2014 executive board regional elections · nabe 2006 dual immersion sig co-chair other leadership...

Eastern Regional Representative Present Posion: Professor & Coordinator of Professional Comm & PD. Number of Years in Present Posion: 15 at Morgan State University; 26 years of teaching & PD experience NABE Organizaon Experience: NABE Member since: 2011 Affiliate Membership: California Associaon for Bilingual Educaon State: Maryland Statement: Even before I joined the NABE Board, I volunteered my me to NABE business. For example, I aended meengs that our Execuve Director was unable to aend, including U.S. Department of Educaon and State Department briefings, and MALDEF, MHEC, scholarship and other events in DC that NABE supported and/or for which we were a vital partner. Since I joined the NABE Board, I have been acve in expanding NABE membership and visibility in the research realm, in parcular. Examples of my accomplishments include: iniang the P-2 Mulmedia contest (since NABE did not have a recognion for early childhood),.draſting and securing leers of support for--and personally tesfying at the House of Delegates in Annapolis, Maryland (to ensure that the SEAL of Biliteracy was passed and once again for HB 1502—to permit a Task Force to begin implemenng bilingual Educ. In MD—and HB 1351—to ensure that “world languages” are retained and are not replaced by language programming), overseeing the NABE Bilingual Teacher Scholarship applicaon process for the last two years; and preparing for and delivering a briefing on P-12 language needs for a U.S. House of Representaves briefing in Washington DC, for which I was one of three naonal experts invited to speak to Congressional representaves and staffers). I also helped iniate a partnership with CAEP, which is now fruiul and the basis for the NABE Bilingual Standards Commiee. In addion, I have represented NABE at NYSABE and contacted over 50 educators in six states (DC, MD, DE, VA, PA & NC) for which I serve as representave--about forming an eastern affiliate. We are in the process of forming an affiliate. For the last three years, I have also offered pro-bono workshops for early childhood educators (the target audience) at our naonal pre-conference instutes and our summer instutes. These have helped enhance NABE’s research profile, while generang funds for NABE, so I am proud of my accomplishments, and I would be most grateful for your vote of confidence for an addional term, which would allow us to finish what I had planned and accomplish much more for NABE. The qualificaons you seek in a Board Member closely match my training, research, outreach, instruconal, administrave, and interpersonal skills and acvies. Bilingualism and second language acquision are my areas of specializaon. I earned my doctorate, in linguiscs, from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, my first M.A. (in TESOL) from the University of Illinois at Chicago, and a B.A. (Hons.) in English, with a minor in Afro-Caribbean literature from Ahmadu Bello University, Nigeria, the largest university south of the Sahara. Fluent in Kwa, Chadic, and Indo-European languages (including Hindi, Urdu, Spanish, French, and World Englishes) and in West African Pidgin and Western Caribbean Creole, I prize mullingualism, and view it as a key component in educaon at all levels – both inside and outside the classroom. I am a cizen of the world, a team player, and an opmist. Earlier this year, I was nominated to serve on the Board of the Associaon for Childhood Educaon Internaonal. I would bring to NABE my wealth of internaonal (cross-connental and cross-linguisc) experience, as well as hands-on interdisciplinary research and technology-mediated engagements, alongside 24 years of student and peer mentorship and instrucon. My publicaon record (A-rated, as reflected in my editorship of four internaonal journals, and my new book, Language Building Blocks, from Teachers College Press, with a Foreword by Dr. Eugene García), my radio interviews (most recently on Milwaukee Public Radio & BAM Radio via Radio Associaon for Childhood Educaon--on Mother Language as Building Blocks in Educaon), and my years of successful collaboraon, mentoring, teaching, proposal wring, and grant management, alongside my intercultural and service engagements, would further internaonalize NABE. I have worked to enhance student achievement (i.e., learning outcomes) for language minories everywhere, using a collaborave language-building-blocks approach that demonstrates the value of incorporang other languages in instrucon and learning. I embrace NABE’s vision, and believe that by sharing our linguisc wealth—through bilingual educaon (that could be offered even in programs that are not designated as “bilingual”), we transform learning, and mould global cizens that are more compeve, no sólo in the language arts, but in the sciences, tambien! Arigato, Asante sana! Muchas gracias!, ! Obrigada! Shukran! Xei xei! for considering my applicaon. I can be reached at [email protected] and 443-422-5923. Previous Posions: 1997-2000 Tenure-track Asst. Professor, University of Memphis, TN; 2001: Lead Ontologist (Short Cycles & HP), Sillicon Valley, CA; Spring 2000 Vising Professor, George Mason & Salisbury University (Summer 2003). Educaon: Ph.D. Linguiscs & Bilingual Educaon, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. M.A. Sociolinguiscs, UIUC, Urbana-Champaign, IL. M.A. Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), University of Illinois at Chicago. B.A. (Hons.) in English, Minor in Afro-Caribbean Literature, Bello University. National Association for Bilingual Education Dr. Anita Pandey 2017 EXECUTIVE BOARD REGIONAL ELECTIONS

