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2014ANNUAL HISTORY REPORTBatac Philippines Stake

Activity: YSA Ball 2014Date: February 22, 2014Venue: Paoay Stake Center

With the aim of continuing the bond of the Young Single Adults of the Stake, the stake Young Single Adult Representatives, Brother Mark Ariel Seggay and Sister Kenny Mae Aguinaldo, planned another ball for the young single adults held at Paoay Stake Center, February 23, 2014.

The activity was attended by a bigger number compared to the last years ball. With an attendance of about hundred single adults, all of them had fun.

There were flowers for all of the sisters and there were party balloons inside. The decoration was all red, so it added romance and made sparks for everybody. There was also a band composed of the young single adults from selected member of each of unit, thus adding liveliness in the room.

Not only did the young adults danced, but they also had fun and games activity.

This activity was made possible through the support of the stake presidency, which was lead by President Bonifacio Galapia, the stake president, together with the High Council man assigned, Brother Jaime Sugui.

Activity: Stake Relief Society Anniversary (Stake RS Homemaking)Date: March 22, 2014Venue: Paoay Stake Center

Sister Eulalia Baga, Stake Relief Society President, together with Sister Rachel Nalupta, Sister Mylene Galapia, and Sister Rhoda Galapia, her first and second counselor, and secretary, respectively, proposed to the stake presidency the Stake Relief Society Homemaking during the Relief Society Anniversary on March 22, 2014 at Paoay Stake Center.

The theme of the homemaking was found in Doctrine and Covenants section forty-two verse forty two (D&C 42:42), Do not be idle, for he that is idle shall not eat the bread nor wear the garments of thy laborer.Relief Society homemaking activities are designed to help mothers become self-reliant despite of the hardships in life. Thus, this year, for the RS presidency decided to make a theme that all relief society sisters in each unit will do their piece of art using beads, straws, newspapers, magazines, which can be sold to outside parties.

This was very a good idea to motivate all sisters to help their husbands earn for a living, says a member from the stake.

This activity will be expected every year in the month of March with various themes per anniversary.

Activity: Seminary and Institute GraduationDate: March 23, 2014Venue: Paoay Stake Center

Twenty seminary students and one institute student graduated for the Academic Year 2013 2014 in the Seminary and Institute Graduation held in Paoay Stake Center on March 23, 2014.

Brother Lorezo Gajultos, the Church Educational System Director of Laoag Mission, proudly and humbly presented the graduates to the stake president, President Bonifacio Galapia on a Sunday Afternoon.

Special certificates were also given to some seminary students, who excelled in memorizing scripture verses (Master Scriptorian Award), namely, Sister Alicia Ivy Bonoyan, from Badoc Ward and Sister Jennica Manzanas from Batac Ward.

The goal of the stake teachers and leaders, together with the CES director is to make more qualified graduates, specially for the institute, for the upcoming school year and make more students be motivated to memorize and understand the scripture mastery verses.

Activity: Stake Youth Conference 2014Date: May 7 9, 2014Venue: Terraza del Nio Resort, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur

With the Mutual Theme, Come Unto Christ, this year 2014, the Batac Philippines Stake held their youth conference at the Terraza del Nio Resort, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur on May 7 to 9, presided by its very own Stake President, President Bonifacio Galapia.

This conference was planned by the Stake Youth Leaders, Sister Melba Q. Baraoidan (Stake Young President, Sister Clarita Dalogdog and Sister Donna Atutubo (Stake Young Women first and second counselors, respectively), together with the Stake Young Women Secretary, Sister Frances Athena Q. Baraoidan; the Stake Young Men Presidency, Brother Romeo A. Abucay, who was also the chairman of the event, His counselors, Brother Toribio D. Martin and Brother Julio Valdez, with their secretary Brother Rome Angelo Rafol; the Stake Presidency Assigned to the youth, President Regino Butay; and lastly, the youth representatives, Sister Judy Ellaine Mendoza and Brother Alexander Valdez.

Upon arrival, the youth participants together with their branch and/or ward leaders was assigned to their respective rooms, took lunch, then afterwards, had their opening program in which the chairman, Brother Abucay, had to orient everyone about the rules and discipline they must have during the conference.

They had the scripture mastery activity which was facilitated by the newly called Stake Seminary and Institute Supervisor, Brother Franklin Apostol. The scripture mastery was an amazing race type game with matching team building activity. Youth participants must be able to go through each station and must be able to surpass all the hindrances in each location.

The scripture mastery was one of my favorite parts of the conference. It really tested my ability to work with others in terms of spiritual aspects in life. It motivated to attend seminary next year and memorize passages from the scriptures, says one youth participant who will be a first time enrollee in the seminary program next school year.

