2015 wesco open enrollment benefits guide


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INTRODUCTION Whether you are a new employee enrolling into your benefits for the first time or considering your benefits during open enrollment, this guide is designed to help you through the process. Wesco Aircraft is proud to offer you a broad range of benefit options. You can choose from a number of plans including medical, dental, vision, life and disability insurance and voluntary supplement programs. In addition, we provide health care and dependent care reimbursement accounts to assist employees in managing their out-of-pocket expenses with pre-tax dollars. As you prepare to enroll in your 2015 benefits, complete the following steps:

Review the information in this guide. We’re making important changes that you should be aware of as you make decisions regarding your 2015 benefits.

Review your current benefit choices

Discuss your benefits needs with your family to ensure you’re choosing the right coverage for you and your family’s needs.

Complete the online benefit enrollment through Oracle Fusion (Wesco Employees) or NuView (former Haas Employees).



If you should have any questions: Contact carriers directly. Phone number and website information is listed on page 14. Review benefit summaries , employee contributions and plan information on the Oracle Fusion system (for Wesco Employees) and the NuView System (former Haas Employees). Contact Health Advocate at 1-866-799-2728 to assist you with any healthcare and insurance related concerns. Reach out to your HR team at [email protected]. This booklet highlights important features of Wesco Aircraft’s benefits for its benefit eligible employees. While efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented, in the event of any discrepancies your actual coverage and benefits will be determined by the legal plan documents and the contracts that govern these plans. Benefit plans may be changed for any reason, to the extent allowed by the law.

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ELIGIBILITY All full time employees are eligible for benefits coverage. Coverage for full time eligible employees will become effective on the first of the month following date of hire. Eligible Dependents include:

your legal spouse or registered same-sex domestic partner your child(ren), step-child(ren) and legally adopted child(ren). Child(ren) are eligible up to age 26

NOTE: Parents and siblings, even those dependent on you for support, are not eligible for coverage.


QUALIFYING LIFE EVENT The elections you make during Open Enrollment or at initial benefits eligibility will remain in effect for the plan year (January 1, 2015- December 31, 2015). During that time, if your life or family status changes according to the recognized events listed below, you are permitted to revise your benefits coverage to accommodate your new status. IRS regulations govern under what circumstances you may make changes to your benefits, which benefits you can change, and what kinds of changes are permitted.

OPEN ENROLLMENT Open Enrollment is from November 17 through December 3. This is your once-a-year opportunity to enroll for benefits or make changes to your current coverage. Remember the benefits you elect during this period will be effective from January 1, 2015 - December 31, 2015. Any changes you make at Open Enrollment will be effective for the full plan year and cannot be changed until the next Open Enrollment period or until a Qualifying life event occurs. If you do not submit an election by December 3, 2014 deadline, your coverage will not continue in 2015. NOTE: Effective January 1, 2015, Wesco Aircraft is changing its benefit period to a calendar plan year ( January 1- December 31). All previous coverage will terminate on December 31, 2014; failure to re-enroll will result in loss of coverage. PRE-TAX DEDUCTIONS

Pre-Tax Dollars: Your insurance premiums are paid with money removed from your gross wages prior to any tax calculations. This reduces your tax liability and is a more efficient way to pay for premiums. Because premiums are deducted on pre-tax basis, you cannot drop or modify coverage mid plan year unless you have a Qualifying Life event. ERISA NOTICES Review your annual ERISA notices here.

NEW EMPLOYEES New employees are eligible for coverage first of the month following date of hire. If you have moved from a non-benefits eligible status to a benefits eligible status you will have 30 days from the new benefit eligible status to complete your enrollment. All coverage becomes effective first of the month following completion of the waiting period. Remember, if elections are not made during the waiting period, you will be required to wait until Annual Open Enrollment or until a Qualifying Life event takes place.