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Page 1: 2014 Executive board Regional elections · NABE 2006 Dual Immersion SIG Co-Chair Other Leadership Experience Relevant to Nominatio:n Founded the Texas Dual Language Consortium –

Eastern Regional Representative

Present Position: Professor & Coordinator of Professional Comm & PD.Number of Years in Present Position: 15 at Morgan State University; 26 years of teaching & PD experience

NABE Organization Experience: NABE Member since: 2011Affiliate Membership: California Association for Bilingual Education

State: Maryland

Statement: Even before I joined the NABE Board, I volunteered my time to NABE business. For example, I attended meetings that our Executive Director was unable to attend, including U.S. Department of Education and State Department briefings, and MALDEF, MHEC, scholarship and other events in DC that NABE supported and/or for which we were a vital partner. Since I joined the NABE Board, I have been active in expanding NABE membership and visibility in the research realm, in particular. Examples of my accomplishments include: initiating the P-2 Multimedia contest (since NABE did not have a recognition for early childhood),.drafting and securing letters of support for--and personally testifying at the House of Delegates in Annapolis, Maryland (to ensure that the SEAL of Biliteracy was passed and once again for HB 1502—to permit a Task Force to begin implementing bilingual Educ. In MD—and HB 1351—to ensure that “world languages” are retained and are not replaced by language programming), overseeing the NABE Bilingual Teacher Scholarship application process for the last two years; and preparing for and delivering a briefing on P-12 language needs for a U.S. House of Representatives briefing in Washington DC, for which I was one of three national experts invited to speak to Congressional representatives and staffers). I also helped initiate a partnership with CAEP, which is now fruitful and the basis for the NABE Bilingual Standards Committee. In addition, I have represented NABE at NYSABE and contacted over 50 educators in six states (DC, MD, DE, VA, PA & NC) for which I serve as representative--about forming an eastern affiliate. We are in the process of forming an affiliate. For the last three years, I have also offered pro-bono workshops for early childhood educators (the target audience) at our national pre-conference institutes and our summer institutes. These have helped enhance NABE’s research profile, while generating funds for NABE, so I am proud of my accomplishments, and I would be most grateful for your vote of confidence for an additional term, which would allow us to finish what I had planned and accomplish much more for NABE.

The qualifications you seek in a Board Member closely match my training, research, outreach, instructional, administrative, and interpersonal skills and activities. Bilingualism and second language acquisition are my areas of specialization. I earned my doctorate, in linguistics, from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, my first

M.A. (in TESOL) from the University of Illinois at Chicago, and a B.A. (Hons.) in English, with a minor in Afro-Caribbean literature from Ahmadu Bello University, Nigeria, the largest university south of the Sahara. Fluent in Kwa, Chadic, and Indo-European languages (including Hindi, Urdu, Spanish, French, and World Englishes) and in West African Pidgin and Western Caribbean Creole, I prize multilingualism, and view it as a key component in education at all levels – both inside and outside the classroom.

