2014 spring all bird presentation

Birds By Tim Sebesta Lone Star College-CyFair

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By Tim Sebesta

Lone Star College-CyFair

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Birds are Important to U.S. Citizens

•We watch them and feed them

•We write books about them

•We market our businesses with their


•We name our sports teams after them

•We choose them as symbols of our


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Why Watch Birds?

76 million Americans currently enjoy the sport of watching birds.

Birds are colorful, interesting to watch or listen to and relatively easy to attract to our backyard.

Does not require a lot of specialized equipment, just a good pair of binoculars and a field guide that helps identify the bird.

Texas is one of the premiere locations in the country for birdwatching. (614 different species in Texas alone!)

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Learn to recognize shapes for quick recognition.

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2. Use field marks to identify similar species.

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Yellow-rumped warbler

Lark Sparrow

Canada Warbler

Louisiana waterthrush

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Common nighthawk

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Cardinal Scarlet tanager



Summer tanager



Vermillion flycatcher

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Summary on Identifying Birds

First, identify the bird at the group level and practice recognizing birds by shape alone.

Second, use field marks on the bird to identify the correct species.

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Migration Facts

• 778 are migratory

• 300 species migrate to Latin America

• 19 species of shorebirds migrate 8,000 miles 1 way

• 34 species of wood warblers and 22 of the 29 species of waterfowl are shared between U.S., Canada, Mexico

Of the 852 bird species in the United


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Golden-Crowned Kinglet

American Goldfinch

Yellow-Rumped Warbler

Ruby-Crowned Kinglet Eastern Phoebe

Orange-Crowned Warbler Cedar Waxwing Dark-Eyed Junco

Common Winter Birds in Houston Backyard

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How Did Bird Migration Routes Become


• Migration is affected not only by food supply, but

also by wind and oceans currents. These make

some routes and locations easier to reach. While

many birds migrate from northern breeding areas in

the summer, to southern wintering grounds (mainly

because there is more land near the northern pole

than the southern), there are many other migration

patterns. Some birds migrate horizontally, to enjoy

the milder coastal climates in winter. Other birds

migrate in terms of altitude; moving higher up a

mountain in summer, and wintering on the lowlands.

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Migration Fun Facts • The arctic tern flies a phenomenal round trip that can be as long as

20,000 miles per year, from the Arctic to the Antarctic and back. The sandhill and whooping cranes are both capable of migrating as far as 2,500 miles per year, and the barn swallow more than 6,000 miles.

• How do they keep going? Some birds store a special, high-energy fat before the trip. Soaring raptors, for example, may not eat for several weeks as they migrate. Other species eat along their migration routes.

• How high can they fly? Higher than Mt. Everest. Bar-headed geese have been recorded flying across the Himalayas at 29,000 feet. From radar studies, scientists know that birds can change altitudes to find the best wind conditions. To fight a headwind, most birds stay low, where ridges, trees and buildings slow the wind. To ride a tailwind, they get up high where the wind is as fast as possible.

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How Do I Get Started? Go with someone who has already been doing it for a

while. Consider joining one of the local organizations such as the Audubon Society.

Many good book and nature stores have an excellent selection of books, videos, magazines and tapes on bird watching (Wild Birds Unlimited).

Birding is also a popular Internet subject.

Learn to identify common local species using your field guide and audio tapes. Consider putting a bird feeder and/or bird attracting native plants around your home.

Try to visit as many different habitat types as you possibly can. Many state and national parks and forests are great places to go bird watching.

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Viewing Tips

Viewing Tips - Follow these tips from experienced behavior watchers to witness wildlife without startling them or sapping their energy. It's a feeling you'll always remember.

Fade Into the Woodwork

Wear natural colors and unscented lotions. Some birds can smell! (turkey vulture)

Remove glasses that glint.

Walk softly so as not to snap twigs or trample wildflowers.

Crouch behind boulders or vegetation to blend your figure or break up your outline.

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Where Do I Look For Birds?

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Which Field Guide Should I Buy? A practical guide will have the picture of the bird,

the verbal description, and the range map all on facing pages.

A Texas birder needs a guide that covers bird species occurring throughout the United States. East meets west and north meets south in our great centrally located state.

The National Geographic Society's Field Guide to the Birds of North America is a good one, as are the Sibley Guide, Peterson Guides and the Golden Guide.

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Binoculars These will help bring the birds closer to you optically so you can

better discern a bird's field marks, plumage pattern and color, as

well as subtleties of behavior.

While good optics can be expensive, the choice of brand is very

individual. A good guideline is to buy the best optics you can afford. If you are a beginner, start with a cheaper model and graduate to a more expensive model as your skills increase.

Remember, before purchasing an expensive pair, it's important to try them out yourself to see which size, weight, eye relief, field of view, and light-gathering abilities are best for you.


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What Are All Those Numbers?!?

Binoculars have a set of numbers on them referring to their magnification power and the size of their objective lens. These numbers are expressed as a formula such as 7 X 35, 7-15 X 30, 8 x 30, 8 x 42 or 10 x 42 are good binoculars for birdwatching.