Qualifying Life Events List Marital Status Changes • Marriage • Death of spouse • Divorce • Spouse gains or loses

coverage from another source

• Spouse employer’s Open Enrollment

Covered Dependent Changes • Birth or adoption of a child • Death of dependent child • Dependent becomes

ineligible for coverage

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COBRA In most cases, if your employment ends, your medical, dental and vision benefits will terminate on the last day of the month in which you worked. Through federal legislation known as the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA) you may choose to continue coverage by paying the full monthly premium cost plus an administrative charge of 2% (if applicable) Each individual who is covered by a Wesco Aircraft plan immediately preceding the employee’s COBRA event has the right to continue his or her medical, dental, vision or Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) plans. The right to continuation of coverage ends at the earliest of when: you, your spouse or dependents become covered under another group health plan you become entitled to Medicare you fail to pay the cost of coverage your COBRA Continuation Period expires

OTHER COVERAGE FEDERAL OR STATE EXCHANGES Individuals also have access to coverage through the Federal and State Exchanges. These exchanges allow individuals and their families to compare quality health plans and choose the option that works best for their needs and budget. For 2015 the Open Enrollment period for the Federal Exchange is November 15, 2014 through February 15, 2015. You can visit www.healthcare.gov for more information on plans, rates and eligibility. Keep in mind that you will not qualify for financial assistance through a Federal or State exchange since Wesco Aircraft offers affordable coverage to full time employees.

FEDERAL OR STATE MEDICAID PROGRAM Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) are combined state-federal programs for people with limited incomes or disabilities. Medicaid offers free or low-cost health coverage for individuals who meet eligibility requirements. You can apply for Medicaid or CHIP coverage at any time by applying directly to your state agency or at www.healthcare.gov. If you qualify for Medicaid or CHIP, your coverage can begin immediately. Your coverage options depend on your state, your income and your household size . For more information on benefits and eligibility visit www.healthcare.gov or your state specific exchange website.

HEALTHCARE REFORM Effective January 1, 2014, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) required all US citizens to be enrolled in minimum value medical coverage or pay an annual penalty. This requirement is called the individual mandate. If you don’t have coverage in 2015, you’ll pay the higher of these two amounts:

2% of your yearly household income. (Only the amount of income above the tax filing threshold, about $10,000 for an individual, is used to calculate the penalty.) $325 per person for the year and $162.50 per child (under 18). The maximum penalty per family using this method is $975.

You have several options available to you, in addition to the Wesco Aircraft benefit program, to comply with this mandate. This includes purchasing coverage through a federal or state exchange, or participating in a government sponsored benefits program.

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Benefit Options Cost Share

Medical – United Healthcare PPO Plan PPO with Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) PPO with Health Savings Account (HSA) HSA Limits for 2015: Employee - $3,350; Family - $6,650; $1,000 catch up for 55+ HMO Plan (CA Only)

You pay a portion of the cost. Contributions are deducted from your paycheck on a pre-tax basis.

Dental- United Healthcare Dental PPO Dental HMO

You pay a portion of the cost. Contributions are deducted from your paycheck on a pre-tax basis.

Vision- United Healthcare Voluntary Vision Plan You pay the full cost of coverage. Contributions are deducted from your paycheck on a pre-tax basis.

Basic Life/ AD&D and Disability – Lincoln Financial

Life: 1x Annual Salary to $300,000 STD: 60% of Weekly Salary to $2,300 LTD: 60% of Monthly Salary to $10,000

You do not contribute anything towards this coverage. Wesco pays the full cost of coverage for all employees

Voluntary Life and AD&D – Lincoln Financial

Voluntary Life and AD&D: 5X Annual Salary up to $1,000,000

You pay the full cost of coverage if you elect this benefit.

Flexible Spending Account (FSA)/ Dependent Care Account- Payflex

FSA: Up to $2,500 Pre-tax Dependent Care: Up to $5,000 Pre-tax

You contribute 100% of funds for these accounts.