I am a citizen of the world, a team player, and an optimist. Earlier this year, I was nominated to serve on the Board of the Association for Childhood Education International. I would bring to NABE my wealth of international (cross-continental and cross-linguistic) experience, as well as hands-on interdisciplinary research and technology-mediated engagements, alongside 24 years of student and peer mentorship and instruction. My publication record (A-rated, as reflected in my editorship of four international journals, and my new book, Language Building Blocks, from Teachers College Press, with a Foreword by Dr.Eugene García), my radio interviews (most recently on Milwaukee Public Radio & BAM Radio via Radio Association for Childhood Education--on Mother Language as Building Blocks in Education), and my years of successful collaboration, mentoring, teaching, proposal writing, and grant management, alongside my intercultural and service engagements, would further internationalize NABE.

I have worked to enhance student achievement (i.e., learning outcomes) for language minorities everywhere, using a collaborative language-building-blocks approach that demonstrates the value of incorporating other languages in instruction and learning. I embrace NABE’s vision, and believe that by sharing our linguistic wealth—through bilingual education (that could be offered even in programs that are not designated as “bilingual”), we transform learning, and mould global citizens that are more competitive, no sólo in the language arts, but in the sciences, tambien! Arigato, Asante sana! Muchas gracias!, ! Obrigada! Shukran! Xei xei! for considering my application. I can be reached at [email protected] and 443-422-5923.

Previous Positions:

1997-2000 Tenure-track Asst. Professor, University of Memphis, TN;

2001: Lead Ontologist (Short Cycles & HP), Sillicon Valley, CA;

Spring 2000 Visiting Professor, George Mason & Salisbury University (Summer 2003).

Education: Ph.D. Linguistics & Bilingual Education, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

M.A. Sociolinguistics, UIUC, Urbana-Champaign, IL.

M.A. Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), University of Illinois at Chicago.

B.A. (Hons.) in English, Minor in Afro-Caribbean Literature, Bello University.

National Association for Bilingual Education

Dr. Anita Pandey


Page 2: 2014 Executive board Regional elections · NABE 2006 Dual Immersion SIG Co-Chair Other Leadership Experience Relevant to Nominatio:n Founded the Texas Dual Language Consortium –

Eastern Regional Representative

Statement: Evelyn DeJesus is the United Federation of Teachers vice-president for education, a position she has held for the past two years. In that role she represents over 220,000 members in education and school-related support services, in home day care, hospitals and health-related professions. She also serves as a national vice-president for the American Federation of Teachers and is a member of theadvisory board of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute.

Evelyn is a fierce advocate on behalf of all English language learners and the educators that teach them. She has made it a cornerstone of her job at the United Federation of Teachers and nationally as a member of the AFT ELL Cadre and Chair of the AFTs Latino Issues Taskforce. Working with teachers, parents, students, policy makers at the city, state and federal levels, professional organizations and members of the business and faith-based community Evelyn unceasingly champions the rights of English language learners, whether it’s addressing teachers in the Bronx or politicians in Washington. Evelyn has earned a reputation for turning policies into action items.

Evelyn came to New York from Puerto Rico at the tender age of 8 and grew up on the tough streets of lower Manhattan, before there were boutiques and fancy coffee shops. She knows from personal experience what it’s like to be an English language learner and the challenges and the opportunities that living in two languages and two cultures present. She was a social worker and paraprofessional before becoming a teacher in Chinatown in a school with a high number of English language learners who spoke a variety of languages with varying degrees ofEnglish proficiency and that won wide acclaim while she was there for its exemplary practices and outstanding outcomes. She was later appointed as both a district and borough representative for the UFT before her election as vicepresident. Currently she is specifically working with the New York State Board of Regents to improve and enhance the regulations that govern the education of English language learners.

To read more about Evelyn’s views on education and her personal and career trajectory, please refer to the spring edition of American Educator:http://www.aft.org/ae/spring2017/dejesus?link_id=3&can_id=468d4c848e58ac9dbffd5919d48786e5&source=email-american-educator-focuses-on-educating-latinostudents-in-an-age-of-uncertainty&email_referrer=american-educator-focuses-oneducating-latino-students-in-an-age-of-uncertainty&email_subject=americaneducator-focuses-on-educating-latino-students-in-an-age-of-uncertainty

Previous Positions:1994-2006Classroom Teacher at PS126

2003-2006Chapter Leader and District 2 Representative for Manhattan Borough office

