2016 - ignite - being an introvert and at a conference, not as hellish as you think it is

Being an introvert and at a conference, not as hellish as you think it is JJ Asghar | [email protected] | @jjasghar

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Being an introvert and at a conference, not as

hellish as you think it is

JJ Asghar | [email protected] | @jjasghar

"crippling introvert" Extroverts are energized by interacting with people, while introverts

are drained by interacting with people.

Disclaimer(s): These are my tactics, this is how I've learned over the last 2 years of

conferences around the world to coupe and get the most out of it

These may work for you, but you need to find it in yourself to make conferences enjoyable, no one likes a crabby-

conference goer.

Your first technology conference is always the hardest. It gets easier, less awkward, and so so much more enjoyable.

Assuming this isn't your first conference, these tactics can work for you from now on.

Tactics Carry around a game or two in your bag.

For example: Coup, Resistance, Exploding Kittens are easy and perfectly sized.


Tactics Booze helps, it really does.

Tactics Do you best not to open your laptop or notebook, you'll want to play

or work, it's really hard to have a conversation over a laptop.

Tactics Sneak looks at what people are huddled around, who knows it might

be something you're interested in.

Tactics Be willing to start an open space about something so off the wall that

people will be curious.

Tactics Find a conference buddy, ideally not someone you work with.

Tactics Take breaks, you aren't at school, you can skip a session if you need to


Naps are awesome too.

If you identify as an introvert, it's not an excuse not to enjoy tech conferences. You just need to figure out how to

make yourself comfortable.

You'd be surprised how many other people identify as introverts too, and use similar tactics.

Seriously, carry around a game or two, it really does help break ice.

There's a huge chance I put this talk together so people would come up to me, instead of me having to make the

first move.

Thank you, and any chance anyone wants to play a game?

JJ Asghar | [email protected] | @jjasghar