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HIGH DEDUCTIBLE HEALTH PLANS The HRA and HSA plans are both high deductible health plans with lower monthly contributions than a traditional PPO, but higher out of pocket costs for non-preventive medical services. These plans are designed to put control of health care spending—and the responsibility for managing your money—entirely in your hands. Both high deductible medical plans come with an account to help you manage your healthcare costs using employer funding or pre-tax dollars. The account varies based on the medical plan option you choose: HEALTH REIMBURSEMENT ACCOUNT (HRA) The HRA plan consists of two pieces: a high deductible PPO plan and a Health Reimbursement Account (HRA). Wesco Aircraft contributes $600 per individual and $1,200 per family to the Health Reimbursement Account to help offset part of the deductible on this plan. Employees can use these funds on any qualified medical expenses through the plan year, but are responsible for paying any charges once funds are used up. Employees cannot contribute additional funds to this account and if there are unused funds at the end of the plan year, they will not rollover. HEALTH SAVINGS ACCOUNT (HSA) The HSA plan consists of two pieces: a high deductible PPO plan and a Health Savings Account (HSA). Wesco Aircraft contributes $375 per individual and $750 per family to the HSA to help offset part of the deductible on the plan. Employees can contribute additional pre-tax dollars to this account to use for qualified healthcare expenses or save for future plan years. The most important aspect of the HSA is that all contributions, interest earnings and withdrawals for qualified healthcare expenses are completely tax-free. This account belongs to the employee, so all funds—including Wesco contributions—roll over each year and can be transferred if you leave the company.

2015 MEDICAL PLANS Effective January 1, 2015, Wesco Aircraft is offering 3 PPO plan options through United Healthcare. These plans include: a traditional PPO, a high deductible PPO with a Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) and a high deductible PPO with a Health Savings Account (HSA). In addition to the PPO plan offerings, Wesco will offer an HMO plan for California employees only. To find a provider on any United Healthcare plan visit www.uhc.com and select the “find a doctor option.” You can search by zip code, provider type, or physician name.

HOW HIGH DEDUCTIBLE HEALTH PLANS WORK PREVENTIVE CARE Preventive care is the foundation of the HRA and HSA plans and is 100% covered. All eligible preventive services—such as annual physicals, routine tests and screenings, and well baby care—are FREE to you when you visit an In-Network United Healthcare provider. Managing your health and your healthcare will not only keep you healthy, it will also save you money. You’ll need fewer medical services, which means you’ll pay less out of your pocket and make the money in your HSA or HRA go further.

100% covered by United Healthcare when you use in-network providers

Individual: $3,500 (In-Network) – includes deductible Family: $7,000 (In-Network) – includes deductible

United Healthcare pays 80% You pay 20%




Single: $1,500 (In-Network) Family: $3,000 (In-Network)

• You are responsible for 100% of the deductible

• You may use money in your HRA/HSA to pay the deductible amount

• If the deductible amount exceeds the balance in your HRA/ HSA, you are responsible for the difference


You may use money in your HRA/HSA to pay your share of the coinsurance.

Wesco Aircraft

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Employer Funding (Ind/ Fam) Annual deductible (Ind/ Fam) Out of Pocket Maximum (Ind/Fam) OFFICE VISITS Preventive Care Physician Specialist EMERGENCY ROOM INPATIENT HOSPITAL Copay Per Admit Hospital Charges MISC. SERVICES Out-patient surgery Diagnostic X-ray & lab PRESCRIPTION DRUGS RETAIL Preventive Drugs Generic/Formulary Brand/ Formulary Non-Formulary Specialty MAIL ORDER Generic/Formulary Brand/ Formulary Non-Formulary

N/A $500 / $1,500 $3,000 / $6,000 No charge, No ded. $30 copay $40 copay $100 copay (waived if admitted) None 20% after ded. 20% after ded. 20% after ded. $5 copay $10 copay $35 copay $60 copay 20% up to $150 $20 copay $70 copay $120 copay

