hard work!

Adrienne Cooper & Michael Wolfe

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner



xEmily & David Aaron

To our dear friends,RENA AND RABBI MOSHE,

Our very best wishes to you.

Mazel Tov on receiving this prestigious and well-deserved honor.

We have been privileged to know you for over 3 decades and we are so proud of your amazing contributions

to K'lal Yisrael.

May the Al-mighty continue to bless you and your family with good health, continued success and Yiddishe nachas.

With great respect and affection,MIKE AND MIMI LERMAN

South Bend, IN

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov to our Zayde David Kwiat!Your dedication to the Jewish community has been an inspiration to us growing up.

Love,Dana & Jake Diamond

Congratulations and thanksto all the honorees!

Kayla Friedman


may both of you continue to lead the Young Israel Congregation

מחיל אל חילfor many years to come.

Rochelle & Lenny Edelstein

Mazel Tov to all the Honorees


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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

To our Dear Mechutanim,Mazel Tov on this well-deserved honor!

We wish you many more years of continued success in your עבודת הקודש

Moshe & Debbie Klugman

In honor of

Rabbi Moshe & Rena Gruensteinand the Past Presidents

Janice & Howard Langer

YASHER KOACH TO RABBI & MRS. G on this great honor.

Your compassion, inspiration and care have meant a lot to us.

MAZEL TOV TO THE PAST PRESIDENTS who have made our Shul what it is today.

Shelly & Miriam Lisbon

Mazal tov to all the honorees

Jeffrey & Gabriela Gut

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

In honor ofRabbi & Mrs. Gruenstein

Susan Wainberg

In honor ofRabbi Moshe & Rena Gruenstein,

all the Past Presidentsand Mali & Steve Schwartz

for all your hard work!

Helen & Arthur Schwartz

Mazal tov on your great service

to the community. 

 Alan J. Marcus

In honor of our dearRabbi and Rebbetzin

and all of thePast Presidents

Lois Rosengarten

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Young Israel Congregation 2019 Annual Dinner

To err is humanTo forgive divine.

We thank you for your participation and generosity, and we ask your forgiveness

if we havemisspelled,misstated,

misrepresentedor misquoted

any material which was submitted.

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Young Israel CongregationServing the Communities of Bal Harbour

Bay Harbor Islands, Indian Creek & Surfside