2018-2020 minnamurra public school school plan€¦ · and a teaching place, a learning place...

School plan 2018-2020 Minnamurra Public School 4498 Printed on: 17 December, 2018 Page 1 of 7 Minnamurra Public School 4498 (2018-2020)

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Page 1: 2018-2020 Minnamurra Public School School Plan€¦ · and A Teaching Place, A Learning Place (maths). Staff teaching strategies. Evaluate teaching practices by utilising quality

School plan 2018-2020Minnamurra Public School 4498

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Page 2: 2018-2020 Minnamurra Public School School Plan€¦ · and A Teaching Place, A Learning Place (maths). Staff teaching strategies. Evaluate teaching practices by utilising quality

School background 2018–2020

School vision statement School context School planning process

Minnamurra Public School fosters a culture of highexpectations for all. Our school community works togetherto nurture self–motivated, confident and creativeindividuals.

Minnamurra Public School sits in a beautiful coastalenvironment near the Minnamurra River. Our school mottois "Learning to Live, Learning to care" depicts the ethosthat students develop skills to make them effectiveparticipants in society. We encourage our students to beresponsible, be respectful and be their best. The school,which has an Indigenous population of 4%, meets thecommunity's high expectations through quality learningprograms delivered by experienced snd committed staff.We provide regular opportunities for students to to developand demonstrate their talents and interests in all areas.Differentiated learning occurs in our mainstream classesthroughout the school to cater for the individual learningneeds of ours students. Programs are adapted and needsbased so that all students have every opportunity toparticipate in all aspects of school life. Our IndigenousEducation Team ensures cultural aspects are part of ourlearning programs and is committed to a strong allegiancewith our community and the local AECG.  Our pleasant andaccessible outdoor play areas promote active lifestyles andhealthy mindsets. We are closely aligned to the KiamaCommunity of schools.

To develop this plan we consulted with students and staffon the major areas of focus in the school. We ran a staffsession using appreciative inquiry which focuses onstrengths rather than on weakness. It seeks to involvestakeholders in self–determined change. It is futurefocused. We ran a parent forum using the same approach,where staff supported parents with any questions they hadaround the feedback. An online survey was also conductedfor any parents unable to attend the evening forum. TheParent Teacher Consultative Group (six parents and sixteachers) then met to analyse all feedback received.Commonalities were identified and then the executive teamused these areas to develop our three strategic directions.

A further review and update was made during 2018, afterthe appointment of a new school principal. The review andupdate process took place over three terms in consultationwith staff (during School Development Days, staff meetingsand executive meetings) and the P&C.

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Page 3: 2018-2020 Minnamurra Public School School Plan€¦ · and A Teaching Place, A Learning Place (maths). Staff teaching strategies. Evaluate teaching practices by utilising quality

School strategic directions 2018–2020


Effective Teaching and Learning


Inclusive Wellbeing


Purposeful Connections


To apply evidence–based teaching practices to promotehigh quality learning environments that improve studentoutcomes and meet the needs of all learners.


A planned approach to develop whole school strategiesand procedures that support the wellbeing of all, so thatstudents can connect, succeed, thrive and learn.


To ensure collegial partnerships with our school communitythat are proactive, supported and informed to the highest ofstandards. Expertly integrated technology, environmentalsustainability and Aboriginal education programs willmaximise student opportunities to succeed personally andacademically in a dynamic world.

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Page 4: 2018-2020 Minnamurra Public School School Plan€¦ · and A Teaching Place, A Learning Place (maths). Staff teaching strategies. Evaluate teaching practices by utilising quality

Strategic Direction 1: Effective Teaching and Learning


To apply evidence–based teachingpractices to promote high quality learningenvironments that improve studentoutcomes and meet the needs of alllearners.

Improvement Measures

Increase percentage of students achievingproficiency (top two NAPLAN bands) inLiteracy.

Increase percentage of students achievingproficiency (top two NAPLAN bands) inNumeracy.

All teachers utilising quality formativeassessment practices to drive teaching andlearning programs and improve studentoutcomes.



All staff participate in comprehensiveprofessional learning for Literacy andNumeracy, including Language, Learningand Literacy (L3), Focus on Reading (FoR)and A Teaching Place, A Learning Place(maths).


Evaluate teaching practices by utilisingquality assessment, HOW2Learn principlesand student achievement data to improveoutcomes, particularly in literacy andnumeracy.


Actively engage in the learning processand can articulate where they are on theirlearning journey and where they need to gonext.


Build staff capacity to implement qualitypedagogy through professional learning inLiteracy, Numeracy and Visible Learning.


Allocate resources to support effectiveteaching and learning.



Implement an explicit, systematic wholeschool mathematics program that buildsteacher capacity to support effectiveteaching and learning.


Evidence–based approach to support theteaching and learning of literacy K–6.


Implement quality assessment practicesthrough an explicit, planned andcollaborative approach which drives qualityteaching and learning.

Evaluation Plan

Tell Them From Me surveys (Terms 1 and3)

PLAN/Learning Progressions data

L3 Kindergarten and Stage Oneimplementation

FoR Stage 2 and Stage 3 implementaion

Completion of HOW2Learn modules

Visible Learning implementation

Teaching Programs

Practices and Products


Every teacher collects and uses data toinform future planning and evaluateteaching and learning programs.