$600 / $1,200 $1,500 / $3,000 $3,500 / $7,000 No charge, No ded. 20% after ded. 20% after ded. 20% after ded. None 20% after ded. 20% after ded. 20% after ded. $5 copay $10 copay $35 copay $60 copay 20% up to $150 $20 copay $70 copay $120 copay

$375 / $750 $1,500 / $3,000 $3,500 / $7,000 No charge, No ded. 20% after ded. 20% after ded. 20% after ded. None 20% after ded. 20% after ded. 20% after ded. Rx Subject to Deductible $5 copay (Ded. Waived) $10 copay $35 copay $60 copay 20% up to $150 $20 copay $70 copay $120 copay

N/A $200/ $400 $3,000 / $6,000 No charge, No ded. $25 copay $40 copay $100 copay after ded. None 20% after ded. 20% after ded. $40 copay N/A $10 copay $35 copay $60 copay 20% up to $150 $20 copay $70 copay $120 copay


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Annual deductible (Ind/Fam) Annual plan maximum Benefits Type I – diagnostic & preventive Type II – basic service Type III – major services Orthodontic benefits Lifetime maximum Out of Network Reimbursement

$50 / $150 $1,500 per person 100% 80% 60% 50% $1,000 UCR 80th Percentile

SUMMARY Wesco offers all employees a Dental PPO plan with United Healthcare. In addition to the dental PPO, Wesco offers its employees in California a DHMO option. The dental PPO plan offers in network and out of network coverage for dental services, but members will receive greater discounts for in network services. The DHMO plan requires members to select a primary care dentist who will coordinate all other dental care. The DHMO plan does not offer out of network coverage. Please review your plan options carefully before selecting your dental plan. UNITED HEALTHCARE DENTAL ELIGIBILITY Dependent children are eligible up to age 26 Orthodontia is for children only, up to age 20

Annual deductible (Ind/Fam) Annual plan maximum Benefits Type I – diagnostic & preventive Type II – basic service Type III – major services Orthodontic benefits

N/A 100% Copay varies Copay varies $1,895 copay



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UNITED HEALTHCARE VISION Frequency Exam Lenses Exam Lenses

Single Bifocal Trifocal Standard Progressive Standard Anti-Reflective

Frames Contact lenses

IN NETWORK Every 12 months Every 12 months $10 copay No charge No charge No charge $70 copay $40 copay $100 allowance $125 allowance

OUT OF NETWORK Every 12 months Every 12 months $40 allowance $40 allowance $60 allowance $80 allowance N/A N/A $45 allowance $125 allowance

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VOLUNTARY LIFE INSURANCE AND AD&D If you would like to purchase additional Life and AD&D coverage for yourself or your dependents, Wesco offers Voluntary Life and AD&D coverage through Lincoln financial. You can purchase up to 5 times your annual salary to a maximum of $1,000,000 for yourself, up to $500,000 for your spouse, and $10,000 for your children. You will have to submit Evidence of Insurability if you enroll in this benefit outside of the enrollment period or if you elect more than $300,000 in coverage. Rates and premiums vary based on your age and amount of coverage.

LIFE / AD&D COVERAGE Life insurance provides protection for those who depend on you financially. Your need varies greatly upon your age, number of dependents, dependent ages and your financial situation. Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) coverage provides a benefit to you or your beneficiary if you are seriously injured or die in an accident. Wesco Aircraft offers different levels of Life and AD&D coverage to allow you to choose the coverage level that is most appropriate for you and your dependents. BASIC LIFE INSURANCE AND AD&D Wesco Aircraft provides Basic Life and AD&D coverage to all benefit eligible employees free of charge insured by Lincoln Financial. Employees are covered up to 1 times their annual salary to a maximum of $300,000. You are automatically enrolled in this coverage when you become eligible for benefits, but you will need to add or update your beneficiary on the Oracle Fusion site.