The first number refers to the power or magnification. If this number is hyphenated it means that the binoculars are capable of a range of magnifications. In the example used above the 7-15 means that the binocular is capable of zooming between 7 and 15 power. Binoculars over 10 power may be difficult to hold steady enough to see the image clearly. Often these binoculars have provisions for mounting on a tripod. With a pair of either 7 × 50 or 7 × 35 binoculars, for example, things 1000 feet away would appear as large as they would if the viewer were standing (1000 divided by 7 = ) 143 feet away.

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The second number represents the aperture or the size of the objective lens in millimeters. The larger the objective lens the more light it allows into the binocular and the brighter and clearer the image will be. Unfortunately, as objective lenses get larger, the optics get heavier and more uncomfortable to hold.

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Eye Relief

Eye relief is the maximum distance in millimeters that your eyes can be away from the eyepieces and still see the whole picture. Normal binocular eye relief ranges from 9 to 13 mm. This distance works well for folks with good eyesight.

Most glass wearers need eye relief over 13 mm. Binocular manufacturers try to provide this relief through the use of rubber eyecups that can be rolled down. Often this is not enough! Some binoculars are constructed with extended eye relief for glass wearers. Many manufacturers add the letter AB@ the description of binoculars with long eye relief.

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How to Use Binoculars

Find the subject with your unaided eyes.

Bring the eyepieces just under your eyes.

Sight the subject over the tops of the eyepieces.

Slowly bring the binoculars to your eyes.

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Notebook Buy yourself a high quality, compact notebook that fits easily in a vest

pocket, book pouch, or backpack.

Carry it with you at all times in the field, along with a waterproof pen.

Keep good field notes, recording interesting observations as they occur. Make this a habit. Always record the time of year, time of day, weather conditions, and place (part of the state with a short description of habitat, vegetation type and geology if you know it).

Don't ever try to commit your observations to memory. Better to take detailed notes on plumage, shape, size, behavior, or any confusing observations. Often what you think is an unimportant detail turns out to be the key element to properly

identifying a species.

Don't wait to "bird" your field guide when you get home at the end

of the day.

Making your own sketches with pertinent comments can also be helpful.

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Start a Life List

Keep a Texas bird list, as well. 614 different bird species have officially been accepted by the Texas Rare Birds Committee.

The list gets even larger as you bird the entire state at different times of year.

Then, put your lists on computer if you have one.

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I am ready to

watch some

birds, so where

do I start?

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Birding Ethics Do not to disturb either the birds or their habitat. Walk softly on the


Stay on established pathways and keep motor vehicles on established roads and parking areas.

Avoid harassment; don't disturb birds that are nesting or their nesting areas. Do not handle eggs or young or stay too long at a working nest.

Don't over-use playback tapes or screech owl recordings to call birds in.

Don't trespass on private property.

Avoid "tree-whacking" to arouse cavity dwellers.

Divide larger groups of people into smaller, more manageable numbers.

Support local and national bird conservation organizations.

Support the Texas Parks and Wildlife Nongame and Threatened and Endangered Species fund.

Support the National Audubon Society and Texas Nature Conservancy.

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Birds of LSC-CyFair (177) Acadian Flycatcher

