2015 social progress index scorecards

www.socialprogressimperative.org Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a no data available Neutral Relative Weakness 2015 SOCIAL PROGRESS INDEX COUNTRY SCORECARDS

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Page 1: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness



Page 2: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Basic Human Needs Opportunity

Nutrition and Basic Medical Care Undernourishment

Depth of food deficit

Maternal mortality rate

Child mortality rate

Deaths from infectious diseases

Water and Sanitation Access to piped water

Rural access to improved water source

Access to improved sanitation facilities

Shelter Availability of affordable housing

Access to electricity

Quality of electricity supply

Indoor air pollution attributable deaths

Personal Safety Homicide rate

Level of violent crime

Perceived criminality

Political terror

Traffic deaths

Access to Basic Knowledge Adult literacy rate

Primary school enrollment

Lower secondary school enrollment

Upper secondary school enrollment

Gender parity in secondary enrollment

Access to Information and Communications Mobile telephone subscriptions

Internet users

Press Freedom Index

Health and Wellness Life expectancy

Premature deaths from non-communicable diseases

Obesity rate

Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths

Suicide rate

Ecosystem Sustainability Greenhouse gas emissions

Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources

Biodiversity and habitat

Personal Rights Political rights

Freedom of speech

Freedom of assembly/association

Freedom of movement

Private property rights

Personal Freedom and Choice Freedom over life choices

Freedom of religion

Early marriage

Satisfied demand for contraception


Tolerance and Inclusion Tolerance for immigrants

Tolerance for homosexuals

Discrimination and violence against minorities

Religious tolerance

Community safety net

Access to Advanced Education Years of tertiary schooling

Women’s average years in school

Inequality in the attainment of education

Globally ranked universities

Social Progress Index

Foundations of Wellbeing

Page 3: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness

Social Progress Index Framework

• First Index of its kind – no economic indicators, only measures social

and environmental outcomes

• 2015 results rank and analyse 133 countries with partial results for

an additional 28 countries

• Measures country performance across 52 indicators to answer three


1. Does a country provide for its people’s most essential needs?

2. Are the building blocks in place for people to improve their


3. Is there opportunity for people to improve their position in


Country Performance Scorecards

• Strengths and weakness analysis examines

country performance relative to a group of

comparator countries with similar resources

(measured in terms of GDP per capita)

• Holistic view of priority areas for action and

identification of out-performing areas


Basic Human Needs Opportunity

Nutrition and Basic Medical Care

Water and Sanitation


Personal Safety

Access to Basic Knowledge

Access to Information and Communications

Health and Wellness

Ecosystem Sustainability

Personal Rights

Personal Freedom and Choice

Tolerance and Inclusion

Access to Advanced Education

Social Progress Index

Foundations of Wellbeing

Page 4: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness

Background. The component, dimension and overall Social Progress Index scores

are scaled from 0 to 100 with 100 as the score that a country would achieve were it to

have the highest possible score on every indicator, and 0 as the score were it to have

the lowest possible score on every indicator. With this scale, it is possible to evaluate

a country’s performance relative to the best and worst possible score.

In some cases, it is also helpful to compare a country’s performance to other

countries at a similar level of economic development. For example, a lower-income

country may have a low score on a certain component, but could greatly exceed

typical scores for countries with similar per capita incomes. Conversely, a high-

income country may have a high absolute score on a component, but still fall short of

what is typical for comparably wealthy countries. For this reason, we have developed

a methodology to present a country’s strengths and weaknesses on a relative rather

than absolute basis, comparing a country’s performance to that of its economic



Reading the relative analysis scorecard. Within the group of peer countries,

yellow signifies that a country’s performance is typical for countries at its level of

economic development, green signifies that the country performs substantially

better than its peer group, and red signifies that the country performs substantially

worse than its peer group.

Standard groupings of countries, such as the classifications done by the World

Bank, are not appropriate for our purposes for two reasons.

First, the groupings are too large, representing excessively wide ranges of social

performance and therefore few relative strengths and weaknesses.

Second, using these groups, countries at the top or bottom of a group may appear

to have a misleadingly large number of strengths or weaknesses simply because

the group the country is being compared to is at a much lower or higher level of

economic development. We therefore define the group of a country’s economic

peers as the 15 countries closest in GDP PPP per capita. In order to reduce the

influence of year-to-year fluctuations in GDP data, a four-year average is used


After significant testing, we found that larger groupings resulted in a wider range of

typical scores and therefore too few relative strengths and weakness. Smaller

groupings become too sensitive to outliers.

Once the group of comparator countries is established, the country’s performance

is compared to the median performance of countries in the group. The median is

used rather than the mean, to minimize the influence of outliers. If the country’s

score is greater than (or less than) the average absolute deviation from the median

of the comparator group, it is considered a strength (or weakness). Scores that are

within one average absolute deviation are within the range of expected scores and

are considered neither strengths nor weaknesses. A floor is established so the

thresholds are no less than those for poorer countries.

When the distribution of scores is tight around the median with too little variation to

assess relative strengths and weaknesses, a 1 point band around the median is

used to determine strengths and weaknesses.


Relative Weakness vs peers Relative Strength vs peers Neutral




S+ 91.74 18 84.97 6 88.01 1

Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 97.57 28 N Access to Basic Knowledge 99.49 2 S Personal Rights 98.80 1 S


Undernourishment N Adult literacy rate N Political rights N

Depth of food deficit N Primary school enrollment N Freedom of speech S+

Maternal mortality rate W Lower secondary school enrollment N Freedom of assembly/association N

Stillbirth rate N Upper secondary school enrollment N Freedom of movement N

Child mortality rate N Gender parity in secondary enrollment N Private property rights S

Deaths from infectious diseases N    


Water and Sanitation 100.00 1 N Access to Information and Communications 96.74 7 S+ Personal Freedom and Choice 94.00 1 S+


Access to piped water N Mobile telephone subscriptions N Freedom over life choices S

Rural vs. urban access to improved water source N Internet users S Freedom of religion N

Access to improved sanitation facilities S+ Press Freedom Index S+ Modern slavery, human tra fficking, child marriage N

    Satisfied demand for contraception N

    Corruption S+


Shelter 83.23 21 N Health and Wellness 77.81 35 N Tolerance and Inclusion 82.41 4 S+


Availability of affordable housing N Life expectancy N Women treated with respect S

Access to electricity N Non-communicable disease deaths between 30 and 70 N Tolerance for immigrants S

Quality of electricity supply N Obesity rate N Tolerance for homosexuals S

Indoor air pollution attributable deaths N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths N Discrimination and violence against minorities N

  Suicide rate N Religious tolerance S

    Community safety net S


Personal Safety 86.13 17 N Ecosystem Sustainability 65.84 32 N Access to Advanced Education 76.84 4 S


Homicide rate N Greenhouse gas emissions N Years of tertiary schooling S+

Level of violent crime N Water withdrawals as a percent of resources S Women's average years in school N

Perceived criminality N Biodiversity and habitat N Inequality in the attainment of education W-

Political terror N   Number of globally ranked universities N

Traffic deaths N    

Social Progress Index rank: 1 GDP per capita rank: 25 NEW ZEALAND

Country’s Comparator Group: Tanzania, Burkina Faso , Nepal, Zambia, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, Bangladesh, Senegal, Mali, L esotho, Ghana,

Central African Republic, Guinea, and Togo




Page 5: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness

GDP per capita rank: 115/133AFGHANISTAN

Benin, Tanzania, Mali, Chad, Burkina Faso, Nepal, Senegal, Madagascar,

Rwanda, Uganda, Togo, Tajikistan, Lesotho, Ethiopia, and Guinea

Social Progress Index rank: 131/133

Social Progress Index score: 35.40

Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 67.99 113 N Access to Basic Knowledge 48.36 125 N Personal Rights 25.91 114 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 24.7 117 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 38.2 128 W Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 6 101 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 155 111 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) n/a Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 400 114 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 63.5 106 S Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 97.3 124 W Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 42.9 100 S Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 0 126 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 362.7 102 S Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 0.6 128 W Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) n/a

Water and Sanitation 31.73 120 N Access to Information and Communications 49.98 112 N Personal Freedom and Choice 35.99 127 W

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 9.7 116 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 70.0 111 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 48.1 125 W

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 56.1 115 N Internet users (% of pop.) 5.9 117 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 1 117 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 29.0 113 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 37.1 98 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.17 90 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 41.5 105 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 12 133 W

Shelter 21.48 131 W Health and Wellness 56.63 118 W Tolerance and Inclusion 21.03 131 W

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 60.0 23 S Life expectancy (years) 60.5 112 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 44.7 110 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 41.0 109 SPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 30.5 129 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 2.1 122 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) n/a Obesity rate (% of pop.) 2.4 7 S *

Discrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 8.7 118 WHousehold air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 278.3 132 W Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 58.0 112 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 1 118 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 8.2 61 W * Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 50.9 130 W

Personal Safety 27.50 130 W Ecosystem Sustainability 31.04 127 W Access to Advanced Education 7.12 128 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 5 113 W Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 513.1 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.3 77 S

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 5 124 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 4.0 116 W Women's average years in school 0.6 132 W

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 5 123 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 2.5 129 WInequality in the attainment of educ. (0=low;

1=high) 0.45 117 W

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 4 119 W Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 19.8 92 N

Page 6: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Ecuador, China, Tunisia, Peru, Egypt, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Namibia,

Macedonia, Jordan, Indonesia, Dominican Republic, Colombia, Jamaica,

Sri Lanka, and Ukraine

Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 97.67 47 N Access to Basic Knowledge 92.56 63 N Personal Rights 62.00 55 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 97.6 56 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 3 60 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 8 1 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) n/a Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 21 45 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 92.6 71 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 14.9 60 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 82.5 58 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 3 67 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 46.5 53 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 92 W Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 30 70 N

Water and Sanitation 88.30 57 N Access to Information and Communications 77.50 42 S Personal Freedom and Choice 53.59 94 W

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 78.4 65 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 116.2 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 72.1 63 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 93.8 53 N Internet users (% of pop.) 60.1 42 S Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 91.2 57 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 29.9 65 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.07 55 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 22.9 128 W

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 33 89 W

Shelter 69.14 63 N Health and Wellness 68.37 73 N Tolerance and Inclusion 48.29 77 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 62.3 16 S Life expectancy (years) 77.4 33 S Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 50.5 94 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 18.8 67 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 10.6 85 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 4.7 67 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 21.1 79 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 4.7 34 S

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 75.0 81 W Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 47.2 100 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 5.7 40 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 61.8 123 W

Personal Safety 67.74 55 S Ecosystem Sustainability 56.11 55 N Access to Advanced Education 37.02 81 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 2 41 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 230.9 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.1 108 W

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 3 61 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 1.9 74 W Women's average years in school 11 59 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 63.2 69 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.12 53 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 2 39 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 12.7 48 N

GDP per capita rank: 71/133

Social Progress Index rank: 52/133

Social Progress Index score: 68.19

Page 7: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Serbia, Costa Rica, Thailand, South Africa, Iraq, Montenegro, Colombia,

Dominican Republic, Jordan, Macedonia, Botswana, Brazil, Egypt, Peru,

and Tunisia

Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 94.41 69 N Access to Basic Knowledge 89.30 81 W Personal Rights 20.64 120 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 80.2 95 W Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 6 101 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 24 62 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 97.3 35 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 0 103 W

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 89 81 W Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 127.8 1 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 0 95 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 25.2 81 W Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 62.0 89 W Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 97.8 82 W Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 30 70 W

Water and Sanitation 81.66 69 N Access to Information and Communications 63.28 89 W Personal Freedom and Choice 57.69 78 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 73.9 70 W Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 102.0 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 56.3 113 W

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 79.5 88 W Internet users (% of pop.) 16.5 96 W Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 1 117 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 95.2 44 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 36.3 91 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.02 26 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 73.6 52 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 36 80 N

Shelter 70.92 57 N Health and Wellness 70.46 57 N Tolerance and Inclusion 42.26 96 W

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 30.9 112 W Life expectancy (years) 70.9 80 W Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 48.7 100 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 99.3 61 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 22.1 94 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 20.6 63 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 4.0 79 W Obesity rate (% of pop.) 17.5 60 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 7.9 105 W

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 3.2 1 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 23.0 59 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 2 80 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 1.5 3 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 82.9 65 N

Personal Safety 68.54 52 N Ecosystem Sustainability 41.84 109 W Access to Advanced Education 26.91 96 W

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 1 1 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 359.3 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.3 68 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 2.5 56 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 3.4 106 W Women's average years in school 6.9 95 W

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 4 94 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 34.9 103 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) n/a

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 2 39 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 W

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) n/a

GDP per capita rank: 60/133

Social Progress Index rank: 85/133

Social Progress Index score: 60.66

Page 8: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Paraguay, El Salvador, Armenia, Guatemala, Morocco, Mongolia,

Georgia, Swaziland, Ukraine, Sri Lanka, Guyana, Jamaica, Philippines,

Indonesia, and Congo, Republic of

Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 57.90 129 W Access to Basic Knowledge 54.84 120 W Personal Rights 21.81 118 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 18.0 105 W Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 71.1 107 W Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 6 101 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 114 102 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 85.7 99 W Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 460 122 W Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 39.2 124 W Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 0 95 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 167.4 133 W Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 22.9 121 W Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 1 117 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 873.3 128 W Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 0.6 124 W Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 15 118 W

Water and Sanitation 34.57 116 W Access to Information and Communications 51.01 109 W Personal Freedom and Choice 26.66 132 W

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 20.8 104 W Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 61.9 119 W Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 33.6 131 W

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 34.3 132 W Internet users (% of pop.) 19.1 93 W Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 3 55 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 60.1 94 W Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 36.5 94 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.36 122 W

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 25.9 125 W

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 19 128 W

Shelter 30.69 124 W Health and Wellness 63.64 95 W Tolerance and Inclusion 41.77 98 W

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 19.3 132 W Life expectancy (years) 51.5 127 W Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 56.1 75 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 34.6 112 WPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 24.2 113 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 12.6 79 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 1.7 117 W Obesity rate (% of pop.) 7.2 34 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 7.1 85 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 81.6 81 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 9.5 36 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 2 80 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 7.5 55 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 74.8 101 W

Personal Safety 41.93 116 W Ecosystem Sustainability 39.33 114 W Access to Advanced Education 15.81 116 W

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 4 89 W Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 1560.1 113 W Years of tertiary schooling n/a

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 3 61 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 1.5 67 W Women's average years in school 4.5 111 W

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 5 123 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 41.7 93 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.35 99 W

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 3 80 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 23.1 108 W

GDP per capita rank: 82/133

Social Progress Index rank: 129/133

Social Progress Index score: 40.00

Page 9: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 96.05 64 N Access to Basic Knowledge 93.38 59 N Personal Rights 39.61 94 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.7 71 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 99.7 1 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 5 92 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 41 73 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 84.1 103 W Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 29 56 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 94.3 66 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 15.6 65 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 99.4 27 S Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 45.0 51 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.2 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 20 104 W

Water and Sanitation 95.98 39 S Access to Information and Communications 74.12 52 N Personal Freedom and Choice 46.79 115 W

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 96.5 33 S Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 112.4 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 46.1 127 W

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 100.0 24 N Internet users (% of pop.) 46.3 61 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 90.5 61 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 29.1 60 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.08 62 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 39.8 108 W

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 37 75 N

Shelter 70.04 59 N Health and Wellness 54.52 123 W Tolerance and Inclusion 41.73 99 W

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 29.6 117 W Life expectancy (years) 74.4 57 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 52.0 91 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 99.8 52 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 29.7 127 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 4.9 111 W

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 5.1 52 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 23.4 93 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 5.7 53 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 43.3 46 S Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 84.3 126 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 2 80 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 3.5 27 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 72.3 108 W

Personal Safety 68.31 54 S Ecosystem Sustainability 55.08 57 N Access to Advanced Education 52.82 48 S

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 1 1 S Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 373.7 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.7 36 S

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 2.5 56 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 3.1 92 W Women's average years in school 11.9 47 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 80.2 38 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.04 19 S

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 2.5 62 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 18.1 77 N

Guatemala, Angola, Paraguay, Morocco, El Salvador, Georgia,

Swaziland, Mongolia, Guyana, Philippines, Ukraine, Congo, Republic

of, Bolivia, Sri Lanka, and Jamaica

GDP per capita rank: 83/133

Social Progress Index rank: 61/133

Social Progress Index score: 65.70

Page 10: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 99.36 7 N Access to Basic Knowledge 97.23 29 W Personal Rights 97.68 2 S

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 99.0 1 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 1 1 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 8 1 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 96.8 40 W Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 S

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 6 15 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 111.5 1 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 4 17 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 182.1 1 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 13.7 4 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 0.9 96 W Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 90 3 N

Water and Sanitation 100.00 1 N Access to Information and Communications 88.78 17 N Personal Freedom and Choice 88.42 8 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) n/a Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 106.8 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 93.2 6 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Internet users (% of pop.) 83.0 15 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 16.9 24 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.01 12 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 83.1 21 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 80 9 N

Shelter 85.71 19 W Health and Wellness 80.09 5 S Tolerance and Inclusion 78.40 11 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 50.0 51 N Life expectancy (years) 82.1 7 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 86.9 2 S

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 9.4 4 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 72.3 14 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 6.2 22 W Obesity rate (% of pop.) 25.1 113 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 3.9 19 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 0 1 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 6.9 27 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 9.3 67 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 92.7 17 N

Personal Safety 89.87 11 N Ecosystem Sustainability 53.80 64 W Access to Advanced Education 77.70 5 S

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 1 1 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 606.5 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 1.3 8 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 1.5 19 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 3.5 109 W Women's average years in school 12.5 34 W

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 2 2 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 83.1 34 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.02 4 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 1 1 N Number of globally ranked universities 33 3 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 6.1 14 N

Denmark, Germany, Canada, Belgium, Sweden, Austria, Iceland,

Finland, Ireland, Netherlands, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Japan,

and Saudi Arabia

GDP per capita rank: 13/133

Social Progress Index rank: 10/133

Social Progress Index score: 86.42

Page 11: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 99.41 5 N Access to Basic Knowledge 96.82 32 W Personal Rights 87.91 11 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 98.0 50 W Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 1 1 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 8 1 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) n/a Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 4 4 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 100.0 1 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 3.9 15 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 95.6 38 W Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 12.6 3 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 88 W Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 90 3 N

Water and Sanitation 100.00 1 N Access to Information and Communications 90.85 10 N Personal Freedom and Choice 83.31 14 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 156.2 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 87.8 25 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Internet users (% of pop.) 80.6 19 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 3 55 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 10.0 9 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.00 1 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 83.6 20 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 72 19 N

Shelter 88.99 9 N Health and Wellness 73.21 38 W Tolerance and Inclusion 70.19 20 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 55.7 32 N Life expectancy (years) 80.9 16 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 73.4 32 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 12.0 23 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 62.4 23 W

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 6.6 5 S Obesity rate (% of pop.) 18.3 65 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 4.6 32 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 0 1 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 37.4 86 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 13.4 102 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 89.4 33 W

Personal Safety 91.75 7 N Ecosystem Sustainability 69.24 11 N Access to Advanced Education 61.67 29 W

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 1 1 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 232.2 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.6 45 W

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 1 1 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.3 27 N Women's average years in school 12 46 W

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 2 2 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 86.6 29 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.04 19 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 1 1 N Number of globally ranked universities 8 20 W

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 6.6 17 W

Sweden, Ireland, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Australia,

Canada, Belgium, Iceland, Finland, Saudi Arabia, United States,

France, United Kingdom, and Italy

GDP per capita rank: 9/133

Social Progress Index rank: 13/133

Social Progress Index score: 84.45

Page 12: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 95.33 67 N Access to Basic Knowledge 94.18 54 N Personal Rights 28.09 110 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 99.8 1 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 6 101 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 11 51 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 89.1 87 W Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 26 51 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 91.5 77 W Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 0 95 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 34.2 89 W Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 118.7 1 S Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 70.8 65 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 66 W * Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 20 104 W

Water and Sanitation 66.91 89 W Access to Information and Communications 68.10 75 N Personal Freedom and Choice 46.45 116 W

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 50.8 86 W Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 107.6 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 66.2 81 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 70.7 100 W Internet users (% of pop.) 58.7 45 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 1 117 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 82.0 71 W Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 52.9 122 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.08 62 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 29.9 119 W

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 29 101 W

Shelter 75.98 42 N Health and Wellness 61.71 103 W Tolerance and Inclusion 41.67 100 W

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 61.7 17 S Life expectancy (years) 70.6 82 W Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 56.9 71 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 23.3 104 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 1.9 123 W

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 4.9 60 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 24.7 108 WDiscrim.and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 6.7 79 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 22.0 46 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 55.7 111 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 2 80 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 2.5 10 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 76.8 89 W

Personal Safety 67.50 56 N Ecosystem Sustainability 48.14 94 W Access to Advanced Education 57.42 39 S

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 2 41 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 447.9 4 N Years of tertiary schooling n/a

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 2 20 S Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 3.4 104 W Women's average years in school 12.1 44 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 58.7 76 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.08 40 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 3 80 N Number of globally ranked universities 3 40 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 13.1 51 N

Mexico, Mauritius, Iran, Lebanon, Belarus, Bulgaria, Panama,

Venezuela, Romania, Brazil, Botswana, Uruguay, Turkey,

Montenegro, and Iraq

GDP per capita rank: 49/133

Social Progress Index rank: 76/133

Social Progress Index score: 62.62

Page 13: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 82.60 94 N Access to Basic Knowledge 74.21 103 N Personal Rights 48.17 79 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 16.7 101 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 61.5 117 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 4 80 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 118 103 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 91.5 76 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 170 93 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 70.9 99 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 41.1 94 S Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 40.6 103 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 3 67 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 234.6 95 S Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.1 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 20 104 W

Water and Sanitation 53.98 100 S Access to Information and Communications 46.99 118 W Personal Freedom and Choice 42.65 120 W

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 9.9 115 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 67.1 114 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 66.1 82 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 84.4 79 S Internet users (% of pop.) 6.5 113 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 57.0 97 S Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 42.6 111 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.46 128 W

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 70.6 60 S

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 25 117 W

Shelter 49.37 98 N Health and Wellness 73.90 30 S Tolerance and Inclusion 32.42 121 W

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 66.4 10 S Life expectancy (years) 70.3 85 S Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 67.4 45 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 55.2 101 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 17.5 55 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 19.3 69 S

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 2.5 107 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 1.1 1 SDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 8.7 118 W

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 87.3 81 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 24.2 60 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 1 118 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 10.3 73 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 57.4 126 W

Personal Safety 61.80 69 S Ecosystem Sustainability 55.82 56 N Access to Advanced Education 18.75 109 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 2 41 S Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 374.3 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.2 88 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 3 61 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.6 40 W Women's average years in school 4.4 113 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 39.7 98 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.38 106 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 3.5 109 W Number of globally ranked universities 1 54 S

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 11.6 39 S

Cameroon, Kenya, Cambodia, Djibouti, Mauritania, Kyrgyzstan,

Lesotho, Tajikistan, Senegal, Nepal, Chad, Ghana, Afghanistan,

Zambia, and Benin

GDP per capita rank: 107/133

Social Progress Index rank: 100/133

Social Progress Index score: 53.39

Page 14: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 99.17 24 N Access to Basic Knowledge 96.87 31 N Personal Rights 14.88 125 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 99.7 1 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 7 125 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 8 1 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 94.0 58 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 0 103 W

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 1 1 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 101.9 1 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 0 95 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 4.9 27 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 115.9 1 S Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 28.3 31 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 86 W Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 20 104 W

Water and Sanitation 94.32 44 N Access to Information and Communications 68.87 73 N Personal Freedom and Choice 57.90 75 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 87.8 50 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 118.8 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 57.0 111 W

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 99.0 34 N Internet users (% of pop.) 54.2 51 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 94.3 48 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 47.8 119 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.04 38 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 74.4 49 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 31 96 W

Shelter 69.59 61 N Health and Wellness 44.65 130 W Tolerance and Inclusion 50.06 72 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 32.2 108 W Life expectancy (years) 72.1 75 W Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 46.1 109 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 26.2 119 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 13.8 77 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) n/a Obesity rate (% of pop.) 23.4 93 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 7.1 85 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 10.7 46 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 85.7 127 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 28.2 129 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 84.5 55 N

Personal Safety 69.03 50 N Ecosystem Sustainability 56.48 53 N Access to Advanced Education 57.93 37 S

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 2 41 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 626.9 4 N Years of tertiary schooling n/a

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 2 20 S Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.6 37 N Women's average years in school 13 24 S

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 41.3 96 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.05 23 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 2.5 62 N Number of globally ranked universities 2 54 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 14.4 58 N

Lebanon, Panama, Azerbaijan, Mexico, Mauritius, Venezuela,

Iran, Romania, Bulgaria, Uruguay, Turkey, Brazil, Botswana,

Montenegro, and Iraq

GDP per capita rank: 47/133

Social Progress Index rank: 66/133

Social Progress Index score: 64.98

Page 15: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 99.15 25 N Access to Basic Knowledge 98.79 11 N Personal Rights 85.59 20 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 99.0 1 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 1 1 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 8 1 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 98.7 13 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 6 15 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 120.3 1 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 4.4 23 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 101.2 1 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 27.8 30 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 79 W Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 80 17 W

Water and Sanitation 100.00 1 N Access to Information and Communications 90.17 12 N Personal Freedom and Choice 82.16 17 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 110.9 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 85.8 28 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Internet users (% of pop.) 82.2 17 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 12.8 20 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.01 12 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 86.2 12 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 76 13 N

Shelter 89.01 8 N Health and Wellness 68.43 72 W Tolerance and Inclusion 76.56 13 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 61.4 19 N Life expectancy (years) 80.4 21 W Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 73.7 30 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 12.2 25 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 81.9 4 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 6.4 13 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 19.1 68 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 4.2 27 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 0 1 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 52.5 106 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 17.3 114 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 94.3 8 N

Personal Safety 86.78 17 N Ecosystem Sustainability 48.89 88 W Access to Advanced Education 68.45 17 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 1 1 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 296.8 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 1.0 14 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 2 20 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 3.2 94 W Women's average years in school 13.4 13 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 2 2 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 57.6 78 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.09 43 W

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 1 1 N Number of globally ranked universities 7 20 W

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 8.1 26 W

Canada, Iceland, Finland, Australia, Denmark, Germany,

Sweden, Austria, France, Ireland, United Kingdom, Netherlands,

Italy, Japan, and Spain

GDP per capita rank: 15/133

Social Progress Index rank: 17/133

Social Progress Index score: 82.83

Page 16: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 75.95 101 S Access to Basic Knowledge 54.22 121 N Personal Rights 52.23 74 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 9.7 81 S Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 38.4 127 W Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 2 38 S

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 62 81 S Primary school enrollment (% of children) 94.9 54 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 340 111 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 58.9 111 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 85.3 118 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 31.0 115 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 577.3 109 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 0.6 127 W Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 30 70 N

Water and Sanitation 34.93 115 N Access to Information and Communications 60.81 97 S Personal Freedom and Choice 50.63 104 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 16.4 109 S Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 93.3 90 S Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 77.1 48 S

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 69.1 101 N Internet users (% of pop.) 4.9 121 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 14.3 125 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 28.8 58 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.22 105 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 20.7 129 W

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 39 62 S

Shelter 37.67 113 N Health and Wellness 68.32 74 N Tolerance and Inclusion 51.19 70 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 49.0 55 N Life expectancy (years) 59.1 114 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 80.2 13 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 27.9 114 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 22.1 94 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 10.9 82 S

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 2.2 113 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 6.5 32 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 3.6 12 S

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 90.0 81 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 21.2 54 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 3.3 25 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 50.6 131 W

Personal Safety 53.10 93 N Ecosystem Sustainability 52.50 70 N Access to Advanced Education 8.88 122 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 4 89 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 1055.9 113 W Years of tertiary schooling 0.1 94 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 3 61 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.0 1 N Women's average years in school 2.4 124 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 4 94 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 65.9 62 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.42 110 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 1.5 23 S Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 23.9 114 W

Tanzania, Mali, Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Chad, Madagascar,

Rwanda, Uganda, Togo, Nepal, Ethiopia, Guinea, Senegal,

Tajikistan, and Lesotho

GDP per capita rank: 116/133

Social Progress Index rank: 108/133

Social Progress Index score: 50.04

Page 17: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 81.12 97 N Access to Basic Knowledge 87.50 85 N Personal Rights 54.40 72 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 19.5 108 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 95.7 64 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 3 60 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 128 106 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 83.4 106 W Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 200 100 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 90.5 79 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 39.1 92 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 70.5 82 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 226.2 92 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 10 125 W

Water and Sanitation 65.02 91 N Access to Information and Communications 70.74 66 N Personal Freedom and Choice 60.27 66 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 83.0 58 S Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 97.7 84 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 82.3 34 S

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 71.9 97 N Internet users (% of pop.) 39.5 73 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 46.4 103 W Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 31.0 72 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.15 86 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 49.2 102 W

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 35 82 N

Shelter 61.38 85 N Health and Wellness 71.93 46 N Tolerance and Inclusion 56.32 51 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 37.7 95 W Life expectancy (years) 66.9 96 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 61.1 62 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 80.2 93 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 18.3 62 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 31.3 50 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 3.9 82 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 18.9 66 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 6.8 80 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 40.3 46 S Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 3.9 17 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 S

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 6.0 44 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 80.0 77 N

Personal Safety 61.46 70 N Ecosystem Sustainability 53.27 69 N Access to Advanced Education 36.94 82 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 3 77 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 1107.3 113 W Years of tertiary schooling 0.7 37 S

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 3 61 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.7 41 W Women's average years in school 9.2 78 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 81.0 36 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.28 83 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 2 39 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 19.2 87 N

Congo, Republic of, Nigeria, Philippines, Guyana, India,

Swaziland, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Morocco, Honduras, Pakistan,

Nicaragua, Laos, Guatemala, and Moldova

GDP per capita rank: 91/133

Social Progress Index rank: 73/133

Social Progress Index score: 63.36

Page 18: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness



Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 99.00 33 S Access to Basic Knowledge 90.59 76 N Personal Rights 43.04 88 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 98.5 44 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 4 80 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 8 1 S Primary school enrollment (% of children) 88.4 89 W Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 8 25 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 92.1 74 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 6.6 35 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 73.5 76 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 20.0 18 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 20 104 W

Water and Sanitation 94.83 41 S Access to Information and Communications 77.82 41 S Personal Freedom and Choice 41.04 121 W

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 87.6 51 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 91.2 94 W Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 35.8 129 W

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 99.5 29 N Internet users (% of pop.) 67.9 32 S Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 95.4 43 S Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 26.9 50 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.17 90 W

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 24 126 W

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 39 62 N

Shelter 73.36 53 N Health and Wellness 63.76 93 W Tolerance and Inclusion 39.91 106 W

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 40.7 89 N Life expectancy (years) 76.1 41 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 52.4 87 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 99.7 54 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 17.5 56 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 10.5 87 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 6.5 10 S Obesity rate (% of pop.) 24.2 100 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 7.4 92 W

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 75.7 81 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 53.6 108 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 2 80 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 12.4 96 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 75.3 98 W

Personal Safety 75.95 34 S Ecosystem Sustainability 49.23 85 N Access to Advanced Education 45.31 71 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 1 1 S Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 832.7 4 N Years of tertiary schooling n/a

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 2 20 S Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.0 9 N Women's average years in school 10.1 71 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 2.5 130 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.05 26 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 1.5 23 S Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 15.6 63 N

Namibia, Indonesia, Jamaica, Sri Lanka, Ecuador, Albania,

Ukraine, China, Tunisia, Mongolia, Peru, Egypt, El Salvador,

Paraguay, and Angola

GDP per capita rank: 73/133

Social Progress Index rank: 59/133

Social Progress Index score: 66.15

Page 19: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 72.02 107 W Access to Basic Knowledge 85.52 90 W Personal Rights 71.28 40 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 26.6 121 W Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 88.5 87 W Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 3 60 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 197 120 W Primary school enrollment (% of children) 83.8 105 W Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 170 93 W Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 89.9 82 W Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 46.6 97 W Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 68.3 84 W Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 3 67 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 555.3 107 W Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.1 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 70 24 S

Water and Sanitation 76.94 78 W Access to Information and Communications 68.13 74 N Personal Freedom and Choice 76.08 25 S

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 70.2 74 W Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 160.6 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 78.7 41 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 92.8 56 N Internet users (% of pop.) 15.0 103 W Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 64.3 91 W Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 22.9 33 S Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.05 44 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 74.1 51 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 63 23 S

Shelter 50.48 97 W Health and Wellness 65.20 88 N Tolerance and Inclusion 61.96 35 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 60.2 20 S Life expectancy (years) 47.0 133 W Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 67.2 47 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 43.1 108 WPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 20.9 88 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 20.5 64 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 2.4 110 W Obesity rate (% of pop.) 13.5 43 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 5.1 42 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 27.0 46 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 1.3 2 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 3.3 24 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 85.6 51 N

Personal Safety 62.61 67 N Ecosystem Sustainability 67.90 17 S Access to Advanced Education 24.53 100 W

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 4 89 W Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 412.4 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.1 90 W

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 3 61 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 1.4 62 W Women's average years in school 8.3 89 W

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 2 2 S Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 100.0 1 S Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.32 96 W

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 2 39 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 W

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 20.8 97 N

Brazil, Montenegro, Iraq, Thailand, Bulgaria, Costa Rica, Iran,

Algeria, Mauritius, Mexico, Serbia, Azerbaijan, Lebanon, Belarus,

and South Africa

GDP per capita rank: 55/133

Social Progress Index rank: 65/133

Social Progress Index score: 65.22

Page 20: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 96.34 61 N Access to Basic Knowledge 96.13 38 N Personal Rights 75.20 33 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 92.6 81 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 2 38 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 12 52 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 95.0 52 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 69 71 W Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 114.0 1 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 13.7 57 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 95.3 40 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 92.8 78 W Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) n/a Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 50 39 N

Water and Sanitation 84.98 62 N Access to Information and Communications 73.60 54 N Personal Freedom and Choice 71.63 36 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 92.1 41 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 135.3 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 70.4 67 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 85.3 77 N Internet users (% of pop.) 51.6 55 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 81.3 73 W Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 34.0 84 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.04 38 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 86.8 10 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 43 52 N

Shelter 67.70 69 N Health and Wellness 73.63 34 N Tolerance and Inclusion 66.45 24 S

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 41.5 86 N Life expectancy (years) 73.6 68 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 66.6 50 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 98.9 67 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 19.4 74 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 64.2 21 S

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 4.1 77 W Obesity rate (% of pop.) 19.5 70 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 5.6 49 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 12.0 46 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 3.9 18 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 6.4 49 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 89.6 32 N

Personal Safety 35.55 122 W Ecosystem Sustainability 61.49 38 N Access to Advanced Education 48.05 62 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 5 113 W Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 401.6 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.4 65 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 4 105 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.9 46 W Women's average years in school 9.3 77 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 4 94 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 66.7 58 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.25 79 W

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 4 119 W Number of globally ranked universities 22 3 S

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 22.5 105 W

Botswana, Montenegro, Iraq, Thailand, Bulgaria, Costa Rica,

Iran, Algeria, Mauritius, Mexico, Serbia, Azerbaijan, Lebanon,

Belarus, and South Africa

GDP per capita rank: 54/133

Social Progress Index rank: 42/133

Social Progress Index score: 70.89

Page 21: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 98.40 40 N Access to Basic Knowledge 94.02 55 N Personal Rights 62.48 54 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 98.4 45 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 2 38 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 8 1 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 95.0 53 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 5 11 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 86.6 89 W Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 11.6 51 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 98.9 29 S Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 33.4 39 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 89 W Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 30 70 W