To match with the mutual theme Come Unto Christ, Heavenly Blue was the theme of the socialization night. Therefore, all of the participants, including leaders, must wear anything which has the shade of blue and white only. In this event, the participants had the time to really get to know each other. An investigator with a baptismal goal said, I love the socials night. All of the young men were really friendly, so with the sisters.

This socialization night was under the direction of the Stake Young Women Secretary, Sister Baraoidan, with the Masters of Ceremony, Sister Judy Ellaine Mendoza and Brother Alexander Valdez, Stake Youth (Laurel and Priest) Representative.

The second day was a hectic schedule. They had to (1) Attend workshop for Personal Progress and Duty to God; (2) Go to Pathway to Success; (3) Be present in the spectacular Night.

In the personal progress and Duty to God, the division was obvious, it must be divided according to auxiliary. In the Young Women, Sister Baraoidan, the Stake Young Women Secretary, had a workshop about being a Quality Young Men, and Sister Dianne Christine Depalco, Young Women Counselor from San Lorenzo Ward, talked about actions of a Quality Young Women. Afterwards, young women had to do certain value experiences, such as reading some scripture passages and writing in their journal and let their respective leaders check it afterwards. Meanwhile, in the young men organization, it was facilitated by the Young Men President, Brother Romeo, who talked about the Duties of an Aaronic Priesthood, and Brother Valdez, the Young Men first counselor, who talked about being self-reliant. The workshop lasted for three hours.

Organizers of this conference thought it would be better if the youth participants would be able to learn about Martial Arts. It was approved by president Galapia, the stake President, provided that those who are incapable of doing it would not be forced to do it, such as those who have heart conditions, etc. The Martial Arts was facilitated by the chairman, Brother Abucay, who was a coach in taekwondo for more than ten years.

It was really important to know how to defend yourself when you are in the middle of events such as rape, robbery with murder, says a seventeen year old girl.

I did not get to participate the physical event, but at least, the youth leaders made a plan B. They workshop those who are not able to the martial arts with a less tiring activity and more easier, that would not require much strength. Well, I have learned something, when you are in trouble, the first step that you would do is to run (laughs), a young women who had heart condition said.

The young women think this is specially for them. But I disagree, as young men, we also get into trouble, such as suntukan, awayan sa kalye, in which as latter-day saints, we are avoiding. I have learned the basic self-defense skills that may be able to save my life or other people someday, says a fifteen year-old young men.

The spectacular night was the last part of the second day. This time, youth was given the task to make a short film about the life of pioneers. Sister Donna Atutubo, young women second counselor, was in-charge of this event. She had given the dates and references of each ward to film. And during the spectacular night, the participants had to watch themselves as actors and actresses during the night. There was a also a surprise awarding, liken to the Oscars Academy Awards. The youth was very happy. A copy of the movie was also given to the Area Presidency through Brother Danilo Daguioag.

Lastly, the last day of the event where the participants had to listen to the devotional speakers and then, bear their testimony in front of everybody.

Sister Araceli Daguioag and Brother Danilo Daguioag, former Mission President and Wife of the president, were the devotional speakers. Sister Daguioag talked about the importance of Reading the Book of Mormon in the youth, while brother Daguioag talked about being Self-Reliant, introducing to the participants, the Perpetual education Fund Program of the Church.

It took so much courage to some of the youth to share their testimonies during th last part of the program. Most of the youth shared their testimony.

One autistic youth participant, Brother James Clifford Dalogdog, who is fifteen years old, even shared his testimony saying the following words, I won't forget this SYC up to my last breath... While I am here, I'm just happy and just having fun. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Activity: Stake Family History TrainingDate: May 31, 2014Venue: Paoay Stake Center

The newly called Stake Family History Director, Sister Mildred B. Quevedo, and the Family History Extension Director, Sister Juliet Clemente, proposed an activity to the Stake President, president Bonifacio Galapia, that would train all of the ward and branch family history consultants in doing and assisting the family history program of the church on May 31, 2014, at Paoay Stake Center.

The training was attended by almost sixty family history consultants of the stake from each ward and/or branch.

Trainings were also done in each ward that was facilitated by the Stake Family History Director and Family History Extension Director.

It was rest assured that all units have family history consultants to hasten the work for the dead.

Activity: Stake Youth Temple TripDate: June 4-6 and November 26-29, 2014Venue: Manila Philippines Temple

Semi-annually, the Batac Philippines Stake plans a Youth Temple Trip. This year it was held on June 4 to 6 and November 26 to 29 at the Manila Philippines Temple.