Literacy and numeracy programs aredeveloped using syllabus documents, aredifferentiated to cater for the needs of alllearners and incorporate evidence–basedteaching strategies.


Students receive explicitly targeted,effective teaching and learning at their pointof need.

Teaching programs, student work samplesand assessment demonstrateimplementation of a whole school approachto Literacy and Numeracy.

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Strategic Direction 2: Inclusive Wellbeing


A planned approach to develop wholeschool strategies and procedures thatsupport the wellbeing of all, so thatstudents can connect, succeed, thrive andlearn.

Improvement Measures

Increased use of evidence–informedwellbeing strategies to identify and addressneeds of students and staff.

All students and teachers to be consistentlyimplementing PBL strategies.

Increased measures of studentengagement and teacher satisfaction.



Build skills and understanding of resilienceand the wellbeing of others. Students takean active role in their own learning, developand sustain a sense of belonging, selfworth, self awareness and a personalidentity that enables them to manage theirwellbeing.


Understand the data collected for PBLdrives the lesson focus.

Collaboratively build a commitment andcapacity to implement a consistent wholeschool approach to wellbeing with clearlydefined behavioural expectations for allstudents.


School leaders recognise the importance ofcreating a positive climate and nurturingenvironment that increases the capacity ofstaff to translate professional learningopportunities into sustainable and effectivepractices. They facilitate structures andprocesses to identify, address and monitorstudent wellbeing.


Develop an understanding of thesystems/framework within the school thatsupports/promotes wellbeing for all.

Community Partners

The school community recognises thatstudent wellbeing and engagement areimportant conditions for learning.


Develop whole–school, integratedapproach to enhancing wellbeing,incorporating Positive Behaviour forLearning (PBL) strategies to provide clearlydefined behavioural expectations.

Implementation of whole school wellbeingstrategies reflecting DoE framework.

Evaluation Plan

Tell Them from Me survey

People Matter Survey

PBL data

Surveys of students, parents and teachersengagement

MPS wellbeing policy and procedures up todate and on school website

Practices and Products


Staff are supported by a strong instructionalleadership team as the school's wellbeingapproach focuses on creating an effectiveenvironment for learning for all.

There is a strategic and planned approachto develop whole school processes thatsupport the wellbeing of all students sothey can connect, succeed, thrive andlearn.


Demonstration of students who are beingtheir best, being responsible and beingrespectful throughout the school.

The school has implementedevidence–based change to whole schoolpractices, resulting in measurableimprovements in wellbeing andengagement to support learning.

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Strategic Direction 3: Purposeful Connections


To ensure collegial partnerships with ourschool community that are proactive,supported and informed to the highest ofstandards. Expertly integrated technology,environmental sustainability and Aboriginaleducation programs will maximise studentopportunities to succeed personally andacademically in a dynamic world.

Improvement Measures

All teaching and learning programs showevidence of the integration of technology toenhance student learning.

Demonstration of increased communitysatisfaction with home/schoolcommunication.

100% of students and staff participating inenvironmental sustainability practices in ourschool to reduce the amount of waste goingto landfill.

Increased involvement by staff andstudents in Aboriginal cultural events.



All students are motivated to confidentlyutilise technology effectively to support theirlearning.

All students engage in sustainabilitypractices at school to reduce the amount ofwaste entering landfill.

Indigenous and non–indigenous studentsparticipate in Aboriginal cultural events.


Creatively integrate technology intoteaching and learning programs, using theschool's scope and sequence.

Communicate with parents in a timely,effective, consistent way about theirstudents' educational and wellbeing needs.

Engage in, model and teach sustainabilitypractices to reduce our level of wasteentering landfill.

Staff develop PLPs for all ATSI students.


Support teachers in the development andimplementation of the whole schooltechnology scope and sequence.

Support the implementation of the KCOSsustainability action plan at our school.

Ensure Aboriginal perspectives areincorporated in school programs.




Implement a quality whole school approach(scope and sequence) for integratingtechnology to support effective teachingpractices.


Develop collaborative and cohesiveeducational partnerships by engaging andconnecting with the school communitythrough purposeful, well–plannedcommunication.


Collaboratively plan and implement aKCOS environmental sustainability plan atour school.

Aboriginal EducationIndigenous and non–indigenous staff andstudents participate in Aboriginal culturalevents.

Evaluation Plan

– Tell them from me surveys

– Grant submissions

– Teaching and learning programs

– Student work samples

– Student PLPs

–AECG meeting minutes

– Technology scope and sequence

– Sustainability action plan

Practices and Products


Every teacher is using technologyeffectively to improve student outcomesand teaching practices.

Teachers communicate and consult withparents using a consistent school–wideapproach.

All staff and students are using therecycling system effectively on a dailybasis.

Aboriginal perspectives are incorporated inteaching and learning programs.


Technology is embedded into all teachingand learning programs showing evidenceof innovative and engaging practices thatenhance student learning.

Enhanced community partnershipsreflected in greater collaboration andconsultation.

Decreased amount of waste enteringlandfill.

Teaching programs incorporate Aboriginalperspectives in order to increase culturalawareness and understanding.

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Strategic Direction 3: Purposeful Connections


Support and engage in the use oftechnology.

Actively participate in providing feedback tostaff on their children's educational andwellbeing needs.

Parents participate in the PLP process.

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