2014 hope exchange programme - hospitalsenhed midt · 2014 hope exchange programme “ quality...

2014 HOPE Exchange Programme “ Quality first ! Challenges in the changing hospital and healthcare environmentSide 1 2014 HOPE Exchange Programme Regional Hospital Viborg, Silkeborg, Hammel, Skive Regional Hospital Central Jutland May the 9 th to May the 22th WELCOME to Ms, Vesna Djuric, CEO, Outpatient Hospital, Serbia Mr, Vincent Ryan, Assistant Director of Primary & Community Care, Northern Ireland

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2014 HOPE Exchange Programme

“ Quality first ! Challenges in the changing hospital and healthcare environment” Side 1

2014 HOPE Exchange Programme Regional Hospital Viborg, Silkeborg, Hammel, Skive

Regional Hospital Central Jutland

May the 9th to May the 22th


Ms, Vesna Djuric, CEO, Outpatient Hospital, Serbia Mr, Vincent Ryan, Assistant Director of Primary & Community Care,

Northern Ireland

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2014 HOPE Exchange Programme

“ Quality first ! Challenges in the changing hospital and healthcare environment” Side 2

Table of content

1. Welcome Contact………………………………………………………………………………..3 Accomodation……………………………………………………………………….3 Exchange programme…………………………………………………………….5 Information about Regional Hospital Central Jutland………………………………………………………………………………...8 Information about the Central Denmark Region………………………………………………………………………………….8 Information about Viborg Municipality…………………………………….10 Tourist Information……………………………………………………………….11 Transport……………………………………………………………………………..12 Health………………………………………………………………………………….13

Viborg Regional Hospital

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2014 HOPE Exchange Programme

“ Quality first ! Challenges in the changing hospital and healthcare environment” Side 3

Welcome Regional Hospital Central Jutland is pleased to welcome you to the Hope Exchange Programme 2014. We hope that your visit will be both enjoying and informative. This year is the fifth year that the hospital has participated as host hospital in the Hope Exchange Programme for European Health Professionals. The health professionals participating in the programme in Viborg 2014 are: Ms Vesna Djuric Ceo, Family Physician, MD Outpatient Hospital Popa Karana 2 15000 Sabac Serbia Mobile +381 64 862 3332 e-mail: [email protected] Mr Vincent Ryan Assistant director of Primary & Community Care Western Health and Social Care Trust, Trust Headquartes, MDEC, Altnagelvin Hospital. Londonderry Northern Ireland Mobile: +0044 7764162058 e-mail: [email protected] Your contact at the hospital : Primary Health Care, Viborg: Head of Section Manager, RN Maj-Britt Laursen Marianne Toppenberg Secretary office Viborg Health Care Centre Hospital Management Toldboden 1 Viborg Regional Hospital 8800 Viborg Heibergs Allé 4, 8800 Viborg Mobile Phone : +45 61268776 Phone: +45 7844 1105 [email protected] Mobile Phone: + [email protected]

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2014 HOPE Exchange Programme

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Accomodation Accomodation in single rooms with bathroom – is free of charge. You will be staying at our Patient Hotel right next to the Hospital in Viborg and close to the center of the town. Breakfast is included and is served at the restaurant in the Patient Hotel. Here you can also buy dinner.

The adress is ( in Danish) : Patienthotellet Regionshospitalet Viborg Ll. Sct Mikkelsgade 2 88800 Viborg Denmark Each room has TV and it is possible to get internet access if you bring your own computer. Otherwise you have access to the internet in the Reception Hall at the Hospital just across the street. You will also have access to a washing machine at the Patient Hotel.

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2014 HOPE Exchange Programme

“ Quality first ! Challenges in the changing hospital and healthcare environment” Side 5

The Exchange Programme of Viborg Regional Hospital and Silkeborg Regional Hospital The topic for this year “ Quality first! Challenges in the changing hospital and healthcare environment” will be the focus throughout the programme. We will show you how we at the Hospitals in Viborg and Silkeborg, in the primary health care in Viborg (municipality) and in the Central Denmark Region try to meet these challenges. In 2011 the four hospitals as you see at the front page have merged into one big hospital unit, but are still placed in different geographic places. One of the days you will be visiting Silkeborg Regional Hospital too. It is about 35 km from Viborg You will be meeting people working at the Regional level, in the Primary Health Care (municipality) in Viborg, and in the departments at the hospitals. We will also try to put in your individual wishes. The programme is not quite finished in details so you will get more specific information about the different days when you arrive. We hope things will go as planned but there might be some changes due to the daily life in a busy hospital and primary care. Date Hours Participants Outline of programme - acivities May 9th 16.00 Marianne

Toppenberg Marianne will pick you up in Aarhus when all of the HOPE group visiting Denmark meet and are changing host hospitals

17.00 Marianne Toppenberg

Arrival in Viborg – at the Patient Hotel. Settling in on your rooms Practical information and introduction to the programme in Viborg.

