2015mar28 - developing willpower for true success - vihe

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  • 8/9/2019 2015Mar28 - Developing Willpower for True Success - VIHE


  • 8/9/2019 2015Mar28 - Developing Willpower for True Success - VIHE


    However you de$ne success%a happy family! good friends!

    a satisfying career! robust health! $nancialsecurity!

    the freedom to pursue your passions%it tends to be accompanied by a couple of

    &ualities.'hen psychologists isolate

    the personal &ualities that predict

    (positive outcomes) in life! theyconsistently $nd two traits* intelligence

    and self-control .+o far researchers still haven,t learned how

  • 8/9/2019 2015Mar28 - Developing Willpower for True Success - VIHE


    'ill power is controle ercised by one,s

    will.'ill / mental ability

    by which a person decidesupon

    and controls

  • 8/9/2019 2015Mar28 - Developing Willpower for True Success - VIHE


    0an any thing be done

    without 'illing 10an any thing be achieved

    without 0ontrol 1

    0an anything be accomplishedwithout deciding upon 1

    0an anything be hopedwithout acting upon 1

  • 8/9/2019 2015Mar28 - Developing Willpower for True Success - VIHE


    If power is important

    Will-power is more important.If discipline is important!

    Self- discipline is much moreimportant.If ability is important!

    Mental ability is much moreimportant.

    If control is important!

    Self-control is much more

  • 8/9/2019 2015Mar28 - Developing Willpower for True Success - VIHE


    Will Power Ability to overcome laziness andprocrastinationAbility to control harmful impulses andadverse elementsAbility to arrive at a decision and to followsuccessful methodologies for fruitful

    conclusionsAbility to develop Inner power / strengthAttainment of Self consciousness and

    Self realization

  • 8/9/2019 2015Mar28 - Developing Willpower for True Success - VIHE


    Self isciplineSelf Discipline comes with Will PowerAbility to withstand hardships anddifficulties- Physical !motional " #entalProvides stamina to preserve one$s owncharacteristics and sustainability of good%ualities&ecessary to develop self respect and

    individuality'reates self confidenceDevelops attitudes and aptitudesDevelop order in doing things perfectly

  • 8/9/2019 2015Mar28 - Developing Willpower for True Success - VIHE


    TogetherWill power & Self

    isciplineAccomplished behaviour and reactions()emove dullness and boring in lifeDevelop consistent mind and perfection'reates *appiness and satisfaction in life+ain inner strength and abilities to con%uer


    )ender Initiative " ability to ma,eappropriate decisions+ain success in every wal, of life(

  • 8/9/2019 2015Mar28 - Developing Willpower for True Success - VIHE


    Developing Will-Power and

    Self Disciplineo ensure Strengthening abilities and attitudeso ensure Politeness and )especto overcome .aziness wea,ness shyness "

    procrastinationo resort to Physical e ercise 0 +et up wal,and runo avoid negative thoughtso focus on Positive thin,ing and broadoutloo,(o generate large number of ideas andview - pointso ensure individual concentrationpersistence and motivation(

  • 8/9/2019 2015Mar28 - Developing Willpower for True Success - VIHE


    Advantages of possessingstrong will-power and self-discipline

    Get stronger powers ofconcentration and credentialsustainability

    evelop openness and independentthinking

    Attain peace of ind! power ofi agination and creativity" evelop Self growth evelop resistance and Self control# prove regulatory habits andbehaviour

  • 8/9/2019 2015Mar28 - Developing Willpower for True Success - VIHE


    Will-Poweris #nner Strength

    Strengthens power to achieve goals*elps in overcoming laziness

    Strengthens the power of self control'ontrol un-necessary and harmful impulsesDevelop courage and braveryInclination to potential ambitions

    uni%ue ideas and concepts(Ability to find solutions to problems1uild a culture of creativity and innovation(

  • 8/9/2019 2015Mar28 - Developing Willpower for True Success - VIHE


    What is Success?

  • 8/9/2019 2015Mar28 - Developing Willpower for True Success - VIHE


  • 8/9/2019 2015Mar28 - Developing Willpower for True Success - VIHE


    A successful personshould possess

    2 0rucial Personality 3raits

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    Personality 3rait 4 2


    6orget problems. 3alk aboutthe solutions.7on,t dwell in past failures

    butfocus on future opportunities

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    Personality 3rait 4 8


    :ove what you do and do it for areasonHave passion for work and life.

    -e an ious to work ;don,t dread#onday<

  • 8/9/2019 2015Mar28 - Developing Willpower for True Success - VIHE


    Personality 3rait 4 =


    A little sacri$ce now can payo? big in future

    +hort term victoriescontribute to long termsuccess

    -e focused to not to be lured.