Water and Sanitation 98.76 27 S Access to Information and Communications 75.02 49 N Personal Freedom and Choice 54.35 91 W

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 97.3 31 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 145.2 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 52.9 118 W

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 99.0 35 N Internet users (% of pop.) 53.1 53 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 100.0 1 S Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 31.4 77 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.09 67 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 58.5 85 W

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 43 52 N

Shelter 65.41 76 W Health and Wellness 48.80 127 W Tolerance and Inclusion 49.39 76 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 54.7 36 N Life expectancy (years) 74.3 59 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 38.8 121 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 24.0 111 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 25.8 57 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 4.2 75 W Obesity rate (% of pop.) 21.4 83 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 4.9 38 S

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 57.0 81 W Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 125.7 133 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 2 80 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 10.7 80 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 87.5 38 N

Personal Safety 76.33 33 N Ecosystem Sustainability 60.42 41 N Access to Advanced Education 58.93 35 S

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 1 1 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 578.9 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.8 28 S

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 3 61 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 1.3 57 W Women's average years in school 13.2 18 S

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 68.9 54 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.06 31 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 1 1 S Number of globally ranked universities 1 54 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 10.4 32 N

Iran, Mauritius, Mexico, Azerbaijan, Brazil, Botswana, Lebanon,

Belarus, Montenegro, Panama, Iraq, Venezuela, Thailand,

Romania, and Costa Rica

GDP per capita rank: 53/133

Social Progress Index rank: 43/133

Social Progress Index score: 70.19

Page 22: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 65.44 120 N Access to Basic Knowledge 42.75 129 N Personal Rights 57.35 66 S

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 20.7 109 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 36.0 130 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 6 101 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 167 113 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 66.4 118 W Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 S

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 400 114 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 35.7 127 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 97.6 125 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 11.1 129 W Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 648.2 117 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 0.8 117 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 25 94 W

Water and Sanitation 36.95 113 N Access to Information and Communications 53.32 104 N Personal Freedom and Choice 49.02 109 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 7.3 122 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 66.4 115 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 70.1 69 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 75.8 92 S Internet users (% of pop.) 4.4 124 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 18.6 121 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 24.5 39 S Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.32 121 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 39.8 108 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 38 67 S

Shelter 27.47 127 N Health and Wellness 65.12 89 N Tolerance and Inclusion 54.82 57 S

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 56.2 29 S Life expectancy (years) 55.9 121 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 80.0 15 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 13.1 127 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 23.8 107 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 7.7 97 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 1.7 118 W Obesity rate (% of pop.) 2.4 7 SDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 5.3 44 S

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 116.2 110 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 34.7 80 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 2.8 18 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 74.1 104 N

Personal Safety 56.38 83 N Ecosystem Sustainability 69.99 9 S Access to Advanced Education 7.27 127 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 4 89 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 894.0 4 S Years of tertiary schooling n/a

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 3 61 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.0 1 N Women's average years in school 1.5 128 W

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 83.8 33 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.39 107 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 1.5 23 S Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 27.7 119 W

Madagascar, Mali, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Benin, Togo,

Ethiopia, Afghanistan, Guinea, Chad, Mozambique, Nepal, Niger,

and Central African Republic

GDP per capita rank: 119/133

Social Progress Index rank: 112/133

Social Progress Index score: 48.82

Page 23: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 83.45 92 N Access to Basic Knowledge 72.27 105 N Personal Rights 42.45 89 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 16.1 100 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 77.2 102 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 6 101 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 111 101 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 98.4 20 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 170 93 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 62.6 107 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 37.9 91 S Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 28.4 116 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 3 67 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 227.5 94 S Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 0.9 113 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 25 94 W

Water and Sanitation 40.92 110 N Access to Information and Communications 58.61 100 N Personal Freedom and Choice 61.18 64 S

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 17.8 108 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 133.9 1 S Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 93.2 5 S

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 65.6 106 N Internet users (% of pop.) 6.0 116 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 3 55 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 36.8 106 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 41.0 109 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.11 72 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 56.8 89 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 21 126 W

Shelter 42.32 108 N Health and Wellness 72.44 40 N Tolerance and Inclusion 39.75 107 W

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 76.1 3 S Life expectancy (years) 71.4 77 S Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 19.5 133 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 31.1 113 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 17.7 58 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 27.5 56 S

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 3.0 94 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 2.3 6 SDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 7.3 88 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 147.2 110 W Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 31.9 74 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 S

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 10.8 82 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 69.3 109 N

Personal Safety 48.76 105 N Ecosystem Sustainability 66.74 20 S Access to Advanced Education 18.68 110 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 3 77 S Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 677.3 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.1 102 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 4 105 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.4 33 N Women's average years in school 4.7 109 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 4 94 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 78.9 41 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.28 86 S

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 3 80 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 17.2 70 N

Djibouti, Mauritania, Bangladesh, Cameroon, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan,

Lesotho, Tajikistan, Senegal, Nepal, Chad, Ghana, Zambia,

Afghanistan, and Benin

GDP per capita rank: 106/133

Social Progress Index rank: 99/133

Social Progress Index score: 53.96

Page 24: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 68.43 111 N Access to Basic Knowledge 70.15 108 N Personal Rights 24.13 117 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 10.5 84 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 75.0 104 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 6 101 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 66 82 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 91.5 77 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 590 128 W Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 60.4 109 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 0 95 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 94.5 123 W Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 35.9 111 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 1 117 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 768.8 125 W Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 0.9 112 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 25 94 W

Water and Sanitation 36.73 114 N Access to Information and Communications 49.83 113 W Personal Freedom and Choice 49.22 107 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 16.2 110 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 70.4 109 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 78.6 42 S

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 51.9 119 W Internet users (% of pop.) 6.4 114 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 45.2 104 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 38.1 101 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.26 113 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 32.8 117 W

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 27 109 N

Shelter 42.42 107 N Health and Wellness 65.76 86 N Tolerance and Inclusion 49.75 73 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 42.7 80 N Life expectancy (years) 54.6 125 W Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 66.4 51 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 49.0 103 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 19.9 81 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 5.2 107 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 2.4 109 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 11.1 42 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 7.8 102 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 81.5 81 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 22.6 58 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 S

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 4.4 34 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 77.7 87 N

Personal Safety 46.35 111 W Ecosystem Sustainability 46.87 99 N Access to Advanced Education 19.35 107 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 4 89 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 1691.1 113 W Years of tertiary schooling 0.1 99 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 4 105 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.1 15 N Women's average years in school 6.6 100 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 4 94 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 45.7 89 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.35 100 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 2.5 62 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 20.1 94 N

Bangladesh, Kenya, Cambodia, Djibouti, Mauritania, Kyrgyzstan,

Lesotho, Tajikistan, Senegal, Nepal, Chad, Ghana, Afghanistan,

Benin, and Zambia

GDP per capita rank: 108/133

Social Progress Index rank: 114/133

Social Progress Index score: 47.42

Page 25: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 99.05 28 N Access to Basic Knowledge 98.17 18 N Personal Rights 87.91 11 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 99.0 1 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 1 1 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 8 1 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) n/a Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 11 33 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 99.7 46 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 5.2 29 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 105.1 1 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 22.6 23 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 73 W Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 90 3 N

Water and Sanitation 99.23 24 N Access to Information and Communications 84.56 25 W Personal Freedom and Choice 88.41 9 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) n/a Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 78.4 101 W Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 91.5 13 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 99.0 32 W Internet users (% of pop.) 85.8 11 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 99.8 28 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 11.0 15 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.03 32 W

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 87.3 7 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 81 8 N

Shelter 89.61 7 N Health and Wellness 76.09 17 N Tolerance and Inclusion 84.88 3 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 61.7 18 N Life expectancy (years) 81.2 13 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 86.8 3 S

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 10.7 11 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 79.8 6 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 6.5 11 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 24.3 102 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 3.4 8 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 0 1 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 21.5 55 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 10.9 84 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 93.6 12 N

Personal Safety 91.66 8 N Ecosystem Sustainability 58.04 48 N Access to Advanced Education 85.11 3 S

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 1 1 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 516.4 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 1.5 3 S

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 1 1 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 1.2 54 W Women's average years in school 15 1 S

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 2 2 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 58.4 77 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.04 21 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 1 1 N Number of globally ranked universities 26 3 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 6.8 19 W

Belgium, Australia, Denmark, Germany, Iceland, Finland,

Sweden, Austria, Ireland, Netherlands, France, United Kingdom,

Italy, Japan, and Saudi Arabia

GDP per capita rank: 14/133

Social Progress Index rank: 6/133

Social Progress Index score: 86.89

Page 26: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness



Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 37.07 133 W Access to Basic Knowledge 32.95 131 W Personal Rights 16.68 123 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 37.6 132 W Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 36.8 129 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 7 125 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 287 132 W Primary school enrollment (% of children) 71.9 113 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 0 103 W

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 880 132 W Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 23.6 132 W Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 139.2 131 W Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 9.3 131 W Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 1 117 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 1212.1 133 W Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 0.5 130 W Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 15 118 W

Water and Sanitation 26.25 125 N Access to Information and Communications 37.19 127 W Personal Freedom and Choice 36.97 126 W

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 1.6 130 W Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 29.5 129 W Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 77.6 46 S

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 54.4 117 N Internet users (% of pop.) 3.5 126 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 21.5 118 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 33.1 82 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.42 125 W

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 26.2 124 W

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 24 121 W

Shelter 13.93 133 W Health and Wellness 61.74 102 W Tolerance and Inclusion 27.65 129 W

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 30.5 115 W Life expectancy (years) 49.5 130 W Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 73.6 31 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 9.5 129 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 18.5 64 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 10.8 83 S

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) n/a Obesity rate (% of pop.) 3.7 12 NDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 9.5 129 W

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 155.3 130 W Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 32.0 75 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 2 80 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 12.3 95 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 38.7 133 W

Personal Safety 29.98 128 W Ecosystem Sustainability 47.48 97 N Access to Advanced Education 9.19 121 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 5 113 W Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 22056.1 130 W Years of tertiary schooling 0.1 105 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 5 124 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.0 1 N Women's average years in school 3.9 116 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 5 123 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 97.0 9 S Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.46 121 W

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 4 119 W Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 14.6 59 S

Niger, Liberia, Malawi, Mozambique, Guinea, Ethiopia, Togo,

Uganda, Rwanda, Madagascar, Burkina Faso, Mali, Tanzania,

Benin, and Afghanistan

GDP per capita rank: 128/133

Social Progress Index rank: 133/133

Social Progress Index score: 31.42

Page 27: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 38.17 132 W Access to Basic Knowledge 30.72 132 W Personal Rights 36.17 99 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 34.8 129 W Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 40.2 125 W Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 7 125 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 264 130 W Primary school enrollment (% of children) 63.1 120 W Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 0 103 W

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 980 133 W Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 26.5 131 W Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 S

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 147.5 132 W Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 17.1 124 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 3 67 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 1070.9 131 W Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 0.5 131 W Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 20 104 W

Water and Sanitation 20.00 129 W Access to Information and Communications 36.14 129 W Personal Freedom and Choice 25.08 133 W

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 6.3 124 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 35.6 127 W Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 56.2 114 W

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 44.8 124 W Internet users (% of pop.) 2.3 127 W * Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 11.9 128 W Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 40.2 105 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.45 126 W

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 9.1 131 W

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 22 125 W

Shelter 19.66 132 W Health and Wellness 62.18 100 W Tolerance and Inclusion 43.08 91 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 30.2 116 W Life expectancy (years) 50.7 128 W Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 67.2 48 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 3.5 133 WPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 23.2 103 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 5.3 104 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 1.7 119 W Obesity rate (% of pop.) 3.1 11 NDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 8.5 113 W

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 100.6 110 W Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 41.0 93 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 2.8 16 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 73.2 106 N

Personal Safety 34.51 126 W Ecosystem Sustainability 47.44 98 N Access to Advanced Education 4.89 133 W

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 4 89 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 1674.7 113 W Years of tertiary schooling n/a

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 4 105 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.5 35 N Women's average years in school 1.4 129 W

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 5 123 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 55.3 84 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.43 113 W

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 3 80 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 29.7 124 W

Nepal, Afghanistan, Senegal, Benin, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Mali,

Lesotho, Burkina Faso, Madagascar, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya,

Togo, and Cameroon

GDP per capita rank: 114/133

Social Progress Index rank: 132/133

Social Progress Index score: 33.17

Page 28: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 97.84 43 N Access to Basic Knowledge 94.56 50 N Personal Rights 89.60 9 S

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 97.5 57 W Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 1 1 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 24 62 W Primary school enrollment (% of children) 92.7 68 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 S

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 22 47 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 97.7 60 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 8.2 40 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 84.9 57 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 36.3 44 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 90 3 S

Water and Sanitation 95.23 40 N Access to Information and Communications 80.84 34 N Personal Freedom and Choice 77.66 22 S

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 98.8 24 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 134.3 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 73.3 58 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 91.3 59 N Internet users (% of pop.) 66.5 35 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 98.9 31 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 25.8 44 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.06 53 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 78 38 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 73 17 S

Shelter 80.00 36 S Health and Wellness 74.64 23 N Tolerance and Inclusion 67.12 22 S

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 42.8 79 N Life expectancy (years) 79.6 28 S Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 66.3 52 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 99.6 58 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 11.9 19 S Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 52.5 30 S

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 5.4 45 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 29.1 121 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 3.8 16 S

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 6.7 1 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 8.6 32 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 12.4 97 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 85.7 48 N

Personal Safety 72.19 40 N Ecosystem Sustainability 49.37 83 W Access to Advanced Education 60.38 31 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 2 41 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 289.9 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.5 48 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 2 20 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 3.2 97 W Women's average years in school 12.2 41 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 60.2 75 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.14 57 W

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 2 39 N Number of globally ranked universities 11 3 S

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 12.3 46 N

Croatia, Latvia, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Poland, Hungary,

Lithuania, Russia, Turkey, Uruguay, Romania, Estonia,

Venezuela, Panama, and Belarus

GDP per capita rank: 39/133

Social Progress Index rank: 26/133

Social Progress Index score: 78.29

Page 29: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 93.08 73 N Access to Basic Knowledge 94.75 49 N Personal Rights 4.64 132 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 10.6 85 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 96.4 59 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 7 125 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 85 93 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) n/a Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 0 103 W

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 32 59 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 103.5 1 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 0 95 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 12.7 53 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 76.6 68 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 0 126 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 41.4 48 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 20 104 W

Water and Sanitation 73.74 84 N Access to Information and Communications 52.93 105 W Personal Freedom and Choice 68.45 40 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 70.9 72 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 88.7 95 W Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 76.3 51 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 84.9 78 N Internet users (% of pop.) 45.8 65 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 1 117 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 65.3 89 W Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 72.9 133 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.02 26 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 94.5 1 S

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 36 80 N

Shelter 70.39 58 N Health and Wellness 61.71 103 W Tolerance and Inclusion 34.88 116 W

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 56.1 30 N Life expectancy (years) 75.2 46 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 40.1 120 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 99.7 54 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 19.4 72 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 13.7 78 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 5.2 47 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 5.6 29 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 8.6 116 W

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 75.9 81 W Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 91.9 129 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 2 80 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 12.0 91 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 76.7 90 N

Personal Safety 57.73 76 N Ecosystem Sustainability 52.20 71 N Access to Advanced Education 44.34 73 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 1 1 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 781.9 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.1 92 W

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 2 20 S Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 2.9 87 W Women's average years in school 8.9 83 W

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 4 94 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 66.6 59 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) n/a

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 4 119 W Number of globally ranked universities 46 3 S

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 20.5 96 N

Tunisia, Peru, Egypt, Albania, Ecuador, Macedonia, Jordan,

Dominican Republic, Colombia, Bosnia and Herzegovina,

Namibia, South Africa, Indonesia, Jamaica, and Sri Lanka

GDP per capita rank: 70/133

Social Progress Index rank: 92/133

Social Progress Index score: 59.07

Page 30: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 91.59 78 W Access to Basic Knowledge 90.06 78 W Personal Rights 58.56 64 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 11.4 90 W Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 94.7 70 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 3 60 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 81 91 W Primary school enrollment (% of children) 83.9 104 W Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 83 78 W Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 101.3 1 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 16.9 71 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 75.9 69 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 3 67 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 55.0 55 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.1 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 50 39 N

Water and Sanitation 77.82 77 N Access to Information and Communications 72.58 60 N Personal Freedom and Choice 66.91 45 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 87.3 53 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 104.1 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 79.1 40 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 73.6 96 W Internet users (% of pop.) 51.7 54 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 80.2 75 W Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 36.7 96 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.17 90 W

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 82.8 23 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 37 75 N

Shelter 73.52 52 N Health and Wellness 78.93 6 S Tolerance and Inclusion 57.25 49 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 48.9 56 N Life expectancy (years) 73.8 64 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 70.9 39 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 96.8 75 WPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 12.4 29 S Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 53.5 29 S

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 5.1 50 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 18.1 63 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 7.7 100 W

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 21.5 46 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 3.4 14 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 2 80 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 5.7 41 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 90.2 25 N

Personal Safety 41.01 117 W Ecosystem Sustainability 67.64 18 S Access to Advanced Education 50.34 55 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 5 113 W Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 331.9 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.8 30 S

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 4 105 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.3 28 N Women's average years in school 8.8 85 W

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 4 94 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 80.4 37 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.22 72 W

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 3.5 109 W Number of globally ranked universities 9 20 S

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 15.6 63 N

Dominican Republic, Jordan, Macedonia, South Africa,

Egypt, Peru, Tunisia, China, Serbia, Algeria, Albania,

Ecuador, Costa Rica, Thailand, and Iraq

GDP per capita rank: 63/133

Social Progress Index rank: 49/133

Social Progress Index score: 68.85

Page 31: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness



Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 64.08 123 W Access to Basic Knowledge 72.07 107 W Personal Rights 44.10 87 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 31.5 125 W Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 79.3 99 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 6 101 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 223 125 W Primary school enrollment (% of children) 90.2 85 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 410 117 W Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 64.2 105 W Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 49.1 99 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 37.8 108 W Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 666.9 119 W Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 0.9 110 W Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 10 125 W

Water and Sanitation 23.31 127 W Access to Information and Communications 63.30 88 N Personal Freedom and Choice 46.17 117 W

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 25.1 98 W Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 104.8 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 63.2 96 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 38.8 129 W Internet users (% of pop.) 6.6 112 W Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 14.6 123 W Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 29.4 63 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.20 99 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 34.3 114 W

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 23 123 W

Shelter 30.70 123 W Health and Wellness 67.26 78 N Tolerance and Inclusion 49.61 74 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 30.9 113 W Life expectancy (years) 58.3 116 W Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 64.2 56 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 37.1 110 WPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 19.8 80 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 6.5 100 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) n/a Obesity rate (% of pop.) 5.3 25 NDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 6.3 71 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 123.3 110 W Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 20.8 52 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 S

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 9.2 65 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 68.2 112 W

Personal Safety 44.61 115 W Ecosystem Sustainability 63.60 27 N Access to Advanced Education 26.44 98 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 5 113 W Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 556.7 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.1 102 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 4 105 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.4 32 N Women's average years in school 8.3 89 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 4 94 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 66.3 61 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.25 80 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 2.5 62 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 17.1 69 N

Comparator Countries: Bolivia, Philippines, Guyana, Nigeria,

India, Swaziland, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Morocco, Honduras,

Pakistan, Nicaragua, Laos, Guatemala, and Moldova

GDP per capita rank: 90/133

Social Progress Index rank: 109/133

Social Progress Index score: 49.60

Page 32: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 96.60 59 N Access to Basic Knowledge 93.96 56 N Personal Rights 83.28 21 S

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.9 73 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 97.8 54 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 1 1 S

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 41 73 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 92.0 72 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 S

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 38 62 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 120.6 1 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 9.6 46 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 78.8 62 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 3 67 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 30.5 35 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.1 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 50 39 N

Water and Sanitation 92.65 48 N Access to Information and Communications 80.66 35 S Personal Freedom and Choice 76.27 24 S

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 95.9 35 S Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 146.0 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 91.9 11 S

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 90.9 61 N Internet users (% of pop.) 46.0 63 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 3 55 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 93.9 50 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 12.2 18 S Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.13 78 W

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 89.1 5 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 54 33 S

Shelter 81.98 30 S Health and Wellness 78.09 8 S Tolerance and Inclusion 73.58 17 S

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 47.9 60 N Life expectancy (years) 79.7 26 S Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 75.3 26 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 99.0 65 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 12.2 26 S Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 52.4 31 S

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 5.6 34 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 24.6 105 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 4.4 29 SHousehold air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 5.4 1 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 7.7 30 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 7.5 54 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 91.1 21 S

Personal Safety 65.65 63 N Ecosystem Sustainability 62.61 31 N Access to Advanced Education 49.24 58 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 4 89 W Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 248.1 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.7 34 S

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 2 20 S Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 1.9 76 W Women's average years in school 10.8 62 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 89.6 24 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.16 61 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 2 39 N Number of globally ranked universities 2 54 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 12.7 48 N

Algeria, Serbia, Thailand, Iraq, South Africa, Montenegro,

Botswana, Brazil, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Jordan,

Macedonia, Egypt, Peru, and Tunisia

GDP per capita rank: 59/133

Social Progress Index rank: 28/133

Social Progress Index score: 77.88

Page 33: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 99.22 17 N Access to Basic Knowledge 95.58 42 N Personal Rights 68.23 44 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 99.3 1 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 1 1 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 8 1 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 89.3 86 W Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 13 36 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 102.4 1 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 4.5 25 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 94.5 42 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 12.2 2 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 40 51 N

Water and Sanitation 94.48 43 N Access to Information and Communications 80.51 36 N Personal Freedom and Choice 58.51 73 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 87.5 52 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 114.5 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 49.2 123 W

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 96.8 47 N Internet users (% of pop.) 66.7 34 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 3 55 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 98.2 34 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 26.8 49 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.02 26 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 56.3 91 W

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 48 45 N

Shelter 75.69 43 N Health and Wellness 61.64 105 W Tolerance and Inclusion 46.33 83 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 42.8 78 N Life expectancy (years) 76.9 36 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 46.3 108 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 17.7 59 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 35.9 46 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 5.7 32 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 21.3 81 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 5.6 49 NHousehold air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 14.4 46 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 69.4 120 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 13.8 104 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 62.5 121 W

Personal Safety 80.59 24 N Ecosystem Sustainability 66.63 21 N Access to Advanced Education 52.23 50 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 1 1 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 299.2 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.6 41 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 2 20 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.0 8 N Women's average years in school 12.1 44 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 70.9 50 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.10 44 W

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 1 1 S Number of globally ranked universities 1 54 W

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 10.4 32 N

Latvia, Chile, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Poland, Turkey, Uruguay,

Hungary, Lithuania, Russia, Romania, Venezuela, Panama,

Estonia, and Belarus

GDP per capita rank: 40/133

Social Progress Index rank: 37/133

Social Progress Index score: 73.30

Page 34: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 99.30 10 N Access to Basic Knowledge 97.95 20 N Personal Rights 93.04 6 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 99.1 1 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 1 1 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 8 1 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 97.9 27 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 S

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 10 32 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 98.6 55 W Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 3.6 9 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 92.5 43 W Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 16.2 9 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 70 24 N

Water and Sanitation 100.00 1 N Access to Information and Communications 83.40 28 N Personal Freedom and Choice 73.55 29 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 95.2 89 W Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 69.4 72 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Internet users (% of pop.) 65.5 36 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 14.5 21 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.02 26 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) n/a

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 63 23 N

Shelter 80.26 35 N Health and Wellness 76.98 12 N Tolerance and Inclusion 44.14 89 W

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 39.3 94 W Life expectancy (years) 79.6 27 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 52.4 88 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 9.5 6 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 29.9 51 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 5.5 35 W Obesity rate (% of pop.) 23.4 93 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 7.3 88 WHousehold air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 0 1 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 39.4 89 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 2 80 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 3.1 23 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 76.6 92 W

Personal Safety 77.62 31 N Ecosystem Sustainability 45.47 102 W Access to Advanced Education 57.73 38 W

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 1 1 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 298.5 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 1.1 10 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 2 20 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 5.0 130 W Women's average years in school 13.8 7 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 77.0 44 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.14 58 W

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 2 39 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 W

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 7.6 22 N

Israel, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Korea, Republic of, New

Zealand, Spain, Greece, Portugal, Slovakia, Japan, Estonia,

Italy, Russia, Lithuania, and Hungary

GDP per capita rank: 26/133

Social Progress Index rank: 30/133

Social Progress Index score: 77.45

Page 35: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 99.25 13 N Access to Basic Knowledge 97.41 28 N Personal Rights 76.35 32 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 99.0 1 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 1 1 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 8 1 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) n/a Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 5 11 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 104.5 1 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 3.6 9 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 90.5 46 W Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 27.0 29 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 75 21 N

Water and Sanitation 98.48 29 N Access to Information and Communications 89.08 16 S Personal Freedom and Choice 75.82 26 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 95.1 37 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 131.3 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 75.7 53 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 99.6 28 N Internet users (% of pop.) 74.1 25 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 100.0 25 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 10.1 10 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.00 1 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 82.5 25 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 51 38 N

Shelter 87.10 13 S Health and Wellness 61.13 106 W Tolerance and Inclusion 60.73 38 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 53.4 38 N Life expectancy (years) 78.1 31 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 50.0 96 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 17.0 48 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 43.2 38 S

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 6.4 16 S Obesity rate (% of pop.) 28.7 120 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 3.8 16 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 2.9 1 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 67.1 118 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 13.1 100 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 84.6 54 N

Personal Safety 92.11 6 S Ecosystem Sustainability 68.53 15 N Access to Advanced Education 61.06 30 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 1 1 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 475.1 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.5 51 W

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 2 20 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 1.1 52 W Women's average years in school 13.8 7 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 1 1 S Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 98.4 8 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.01 1 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 1 1 N Number of globally ranked universities 5 40 W

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 7.6 22 N

Slovenia, Cyprus, Greece, Portugal, Israel, Slovakia, Korea,

Republic of, New Zealand, Spain, Estonia, Russia, Lithuania,

Hungary, Poland, and Malaysia

GDP per capita rank: 28/133

Social Progress Index rank: 22/133

Social Progress Index score: 80.59

Page 36: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 99.23 15 N Access to Basic Knowledge 99.27 6 N Personal Rights 89.07 10 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 99.0 1 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 1 1 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 8 1 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 97.9 28 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 5 11 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 117.7 1 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 3.5 8 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 131.4 1 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 29.5 33 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 95 1 N

Water and Sanitation 100.00 1 N Access to Information and Communications 95.63 4 S Personal Freedom and Choice 89.87 4 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 127.5 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 93.6 4 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Internet users (% of pop.) 94.6 4 S Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 3 55 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 7.4 4 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.00 1 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 81.6 27 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 92 1 S

Shelter 92.25 1 S Health and Wellness 74.04 26 N Tolerance and Inclusion 79.33 9 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 70.1 6 S Life expectancy (years) 80.1 24 W Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 80.4 12 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 13.3 33 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 75.8 11 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 6.7 4 S Obesity rate (% of pop.) 16.2 48 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 3.4 8 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 0 1 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 33.0 77 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 11.8 90 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 95.0 4 N

Personal Safety 92.66 5 N Ecosystem Sustainability 61.57 37 N Access to Advanced Education 66.63 21 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 1 1 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 230.4 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 1.0 18 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 1 1 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 1.0 47 W Women's average years in school 13.4 13 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 2 2 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 67.7 56 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.03 14 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 1 1 N Number of globally ranked universities 5 40 W

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 4.7 7 N

Germany, Australia, Canada, Sweden, Austria, Belgium, Iceland,

Ireland, Finland, Netherlands, France, United Kingdom, Italy,

Saudi Arabia, and Japan

GDP per capita rank: 12/133

Social Progress Index rank: 8/133

Social Progress Index score: 86.63

Page 37: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 72.56 106 N Access to Basic Knowledge 49.28 123 W Personal Rights 29.72 108 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 18.9 107 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) n/a Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 6 101 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 143 108 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 57.8 122 W Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 0 103 W

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 230 103 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 52.4 115 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 0 95 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 69.6 111 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 38.1 107 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 626.0 116 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 0.8 118 W Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 25 94 W

Water and Sanitation 61.33 93 S Access to Information and Communications 23.67 133 W Personal Freedom and Choice 51.87 99 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 63.3 80 S Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 28.0 130 W Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 73.7 56 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 65.5 107 N Internet users (% of pop.) 9.5 109 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 3 55 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 61.4 93 S Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 70.3 129 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) n/a

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 40.4 106 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 34 86 N

Shelter 52.40 95 S Health and Wellness 65.98 85 N Tolerance and Inclusion 45.17 86 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 31.8 110 W Life expectancy (years) 61.3 108 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 56.0 76 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 49.7 102 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 18.8 68 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 5.3 104 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) n/a Obesity rate (% of pop.) 10.4 40 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 6.4 72 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 24.0 46 S Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 24.8 61 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 S

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 11.4 87 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 63.1 120 W

Personal Safety 70.43 45 S Ecosystem Sustainability 37.15 119 W Access to Advanced Education 7.72 126 W

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 2 41 S Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) n/a Years of tertiary schooling n/a

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 1 1 S Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 3.4 103 W Women's average years in school 3.6 118 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 15.5 122 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.47 124 W

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 3 80 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) n/a

Mauritania, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Kyrgyzstan, Cameroon,

Kenya, Lesotho, Tajikistan, Senegal, Nepal, Ghana, Chad,

Zambia, Afghanistan, and Benin

GDP per capita rank: 105/133

Social Progress Index rank: 115/133

Social Progress Index score: 47.27

Page 38: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness



Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 88.03 84 W Access to Basic Knowledge 86.54 87 W Personal Rights 44.15 86 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 14.7 97 W Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 91.8 82 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 2 38 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 104 98 W Primary school enrollment (% of children) 86.5 95 W Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 100 83 W Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 83.8 94 W Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 0 95 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 28.1 82 W Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 71.9 78 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 76.8 71 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.1 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 30 70 N

Water and Sanitation 74.32 82 W Access to Information and Communications 70.86 64 N Personal Freedom and Choice 65.09 48 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 66.5 77 W Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 88.4 96 W Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 88.6 23 S

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 77.2 89 W Internet users (% of pop.) 45.9 64 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 82.0 71 W Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 27.2 52 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.27 115 W

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 84.5 16 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 32 93 W

Shelter 61.91 83 W Health and Wellness 73.97 28 N Tolerance and Inclusion 60.44 41 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 54.3 37 N Life expectancy (years) 73.2 72 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 60.3 63 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 98.2 71 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 14.8 36 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 31.7 48 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 2.4 111 W Obesity rate (% of pop.) 21.9 87 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 6.1 61 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 14.3 46 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 15.7 44 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 6.0 45 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 87.3 39 N

Personal Safety 34.95 125 W Ecosystem Sustainability 56.42 54 N Access to Advanced Education 32.91 85 W

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 5 113 W Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 275.0 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.3 79 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 3 61 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 3.5 108 W Women's average years in school 9.9 73 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 4 94 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 92.9 17 S Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.24 76 W

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 3 80 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 41.7 131 W

Colombia, Jordan, Macedonia, South Africa, Egypt, Peru,

Tunisia, China, Serbia, Algeria, Albania, Ecuador, Costa Rica,

Thailand, and Bosnia and Herzegovina

GDP per capita rank: 64/133

Social Progress Index rank: 77/133

Social Progress Index score: 62.47

Page 39: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 90.87 79 N Access to Basic Knowledge 93.30 60 N Personal Rights 55.56 69 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 11.2 88 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 94.5 74 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 3 60 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 72 85 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 95.2 50 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 87 80 W Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 96.1 62 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 22.5 78 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 77.3 65 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 97.3 81 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 15 118 W

Water and Sanitation 78.84 76 N Access to Information and Communications 71.70 63 N Personal Freedom and Choice 59.90 67 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 85.0 57 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 111.5 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 71.6 64 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 75.2 95 W Internet users (% of pop.) 40.4 72 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 83.1 70 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 31.2 73 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.22 105 W

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 74.6 47 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 33 89 W

Shelter 77.21 40 N Health and Wellness 78.24 7 S Tolerance and Inclusion 63.37 31 S

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 51.6 47 N Life expectancy (years) 76.2 40 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 74.4 29 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 97.5 73 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 11.9 21 S Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 54.0 28 S

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 4.5 70 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 22 89 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 7.5 95 W

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 3.9 1 S Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 2.6 9 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 8.0 60 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 82.9 64 N

Personal Safety 47.31 109 W Ecosystem Sustainability 62.61 31 N Access to Advanced Education 40.05 77 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 4 89 W Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 364.6 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.4 66 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 3 61 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 1.9 72 W Women's average years in school 10.3 68 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 4 94 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 88.1 25 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.22 71 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 2.5 62 N Number of globally ranked universities 2 54 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 27 118 W

Albania, China, Tunisia, Peru, Egypt, Bosnia and Herzegovina,

Namibia, Macedonia, Jordan, Indonesia, Dominican Republic,

Colombia, Jamaica, Sri Lanka, and Ukraine

GDP per capita rank: 72/133

Social Progress Index rank: 51/133

Social Progress Index score: 68.25

Page 40: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 96.08 63 N Access to Basic Knowledge 87.78 84 W Personal Rights 28.09 110 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 73.8 105 W Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 6 101 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 14 55 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 95.1 51 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 45 65 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 100.9 1 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 0 95 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 21.8 75 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 71.3 79 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 74.3 68 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 72 W Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 20 104 W

Water and Sanitation 97.05 33 S Access to Information and Communications 66.03 79 W Personal Freedom and Choice 55.35 89 W

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 96.1 34 S Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 121.5 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 56.8 112 W

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 98.8 38 N Internet users (% of pop.) 49.6 58 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 1 117 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 95.9 41 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 51.9 121 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.14 83 W

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 80.7 31 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 37 75 N

Shelter 63.77 79 W Health and Wellness 57.32 115 W Tolerance and Inclusion 23.29 130 W

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 26.9 124 W Life expectancy (years) 70.9 79 W Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 34.9 127 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 99.6 57 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 24.5 116 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) n/a

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 2.7 103 W Obesity rate (% of pop.) 34.6 131 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 8.6 116 W

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 5.9 1 S Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 61.3 113 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 1 118 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 2.3 7 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 61.9 122 W

Personal Safety 53.85 89 N Ecosystem Sustainability 59.23 45 N Access to Advanced Education 31.13 88 W

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 2 41 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 339.3 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.3 68 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 4 105 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 1.3 60 W Women's average years in school 8.4 88 W

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 4 94 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 65.3 63 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.41 109 W

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 3 80 N Number of globally ranked universities 5 40 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 13.2 52 N

Peru, Tunisia, China, Macedonia, Jordan, Albania, Ecuador, Dominican

Republic, Colombia, South Africa, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Namibia,

Serbia, Indonesia, and Algeria

GDP per capita rank: 67/133

Social Progress Index rank: 89/133

Social Progress Index score: 59.61

Page 41: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 90.28 81 N Access to Basic Knowledge 85.88 89 N Personal Rights 71.72 39 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 13.5 95 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 88.0 88 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 2 38 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 93 96 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 93.4 63 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 69 71 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 90.4 81 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 15.7 66 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 47.9 97 W Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 96.2 79 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 35 66 N

Water and Sanitation 74.19 83 N Access to Information and Communications 70.84 65 N Personal Freedom and Choice 63.72 54 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 73.1 71 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 136.2 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 70.4 68 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 81.0 86 N Internet users (% of pop.) 23.1 88 W Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 70.5 87 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 21.6 31 S Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.17 90 W

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 77.9 39 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 39 62 N

Shelter 73.94 48 N Health and Wellness 70.40 59 N Tolerance and Inclusion 60.99 37 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 60.2 21 S Life expectancy (years) 72.1 74 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 59.2 67 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 92.0 81 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 16.9 47 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 43.9 36 S

