2015 pamsa rm survival kit

Survival Kit for Pre-Regional Meeting and Regional Meeting

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Post on 18-Nov-2015




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Survival Kit Colombia 2015


  • Survival Kitfor Pre-Regional Meeting and

    Regional Meeting

  • The International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization representing associations of medical students worlwide. IFMSA was founded in 1951 and currently maintains 123 National Member Organizations from more than 100 countries across six continents. With over 1.3 million members, IFMSA is recognized as a non-governmental organization within the United Nations system and the World Health Organization. It is also the student chapter of the World Medical Association.

    For more than 60 years, IFMSA has existed to bring together the global medical students community at the local, national, and international levels on social and health issues.

    This is an IFMSA Publication 2014 - Only portions of this publication may be reproduced for non political and non profit purposes, provided mentioning the source.

    DisclaimerThis publication contains the collective views of different contributors, the opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of IFMSA.

    The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the IFMSA in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned.


    Regional CoordinatorMaria Jose Cisneros Caceres - Ecuador

    Regional TeamDavid Imbago Jacome - EcuadorMaria Ignacia Alvarez - ChileVictor Echeveste - MexicoSergio Menchaca - MexicoCarlos Morales - MexicoPaula Escobedo Aedo - ChileIlse Ramirez - MexicoDaniela Estefania Meneses Valle - EcuadorDiego Villagomez - Ecuador

    Publications Support DivisionFiras Yassine - LebanonMikolaj Maga - Poland


    Notice All reasonable precautions have been taken by the IFMSA to verify the information contained in this publication. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material herein lies with the reader.

    Some of the photos and graphics used in this publication are the property of their respective authors. We have taken every consideration not to violate their rights.

    PublisherInternational Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA)

    International Secretariat:c/o Academic Medical CenterMeibergdreef 15 1105AZ

    Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    Phone: +31 2 05668823Email: [email protected]: www.ifmsa.org

    Contact Us [email protected]

  • ww






    s Meet the Americas Regional Teampage 3Welcome Messagepage 4

    Pre-Regional Meeting Workshops

    General Agendapage 5

    Workshopspage 6

    Regional Meeting

    General Agendapage 11

    Presidents Sessionspage 11

    Standing Committee Sessionspage 12

    Activitiespage 17

    Plenarypage 18

    About Colombiapage 19

  • Meet the Americas Regional Team

    1. Maria Jose Cisneros Caceres Regional Coordinator

    2. Maria Ignacia Alvarez General Assistant

    3. David Imbago Jacome General Assistant

    4. Daniela Estefania Meneses Valle SCORP Regional Assistant

    5. Diego Villagomez Trainings SD Regional Assistant

    6. Paula Escobedo SCORA Regional Assistant

    7. Sergio Menchaca SCOPH Regional Assistant

    8. Carlos Morales & Ilse Ramirez SCOPE & SCORE Regional Assistants

    9. Victor Echeveste SCOME Regional Assistant

  • Welcome Message

    Beloved Americas Family,

    Time has come for us to meet again, this time in Magic Colombia.

    The Regional Meeting is the most important event we have; it represents a time for capacity building, development of leadership skills and an opportunity to become key actors in the progress of our Region towards a brighter future.

    This is the time for us to gather and create magic; the time for us to unify our region while we embrace our diversity.

    This space wants to become a place in which we will keep working on the vision of Global Health Leadership and strength our Americas among friends.

    For those who have already attended a Regional Meeting in the past we surely count on your knowledge and experiences to enrich this event. To the newcomers we urge you to learn everything from everyone. You will see, at the end, that here in the Americas, we are all one big family!

    We want to wish you the best Regional Meeting ever, and we hope you felt in love with our Americas Region, like we have!

    This time working with and for you has been amazing but we know theres so much left to be done; we have a lot to learn and walk, but if we walk together we will get there!

    All the best from the Americas Regional Team whos ready to rock your World.

    On behalf of the Americas Team,

    Maria Jose Cisneros CaceresRegional Coordinator for the Americas 2014-2015

  • Pre-Regional Meeting WorkshopsGeneral Agenda

  • Pre-Regional Meeting WorkshopsWorkshops


    Hello our lovely workshop participants! Were so very excited that youve decided to join us on this journey! We have been working hard to make sure we have an absolutely amazing workshop, and were extremely lucky that Cecilia Espinoza from Ipas will also be joining us as a facilitator.