May 10th- May 11th

Time at your own disposal

May 12th 8.30 – 09.30 Interview with a journalist from the Communication Department Susanne Guldhammer

Photos and interviews to the Hospital’s Newsletter Expectations of the visitors

09.30 – 10.00 10.30 – 12.00

Chief Nursing Officer Tove Kristensen Head of section Maj-Britt Laursen

Welcome and presentation of Regional Hospital Central Jutland. Mission, vision and strategies: Dialogue, Competence, Boldness Tour around the hospital and some general information about the hospital

12.00 – 13.00 Lunch At the hospital 13.00 – 15.30 Project leaders from

the Quality – and Research department

Introduction to how the hospital works with patient safety, quality development and the Danish Quality Model. W would like you to give a short

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2014 HOPE Exchange Programme

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presentation wit examples of how you are working with patient safety

16.30 – 17.30 Marianne Guided tourist walk in the Ancient Part of Viborg

17.30 – 18.00 Marianne Drink at the Morville Café The evening at your own disposal

May 13th 9.00 – 15.00

Hans Peder Graversen, Central Denmark Region

A day´s visit at the Region together with all the Hope participants staying in Århus and Randers Lunch included. You will visit the region building where the political council of the region meets. During the day there will be different oral sessions related to the theme of this year. More scheduled programme later on.

May 14th 8.30 – 12.00 12.00 – 13.00 13.00 – 15.30

Head Nurse Bente Dam and Senior Hospital Physician Larry Højgaard Kristiansen Innovation Midt Project leaders

Visit at the Acute Department Presentation of the project of the coming new Acute Center 2016 Presentation of the acute concept Lunch at the hospital Introduction to how the hospital cooperate in general cross borders with the primary healthcare How do we work with patients and relatives as participants in care and treatment Patient invention – is the right patient in the right place at the right time?

May 15st

8.00 – 16.00 Transport will be by bus

Visit at Silkeborg Regional Hospital, Center of Planned Surgery Organiser: Henrik Rolfsted Schjelder Hansen

More about this-programme later Henrik was last year in France with the Hope programme.

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2014 HOPE Exchange Programme

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May 16th – May 18th

Friday the 16th of May is a bank holiday, so this long week-end is at your own disposal You will have time to be tourists and enjoy the surroundings of Viborg or other parts of Denmark.

May 19th

10.00 – 12.00

Senior physician Bent Richelsen

Visit at the House of Psychiatry - a new organisation where hospital and community healthcare are closely integrated Afternoon not yet planned

May 20th

9.00 – 12.00 12.00 – 13.00 13.00 – 15.00

Strategic leader in the Primary Healthcare Mette Rohde Manager of the Health Care Centre Marianne Toppenberg Marianne Fogsgaard, leader of the Acute Care Rooms in Primary Healthcare, Viborg And others will participate from the municipality

Visit in The Municipality of Viborg and the Primary Health Care. Lunch included They will introduce you to the organisation of the Primary Care, the new Health Care Centre and how they work with patient safety and quality. You will also get examples of how the hospital and the municipality work together.

- Acute nurse team - Acute care rooms

You will also hear about the technical development and innovation in the municipality helping elderly people to cope daily life

May 21st

8.30 – 12.00 13.30 – 15.00

HOPE participants and local hosts Journalist from the Hospital News letter

Possibility for individual programme - not planned yet Evaluation of the programme in Viborg. Interview and photos for the Hospital Newsletter

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May 22th

Morning Early Leaving Viborg with train for Copenhagen. Meeting the other participants in Copenhagen.

There might be some social arrangements in the evenings also – we will inform more about that when you arrive. The Regional Hospital Central Jutland Was established 1st of April 2011. The 4 hospitals Viborg, Silkeborg, Hammel and Skive merged into one organization with one shared COE The Regional Hospital Central Jutland is the second largest of five hospitals units in Central Jutland The four hospitals in The Regional Hospital Central Jutland have 4.300 employees and treat more than 372.000 ambulant patients per year and discharge more than 45.000 patients after admission. Unfortunately we have not yet in our hospital translated very much information into English on our web site. You might get an idea of how we work if you read our patient information in English on our website. http://www.hospitalsenhedmidt.dk/patienter+og+p%c3%a5r%c3%b8rende/in+english? In this link you can also see a small movie for patients that tell about how it is to become a patient. Follow this link: http://www.regionmidtjylland.dk/om+os/english/other+languages/engelsk Information about the Central Denmark Region By following this link you will find some useful information in English about the organization and healthcare in the region. http://www.rm.dk/om+os/english

Central Denmark Region is one of five administrative units in Denmark. The primary responsibility of Central Denmark Region is healthcare, involving responsibility for hospital services, including psychiatry, health insurance, general practitioners and specialists. In addition the region operates a number of social institutions. Furthermore, the region will ensure end coordinate regional development in areas such as nature, environment, business and tourism. The region must secure the overall strategy and at the same time a top quality of services; be it in the personal educational contact at institutions or when a patient needs nerve fibre surgery. Around 30.000 employees work to carry out regional tasks at all levels. For further information regarding Danish Regions, Central Denmark Region, and other related areas in english, please visit our links collection.