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 4.9 57 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 26.9 116 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 6 58 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 24.9 46 S Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 3.5 15 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 S

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 11.1 85 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 82.6 67 N

Personal Safety 35.12 123 W Ecosystem Sustainability 48.11 95 N Access to Advanced Education 26.59 97 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 5 113 W Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 271.2 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.2 83 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 5 124 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 1.5 64 W Women's average years in school 8.1 92 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 5 123 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 24.5 115 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.30 92 W

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 2 39 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 21.9 101 W

Paraguay, Angola, Armenia, Guatemala, Mongolia, Morocco,

Ukraine, Georgia, Swaziland, Sri Lanka, Jamaica, Indonesia,

Guyana, Namibia, and Philippines

GDP per capita rank: 80/133

Social Progress Index rank: 68/133

Social Progress Index score: 64.31

Page 42: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 99.28 12 N Access to Basic Knowledge 97.89 22 N Personal Rights 97.68 2 S

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 99.8 1 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 1 1 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 8 1 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 94.7 55 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 S

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 11 33 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 100.9 1 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 3.4 7 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 112.6 1 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 18.5 13 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 63 W Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 90 3 S

Water and Sanitation 96.05 38 N Access to Information and Communications 90.83 11 S Personal Freedom and Choice 76.55 23 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 95.4 36 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 159.7 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 73.3 59 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 97.6 44 N Internet users (% of pop.) 80.0 20 S Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 95.2 45 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 9.6 8 S Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.05 44 W

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 76.2 44 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 69 21 S

Shelter 79.13 37 N Health and Wellness 68.14 75 N Tolerance and Inclusion 54.33 58 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 65.8 12 S Life expectancy (years) 76.4 39 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 36.9 123 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 18.8 69 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 29.3 54 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 5.4 44 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 18.9 66 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 6.2 65 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 19.5 46 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 26.2 63 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 14.5 106 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 89.3 35 N

Personal Safety 79.28 28 N Ecosystem Sustainability 61.58 36 N Access to Advanced Education 65.11 24 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 2 41 W Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 717.5 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 1.2 9 S

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 2 20 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 2.8 84 W Women's average years in school 12.5 34 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 100.0 1 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.03 9 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 1 1 N Number of globally ranked universities 2 54 W

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 6.5 16 S

Russia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Malaysia,

Portugal, Kazakhstan, Greece, Chile, Croatia, Latvia, Czech

Republic, Slovenia, and Cyprus

GDP per capita rank: 32/133

Social Progress Index rank: 23/133

Social Progress Index score: 80.49

Page 43: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 61.17 127 N Access to Basic Knowledge 40.70 130 W Personal Rights 25.76 115 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 35.0 130 W Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 49.1 123 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 6 101 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 261 129 W Primary school enrollment (% of children) 67.9 117 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 0 103 W

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 420 119 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 38.2 125 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 0 95 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 64.4 108 S Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 7.8 132 W Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 3 67 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 558.9 108 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 0.6 126 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 30 70 N

Water and Sanitation 23.50 126 N Access to Information and Communications 33.09 130 W Personal Freedom and Choice 48.84 111 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 10.0 114 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 27.3 131 W Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 64.4 92 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 42.1 127 W Internet users (% of pop.) 1.9 130 W Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 23.6 116 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 40.6 108 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.23 108 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 53.8 93 S

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 33 89 N

Shelter 37.85 111 S Health and Wellness 73.90 30 S Tolerance and Inclusion 34.01 118 W

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 40.8 88 N Life expectancy (years) 63.0 105 S Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 63.6 57 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 23.0 116 SPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 15.2 37 S Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 3.5 119 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 2.8 101 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 1.2 2 SDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 8.9 121 W

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 82.6 81 S Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 12.8 41 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 2 80 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 10.9 83 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 64.0 117 N

Personal Safety 53.66 90 N Ecosystem Sustainability 54.26 61 N Access to Advanced Education 5.74 131 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 5 113 W Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 1212.3 113 N Years of tertiary schooling n/a

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 2 20 S Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.6 39 N Women's average years in school 2.1 125 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 83.8 32 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.44 115 W

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 3.5 109 W Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 17.6 73 N

Guinea, Togo, Uganda, Rwanda, Madagascar, Mozambique,

Burkina Faso, Niger, Central African Republic, Mali, Tanzania,

Liberia, Malawi, Benin, and Afghanistan

GDP per capita rank: 124/133

Social Progress Index rank: 126/133

Social Progress Index score: 41.04

Page 44: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 99.58 1 N Access to Basic Knowledge 99.40 4 N Personal Rights 87.91 11 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 100.0 1 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 1 1 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 8 1 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 98.8 12 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 4 4 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 99.0 51 W Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 2.6 2 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 115.6 1 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 9.0 1 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 90 3 N

Water and Sanitation 99.84 18 N Access to Information and Communications 95.20 5 S Personal Freedom and Choice 91.54 1 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 99.4 22 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 171.7 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 92.6 8 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Internet users (% of pop.) 91.5 6 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 6.4 1 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.01 12 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 87 9 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 89 3 S

Shelter 91.49 2 S Health and Wellness 75.80 18 N Tolerance and Inclusion 80.69 6 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 65.1 13 S Life expectancy (years) 80.6 20 W Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 72.2 34 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 11.2 16 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 68.3 17 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 6.8 2 S Obesity rate (% of pop.) 19.9 73 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 1.3 3 S

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 0 1 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 8.4 31 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 18.0 115 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 94.8 6 N

Personal Safety 89.29 12 N Ecosystem Sustainability 59.94 43 N Access to Advanced Education 70.38 15 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 2 41 W Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 337.5 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.9 21 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 1 1 S Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 1.0 48 W Women's average years in school 13.4 13 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 2 2 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 61.9 73 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.02 5 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 1 1 N Number of globally ranked universities 10 20 W

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 5.1 11 N

Iceland, Belgium, Canada, France, Australia, United Kingdom,

Denmark, Germany, Sweden, Italy, Austria, Japan, Ireland,

Netherlands, and Spain

GDP per capita rank: 17/133

Social Progress Index rank: 7/133

Social Progress Index score: 86.75

Page 45: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 99.20 22 N Access to Basic Knowledge 99.40 4 N Personal Rights 80.47 27 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 99.0 1 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 1 1 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 8 1 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 98.2 24 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 9 30 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 106.9 1 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 4.2 20 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 113.5 1 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 3 67 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 21.4 19 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 80 17 W

Water and Sanitation 100.00 1 N Access to Information and Communications 86.02 19 N Personal Freedom and Choice 81.02 18 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 98.5 82 W Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 79.3 39 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Internet users (% of pop.) 81.9 18 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 3 55 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 21.9 32 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.01 12 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 89.6 4 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 69 21 N

Shelter 85.09 22 N Health and Wellness 75.36 21 N Tolerance and Inclusion 62.01 34 W

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 41.1 87 W Life expectancy (years) 82.6 5 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 72.4 33 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 11.4 17 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 66.3 19 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 6.5 12 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 15.6 47 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 6.4 72 W

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 0 1 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 26.9 66 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 2 80 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 16.6 112 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 87.3 39 W

Personal Safety 80.35 25 W Ecosystem Sustainability 54.55 59 N Access to Advanced Education 66.34 22 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 1 1 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 205.7 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.7 34 W

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 2 20 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 1.8 70 W Women's average years in school 12.5 34 W

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 54.5 85 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.09 41 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 1.5 23 W Number of globally ranked universities 44 3 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 6.4 15 N

United Kingdom, Italy, Japan, Finland, Iceland, Belgium, Canada,

Spain, Australia, New Zealand, Denmark, Germany, Korea,

Republic of, Sweden, and Israel

GDP per capita rank: 18/133

Social Progress Index rank: 21/133

Social Progress Index score: 80.82

Page 46: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 93.59 71 N Access to Basic Knowledge 95.17 47 S Personal Rights 48.16 80 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 9.8 82 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 99.8 1 S Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 3 60 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 74 87 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 98.3 23 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 41 63 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 110.3 1 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 0 95 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 13.1 54 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 81.2 59 S Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 3 67 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 39.3 46 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 0.9 93 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 40 51 S

Water and Sanitation 90.95 52 S Access to Information and Communications 72.98 55 N Personal Freedom and Choice 59.18 70 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 79.8 62 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 115.0 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 65.6 86 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 97.3 45 S Internet users (% of pop.) 43.1 69 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 3 55 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 93.3 52 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 29.8 64 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.14 83 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 52.8 96 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 52 36 S

Shelter 66.81 71 N Health and Wellness 60.98 107 W Tolerance and Inclusion 29.27 127 W

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 68.3 8 S Life expectancy (years) 73.9 62 S Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 48.3 101 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 SPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 21.6 92 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 5.3 106 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 5.2 48 S Obesity rate (% of pop.) 21.2 80 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 8 106 W

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 107.5 110 W Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 75.4 124 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 2 80 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 4.8 37 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 55.0 128 W

Personal Safety 69.24 48 S Ecosystem Sustainability 49.31 84 N Access to Advanced Education 55.06 43 S

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 2 41 S Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 491.7 4 N Years of tertiary schooling n/a

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 3 61 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 1.5 66 W Women's average years in school 13.1 21 S

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 2 2 S Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 29.6 110 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.03 15 S

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 2.5 62 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 15.7 65 N

Swaziland, Morocco, Guatemala, Guyana, Armenia, Philippines,

Angola, Paraguay, Congo, Republic of, Bolivia, El Salvador,

Nigeria, Mongolia, India, and Ukraine

GDP per capita rank: 86/133

Social Progress Index rank: 60/133

Social Progress Index score: 65.89

Page 47: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 99.25 13 N Access to Basic Knowledge 97.62 26 W Personal Rights 79.83 28 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 99.0 1 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 1 1 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 8 1 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 97.9 25 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 7 20 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 99.6 47 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 3.9 15 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 104.3 1 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 21.6 21 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 0.9 95 W Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 90 3 N

Water and Sanitation 100.00 1 N Access to Information and Communications 91.66 9 N Personal Freedom and Choice 84.85 13 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 119.0 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 89.5 17 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Internet users (% of pop.) 84.0 14 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 3 55 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 10.2 11 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.00 1 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 80 32 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 79 10 N

Shelter 88.80 10 N Health and Wellness 71.24 50 W Tolerance and Inclusion 70.56 18 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 66.3 11 S Life expectancy (years) 80.9 17 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 74.8 27 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 12.3 27 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 70.3 16 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 6.1 26 W Obesity rate (% of pop.) 21.3 81 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 4.3 28 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 0 1 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 50.5 102 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 2 80 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 10.6 78 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 93.6 13 N

Personal Safety 88.41 14 N Ecosystem Sustainability 65.48 24 N Access to Advanced Education 70.73 13 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 1 1 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 263.4 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.8 26 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 2 20 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 1.9 75 W Women's average years in school 12.7 30 W

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 2 2 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 100.0 1 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.02 7 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 1 1 N Number of globally ranked universities 44 3 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 4.7 7 N

Comparator Countries: Denmark, Australia, Canada, Sweden,

Austria, Belgium, Iceland, Ireland, Finland, Netherlands, France,

United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, Italy, and Japan

GDP per capita rank: 11/133

Social Progress Index rank: 14/133

Social Progress Index score: 84.04

Page 48: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 80.17 98 N Access to Basic Knowledge 76.45 100 N Personal Rights 78.63 30 S

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 S Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 76.6 103 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 1 1 S

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 24 62 S Primary school enrollment (% of children) 87.1 93 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 380 113 W Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 85.3 92 S Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 S

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 78.4 115 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 42.0 101 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 476.0 105 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 0.9 101 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 50 39 S

Water and Sanitation 41.44 109 N Access to Information and Communications 70.01 69 S Personal Freedom and Choice 57.56 79 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 19.2 107 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 108.2 1 S Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 65.4 88 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 81.3 84 S Internet users (% of pop.) 12.3 107 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 14.4 124 W Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 16.3 23 S Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.09 67 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 34.6 113 W

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 48 45 S

Shelter 45.69 104 N Health and Wellness 70.37 60 N Tolerance and Inclusion 44.08 90 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 33.8 106 W Life expectancy (years) 60.9 110 W Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 61.7 60 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 60.5 99 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 20.3 85 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 7.4 98 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 3.0 96 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 8 36 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 4.9 38 S

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 93.0 81 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 20.8 51 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 2 80 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 2.1 4 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 65.0 116 W

Personal Safety 54.69 88 N Ecosystem Sustainability 56.90 50 N Access to Advanced Education 23.46 103 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 4 89 W Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 327.7 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.1 94 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 3 61 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.1 16 N Women's average years in school 6.9 95 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 34.3 104 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.36 101 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 2.5 62 N Number of globally ranked universities 1 54 S

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 22.2 103 N

Zambia, Yemen, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Mauritania, Djibouti,

Laos, Nicaragua, Cambodia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Honduras,

Cameroon, Kenya, and Uzbekistan

GDP per capita rank: 102/133

Social Progress Index rank: 94/133

Social Progress Index score: 58.29

Page 49: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 99.21 19 N Access to Basic Knowledge 98.70 13 N Personal Rights 64.80 50 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 97.7 55 W Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 2 38 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 8 1 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 99.5 6 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 5 11 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 103.9 1 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 4.4 23 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 111.7 1 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 24.1 24 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 80 W Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 40 51 W

Water and Sanitation 99.15 25 N Access to Information and Communications 76.88 46 W Personal Freedom and Choice 50.96 102 W

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 99.5 20 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 116.8 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 35.5 130 W

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 99.4 30 N Internet users (% of pop.) 59.9 44 W Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 98.6 32 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 31.3 76 W * Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.04 38 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 58.1 86 W

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 43 52 W

Shelter 81.03 32 N Health and Wellness 71.87 47 N Tolerance and Inclusion 56.94 50 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 49.4 54 N Life expectancy (years) 80.6 19 S Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 67.1 49 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 12.9 32 S Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 37.4 43 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 5.3 46 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 17.5 60 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 5.1 42 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 0 1 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 71.1 122 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 2 80 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 3.1 20 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 83.2 61 N

Personal Safety 71.16 43 N Ecosystem Sustainability 50.67 77 W Access to Advanced Education 66.92 20 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 1 1 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 358.8 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 1.0 13 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 3 61 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 3.3 99 W Women's average years in school 12.9 27 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 66.5 60 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.11 51 W

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 2 39 N Number of globally ranked universities 6 20 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 12.2 44 N

Portugal, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Estonia, Cyprus,

Israel, Russia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Korea, Republic of,

Malaysia, New Zealand, and Kazakhstan

GDP per capita rank: 29/133

Social Progress Index rank: 34/133

Social Progress Index score: 74.03

Page 50: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 86.07 88 N Access to Basic Knowledge 78.86 96 W Personal Rights 64.80 50 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 14.3 96 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 81.5 94 W Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 3 60 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 92 95 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 92.8 67 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 140 91 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 70.6 100 W Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 S

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 31 86 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 56.4 91 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 212.7 91 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 0.9 99 W Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 20 104 W

Water and Sanitation 84.36 64 N Access to Information and Communications 64.00 87 N Personal Freedom and Choice 61.23 63 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 85.6 56 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 140.4 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 83.2 33 S

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 88.6 69 N Internet users (% of pop.) 19.7 92 W Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 80.3 74 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 36.6 95 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.20 99 W

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 63.5 75 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 32 93 N

Shelter 66.64 72 N Health and Wellness 74.26 24 S Tolerance and Inclusion 51.81 67 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 53.3 39 N Life expectancy (years) 71.7 76 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 48.0 104 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 81.8 91 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 13.5 34 S Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 29.8 52 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 5.4 42 S Obesity rate (% of pop.) 20.7 78 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 7.6 98 W

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 50.2 81 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 9.6 37 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 S

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 8.7 64 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 83.1 62 N

Personal Safety 40.23 119 W Ecosystem Sustainability 58.71 47 N Access to Advanced Education 15.34 117 W

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 5 113 W Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 335.9 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.0 117 W

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 5 124 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 1.0 50 W Women's average years in school 5.4 107 W

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 5 123 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 57.6 79 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.36 102 W

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 2.5 62 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 6.7 18 S

Armenia, Morocco, Angola, Paraguay, El Salvador, Georgia,

Swaziland, Mongolia, Guyana, Philippines, Ukraine, Congo,

Republic of, Bolivia, Sri Lanka, and Jamaica

GDP per capita rank: 84/133

Social Progress Index rank: 79/133

Social Progress Index score: 62.19

Page 51: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 63.14 125 N Access to Basic Knowledge 42.86 128 N Personal Rights 30.37 107 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 18.1 106 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 30.4 131 W Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 5 92 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 128 106 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 74.4 110 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 650 131 W Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 44.8 121 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 0 95 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 100.7 127 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 28.4 117 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 2 92 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 679.6 120 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 0.6 125 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 15 118 W

Water and Sanitation 33.59 119 N Access to Information and Communications 48.69 114 N Personal Freedom and Choice 34.51 129 W

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 13.0 113 S Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 63.3 117 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 67.2 78 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 65.0 108 N Internet users (% of pop.) 1.6 132 W * Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 3 55 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 18.9 120 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 31.7 78 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.38 123 W

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 13.3 130 W

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 25 117 W

Shelter 24.16 129 N Health and Wellness 67.33 77 N Tolerance and Inclusion 39.59 109 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 41.7 82 N Life expectancy (years) 55.8 122 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 76.5 22 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 20.2 118 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 20.9 87 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 9.6 90 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 1.3 123 W Obesity rate (% of pop.) 4.7 20 NDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 8.4 112 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 109.6 110 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 28.5 67 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 2 80 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 2.7 14 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 63.7 119 N

Personal Safety 39.13 120 W Ecosystem Sustainability 45.91 101 N Access to Advanced Education 5.88 130 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 5 113 W Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 1490.0 113 N Years of tertiary schooling n/a

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 4.5 122 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.1 11 N Women's average years in school 1.6 127 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 4 94 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 41.0 97 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.42 110 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 3 80 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 19.6 91 N

Ethiopia, Togo, Uganda, Rwanda, Madagascar, Mozambique,

Burkina Faso, Niger, Central African Republic, Mali, Tanzania,

Liberia, Malawi, Benin, and Afghanistan

GDP per capita rank: 125/133

Social Progress Index rank: 130/133

Social Progress Index score: 39.60

Page 52: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 86.54 87 N Access to Basic Knowledge 87.27 86 N Personal Rights 59.63 63 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 10.0 83 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 88.5 85 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 2 38 S

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 68 84 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 71.5 114 W Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 0 103 W

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 250 104 W Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 103.9 1 S Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 S

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 36.6 90 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 96.0 37 S Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 177.2 90 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.2 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 25 94 W

Water and Sanitation 84.72 63 N Access to Information and Communications 61.00 94 N Personal Freedom and Choice 55.42 88 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 67.3 75 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 69.4 112 W Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 65.5 87 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 97.9 42 S Internet users (% of pop.) 33.0 82 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 83.6 69 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 27.1 51 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) n/a

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 60.4 82 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 30 99 N

Shelter 56.14 91 N Health and Wellness 48.68 128 W Tolerance and Inclusion 55.32 56 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 41.7 83 N Life expectancy (years) 66.0 99 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 56.0 77 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 77.6 94 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 37.2 133 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 18.7 71 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 2.7 102 W Obesity rate (% of pop.) 16.9 54 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 6.2 65 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 23.4 46 S Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 9.7 38 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 S

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 29.7 130 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 83.5 59 N

Personal Safety 47.79 108 W Ecosystem Sustainability 45.31 104 N Access to Advanced Education 37.21 80 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 4 89 W Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 853.1 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.0 115 W

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 4.5 122 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 1.8 71 W Women's average years in school 11.1 58 S

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 18.7 119 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.11 45 S

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 2 39 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 27.8 120 W

Philippines, Congo, Republic of, Bolivia, Swaziland, Georgia,

Nigeria, Morocco, India, Guatemala, Armenia, Angola, Paraguay,

Uzbekistan, El Salvador, and Honduras

GDP per capita rank: 88/133

Social Progress Index rank: 87/133

Social Progress Index score: 60.42

Page 53: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 89.40 82 N Access to Basic Knowledge 86.35 88 N Personal Rights 50.48 76 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 12.1 93 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 88.5 86 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 4 80 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 84 92 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 94.0 57 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 120 87 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 74.6 98 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 22.2 77 S Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 70.8 80 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 3 67 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 117.5 84 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.2 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 30 70 N

Water and Sanitation 81.65 70 S Access to Information and Communications 61.91 92 N Personal Freedom and Choice 57.19 80 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 88.0 49 S Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 95.9 86 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 68.5 75 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 81.5 83 N Internet users (% of pop.) 17.8 94 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 80.0 77 S Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 37.1 99 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.25 111 W

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 76.2 44 S

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 29 101 N

Shelter 55.67 92 N Health and Wellness 74.66 22 S Tolerance and Inclusion 52.36 65 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 42.9 77 N Life expectancy (years) 73.5 70 S Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 42.5 113 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 81.0 92 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 15.7 39 S Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 29.7 53 S

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 3.6 85 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 19.8 71 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 6.1 61 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 82.7 81 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 7.0 29 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 S

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 7.9 59 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 78.8 80 N

Personal Safety 34.45 127 W Ecosystem Sustainability 67.91 16 S Access to Advanced Education 25.24 99 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 5 113 W Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 568.7 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.2 85 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 5 124 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.1 12 N Women's average years in school 7.8 93 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 5 123 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 76.8 45 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.30 89 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 2.5 62 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 18.8 82 N

Pakistan, Nicaragua, Laos, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Yemen, India,

Zambia, Ghana, Nigeria, Bolivia, Congo, Republic of,

Kyrgyzstan, Philippines, and Guyana

GDP per capita rank: 95/133

Social Progress Index rank: 82/133

Social Progress Index score: 61.44

Page 54: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 98.99 34 N Access to Basic Knowledge 96.40 36 N Personal Rights 68.28 43 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 99.1 1 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 2 38 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 8 1 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 91.3 79 W Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 14 38 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 100.7 1 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 6.1 32 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 102.4 1 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 16.8 10 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 73 W Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 55 34 N

Water and Sanitation 98.42 30 N Access to Information and Communications 82.13 32 N Personal Freedom and Choice 70.70 38 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 94.3 38 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 116.4 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 63.4 95 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Internet users (% of pop.) 72.6 27 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 3 55 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 26.7 48 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.01 12 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 82.4 26 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 54 33 N

Shelter 78.75 38 N Health and Wellness 49.13 126 W Tolerance and Inclusion 60.13 43 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 52.7 42 N Life expectancy (years) 75.1 48 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 57.5 69 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 24.0 109 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 32.1 47 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 5.9 29 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 24.8 110 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 4.4 29 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 43.6 46 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 92.0 130 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 20.8 123 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 87.2 41 N

Personal Safety 79.06 29 N Ecosystem Sustainability 53.95 63 W Access to Advanced Education 61.72 28 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 1 1 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 294.2 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.7 32 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 2 20 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.5 34 N Women's average years in school 12.6 31 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 29.6 111 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.04 16 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 1.5 23 N Number of globally ranked universities 4 40 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 9.1 28 N

Lithuania, Russia, Poland, Malaysia, Estonia, Kazakhstan,

Chile, Croatia, Latvia, Slovakia, Portugal, Greece, Turkey,

Uruguay, and Romania

GDP per capita rank: 35/133

Social Progress Index rank: 32/133

Social Progress Index score: 74.80

Page 55: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 99.57 2 N Access to Basic Knowledge 98.88 10 N Personal Rights 87.91 11 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 99.0 1 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 1 1 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 8 1 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 98.5 17 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 4 4 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 97.0 61 W Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 2.1 1 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 116.8 1 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 14.0 5 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 90 3 N

Water and Sanitation 100.00 1 N Access to Information and Communications 95.73 3 S Personal Freedom and Choice 86.06 10 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 108.1 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 91.2 14 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Internet users (% of pop.) 96.5 1 S Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 3 55 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 8.5 5 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.01 12 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) n/a

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 79 10 N

Shelter 86.87 15 N Health and Wellness 80.96 2 S Tolerance and Inclusion 89.54 1 S

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 45.9 67 W Life expectancy (years) 82.9 3 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 78.4 19 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 10.2 9 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 82.2 3 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 6.6 6 S Obesity rate (% of pop.) 21.9 87 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 1 1 S

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 0 1 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 6.7 24 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 9.2 66 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 95.7 3 N

Personal Safety 93.57 1 S Ecosystem Sustainability 68.89 13 N Access to Advanced Education 63.43 27 W

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 1 1 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 233.6 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.9 22 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 1 1 S Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.1 19 N Women's average years in school n/a

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 2 2 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 81.9 35 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.03 9 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 1 1 N Number of globally ranked universities 1 54 W

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 2.8 1 S

Finland, Belgium, Canada, Australia, Denmark, Germany,

France, Sweden, United Kingdom, Austria, Ireland, Italy,

Japan, Netherlands, and Spain

GDP per capita rank: 16/133

Social Progress Index rank: 4/133

Social Progress Index score: 87.62

Page 56: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 81.78 95 N Access to Basic Knowledge 80.32 94 N Personal Rights 55.07 70 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 15.2 98 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 71.2 106 W Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 2 38 S

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 109 100 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 93.3 65 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 190 97 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 86.5 90 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 0 95 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 52.7 105 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 54.8 92 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 3 67 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 253.0 97 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 0.9 97 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 55 34 S

Water and Sanitation 54.53 98 N Access to Information and Communications 51.43 108 W Personal Freedom and Choice 56.25 84 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 25.7 97 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 70.8 107 W Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 77.2 47 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 90.7 63 N Internet users (% of pop.) 15.1 102 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 36.0 108 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 40.3 106 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.28 116 W

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 71.7 55 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 38 67 S

Shelter 48.10 99 N Health and Wellness 55.45 120 W Tolerance and Inclusion 28.22 128 W

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 46.2 66 N Life expectancy (years) 66.2 98 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 34.1 128 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 75.0 96 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 26.2 120 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 24.2 59 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 3.4 89 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 1.9 5 SDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 7.8 102 W

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 124.5 110 W Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 51.2 105 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 1 118 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 25.2 127 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 61.7 124 W

Personal Safety 51.06 99 N Ecosystem Sustainability 42.30 108 W Access to Advanced Education 32.19 87 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 2 41 S Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 416.9 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.3 73 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 3 61 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 3.6 113 W Women's average years in school 5.6 104 W

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 4 94 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 39.2 100 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.42 112 W

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 4 119 W Number of globally ranked universities 14 3 S

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 18.9 85 N

Nigeria, Uzbekistan, Honduras, Bolivia, Pakistan, Congo,

Republic of, Nicaragua, Laos, Moldova, Philippines, Yemen,

Guyana, Zambia, Ghana, and Swaziland

GDP per capita rank: 93/133

Social Progress Index rank: 101/133

Social Progress Index score: 53.06

Page 57: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 89.13 83 N Access to Basic Knowledge 90.63 75 N Personal Rights 49.28 77 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 8.7 79 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 93.9 77 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 2 38 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 59 80 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 92.2 70 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 190 97 W Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 91.2 78 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 0 95 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 29.3 83 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 73.4 77 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 3 67 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 162.4 89 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 30 70 N

Water and Sanitation 53.78 101 W Access to Information and Communications 62.36 90 W Personal Freedom and Choice 57.74 77 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 20.6 105 W Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 121.5 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 68.6 74 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 76.4 91 W Internet users (% of pop.) 15.8 99 W Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 1 117 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 58.8 95 W Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 38.2 102 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.14 83 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 79.5 35 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 34 86 N

Shelter 66.38 75 N Health and Wellness 71.50 48 N Tolerance and Inclusion 32.20 122 W

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 63.3 15 S Life expectancy (years) 70.6 83 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 25.6 132 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 94.2 76 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 23.1 101 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 2.6 120 W

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 4.3 73 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 4.7 20 NDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 7.6 98 W

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 96.7 81 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 26.6 64 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 1 118 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 4.6 36 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 89.1 37 N

Personal Safety 56.78 81 N Ecosystem Sustainability 53.66 66 N Access to Advanced Education 42.18 76 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 2 41 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 405.5 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.3 81 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 4 105 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 3.3 98 W Women's average years in school 8.9 83 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 78.1 42 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.23 74 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 3 80 N Number of globally ranked universities 8 20 S

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 17.7 74 N

Jamaica, Sri Lanka, Namibia, Ukraine, Bosnia and Herzegovina,

Mongolia, El Salvador, Ecuador, Albania, Paraguay, Angola,

Armenia, Guatemala, China, and Tunisia

GDP per capita rank: 75/133

Social Progress Index rank: 86/133

Social Progress Index score: 60.47

Page 58: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 96.43 60 N Access to Basic Knowledge 91.89 70 N Personal Rights 5.75 130 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 86.8 90 W Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 6 101 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 33 67 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 99.8 2 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 0 103 W

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 23 48 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 100.9 1 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 0 95 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 16.8 70 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 76.8 67 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 0 126 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 56.2 57 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 0.9 98 W Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 10 125 W

Water and Sanitation 90.40 54 N Access to Information and Communications 47.80 117 W Personal Freedom and Choice 48.02 113 W

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 91.6 44 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 84.2 99 W Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 57.4 110 W

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 91.7 58 N Internet users (% of pop.) 31.4 83 W Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 1 117 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 89.4 65 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 72.3 132 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.21 104 W

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 70.9 57 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 27 109 W

Shelter 73.69 50 N Health and Wellness 68.58 71 N Tolerance and Inclusion 31.94 123 W

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 20.1 130 W Life expectancy (years) 73.8 66 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 50.2 95 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 98.4 70 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 17.3 52 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) n/a

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 5.1 51 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 21.6 84 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 8.8 120 W

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 3.6 1 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 43.7 98 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 2 80 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 5.0 38 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 66.1 114 W

Personal Safety 53.14 92 N Ecosystem Sustainability 36.30 122 W Access to Advanced Education 37.90 78 W

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 2 41 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 594.0 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.7 39 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 2 20 S Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 4.8 125 W Women's average years in school 8.3 89 W

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 37.1 102 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.37 104 W

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 4 119 W Number of globally ranked universities 3 40 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 34.1 128 W

Mauritius, Mexico, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Lebanon, Belarus,

Panama, Venezuela, Brazil, Botswana, Romania,

Montenegro, Uruguay, Turkey, and Iraq

GDP per capita rank: 52/133

Social Progress Index rank: 95/133

Social Progress Index score: 56.82

Page 59: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 81.75 96 W Access to Basic Knowledge 69.59 110 W Personal Rights 13.80 126 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 23.5 114 W Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 79.7 97 W Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 6 101 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 190 119 W Primary school enrollment (% of children) 91.8 75 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 0 103 W

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 67 69 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 65.8 104 W Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 0 95 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 34 88 W Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 39.5 105 W Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 1 117 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 87.0 77 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 0.7 119 W Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) n/a

Water and Sanitation 73.29 85 W Access to Information and Communications 56.39 101 W Personal Freedom and Choice 33.45 131 W

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 74.4 69 W Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 96.1 85 W Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 29.4 132 W

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 68.5 103 W Internet users (% of pop.) 9.2 110 W Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 1 117 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 84.7 68 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 45.4 116 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.19 97 W

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 53.1 95 W

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 16 132 W

Shelter 75.48 46 N Health and Wellness 62.40 98 W Tolerance and Inclusion 29.92 125 W

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 33.7 107 W Life expectancy (years) 69.2 88 W Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 55.8 78 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 98.0 72 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 23.7 106 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 9.5 91 W

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) n/a Obesity rate (% of pop.) 29.4 123 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 10 132 W

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 8.1 1 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 37.2 84 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 1 118 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 2.6 12 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 72.7 107 W

Personal Safety 21.91 133 W Ecosystem Sustainability 32.80 126 W Access to Advanced Education 29.49 89 W

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 5 113 W Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 546.8 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.5 53 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 5 124 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 3.5 107 W Women's average years in school 5.5 105 W

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 5 123 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 0.0 133 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.30 90 W

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 4 119 W Number of globally ranked universities 1 54 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 31.5 125 W

Thailand, Montenegro, Costa Rica, Botswana, Brazil, Algeria, Serbia,

South Africa, Bulgaria, Colombia, Iran, Dominican Republic, Jordan,

Macedonia, and Mauritius

GDP per capita rank: 57/133

Social Progress Index rank: 113/133

Social Progress Index score: 48.35

Page 60: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 99.23 15 N Access to Basic Knowledge 98.40 15 N Personal Rights 86.75 19 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 99.0 1 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 1 1 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 8 1 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 95.3 49 W Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 9 30 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 109.2 1 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 3.8 13 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 134.5 1 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 21.5 20 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 85 16 N

Water and Sanitation 99.44 22 N Access to Information and Communications 89.87 13 N Personal Freedom and Choice 85.97 11 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 99.7 17 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 102.8 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 91.8 12 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 99.7 27 N Internet users (% of pop.) 78.2 21 W Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 99.0 30 W Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 10.9 13 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.00 1 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 79.6 34 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 74 15 N

Shelter 87.65 11 N Health and Wellness 76.95 13 N Tolerance and Inclusion 85.74 2 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 55.1 34 N Life expectancy (years) 80.9 17 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 85.9 7 S

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 11.1 14 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 77.2 9 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 6.4 14 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 24.5 104 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 1.6 4 S

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 0 1 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 14.9 43 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 10.3 72 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 96.3 1 S

Personal Safety 88.41 14 N Ecosystem Sustainability 40.15 111 W Access to Advanced Education 77.41 6 S

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 1 1 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 292.2 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 1.5 4 S

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 2 20 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 2.9 86 W Women's average years in school 13.2 18 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 2 2 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 18.7 118 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.05 26 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 1 1 N Number of globally ranked universities 9 20 W

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 4.7 7 N

Austria, Netherlands, Sweden, Germany, Denmark, Australia,

Canada, Belgium, Iceland, Saudi Arabia, Finland, United States,

France, United Kingdom, and Switzerland

GDP per capita rank: 8/133

Social Progress Index rank: 12/133

Social Progress Index score: 84.66

Page 61: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 99.21 19 N Access to Basic Knowledge 98.59 14 N Personal Rights 47.78 82 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 97.8 53 W Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 1 1 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 8 1 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 96.7 41 W Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 2 2 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 103.0 1 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 0 95 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 4 17 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 100.3 1 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 0 126 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 31.2 36 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 75 21 N

Water and Sanitation 100.00 1 N Access to Information and Communications 79.88 37 W Personal Freedom and Choice 67.50 44 W

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 122.8 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 68.4 76 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Internet users (% of pop.) 70.8 29 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 31.2 74 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.03 32 W

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 66.6 68 W

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 60 27 N

Shelter 81.42 31 N Health and Wellness 76.83 14 N Tolerance and Inclusion 39.65 108 W

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 35.7 100 W Life expectancy (years) 81.7 8 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 48.2 103 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 9.5 5 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 42.1 39 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 5.9 27 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 25.5 114 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 9.7 130 W

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 0 1 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 32.4 76 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 1 118 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 6.6 51 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 87.0 42 N

Personal Safety 67.20 57 W Ecosystem Sustainability 36.68 121 W Access to Advanced Education 76.47 7 S

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 2 41 W Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 371.6 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 1.4 6 S

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 2 20 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 4.8 127 W Women's average years in school 13.8 7 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 39.3 99 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.08 39 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 4 119 W Number of globally ranked universities 7 20 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 4.7 7 N