    The workshop will build capacity among medical students and MSAs on maternal health and peer outreach. It covers several related topics; for example: human, sexual and reproductive rights; abortion laws and policies; barriers to access care, including stigma; safe abortion methods; and identification and referral of women with abortion-related complications. The curriculum also includes information and activities on values clarification for abortion attitude transformation, as well as youth participation and leadership.

    Workshop Coordinators:

    Kelly Thompson Paula Escobedo Cecilia Espinosa

  • Pre-Regional Meeting WorkshopsWorkshops

    Training Experienced Trainers (TET):

    We will work hard on improving our capacities regarding NMO Development and Finances! Administer a NMO requires a number of skills and knowledge, and our medical school they do not teach us that! BUT its ok, because this workshop has the purpose of filling those blanks in the process of developing and managing an Organization, covering a wide range of topics and matters but having a special focus on the Administrative skills and NMO Financial Sustainability.

    We will travel a special path in which we will cover different areas and we will end up not only as Official Trainers of IFMSA but as highly experienced, ready to rock your NMOs, the Region and All IFMSA!

    We cant wait to meet you, get ready for the best experience you will have. Join us in Magic Colombia.

    Workshop Coordinators:

    Camille Pelletier Vernooy

    Maria Jose Cisneros Caceres

    Diego Villagomez

  • Pre-Regional Meeting WorkshopsWorkshops

    Training New Human Rights Trainers (TNHRT):

    Dear participants, welcome to the TNHRT! I am delighted to be organizing this workshop and I believe that it will be a success because it combines a diversity of factors: excellent choice of topics such as the right to health (which gives a comprehensive overview of everything that constitutes this right) and other sessions that assess vulnerable populations who are mostly at risk of having this right denied, high level of interactivity and great soft skills to guide you and build you up into a better doctor who is capable of making the change your community. So well done on your excellent choice and I promise to give you an incredible experience!

    Workshop Coordinators:

    Matthew Valentino Daniella Meneses

  • Pre-Regional Meeting WorkshopsWorkshops

    Global Health Diplomacy, advocacy and external representation:

    The workshop on Global Health Diplomacy, Advocacy and External Representation will serve as a platform for learning how external representation works and has the potential to be a key training ground for the development of skills on advocacy, public speaking, leadership and debate. Our involvement with different organizations consolidates the position of IFMSA as an important international organization in the international health field. We are going to learn a lot about the IFMSA work on Global Health Diplomacy, Advocacy and External Representation with a special focus on Climate Change and Health, together, we are going to improve our leadership skills and develop new ones. By the end of the workshop we will not have only medical students in a room, but Global Health leaders ready to make a change in our planet.

    Workshop Coordinators:

    Maria Jose Cisneros Caceres

    Manon PigeoletArthur Mello

  • Pre-Regional Meeting WorkshopsWorkshops

    Exchanges Workshop:

    The pre-RM on Exchanges is a great opportunity to new National and Local Officers to get familiar with everything that involves the exchanges world. It is an opportunity to be in a smaller group and make all the questions and solve every doubt you have. It is also a way of knowing the International level of the exchanges deeper and meet other National and Local Officers from other NMOs that may have the same problems as you or solutions for problems you have. We are really excited to be sharing with you this pre-RM and we hope that you all have fun while you are learning.

    Workshop Coordinators:

    Omar Cherkaoui & Luiza Alonso

  • Regional MeetingGeneral Agenda

    Regional MeetingPresidents Sessions

    This year presidents session would go far and beyond! We are working to have a meeting in which capacity building would play a key roll along side with empowerment of our region present and future leaders.

    We will have the best time.

  • Regional MeetingStanding Committee Sessions


    It is my pleasure to welcome the SCOME PAMSA family to Colombia, where we expect to live amazing experiences. We meet once a year in the region for a week, to share, learn and develop strategies and knowledge about medical education. This Regional Meeting is a great opportunity to get involved and learn more about SCOME. We as medical students can become agents of change, proposing new initiatives and suggesting the necessary tools to improve the quality for the education, therefore, this assembly joins great people who have common goals. I can personally say that a meeting of this magnitude completely changes your perspective about what IFMSA is, you can also acquire valuable skills, which you can take home to improve the quality for your national projects, and finally, to know and learn from your peers around the region. The RM is a unique opportunity, Colombia is waiting for you!

