2016 long island beauty ball deck: belvedere

ong island for cancer care MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 6 PM TO 10 PM CREST HOLLOW COUNTRY CLUB

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ong island

for cancer care


A diagnosis of cancer turns your whole world upside down.

The strain of the cancer treatments and the appearance-related side effects can be devastating. Perhaps the hardest part is getting used to looking

in the mirror.

ong island

for cancer care

Thousands of cancer patients on LI have been referred to Mondays at Racine, a salon in Islip that provides complimentary services by their

oncologist or physician. Why?

Because these physicians know their patients will receive absolute top-notch care.

ong island

for cancer care

Watch the Oscar-nominated HBO Documentary trailer:

Mondays at Racine

ong island

for cancer care


More than 6,000 clients have been treated by this dedicated team of specially trained and

licensed therapists, cosmetologists, aestheticians, beauticians and other


ong island

for cancer care

The results are dramatic.

Self-confidence and self-image soar. Looking good does make you feel better.

ong island

for cancer care

ong island

for cancer care

“I truly believe that what Mondays at Racine gives to others cannot be found in any

prescription bottle. I am diagnosed with breast cancer and am currently undergoing

chemotherapy... I look forward to going to Mondays at Racine as I know Mondays are the

best day of the week!– R O S E M A R I E M .

The Long Island Beauty Ball was conceived to expand the Mondays program to other LI “charter salons” so that EVERY cancer patient on LI will

have access to these services.

ong island

for cancer care

Who attends the Beauty Ball?

Hundreds of like-minded individuals and organizations looking to support those

living with cancer.

ong island

for cancer care

40 corporate sponsors700 attendees

$175,000 raised

6 Charter Salon Programs Funded

55Mondays Service Providers Certified

NY State Certified Education Program


Results from last year’s Long Island Beauty Ball: October 26, 2015

In order to expand these services across Long Island, we are hosting our

second annual Long Island Beauty Ball for Cancer Care.

ong island

for cancer care

Raising $250,000

Opening 12+ New Charter Programs

and Certifying 100+ Service providers

so that more cancer patients across Long Island will have access to our services.

Goals for this year’s event: September 26, 2016

Join our supporters and sponsors to help realize this goal.

ong island

for cancer care

There are many opportunities to sponsor

and support the Long Island Beauty Ball

ong island

for cancer care

ong island

for cancer care

Get Inspired with BelvedereC O M M U N I T Y C H A R T E R P R O G R A M S P O N S O R

ong island

for cancer care

As a sponsor of the Long Island Beauty Ball, Belvedere will receive:

Sponsorship level $7,500

• Logo and name prominently displayed and mentioned in all advertising/marketing campaigns as an Experience Sponsor of the Long Island Beauty Ball for Cancer Care

• Prominent exposure at the Beauty Ball through signage for the sponsored Experience

• Custom Exhibit Area in Premium Location• 12 Tickets to Beauty Ball• A Block of 8 Beauty Ball Tickets for Donation in your

name• Web link on event site and www.MondaysAtRacine.org

• Gold Ad in E-Journal• Gift item in swag bag• Logo inclusion and/or signage at

Mondays at Racine• Recognition as Charter Program

Sponsor on all Mondays at Racine marketing collateral, programs, and events until October 1, 2017

• An invite to all new charter salon openings until October 1 2017

FOR MORE INFORMATIONContact Lea at (631) 741-1240 or [email protected] Karla at (631) 255-9923 or [email protected]

www.LongIslandBeautyBall.com | fax: (631) 650-9571

For more information, contact Karla WaldronPhone: 631.255.9923

Email: [email protected]

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