Cyprus, Korea, Republic of, New Zealand, Spain, Slovenia, Czech Republic,

Greece, Portugal, Japan, Slovakia, Italy, United Kingdom, Estonia, France,

and Russia

GDP per capita rank: 25/133

Social Progress Index rank: 40/133

Social Progress Index score: 72.60

Page 62: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 99.40 6 N Access to Basic Knowledge 98.27 16 N Personal Rights 79.79 29 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 99.2 1 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 1 1 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 8 1 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 97.2 36 W Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 4 4 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 106.3 1 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 3.6 9 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 97.4 33 W Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 15.5 8 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 65 W Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 55 34 W

Water and Sanitation 99.93 14 N Access to Information and Communications 79.49 38 W Personal Freedom and Choice 63.44 55 W

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 99.7 15 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 158.9 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 61.6 102 W

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Internet users (% of pop.) 58.5 46 W Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 3 55 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) n/a Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 23.8 38 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.00 1 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 64.3 70 W

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 43 52 W

Shelter 83.62 26 N Health and Wellness 76.55 16 N Tolerance and Inclusion 64.21 27 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 46.6 64 N Life expectancy (years) 82.9 2 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 67.6 44 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 9.8 7 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 57.3 25 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 5.9 28 W Obesity rate (% of pop.) 17.2 56 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 4.6 32 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 0 1 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 54.3 110 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 2 80 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 5.4 39 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 89.7 31 N

Personal Safety 70.62 44 W Ecosystem Sustainability 53.70 65 W Access to Advanced Education 59.60 33 W

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 1 1 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 238.8 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.4 62 W

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 3 61 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 3.4 102 W Women's average years in school 12.4 37 W

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 4 94 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 79.8 39 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.12 52 W

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 1.5 23 W Number of globally ranked universities 36 3 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 7.2 20 N

Japan, United Kingdom, France, Spain, New Zealand, Korea,

Republic of, Finland, Iceland, Israel, Belgium, Cyprus, Canada,

Australia, Slovenia, and Czech Republic

GDP per capita rank: 20/133

Social Progress Index rank: 31/133

Social Progress Index score: 77.38

Page 63: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 93.25 72 N Access to Basic Knowledge 90.64 74 N Personal Rights 82.65 23 S

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 7.9 78 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 88.7 84 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 2 38 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 56 78 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) n/a Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 S

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 80 76 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 88.1 86 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 16.6 68 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 91.9 44 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 97.0 80 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.1 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 40 51 S

Water and Sanitation 80.20 74 N Access to Information and Communications 78.98 40 S Personal Freedom and Choice 72.78 31 S

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 70.4 73 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 100.4 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 78.0 45 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 88.8 68 N Internet users (% of pop.) 37.8 79 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 80.2 76 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 10.9 14 S Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.01 12 S

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 82.9 22 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 38 67 N

Shelter 67.80 67 N Health and Wellness 73.45 35 N Tolerance and Inclusion 63.37 31 S

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 43.1 76 N Life expectancy (years) 73.3 71 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 70.1 40 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 92.0 82 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 17.0 49 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 9.7 89 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 4.4 72 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 24.6 105 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 4 20 S

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 15.1 46 S Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 18.4 48 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 1.2 2 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 85.6 50 N

Personal Safety 40.82 118 W Ecosystem Sustainability 48.28 93 N Access to Advanced Education 45.76 70 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 5 113 W Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 494.9 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.5 52 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 5 124 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 5.0 130 W Women's average years in school 11.7 52 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 4 94 W Biodiv.and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 88.0 26 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.11 47 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 3 80 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 11.6 39 S

Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Ukraine, Namibia, Mongolia, Bosnia and

Herzegovina, El Salvador, Paraguay, Angola, Armenia, Ecuador,

Albania, Guatemala, Morocco, and China

GDP per capita rank: 76/133

Social Progress Index rank: 44/133

Social Progress Index score: 69.83

Page 64: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 99.22 17 N Access to Basic Knowledge 99.97 1 S Personal Rights 95.36 5 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 99.0 1 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 1 1 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 8 1 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 99.9 1 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 S

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 6 15 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 101.1 1 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 2.9 4 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 102.5 1 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 33.9 41 W Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 80 17 N

Water and Sanitation 99.55 21 N Access to Information and Communications 86.07 18 N Personal Freedom and Choice 78.91 21 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 98.4 28 W Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 115.2 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 75.5 54 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Internet users (% of pop.) 86.3 10 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 26.0 45 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.01 12 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 69.2 65 W

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 76 13 N

Shelter 91.00 4 S Health and Wellness 75.63 19 N Tolerance and Inclusion 60.31 42 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 73.7 4 S Life expectancy (years) 83.1 1 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 53.3 84 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 9.3 3 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 27.6 55 W

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 6.3 20 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 4.5 16 NDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 4.1 24 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 0 1 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 51.0 104 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 18.1 118 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 91.1 22 N

Personal Safety 90.27 10 N Ecosystem Sustainability 53.46 67 W Access to Advanced Education 68.05 19 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 1 1 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 298.5 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 1.0 15 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 1 1 S Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 3.1 91 W Women's average years in school 13.9 4 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 2 2 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 73.5 47 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.20 69 W

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 1.5 23 W Number of globally ranked universities 38 3 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 5.2 12 N

Italy, United Kingdom, France, Spain, New Zealand, Korea,

Republic of, Israel, Finland, Iceland, Cyprus, Belgium, Canada,

Slovenia, Czech Republic, and Australia

GDP per capita rank: 21/133

Social Progress Index rank: 15/133

Social Progress Index score: 83.15

Page 65: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 96.63 58 N Access to Basic Knowledge 93.62 58 N Personal Rights 27.59 112 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 95.4 66 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 6 101 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 12 52 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 97.1 37 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 0 103 W

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 50 68 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 92.4 72 W Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 0 95 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 18.7 73 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 78.5 63 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 52.5 54 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 60 30 S

Water and Sanitation 92.34 50 N Access to Information and Communications 69.10 72 N Personal Freedom and Choice 61.72 62 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 90.7 46 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 141.8 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 70.9 66 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 90.5 65 N Internet users (% of pop.) 44.2 66 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 98.1 35 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 40.4 107 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.07 55 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 57.4 87 W

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 49 40 S

Shelter 75.55 44 N Health and Wellness 67.09 80 N Tolerance and Inclusion 36.71 113 W

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 20.0 131 W Life expectancy (years) 73.7 67 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 35.2 126 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 99.4 60 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 19.8 78 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) n/a

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 5.4 41 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 34.3 130 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 7.4 92 W

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 3.7 1 S Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 26.8 65 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 2 80 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 2.5 11 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 81.3 74 N

Personal Safety 65.99 61 N Ecosystem Sustainability 29.90 130 W Access to Advanced Education 43.48 74 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 1 1 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 357.7 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.4 58 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 2 20 S Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 4.6 123 W Women's average years in school 11.8 51 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 8.5 126 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.22 73 W

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 3 80 N Number of globally ranked universities 2 54 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 22.9 107 W

Macedonia, Dominican Republic, Colombia, South Africa, Egypt,

Peru, Tunisia, China, Serbia, Albania, Ecuador, Algeria, Costa Rica,

Thailand, and Bosnia and Herzegovina

GDP per capita rank: 65/133

Social Progress Index rank: 74/133

Social Progress Index score: 63.31

Page 66: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 96.99 55 N Access to Basic Knowledge 92.27 65 W Personal Rights 29.25 109 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 99.8 1 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 6 101 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 18 58 W Primary school enrollment (% of children) 85.6 100 W Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 26 51 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 103.0 1 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 0 95 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 16.3 67 W Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 87.0 53 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 55.3 56 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 84 W Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 25 94 W

Water and Sanitation 81.84 68 W Access to Information and Communications 66.02 80 W Personal Freedom and Choice 58.71 72 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 61.0 82 W Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 180.5 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 70.0 71 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 86.0 76 W Internet users (% of pop.) 54.0 52 W Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 1 117 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 97.5 37 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 54.9 123 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.05 44 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 73.3 54 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 29 101 W

Shelter 69.75 60 N Health and Wellness 40.59 133 W Tolerance and Inclusion 43.01 92 W

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 37.1 98 W Life expectancy (years) 69.6 87 W Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 42.1 114 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 33.9 132 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 9.2 92 W

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 4.7 66 W Obesity rate (% of pop.) 24.4 103 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 6.5 75 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 39.4 46 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 63.1 115 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 31.6 132 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 76.2 95 W

Personal Safety 60.11 72 W Ecosystem Sustainability 33.94 124 W Access to Advanced Education 64.02 26 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 3 77 W Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 880.5 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.8 29 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 2 20 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 4.0 117 W Women's average years in school 12.2 41 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 14.1 124 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.06 33 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 3 80 W Number of globally ranked universities 9 20 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 21.9 101 W

Malaysia, Chile, Croatia, Latvia, Poland, Hungary, Lithuania,

Russia, Estonia, Turkey, Uruguay, Romania, Venezuela,

Panama, and Belarus

GDP per capita rank: 38/133

Social Progress Index rank: 83/133

Social Progress Index score: 61.38

Page 67: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 67.13 115 N Access to Basic Knowledge 76.04 101 N Personal Rights 32.16 104 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 24.3 115 W Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 78.0 101 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 4 80 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 156 112 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 81.8 108 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 400 114 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 90.4 80 S Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 0 95 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 70.7 112 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 43.9 99 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 1 117 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 657.5 118 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 0.9 102 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 30 70 N

Water and Sanitation 34.36 118 N Access to Information and Communications 61.59 93 N Personal Freedom and Choice 59.04 71 S

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 20.3 106 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 70.6 108 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 81.6 36 S

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 55.1 116 N Internet users (% of pop.) 39.0 75 S Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 3 55 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 29.6 111 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 30.7 69 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.13 78 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 61.1 81 S

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 25 117 W

Shelter 45.97 103 N Health and Wellness 72.20 42 N Tolerance and Inclusion 37.97 112 W

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 55.7 31 N Life expectancy (years) 61.1 109 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 71.9 36 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 23.0 116 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 18.1 61 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 14.1 76 S

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 3.9 83 S Obesity rate (% of pop.) 4.7 20 NDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 9.3 125 W

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 59.3 81 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 1.8 6 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 1 118 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 10.4 77 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 76.5 93 N

Personal Safety 38.48 121 W Ecosystem Sustainability 62.86 30 S Access to Advanced Education 32.27 86 S

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 5 113 W Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 531.4 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.3 79 S

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 4 105 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.7 42 W Women's average years in school 9.2 78 S

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 4 94 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 68.0 55 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.31 94 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 3.5 109 W Number of globally ranked universities 1 54 S

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 20.9 98 N

Cameroon, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Djibouti, Mauritania,

Lesotho, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Senegal, Nepal, Chad,

Afghanistan, Ghana, Benin, and Tanzania

GDP per capita rank: 109/133

Social Progress Index rank: 104/133

Social Progress Index score: 51.67

Page 68: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness



Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 98.81 36 N Access to Basic Knowledge 98.27 16 N Personal Rights 67.79 45 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 97.9 51 W Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 2 38 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 6 1 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 99.1 9 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 27 54 W Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 100.0 44 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 3.7 12 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 94.7 41 W Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 3 67 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 33.8 40 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 64 W Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 75 21 N

Water and Sanitation 92.54 49 W Access to Information and Communications 85.81 20 N Personal Freedom and Choice 72.04 33 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 93.4 40 W Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 111.0 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 60.3 104 W

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 87.9 71 W Internet users (% of pop.) 84.8 12 S Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 25.7 43 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.00 1 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 81.4 28 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 55 31 N

Shelter 82.24 27 N Health and Wellness 72.97 39 N Tolerance and Inclusion 60.49 40 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 56.2 28 N Life expectancy (years) 81.4 12 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 54.6 83 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 93.3 80 WPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 9.3 2 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 18.0 75 W

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 5.5 36 W Obesity rate (% of pop.) 7.3 35 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 3.1 7 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 0.01 1 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 47.8 101 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 21.8 125 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 78.7 81 W

Personal Safety 82.84 22 N Ecosystem Sustainability 45.34 103 W Access to Advanced Education 73.26 10 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 2 41 W Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 475.8 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 1.5 4 S

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 1 1 S Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 3.5 112 W Women's average years in school 14.6 3 S

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 2 2 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 50.4 88 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.28 85 W

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 1.5 23 N Number of globally ranked universities 24 3 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 14.1 56 W

New Zealand, Spain, Israel, Cyprus, Japan, Slovenia,

Czech Republic, Italy, Greece, United Kingdom,

Portugal, France, Slovakia, Estonia, and Finland

GDP per capita rank: 24/133

Social Progress Index rank: 29/133

Social Progress Index score: 77.70

Page 69: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 97.54 50 W Access to Basic Knowledge 95.36 44 W Personal Rights 35.63 100 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 96.3 62 W Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 5 92 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 17 57 W Primary school enrollment (% of children) 92.1 71 W Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 0 103 W

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 14 38 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 107.3 1 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 9.5 45 W Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 90.8 45 W Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 82.5 73 W Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 45 47 W

Water and Sanitation 99.29 23 N Access to Information and Communications 81.32 33 W Personal Freedom and Choice 63.28 57 W

Access to piped water (% of pop.) n/a Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 190.3 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 74.7 55 W

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 99.0 32 W Internet users (% of pop.) 75.5 23 W Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 30.7 70 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.05 44 W

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 61.8 79 W

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 44 50 W

Shelter 68.74 64 W Health and Wellness 69.48 65 W Tolerance and Inclusion 53.20 62 W

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 30.7 114 W Life expectancy (years) 74.4 58 W Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 69.2 41 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 94.1 77 WPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 11.8 18 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) n/a

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 5.0 53 W Obesity rate (% of pop.) 42.8 133 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 4.9 38 W

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 10.4 46 W Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 30.2 69 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 2 80 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 2.2 6 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 85.9 47 W

Personal Safety 79.53 26 W Ecosystem Sustainability 49.67 82 W Access to Advanced Education 37.28 79 W

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 2 41 W Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 759.3 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.3 77 W

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 1 1 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 5.0 128 W Women's average years in school 9.2 78 W

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 2 2 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 92.9 19 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) n/a

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 2 39 W Number of globally ranked universities 1 54 W

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 16.5 68 W

Norway, United Arab Emirates, Switzerland, United States,

Saudi Arabia, Netherlands, Ireland, Austria, Sweden, Germany,

Denmark, Australia, Canada, Belgium, and Iceland

GDP per capita rank: 1/133

Social Progress Index rank: 47/133

Social Progress Index score: 69.19

Page 70: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 94.15 70 S Access to Basic Knowledge 92.14 66 S Personal Rights 39.61 94 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 6.0 74 S Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 99.5 1 S Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 5 92 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 41 73 S Primary school enrollment (% of children) 90.5 83 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 75 75 S Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 93.1 69 S Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 24.2 80 S Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 78.1 64 S Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 65.8 62 S Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 60 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 20 104 W

Water and Sanitation 76.34 80 S Access to Information and Communications 67.11 76 S Personal Freedom and Choice 55.74 87 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 54.0 85 S Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 121.4 1 S Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 66.5 79 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 82.3 82 S Internet users (% of pop.) 23.4 87 S Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 91.8 55 S Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 31.2 75 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.08 62 S

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 63.9 71 S

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 27 109 N

Shelter 51.28 96 N Health and Wellness 54.68 122 W Tolerance and Inclusion 41.09 103 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 46.8 63 N Life expectancy (years) 70.0 86 S Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 49.2 99 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 SPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 28.5 125 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 5.0 110 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 2.9 99 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 17.2 56 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 8.2 109 W

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 123.8 110 W Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 53.7 109 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 2 80 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 16.0 110 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 89.3 34 S

Personal Safety 49.71 102 N Ecosystem Sustainability 30.70 129 W Access to Advanced Education 50.36 54 S

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 4 89 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 634.6 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.6 43 S

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 4 105 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 4.8 126 W Women's average years in school 12.3 39 S

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 15.8 121 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.07 37 S

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 3 80 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 19.2 87 N

Mauritania, Djibouti, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Cameroon, Kenya,

Lesotho, Ghana, Tajikistan, Zambia, Senegal, Nepal, Chad,

Yemen, and Afghanistan

GDP per capita rank: 103/133

Social Progress Index rank: 93/133

Social Progress Index score: 58.58

Page 71: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 74.73 104 N Access to Basic Knowledge 72.24 106 N Personal Rights 13.72 127 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 21.8 111 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 79.9 96 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 7 125 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 154 110 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 95.9 46 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 0 103 W

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 220 102 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 58.1 112 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 0 95 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 71.4 114 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 31.6 114 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 328.7 100 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 0.9 109 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 15 118 W

Water and Sanitation 51.44 103 N Access to Information and Communications 37.04 128 W Personal Freedom and Choice 56.83 81 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 24.9 99 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 66.2 116 W Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 86.9 26 S

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 64.9 109 N Internet users (% of pop.) 12.5 106 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 64.6 90 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 71.2 131 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.20 99 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 63.9 71 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 25 117 W

Shelter 47.23 100 N Health and Wellness 65.05 90 N Tolerance and Inclusion 52.88 63 S

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 43.8 71 N Life expectancy (years) 67.8 93 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 62.6 58 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 66.0 98 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 24.2 114 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 40.7 41 S

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 5.0 54 S Obesity rate (% of pop.) 3 10 NDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 6 58 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 159.9 130 W Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 39.7 91 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 11.4 86 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 69.1 111 W

Personal Safety 68.32 53 S Ecosystem Sustainability 72.49 4 S Access to Advanced Education 16.94 115 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 2 41 S Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 797.8 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.2 85 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 2 20 S Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.0 7 N Women's average years in school 4.3 114 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 93.9 14 S Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.34 98 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 2 39 S Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 20.4 95 N

Nicaragua, Pakistan, Moldova, Honduras, Yemen, Uzbekistan,

Zambia, India, Ghana, Nigeria, Bolivia, Congo, Republic of,

Kyrgyzstan, Mauritania, and Djibouti

GDP per capita rank: 98/133

Social Progress Index rank: 102/133

Social Progress Index score: 52.41

Page 72: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 98.67 38 N Access to Basic Knowledge 97.54 27 N Personal Rights 67.12 46 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 99.9 1 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 2 38 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 8 1 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 97.7 30 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 13 36 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 99.2 49 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 8.4 42 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 96.5 35 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 26.0 28 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 85 W Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 50 39 N

Water and Sanitation 86.11 59 W Access to Information and Communications 85.04 22 S Personal Freedom and Choice 68.02 41 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 81.7 61 W Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 136.6 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 59.5 107 W

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 95.8 48 N Internet users (% of pop.) 75.2 24 S Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 3 55 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 78.6 79 W Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 21.1 30 S Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.01 12 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 74.6 47 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 55 31 N

Shelter 75.53 45 N Health and Wellness 57.18 116 W Tolerance and Inclusion 51.27 69 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 46.9 62 N Life expectancy (years) 73.8 64 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 41.4 118 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 24.1 112 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 19.8 66 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 5.5 39 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 22 89 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 5.8 55 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 14.8 46 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 50.9 103 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 18.1 117 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 79.6 79 W

Personal Safety 75.07 37 N Ecosystem Sustainability 71.29 8 S Access to Advanced Education 56.58 41 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 2 41 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 289.1 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.6 43 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 2 20 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.4 29 N Women's average years in school 13 24 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 95.2 11 S Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.04 17 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 1.5 23 N Number of globally ranked universities 1 54 W

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 10.8 34 N

Croatia, Chile, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Poland, Turkey, Uruguay,

Hungary, Romania, Lithuania, Russia, Venezuela, Panama,

Belarus, and Lebanon

GDP per capita rank: 41/133

Social Progress Index rank: 33/133

Social Progress Index score: 74.12

Page 73: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 97.52 51 N Access to Basic Knowledge 88.50 82 W Personal Rights 39.61 94 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 93.9 76 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 5 92 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 35 69 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 93.2 66 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 16 41 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 86.3 91 W Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 9.1 44 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 62.6 87 W Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 30.5 34 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 20 104 W

Water and Sanitation 98.88 26 S Access to Information and Communications 72.96 56 N Personal Freedom and Choice 56.43 82 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 98.0 29 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 80.6 100 W Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 65.0 90 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Internet users (% of pop.) 70.5 30 S Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 3 55 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 98.3 33 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 31.9 81 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.03 32 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 52.8 96 W

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 27 109 W

Shelter 57.71 87 W Health and Wellness 73.69 33 N Tolerance and Inclusion 32.86 120 W

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 27.5 123 W Life expectancy (years) 79.8 25 S Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 52.7 85 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 99.9 51 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 12.4 28 S Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 11.9 81 W

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 1.4 122 W Obesity rate (% of pop.) 28.2 119 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 8.9 121 W

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 0.98 1 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 42.7 95 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 1 118 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 2.1 5 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 74.7 102 W

Personal Safety 48.66 106 W Ecosystem Sustainability 28.41 132 W Access to Advanced Education 46.97 66 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 2 41 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 305.9 4 N Years of tertiary schooling n/a

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 3 61 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 4.5 122 W Women's average years in school 10.9 61 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 5 123 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 1.7 131 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.24 77 W

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 3 80 N Number of globally ranked universities 3 40 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 22.3 104 W

Belarus, Panama, Azerbaijan, Mexico, Mauritius, Venezuela,

Iran, Romania, Bulgaria, Uruguay, Turkey, Brazil, Botswana,

Montenegro, and Iraq

GDP per capita rank: 48/133

Social Progress Index rank: 80/133

Social Progress Index score: 61.85

Page 74: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 64.80 122 W Access to Basic Knowledge 73.12 104 N Personal Rights 61.95 57 S

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 11.5 91 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 79.4 98 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 2 38 S

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 78 89 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 81.6 109 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 0 103 W

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 490 124 W Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 62.4 108 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 S

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 98 126 W Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 39.2 106 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 1110.5 132 W Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.4 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 35 66 N

Water and Sanitation 44.79 107 N Access to Information and Communications 58.67 99 N Personal Freedom and Choice 62.65 60 S

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 21.5 102 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 86.3 97 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 61.8 100 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 76.7 90 S Internet users (% of pop.) 5.0 120 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 29.6 111 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 28.4 57 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.15 86 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 69.6 64 S

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 49 40 S

Shelter 34.19 120 N Health and Wellness 60.61 108 W Tolerance and Inclusion 55.34 55 S

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 37.5 97 N Life expectancy (years) 48.8 132 W Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 44.5 111 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 17.0 121 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 23.9 108 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 18.2 72 S

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 3.7 84 S Obesity rate (% of pop.) 16.9 54 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 4.7 34 S

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 121.2 110 W Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 4.7 20 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 S

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 7.6 57 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 82.3 69 N

Personal Safety 50.71 100 N Ecosystem Sustainability 30.90 128 W Access to Advanced Education 29.46 90 S

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 5 113 W Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 569.5 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.1 105 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 3 61 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 4.0 115 W Women's average years in school 9.8 74 S

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 1.3 132 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.24 78 S

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 2 39 S Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 28.4 122 W

Tajikistan, Senegal, Kenya, Nepal, Cameroon, Bangladesh,

Chad, Cambodia, Djibouti, Mauritania, Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan,

Benin, Tanzania, and Mali

GDP per capita rank: 110/133

Social Progress Index rank: 103/133

Social Progress Index score: 52.27

Page 75: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 59.78 128 W Access to Basic Knowledge 43.79 127 N Personal Rights 60.84 60 S

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 29.6 123 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 47.6 124 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 3 60 S

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 220 124 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 40.6 123 W Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 640 130 W Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 49.4 117 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 S

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 71.1 113 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 40.3 104 S Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 3 67 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 609.1 113 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 0.8 116 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 25 94 N

Water and Sanitation 29.32 123 N Access to Information and Communications 48.61 115 N Personal Freedom and Choice 48.10 112 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 3.6 129 W Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 59.5 120 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 56.0 117 W

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 63.0 112 N Internet users (% of pop.) 4.6 122 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 16.8 122 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 30.7 68 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.20 99 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 35.8 112 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 37 75 N

Shelter 22.20 130 W Health and Wellness 72.03 44 S Tolerance and Inclusion 43.01 92 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 21.6 129 W Life expectancy (years) 60.2 113 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 55.4 80 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 4.1 132 WPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob.of

dying) 21.2 90 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 3.6 117 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 2.6 106 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 5.5 28 NDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 6.5 75 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 110.2 110 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 7.0 28 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 3.1 22 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 69.2 110 N

Personal Safety 53.29 91 N Ecosystem Sustainability 48.49 91 N Access to Advanced Education 9.26 120 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 4 89 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 574.5 4 S Years of tertiary schooling 0.2 85 S

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 3 61 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.3 23 N Women's average years in school 3.1 120 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 4 94 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 4.1 128 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.46 123 W

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 2 39 S Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 19 86 N

Malawi, Central African Republic, Niger, Mozambique, Guinea,

Ethiopia, Togo, Uganda, Rwanda, Madagascar, Burkina Faso,

Mali, Tanzania, Benin, and Afghanistan

GDP per capita rank: 129/133

Social Progress Index rank: 123/133

Social Progress Index score: 44.89

Page 76: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 99.05 28 N Access to Basic Knowledge 97.22 30 N Personal Rights 72.87 36 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 99.8 1 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 1 1 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 8 1 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 95.8 47 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 11 33 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 103.6 1 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 4.9 27 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 111.6 1 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 25.5 26 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 90 W Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 60 30 N

Water and Sanitation 90.69 53 N Access to Information and Communications 83.96 27 N Personal Freedom and Choice 63.32 56 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 91.7 43 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 151.3 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 44.4 128 W

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 88.9 67 W Internet users (% of pop.) 68.5 31 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 3 55 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 94.3 47 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 19.2 26 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.00 1 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 68.6 66 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 58 29 N

Shelter 73.53 51 N Health and Wellness 51.38 125 W Tolerance and Inclusion 52.29 66 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 34.6 102 W Life expectancy (years) 73.9 63 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 38.8 122 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 22.4 98 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 19.7 67 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 5.6 33 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 24.7 108 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 4 20 S

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 16.7 46 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 53.1 107 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 31.2 131 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 82.6 68 N

Personal Safety 71.75 42 N Ecosystem Sustainability 66.60 22 N Access to Advanced Education 65.39 23 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 3 77 W Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 317.1 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 1.0 16 S

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 2 20 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 1.2 53 W Women's average years in school 13.2 18 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 91.8 20 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.06 34 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 1.5 23 N Number of globally ranked universities 4 40 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 11.1 35 N

Russia, Hungary, Poland, Estonia, Malaysia, Kazakhstan,

Chile, Croatia, Latvia, Slovakia, Portugal, Greece, Turkey,

Uruguay, and Romania

GDP per capita rank: 34/133

Social Progress Index rank: 35/133

Social Progress Index score: 74.00

Page 77: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 99.05 28 S Access to Basic Knowledge 89.53 79 W Personal Rights 64.85 49 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 97.8 52 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 4 80 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 8 1 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 86.5 94 W Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 7 20 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 89.5 83 W Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 6.6 35 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 77.2 66 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 16.9 10 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 62 W Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 35 66 N

Water and Sanitation 93.78 45 S Access to Information and Communications 75.24 48 N Personal Freedom and Choice 52.05 97 W

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 89.5 48 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 106.2 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 61.9 99 W

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 98.8 37 N Internet users (% of pop.) 61.2 40 S Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 3 55 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 91.4 56 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 36.4 93 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.07 55 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 23.6 127 W

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 45 48 N

Shelter 68.07 66 N Health and Wellness 59.78 109 W Tolerance and Inclusion 46.90 82 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 52.1 45 N Life expectancy (years) 75.0 49 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 61.8 59 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 99.0 65 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 22.1 96 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 8.9 93 W

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 4.9 56 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 20.3 75 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 7.3 88 W

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 73.3 81 W Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 80.6 125 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 6.5 50 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 78.1 86 N

Personal Safety 73.22 39 N Ecosystem Sustainability 43.62 106 W Access to Advanced Education 47.42 64 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 1 1 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 522.3 4 N Years of tertiary schooling n/a

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 3 61 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 2.6 83 W Women's average years in school 11.6 54 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 27.5 113 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.11 46 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 2 39 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 7.9 25 S

Jordan, Dominican Republic, Colombia, South Africa, Egypt,

Peru, Tunisia, China, Serbia, Albania, Ecuador, Algeria, Costa

Rica, Thailand, and Bosnia and Herzegovina

GDP per capita rank: 66/133

Social Progress Index rank: 53/133

Social Progress Index score: 67.79

Page 78: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 66.66 119 N Access to Basic Knowledge 63.14 113 S Personal Rights 45.88 83 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 30.5 124 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 64.7 114 S Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 4 80 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 208 122 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) n/a Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 440 120 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 50.6 116 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 0 95 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 56 107 S Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 19.3 122 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 3 67 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 429.9 104 S Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 91 S Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 45 47 S

Water and Sanitation 16.35 133 W Access to Information and Communications 40.57 125 W Personal Freedom and Choice 39.92 122 W

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 6.6 123 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 36.1 126 W Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 52.5 120 W

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 35.4 130 W Internet users (% of pop.) 2.2 129 W Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 3 55 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 13.9 126 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 29.4 62 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.40 124 W

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 55.1 92 S

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 28 107 N

Shelter 29.35 126 N Health and Wellness 70.93 55 S Tolerance and Inclusion 45.02 87 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 50.8 50 N Life expectancy (years) 64.2 101 S Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 52.1 90 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 14.3 126 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 23.4 105 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 5.6 102 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 2.3 112 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 1.7 4 SDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 4.9 38 S

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 149.9 110 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 3.3 12 S Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 10.1 70 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 65.5 115 N

Personal Safety 55.37 86 N Ecosystem Sustainability 39.49 113 W Access to Advanced Education 21.35 105 S

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 3 77 S Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 1640.0 113 N Years of tertiary schooling n/a

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 3 61 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 1.2 56 W Women's average years in school 5.7 103 S

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 37.1 101 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.30 91 S

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 3.5 109 W Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 18.4 79 N

Rwanda, Uganda, Togo, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Guinea, Mali, Tanzania,

Benin, Mozambique, Afghanistan, Niger, Central African Republic, Chad,

and Liberia

GDP per capita rank: 120/133

Social Progress Index rank: 124/133

Social Progress Index score: 44.50

Page 79: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 65.36 121 N Access to Basic Knowledge 64.90 112 S Personal Rights 61.36 58 S

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 21.8 111 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 65.8 113 S Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 3 60 S

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 148 109 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 96.9 39 S Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 510 125 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 42.3 122 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 67.9 110 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 16.9 125 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 777.6 126 W Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 0.9 103 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 40 51 S

Water and Sanitation 37.82 112 S Access to Information and Communications 40.58 124 W Personal Freedom and Choice 57.94 74 S

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 7.7 121 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 32.3 128 W Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 78.4 44 S

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 83.2 81 S Internet users (% of pop.) 5.4 118 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 10.3 130 W Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 28.3 56 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.26 113 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 63.9 71 S

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 33 89 N

Shelter 29.69 125 N Health and Wellness 66.16 84 N Tolerance and Inclusion 35.58 115 W

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 43.2 75 N Life expectancy (years) 54.7 123 W Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 44.0 112 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 8.7 131 WPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 18.7 66 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 3.7 116 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 2.9 97 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 4.5 16 NDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 5.7 53 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 140.3 110 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 2.1 7 S Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 17.3 113 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 51.2 129 W

Personal Safety 52.81 94 N Ecosystem Sustainability 57.60 49 N Access to Advanced Education 17.60 113 S

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 5 113 W Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 1536.6 113 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.0 115 W

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 3 61 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.1 14 N Women's average years in school 5.1 108 S

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 87.8 27 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.30 92 S

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 2.5 62 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 19.5 89 N

Liberia, Central African Republic, Niger, Mozambique,

Guinea, Ethiopia, Togo, Uganda, Rwanda, Madagascar,

Burkina Faso, Mali, Tanzania, Benin, and Afghanistan

GDP per capita rank: 130/133

Social Progress Index rank: 111/133

Social Progress Index score: 48.95

Page 80: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 96.77 57 N Access to Basic Knowledge 88.29 83 W Personal Rights 33.31 103 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 94.6 71 W Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 4 80 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 23 60 W Primary school enrollment (% of children) 97.0 38 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 0 103 W

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 29 56 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 91.9 75 W Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 0 95 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 8.5 43 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 49.4 95 W Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 117.4 83 W Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 82 W Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 55 34 N

Water and Sanitation 97.06 32 N Access to Information and Communications 74.31 51 W Personal Freedom and Choice 63.19 58 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 96.9 32 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 144.7 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 78.5 43 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 98.5 40 N Internet users (% of pop.) 67.0 33 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 1 117 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 95.7 42 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 42.7 112 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.06 53 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 57 88 W

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 52 36 N

Shelter 83.78 24 S Health and Wellness 73.95 29 N Tolerance and Inclusion 39.02 110 W

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 52.6 43 N Life expectancy (years) 74.8 51 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 28.1 130 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 99.3 61 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 19.6 77 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 10.3 88 W

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 5.7 31 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 14.1 45 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 6.2 65 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 3.7 1 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 21.0 53 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 2 80 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 3.9 31 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 82.9 63 N

Personal Safety 66.93 59 N Ecosystem Sustainability 62.91 29 N Access to Advanced Education 55.11 42 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 2 41 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 486.7 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.5 56 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 2.5 56 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 2.1 77 W Women's average years in school 11.6 54 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 2 2 S Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 93.4 16 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) n/a

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 2.5 62 N Number of globally ranked universities 7 20 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 25 116 W

Kazakhstan, Poland, Chile, Hungary, Lithuania, Russia,

Croatia, Latvia, Estonia, Turkey, Uruguay, Romania,

Slovakia, Venezuela, and Panama

GDP per capita rank: 37/133

Social Progress Index rank: 46/133

Social Progress Index score: 69.55

Page 81: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 71.91 108 N Access to Basic Knowledge 48.20 126 N Personal Rights 60.78 61 S

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 S Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 38.7 126 W Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 5 92 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 23 60 S Primary school enrollment (% of children) 68.7 116 W Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 S

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 550 126 W Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 59.5 110 S Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 122.7 130 W Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 27.3 118 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 588.3 112 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 0.7 121 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 25 94 W

Water and Sanitation 29.69 122 N Access to Information and Communications 59.45 98 S Personal Freedom and Choice 35.61 128 W

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 13.9 112 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 129.1 1 S Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 66.3 80 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 54.2 118 N Internet users (% of pop.) 2.3 127 W Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 21.9 117 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 36.3 92 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.53 129 W

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 26.9 123 W

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 32 93 N

Shelter 34.08 121 N Health and Wellness 63.69 94 W Tolerance and Inclusion 49.43 75 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 42.4 81 N Life expectancy (years) 54.6 124 W Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 86.3 5 S

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 16.6 122 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 25.6 118 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 2.4 121 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 3.5 88 S Obesity rate (% of pop.) 4.8 23 NDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 7.5 95 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 109.0 110 W Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 28.8 68 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 2 80 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 2.8 17 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 82.0 70 N

Personal Safety 58.22 74 N Ecosystem Sustainability 38.45 117 W Access to Advanced Education 8.57 124 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 3 77 S Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 1106.9 113 W Years of tertiary schooling 0.1 105 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 3 61 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.2 21 N Women's average years in school 1.3 130 W

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 2 2 S Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 14.3 123 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.37 103 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 3.5 109 W Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 23.1 108 W

Tanzania, Benin, Burkina Faso, Afghanistan, Madagascar,

Rwanda, Uganda, Togo, Chad, Ethiopia, Guinea, Nepal,

Senegal, Mozambique, and Tajikistan

GDP per capita rank: 118/133

Social Progress Index rank: 118/133

Social Progress Index score: 46.51

Page 82: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 77.14 100 N Access to Basic Knowledge 49.08 124 W Personal Rights 27.56 113 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 6.5 76 S Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 52.1 122 W Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 6 101 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 41 73 S Primary school enrollment (% of children) 69.6 115 W Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 0 103 W

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 320 108 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 32.0 130 W Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 90.1 122 W Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 19.3 123 W Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 619.1 115 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 0.8 114 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 25 94 W

