2018-2020 coraki public school school plan · all our students will face an ever changing world in...

School plan 2018-2020 Coraki Public School 1644 Printed on: 4 June, 2019 Page 1 of 6 Coraki Public School 1644 (2018-2020)

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Page 1: 2018-2020 Coraki Public School School Plan · All our students will face an ever changing world in which they will be adults. Students will need the skills to be motivated, effective€learners

School plan 2018-2020Coraki Public School 1644

Printed on: 4 June, 2019Page 1 of 6 Coraki Public School 1644 (2018-2020)

Page 2: 2018-2020 Coraki Public School School Plan · All our students will face an ever changing world in which they will be adults. Students will need the skills to be motivated, effective€learners

School background 2018–2020

School vision statement School context School planning process

Coraki Public School will nurture and develop all children tobecome successful and motivated learners who areempowered with learning skills that will equip them to leadeffective and contributing lives in society. They will beco–operative while showing respect, resilience andflexibility in the ways they learn and enquire about theirworld.

Our school will support each child as an individual, whilerecognising the importance of a harmonious and highlyfunctioning social group that relies on trust, creativity andcritical thought.

We will be a significant partner with our families andcommunity in developing our children to be the best theycan.

Coraki Public School serves the community of Coraki andsurrounds. It is the public school alternative for the townwith a small Catholic School also in town. The population ofCoraki is around 1500.

Coraki has a rich Aboriginal and Anglo–based history. Itstands on Banjalang land which is part of BunjalungCountry. Being on the meeting point of two major rivers innorthern NSW, it has been a significant port andagricultural base since the mid 1800's. The school is 150years old and was once a Central School.

According to the current Family, Occupation and EducationIndex [FOEI], Coraki PS serves a community thatrepresents the top 5% of disadvantage in NSW. There area high proportion of transient families yet also manyfamilies who trace long histories into the town and school.The Aboriginal enrolment is around 40%, with many ofthese families still being on country.

The school has a small mix of experienced and youngerstaff, with a high proportion of school–funded SchoolLearning Support Officers. A Transition to SchoolProgramme operates at the school for 2 days per week.This was originally funded by Department of CommunityServices but is now staffed by Department of Education.

During the years 2018–2020 Coraki Public school will bepart of the Early Action for Success initiative working withan Instructional Leader focused on the delivery of Literacyand Numeracy practice.

Planning for the 2018–2020 School Plan began in early2017 when the executive team attended professionallearning around "Evaluation Essentials". In Terms 2 and 32017 our school began the process of External Validation.This process involved exploring hard and narrativeevidence including staff, community and students surveys.The result of this was that directions were identified for the2018–2020 planning cycle. Towards the end of 2018 staffand community met in collaborative practice to refine goalsfor the 2019 school year.

Through 2019 we will continue to be part of the EarlyAction for Success Initiative. We will have a newInstructional leader who will bring particular skills in earlyliteracy, including Early Childhood experience. This willfurther guide a solid and professional understanding as abasis to our Strategic Directions.

Early Parent Support meetings in 2019 brought interactionwith community and staff meetings have identified targetswithin Strategic Directions to develop through this next yearof our three year cycle.

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Page 3: 2018-2020 Coraki Public School School Plan · All our students will face an ever changing world in which they will be adults. Students will need the skills to be motivated, effective€learners

School strategic directions 2018–2020


Our Learning Culture


Quality Teaching


Community Connections.


All our students will face an ever changing world in whichthey will be adults. Students will need the skills to bemotivated, effective learners within this future world. Theywill need to be confident risk takers in their own learning,critical, creative, resourceful and empowered with highlevel skills in Literacy and Numeracy. These children needpositive and enduring learning dispositions that reflectstrong emotional, physical, social and academicfoundations.


Teaching in our school will sustain and grow to createlearning spaces that are stimulating and engage allstudents. Teaching practice must be evidence based anddifferentiated to cater for individual needs. Teachers needto maintain high expectations and empower all studentswith oral language skills that enable investigation,questioning and higher order thinking, while supporting thediverse cultural, emotional, cognitive and social needs ofour students. Staff must challenge students and maintainpositive working relationships that foster and support a loveof learning that students will carry with them to becomesuccessful members of society. A culture of highexpectation will be evident across the school.


To further create sustaining and growing pathways to bondthe relationship between the school and all families.Families must feel welcome within their school and be partof open and honest communication with all staff members.Our hard to reach families must be engaged at all levelswith the school and feel respected and valued. The widercommunity must value their school and share in theachievements and celebrations of what we all achieve forour students, thus overcoming levels of disadvantage thatmay exist within our community.

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Page 4: 2018-2020 Coraki Public School School Plan · All our students will face an ever changing world in which they will be adults. Students will need the skills to be motivated, effective€learners

Strategic Direction 1: Our Learning Culture


All our students will face an ever changingworld in which they will be adults. Studentswill need the skills to be motivated,effective learners within this future world.They will need to be confident risk takers intheir own learning, critical, creative,resourceful and empowered with highlevel skills in Literacy and Numeracy.These children need positive andenduring learning dispositions that reflectstrong emotional, physical, social andacademic foundations.

Improvement Measures

Within the School Excellence Frameworkthe school will move from Delivering toSustaining and Growing in the elements ofCurriculum and Effective ClassroomPractice. and Sustaining and Growing toExcelling in the element of Wellbeing.