2006-2014Manhattan Borough Representative tor United federation of Teachers

2014- PresentVice President of Education for United Federation of Teachers

Education: BA in Psycbology from Ban 1cb College

MS in Education and Reading and Gmciculum Development from Fordham llnjyersity

Position held in Affiliate:President Elect, 1998; President, 1999-2002Positions Held in Affiliate:

Conference Coordinator, 1992; International Strand Coordinator, 1993-96

Other NABE Organization Responsibilities/Contributions:Speaker at NABE Dual Language Symposium and NABE National Conference

Other Leadership Experience Relevant to Nomination:AFT National Yice President AFT English Language Learners CADRE

YP of Labor Council for Latia American Advancement

Evelyn DeJesusPresent Position: Vice President of Education - United Federation of TeachersNumber of Years in Present Position: 3

NABE Organization Experience NABE Member since: Affiliate Membership: New York State Association for Bilingual Education

State: New York

Page 3: 2014 Executive board Regional elections · NABE 2006 Dual Immersion SIG Co-Chair Other Leadership Experience Relevant to Nominatio:n Founded the Texas Dual Language Consortium –

Statement: I am honored to be nominated by TABE as the Central Region Representative for the 2017 NABE Executive Board. I am a retired professor in bilingual/dual language education from the University of Texas-Pan American where I served for 20 years. I currently serve as member of the NABE Board and have been an integral part of strengthening NABE’s return to its premier national status. I served as NABE President in 2014 and led the effort to establish the NABE ELL Plan for the Education of Dual Language Learners (DLLs). I served as TABE President in 2005-2006 and through my leadership, developed and submitted to state education leaders the TABE ELL Plan for Improving the Education of ELLs which subsequently aided us in passing historic bilingual education legislation in Texas. This legislation advocates and supports for equitable education for ELLs by disaggregating DLL data by type of program served. This has led to identifying and supporting quality bilingual programs that work and eliminating those that don’t. As a professor in the field of dual language education, I have seen educational success for ELLs on a large scale.

As your NABE representative, I vow to continue to advocate nationally for quality dual language enrichment for all DLLs! NABE is a national organization and we are obligated to provide education, direction and guidance to national leaders related to federal policy that impacts DLLs. Federal policy directly impacts state-level policy in turn impacts districts and schools and ultimately impacts the teacher and students! During this critical period of anti-bilingual, anti-immigrant rhetoric, we must stand together and “educate our state & national leaders.” We must continue to be strong advocates for our teachers, students, and families.

I am asking for your vote and support so that together we continue to strengthen NABE and intensify our national and international advocacy and recognition as the experts on educational issues related to educational equity for Dual Language Learners.

Central Regional Representative

Previous Positions:1992-1994Lecturer – Texas A & M University.

1988 -1992Teacher – Hanna High School, Brownsville, TX.

Education: Ph. D. Curriculum and Instruction/Bilingual/Multicultural Education – Texas A & M University.

Position held in Affiliate:2002 – 2003 Treasurer

2004 – 2005 President-Elect

2005 – 2006 President

Other NABE Organization Responsibilities/Contributions:NABE 2005 Dual Immersion SIG Co-Chair NABE 2006 Dual Immersion SIG Co-Chair

Other Leadership Experience Relevant to Nomination:Founded the Texas Dual Language Consortium – 2000, A statewide organization committed to dual language education for all ELLs

I have testified in Washington DC on quality education for ELLs

I developed and implemented a successful dual language enrichment program for over 22 years that has effectively served over 300,000 ELLs in Texas and 10 other states

Have spearheaded strong legislation in Texas that has improved the education for and accountability of ELLs in the state

Dr. Leo GómezPresent Position: Retired Professor – University of Texas Pan AmericanNumber of Years in Present Position: 20

NABE Organization Experience NABE Member since: 1992Affiliate Membership: TABE

State: Texas

Page 4: 2014 Executive board Regional elections · NABE 2006 Dual Immersion SIG Co-Chair Other Leadership Experience Relevant to Nominatio:n Founded the Texas Dual Language Consortium –