Water and Sanitation 30.76 121 N Access to Information and Communications 64.34 86 N Personal Freedom and Choice 38.73 124 W

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 23.1 101 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 102.5 1 S Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 60.0 105 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 47.7 122 W Internet users (% of pop.) 6.2 115 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 26.7 115 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 26.5 46 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.28 116 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 27.1 122 W

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 30 99 N

Shelter 36.18 117 N Health and Wellness 68.67 67 N Tolerance and Inclusion 48.03 78 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 28.0 122 W Life expectancy (years) 61.4 107 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 59.9 66 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 18.2 120 WPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 15.8 41 S Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 4.8 113 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 3.3 91 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 14 44 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 7.2 87 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 68.8 81 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 37.2 84 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 S

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 2.7 15 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 73.9 105 N

Personal Safety 46.83 110 W Ecosystem Sustainability 54.23 62 N Access to Advanced Education 8.61 123 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 4 89 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 873.8 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.1 99 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 3 61 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.6 38 N Women's average years in school 3.4 119 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 4 94 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 32.6 105 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.46 121 W

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 2.5 62 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 28 121 W

Djibouti, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Kyrgyzstan, Cameroon,

Kenya, Lesotho, Tajikistan, Senegal, Nepal, Ghana, Chad,

Zambia, Afghanistan, and Benin

GDP per capita rank: 104/133

Social Progress Index rank: 121/133

Social Progress Index score: 45.85

Page 83: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 95.71 66 N Access to Basic Knowledge 95.77 41 N Personal Rights 72.34 37 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 90.6 83 W Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 1 1 S

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 36 70 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 97.8 29 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 0 103 W

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 73 74 W Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 105.0 1 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 14.3 58 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 89.2 50 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 61.8 60 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 65 29 S

Water and Sanitation 96.87 34 N Access to Information and Communications 72.70 59 N Personal Freedom and Choice 70.80 37 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 99.8 14 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 123.2 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 83.5 32 S

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 99.7 26 N Internet users (% of pop.) 39.0 75 W Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 90.8 60 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 27.7 54 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.10 70 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 63.5 75 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 54 33 S

Shelter 82.17 29 S Health and Wellness 70.65 56 N Tolerance and Inclusion 63.81 29 S

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 49.7 52 N Life expectancy (years) 73.6 69 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 78.6 18 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 24.0 109 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 24.2 60 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 5.5 37 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 18.2 64 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 3.5 10 S

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 3.5 1 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 5.6 21 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 6.7 52 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 79.9 78 N

Personal Safety 77.33 32 N Ecosystem Sustainability 49.23 85 W Access to Advanced Education 36.57 83 W

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 2 41 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 342.2 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.2 88 W

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 2 20 S Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources n/a Women's average years in school 10.2 70 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 2 2 S Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 43.7 92 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.13 55 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 2 39 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 W

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 12.2 44 N

Mexico, Azerbaijan, Iran, Lebanon, Belarus, Bulgaria,

Panama, Venezuela, Romania, Brazil, Botswana, Uruguay,

Turkey, Montenegro, and Iraq

GDP per capita rank: 51/133

Social Progress Index rank: 36/133

Social Progress Index score: 73.66

Page 84: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 96.27 62 N Access to Basic Knowledge 92.46 64 N Personal Rights 71.76 38 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 95.1 67 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 3 60 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 32 66 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 96.3 44 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 49 67 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 108.6 1 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 14.5 59 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 62.1 88 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 57.0 58 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.1 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 50 39 N

Water and Sanitation 88.47 56 N Access to Information and Communications 62.30 91 N Personal Freedom and Choice 63.08 59 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 90.9 45 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 85.8 98 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 75.8 52 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 90.8 62 N Internet users (% of pop.) 43.5 68 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 3 55 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 85.3 67 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 45.0 115 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.17 90 W

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 80.8 30 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 35 82 N

Shelter 71.48 55 N Health and Wellness 72.02 45 N Tolerance and Inclusion 54.10 59 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 48.5 59 N Life expectancy (years) 77.1 34 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 58.0 68 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 99.2 63 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 15.7 40 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 60.4 24 S

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 4.6 68 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 32.8 127 NDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 6.1 61 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 16.1 46 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 18.1 47 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 2 80 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 4.5 35 Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 76.7 91 W

Personal Safety 35.03 124 W Ecosystem Sustainability 48.50 90 W Access to Advanced Education 54.57 44 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 5 113 W Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 371.9 4 W Years of tertiary schooling 0.6 41 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 5 124 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 3.5 110 W Women's average years in school 10.1 71 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 4 94 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 62.3 72 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.21 70 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 4 119 W Number of globally ranked universities 13 3 S

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 14.7 60 N

Mauritius, Azerbaijan, Iran, Lebanon, Belarus, Bulgaria,

Panama, Venezuela, Romania, Brazil, Botswana, Uruguay,

Turkey, Montenegro, and Iraq

GDP per capita rank: 50/133

Social Progress Index rank: 54/133

Social Progress Index score: 67.50

Page 85: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 97.65 48 S Access to Basic Knowledge 91.94 69 S Personal Rights 48.16 80 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 S Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 99.4 1 S Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 3 60 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 8 1 S Primary school enrollment (% of children) 87.9 91 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 21 45 S Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 87.5 87 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 0 95 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 15.4 63 S Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 89.6 48 S Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 3 67 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 44.5 50 S Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 40 51 S

Water and Sanitation 80.36 73 S Access to Information and Communications 76.26 47 S Personal Freedom and Choice 53.34 95 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 55.1 84 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 106.0 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 56.1 115 W

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 93.7 54 S Internet users (% of pop.) 48.8 60 S Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 86.7 66 S Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 25.4 42 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.11 72 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 62.4 77 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 35 82 N

Shelter 66.49 74 S Health and Wellness 47.27 129 W Tolerance and Inclusion 41.65 102 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 29.4 118 W Life expectancy (years) 68.7 89 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 47.0 107 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 98.6 69 SPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 26.5 121 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 8.0 96 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 4.4 71 S Obesity rate (% of pop.) 20.4 76 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 6.2 65 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 38.5 46 S Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 90.1 128 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 2 80 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 19.0 121 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 77.6 88 N

Personal Safety 66.09 60 S Ecosystem Sustainability 43.92 105 N Access to Advanced Education 51.01 53 S

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 3 77 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 827.6 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.6 46 S

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 2 20 S Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 1.5 63 W Women's average years in school 12.8 29 S

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 7.5 127 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.06 34 S

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 2.5 62 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 13.9 55 S

Laos, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Honduras, Yemen, Uzbekistan,

Zambia, Ghana, India, Nigeria, Kyrgyzstan, Bolivia,

Mauritania, Djibouti, and Congo, Republic of

GDP per capita rank: 99/133

Social Progress Index rank: 70/133

Social Progress Index score: 63.68

Page 86: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 82.99 93 N Access to Basic Knowledge 97.66 25 S Personal Rights 73.99 35 S

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 22.4 113 W Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 98.4 46 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 1 1 S

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 173 116 W Primary school enrollment (% of children) 97.3 34 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 68 70 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 93.5 68 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 31.8 87 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 121.6 1 S Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 82.8 74 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 30 70 N

Water and Sanitation 46.66 106 W Access to Information and Communications 65.95 82 N Personal Freedom and Choice 64.48 51 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 23.6 100 W Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 124.2 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 67.9 77 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 61.2 113 W Internet users (% of pop.) 17.7 95 W Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 3 55 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 56.2 98 W Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 30.3 67 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.04 38 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 71.7 55 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 39 62 N

Shelter 34.42 119 W Health and Wellness 58.42 113 W Tolerance and Inclusion 55.93 53 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 21.7 128 W Life expectancy (years) 67.3 94 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 31.5 129 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 86.2 86 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 32.0 131 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 8.2 95 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 3.6 87 W Obesity rate (% of pop.) 16.4 50 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 4 20 S

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 222.3 132 W Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 22.2 56 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 S

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 12.2 94 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 94.1 9 S

Personal Safety 69.38 46 S Ecosystem Sustainability 35.92 123 W Access to Advanced Education 52.43 49 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 3 77 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 1415.8 113 W Years of tertiary schooling 0.9 22 S

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 3 61 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 4.0 118 W Women's average years in school 10.3 68 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 2 2 S Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 73.3 48 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.05 25 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 1.5 23 S Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 17.8 75 N

Ukraine, El Salvador, Paraguay, Angola, Sri Lanka, Jamaica,

Indonesia, Armenia, Guatemala, Namibia, Morocco, Georgia,

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Swaziland, and Guyana

GDP per capita rank: 79/133

Social Progress Index rank: 81/133

Social Progress Index score: 61.52

Page 87: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 99.15 25 N Access to Basic Knowledge 96.41 35 N Personal Rights 61.36 58 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 98.7 42 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 3 60 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 8 1 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 98.4 22 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 7 20 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 92.8 70 W Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 5.3 31 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 89.2 51 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 18.7 14 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 40 51 N

Water and Sanitation 92.02 51 N Access to Information and Communications 74.70 50 N Personal Freedom and Choice 47.52 114 W

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 90.6 47 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 159.9 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 48.8 124 W

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 95.3 49 N Internet users (% of pop.) 56.8 48 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 3 55 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 90.0 63 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 34.8 86 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) n/a

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 39 111 W

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 42 59 N

Shelter 67.58 70 N Health and Wellness 56.86 117 W Tolerance and Inclusion 51.44 68 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 36.0 99 W Life expectancy (years) 74.6 52 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 71.3 38 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 22.2 97 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 20.0 65 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 4.3 74 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 21.8 86 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 7 83 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 47.1 46 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 61.9 114 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 2 80 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 18.6 120 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 86.3 44 N

Personal Safety 68.80 51 N Ecosystem Sustainability 60.40 42 N Access to Advanced Education 51.84 52 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 2 41 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 403.7 4 N Years of tertiary schooling n/a

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 3 61 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.3 26 N Women's average years in school 11.9 47 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 51.6 87 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.03 9 S

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 1.5 23 S Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 W

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 15 61 N

Iraq, Botswana, Brazil, Thailand, Costa Rica, Algeria, Serbia,

Bulgaria, Iran, South Africa, Mauritius, Mexico, Azerbaijan,

Colombia, and Dominican Republic

GDP per capita rank: 56/133

Social Progress Index rank: 48/133

Social Progress Index score: 69.01

Page 88: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 92.65 75 N Access to Basic Knowledge 77.98 98 N Personal Rights 41.29 90 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 68.5 111 W Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 5 92 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 34 68 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 97.5 33 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 120 87 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 84.0 93 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 0 95 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 30.4 85 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 54.4 93 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 3 67 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 131.5 87 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 0.9 111 W Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 40 51 S

Water and Sanitation 64.30 92 N Access to Information and Communications 72.54 61 N Personal Freedom and Choice 53.75 93 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 61.0 83 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 128.5 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 51.0 121 W

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 63.6 111 W Internet users (% of pop.) 56.0 49 S Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 1 117 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 75.4 81 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 39.7 104 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.11 72 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 74.2 50 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 39 62 N

Shelter 80.44 34 S Health and Wellness 68.72 66 N Tolerance and Inclusion 38.68 111 W

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 43.7 72 N Life expectancy (years) 70.6 81 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 52.1 89 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 98.9 68 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 22.8 100 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 7.2 99 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 5.4 40 S Obesity rate (% of pop.) 17.3 58 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 6.8 80 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 6.4 1 S Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 24.9 62 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 3.6 29 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 59.4 125 W

Personal Safety 69.17 49 S Ecosystem Sustainability 37.30 118 W Access to Advanced Education 17.85 111 W

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 1 1 S Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 405.2 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.3 72 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 3 61 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 4.2 119 W Women's average years in school 4.5 111 W

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 2 2 S Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 31.2 107 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.46 120 W

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 3 80 N Number of globally ranked universities 1 54 S

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 18 76 N

Guatemala, Georgia, Swaziland, Armenia, Angola, Paraguay, El Salvador,

Guyana, Philippines, Mongolia, Congo, Republic of, Bolivia, Nigeria,

Ukraine, and Sri Lanka

GDP per capita rank: 85/133

Social Progress Index rank: 91/133

Social Progress Index score: 59.56

Page 89: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 57.23 130 W Access to Basic Knowledge 57.11 117 N Personal Rights 45.36 85 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 27.9 122 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 58.8 119 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 4 80 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 204 121 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 86.2 97 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 480 123 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 34.2 128 W Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 87.2 120 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 12.4 128 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 2 92 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 998.1 130 W Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 0.9 105 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 30 70 N

Water and Sanitation 18.93 130 W Access to Information and Communications 45.49 120 N Personal Freedom and Choice 39.21 123 W

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 8.4 118 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 48.0 123 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 63.9 94 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 35.0 131 W Internet users (% of pop.) 5.4 118 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 21.0 119 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 29.3 61 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.45 126 W

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 34 115 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 31 96 N

Shelter 38.66 110 S Health and Wellness 63.32 96 W Tolerance and Inclusion 62.14 33 S

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 46.4 65 N Life expectancy (years) 49.8 129 W Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 77.2 20 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 15.0 123 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 17.3 53 S Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 38.4 42 S

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 3.1 93 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 5.4 26 NDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 5.4 48 S

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 79.0 81 S Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 1.3 3 S Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 20.9 124 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 81.6 72 N

Personal Safety 57.70 77 N Ecosystem Sustainability 48.05 96 N Access to Advanced Education 19.02 108 S

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 2 41 S Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 1166.8 113 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.0 114 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 2.5 56 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.8 43 W Women's average years in school 2.8 122 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 4 94 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 63.2 70 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.18 67 S

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 3 80 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 18.5 80 N

Niger, Central African Republic, Guinea, Ethiopia, Liberia,

Malawi, Togo, Uganda, Rwanda, Madagascar, Burkina Faso,

Mali, Tanzania, Benin, and Afghanistan

GDP per capita rank: 126/133

Social Progress Index rank: 120/133

Social Progress Index score: 46.02

Page 90: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 68.20 112 W Access to Basic Knowledge 79.31 95 W Personal Rights 70.56 41 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 37.2 131 W Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 81.9 92 W Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 2 38 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 278 131 W Primary school enrollment (% of children) 87.7 92 W Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 130 90 W Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 82.5 95 W Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 49.8 100 W Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 36.2 110 W Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 356.6 101 W Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.2 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 30 70 N

Water and Sanitation 57.80 97 W Access to Information and Communications 71.93 62 N Personal Freedom and Choice 72.04 33 S

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 47.4 89 W Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 110.2 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 76.5 49 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 87.4 73 N Internet users (% of pop.) 13.9 104 W Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 32.2 110 W Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 12.5 19 S Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.05 44 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 75.5 46 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 49 40 S

Shelter 57.41 88 W Health and Wellness 72.38 41 N Tolerance and Inclusion 56.32 51 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 51.9 46 N Life expectancy (years) 63.9 102 W Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 55.8 79 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 43.7 107 WPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 20.0 83 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 18.0 73 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 5.4 43 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 10.9 41 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 5.6 49 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 86.8 81 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 1.3 1 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 5.9 43 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 82.8 66 N

Personal Safety 55.51 85 N Ecosystem Sustainability 64.11 26 N Access to Advanced Education 26.97 95 W

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 4 89 W Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 798.3 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.1 102 W

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 3 61 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 1.9 73 W Women's average years in school 9.2 78 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 94.4 13 SInequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low;

1=high) 0.28 84 W

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 2 39 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 25 116 W

Indonesia, Jamaica, Sri Lanka, Bosnia and Herzegovina,

Ukraine, Mongolia, Ecuador, Albania, El Salvador, China,

Paraguay, Angola, Tunisia, Peru, and Egypt

GDP per capita rank: 74/133

Social Progress Index rank: 75/133

Social Progress Index score: 62.71

Page 91: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 84.59 90 S Access to Basic Knowledge 81.82 93 S Personal Rights 50.96 75 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 13.0 94 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 63.9 115 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 3 60 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 87 94 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 98.5 16 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 190 97 S Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 88.6 85 S Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 0 95 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 39.7 93 S Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 49.0 96 S Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 251.8 96 S Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.1 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 30 70 N

Water and Sanitation 52.15 102 S Access to Information and Communications 52.82 106 N Personal Freedom and Choice 49.74 106 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 21.4 103 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 71.5 106 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 65.9 84 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 87.6 72 S Internet users (% of pop.) 13.3 105 S Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 3 55 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 36.7 107 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 36.2 90 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.29 118 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 61.8 79 S

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 29 101 N

Shelter 46.47 101 N Health and Wellness 62.74 97 W Tolerance and Inclusion 52.87 64 S

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 73.5 5 S Life expectancy (years) 68.0 92 S Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 71.8 37 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 76.3 95 SPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 21.6 93 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 68.2 18 S

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 1.8 115 W Obesity rate (% of pop.) 1.5 3 SDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 9 123 W

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 110.1 110 W Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 31.2 71 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 2 80 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 24.6 126 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 78.3 84 N

Personal Safety 66.94 58 S Ecosystem Sustainability 53.45 68 N Access to Advanced Education 9.39 119 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 2 41 S Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 680.3 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.1 93 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 3 61 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 2.4 80 W Women's average years in school 3.1 120 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 2 2 S Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 61.8 74 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.44 114 W

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 3 80 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 16 67 S

Senegal, Chad, Tajikistan, Lesotho, Afghanistan, Benin,

Tanzania, Mali, Kenya, Cameroon, Bangladesh, Burkina

Faso, Cambodia, Djibouti, and Mauritania

GDP per capita rank: 113/133

Social Progress Index rank: 98/133

Social Progress Index score: 55.33

Page 92: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 99.21 19 N Access to Basic Knowledge 98.94 8 N Personal Rights 87.91 11 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 99.0 1 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 1 1 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 8 1 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 98.4 18 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 6 15 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 136.6 1 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 4 17 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 123.4 1 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 25.5 26 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 71 W Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 90 3 N

Water and Sanitation 100.00 1 N Access to Information and Communications 95.83 2 S Personal Freedom and Choice 89.00 5 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 113.7 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 90.8 15 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Internet users (% of pop.) 94.0 5 S Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 6.5 2 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.00 1 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 83.7 19 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 83 7 N

Shelter 91.19 3 N Health and Wellness 75.60 20 N Tolerance and Inclusion 74.46 15 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 66.7 9 N Life expectancy (years) 81.1 15 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 80.1 14 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 12.2 24 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 87.2 1 S

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 6.6 7 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 16.2 48 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 4.1 24 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 0 1 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 39.6 90 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 2 80 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 8.5 63 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 90.5 24 W

Personal Safety 88.79 13 N Ecosystem Sustainability 64.89 25 N Access to Advanced Education 72.14 11 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 1 1 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 285.7 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 1.0 17 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 2 20 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 1.7 69 W Women's average years in school 12.6 31 W

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 2 2 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 94.7 12 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.04 22 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 1 1 N Number of globally ranked universities 13 3 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 3.9 4 N

Ireland, Austria, Sweden, Germany, Denmark, Australia, Saudi Arabia,

Canada, United States, Belgium, Iceland, Finland, France, Switzerland,

and United Kingdom

GDP per capita rank: 7/133

Social Progress Index rank: 9/133

Social Progress Index score: 86.50

Page 93: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 99.05 28 N Access to Basic Knowledge 99.46 3 N Personal Rights 98.84 1 S

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 99.0 1 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 1 1 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 8 1 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 98.4 19 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 S

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 8 25 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 105.1 1 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 6.3 34 W Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 137.8 1 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 18.0 12 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 95 1 S

Water and Sanitation 100.00 1 N Access to Information and Communications 92.01 8 S Personal Freedom and Choice 88.82 7 S

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 105.8 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 92.8 7 S

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Internet users (% of pop.) 82.8 16 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) n/a Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 8.6 6 S Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.08 62 W

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 83.9 18 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 91 2 S

Shelter 86.14 17 N Health and Wellness 77.75 9 N Tolerance and Inclusion 82.98 5 S

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 52.3 44 N Life expectancy (years) 81.2 14 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 86.6 4 S

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 10.7 12 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 74.1 12 S

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 6.2 23 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 27 117 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 3.8 16 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 0 1 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 6.7 25 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 10.6 79 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 94.1 10 S

Personal Safety 86.30 18 N Ecosystem Sustainability 61.86 34 N Access to Advanced Education 71.79 12 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 1 1 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 510.4 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 1.1 11 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 2 20 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 1.4 61 W Women's average years in school 13.6 11 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 2 2 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 76.1 46 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) n/a

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 1 1 N Number of globally ranked universities 8 20 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 9.1 28 N

Spain, Korea, Republic of, Israel, Cyprus, Japan, Italy,

Slovenia, Czech Republic, United Kingdom, France, Greece,

Portugal, Slovakia, Finland, and Iceland

GDP per capita rank: 23/133

Social Progress Index rank: 5/133

Social Progress Index score: 87.08

Page 94: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 87.09 86 N Access to Basic Knowledge 82.74 92 N Personal Rights 45.85 84 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 16.8 104 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 82.8 91 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 4 80 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 123 105 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 91.8 74 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 100 83 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 79.1 97 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 23.5 79 S Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 53.8 94 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 3 67 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 75.2 69 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.1 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 10 125 W

Water and Sanitation 59.53 95 N Access to Information and Communications 66.38 78 N Personal Freedom and Choice 59.21 69 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 63.5 79 S Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 112.0 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 80.5 38 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 67.8 105 N Internet users (% of pop.) 15.5 100 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 3 55 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 52.1 100 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 27.7 55 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.30 120 W

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 86.8 10 S

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 28 107 N

Shelter 56.28 90 S Health and Wellness 72.16 43 N Tolerance and Inclusion 61.82 36 S

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 47.4 61 N Life expectancy (years) 74.5 56 S Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 60.3 64 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 73.7 97 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 19.4 75 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 48.3 33 S

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 3.9 81 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 24.2 100 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 6.2 65 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 64.7 81 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 3.2 11 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 S

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 7.6 56 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 83.3 60 N

Personal Safety 60.57 71 N Ecosystem Sustainability 67.40 19 S Access to Advanced Education 27.44 94 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 4 89 W Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 730.8 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.4 58 S

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 2 20 S Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 1.0 49 W Women's average years in school 7.6 94 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 91.7 22 S Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.33 97 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 2.5 62 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 18.8 82 N

Laos, Pakistan, Moldova, Honduras, Uzbekistan, Yemen,

Zambia, India, Ghana, Nigeria, Bolivia, Congo, Republic of,

Kyrgyzstan, Mauritania, and Djibouti

GDP per capita rank: 97/133

Social Progress Index rank: 78/133

Social Progress Index score: 62.20

Page 95: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 66.91 116 N Access to Basic Knowledge 29.76 133 W Personal Rights 40.72 93 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 11.3 89 S Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 19.1 132 W Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 3 60 S

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 67 83 S Primary school enrollment (% of children) 62.8 121 W Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 630 129 W Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 21.5 133 W Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 0 95 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 104.2 128 W Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 6.8 133 W Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 2 92 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 740.0 123 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 0.7 122 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 30 70 N

Water and Sanitation 18.30 131 W Access to Information and Communications 43.78 122 N Personal Freedom and Choice 33.76 130 W

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 7.9 119 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 39.3 125 W Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 65.9 83 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 42.1 126 W Internet users (% of pop.) 1.7 131 W Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 9.0 131 W Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 23.6 37 S Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.61 130 W

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 28.7 120 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 35 82 N

Shelter 25.10 128 N Health and Wellness 67.53 76 N Tolerance and Inclusion 47.05 81 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 37.5 96 N Life expectancy (years) 58.0 117 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 72.1 35 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 9.3 130 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 19.6 76 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 4.6 114 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) n/a Obesity rate (% of pop.) 2.5 9 SDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 7.5 95 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 103.1 110 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 42.8 96 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 2.4 9 S Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 74.3 103 N

Personal Safety 51.87 96 N Ecosystem Sustainability 54.87 58 N Access to Advanced Education 7.09 129 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 4 89 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 1449.1 113 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.0 110 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 4 105 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.1 17 N Women's average years in school 1.3 130 W

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 77.2 43 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.40 108 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 2 39 S Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 23.7 111 W

Central African Republic, Liberia, Malawi, Mozambique,

Guinea, Ethiopia, Togo, Uganda, Rwanda, Madagascar,

Burkina Faso, Mali, Tanzania, Benin, and Afghanistan

GDP per capita rank: 127/133

Social Progress Index rank: 127/133

Social Progress Index score: 40.56

Page 96: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 67.92 114 W Access to Basic Knowledge 56.09 118 W Personal Rights 32.16 104 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 6.4 75 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 59.6 118 W Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 4 80 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 38 71 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 63.9 119 W Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 560 127 W Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 46.3 120 W Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 0 95 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 117.4 129 W Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 41.1 102 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 1 117 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 866.2 127 W Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 0.9 106 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 30 70 N

Water and Sanitation 26.38 124 W Access to Information and Communications 60.84 96 N Personal Freedom and Choice 38.58 125 W

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 3.7 128 W Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 73.3 103 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 63.2 97 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 49.1 121 W Internet users (% of pop.) 38.0 78 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 27.8 114 W Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 34.2 85 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.29 118 W

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 27.4 121 W

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 27 109 N

Shelter 37.82 112 W Health and Wellness 67.14 79 N Tolerance and Inclusion 29.32 126 W

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 41.5 84 N Life expectancy (years) 52.1 126 W Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 47.2 106 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 48.0 105 WPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 19.8 79 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 5.3 103 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 1.6 120 W Obesity rate (% of pop.) 7.1 33 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 9.8 131 W

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 58.3 81 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 19.4 50 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 1 118 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 3.0 19 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 78.3 83 N

Personal Safety 24.03 132 W Ecosystem Sustainability 61.98 33 N Access to Advanced Education 17.41 114 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 4 89 W Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 377.2 4 N Years of tertiary schooling n/a

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 5 124 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.3 24 N Women's average years in school 6.6 100 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 5 123 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 57.5 80 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.45 119 W

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 4 119 W Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 33.7 127 W

India, Bolivia, Congo, Republic of, Philippines, Guyana,

Uzbekistan, Honduras, Pakistan, Nicaragua, Laos, Moldova,

Swaziland, Georgia, Yemen, and Morocco

GDP per capita rank: 92/133

Social Progress Index rank: 125/133

Social Progress Index score: 43.31

Page 97: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 99.36 7 N Access to Basic Knowledge 99.12 7 N Personal Rights 87.91 11 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 100.0 1 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 1 1 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 8 1 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 99.4 8 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 4 4 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 98.9 52 W Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 2.8 3 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 123.0 1 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 25.2 25 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 68 W Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 90 3 N

Water and Sanitation 100.00 1 N Access to Information and Communications 96.11 1 N Personal Freedom and Choice 91.38 2 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 116.5 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 95.4 1 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Internet users (% of pop.) 95.1 2 S Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 6.5 3 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.00 1 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 84.6 15 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 86 5 N

Shelter 86.99 14 N Health and Wellness 80.60 3 S Tolerance and Inclusion 79.30 10 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 44.5 69 W Life expectancy (years) 81.5 11 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 81.6 10 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 10.7 10 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 80.2 5 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 6.7 3 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 19.8 71 WDiscrim.and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 3.7 15 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 0 1 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 3.8 16 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 10.4 75 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 93.8 11 N

Personal Safety 92.85 3 N Ecosystem Sustainability 78.03 2 S Access to Advanced Education 68.69 16 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 1 1 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 163.1 1 S Years of tertiary schooling 0.9 24 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 1 1 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.4 30 N Women's average years in school 14.9 2 S

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 2 2 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 71.7 49 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.02 7 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 1 1 N Number of globally ranked universities 4 40 W

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 4.3 5 N

United Arab Emirates, Switzerland, United States, Saudi

Arabia, Netherlands, Ireland, Austria, Sweden, Germany,

Denmark, Australia, Kuwait, Canada, Belgium, and Iceland

GDP per capita rank: 2/133

Social Progress Index rank: 1/133

Social Progress Index score: 88.36

Page 98: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 74.03 105 N Access to Basic Knowledge 52.56 122 W Personal Rights 35.59 101 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 21.7 110 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 57.9 120 W Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 4 80 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 169 114 W Primary school enrollment (% of children) 72.5 112 W Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 0 103 W

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 170 93 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 49.4 118 W Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 85.5 119 W Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 27.1 119 W Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 296.0 98 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 0.7 120 W Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 30 70 N

Water and Sanitation 60.31 94 N Access to Information and Communications 45.71 119 W Personal Freedom and Choice 45.09 118 W

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 36.0 95 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 70.1 110 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 52.6 119 W

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 89.0 66 S Internet users (% of pop.) 10.9 108 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 1 117 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 47.6 102 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 51.5 120 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.11 72 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 46.2 103 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 29 101 N

Shelter 46.02 102 N Health and Wellness 64.99 91 N Tolerance and Inclusion 18.66 133 W

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 49.4 53 N Life expectancy (years) 66.4 97 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 42.0 115 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 91.4 83 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 20.5 86 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 1.9 124 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 2.1 114 W Obesity rate (% of pop.) 5.9 30 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 10 132 W

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 100.2 110 W Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 43.7 99 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 1 118 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 12.2 93 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 55.0 127 W

Personal Safety 45.12 113 W Ecosystem Sustainability 39.57 112 W Access to Advanced Education 20.29 106 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 3 77 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 410.6 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.2 83 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 4 105 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 4.3 120 W Women's average years in school 4.3 114 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 41.4 95 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.45 118 W

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 5 133 W Number of globally ranked universities 5 40 S

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 17.4 72 N

Nicaragua, Laos, Honduras, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Yemen,

India, Zambia, Ghana, Nigeria, Bolivia, Congo, Republic of,

Kyrgyzstan, Mauritania, and Djibouti

GDP per capita rank: 96/133

Social Progress Index rank: 122/133

Social Progress Index score: 45.66

Page 99: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 91.65 77 W Access to Basic Knowledge 90.93 73 W Personal Rights 70.56 41 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 10.6 85 W Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 95.0 68 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 2 38 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 73 86 W Primary school enrollment (% of children) 91.2 80 W Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 85 79 W Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 89.1 84 W Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 17.9 72 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 78.8 61 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 86.1 76 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.1 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 30 70 W

Water and Sanitation 82.93 65 N Access to Information and Communications 72.77 58 N Personal Freedom and Choice 64.91 49 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 92.1 42 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 163.0 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 88.6 22 S

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 86.6 75 W Internet users (% of pop.) 42.9 70 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 73.2 84 W Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 30.2 66 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.22 105 W

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 70 63 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 37 75 N

Shelter 71.52 54 N Health and Wellness 77.65 10 S Tolerance and Inclusion 63.54 30 S

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 52.9 41 N Life expectancy (years) 77.4 32 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 56.2 74 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 88.2 84 WPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 12.5 30 S Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 44.9 35 S

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 4.9 57 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 25.8 115 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 5.3 44 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 21.4 46 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 3.3 13 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 6.8 53 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 86.9 43 N

Personal Safety 57.54 78 N Ecosystem Sustainability 68.88 14 S Access to Advanced Education 48.58 59 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 5 113 W Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 267.9 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.8 26 S

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 3 61 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.4 31 N Women's average years in school 11.9 47 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 87.0 28 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.16 63 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 2 39 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 W

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 14.1 56 N

Venezuela, Belarus, Lebanon, Romania, Azerbaijan, Mexico,

Uruguay, Mauritius, Turkey, Iran, Bulgaria, Brazil, Botswana,

Montenegro, and Latvia

GDP per capita rank: 46/133

Social Progress Index rank: 41/133

Social Progress Index score: 71.79

Page 100: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 90.77 80 N Access to Basic Knowledge 83.25 91 N Personal Rights 67.12 46 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 11.0 87 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 95.6 65 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 3 60 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 75 88 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 81.9 107 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 110 85 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 79.8 96 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 21.9 76 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 59.2 90 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 77.3 72 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.1 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 30 70 N

Water and Sanitation 79.56 75 N Access to Information and Communications 70.52 68 N Personal Freedom and Choice 67.61 43 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 77.7 66 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 103.7 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 89.4 19 S

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 83.4 80 N Internet users (% of pop.) 36.9 81 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 79.7 78 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 31.8 80 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.13 78 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 81.2 29 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 24 121 W

Shelter 56.88 89 N Health and Wellness 74.08 25 N Tolerance and Inclusion 65.30 25 S

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 40.0 92 N Life expectancy (years) 72.2 73 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 76.8 21 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 97.4 74 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 18.5 65 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 43.9 37 S

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 3.2 92 W Obesity rate (% of pop.) 19.2 69 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 6.2 65 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 66.4 81 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 1.7 5 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 6.3 47 Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 93.4 14 S

Personal Safety 57.23 79 N Ecosystem Sustainability 56.57 52 N Access to Advanced Education 36.32 84 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 4 89 W Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 841.0 4 W Years of tertiary schooling 0.3 68 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 3 61 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.0 6 N Women's average years in school 9.4 76 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 31.2 107 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.17 64 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 2 39 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 21.4 99 N

Angola, El Salvador, Armenia, Guatemala, Morocco,

Mongolia, Georgia, Swaziland, Ukraine, Sri Lanka, Jamaica,

Guyana, Philippines, Indonesia, and Namibia

GDP per capita rank: 81/133

Social Progress Index rank: 56/133

Social Progress Index score: 67.10

Page 101: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 92.47 76 N Access to Basic Knowledge 91.97 68 N Personal Rights 64.80 50 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 8.7 79 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 94.5 73 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 2 38 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 58 79 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 93.7 60 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 89 81 W Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 100.4 1 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 16.7 69 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 73.8 75 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 121.3 85 W Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 87 W Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 40 51 S

Water and Sanitation 73.11 86 N Access to Information and Communications 70.53 67 N Personal Freedom and Choice 60.43 65 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 81.9 60 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 98.1 83 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 70.0 70 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 71.6 98 W Internet users (% of pop.) 39.2 74 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 73.1 85 W Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 31.7 79 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.16 88 W

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 63.7 74 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 38 67 N

Shelter 67.77 68 N Health and Wellness 81.08 1 S Tolerance and Inclusion 57.88 46 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 40.2 91 N Life expectancy (years) 74.5 54 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 65.2 55 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 85.1 87 WPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 11.2 15 S Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 37.3 44 S

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 4.9 61 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 16.5 51 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 7.3 88 W

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 27.6 46 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 6.9 26 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 3.1 21 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 81.5 73 N

Personal Safety 46.20 112 W Ecosystem Sustainability 51.98 73 N Access to Advanced Education 48.57 60 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 4 89 W Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 252.5 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.7 32 S

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 4 105 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 3.2 96 W Women's average years in school 10.8 62 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 4 94 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 70.4 51 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.26 81 W

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 3 80 N Number of globally ranked universities 3 40 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 15.9 66 N

Egypt, Tunisia, China, Macedonia, Albania, Jordan, Ecuador,

Dominican Republic, Colombia, South Africa, Bosnia and Herzegovina,

Namibia, Serbia, Indonesia, and Algeria

GDP per capita rank: 68/133

Social Progress Index rank: 55/133

Social Progress Index score: 67.23

Page 102: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 87.77 85 N Access to Basic Knowledge 89.44 80 N Personal Rights 62.00 55 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 11.5 91 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 96.3 61 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 3 60 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 78 89 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 88.2 90 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 120 87 W Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 87.4 88 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 S

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 29.9 84 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 75.8 70 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 3 67 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 226.4 93 W Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.1 1 W Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 30 70 N

Water and Sanitation 71.80 87 N Access to Information and Communications 65.87 83 N Personal Freedom and Choice 67.78 42 S

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 42.8 92 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 104.5 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 90.0 16 S

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 91.2 60 W Internet users (% of pop.) 37.0 80 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 74.3 83 W Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 43.7 114 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.05 44 S

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 52.4 98 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 38 67 N