DISABILITY COVERAGE Disability coverage can be one of the most important benefits you have. It provides you and your family with financial protection if you are even unable to work due to an illness or non-work related injury. SHORT TERM DISABILITY Wesco Aircraft offers short term disability insurance to all benefit eligible employees, at no cost. You are automatically enrolled in this benefit. Elimination Period: 7 days Benefit Amount: 60% of your weekly salary to $2,300 maximum Benefit Duration: 25 weeks

LONG TERM DISABILITY Wesco Aircraft also offers long term disability insurance to all benefit eligible employees, at no cost. You are automatically enrolled in this benefit. Elimination Period: 180 days Benefit Amount: 60% of your monthly salary to $10,000 maximum Benefit Duration: Later of Age 65 or Social Security Normal Retirement Age

Employee 5X annual earnings up to $1,000,000 in $10,000 increments Guarantee Issue: $300,000

Spouse 50% of employee to $500,000 in $5,000 increments Guarantee Issue: 50% of employee’s coverage up to $30,000

Child(ren) $10,000

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DEPENDENT CARE SPENDING ACCOUNT (DCSA) You can use a Dependent Care Spending Account to make before-tax deposits to be reimbursed for dependent care expenses so that you or your and your spouse can work or attend school . How it works: You make before-tax deposits to your dependent care spending account (via payroll deductions.) You can deposit up to $5,000 per year into your account. In some cases, your maximum annual contribution may be less than $5,000. For Example: If you are married and your spouse contributes to a similar account, your combined contributions may not exceed $5,000 per year.

If you are married but file separate tax returns, your annual contribution is limited to $2,500.

Your contributions cannot exceed the amount of your income or your spouses income, whichever is lower. IRS RULES FOR ALL FLEXIBLE SPENDING ACCOUNTS Your deposit amount cannot be changed, stopped or started during the year for any reason, unless you have a change in family or job status.

Only those items that are considered tax deductible for the IRS as listed in Publication 502 are eligible for reimbursement

IRS guidelines can be found at http://www.irs.gov/publications/p969/ar02.html.

The Flexible Spending Account (FSA) and the Dependent Care Spending Account allow you to reduce your taxable income by paying for out-of-pocket health care and dependent day care expenses with pre-tax dollars. Since these accounts are to be used for predictable expenses , careful planning is required. Wesco allows participants to rollover $500 from the account at the end of the plan year, but any additional unused funds will be forfeited at the end of the year, per IRS regulations. Be sure to plan out your healthcare and dependent care expenses for the full year in advance before electing this benefit. FLEXIBLE SPENDING ACCOUNT (FSA) To help pay for out-of-pocket un-reimbursed medical, dental and vision expenses for you and your family, Wesco Aircraft offers a Flexible Spending Account. How it works: Estimate your medical, dental and vision out of pocket expenses and elect up to $2,550 per plan year. Be sure to plan in advance: you cannot contribute additional funds during the plan year and any unused funds over $500 will be forfeited

You make before-tax deposits (via payroll deductions) to your FSA

Eligible expenses for both you and eligible family members are covered. You or your family members DO NOT need to be enrolled in Wesco Aircraft’s health insurance to participate in the FSA.

When you or an eligible family member has an eligible expense, you can pay for the expense via debit card or claim reimbursement form.

All expenses must be incurred during the plan year, January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015.

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Lincoln Financial offers Employee Connect, an EAP service that offers confidential guidance and resources for you or an immediate household member. Employee Connect services include: Toll-free phone and web access 24/7

Unlimited phone access to legal, financial and work-life services

In person help with short term issues; up to 4 sessions per person, per issue, per year *

A 25% discount on in-person consultations with network lawyers Financial consultations and referrals

Work/life services for assistance with child care, finding movers, kennels, pet care, vacation planning and more

Online resources for mental health, wellness, smoking cessation, weight loss, grief, parenting issues, ID theft and additional tools, resource information, reading recommendations.