Western Regional Representative

Statement: This candidacy affords me the opportunity to represent the Western Region of the United States regarding pertinent issues affecting the academic performance of English learners/emerging bilingual students, and late term English learners. It allows me to support the efforts of the NABE to advocate at a national level on behalf of these students, regardless of their languages, locations, conditions, or schools; to support the preparation of their teachers and administrators; and to gain the American public's trust in the promise of bilingualism and biliteracy as a national asset and treasure. My research interests include bilingual multicultural education, teacher education, and the civil rights of Latinos. I have dedicated my life’s work to the improvement of educational opportunities for poor immigrant children, with an emphasis in on the role of teachers and teacher educators, community education and activism. At national, state, and local levels, I have tried to address inequities for children, as well as those of their families. I currently direct Centro Comunitario de Educación, a Chapman University initiative in downtown Santa Ana, CA that engages youth and their families in programs to enhance literacy and overall academic achievement, and make possible their college and career aspirations. In my most recent book, Latino Civil Rights in Education: LA LUCHA SIGUE, co-edited with Magaly Lavadenz (Routledge Publishers, 2016), we captured the history of Latinos in education and the struggle for civil and language rights, equity and social justice. A good portion of the book is dedicated to bilingual multicultural education, our history of struggle, but also of hope in giving every student the opportunity to reach their potential, and to do so with pride of their bi-cultural heritage, dual language and multiculture. These are the perspectives I bring as a candidate who will work towards the mission and vision of NABE.

Previous Positions:1992-99 Director of ELD/Bilingual Programs and Curriculum, Santa Ana USD, CA

1988-92 Director/Admin of Bilingual Ed, Rowland USD and Orange, USD, CA

1983-88 Consultant, Title VII Multifunctional Resource Center, San Diego State and CSU Fullerton, CA

1974-78 Bilingual Teacher and Trainer, New York City Public Schools, NY

Education: 1978-83 Ed.D., Bilingual Education and Media, University of Massachusetts, MA

1974-75 MS Ed.,Teacher Corps, Bank Street College of Education, New York City, NY

1969-73 BS., Anthropology & Latin American and Caribbean Area Studies, SUNY, Binghamton, NY

Position held in Affiliate:President Elect, 1998; President, 1999-2002Positions Held in Affiliate:

Conference Coordinator, 1992; International Strand Coordinator, 1993-96

Other NABE Organization Responsibilities/Contributions:Presentations

Other Leadership Experience Relevant to Nomination:Coordinator Bilingual Teacher Preparation Program, 1999 to present

English Language Learner Leadership Institute Mentor, 2016 to present

National President, National Conference of Puerto Rican Women, 2006-08

National Fellowships: Education Policy Fellowship Program, IEL, 1992;

Title VII Fellow, 1979-83

Anaida Colon-MunizPresent Position: Associate Professor o f Education, Chapman UniversityNumber of Years in Present Position: 18

NABE Organization Experience: NABE Member since: Intermittent since 1973; most recent 2016-17Affiliate Membership: California Association for Bilingual Education

State: California

Page 5: 2014 Executive board Regional elections · NABE 2006 Dual Immersion SIG Co-Chair Other Leadership Experience Relevant to Nominatio:n Founded the Texas Dual Language Consortium –

Western Regional Representative

Previous Positions:2011-2012Associate Superintendent, Educational Services; Hayward Unified School District.

2007-2011Chief Academic Officer; San Francisco Unified School District.

1999-2007Assistant Superintendent, Curriculum & Instruction; San Bernardino County Supt of Schools.

1989-1999Director of Curriculum, Policy, Planning, & DevelopmentCurriculum Coordinator; Alameda County Office of Education.

1996-1998Manager, Language Policy & Leadership Unit (On Loan); California Department of Education.

1987-1989Coordinator, Bilingual Education; ELD Modesto City Schools.

1975-1987Bilingual Education/ELD Administrator; Resource Teacher; Classroom Teacher; East Side Union High School District.

Education: 1979 to 1986 Ph.D. Candidate – SociolinguisticsCompleted all requirements for the doctorate except the dissertation; Chicano Teaching Fellow; Dorothy Danforth Compton. Stanford University Fellow.