Shelter 61.87 84 N Health and Wellness 70.21 61 S Tolerance and Inclusion 55.50 54 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 57.0 26 N Life expectancy (years) 68.6 90 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 61.7 61 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 83.3 89 WPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 27.9 123 S Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 63.0 22 S

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 4.2 76 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 6.4 31 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 8.3 110 W

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 88.4 81 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 8.8 33 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 4.2 33 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 81.1 75 N

Personal Safety 51.49 97 W Ecosystem Sustainability 49.93 79 N Access to Advanced Education 51.92 51 S

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 2 41 W Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 275.1 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.6 40 S

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 4 105 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 3.3 100 W Women's average years in school 10.6 65 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 4 94 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 64.7 64 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.14 56 S

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 4 119 N Number of globally ranked universities 4 40 S

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 9.1 28 N

Guyana, Congo, Republic of, Bolivia, Swaziland, Georgia,

Nigeria, Morocco, India, Guatemala, Armenia, Angola,

Paraguay, Uzbekistan, El Salvador, and Honduras

GDP per capita rank: 89/133

Social Progress Index rank: 64/133

Social Progress Index score: 65.46

Page 103: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 99.18 23 N Access to Basic Knowledge 97.67 24 N Personal Rights 80.95 25 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 99.8 1 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 1 1 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 8 1 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 96.6 42 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 3 3 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 98.3 56 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 5.2 29 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 97.1 34 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 22.6 22 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 67 W Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 60 30 N

Water and Sanitation 93.67 46 N Access to Information and Communications 85.67 21 N Personal Freedom and Choice 75.41 27 S

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 98.0 30 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 150.0 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 85.5 29 S

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) n/a Internet users (% of pop.) 62.8 37 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 89.5 64 W * Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 11.0 16 S Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.02 26 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 60.1 83 W

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 61 26 N

Shelter 70.96 56 W Health and Wellness 59.37 112 W Tolerance and Inclusion 59.23 45 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 24.6 126 W Life expectancy (years) 76.8 38 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 51.1 93 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 20.0 82 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 24.7 58 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 5.5 38 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 23.2 92 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 4.1 24 S

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 36.0 46 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 64.8 116 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 16.1 111 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 91.2 19 S

Personal Safety 82.86 21 S Ecosystem Sustainability 66.06 23 N Access to Advanced Education 64.67 25 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 1 1 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 446.8 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.7 37 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 2 20 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 1.3 59 W Women's average years in school 13.1 21 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 2 2 S Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 91.8 21 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.06 29 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 1.5 23 N Number of globally ranked universities 6 20 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 11.8 41 N

Hungary, Lithuania, Russia, Malaysia, Kazakhstan, Estonia,

Chile, Croatia, Latvia, Slovakia, Portugal, Turkey, Greece,

Uruguay, and Romania

GDP per capita rank: 36/133

Social Progress Index rank: 27/133

Social Progress Index score: 77.98

Page 104: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 99.03 32 N Access to Basic Knowledge 98.76 12 N Personal Rights 93.04 6 S

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 95.7 63 W Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 1 1 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 8 1 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 98.6 15 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 S

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 8 25 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 119.4 1 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 3.8 13 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 106.4 1 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 39.9 47 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 70 24 N

Water and Sanitation 99.91 16 N Access to Information and Communications 82.83 29 N Personal Freedom and Choice 79.92 19 S

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 99.8 13 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 113.0 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 83.9 30 S

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 99.9 25 N Internet users (% of pop.) 62.1 38 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 17.7 25 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.05 44 W

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 84 17 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 63 23 N

Shelter 85.20 21 S Health and Wellness 73.25 37 N Tolerance and Inclusion 80.11 8 S

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 43.6 73 N Life expectancy (years) 80.4 22 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 85.4 8 S

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 11.9 20 S Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 57.0 26 S

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 6.4 15 S Obesity rate (% of pop.) 21.6 84 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 2.3 5 S

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 0 1 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 34.6 79 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 11.8 89 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 85.6 49 N

Personal Safety 87.11 16 S Ecosystem Sustainability 49.83 80 W Access to Advanced Education 53.98 45 W

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 1 1 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 271.4 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.3 71 W

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 1 1 S Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 3.3 101 W Women's average years in school 10.4 66 W

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 2 2 S Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 64.4 65 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.06 30 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 1.5 23 N Number of globally ranked universities 6 20 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 11.8 41 N

Greece, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Estonia,

Cyprus, Russia, Lithuania, Hungary, Israel, Poland, Malaysia,

Kazakhstan, Korea, Republic of, and Chile

GDP per capita rank: 30/133

Social Progress Index rank: 18/133

Social Progress Index score: 81.91

Page 105: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 97.86 42 N Access to Basic Knowledge 92.74 62 N Personal Rights 64.80 50 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 98.8 41 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 2 38 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 8 1 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 85.8 98 W Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 33 60 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 92.3 73 W Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 12 52 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 97.6 31 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 38.5 45 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 70 W Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 40 51 N

Water and Sanitation 69.05 88 W Access to Information and Communications 77.25 43 N Personal Freedom and Choice 62.64 61 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 61.7 81 W Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 105.6 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 59.8 106 W

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 75.6 93 W Internet users (% of pop.) 49.8 57 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 3 55 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 72.1 86 W Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 23.5 35 S Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.03 32 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 67.9 67 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 43 52 N

Shelter 66.55 73 W Health and Wellness 55.09 121 W Tolerance and Inclusion 40.90 104 W

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 24.6 127 W Life expectancy (years) 74.6 53 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 41.9 116 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 22.6 99 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 18.9 70 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 4.6 69 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 17.7 62 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 6.6 77 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 42.8 46 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 100.9 131 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 2 80 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 10.4 74 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 76.2 94 W

Personal Safety 75.94 35 N Ecosystem Sustainability 61.03 39 N Access to Advanced Education 56.60 40 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 1 1 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 391.8 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.4 62 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 2 20 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.8 44 W Women's average years in school 13.1 21 S

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 63.5 67 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.05 24 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 2 39 N Number of globally ranked universities 4 40 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 11.1 35 N

Venezuela, Uruguay, Turkey, Panama, Belarus, Lebanon,

Azerbaijan, Mexico, Mauritius, Iran, Bulgaria, Latvia, Croatia,

Chile, and Brazil

GDP per capita rank: 44/133

Social Progress Index rank: 50/133

Social Progress Index score: 68.37

Page 106: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 97.76 45 N Access to Basic Knowledge 96.53 34 N Personal Rights 18.32 122 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 99.7 1 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 6 101 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 8 1 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 96.2 45 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 0 103 W

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 24 50 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 93.9 67 W Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 0 95 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 10.1 49 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 98.3 30 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 73.8 67 W Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 77 W Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 20 104 W

Water and Sanitation 81.92 66 W Access to Information and Communications 72.79 57 W Personal Freedom and Choice 55.12 90 W

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 82.1 59 W Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 152.8 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 65.3 89 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 92.2 57 W Internet users (% of pop.) 61.4 39 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 1 117 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 70.5 88 W Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 42.8 113 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.08 62 W

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 70.8 58 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 27 109 W

Shelter 68.70 65 W Health and Wellness 44.58 131 W Tolerance and Inclusion 35.60 114 W

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 29.3 119 W Life expectancy (years) 70.5 84 W Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 41.4 117 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 29.9 128 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 8.6 94 W

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 4.8 63 W Obesity rate (% of pop.) 24.9 111 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 8.5 113 W

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 11.4 46 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 66.9 117 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 1 118 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 27.5 128 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 90.0 29 N

Personal Safety 48.03 107 W Ecosystem Sustainability 56.63 51 N Access to Advanced Education 87.73 2 S

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 3 77 W Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 738.1 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 1.8 1 S

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 3 61 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 1.2 55 W Women's average years in school 13.8 7 S

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 4 94 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 53.4 86 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.02 5 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 4 119 W Number of globally ranked universities 21 3 S

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 18.6 81 W

Comparator Countries: Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Estonia,

Malaysia, Kazakhstan, Chile, Croatia, Latvia, Slovakia,

Portugal, Greece, Turkey, Uruguay, and Romania

GDP per capita rank: 33/133

Social Progress Index rank: 71/133

Social Progress Index score: 63.64

Page 107: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 66.70 117 N Access to Basic Knowledge 69.83 109 S Personal Rights 33.84 102 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 33.8 127 W Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 70.5 109 S Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 6 101 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 248 127 W Primary school enrollment (% of children) 98.7 14 S Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 0 103 W

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 320 108 S Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 36.7 126 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 52 104 S Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 25.3 120 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 3 67 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 401.7 103 S Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.1 1 S Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 30 70 N

Water and Sanitation 47.08 105 S Access to Information and Communications 38.61 126 W Personal Freedom and Choice 69.46 39 S

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 4.5 127 W * Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 56.8 121 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 89.4 18 S

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 68.3 104 S Internet users (% of pop.) 8.7 111 S Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 63.8 92 S Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 56.6 124 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.04 38 S

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 62.4 77 S

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 49 40 S

Shelter 45.58 105 S Health and Wellness 71.07 54 S Tolerance and Inclusion 45.64 84 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 65.0 14 S Life expectancy (years) 63.5 103 S Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 60.2 65 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 10.8 128 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 19.1 71 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 6.2 101 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 4.0 80 S Obesity rate (% of pop.) 4.3 15 NDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 8.5 113 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 95.4 81 S Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 12.3 40 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 S

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 10.2 71 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 74.8 100 N

Personal Safety 50.70 101 N Ecosystem Sustainability 63.01 28 S Access to Advanced Education 17.72 112 S

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 4 89 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 340.9 4 S Years of tertiary schooling 0.0 110 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 3 61 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.0 1 N Women's average years in school 4.7 109 S

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 4 94 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 56.3 82 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.29 87 S

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 2.5 62 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 19.9 93 N

Uganda, Madagascar, Togo, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Guinea,

Mali, Tanzania, Benin, Mozambique, Afghanistan, Niger,

Central African Republic, Liberia, and Malawi

GDP per capita rank: 121/133

Social Progress Index rank: 106/133

Social Progress Index score: 51.60

Page 108: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 97.32 52 W Access to Basic Knowledge 96.00 40 W Personal Rights 9.28 129 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 94.7 71 W Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 7 125 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 10 50 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 93.4 62 W Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 0 103 W

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 16 41 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 118.0 1 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 0 95 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 15.5 64 W Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 110.4 1 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 0 126 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 71.3 66 W Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 78 W Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 40 51 W

Water and Sanitation 89.37 55 W Access to Information and Communications 66.45 77 W Personal Freedom and Choice 55.81 86 W

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 66.7 76 W Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 176.5 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 59.1 108 W

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 97.0 46 W Internet users (% of pop.) 60.5 41 W Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 1 117 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 58.3 125 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.04 38 W

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 50.1 101 W

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 49 40 W

Shelter 75.44 47 W Health and Wellness 69.64 64 W Tolerance and Inclusion 45.64 84 W

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 35.0 101 W Life expectancy (years) 75.5 44 W Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 67.9 42 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 94.1 77 WPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 16.7 45 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) n/a

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 6.2 21 W Obesity rate (% of pop.) 35.2 132 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 7.7 100 W

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 10.8 46 W Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 31.5 73 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 2 80 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 0.5 1 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 84.3 56 W

Personal Safety 69.34 47 W Ecosystem Sustainability 49.75 81 W Access to Advanced Education 47.24 65 W

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 1 1 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 389.9 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.5 55 W

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 1 1 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 5.0 129 W Women's average years in school 9.2 78 W

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 93.7 15 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) n/a

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 3 80 W Number of globally ranked universities 8 20 W

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 24.8 115 W

United States, Netherlands, Switzerland, Ireland, Austria,

Sweden, Germany, Denmark, United Arab Emirates,

Australia, Canada, Belgium, Iceland, Finland, and France

GDP per capita rank: 6/133

Social Progress Index rank: 69/133

Social Progress Index score: 62.47

Page 109: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 75.01 103 N Access to Basic Knowledge 54.88 119 N Personal Rights 59.67 62 S

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 16.7 101 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 57.7 121 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 2 38 S

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 108 99 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 73.3 111 W Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 320 108 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 39.9 123 W Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 55.3 106 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 16.7 126 W Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 3 67 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 587.7 111 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 0.9 100 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 40 51 S

Water and Sanitation 51.05 104 S Access to Information and Communications 65.84 84 S Personal Freedom and Choice 51.20 101 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 45.9 90 S Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 92.9 92 S Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 68.9 73 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 60.3 114 N Internet users (% of pop.) 20.9 90 S Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 51.9 101 S Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 26.7 47 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.25 111 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 33.8 116 W

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 43 52 S

Shelter 53.26 93 S Health and Wellness 73.73 32 S Tolerance and Inclusion 53.50 60 S

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 45.2 68 N Life expectancy (years) 63.2 104 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 75.7 23 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 56.5 100 SPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 16.7 46 S Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 1.4 125 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 3.0 95 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 8 36 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 6.6 77 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 38.1 46 S Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 15.9 45 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 3.6 30 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 85.6 52 S

Personal Safety 62.09 68 S Ecosystem Sustainability 69.42 10 S Access to Advanced Education 7.89 125 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 3 77 S Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 738.4 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.1 94 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 3 61 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.2 22 N Women's average years in school 2.5 123 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 2 2 S Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 85.4 30 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.45 116 W

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 3 80 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 19.5 89 N

Nepal, Tajikistan, Lesotho, Chad, Afghanistan, Kenya,

Cameroon, Bangladesh, Benin, Tanzania, Mali, Cambodia,

Djibouti, Mauritania, and Burkina Faso

GDP per capita rank: 112/133

Social Progress Index rank: 97/133

Social Progress Index score: 56.46

Page 110: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 98.88 35 S Access to Basic Knowledge 94.48 51 N Personal Rights 55.71 68 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 98.1 47 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 2 38 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 8 1 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 91.4 78 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 16 41 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 97.8 59 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 6.6 35 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 86.3 56 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 19.4 17 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 45 47 N

Water and Sanitation 94.73 42 S Access to Information and Communications 77.10 45 N Personal Freedom and Choice 51.71 100 W

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 86.0 55 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 119.4 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 49.6 122 W

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 98.9 36 N Internet users (% of pop.) 51.5 56 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 3 55 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 97.3 38 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 25.1 40 S Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.05 44 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 39.2 110 W

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 41 60 N

Shelter 64.75 77 W Health and Wellness 55.98 119 W Tolerance and Inclusion 47.64 79 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 39.8 93 W Life expectancy (years) 75.2 45 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 66.1 53 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 24.5 117 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 21.0 62 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 4.7 65 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 23 91 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 8 106 W

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 54.2 81 W Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 71.8 123 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 13.3 101 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 75.3 99 W

Personal Safety 75.15 36 S Ecosystem Sustainability 71.40 7 S Access to Advanced Education 49.92 56 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 1 1 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 737.0 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.6 47 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 2.5 56 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.6 36 N Women's average years in school 11.5 57 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 99.8 7 SInequality in the attainment of educ. (0=low;

1=high) 0.11 48 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 2 39 N Number of globally ranked universities 1 54 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 8.3 27 S

Algeria, Costa Rica, South Africa, Thailand, Iraq, Colombia,

Dominican Republic, Jordan, Macedonia, Montenegro,

Botswana, Brazil, Egypt, Peru, and Tunisia

GDP per capita rank: 61/133

Social Progress Index rank: 45/133

Social Progress Index score: 69.79

Page 111: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 98.77 37 N Access to Basic Knowledge 96.67 33 N Personal Rights 78.63 30 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 99.6 1 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 1 1 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 8 1 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) n/a Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 7 20 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 98.0 57 W Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 7.2 39 W Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 89.7 47 W Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 35.3 42 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 50 39 N

Water and Sanitation 98.22 31 N Access to Information and Communications 89.57 14 S Personal Freedom and Choice 65.92 46 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 93.9 39 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 113.9 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 57.8 109 W

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Internet users (% of pop.) 77.9 22 S Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 3 55 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 99.7 29 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 11.4 17 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.01 12 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 73.5 53 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 50 39 N

Shelter 85.63 20 S Health and Wellness 59.70 111 W Tolerance and Inclusion 59.49 44 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 50.9 49 N Life expectancy (years) 76.1 42 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 48.3 102 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 19.4 73 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 31.7 49 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 6.2 25 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 24.6 105 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 5.6 49 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 4.7 1 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 69.7 121 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 12.7 98 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 90.2 26 N

Personal Safety 86.16 19 N Ecosystem Sustainability 69.23 12 N Access to Advanced Education 53.34 47 W

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 1 1 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 310.3 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.5 48 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 2 20 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.2 20 N Women's average years in school 13.3 16 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 2 2 S Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 84.3 31 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.02 3 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 1 1 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 W

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 9.4 31 N

Portugal, Greece, Estonia, Czech Republic, Slovenia,

Russia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Cyprus, Malaysia,

Kazakhstan, Israel, Chile, and Croatia

GDP per capita rank: 31/133

Social Progress Index rank: 25/133

Social Progress Index score: 78.45

Page 112: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 99.42 3 N Access to Basic Knowledge 97.91 21 N Personal Rights 80.95 25 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 99.7 1 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 1 1 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 8 1 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 97.7 31 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 7 20 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 95.1 63 W Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 2.9 4 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 99.3 28 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 15.4 7 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 61 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 60 30 N

Water and Sanitation 99.61 20 N Access to Information and Communications 84.64 24 N Personal Freedom and Choice 79.88 20 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 99.6 18 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 110.2 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 88.3 24 S

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 99.4 31 N Internet users (% of pop.) 72.7 26 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 20.4 28 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.01 12 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 77.7 40 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 58 29 N

Shelter 81.01 33 N Health and Wellness 66.92 82 N Tolerance and Inclusion 64.49 26 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 28.3 121 W Life expectancy (years) 80.1 23 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 56.5 73 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 12.6 31 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 42.1 39 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 6.2 24 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 27 117 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 3.6 12 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 5.5 1 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 43.0 97 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 18.1 119 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 89.7 30 N

Personal Safety 91.47 9 S Ecosystem Sustainability 73.99 3 S Access to Advanced Education 59.15 34 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 1 1 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 329.7 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.8 30 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 1 1 S Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.0 10 N Women's average years in school 12.9 27 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 2 2 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 100.0 1 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.03 13 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 1 1 N Number of globally ranked universities 1 54 W

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 7.2 20 N

Czech Republic, Cyprus, Greece, Portugal, Israel, Slovakia,

Korea, Republic of, New Zealand, Spain, Estonia, Russia,

Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, and Japan

GDP per capita rank: 27/133

Social Progress Index rank: 19/133

Social Progress Index score: 81.62

Page 113: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 85.94 89 W Access to Basic Knowledge 93.21 61 N Personal Rights 75.20 33 S

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 94.3 75 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 2 38 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 16 56 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 85.0 101 W Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 140 91 W Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 111.0 1 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 43.9 96 W Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 96.0 36 S Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 611.6 114 W Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 50 39 N

Water and Sanitation 80.55 72 N Access to Information and Communications 77.14 44 N Personal Freedom and Choice 71.65 35 S

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 79.2 63 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 147.5 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 71.4 65 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 88.3 70 N Internet users (% of pop.) 48.9 59 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 74.4 82 W Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 23.2 34 S Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.03 32 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 82.8 23 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 44 50 N

Shelter 62.92 82 W Health and Wellness 58.34 114 W Tolerance and Inclusion 57.41 48 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 48.8 58 N Life expectancy (years) 56.1 120 W Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 52.6 86 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 82.7 90 WPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 26.8 122 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 48.5 32 S

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 3.6 86 W Obesity rate (% of pop.) 33.5 128 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 5.8 55 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 22.2 46 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 6.4 23 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 3.5 28 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 83.9 57 N

Personal Safety 28.96 129 W Ecosystem Sustainability 51.09 75 N Access to Advanced Education 45.27 72 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 5 113 W Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 747.5 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.1 91 W

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 5 124 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 3.0 90 W Women's average years in school 10.4 66 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 4 94 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 64.0 66 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.18 66 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 3.5 109 W Number of globally ranked universities 7 20 S

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 31.9 126 W

Colombia, Dominican Republic, Jordan, Macedonia, Serbia,

Algeria, Costa Rica, Egypt, Peru, Thailand, Tunisia, China,

Iraq, Albania, and Ecuador

GDP per capita rank: 62/133

Social Progress Index rank: 63/133

Social Progress Index score: 65.64

Page 114: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 99.30 10 N Access to Basic Knowledge 99.69 2 S Personal Rights 83.27 22 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 98.1 48 W Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 1 1 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 8 1 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 99.7 4 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 4 4 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 123.0 1 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 4.2 20 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 145.8 1 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 19.1 15 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 70 24 N

Water and Sanitation 99.80 19 N Access to Information and Communications 84.24 26 N Personal Freedom and Choice 74.67 28 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 99.3 23 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 106.9 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 73.3 57 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Internet users (% of pop.) 71.6 28 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 3 55 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 100.0 25 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 20.6 29 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.01 12 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 80 32 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 60 27 N

Shelter 84.44 23 N Health and Wellness 77.17 11 N Tolerance and Inclusion 76.34 14 S

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 41.5 85 W Life expectancy (years) 82.4 6 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 86.0 6 S

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 10.8 13 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 87.0 2 S

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 6.3 17 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 24.1 99 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 6.1 61 W

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 0 1 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 31.5 72 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 5.8 42 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 94.7 7 S

Personal Safety 80.83 23 N Ecosystem Sustainability 46.08 100 W Access to Advanced Education 68.22 18 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 1 1 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 237.0 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.9 25 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 2 20 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 3.7 114 W Women's average years in school 11.7 52 W

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 56.6 81 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.05 28 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 1.5 23 N Number of globally ranked universities 19 3 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 5.4 13 N

New Zealand, Korea, Republic of, Israel, Japan, Cyprus, Italy,

Slovenia, Czech Republic, United Kingdom, France, Greece,

Portugal, Slovakia, Finland, and Iceland

GDP per capita rank: 22/133

Social Progress Index rank: 20/133

Social Progress Index score: 81.17

Page 115: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 83.53 91 W Access to Basic Knowledge 96.17 37 N Personal Rights 25.23 116 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 24.6 116 W Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 92.6 80 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 5 92 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 216 123 W Primary school enrollment (% of children) 93.8 59 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 0 103 W

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 29 56 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 99.1 50 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 0 95 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 9.6 46 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 99.6 26 S Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 75.5 70 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.1 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 35 66 N

Water and Sanitation 74.63 81 N Access to Information and Communications 54.22 103 W Personal Freedom and Choice 64.03 52 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 29.5 96 W Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 95.5 88 W Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 80.9 37 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 92.9 55 N Internet users (% of pop.) 21.9 89 W Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 92.3 54 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 59.1 126 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.09 67 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 70.3 62 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 38 67 N

Shelter 63.43 80 N Health and Wellness 65.55 87 N Tolerance and Inclusion 33.27 119 W

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 48.9 57 N Life expectancy (years) 74.1 61 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 55.1 81 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 85.1 87 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 17.6 57 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 5.0 108 W

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 4.8 64 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 5 24 NDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 9.3 125 W

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 81.5 81 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 16.8 46 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 1 118 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 32.7 133 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 80.4 76 N

Personal Safety 62.90 66 N Ecosystem Sustainability 52.19 72 N Access to Advanced Education 46.02 68 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 2 41 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 252.0 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.5 54 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 2 20 S Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 3.0 88 W Women's average years in school 11 59 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 67.7 57 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.15 60 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 4 119 W Number of globally ranked universities 1 54 S

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 13.7 54 N

Jamaica, Indonesia, Ukraine, Namibia, Mongolia, Bosnia and Herzegovina,

El Salvador, Paraguay, Angola, Armenia, Ecuador, Albania, Guatemala,

Morocco, and China

GDP per capita rank: 77/133

Social Progress Index rank: 88/133

Social Progress Index score: 60.10

Page 116: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 63.22 124 W Access to Basic Knowledge 77.55 99 N Personal Rights 19.52 121 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 26.1 120 W Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 87.5 89 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 7 125 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 186 118 W Primary school enrollment (% of children) 84.7 102 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 0 103 W

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 310 107 W Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 68.6 101 W Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 0 95 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 80 116 W Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 47.2 98 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 884.3 129 W Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 81 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 40 51 S

Water and Sanitation 54.42 99 W Access to Information and Communications 51.72 107 W Personal Freedom and Choice 65.28 47 S

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 37.2 94 W Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 71.5 105 W Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 60.7 103 W

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 68.9 102 N Internet users (% of pop.) 24.7 86 W Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 57.5 96 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 46.8 118 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.07 55 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 76.5 43 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 43 52 N

Shelter 43.75 106 W Health and Wellness 59.78 109 W Tolerance and Inclusion 57.51 47 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 55.0 35 N Life expectancy (years) 48.9 131 W Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 54.8 82 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 35.2 111 WPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 21.4 91 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 18.0 74 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 4.1 78 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 23.4 93 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 3.6 12 S

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 111.6 110 W Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 2.4 8 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 9.6 68 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 83.7 58 N

Personal Safety 51.96 95 N Ecosystem Sustainability 39.02 115 W Access to Advanced Education 27.49 93 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 4 89 W Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 381.1 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.0 110 W

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 3 61 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 3.1 93 W Women's average years in school 9.5 75 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 17.7 120 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.27 82 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 3 80 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 23.4 110 W

Georgia, Morocco, Guyana, Philippines, Guatemala, Armenia,

Angola, Paraguay, Congo, Republic of, Bolivia, El Salvador,

Nigeria, Mongolia, India, and Ukraine

GDP per capita rank: 87/133

Social Progress Index rank: 107/133

Social Progress Index score: 50.94

Page 117: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 99.42 3 N Access to Basic Knowledge 98.89 9 N Personal Rights 87.91 11 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 99.0 1 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 1 1 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 8 1 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 99.5 7 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 4 4 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 99.6 48 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 3 6 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 97.4 32 W Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 19.3 16 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 69 W Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 90 3 N

Water and Sanitation 100.00 1 N Access to Information and Communications 95.07 6 S Personal Freedom and Choice 88.98 6 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 124.4 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 93.8 3 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Internet users (% of pop.) 94.8 3 S Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 9.0 7 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.01 12 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 76.7 42 W

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 87 4 N

Shelter 86.42 16 N Health and Wellness 80.22 4 S Tolerance and Inclusion 80.43 7 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 51.1 48 N Life expectancy (years) 81.7 8 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 79.1 17 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 9.9 8 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 77.7 8 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 6.3 18 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 16.6 52 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 1 1 S

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 0 1 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 11.2 39 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 2 80 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 12.0 92 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 92.3 18 N

Personal Safety 93.48 2 S Ecosystem Sustainability 71.54 6 S Access to Advanced Education 74.38 9 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 1 1 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 151.2 1 S Years of tertiary schooling 0.9 19 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 1 1 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 1.3 58 W Women's average years in school 13.9 4 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 2 2 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 62.4 71 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.04 17 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 1 1 N Number of globally ranked universities 11 3 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 3 2 S

Austria, Germany, Denmark, Ireland, Australia, Netherlands,

Canada, Belgium, Iceland, Finland, Saudi Arabia, France,

United States, United Kingdom, and Italy

GDP per capita rank: 10/133

Social Progress Index rank: 2/133

Social Progress Index score: 88.06

Page 118: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 99.33 9 N Access to Basic Knowledge 94.90 48 W Personal Rights 87.91 11 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 99.0 1 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 1 1 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 8 1 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 93.4 64 W Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 6 15 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 110.1 1 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 4.2 20 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 86.7 55 W Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 14.5 6 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 83 W Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 90 3 N

Water and Sanitation 99.93 14 N Access to Information and Communications 92.31 7 N Personal Freedom and Choice 91.10 3 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 99.7 16 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 133.8 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 94.6 2 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Internet users (% of pop.) 86.7 9 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 10.5 12 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.01 12 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 86.1 13 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 86 5 N

Shelter 90.52 5 N Health and Wellness 76.60 15 N Tolerance and Inclusion 77.34 12 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 59.9 24 N Life expectancy (years) 82.7 4 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 74.6 28 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 9.1 1 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 73.1 13 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 6.8 1 S Obesity rate (% of pop.) 14.9 46 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 3.5 10 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 0 1 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 35.0 81 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 14.8 109 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 95.7 2 N

Personal Safety 92.85 3 N Ecosystem Sustainability 82.21 1 S Access to Advanced Education 70.67 14 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 1 1 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 123.1 1 S Years of tertiary schooling 1.1 11 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 1 1 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 1.1 51 W Women's average years in school 13 24 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 2 2 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 100.0 1 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.06 31 W

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 1 1 N Number of globally ranked universities 10 20 W

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 4.3 5 N

United Arab Emirates, United States, Saudi Arabia, Norway,

Netherlands, Ireland, Austria, Sweden, Germany, Denmark,

Australia, Canada, Belgium, Iceland, and Finland

GDP per capita rank: 4/133

Social Progress Index rank: 3/133

Social Progress Index score: 87.97

Page 119: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 75.10 102 N Access to Basic Knowledge 90.57 77 S Personal Rights 41.29 90 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 32.3 126 W Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 99.8 1 S Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 6 101 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 245 126 W Primary school enrollment (% of children) 98.4 20 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 44 64 S Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 94.8 64 S Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 47.7 98 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 67.5 85 S Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 3 67 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 147.7 88 S Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 0.9 104 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 20 104 W

Water and Sanitation 65.61 90 S Access to Information and Communications 60.94 95 N Personal Freedom and Choice 50.50 105 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 43.1 91 S Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 91.8 93 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 72.9 62 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 64.0 110 N Internet users (% of pop.) 16.0 98 S Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 1 117 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 94.4 46 S Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 34.9 87 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.13 78 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 53.7 94 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 23 123 W

Shelter 53.02 94 S Health and Wellness 62.10 101 W Tolerance and Inclusion 40.55 105 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 60.1 22 S Life expectancy (years) 67.3 95 S Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 40.2 119 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 SPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 28.8 126 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 1.1 126 W

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 2.6 104 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 9.9 39 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 7 83 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 111.8 110 W Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 40.0 92 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 6.2 46 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 78.1 85 N

Personal Safety 56.59 82 N Ecosystem Sustainability 38.77 116 W Access to Advanced Education 42.80 75 S

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 2 41 S Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 630.8 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.3 75 S

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 4 105 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 3.5 111 W Women's average years in school 12.2 41 S

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 24.3 116 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.12 54 S

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 3 80 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 18.1 77 N

Lesotho, Senegal, Nepal, Chad, Kenya, Cameroon,

Bangladesh, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Djibouti, Mauritania,

Benin, Tanzania, Mali, and Kyrgyzstan

GDP per capita rank: 111/133

Social Progress Index rank: 96/133

Social Progress Index score: 56.49

Page 120: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 62.48 126 N Access to Basic Knowledge 65.37 111 N Personal Rights 49.27 78 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 34.6 128 W Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 70.6 108 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 3 60 S

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 258 128 W Primary school enrollment (% of children) 97.6 32 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 0 103 W

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 410 117 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 46.3 119 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 51.8 103 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 10.2 130 W Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 584.2 110 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 0.9 107 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 30 70 N

Water and Sanitation 20.58 128 W Access to Information and Communications 48.60 116 N Personal Freedom and Choice 50.71 103 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 9.3 117 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 55.7 122 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 64.4 91 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 44.0 125 W Internet users (% of pop.) 4.4 124 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 3 55 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 12.2 127 W Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 27.3 53 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.20 99 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 51.3 99 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 31 96 N

Shelter 31.22 122 N Health and Wellness 69.90 62 N Tolerance and Inclusion 42.99 94 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 26.8 125 W Life expectancy (years) 60.8 111 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 50.0 97 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 14.8 124 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 16.1 42 S Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 5.0 109 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 2.5 108 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 5.4 26 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 5.9 57 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 59.0 81 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 1.4 4 S Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 2 80 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 18.0 116 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 78.6 82 N

Personal Safety 51.28 98 N Ecosystem Sustainability 49.04 87 N Access to Advanced Education 24.18 101 S

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 5 113 W Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 1017.2 113 W Years of tertiary schooling 0.0 113 W

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 3 61 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 1.5 65 W Women's average years in school 6.4 102 S

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 79.1 40 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.30 88 S

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 2.5 62 N Number of globally ranked universities 1 54 S

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 22.7 106 W

Mali, Benin, Burkina Faso, Afghanistan, Madagascar,

Rwanda, Uganda, Togo, Chad, Ethiopia, Guinea, Nepal,

Senegal, Mozambique, and Tajikistan

GDP per capita rank: 117/133

Social Progress Index rank: 116/133

Social Progress Index score: 47.14

Page 121: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 94.74 68 N Access to Basic Knowledge 94.23 53 N Personal Rights 41.28 92 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 6.8 77 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 96.7 58 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 6 101 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 49 77 W Primary school enrollment (% of children) 95.6 48 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 0 103 W

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 26 51 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 98.6 54 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 13.1 54 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 75.7 71 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 123.3 86 W Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.1 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 40 51 N

Water and Sanitation 81.22 71 N Access to Information and Communications 65.97 81 W Personal Freedom and Choice 72.34 32 S

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 47.7 87 W Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 138.0 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 89.2 20 S

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 95.3 49 N Internet users (% of pop.) 28.9 84 W Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 3 55 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 93.4 51 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 37.9 100 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.11 72 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 90.8 3 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 38 67 N

Shelter 82.23 28 S Health and Wellness 70.42 58 N Tolerance and Inclusion 41.82 97 W

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 86.7 1 S Life expectancy (years) 74.2 60 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 36.2 125 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 99.7 54 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 16.2 43 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 37.1 45 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 5.1 49 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 8.5 38 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 8 106 W

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 31.9 46 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 35.4 83 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 1 118 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 14.7 108 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 93.2 15 S

Personal Safety 44.88 114 W Ecosystem Sustainability 58.79 46 N Access to Advanced Education 48.15 61 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 2 41 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 416.2 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.5 56 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 4 105 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 1.7 68 W Women's average years in school 8.7 86 W

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 70.2 52 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.16 62 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 3.5 109 W Number of globally ranked universities 8 20 S

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 38.1 130 W

Iraq, Costa Rica, Montenegro, Algeria, Serbia, Botswana,

Brazil, South Africa, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Jordan,

Bulgaria, Macedonia, Iran, and Mauritius

GDP per capita rank: 58/133

Social Progress Index rank: 57/133

Social Progress Index score: 66.34

Page 122: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 69.69 110 N Access to Basic Knowledge 59.30 116 N Personal Rights 32.16 104 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 15.3 99 S Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 66.5 112 S Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 4 80 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 102 97 S Primary school enrollment (% of children) 90.4 84 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 450 121 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 68.3 103 S Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 0 95 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 84.7 117 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 35.8 112 S Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 1 117 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 681.8 121 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 0.5 129 W Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 30 70 N

Water and Sanitation 17.41 132 W Access to Information and Communications 50.26 111 N Personal Freedom and Choice 49.08 108 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 5.1 125 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 62.5 118 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 65.6 85 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 40.3 128 W Internet users (% of pop.) 4.5 123 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 11.3 129 W Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 29.0 59 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.16 88 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 30.5 118 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 29 101 N

Shelter 36.27 116 N Health and Wellness 68.66 68 N Tolerance and Inclusion 47.24 80 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 34.1 105 N Life expectancy (years) 56.2 119 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 75.6 24 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 27.9 114 SPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 20.2 84 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 3.6 118 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) n/a Obesity rate (% of pop.) 4.6 18 NDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 4.8 36 S

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 95.3 81 S Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 22.2 56 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 S

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 3.4 26 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 44.4 132 W

Personal Safety 57.08 80 N Ecosystem Sustainability 59.38 44 S Access to Advanced Education 13.38 118 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 4 89 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 995.4 4 S Years of tertiary schooling 0.1 98 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 3 61 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.1 18 N Women's average years in school 3.9 116 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 44.2 91 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.38 105 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 2.5 62 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 17.2 70 N