  • Regional MeetingStanding Committee Sessions


    We are very excited to present the agenda for the SCOPE/SCORE sessions during the RM2015! The sessions were designed to cover all the topics you suggested in the call for input and promote communication between NMOs. Please be ready to learn, participate and share your experience with exchanges and to bring all possible questions and suggestions to the sessions. We are going to make this Regional Meeting the platform towards growth and collaboration as a region. Also, dont forget to bring a bathing suit ;)


    It is for me a great honor to share with you the agenda of the next Regional Meeting of the Americas. I am so excited to see you all soon in Colombia. Be prepared to have the best experience you will ever had in the IFMSA world. I would suggest you all not to forget something typical from your country to share with the rest of the SCOPH sessions participants, as well as information regarding to your health system we are going to use during the sessions. But the most important, do not leave your country without your Orange Power!

  • Regional MeetingStanding Committee Sessions


    SCORA sessions WILL ROCK this January 2015 in Cali!. What is this going to be about? Well, as SCORA is the Standing Committee on Reproductive and Sexual Health including AIDS, we work in issues related with reproductive and sexual health... Want to know more? You will be more than welcome to be part of these sessions.

    What is expected from you? It doesnt matter if you are a new member or if you have a lot of story in SCORA, we just need your MOTIVATION and an OPEN MIND to live and enjoy this experience! Even if you were designed by your delegation to attend this session, I promise, this will be unforgettable! Paula Escobedo, SCORA Regional Assistant for the Americas 2014/15.

  • Regional MeetingStanding Committee Sessions


    I hope that youre as excited as I am for our upcoming SCORP Sessions in the Regional Meeting (RM) of the Americas. For those of you who are coming for the first time, you will learn many things from our amazing Standing Committee; you will understand why Human Rights and Peace are essential for medical students and why we need to advocate for these topics. For those who have attended Sessions before, we are going to have the best time! You will all find motivation and different tools that will help you be the best SCORPions ever.

    During our Sessions well discuss different topics that you can find in the agenda. Ive taken in considerations the topics you want to see and others that I think are needed for the development of our region. But most important, come with all of your energy, be prepared to have fun and share a good time.

    Mahatma Gandhi once said, be the change you want to see in the world, just by joining SCORP and attending to these sessions you are all being part of the change we need as future doctors.

    I hope these Sessions fulfill your expectations and contribute to make this RM be an amazing experience. Im looking forward to meet you all!

  • Regional MeetingActivities

    opportunity to bring your activity (project, short course, initiative, program etc.) to life, presenting your NMOs work to your friends and colleagues at the regional meeting. We would love these presentations to be as creative and interesting as possible! Winners of the activities presentations will be awarded a certificate to congratulate their achievement, and have their activity promoted throughout the whole of the IFMSA. We cant wait to see you what you have in store for us!

    Poster Fair under the theme Medical Education in the Americas:

    According to the World Health Organization, Medical Education is defined as: Course of study required to educate a legally qualified and licensed practitioner of medicine, concerned with maintaining or restoring human health through the study, diagnosis and treatment of disease and injury, through the science of medicine and the applied practice of that science. Gaining a basic medical degree may take from five to eight or even nine years, depending on jurisdiction and university. Medical doctors include generalists and specialists. Medical training completed by internship qualifies a medical doctor to become a physician or a surgeon.

    As part of an international federation, we

    Sally GordonProjects Support Division Regional Asisstant for Asia-Pacific

    Activities Fair:

    Here is YOUR opportunity to show the rest of the region what your NMO has achieved! The activities fair is a fantastic and fun opportunity for you to promote your activity (project, short course, initiative, program etc) within the Americas region, as well as recruit IFMSA members to help with your activity, and gain useful advice from colleagues working in similar areas. Winners of the activities fair will be awarded a certificate to congratulate their achievement, and have their activity promoted throughout the whole of the IFMSA. We cant wait to see you there!

    Activities Presentations:

    The activities presentations are a unique

  • have the opportunity to share with medical students from other countries and regions, how we learn medicine, what problems we face, how can we tackle them. By getting input from other medical education systems, we will be able to apply ideas into our own system, with the objective to improve the quality of medical education in every country.

    Participants are expected to create a Poster about their countrys medical education system. Countries with more than one NMO, should create only one poster if they want to participate. Each country will be given 5 minutes to present the main points to the judges.

    Therefore, the poster should be self-explanatory and clearly readable. It is suggested that posterscontain pictures (including maps, graphs and tables) and phrases, instead of sentences and paragraphs. Participants may feel free to be creative, both in the poster and the presentation.