1978 Master of Arts – Mexican American Graduate Studies;Bilingual Education. San José State University.

1975 Bachelor of Arts, magna cum laude – Romance Languages& Literatures. Sarah Williston Scholar. Recipient, Italian Government Book Prize. Recipient, Mary Vance Young Scholarship for Study Abroad.

Position held in Affiliate:President Elect, President, & Immediate Past President, 2012-2016President Elect, President, & Immediate Past President, 1975 - 1979

Francisca S. SánchezPresent Position: CEO, Provocative PracticeNumber of Years in Present Position: 4

NABE Organization Experience NABE Member since: 1970Affiliate Membership: California Association for Bilingual Education


State: California

Other NABE Organization Responsibilities/Contributions:While CABE President, participated in the NABE Affiliate activities during the annual conferences. Metwith NABE Executive Director Santiago Wood to plan joint conference activities.

Other Leadership Experience Relevant to Nomination:7/2016 to Present Board Member Contra-Tiempo (Arts Organization)

6/2016 to 9/2016 President of the Board of Directors Two-Way CABE.

2015-2016 Lead Facilitator for English Learner Master Plan Design Morgan Hill Unified School District.

6/2014 to Present Member, Leadership Council CREATE CA.

12/2014 to Present Lead Strategic Plan Design & Implementation Facilitator Palmdale School District.

7/2015 to Present Chair, Equity Committee CREATE CA.

9/2013 to Present Chair, School Site Council Walnut Grove K-8 Dual Language, School/Patterson JUSD.

7/2012 to 6/2016 President of the Board of Directors California Association for Bilingual Education.

2006 to 2011 State Lead, Visual and Performing Arts Subcommittee Curriculum & Instruction Steering Committee of the California CountySuperintendent Educational Services Association.

2006 Vision Award CABE.

2005 Valuing Diversity Award Association of California SchoolAdministrators.

2003 Hall of Fame Inductee East Side Union High School District.

2002 Presidential Excellence Medallion for Contributions to Education, California State University, San Bernardino.

2002 Inland Empire Educator of the Year California School Leadership Academy.

Page 6: 2014 Executive board Regional elections · NABE 2006 Dual Immersion SIG Co-Chair Other Leadership Experience Relevant to Nominatio:n Founded the Texas Dual Language Consortium –

cont...Francisca S. Sánchez

Present Position: CEO, Provocative Practice

Number of Years in Present Position: 4

NABE Organization Experience

NABE Member since: 1970

Affiliate Membership: California Association for Bilingual Education

Statement: I am reaching out to English Learner advocates and educators to support my nomination as the Western Regional Representative on the NABE Executive Board. My promise to you is to use my commitment to multilingualism and multiculturalism on behalf of NABE and to contribute my experience and expertise to further NABE’s valuable work.

A former English Learner, I began my 45-year career as a bilingual teacher and since then have served in a variety of leadership positions, including as Associate Superintendent for Hayward Unified School District and Chief Academic Officer for San Francisco USD, where my first responsibility was to redesign the district’s historical English Learner Master Plan.

As a CABE board member, I led the work to design CABE’s new strategic plan, the CABE COMPASS. Under my leadership, we identified a portfolio of key strategies in support of powerful success for English Learners. As a result, CABE has become a more robust organization. I established a new CABE chapter, META, with a focus on expanding multilingual education and expertise. This year, we received a STARTALK grant to establish an Arabic language learning program for middle school students.

In recognition of my continuing contributions to education, I have received several state awards, including ACSA’s 2005 State Valuing Diversity Award and CABE’s 2006 Vision Award.

Currently, I work directly with districts and community organizations to design and implement powerful community engagement strategic planning processes that feature multilingual learning for 21st century success for all students. I chair the CREATE CA Leadership Council Equity Committee, and have served two terms as president of the California Association for Bilingual Education and one term as president of the Two-Way CABE affiliate. I am the author of a children’s book titled When I Dream/Cuando Sueño and am working on a new dance-focused children’s book.

I am chair of the School Site Council at Walnut Grove K-8 Dual Language Academy and work actively to support dual language education and the arts as critical components of a 21st century education. With your support, I hope to join the NABE Executive Board, where it will be my privilege to support English Learner success and advocacy at the national level.

Every vote counts!