Uganda, Rwanda, Madagascar, Ethiopia, Guinea, Burkina Faso,

Mozambique, Mali, Tanzania, Benin, Niger, Central African Republic,

Afghanistan, Liberia, and Malawi

GDP per capita rank: 123/133

Social Progress Index rank: 117/133

Social Progress Index score: 46.66

Page 123: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 97.03 54 N Access to Basic Knowledge 92.03 67 N Personal Rights 57.99 65 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 81.8 93 W Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 1 1 S

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 5 1 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 98.9 11 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 46 66 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 115.9 1 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 15.2 62 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 74.9 73 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 65.0 61 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 40 51 S

Water and Sanitation 85.63 60 N Access to Information and Communications 69.67 71 N Personal Freedom and Choice 59.87 68 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 75.2 68 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 115.6 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 56.0 116 W

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 90.5 64 N Internet users (% of pop.) 43.8 67 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 90.4 62 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 38.7 103 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.02 26 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 70.7 59 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 40 61 N

Shelter 76.02 41 N Health and Wellness 71.13 52 N Tolerance and Inclusion 34.81 117 W

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 32.2 109 W Life expectancy (years) 75.1 47 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 51.7 92 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 99.5 59 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 17.2 51 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 4.2 115 W

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 5.0 55 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 23.8 98 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 7.8 102 W

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 3.4 1 S Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 35.1 82 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 2 80 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 2.3 8 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 67.4 113 W

Personal Safety 65.85 62 N Ecosystem Sustainability 40.89 110 W Access to Advanced Education 28.14 92 W

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 1 1 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 275.7 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.4 61 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 3 61 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 3.4 105 W Women's average years in school 6.9 95 W

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 31.1 109 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) n/a

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 2.5 62 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 18.8 82 N

China, Peru, Egypt, Albania, Ecuador, Macedonia, Jordan,

Dominican Republic, Colombia, Bosnia and Herzegovina,

South Africa, Namibia, Indonesia, Jamaica, and Sri Lanka

GDP per capita rank: 69/133

Social Progress Index rank: 67/133

Social Progress Index score: 64.92

Page 124: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 97.31 53 N Access to Basic Knowledge 91.85 71 W Personal Rights 54.44 71 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 95.0 69 W Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 3 60 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 2 1 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 94.0 56 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 20 44 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 101.0 1 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 0 95 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 19.2 74 W Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 74.7 74 W Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 43.9 49 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 0.9 94 W Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 45 47 N

Water and Sanitation 96.20 37 N Access to Information and Communications 65.13 85 W Personal Freedom and Choice 57.85 76 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 98.5 27 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 93.0 91 W Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 64.1 93 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 98.8 39 N Internet users (% of pop.) 46.3 62 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 91.2 57 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 45.9 117 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.10 70 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 58.6 84 W

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 45 48 N

Shelter 73.81 49 N Health and Wellness 66.27 83 N Tolerance and Inclusion 42.70 95 W

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 53.2 40 N Life expectancy (years) 74.9 50 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 56.9 71 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 18.4 63 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 19.3 68 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 4.8 62 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 29.3 122 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 9 123 W

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 11.4 46 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 38.7 88 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 2 80 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 6.3 48 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 86.1 46 N

Personal Safety 58.68 73 N Ecosystem Sustainability 43.20 107 W Access to Advanced Education 47.45 63 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 2 41 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 307.0 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.4 67 W

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 3 61 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 3.0 89 W Women's average years in school 8.6 87 W

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 4 94 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 32.6 106 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.14 59 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 3 80 N Number of globally ranked universities 10 20 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 12 43 N

Uruguay, Romania, Venezuela, Panama, Belarus, Lebanon,

Azerbaijan, Mexico, Mauritius, Iran, Latvia, Croatia, Bulgaria,

Chile, and Kazakhstan

GDP per capita rank: 42/133

Social Progress Index rank: 58/133

Social Progress Index score: 66.24

Page 125: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 66.67 118 N Access to Basic Knowledge 61.79 114 S Personal Rights 39.50 97 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 25.7 118 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 78.4 100 S Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 6 101 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 172 115 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 90.9 82 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 360 112 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 33.8 129 W Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 0 95 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 66.1 109 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 14.8 127 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 696.7 122 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 0.8 115 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 25 94 N

Water and Sanitation 38.86 111 S Access to Information and Communications 45.49 120 N Personal Freedom and Choice 52.02 98 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 4.8 126 W Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 44.1 124 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 82.0 35 S

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 71.0 99 S Internet users (% of pop.) 16.2 97 S Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 3 55 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 33.9 109 S Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 33.3 83 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.23 108 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 45 104 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 26 115 N

Shelter 36.76 115 N Health and Wellness 66.97 81 N Tolerance and Inclusion 41.66 101 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 43.6 74 N Life expectancy (years) 58.6 115 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 57.2 70 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 14.6 125 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 21.2 89 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 12.2 80 S

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 2.9 98 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 4.6 18 NDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 8.3 110 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 79.3 81 S Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 5.8 22 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 2 80 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 14.2 105 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 81.9 71 N

Personal Safety 49.33 103 N Ecosystem Sustainability 71.91 5 S Access to Advanced Education 22.91 104 S

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 4 89 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 588.7 4 S Years of tertiary schooling 0.1 94 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 3 61 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.0 5 N Women's average years in school 5.5 105 S

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 91.3 23 SInequality in the attainment of educ. (0=low;

1=high) 0.31 95 S

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 3 80 N Number of globally ranked universities 1 54 S

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 28.9 123 W

Rwanda, Togo, Madagascar, Ethiopia, Guinea, Burkina Faso, Mali,

Tanzania, Mozambique, Benin, Afghanistan, Niger, Central African

Republic, Liberia, and Malawi

GDP per capita rank: 122/133

Social Progress Index rank: 110/133

Social Progress Index score: 49.49

Page 126: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 97.84 43 N Access to Basic Knowledge 97.76 23 S Personal Rights 56.72 67 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 99.8 1 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 3 60 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 8 1 S Primary school enrollment (% of children) 97.9 26 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 23 48 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 98.9 53 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 10 48 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 95.3 39 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 69.3 64 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 75 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 20 104 W

Water and Sanitation 87.76 58 N Access to Information and Communications 69.82 70 N Personal Freedom and Choice 52.14 96 W

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 66.4 78 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 138.1 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 46.5 126 W

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 97.7 43 N Internet users (% of pop.) 41.8 71 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 3 55 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 94.3 49 S Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 36.9 97 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.07 55 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 65.3 69 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 26 115 W

Shelter 69.55 62 N Health and Wellness 42.64 132 W Tolerance and Inclusion 44.52 88 W

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 31.1 111 W Life expectancy (years) 70.9 78 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 47.7 105 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 99.8 52 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 28.2 124 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 10.7 84 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 4.9 59 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 20.1 74 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 6.4 72 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 16.8 46 S Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 115.9 132 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 2 80 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 20.0 122 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 85.1 53 N

Personal Safety 57.96 75 N Ecosystem Sustainability 36.73 120 W Access to Advanced Education 74.83 8 S

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 2 41 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 1042.9 113 W Years of tertiary schooling 1.3 7 S

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 3 61 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 2.1 78 W Women's average years in school 13.3 16 S

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 4 94 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 41.5 94 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.06 34 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 3 80 N Number of globally ranked universities 6 20 S

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 13.5 53 S

Sri Lanka, Jamaica, Indonesia, Mongolia, Namibia, El Salvador,

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Paraguay, Angola, Armenia, Guatemala,

Morocco, Ecuador, Albania, and Georgia

GDP per capita rank: 78/133

Social Progress Index rank: 62/133

Social Progress Index score: 65.69

Page 127: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness



Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 98.14 41 W Access to Basic Knowledge 93.94 57 W Personal Rights 21.31 119 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 93.8 78 W Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 6 101 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 22 59 W Primary school enrollment (% of children) 91.2 81 W Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 0 103 W

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 8 25 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 101.0 1 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 0 95 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 8.2 40 W Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 87.0 54 W Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 1 117 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 35.6 43 W Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) n/a Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 55 34 W

Water and Sanitation 93.31 47 W Access to Information and Communications 82.60 30 W Personal Freedom and Choice 73.36 30 W

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 78.7 64 W Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 171.9 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 92.1 10 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 100.0 23 N Internet users (% of pop.) 88.0 8 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 97.5 36 W Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 36.0 89 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.07 55 W

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 56.6 90 W

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 70 20 W

Shelter 87.64 12 N Health and Wellness 69.68 63 W Tolerance and Inclusion 63.99 28 W

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 56.8 27 N Life expectancy (years) 77.0 35 W Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 88.1 1 S

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 94.1 77 WPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 18.9 70 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) n/a

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 6.6 8 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 33.7 129 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 4 20 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 2.2 1 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 19.4 49 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 4.0 32 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 86.1 45 W

Personal Safety 79.44 27 W Ecosystem Sustainability 50.42 78 W Access to Advanced Education 59.69 32 W

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 1 1 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 419.8 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.5 48 W

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 1 1 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 5.0 130 W Women's average years in school 12.6 31 W

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 96.5 10 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) n/a

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 2 39 W Number of globally ranked universities 6 20 W

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 12.7 48 W

Switzerland, Norway, United States, Saudi Arabia,

Netherlands, Ireland, Austria, Sweden, Germany, Denmark,

Australia, Canada, Belgium, Iceland, and Finland

GDP per capita rank: 3/133

Social Progress Index rank: 39/133

Social Progress Index score: 72.79

Page 128: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 99.09 27 N Access to Basic Knowledge 98.17 18 N Personal Rights 97.68 2 S

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 99.0 1 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 1 1 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 8 1 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 99.8 3 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 S

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 8 25 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 106.4 1 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 4.6 26 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 87.6 52 W Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 28.5 32 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 90 3 N

Water and Sanitation 99.89 17 N Access to Information and Communications 89.43 15 N Personal Freedom and Choice 85.83 12 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 99.6 19 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 123.8 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 83.9 31 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Internet users (% of pop.) 89.8 7 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 3 55 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 19.9 27 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.00 1 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 92.6 2 S

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 78 12 N

Shelter 86.13 18 N Health and Wellness 74.01 27 N Tolerance and Inclusion 69.68 21 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 43.9 70 N Life expectancy (years) 81.5 10 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 79.3 16 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 12.0 22 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 76.9 10 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 6.6 9 S Obesity rate (% of pop.) 24.9 111 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 5.3 44 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 0 1 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 37.7 87 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 2 80 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 7.6 58 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 91.0 23 N

Personal Safety 83.79 20 N Ecosystem Sustainability 54.53 60 N Access to Advanced Education 77.91 4 S

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 1 1 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 246.9 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.9 19 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 2 20 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 2.6 82 W Women's average years in school 13.6 11 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 70.1 53 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.03 12 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 1 1 N Number of globally ranked universities 74 1 S

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 3.7 3 N

France, Italy, Japan, Finland, Iceland, Belgium, Spain, New

Zealand, Canada, Korea, Republic of, Australia, Denmark,

Germany, Israel, and Sweden

GDP per capita rank: 19/133

Social Progress Index rank: 11/133

Social Progress Index score: 84.68

Page 129: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 98.52 39 N Access to Basic Knowledge 95.33 45 W Personal Rights 82.16 24 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 99.0 1 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 1 1 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 8 1 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 91.8 73 W Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 S

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 28 55 W Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 98.0 57 W Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 6.9 38 W Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 89.5 49 W Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 3 67 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 31.3 37 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 80 17 W

Water and Sanitation 98.68 28 W Access to Information and Communications 85.00 23 W Personal Freedom and Choice 82.64 15 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 98.6 25 W Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 95.5 87 W Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 86.6 27 W

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 98.0 41 W Internet users (% of pop.) 84.2 13 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 3 55 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 100.0 27 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 23.5 36 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.03 32 W

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 84.7 14 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 74 15 N

Shelter 90.05 6 N Health and Wellness 68.66 68 W Tolerance and Inclusion 74.46 15 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 69.0 7 S Life expectancy (years) 78.7 30 W Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 81.5 11 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 14.3 35 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 71.3 15 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 6.3 19 W Obesity rate (% of pop.) 31.8 126 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 4.5 31 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 0 1 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 33.6 78 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 10.7 81 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 90.1 27 W

Personal Safety 77.66 30 W Ecosystem Sustainability 51.63 74 W Access to Advanced Education 89.47 1 S

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 2 41 W Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 421.7 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 1.8 1 S

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 1 1 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 2.9 85 W Women's average years in school 13.9 4 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 2 2 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 63.4 68 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.07 38 W

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 3 80 W Number of globally ranked universities 181 1 S

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 11.4 38 W

Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, Netherlands, Ireland, Austria,

United Arab Emirates, Sweden, Germany, Denmark,

Australia, Canada, Belgium, Iceland, Finland, and Norway

GDP per capita rank: 5/133

Social Progress Index rank: 16/133

Social Progress Index score: 82.85

Page 130: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 97.57 49 N Access to Basic Knowledge 95.54 43 N Personal Rights 93.04 6 S

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 98.5 43 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 1 1 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 24 62 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 99.5 5 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 S

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 14 38 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 110.4 1 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 11.1 50 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 70.6 81 W Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 46.2 52 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.1 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 70 24 S

Water and Sanitation 96.33 36 N Access to Information and Communications 82.41 31 S Personal Freedom and Choice 82.56 16 S

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 99.5 20 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 154.6 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 88.9 21 S

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 94.9 52 N Internet users (% of pop.) 58.1 47 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 96.4 40 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 16.1 22 S Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.11 72 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 87.2 8 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 73 17 S

Shelter 78.70 39 S Health and Wellness 71.16 51 N Tolerance and Inclusion 84.12 4 S

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 28.4 120 W Life expectancy (years) 76.9 37 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 83.1 9 S

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 99.1 64 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 17.1 50 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 78.8 7 S

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 5.7 30 S Obesity rate (% of pop.) 23.6 97 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 2.7 6 S

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 3.9 1 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 9.2 34 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 13.7 103 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 90.0 28 N

Personal Safety 72.11 41 N Ecosystem Sustainability 51.01 76 N Access to Advanced Education 45.93 69 W

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 2 41 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 584.7 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.3 75 W

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 2 20 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.9 45 W Women's average years in school 11.6 54 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 24.6 114 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.11 49 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 1 1 S Number of globally ranked universities 2 54 W

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 21.5 100 W

Turkey, Romania, Venezuela, Panama, Belarus, Lebanon,

Azerbaijan, Mexico, Mauritius, Iran, Latvia, Croatia, Bulgaria,

Chile, and Kazakhstan

GDP per capita rank: 43/133

Social Progress Index rank: 24/133

Social Progress Index score: 79.21

Page 131: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 92.90 74 S Access to Basic Knowledge 94.35 52 S Personal Rights 11.56 128 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.8 72 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 99.6 1 S Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 7 125 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 39 72 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 88.5 88 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 0 103 W

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 36 61 S Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 94.5 65 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 42.5 95 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 129.3 1 S Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 0 126 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 85.8 75 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 76 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 15 118 W

Water and Sanitation 76.48 79 S Access to Information and Communications 50.71 110 W Personal Freedom and Choice 63.81 53 S

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 47.4 88 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 74.3 102 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 92.4 9 S

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 80.9 87 N Internet users (% of pop.) 38.2 77 S Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 1 117 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 100.0 1 S Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 61.0 127 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.05 44 S

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 79.3 36 S

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 18 131 W

Shelter 83.76 25 S Health and Wellness 52.63 124 W Tolerance and Inclusion 53.35 61 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 79.7 2 S Life expectancy (years) 68.1 91 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 67.3 46 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 SPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 31.0 130 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 4.8 112 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) n/a Obesity rate (% of pop.) 17.3 58 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 7.4 92 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 47.5 46 S Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 68.1 119 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 9.9 69 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 95.0 4 S

Personal Safety 64.10 65 S Ecosystem Sustainability 19.33 133 W Access to Advanced Education 53.51 46 S

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 2 41 S Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 1751.2 113 W Years of tertiary schooling n/a

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 3 61 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 4.3 121 W Women's average years in school 12.3 39 S

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 12.9 125 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.01 2 S

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 3 80 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 11.3 37 S

Honduras, Pakistan, Nicaragua, Laos, India, Moldova,

Yemen, Nigeria, Zambia, Bolivia, Congo, Republic of, Ghana,

Philippines, Guyana, and Kyrgyzstan

GDP per capita rank: 94/133

Social Progress Index rank: 90/133

Social Progress Index score: 59.71

Page 132: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 95.99 65 N Access to Basic Knowledge 91.66 72 N Personal Rights 36.60 98 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 96.3 60 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 5 92 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 12 52 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 92.3 69 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 0 103 W

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 110 85 W Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 91.9 76 W Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 14.9 60 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 75.5 72 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 58.2 59 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.1 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 5 131 W

Water and Sanitation 81.86 67 N Access to Information and Communications 73.96 53 N Personal Freedom and Choice 54.35 91 W

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 86.8 54 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 101.6 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 63.1 98 W

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 75.3 94 W Internet users (% of pop.) 54.9 50 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 3 55 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 90.9 59 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 35.4 88 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.17 90 W

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 77.6 41 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 19 128 W

Shelter 61.02 86 W Health and Wellness 71.31 49 N Tolerance and Inclusion 60.58 39 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 34.6 103 W Life expectancy (years) 74.5 55 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 67.8 43 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 15.7 38 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 46.9 34 S

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 1.7 116 W Obesity rate (% of pop.) 30.8 125 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 6.8 80 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 1.7 1 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 9.3 35 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 8.3 62 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 89.2 36 N

Personal Safety 25.59 131 W Ecosystem Sustainability 61.83 35 N Access to Advanced Education 46.66 67 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 5 113 W Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 533.7 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.4 62 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 4 105 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 2.3 79 W Women's average years in school 10.7 64 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 5 123 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 92.9 18 S Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.18 65 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 3.5 109 W Number of globally ranked universities 4 40 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 37.2 129 W

Panama, Romania, Belarus, Uruguay, Lebanon, Turkey,

Azerbaijan, Mexico, Mauritius, Iran, Bulgaria, Brazil, Latvia,

Botswana, and Croatia

GDP per capita rank: 45/133

Social Progress Index rank: 72/133

Social Progress Index score: 63.45

Page 133: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 71.55 109 W Access to Basic Knowledge 60.42 115 W Personal Rights 15.52 124 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 25.7 118 W Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 70.1 110 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 6 101 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 176 117 W Primary school enrollment (% of children) 86.3 96 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 0 103 W

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 270 105 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 56.6 114 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 0 95 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 51.3 102 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 36.9 109 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 1 117 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 515.0 106 W Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 0.7 123 W Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 30 70 N

Water and Sanitation 43.57 108 N Access to Information and Communications 41.57 123 W Personal Freedom and Choice 43.38 119 W

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 40.4 93 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 69.0 113 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 61.7 101 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 46.5 123 W Internet users (% of pop.) 20.0 91 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 53.3 99 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 67.3 128 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.17 90 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 40.1 107 W

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 19 128 W

Shelter 34.98 118 W Health and Wellness 64.93 92 N Tolerance and Inclusion 20.40 132 W

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 34.4 104 W Life expectancy (years) 62.9 106 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 27.6 131 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 44.8 106 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 23.1 102 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) n/a

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 1.5 121 W Obesity rate (% of pop.) 16.7 53 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 9.3 125 W

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 67.5 81 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 30.7 70 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 1 118 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 2.7 13 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 63.8 118 W

Personal Safety 48.80 104 N Ecosystem Sustainability 33.37 125 W Access to Advanced Education 5.16 132 W

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 2 41 S Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 309.6 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.1 99 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 3.5 104 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 4.7 124 W Women's average years in school 1.8 126 W

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 4 94 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 23.6 117 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.47 125 W

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 3.5 109 W Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 23.7 111 W

Moldova, Laos, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Zambia, Honduras,

Ghana, Uzbekistan, India, Kyrgyzstan, Mauritania, Djibouti,

Cambodia, Nigeria, and Bangladesh

GDP per capita rank: 100/133

Social Progress Index rank: 128/133

Social Progress Index score: 40.30

Page 134: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 48.84 131 W Access to Basic Knowledge 74.32 102 N Personal Rights 53.92 73 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 48.3 133 W Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 63.4 116 W Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 3 60 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 408 133 W Primary school enrollment (% of children) 93.7 61 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 280 106 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 68.4 102 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 87.4 121 W Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 63.8 86 S Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 3 67 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 764.3 124 W Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 0.9 108 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 30 70 N

Water and Sanitation 34.46 117 W Access to Information and Communications 55.47 102 N Personal Freedom and Choice 56.29 83 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 15.2 111 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 71.5 104 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 76.3 50 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 49.2 120 W Internet users (% of pop.) 15.4 101 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 3 55 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 42.8 105 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 30.9 71 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.19 97 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 50.6 100 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 38 67 S

Shelter 37.21 114 W Health and Wellness 68.64 70 N Tolerance and Inclusion 50.55 71 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 59.3 25 S Life expectancy (years) 57.0 118 W Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 65.4 54 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 18.5 119 WPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 18.1 60 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 10.5 86 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 3.3 90 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 4.2 14 NDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 6 58 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 103.4 110 W Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 2.7 10 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 14.7 107 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 76.1 96 N

Personal Safety 54.95 87 N Ecosystem Sustainability 60.83 40 N Access to Advanced Education 23.99 102 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 3 77 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 1733.2 113 W Years of tertiary schooling 0.1 108 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 3 61 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.1 13 N Women's average years in school 6.7 98 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 100.0 1 S Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.24 75 S

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 3 80 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 23.8 113 W

Ghana, Yemen, Moldova, Laos, Nicaragua, Pakistan,

Kyrgyzstan, Honduras, Mauritania, Djibouti, Cambodia,

Uzbekistan, Bangladesh, Cameroon, and Kenya

GDP per capita rank: 101/133

Social Progress Index rank: 105/133

Social Progress Index score: 51.62

Page 135: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care Access to Basic Knowledge 95.29 46 W Personal Rights 29.28 109 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) n/a Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 95.7 63 W Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 7 125 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) n/a Primary school enrollment (% of children) n/a Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 0 103 W

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 22 47 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 94.2 67 W Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 0 95 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 6.1 32 W Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 96.9 35 W Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 3 67 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 48.5 54 W Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 60 30 W

Water and Sanitation 99.74 20 N Access to Information and Communications 74.40 51 W Personal Freedom and Choice 65.15 48 W

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 165.9 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 80.0 39 W

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Internet users (% of pop.) 90.0 7 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 99.2 30 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 58.3 125 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.04 38 W

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 55.7 92 W

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 49 40 W

Shelter 84.78 23 W Health and Wellness 71.85 48 W Tolerance and Inclusion 47.32 80 W

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 53.1 41 N Life expectancy (years) 76.5 39 W Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 68.3 42 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 94.1 77 WPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 13.3 33 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) n/a

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 6.2 25 W Obesity rate (% of pop.) 32.6 127 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 7.6 98 W

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 6.9 1 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 15.3 44 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 2 80 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 8.9 65 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 88.0 38 W

Personal Safety 66.83 60 W Ecosystem Sustainability 27.15 133 W Access to Advanced Education 46.01 69 W

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 1 1 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 521.9 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.4 66 W

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 2 20 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 5.0 130 W Women's average years in school 11.4 58 W

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 4 94 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 5.0 128 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) n/a

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 3 80 W Number of globally ranked universities 2 54 W

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 10.5 34 W

Canada, Iceland, Australia, Finland, Denmark, Germany,

Sweden, Austria, France, Ireland, United Kingdom,

Netherlands, Italy, Japan, and Spain

GDP per capita rank: 15/133

Social Progress Index rank: n/a

Social Progress Index score: n/a

Page 136: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Sri Lanka, Jamaica, Mongolia, Indonesia, Namibia, El Salvador,

Paraguay, Angola, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Armenia, Guatemala,

Morocco, Georgia, Ecuador, and Albania

Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 94.72 69 N Access to Basic Knowledge 89.98 79 N Personal Rights 83.77 21

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 6.5 76 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) n/a Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 1 1 S

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 41 73 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 96.2 45 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 S

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 45 65 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 95.6 63 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 16.7 69 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 59.7 90 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 104.6 83 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 30 70 N

Water and Sanitation 91.17 52 N Access to Information and Communications 59.03 99 W Personal Freedom and Choice

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 79.1 64 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 52.9 123 W Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 62.4 99 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Internet users (% of pop.) 31.7 83 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 90.5 61 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 17.1 25 S Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) n/a

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 70.7 59 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) n/a

Shelter 64.69 78 N Health and Wellness 71.50 48 N Tolerance and Inclusion 56.73 51 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 39.6 94 N Life expectancy (years) 73.7 68 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 46.1 109 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 88.2 84 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 14.4 36 S Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 17.6 76 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 4.1 78 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 34.9 132 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 4.4 29 S

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 17.3 46 S Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 3.2 12 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 8.4 63 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 83.3 60 N

Personal Safety Ecosystem Sustainability 41.73 110 W Access to Advanced Education 32.95 85 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) n/a Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 3557.3 130 W Years of tertiary schooling 0.2 85 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) n/a Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 1.3 61 W Women's average years in school 9.4 76 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) n/a Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 98.6 8 S Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) n/a

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) n/a Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 16.4 68 N

GDP per capita rank: 79/133

Social Progress Index rank: n/a

Social Progress Index score: n/a

Page 137: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Armenia, Morocco, Angola, Paraguay, El Salvador, Georgia, Swaziland,

Mongolia, Guyana, Philippines, Ukraine, Congo, Republic of, Bolivia, Sri Lanka,

and Jamaica

Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care Access to Basic Knowledge 79.03 96 W Personal Rights 57.45 66 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) n/a Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 64.9 114 W Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 3 60 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) n/a Primary school enrollment (% of children) 90.6 83 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 S

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 120 87 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 86.2 92 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 0 95 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 36.2 90 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 50.2 95 W Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 186.9 91 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.1 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 60 30 S

Water and Sanitation 69.62 88 N Access to Information and Communications 59.67 98 W Personal Freedom and Choice 72.87 31 S

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 56.4 84 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 72.2 104 W Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 82.1 35 S

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 97.3 46 N Internet users (% of pop.) 29.9 84 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 46.9 103 W Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 30.7 71 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.14 83 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 84.1 17 S

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 65 23 S

Shelter 73.99 48 N Health and Wellness 67.19 79 N Tolerance and Inclusion 50.50 72 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 89.4 1 S Life expectancy (years) 67.9 93 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 59.7 67 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 72.0 98 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 20.5 87 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 16.7 76 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 5.9 30 S Obesity rate (% of pop.) 5.5 28 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 7.6 98 W

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 61.5 81 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 22.6 58 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 16.6 112 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 87.8 38 N

Personal Safety 84.29 20 S Ecosystem Sustainability 70.78 9 S Access to Advanced Education

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 1 1 S Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 253.7 4 N Years of tertiary schooling n/a

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 1 1 S Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.5 34 N Women's average years in school n/a

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 2 2 S Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 94.9 12 S Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.13 56 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 2 39 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 13.2 52 S

GDP per capita rank: 85/133

Social Progress Index rank: n/a

Social Progress Index score: n/a

Page 138: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Liberia, Central African Republic, Niger, Mozambique,

Guinea, Ethiopia, Togo, Uganda, Rwanda, Madagascar,

Burkina Faso, Mali, Tanzania, Benin, and Afghanistan

Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care Access to Basic Knowledge 62.42 114 S Personal Rights 36.17 99 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) n/a Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 85.6 91 S Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 6 101 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) n/a Primary school enrollment (% of children) 94.0 59 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 740 132 W Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 38.7 125 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 82.9 117 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 14.5 128 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 2 92 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 704.8 123 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 0.7 121 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 20 104 W

Water and Sanitation 44.69 108 S Access to Information and Communications 32.18 131 W Personal Freedom and Choice 44.10 119 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 6.4 124 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 25.0 132 W Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 42.7 129 W

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 73.2 97 S Internet users (% of pop.) 1.3 133 W Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 47.5 103 S Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 40.5 108 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.10 70 S

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 39 111 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 20 128 W

Shelter 22.08 131 W Health and Wellness 61.41 106 W Tolerance and Inclusion 38.87 111 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 30.3 116 W Life expectancy (years) 53.6 126 W Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 57.6 69 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 5.3 132 WPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 24.3 115 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 3.5 120 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 2.1 114 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 3.3 12 NDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 8.1 109 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 133.3 110 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 13.5 42 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 S

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 15.6 110 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 56.3 127 W

Personal Safety 48.90 104 N Ecosystem Sustainability 30.51 130 W Access to Advanced Education 9.66 119 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 3 77 S Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 5399.9 130 W Years of tertiary schooling 0.0 113 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 3 61 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.0 1 N Women's average years in school 3.2 120 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 4 94 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 30.3 110 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.41 110 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 3.5 109 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 21.3 99 N

GDP per capita rank: 131/133

Social Progress Index rank: n/a

Social Progress Index score: n/a

Page 139: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Philippines, Swaziland, Georgia, Congo, Republic of,

Morocco, Bolivia, Guatemala, Armenia, Nigeria, Angola,

Paraguay, India, El Salvador, Uzbekistan, and Mongolia

Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 91.01 79 N Access to Basic Knowledge 92.41 65 N Personal Rights 94.20 6 S

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 9.9 83 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 87.6 89 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 1 1 S

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 71 85 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 97.2 37 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 S

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 53 69 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 114.7 1 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 S

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 26 82 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 72.2 78 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 141.9 88 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.2 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 75 21 S

Water and Sanitation 69.85 88 N Access to Information and Communications 77.56 42 S Personal Freedom and Choice

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 55.4 84 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 100.1 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) n/a

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 86.0 77 N Internet users (% of pop.) 37.5 80 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 64.9 90 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 14.3 21 S Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) n/a

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 75.2 47 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 57 31 S

Shelter 52.92 95 N Health and Wellness 74.59 24 S Tolerance and Inclusion

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) n/a Life expectancy (years) 74.5 54 S Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) n/a

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 67.0 98 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 15.1 37 S Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) n/a

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 2.7 103 W Obesity rate (% of pop.) 11.5 43 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 4.2 27 S

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 37.0 46 S Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 35.5 84 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 S

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 5.1 39 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) n/a

Personal Safety Ecosystem Sustainability 37.44 118 W Access to Advanced Education 27.14 95 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) n/a Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 263.4 4 N Years of tertiary schooling n/a

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) n/a Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources n/a Women's average years in school 5.9 103 W

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) n/a Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 7.3 128 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.18 67 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) n/a Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 22.4 105 N

GDP per capita rank: 88/133

Social Progress Index rank: n/a

Social Progress Index score: n/a

Page 140: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Rwanda, Uganda, Togo, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Guinea, Mali, Tanzania,

Benin, Mozambique, Afghanistan, Niger, Central African Republic, Chad,

and Liberia

Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care Access to Basic Knowledge 79.04 96 S Personal Rights 67.12 46 S

Undernourishment (% of pop.) n/a Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 77.8 102 S Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 3 60 S

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) n/a Primary school enrollment (% of children) 83.3 107 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 350 112 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 75.3 98 S Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 S

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 77.9 115 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 70.7 81 S Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 494.6 106 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 89 S Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 30 70 N

Water and Sanitation 58.27 97 S Access to Information and Communications 47.40 118 N Personal Freedom and Choice 39.77 123 W

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 29.7 96 S Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 47.3 124 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 53.3 118 W

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 96.7 48 S Internet users (% of pop.) 6.5 113 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 3 55 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 35.4 109 S Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 24.5 40 S Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) n/a

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 28.6 121 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 26 115 N

Shelter 44.50 106 S Health and Wellness 67.73 76 N Tolerance and Inclusion 50.23 72 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 39.5 94 N Life expectancy (years) 60.6 112 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 65.3 55 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 48.3 105 SPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 23.5 106 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 8.0 96 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) n/a Obesity rate (% of pop.) 4.4 16 NDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 5.3 44 S

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 99.7 81 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 1.3 4 S Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 12.8 99 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 71.9 109 N

Personal Safety Ecosystem Sustainability 25.88 133 W Access to Advanced Education 12.89 119 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) n/a Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 276.7 4 S Years of tertiary schooling n/a

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) n/a Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 5.0 130 W Women's average years in school 5.4 107 S

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) n/a Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 0.0 133 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.47 126 W

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) n/a Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 21.8 101 N

GDP per capita rank: 120/133

Social Progress Index rank: n/a

Social Progress Index score: n/a

Page 141: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness



Liberia, Central African Republic, Niger, Mozambique,

Guinea, Ethiopia, Togo, Uganda, Rwanda, Madagascar,

Burkina Faso, Mali, Tanzania, Benin, and Afghanistan

Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care Access to Basic Knowledge 55.62 119 N Personal Rights 5.75 130 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) n/a Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 63.8 116 S Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 6 101 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) n/a Primary school enrollment (% of children) n/a Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 0 103 W

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 730 132 W Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 54.6 115 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 0 95 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 118.5 130 W Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 37.2 109 S Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 0 126 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 920.7 130 W Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 0.6 128 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 10 125 W

Water and Sanitation 19.37 130 W Access to Information and Communications 37.13 128 W Personal Freedom and Choice 36.95 127 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 8.0 119 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 43.7 125 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 53.8 118 W

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 29.0 133 W Internet users (% of pop.) 2.2 129 W Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 31.4 111 S Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 44.6 115 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.25 111 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 15.5 130 W

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 22 125 W

Shelter 24.13 130 N Health and Wellness 63.82 93 W Tolerance and Inclusion 42.63 96 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 33.1 108 N Life expectancy (years) 49.6 130 W Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 59.8 67 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 15.2 123 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 23.6 106 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 10.9 83 S

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) n/a Obesity rate (% of pop.) 1.9 5 SDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 9.6 130 W

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 127.2 110 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 18.1 48 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 6.7 52 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 81.9 71 N

Personal Safety 27.75 130 W Ecosystem Sustainability 34.18 124 W Access to Advanced Education 19.69 107 S

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 5 113 W Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 6210.5 130 W Years of tertiary schooling 0.0 110 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 5 124 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.0 6 N Women's average years in school 5.8 103 S

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 4 94 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 44.9 91 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.29 87 S

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 5 133 W Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 20.9 98 N

GDP per capita rank: 131/133

Social Progress Index rank: n/a

Social Progress Index score: n/a

Page 142: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Mauritania, Djibouti, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Cameroon,

Kenya, Lesotho, Ghana, Tajikistan, Zambia, Senegal, Nepal,

Chad, Yemen, and Afghanistan

Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 61.99 127 W Access to Basic Knowledge Personal Rights 20.11 121 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 14.7 97 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 43.1 125 W Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 5 92 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 103 98 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 61.9 122 W Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 0 103 W

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 720 132 W Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) n/a Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 0 95 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 100 127 W Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 31.4 115 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 1 117 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 861.3 127 W Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) n/a Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 35 66 N

Water and Sanitation 43.41 109 N Access to Information and Communications 59.83 98 N Personal Freedom and Choice 50.37 106 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 40.4 94 S Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 95.4 89 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 77.8 46 S

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 67.8 105 N Internet users (% of pop.) 2.6 127 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 21.9 118 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 31.6 78 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.25 111 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 31.5 118 W

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 32 93 N

Shelter 46.65 101 N Health and Wellness 63.43 96 W Tolerance and Inclusion 45.23 86 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 47.5 61 N Life expectancy (years) 50.4 129 W Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 85.1 9 S

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 58.9 100 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 23.3 104 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 2.8 120 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 3.9 84 S Obesity rate (% of pop.) 6.7 33 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 9 123 W

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 103.6 110 W Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 20.6 51 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 4.5 36 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 70.6 109 N

Personal Safety 36.32 122 W Ecosystem Sustainability 56.21 55 N Access to Advanced Education 10.60 119 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 5 113 W Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 1142.2 113 W Years of tertiary schooling 0.2 85 S