    Below are the suggested contents of the poster:

    1. General information about the country:

    2. Number of Universities and Medical Schools

    3. Public education system vs Private education system (Medical Schools): Cost and quality

    4. How is your medical education

    program divided? (basic sciences, clinical science, internship, social service)

    5. How many years is the duration of your medical education program?

    6. Requirements to be accepted in a Medical School?

    7. Requirements to practice medicine in your country

    8. Problems you face as medical student regarding your study system?

    9. What can your medical education system contribute to other systems in the region? (special features you consider help your education)

    We will have a specific time for this event in the General agenda, so get ready to show all of us how things are done in your country.

    Plenary:This is the first ever year in which we will have plenaries during the Regional Meeting! Plenaries are the decision making body; Is the place when and where we will made decision regarding the changes on our Internal Operational Guidelines (IOGs), hear and decide about the next host of the Regional Meeting 2016, witness a high quality projects presentation, and many more surprises!Encourage your Delegation to attend this session and make the room vibrate when your NMO name is called!

  • About Colombia

    Regional Meeting Hotel & Venue:

    Visitors will find a lasting warm and special place at Dann Carlton Hotel facilites that will make you feel as you were at home enjoying your business or tourist staying in a first class style.

    93 deluxe room.3 elegant suites.A luxurious presidental suite.Air conditioning system.Anti-noise Windows.Personal Access with digital card to floors and rooms.Phone system with direct national and worldwide dialing in each room and bathroom.International and national satellite TV system.Safe Box.Wi-fi zoning and cable for broadband internet Access

    Hotel Information:

    Carrera 2 N 1-60, Barrio el penPBX (57)(2)8933000 8862000FAX (57)(2)8934000TOLL FREE 018000523111http://www.hotelesdanncali.com.co/CALI-COLOMBIA-SURAMERICA





  • Pre-Regional Meeting Hotel & Venue:

    Located in the heart of the country, Armenia is a city with an average temperature ranging between 24 28C. The proximity of Armenia with nearby towns makes it a reference point in tourism, providing an endless list of plans of adventure, culture, ecoturism, nature and many more. This region is also gifted with breathtaking landscapes that show the vast beauty of the coffee region. Thanks to its size and the quality of the roads, the department of Quindio allows mobilization in an easy and comfortable way between its 12 townships, and each of those offers great experiences.

    Hotel Information:

    Km 5 Va al Valle a 1 minuto del Jardn BotnicoTEL: 320 6705909 3148268708CALARCA-QUINDIO www.fincahotellarivera.com [email protected]@gmail.com

  • About Colombia

    Organizing Committee:

    Dear Americas Region Family,

    It is with great excitement and honor that we invite you to attend the next version of the most important event of our Region: The Americas Regional Meeting 2015.

    A part of the Andes mountain range, Santiago de Cali is the Worlds Capital of Salsa and the main center in Colombia for sports contests, being the only Colombian city to have hosted several international championships and games. All this, together with Calis tropical savanna climate, the day and night entertainment and the kindness of its people, make it a wonderful spot for hosting an international event such as the The Americas Regional Meeting 2015.

    We, the ASCEMCOL Family, cherish and respect the IFMSA not only for its impact on medical education and global health issues but also for its hard work on strengthening several bonds of friendship and collaboration among our countries that go beyond our expectations as future physicians, proving that investing in human values and youth empowerment does positively impact the world. Our 25 years experience on organizing national academic, community and scientific events will make the Americas Regional Meeting

    2015 a summit full of professional trainings and sessions, luxury accommodation and joyful nightlife, which will make your stay in Cali and Colombia the most unforgettable experience of yourlife!

    We invite you to start off the new year on the right foot in Cali, the subsidiary of heaven and salsa.


    The Organizing Committee

    The Americas Regional Meeting 2015

  • Chair of the OC:

    Estefana Lpez RamrezEmail: [email protected]: stefa.nita19

    Vice-Chair of the OC:

    Juan Felipe Mier GarcaEmail: [email protected]: juanfelipemier

    Pre-RM Coordinator:

    Camila Zambrano MoralesFacebook: camila.zambranomorales


    Harold Basallo TrianaFacebook: harold.basallo

    Sponsorship Coordinator:

    Yerson R. Penagos Osnasfacebook: yosnas

    Logistics Coordinator:

    Juan Felipe LassoFacebook: lassoidrobo

    Social Program Coordinator:

    Edier MorenoFacebook: eider.moreno.1