  • 8/9/2019 2015Mar28 - Developing Willpower for True Success - VIHE


    Personal 3rait 4 @


    • 3rue success is achievedthrough persistence bymoving ahead with youraim then obstacles are your

    stepping stones to success

  • 8/9/2019 2015Mar28 - Developing Willpower for True Success - VIHE


    Personality 3rait 4


    6ollow plans and e pect theune pected

    0hange in plan is to betreated as youropportunity

  • 8/9/2019 2015Mar28 - Developing Willpower for True Success - VIHE


    Personality 3rait 4 C


    Educate in the areas ofpassion Have thirst for learning 9eed not be a D-ook smart,

  • 8/9/2019 2015Mar28 - Developing Willpower for True Success - VIHE


    Personality 3rait 4


    Avoid sel$sh pursuit-e helping and givingE pect helping hands if youhave stretched your handsfor others.

  • 8/9/2019 2015Mar28 - Developing Willpower for True Success - VIHE


    Personality 3rait 4 F

    +E:6 7I+0IP:I9E

    6ormulate your own rules andimplement0heck your honesty

    -elieve in yourself :isten to your instinct0heck your trustworthiness

  • 8/9/2019 2015Mar28 - Developing Willpower for True Success - VIHE


    7o you possessall of these personality


    +ome Guestions Please!before we proceed further.

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  • 8/9/2019 2015Mar28 - Developing Willpower for True Success - VIHE


    Definition of Success

    3Peace of mind attained only throughself-satisfaction in ,nowing you made

    the effort to become the best of whichyou are capable(4 5ohn Wooden

  • 8/9/2019 2015Mar28 - Developing Willpower for True Success - VIHE


  • 8/9/2019 2015Mar28 - Developing Willpower for True Success - VIHE


    1uilding 1loc,s of SuccessSelf-'ontrol

    3'ontrol of your organization begins with controlof yourself( 1e disciplined(4

    Alertness'onstantly be aware and observing( Always see,to improve yourself and the team(4

    Initiative3#a,e a decision: 6ailure to act is often thebiggest failure of all(4

    Intentness3Stay the course( When thwarted try again7harder7 smarter( Persevere relentlessly(

  • 8/9/2019 2015Mar28 - Developing Willpower for True Success - VIHE


    'ondition3Ability may get you to the top butcharacter ,eeps you there- mental moraland physical(4

    S,ill3What a leader learns after you$ve learnedit all counts most of all(4

    eam Spirit

    3 he star of the team is the team( Wesuper cedes me(4

  • 8/9/2019 2015Mar28 - Developing Willpower for True Success - VIHE


    Poise31e yourself( Don$t be thrown off by eventswhether good or bad(4

    'onfidence3 he strongest steel is well-founded self-

    belief( It is earned not given4'ompetitive +reatness

    3Perform at your best when your best is

    re%uired( 9our best is re%uired each day(46aith and Patience

    hese two words and ideas sit right ne t toa persons competitive greatness(

  • 8/9/2019 2015Mar28 - Developing Willpower for True Success - VIHE


    BB for Com Skills - ESCI 30


    Please visit*

    www.archive.organd search forP55:A-A3Ato read freely

    5 publications in Teluguand 2 publications in Englishrelating to Personality Development

    Also, please search for Deshamunu Preminchumanna for a small booklet in Telugu



  • 8/9/2019 2015Mar28 - Developing Willpower for True Success - VIHE


    6or the sa,e of record As on 27 th Mar 2015

    Prof( ;( ;iswanadham has uploaded live recordings of more than

    $!% of his speeches to www(archive(org .‘Communication Skills’ was downloaded , $'!&&'(times(

    #ore than 270 Power Point Presentations < slides =can be freely viewed at>www(slideshare(net/viswanadham So far )!%*!*+% have viewed(

    Slideshare Actions> ?@ BB times(han, you dear friends for helping me to reach many more(



  • 8/9/2019 2015Mar28 - Developing Willpower for True Success - VIHE


    3/29/15 32

    In case 5> li,ed this speech and presentation~ for listening to more speeches and for viewing morepresentations!

    Please Visit* Visit:http:// www.archive.org

    and Search for Prof. V. Viswanadham ~ please download and then kindly listen.


    In case

    5> li,edthis presentation~ for viewingmore presentations!

    on various topics!

    Please visit: www(slideshare(net/viswanadham

    In case you want to give some feedback / contact me :Prof. V. Viswanadham

    [email protected]

    ell: !"!# $%$ #&'thank ou3/29/15 BB fo Com Skills ! "SC#


  • 8/9/2019 2015Mar28 - Developing Willpower for True Success - VIHE


    Please feel free and usemy power point presentations

    in any manner you like.

    In caseyou anta copy of

    this presentation !Please drop a line to !vis am"vangapally#gmail"com

  • 8/9/2019 2015Mar28 - Developing Willpower for True Success - VIHE