American Bittern

American Coot

American Crow

American Kestrel

American Pipit

American Redstart

American Robin

American Woodcock


Bald Eagle

Baltimore Orioles

Barn Owl

Barn Swallow

Barred Owl

Belted Kingfisher

Black and White Warbler

Black Vulture

Black-bellied Whistling Duck

Blackburnian Warbler

Black-crowned Night-Heron

Black-necked Stilt

Black-throated Green Warbler

Blue Jay

Blue-grat Gnatcatcher

Broad-winged Hawk

Brown Thrasher

Brown-headed Cowbird


Canada Goose

Canada Warbler


Carolina Chickadee

Carolina Wren

Cattle Egret

Cedar Waxwing

Chestnut-sided Warbler

Chimney Swift

Chipping Sparrow

Chuck-will's Widow

Cliff Swallow

Common Grackle

Common Nighthawk

Common Yellowthroat

Cooper's Hawk

Crested Caracara

Dark-eyed Junco

Double-crested Cormorant

Downy Woodpecker

Eastern Kingbird

Eastern Meadowlark

Eastern Phoebe

European Starling

Field Sparrow

Forster's Tern

Golden-crowned Kinglet

Grasshopper Sparrow

Gray Catbird

Great Blue Heron

Great Crested Flycatcher

Great Egret

Great Horned Owl

Greater White-fronted Goose

Greater Yellowlegs

Great-tailed Grackle

Green Heron

Green-winged Teal

Harris Sparrow

Hermit Thrush

Herring Gull

Hooded Warbler

House Sparrow

House Wren

Inca Dove

Indigo Bunting


King Rail

Laughing Gull

Le Conte's Sparrow

Lesser Scaup

Lesser Yellowlegs

Lincoln's Sparrow

Little Blue Heron

Loggerhead Shrike

Long-billed Curlew

Magnolia Warbler

Mississippi Kite

Mottled Duck

Mourning Dove

Mourning Warbler

Nashville Warbler

Northern Bobwhite

Northern Cardinal

Northern Harrier

Northern Mockingbird

Northern Waterthrush

Orange-crowned Warbler

Orchard Oriole


Painted Bunting

Peregrine Falcon

Pied-billed Grebe

Pine Warbler

Purple Martin

Red-eyed Vireo

Red-shouldered Hawk

Red-tailed Hawk

Red-winged Blackbird

Ring-billed Gull

Ring-necked Duck

Rock Pigeon

Roseate Spoonbill

Rose-breasted Grosbeak

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Ruby-throated Hummingbird

Rusty Blackbird

Sandhill Crane

Savannah Sparrow

Scarlet Tanager

Scissor-tailed Flycatcher

Sedge Wren

Sharp-shinned Hawk

Snow Goose

Snowy Egret

Solitary Sandpiper

Song Sparrow

Spotted Sandpiper

Summer Tanager

Swainson's Hawk

Swainson's Thrush

Swamp Sparrow

Tennesee Warbler

Tufted Titmouse

Turkey Vulture

Vesper Sparrow

Warbling Vireo

Western Kingbird

Western Meadowlark

White Ibis

White-crowned Sparrow

White-eyed Vireo

White-faced Ibis

White-tailed Hawk

White-tailed Kite

White-throated Sparrow

White-wing Dove

Willow's Flycatcher

Wilson's Warbler

Winter Wren

Worm-eating Warbler

Yellow Warbler

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

Yellow-billed Cuckoo

Yellow-brested Chat

Yellow-crowned Night-Heron

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Yellow-throated Vireo

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Start In Your Own Backyard! Food

Bird feeders & plants around your yard that offer fruits, seeds and habitat .

Black oil sunflower seed - To attract a diverse group of birds to your feeder, including chickadees, nuthatches, finches, cardinals and jays.

Suet (wintertime)- To attract insect-eating birds such as woodpeckers, chickadees and nuthatches.

Peanuts – Blue jays!

Add plants to add to your landscape!

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Things To Remember About Feeders Birds need an escape route, so make sure you place the feeder near shrubs or

evergreen trees so they can make a quick get-away. Woody plants with thorns are helpful to birds because they provide refuge from predators such as house cats. This can also help keep the feeders out of the rain and food dry.

Keep your feeders clean to prevent diseases and deter pests. Disinfect occasionally with one part chlorine bleach and nine parts lukewarm water and dry thoroughly before refilling.

Once you start to provide food for birds, continue throughout the cold season. It's best to provide only one type of food per feeder. Birds feeding at feeders with mixed seed discard the seeds they do not want while selecting their favorites.

Do not feed birds spoiled leftovers, salty snack foods or sugary cereals.

Cornell Lab Bird Feeder

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Start In Your Own Backyard


Shelter can be provided in many ways, including bird houses or nest boxes (beginning of the year)

Choosing a bird house will depend on your goal. Do you want a great looking garden ornament or are you looking to attract a certain type of bird? One other way to provide shelter is with the types of trees and shrubs in your yard.

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Things To Remember About Birdhouses

Face the entrance hole to the north or east to

prevent the birds from overheating if summers

are hot in your area.

Mount bird houses on poles or posts rather than

nailing them to trees or hanging them from

limbs, making them less vulnerable to predators.

Don't put bird houses next to bird feeders.

Clean your bird house yearly.

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Start In Your Own Backyard Water

Water can make a difference to the number of birds visiting your feeders. If birds must fly long distances to find water in the winter, they may choose to stay near their water source rather than coming back to your feeder.

Circulating or moving water is more attractive to birds than stagnant water.

The easiest way to provide water is by maintaining your bird bath year round.

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Where To Go in Houston?

Houston Area Spring Bird Walks - All of these events are open to the general public and are free.

Wednesday Bird Walks at Edith L. Moore Nature Sanctuary

Herman Brown Park Bird Walks

Jesse Jones Park & Nature Center

Call 281-446-8588 to make reservations for above events that require reservations.

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Where To Go Next On The Gulf Coast?

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Useful Websites/Resources

Texas Ornithological Society - http://www.texasbirds.org/

National Audubon Society - http://www.audubon.org/

American Birding Association - http://www.americanbirding.org/

American Bird Conservancy http://www.abcbirds.org/

World Birding Center - http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/worldbirdingcenter/

Bird Links to the World (Texas) http://www.bsc-eoc.org/links/links.jsp?page=l_usa_tx

Houston Audubon Society - http://www.houstonaudubon.org/

Outdoor Nature Club - http://www.texasbirding.net/hog/

USGS - http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/infocenter.html

Enature - http://enature.com/birding/birding_home.asp

Saturday Edition of the Houston Chronicle, Star Section, “Wonders of Nature”

TEXBIRDS listserv - http://listserv.uh.edu/archives/texbirds.html


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