Only thirty-six youth, eighteen from young men and eighteen from young women can attend this sacred and special moment. The youth was screened by their auxiliary leaders as regards to their diligence in doing their personal progress and duty to God; by their seminary teachers, if they are attending seminary with at least eighty percent of the attendance present; by their bishops as regards to their payment of tithing and their worthiness. Afterwards, the bishop, forwards the name of the qualified participants to the ward/branch family history consultant to help the youth find their ancestors (at least five each) and work out their family booklet. The names of the youth participants will then be returned to the bishop then the bishop forwards it to the Stake Youth Leaders.

I had to work hard just to go to the temple. It is convenient because it is free but that was not all, it was not just an ordinary trip, it was a sacred trip, says a young men from the stake.

Activity: Super SaturdayDate: July 12, September 13, November 8, 2014Venue: Paoay Stake Center

Every quarter, the seminary students of the Batac Philippines Stake gather at the Stake Center to have the Stake Seminary Class or more popularly known as Super Saturday.

This activity aims to unify the all of the seminary students in the stake and to be able to create a bond in them.

This activity is always presided by President Bonifacio Galapia, the stake president. However, this is facilitated by the Stake Seminary and Institute Supervisor, Brother Franklin Apostol. Sometimes, the CES Supervisor comes to see and meet the students.

Youth ages fourteen to seventeen (grades nine to twelve) are attending the seminary. Every quarter, more than seventy students attend the Super Saturday.

Activity: Stake Sunday School TrainingDate: August 16, 2014Venue: Paoay Stake Center

Compared last year, there about eighty teachers who attended the Sunday School Training planned by the Stake Sunday School Presidency, Nathaniel O. Baraoidan, president, and his counselors on August 16, 2014, at Paoay Stake Center.

The training focused on how Christ taught the people when he was still alive and how would the teacher follows those examples.

Activities from the similar last years event were again copied, where micro teaching was part of the activity.

I could not be more thankful to the Sunday School Presidency who planned this training. It had help me turn my weaknesses to strengths, says a teacher from the stake.

Activity: Family Week CelebrationDate: September 27, 2014Venue: Paoay Stake Center

With the theme, Celebrating the Filipino Family: Resilient and Caring, the Batac Philippines Stake Celebrated the Family Week at the Paoay Stake Center, September 27, 2014.

At six oclock in the morning, members from different wards and branches of the stake gather in unity at the Paoay Municipal Hall to have parade around the said municipality. The parade was also participated by the dignitaries of the municipality, namely, Mayor Dolores Clementer, Vice Mayor Jessie Galano, SBM Bruno Dumlao, SBM Juncess Clemente and the Head of the Local Government Units Health Center, Doctor Alfredo Domingo.

An opening activity was held at the Paoay Chapel at nine oclock in the morning, with the said dignitaries. This is a good thing that your church was able to be friends with the government. We appreciate that, said Mayor Clemente.

In the afternoon, it was all cultural activities. There was fashion shows, dances, theatrical performances, and singing.

From primary to the old-aged members, all of them had fun in celebrating the National Family Week Celebration.

Activity: MPRS Ball 2014Date: December 06, 2014Venue: Teatro Ilocandia, Batac City, Ilocos Norte

With Sister Araceli Daguioag as the Guest Speaker, the Batac Philippines Stake Melchezedeck Priesthood and Relief Society celebrated again Christmas through a MPRS Ball held at Teatro Ilocandia, Batac City, Ilocos Norte, December 06, 2014.

About four hundred MP and RS attended the said ball. It was a fun time to date your spouse at the Ilocandia.

Young Single Adults was also able to attend the ball with our without a date. Some have their boyfriends or girlfriends, but most are still finding, so its was a perfect time to search for the perfect companion.

I came to realize how thankful I am to our Heavenly Father that he gave me a husband as dearing as I had more than ever imagined, says a sister.

This event was made possible through the RS presidency and MP presidency of the stake through the approval of President Bonifacio Galapia.

Activity: MYSA ConferenceDate: December 23-24, 2015Venue: Villa del Mar Resort, Pagudpud, Ilocos Norte

The Batac Philippines Stake together with Vigan District, Bagui District, and Ballesteros District, had their Multi Young Single Adult Conference at the Villa del Mar Resort, Pagudpud, Ilocos Norte on December 23 and 24, 2015.

Two hundred Young Single Adults attended the said conference with the eagerness to get to know one another. Some have different perspective in going to the conference, but the stake and district presidents specified that their primary purpose was to let us realize the importance of marriage.

Workshops also had happened about missionary work, temple marriage, the importance of attending Sunday Services, Fellowshipping, and fasting. President Collado, an Area seventy came to the conference and said about the importance of those topics workshop.

The multi stake young single adult conference happens once every two years.