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Regional Council – The regional council consists of 41 elected politicians. Political ad hoc committees are established to investigate end present current tasks or issues.

Health in Central Denmark Region Central Denmark Region is responsible for the greater part of public health service in the region. Our primary tasks are the operation of regional hospitals, general practitioners and practicing specialists. Physiotherapy, specialist dental treatment, chiropractic and psychological aid are also amongst the services available within the health care services. Another task is the organization of the emergency medical service, including ambulance and emergency physician services. Central Denmark Region also has research, developmental and training commitments, as well as shared assignments and collaboration with municipal authorities. In Central Denmark Region we aim to further develop public health service through:

• Improving the general standard of public health • Providing an effective and coherent service to our citizens, in cooperation with authorities

and key partners in the area of health • Ensuring that the health service of Central Denmark Region is characterized by efficiency

and quality at all levels and within all areas, and that our citizens demands and expectations to health services are met.

The area of health constitutes the largest of Central Denmark Region’s field of activity. Approximately 20.000 doctors, nurses and other health care professionals are employed at the 10 regional hospitals.

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Viborg Municipality

http://viborg.dk/ By following this link you can get further information in English about Viborg. We can recommend going on the webpage above to get more information – you will find most of it translated into English:

The new City Hall in Viborg

Did you know that ....

• Here you can keep up with the growth in Viborg Municipality's population: - 1 January 2013: 94 333 inhabitants

• Geographically, the municipality's total area of 1422 km 2 - the equivalent of 3.3 percent of Denmark.

• There are approx. 50.000 public and private jobs in Viborg Municipality. • Viborg Municipality has approx. 5.900 employees (full-time equivalent). • Service costs are in 3868 million the budget 2014. • Construction projects amounts to 2018 million in budget 2014. • Viborg Municipality has 26 elementary schools, 7 schools and 9 private schools. • Young people have the opportunity to go to 21 schools.

Viborgs public administration

Viborg Municipality has more than 93,000 citizens who are serviced by 7,100 employees (converted into full time positions) and the Municipality has an annual budget of more than 500 million EUR (4 billion DKK). In Denmark, more or less all citizen-focused services except hospitals are the responsibility of the municipalities which means that areas such as the social sector, primary and lower secondary education, child care, employment, utilities, etc. fall within Viborg Municipality's areas of responsibility. Viborg Municipality’s Mayor is Mr. Søren Pape Poulsen (Conservative) who took up the office on 1 January 2010. He was reelected in 2013. As elected Mayor, he is the head of both the political and

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the administrative organization and thus has the overall responsibility for the management and operation of Viborg Municipality.

Tourist Information VisitViborg Nytorv 9 - 8800 Viborg Tlf.+ 45 87 87 88 88 Fax + 45 86 60 02 38 [email protected] www.visitviborg.dk Link to the homepage: http://www.visitviborg.com/ln-int/viborg/visitviborg-forside-int The tourist office is placed right in the center of Viborg. It is possible to rent bikes here Opening hours 1st of March – 31st of May

Monday - Friday kl. 10.00-16.00

Saturday Kl. 10.00-13.00

Sunday closed

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General opening hours for shops and supermarkets: Monday – Thursday 9.30 – 17.30 Friday 9.30 – 19.00/20.00 Saturday 9.00 – 13.00 Sunday 9.00 – 18.00 – some are open Sundays – not all Banks are open from 9.30 – 16.00 – Thursdays to 18.00. Week-ends all banks are closed, but ATM available in the center Transport Public transport networks of trains and buses, planes and ferries cover most of Denmark. The nearest airport for domestic and international flights is situated 25 km from Viborg in Karup Airport www.karup-lufthavn.dk Viborg Train – and Bus Station are located very close to the hospital. For information and seat reservation look at: http://www.dsb.dk/ It is a good idea to reserve a seat when going by the Intercity-trains for a longer distance. Train tickets and seat reservation can be purchased at the train station in the opening hours and also on the internet. In Denmark bicycling is a very common mode of transportation. In larger towns there are bicycle paths. In Viborg there is a nice bicycling path around the two lakes very close to the hospital and patient hotel Bicycles can be rent at the tourist office. See above. Health If you need a doctor or a dentist we will try to help you make an appointment. Remember your health insurance card. In case of emergency dial 112 If you need emergency treatment you can contact the Emergency Department at the Viborg Regional Hospital.