Teachers and students will demonstratecapabilities that utilise and apply learningdispositions and critical reflection to createpositive learner mindsets .


Students will use developing complex orallanguage to demonstrate enquiry and toverbalise intentions to their learning.


Students will critically reflect on skills to selfassess their work, based on anunderstanding of indicators and particularskills within Literacy and Numeracy. Theywill demonstrate growth throughprogressions in all Key Learning Areas andplan personal learning targets with teachersand SLSOs.


Leaders will provide opportunity FORProfessional Learning dialogue for all staffand resources that enable growth incomplex oral language interactions andsyllabus learning..


Flourishing Learners

Students will be active in their learningthrough positive involvement with theirteachers and parents.


Our whole school wellbeing processesensure students can connect, succeed,thrive and learn.

Evaluation Plan

• student will be surveyed through a localSurvey Monkey and "Tell Them FromMe" feedback

• teaching programmes will showevidence of Professional Practice 3.1.2

Practices and Products


Teachers will recognise and build onstudent strengths and interests thatencourage and appreciate individualdifferences.

Teachers will provide a variety of teachingstimuli to encourage growing complexlanguage development based onquestioning, vocabulary and active listeningskills.


Students will be able to pose questions,express inquiry and use growing andrelevant vocabulary around lessons.

Students will be able to verbalise theintentions and processes taken in order toachieve outcomes for any task they areworking on.

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Page 5: 2018-2020 Coraki Public School School Plan · All our students will face an ever changing world in which they will be adults. Students will need the skills to be motivated, effective€learners

Strategic Direction 2: Quality Teaching


Teaching in our school will sustain andgrow to create learning spaces that arestimulating and engage all students.Teaching practice must be evidence basedand differentiated to cater for individualneeds. Teachers need to maintain highexpectations and empower all students withoral language skills that enableinvestigation, questioning and higher orderthinking, while supporting the diversecultural, emotional, cognitive and socialneeds of our students. Staff must challengestudents and maintain positive workingrelationships that foster and support a loveof learning that students will carry withthem to become successful members ofsociety. A culture of high expectation will beevident across the school.

Improvement Measures

Data measurements will show individualstudent growth along LearningProgressions consistent with expectationsfor grade and ability.

Within the School Excellence Frameworkthe school will continue to Sustain andGrow Collaborative Practice and will moveto Excelling in Learning and Development.within the Teaching domain.



All staff will have a solid understanding ofLearning Progressions as they are relatedto Syllabus outcomes and how these reflecteffective intentional teaching in all KLAs..


Staff will differentiate lessons based onclass need and Individual/ PersonalLearning Plans so that inquiry and depth ofunderstanding is achieved.


Principal to attend and provide ProfessionalLearning and to staff where there is a focuson Oral Language and Inquiry/Play basedteaching strategies


Early Action for Success will continueprofessional Learning opportunities for staffincluding Instructional Leader that supportsliteracy and numeracy across all stages.


Effective Classroom Practice

All staff are implementing the most effectiveteaching strategies that address need andsyllabus.

Teachers as Learners

Staff enhance their teaching practice toreflect the Professional Standards.

Evaluation Plan

• School based and external data

• Evidence within Teaching Programmes

Practices and Products


Every teacher will use Progressions toinform teaching and to use these to trackindividual students' growth along syllabusoutcomes. Early Action for Successresources and Instructional Leader willsupport teacher understanding ofprogressions and syllabus.

Staff will embed quality Oral Languagepractices within all teaching and learningactivities to maximise the development ofSpeaking and Listening outcomes forstudents.


Collaborative practice strategies that createeffective, direct and creative teachingacross the school.

Opportunities created in all classes forstudents to explore and practise richlanguage, inquiry and deep thinking skills

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Page 6: 2018-2020 Coraki Public School School Plan · All our students will face an ever changing world in which they will be adults. Students will need the skills to be motivated, effective€learners

Strategic Direction 3: Community Connections.


To further create sustaining and growingpathways to bond the relationship betweenthe school and all families. Families mustfeel welcome within their school and bepart of open and honest communicationwith all staff members. Our hard to reachfamilies must be engaged at all levels withthe school and feel respected and valued.The wider community must value theirschool and share in the achievements andcelebrations of what we all achieve for ourstudents, thus overcoming levels ofdisadvantage that may exist within ourcommunity.

Improvement Measures

The school will achieve a level ofSustaining and Growing for ManagementPractices of Community Satisfaction.



Plan and incorporate relevant events andcommunication structures that facilitatefeedback.


Demonstrate relationships and practicethat show respectful two waycommunication paths so that communityfeels valued and a relevant partner in theschool.

Community Partners

Implement programmes and opportunitiesthat can facilitate parent involvement andeducation.


Community Engagement

Our school supports a climate of highexpectations and community engagementto recognise culture and support the growthof our students.

Proactive relationships

Partnerships that are planning clear andcommon aims and directions for learning.

Evaluation Plan

• Tell Them From Me survey.

• Informal record of attendances andverbal feedback from at school events

Practices and Products


School events that are based on bothincidental and purposeful causes will beheld twice per term.

Aboriginal Education Team meetings willoccur at both the school and Box Ridge,thus catering for the diverse needs of thecommunity and to allow for greater easeand willingness to attend for all families.


Increased percentage of families attendingevents and Parent Support Group Meetingsthroughout the year.

Consultation and feedback will be soughtfrom community through a formalisedsurvey and anecdotal evidence.

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