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 4 105 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.0 11 N Women's average years in school 3.6 118 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 4 94 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 81.2 36 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.45 120 W

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 4 119 W Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 20.9 98 N

GDP per capita rank: 104/133

Social Progress Index rank: n/a

Social Progress Index score: n/a

Page 143: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Turkey, Romania, Venezuela, Panama, Belarus, Lebanon,

Azerbaijan, Mexico, Mauritius, Iran, Latvia, Bulgaria, Croatia,

Chile, and Kazakhstan

Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 83.24 93 W Access to Basic Knowledge Personal Rights 48.89 79 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 83.2 91 W Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 6 101 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 22 59 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) n/a Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 240 104 W Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) n/a Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 56.1 108 W Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) n/a Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 589.4 113 W Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) n/a Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 40 51 N

Water and Sanitation 53.13 102 W Access to Information and Communications 63.26 90 W Personal Freedom and Choice 48.44 112 W

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 61.0 83 W Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 214.8 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 60.4 104 W

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 63.0 113 W Internet users (% of pop.) 9.2 110 W Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 41.4 106 W Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 31.3 76 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.22 105 W

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 34.8 113 W

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 37 75 N

Shelter 50.30 98 W Health and Wellness 70.79 56 N Tolerance and Inclusion 61.80 37 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 19.0 133 W Life expectancy (years) 63.1 105 W Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 67.2 47 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 81.6 92 WPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 15.0 37 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 6.4 101 W

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 2.3 112 W Obesity rate (% of pop.) 15 47 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 3.6 12 S

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 49.5 46 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 5.3 21 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 11.8 90 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 82.4 69 N

Personal Safety 60.96 71 N Ecosystem Sustainability 62.67 31 N Access to Advanced Education 33.16 85 W

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 4 89 W Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 243.6 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.4 62 W

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 2 20 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 1.6 68 W Women's average years in school 8.6 87 W

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 82.9 35 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.24 75 W

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 2 39 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 W

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 22.5 105 W

GDP per capita rank: 44/133

Social Progress Index rank: n/a

Social Progress Index score: n/a

Page 144: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Tanzania, Benin, Burkina Faso, Afghanistan, Madagascar,

Rwanda, Uganda, Togo, Chad, Ethiopia, Guinea, Nepal,

Senegal, Mozambique, and Tajikistan

Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 77.65 100 S Access to Basic Knowledge 64.26 113 N Personal Rights 42.45 89 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 6.0 74 S Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 55.5 122 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 6 101 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 37 71 S Primary school enrollment (% of children) 70.9 115 W Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 430 120 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 66.1 104 S Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 73.8 115 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 47.7 98 S Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 3 67 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 590.5 113 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 0.9 93 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 25 94 W

Water and Sanitation 61.15 94 S Access to Information and Communications 58.61 100 S Personal Freedom and Choice 43.34 120 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 32.3 96 S Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 100.0 82 S Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) n/a

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 84.4 80 S Internet users (% of pop.) 14.0 104 S Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 60.2 94 S Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 46.4 118 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.25 111 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 23.6 127 W

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 29 101 N

Shelter 42.89 107 N Health and Wellness 68.24 75 N Tolerance and Inclusion

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) n/a Life expectancy (years) 58.6 116 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) n/a

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 31.0 114 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 19.1 72 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) n/a

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 3.3 92 S Obesity rate (% of pop.) 8.5 38 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 3.7 15 S

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 96.0 81 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 29.0 69 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 S

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 3.1 21 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) n/a

Personal Safety 49.90 102 N Ecosystem Sustainability 30.33 130 W Access to Advanced Education 9.23 121 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 4 89 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 2819.6 130 W Years of tertiary schooling 0.1 105 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 4 105 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.4 31 N Women's average years in school 2.9 122 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 37.1 103 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) n/a

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 3 80 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 18.8 82 N

GDP per capita rank: 119/133

Social Progress Index rank: n/a

Social Progress Index score: n/a

Page 145: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Rwanda, Uganda, Burkina Faso, Togo, Ethiopia, Guinea, Mali, Tanzania,

Benin, Afghanistan, Mozambique, Niger, Central African Republic, Chad,

and Liberia

Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 60.46 128 W Access to Basic Knowledge Personal Rights 57.93 66 S

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 17.7 105 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 59.9 118 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 5 92 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 120 104 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 69.8 115 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 560 127 W Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) n/a Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 S

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 123.9 131 W Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 20.6 122 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 869.8 128 W Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) n/a Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 20 104 W

Water and Sanitation 27.22 124 N Access to Information and Communications 53.37 104 N Personal Freedom and Choice 42.99 120 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 5.2 125 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 74.1 103 S Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) n/a

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 55.5 116 N Internet users (% of pop.) 3.1 127 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 19.7 120 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 30.1 66 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.22 105 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 30.9 118 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 19 128 W

Shelter Health and Wellness 64.26 93 N Tolerance and Inclusion

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) n/a Life expectancy (years) 54.0 126 W Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) n/a

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 57.0 100 SPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 22.4 99 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) n/a

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) n/a Obesity rate (% of pop.) 5.4 26 NDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 6 58 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 107.6 110 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 34.5 79 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 3.2 24 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) n/a

Personal Safety 31.45 128 W Ecosystem Sustainability 57.85 49 N Access to Advanced Education 7.54 127 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 5 113 W Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 1138.7 113 N Years of tertiary schooling n/a

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 5 124 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.2 20 N Women's average years in school 2.1 125 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 4 94 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 89.9 24 S Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.40 109 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 3 80 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 31.2 125 W

GDP per capita rank: 120/133

Social Progress Index rank: n/a

Social Progress Index score: n/a

Page 146: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Tanzania, Benin, Burkina Faso, Afghanistan, Madagascar,

Rwanda, Uganda, Togo, Ethiopia, Chad, Guinea, Nepal,

Senegal, Mozambique, and Tajikistan

Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 47.60 132 W Access to Basic Knowledge Personal Rights 47.53 83 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 51.8 134 W Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 60.7 118 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 5 92 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 523 134 W Primary school enrollment (% of children) n/a Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 380 113 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) n/a Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 72.8 115 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) n/a Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 405.4 104 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) n/a Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 10 125 W

Water and Sanitation 25.93 126 N Access to Information and Communications 56.37 102 S Personal Freedom and Choice 46.07 118 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 8.7 118 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 69.4 113 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 55.7 118 W

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 47.5 123 N Internet users (% of pop.) 10.6 109 S Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 24.4 116 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 23.5 37 S Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.19 97 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 46.4 103 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 19 128 W

Shelter 22.58 130 W Health and Wellness 68.16 75 N Tolerance and Inclusion 38.69 111 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 32.9 108 W Life expectancy (years) 62.7 107 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 43.1 113 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 33.9 113 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 23.9 109 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 14.6 76 S

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 1.9 115 W Obesity rate (% of pop.) 8.4 38 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 7 83 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 159.2 130 W Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 22.0 56 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 2.8 18 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 63.7 119 W

Personal Safety 47.98 108 N Ecosystem Sustainability 38.12 118 W Access to Advanced Education 15.27 118 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 3 77 S Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 503.1 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.0 110 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 4 105 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 2.4 80 W Women's average years in school 6.1 103 S

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 4 94 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 1.1 133 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.40 109 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 3 80 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) n/a

GDP per capita rank: 119/133

Social Progress Index rank: n/a

Social Progress Index score: n/a

Page 147: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Malaysia, Chile, Poland, Croatia, Latvia, Hungary, Lithuania,

Russia, Estonia, Turkey, Uruguay, Romania, Venezuela,

Panama, and Slovakia

Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care Access to Basic Knowledge 95.49 44 N Personal Rights 10.88 129 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) n/a Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 91.0 83 W Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 6 101 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) n/a Primary school enrollment (% of children) n/a Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 0 103 W

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 15 41 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 108.5 1 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 0 95 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 14.5 59 W Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 100.2 1 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 1 117 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 52.6 55 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.2 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 10 125 W

Water and Sanitation Access to Information and Communications 61.87 93 W Personal Freedom and Choice 50.25 106 W

Access to piped water (% of pop.) n/a Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 165.0 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 68.1 77 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) n/a Internet users (% of pop.) 16.5 96 W Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 96.6 40 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 39.8 105 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.03 32 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 40.4 106 W

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 18 131 W

Shelter 62.06 83 W Health and Wellness 67.42 77 N Tolerance and Inclusion 41.77 98 W

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 14.3 133 W Life expectancy (years) 75.2 47 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 50.9 94 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 17.6 57 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) n/a

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 2.8 100 W Obesity rate (% of pop.) 30.8 125 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 7.5 95 W

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 2.4 1 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 41.5 94 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 2 80 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 3.1 21 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 84.6 54 N

Personal Safety 51.09 99 W Ecosystem Sustainability 0.96 134 W Access to Advanced Education

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 2 41 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 3268.7 130 W Years of tertiary schooling 0.6 45 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 3 61 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 4.8 128 W Women's average years in school n/a

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 4 94 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 0.9 133 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) n/a

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 4 119 W Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 W

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) n/a

GDP per capita rank: 38/133

Social Progress Index rank: n/a

Social Progress Index score: n/a

Page 148: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Norway, United Arab Emirates, Switzerland, United States,

Saudi Arabia, Netherlands, Ireland, Austria, Sweden,

Germany, Denmark, Australia, Canada, Belgium, and Iceland

Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 99.39 7 N Access to Basic Knowledge 96.06 39 W Personal Rights 97.68 2 S

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 100.0 1 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 1 1 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 8 1 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 92.1 72 W Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 S

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 11 33 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 113.7 1 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 2 1 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 91.3 45 W Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 20.5 19 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 90 3 N

Water and Sanitation 99.90 17 N Access to Information and Communications 95.69 4 N Personal Freedom and Choice 88.89 7 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 99.7 18 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 148.6 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 92.5 9 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Internet users (% of pop.) 93.8 6 S Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 6.7 4 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.01 12 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) n/a

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 82 8 N

Shelter 88.79 11 N Health and Wellness 75.25 22 N Tolerance and Inclusion 83.24 5 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 55.8 31 N Life expectancy (years) 81.4 12 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 84.2 9 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 11.4 18 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 78.8 8 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 6.6 8 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 23.4 93 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 2.8 7 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 0 1 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 29.1 69 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 9.7 69 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 87.4 39 W

Personal Safety Ecosystem Sustainability 62.68 31 N Access to Advanced Education 58.01 37 W

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) n/a Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 249.4 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 1.1 13 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) n/a Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 2.5 81 W Women's average years in school 12.4 37 W

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) n/a Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 100.0 1 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.06 34 W

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) n/a Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 W

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 6.3 15 N

GDP per capita rank: 1/133

Social Progress Index rank: n/a

Social Progress Index score: n/a

Page 149: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Czech Republic, Cyprus, Greece, Israel, Portugal, Slovakia,

Korea, Republic of, New Zealand, Spain, Estonia, Russia,

Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, and Japan

Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 98.99 34 N Access to Basic Knowledge 93.37 60 W Personal Rights 84.43 21 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 94.4 75 W Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 1 1 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 8 1 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 95.1 52 W Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 9 30 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 93.8 68 W Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 6.1 32 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 81.2 60 W Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 23.6 24 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 75 21 N

Water and Sanitation 100.00 1 N Access to Information and Communications 82.26 32 N Personal Freedom and Choice 74.36 29 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 129.8 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 90.1 16 S

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Internet users (% of pop.) 68.9 31 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 23.8 39 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) n/a

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 70.5 61 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 55 31 N

Shelter 81.15 32 N Health and Wellness 72.35 42 N Tolerance and Inclusion 74.11 17 S

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 61.8 17 S Life expectancy (years) 80.7 19 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 56.4 74 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 11.6 18 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 72.1 15 S

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 4.7 66 W Obesity rate (% of pop.) 26.6 116 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 4 20 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 0 1 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 54.7 111 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 3.8 31 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 93.8 11 S

Personal Safety Ecosystem Sustainability 46.47 100 W Access to Advanced Education 48.63 59 W

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) n/a Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 257.0 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.5 51 W

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) n/a Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 5.0 130 W Women's average years in school n/a

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) n/a Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 81.0 37 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.06 30 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) n/a Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 W

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 3.8 4 S

GDP per capita rank: 27/133

Social Progress Index rank: n/a

Social Progress Index score: n/a

Page 150: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Ireland, Austria, Sweden, Germany, Denmark, Australia,

Canada, Saudi Arabia, Belgium, United States, Iceland,

Finland, France, United Kingdom, and Switzerland

Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care Access to Basic Knowledge 94.62 50 W Personal Rights 36.68 98 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) n/a Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 91.1 83 W Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 6 101 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) n/a Primary school enrollment (% of children) 96.3 44 W Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 0 103 W

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 11 33 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 98.3 56 W Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 0 95 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 11.4 51 W Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 96.9 35 W Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 84.2 75 W Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 93 W Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 55 34 W

Water and Sanitation 84.85 63 W Access to Information and Communications 75.70 48 W Personal Freedom and Choice 62.86 60 W

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 72.6 72 W Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 154.6 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 91.1 15 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 86.1 76 W Internet users (% of pop.) 66.5 36 W Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 96.6 40 W Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 38.8 104 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.04 38 W

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 36.3 112 W

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 45 48 W

Shelter 86.76 16 Health and Wellness 74.52 24 N Tolerance and Inclusion

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 58.4 26 N Life expectancy (years) 76.6 39 W Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) n/a

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 94.1 77 WPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 17.8 60 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) n/a

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 6.3 17 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 22 89 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 2.7 6 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 9.7 1 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 21.0 54 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 1.5 3 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) n/a

Personal Safety 71.81 42 W Ecosystem Sustainability 37.03 120 W Access to Advanced Education

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 1 1 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 737.2 4 N Years of tertiary schooling n/a

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 2 20 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 4.9 128 W Women's average years in school 8.4 88 W

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 2 2 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 42.3 93 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) n/a

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 2 39 W Number of globally ranked universities 1 54 W

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 30.4 125 W

GDP per capita rank: 8/133

Social Progress Index rank: n/a

Social Progress Index score: n/a

Page 151: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Lesotho, Senegal, Nepal, Kenya, Chad, Cameroon,

Bangladesh, Cambodia, Djibouti, Mauritania, Afghanistan,

Kyrgyzstan, Benin, Tanzania, and Mali

Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care Access to Basic Knowledge 63.03 114 N Personal Rights 63.06 54 S

Undernourishment (% of pop.) n/a Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 64.2 115 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 4 80 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) n/a Primary school enrollment (% of children) 85.6 100 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 S

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 220 102 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 72.7 99 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 61.4 108 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 22.3 122 W Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 554.3 107 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 0.8 119 W Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 20 104 W

Water and Sanitation 17.40 133 W Access to Information and Communications 45.69 120 W Personal Freedom and Choice 51.58 101 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 9.2 118 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 41.0 125 W Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) n/a

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 32.8 133 W Internet users (% of pop.) 6.5 113 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 18.7 121 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 23.5 35 S Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.16 88 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 46.3 103 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 25 117 W

Shelter Health and Wellness 60.33 109 W Tolerance and Inclusion

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) n/a Life expectancy (years) 62.3 107 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) n/a

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 14.5 126 WPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 26.4 121 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) n/a

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) n/a Obesity rate (% of pop.) 15.9 48 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 6.6 77 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 84.3 81 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 2.4 8 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 2 80 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 18.7 121 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) n/a

Personal Safety 47.64 109 W Ecosystem Sustainability 52.50 70 N Access to Advanced Education 27.16 95 S

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 4 89 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 697.5 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.1 108 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 5 124 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.6 38 N Women's average years in school 5.4 107 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 4 94 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 25.7 114 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.12 52 S

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 2 39 S Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 13 51 S

GDP per capita rank: 111/133

Social Progress Index rank: n/a

Social Progress Index score: n/a

Page 152: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Norway, United Arab Emirates, Switzerland, United States,

Saudi Arabia, Netherlands, Ireland, Austria, Sweden,

Germany, Denmark, Australia, Canada, Belgium, and Iceland

Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care Access to Basic Knowledge 97.01 31 W Personal Rights 29.91 108 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) n/a Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 97.3 58 W Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 6 101 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) n/a Primary school enrollment (% of children) 92.4 69 W Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 0 103 W

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 6 15 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 101.1 1 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 0 95 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 8.2 40 W Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 102.5 1 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 28.3 31 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.1 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 70 24 W

Water and Sanitation 100.00 1 N Access to Information and Communications 82.55 31 W Personal Freedom and Choice 69.17 40 W

Access to piped water (% of pop.) n/a Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 152.6 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 90.3 16 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Internet users (% of pop.) 85.3 12 N Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 34.3 86 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.18 97 W

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 59.4 84 W

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 69 21 W

Shelter 85.28 21 W Health and Wellness 74.81 22 N Tolerance and Inclusion 62.50 33 W

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 49.0 55 W Life expectancy (years) 78.5 31 W Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 79.6 16 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 94.1 77 WPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 14.2 35 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) n/a

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 6.5 13 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 33.1 128 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 4.9 38 W

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 1.8 1 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 9.5 36 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 4.6 36 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 84.0 57 W

Personal Safety 88.22 16 N Ecosystem Sustainability 28.03 133 W Access to Advanced Education 47.01 66 W

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 1 1 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 323.8 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.6 40 W

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 1 1 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 5.0 130 W Women's average years in school 10.5 66 W

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 2 2 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 8.5 127 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) n/a

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 1 1 N Number of globally ranked universities 1 54 W

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 14 56 W

GDP per capita rank: 1/133

Social Progress Index rank: n/a

Social Progress Index score: n/a

Page 153: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Rwanda, Burkina Faso, Uganda, Togo, Mali, Tanzania,

Ethiopia, Guinea, Benin, Afghanistan, Mozambique, Chad,

Niger, Central African Republic, and Liberia

Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 37.78 133 W Access to Basic Knowledge Personal Rights 39.04 98 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 25.5 118 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 48.1 124 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 3 60 S

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 190 119 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) n/a Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 1100 134 W Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 66.2 104 S Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 160.6 133 W Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) n/a Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 1 117 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 1327.4 134 W Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) n/a Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 10 125 W

Water and Sanitation 18.94 130 W Access to Information and Communications 43.59 123 N Personal Freedom and Choice 44.44 119 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 5.2 125 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 44.1 124 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 66.1 82 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 42.4 126 W Internet users (% of pop.) 1.7 131 W Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 13.0 127 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 28.2 56 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.31 121 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 31.4 118 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 31 96 N

Shelter 21.41 132 W Health and Wellness 59.78 109 W Tolerance and Inclusion 56.63 51 S

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 22.4 128 W Life expectancy (years) 45.3 134 W Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 76.0 23 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 12.1 128 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 27.5 123 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 6.5 100 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 2.0 115 W Obesity rate (% of pop.) 7 33 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 5.9 57 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 101.2 110 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 16.2 46 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 3.4 27 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 86.9 44 S

Personal Safety 59.59 73 N Ecosystem Sustainability 52.35 71 N Access to Advanced Education 4.55 134 W

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 4 89 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 719.2 4 S Years of tertiary schooling 0.1 108 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 3 61 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.5 35 N Women's average years in school 2.1 125 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 2 2 S Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 23.5 118 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.49 126 W

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 2.5 62 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 22.6 106 W

GDP per capita rank: 120/133

Social Progress Index rank: n/a

Social Progress Index score: n/a

Page 154: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Norway, United Arab Emirates, Switzerland, United States,

Saudi Arabia, Netherlands, Ireland, Austria, Sweden,

Germany, Denmark, Australia, Canada, Belgium, and Iceland

Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care Access to Basic Knowledge Personal Rights 49.50 77 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) n/a Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 96.8 58 W Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 4 80 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) n/a Primary school enrollment (% of children) n/a Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 0 103 W

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 6 15 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) n/a Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 1 48 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 2.8 3 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) n/a Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 66.2 63 W Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) n/a Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 90 3 N

Water and Sanitation 100.00 1 N Access to Information and Communications 75.32 48 W Personal Freedom and Choice 80.18 19 W

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 155.6 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 79.9 39 W

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) n/a Internet users (% of pop.) 73.0 26 W Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 100.0 1 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 44.3 115 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.00 1 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 74.5 49 W

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 84 7 N

Shelter 82.72 27 W Health and Wellness 80.68 3 S Tolerance and Inclusion 64.91 26 W

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 55.5 33 N Life expectancy (years) 82.1 7 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 61.2 62 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 72.6 98 WPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 10.5 10 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 24.8 58 W

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 6.7 5 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 6.4 31 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 2.8 7 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 0 1 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 27.8 67 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 11.3 86 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 80.7 76 W

Personal Safety 85.23 20 N Ecosystem Sustainability 50.60 78 W Access to Advanced Education 56.74 40 W

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 1 1 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 189.2 1 S Years of tertiary schooling 1.4 7 S

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 1 1 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 5.0 130 W Women's average years in school 10.1 71 W

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 46.3 89 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) n/a

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 1.5 23 W Number of globally ranked universities 2 54 W

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 5.1 11 N

GDP per capita rank: 2/133

Social Progress Index rank: n/a

Social Progress Index score: n/a

Page 155: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Zambia, Kyrgyzstan, Yemen, Mauritania, Djibouti, Cambodia,

Bangladesh, Cameroon, Moldova, Kenya, Laos, Nicaragua,

Pakistan, Honduras, and Lesotho

Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care Access to Basic Knowledge Personal Rights 20.01 121 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) n/a Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 75.9 104 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 7 125 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) n/a Primary school enrollment (% of children) n/a Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 0 103 W

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 360 112 W Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 49.3 119 W Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 0 95 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 76.6 115 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) n/a Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 3 67 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 495.0 106 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) n/a Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) n/a

Water and Sanitation 31.24 121 W Access to Information and Communications 41.77 123 W Personal Freedom and Choice 27.92 132 W

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 24.2 100 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 72.9 104 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 40.5 129 W

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 50.2 120 W Internet users (% of pop.) 22.7 89 S Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 1 117 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 23.6 117 W Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 71.9 132 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.24 111 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 28.7 120 W

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 11 134 W

Shelter 38.99 110 N Health and Wellness 69.91 62 N Tolerance and Inclusion 31.91 124 W

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 33.8 106 W Life expectancy (years) 61.9 107 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 53.2 85 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 29.0 114 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 17.4 54 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 6.8 100 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) n/a Obesity rate (% of pop.) 6.6 33 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 9.9 132 W

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 51.3 81 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 15.0 44 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 1 118 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 11.2 86 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 81.1 75 N

Personal Safety 35.30 123 W Ecosystem Sustainability 35.72 124 W Access to Advanced Education 20.72 106 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 4 89 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 1192.4 113 W Years of tertiary schooling 0.1 98 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 3.5 104 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.9 46 W Women's average years in school 6.2 103 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 4 94 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 16.3 121 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) n/a

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 5 133 W Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 25.1 118 W

GDP per capita rank: 103/133

Social Progress Index rank: n/a

Social Progress Index score: n/a

Page 156: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Brazil, Botswana, Iran, Mauritius, Mexico, Azerbaijan,

Montenegro, Iraq, Lebanon, Belarus, Thailand, Panama,

Costa Rica, Venezuela, and Algeria

Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 91.75 77 W Access to Basic Knowledge 91.51 73 N Personal Rights 71.72 39 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 8.4 79 W Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 95.6 65 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 2 38 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 59 80 W Primary school enrollment (% of children) 92.2 70 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 130 90 W Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 89.7 83 W Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 22.8 79 W Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 78.7 63 N Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 83.7 75 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.3 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 35 66 N

Water and Sanitation 79.17 76 W Access to Information and Communications 76.01 48 N Personal Freedom and Choice 66.59 46 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 67.1 76 W Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 127.3 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 86.7 27 S

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 88.4 70 N Internet users (% of pop.) 37.4 80 W Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 80.3 74 W Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 18.2 26 S Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) n/a

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 70.8 58 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 36 80 N

Shelter 65.37 77 W Health and Wellness 67.48 77 N Tolerance and Inclusion 58.57 46 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 44.4 70 N Life expectancy (years) 70.8 81 W Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 66.9 50 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 13.6 35 S Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 36.1 46 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 3.4 89 W Obesity rate (% of pop.) 25.8 115 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 6.1 61 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 19.0 46 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 3.4 14 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 22.0 126 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 74.8 101 W

Personal Safety Ecosystem Sustainability 66.62 22 N Access to Advanced Education 35.20 85 W

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) n/a Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 554.1 4 N Years of tertiary schooling n/a

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) n/a Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.3 23 N Women's average years in school 8.8 85 W

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) n/a Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 75.0 47 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.19 69 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) n/a Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 W

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 19.6 91 N

GDP per capita rank: 54/133

Social Progress Index rank: n/a

Social Progress Index score: n/a

Page 157: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Afghanistan, Nepal, Benin, Senegal, Tanzania, Mali,

Tajikistan, Lesotho, Burkina Faso, Madagascar, Rwanda,

Uganda, Togo, Kenya, and Ethiopia

Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 71.47 110 N Access to Basic Knowledge 75.11 102 S Personal Rights 74.58 35 S

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 28.8 123 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 67.5 112 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 3 60 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 197 120 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 91.1 82 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 S

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 270 105 S Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 62.2 109 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 S

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 54.6 106 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) 50.3 95 S Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 343.5 101 S Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) 1.0 1 N Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 20 104 W

Water and Sanitation 40.81 111 N Access to Information and Communications 47.58 118 N Personal Freedom and Choice 55.42 88 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 23.6 100 S Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 57.4 121 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) n/a

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 60.5 114 N Internet users (% of pop.) 1.1 134 W Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 38.9 106 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 29.0 60 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.08 62 S

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 46.6 103 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 28 107 N

Shelter 37.93 111 N Health and Wellness 72.51 40 N Tolerance and Inclusion

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) n/a Life expectancy (years) 67.0 96 S Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) n/a

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 38.0 110 SPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 23.7 107 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) n/a

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 3.0 94 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 2.9 10 NDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 6.8 80 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 130.2 110 W Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 3.4 15 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 7.8 59 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) n/a

Personal Safety 51.97 95 N Ecosystem Sustainability 42.14 109 W Access to Advanced Education 11.32 119 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 3 77 S Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) n/a Years of tertiary schooling n/a

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 4 105 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 4.8 126 W Women's average years in school 4.9 109 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 4 94 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 60.4 75 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.48 126 W

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 2 39 S Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 19.5 89 N

GDP per capita rank: 115/133

Social Progress Index rank: n/a

Social Progress Index score: n/a

Page 158: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Slovenia, Czech Republic, Israel, Korea, Republic of,

Greece, New Zealand, Portugal, Spain, Slovakia, Estonia,

Japan, Italy, Russia, Lithuania, and Hungary

Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 92.16 77 W Access to Basic Knowledge Personal Rights 75.20 33 N

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 9.0 81 W Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 99.0 41 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 2 38 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 67 83 W Primary school enrollment (% of children) 95.2 50 W Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 1 15 N

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 84 79 W Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 97.5 61 W Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 2 1 N

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 21.3 75 W Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) n/a Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 80.4 73 W Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) n/a Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 50 39 W

Water and Sanitation 87.51 59 W Access to Information and Communications 81.11 34 N Personal Freedom and Choice 68.91 40 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 75.8 68 W Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 144.9 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 82.9 34 S

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 93.1 55 W Internet users (% of pop.) 63.8 37 W Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 92.1 55 W Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 23.3 35 N Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.03 32 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 63.1 77 W

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 38 67 W

Shelter 78.37 40 N Health and Wellness 62.20 100 W Tolerance and Inclusion 65.82 25 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 34.3 105 W Life expectancy (years) 69.8 87 W Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 67.9 43 N

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 99.0 65 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 26.2 119 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 27.0 57 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 5.4 43 W Obesity rate (% of pop.) 30 125 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 4.4 29 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 3.9 1 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 3.4 15 N Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 12.1 93 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 88.0 38 N

Personal Safety 42.70 116 W Ecosystem Sustainability 34.18 124 W Access to Advanced Education 45.38 71 W

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 5 113 W Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 1142.6 113 W Years of tertiary schooling 0.3 68 W

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 5 124 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 5.0 130 W Women's average years in school 11.8 51 W

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 4 94 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 83.5 34 N Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.07 38 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 2 39 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 W

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 16.7 69 W

GDP per capita rank: 27/133

Social Progress Index rank: n/a

Social Progress Index score: n/a

Page 159: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Colombia, Dominican Republic, Jordan, Macedonia, Serbia,

Algeria, Costa Rica, Egypt, Peru, Tunisia, China, Thailand,

Iraq, Albania, and Ecuador

Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 91.85 77 W Access to Basic Knowledge Personal Rights 6.28 130 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 5.0 1 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 99.7 1 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 7 125 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 21 59 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) n/a Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 0 103 W

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 61 69 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) n/a Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 0 95 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 55.2 106 W Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) n/a Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 1 117 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 115.8 83 W Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) n/a Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 5 131 W

Water and Sanitation 62.92 93 W Access to Information and Communications 43.90 122 W Personal Freedom and Choice 58.39 74 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 45.3 91 W Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 116.9 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 75.3 55 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 53.7 119 W Internet users (% of pop.) 9.6 109 W Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 2 92 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 99.1 30 S * Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 80.8 134 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.05 44 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 70.7 59 N

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 17 132 W

Shelter 87.01 14 S Health and Wellness 41.01 133 W Tolerance and Inclusion 55.58 54 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 65.0 14 S Life expectancy (years) 65.3 100 W Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 50.4 95 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 100.0 1 NPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 40.8 134 W Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) n/a

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) n/a Obesity rate (% of pop.) 14.3 46 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 6.9 83 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 5.1 1 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 97.3 131 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 4 1 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 10.8 82 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 89.7 30 N

Personal Safety 61.52 70 N Ecosystem Sustainability 20.68 133 W Access to Advanced Education

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 2 41 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 1847.1 113 W Years of tertiary schooling n/a

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 3 61 N Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 4.3 120 W Women's average years in school 12.5 34 S

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 3 33 N Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 17.9 120 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) n/a

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 3 80 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 W

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) n/a

GDP per capita rank: 63/133

Social Progress Index rank: n/a

Social Progress Index score: n/a

Page 160: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Uzbekistan, Honduras, Nigeria, Pakistan, Nicaragua, Laos,

Moldova, Bolivia, Congo, Republic of, Yemen, Philippines,

Guyana, Zambia, Ghana, and Swaziland

Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 89.80 82 N Access to Basic Knowledge Personal Rights 8.60 130 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 12.9 94 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 94.5 73 N Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 7 125 W

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 99 97 N Primary school enrollment (% of children) 98.1 25 N Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 0 103 W

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 49 67 S Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) 92.0 75 N Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 0 95 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 23.8 80 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) n/a Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 1 117 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 96.0 79 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) n/a Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 15 118 W

Water and Sanitation 68.35 89 N Access to Information and Communications 56.45 101 N Personal Freedom and Choice 62.30 62 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 25.7 97 N Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 130.9 1 N Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 81.3 37 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 93.6 55 N Internet users (% of pop.) 43.9 67 S Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 1 117 W

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 75.0 82 N Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 72.4 133 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.10 70 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 80 32 S

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 31 96 N

Shelter 68.38 66 S Health and Wellness 76.24 17 S Tolerance and Inclusion 42.14 97 W

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 74.2 4 S Life expectancy (years) 75.6 44 S Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 41.8 117 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 96.0 76 SPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 17.4 54 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 20.7 63 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 4.2 77 N Obesity rate (% of pop.) 1.6 4 SDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 6 58 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 64.3 81 N Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 35.0 82 W Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 2 80 W

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 5.8 43 N Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 74.8 101 N

Personal Safety 70.22 46 S Ecosystem Sustainability 55.12 57 N Access to Advanced Education 32.09 88 N

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 1 1 S Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 661.8 4 N Years of tertiary schooling 0.2 85 N

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 2 20 S Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 1.0 49 W Women's average years in school 8.2 92 N

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 2 2 S Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 43.4 93 W Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.18 66 N

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 3 80 N Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 24.7 115 W

GDP per capita rank: 94/133

Social Progress Index rank: n/a

Social Progress Index score: n/a

Page 161: 2015 Social Progress Index Scorecards


Strengths and weaknesses are relative to 15 countries of similar GDP: Relative Strength n/a – no data available


Relative Weakness


Tanzania, Mali, Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Madagascar,

Rwanda, Chad, Uganda, Togo, Nepal, Ethiopia, Guinea,

Senegal, Tajikistan, and Mozambique

Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank


Nutrition and Basic Medical Care 57.93 129 W Access to Basic Knowledge Personal Rights 9.19 130 W

Undernourishment (% of pop.) 31.8 126 N Adult literacy rate (% of pop. aged 15+) 86.5 91 S Political rights (1=full rights; 7=no rights) 5 92 N

Depth of food deficit (cal./undernourished person) 244 126 W Primary school enrollment (% of children) n/a Freedom of speech (0=low; 2=high) 0 103 W

Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births) 470 123 N Lower secondary school enrollment (% of children) n/a Freedom of assembly/association (0=low; 2=high) 0 95 W

Child mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births) 88.5 122 N Upper secondary school enrollment (% of children) n/a Freedom of movement (0=low; 4=high) 0 126 W

Deaths from infectious diseases (deaths/100,000) 711.3 123 N Gender parity in secondary enrollment (girls/boys) n/a Private property rights (0=none; 100=full) 10 125 W

Water and Sanitation 47.86 105 S Access to Information and Communications 61.43 94 S Personal Freedom and Choice 51.66 101 N

Access to piped water (% of pop.) 34.1 96 S Mobile telephone subscriptions (subscriptions/100 people) 96.3 85 S Freedom over life choices (% satisfied) 61.9 100 N

Rural access to improved water source (% of pop.) 68.7 103 N Internet users (% of pop.) 18.5 94 S Freedom of religion (1=low; 4=high) 3 55 N

Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of pop.) 39.9 106 S Press Freedom Index (0=most free; 100=least free) 39.2 104 W Early marriage (% of women aged 15-19) 0.26 113 N

Satisfied demand for contraception (% of women) 79.6 34 S

Corruption (0=high; 100=low) 21 126 W

Shelter 35.29 118 N Health and Wellness 60.34 109 W Tolerance and Inclusion 41.40 103 N

Availability of affordable housing (% satisfied) 57.4 26 S Life expectancy (years) 58.0 117 N Tolerance for immigrants (0=low; 100=high) 53.5 84 W

Access to electricity (% of pop.) 36.9 111 SPremature deaths from non-comm. diseases (prob. of

dying) 19.3 72 N Tolerance for homosexuals (0=low; 100=high) 4.2 116 N

Quality of electricity supply (1=low; 7=high) 2.1 114 W Obesity rate (% of pop.) 8.6 39 WDiscrim. and viol. against minorities (0=low;

10=high) 8.1 109 N

Household air pollution attr. deaths

(deaths/100,000) 103.3 110 W Outdoor air pollution attributable deaths (deaths/100,000) 1.7 5 S Religious tolerance (1=low; 4=high) 3 36 N

Suicide rate (deaths/100,000) 30.1 131 W Community safety net (0=low; 100=high) 76.5 94 N

Personal Safety 39.58 120 W Ecosystem Sustainability 58.14 48 N Access to Advanced Education 31.35 88 S

Homicide rate (1= <2/100,000; 5= >20/100,000) 4 89 N Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalents per GDP) 1186.3 113 W Years of tertiary schooling 0.0 110 W

Level of violent crime (1=low; 5=high) 4 105 W Water withdrawals as a percentage of resources 0.6 40 W Women's average years in school 9.4 76 S

Perceived criminality (1=low; 5=high) 5 123 W Biodiv. and habitat (0=no protection; 100=high protection) 99.5 8 S Inequality in the attainment of edu. (0=low; 1=high) 0.18 66 S

Political terror (1=low; 5=high) 3.5 109 W Number of globally ranked universities 0 76 N

Traffic deaths (deaths/100,000) 14.6 59 S

GDP per capita rank: 117/133

Social Progress Index rank: n/a

Social Progress Index score: n/a