* In California, up to three sessions in six months, starting with initial contact by employee

Lincoln Employee Connect Contact: 1-888-628-4824 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

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2015 WELLNESS PROGRAM TOBACCO AFFIDAVIT: Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable illness and death in the United States. To incentivize employees to refrain from using tobacco products, Wesco Aircraft is including a tobacco affidavit as part of the enrollment process for the 2015 benefit plans. All employees who certify that they do not use tobacco products will receive a $25 discount on their medical premiums each month. ADDITIONAL WELLNESS RESOURCES ONLINE WELLNESS RESOURCES Myuhc.com is designed to connect members with evidence based health content, online health programs, tools and trackers with the goal of empowering them to take healthy action. The site integrates all health activities and engages members through their personal health record, health education resources, and other health specific programs. HEALTH COACHING Starting January 1, 2015, all employees enrolled in the medical plans will have access to online health coaching through United Healthcare. These coaching programs provide members with clear action steps to help them get healthy, stay healthy, or live better. Members can focus on managing a chronic condition or customize programs to focus on nutrition, exercise, weight loss, stress management, heart health or tobacco cessation. Visit ww.myuhc.com for more information.

HEALTHY WORKFORCE, HEALTHY BUSINESS, HEALTHY YOU With the rising cost of healthcare and declining health of the population, employee wellness programs are becoming more relevant in the workplace. This year, Wesco Aircraft is focusing its efforts on creating a culture of health and wellness for its employees. In order to help you take control of your wellbeing, Wesco is rolling out “WEsco’s beneFITs” a health and wellness program designed to give you the resources to lead a healthy lifestyle. The program for 2015 consists of several components: BIOMETRIC SCREENING AND HEALTH ASSESSMENT: Employees who complete a biometric screening and health assessment prior to enrollment will receive a $50 discount on their medical premiums each month. Biometrics: To get started, make an appointment with your physician for your free annual preventive exam and screening. You must complete this screening prior to December 5th to be eligible for the premium discount. The screening measures blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar, and body mass index to help you identify, understand, and minimize your health risks. This screening is covered at 100% by your health insurance provider. Health Assessment: In addition to the biometric screening, Wesco Aircraft offers an online Health Assessment that helps employees measure their total wellbeing. Like the biometric screening, this assessment is completely confidential and free to you as a Wesco employee. Combined with the biometric screening, the health assessment can give you total snapshot of your strengths and areas for improvement to help you take full advantage of your wellbeing. In order to qualify for the premium discount follow the instructions listed below to complete your Health Assessment: Current Wesco Employees: Complete your health assessment through Aetna by logging onto Aetna Navigator by December 5th. Former Haas Employees: Complete your health assessment through AllOne by December 5th. Former EPG Employees: Complete a health assessment affidavit and return to your HR department by December 5th. Complete your health assessment through United Healthcare by logging onto myuhc.com between January 1st- January 15th to continue your premium discount. New Hires (after 1/1/15): Complete your health assessment through United Healthcare by logging onto myuhc.com before your benefits effective date.

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UNITED HEALTHCARE – MEDICAL PPO (855)520-1974 www.myuhc.com Policy Number: 706379 UNITED HEALTHCARE – MEDICAL HMO (CA Only) 1-800-624-8822 Rx: 1-800-797-9791 www.myuhc.com Policy Number: 357419 (Wesco) 357422 (Former Haas) UNITED HEALTHCARE - DENTAL 1-877-816-3596 www.myuhcdental.com Policy Number: 706379 UNITED HEALTHCARE VISION 1-800-638-3120 www.myuhcvision.com Policy Number: 706379 LINCOLN FINANCIAL LIFE & DISABILITY 1-800-423-2765 www.Lincoln4Benefits.com Policy Numbers Life/AD&D: 000010197898 LTD: 000010197899 STD: 000010197900 Voluntary Life/AD&D: 000400001000 EMPLOYEE CONNECT EAP 1-888-628-8424 www.Lincoln4Benefits.com Username: LFGsupport Password: LFGsupport1 HEALTH ADVOCATE 1-866-695-8622 www.HealthAdvocate.com/wescoair