2013 oct 17, two meetings

Le verande sono ben due, c'è spazio per due meeting alla volta! è l'elemento architettonico caratteristico delle case in Bangladesh, si pronuncia più o meno "baranda" e in inglese viene tradotta spesso come "veranda" anche se si tratta in effetti di un "porch" (portico). E' bene ricordare che alla missione di p. Luigi (Jisu Nam Ashrom) le verande sono ben due! C'è quella dell'edificio "storico" del M.E.C (Munda Education Centre) e quella della casetta antialluvione e anticiclone progettata e "fisicamente" (cioè con le loro mani!) costruita pochi mesi fa dall'architetto Elia Clerici e all'ingegner Fabio Gallerani . Il 17 Ottobre 2013, alle ore 10.00 am presso la storica è iniziato il Meeting della SAMMSS, e alle ore 10:30 am presso quella anticiclonica è iniziato il Meeting delle Village Girls. Ringraziamo Chompa Munda per averci fornito le foto e i "verbali" in inglese... sempre meglio che in bangla, no? Dino Kaka e Lella Kaki in collaborazione con p. Luigi Paggi s.x.

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A brief comment in Italian introduces two short reports in English... with pictures! Al Jisu Nam Ashrom le verande sono ben due, c'è spazio per due meeting alla volta! বারান্দা è l'elemento architettonico caratteristico delle case in Bangladesh, si pronuncia più o meno "baranda" e in inglese viene tradotta spesso come "veranda" anche se si tratta in effetti di un "porch" (portico). E' bene ricordare che alla missione di p. Luigi (Jisu Nam Ashrom) le verande sono ben due! C'è quella dell'edificio "storico" del M.E.C (Munda Education Centre) e quella della casetta antialluvione e anticiclone progettata e "fisicamente" (cioè con le loro mani!) costruita pochi mesi fa dall'architetto Elia Clerici e all'ingegner Fabio Gallerani. Il 17 Ottobre 2013, alle ore 10.00 am presso la বারান্দা storica è iniziato il Meeting della SAMMSS, e alle ore 10:30 am presso quella anticiclonica è iniziato il Meeting delle Village Girls.


Page 1: 2013 oct 17, two meetings

Le verande sono ben due, c'è spazio per due meeting alla volta!

è l'elemento architettonico caratteristico delle case in Bangladesh, si pronuncia più o meno "baranda" e in inglese viene tradotta spesso come "veranda" anche se si tratta in effetti di un "porch" (portico). E' bene ricordare che alla missione di p. Luigi (Jisu Nam Ashrom) le verande sono ben due! C'è quella dell'edificio "storico" del M.E.C (Munda Education Centre) e quella della casetta antialluvione e anticiclone progettata e "fisicamente" (cioè con le loro mani!) costruita pochi mesi fa dall'architetto Elia Clerici e all'ingegner Fabio Gallerani.

Il 17 Ottobre 2013, alle ore 10.00 am presso la storica è iniziato il Meeting della SAMMSS, e alle ore 10:30 am presso quella anticiclonica è iniziato il Meeting delle Village Girls.

Ringraziamo Chompa Munda per averci fornito le foto e i "verbali" in inglese... sempre meglio che in bangla, no?

Dino Kaka e Lella Kaki in collaborazione con p. Luigi Paggi s.x.

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On the 17th of October 2013 at 10 am SAMMSS arranged a meeting of the Members, at Jisu Nam Ashrom. At that meeting the following persons were present : Fr. Luigi Paggi, Nilima Munda the Directress of SAMMSS, Minoti Munda and a lot of members.

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Three topics were discussed during this meeting:

1. Medical treatment of SAMMSS members and their children

2. Proper care of solar electricity

3. Disbursement of loans

At first Nilima Munda gave a short speech. Then Minoti Munda talked about medical treatment and proper care of solar electricity. She said to the members of SAMMSS present at that meeting that a fund for medical treatment will be set up: those who will deposit 30 Taka [€ 0,30] every month in that fund will be helped to get medical treatment from SAMMSS. Nobody will be compelled to deposit that small amount of money: the members of SAMMSS will be free to do it or not to do it: but help for medical treatment will be given only to those who will agree to set up that fund. Then Minoti Munda talked about taking care of solar electricity. Another fund will be set up for proper maintenance of this important and very useful facility. The man who has installed solar electricity will check it every month

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but he will visit only the houses of those who will agree to deposit 20 Taka every month in the solar electricity maintenance fund. Repairing expenses and that man’s honorarium will be met by that fund which will be managed by SAMMSS. In this way solar electricity should work for a long time. Then Nilima Munda spoke about disbursement of loans. She said that five members of SAMMSS have already taken a loan of 5000 Taka each [€ 50]. The first time loans were given in cash. The next loans will be disbursed through cheques. Members of SAMMS will have to learn the road to the bank. For most of SAMMSS members this will be their first visit to a bank... but there is always a first time in human life.

Example of a house with solar electricity

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At last Fr. Luigi Paggi talked. He just said something about the three topics Minoti and Nilima Munda had talked about. Then Nilima Munda distributed some food to the members present at that meeting and thanked them for their attendance and wished them all the best.

Guess in this picture... who is Father Luigi?

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On the17th of October 2013 at 10:30 am. Minoti Munda called a meeting of the village girls at Jisu Nam Asrham. A good number of girls attended that meeting which was held in the veranda of the new house built by Fabio and Elia. The veranda of that house is quite large so many people can sit there. Minoti and Nilima Munda prepared the place nicely.

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Nilima started the meeting by telling the girls that this time no speeches or lectures would take place: the girls themselves would talk. They would talk about their own dreams and about their aims in life. Paper and pens were distributed by Minoti and the girls wrote for some time. Then they were invited to read out what they had written so that everybody could hear.

Most of the girls would like to become teachers. Some would like to become nurses… One or two would like to become doctors. But that will not be so easy as a lot of money is needed to become a doctor!

For sure most of them will end up by becoming house wives…

At the end of the meeting the girls were given exercise books and pens as a little bit of help for their studies. After this Nilima Munda distributed some food to the girls and refunded their travelling expenses.

Then she thanked them for their attendance to the meeting and wished them all the best.